. - ID IkA Alftaat rtaflv TIPWHDa mail labacribers. Delivered to city scnber at me of 15 cents per week for any perioa from the one THE WEEKLY STAB "S gjg morning at $iau per year, ad ; vertoing bates u" I S3 AUVJUffflBUiw ST davs. one day, Jiw ." V. T k 4 .00; iu,uu; two ",hTM.6o. Ten ??krln makeonVsquare. All aanooncementa of JWSSSS 5fe Hops, PlC-Hics, oocie in o rA"," iia IngC&c- will be charged regular advertising rates. ,v . i.iarfui Tncal Celamn at ier each line lor nrsi lnsemwu, 7.,. i 1 will v be cnargea 51 w per ;hv' ri jrTi. wtea prT other day. three fourths of daily rate, twice wees, two uuruo 4 Notices of Marriage or Death, Tribute of Re for a? ordinary tocmita, b only haU tes .ea 60 when paid ior uuiwj. . - " u - cents will pay for simple announcement of Mar Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to ac- occupy any specuu yiww, nximtrtnaa noaition desired. " dvertismtson whichno specified nomber of insertions ifl mantou wiu w twmw . J laaowwatMaM - k1!AkA. anil ihflNmi HQ ITl Ob UXQ VIUu v f ' ..... mt, , . the date of discontinuance. - Advertisements discontinued before the time con ; traccedor has expired, charged transient rate foi the time actually published. ... a. nntlAM Ar Tna nil ill mild AUU. VlUMfkvw - 1 Advertisements kept under the head of "Hew Ad o.;.An,.ntA win be charged fiftv per cent, extra. An extra charge will be made for double-column 1 or triple voiojua twiww : t ; ' All announcements anu nxuuuucuuiuuiu didates tor emce, wotujci iu . nications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise- . ients. . . . . ;-. , . , , , - - Amaaeaent. Anction and Official advertisements one dollar pec square i or uu" : Contract advertisers will net be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing f oreign to their regular business without extra cnarge at transient rawus. , Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac cordiag to contract. . . , , . . . ( A Advertisers should always specify the issue or is- - .1 1 iAimiaA in WllllM VIA IttMllA itt sues uiey uccirc w wifHum , vv namea me utctuswucui .wiu uo usiu u . -1 -. ttti .J M.nAta fnv Utttfiami t. iu unt Mm rlnHncr thA time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to hia addiesa. Bemittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos- :al Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. . Only such remittances will be. at the risk of the oublishcr. . - -; ... Communications, unless they contain important . j; v ;A n A mMna 1w anH4.ra tftf mat interest, are ndt wanted; and, if acceptable in every K tha. vHll InvnflM IkA TfAfft&A If thfi UbUCi UJ 1 JKJ nu " J ; . real name of the author is withheld. . , - Correspondents must write on only one side of the paper. lorning glar. By WIIililAlTX H. BERNABD, WILMINGTON, N. 'C: 3atueday Moening, Jane 29, 1878 THE CALIFORNIA ELECTION. The California revolution is still an -'engrossing topic It appears" to "have been a flash of lightning in a clear slrv Sinat.nr "Rnnth. of that StatpJ attributes the success of the Work ingmen entirely to the question of Chinese' labor and: emigration. He thinks that Communism has nothing whatever to do . with the. uprising. He thinks the cause is purely Ideal and that the movement, as a conse quence, need . not extend. 1 He has confidence in the conservatism of the laboring men who have control of the convention, and that no agrarian or , rash measures will be adopted, ; This is about the substance of his talk re produced in our own language. ; s Whilst the laboring men rallied under the leadership of Kearney and made a vigorous fiffht- the old Darties from some cause appear to have been inert or demoralized. Some of our exchanges Korth of us express appre hension as to the ultimate designs of the Kearneyites, and think they are as radical and extreme ' as the Social ists of the Eastern cities that they mean, if possible, to overturn the es- tablished order of things, and to in augurate a movement that will indeed be a revolution. 7 We hoDe . Senator Booth's view will turn out" to b thp correct one, and that nothing will 06 car on the Western coast to give a shock to our institutions in that part of the world.";, The Washington Post says of the" Kearney movement: vms party is analogdag to the Socialis- , tic associations of the Eastern States . It proposes changes of the most radical char acter in the laws that ; underlie the whole fabric of, government. Its . theories as to finance, labor, the duties ' and powers of government, are jimiktr to those recently enunciated by the Socialists of New York. Our older politicians are accustomed to re-J gara the views or the JNationala and Labor Reformers as wild" and - visionary ta de nounce them as the dreams of - dangerous enthusiasts. Bat the party which Kearney leads on the Pacific slope look - upon the platform of the Nationals as far too conser vative for them." . fr .f ('";-i , Ag we nnaerstand it, the Kearney party proper is extreme, but thou sands . of .workingmen co-operated with it for' the time without ; being identified with its revolutionary pro gramme, or without sympathizing with the radical ' views of Eastern Socialists. We think the Post states the fact when it says: " ; ; . "The dominant idea of most of those who have followed Kearney is to get relief, in some way, from competition with Chinese labor. ..The wild communistic notions of the leaders are, with them; butj secondary matters. It is now generally Conceded by thoughtful men of all parties that Asiatic immigration must be checked. lis evils have been made so manifest that there are few who contend lor their continuance. : TWe;cannota see , hp wthe proposed relief can be secured through mere itateaotiOTxHowcanj California atop Chinese immigration' It is poW- eriess to do so under the Constitution. It is' for the 5eneral Government through-Congress,, , to say; what shall be onerVonljVa.tbenew party i5?.?, y. j:a Active in bringing about a cessajipn M. Chinese, immi gration ia by influencing Congress. It may hereafter elect enongh mem bers to the House of Representatives to make itself felt in i the legislation of the country. ;- ! .'v.'