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' All Announcements "of Fairs, festivals, Balls,, Hops,-KNics, Society MeetfaiKB. i'elitical Meet ings & will he charged, regular advertising rates, 1 ' - No advertisements inserted In Local Column at 1 anyprice..'-' ---:"'' Notices under head of "City Items" 30 cents per .n.. n.ain on? in Mnta ner line for eacn r subsequent insertion. ; At vertifiements inserted once a week In Daily will - hurhuwri l m ner eau&re ior eacn ineruou- at ery other day.three fourths of daily rate, Twice '' i week, two thirds of daily rate. "-'.hii . ' rf U'Af Marrfaire or Death. Tributes of. Re i spect. Resolutions of Thanks, are charged for i as ordinary advertisements, i Duv :niy half rates i when naid for strictlT in advance. At this rate 50 ' cents will pay for a simple announcement ot Mar- S riage or Death. - -; -;. :-'- :" - "t Advertisements to- follow reading matter, or to occupy-any special place, will be charged extra ac cording to the position desired. ' ! - Advertisements on which no specified number or insertions is marked will be continued "till forbid," ' at the option of the publisher, and charred up to the date ox discontinuance. , i Advertisements discontinued before the time con 1 iracted for has expired, charged transient rates for i ike time actually puoiisnea. i: Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad i vertisemeuts" will De cnargea nicy per cent wb. An extra charge will be made for double-column i or triple column aaverusemeaui. I All announcements and recommendatians of can I didates for emce, whether in the Shape of commu f n icatlons or otherwise, will be charged as advertise- : meats..'' . A- - 1 Amasement, Auction and Official advertisements ' one dollar per square ior eacn mseruon. ; , r Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed 4 ritinir snace or -advertise any thing foreign to their : regular business without extra -charge at transient i rates. ? - - ... , . . - . t c Payments -for transient advertisements must be ' made in advance, nnowu parties, or nuiuijua wiw . proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac- ! cording to contract. , ' Advertisers should always specify the issue or is ' sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement .will be Inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during me time his advertisement - is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the : mailing oi tne paper to ms aaaress. f. ial Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the pablisher., -.. ,. , ' Communications, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted: and. If acceptable in every othtr-way, they will invariably be rejected if the : real name oi tne autnor is witnneio. Correspondents must write on only one side of ! the paper. , j .. By WH.X.IABK B. BERNARD, (, WILMINGTON, JV. : C.z Wednesday Morning, May 29, 1878 : THE THREATENED REVOItl7- i The entire Northern Republican press is once more : united - after dis sension and antagonisms, it is now ; very active in ' its efforts to create false impressions as to the purposes of the Democrats as to Hayes's title, and by crying "revolution" and "Mexicanizing the country" they are sedulously striving to "fire the North ern heart." But they will fail in all inis,as ine jemocrais oave no ucn intentions as those attributed to them. A telegram to the New York World of the 23d says? '. ;,. . "One thing, in any event, is certain, and that is there will be . no attack upon the : . Preaidenl'a title. ., TThla , is an f lmnnrtnnt Ihe cautious and generally correct . JU ew Y ork correspondent ol the Phil adelphia Ledger- staunch but some what f conservative paper writes on the 23d. as follows: ! ' "There is reasou for statins: that a quiet Kilt 4Ttivn rnvoonM tioa . Knnn Kwam wl -. bear upon the Democratic Representatifes irom uus city oy JJemocratic commercial interests, ,to give the Potter investigation such a turn aa will dissipate apprehensions iuai kuc icaiucui a line is iu oe caueu in uucauuu, mere wy aurriug up ireSD DOUueai . trouDies to, interfere witn the recovery of t ho hnoinooa intaroota rr tha aami. ' XT. t a fftwnf thft nnnfliitneBtahf M TW firm. 'self are prominent merchants, bankers and . brokers, while the men who hava rnntrih. - u ted - most ' money to- send - Mr. Fernando Wood, Air. fi. S. Cox. and their colleagues to the House, .belong to the same class. These have within the day or two past united in a communication to their Bepfe sentatives urging caution in the matter, and recommending that, whatever mav be lha issue of the investigation, the final decision o the question of Mr. Hayes's title be left to the people at the next Presidential elec tion. 1 V - . K. J " w v UVUAWAV favors any moyemerit thai wpuldiekd - to .reyplution'ltban the very tamest of thNortherp, shriekers., , The go vernment of ourforefatherswill long remain-Jf Jt is .never destroyed until the. South does , it. .; The Southerrr people are mpre.attacbed to civil lib- . erty,. an4; are truerj riends of a go ernment egajdyjawthari is . any section of the w'hole North. : The :0?Jj-"?XPlnIXif! Sonjlf wiljeyer favor is that which restores to , the country ihatjveneratiou for the Con stitution tha once existed that pro Jfound regard for law 'and order that once was the-glory, and strength of the whole .land. . ... ; Z'. ' The threats of the Radical leaderg and Rsulicai press are easily enough understood.' v jThey only wish to f.o uioviuci iu - ICUli HJOlBgai exerciseo authorityke Joha Sherman, "they 'VaxwrbiliJ because they;see dangWtb their party organi zation ia-ibeicomplete exposure bf the rascalities; thafhave, been perpe trated tb perpeinatean solidify their! ."PMtfcJf W certaifalyoK .pew-e Jnto the mode by which men were inducted into office. There Ai no jrifie 006x0110" in this. Thekpeppler- understand V well ' enough1 that 'a'great - f rand .twascomi tuiitcu, auu tuejr win noi become alarmedribecausef it-?is proosed' to establish" the fraud by the most Irre- fragable proof. There is not the slightest danger of any "revolution" except the peaceable one xi getting forever rid of Grantisin and Radical ism in all their forms and shades. The Baltimore Gazette thus taps the root of the Radical alarm ; , , ."Mr. Hayes and John Sherman though nretendinir to be Dlacid and ieven to wel come the investieations. are trembling in their brxls:The- address- wbicb Eugene Hale put forth denouncing- the- mvestiga- tiori as Revolution and calling for the de- fenders of the Union to ."rally', as in 1861 is a shriek of terror--terror not ." for the safety of the Union; that is mere bosh,' but terror ior tne results 01 me next eiecuuus As to its "Daralyziog busineisa interests. that is almost , as absurd as the talk about Itevolution. ' Business snows nothing and cares nothicir about it. : It has not altered the Quotations of a Binele article. Jn trade The Drofound indifference of the "busi nesa interests' is indeed a notable feature in the case." '-' 1 ,; -r' '' '' ' : The ; North has a - 'thousandfold . more cause for alarm . t'. the com munistio mutteiings and the army 0 starving tramps than it , has from any thincr the South' mav do or sav. : As I far as we know the South is. a nnit in loyalty to the Government, to 'peace and order. - ' ' . 1 Prof. John Wise, of Philadelphia high authority, writes ito; the Rich mond Dispatch relative to the stri king of- the chimney of a house in Richmond by lightning,.in which Dr. Tavlor lived, although the roof was - - . - covered with tin. 5 As Prof. Wise has had a long observation, and what" he says is important and instructive, we copy a part of his letter. . ; He says: "A. metal roof does not prevent the build jug from being struck. by a thunderbolt;; it only saves the building and its contents from injury by,the ; bolt. The metal sur face acts as a correlative to the electrica force. A bolt striking a metal roof punches a hole through the metal never more than an inch and a quarter in diameter, and it burrs the . underside by turning the burrs scroll-form outwards, . Of a number ex amined by me, one of them I presented to Prof. Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute. The bolt you refer to struck the chimney first, and hence would not punc ture the tin,, but under - microscopic examination you will find the ; tin singed. And if you . will examine - the mechanical effects of the bolt on the chimney you will find that the projectile came from the west or southwest most like ly.SThey all come from that direction in the northern temperate zone, l say witnout nesi tation that a dwelling, or any building, hav ing - a metal roof presenting a surface of 1,500 square feet, or more, is sufficiently protected from -the destructive effects o: thunderbolts: ; Solomon's temple, standing at a place very subject to thunderbolts, and of the heaviest kind, escaped, during all its time of standing, the effects of lightning, because it was literally covered witb metal, and of the finest kind. The finer the metal the less it takes to compensate a thunder bolt." - We do not believe that for fifteen years any economy has been practiced in any departments of the . govern ment. It is certain that wherever there has been an investigation that the most shameful waste and extra vagance, to put it mild, have been discovered. It matters not how com paratively unimportant the expendi ture may be you will find extortion and dishonesty. There is a committee investigating the Bureau of Printing ana Jiingraying, and. tney: nnd , tne same old story of corruption there Jts has been found in all the departments. It was ascertained, for instance, that McCartney paid fifty cents for certain colored ; inks that sold for but ten cents a pound in Germany. ,. ' : Here is another illustration of the march of ideas and the ; tendency of the "womau of the period" who hap pens to hibernate about Washington; or remains until the JVIay buds flower. She is evidentlj.very. . unwell. Read this advertisement that appears in; a Washington daily : ; " Personal. -A lady possessing vouth. beauty, intelligence andVrefinement. desires to form the acquaintance of some Senator or Member with influence enough to restdre ner to omce." 1 ; . It costs a great " deal to take. ,thb census of the United States,1 and jit. ought to be done, thoroughlv well. It is estimated that it will cost three million dollars to collect the inf orma- tion alone exclusive, of preparing ! it for publication and the cost bf prjn .Mrs. Gaines is reported as actually Dorrowmg money to live on rather, han disturb the people of New Or- eans who are living - iri her houses.- Hbwever humane it is not enough bf the "earth earthv.i' Such bene vo- ence will not butter her own : pars- 3i Governor "S Colquitt, ; of ". Georgia: recently visited Charleston, S. C. and . unday last occupied the pulpit of ; Axinny metnoaist unurch. ; JLhe Jour Wat of Commerce, speaks of! big. ser- mpn as felpqueht: and.