THE HOBimifl STAR. i By lYTEL D. - BXI2IIIAUD.' X ; -, :- : ; . -- t r UBLISHBD DAILY .EXCEPT MONO A VS. RATES OT 8VBSCBI7TI0S ACVAXCS .' ' , - j,eyear, (by inail) postage paid,........;.. $t 00 six months, " '' 4 00 Three months, " ;........,. 3 25 onemonth " " V" I 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the jity, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for mere than three months tn advance. - - . : " ; .. OVTL1KKS. . Gortschakoff attended the Congress yes terday ; the pacific 5 disposition of. s the Powers is more marked. The Greek plenipotentiary was officially informed that he would be admitted. ' The Ser vian question is up for discussion. A military commission is to fix the frontier of Bulgaria and. Rouinelia. V- - A majority favor the cession of Crete to Greece. '-f The Turks threaten to leave the Congress if the question o recession to Greece is even . discussed. - Gortschakoff retires and Schouvaloff will take bis place.. - The - young Queen of Spain will be taken to the Royal Mausoleum at the' Escuriat' ' The Potter Committee have Marshal Pitkin again on the stand; nothing of note was developed.. , The Pomeroy Iron Com pany of Ohio has; failed. - Bernard's attack on the Indians was a success; he killed forty. ' - - R. C. Glasscock,, of Washington, was before the Potter Coin miltee; he testified: that be .. heard Mrs. JeDks say she had a document from Sher man to . Weber; Wa 'l : Chandler was examined as to what he knew about Florida. -Tfew York markets: Money easy at2 2i percent; gold belter at lOOf; cotton quiet at 11 7-16ll 9-16 cents; flour doll, heavy, and 10c lower; Southern flour heavy at $4 657 25; wheat 23 - cents lower; : corn steady at 41g45 bents; spirits turpen tine steady at 2929i cents; rosin lower at$l 45150. V ' '.. DEM00RATI0 I TICKET. -; For Coasreas t . ,. . ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. Judges Supreme Court : FOB CHIEF JUSTICE, W. N. H. SMITH, of Wake. , FOB ASSOCIATE JUSTICES : THOS. S. ASHE, , of Anson. . JOHN hTdILLARD, of. Guilford. Judges Superior Court. SEVENTH D1ST. .,. J. F. GRAVES, of Snrrr. EIGHTH IdISTKICT. ALPHONSO C.AVERY, - ' Of Burke. NINTH "DISTRICT. J AS. C. 1 GUDGER, ' of Haywood. Far Solicitor t - THIRD JUDICIAL DIST. SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. Ben. Butler is regarded now as the great political dentist. He is the in fallible truth extractor. It appears from the, last issue ot the Richmond State that it does not know the name of Congressman Vauce or Senator Merrimon of North Carolina. ;. v .- The hearty and overflowing recep tion of Mr. Stephens in Georgia gives assurance that he will triumph at the polls. :. He is evidently veTy popular with his people. . .- . . , ' The candidates of Duplin county will open the canvass at Snatchet on Tuesday, July 9th. Oeldsboro Messenger. , That's right. We hope these gen tlemen will 'take hold of Radicalism and "Snatchet bald-headed." ' The great mystery is the Acklen Rosser affair. Did Mr. Acklen assault thjjretty widow anil if so did Gen. Rosser kick him oat ? Acklen is steaming towards Washington and is said to own sundry eases of duelling pistols. We await in patience the result. - - The case of Gen. Fitz John Porter is now being investigated by a Court Martial in ? session at West Point. Mr. Maltby, of counsel for Gen. Por ter, opened the case in an elaborate statement; It " will " be remembered that Gen. P. was dismissed the army upon charges brought by that first class fraud in epaulettes known as John Pope. - - ' Referring Jo the large attendance at the . funeral of the late Mayor "'Kane, of Baltimore, the Gazette pays this handsome tribute to the memory of a genuine piece of manhood that once walked the earth as George PJ Kane, but now lies sleeping under the newly planted flowers; jjr "It was not a mere outward show of re spect, for the late Mayor enjoyed in a rare degree the esteem and affection of all classes of bis fellow-citizens. He was known to be a man of stainless integrity, of iron will in pursuit of aims that he thought juit,tire less in bis efforts in the path of duty, of dauntless courage; and yet of affections so loyal, so genial, and : so enduring, that all who knew him loved him, and all who loved him once loved him to the last." , i VOL. XXII.-NO. 84. i FBOM IDASHINGTON . The Florida Branch ot ihe Fraud In veatiKation He Accumulation ot Silver Dollars. -'"--v ): ' " Q.: .' 