9 (I iMMfl .. - . rwi mmr m mi w t m m m ai j aw i . n iiai bm.jw m aw wa m mm. m m i ia i uiir rTii rw w m -w- I a iimuiiinus. . ' : ' - ' tJOiYi Ail v JixwiiailiMENTS. PDB118UBB,SANNO,,NCBI!IB1'T THE MORNING STAR, the oldest daaewspa . ifnKortH Carolina, is published daily, except week to one year. , uivi '"j ar " cents for three mounts. lay, xi.uu; w u-j, ooi one i i"inrsC'e7ki,8.M; que mouth,. ssk Mara fJWol to make one'square. AU imouncemente or Fairs; FevuU. Balls, Di..i0 KiviAtv Meetings. Political Meet- ,""rVrbVchareed regular ad vertising rates. No:JTrMiemllt&IWrtrtlIlJio Column at any price. . Notices under head of "City Itama" eentaper Une for first iiisertiu, and 15 ceuu per toe for each subsequent insertion. - .', ' J" Advertisementsinse mXrtr. two thirds of daily rate. Notices of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Be .pSct.Jieaolutions of Thank. Ac., are charged for ' aTordmary advertisements, but only half rata hn id?or strictlT in advance. At this rate 60 . cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Death. .y , Huxumonta' to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra ac cording to the position desireo. Advertisements on wMch no epeolfinumber of insertions u ma.u wmu at the option of fiie publisher, and charged np to the date of discontinuance. - Advertisements discontinued before the time con tracted for has expired, uuigm wtuuuou. the time actually puousneo. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad vertisements" will Do cnargea wiy per ecu. sm. An extra charge will be made for double-column ' or triple column uTcnuciunuuk , in annnnTiMineiita and recommendations of can- iA.ta tnraacA. whether in the shape of conuna- nications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise ments. ; Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square ior eacn insertion. Contract advertisers will net be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient - Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac cording to contract. s A dvertiaera should alwava SDbCifv t sues they desire to advertise in. where no issue is named the advertisement .will be inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor wui oniy oe res po limine ior uio mailing m the paper to nis auuress. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos : tal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. Communications, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name oi we autnor is witnneio. Correspondents must write on only one side of tne paper. long delay and so many disappoint ments. She has proved a friend in deed, if her story is discredited by all sensible and candid people. The Baltimore Gazette thus states the probabilities that Mrs. Jenks4 pro- oared the document for Sherman and was'paid a good sum for the great favor shown: v - "Two ; circumstaoce-bear Ibis out. In the first place, she is a woman of too much common sense to deliberately lie herself into a bad hole from which it would be im possible to get out. She has denied that Sherman wrote the letter; This she would scarcely do if she felt i there was a faint nosaibilitv that , the committee could hold the original letter against her. r She must know it is so safe that she can hold fast to with Radicals, and the remainder of mankind. Says this lovely witness, whilst on. the stand: x- 1 " The end justifies the means, es- pecially," ,she adds, "in Louisiana politics." " " "I dd not know in the morning what my politics would be ip the , . i . it ' ' ?i I evening. tvi. ;wi.ii This is the woman : by wboseford John Sherman is to be white washed.' John and Agnes, and Eliza aromatio trio? -what an impossible either to corroborate or onntnilint. hor nn the main POlOt of J f w a vw . a iha nrio-in rf t h lfitter. Jv. X.Her- aid, Ind. , OUR i STATE CONTfiMFOKaMlK. 5 " 'T : H Th hPHt.l nnlitir.nl CaUVHtiS 13 Soon tO commence. Let our people guard them selves against undue political - excitement. To preserve "the Christiau character uhsul- Jied is of much more importance than the successor favorite bolltlcai measures, xou owe a d uty first to your God and - heur to your country. iwiA jitrunanijiawcaix. lb some i ihsiancWcOnventiops-are 'wKh out dpubt badly mahaged. Voxpopult may i-r- S-n-y M-t-h-w-s: Come home and tell your story in your own way; No disagreeabla questions shall oe asaeq. o. B tr. Wash. Post. . ' 'r-L The water cure establishments must be very successful, so many people have been cured of the habit of drinking water. 'Picayune, i - . . , r-rr Haye you ever read thej 'Tale of a Bumhle Bee asked George of 8arah Jane. "No," said she, as she turned the color of red giT6l-MbtitIWfeirete.C"7r- Josh 'Billiogs: l?efore a man de liberately' makeB up his mind to be a rascal he. should examine himself closely to ascer- nntelligentfcbr writes us from Montgomery county concern her story. But the lines arejlghtemng aoout ;n tuR teatimnnv the American An Sherman and his gifted accomplice. iThe j f v, . f -'a. - f . : .. ; . ; r.nmmittee is now m possession ox an am davit from Dan Weber's .wife, now living at Donaldsville. She could not leave home . on account;; of sickness in... uer family, but she swears that very recently she found the document wanted by Mrs. Jenks, as detailed in the " cor respondence read, and sold tt to' her for a gum qf money. The two Jenfcses have been in Washington several wreks. The