-:touch- Hav-, .11; ,. .3-;v j ... TH R j 1rJ yJTet'ed'JiiAvHi'li the foUowiogntetttshd Literatrrof.tiie AccMdmg w tfie Chin dian District, Its People and Administra-' tion," "Peasant Lke in France and JJussia'."4 Pur present dbnvicVSyafem," "Life Of the 'rince Consort." "Ruasian Affcrea95nn,iii ; the Dutypf fcurbpe,? ."Contemporary Life-: PQVfiiPJ&U and pur .Colonial Empire. u are: out iewrif any; of 4hese-papers that are not bbjth eniertaiaing1 u'd-instruct live. Several, of the papers haye been Wg gested by the condition of affairs in Europe and will be read with interest. - The notices Of ""'Contemporary Literature" are full, able, and imoortant., Indeed, this ia the most iuvitifii iealure of this Review. " Price $4,a jear. Address! Leonard Scott Publishing Company, New York. Th6 Eclectic Magazine for Juno is up to Us standard uf excellence rand contains many enjoyable articled Jit i)grtrTllegeT.Ya4c&e jotered'!tfiB rostrum about it to have time aDd opportunity to read the ppoiiuoity most note wprtjjy. papers, ihat. peajr n. Jhe British periodicals. This you can do by. subscribing IvejSectidagazine. The 'COB.ten.ta. of the Junpumber areasffiows in part ; 8teeJ. ,.-enirav4ogf Portrait vf il"pe: Leo-. XIII; --TMj ; -Americawvia Tprkey British JeJ:tA-a . on Design iu nature, by Dxi.Apdrew yil4 aon JftjrdJm jt Society by Rev W, Dale, the Mf teenth I CfeniMruikshank,.byuFrederick RMrtmt9ii2mph.Bart: Future Ppnish- ,menl :The.Present fSute of the; question coosidered uta Series of .Papers, otx CUoOn Parrar'a 2Tew: Book,- by . ltev.i Professor iSalmon, D. DPrincipal Tullock, Rev. Baldwin t Brown; - Rev.! William - Arthur Rev; John .Hunt, D.V-D. Rer, Professor J, H. Jellett, Rev!. Edw.ard.vVbite, ,aud Rev, R. RLUtledaleiaG,; I Qwtemporarg Keview; ;Tbfi First.TeQYejirs-of the Cana dian Dominion by Gold.wia Smith, Briiith Quarterly i2eeew Ancient Times : and A 0 cient Men, by Professor Max Jluller. Jac miUdn'i s Magazine; ' Macleod 'of Dare a noveV hy i WilliamBlack, chapters XII to XV';.'.:pTrM;Ei)p9:Zieo.ZIIL;(wlUi Portrait.) by the Editor; Literary. iNolices Foreign Literary Notes; Science and Art &c. Price -$5 a ! year.- - Address, .E. R. Pelton, New York. I; - CTJBBBNT COItinENT The Democratic platform is aearreissive in' every !line. : It'-nioVes upon the Republican ' ranks with defiance that is refreshing, and It reacnes tor an allies wuuih sight as it advances. It reads the whole riot act to the Cameron dynasty, and summons all the Republican authority of the State to answer" for countless sins. With such an aggressive ticket, Such -Ian aggressive platform,' and such an aggressive geueralissirao as Air. Speer as Chairman of the Dem- ocratio committee, there: will be music all along the ; lines. Philadelphia U.mes.lncL ... , -i - r It ill becomes the. Tribune, iu the face of the "organized hell" in the bouth, between the , .years ; 186i and 1876, to. prate v for peace, - "an Anglo-Saxob and ;uot a , Mexican peace." Ve defy the annals of crea tion to show the faintest parallel to tne "peace,' given tne. bouth during Reconstruction. Not ' Mexico," "not England in India and Ireland, not Russia in Poland, not Austtia in Hun gary' can match that' monstrous as sault upon society and that attempted "circumvention of God." We are somewhat- at - a loss ' to understand what: the Tribune mean's by an "Anglo-Saxon peace." To India and 10 xreiana an Anglo -oaxon peace means something terrible and devour ing, j But taking for granted that the irtbune means a -peace' that is senu- ine and at least akin to fraternity, we venture to say that the United Statea owe .all the peace ' they now ' oh joy largely to' the Southern men who finally reconstituted Hheir State go vernments, and to tne Southern Con gressmen who prevented revolution of the direst character.-Augusta OCK STATE COXTKillPORAtMKH. ': What' we mean these hard "times is lofty, broad and elevated -spirit of patriot ism, journalism and statesmanship, that will not eras Dnvatecrrievancea before the public; and will labor for the feood bf the people, -i collectively and Individually, In some of the counties of the State tbev elect aeiegaies oy pauots in convention as sembled, and thus every man, even if too' bashful to talk, can vote. We earnestly urge upon the people the importance oi ta- king jais matter in.4iiand. , WbUe afew. men may do the best they know how., tbev can Only speak for ' themselves it reauirea a majority to' represent thd' county. Let us move out of the brd rut, and every . De mocratic voter attend Ms cbiinty eonven- d PERSONAL. Queen Victoria thinks Ameri cans are entitled, to special .recocHition while in England,4 and she' sees that they Of all his decorations, Bismarck values most the one he received from the Government for saving the ife of one of bjs grooms. . The London . Athenazuni an nounces thai Lord Dufferln has' accepted the Presidency bf -the RbyaF Geographical J30Ciety;i : n'..-ivc . .-&o4iTi is?-cm-5i 1 es r J ohV'Briaht;' the great Xiberal leader,; is of ; medium height, and of, solid build. . He has a pleasant expression. flight gray eys and gray hair." ' " T j 'tRohbrt JFellbws' has failed Lia bilities .250.)0OaaseU a Such i fellows are commorUnXiewxjQrk-and elsewhere.' and are verv trifliDC fellows too., f .Imean:-businesa.'LBaid n & bur-, glar whp entejred Mr. Patterson's house J m tJternng.JLii. ,"BOdo J," said.Mr. atUiv sob, nd shot him through the head j -i; TJ erandchildVeh1 of 'theiato William B.s-Ast6f, by brder' of tlie Surros gatei jMewixortc are to be allowed. o0, OOOa year ;.uutil . they attain; their majqrily. , . r John Shermati goes about Wash ington with the aip of a man .who isn't cer tain how soon he' may be called upon 1 to. 