8pecial to Baltimore Bun. ; ,"v ; Washington, Jane 25? It is, the intention of ' the" Potter committee to go on with the Florida part of the investigation, probably to morrow, as Mr. JN oyes has requested that bis testimony be taken at the earliest convenience of the committee. as he is anxious to arrange his affairs ana return to France, after a visit to Ohio. , He has furnished for the com mittee a list of witnesses he is anxious to have summoned. The cross exam ination of Mr. Pitkin will be continued after the Florida witness; at least, such' was the intention of the commit tee to-day. Mr. Kellogg and one or two others will. then be examined, and the committee will close proceedings until after the return of the Louisiana sub-eommittee. It is ' not expected that the witnesses yet to be examined will finish . before the . end. of next w,eek. Among the Florida witnesses are . Wm. E. Chandler and Dennis. The, Western Union Telegraph Com pany was called on to-day for copies of all telegrams in reference to the Florida - and Louisiana election in November and December, 1876. " ; THE SILVER DOLLARS. ; ' ' ' The announcement has already been made on the authority of the Treasurer of the United States that there are nearly eight million of sil ver dollars on hand, and that the Department has in vain tried various methods to get them into circulation. The weight of this immense aggre- gate of silver is in the neighborhood of three hundred tons, and the mints are still coining the dollars. -The pre diction of the silver men that these dollars would go off like hot . cakes does not appear to be verified. Hendrlelt on the Potter Committee. Special to the Baltimore American. ; - . Washington, June 25. '.'' Hon.'Thomas A. Hendricks, who is in the city, freely expressed his disappointment at the failure of the Potter committee thus far to accom plish anything. He said that he sup posed when Mr. Potter introduced his resolution to authorize the inves tigation,' and did it in the face of the publio censure which had been passed upon all attempts to revive the agita tion of the electoral question, that he had certain information which was new, and that he had fortified himself against every possible chance of fail ure. : Up to this time, Gov. Hen dricks admitted, the committee had not been able to present any such in formation, i For this reason he looks upon the inquiry as ill-advised and not calculated to effect the object in view. Gov. Hendricks said of the last Presidential election that all De mocrats undoubtedly believed that Mr. Tilden was fairly elected,' and that the party, through the machine ry and construction of - the Electo-j-ral Commission, allowed that victory to turn into a defeat.' Hon. A. H. Stephen SpeaK. ; Augusta, June 26. . A. H.Stephens spoke here to-night to an immense crowd. He vindicated his course on the - Potter resolution by logic of subsequent events, and declared he could not be ruled out of the party by political tricksters. If the coming District Democratic Con vention failed to nominate him he would appeal to the people. He said Hayes was doing more for the South than Tilden could have done, and de clared he himself would die in the temple of Jeffersonian Democracy, free from party lash and caucus lasso. ,; m m m i The Itlneoln Aaaaaalnatlon. ' Mr. John Matthews, the comedian j to whom . John Wilkes Booth com mitted a statement a few hours be4 fore the assassination of President Lincoln, has been interviewed in New York. - He was disinclined - to talk upon the subject, but confirmed the recent statement of Mr. John F. Coyle, formerly publisher- . of the National Intelligencer that he (Mat thews) told - Coyle that he had re ceived the 'statement, and on ' the night of the ' assassination opened it, read it, and destroyed it. Mr. Mat thews further, says, VThe resurrec tion of this tragic affair has prostra ted nearly every member of the Booth family." - .v---" Horrible irianelanarhter 1 Near . Newf , iom)i Depot. : j .Special telegram to the Dispatch. ' : " Newsom's, Va., June 26. A hor rible case of manslaughter took place a few miles northwest of here on Monday evening last, resulting in the death of Dr. L. W. Jones, a citizen of this county, yesterday morning, The crime was committed by a negro livin ac on 1 Dr. Jones' premises, 1 and originated from a dispute about some trivial thing on the farm. Dr. Jones' skull was : badly fractured, and ' he was-unconscious until his death. The negro is still at large, A n Edi tor Declines Senatorial Honors Mr. William Hyde, editor-in-chief of the . St. Louis ; Republican, ; posi tively declines to be a candidate for United States Senat6r from Missouri. Mr. Hyde says to accept an office, under the : rules of the? j Republican establishment, is; to quit its service, and that no person but the proprie tors have the right to require him "to abandon a place of; more usefulness and higher rank, than a Senator's." WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. JUNE 28. 