' " tHmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmtfmtm ,,1 atftaa.MaaftaaBaiaBftaaaaa n!aTwl,T''',ririMrTTri ' THE IIOEITILTG OT AE. cfjow 47i voff.kv'jif pi oiorU"! .:rb xfff-? one sqaara one tftMk' 4. 4alft 'jmM I . . ... 4 . . . .-. . V V ft ft .. . . a to " ft. ft. ft ft. . . ft ' dL . . ' ' . . . - .ft ft t .a ... . , . . ' a v-taVeaaava,;::.? :o..i;:::v - bats Bbaecarrtfoa tal 'adtaho : ' iieyear, (by iiiaU) jrtetage Id,.. $7 00 ix months, - 400 rureemooths. .- . .. :m . . : .... 'tan neouth , too -To City Sahserlbeire.' tteMvered in an nart at th iuy, rteen venw per weet vinr Uity Agents we I act athortwdjo collect tar mere Uuu. tal mwiUia iity. Fifteen Cent per week. Our City A. genu are l(!.-,-OUTI(,IMEI.- . i ft s - I j . - " ? ! . ' The Chesapeake and Ohio Railrotd Com- fciuy;. ha?, eeAeorianlad witb I C. P; llMUigton, of New. York,! as ;Prieii4nL . ' -A. aspentipn railroad bridge at Peters burg, Va., blown down and one man; killed and one badly injured. Alpcbor Line steamerjCapital City, and a cottoo eisTator were burnt at Mempbis thej mf (and paa sengers barely escaped3 wtbtbeir f lives; total loss $200,000. .!A.U the persons arrested lor suPDoaed consolracr la the at- I , liberated OperaUons at the collieries in the Schuylkill country have been sua- bended: 2.500, persons will be deorived of L employment - Great excitement ,' i0 I -Us ,n.n.-lL I rrr: , -r r I! TrT" Zr;; ZrZrr ? aitavu vuuu v;, gcuciu au pro i longed war' expected. ;-U New iYock' marketfi- Monev' uiv t 95U. "."LS UUtWcenj; flour, shade stronger in fait demand ; corn a shade stronger moderately active ungraded 40i5T;cents; 441 Wl, " h '' i DEM00BATI0 TICKET. t -v r ,'C .! ( -.- ..'..ii 1.M 'j!-'- v.': j o'dgatf ;iapreena'.Oaart t ,VY. N. H. SldlTH, ..ivlS, J 2 (OA AS80CIATB JUSTICSS f, TH08. S. -ASHE ' V;.1 - '. . !;! ; " "of Anson, i ;:! JOHN H.ILL ARD, t : - SXYBNTHSIST. . :.t'y ' 'j"- j. P. i GRAVES, ' '' :-' - 5 or snmr.;;, j ' ' . KIQHTH WSTBXCT. ' ; , "if i.-' t: " ALPHONSO C. AVERY, ii.) U-iA Of .Broke. I , ' i(SftVj ftvuwy 5 1 i I JAS. U. ftL. (iUUliEK, of HeywoodJ i Far Solleltar t ' -"-'.'! : - '" THIRD JUDICIAL - DIST. SWIFT GALLOWAY, ' "! of Greene.! The latest sensation is the confes sion .o f Eliza jPinkstonj John $her- J4 ' maa'a special friend. She confesses she lied throughout for' the promise of 1500. -Whar wtljShermaii do f If the Jnks should fioyj- go , bacl on him be would be poor indeed. Ander son and Eliza'.have blabbed.' .Anes aioue remains true. i v . i ? - i T m" .1 i a u,,"v" " iAf""?"rt"" n 4 th, and at an. elevalio of 4,000 .feet n a at a 1 1 m-w a n mw iniAinnin nn a n v cubic feet of gas. -The jyoun ady has made ''manyj ascensiana, 4,ani re' ceutly at Elmira, New York, acrpwd hf t.vvpfil v'thnaaand neraona oazed" at I - - r. 1 l,pr .narilnna narfnrm.na in mid air. ... oir-Aeriea.ar.ai. ...ailsid. , Jane 2p. . Tbe'na tbia.morning, speaking ' i fof AliW4rieaniriob;a 'to2 v. participate IP tbei foor-oared racf at Henley on the :. 4th of -. July,; says: "The Shp'wae cae-mette's style isj not snch as we are accustomed toV' se in England, 'as they dribble their bare along the water and bucketiorwarov niUB Euviifiiuvan wuu , thodgh opinions differ considertbly .- a ft.. ai...i j ikitW rian wu kueir epecu, ucjr aLpi vacua uib not covered the coarse in abythiog like first-rate ' time: The .Columbia itiov atalr tAc-AfKor-ti-iae' f riair ft.Va and em more after tbe iiJifflisb anu legs more !,w,!gu fashion than the other American Uuri to whom lbey at present" seem to! De superior. - s ! " : : 1 . ', The raU-MaU Gazette prefers Sho-wae-cae-mettear H n fth Tie' tiollcit Oar ar taa Beaaaa w c .:.! x . ' w nnvrnir jnnii'Ki i .. . . dft,ft tfftkM.-' S TT LU - A II : i 3 P "rlTSTi - lo-oay was ine nowest or me aaa - son. mt - a a - rvv j... xne inermometer, was wu re grees here and K1vei3 jBnetion Lowell v 98, deg 5 degt-es.at -.Bangor; Me., and - - i a 1 nn.dAorraaa nt MinnnMtsr. N H ' I !. -- TftBT- , .-, .' ' t r ' 1 1 hor Carolina Farmefi for July! js in- Delonged cost him two hundred dollars, 102. deitrees at, White: h """ " cfftftii '-rnA dift. i. i.w.r-- Thtta Utimoorata..