'Boston 'Sefaldi 1 J Barhhjr : him- r ; . . selttna. Air. i lilalne,-1 oti Alalhe.rtbeieJ Isn't much m tnts ;rjnlverse, - rronj-lbersator down, that is just as Col. Ingersoll "would have made-itiap-"'Bay - 7 . ; I . i John Phlfpbtt Cift'rayfwaa'once en route to court tball at ' Dabii n ' Castle . Suddealy the" pblaof 4be .feaxrlagei .behind ms own came crasniBK ln nnon- JiirrT. -im mediately comDlainine to -his own coach--;! man, he latter said,Beaisy; Your Honor, 1'U make' it-alt right andput our own pole into the. coach of th blackguard ahead 'lo'f us. SisJlO yet invented. are -wooaea Indians And br jue wayiiue ar me pniyrgooa Indians, knowq jitt thia country.iV: . gti ieayuke..: State Gleanings Hickory Press's fVb& closing exercises of Catawba High School, of New ton, under charge of Revs. Clapp and Foil, tnnlr n opa act riiondav. ; XL Ha 'I oeeB ure- viously announced tbatiJov...y9.nce would aeuver a inerary auuicao, ouu u v.i, hour the town was crowded with hack?, . . j w-s tir i t K nan n I u .a 1 come to hear .tbeir, great iavorue, . lo'clock and spoke at coosiueraoie iepgm; tojail in this place on Jast , Monday night 'under a warrant f rom'olecklnbufg county, charging-bim .:W)tb coiton . stealing. ;r The comoiaint is eeneral amontr farmers in this sectioti "of rust ru 'their -wheat.' - It seema tu be more general than ever before known, but as it is principally confined, to the blade, not near so much damage- wilt result from it as would bave been the case . if it had attacked the stalk. The crop,: be cut at.least a third probably more. I Rbcky Mount 1 Mailt The closing exereises of the spring session of tne inorn la Star Academy will be held iu jbe; court bouse at Nashville on 'Friday night" jhe, 81st inat.1 Prof r Wilcox, ihe principal, is -doing a'great work in, the cause of .educa tion in the neighborhood or JNasnville. We learn that there was a large attendance of peoDle at Nashville on Monday last - The magistrates decided not to abolish the office of county treasurer, witu tue law just as it is, we think it acted wisely. Mr. w. C. Strooach; of Raleigh, buught 3,000 dozen (or say 38.000) hen eggs, got him a steam chicken hatcher and hatched but 30,000 chickens. It is said that be expects to. raise at least 22,000 out of the 30,000 hatched, which, at ten cents each, would bring him Uh a no t te uoserver: Uonductor Larendon, of the -Air-Line, has; now one less finger to carry tickets between than be had last week.'-' Lifting a piece of lumber off a car. J - r By last night's train- there arrived iu this city ex-Governor A. G. Cur- tin, Messrs, 13. K. Jamison and George JNorth, or Fhiladelpbia; ' Frank: fJalder, J. T. Closson, L Leveridge, A'.1 TV Enes and Wpencer Trask. of 'New York, and - A. S.: Elliott, of Wilmington, Delaware all gen tlemen of prominence 10 politics or nuance in meir several, ttuu. au inieiesieo. in the King'srMounlaiu mihiuij' properly in Clea velaDd' coQ hly, on t be Atlan ta & Cu ar- lotte' Airline mnroau.-' - Yesterday Henry Roberts; a negro. . was banged at Shelby, for the murder, of Gus Ware..- co lored, in the vicinity of King's Mountain, on the 20th of February last.' Sheriff Lo gan, finding it impracticable; to hang the prisoner in the law, , made f the execuii jo public, and it was witnessed by over three thousand persons, some of whom had come over twenty miles ia see it. This is the first banging that ever took place in bbelby.aod ior this reason it attracted wide-spread at tentioniu that section of the State. " Raleigh News: A raid has been made upon the illicit distilleries in Gran-' ville county, led by Deputy Collector. Betts and Rogers, accompanied by others. They succeeded in breaking up thirteen illicit distilleries. About 5,000 ' gallons of mash and beer were destroyed, also . some meal stands and tubs. Mr. Thomas Taylor. of Newbern, has sent to the Department of Agriculture several: specimens of 'fish caught in the waters of the Neuse. These fish have been stuffed and properly mount ed for examination. .Mr. Taylor will soon send other specimens. ija Friday last th.e authorities ; of the State peniten tiary sent up to the mountains twenty convicts to work ' on 1 the Western . : Railroad ; . beyond .y. Henry's. We regret to announce the death of Rev. Banister Jarvis, father of Lieutenant- Governor Thomas J. J arvis, and a very prominent member of the JN. U. Confer ence. JL E. Church, South. The sad event took place at Currituck Court House, . on the 20th insL, after a long and painful ill ness. To-morrow there will be a meet ing of the congregation of the First Pres bylerian Church, for the purpose of calling permanent pastor, lie v. it. Vaugnan, the present' incumbent, declines to - renew hhv present engagement, which expires on the 1st of August next, .j Court, met yesterday at 10 AI M.. His' Honor, Judge Strong, presiding. ! The day was consumed in arguments on thacase of Ed. G. Hay wood, Jr., and Louis H., Haywood; assault and battery: , submission. The argument was witb a view to . mitigate the judgment of the court. . J uogment reserved until Monday: ! ' ' " ' i POLITICAL ! : i. - .. . POINTS. ; John Sherman's letter to -Con- gressmao Potter ia a flbfe specimen of lun- cliausen literature. tmLoMelmia .unrontcle. Jnd. , , . ; . . ; The Charleston News and Cou' tier fears that the action of the Democracy on tne rotter resolution 'will Drove a horri ble blander.