PUBLISHER'S ANHOONCBMBNT. Bill whether he knew of theio er in North Carolina, w P"", ,a ontiut. a:a MAAt.a ,t,inh - rtmlv rpflenla ilia- tt.atnnlh credit upon tue aa ministration, auu Hn i - Th. , w.n thiv a' e ea8iiv strong vol lirantism. ue states ma. -r -- J ,.. . Yt very be was appointed to a position in the office oauht with the 'glare of , a military taa...inir A nhMwt xtMnh naif, him I . : "Vi . - . I from rtxw . ne neW pe? reputation., Fourth, because they formed any work, however, bat was Imme- are' utterly1 corrupt, and have uo nifliAiv rriLfi li I a. leaver ui BuacuLQ.auu aiii i -. i. . - - beinz absent for four months, he returned sincere love or , Some djd raise their, hands in holy hor- . tttT-y . a 'y) 4 ... ilnus mnnlho'nov ' I ' . . . ' - -i ' ' - X ; .-. , . II k i . . f , i f j i I i f V" if I rt tnl -aofri that hlo onnrnn vnnlri rnin Ine wrant, - cemrauza-. H , Vroee to believe -'thatf rufT ohVS th or not. iuinMtinn with ttia innninimpni wiiir.u lit: i 4 nndv Vw peTywT $4 00 for Bixiaontbuj j did receive which certainly reflects d is- I fcheSouth and want a fro govern M 25 f or throe months, $1 OJ lor one mutu, iih nt livered to city subscribers at the IK-15 cdnU S wt&o? iiy period from one week to one year. . . , TI1K WEEKLY STAR is published every t rtdajr moraing 8T$150 per year, $1 OQ.for six moi.th8, 50 cenU for three months. , e ADVERTISING BATES (DAHjYj-rOne quar ..,dav 1 00: two days, $1.TO; thre days, 6pi ur day8;eyV6; one week,4.00i wowWfiSk three we, $8.60f one month, $W,00; two montha, $17 00; . aTi wmonncementa of Faira. valval the Florida ageot iuVthe great rapes of the North western liadicals, whilst Hops, :C-Nic., noaeiy - lnga, c,, wiunecmuswi No advertisement? any price." i Notices ander held line for first insertion Wo an nnnf fnaAriirkfi' Acvertisomenta Inserted onco a WeeK in wauy wiu be charged $1 00 per tquare for each insertion. Kvj ery oSier day t thrc fourths of daily Tate. Twice a week, two thirds of daily ratofw-w-f-- Notices of Marriage or Death, Trttmtes of Ke spect.Resoluttonsel Thanks, &c are charged for ad ordinary adverOsementa, bnt mlr ratf when paid fox strictly to advance Ax this rate 50 cents will pav for a simple announcement of Jtar- riageorueaMt. , . oji occupy any special placo, will bo charged exua ac- self, love salary better than theV love I be done though the heavens fall. Sonnnd hPnniiKP ihAtr hatfi i now very Diina uriiojuouF : wueaeTer , me aocinne 01 , me rcscivcu comes: pudiated thd. foundation stone and lhe key to the jsauonai arch win oe gone. nwat- ' mL ; I a -Uiinow 10 ine JM&uonai arcu wiu oe gone. rr- : The colored Congressrnarr Uainey, ingUm8iart True, every wofd of it And from South' Carolina, and who is a there can be no permanent peace until the ' 1 . . -r :I individual rights of -the States are Tiniver- pretty hard case, Hays that if there is 8ajly acknowledged and respected by the fir l...t inn in hU State that at 1 .Federal Grpyerament. OVuirtoiic jjemocrai to w aariingion ana are w 4ure uiouvua py. our institutions. SuchJ(speciaUlremmendatiof tion anj-gteeiibacWir has . .iusZ iliViv U4.-.'rM . :.iTv l 'C Hi K. OyftWOncannoKeeigw brilliant ranrTrd on the floor of the mise as to a fair election if he .sode- J Senate Chamber ; of ; the United States. siresbecause. he sitys, of thoi white There isn't a political aspirant in the btate military ciuoatnai; are luiiy organiaseu i contradiction) that wouldn't have giadiy alt oveV the 'State!- HesihihH ball- the circumstances stepped into' Mr; aozmg Will be resortea to iu spite, 01 l with spme newspaper correspondents to Tijiri'jr Who i favor : ' - I Mr. Merrimoa'ii re-election., t We are very sorry to be so considered, but we are happy to state that we are in a very numerous and highly respectable rcrowd. Neujbern Cor respondent of Jiaieign uoserver. POLITICAL POINTS. . i and Haves7 known WlllinffOeSS tO dO I tVio 17!aetorn RoVlUalia wfll hn ViPnt on inserted la icai i sometMng ' 1 6f Anderson, aret reany 1 d centmva&dilitarypowef 16'crdsh f CUy ltema -- ao cents per i Huspiuiuuq .viruuiutaauucs.. . QUt;IiJommantSniia anfLw '1116. "reoei be innocent of any knowledge of the srhf'-r rtiTaifS- crimeb4i itiaxesjcredulity jobe- are frillv DeisuSde that such work is "etc fcuio r ; .r4. - --.: 7-2Z2 w oiiii ma powers or uia uriuui- i ? ... . ' - .a, W a vAh oW. P8. ' fit" " ' Ji ?'i U ft i .11 Carbliniihs 'will nomi- ;jC nGRAN-rliuyji; k Such, we apprehend, will prove the I nato a canaidate lor iroyernor. xnere Weeks ago we, began to publish .moving cause, and such will be i the f is voti ihe slightest doubt as tootbe : If ! such will be j the Adverttseiaeats'tolrotow iittujg'rsftav extracts from Republican papers to outlook: Whether all these cuoxious ; noniiheeif he lives. -Wad Hampton will be unanimously chosen and al- - 1 S 1880. Many papers , ridiculed the J nomination remains to be seen, NVhe- idea, ana even the most sagacious in dependent papers, like the Thiladel- I is quite i another" oaestionv ThisJiarti phia 7me3f could see no great force r clewas- written on the- 3rd,,bttif was show that there was,. a movement or I influences iand dankerous . combina Advertisements on wnicn no Bpecuwa uum . . , , nmzti : i ra insertions Is marked will be conunaea "uu loroia, i iuut iu pui, miuiih m uuiuiuuvu u uuuo mni ouvuu m nuuuug umuv .t th nntiirn of the Duhlijsher. and charred np to I ii4 1 ' " "! """ v,"-'m:. I 1 ... -i -iCT ..