- J., jj. jtranKa. paaa ai T.avnia N l Juno iteea ana ni jreoianu, are capui- rees at juaconia. xs.?l j .j ... , -Sftti,.. aaw tc " " a sv si dbdu wiiii au i unusuauv i terestmg- table of i contents. It is - n, 1 1S& be put on the delinquent list. .M' tu-. rAJ, , zdi no tiuotl Zi Jot j ' ,kr'W:-Bernard; and is devo(ed are tbe Democratic .nominees for Senators ffiVS W-nira! acodl tittia whW riatf i ity la3?rP CMPST chieflv;H ej dismsfiotilof agricW io the First Sdo.tbrlal DVW r-auA MoWM? S PPf turaf subfects.-CAar Jo.rAaf vl Klabeth itylCa Wf? Ofi-CmnUrtK :m l:1 . ia-lleaiia t Camden- ,c6t.ij.y deemed tt jvfSad "J f v - a, LL, , - ' - -tr ! I inexpedient to nominate a party ticket. ; A and December as the dates ,tlxsi;coi ' 7 ... t v. AVLJ ii- It I T!3r,"Viw- i- t. th. mA Tt ). m...- rhBrirrumt nf th aemiannual terms of the 1 .v L-.AivrWlUi'ftiftJ p9n?Hrvf ttjfdWWf tba74'ffiSSS 1 " TT iMmm& Sala J wasrldtoortwlf f h:, CharfWr:.The e . Rnn,mmtMMtm when h( el?, came, dowa on the train .from mule was stauck by iigbtaing and instantly" Charlotte, 6n - Wednesday tight, and ad- be located here they, will spend, UJjBhMw f1?01 PyJSiMJ.Ti i aSiwf " - riT eafi : kUiedThalne dressed a crowd i eatb ' " ik-rx rr. Y.O.L. JLXTT "NO 88 r JPROITI WASHINQTVN. flew Feat ares of tb Fran4 IsiTeeH- ItttOD-Packard laeAlfled Creed -: oia tike Leatslana Caee JSllza Pinlca-; Special Dispateh to the Baltimore Sun J I Brpokahlre for; the Senatorial district, eote . 4. . Wi8HiNOT03r. Jane SOlJ posed of RichmoiiandMontgmery.J . i t :.. : -1 indorse Steele for ConjfteBS and Vance for 4 Ui-AJtAKU S CHANGE OP HE1BT. !&'" "1 xiio wjswmooy oi jar. rackam De- uo tuo AJuutsiMHa. Buu-commiiiee, ax, says.Air. jonn .xoungaiv present me New Orleans, yesterday, shows that Chairman of the Board of County Oommis he has still considerable heartburnini? fioners, wiU canvass Batherfotd; county as over th reFneel nf M TT.aa VA!r.Z I K i"i u" r "vi".r7't although his disappointment hasten somewhat , mitigated by the; office which '. has been conferred upon him. t Mr. Packard, like some other Repub " hoan witnesaea who hv Wn nillart before the . Potter mW down hi. sentiments and ooin ohs j p .1 P"1? ired" P"vale Icon : luswuue, UB I ch better of the commission Uent gentlemen composing 4 it wool'd have thev could hava nnria it anil t wnnlil - , y v va 1 nave gladly recognized him as Gov-1 ernor. ; This is a .remarkable change ! nr. p.t.:j n:.rAn. . uj. u m Mr. Packard s.opinions, as h has several times 'assured the writer of nom wu tn rtrealr tin hia mvrnman I and that its influence was exerted to induce secessions from his Legisla ture. Mr. Packard also states now I that be oould have maintained his fovernment . witbrout- troop if! the 'resident had only recognized Jiim. At, the' time "th e r commission was in New Orleans not a single member of Mr. Packard'agovernment, froni him down, but what openly. admitted the i I. entire impossibility of euch a thing. wa cast for jHayesi MiviSherm in his letter to the Potter committee I asiuag vuh uppurtuuibj 1,0 iprovti in- i timidation in i Lonisiaifa in 1876. of- lens 10 prouuee nunareaa oi witnesses i in BUDDOrt of hia allegations. I wit-I nAQflAB fini1nnKlu1v nt .i'Vn .TTKwa I any trouble and with Va very mpde; . . a .;.t. .. i t I rate expenauure, get , tnoasanas ot ine plantation; negroes -oiif:iiOaiaana to swear to ! anything hel deaired I Mr! Sherman was one of lhA Rnnh- 15na iiitino- 8titAmAn vhn tnnV tt. mivit' tntr.nil m th At tat: clamor ovei- the Pinkston' case. He was present when ; Eliza was brodsht iuvu luoruviu wucro j tuo xheburniBg Board was assembled, stretched prof- trate on a sorv;her t gaping wodnda -.11 f- nk. .;..i.:.. k. eiUuSou. ouu f euo DllUUUtUUI': mo edition of a dying woman. , With what indignation the visiting itesmen heard the story which1 j&he r - ? - i i - - -r - cans or uouisiana naa 10 unaertrp at 1 ine nanas oi tne wmte league ruiT J flans. - Now '. Eliza Pinkston sWears, . .