. To show how dangerous is the Communistic movement in Illinois, New York, and other States, we copy some of the mottoes ' that were in--scribed upon the banners borne in a proeession-in- Gbieago on last Sunday: "No rich.'no poor:5 all alike." "'-y1' "All for one: and one for all."' "Without bread we cannot iive;for bread we will go unto death." V . s--- - :-. 'i "Down; with privileged breads", v ' ' "Land belongs to society.1 - 7 "Capital is stolen wages." ' ; It is true the cloud now is ho larger than. a man's haud;but it is growing. We have no idea that it will ever be of the portentous size feared by many. Our people - are; too intelligent, too law-abiding,- too conservative to ever yield to the dominance of ideas and principles that can only end in , na-r tional. bankruptcy, in social destruc tion, aud in individual degradation. JOHN SHUUiaiN, JENRS, ; ANO .y.i. TUi r LETTER. , According to Lucius Q. Washing ton, in his telegram to the Louisville Courier-Journal, Mrs. . Jenks rules her liege - lord with' a rod of iron. Poor' Jenks knew nothing of the State secrets, and was not allowed to put hissmallest finger in the political pie. L. Q, W. says it is absolutely certain that there was a letter written to Weber and Anderson. Of course there was, and the' Jenks says it was her cunning little brain that con ceived - it, and her naughty little mouth that dictated it. But the rea-i sons given by the Herald for reiect mg her as the author of the Sherman letter are sufficient if there were no others. . (See extract under head of "Current Comment.") .;., L. Q. W. says that he learns there is a number of just such-letters as Sherman's to Weber and Anderson letters guaranteeing that in case Hayes is President certain , persons shall be taken care of. . Mrs. Jenks,' the gay and festive creature who manipulates Vnen and runs the Radi cal machine in Louisiana, testified as .follows: "Guarantees were the order of the day,' or in demand at that time; and if tbey had wanted one from the Sublime Porte they could have got it. n ; , r . Just so, and John Sherman , very naturally, considering his character and circumstances, gave the gnaran-; tee that was demanded of him, and of which there are several known photographic copies, Has it occurred to the reader how the Jenks unintentionally confirms a part of Anderson's statement. It will be remembered that he said that he was dissatisfied with Sherman's ver bal promise, having no confidence whatever in him, and that he. told Weber that they must have his writ ten" guarantee. Now, the Jenks does : not mean to indorse Anderson, but quite undesignedly does so in the fol lowing bit of evidence. She is de scribing what she said to Weber, be fore she visited Sherman & Company at the St. Charles Hotel to secure a written guarantee:. ( "I asked him where Anderson was that he had not been up to our place of late.and be said that Anderson was not satisfied that he would be taken care of; I presume I said this: The party will take care of the men who do their duty by it' He said, 'Yes, we have such an assurance, but Anderson thinks we had better have a written guaran tee.' 1 said, vv no do you want it from?' He said. 'We have just written a letter to John Sherman.' I said, 'Is not the word of such men sufficient without a written guarantee? - Don't you think you insult them by asung it lie said he did not care so much about it himself, but Ander son thought they had better have it." i This .confirms Anderson -; in, a very . important degree. ;.It shows conclu sively that Anderson and Weber had talked the matter of a guarantee over and had determined to exact one be fore ; going farther. . It shows that some one anerman, no. doubt .had given a verbal promise. She says, be it remembered,' that - such guarantees were qnite common in those refresh ing days when "visiting statesmen?' were: around. :;-, .. - The Washington .Post, of as late a date as the 26th inst.', reiterates the statement before made that the orig inal of the Sherman letter exists! We gafe a theory yesterday that it was now in Sherman's possession.1 This may be the true theory, but the Post r .'.'ThePa over two months aeo stated that the copy of the Sherman letter was not only in existence, but accessible, and it was the Knowledge 01 this tact that caused Mr. Sherman toisKirt the edges of a: denial ia his testimony., 'Trusting to the luck of its having been lost,' he was perfectly willing that Mrs. Jenks should go on and swear it out ; of existence, but was altogether too wary to put himself on the record.. ; A .few Jenkaes, more or less, don't matter." ,Mrs. Weber's testimony will proba bly, turn, out to be important, i, The Jsub-commlttee .will , soon examine her at her home ; in i i Louisiana, -as she was unable' to - come to Wash ington 6n; account of the sickness of iiechildren;' 'If . Whai we published concerning ',her7. affidavit yesterday turns out to be ; true, and the v letter ...... 