-i rri it. It saddens us to think that Mr. Weber's testimony yesterday branded the ague Mrs. Jen K9 as a bigger liar tuan tue most unanimously elected. . He ba- kept all of his pledges hence his f author of "Jack the Giant Killer." Balto. iinrUHmiti diaoontiBned before the time con tracted for has expired, charged transient rates for the time actually pablhuied. . b .. ; t- e. Advertisements kept under theliead of "New Ad rertisemente" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. An extra charge will be made for douhle-colamn or triple column advertisements.; jj ; : All annoinncemeiits and recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the ahapof commn- uncommon 'popularity. 1. 1 or reality in the movement. But it J crowded out; v Aa the subject grows bas grown, nevertheless, and the signs in j interest, and is being more l and nicationa or otherwise, wui oe charged as advertise- j are many that a very strong and ag- more discussed, our editorial i-wiil do menu. - - - ' t ' '-. . . J , . J . 1 , " . .L-s , Amusement, AucUoa and Official adveruaemenu j gre88iV6 M tOllO w ing v IS g aineriu g i ior 10 aay. one dollar per square ior eaca insertion. iun TOTXK i J. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed I . .. a- 1 -, ,...J : I, ...... . : ; IflU. GRAVELS ACCEPTANCE. - Correspondence-l : : Flkmikgton, N. C, ) June 20th, 1878. Hon. J. F. Graves, Dobson, Nl V. : i heir s Dace or advertise any thinz foreisn to their I Pomlina wp ar fnllv noRnrfti?. there regular business without extra cnarreat transient I T r - -.1 . .v ,r. f - v , rates. . I I Pavmentn for tsanuent advertisements mAa in advance. Known D&rtiea. or stranzers proper reference, may pay monthly j or quarterly, coraing to, contract Anvertiaera should always SDtcifv the issue or anes they desire to advertise in. W hiere no Issue is named the advertuement .will be inserted in the VACATION. There is some inconsistency in the ' Gazette, Dem Now, since the control of mat ters has been taken in so summary a man ner by an informal caucus of a dozen poll ticiaus, tne question of Convention or no Convention is decided 'in the negative. Clinch Valley Mews. It Andeison hak been lying:, he ' v. I are many -rvepuoiicanwno win oe viewa beid about this aeX One side were unanimously uommaieu ;,-ir with I verv active tor iirant. me late At-. f .t..-,l V1 luo oupmiui vm. ii u i ..:;, P n. V i 8ff XluJl rT&tSl Seventb Judicial District, and to re- uwruPr,r vrCUc.i vyV.. tnert, ,a not enonrh leisure that men dni. Af th 'riomL'1 Hargrove, or ranvuie, nas . aireaay work themBelyes to death abd do not SS? mSSacrecx declared for him- in a public speech, ,a Q ThW is another set ls Vpo and others-stand; ready to! f Sllow: ? who say men ought to work all the TWaw Str Rv rpanlntinn of the I has certainly had a method about it which tj.. -nm Sa nnwnniiA ..;W I The Jenks can never hope to equal: The htate Democratic Convention, which A Jd lUal of met. at imieigu ou tue iom iuav i the political madams; never very high; 1 was directed to intorm you tnat you i falls away below par.fMa. limes, Jnd. Washington special to Louisville Courier-Journal: Gov. Noyes has shown bis fitness for his position and sense of delicacy by inviting the Florida witnesses' to his hotel and entertaining them. 1 hese mailing of the paper to his address. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Order, Express, or in Kexistered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk 'of the publisher. . ' :. ' j .. . . CommunicatiOBS, unless they contato important I movement is really afoot to make General news, or discuss briefly and property subjects of real j V, , lh Rpnnblican candidate for the interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every I tan.' lne . foon - i :? nlaa,l.e .Ior .lDe other way, they will lnvanaoiy oe rejeciea u me xreaiueucj iu xoovr, whu tue iujjjiicu uuuci 1 The New York World of July 1st says: .' yrr, P:;- iU 'It can no looker be doubted that a v, they will invariably De : n real name of the author Is withheld. 7: h s ; Correspondents must write On only One side of the paper. . - j - aimns standing that he shall remain, in office for life if he can then be elected. - Numbers of excellent people, whose friends regard them as competent to make a will which is to dis say men ougnt time.