-;-1 r . i l by a cored anrandj r a i ar i I wiwJi I nlAAAil ftASO nf tha monv in th hahda of U: iireWSter, One Of tbe -HaYeS electors, and has; never been , ale to 1 g aJ k.0 tni? dyd( J 4 STATE POLITICO - EdfireCOmbe has three Republic VUI,UliW Ul UIS WlUi I . iferquimans Kepublicans nomi nated L S. Blaisdell for the House. 7; tjor. j as. .B., Dimpson iSft. tne a-e- mocratic nominee in irpia tor ue aouH. VTasquoUnk RepuWicans Unith f nla fn tha Hmoa j jXtkm - .... ' . t- 'Vir'atte I n Tk. i f r i I i l.; Camden and rasquotank Kadii1 LAi have nominated G. W. Grand for the 1 solicitorsnip ortnat aisirict. " : ' Rv.:iIrm:M, Kerr, Repub- lican,wi tor tbe House in jaectienDurz. i, a--4 l HV.I J The-Republicans of fBeanfort COaulT ulCk UU iu iuui uu. auu uuuiiuaivu 1 -. 1 ft- 1. - I X a l 1 NamiiMi nnnrn inr imirntHiuKLivB. a . t M'"-' V; r,, I,. nLVL.X.rrr.rt iAt - inr niiifi avnn i x.khiihm .ur tun iwiTjsy'-Zffl tJ - i iiaiia inr liid a-nzm i no nominees;, I . . ... .. ,.- tm - ,a- m : ' ' j iitj.ti -.t ..v 1 y' t'oitrToa'-rausi , ,c rom f wuaii 1 --y-iiaWttia T-rVird l will be several independent candidates, in 1 Ahaoa Cdtihty this year. , r , Jp,tfwi j from' the steps ot the car. THe Bpdke en Intai I aI I lAmAAwal ia mfimiH aflArl . I v.1a m ftKaa aiiaAAvtliA4l la tlika a.dnr in I . - . . . . i . , , l , ft- i -r j j M f f J tea V 1 S SSSb whTSop l.eOT-2waiSl: DistricVwmaddrtaSthepe otiMohuaH maiming of herself! TJo storyj jw.as 8MpccteQf .veragelyield. WilV be at Burgaw on the 9th inst. . u1 tWdaysaW BWarW avV telegraphedall over the land, to;ap- msde in this secUonr mink destroyed rL;-' 'ic ' . rUji 'waiWterW'iS Ta2pMUonnere pear in alt the glory of displayed forty-five, chJckeaa, for-. Mr. , Jacob Milter -i The Wilmington Distncto.Con Xi&XLm&i? 3.aVUI U iM ..4If.Y;t.g...l ftf. .....ft.. - : fiftj.ft.1 . .! : 1 tm J l I Vi- 'WEJiiv7-lli II . . II II .W. L i W I . -til . i . I .11 TT" i ij i r. i u II'": 11 . it ..rOJ.nn ru:rv. ur - ir . i i . . .. ' coaragingl y of his prospects; and aaid mere - seemea . lo oe, - unaninnty. o juairq ; among tbe people f or bis return )q Copn cress.' i -ii t i' lUcbmori Iiem Kjinntn t fsi-w f -vj .i-. corresponaeBl oE the Kaleigh r UD vfrfr Kepre8eutat.Tes. -r , having come from three or four different sources, that Jadee Merrimon will take the QmP ne w,k''hJee?, h,i8 -ftp half or that of the State ticket, is not stated. - Gold tfcnfferi Captain W .y has opeued.ihe. canvass. yve iearn mat ne maae , a most teutng Bpeech at Beaufort last' Thursday evening?, UD tlie 4tn ne WUl SpeaE atCDOW HUI, OO Kinston, on.the.8th at Mount A t0l0 ;tii Ki K.Jltti' Th nvr.van. nHumu. .honinw auw vvu uuMwis ftvgtaa mvciviuwij disgracefully.1" .Every effort to proceed was drwned in confusioa.he Means !dee- gates came prepared to break up the iCon- Mention and let the candidates run tnde- pendent The chairmen of the delegations Odell by a vote-of eht to' three. Johnston gional race between these two genUemen. - ea'ew ;aai''.'.i.';: ;. j Niv vv;iv aaa iwivivuvw sv uiw waavon Spirits Turp entine. cou county; li'deaWrg:- ! irv: vniy;aoouv,4 orpot wneat was Bflrae tar mjM,rwamti . . t MltoOTp Hf .EdmtmdSODL of e rrrifntv."'ilifiit "an thin' fi?th nit" t - 'Ail Greene cntydjwi the 2?th ult, J Guests from uMrsl3sipi f i and iaum eaet i.,t ii .- . -,- s ruptcy are those made by Dr. J n ura- nam, oi unarioue, ana jonn j of Laurinburgl v-jj i erndon. toe barn of Mr. !iL ton, W8S deStTO" burned about a month Accordm tS- thli :&s reUrt B' of lhe Amtteor PrXssociatithatet at-Goldaboro. on iaat Saturday; the W. A. Davis, of 1 the Oxford iercKUgJa? I made a capiUl ipech. "Hooorable" ifl no-, as S00 " OlTAKIZCa-ilA l I -- Kdyal!eWriTIie corn ;and .f'Sfe I own mfth thfemkitinisad h . . 12 i . rrni.M AAi nn,tnA- I veyances . td iake, lhm , to tb r ir a a ivi wa aiuiuv tvi u . , yed by an, incendiary! flrcf. I Tbursdayi 8 a uu ma K...- .Kn.. ..ik.l ii..4. . i ir:C )0! a? UiilJ;!.; . llu j i our manniaciurera, 'in Wff urns Bpaee tai.l,. rtht aWT i.nrthist. fallinri fol- timd,aaslntheadjournmetof rr. I .ava huti Ahinrwin tvlThin lha nut vut I , T r,;: rMm. . w 'r -w -KKi .ml. th jIc I zensof Lowesville, next Thursday, in f er- ..,,.w . - ? . t - i voen crop in uu coqi.it upposea oe mai aii. tA.Tr.in a at on a i a , . i ,w-w t.