':' 111 r - j in i Twnt .,' in in "mmmmv i i n ' nr i . .a "i, .1 iinr-Tiniri t th n! mtm mi m , ii m , ,y jj- i iiN r i.n jrrfiii r i feJigMefe!?Mggm nv dlys. 8 60 4 00 One week,..., .- -Two weeks, ; s Three weeks, UBLISHKD .iu4v .1 - i ' j6 60 W4v WV'W v.. .-' 10 00 um o cmscKornox n astahox : .Jeeyear, (by mall) poataga pId.., ........ $7 oo Six months, . " , .400 rareemonths, " a : a as one month M " , 100 To City SnhacrlbeM, aelivered In any put of the . una montn,....i TwQBonthv." i ,, Three month -Vm ... 94 00 oixmontna,... 60 00 V-.f fOontraet AdTertJeement taken at propo Mr, Jrarteen uenw pec wees, war vuj. Ageau ar I TTAT--' Wtt''- 1 ik.TA' o aot aathorlzed to collect for mere Uuui three mutUs I y t 1 1 t A-jA1JN aJ, "Qj. 04 !..: rates! , . . .. . I .' Tea. lines nlid Nrnnmnn tvru, u nna. ' r ... .... , - .. 1 - - . "II'""' II - I I " II ' i ' I 1 I - if m. '..I I I'll i I -II- NX" ! ' -M " H 'iJV V' ' I I - il . A -II V ''11 -II I ' I . i - 1 ,r t , m I I - 1 II 1 I X V '1 ' II ' l- 1 - --J i -l. -Ma. I ll ! 1 -ill'll -I... v OUTLINES. The ConTention between England and Turkey has been ratified by tbe former and Bent to Constantinople . some time ago; everything is settled. -Tne British Government is cancelling ita orders for war material, and there is a general decline in the activity 01 a lew monins ago. Foreign Securities are very firm in London. An armed steamer to act as patrol boat has left Wallnla; it is intended to catch the Indians In crossing; the river. De structive fires in the woods in Ottawa Val ley. . ' A big gathering of, Orangemen is expected at Montreal on the 12th. Ma. Gen. Smith goes to Montreal, to take charge or troops. - 'mere is great ex citement at Portland, ' Oregon, over the alarming condition of affairs; volunteer companies are organizing; a plenty of men can be obtained, but arms, &c; - are much needed. New York markets: Money easy at 22i per cent; gold firm aV 100i; cotton dull at 11 7-16ll 9-16c; flour without decided change Southern $4 65 7 23; wheat quiet and scarcely so firm; rorn unchanged: SDirtls turoentine firm at 29 cts; rosin doll at $1 43il 47. DEM00BATIO TICKET. Judges Snprtms Csart i v FOB CHIEF- JTJSTICK, : : : W. N. EL ; SMITH, ' of Waka. ZOH ASSOCIATE JUSTICES : THOS. S. ASHE, of Anson. . JOHN hTdILLARD, of GoUford. - Jadicea Kaperlor Canrt. SEVENTH DIST. ) , J. F. GRAVES, ? . Of BlUTT. . . , ' v EIGHTH DISTBICT. ' " ALPHONSO U. AVERY, t . i ; Of Burke. ! i NINTH "DISTRICT. JAS. C. L. GUDGER, x "' of Haywood. :.. . . Far OoBcrui 1 1 ' . ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. ! '. " For Solicitor t THIRD JUDICIAL DIST. SWIFT , GALLOWAY, .r '-. of Greene. ; - : - Miss Mary Anderson is in London, and the Philadelphia Press says Mshe ia qnite a lioness' there, j 1 The banks of New York city have 5'JU,57i,i25 m excess of tne 'zs per cent, required bv law. There is a marked increase in the specie. The Baltimore Sun says that Gen. Clingm&n, in his recent address at the University of North Carolina, "com bats with great acntehess j and power the idea of the atheists. j According to Mr. RiohaTd A. Proc tor it has been ascertained that the sun is actually 200,000 miles nearer the earth than, was supposed. ' This is fearful, especially as it jis only 92,- 600,000 miles from the earth to the sun. We did not know that the ann was really so veryjnear us. ; No won der the - thermometer shows 86 de grees in our office, and we are no nearer the great orb than other sin ners of this immediate bailiwick. , Alex. Stephens is not the only in dependent Jeffersonian Democrat in Georgia. There is opposition to the re-nomination of Dr. Felton in the 7th District., He defies the Conven tion, a&d says he will run as an inde pendent. Ben Hill is trying to pacify, but the antagonizers . wonV pacify "worth a cent. -We do better than that in North Carolina. Thnsfarthe voice of conventions is accepted in Congressional contests as the voice of tho people. 