- That our fathers did so and so, and that life is too precious to al low any idle moments. Work is a part of the primal , crs for trans gression, f If you can afford it where nation. I am, yours truly, " H: B. Short; Pres't State Dem. Convention. witnesses have to testify whether he prom ised them or not rew rds for coiiutitig Hayes in. . - By WILLIAJI if. BERNARD. WILMINGTON, m C: Sunday Morning, July 1878. IS BASES CCILTY? We have not' been swift to believe evil of Mr. Hayes. We have not given in readily to the conviction that he was implicated in the great frauds perpetrated in. Florida and Louisiana. We have thought it pro bable, that he believed; really that he had been legally elected, and was only a victim of other men's scheming and rascalities. But we confess. that there have been some matters reveal ed ' during the Potter "investigation that look very much as if Hayes was Mount Airy, July 1, 1878. Hon. H. B. Short: Dear Sir Your letter of the 20th ult.,, informing ; tne that.; the .State ant lAri bt m km t in is the harm in resting occasionally Ralei h OQ the 13lb of June.Jiad iroru your Bicen?ive laoors r. me i nominated me tor J uuge or the oupe- nose of anvthin? under a million of dollars. I Baptist ministers of New York have I rior Court for, the, Seventh Judi- really seem to believe that the even's which I u-b,,. .i , Vino- thonnpminn nf min- cial District, was received last night. attended and followed the Presidential elec I , . In reply, permit me to say I appre- . . r . .. j ,r . ; .j . . I roiate the honor thus conferred on me. Magistrat was bitterly opposed to all vacations. and I appreciate it the more highly ism in California, and the vagrant outbreaks We venture he has good digesjlive because it was conferred voluntarily, of Communistic philosophy in politics, all -a " 'Tk- without anv solicitation on mv Dart. over the countryj have contributed too to bring about this curious phenomenon in our body politic." -.I . The North is on a big scare. Be tween the threatened war among the the Indian tribes and the rumbling of the Communistic storm kthat ap pears to be gathering in some quar ters, some of the people of that section are getting in a condition to grasp at anything, although that thing be the sword of a military usurper and tyrant. They would prefer a despotism under Grant to aharchy under socialistic rule. They do not appear to have reason or others who require rest, else the ma chinery would wear out and there I do not feel at liberty "to' decline" a nomination thus made; 'and I accept it, however diffident I may be of my should be no more labor because there j ability to fill the high, honorable and I tilU Mercury. Jetterson jJavis tailed to put in an appearance at the recent barbecue on the Shiloh battle field. Theodore Winters, owner of Mollie McCarty, pronounces the Louisville track the hnest be has ever seen Lexington letter to Farmville Mercury: lit. Randolph Tucker informs me that be considers the reduction of the to bacco tax certain in December. benator Maxey, on bis . return from Washington, was met at the depot in raris, Texas, where he resides, by a mile- long procession, and he shook hands clean up the line. The editor of the Lexington Gazette thinks the Fourth Virginia district ought to send Mai or It. H. Glass to Con gress. "Them's our sentiments." Farm a party to the frauds, knew of their manhood enough ?left to determine perpetration; and, was, both willing and anxious . to r reward and. serve those who had " participated in the great crime of the century, s UiI Grant was always' associating with men of ' notoriously bad characters. .He gathered ' around him men' of the most unscrupulous sort. K- Many that none of these . things shall be that neither Grantiam nor Commun ism shall find a home in our free and expansive country. The truth is, there is not much difference in j these evils. Either the triumph of the one were no vacations. : ;Here is tljie way? he ventilated the topic: ; ''Ministers were not a degenerate race, and were not - mentally or physically dwarfed, and he saw no need, therefore, for any of them to pass four or five weeks in comparative-idleness,' in the country or elsewhere, on the. pretence of strengthen-' ing their mental faculties. Their j forefa thers never knew what a vacation was The habit of taking these - vacations was not only an expense to the ministry, but an expense to the congregation also,' which they could ill afford. - Moreover, the sum mer time in this climate was death's har vest, and that was no time for the faithful minister of God to be deserting bis post." A well man does nol need physic. A strong, robustious I.- D. requires no vacation. ' Let him remain at his pOSt. . - . : .! i responsible position to which I am J now recommended. If elected 1 can Three of the. largest tobacco ffiPlnrion in TTpc Wont tiairA lnarl uml tho only promise a conscientious and con- I Cubans employed in them are going back stant endeavor to perform the duties of the office. . ; ...r- ' : "Yours respectfully, '-s J. F. . Graves. OUKKtCNT OO.tliTIKNT. The Normal Ssohool was re- The success of the Paris Exposi tion is extremely gratifying to all or the other would overthrow our patriotic Frenchmen, and to all of the government and inaugurate a reign friends of France. It is conceded to of terror. i . be a grand affair, and worthy of the opened on the 18th instant under the most flattering auspices.. By the, 21st instant two hundred and fifty teacher pupils were present. ; it is believed that the number will reach four hundred. One must be, dull, indeed, who fails to see the great good tha must needs accrue to the educational interests of North Caror una .from the. Normal.. School .at Chapel Hill. We Congratulate onr wm be on Wednesday, ssth op august. -T r, ,. , . , . , I Charges per Session of twenty weeke: Board, (ex North Carolina friends On the fore- I elusive of washing andUehU.) tSO.OO; Tuition in luii Augum course, jixira smaies mode rate. For particulars appiy for Catalogue to T. M. JONES, je30 5w