--6. 7777; I week which was acurierity.' It was Tcut iirvaurJiunu as iuvbi w ana am a numuiBiiiBii iu thisplace . - I ' uenaersonvina i '-rln li 8aid thal judge Schenckia very sore ver hia defeat, -rwenuej nave been operating in Henderson ;and 'Transylvania counties, for the past ten days, made a raid on the "Dark Corner Moonshinen" on Mon- I Gay last Walker Nesiman and Jack Fiiher I nrn enntared and 125 rallona of whiakev I IUEU liUWKS Ul. V Om. X- UUE1 Kill III 15- membered the : I -fall i tern i uuicnes Goldsboro 3mner: We lekfn I W. nitino tha fnrlif lava anil nil Inkd H the present season; three llrms at TMagnplia I v..- .1.!. I TUmHtatu AlrMAtikA hnnnnninliu. ffi cePaof the bad "Mcebfintf'the m r.Wffta-lTafiW'faa t ih la pOSitionhe eiecUon bf-prfesi- tae comnaiw o u ... - ... Mtut. a VV LUft 1VO UUI UW VHIV. I t . has been the:haii V". !"J by ourreaaers as the reader! or I kiwww-m rTO r . . . f v - KaDg Ul IUWUIUiU6( UV I UUCU j IUS I OUt UUHlUOBa IUCU AMU kl)CU IBtUilca( lya I HaaHklle f TTanAaranrtvflla (HMmu am and at. I ..,? : 1 :i'i'!liiL ' Vii'I ;iiLiiyl:53If"5v . - rar. ' 1 uuie recretuuu m mcuithuoi uu iu uisi, iimu wiion. rtedtoreacaaDSeormsnamxtom tbAl. 'L-. jv j h - u jlvn.-J--i aitliiua"r5u W-.Krr-n orianoruorn. - 1 -v "rr."srrr .,w,!!,j?T.3"BTJ7T:fr 1 "OKSfawoiawuia . - v . i . - j v .-.j - 1 ii..iii at a rn a ariiamap miAnz rua lnnnniin 1 n a at ..1 j 14 yCaKna Central lUBwiywho s Observer. For seyeran!Kwrtii--.ai.a-Ji .oWi tis J uf 8 .:r!':ftTiK.V"HirV-c1.Tl - ; M -.A.ii-jjr.lT h uJtr i nriiiianr siirnKiw uh : mrtrH kdu cicuau. motfonMiejiM.euiw mingWn'Auguaaeveralp plMes,; ..Tlftt ,ftft.kU ta.Uk iiftlV WtfalaAnnA traced the occasiorr With their; We&erice. 1 au the nnurveatfia Doruonai-tnB sma ftAUtneuninvesieaporuoaei-ine smB( North .Cailiia -RAad"! WWW.!WmW? f Companywas iifi.tb wpen v IVilson Shober, of Ureen8Dero? JUT Jnru - 1 cessfully with the name of a new; apongi t : c;, WEDNESDi Moqre's woods, a, aajority callifl I iti'tW,! "cnarievBeaLT . , ; W y the Uiee;riplcd for the noi juivw 1 Kntendent of the.CarnA peato tlfat lroal to man ana recevoapr;wafoia,.rpiaiiTe to thelocation of the CQmdany's' shbps In :tbi;ci:.Tleff7lk tp;iba4;bldvf Jaiicol6and-befor 4kisaeoabling btithe CbarlotieiC . rrrvA. Cbarlptte man, whoiaa Uhariottei, . rrrr jl unariptw man. woo -naa beeR trayellipadown South ayspiat a great many SoRtJi LOjnpUM ueorgia people are sp6"nd Bros. tteia last noveii nas soia oetier inaa any book they have bad in their atore-f or f ears!' asSs?.: She SoiShern ru? crop. Vwti near so large. 4 OuBiof our citizens is in receipt of a letter froM. aproMheok eitlM- sen of Davie, sayieg tbat-ithei saockhblders .of the Danviite; Winston audi Moorisville ! toad met in .Winiton oa the1,. 26th irismnW M0iSS? n98?!0- thS..te: ot -worm uaronnei w w iuuuu iu wuu s aaI.-Mpte.M:Thew;w tnir of ihB'wockholders in Hocksville on the 17th of July for the purpose of cok-1 plating the arganizatiod iofa the-compaay4 l-i-uri a nbw aovaBTiuniBirxsJ .6. Gi PABSLBT, jB.-t-ShingUSvi,;!! t H-etisirnr Redncttoa la Drices. n i . rr... ' ' lift l-ft.Viy ' 1 - j t RAmnvA the rnhhish from' the li ,- , . . t r t I . - t i, --j 1 streets,,.! . .., Vi!; "'t"i -i.i.in vi u The Mayor his ordera thejGity - . . . vi ... . r .. . . ft tii,-.', at ... I " Hall tobecloMdmorxow.1i . -mma jBlbtinti colored, wa ar- ' jLL ii.:wift r. Al;nL iiaMi. "eu .ye8Uru ";.i"u T deily on the streets. , ;. : -,; V ; r There is'some tilk of , chabfeing1 a . t j .-.- i i - r " t ' , i t ' G rVpBEHCH A; Soksti-Boots' ana shoes.! wJW V? XflKW'm'iV'r Local Dee. ; ' " 1 , , bees Ukea to the hotel near bv, where he backers isgitten nt sharp hearJy :.,iiika affair. Heaton. ori tha Other hmni deF .; ! ';:':! VHJ-L l 1 "I Several of our Charlotte friends laoands on, -ir '. friend laBgaeatft thatni some ge b riverVfoir Tbsday; : ,B;ing;put lydur .i i.ieieeraDnea. vesuraay ana . engttKeu canoes aad b.teaux.bf- h nw 1 ' 1 i ... .., .. , . : s - w)tU v;M?Bg;:awidefalilyu Ij ;,. . - T - T - j - CT HT rii V j ttw. I Unoer Division, to date. fooU up 41 whites I ion colored. Total. 