4 The good time coming will be here aftei awhile.' We must sweat through tne hammer, keep oar ' soma in pa tience, hope for the best, and do oar duty. The New York correspondent of . the . Philadelphia Ledgert of the .. date 6th, writes as; follows conoern ing the trade of that great city: "The week closes up with a quiet feeling in commercial circles, nut witn a very gen eral expectation that brisk times are ahead. The dry goods dealers report ; tbe general market quiet, but brown sheetings, cotton flannels, grain- baes, and some , makes of woollen goods are being distributed m fair quantities, on account of back orders. Cot-' ton goods are steady1 in price, and fancy cassimere is moving slowly. ; shirts and ' drawers more active. Old Ben Butler has made a green back speech in '' Massachusetts, f He is as cute as unprincipled, and knows which side bis bread is battered and how to get more bread. He is aeon sammate demagogue. The fact that he identifies himself with the Green back' party in Massachaaetts ' shows that he has confidence in its streuglh. He always imitates Napoleon fights on the side with the heavy battalions. Miss Genevieve Ward, the gifted American actress, after a five years' residence abroad, is again in New York, where she was born. She has had a very successful career in Eng land, playing at Drury Lane and the Adelphi theatres. The Ne-w York Times, of the 7th says: "Miss Ward is of medium size, with a smiling, bright, vivacious face, blue eyes, and: the whitest of teeth.- She has been abroad for five years, and did not conceal her oy at reaching borne again. : Jttiss Ward's success in Europe was flattering, and her appearance in New York may be looked forward to with great pleasure. She is under engagement with Messrs.. Jarratt & Palmer, of Booth's Theatre, and her first appearance there is to be in 'Jane Shore,' on the evening of September; 2. She will also appear - in 'Henry YIII, supported by ueorge vanaernonrana Miinesitevick, and in several other plays. , , : j: UTATE POLITICS, j Carteret county Democrats have nominated for House O.H.; Chad wick, and John D. Davis for SheiifC v; i Miltdn CArdnicie: There is some talk of the Hon. C 8. - Winstead being an independent candidate for the State Senate in this district. . . i ' 'x- In order tt secure the title Of "Honorable," it is only necessary under young America to be a candidate for office and be defeated. The Charlotte Observer i says "Grandma" Kerr will not le an indepen dent candidate in Mecklenburg, and that the Kepubucans will not put a ticket in the field. - According to the Concord Sun the attempt to nominate another Senator in ritaniy county turned out a grand failure.. There was so much noise no i organization could take place. . The Radicals of Greene held their Convention on '.Saturday. R. 3 W. King, of Lenoir, was nominated for the Senate, W. Dixon for the House, and H. D. Potter for Sheriff. 1 " Robbins beat Dula 4,075 votes in the Seventh District in 1876. Vance's majority over Settle was 3,295. It is sin gular that with such ah exhibition of popu larity Kobbins was not renominated. , - CoL John R. Winston, of Cas well, is a candidate for Congress in Gen. Scales's district. He is a Greenbacker. The Raleigh Observer calls him "a lonesome candidate" of a small party." There is no telling how hungry folks are getting. The Granville Radicals now have two tickets in the field for county offi cers. R. W. Lasaiter has been nominated for Clerk against Cozart, and B. F. Bullock, now Sheriff, against! one Tom Hicks, a dirty fellow. Tbe Democrats have a full ticket. Monroe Express'. The primary election on Saturday last passed off quietly. Nothing like a full vote was polled, not more than half the people turning out. ck far as the people are concerned there seems to be universal satisfaction with tbe manner in which the election was conducted and cordial acqaiesence in the result. t Unarlotte uoserveri it is ru mored that Mr. W; T. H. Ewing, of Mont- eomerv. is a candidate for the Senate in the district composed of his county and Richmond. independent. - The De mocrats of Cherokee county have nomi nated CoL Jonn Roitn ior Representative in the Legislature, and endorsed J. L. Robin son for State Senator.) v; ;-;-, ; . 1 ; Greensboro .North State. Rep.: It looks now as though Merrimon will have a large majority over Vance in the .Legis lature. -The air is full Of independent democratic candidates, it is noticeable that the State ' Democratic ' papers have stopped abusing them. -A Democrat from Kandoipn, wno is well posted, tells us the independent ticket in that county .will beat the I -straight Democratic ticket . oQO votes, i ,).:..: Raleigh Hetok i..