su th . President. to Havana. Cause, a strike and iuierfer ence of United States revenue ofucers The ex-Confederate Major Gen eral Harry Meth has been appointed a special agent of the Treasury Department. lie was a West Foint contemporary of Hancock and Burnside, and commanded a division of the Army of ..Northern V u-ginia. During June the total coinage of the TJ. S. mints was $6,890,140, includ ing 2S.ii4.uou standard doUars. During the fiscal year ending June SO, the total coinage of the mints was $81,118,921.50, of which $52,770,420 was in gold pieces; $3,600,500 in standard silver dollars; $8,389,315.50 in subsidiary silver coin, and $30,676 in minor coins. ; GRBSN8BORO FEMALE COLLEGE. Terms Reduced to Suit the Times. The 45th Session -.f Our jaui,ttliuus, it oHouia bo anderswou. ifi resunt the wholunaie prices gwiierally. iu anbL( ai BBiau oraurs metier prices nave tu De cnurgea I '5; sight and the energy they have dis played in the important matter. We wish that every Southern -State could be induced to folio win the footsteps of the "Uid North state" in thus A Card. At the Illinois Republican State RepubliojIt is thought ithat it will providing for the development of I the undersigned have this day formed Convention the name of Grant was I strengthen the foundations of the j teaching force in those to whose care I Hanover and the adjacent counties under the firm tne children or tne estate of his associates were men: . with out honor, or decency. : How could this be and r he -Temain .v innocent, or be himself pure? So with' Hayes. How is it that every fellow," with possibly one or two exceptions': who was engaged in the Florida andXou isian a frauds, has received office at his hands? Can he be so very ignor ant that he knew nothinc of tVioao f j I with the administration of the affairs of I " fue ! x reaiuent 01 me xvepuuiic. r jrrtBiueuu ujtcb iwu w vuc i "i" muj government; tnat tne partial success or that I The Baltimore Gazette remarks I supreme authority oy me ueoiaiou oi i jane, A. D. 1877, and registered in the Regieter'i . : r i.i tti . 1 at z .i - i . -- a irnra ctr npv m nnnvr nnnrv in Knrtir n . n n n.ieGLnrai ouiiiiihmioei liih ma i - - . : ' I a uTcnir av a r k Truxcu srA .iOA 1 . . - . t rrt a nni nran nr i no .rura , ara nnn. uauuo v uiwuiiuui fiAMnim. iiv wu aiow loudly cheered whenever : mentioned. I present ilorm or government, and v. " . : T T . , attend the supreme court of thestate aadthecir- . I I - -i La I Blgnea. a.uaa. i iru.i ftrvntvte. i caituourcor tne unitea stateB at Kaieign. They carried banners upon which I give a peculiar splendor aba, prestige I & . . , ; rT I i chas. m. edman. 1880." to itepuoiican rule, it is tne great- i i . aff.inmont nrthi. wihaiagtoa. . a, July 1st, ists. Jysiw WKilot thov AtA mrt nAminftta Clwant I off ftf all flf tKa Tnlnfiriol flfl Aft. I A. MAt :fnl K1 . . f oreclosure saie. Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF THE powers contained in an Indenture of Mortgage, now the most painful subject of con- they denounced the Democrats in the Exhibitions yet held in the French templation for patriotic Americans. . ;: following choice language: capital. ! Kingsi PrincesWd Mobility A ruler '.may atop on the, safe side of R- i 6 to 6 ,;r , , . , i lmDeachment and yet 4)e guilty of A A "That the Democratic party being large ,l5 ij. u. impeachment and yet 4e guilty ironi oiuer; iuus; ;usi uoku to " . muznu ua a.lff fnrra;. U CkWIjD JJ vv uiwu u v j ugvij m, v v. w vuv had done? As we have said, there is evidence party in Congress, .as well as in several of thai at leaat arouses a . strong sospi- S..Si.fSk cion of complicity on the part of the of honor and patriotism." i ) President ! Take tridfcftse of ; Jadge I 1 Now who are mainly iiivl. : n l : . I v J itlu?"t?ii ,a.l inritv of the American neoule were morae. by ??;P5iaJ"e. "l f "P": 1" ult:r :nnvnaA I,. veyea,ittheCour.t House door,in .thecityof Wil pages 209 et seq.., we will proceed to .foreclose said a saie oi tne premises tnerein con- Iff ventors, oi men great in All tne departments I prpoaDiy oouviuceu lusba wroug uu i mfceton. on Tuesday, the 16th day of July, inst nf tif huvA md thin "KrnAii!Urn fnrpver I Kaon rlnno hnt. thou irorn imwilHncr I at 11 o'clock. A. UL. for cash. The said Premises mVrahl. Th ZntinTZr Vrn A .T T. T A "Itnated In the Cltyof Wilmington, beginning .; --j-a-i . j j r . .t .. 1 I 77 T . ,7 ifr u . . ti tc u I to oeiievtJ iuw iuo x iobiucuii was- lit i at a point lorty-one ieetwestoi ue intersection or ii. It. i Jpnms. or th h innria . tnm- i ine nomination or lirant ri - mat nor. i irrio, uuw si, wuinb. wu u rrcuuu- I ; .. : ..w r. ie ikn i sixth ana unnrcn streets, on tne south side or saia . , ! , ' . , : . I . , """".T CJhiinAS and ronning westwardly along tte ing board, ue has been c before the uon oi. me - people wno are reauy l words of victor Hueo Potter Committee. Now Dennis con- frightened? almost to Ideatat t the r !"The g1"688 oftfie memorable year Hnight before th( ivl ..u-.i., ri-ir ' t-J-ulul I through which we are passing, is this: that qQiry be not- ICBBCS W LUC UlUBb BUailieiUt lTitUUS. I S16'"' VUlUlUUUlOHIj uug-a-uuu Will, ilO ' He has told a&arfal kofy bf corrup-1 we haye'said, take Grant;' gladly be- tion. If there bad