- -ui . mivi-.nijS .f - :i-rWhen honest John Sherrnan Bits aowa to consult liu conscience, he ieeis a good deal like a man playing eucbre with a dummy. -rJxev) ior le sun, Ind. Mad. , ,, j BenHiltwasght in saying thai General Grant neve would and never will retire. His advance on the White House in 1880 -will be the most victorious of all his marches, St. Louis Globe Demo crat, Ind. - :; -7- ' "The 'most ioterestiDg roll-call that could ' be made in ' Washingtoir just now would be one which should show how many democrats are really glad, the Potter resolution was earned, and now many Ke- ?ublicans i.iefionj.-8priAgieldRepidilican, TU1DB AND : I AOVSTRU 1 NOTBf. . Over SIX biiDdrcdmen are Steadily. between Kew I orfc and .Brooklyn. - f The total annaal; consamptioa in this country of barley malt, it . js said ' ;will not Cal far short of 30,000,000 bushels? : - Jtcdisoa s. pnonograpn bas been on exhibition' among lihe scientists of Paris. When tbe : lnstrament i was placed on the table and i Tocilerated, s lTim : phonograph presents-its complimenta to the Academy of Science,? there was a roar of laughter Irom tne audience, wnlcn could witn dim culty be persuaded that tlie sound did not proceed from some concealed ventriloquist. The, glass. . cpffio; factory at Orr- ville, Ohio, has' now been in operation about four months -andrders are coining ia so rapidly tbatjtbe .buiWings. ari pot large enough io accommodate the demand. They employ from seventy to' one hundred hands j The cofflba areJmade;' of "glass, with cast iron frames -.' They are perfectly air-tight, and can atand in water for years the interior, ! ' . a . weauny. pioenaa . mercnant. named ' Seberiakoff. arrived in London lately for 'the purpose of arranfeinii-'withi shipping! firms fora the; establishment of a Jiine or .vessels to run between England and the north of Siberia. The successful run a8t summer of -everal-teamer8 between BL Jttersburgana &thO L.ena. and-Yenesei rivers iaa fuJUy:r4rove.A the. feasibility, of establishing communication .with Siberia by sea. 4. srrWfcy iii iWomy3idearsirJ'said VVaffles' liaMiaay; tor.bim theoiher day. 'that you newspaper inert never get rich?" I do not knowy ' rai the teply .""except it lr inaiaoiiars cana sense -do iiiot: always travel ipgeioer, pie, did not grow weary. ; ; : jci ; t . skhk ! aj.:-.": ;t - HMbnroelfires: Kev. : Leti V.''r Hays, colbred,fwas.arrostedjind!ommiUe;d, .E wttgZ'StZ'fi '9'ri I I MlHUi-i-ftflh'UUOv -; - . .... , ,J jH VJ-lfiN. Kiim i Sy G roc e r i e s Tjfif the" GOOCL Pe . I J A ; OP THE 1 I" ' ' - LJi LV Ui- . VV.lllllLiliZ bun i CAREFULLY CAN &KVE TflBM BEST:ind 8 AVfi THEM TAB - " r' T- i10? MONEY. ':f i lit '.! '.----?-;.,-. l , r':. ; ; f '. A f-tlno- noon thU ftdae. and with a determination f Eaving oar FatronB every Cent we possibly Can, we cotdlally invite ALL to call upon ns before huy- iag elsewhere, .,;( : - - '"E FOR YOUKSELVES WHAT WK CAN DO, and it you are hot pleased we will gracefally yield. t3TWe guarantee the VKBYt BE8T GOODS TQB VERY IEAST MONEY. . " ENCASH ALWAYS A CONSIDERATION. Boatwright &.HcKoy, ., T aa4 8 NORTH FRONT ST.. my 86 D & Wtf UEPRECEDENTED- ATTRACTION Over Halt a Million: Distributed ! 1 .LonMana State Lottery- ComDanY. .This Institution was rernlarlr Incorporated by the LeglBlatore or-tae state ior Kdaca lonai and Jnan- tabla purposes In 1868, with a capital of SI, 000,000, t which if has since added a reserve rand or sssu. 000. ITS GKAND SINGLE - NOMBE'R DRAW INGS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution : . !4, GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT I -' - - daring which will take plaee the - Eitraorinar -Seini-AiiBpl Drawing, At New. Orleans. Tuesday, Jane 11th, Under the perseh&l supervision and management of Gen. G. T. iBEATTEEQAED, of La,, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginie. CAPITAL PRIZE. fliO.OOO. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, r :i t-. , $a. , jrutaa, Tenuis, ji. hX'j ri UST OF PRIZES. ' f 1 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of $103,000 ; . 1GRANU PRIZE of , 50.600... : ; 1 GRAND PRIZE " of 1 30,000 ...... " 2 LARGE PRIZ BS Of - 10,000. i. 4 LARGE PRIZES Of i: 5,030.... .. j SO PRIZES of - 1,000....... 60 600.... '100 " " ' ' 300 .. 800 .' soo. '0 100.....;. 10200 " 10 ... , . APPROXIMATION PRIZES: .$100,000 . 60,000 . ' 20,000 . 20,900 . 120,030 . 25,000 . 30,000 40,003 . 6J000 , 100,000 103 Appreilmatlon Prizes of $200.. . .... 0,000 ' 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 ...... . 10.000 100 Approximation Piizes of 75 7,500 11 379 Prizes, amounting to. .. Gen. Q. T. BEAUREGARD, of La Gen. JURAL A. EARLY, of Va. .... ... $523,E00 v Commissioners , Write for Circulars or send orders to- , ; Mi A. DAUPHIN, P. O. Box 692. New Orleax s, Louisiana, my 15-D2aw4wAVv sat we , - . "1 NEW MUSIC BOOKS. iJ '' JOHNSON'S, NEW METHOD FOR THOROUGH BASE By A., !. jrOHNSOrV. ($1.00). A remarkably clear, easv and thorontrh method of learning to play Cbukch Music, Gui Mtjsio. and all Music containing Chords, or that has Four or more parts. Aiiwno piay for othet people to sing neea to learn to piay vnoras, and these instructions. wnicn aie simpiieiiy useir. ana tnese exercises, wiu enable one to do It, even without a teacher, thus greatly enriching the f uUness of the Organ or Piano playing. Orderby lull title, Johnson" t New Method for Thorough Base. Winner's Select Duets : for Cornet and 1 V"': ! ; Piano, (75 cts.)' f: Like winner's other1 books. It is reliable. ' Music Is well adapted to the instruments, and very pretty. Sabbath-. School Song j Books. GOOD NEWS I Each Book SHINING RIVER ! GOOD NEWS ! ,has hosts SHINING RIVER ! GOOD NEWS I of friends. SHINING RIVER I No better books are nubllshed than the above two, which are fresh, bright and new; haying been out just long enough to assure their popularity. 