150. XLowet Division WwhiteaTiri om'XToUL 128. .j : I f?f.ntht. winda. baeki VHSW.Wafti W' i wuiDrr uu iikbi iuui. ue un.inuiH.innu ,". "Tur7v . . rf-'l! We aWedaestad'lo' sUta ibai 1'captl Swift ?!Gal i . i'j-.ti.-i;.itiv i -i. thB l lth j buL v ws i ttinVJ uuui point i , , r if 1 1 T i t.::iv.K.iMiiii. itertegiaUfttiOrS.i. " - -" - a -"- - t--- are to takd paftina Ike: ad mission is tf W put at a figure that willenable nearly tJ.j&rafl9ft WBjfdfceftjlW z.ju.Xa-mrurna-3 i johjo-.u JJnnng tbe, heated . teres l eoja id jiot our places oft buiiaesaV eapsclally ubo w on sUled day ii daring the l 3.j i 1 . -nV'L ' . I. -2 " l.l'ii.fti.i: lil From,iJe ' mal t - I hAn onita ancceaaful and remunerative td ' , , 1 . in"! d nu -atoe- io iood I r . ,,t i mi a dr. i Mjr!.iILi I Um . ii-iuuJ.iioa i.btiiAi io au.i i a.. 1 Tir.iu k.iii.i.a ra.iNAaai a tnitrw 1 aatiiaai navi ai aaMMaaaeM jaauaaaHMa I , ft . W - . ; .'vk.ll? '..... 1 . I: inHlkatamirmaaaH -OTOiv k'WWS iu jea - - 1 lexqay a paper aaitoeimraii jimyiMej en f ver.sawme, t. io aifltJ . a - -a ' ' - " - t r . Theard met;vea at T 1 j f 4 i - rli "T.VT.'V- i' .'lii aLi .I 'J "VI" . Qonvniasioner Uolmesvi'i. yd 1 t-5 - . - . - . ' I . i, lt.waa.jQroerea. coat : ten jaaya. swore r oe i -. . v,.i.-.v,.i..:,v.mi.)U fiw.iTOWilfm 1 jtt to list at tleitionoI thattima lh in intaraapain;ii 5ft is free from Opiattisv'. I Wpic la society circles "J fTf ajryjtnexf JfffViffi ,.fVSf mlmA fr Wtasteaatba Meaam!Boatt1gb:t! & Ti;iisJit.jiai:TIs . - 1 .-M.Sid'ii :.f-.t f't! Ji 111! i.r. JULY S.. 1878; - moi iMIUkT a U&d&k.'ittM Fre! omi jutP AaaryHtay Bart 1 . , Yesterday morhlog, abodt a quarter to 10 ;q j '1 i.t t. i . r rr i,?,. jjjgrrwtW !Wajmsf9Mgi' uuft . im uics uw- !ton Vassed-tf xtnkt 'direlOT and! upon parties suddenly commenced a furious tack upon ifoster, -giving him two severe DtbwI'wIlaeWanKUuckJ The .Kii,to A.i.t vi. wi LliiL W6w :riight Poster to hi knees, whiicbJtlmeJkft)hadgt ibis pistol out;i e9CM .lWedJiiku Beaton' hO 1 backinir off and flred bnt4witlw W t"r: . J out effect. Be . then took deliberate alhV it Heaton aW Wast: aobuiJ to fire I'the'SettuBld timWheW Bla'arm waai and- deairy seized by one WaSb. Qreen, dolored . aud Mve poist of. theweapba turned jup as &$9$& MlAtil 89lnS tbsogb the 01 uie coouict. ai tuia juaciure aoutoer fcolore'd'maQiaWtbl'.ddWfeocbed h i. soot it from ouaf cawreo ttiaa ainf made a wreavquujg ffiqnMMQtNQB.iaai it aa miena- I remained for somei time in .nearlv tin nn- conscious state, suffering-from the effects .1 I.l- J 1 1 f ffr --w, ""wwww waa. . I I idler nn thnnartipa minttil twi . ihl Burgaw,' who,' after hearing the evidence in .'aL;.. t -.J --' .it.i-; i u -m-j -. i J 'vi'- rae uetenaaow -w give I bond in tbe sum of $260 each f or their ap- pewabce at the ppwmchiki5ieimx.d; the I convenes next Monday, which was fu: niah-, ed and the parties were released. ;,,'. a uv eaa w u ja aaa iuudibuud aaatD DiairiiftU'ciii i : . T . .1 lclarfea,that ah fte;waapancth pdi Where I suiting remara to nun. whereupon nemaae m assaiui' as aboWstatetfr ; . . i . aAt aAii' M'i.dtri-UL& aM liJiiii I , wi; t r. v a.t,waj"t aw i mrmmm aaaaai, :lP - aiMMaiiM)lsjaii!Uuaui' - . i . . i i-, ti. - .rTf vnf 'fi.TVi'1 1 colored mQiv?dnal,awiekatgoWt Pi)day on his premiaesr when he fired upon hrray aadvlhongbtaftfeUowxBadeoff,he (auh-; I bart)iiwwo90iHletili that ha struck hinu TWs is iWlproliHtjW r i- :i - i i i i . . j i. jL- i.i.tji njfuiia ujt, rs-..i ri Caaaaaarea at tka Varr. -1 1 .t ?! iftDjireierfDoe to tie oooaa ai me'- vustom t ISotikaahT thiaaiiir mil fiftf InatUhe' ftilwV . . . :-- -. r i iintaJrw(JAUil.sr loiinaji I a35L4JgalU4r4ritato JVr - W:. .7 " ,11 0 1 auvjaiaa B3iiui ji Jf s j-iurwg iWWtnta ame teasel leauirea tleared tWfofelgav parts.1 IAfediiftftBombwitidtl ftfKaB ff venHPR yefr ra . ' terday, jeM flfm btbf .'tweinty footer ofiiegaieayvu ftWuji&mapaon ana from the codven- Hblmaatreaidedj ?"- ' J r. J . . 1 . T TO"UW' w was, -we unaeEr l y u wuuwuai uyiu -nijinaHr'lattiila03 1 1 tuSfttiofrmtnaisfflcta r ' I The Flra-aaa ,. . qi ..v.a ;,i - t - . , .1.