-While plough ine in a field on ' Saturday, ' Mr. Utley, i resident of Middle Creek township, was overcome by the intense heat. He was carried to the housej but despite all at tempts to revive him, died in an hour. He was only eignteen years oi age, was young man of much promise, and held in high esteem in his community. . fjoi. Win. L. Saunders has returned from a lengthy sojourn at the Warm Springs, and shows much improvement is neaitn: Spirits ;Tuii)entine. Atlanta watermelons sell ' at Charlotte for 85 cents, and big ones at that. The father of Mr. R. E. Blakey, of the Lenoir lopie, died recently in Rich- . a tr. " , i i .... - ) mono, va. :: f ; - A colored girl and boy were poisoned in Harnett from eatiagsome roots. The gvdied-- One of tne MecKienourg emi- crrants to Liberia is dead, ' His name was Presaly Hood, aged 19. - ; v- Mn W. H. Bailey, of Charlotte, was robbed of his gold watch, money, ec. while attending Cabarrus Court. ; . ; ; Monroe vjucpress; n There are seven negroes in the Monroe jail between the ages of 14 ' and 21. - This fact should serve as a warning to the rising generation Of negroes.v s iitm.'' j -P'vv ':i : Charlotte Yonng Mens Chris tian Association will have a book recep tion. The voterter says: acn nsuor-r invitations being extended is expected to bring and leaves book: or docks or. - some description for the Association's library;, The Washington correspondent of the Tarboro Southerner tells of Denaro Roberts and a small boy being capsized in the sound, and being lorcea to remain on the boat's bottom for three days and nights, amid furious blasts of rain and violent wind storms, without a drinK of fresh wa ter or a morsef to eat,' save a crab which they caught and devoured raw. They were taken off on the evening oi tne tnira davin an exhausted condition, and they could not possibly have held on but a few hoars longer.' . 4 ' " r Beaufort Atlantic: IThe wheat crop in the western portion of. Carteret has been harvested, and we regret to state that not more than half a crop has been housed. Cotton is improving and the corn looks well ;' About bine years ago James W. Jferkins left bis lather's Louse at newport, Carteret county, N.. C.l to seek a : classical education. He started with less than $15 as his capital. He obtained , profitable employment, and without assistance' from home . he has paid his way through the University of Kentucky, where he gradu ated on the 11th of ; June, being but about $25 in debt when he graduated. : i Lenoir Topic: The new academy for boys, under the supervision of Rev. Wj M. Robey, former President of ; Davenport female College. ? is . rapidly ; approaching completion. . It is . beautifully located and, when completed, will be one of the most handsome buildings in town. A New York capitalist' has proposed - to iron and equip the narrow, gauge railroad, irom Lin colnton to Lenoir immediately on tbe com pletion of the grading. - At a railroad meeting held at Lenoir last Monday, twenty shares or two thousand dollars was sub scribed to assist in the completion of the. narrow gauge road to .that point.: - v, Asheville i Ciiizen: Gen. T. L. Clingman arrived jThursday; night 'for. a season, j lie looks as well and is in as good spirits as . an , old bachelor ought to. He tmnks tbe "telephone man" ot tbe Kaleign Newt "is a fooL" CapU J. - M. Fagg ast week completed his contract of five miles on the S. & A. ; Railroad, his work ending at the Swannanoa bridge. - Captain, has been engaged on this contract some thirteen months, and to celebrate the finish, and to show his appreciation of the labors of his employes, on Thursday last gave an old fashioned barbecue at "the shanties" at his works, some four miles from town; -; The Beaufort Atlantic says that a negro -t scoundrel on Monday sight en tered tne residence oi itev. j, xu wneeier, and when found out was lying in bed be side that gentleman's wife.. When Mrs. Wheeler was first awakened, upon finding some one in bed beside her, she thought it was one' of her children, but calling bis name and receiving no .answer, she became frightened and awoke her husband. Mr. Wheeler immediately sprang from the bed,' and upon his. wife attempting to strike a match the scoundrel made bis way leisurely towards tbe door, which he had left open. and made his escape. Mr. w. was un armed. . . ; Greensboro Jtfort h State: Bishop Lynch, of Charleston, spent Sunday, -June 23d, in this place, lie preached morning and night at the Catholic Church. - The Bishop is one of the most eloquent divines in the country. Notwithstanding the threatening weather on Friday evening last, the yard party held in the erove 1 in front of the residence, of CoL John A. Gilmer, passed off pleasantly. The ladies disposed or tbe nice things they had prepared at rea sonable rates, and realized some forty dol lars for tbe school. Gen Stephen A. Douglas Is dangerously sick at the resi dence of his brother. " He returned from Rockingham Sunday night . : Concord Sum Daring . the pre valence of the -thunder storm Friday eve ning, tne nam or Mr. K. a. rarisn, Wbo lives in No. 11 ' township, was "hit"? by lightning