1878. . What Gen. Roiter'i Friends Say. j . 4 St. Paul, Minn.June 25. ! Persons in Gen. Rossers' ; home (Minneapolis), who claim to speak for mm, in repiy to jar. ACKien's card, confirm the less ' sensational version of the affair in , the . Washington re staurant, which represents that Aok- len retired when discovered, without waiting to be ajssauUed. 1 r.. j- ' STATE POLITICS. ',' j Burke and McDowell iostruct for Vance for Senator. : Edward Jones, of Caldwell, has been nominated for the House ou the 18th ballot. - ; - ; Gaston Democrats nominated H. B. Huf stettler. for the House.: No in structions to delegates as to Congressional nomioaUonsv:y;;"'rTr"--,----; Raleigh Observer: Pitt county Convention has instructed her delegates to vote for Maj. Jesse. J. Yeates again for Congress, on the first balloU tjkl'tUO I The Caswell Democrats have nominated Howard Cobb and John B. Smith for the House, and indorse Col.' Q. B. Williamson for the Senate. ,.;: .' ! . Wadesboro Herald : There are many candidates in Montgomery. About five for Sheriff; four for the - Commons; three for Register; two or three for Clerk; but none for Senator yet. ,.;; j .' -- Col. R. F. Armfield was nomi nated on the first ballot for Congress in the Seventh District A telegram to the Nevus says: Seven and a quarter votes were ascer tained to be necessary to a choice. On the first ballot Lieutenant Governor Armfield, of Iredell, received nine and-a half; Hon. Wm. M. Bobbins, present incumbent, two; and Hon. Charles Price, of Davie, speaker of the House of Representatives, one and a half votes.- j";-' ""''f -Jy ' . Charlotte Observer: There are two more independent candidates out in Buncombe. The five remaining citizens of the county who have not declared them selves for some offlee or other, are still un decided: Rev. Z, . T. Fearsall, who formerly ran a. gospel mill j and political meetings in Charlotte, is now doing both at Ooldsboro. . At : the Wayne county Re publican Convention held last Saturday, he regaled the crowd with some of .his fiery eloquence and some of bis own peculiar English. John Gray Bynum, of Burke, and A. 11. Erwin, of McDowell, were nominated at the Convention in Marion to represent the Thirty-Sixth Senatorial Dis trict, s a ivHUlJiK' v'1 Spirits Turpentine, j - Cotton is looking well in Cleave- land county. , , ; Corn sella at Newbern, by the cargo, at bs cents a ousnei.', -. ' Major Green, Esq., died at Dur ham on the 24th, in his 72nd year. ( . The Asheville Pioneer says that nolwithstandine the recent - cool weather. the mountain resorts are rapidly filling up witb visitors. . t The caDers 'trenerallv are be stowing high praise on Dr. Eugene Gris som's able and important paper on "True and False-'Experts." - ' Mr. Melvin E. Carter and Col; T. D. Carter,1 nephew , and -uncle, had a fieht in Buncomb. at a political eatherioi?. The first named ; is a Democratic candidate for the House. - - t-1J ' - Mr. Julian S. Carr has offered a reward of $100 in gold for the apprehen sion of the rascal who entered the bouse of Mrs. Herndon, at Chapel Hill, and so nearn ly murdered that lady. ? . , f j: Died at his house on -Broad street, Newbern, N, C, June 20th, aged 86, Moses Kennedy, a vestryman of St. Cy prian's Cburcb, and for many years the faithful body-servant of Hon; John Stanly: Raleigh Observer'. The Radicals, in convention, nominated Turner for ' the Senate : and Wyche and Crews for the House of Representatives. All colored; Thomas Hicks was nominated for Sheriff, B. HCozart for Clerk of the Superior Court and A. A. H . Cook for Register of Deeds. Oxford Orphans JEHend: The Methodist Sabbath schools in theOxford cir cuit, met at Salem June 22d, and organized a Sabbath School Society. Four schools were represented, and all reported in a flourishing condition. The Society is to meet four times a year, lne next meeting is to be held in Oxford. , , , ... r, '--- Wadesboro Herald: The mem 4 bers of the Anson Veterans have just- re ceived a lot of uniforms from New York. They are very stylish. It is expected that the meeting of the North Carolina Press Convention, which convenes at the Sparkling Catawba . Springs on the 3d day of July, will be the largest yet held in the State. . . :. .. : .. Alamanoe : Gleaner. A ; negrd boy, eighteeh or nineteen years old', named Bill Rogers, was' the owner of a four barrel pistol, and last Wednesday night,- a little after dark, be was indulging in ibe ; luxury of firing it off, when some how or other he succeeded in shooting himself in the face just below the left -eye.'His v condition is quite criticaL ....