- -r- - . "ll--;. .: , McWa .to and iaaii diiavannhw r..rri.m,sr- -.vi-w i ; at a 4 was unbesiUtiqala accepted and heartily a f - v 1 8t!N"'iW VMirVnim'jii f ioiir .iV ' I ' ' V T. - tlaaiaaaaa I 1 Ui- l,faWaiJaa4aBaaVy' 'J 3f: i ?"" a.r . r. j . folldwh report Wthtf'airiv HilUf tiwjjML h&.itti&itiMh of have dancing in it to-morrow. A la VOHUUIl mi lTfriMnfll 1 V T lawiiiar Lalf-T . r ' - . ... - . 1 i . i. . rJOftiJt 'XmGmWal 3,402 VtmoeraMeConyeiitlop ,a j Stasi Wrd." A.t a meeting or me iJemocratic iCxecu tlve Obmmittee' of Pehdefcbttniji41 beld ip &Mowa?pf ptanfofd, -JWy. Ast,it was aW imously agreed that Convention, pf tbe jwnuwiue party do ueia m olaBIoraf 'OOt. candidates for the Legislatore and couhtv fofQs.HaJ,!iii.iiiiiviu y iv is f ... - .The township meeBgs.wilJ .be 1 held' at the usual polling places on Saturdayi Jaly fithJ', Rar.fi trwrnihin will.inBntnt'ifl.vIi 'Aala gates to the Couatyi Conventipas J W is re commended' that the delegates ' W elected. by ballot " Thefol The following resolution was.. passed as lowing resolution e'xjpresslog the f eelih ressmff ine leeiratroi tl or the Democrats of - -SecWiwti. That we.oDDose all indeDendent 'cSnaidates and' tbat' an v ' "DetrirW.i-t who aeeita a nommaiiQO: jtrowt the dKepnUlicaas .... . .. . - - . . . rr.-i"-"'.4:Ti,--uLftiL; shuts himself out from all, sympathy and support of tbe VDemocra't.c' party ! r4d U a raUpri$0!;thatirBrtyJ yiiii-10 iml u D jV.J ... Uf it. 1T J.! a-l ,-.k ftUfi. 5 .uommii Gko. F. Lucas, 8eo'. ad ii. " . i:.ilM BliADKfli POVTI.. ii. i- .illii K'fci. til f ill..! h':-wiULlPka-'', sruranant to previous twtCtf'UaTS was a meetinir of the. TJemnaraldn. vnt ftra Bethel Township, on Saturday, .June 29thf for the purpose of; appointing legates to turuicr u meek ai Xiiizttoeioio wn dUiFDlp., and the: latter an Clarkton iJul V 9th7' i f aa?a&MfS!L"ffi i".. ubiicui icuuCftiicu 10 aci as Decreiarv. oi The' following list of deteealesi Wefe on -.f.u uvuuiji vuutcuuuu ii, ftftA. nuite,' Ai jo. aicixeiuv u; J1-. lAiian,: i.-uafrw, JD, To Senatorial Convention 0. ..- i tj Aivon. Joe: Gillespie,, J4! p4 i Willisy n j . -n ja -u i Un motion the deleeates wero. instructed to cast' their votes for the 'following ner .7 i . . . ..-1- ..:-,. - i lit y I . aonat. m t"-;- .'lo gJifti'i bavti I For Sheriff, John Mpnroe: for Qlerk, Angus Munn; loritegisteY'oi 'Deetn, J M- ftBeaaoa; for Surveyors -If. iGBlasni iorjoroner, jl. oh. jticjMeui: for U'raeJurer, R. JtJjeiaae; for RRnrRaenUtive. Xrvtne Shaw; for :-atof,yV-.riMai On motion, it was ordered that tbe i pro ceedings be sent to the &T.tB for" tfuolica- lmot.ratli ' Itteetlhtt J in 1 Atfoatia' - VijHyp iRawikBMlrrffi i" ln j . Thft namft.i;...t....( I ll..il.llll.X.t ship metin' Convention', as' Ykpp6Vnte jby the County Exmavf.Commejum ap point five delegates to represent, our T jwbM ship in the County onvehtidn,'td' he held at ift?abelbt9n(ion MTnWti&$l9 Mr. J. H. Thompson was elected President! of the: Convention and Jv-WV 1 M. uieod'S ecre- ffavv ' " t lipp -dJv".n2"-dJ' , The following 'were appointed? as etew; gatea to the Codnty CfaVeution?iy. ; Thompson. R. C. Jordan. . R. J: . McBwfn? W B.1 Thompson and T. W. M. Leodiaad ftf ft. A O - ft. I L 1 j , if '. k . . . . 1 ft i.vr.uio DcuaiDnu viunTnHoaj o ue neiu ap Clarkton, to choose a suitable candidate" td represent Bladeh and Brunswick coubtieaj in the Senate of the State. .'Messrs. Z. G. Thontpaoa, D.iLJJacksonkdd J!.i'a;Srhit Also Messrs. J;i It 'radsoawfhad1 u. Jit Williams were appointed a TOWnsaipExe-, Mtiva, (Vvnifiiillaa S.uir ii hs'iiia nil? I Ji. A Jloved and carried! that? the' proeediiig& ne puoHsnea in me imii.y wab a bo' copied in the Weekly rrUrfiadU ydi aoob f vfr . lo i up. fii.7TmaiPsoi. PfetSueAt ij w. aii ojbot, oeey. .j3;J'-ft baa ysi iu!lii j-.i- 4f.l'-3Ul.u ,Ti j"Til-..i J Je liOfiftt fkta bai.ii aao aJJ no t-ivicor Jtnaiptar: no. :Mb. Enrroal T&e eitioe law TniW the booki fpHhe reiratoa'0f vuteri M .3 . ....... t:-,7 .. .jt.tt bekept open, frpnpuuoriseuitfadfta?ase.i the evident meaning ' Slid intent 'Of 1 the law udiuk ali iu nw girt? every" cm- aen an opportunity W register; lithe1! book anauia oe Kept open eacti JaneP every' hour, during the day! whereas tbef are hIV letJt' open Irora 6 Av M. to A. UP.'URP f rbim aH to a 3i .m, ud dartrithoe TKer.Viahbti men cannot resister. FrOm KM'toS Mi would ba a great oayeW4hCh't wdrk-5 . i ..