in two places. A horse was killed and the building shattered, but no fire re sulted and the forage, etc., were not damaged. On the streets Saturday we saw. Harry Bangle, of this county, who is now in bis 91st year. He came to town on horseback does not wear glasses, and says be is as . well as usual, except he is a little weak in his legs.. He plowed seventy six summers and hopes to live a long time yet.' His Hair is nearly .black ' and he is erect in his walk. '- At the Stanly Con vention last Saturday the negro element Caught up the sentiment and raised "hades" among ' themselves. One whipped out a shooting iron and put a bullet in another's body. Damage not fatal. . Oxford Jfree Lance : An infor mal meeting of the incorporators of tbe Ox ford & Henderson road was held Monday. The report of the Engineer, Major Atkin son, was submitted, and the ! special acts of the Legislature relative to the road exam ined, with the view of ascertaining what steps could be taken towards commencing the work at once. ; The laws on the sub ject were found to be of such a character as to loroid any successful progress just now, and the meeting adjourned until Sat urday, tbe 20tb inst. The following gen tiemen were present as -; incorporators : Messrs.- VY. J. tiregory, " J. U. ' Cooper, J. t. Jones, . v. uregory, John a.- Wu liams, James A. Bullock, T. D. Crawford. R. 8. Barnett, J. B. Crews. ' The Re publican -candidate for Probate Judge on Monday last fisticuffed with a fellow "half seas over" because he intimated that proba bly he would condescend to dine with colored individual. ; r. a Siv t- rt Charlotte -. Observer:' "An ad journed meeting of the directors of the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauee Rail road will be held at Newton, next Wednes day. The directors of the Western North Carolina Railroad also meet next week. - There will be , some competition this summer there - is : already between the Western North Carolina and the Spartan burg 6S Asbevuie Railroads lor the travel to the mountains. ; uotn roads : oser su perior inducements. Rev. 8. Taylor Martin and family are in the city,.; having returned zrom a visit to relatives in estates ville. They leave for their new -mountain borne in Henderson county the early , part or tnis week. ;rne case oi tne uaro- lina Central Railway Company against M. M. Urr, for damages ior right or way through the lands of defendant,: was taken np Friday,' at Cabarrus courts The case was arranged , by Dr. Orr consenting to take a judgment for $1,000 and . costs of action, and the railroad company giving a quit claim to an or me ngni or way. except that -actually taken up oy tne railroad track, p; '? :,'-.;? ' ' ;;; -':':J. " v:':Uv-- !l- Capt. Galloways AppolBimeai. ,'.iu '; Capt. Swift Galloway, Democratic can didate ; ior superior . upon aoiicitor, wu. address the DeoDle at the f oHowinsr places Ctinquepin, Duplin county, Wednesnay, iuiy ium.. ,.,v .. ; , " ---uh: , . - Wallace, Duplin county, Thursday, July llth.. :.i-::J--..VV V''- -:': ; Rocky Mount. Friday. Jnly 12th.' . : ; ' I Cooper's Alley, Nash .county, Saturday July 18th, rmief. ' Wilson. Monday. JUiy iotb. it v I Clinton, Friday, July 19th. , . ; v ! Kenansville. Saturday, July 20tb. V:vT i Jacksonville, Onslow county Monday, July 23d. - ?:': I Richlands. Tuesday. 23d." ' Other appointments will be anaouneed. The citizens are most" respectfully and earnestly requested to meet as above stated. Everybody knows theT stupefying, and deadly qualities of. Opium; still there are large quantities or tnis dangerous orug soia as a soothing medicine ior cnuaren. ,u ur Bull's Baby Syrup contains nothing in jurious and will relieve your baby of pain and all disorders of ithe Bowels. Price 25 ? -.- :M ' ' ' ; A fire in the drying room of the Western Steam Tobacco works at jmiwauxee, Wis., destroyed stock valued at ' $75,000 nsared for $50,000. MEW ADVSCBTISBSIKNTS.