- . . ' . s Oxford -Torchlight: A political straw. A number of the most respectable Republicans in this place1 are thoroughly disgusted with the Radical muss last Sat urday. They say - if Jim Moore and 'Q'! Young are to run the party they are done with it. '.Rats will desert a sinking ship; Our farmers are busy harvesting. The yield of wheat will be quite large it ia thought the rust was not as damaging as at first supposed. : ' v - Raleifijb (?6serer : From a cor respondence in the Cincinnati ?aaj5,dated Paris, May 24th, we extract the following as to the. display of tobacco at the Exposition there: The Shelton Tobacco Curing Com- pany, of Asheville, N. C., makes a large showing of North Carolina tobacco in leaf.; A display of smoking tobacco from North Carolina is made by the Hillsboro (N. C Company, the brand being -"Old North State Smoking Tobacco," and James Y. Whitted, of Hillsboro, also shows some leal tobacco which he. has named "Harry: T -n.vj Ur t a ujs-Jii.t.-:u,s ,--. ; -; r; u ks. .?;;:;:'--r'U -.u-.-.i ; ;1 . Raleigh News : Judge Bond ar rived in the city yesterday to hold a special term of the United States Circuit Court, especially to pass upon the additional allowance of $40,000 asked for Swasev's counsel, to be paid out of the fund. He has heretofore .allowed; $25,000 to them. There are numerous cases of typhoid fever in Raleigh at this 'writing.'direcUy chargeable to the filthy condition of the streets and back lota. As many as six young men of -one church congregation in the city; are now. lying low with typhoid fever. ;-u-;-i---.;.' ' k-c-; Raleigh Observer: Sheriff N. F. Hvde. of Swain county, under a requi sition of the Governor ' of North Carolina upon the Governor of Tennessee.f or Fran cis Marion Jenkins, went to Blount county, Tennessee. 'and brought the prisoner hack to Swain county and delivered him to' the proper authorities in this State. 'Jenkins will be tried for the murder of Calhoun ; ' i- Raleish News: It was reported last night that Governor Holden, the post master here, had received a letter from tne Department at Washington finally dismiss ing Ceburn L. Harris, ' the Superintendent of the government building,1 who has, since the first of May. been on indefinite leave without payr and placing the building un der tne management oi jonn Jung, tne Master Mechanic from the commencement Greensboro correspondent of Raleigh News: In response to your telegram of last night. In regard to the assignment of Wilson & Shober, bankers and manufactu rers,! learn it is caused by the heavy burdens they carry on various pieces of real estate, but of whice they cannot realize money un der the pressure of the times. They also have large risks in a great deal of, real es tate, too tedious to mention,' variously esti mated possibly at $200,000, and their liabil ities are estimated at $100,000. . - Oxford Orphan's Friend : On Wednesday we returned to Oxford after an absence of thirty-one days. We have tra velled by rail, on water, and in wagons. No one of the party has been sick for an hour; no one has received even a painful bruise, and not even a linch-pin has been lost. Everywhere we have been kindly re ceived, and liberal collections have generals ly followed our exercises. We examined and sent back many children. Several bags and a box of contributions were returned, and the cash received amounted to one thousand and sixteen dollars. This sum meets current expenses, pays for - needed supplies, and enables us to make important improvements on the premises. Charlotte Observer: There is very serious talk among the stockholders of the Carolina Park Association of having a fair this fall. It is learned here, that the wagoners engaged in hauling brick for the construction of .'the Western Insane Asylum at Morganton, ' have struck for higher wages, and that the commissioners have refused to back down from their stand, stating that the appropriation is al most exhausted any way, or at any rate cannot last through the summer. -Yess terday morning, CoL B. F. Little sent the Observer, from his home in Richmond coun ty, six of the very , largest Irish-potatoes that have been seen. Two, which could be most conveniently , lifted, weighed 19 ounces each. The armless man. with the large head, small body, club foot and accomplished hog, has left the city. He packed his candle-box, loaded his porker, settled his bills and leit for Salisbury. Says be lost $7 here. Charlotte has no ap preciation of genius. : The man .who- b rings in the plums is still allowed to live, but it is because his , victims are bent on something else. ..' THE CITY. NKW ADVKBTI8BBIENTS. DbRossbt & Co Cotton ties. H&Lii & Pkarsall Lower prices. V:' Meeting Carolina Lodge K. of H. St. Mart's School, Raleigh, N. C. ' S. G. NoBTHBOPFlorida