4 . a. . . . . she sold tne Jenks is identical in language with the photographic copy, then the case" is made out so cJ early I that the blindest Radical: organ can not fail to see the truth as t isr John Sherman 'will have been" caught in the meshes of bis own weaving, and the arrows he shot "wiiriiave" fallen noon his own unsheltered Date: i , ' v 1 a VVhen -Oonget'a1 cautankerous Radical from' Michigan, offered a con stitutional a'mendment tp the ,'Vffeci thatno claims, upon the.; government from the South should be. paid, '. only two v J Northern -Democrats z- voted against itf Save us from suoh friends It matters not how lust. those claims itkenoagh to damn .them it they .are "Southern." i To thia end; their pay- ment must be prohibited-by -a eohi stitutidnal" provision: 4 W hat 1 swee friends J those Northern .Democrats - The Washington'Pos had :found' a regular bonanza in Mrsl' Agnes Jeriks br as it" delight to call .her, t.Th4 Jenks. Jt is fully, satisfied that , she writes or 'dictates; all of the mis chieVons or disagreeable letters of the day; She ' evidfently' wrote those "ragged-edge letters that gave Ward Beecher so much trouble. , The Post says: - t- . .. "We. undeistand her. assertion tbatr her ''handwriting had been widely distributed! to cover the whole ground. -Persons de Siring: testimony for .the defense in 1 any case that may be on hand, can probably ad dress The Jenks, care of Sherman & Shel4 laburger, - Washington; D. C! All business will receive prompt attention:! 'Entire ex-i oneration guaranteed." o es-e r j 1 - OCR UBLE. ' 4 - 'Speech ot Hon. Jesse J.'Yeates 'in House of Representatives oh "Life Saving ' Bor-j vice." ' An earnest appeal in' behalf - of q' very important measure. "! ' " '' A Memorial Uration by Gov. Vauce," oni the Life and Character of Hon. David L.1 Swain. It is a graceful' and' eloquent tri bute by a pupil to his teacher; by a son to his father in politics. Both the orator and subject were natives of "Buncombe county Durham, N. C.,' W! T. Black well &T Cd..s 1878. ; . "' i Speech .of Hon Joseph J. Davis in House of Representatives on Southern Claims. A strong and timely argument 00: a subject of real interested thejSouthera people. ci-c i-.s A Memorial Oration oa the Confederate Dead delivered at Greensboro by Col. John N.j Staples. This is a tasteful, interesting,! and well conceived address. r .., A Funeral Oration in Memory of William Cullen BryaDt, by. W. 1L, Bellows, D.D., New York. Religions Newspaper Agency. A very touching, eloquent and just view of one of our great Americans, : - Guide Book of Northwestern North Caro Una. This is a needed work It contains a great deal that ' will be interesting to those who remain' at home - as well as to; those who visit the' scenes' described."' A' good deal of the 100 pages i is devoted to the Moravian Settlement ' ' ! "' "'" 1 " ' CUttRENT OOnnBRT. i When old Suwarrow, took command of . the Russian forces in Poland, , by '"order of ' the Empress Catharine, he look "one good, long: look at the half-clad halt-starved, half-armed ' and UQtammaoitioned! mob that defiled before him,; a.nd re marked, "Our mother's will be done;: bat she ought to have either a weaker will or a stronger armyj? We can imagine a still strouger , ejaculation from the legal lips of the, venerable Shellabarger when he took' command' of the Jenki family in the capacity of a body-guard of horse marines to de fend the "reputation" of John oner- man: "My masters win oe done; ont: he onght to ' have either less guilt or better witnesses 1"- Washington Postt Dem. i 1 e .1 .1 The letter is remarkably terse, bein eouched in ' the' fewest words. that would suffice to convey the same meaning,1! whereas t Mrs. Jeiiks has shown herself to be an effusive, "gar; rulons womauy ; who v cad j hardly ex press herself at-j alHr rthont-introdu-; cing some ii r relevance tfTbi cbeibg; her intellectual character, how did it' happen that she was able,' on a sud den impulse, to compose a letter so exactly in the style of a trained bust-, ness man? The very first expression ; in the letter is one -which ' no woman wonld have been likely to use. 'Yoors of even date" has-been received This is a form of expression most unlikely to oocur to any: woman, even in an at tempt to counterf eit the sty le of a pub lic man. - Bat those who judge by iu ternal evidence would rest their opin ion, upon the general, past of the letter -rather than upon particular expres sions:' Its " directness 'and.' business like condensation is quite' alien' to the habits .of , m.ind.wn'ch. Mm Jenks jhas disclosed in this examination and in her published letters. fIt is so nearly like what Mr. v Sherman- might .have written that when jhe; testified before thexommittee he not. only discovered no. internal evidence that it , was not bis, but 'stated that there were things in lt.wmcu.ue inigut uaye written un der similar circumstances. How did this flighty, erratic, loquacious jmagr pie of a woman succeed in composing such 'l6tler?NZ3F; Herald;:lncl .: - - c- -'J4 -. .!Ut3 j The University of -London, hav ing obtained its charter for admittingrwo men to degrees, University College at once takes the step for which it has been steadily preparing during the last ,ten years,-, and