been no Iannis I cause tney think: he will prove; their in Florida, the -three have been given to Mr. votes' would friend whilst overturning the liber Tilden, and ties of .his country. .They . j will find But if the evidence taken Wltbib the past fort- southern line of said Church Street forty-one feet, . ... , - .t, n. :,!. ' rn thence southwardly parallel with Sixth Street fifty- mghl before tne committee Ot in- flTe feet, thsnce eastwardly parallel with Church n'nirv ho not. a milts, of -malicmant Stoeet forty-one feet, thence northwardly parallel aa With the voice of a monarch, over all ? . .u.. .u-. with Sixth Btreet fifty-flve feet to the Beginning, j ,, , . . . - I Deriurv tw ppcarn buat iitiu iiicu i togetner witn tne improvements tnereon. rumors and all clamors,-suspending the UJ .. ,51, i, n ph. brunhild bro.. conflicts of States astonished at its impe- wuu iuc iCnuCUw OCikC v jy 6 iod Mortgagees nous intervention; ' Civilization makes it- highest omces in tne otaie were ;ai self heard. You may say of it: This is a rectly implicated in the corrupt trans year obeyed. What it has resolved to do action8 by which the votes of Louisi- it aoes. i xt replaces me oia oraer oi ine i . - j i?iA.U. ' ,i,; .V dftv. war. bv a, new order, nroiruas. It A'""u" . fc"u J MortiapeV Sale of Real Estate. ' By virtue of a power ofsale con- he would now be the occupant of the themselvea probably biisUkenn ut ffiS f ThlwisTmulte" from Mr. Tilden. : Unless Secretary tne4 in a Mortgage made by waited, stokeiy to x regiuemiai cnair. ml . r WhalMidHyey do arthe a v jvnat says tennis r Hayes will gladly seize upon the affright oi ri aM t5r, T"S''.. I .11 . u . :.. . . . . i Ii ' ' I d.:. n: i.: I . ,. . e -i. i!i!. I thinOltv. onWRnKTCSOAY. th 17TH TMR'PATJT iiuiu uiui fcuai uc, JLCUU1B, Wa9 UUc OI I UVUclH bU aUVallUc LUC lUtclcDlo Oi luc I siuu" i 1 ' ' iiiuiiuuo i luuumiGii uj I 11131 IDB punuuawou Ul UUlltlUB Ul tka fanr man ;tnm u It.- t i-t:.' I u -i.L t. t. ...,. . . .. the cehtenary of Voltaire the alliance of ,nk;.n fno Havpa nlmintatrntinn boasted has made - little progress by m . i. A .it A I Aiik.M m Miarvn Airan fmi ft K t h a nrAot val.. asked him to make (histtyant8 GenrGraot's rule. If, vo w uibu wuii i ueany an ? pi; ne men wno were i "J . u i.v..u..u, . auegestea mat tue rresiaeni. was lg- thisoHrarired; , Dennis. ; after itn - -Pjr gB " "! fc 3 norant of the part which his friends sought a place ia the 'Treasury De- I prior- to Hayes's administration jThere1 is no fairness in politics.: aba Snilattir MAliimjfn'a' AnbA W ir . 1 ' AitTlOUiA.. UAQGINvx ttauuy. ;v . Don bit iiicnor. . . f Doable Anchor A" . BACON North Ciiroliun. liainB, jviicw; Shoaldola. It. .' .... dide,Jt.-0.' choice, $ WcBttil-ii imobed Eanis.ti. ?ii Sideais ii...i'. shoulders, -Dry Salted i sides $ tt r. -s r . : Shoulders i. .J.... iiEKF Live weichu ..... BARRETT Spirits Turpentine, j oeconQnana,eacn..,...-J . ew new xorK, eacn New City, each BEESWAX ....,.... BRICKS Wilmington, 9 U .L-1'; wonnern ..........--.... BUTTEB North Carolina, V lb.! Northern, J.j........:.; CANCLEb Sperm, a..,.....i xaiiow, y .. . . , Adamantine. J E . . CHEESE Northern Factory 9 S ; uairy, creamy vi. ....... ; State, 9 B.... ........... COFFEE Java. .... v. . .; Bio, 9 B) : , Laeuayra, t... .. . CORN MEAL $,bnsheMn sacks uuriua Tuts yioaie.. ...... . DOMESTICS Sb.eeilne.V4. yc Yarn, fl buncn... EOQS.. FISH Mackerel, No. l.V bbl... No. 1, 9 H bbl .............. Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.. .. . . No. S, jrfbbl .... Mackerel, No. S, DDI. ..... . Mullets. bbl N. C. Herring, Roe, 9 keg . Dry Cod. FLOUK Fine, bbl FKICEB. oo (a H 1 6 a ; 12 11 MX 8 this City, on WEDNESDAY, the 17TH INSTANTi at 11 o'clock. A. M.. for Cash, the 1 olio win ? de scribed Pieces or Parcels or REAL ESTATE, with aU Improvements thereon, situate in the County of iw Manever ana city or w umington, namely : One Sixth of an undivided interest of one half of a Lot in the said City of Wilmington, situate on the corner of Fourth and Church Streets, and boun ded as follows, to wit Beginning at the northwest ern intersection of Fourth and Church Sts.. thence running . westward ly along the northern line of i j . 1. . , ,u ., 1 tnurcn street 100 ieet, tnence nortnwaraiy paranei played 10 the Counting Of the VOtes I with Fourth Streets feet, thence eastwardly par allel with Church Btreet 165 feet to Fourth Street, western line or beginning, the same JiiOCKU'SC interest of a bounded on Gardner, on the lands of branch or drain, in I .nnimana nnrl , M Irtririft.. tint. antvAr " - J. 7 ' - - " 1 ,ii.,Aa .rniHimM w .Inn. - kA 1 ,st? Y V7. ? I. 1 f;:yr,fv'y r-?y,.u6 1 .Attnvo wcuawi J,i,!IVmuu ,ua9f . v will be that tnere are limits to human I Fourth street es feet to the tne Decretarv. tn malrA him o oa5i I fn loan f h . ...iA'a;aasa ft,-i,..;x-Al: I ...i: ; ii ry7iU" JX77 " 7l7 Jt I being tn-i eastern ena 01 jjot jno. 0 in 7s . j oviai 1 v ..www. . vou i wuw; uiwio cijuyuj, cavcv iow ueisuiiai cuo- 1 urt:uuiitjf.-'vvv u uluvv u Also, Ono Sixth of an undivided acrent.and statArl tiamAntJ .'.k . ai I lTiiJk2l;t.Ji:!f:ii'j -iLkllS-1 -mMM . ' 1 - -" ' Tract of Land, on Wrizhtsville Sound. " " v !"1 "'u"" ?r - , " V 'uuu7 uuep, buiuim uia ttuuajf auu uw grean .