1 ry one 1 one eacn. , oeaucuon far quaauties. 1 . i Books sent by mail, post free, for retail price, OliverlBitson & Co., IA8. H.DIT80N 4 CO. I J. E. DITSON & db.1 843 Broadway. N. Y. ,. I my SS-dwSw Wed Sat ' Jessup & noore, j pAPER MANUFACTURERS, , ,- , i :No. 27 North Sixth St, PHILADELPHIA. CHEAP FOK GAHH , .SAMPf.RS TTPON SELL CHEAP FOR SH . SAMPLES UPON APPLICATION. CASH PAID FOR SAGS. rrON WASTE, BAGGING, fcc we re au-oawiy jN CWf Principle ! 1 K- T ADICAL i CHANGE 1 CONSONANCE WITH Aii the Times 1 Steam rs Oxcart t Liberal Pro-' gresave lueas 1 xaix lute tnu : it n don't beat any thing you ever, used and -for less money, send it back at our expense. That's what Ihe PEOPLE want to hear, and that b what puts , THE -MsAW'i COOE STOVE I Head and shoulders above anything sold here ! : mi i-, i. Sold only by ,-...:. v. m; feci M O & CO. The Other" Stove. Tinware and House Furnish ing uoons ueaierB, - ? r : -. :- may ae-tr Bred Dogs. E NGLlSH,1 IRISli AND-- GORDON SETTERS, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees.' : For sale by , I ' !- ''"' E:?P: WELSH ' nov7DAWtf t . , - - York.' Penn. III 1400f3P6unds 1400 VERY CHOICE SMALL AVERAGE, FROM 6 TO 1 LBS.? CORN FED. ' ' , ' If you want a REAL NICE N. C. HAM, send tome " -andlwDl nll thebUL -- - i Coffees. i.r TA VA, OLD GOV'T, t LA.GUAYRA.aad . i .. BIO COFFEES, :. : ' ! 1 0, Censtantlyon hand, j , ; - ' ' Roasted three t'mes a wek under my own suner- -F-.t .. vision, and ground to order,, . . I select with care the Coffees, therefore you can't fail to get a PURE and GOOD article! --v.? ) ' .- . v.j-y -1 .., ,. . , i ; i - i: Jas;C. Stevenson U II T -i'-W V w w a j " ijBOtir duouiuons. tt eaoald bo understood, resent the wholesale prices generally. In making a raaall orders higher prices have to be charged. ABTIOIJSS. FBICZ8. BAGGING Gunny... . : Double Anchor... . v.. Doable Anchor " A" . BACON North Carolijia. . Oarnt, 9 -(new... . . i Shoaldcrk to . . v . : 00 00 9a . ... -1)6 : itle. ehoice, V lb. 'tlBiaB . . Side y a. Shoulders,.. ' .ary Baltea ' cSldta.Jb.. ' " Shoulders. IU...;', BKJS1? Uve weight. BARaELJWSpintoTurpcijtajf r Second Ujind-each. lCi fi 1 " GO' & t .-, XjO' &-,H 35 - & -' T 5 & 1 Ji li u is. & . S5 " " a , s . .... ' 11 New New York, eucid Mew vny, each. .., . BBBS WAX W ' . B KICKS iWUmligtotu W H . : . "Northern..-..;. riaTTSKNorth Carolina, 9 ' i Northern, 9 B... . . J CANDLES Hpenn. . V fS-.L.i ,,. .! . Taiw;.;.::, Adamantine, V -I. j. .v.- CH&BSB Northern Factory $ S- IS ffl 1 ,5 iJairy, cream ... j. . v. , 1 "State, W lb... '.X.: '- 14 IS ,88 15 19 if15 18 ; r, 80 W tr trim Java. 9 s ; Kio. U ID...... COKN MlAL--tf boshoiU'n ''aacitof .0 wnufl rutis-fj Tt ....:;. , ..... DOMBSTIC8 SheetlE(j'.-4. U yd tarn. 9 bonca...... .J. 90 00 IB 00 a m AT ncT, fTbl T " SO O10 & 13 a 6 Mackerel. No. , 9 bW; z to u. , V fs 001.. k. .... Mackerel, No. a, V bbl. 6 50 9 00 '8 75 8 00 00" 450 500 8 00 6 75 0 CO 7 00 7 50, 8 00 " " . UD " V w .... .. .. . . & & & & JStelHH Super. Notthern.' bbl. i , Extra do. . . "i f bbl.... LamU. bbl..... City MillB-Smpr.i y bbl.... - ... - Extra. $ bbl..... h Family,, bbl... Ex.Famlly, 9 bbl .. FERTILIZERS j . J .Peruvian Guano, 9 30UU tts 67 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 55 00 00 00 oa 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 O 6S 60U0 5 65 40 45 67 65 ' 67 70 70 '00 eaugn's rnospaate, " . Carolina Fertilizer, r Ground Bohe. " Bone Meal, : " Flour, . . " Navassa Guana, ' Complete Manure ! . ; Whann'B Phosphate ' " Wando Phosphate. ' Bereer AButz's Phosnh. w Kicellenza Cotton Fertilizer GLUE -9 t . ..-.i GSAQI Cora, in store, ia o&gs. 60 00 . 68 57Jtf ' - 00 ; - 61 50 . to , 4 10 0 00 1 wx 1 00 a corn. uargo, v ousnei....... ' ' Ccrn,mixedV buaheL.i...... ' - Corn, wholesale, in baaa. . . . . Oats, 9 b8liel...:;..i...... - Peas, Cow j 9 bcsheL.4... ... UlDESr-Green.tW ...... Dry, 9 & ; I...... HAY Eastern, 100 tte.i...... Westera. 100 tts.. . North River, 9 100 ... HOOP IRON 9 ton.. ...U. ... LARD Northern, 9 it. ..4...... :. - North Carolina. ft.. , 1 15 1 10 70 00 O 75 00 COO: LIME bal. .. .....i ? 00 18 00 00 00 14 00. 18 CO LUMBER CtTT bTXAMSAWBD Ship Stuff, resawed, 9 M ft. Rough Edge Plank, 9 M ft. to 00 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality, 9 M rt. ... ...... 18P0 65 00: - Dressea Fioorine. seasoned, : .acantnng and Soaras, com 13 00 00 00 00 . 00 . . 22 1 25 40 2 80 16 1 10 .90 80 25 15 v 70 00 2 25 12 00 00 0 00 00 GO 00 uivu, -y ........ ... . MULAaKSNew cp SGubhMfl, . Nejr crop Cuba, bbls S gal.. mon, f m 11 .4 16 00 , rwlOAlWiUUua,,,,,,,,,, . , - Abbi8........i..: Sugar House, hhds, V gal.-f . . bWs. gal..!. Syrep, Shis, 9 gai.....t 23 J2fi 80 365 18 145 100 30 18 -. 90 50 2 75 OILS Kerosene, ? gal...." Lard, Vgai... Linseed, 9 gal I..... Rosin. 9 gal ............. POULTRY Chickens, live..... : " Spring... PEANUTS 9 bushel......!..... POTATOES aweet, W bushel.. . Iriah. Northern. bbl J.'.... PORK Northern. City Mess. ... . 