moment they arrived Mr. Shellabarger hunted them up, and acted for Mr. Sherman in every thing. - Mrs. Jenks would have neither mo tive nor excuse for buying a worthless for gery of any one, for such stock would lie on her shelves without a purchaser. It was m. . . .n genuine, or.it wasn t worm a cent, one ar rived at Washington snortiv aner leaving Mrs. Weber, and since her arrival all her, . . ni. . T v. - dealings nave oeen wun ids ouermsu muc ; The next link in tho chain will be furnished by the sub-committee which will soon go to Louisiana for the purpose, among other things, the examining of Mrs: Weber. If she states that the letter she sold Mrs. Jenks corresponds with the photograph copy that will be shown her. Sherman had belter have his resignation drawn up iu advance loxnmg fro By WIIitlABI a. BERNARD. WILMINGTON; IT. C: Fkidat Morning, June 28, 1878. URO WING IN F1VOR. We have strong hopes that before two years roll around public senti ment will have changed entirely in favOr of primary elections. There has been decided progress in that' di rection during the year. A corres ponding change during the next two .years will cause that system to be al most universally adopted. H We noted two day ago that Wake county would take a vote on the United States Sen atorial question. We do not like this, because we do not believe the people should choose the Senator. 5 We have given. our views at length before, and will not- repeat. We mention the Wake case to show the progress- how it is believed the .- primary elec- . tion system is the only fair., expres sion of the people's wishes and opin ions.-' - ' ' ; ' ' OTJR BOYS ABROAD. ; It is gratifying to see our North Carolina boys bearing themselves so well from home and wiuning such honors as mauy of them , do. , We have received a very . handsomely: printed catalogue of Randolph Ma- con uoiiece. vireinia. lsurm" lire year just closed there were 141 stu dents in attendance. Of these 15 were from North Carolina. ;Virginia had 89. There were four prizes of fered, and two of these were secured "by North Carolina students. W. F. Tiilett, son of Rev. John Tillett, North Carolina Conference, received the Sutherlin Prize Medal, and Gray Carroll, of ' Warren, received the Washington Literary Society Medal, as best orator. Last year there were five medals awarded,and North Caro lina boys obtained four of them J Cy rus Thompson received the; Walton Greek Prize; W. JLPage the Suther lin Prize Medal; W. F. Tillett, the Franklin Literary Society Medal, and T. McN. Simpson, . the Washington Literary Society Medal, as best orator. Who will be bold enough to say that .blood will not tell. The Faculty of this excellent Methodist College is now composed of nine Professors. chives bear to the genuineuess ot the Mecklenburg Declaration -of . Inde pendence. After - we saw what the Archives really contained:, we dis missed them in our mind, , as of no value, for the simple reason that Mr. Force had .merely- given what was well known to all informed .North' Carolinians, . to wit; what ; was con tained in the Revised Statutes pf the oiiSbe. anu iu tuu xvaiciu jLmuwber ui 1819 and 1820.:-:-: -,:! :i- i ' Our correspondent writes: i "I have consulted the volume containing the Mecklenburg Resolutions declaring in dependence, and which I;hold accessible to any one who may choose to examine it. They are in the Jarm ot a note atthe Bot tom of several pages, and, are . referred to by an asterisk from the resolutions ef said - county of the 81st of May, 1775. This note consists of a series of documents 'put lished by the Governor under the authority and direction of the General " Assembly of Horth Carolina'ia 1830-'31,' also an article accompanied by letters and certificates to prove the authenticity of said Declaration, taken from the Raleigh Register of the 80lh April, 1819; also certificates secured through the agency of Col. William Polk, of Ra leigh, taken from the i Raleigh -Begister of February 18th, 1830.7 ,)..,. ; : , i gSoTaTwasuc of the people expressed;1 Batwhose is Hhe. I Thcfate .of I a . recent, religion fault f Or rather; where is . the remedy.?, Unhesitatingly; we answer; with "the peo ple. J Let them attend the "primaries"- and see that each townshiD fiends men of firm- oess men who are careful of forming an: ' jr-uor qiiuuuious, it sitouid bo understcoo. rep resent the vfiolesnle prices generaUv. In making nu BBiall orders higher price nav e to be cnargea. AftTiOLJJS. FBIOXB. ODinion and tenacious of "grip" after they have formed such ODinion who ; can't s be varied bv everv "wind of doctrine.'; iThen, and not .till, then,; will v the ;ohjections , to these bodies be hushed. iftwewnwn. it . j m mm , n POLITICAL, PSHNySi .The dead, Kepublioau party; shows signs' of active .life in .'Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and South . Carolina. .Cincinnati. (Jazeue,Jiep. . ..; Did the Jenks dictate ; tbat 1 let ter to Sherman himself. She knew '-.what Anderson wanted, and ' bhermau was the man be wantea it from. . Happy thought. - Wato.tv8t, Vern. . u The . clear,8 development of the frauds practiced in the Presidential election of 1876 will make up such an urgent ap peal for fair ptay in the election to be held in 1880, as must inure largely to the benefit of the Democracy. Lynchburg J Virginian, JJem. - - ' j - . i i .! r Gen.. VV. 1. Sherman, does not seem to be affected by the disgrace of his brother. John. . Instead of ; haoging . his head'- in shame ' at ..the, recent ; exposures which tarnish the) name he bears, be; is making speeches wiih the imperiousness of a sceptred King. - The army does not ; be long to Gen. bhermao. but to the country, ana this is. impudent taiK to come irom a man wbi8e brother, is charged with : fraud. -Memphis Appeak-Dem : : , newspaper, enterprise - in, Chicago -; induces its Droiector lo remark, with some acerbitv: "now let tne devil foreclose bis mortgage on this town as soon as he wants to." A colossal statue of the French Republic a woman wearing' a helmet and cuirass, Testing her tight hand on the tables of the law, and holding in her left an olive branch has been finished by M. Clesmger and approved by the Fine Arts Commis sion.- ' -. , -;'.: v- i -r. An exchange, says: . l nere is general rejoicing in . Washington , over the liberal appropriations for the District. There will be over four million available for public purposes after the 1st' of July. Large sums will be used on the streets, pub lic grounds and buildings.' edule B Tax. BAGGIKO (iucny. .. . .. Double Anchor.. ... . Double Anchor A". .. BACON Korth Carolina. Hams. tt(newj . . Shoulders, 9 lb Sides,.N.C. choice, 9 fo .. Western Smoked Hams....... ? . ... Vi Sides; tfttu... - - - Shoulders,....:. " Dry Salted sidMV- :;; - Shoulders BKEP Live weight , . BARESLHSpirlti Turpentine, ' . Second Hand, each.. ........ New New York, each. ... .. New City, eacS........:'!.. BEESWAX B BEICKS Wilmington, M Northern.... BOTTEB North Carolina. ft '"' Northern, y ft.... ..i...... CANnDffB8-Im- Tallow, f? ft......... j v Adamantine, s ft . . CHEESE Northern Factory V ft irairx, cream m 10 State, 9 ft . COYFEB Java. 9 ft Bio, 9 ft...... . - lAguayra. ft, COENMEAL .buaheUn eacke COTTONITIES Sibdle.... .. : DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, 9 yd tarn, y Duncn... ...... EGGS.. ....... ...... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, ? bbL.. No. 1,9 x bVl Mackerel, No. , 9 bbU .... No. S, 9 xbbl ' Mackerel, N0.8. ft bbl....... Mullet8. V bbl.. a. v. HerrlBg:.Koe, keg V 00 00 & DryCod.it )TJE Fine, bbl........ dioe timber, lumber, lurpentine, eplriu turpentine rosin ana narai b tores 01 any Kino, ana cotton). PERSONAL. f 1 Elsewhere we refer to the triumphs of 6ome of our youth as beiug very graiifying to os. We are equally well pleased to observe that our most gifted novelist, "Christian, Reid," as she prefers to be called, is still win ning honors abroad with her pen, and we trust is also winning ( something more BUDstantiai tnan praise. ' one writes exceeding good ,; English-1 limpid, graceful, scholarly English, and we are proud that she Is a true North Carolinian. " ' The Philadelphia Times thus notices her last novel: ''Christian Reid always writes pleasantly. if not very profoundly, her style is fresh and easy, her characters are nicely drawn. and her plots, reasonably well constructed, are worked out with a fair amount of skill. Her latest production, "Bonny Kate," is a good specimen of her work, and is a very pleasant bit of summer reading. It is a story of Southern: life, plantation life, a trifle rose-colored,' perhaps, but not the less agreeable oa that account, nor the : less likely to find favor with the majority of her readers."44' -l0:-: ,;i-f. ;. "Plantation manners" were strange ly out of place it appears : amid the scenes of revelry and debauchery in Emperor William purposes re commencing his drives "under the lindens" as soon as his health permits. : j '.' There' are more than - eleven thousand lady telegraph operators employed la Ureat Britain. - I heir wages range from 4 50 to Grant has taken Holland.' This is something out of the usual run; but it is true, because the" General has arrived at Amsterdam. Wathington PotL : Bryant never liked Beecher. He thought be was vain, vacillating, selfish. and in the Tilton ' business guilty." Hence Beecher slurs about the Pagan poein. yiashington Post. ' . " , 7 Not many men . iu the United States are as secure of fame as Uapt-Thomaa L. Jenks, 01 Louisiana. : Agnes D. Jenks made mm immortal by . marryine hum Washington Post. , i , ; j Beaconsfield makes jokes. ; He was asked the other day bow the Russians would construe a certain paragraph in Lord Salisbury's circular. "They won't construe it," was the Premier's answer; "they will decline it. "Washington Post. We shall soon have our whilom friend, J. Merldeth Read.Minister to Greece. with us again. He is now engaged in com mitting to memory that sweet poem entitled. "Maid of Athens," for use as he bids fare well to the Queen. - Washington Post. One thousand three .- hundred and seventy-eight pieces of skin, taken from the arms of friends, have been en . A XXLL WHOLESALE and BET AIL MERCHANTS are hereby notified that a privilege tax was levied by the Legislatures of 1875. 1876 and 187 r, of Five Dollars (the same levied by ceunty), ia addition to the Schedule Taxes proper. Wholesale dealers are also notified that in giving in their purchases, the law now compels payment on all purchases made wiuun tne state as weu as out of the State (IbcIu- All hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and eat in e nouses are requirea oy law to pay a tax ot one hair er cent, cn gross receipts. The tax will be due 1 Qly 1st. and payable within the first tea davs there after, on all purchases since the 1st of January. 