- "mm-mmmm I the east by the lands of Thomas M. a camtfti othftftr. TToiroa 1 ta-.' J.t.-4 :--'vi'u.!itJ U.' l.ij'Joir.'nl,i.i:. ' " I the south bv the sonnd. on the west bv r 'r-n; - 77"J?r V I uvfF ""r , uf wiu ub uoiu ana uaeiutueBB as a oeuavur. oue receuu 1 1 UL.JL1ji1UUS JUtii vVB. William Latklns, en th inorth by a UTgea" ; discovery ihat 'BbhoD . Veles the oldest WKKtint mth:;a Mi Every man who held office hfiOffi FeTchmiss tion. TpticannQt reiMt tte c after forty years of Eastern service. uwiiSeS? -'aS&S tioivthatyerbad .foglem'wiAlLo a ! success. Ellif objection urged r -ReJ( Millhasrwithdrawtf xg8J& ciar reasons for this very "special wliowixWair rom the Presbyterian Church. od says he iv Ttrt. i . '1 " ' x ? , 'no?,?r .peoalf x againsi mm wouia appij proDaDiy to believes the Trinity (ol)e a superstition." by estimation ltos Acres more orlesr. aDDeal. What could thftw laira Kaa. iL.'-''Xii-iiJr!: r!iri 222:-: ' . '-2 Ii aT-vrnK.I - ; . - cronly A morbis. u - . '.n-( . . "ivKsui tuin. vuutrauLurn. - nuuHiers. innm. i averv enaLarsLHonni uara ina nan i . fo.onn v nsnnrnh rt Uro.n I'.ittr i .1 . wwa ku w r vb w. viv . . ' auuwum . uiu ucuia Tefn wfers to ding bond rings, 4 dumber nigwhist er had. He isBober, honesPable; I wo was acc lhf UTt?Tx WPrnngnyM the dented, true to ; bimselfferW VS 'Whether h a Wan. A.Wari 'of iVTa f . il ' . WV? l UIU time that the frauds which Dennis has since confessed were commuted .i'soeclaUv! for nis .Denenthaa not yet' been -spctaUy proven.-'We can only ,'reasoq r as to his knowleflup In this, respect by bis 'speciar conduct towards the perpetrators thereof quitted . of poisoning his wife, usefulness In the ministry never and he is going to take a !va jy 6-ts for J. W. Atkinson. trro I . . mtt a will nrnhnblv nnvp.r end. I i r.T, "B """""J) iiauuuuiuBK:uW5 I vaiviiua auu uib MUUkU. rig uuuub I " T v Vcnsl .1 Use I. lTUlitnl.AWS.raJ.-o nkl .WmM.1i-i.;;-44i'LI;-i.: I.vs-' The Podo is said to have riven T VIGORATOB. itwmrree T (,,"" 88 iiiBti" wuu I 11 1 til is k7iAia woo owe uuttei Br;rcu: I . F -1- i. 'T. - " I t aDDllcAtions, anarenaer ine i.-Vi I'f-i"""' .1-1 . I a solemn warning to the 'obstructive? Car- 1 f be leave resDectfuiiy t UBU " riBUO Vri wno-nope to'get one,-f .iatwo.speeonea -onr tne xouisiana t riihaia. Oreeli. Bacconl. Randl and Ledo- 1 Tavior, Hon. a. M. van will V.a innA -f-"ri.:,:,"TiTC n I t ' . ' vi-iii,li",i1l.wi ' tr;v .a.ii .1 nTo r tktfH' ?0t Mn i- vaw. Q. J. Boney, Esq., S. I T,.f raDw yy ny tmsf . i matters were iogicai,tnorougn,su-oncriii o Jr rrVfi-iTr I many ladies and gentlemen i lnr.-....-i..i i ..v...,M -;.i;i..i(!M . ;.(.. -iA-tui iUvsr ?. i ?v- a.'5-i--'J7 " I luElF Dreseni hub ui uuuuuci oh xAuuueaa tu: - I - -.m..,.)UCUum fcUBV love i accurate ana conclusive, ejet 3 us tier j will be compelled to take extreme steps. : THE LADIES AND QENTLEME5T. 1 1 are troubled with Dandruff CELEBRATED HAIR IN- yon entirely after a few nair sort and Diiaoie. o -refer to Gen. M. P.' dKKeieo, uapt. D. I FU- l. Fiahbiate. Esq..' and too numerals to men- FURMANBEI. jeS7tf ' Under First National Bankv r Super. Northern. 9 bbl, isxtra aa " . v bw, Family ' bbl...... City Mills Super., V bbl.... nxtra. y DDI...., Family, 9 bbl... Ex. Family, ffibbl.., FERTILISERS , , : , Peruvian Guano, V Moo fe Baugh'sPhosohatB, " Carolina Fertilizer, . Ground Bone. " " Bone Meal, - " Flour, :. 14 Nav&ssaauaho, " in complete Manure , " '- Whann's Phosphate ' " . Wando Phosphate. " Berger & Butz's Phoepb. Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer LUE lb... . . ... ADITXt 4"tn. k alAn in .at tXCUUilVUlU DIAiO Ui UOgOa Corn. Cargo, V busheL...... j Com, mixed 11 busheL ' Corn, wholesale, in baas . . . . . . Oats, .fl b'jshel...... Peas, Cow, V bnahel..... OlDES tircea. & t ; . Dry, 9 . .... UAY-s-Kiistfern, fj 100 Sts.... Western, 100 Jbs.... North River, 9 100 Its. HOOP IRON ton.. .. LA ctD Northern , S , North Carolina. 9 b.. . LIMB bbl...... LUMBSB CiTT StxaxBawsd - Ship Stuff, resawed, 9 M ft Rough Edee Plank. M ft. ' WeEtlndiaCargoeB,according to quality, v At rt Oressea Flooring, seasoned Scantling and Boaros, com mon, t Airt i MOLASSES New cp tCuba.hhdfl - New crop Cuba, DDIs fl gal., ' Porto Rico,hhds , : " bbls...... , Sugar House, hhds, 9 gal. bWs. gal,.. Vh!a .&! Ml . ?J.ttr. fia.... ....... . NAILS CUt, 4d to S0d. 9 keg.. . OILS Kerosene; V g&l Lard, 9 gal ... Linseed, 9 gal........ - Roein. EfJ POULTRY Chicfcens,live,grown spring. PEANUTS iJ boshe! POTATOE8 Sweet, S bushel. Irish, Northern, 9 bbl .... FORK Northern. City Mees. . . Thin, 9 bbl Frtme, v ddi .... . Rump, 9 bbl..... RICE Carolina, 9 ft . Rough, 9 bunh... RAGS Country, 9 City, -9 KOPH , SALT Alum , 9 bushel ... Liverpool, 9sack,cb F.O.B. Lisbon. 9 sack American, 9 sack SUGAR Cubs, 9 t.. Porto Rico, 9 fc.. A-Coffae, S B... B- 9 B. C Ex. C Crushed, 9 B. .' SHINGLES Contract, 9 M..... . Common, 9 M Cypress Saps 9 M, Cypre s Hearts M. ....... . STAVES W.O. BbL, M . R.O Hhd., J M... Cyprese, 9 M TALLOW lb... TIMBER Shipping. 9 M Mill Prime, S M... MUlFair.VM uommon Mill ... Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M ... . WHISKEY Northern, gal..- North Carolina, $ gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 ...... i Washed, 9 lb....... 1 w Q0 00 l 15 : i 09 11 90. 