next October classes in all " subjects ' of in struction within the Faculties Of Arts -and Laws and of Science .will.be open ta both male, and. female students, Vwbo.' will . be taught In some classes together and others separately1 fl!;"- ' J x-'cv-t-i i.i km vtitb ruq . ODK STATE CONTEMFOBAKIKS. The lorchiight is no candidate maker. It does not intend to Strap the collar 0 any one mun nnnn iha Democratic party. If the caucus sava Vance, we eO for Yance If iMerfimon, theu we support 'Merrimou We are for frinciples-uot raeu. -yxford lorcMight- It is a mattur of utter impossibility manipulate a irreat uartv entirely inthe terestand f or ie promption of one or twpJ hP)intifnl Paulina Mark- menandi sooner trf later sucn eisori wyi, rrimh nnttha vital; nf thfi nartv and leave W. ...WflVV . " I rf. ffoynit Mali. We called attention yesterday to the fact that our University ;is In future to be a Uni versity indeed; that its, diplomas are, f Jo be certificates of nroficiency; that its graduates are to oe experts: mat 11 is 10 eievaie auu ausiaia iuc ureDaraiurr wuwu luiru to be a mosfefficient.ally and not an oppo nent , of the denominational colleges; in short, that it is to be what it should be, a real fountain of -the highest culture. We called attentionnoiher fact "that in pursu ance of this policy, out of a class of ten applying .-.for diplomas in the . various de partments at the last Commencement, but live got them; and that out of a Latin Class of forty-four, but twenty-two passed the examination. iiaieiA (Josereer. POM.T1CALV POIXTSl rhe ij Republicans . should Irun . . . . . , V . ' Mrs. Jenks for. President, now that, the "grand old party" has sought ' refuge iu a woman s bosom. (nerournal.'JJem:' In order to settle the1 question of. veracity. Hewitt and . yva-tterson should be taken to Washington ana cross-exam ined by "Ben JJutler. Cincinnati Uommer eial. Hep.- !i Mrs. Jenks' evidently has:no proper . idea ot the sanctity or an oath Her mind appears to be as badly damaged at was the body of the famous Jrinkatoa. Phikt.Ilec&rf, JRep.;. . -; ,. , i We feel authorized to say that' the Grant movement is not spreading. It had all its spread at the very first jump, and, seems id have ' remaiued sta'Jonury ever siuce.--r Wmt . Jtvst.JJem, o -r1 John Sherman -could have qui ployed Eliza, Pmkston to take the unotiier hood ' of that letter for u much 'less price than Jenks. Is John netting overhis pe- " .. . A VTT V T " . k i nuriousuess 7 wasi ivaw ; Tr . j . t. 1 ... . . . t ., -l-itji; were 1 uaraouaoie: 10 use such a simile, we should be tempted to say . that Urs. Jenks, like Artemu ward s kan garoo, is "an -amoosiu' but onprlncipledi little cusa." If. X,. World, JJem.. . Courier. Jour nah i . Mistress Jeuks, in the parlor P, Wrote the Sherman guarantee. And all the statesmen thought that s'ue 5 Would be the pride of' the party , , , . .. .- JSJrs, Jenks . 'has a tnuon- more useful knowledge .( t things than John Sherman. She knows .Sherman did not' write that letter, butSherman himself hasn't; got so far along as that yet. PhUa? limes?- IncL while John Sherman's bead seems to be pretty well concealed in the drapery of The Jenks, still, owing to his great elongation,' several other portioosor his anatomy are distinctly visible to the naiced eye. Like the man who stole the codfish, John Sher man 8uouta either write snorter letters or hire longer petticoats. Wash. Post, Dan ' P12USONAL. Jenks' wife is a blonde. Grav eyes and pretty little feet a'nd hauds Perhaps the Jeuks, at a pinch, would swear that, if she did Dot actually abduct Charley ; Ross 'herself: she "dic tated" the abduclioo. Post. ... . -r- It seems to be now assured that J. Donald Cameron, of Pennsylvania, will receive undivided Republican support for tue United states oenatorsnip. Madame, Elizabeth. Pattersou Bonaparte's ninety-three years are easily worn. . one is sam to collect ner own rents, and is a very surewd woman of business. .. mm r m . t . .. . . " Lhe Jenks ' nas the ' genome Limerick French accent, modified by the Edinburgh circumflex. It makes a Parisian dance on Ins ear . with envious wrath. WdiJiington Post. " ' ' uut 01 one nunarea , ana seven applicants for admission to the 0. S. Mili tary Academy at West Point, 11. 1., only twenty-seven were rejected, which is un usual , The rejected ones left for home last night.. . - - - "letween you ana 1, says Watterson to lie wit r, and barring nis bar barous and objective western mode of form ing the objective case, we wouldn't mind if it snould forever remain, between them and those. Jtiehmond State. 7 1 Speaker Randall will be enter tained at a dinner hy the Democratic As sociation -of Philadelphia next Monday; evening. . Samuel j Tilden, w m. . a. Wallace. Jonn HeUy, tiov.. JucCleilan and Congressman Kimmel are to bQ.inv.Ued -- The lady, who has. had the mis fortune to be mixed up in the. -Acklen-Ros-ser scandal in Washington is the sister of the wife of Congressman Willis, of New York city. Sheas a widow; and 13 said to be: one of the handsomest women in Wash ington..: .,. -. .,. ..,1.: . Nicholas Cassina. a reputed wealthv Boaniard. has been arrested in New YOrk, and held ' in ' $5,000, charged ; with - abductlnc ; the Beventeen-year-oid daughter of Patrick Collins under promise of marriage, while he is already va married man. ' 7" 7'" "' v7 . '. " 7. "' Speaker'Kandall publishes a card denying a report published in' the" Wash ington Post,- that he was present at a dinner party in Washington ioa; the evening of President Lincala.'aassassination, and that one of the guests produced a sealed pack age, given to him by Booth, and . that the package was destroyed unopened. , , 7; , "JL'The Baltimore '.Gazette .'m re publishing Mr. Alexander' Hunter's state ment with reference to the ' last days- of John Wilkea Bootli,!! ; addst - VJIrJ. Hunter during the war. was familiarly-, known on the (Jon federate siae as tne uareaevn 01 the army of the Potomac.1 - His exploits would fill a volume, r: He is dow a member' of the Virginia Legislature and a writer ,of talent." ' .'