18.50 00 00 1100 Thin, 9 bet .....4.... Prime, 9 bbl .,.;....,.. Rump. 9 bbl.... 10 00 RICK Carolina, 9 &.......L 7V 1 00 Bough. 9 bush.... L, - u 90 ia . 6 00 RAGS Country, 9 2 U... City, w t.... . 2 ROPE ....L... SALT Alum, 9 bushel. 1 ' i - ' I ' i -: ,.: 6 8 5 ,-. Liverpool, ftsaoaviu t .U.B.. Lisbon, 9 sack.... American. 9 sack .!.... bo o 00 00 00 00 . 10 9 , e : 9 Q 00 SUGAR Cuba, 9 ... ... fortoiuco, 9 i.... " A Coffee, 9 V...... ........ H Id. 1 C 9 lb. Ex.O 9 t. VJLU.DU.CtL, W JSJ.........A SOAP Northern, 9 J...; SHINGLES Contract, 9 M.... a 4 0C J 50 4 50 9 60 12 00 10 00 00 00 08 10 90 .7 00 5 00 4 50 3 5) 1 00 a uommoa, ft m.. Cypress Saps 9 M,.......j... . Cypress Hearts S M , 00 15 00 J 00 00 00 00 STAVES W.O.BbL,M..L .. K. O Hhd., 9 M ...L... Cypress. 8 M L... TALLOW 9 L... 00 12 00 800 6 00 500 4 00 .6 00 .2 60 TIMBER Shipping. 9 M. ....... MillPrlme, M... i... - MUlPair, 9T....i J... uommon Mill............)... 1 Inferior to Ordinarv. 9 Mi ... WHISKEY Northern,,. North Carolina, tt eal....... 1 75 WOOL Unwashed, tt 15 ( 28 a 20 30 Hirruro. sxiiitie. -Goid ..... i;Par. 101M' Exchange (sight) on New York. , ,X dlac't' X " -i-,-. ..X " . .X .,; ;100 -..,!: 75 : 65 -100 . - Baltimore, ......... Boston,. .Li.i..... Philadelphia, ..... 1 western cities.. .. . jsxeaange so nays 1 9 cent, j Bank of New Hanover Stock, j. ..1 j First National Bank,.. ........ Dawson Bank. i ... , Wilmington Building Stock, . . 95 Navassa Guano Co. M - t 120 N. C. Bonds OldEx-Coupon. t 14 5, 6 6 1 49 97 30 Do. Funding 1866... J Do. lS68...i,' DO. Do. Specia Special Tax.. Do. to N. C. Railroad. W.'. W. E.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Intl. uarouna wmtnu a. a.-jttonas,: ye, . WU. UOl. S A.US. R. it.; : .J. ,30 ;',uTr 5 SZV-!" I i' ' .. 1 ' ' .. ' " -7 ej...i.... 70 90 ! olaU tfc..,..74 ; 1 new 6 C...70(QoldInU 8e.L...i...78f New Hanover County Bonds, 6 ttc. ...90 (Gold tnt) VO. , " ttO. BC....70fCnr. In W. W. Railroad Stock ...45 1 - NrthCarolinaR.R...'V..i,),i.U....,.40 -v ! WiL Gas Light Co. " .....l... "1.57 i i:i :Wilmtatrton Cottori Mills..; i 85 ; " PACTS. - -J' i .- .1 " o,rt i 9. 11 and 13 Sonth 'PrnTit St.. f S OLD OVER 265 BOXBS-OF THE CBLEBRA- ' TED SCHULTZ Jfe CO.'S LAUNDRY SOAP ' IN ON B WB8K.1 -. The Best. 1 Purest and' Cheapest Soap-ever sold in the United States- i ' i We are lust in receiDt of 2C0 Bbls. of the Choir.ft. Family Floor, 35 Bbls Refined Sugars, 50 Tubs Ele- fant May Butter, 5 Tierces IX L Hams, very small; is Shoulders, Breakfast Strips. New Lard. -' i 50 Bags Java, Laguyra and Rio Coffees, . I i 5 1 Boxes Choice Oranges and Lemens,. . , 500 Cases Assorted Can Goods . .. " ? We are sellino GROCERIES. WINES. TEAS and LIQUORS, LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, hence our immense sales." i. - t -j; Wheiesale Buyers solicited i .-i.-t -.JL ,l, lSa JIYEBS.' J my 11 tf , 9. 11 and 13 South Front St. f PLTJQ TOBACCO QIVMU AWAY, ! Any person sending their: address on postal card to MsBCKinrs' Tobaooo Comp., 30 Broad Stbxet. Boston. Mass., will receive by mall, postpaid, a sample of the Bast. Pltto'Toba.coo ever made or used. : Sold by s fci-.'.ii?i I BAXTER & BLED, Baltimore, Ml ' And Other Dealers in Manufact'd Tobacco.' D1L RICORDS, ESSENCE OF -LIFE restores . manhood and the yleor of vonth to tha most shattered : constitution In four weeks. FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE. This Jife restoring remedy, should be taken br all about to marrv or who mav have become weakened fmfn Ptrpjt nr tn-r nthnr ranm .- Success lit every case Is as certain as that water quenches thirst t $3 per case. Sole Aeent, Dr. ; JOS. i auwu jfis,ei unrversity Place, new xork. DRUG GISTSSUPPLIED 'hi aug 11-Jy.j . . . j.r,t . jfc r ail j? asmons f dies who have heretofore entrusted her. with their wort. ) She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them into the most modern shapes, v t r;.i..- t 1 - : . into tne m vggg straayett Diack when so. prdered and in IVCRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and ILL Is now usinsr the LATEST t SHAPES for La: and MissesBats. and invites a call from in nun KNCEnedooreastof Front! oa Church t.'ii - .,.-. i- , j x?r- oct 14-tf m , Street.- rep New, Oei $145 UewU'U'to'.: ?I "Masnificent,'. -bran new " '-lowoiit eiven.' Vh bow thir crnelwaw-"J9er 1S 1; ! , 11 :-vf - 6X i 12 i & DEN BATB- still hold tha field and rjin hr t vr " Into the BOG0H manufacturew who deo thu0t nnhtir with HnTr,l,n.. , . i?ceive the public with Humbug Grand Offers on SHOnllv lhl Btruments. Send for Snet-inl fHF .... ''!' txpeang-fraudi oJHano and Oigan Trade Ifi? DEN -b ATKS,Wholesale Piano anaun"?- ers, Savannah, 6a J5 1 .5 vfijt 0C 00 " ,m , 33 4s - IS BTer zosde. Imitated en - Wu jwnnw, 1 ne best SohL ,AAJlr W? trademark Lew!?0 JnfrgOT. wod see that jSSmS c7 S. ,6rfd by ?U dealers. Sendfo,.,6 3d every pin?. to 0. A, J-tciaojf CoTTeterrt," PlAlin Beantlful Concert Grand Planosnn n 1 v nflJJUcost fl.eeOiOnly $425. , Su URBAN 1 Kerb Grand Rnnarn Plor, - "unl1 M i , l ... vubl tll2.1!0.-nrirn He . $72,50. Chsrck OrganT 16 stoeest only 115. Elegant $375 Mirror Ton rwL0 only tlO. Tr.m.n.n. "Epfgaoi! SI IS w 1 123 f 2T12V Preseut tioek. New Steai? p!? FRKE. Please address DANIEL V Washington, N. J., ; t , r-KTreT BBATTY, 00 CO . . 00 " 751 . I CURE FITS! hame1 SSSSJeT .,?aS 9 50 800 8 50 5 00 9 50 60 , 900 0 00 -725 7 75 r 8 25 . ' FitSrEitey or FaDiM Miifiss a life Jong study. I warrant my remedy to cure thP worst casei.