- Hkihsbergbr Blank books. -To Tax-Payees -Last notice. ' l ExcTjBsioK-Bteamer Passport. -Gorb & Gork Meal, flour, &c. Thk TBiiraoKR-Conwayboro, S. C, Lotjisiana. Lottery AagU8t 'drawing. Laeal Doit. There were no cases for trial be. fore' tbe Mayor's Court yesterday morning. ; yy e were, nnapie ,io get any,, ti - i rr l v - ? dings from the Senatorial Convention, which met at CIarkion' Bladep ! , county, yesterday ; kftqun'0mir$sk- i ! Stationary ' or lower pressnresi slight change in temperature, south - and east winds, partly ciouay weatner ano nu merous rains are the indications for this section lo-day.,v.M : The first' race5 of- the' Beason of the Masonboro' Ce' Club, : composed of uvenilee, takes place at Masonboro' sound thisv evening, i Suitable: prizes xi will be awarded to the winning boais 'f; i Those who are fond of a mix- ture of .moonlight and music; flavored with ocean .breezes,, are,: informed) that. -the, steamer. Passport will make an excursion, for a select partyrtq SmithvUle on Friday evenmg next , ' - The ; Charlotte ; Observer says : Several of, our citizens, including ladies, went down to Wilmington to attend, the 4th of July regatta, ' They were charmed with their trip. All.Charlotteans enjoy them selves in Wilmington.".; . , : ' We have received ihtf proceed ngs of a Republican ' convention recently held at Kenansville, with a request to' pub- ishi' ! We are compelled id decline: The proceedings of Democratic ' meetings and cpnventioos occupy all ,tbe space we" can spare. ' . . . ,,f;. (i fbe Fir Veaterdmy Mornlma. : A little after 3 o'clock yesterday morning the alarm was sounded ior fire in the fourth ifire district, nd upon investigation it was iound to have its origin in V : store, with dwelling attached, ou the comer of Ninth and Wooster streets, the buildiug being the property of Mr. J, C. orueman,'; which was ' occupied ' by . Mr. . Henry : Ehrbeck. (When discovered the fire had attained .such headway that the stock of goods was en tirely destroyed, and Mr. JShrbeck suc ceeded in saving but very little of his turni ture. The steam fire a engines "Adrian" and "Little, Giant" were promptly at the scene of the conflagration and were instru inentalia saving the adjoining property. Mr J.iT. Wilkins ' house Was f f slightly ilamaiged by being scorched. The steam fire engine "Cape Fear" was undergoing repairs and did not put in an appearance. but her hose was on hand and was brought into" requisition. I The building, which proved an entire loss, was insured for $600 in the National, of Hartford, represented by Messrs. At kinson & tlanning, of this city.:- Mr. Ehr beck had an insurance of $400 on his stock and $500 on his furniture, in the ' German- American, of New York, represented by Messrs. ;W; U 8mith & Co' -Mr:' Wilklns' loss was covered by insurance. Nothing is known - as lk how the ' fire Originated. "" - ' ., Tli Taebt A Met taw The new vacht which has been in course of construction at Messrs; Hart, Bailey Co.'s foundry for- Some weeks past, by Captl B; W. Beery, was launched at Mar ket dock yesterday afternoon, about half paste o'clock, in the presence of a ! large number of spectators . She was drawn to the dock on a wagonj . with Capt . H.- D. Gilbert on deck as Master of .. Ceremonies, the yacht .being; gaily dressed . out in ; flags and streamers, i Arrived, at the dock, pre parations were speedily made, fori launch-: ing' and; aa she touched tbe element in which she is doubtless destined to play Very conspicuous part,' bottle or Messrs. Hart & Bailey's best wine,: manufactured at Is their J ' vineyards near sathia cltyi Was. broken over her bows, by Mr. Adolphf Nelson, while at the same moment' Capt Gilbert nf arled to the breeze a smalt ' bat handsome flag hearing the1 'name ofth yacht : Aribtta, which was : hailed . with ahonts from the-crowd.4 " 1 ' ;" ( This new and ' handsome, yacht, ; which reflects great credit upon ' her builder, was constructed for Messrs. ' Adolph ; Nelson, Edward Bailey and : James : Guthrie,; three J of the" ;young gentlemen employed. 'at the foundry. J She ia pS feet in length of keel, 8 feet. 3 inches in width of beam and 25 feet Over all, is to be schponer-rigged.with cabin, hatchway, &e. and is.toti be provided with alt the modern improvements, such i as ai raneementi for cookinei &cti Her4 masts. Bftili. riffirinev etc. will-ba nlaried in nosi- f --era --w . . , . tlon without delay, and - she is to make a trip to the Blackfish grounds shortly- - I Soon after the launch, which was a very BUecessful one, the yacht was taken to Mr. J. H. Neffs dock,1 where she continued the centre of attraction for some time.' " ' i The yacht was named for a daughter of Mr. L. A. Hart,' the senior member of the firm of HarJ, Bailey & Co. , . ,f , - Tnermometfcr Beora. Tbe following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned,-- at 4.85 yesterday evening; Washington 'mean time,1 as ascertained from this1 dali bulletin issued from tne. Signal Office in this' city; Augusta. ...... 93 Charleston, V.".1..'. 88 OorBicana,.;..'..i.S8 Galve8ton,4 . . . ;90 Indianola, '. - . .87. Jacksonville,. . . . .88 Key West........ 83 'Mobile,;'. 95 Montgomery ; . . '. . vi New Orleans, i . ;-.91 Punta Rassa, . ; . .83 Savannah,.,; , . , .88 St. Marks,...;... 