7 5 4t JS0t' . .aa ,14M 15 " 18 ' S5 . . , titfai ia a , ; i2 V2 a a 13 .13 & i 14 ,10 a. is as ? 80 '. . 15 SO "19 81- ;; ) - TS ou z as asxa 90 Q 5 5 10 12J IS DO" SO 00 , ' 8 60 10 60 lg 80 13 00 . 6 60 6 75 9 00 9 50 3 15 ,800 8 00 4 00 00 0 6X 4 OV 0 00 6 0 5 60 5 60 6 25 6 60 800 0 00 0 00 6 75 7 00 . 7 85 7 50 7 75 8 00 67 50 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 68 60 60 00 60 00 a iooo a 45 00 a 57 00 a 65 00 00 00 a 67 00 oe oo ; a 70 oo 00 00 70 00 60 oo a 00 00 65 90 60 0a 9 a i6 67a o 56 a t 6L b2a 05 4 a '- 66 48 6 50 65 0 100 4 5 io ; ii! 0 oo tl UN 1 i2xa 1 15 i oo a i io 67 50 75 00 ! 8X 9X -- ;oo o 11 no a i as 18 00 00 00 a son a i5oo 14 oo a 18 oo 18 00 35 00 13 00 16 00 00 33 00 42 00 35 00 - 38 32 23 S5 40 S 75 16 mo so so 20 io 65 oo a 2 25 12 00 ai2;E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 a 1100 CO 00 10 00 ; , 8 30 a 1 GO 26 80 350 18 145 100 40 22 15 1 00 50 2 75 ?j jEWry AD VERTI8EM .KTS. SWEET UaS&mi tLZiV a' Centennial Expcition for XH-rZrllLJ n1 aeelUmee and lasting cha,-. 2Z VfPTyV n Ar4w. Tha best tobZL UnlUted on Inferior' JZ? Btrip """"k is clolv . ; I3r& .- j i. a ; 6 a - oo so ioo a oo oo 00 ' lOiSi 9)i ; sa 8 a oo a 5 4 oc a 3-50 a 450 9 60 13 00 10 00 1 85 75 85 .V io 10 9 9 XlM 6 00 300 5 00 00 15 00 a oooo oo oo oooo 7 8 io oo a 1200 7100 8 0G 5 DO 6 00 4 50 5 00 3 5), a 4 00 1 00 a 5 00 175 ' 2 50 15 20 25 28' WILMINGTON ; XtlONElf flAnHET B17Y1HS. .Par. Qoid Exchange (sight) on New York, . - Baltimore, Boston.......... Philadelphia, .. : Western Cities,. "Exchange 30 days 1 V cent. Bans or Mew uanover stocx. . ....... First National Bank, Dawson Bank Wilmington Building Stock, Mechanics' " . " Navasea Guano Co. N. C. Bonds OldEx-Ooupon... Funding 1866..... 14 5 6 ..... 5 ; B BLOOMS. 101X Jt'disc't' " - . X " 100 75 65 100 95 120 Do, Do. ,1868.... Do. New.. - Do. Special Tax. ............. 1 Do. to N. C. Railroad. ...49 W. . W. R.R.Bonds7 JBe(Goldlnt), 97 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 0e .30 Wil. Col. it Aug. R. R. " ......80 Wilmington City Bonds, S 9a. 70 " " 7c.........90 " old 6 9t 74 " " new 6 VC4..70(OoUInU . m' - B Wc......i. .75 ( ' ) New Hanover County Bonds, 6 fc.lV.90 (Gold Int) Do- do. '6 c.L..70 (Cur. Int) W. AW. Railroad Stock I...45 North Carolina R.K. " L..40 WU. Gas Lieht Co. Wilminstton Cotton MBIs... .67 i ...25 QQ QQQ COMMON SHINGLES, 1f.A'Af.A4 HEARTS and SAPS, 1J lmJ J J 100,000 ou.uuu 5 Inch 6 Inch . JyStf For sale low for cash !by ' : O. Q. PARSLEY, Jr., Agent, Cor. So. Water and Orange. Fall Fashions. MRS. VIRGINIA A ORR HAS RECEIVED and is now using the LATEST SHAPES for La dies and Misses Hats, and invites aicall from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them into the most modern shapes. . . White straw dyed black when so .ordered and in best style. : . RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street- . - octl4-tf;- norm Catflliiia:at Getlrstoi;; APPLICATIONS ARK CONSTANTLY MADE for copies of THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to the conduct of North Carolina troops at Gettysburg... The number of requests for these, from the Northern States especially, has lat terly become so great that, being .tunable to supply them otherwise, it has been determined to publish them In. book form.'rj,-t -A'' n:v;fi. n,u--The papers on the subject, on both sides, will; be reprinted Just as they appeared in The Obierver, and will make a volume of some SOD pages. - V -The book will be printed on fair white paper, with good, clear typ, and in paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each;. to dealers and .canvassers at $15 per hundred. - " !lV ; ' . A library edition WUlalsoDB madw. printed on su perior paper and handsomely bound, which will be sold at $1 each: to dealers and canvassers at the rate of $60 per hnndred. ' A . .- :. : Single copies of either edition mailed postpaid oa receipt of tho price. r -" ' The book will be ready for delivery in a few weeks. PI AU til? fujl Concert Grand PianosnTJ P 1 IT IJiLilSfe8! Ve0, only $45. 8n-0 K GA N tin ooioSi con iTafsor-ChVrcliOrgante Sc1$8S- only $105, remeudou crlicg " .lo.eoBl vrceiii moeH;. New Steani fIc tory soon to be erected. . Newepaper with much in formation about Plsno n& Orsrai.. WafchiDfeton, N. J. al 1 JW A DAY to Agents canvassing for thpi?i pi tae Vl-lior. Termsand Outfit ff,1" dreBS P. O.yiCKEKY, Augusta, Maine. $10, rS20. ; $50. S100 juuicioaeiy ja stocks (Uptiong or Pri leges), is a tnre road to rapid fortune. Full detail and official Stock Exchange Reports free AdrtfJi! T. POTTER WIGHT & CO., 1381135 Walt 8 New York. . ' 1 T7T71T A T Orders accomnanled with cash are toliclted, -Address - -' THE OBSERVER,-'1 - !. iny2tf . jRaleigh, N. a The SaUsburyS "Exiierv , ;Etabllled In .169, THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC , j : Printed Weekly and. Tri-Weekly at $3 and $51. . ' Address , J.J.STEWART, BJe23-t -Editor ana Proprietor, Salisbury, N. a $ ,s READ 'I His) tCA liD FKOia OAE HALL, BOSTON New guide for self-measurement plain, simni. and accurate. Perfect fit and satisfaction Waran tecd, and twenty five percent. Bared 1 1 OAK HAI I is the oldest xsstab iehed Clothing Honse in AmV ica !i ; . " t HAMMOCKS. We are importers and whole, ', sale dealers