1871 - All parties interested in the navment of Hchedale B Taxes will save cost by attending to the same at once, as the law will be strictly enforced; and owing u we ubui amount couectea on tne aoove scneauie ior tne past several years, and the numerous criti cisms upon the returns given in by parties la busi ness. I am promoted to reanest that tan be careful In making up correct and positive returns, thereby relieving me of the unpleasant duty enjoined npon me of looking oyer your books and invoices. In this connection it la especially nd particularly ea- jotuea upon yea mat au purcnases made Dyyoa from, through or by brokers must be included by jua w your returns. -- --.- .-. - June 83-eod8t sa we frt' !:. Eegister of Deeds. TflCreuiiOK orBant of Faiettfjllle. A LL PEESONS HOLDINQ CLAIMS AQAlNST il the above Bank are herebvnotifled to file their evidences of debt with ihe undersigned, on or be- xore tne 1st oay 01 Bsptemner. iS7s. as on that day the fund wUl be divided, and nrocsedirm comraen- cea ror a iinai closing of the trust account. . J. L.IL1L1 ' mTU-oa6w fr . . SurviTUig Trustee. Summer Wines ! X HE HOT WEATHER IS UPON US, AND WE would like to advise the public as to where they can supply themselves with the CHOICEST CLARET. DELAWARE. CATAWBA, both sweet and dry, BUUfJfJlittWUJNt, : ANGEIJCA-and RHINE "W" I nsr Together with ! Geor&re Eliot has Dublished a Doem I tinnon iin.i'nn ' Vn .in.m. l. 'M i iioui me aruis oi menus, nave oeeneu of seven hundred lines in MacmiOarL lhe House during the closing hours fted on theheadof Mrs. Jonas Hay, of v . r wriA OAaoiAM . i a r s ri t w a nr m r wv 1 a m bt raw n ay nn ifwi nnv- HfB t n nn nop naiw Ders eclipsea tne Teoeis in tneir Party.- We have not seen it. We judge from a criticism in the New York World that it is too metaphys- inal-haa tno mnr.h inf a"ftrt.ftin Vinr? nf vve nave seen complaints lattenv I i.. .n.a m.i - 1 puiiuauuuy to ue caueu poetry. Anat in several of the. Ann stli a vi w a n f yi ""a" V "-l ia tha, f.nlt. it1i',Rr1in TTnltor'a A u,auuCr m wmcu tue county conven- gel in the Cloud. It is as theologi-t were Yesterday we clipped' the following brief - paragraph from the Folkton Argus'. ' "We were utterly disgusted with some of the proceedings in the Township . Con vention last Saturday, and hope never to witness such again iu a Democratic meet ing.,. This is plain.", ; . The editor of the Milton Chronicle is not only the oldest of our editors but he is t thoroughly independent honest and ? trustworthy. No ; man eal as the most theological - part of Milton's "Paradise Lost. and the poetry only comes in now and thenl The preacher and not the poet ; holds the pen for the most part. The World .says ot the t Eliot perform- ....... ! ance: 1 - - . ' - "It may be termed a rhetorical sherry cobbler, with the shaven-ice of philosophy freezing the delicate spirit of poesy tbat underlies the mixture. - Reading the poem puts us in mind of the English attache, who, being invited at Washington to drink in bibulous propensities " and perform ancea. A Philadelphia Radical, named Freeman, was on a "high old drunk. The . Sergeant-at-Arms was ; sent to him many times; still he persisted in intermpting the speakers by the most ludicrous remarks. Speaker Randall once left the chair and personally en deavored to induce Freeman to re spect the dignity due.the House. Jamestown, who lost her scalp by her hair catching in the mm machinery in' which she was working. Mrs. Hay is rapidly re covering, ana is now aoie to ride out. The. reported rupture of the am icable relations between the President and Stanley Matthews would not appear to be borne out oy the tacts. Senator Matthews called on the President, to-day and bad a long interview with him. He has also been at the White House nearly every day this week. Washington tstar, of Saturday. RASPBERRY, LEMON, ORANGE and BLACKBERRY JERj TJ HP S! - ALSO, . ' 20 TWENTY 20 " Baslets of Genuine Pijier Heitei ! ; -; THE BEST; ! AU - IMPORTED CHAMPAGNE brought to the City. LEMONS and ORANGES ; - ' . ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES ! Boatwright & UcEoy, , T and 8 WORTH FRONT ST. )eS3 DWtf i "' - FLO flnrnw 1TAirfl.M an W Bxtrado,, " bbl...... Family V bbl i 01tyMlllB-8upr., V bbU... v Extra, y bbl " Fiunily, f3 bbl.. . Sx.Family, V bbl .. FESTILIZERS - - . . Peruvian Guano, 9 8000 .:. Baugh's Phosphate, " Carolina Fertiliser, r . Ground Bone. ; . : j I Bone Meal, - '"Flour, t NavassaGuano, " ; .. " -', ' Complete Manure " i Wnann's Phosphate : Wando Phosphate, M ; v Berger & Bute's Phosph. Ezcellenza Cotton Fertilizer GLUE ..... GRAIN Corn, In store, in sags. . corn, cargo, w Dasnei...... Corn, mtxedj) bushel ....... , ' Corn, whole&als, la bas...., Oats, b56be!...w... , ' Peas, Cow. bosbet . aiDESGreen. : ........ Dry. 9 .1 HAY Eastern, 9 100 8s........ Western, V 100 Xs North River, 100 1B..... HOOP IRON ton.. . . LARD Northern, $ ft North uarouna. s LIMB bbl.. ..... LUMBER Cttt SnanSawBD ; 8 Md Stuff, resawed. M ft .. Rough Edee Plank. S M ft... 4 WestlndiaCargpes.according to quality, M ff....,7l7 ureasearioonng. seasoned.. Scantnng and Boards, com mon. S M ft.. MOLASSES New cp (Caba,nhds io ew crop uuna noxs y gai. Porto Rico.hhds.... ......... " bbls Sugar House, hhds, gal. . p " bbls. gal... Syrup, bls, V gai NAILS Cut, 4d to S0d, keg.. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal.... , Lard, gal..... ' Linseed, gal Rosin. eal.. .. POULTRY Chickens4Iye,grown ..... , OUiUg... PEANUTS 9 bushel POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. . Irish. Northern, fT bbl ...... PORK Northern, City Mess.... . Thin, 9 bbl Prime, 9 hW Rump, 9 bbl RICE Carolina, 9 t Rouerh. 9 bunh. ... KAGS Country, 9 J. City. V 8. KUfJS i. .......... SALT Alum, 9 bushel. .. Liverpool, vsaaK,cu f.o.ri. Lisbon, 9 sack American. sacic...., SUUAtt cuds, v B.. PortoRico, 9 ..i... A Coffee, ft g B " 9 C- : 9 , Bx.O 9 Swwt okaif lO t SOAP Northern, 9 PHINGLES Contract, 9 M...., uomraon, w m CypressSaps 9 M....... Cvnress Hearts 3 M. STAVES W.O.BbL,M... .. B. O. Hhd., 9 M............ 11 ' 1 ' (8X 1 10. v 60 - 00 & 1 75 00 1 90 ' 85 S6 7 50 (a ICQ' . oa a 14 oo Awarded highett meter ii a II .6 Centennial, Exposition fot of noeclening and JUuorino. - Tho best tJZZl . .. . " uiun Bum rrnna.(HBb -i mutated on Inferior coods. em ihTt tZZlZ. ose!? ever, pw. sSd hl JSfiiil i to 0. A. JackmI ir; "S"? nple. - v v 4. u uric v tv P A H (I Befjhil Concert Grand PianosfiTl n n.UJUcost $1,600, only f44S. Su-UK&AN Tjerb Grand Ponnri. Ptmn. vuui' " - . X . uu.b . MUUfl. II IMI ,.o0.oalT 55- Elegant Uprleht Pi. t $800, only $lS5. NewBtyle fjprigBt pJSSf' $112.50. Organ. $35. Organs 10 08 $Ta.oO. Church Organ! 6 slo8co8tat378' only 115. KJegant $375 Mirror Tmrl96' only $105. lemluio.f..cM01?'' cluaeont present ek. -New Sim b tory soon to be erected, . Newspaper with nZi Tuf formation about Piano aiiVorp.JS IT K r K. , Fleasfl add rpaa T A XI T tri 5 r.;.' ""L" is 20 ; 35 13 IS 13 10 88 15 19: '70 J 00 6M '90 10 18 00 8 50 IE CO 6 60 9 00 8 75 8 00 00 4 50 6 00 ; 5 60 6 50 0 00 ; 6 75 7 25 7 75 67 60 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' 55 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 9 18 - 25 - IS Bis 14 ui w 8ft ' -' SO 1 r Si " ' 75-: S 25 ; 7 12X SO 00 10 60 13 00 6 75 9 50 .8 00 4 00 ,'6M 600 -6 60 6 25 8 00 . ,000 700 '760 8 00 Wakhinfeton, N. J. UKATTY, 67 &6 6S 60 60 00 60 00 40 00 4500 57 00 65 00 6760 70 00 70 00 00 00. 60 00 15 10 61 b2X 64, 48 5 4 10 0 00 1 12 1 00 67 50 75 00 8X ; : 9 65 66 50 1 00 5 0 00 115 1 10 d y A. ?A.to Agents canvassing for the Wi r 010. $20. 850. "sido Invested judiciously in Stocks (Options or Prtd leges), is a sure road lo rapid fortune Fnff " and Official Stock Exchange Beportelfree a aT NewYk.R WIGHT & REAP IHIslCAUD FBON OAK HALE, BOSTON teed, andtwenty five percent, saved 1 1 OAK hTi r" tathe oldest estab.ished Clothing HeuVe to Amer '-ol?AW?C?S--W? are toportersand whole, sale dealers in Hammocks 1 ! Retail price. ti hi?nreceiptof w. Rr5StSS Full size U. S. A nickle-plated Bemington Be TOlTf.. with one hundred cartridges! sent Ter SfTs oo! ? - Part Woatltt f relelpi THE BOSTON SHOOTING SUIT. First prize, silver medal, overall commtit,.. made, only by G W. Simmons & Son. 1 ment stamped ! Sent by mail er express to My ad dress Complete suit $13.00. "iyaa- Illustrated circular with samples sent free English Rugby Footballs, Military Goods' Whit ,r - h G. W. SIMMONS & SON, - : , OAK HALL, Boston, Maae. - Dr.Marchisi'a tterine PlTum hihu iioiujycijr ram) r auituB TVeaKness. such na W.iii of the WombWhites, Chronic InflSomationr n ir1 mb' Vdental MWOThage or Flood" ing, Painful, Snppressed and Irregular Senstriuitinn T7T7T J A T T7C je 15-4wl)fcW .... per bottk I 00 ; oo 18 oo 00 00 14 00 18 00. 13 00 : 00 00 00 00 as 15 40 S 75 16 1 10 90 80 20 10 , 65 - 00 S 25 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 S5 " 1 SO 00 15 00 18 00 85 00 University of Virginia. SUMMER LAW LECTUEES (nine weekly) be-Ti-fSJ1 'FT' 18.?8 ad end' llth Septlilber: i UK,-xot. io smoents who de- SPJf.JFSf! ttaai6S at tni8r other lII 90 i 6 00 16 00 38 42 35 "38 23 26 . 80 3 50 18 145 100 40 22 . 15 100 60 S75 12150 00 00 1100 10 00 1 8 1 00 i : 80 00 00 00 00 ' 10ii 9jtf 8X uu TAIIOW 9 ... TIMBEB-Shipping, 9 M.... w m. Mill Prime, m? Mill Pair, uommon jam ... Inferior to Ordlnarr. M . WHISKEY Northern, gaL North Carolina, 9 pal WOOL Unwashed, 3 - waanea. .......... 5 4 00 5 50 4 60 9 50 IS 00 10 00 00 00 7 10 60 7 00 5 00 4 50 3 51 1 00 1 75 15 35 75 85 75 85: 10 10 9 9 600. 8 00 , 5 00. 00; ISOOi 00 00: OOOO: - 8: 13 00 ' -808; 6 00; 600' 400; 500; 8 60 20 a 28. and jJd, to ..practitioners who'have nothad tto ad vantage cf svstemstin inshnrHnn n- i i. Com, and Stat Law. my 29-D&W4w MANCHESTER LOCOMOTIVE W0EXS ESTABLIBBKO IH 1853, lfsnnffUfnM .11 IrinJn a T. . . " liwuuiuuyeb, ana nave re cently purchased of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. all the patterns, patents, and the good will foi the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire En gines and Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared tc T ' -ci-uia; uruara prompuy. bend for de Bcriptive circular. ABETA8 BLOOD. Agent, nov 25 D&Wly Manchester. . H. New York SHOOTING COAT. STYUSH, HANDSOME COAT. ... . First Class in every particniaj Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheep est MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out, so that may be worn for early fail and winter shooting. Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It lajpmyidea of -shooting coat I have worn them for several year and will have none other." t Price for Coat. 2S: Vest. m ti.n h... brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tun briars and will not give satisfaction. Also, in addition to the above, lam making Waterproof Canvass Bnit, cut same style as the Vel veteent goods, not stiff and hard, but soft and plea sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmen . who have seen it say it is The Pest Yet Coat $6.50, ' For full Suit, $14.00. I also make the Sleeveless Coa; Vest with sleeve if desired. Bales for measurement and samples sent upon application. . SOUTnEBN ITEMS. 1 T7BESH FAMILY -a. could buy him. , He says in his last j Welker's one of the summer beverages joBt paper: . , ! ) "Conventions of political bodies are growing rapidly into disrepute, and hence each new-born year yields a new : crop of xuuepeuuent canaiaates, and all the -anathema and maranatha that the parlizan press can heap upon the heads ,of "lode-! pendents," are heeded only as cow-bell mu sicthey will not "down." 1 1 -v It wouia aouDtiess be a good thing if all can didates would come out as independents rather than leave the selection to the ma nipulation - orpacked or bull-dozed con-4 ventions. t nence tbe necessity of primary elections to - select candidates. J No matter if five hundred thirsty : and ambitious 'm-l dependents' pop up their brazen heads, primary elections will make them pop downr 6u wiicuv, tuey iee . tne z snaaow on the wall prefiguring their doom. Let us then! provide for the choice of candidates by! primary elections, and aboUsh the so-called- con yenuon plan. It will rid the party of : luutjisuucua m uib nour 01 aaneer H THE SHEBHaN LETTER. The most interesting discussion! now progressing in connection . with ; the High Jenks performance - on the Washington boards, is what became ot the original of the' John Sherman Ietter-Hthe one that tbe'iidiculon8 ; Mrs.Jenks now avers she" dictated? ttasit Wen destroyed, ror is ii -irf ihe possession of the Jenks, s or has oily John Sherman at last procured the document that is-supposed to be Jorth its thousands to him and to be niore' precious than even 3 honor or f ame? The opinion begins to pre vail that John Sherman holds it. He probably secured it ttrbugh the in genious efforts of the iute and saucy and unprincipled -Mrs.; Agnes (Jenks; John paid handsomely jou may, be sure, for the precious prize, and the Jenks will get - her ire ward after so referred to, asked permission to first throw away straw, ice and lemon-peel, and then Pleasure his nalate with, what remainA.1 i Mrs. Liewes a poem would be delightful could one by some chemical process of belles lettres precipitate into her husband's nialnnr Af Philnonnhi.)) .hnnt J - of her lines, and allow the reader to be charmed with the poesy left behind.' It quotes some very beautiful lines from the poem: ' ""' The conviction is widespread that the Democrats will have both Houses of Congress after next March. The New York Herald- has been looking over the field and has no confidence in Republican snccess. It says: . ' V "We can hardly see a possibility of the Republicans recoverine the House of Rep resentatives which they lost in the elections of 1874. The whole drift of political ten dencies is against them." . 'Best in the World." SUPPLIES , . . AND NEW GOODS t The Very Best Extra Family Flour, in barrels and nan Darrein. . . , The Best Table Butter. ' The Best Fresh Boasted Coffee, ground to order. The Best Pure Lard. . - . - The Best Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, ; l . sreauast oinps, cmoea ueer ana Tongues. THE BEST OF ALL CHOICE GBOCEBIES I Sold by: je23tf : ' ' WIUQT1N6TON, MONEY flABKET Burnrs. sslluo. Goid .............Par. 101V Exchange (sight) on New York, ......... disc't' isaitunore,.. x 1 Boston, X " Philadelphia, ........ X " Western Cities, " , ect85-D&Wtf F. t. SHELDON, RAH WAY, N. J M . The1 Richmond Transcript says : "Shiriey.owned for many years by the Carters, of Virginia, is one of the few James river estates that bas not passed into the hands of strangers. . It is still the pro perty of the Carter family, and is one of the finest estates in Virginia, ' - Baltimore does not propose to call upon the Federal Government for aid in case of another affliction in the guise of a mob. The police force of that city now numbers five hundred men, and is armed with breech-loader?. The Fifth Regiment A lady from near Sugar Valley,1 V.y")rr PY ?B(JTltD: J-vUjUUU wiimtagtoaBonda, 8c.......to us., says tuai muu was piuwiog in toe Exchange 80 days 1 9 cent Bank of New Hanover Stock. . . . . ..... First National Bank,. ............... uawsonuanK... Wilmington Building Stock... Mechanics' . " " , Navassa Guano CJ6. .......... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon.... ,14 Do. ' Funding 186....;........ 5 Do. " ' . 1868 5 Do. New........;..... 5 100! 751 '65: 100; 95 180: GEO. MYERS. ; 11 and 13 South Front St Do. " Special Tax............. 1 Do. to N.C Railroad... .......49 : W. . W. R.R. Bonds 7. We (Gold Intt. 97 Carolina Central & R. Bends, 6 C .30 WU. UOL w A.Ug 1W XU ""--- . ........ JW ,-.1 j The Republican politicians do not know what to make of Gen. Ben.' Batler. He is a constant surprise.! .... i What he will do about the next eleo-l tion in Massachusetts is just what is bothering ; the aspirants for ; office.! They are afraid of old "Cock-Eyes,"! who is still a power in the Bay State.; 10 & 'ree country. he means govern- A special dispatch , to the" Boston! ment v one party. only, and. treats - ii iiuo uwei uarkv as ' a uuuiiu eueuiv CURRENT COMMENT. True Mexicanization consists in the spread among the voters of both parties of the belief that the govern ment can only be carried on by one party. : and , that if ..;the other, party; gets into power it ought to be resist ed as a foreign invader, and driven out by force of arms, it necessary Any man. that thinks. this may feel sure that he is a Mexican j any poli-j tician who preaohes it is a Mexican ; the : black . brcdoloth land prunella gaiters and stovepipe hat cannot dis4 guise him. If by party: government' field a week or so ago, during which he ut- tered the wish that God would, have to plow in the heat of the sun as he was forced to do. Immediately upon uttering these words he stopped still, as if turned to stone and it is positively; asserted -tnat; ne was rooted to the spot, and that two horses failed to pull him away. He was still there when last beard from. Datton JSnterptise .; "A fly in the gravy" caused Mrs." Miller, of Burkeville, Va., to kill Mr. Mil ler. "Wife, nere a a fly in the gravy," the husband remarked, as he sat down to his beefsteak. "You're all the time finding fault." the -wife' replied. Harsh-words were followed by angry words. Mrs. Mil ler seized a coffee pot and Mr. Miller clutched a car vine-. knife The scene of combat was Shifted from the kitchen to the woodshed, and there Mrs. Miller picked up an axe, severed Mr, Hitler's head from his body, and fainted. ' ' ,; " '' ' i .One Hundred Thontand Clffara, Which we are prepared to offer at good bargains. 4 . 74 je23-tf - , . GEO. MYERS, f 11 and 13 South Front at. 3 Llallard & Co. HARNESS 1 HARNESS ! . : . ; ; $7.60 per set and upwards. Bridles. Saddles. Collars. &c all erades. um prices lu nui uie omen. - --Trunks and Satchels in abundance. , Repairing dona promptly. .- - Je S3 U , ... No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET. ? EockJBdty QUR PRICES FOR HARDWARE, - - - TTW-WAKB and CROCKERY ARE ROCK BOTTOM. A Call and examine for yourselves. ' " GILES Je MURCHISON. - , janezan j ana 4 Jiurcnison uiocjt. Old 6 c... new 6 ye.. ..70 (Gold In t) a we.........7Sf i New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9c.... 90 (Gold Int) , Do. do. 6 VC...70 (Cur. Int) W. W, Railroad Stock ........ 45 T North Carolina R. R. , " .40 , ? I WU. Gas Light Co. " .....57 - 1 1 1 WUmingtoa Cotton Mills..., . 85 , ; i jOv?9ays.:"viIi-"' "It is believed by several members of the- delegation, in (Congress that : he intends to' canvass the State as the Labor' and Green-: back candidate for Governor this year. This belief is confirmed by the- declarations of some of his personal friends.! There is no! concealing the fact that prominent Repub- licans are very anxious about Gen Batler. mey see and admit that it is possible for ; him to defeat three or four of the Republi- j can Congressmen if he does not succeed in .making himself Governor.". :, religious wew.;L" ';:" The Savannah Weekly News DR. RJCORDS' ESSENCE OY LIFE restores manhood and the visor of youth to the most shattered'constitution in four weeks. FAILORE IMPOSSIBLE. This life restoring remedy should be taken by all about to marry or who may have become weakened from excess or any other cause: Success in every case is as certain aa that water quenches thirst. S3 per case. Sole Agent, Dr. JOS. JACQDE8,7 University Place. New York. DRUG GISTS SUPPLIED. aug 11-ly ;FaU Fashions. M MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and is now using the LATEST SHAPES for La dies and Misses Hats, and invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them into the most modern Bhapes. ' , wmte straw ayea oiacKwnen so ordered and in SHAKP'S OTAUJCCARTRIDGK. MILITARY, HUNT ING AND "CHERnynnR" vtvi.vs EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU RACY, STRENGTH AND ' ' SAFETY. Hb Premature Discharge Ever Occur Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibre 40, 44 and 50-10? of inch, and of any desired length Charge ef powder from 50 to 105 grains. Weight o) balls from 320 to 546 grains. Stock, nlain: ai&e Pistol grip and checked.' Sights: plain; Globe aud Peep Sights; Vernier with interchangeable from Bights and "Wind-gange.'-Every vRriaty of a munition for above guns, constantly on hand. i v.---Prices from $30 to $125. " SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY. . sept il-DAWtf ? , Bridgeport. Conn. N. Ai STEDEIAN, Jr. Attorney and ConnseUor at Law, ELIZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. ' Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied ej Rinaldl SsOo. .J Special attention to Claims. Col lections on sumi of xlOO and upwards made for Five Per Cent if without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, &c, s specialty.. ; ; ap5-DAWtf ; PRESCRIPTION j FREE. TJV3R THE SPEADY CURE of Seminal Weak JD ' ness. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAQUES A CO., 110 w.sixtn at, Cincinnati. Ohio. f eb i5-iyuw -BredDosrs. .lirfNGLISH, IRISH AND, GORDON SETTEB8. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by nov7D&Wtf E.:P. WELSH, York, Pean. wnose aavent io, power wouia ruin . the country, he might as well put on emDroiaerea oreecnes, silver. , spurs on Snnd&y. Nation Jiep.. ,4! jj Mrs.' Jen Ks testimony 'cannot be regarded as addincr -mach to the impression vimade by Mr.; Sherman's' treatment of Anderson, because her Rev. Dr. Martin, of Danville. Va. . has received a call to the First Pres byterian Church of Louisville, Kentucky.' First, a Pan-Anglican Synod; second, a Pan-Presbyterian Council; third.' a Pan-Methodist Conference in 1884; fourth,; a Pan-Jewish council in August, 1878. - Rev: William M. Dame, D. D.,i of Alexandria, V a., has accepted the call to the rectorsnip- or memorial irotestant beet style. SID Mrs. Jenks is; just now-- in high fa- ;r. 6 r ;sr,oe fectly trueV even if "she can be iuc- js a trump ,card.. She. is precisely cessfully contradicted on Mother points. ucuu,vi,niiiuvso (luak.unu , ouer i xb i uuuBisiieun enougn witn ner man needed andthtft a thorouehlv scheming charaotei', so far as her cha inttan ikoi-w AaaarvaA ' ' pt. J ractcir is known, and it reconciles y .. M I wnnh Athim.ta' AAn!.i; t..i!... . w no higher than, the standard of the but it is sapported rather by its in! not pretend to be one whit better or biUty of s-ihewitness'-who delivers it. worse than . f 'her' UUowb."' Sbe down the following political axiom wrncn she acted upon in her dealings testifiesjn" aaokTa :.way;M .renders-it character of veracity is not sufficient-' Episcopal Church of Baltimore, which has The singular story she ,tels respecting tue origin .oiine i ieiiermay De per- bishopric of West Virginia of its late pastor,- Rev. Dr. Peterkin.. ; V. . j ; '"i -The - Presbyterian Church ' has three Synods in. Illinoisthe North,: the: Central, the South. Pennsylvania is. how ever, the stronghold of the Presbyterians. ' in that btate tney nave 183,535 communi cants; in New York; 180,848. d The church has in all 557,674 communicants in thirty seven Synods. . , . In the issue of July 6. 1878, will be commenced a new serial by the popular Georgia authoress,' , - - MRS; OPHELIA NISBET REID, , The WEEKLY NEWS is not only the LARGEST BU TtUS Bissw JUUUiX puuahed in the South ern States. . .... i ; It is wcu edlted.ana contains an immense amount of readrnr Matter, and its trDomraBhlcal execution Is unsurpassed. - Printed ort new type, with a clear. ciean impreaBian,u is a pleasure to reaa tne w lUCA.. LY NEWS. ' ..---.. .. ... , It is a NEWSPAPER is every sense of the word. ana muuuiu uia iiku xeieeraDiuo ua ewe mews. Markets, etc. a Literarr. an Agricultural and a Mil itary Department, and is suited to the tastes of all wao aesire to xeop up wun wnat is going oa in t ne dust worm at nome or aoroaa. its news is aiwavs iresu ana raveruiuuiiEi -, - - , Subscription, tone year. S3.00; six months S1.00. Specimen copies sent free. - -'':-..,,:. i ftlStf- -: ; Savannah, Geo.' RBSI 8treet ENCE One door east of Front, on Church . - oct 14-tf : i qrtn Carplina at Gettyslmrs. A PPLICATIONS ARB CONSTANTLY MADE X3L for copies of THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to the conduct of North Carolina troops at uettyBDurg. -The number of requests for these, from the Northern States especially, has lat terly become so great that, being unable to supply them otherwise, it has been determined, to nubiish them in book form. - .... The papers on the subject on beth sides. wQl be reprinted just as they appeared in The Obserrer, and will . make a volume of some 900 pages. . ; y i , dook win oe pnntea on iair wmte naner.witn good, clear type, and in paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each; to dealers and canvassers at $15 per hundred. s A library edition will also be made, nrinted on su4 perior paper and handsomely bound, which will be soia at $1 each; to dealers and canvassers at the rate or zw per nunarea. .. .... Single copies of either edition mailed postpaid on receipt or the price; i. " r : . ( The book will be ready for delivery in a few weeks.' Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. , ; , ; , Aaaress - -rius uuajsn. vjsu, " ,my2tf ; v ;Haleigb,N, C. t " : It takes a drug clerk of -broad judgment ana noerai - views, and a calm, Remember N BUYING HARDWARE,, T t2- one marnavooTa tne-irttUron this J statesmanlike, control ot . his , features, to r; . i :.. I .Wi.f.' Wr.-1--..,'-..-.-!.! L-i. -j 1 of sytaD in his soda water when the citizen's lei'r-!. I euuio.vwip a uub. ., , uuivi buiiabeiY. Biie 1 - m .u . , I. Anotuer invoici I .. J " .mw 0 uw. uun i ... ... v. - - . bind. Burlington Hawkeye. 1unel3-tf DOORS. SASH and Rr TWtiS , GLASS, Ac., . ; . - - ; easvaa aks LOWER than ever. : UI Div V Aa just in. , iww'B Hardware Depot, - ? - ' No. 10 South Front street, t. The - Salisbury; .Examiner; 'Ttatabllalied in 1S8A. . ' THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS, DEMOCRATIC: . . -v.- i Printed Weekly and Tri-Weekly at $S and $5. ; AAAmma - . -.1 J aTTpnr a tit : e te-t Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury. N. C. wwuiviEiuts -: ,-: . AND ."' Graye .Stones. FIRST-CLASS' WOEK AT LOWEST NEW YORK - PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY KAIL. WORK , PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, C- TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. . , RICHABD WATHAN & CO., " ' 67 Lafayette Place, New York. - Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.for Bale to the Trade. r , - dec 4 DAWtf THE t SNEIDER ; BREECH-LOADING tShotun. ; : Prices, 50 OO to 0250 00. MUZZLE i L OABING G UNS ; , ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING-.".; -. iPrleea, $49 to SIOO. . Clailiigneider, .rMANTJFACTURERS, . ,- . ; 814 West Pratt Street, ''..-.'. . Baltimore. Send for Catalogue.' -' ? ' ' decSSD&Wtf

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