79 Wilmington,.... 86 Bealtratloo, Ak1b4 ,;u.t;"! i.- ' A careful read ine: of the law in reference to the matter of registration would seem to j mva vrw liltifl rnnm fnr rtrSnht thnl tt wnn I the intention to have the books closed: on I Friday,' the 26th inst. ; the succeeding Satur day to be devoted to; i s , 'revision: of the books, as required byUw.' Nevertheless, In order to settle ithe matter beyond dis- pute and it ' is1 highly ''important'; 'that it I Bbouid be so settled it would be .weu for I -' 'V-w-, I some one of our Board of Magistrates to get the opinion of the Attorney General on the subject, without delay, for publication. As t now stands, in our opinion, the, keeping he books open until Wednesday preceding I the books open until Wednesday preceding I 0 1 Who registered after the 28th had done so I illegally, r yJl'o&A' h6n ':hi:t At all events the best and safest plan is to register at once. ". . -; ;. . ... , Since Writing the above we learn that John Cowan, Esq.,' Secretary to the Board of Magistrates, has written to: Raleigti for definite information in regard to the matter. PeaderPrltontri. i" ' ' " ' The .following' prisoners, belonging f Pender county, who have been confined in the county jail in this city, were 'taken to Stanford yesterday, morning to stand their trial before the present term of the Supe rior Court " Tbe parties are alt colored: Samuel Hayes; burglary; Oliver' Tate, lar ceny; Loftin Murphy, ! burglary!; Laura Robinson, larceny; Wm. Davis, burglary; Jack Morris, burglary; Frank Mills, rape; Daniel Hayes, assault and battery (cutting a man's throat with a razor), and Henrietta Hanchey, trespass. 4 There are two cases to come up: before: this court which were removed1 from this .county, viz., Hector Davis, charged with rape, and Richard Hooper, for assault with a deadly weapon.. There are' six capital cases Included in the above, four, for burglary and two for rape: raoettna Carolina , Taebt Club. At a meeting of the Carolina . Yacht Club, held yesterday afternoon, the prizes for the late race ; were awarded as follows First prize and champion flag to the yacht Simple; second prize to the yacht Bosa, and third to the yacht Jlestless, s , , It was resolved that , the judges trans cended their authority in - awarding the yacht Frolic a second start. I ; ' The by-law empowering parties not con nected with the Club was rescinded ' The Regatta Committee was empowered and required to . revise the sailing regula tions, and have tbe same printed before the next race. The meeting then adjourned. -.... 1 . . , M.a-.ai -J-. Pender Superior Cours. , Mi... : " We learn from a gentleman ' who was present that only a few trivial - cases were disposed of by this j court yesterday, none of the more important .ones, having as yet been called. - : - - The case of Richard Hooper, charged . ..... . . . -i .... with committing, an assault with a deadly weapon upon Mr. William Richardson, re moved from this county, where there bad been two mistrials, was postponed until the next term of the court ' . At a late meeting Of the Board of County Commissioners it was ordered that tea day's more be given, to the . tax-payers of the county in which to list their real estate, personal and poll taxes, upon application to the Register of Deeds. The time so ex tended will expire oh Friday next, and all who fail to give in their taxes by that time are notified that they will. certainly be put on the delinquent list Those who desire to save costs should list at once. matrlel Conference . , 1 The following . are the delegates of the Fifth JBtfeetJ M. E. Church to the District Conference of the M. E. ; Church, 8outb, which meets at Whitevilie to-morrow: i DelegateaRl i Aj McClammy, ; T. ' T. Seeders, . Robert Smith and! Newton Gilli- ! MernatesW. K. Bell, G. Register, W. M. Hayes and Wm. Goodman. " A Slnealar Pbenomenon . I A lady who arrived in" this pity yestero oay morning, reports mat. wnue .on ner way from Myrtle Grove Sotrnd,' on Monday night,' she witnessed a singular' phenome-1 non in the shape of what had . all the ap pearance of being a ball of fire passing across the heavens." It was. in sight for nearly five minutes, and' .finally burst Into fragments. . .,1 .,s ! .t: MI VBtC AFTD miARIR B ITBRtS. ! 1 The IAoriie, EllaV cleared from Liver pool for this port on the 28th ulL ; ' : The BesduU ' Lawrence, arrived ' at Glasgow front this rt on the 25th :ult.'-' 'j The Norwegian barque Sueeesa was reported as having arrjvebelow yester day. . ; j,,,- - 5 'V.