melons. ' Humor ,-v Jk Mrram-a- Horses at anntion. Gbeex & FLAHirER Thermometers, &ci, I K M. Johnstok For Sheriff, Pender col AStrUCtOlH..; - i A gentleman of this city saw a party, a day or two ago, taking a deceased canine to a proper place of burial, who stated that the animal had been bitten in the swamp about a year ago by a snake ; that he had ne ver been of any account since,and that the poison had evidently killed him; though it was slow in doing its work. The man re marked that he was going to cut the dog open to see if he had ' a 'snake in him, and as our friend was anxious - himself to test the popular , belief, to the effect that when a dog dies from a; snake bite a snake will be found within him, he decided to be pre Bent at the postmortem. . The dog was cut open, and the gentleman who witnessed the operation, and who is represented as being strictly ' reliable, declares that there was a small moccasin snake, 'about ten inches in length, attached to the animal's liver." , ' '. Superior Court. .- ' In the case of C. M. Bonbam vs. Thomas Craig and others, beiog a suit for a title to certain land, commenced on Wednesday, upon a ruling of the Judge upon the evi dence of the plaintiff,! the plaintiff takes a non-suit and craves an appeal to the Su preme Court.-'' Appeal granted and a bond of $50 required. ' , ' . ' .. ? ' Geo. Harriss vs. F. W. Kerchner. , Case continued. , . . s .. - ; ;'. ; Chas. W. Avant vs. Adrian & Toilers. Verdict in favor of defendants and judg ment against the plaintiff for costs". " ' ' J.. A. Hewlett vs. L B.. Grainger.. Case compromised and settled at the plaintiff's cost ..ri;"5 " "-;r':'.;: The yacht Rosa was expected to leave for Masonboro' Sound last night, in charge of Mr. John Flowers,nff; expects to reach there at an early hour ro diay. "' - The new yacht .being built at MeBars. Hart, Bailey & Cb.'s foundry, is rapidly ap proaching completion.and is expected to be launched next Monday.! f, .a-;':l - The photographs of the second and third boats in the late race on the river will soon be taken .' The special prizes presented by Messrs. Allen, Heinsberger and Dingelhoef were presented to the' wooiog boats'yes" terday. okiijjj' : Capt. B D. DavU. ;. M-. -CapL R. D. Davis, recently nominated for the House of Representatives; by the Democratic Convention ot Catawba coun ty, is well known in Wilmington, where he has a large circle of relatives and friends. He is a brother of the late Col. Champ Da- vis, who fell on the field of battle in the late J war. Capt. Davis is a genUeman of decided ability, and will mak a .fine , RepresenU tive. ) The fact that he received the nomi nation of the Democrats of Catawba after a residence of only two years in that coun ty, shows hpw highly he is appreciated in his new home. jj.J-.Vi . y.':-tii Local Dots. ---i: There Were no' cases, for trial before the Mayor's Court yesterday morn ing. . ; -.- j! h " I1 e Thir,J ward yesterday the registration footed up 24 whites and 6 col- ored. j - - ; , ,, K sui' R --rails VitWit'M-t ijJf Sn i I t-i We had a short visit yesterday from Mr. Wm. A 'Davis of the" Oxford The'inarket for , dog badges is very dull. 'Only one or two were disposed of yesterday. f 5 ''i;" ' -!i ;: i ' i 1 Maj.! Jas.'W.; Wilson, President of the Western : N. C. Railroad was in the city yesterday. . -j ..ifv;;s' '.''1 Up to yesterday afternoon forty-four dogs had ' been slaughtered ! since war was declared. against the canine popu lation on the 1st of June. . .;x 1. i Revj E A. Yatesj pastor of the Front Street M. E. Church, has published some interesting reminiscences of Fayette ville, in the Raleigh Observer. - ' '' ' A telegram received in this city announces that' Mr, , Et ' A. Anderson, Jr., of this city, has passed his examination at the Naval Academy at Annapolis. xMenry.'-WMvima,') colore, ; con victed of an assault' upon John W. Bryant, before Justice Harriss' Court, was sent to jail yesterday for non-payment of costs. ; i - The Republican Senatorial Con vention meets in this city to-morrow, the Pender county committee having agreed to meet with that of New Hanover for tha purpose. ,: ' '' "' ; ' A large lot of Florida ' water melons, apparently very fine ones, made the average Wilmington ian's "mouth wa ter" as he passed up or down Market street yesterday afternoon. . ,- ,.; . . Some of our citizens, we are in formed, do not appear to be aware that there is to be an entire new registration of voters prior to the coming election in Au gust, but such is the fact. r , . . : : j . , We received frorn Bogue, Co lumbus county, yesterday i cotton bloom plucked ' from a stalk on the farm of 'Mr. James HalI,J being the first of the season from that section that ' we have seen or beard of.. Mrs. J enks is a nice old gal. As the ladies would say, she is "just awful nice." If she were only a widow we'd send our Joe right on to Washington with a "pair of license." She'd make such a nice staffs- officer, you know! r Several of our friends had - a very pleasant excursion to the Blackfish grounds yesterday. 