-, . " . " 7 ' ', '. ... ,' ... OUXHEIIN ITtMS. - :t It 1 . -v . , - - s 1 i ,,,,-rJLhe city.ot tialveston has Deen unable to porrow, money in IS ew, .xoik... In Georgia the present genera tion have a wajpf. .mentioning. 7the old time Southerner'? as -an articlo .. comoletely jelegated'.to. the garret,. . , f .The ? Bourbon Democrats, s in Alexander H, Stephens' district are .trying to persuade Herscbel V." Johnson to run for Coneress against the little old man 1 Judge Johnson was the candidate foe Vice Presil dent pn the ijpugias. ticket in mw.-fiu. limes. cheering Btate ia the Unioh promises hotter for f ture development than Florida. Already her lumber; cattle and fruit interests are of considerable magnitude, viler lumber: pro duct alone amounts to over 10.000,000 an nually . "But what gives the greater' proT mise to Florida is the adaptability off her soil to tropical prbduction. . L . : zz.--7 ' w,.' ' - 'r -ri J i :V'J ' ' , ! " I 18 luisurpaoseu. - rimiettuu new ijpe, witn a clear, I ' h6..MQmkQMe0.lser- takes this I clean impression la a pleasure to read the WEEK- and hopeful viewof JTloridai .'No Z?tit w7 ' ' . :i ; : DRAMATIC NOTES. r-f '8- Bbucicault will shortly re appear pn the London stage. ,'7 ; i-ri Edwin Booth is announced to lap Dear at the Fifth xVvonue Theatre. New j York, in November. "' It is one of Lawrence Barrett's to rules of action never to anDear on the stage iorcl with a woman Jressedin tiehts. - i , ? ,j'":jr . . , , -v- I 1 .1 .:V-. . I . I . . .nnn .v'-J- Miss Emma C Thursby is high ly complimented , by the London press. She made her debut at the concert of the Philharmonic Society;-and "was immedi ately, i engaged aton sing again at . Henry Leslie's Concert London; on the 22d at the Crystal Palace Concert, and on the 24th at Oxford:''. ' "'Jt' J-1 - A ,; SPLENDID ' OPPORTUNITY T8 WIN A FORTUNE. 8KVBNTH QEAND DIS TRIBUTION. 1878, AT NEW OKLEAN8 , TuES DAYV JULY 9th. ;. 1 .... l t . ' i : - - ' Louisiana State . Lottery Company This institution was regularly incorporated by the legislature or tae state ior jfaacationai ana unan- ibl LPfS8 H 3 51!? a ,of fSx0' I t which it has since added a reserve fund of $350.- 000. :IT8 GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU TION wiu taKe place monthly an tne second Tues day. It never scales or postpones. Look at the fol lowing Distribution V - ' '. L- CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000.;.;. 10J.C00 TICKETS AT TWO- DOLLARS EACH I ' IIALf TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. 1 .LIST OF PRIZES. - i -; 1 Capital Prize. 1 Capital Prize..... '1 Capital Prize... . J, Prizes, of $2500 : 1 5 Prize of , 1C00. ., 20 Prizes of 503... 1C0 Prizes of 100... 800 Prizes of :50. . 500 Prizes of " 23.: . 1000 Prizes of 10. . . .$30,000 . 10,000 . 5,000 i 5,000 5 COiJ . 10,009 . 10,030 . 10,000 . 10 000 . 10.0C0 APPROXIMATION PR1ZES:- 9 Apprexlmatlon Prizes of $200. . . . .:' 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes ' 100... i .... - 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Pnzea, amounting to.. ; ; .-........ .. . $110,400 i Responsible corresDOndinz agents wanted at all prgmiaent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid V f - Application tar rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fall address, for further in formation, ot send orders to . i . j ,i. i 7 HI Ai DAUPHIN, , 7;; ; P. O. Box 693. New Orleans, Louisiana. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawiners are nnder the supervision and .management Of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A. EARLY. . , ! je ia uaaw4w&W sat we The-Newest Music Books ! V If t 1 ONWARD ta the name of L. O. EDIRHi ONft book for SINGING CLASSES for thn rpi- son of 1378-79. A new and freeh collection of the best Secular and Sacred Music, with a full Iastrnc tire Coarse, Teachers, will please examine. 53 Glees, 5b Sacred Tunes, and 15 Anthems are provi- uea. i-nce zy.ou per aozen. Festival Chorus Book ! Compiled bv J . P. COBB, and desiened tar Mnai- cai conventions, Societies, Festivals, etc., etc. A selection of a number of the best Choruses, sacred anu oecuiar. . 111 large pages, xvt per aozen. , The 'Chuck Offering ! Br L. O. EMERSON. As this fine brink rnntftlns a Hundred Anthems. Motets, etc.. all of the best quality, it Is a fine book for any choir; and will be extensively used as an Anthem Book. Iu first de- and it has the greatest variety ever brought together vi o-Huiemo, venues, vaniates, wiiates. uionas, and of all other pieces need in the service. : fchouW be universally used. $12 per dozen. Oliver. Ditson &( Co., .'.'"."'- .BOSTON.. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. I J. E. DITSON & CO. b Broadway, N. Y. 1922 Chestnut st., Ph je 22-dAw2w Wed & Sat Quarantine Notice; JH AMD AFTER THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE, ltriB, VOAKUNTIMS W1LU UK 'ENFORCED. 