-. . -'- The British brig Alaska, Halcrow, ar rived at London from this port on the 1st inst. Ui"4i i fn.U. i j -'i . ' f J - . -. ..:! , j , ;- .ft i The - steamship Regidatar; Doaae, arrived at New York from this port on the 6th inst. f v i - i ! j . r- The barque Oeorgei Dam, Hooker, sailed from Liverpool -for this-port on the 26th ult. : The schr. John. A. , Griffin, ' :r I Foster, cleared from Philadelphia for this port on tbe 6th inst. i -Tbe schooner lJames X . W Flowers. ' arrived at 'Baltimore from this . 1 u. t ... 1 - .U'i,.'j-'i Ss-e- ' 11 "j I if:: i.u BawwfcA ; Book BnromiiTi iTtsMcmartad Bia Book Ulna ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner; and atreasonable prices. Mer Mwk.aiHntaffli nomntiMH lathe BXeCUtlon helTordera. . I 4?apt. gwlft .Galloway a Bnrffa?w rdi.a i i "This bold, champion of " Democracy, and Democrfttifi nnmlnAa fnr th Thim Judicial District,' addressed a large erowi at Burgaw today. I He fully) met i hc ex pectations of his friends and the..Demo- cratic pariyJiHe ..was. evidently in good humor with himself and the Democracy of sating Convention at Goldsbord -..-he ;dauin- Pender, to whose delegation in the nomi- rr( vilM TtT" 7 kjZw v t a late hour, midnight, of the Convention, heiu tiex nearly one hundred baUots; ito delegates were nearly worn down with ex haustion from their protracted labors,'- Mrl John R. Paddison, of Point Caswell, came fnrvrai.fi an1 nnminatarl fu rt flmift forward and nominated Capt way. This motion resulted in way. This motion resulted in the nominal I I tioQ of this talented gentleman byitheCoa- A:A-m t Mn tUki ok.-. that Mr. Paddison should have been selected.ns he was to-day, by the Democratic Execu tive Committee of Pender, to introduce Capt Galloway, which service he performed in a neat manner. , :,m . 'v.-. f m-. . The Captain has evidently entered upon the campaign with the determination to do his whole duty. He is an eloquent speaker, and possesses qualifications of Blimne up the people wherever be goes:1' 'His indict ment to-day of the; Republican party , was masterly and emecuve. . tie is a growing man, as ne surely is very popular,' and will- make an able Solicitor, and will faithfully protect the law- and effectively 'guard the' claims of justice and . the: interests s of so-h Ciety. DPECTATOR. Btjrqaw; N. C; July 9th, 1878. J ? e" . . 1 : : .: Tne Commissioner of. Agrlcaltare in i; ' ' " ' '' Pender. ' o ' "''" Star Correspondence: I 0? . .Stanford, July 9, 1878. As had been previously announced,; our Commissioner of. Agriculture, Col. Ju. L. Polk,- wa8 present to-day, and being ap propriately introduced by Dr. a. o. Batch-' well, proceeded to deliver one of the most useful and instructive addresses to which it has ever been our good fortune to listen. Tbe Colonel has completely captivated the hearts of the farmers of - Pender; and tho day will long be remembered by. them. He has taken the right steps, coming among the people, and or one thing-he 1 may Test assured that he will always be remem- bered as tne farmer's friend. At the con clusion of the 1 address a resolution was : passed thanking Colonel - Polk and, pledg ing the county of fender to support the Department of Agriculture. !..; s - . 4 .--A ;v,.: ..:;';" - Point juaswell. ; HOTEL ' AWB1 VAItS.-V i OT in . PcacEiit . Hoobk-t-Cobb Bros:, Pro'prs: July 8-H PClark,New YorktD PHigh. Whitevilie. N C; E W Edlin. Md: Spencer, Lieurand, A M Jvirkland, N C; Capt Ch as iiamcKe, yacht Liittie Ida, .Baltimore: Au gust tlaniL Baltimore: Ehas Hahff. Phila delphia; tizo A W Williams, Masonboro, "N U; VV ACumming, Greenville, N C; H B Shorter, 11 B Short, Jr, Lake Waccamaw; v etvens, unsiow county. July 9 Geo H Brockenbrough.CharlbtteJ NC; N W Polk, Geo J Ziltgles, Phila delphia; John S Oliver, J R W erring, A H tJolinary, Baltimore ; W B Parish, Chatf 11 Tribon, Capt B Doane. W , H Cole. New xork: l tfoney. Vv Jr Boney. Julius JS Jbtoney, JJuplin ttoads, JN V: B rt Anderson, N C; John J Rengier, Lancaster; Pa; A E uuchnst, Eugene Gilchrist, Mullins, S v. . Remaining m the City -PoskDfflce; July 10, 1878, unclaimed: B Giles Baker, -Elisha Boon, Frank Bryant Frank Boddis, John Bryant, R B Branch, 8amuel Brown, Rev W M Bucha man, miss Anna Brown, mrs M L Blake. w (Jiarkson, wmunesnut. miss M. Charnless. miss Rachael CooDer.. jj Miss Helen Dixon, mrs Jf WUunbar. .lu Kich ISverett. . i ! -el iir ui: t nr iiuix aiauua, o x uiuuer. : QWm Galaway, Edwald Grant. H John Harriss.. H W Howard. J C Hughes, Rev. Moses Hopkins. W J: Heck. W iiudien, Elizabeth Howard, miss Clara W lieatn... Knvf, s;-u.f?ij .-t- J Miss Susan Johnson, miss Pressilla Johnson, Martha A; Juer, mrs M Isabella J ohnson ..