'The ocean was com paratively smooth, but still - there were a few on the : sick list . Quite, a number of very fine fish were caught. . v.s . , - - Stationary or falling barometer, southeast to : southwest winds, , warmer clear or partly cloudy weather, followed by numerous local rains and lower tempera tures, are the' indications for this section to-day. ' 1 ' ' 1 3 - ' . ... -t ,......,.'- t - We received two cotton blooms from Duplin Roads, Duplin county, last night, one being plucked from the farm of Mr. W. N. Ellsworth, on the 25th, and the other from that of Mr. W. J. Boney.on the 27th inst, being the first of the season from that section. Rieetinc of the Carolina Taent Cluu. " "A meeting of the Carolina Yacht Club was held yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in the parlor of the Bank of New Hanover, Commodore Grainger in the chair.' -.. .V: ; .. Several new members were received into the Club. '-'.V . ' . V ! ..By resolution, it was agreed that the By4 Law; requiring all regattas Xo be sailed with in two, and a ; half hours, shouldJ)e con strued to mean that the yacht "making the course first should;, alone be. required to make it in that time. 7. .7 The Captains of yachts were empowered to decide whether, yachts, during the proj gresa of a race, shall be at liberty to in. crease or diminish their ballast. .' ; ; A large attendance was had and quite a lengthy and animated discussion ensued- over the construction of the resolution de fining the 7 time L in which yachts ; should make the race.y!W .V'', V'"'.1' iy;;,l'f- ,Oda 'FlIowa3 li i J's J ' ;. At the regular meeting of ; Orion Lodged No. 67, X O. O. F., held Wednesday night, the following officers were elected: i - i.1; j ; N. G.-sT. B Taylor 1 -ihH;:;:-: j u VVG. Samuel BeaiS ' H3 :-' " : ; I R.'Sec.JL-cDudley. ,i:y :-''r;'- : v Per; Sec. W. C. Farrow'. ; 1 1 ' Treasurer W JV Penny I 7 ; v : 1 . ' y The officers will be installed at the next regular, meeting,' Jailed on a Peace Warrant. Matilda Hall, colored, was arraigned be fore Justice Hill yesterday afternoon, onga peace warrant sworn out by Patsy Johnson, colored, and ordered to give bond in the sum of $50, justified for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in de fault of which she was lodged in jail. :"; ! Crop In Pender. . r ' -, ; A gentleman from ; Pender 'informs us that the' crops in thai county are very good, butlater jthan -b'rKtcon la'.'Tey promteingTbeacreag nuts is not oyer one-half . .. what 5j it was last year, but the. crop is very fine and promises a much better yield than.f prmerlyu y uio ',' Dr. Bull'sBload Mixture is Ihe Drescrip tion of the late Rev. Dr. J W; JBuD, of Bal timore, and we think one of ihe finest com pounds offered to suffering humanity. : '$ WHOLE NO. " 3,398 The Late Wm. A. Wrlcbt flleetlBK of 7 --ho WUnlDcton Bar. ' . ..':'A meeting of the members of the Wil mington Bar was held in th Courthouse on June 27th, at 9i o'clock, A. Mv Jm j The object of the meeting was explained by DuBrutz Cutlar, Esq., to be to appoint a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the respect of the Wilmington Bar for the memory of their deceased brother,' the late William A. Wright and on motion of the same gentleman the Hon.- Geo. Davis was called to the ' chair and John D. Bel lamy, Jr. Esq. was requested, to act as secretary. ' , , ..- '.f, j ' On motion of John L. Holmes, Esq. J a committee of five were appointed by the Chair to draft resolutions expressive of ihe respect and esteem of the Wilmington Bar for the memory of the late, William Augus tus Wright, and to report at an ad journed meeting. ' ; I ' The Chair appointed ; on said committee the Hon. Hugh Waddell, John .L. Holmes, Esq. , Hon. Ed ward Cant well,' DuBruiz Cutlar, Esq., and Major D. J. Devane. j It was moved by Judge Cant well, that said committee be instructed "to report at an adjourned meeting to be held in ihe Court house oh July 6th, 1878. ;' ' '; " ..7 ;1 Amended by Judge D. L. - Russell, that the time of meeting be changed from July 6th to Saturday, June; 29th, : 1878,: which motion, as thus amended, passed.. ,, . j ''! On motion of Junius Davis, Esq., the meeting adjourned to meet again ou Sat urday, 29th of June, at 10 o'clock, A. M:, at which time eulogies on the life and char acter of the deceased will be delivered. ' ; i ; ;.. ' - Gkosoe Davis, Chairman. ; John D. Beixaht, Jr., Secretary. . s . Thermometer Record. " . .. The following will, show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.85 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city:) AuKUSta. ..... .1 .93 Mobile.... ..,85 Montgomery . . . 