8 nsaal, onall vessels from south of the Cape Fear River, and on all vessels HAVING HAD ANY KIND OF SICKNESS daring their voyage. - PILOTS AND ALL PERSONS CONCERNED will please take notice and brio? their vessels to the quarantine station ior inspection. ' w . w. uuktks quarantine rnysician Port of Wilmington, N. C. je 1-Staw5m, sawe - Review copy. . Insurance Company, ; OF NEW YORK. ' CHARTERED 1825 SAKIHX T. SEISSOBE, Preddent. HK3BI A. OAKLEY, Vice President. 'J.-.li jr.u " ' ! ; .... . . Insures Aairst Loss ' or Samage ly Tin, ;i FOB POHCIES APPLY TO ,J,.7 7 : JTjVOKWOOU GILES. .. augll-awlyi Sat . WILMINGTON, N. C T, Thermometers,; JUBEN'S EXTRACTS and SOAPS, . Flavoring Extracts, ; German Cologne, . Florida Water, . Bayltnm, , i Hair Brashes, i 1 - ' Shaving Brushes, ' " ; 5 TootnBrashcs, .. Combs, &c, &c , -., . ;,y iror sale lew at r,:..... . Je23 tf' ' GRKEN & FLANNER'S. i 'V'-'Florida'MelonB.1 1200 plorida.watemelo.ns . -; Of the Ice Cream and Rattlesnake varieties, "' ' Becelved to-day and for sale at . , S. G. NORTBROP'S , Fruit aud. Confectionery Stores. ' le28 if Don't be Deceived. - JV YOU WANT. HARDWABE, . '('7 si 7' - --PAINTS. OILS and GLASS :At kuuk. 1JU1TUM. mces, call at -"'. t .. ii Je33tf: " GEO. A. PECK'S ' No; 35 South Front St' . SavaiinaEiWeeklyNews In the issue of July 6. 1818, will be commenced a , i s. - ''.-'- ; - v new serial dj tae popular ueorgia authoress, :i MRS., OPHELIA JSISBET REID: ' KHTITLXD " -"The 'WEEKLY NEWS is not oniy the LARGEST uut this BJSSTiWHJSKLV pubiisned in the South- ernBtaies.-a s. it;,.-? .jot; ';!'; ...i It is well edited.and contains an Immense amount or reading matter, ana its typograpnicai execution and contains the latest Telegraphic and State Na i SEE m T .... A -I 1 1 .... . .. ' juumu, uiwiw j , u aKiiuuuuu ana a uarv ueoartment. ana is salted to the tRstoi. n who desire to keep us with , what is eroincr on in itio bnav world at home or abroad. ' 'Its fresh and entertaining. s. , ,....., ... ( i . Bnbcoption,.,.one year; fa.POj m. months $1,00. Specimen copies sent free. .. . Adoress J. H. ESTILL, je 1 tf savannah, Geo. ' -irk l-L f 1 I '"loCnl Tr ' 1 - laBIBBivadhaJ-SB&MaA. . J.U m .iu it ma n u. j dubo vi huts wura. I . I anil contains the latest Telesranliie anil Ht WHOLESALE FBICES. w.roargujt,uonti, it a&oald bo nmderstood. rep resent the vtio!esale prices gcncrallv. In malriiig at small orders tislier prices bave to be cnarzea. - PE1CS8. BAUGINia ciunay. . . ... . 00 - Dou Di, Anchor...... . . , 00 & Double Anchor A". . Gh . Hams, 2(r.cw) '. Shoalders, tt - Sldes,JM. ti choice, lb :. , Wen tern ismokeii ( tHams. ... . jt.., ..... . . . vtJides, 3lfl .a . . . Shoulders,.... Dry-Salted -Sides . Jbii. ,...;. Shoalders... .,,..... . BBEF Live weight.... .. BAfiUEL& Spirits TorDentls no 11 6 Q Second Hand, each i 1 10 New New-Foik,' ach, '. 00 BEESWAX f 85 rnormera.. .........i J2 & 14 - f BU iTJiic worth Carolina, 9 & 15 30 s: IS' tax ...14! - IS: ;! so : SO! 31 . . 752 S 25, ' 7' 85 & 18 & 13 . . Tallow Adam&ntQe. 8 fit CHEESE Northern Factory 9 t ! .uairy, cream jy ...i.. State, 9 ...-. .......... COi"FEE Java. 9 B - RiO, f fc .t: ...... f. ;. . : 7 -Laguayra. a 13 10 SS 15 1 & COJSNMEAL f.bash&UQ bocks COTTONiTIES- ibdle . . : 10 00 UVALKSTIUB Bheetiiig,4-4yd xa lata, V DUBCfl ...I yi) 5""P ' j : 10 & SO 10 13 a 6 9 8 '4 e ioti aiaciserel, Nc. 1, bt-L.. i 00 o. 1. $ x bbl 8 50 Mackerel, Ne. S, bbl. Ig 60 6 50 9 00 .8 75 8 00 00 4 50 J5 00 ' 5 60 6 E0 0 00 6 75 7 as 7 75 57 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 60 00 . 55 90 o. 2, a bbl ... . Macsercl, No.a,.; bal Mallets. S bbl .......... ; . -' N. e. Mssmng, Roe.tf keg : Dry Cod, PLOait-Fine, 9 bbl.... Saper. Northern. $ bbl..... . Extra do.- " bbl..,.. Family 8 bbl.:!.. 000 aw:. 8 00; 0 00 ! 700j 7 50 I 800 I CltyMUls-tenpsr., 9 bbl.i.; isxtra, bbl.... " ' Family, bbl.. - fix.FaraUj. bbl FERTIUZEBS Peruvian Guano, V SOW) b BaugU'sPhosnhate, " " Carolina Fertilizer, " Ground Bona. " Bone Meal, " . "Flour, " " ! ; ? NavassaQaano, Complete Manure " " 1 ! Whann's FhOBphate ' ' , vando Phosphate, " Berger & Butz Phospn. . Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer 62 60 !' 60 00 i 60 00 1 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 ' 67 00 : 70 00 ; 7000 ! 00 00 f 60 00 I GLUE-r-S .:.....! 9 GRAIN Corn, In store, in oags. 67 56 b2JK - 64 ,( 48 5 4 t 10 0 00 1 13 1 00 67 50 00 0U ;.oi r - 1 0 1 75 ' I - Com. Cargo, ft ooBheL. : Corn.mixed bushel.. . Corn, wholesale. In btm.... Oats, anfebei.... .......... ' "Peas. Cow. oastel...-. .. HIDES Crr!n: S 6 .,.... V Drv. B. : . HAY Eastern, 100 Ele....... . - western, i iuu nsy...... North River, 100 E HOOP IRON 9 ton ... LARD Northern, fi. North Carolina, w .... LIME bbi........ i. LUMBER Cttt StxaxSawxd Ship Btae, resawed, iy M ft RoushEdee Plank. K M ft. 18 00 00 00 14 00 18 00 13 00 00 00 00 00 ' 22 85. ' 40 2 75 16 1 10 90 ' 80 20 10 65 . 00 3 25 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 15 00 18 00 85 00 WestlndiaCaxgoee, according to quality , m m it.......... . Dressea Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com mon. Mft... .... 16 00 MOLAS8E3 New cp iCaba,hhds aew crop uuDa, ddis y gai. . Porto Rico.hhds........ ...... " bbls . Sugar House, hhds, V gal, . ' " bbla. gal.... Syrap, bla, 9 gal... NAILS Cut, 4d to SOd, 9 keg., . OILS Kerosene, V gal 26 " 80 i 3 50 : 18 1 145 i 100 i 40 22 ; 15 100 ; 50 2 75 " Lard, V gal.. Linseed, 9 gal..... Rosin. tral.. POULTRY Cldckene,live,grown spring PEANUTS bushel......... POTATOES Sweet, V bushel, Irish, Northern, fjt bbl .... PORE Northern, City Mess. . , Thin, bbl ' Prime, 9 bbl Ramp, tt bbl RICE Carolina, H&. Rough, $1 dure , RAGS Country, fit City, 9 ROPE SALT Alum, $ bushel. -. Liverpool, $saok,cb F.O.B. Lisbon, sack........... ... - American, B sack......... 1250 00 00 11 00 10 00 7k 8 . 1 00 i 90 1& 1 6 - - -1 23.; ' 76 r 85 i ; 75 . 85 ... 10 10 , 9 9 -' UX X 6 00 . 800 i 00 80 00 00 00 00 suaARcuoa, ,;, PortoRico, y . A Coffee, 9 ft......... b " a...'....... c v . ......... Ex.C 9 Crashed, 103 x : 8tf 8 00 SOAP Northern, ID SHINGLES Contract, 9 X. .'5 4 00 5 50 4 50 9 50 13 00 10 00 00 00 . 7 10 00 7 00 5 00 4 50 3 5) 1 00 1 75 15 85 uommon, y m. CypressSaps flM,,. Cypress Hearts M....; 5 00 00 15 00 00 00 0000 8 1300 18 09 6 00 5 00 1 4 00 500 s 50 20 a . 28 ... I STAVES W. O. BbL,' M.. R. O Hhd., M Cvnress. W M TALLOW lb... TIMBER Shipping, fji M...... auiimme, w ill...;........ Mill Fair, M.....w.. ...... Common Mill . .. Inferior to Ordinary. M.. . WHISKEY Northern, gal... norm vrouna. w eai, wuuji-unwasneo, 9 s wasned. v . ....... WI1.1TIINGTOM HONEY JZlAlsJKKX buy m a. . sxiiusrs.,--101' Gold .....:.r ;....'.i....Par. Exchange (sight) on New York, ........ . H disc't .. " a ainmore, ... Boston......... Philadelphia, Western Cities, . . . . . ..X," Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. . . Bank of New Hanover Stock. . ...... 100 75 65 100 95 120 First National Bank, uawson uanK Wilmington Building SBock, . . . Mechanics' . " " Navassa Guano t!o. - . . . . . N. C. Bonds OldEx-Coupon. .. .14 . 5 . 5 .6 . 1 Do. Funding 1866 Do. " 1868 Do New. Do. Special Tasg..... Do; to N. C. Railroad... .49 W. A. W. R,R.Bonds 7 Wc(Goldlnt) 97 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 Wc. .80 Wil. Col. A Aug. R. R. t " t 80 Wilmington City Bonds, sc..'....i.,1r0 .::. .. . on " . . 'Old 6e 74 . VV...I .... .w Irw " '.' new6e.... hwc New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9.C....90 (Goldlnt) uo. ' ao. ewe:... 70 (Our. Intv W. &W. Railroad Stock U... .45 .. ; .j North. Carolina R. K. " r , 40 . ;-s j WIL Gas Light Co. ,.57 - ' : WUmineton Cotton MUls.... . 25 -; DR. RICORDS' ESSENCE OF LIFE restores' manhood and the visor of youth to the most- shattered constitution In four weeks. FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE. This life restoring remedy should: be taken by all about to marry or who may have become weakened from excess or any other cause.; Success in every case is as certain as that water quenches thirst. $3 per case. Sole Apent, Dr. JOS.i J ACQUE8,.7 University Place, New York. DRUG ' GISTS SUPPLIED. , . aug 11-ly Fall Fashions. MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and Is now usinz the LATEST SHAPES for La- dies and Misses Hats,' and Invites a call from those wno nave aeretorore entrusted ner wltn tttelr work. She is oreDared ta alter old stvles and fashion them: into the most modern shapes. . : . . s -- White straw dyed black when so ordered and in best style. , ,' . RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church: Street. oct 14-tf iHortH CaroliEa at (xettysMrg ; ' A PPLICATIONS 'ARE OONSTANTr.V MAT)R -Jt. tor copies of THE OBSERVER containing the: articles m regara to tne conauct or Aortn Carolina; troops at Gettysbnre. - The number of reauests for' these, from the Northern States especially, has lat-i leny uBcomefo great inat,-oeing-anaoie to supply: them otherwise, it has been; determined to publish: them in. book form.. ; . r The papers on the subject, on both sides, will be reprinted just as they appeared in The Observer, - and will make a volnme of . some 200 pases. ' niL v. rt i i . . . .... n 4. uw uuuk. wiu p pruiiea on iuir wuiie paper, witn ?09d, clear type, and in paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each: to dealers and canvassers at 115 Per MUllUi CU, . t : . t Jr A library edition will also be made, printed on su-: perior paDer and handsomely bounds, which will be soia at fi eacn; to dealers and canvassers at tne rate of $60 per hundred. ""Single copie ireceiptof tne gle copies of either edition mailed postpaid On . pt of tne nrice.. - ' - - -' - . The book will be read v for delivery in a few weeks. ! Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. - . . r . '" Address . .this uttsunvicit, , , . myStf . ---- Raleigh, N. 0. 1 ' The Salisbury -; Examiner . y i uiiaoiunett ia jt ,9 THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS ' DEMOCRATIC rnniea w eiatu auu xr- w eeuy at and is. . , '" Address J. J. STEWART. ' 3e23-t Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury, N. C. 1 NEW AD'VTERTISEMfills'TS. MET HAY! 1S tTLPf1" ?n? and lamina duxrl SfJ?"?? eBV Mooring, The best tob' fZn. A 0Ilr blue Btrip trade-mark is cSw Imitated on Inferior goods, see that JbdW. b!? ' 9neT6tyj)ln& Sold brail dealer SdflV8",6 nji Beautiful Concert Grand Pianos "Derb QrHnil s OnlV 2S!i Kl(ran' TTn.i. I Ditvn $112.50. OrgaDN $35. Organs 10 1108 $72.50. Chsrch Orp-ana 16 only 1 15, .Elegant $3 T 5 Mirror V"" . CO ' 1 75-; . 190 8 00, nnlv 105. IremeDdou, MerifiOT" eloseoot present mock; 'Newgfwm vto AW, A DAY to Agents canvassing for tho w.- 810. $20. $50. 100 00 S 18' OK fSIS .d iaictotiely in Stocks (Options or fZi iTiVSJi!?'0 ull deta u mBJS'o"""2 reports free. Addri T. POTTER WIGHT & CO New York. . 