-rft . . .......... .ft.ft-n.ft ft T 1 I-.. rtO tb; tnermometeFt tue jstauojaa meatioaed 4.85 yesteiday: eTeulxi;1, WUhington najeau time,-aaaacertaifladfrorAh'd issuedsfrpm the Signal Ofitce Mails citV: AugWta4:.!..VM-;88 l,Mojbilekw.t.a 1M Charleston, 84 Corsicana,. ...... 87 Galveston,......, 80 Ijidh61a,..i;r88 Jack8vme,..,.85 Monttgomery ... 1.81 N'OrlfanU.sa PuntaljUsaa ... .89' WlfiaSonaift)- 83'1 ,..J J-jiti. i :mm sa saatii vit aaai j 301 , -The ar-,i,fWaa2ate f rdm. Rgtlerdam , . Jfcf kis poroa Abe SSth, Jllti'it iiil ssiibui vhi ait baJoaifti iuiii.f ! v. I 1 tlST OF Tiltat" ',4 'Remaining in the City Postfflfce, July. 9 179 .unclaimed ( , I ; "ksmis oAs lo J J3 , . A Miss Lizzie . M, Andrews, imra Emma !AllerJ,'Jlanler Anderson?" XV i B-rMr A H Black tars uAu.aie '- Brewer, miss "Anna Bxown,G W Barnes, John Bcn ltng; t'tbiSsM fttee Befi, Poliy'Srdwn; Wis .Bally .Bstt. im. oiki tj- jothai iort 0j , CMiss Kate Cooper, miss Flora Chest-: Mt.AlS Clirki CKArlie'carroM; TjJI ; X-rWm Jaa Qawlibgi jais Minnie DeiiT-, ning, JohnC Davis. . , . ... . : F-satsy FrfWkliptQBi RaBiabFty,3 Ma 1 a A W aai n A Vnff1 U119 VnUtBllUO av UUV-Ha r I a A G-Barry! GlenW.'JffGraht MJ G' Glenuuu. . - - - . HR L Hutcliina. IsaaeiftHilL.Rjflsa Hal- sey.Sarah Haine8,RevT B Houghton, Z adh-STriah-HttsseyvMingioiill "- j .T A "R Jfthnano. FJi2B.,.Tnhnanif.-Dfllfa. Jackson. Westly. Jones, miss Martha Mu Jameavobert' JefferSon.'t -i Afry Morrist a6bertJIcit.6s,BJl,t .Crfxooi'mlss O-NSOfi-hrirriAi P-fMary E Philya,! Isaac Powell a noseiia twD mrt MalthWSmithf V lo ' u oil so btn a T-rMisaEmily Thompsonf i - n , . jcrtoMaaT Sarah Wmdfallf iniW-'lhaie Will SSLS3SSS3R UhmTBSbmiii mini. riiUfttur iiauacii) " T " " Persons calHng for leMerii' itfhaHocjvtf Jiat wiU please, .say '"jYartiJf nov 'Called for within thirty days they wuTbc sdnl !ta ibe:DXetterTO3c. ods i He 1 Wilmington, ew HauoYe.r'ftis N.' S - rear aya).i.'t ;tt;s 8 00 5 5 4 (MJ 6 60 . 8 50 10 00 17 00 24 00 40 00 " 60 00 il'il !!( V ai-n amok. ' " Three week, . i-V iui't. ft.paeaMBth....j jv' . .,.... vm';d nv iju Twoateatha,: v.j Tarea aiODuuVww.j . i.i . . r i . . : ni. " . .... .. -ft... ft ft . ... . ... Ct ft.M.V.. IJJ9C0Btiaet'A4vaniaemeatt-taken at prop NaeanaMaeiftU'AOiftftiiareii type make one Bqaate i.W.i ROTBIW AHRIVA LS, July aW'J nttoo. ftaBladMveountv. N LQ; J-T Petteway.L Alasonboro, N C; E H jrmai -ea- ftUB0Ks;-.K' Uf K T Frompen, Goldaboro ; Miss E V Johrison, Lincolnioo N G?Oapt Thomas Jones. 8 !W Partridge. New york Woney,: Duplin Roads, N C; Mrs C,A. Hamner and 4e child rnn ftfljgh PoinN C; Hon A A McKoy, CHn- a. "aT1 .arm. V .w . n. . . -wo; x y;o Kicnardson and servani, T E fta.rjsoltfgik Richardsqn.Sum' i.-'jiiu a;rji x; aaassiaif;. US ine of th ple&Aastett ecoileetUae of the Cen- FP8 8 OF THIKTY YEARS Mr iirSJ A PW Stbtjp has been used for t corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves WIND OOIftlO. letrtilatea the bownla. nna n-raviimairfttir na .waaiwa , -wnemet arising it arlsincr from t At hi no- trtae eauses. An-xld and' well-tried remedv. 25 exaAviwnuH d u.- - :,ift-i,' w OILY UBSTArTO K8 AtWATS AGGRAVATE Skia'IMMaseA'Ointmenm are therefore rthpr hnrt. ifattliaakaneflCiai:'' Gunnr's Buuraiua Soap, which wpsua, uuhuu u dogging uie pores witn grease, nas, as might -haye heea expected, widely superse ded oleaonacpnipounds as a remedy for scorbu tic affections. ' uj BnaJa ImiiarnxwovS HAut yr produces no metalna lnstrc i ,w.-uiw. -iv. ;t..H- -f a-; , tare, debffltT.-weakness, and deeav-: book anS Jnnr: nr aal, with information worth thousands; mailed free. AddrwJCpi,Tif40iMa(lUiajiio Oo. Cincinnati, OWl,li H .!!! .;:i-.v!:J! ( ! .