91 New Orleans,.,. . .86 PuntaRassa,.....76 Savannah,-.. i t ; .--90 Charleston, ..... 89 Corsicana, 86 Galveston....... .91 Indianola. . .'. . ..".86 Jacksonville,, v. ...78 St. Marks,....;;. 86 Wilmington...'. 84 Hey West........ 83 Unmallable Letter jThe following are the unmailable letters remaining in the city postoffice; . ; ;;5 John M. Davis, Lenoir county, N. C. ; J H. Hines, Vancluse, S. C;Dr. J. 8. Davis, Strahane P. O;, N. C, (papers); J.'H. Mai well, White ville, (seed). - - - :-:r - H1VEK AND ISARINE ITKHIS. - The Signal, Lippet,' sailed from Dea for this port on the 14th inst. ' - : --' ' The steamship Benefactor Jones, ar rived at New iYork from this port on the 25th instr r-rrrrr '' ' The steamship' 27. V. Foley, Bennet arrived at Baltimore from this port on the 25th inst.. - Ava'J .-i."' ,: t l ; The : Spanish barque U Cabieces, thf Spanish brigCano2as,and the British barque larpian, ;were reported in below yesterday, -.i f HOTEL AKR1VALS. Pukcbll House Cobb Bros., PRO'p.aal June 27 Jas C McRaeand eon, Wm A Gulhrie,Fayetteville; Taylor By fium, Hills- Doro; Mai J w . Wilson, Morganton, i C: B Godwin, Lumberton. N C: H H Orr. Charlotte; T H Gatlin, wife and child.Tar- Doro, JN U; UUaldwin, , WbiteviUe, JS C: O P Merriman, Baltimore; T P Leavenworth, RH Boykin; Petersburg; H B Short, Lake Waccamaw. . 'i . - Quarterly Meeting. ; ' ' Rev. L. S. Burkhead. D. D.. Presidintt Elder of the Wilmington District, Metho-f uiaw Hi, viiuruu, Quuui, una mauewe iouow ing appointments ' to complete his second round of Quarterly meet in es: !' ' ' -J" i Onslow; at Queen's Creek,' June 29-S6 Topsail, at Rocky roinv.. July 6-7 CITY ITEJrjfc. t The Colonnade Hotel. FhlladelDhia. Pai.ezMbl i the secret of lt great popularity and success by wisely maintaining Its old standard of excellence since us reduction or rates.. , . . book' botobbt. THiMOBwisa Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices.' Mer Chants and ethers needing Becelpt Books or other work, may rely on promptness in the execatlonof their orders. -.. -.'.! Trakbfib FBtHTiHS-urKS.--InTaiaable to rail . . . road companies, steamship companies, banks, merj chants, manufacturers and others. They are en dnrinii and caaneeless. and will codv snaro and dear for an indefinite period of time. Haying Jnsf receivea a iresn SHppiyoi tnese inKs. we are nre psxeato execiueoraers promptly ana at moderate prices. FOB UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mbs.I Wisslow's SooTHiHa 8tbup has been used foe children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wnro oouo, regulates the bowels, cures STsraTzar end dubbhiea, whether arising from teething or otner causes. An oia ana weu-inea remeay. 25 OSMTS A BOTTLX. ACTING THROUGH THK PORES upon the sources of lnSammstion Gliki'i Sulphur Soap promptly relieves the burning, itching and other nnAvaniiaa MtiaaH h Salt W rtAvs-m Msa11 TIaal . j mjj wwv wvwu i in a 1 1 Impetigo, Brysipelas, and ether skin diseases, and ultimately removes every vestige of them. , . Hsx's Instant abteous Haib Dtx is safe as well as speedy. ' : ' r Behable help ror weaK nd nervous sufterers. Chronic, painful and prostrating diseases cured without medicine. Ptuvermacher's BlectriC Belts the grand desideratum. Avoid Imitations. Book and Journal, with fall particulars, mailed free Ad dress Pttlvkkxachxs Galvanic Co., 393 Vine 8t. Cincinnati, Ohio. , .- . , - LIVER IS KING. The Liver is the Imperial ori gan of the whole human system. - When it is dis turbed in its proper action all kinds of -ailments are the natural result. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in earing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Com plaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and sto mach. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. . ' GOODMAN. In this city, en Thursday, the 36th Inst, at 9 A. H., in the S3d year of her age, Itlss CAROLINA GOODMAN, a native of Bavaria, but a resident of this city for the last eleven years. She was a kind, good hearted lady, and highly esteemed by those in our midst who knew her Intimately. .The funeral will take place this (Friday) after? noon, at 4 o'clock, from the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Alex; Iiebman, oh Second between Mulberry and Walnut streets, thsnce te Oakdale Cemetery, Friends are respectfully invited to at- tend.'1 'i! 1 1 ' " f rUTESFiivBri(iJi. Square one day,.. i v.'