-; .because others have failed Is no , son for not now receiving a cure from me Send tr me at once for a 'r and a Pre. Bouil" of my Iniallible remedy. Give express and nn office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and I wm Address Br. H, a ROOT, 183 Pear 50 - ,. 00 ' 00 . 00 00 - 00 .- 90 4 00 - 00 001; A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. Agents' u w AntHK inn i irrrci b a- -i i tr 1 11 n , ,OR FANCY CARDS, 8NOWPLAKE DAMAPK ' 'ifid' Asserted In 25 styles, with name, 10 cts N7 . sau Card Co., Nassau, N. Y. a8' A A DAY to Agents canvassing for tbe Fir.. O Hide Vlallor. Terms and OnUlk rs.. . a 15 '70 : 85 S . dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. iMarchisi'a rterine yr cm Weakness, gucl CiTliniiPnu wui positively enreitemaie weakness, suohaq vni of the WombVwhltes, ChromcInfllSnSion fit VuS? attoaof the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or mSS" -Munrui, suppressed and Irregular Menstruation c An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from Dhn Ham anil nnHnnti r TrnOT a trrm x. t .'i! TJTICA. Sold by all Drngglsta-UQ perbottia.' A BRIEF TREATISE ON PULMONARY Dis eases will be sent free to all applicants. Addrew OSCAR G. MOSES. lS Cortlandt Street. n yS r 11 35 my 18-4wD&W University of Virginia. SUMMER LAW LECTURES (niha weekly) be gin 11th Julv. 1878. and end 11th fWok. ' 38 42, Have proved of signal use, 1st, to students who de sign to pursue their: studies at this or other Law school; 2d, to those who propose to read privately and 3d, to practitioners who have not had the ad vantage of systematic instruction. For circular bd ply (P.O. University of Va) to Johh B. MnroB.Prof Com. and Stat. Law. my 29-rjsV4ir -.JMAMCHJESTER 35 LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Established in 1853, Manufacture all kinds of Locomotives, and have re cently purchased of the Amoskeag Manufactnriiw Co. ail the patterns. Patents, and the eaad will f..t the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire in gines tna nre Apparatus, and are now prepared to receive and execute ordars promptly, bend for de scriptive circular. ARETAS BLOOD. Agent, nov25D&Wly r - Manchester, N . U STew York SHOOTING- COAT. 23 76 T 85 75 85 "' 8,' 10 10 3 00 00 00 STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT. First Class in every pariiculu Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the eud tbe cheap est. MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out, so that may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. 1 Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It is my idea ol shooting coat I have worn them for several yeun and will have none other.!' i . ,; Price for Coat. $25; Vest, $6.5i Also- the besi brown corduroy Pants, at $ 10 per pair. I make on iy the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tars briars and will notglye satisiactiou. - Alsoftn' addition to-the above, lam making Waterproof XJanvass Suit, cut same style as the Vel veteeni goods, not stiff and hard, but soft and plea sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmen who have seen, it say it is The Pest Yet. Coat 46.50, For full-Suit, $14.00. . - ' fI also make the81eeveleB8 Coa; Vest with sleeyet if desired. . . . , , - " . -v-'.y. - -- - , Rules for measurement-and samples sent upou application.- ' ' ' ' ' .. . : , .. F.,1.. 8HELDON, . ect25 D&Wtf RAHWAY, N.J SHARP'S Mi LETALLIC CARTRIDGE, MILITARY, HUM' : - j-r aixjj -v;tlfilsia.OOt" KlFlb.3 --: 1 EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU- I - RACY, STRENGTH AND . :!;,;;,., ) 8 AFET Ys . . ISTo Premature Piscliarge: Ever Recurs Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibrt 40, 44 and 50;1PO ofian.inch,and Qf any desired length Charge ef powder from 50 to 105 grains. , Weight ei " baHfl from" 220 to 548 "grains. ; Stock, plain; aist Pistol grip and checked, ! 8ihts: plain; Globe ana Peep Sights;,. Vernier -with interchangeable -from sights 'and Wind-gaugeT Eyery "', varlsty of am mrinifioa for above guns, constantly on hand. ; . ,IHce8 from 30 to 125 , r -SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY. sept21-D&Wtf . .'i- s Bridgeport, Coiil. Attorney And Counsellor at Law, . : J EUABETHTONi .BLADEN, C6DNTY, N. 0, ; . I Office Up Stairs. in.Briclr Rnildinr. oernnied Bi Office Ud Stairs. in.Briclr RniMinr. oertnnied 85 JUnaldi&Co. : . Special attention to' Claims'.' i Col lections on sunn 01 fioo ana upwards made for Five Per Cent u without suit. i Drawlnz Deeds. Morteaires. Ac., s ap 5-DfcWtf IREClt I ITIOX FREE. !T7OR-THE SPEADY fTtTRlt nf Rnmtnal Weak- X1.. , nesa. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on 'bv' indiscretion or p-rna An drnpcrist -the Ingredients. ..Address Dr. JAQUES CO., 110 W. Sixth St.; Cincinnati. Ohio. v' febl5-lyDW Q b W U V1E W TS J :; J j.ti:!it ---t Craves Stonesa FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK e 'PRICES.' 'DESIGNS-SENT BY MAIL, WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, tfi GpTO iAM YiPART i09THB SOUTrJ.' 1 ' KICHiBD tfArriiwiCOn ifJ -, 57 Lafayette Place, New ork. . Wathau's Monumental Dealing, in book form. for ale to tae Trade.- - - - -! iec 4 D Wtf T!E.;S8EIDER Shot-Gun. Prices. ii50 OO to 8450 0. J MlizZLE, LOADING GUNS XLTRHRD TO RRRRnH-LOADING trieea f 4 to 91UU. . . 1 j.-:-;itfit Clark & Sneider, ,r MANUFACTURERS, . , " : i j k ' 1 814 West Pratt Street, '-i Send for Catalogue; . " 1 1 dec S3 DAWtf n a

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