-iu: ,.ft , ltjtNSftv-; swi -; J : AH TJNDKIf fABLK 1THtITH.i--Ton dmervii tn suir and tf-yon lead a miserable nneatlsfactory "Vii!eaallfBl-wotld, it i entirely your own lamt.'Vftfenonai Knowledge and common sense rea ontog.iU .soon abow yon that Green's August WowecJl cure yoa of Liver Complaint, or iys pepslaTwUh all Its nuaerabl effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, soar stomach, habltaal costtTeness. dizziness of the head, nervous ' pfostrationIow spirits. Ac. WBST.-In Wewtoili C. June IRthl IffTft. IDA GRfiBNaV infant dwutUter of Or. George H. and Alice M. West, aged four! months and twenty-eigh) nsy i EMNTS. PSQwOPdiPiano ( -- . - AT ArCTIOff' ; 0 KilLT(it!,.iik4m&TAST, AT plockilwewillfllv at our Sales Boom.fidtith Water Street; 7-PtUTe,brUitiantteBe and. fine , Anishi Used but three months, and sold only because the Lady own inglt.lntpnds jing to.Enrapa, in.; ; ln , mi. ni... (i, , v. v ij'.. .' .. . ) r. , a ua.jr nwi . wuf m j bxoioiioo t our e aies BoomTriday morning, 6th last; ' I'iimt &&om:uui( u2 u iVMi BJitl -JTiil i CaOItLaf eVMOKKIS, if o ts Auctioneers, rn iv U ,i0i ' i 1 U ..ii. Grand Eamily Excursion arfTO !ltITHmta,!' AND FOiftT CASWELL A, under the auspices of the Biberniaii "l 'Benevolent Aatociation I J XJn'lWai:d,!of the steamr GOV. WORTH, on neSaVnent reserve 1 the' right to exclude all .Band. Wo liquor al- lowed on board. KefrefLbixiKiita will ha fnrnlaherl at reasonablo prices.' Tickets limited and for sale onl v ST. members of the -Committee or Association. " The Boat wllli ieava the wharf; between Market tock streets, at 9 o'clock sharp. . 1 -, fot Genttemeti: '60c for Ladies'hnd 95 cU for Children nnder 10 years of age, , E itWalngtrf;ftft Elelly, M. O'Brlen.Geo. F. Lamb : Dam O'Connor, Committee. rjeSS-8t-. )43y ! vKevlew copy. Jil jlliiU 1 I'll i-,APtoiitfiiMer Resort. TBI BAWHKt i-HaUS AT HIGH POIN. North Carolina, alters superior inducements i pleasant Snmaier retreatto any. place ia the Stat HaTJS; AT HIGH POINT, as State. e situation and climate are .most desirable, and jjMCoinmodatfotiB nastnvaaaed tM - 1- : Mrs. tismner wiu ne at me rurceu uonse nnm IVdariiAj.tahganientaforiaift be made by calling. C. A. HAMMSK. .site.!tri i. iviti t y:''iv H Proprietor. 1. l.:lf. fl?L"' ) low for easn by o UlU .10 lino " Aaent. J "jyB tf Cor. So. Water and Orange. - t tfcerfedmj 1 Ice Gream ! iTtstai aknr'op fttBBcivtkAM i" iTtili t1lymiti 'llna tittt DT THI 'cTTY I k Parties wishing icfi Oream. for the itb will please sve thefr orders t(S-dsJr.-Those wishing Ice Cream for Sunday will pleaeer order on Saturday. jy 8 lt4 X-"",J ' J. C. LUMSBEN. GreateFrlnddcements ! "We 'otter- the Greatest . Inducements to !?" Buyers of WHOES e. way of Large ' Xx tensive As- .sortment, and Greater 'variety, at ixrwer ra thai ces i I than any House in i ISateiFwa ask ex- ' ai.allM. a..-1 biJa'TKiioii . Jo 'L&slw nv ; i . GEO. B. s-JKftltNCH dbbOMS, an !lut) lo j. u.i'.ftftUji? j . . Great Reduction . no-. ooiJistuiaiiiiaiu'j-i-Jv' '-4 I tdS -filiilihuill! Jo VK I "tl .3.:oii.aiiijii oit iioii.ii 'hi rl iol' iiadi oaui-.l'J.'.'i! w k i-ir '. . - - . ' . . . . ..C... i . . .'. : ji i' fl.UWWSIGNKP HA.VB THIS DAT formed Aao-partnersaH'iortiie nactlce of of Law in New Hanover and the adjacent , UoonUesunderthe firm m BTSMftAK A LATIltEH. ' We will also attend the Sunreme Court ot the Stata ana ta cHt- 4 eoit Court of the United: States at Kaleigh. WlftbiiliigtonAjj Jnlyjftfst, I8W. t . . ly lw iSliiiriNroliice.i! .f: f 4 -ic4Llnn AnsaasaoMsa BXRi Ha. forewarned not to toast or harbor ; ytr Vio the crew! of the Norwegian Bar A10rB3Ol& HXBBBT mat or harbor any ?y- X ' u craw' w Norwegian Barque V - rHftSKRIK lBSgJS," as no debts of st jiihejr crmttanisg Willie paid by the tOrbe baffled as soon as the chances sta taken, at pfl J LUii ..njtoiii I . ; i-.--qc-i " r- JeSO.at nan J. W. LIPPITT'8, 3R JnfAhlA thouBAnde of people Trill connect wlta their pleasant qoartera and aree I Happy tiotngt far nerrooa eaffereral and these I who nave been dosed; drugged and quacked. Pul I'yemacaei'B ffieetne Belts effectnaiiy cure prema ttai.debttittp.kkniyia am. rfuW l-innlr .nS if fUlVJ

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