.ii.:...,-... fl 00 .,:., two days... ii....... 1 three oars,...,.,. ,8 Oo I ' " lour days,. .. , . . . . CO 7' " live days,:.. .. . 3 W , tJOne week,... ...... 4 00 Twoyeeks,. .. . ,6 60 " 44 Three weeks,;.. ............... , 8 60 " One month.. . . . 10 00 One u -' t' Two months, .......... 17 00 Three months,... .il 34 00 Six months ... 40 00 Oneyear,......w..: i-... 60 00 i ry Contract .Advertisement taken at propo tionately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square NEW APVERTISEMENTS. Carriage Horses at Auction. . .... WE WILL SELL ON MONDAY NSXT, JULY 1st, at Exchange Corner, at 10 o'clock. A M A PAIR OF G&BT MATCH flORSBa. well and favorably known as young. Bound and Bwumo. ui uiucr ui uie Axecutrix. je38 8t! CRONLY & MORRIS, ' Auctioneers. Carolina Loie1No.434JKiulits cf Honor. . importance Wit E. HILL, Reporter. je33 It CT. MARY'S 8CHOOL, RALEIGH. N.C. he Rt Rev. A ?, RtRev Thxo. B. Ltka. D ViiitolT m an?lrScIp.,BaNNBTT "MEDB8. A.M.. Rector Mrs. KATB nTiOSSRT' unno t cipaL . - T"1' i,lu' The 73d Term begins Beptember 12ih, 1878. For Circujar address the Sector. . je 88lW To the Voters of Pender Couniy FELLOW CITIZENS : f?di55 for t1 0fflce ' 8HEBIFF of PBNDBU irvEI' " X0IV PProaching election. If you see fitto elect me I pledge myself to discharge ihe du ties of the office fait or party associations. ty, witneut regard to party je ory reapectruiiy, B. M. JOHNSTON. Cotton Ties. A3 AGENTS 'FOB NORTH CAROLINA FOR . iI.th5,AmericH Cotton Tie Supply Co., we offer to the Trade and to Planters, the rf . Celebrated Arrow Ties in any required quantity and at LOW FIGURES We have also for ail Unm mnnl. snmn TIE3 or. very reasonable terms. Guaranteeing full nrotectlnn to thvu. in purchase from us against all claims for violation of tne rights of patentees.. je 38 Saw4w tufr . DxROSSET & CO. Thermometers, JTJBDTB EXTRACTS and SOAPS, 5 Flavpring Extracts, German Cologne, ! Florida Water, - Bay Bum, " . - Hair Brushes. , , Shaving Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, &c, &c., . For sale lew at Je23 U ,-. GRJtEN PLANNER'S. Florida Helons. 1200 PLOEIDA-watkhmilons. Of the Ice Cream and Rattlesnake varieties, Beceived to-day and for gale at ' - 8. G. NORTHHOP'S e38 tf , Fruit and Confectionery Stores. LOWER PRICES! RULING WITH US FOR i nnn2018 8114 HaM Bbis Good ;.1UUI FAMILY FLOUR, 20Q Bbla N-. MOLASSES, ' Hhds English Island do. 15Q Ba?8 BI COFFEE. 50 Pta defined SUGAR. i . 100 BleS PPTASH 8114 LYBt . . Q Boxes and Bbls CEACKEES, ' Q A Boxes D. 8. SIDES and Ov ... SHOULDERS, jane 38-DfcWtf HALL A PEARSALLT THB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ' If tou uetmnhlwl ih nii use L FURMAN8KI'8 CELEBRATED HAIB 1N VIQORATOR. It will free you entirely after a few applications, and render the hair soft and pliable. I bear leave resDectfnllv to mf r tn nm it t xajiur, Jtxuu. a. xx. van JSOKKeje L H. van Bokkelen, Capt D. L. Fil ey, Bsq., S. H. Fishblate, Esq., and id gentlemen too numerous te men- yaw, d. none many ladies and "On. L FURMAN8KT. je 27 tf Under First National Bank. Ventilated Straw fiats JROWN FRENCH PANAMA. , . . ; , . v (, ( LOW PRICES STRICTLY CASH. HARRISON & ALLEN, je37tf CashHatStore. Yesterday s Express jBOUQHT MOBB OF THOSE i'liJi r-i ' UNAPPROACHABLE WHITE MARS. TESTS. ONLY $1.00. 'j9 37 tf '' :''. MUNBON. oro Turnpike. NOTICE ' T - - . r . HE MASONBORO BRANCH OF THB WIL MINGTON & COAST TURNPIKE COMPANY is now open to the public. " From and after this date all parties are cautioned against travelling on It without having paid the ton, Rates from Wilmington to- Masonboro are now the same as to Wrights ville. ... -' Parties eoinsr to jf asoshoni im rennsjnl to ub tickets. 8. JBWETT. Secretary and Treasurer. -, je26-3t.. CHAMBERS'S EHCTCL0P1DU. DICTION ABY OF UNIVERSAL i .' t -.j? q jt KNOWLBDGB FOR THB PEOPLE. -In Tea Large Octavo Tblumes, containing Eight Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Pages . , - XHnstrated with about Four Thousakd EngVa- Tings..' . , ,: ,. : . - Price per set,1tt ClotaV' $2S; Library" theep, $30; Half Russia, $50; Half tJalf, gilt back, $M. For sale at HEINSBEBGEB'S . Live Book and Music Store. 1eS7tf Corn. Oats. Hay. 10,000 Bushels 10,000 CHOICE WHITE AND MIXED CORN, . ls i CHOICE MARYLAND OATS. , i V; I.-... -.ALSO, r ; gQQ BALES PRIME TIMOTHY HAT2Q0 . Just received, ana tor sale by : B. F. Ilitchell & Son. Shingles. SOO'flfiO SHINGLES .ON HANjj.p-;.! COMMON and CONTBACT. : -. '.fill i un , . . ( ; Of G. PARSLEY, Jr Agent, ' m U. HID tf Y je35tf Cor. 8. Water and Orange. A CALLED MEETING WILL BB HELD THI3 (FKpAY)Bvenmg,88thin7t.t "o'clock" v Miember? "RoaT requested to be present: business of utmost importance. r1'