in Hammocks I ! Retail price i each. On receipt of $3 25 will sead by mail wst age paid. . . ' Full size U. S. A, nickle-plated Remington Ke TolVers. with one hundred cartridges, sent ex Pjen paid to any part of the country on the receipt of 58 00 THE BOSTON SHOOTING SUfi. ' First prize, silver medal, over ail competitors made only by G. W. Simmons & Son. Kach gar ment stamped V Sent by mail or express to an v ad dress. Complete Bnit $13.00. - Illustrated circular with samples sent free English Rugby Footballs, Military Goode! White Trousers, Band Uniforms, Base Ball and Bicvcle Suits. Address ' 0. W. SmMOKS & S0N 1 OAK HALL, Boston, Wae. IDr.Marclnsi'a Ctcrins f. ATtlni in.u will positively cure Female Weakness,' such as Kmiii 01 me womb, wnites, onronic Inflammation or CIppi ation of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flood." mg, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Menstruation & An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card f ui a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from physlciaBS and patients, to HOWARTH & BALLAHb UtflCA, N. Y. Bold by all Druggists-LGO per bouK je 15-4wDfcW MANCIIESTCR LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Established in 1853, Manufacture all kinds of Locomotives, and have re cently purchased of the Amoskeag Manufacturing " " i"1"--"i fauouus, auu LUC gUOa Will If il . the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire fin gines tnd Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared tc receive and execute ord3rs promptly, fcend for de scriptive circular. ARETAS BLOOD. Agent,". " nov25DifcWly Manchester, N. if! New York 1 SHOOTING COAT, STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT. First Class in every particulai Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheap ceL MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out, so thai may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. . Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It is my idea ol shooting coat. I have worn them for several year, and will have none other."-- Price for Coat, $25; Vest, $6.57. Also, the beci brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair 1 make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tu-:c briars and will not give saiisi action. Also, in addition to tha above, l am makiug Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut tame style as l he Vc. ' sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportfunii. who have seen it say it is The Heet Yet. Coat ttj.rui. For full Suit, $14.00. I also make the Sleeveless Coa; Vest with sieaves if desired. . Rules for measurement and samples sent upoc application. F. L. SHELDON, ect 25 D&Wtf ' KAHWAY, N .1 M SHARP'S ETALLIC CARTRIDGE," MILITARY, HUNT EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN AOCU - RACY, STRENGTH AND SAFETY. TSo Premature Discharge Ever Occur Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibre 40, 44 and 50-10e men, and of any desired length Charge ef powder from 60 to 105" grains. Weight oi balls from 220 to 548 grains. Stock, plain; alsc Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe auc Peep Bights; Vernier with Interchangeable from sights and Wind-gauge. Every variety of urn munition for above guns, constantly on hand Prices ft-oiii 30 to ,$125. septai-D&Wtf SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn. N. A.; STEDHIAN. Jr. : Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ELIiaABETHTON, BLADEN' COUNTY, N. C. Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, Gccupied by Rinaldl A Oo. , Special attention to Claims. Collections on sums of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, il without Buit Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, &c, a specialty. - i ap 5-D&Wtf PRESCRIPTION FREE. F)R THE SPEADY CURE of Seminal Weak ness. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by indiscretion " or excess. Anv druggist has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAQUE8 & CO., UO W. 8ixth St, Cincinnati, Ohio. feb!5-lyDAW Higli-BredDdgs. English, irish and gordon setteijs, of the Choicest Bred. with guaranteed pedigrees. For sAle by nov7D&Wtf' E. P. WELSH. York, Pean iIO l3 U M E W T S ; '.' and - Grave Stones. 1 v. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOKE PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. KICUAUD WATIIAN & CO., 57 liafiyettopiaceRew If oft. Watban's Monumental Designs, in book form, for sale to the Trade. , - ' ' dec 4 D&Wtf THE ' SNEIDER BREECH L0ADIH6 Stibt-Gun; i I ' Pricel IsV.W'to' 00 4p. MUZZLE r LOADING G UNS I ALTERED TO BREECH -LOADING -jit Clark & Sneider, - - MANUFACTURERS. ; S . " 214 West Pratt Street, ; . I .'.-!,.-,,-'. Baltimore.. - 8end for C?atalogue.- dec 22 D&Wtf Bit. RICORDS?: ESSENCE OF LIFE ' restores manhood and the -vigor of youth to the most shattered 'constitution in four weeks. FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE. .This life restoring remedy should be taken by all' about to- marry or who may have became weakened, from excess or any other cause. Success In 'every case is as certain as that water quenches thirst. $3 per case. Sole Agent, Dr. JOS. JACQUES,? University Place, New York. DRUG GISTS SUPPLIED. ' aug 11-lj