3ankers,35Wall St. READ THISICARD FHOM OAK HALL. BOftThw' AH 00! 60 ; 00 75; 60 ? 00 ; 00! . New guide ior self-measurement ulain lmi fSS,00"?10' .Peifect flt daUafac&852SSe teed, and twenty five percent, saved ! 1 OaR?hTtT tam? 8 -e8tabii6bed ' ClothiDS Vn Tin Amet -' MMOCKS.-VTe are importers anil sale dealers in Hammocks ! 1 B pfe 1 each. On receipt of $3 25 will seadbyma Sir age paid. , , , ' mnPust- Full sizeU; S. A. Bickle-plated Remineton R volver. with one hundred cartridgS T sentlt EfT8?ad,oanypartof tb?cp See5i THE BOSTON SHOOTING SVt r, First prize, silver medal, over all rnmr.;tl made only b'y G. W. Simmons & L fi 1 ment stimiped Sent by mail or express To anad' dress : v . Complete suit $13.00, 77 aa , ; Illustrated circular with samples sent free 7 English Rugby Footballs, Military Goods' MChu. (?. W. SIMMONS & SON, . - OAK HALL, Boston, Mass. Dr.Marchisi'a 15 70 : ; 05 I 66 60 : CO i '5 ! 00 i 115 ! 10 '' 00 & S5 i uterine (1TURI lasu ofThVwombteSIM fUon of the Womb, incidental aS?n?fe' &l'FA' Suppmised and In?lig$& ? An old and reliable remedy. Send postal caSSf a pamphlet, with treatment, cures. MdcertiflSteafm feelans and W?TP lwb&W Druggists-f LS0 per bottfi University of Virginia. UUMJUCK LAW LECTURES (nine weekly) be p gm 11th July, 1878. and end nth September Have proved of signal use.-lst. to studenU who del sifjnto pursue their studies at this or other law ?d' 10 th-e Wh prPee to ad private?, and 3d, to practitioners who have not had the ad vantage tf svstemat.ln mstm Tll7.e. aa ply (P.O. University of Va.) to Jobn B. Minob Prof Com, and Stat. Law. , my 29.DAW4 MANCHESTER LOCOMOTIVE WORK Established in 1853, Manufacture all kinds of Locomotives, and have re ?S.nt2?i?rcIla5ed of taeAmoskeag Manufacturing Co. aU the patterns, patents, and the good will foi the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire in gines and Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared fc receive and execute ordars promptly, bend for Ce 8Cv niw?r- ABM'AS BLOOD. Agent, nov25D&Wly Manchester. N. H. Hew York SHOOTING COAT. 38 42 35 38 : t STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT. '; . First Class in every partltiilii Pleasant to wear, durable, and in tne cud the cheap est, MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out, so tha. may be worn for early fail and winter shooting. Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It is my idea ot shooting coat. I have worn them for several year; auu tt 111 uavc LiXJllC UhilCr. Price for Coat. 25: VRt 4tfi Alan tlii hi..- brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make 011 ly the one grade, aa the cheapest goods do not tarn briars and will not give satistaction. . Also, in addition tn the tmv t am mai-im. : ; : ; ' i - : : i Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut same style as the Visi veteeni goods, not stiff and hard, bat soft and plea sani to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmen who have seen it say it is The best Yet. Coat $6.5 For full Suit, $14.00. . I also make the Sleeveless Coa; Vest with sieevet if desired. Rules fer measurement and samples sent nuou application. . . ... L, SHELDON, "' RAHWAY, N J ct25 D&Wtf SHARP'S M MAUJC CABTBJDSE. MILITARY, HUNT - ING AND "fiRlcitnMnnB Ti i! (,,, . EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU RACY, STRENGTH AND . . ..SAFETY., j No Premature Discliarge Ever Occurs Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibrt 40, 44and 50-10? of.an inch, and of any desired length Charge of powder from 50. to 105 grains. ? Weight tn balls from 220 to 548 grains. Stock, plain; alsi Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe ami Peep Sights;-Vernier - with interchangeable from Bights . and Wind-gauge. Every variety of n munition for. above guns, constantly on hand. ' Prices from $30 to $125. SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY, aeptSl-D&Wtf Bridgeport, Conn. N. A. , STE7JHAN, Jr. . Attorney and Counsellor at law, ELIZABETHTON," BLADEN 'COUNTY, N. C. -.Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied bj Rinaldl&Co. t - i Special attention to Claims. Collections on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, ii Without Suit ' Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Ac., a specialty. - ap 5-l)&wtf PRESCRIPTION FREE. EOR THE SPEADY CURE of Seminal Weak ness, Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by indiscretion or excess. Anv druggist has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAQUES & CO., Itf W. Sixth Bt.. Cincinnati. Ohio. f cb 15-1 yD W . . -High-Bred Dogs. English, lrish and Gordon setters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrese. For sate by E.. P. WELSH. ' York, Fean. jnov7DAWtfvi niowu r.i e wts ,-;i:7: -.7 -7' :. - . ;: : - ( s AND :. : Grave -Stones. FIR8T-CLASS; WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK : PACKED .AND SHIPPED; AT OUR RISK, . .- TO ANY PART -OF THE SOUTH. ' RICHARD WATHAN ft CO,, 57 Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's'rMonumenTat Designs in book fora.for sale to the. Trader ' -i .i.: ;'i T -jec 9 xrav w f. THE VsHEIDERi BREECH-LOADIKG ; SHotGUn. ; ;,Priees, 50 OO to 250 00. MUZZLE LOADING GUNS ' -iU ALTERED TO BREECH -LOAD ING . "C ,' t - Prices, $40 to $100. . .1 Clark feSneider, '.:; L i,i-i; "514 West Pratt Street, . . ; , Baltimore. Send for Catalogue.' ' decSSD&Wtf

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