-r , ; , ..... . -.' ai f L Mrs Lanier, miss Hattie Lee, miss Alice Lie wis. - M Kitty Morriss, G H Mayardenl Gran4 ville MciNeal, lieo D McMillan, Tiller HTI.V.oll ;. 1 . ' . . . ' - ' !' j u miss (jarne u wens. ., "P Mrs Charlotte Payne, miss S G Price, mrs iressuia almer, uarvin Poofcrin.- i R ThosReily. ;, . i n . I S Jos Sommons. Isaac Stokes. John C Sampson.-''; k;- h I H IS 'I'fttn A I . 'I'hnrnlnn: . . ...a .. I W Rich Washington. June Willisl Geb Watters, Edward Warring, Enise Wilson; Kesiah WUder. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised.' - If not. Callea for witnin thirty days they will be sent to the uead letter ufflce. :r: , , . 'i-.'U Ed. RBitnrt P.M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. S MEDICATED BATHS ARB EXPENSIVE. : Not So, however, Gldth's Sttlphtb Soap, a cheap and emcienc enosutute, wmcn answers tne same pur pose as far as local diseases of the skin, rhenma- t Hxix's iKSTAXTAmoiTS Haib Dtk producea nat- urai eneciB ana is saie. - . x. &" ; FOB UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mas. Wiwklow's , BooTHiKS Stbup has : been need fox children. It corrects Acidity of the stomach, relieves wthd oouo, regulates the bowels, cures DTntmr andPrtRKHoa. whether srisinz from teething or other causes. - An old and well-tried remedy. SS CXNTS A BOTTL. ..... . . . 'Reliable heh for weak and nervous sufferers. Chronic vainfol and prostrating -diseases cured Without medicine. Pufrermacher's Electric Belts tbe crand desideratum. Avoid imitations. book and Journal, with fall particulars, mailed free. Ad-, dress rni.TXBicA.cHKB uaiiVahio jo., ma vinest' Cincinnati, Ohio. .-; . I TBAHsna PnrBmKe-iKKs. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, merj chants, rnanmfactarers and others.,: They are eB- I during and changeless, and will copy sharp and Clear for an indefinite period ef time. Having jnst received a fresn supply or these .inks, wears pre pared to execnteorders promptly and at moderate pnees. The event causing most excitement recently in New Orleans has been the great . success attendant upon the purchase of a single ticket in the June drawing of the Louisiana Lottery Company by Mr. W. S. Campbell, a coal dealer ef No. 29 Carondolet street (well known there)) yielding a return, paid , immediately, or ziuo.ouu in casn. w no win Be tne Aextt For information- address Mi A.' Dauphin, r. o. tux bxi, Mew urieans, 14. i liivan xs oJMVt.iofi raver is tne ibuwtuuuit gan of the whole human system. ' When it is dis- -turned in Its proper action all kinds of ailments are the natural result. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in coring FithS oWuvdT au persons anuctea wun uyBpepua or iaver um. I mach. Three doses wUl prove that it is just what I you want. neaL'IIeal2tSit; i ijv 1 ; vcfi 1 A'A;Rnli -frrBrrraT a' w a r ' J I : 'gOO ' m Of I VOt Sale IOW Dy 1 JylOtfDAW GORE A GORE. ; NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. v'KTrinrilicy'h-t'-ci'nrl liTiid V w&r::Mo -AOAV'- StemerAPassport TTILL MAKE AlJ BXCTJR8ION TRIP FOR A . V V , Select .Party to SmitOYille and tbe , Foitifica- timi.' i. .... n., .j .., ..... ... . FRIDAY EVE'NG, ;jt7M; 12TO. leaving uock at 7.30; Ketnrniag at. 13 M. 4 ,., swuid Trb 0 Cts.' ' onon n a smwn will be ftmdshed. Refreahmente at reasonable rates. Do not f au to become refreiHed.' . SrTIckeU limited. For ,'mt the nfflrn nf Ik. f 1 ftt.l AA T.rt T'nPo vrnvo f - - - j . OrERBD. BY, TBB BOARD OF county Commlesionera, that Ten Days more be tven to Ilk your Real KsUte, Pereonal and Poll Tax, oa ap. plication to the Register of Deeda, and all who fail to listtit th expiration of that time, will be pat on the Delinquent List, and thereby become sab ject to Doable Tax, and the same will be collected. x itixAi wiu posuiveiT be the last day for list ing. All failing to do io by that time will go on the Delinquent Liat. J. G. WAGNBR. . IT.MHR . Chairman. Blank Books,- V JUST RRCKTVED, A LAROS ;. .... ! ASSORTMENT OP BLANK BOOKS, AUL KINDS ' AND 8IZB8, . ; v , For cale cheap at . . ., HBINSBBRQSR'S. . Invoice Books. A KOTHER LOT JUST RECEIVE n. . And for sale cheap at K),'. .' '' . ! ! , ' HELNSBBRQKR S, "JylOU-.; aiand 41 Market Street The Teleplioner Sstndtrt Wood, ditof 'aid Pronrleter. : CONWSATBORO,8.C 'The only Paper now published in- Horry Cnnty. S3 per annum la advance. ' Bend stamp for sample copies. Advertising rates moderate. Circulation large for a country paper. . Items fcrief., jy 10 tf Flour,. Bacon, &c. " ( Boxes D. 8 SLOBS, , ' , - i ; 200 M?LA8SE9' AU ktod. -1 For sale low by ,j .t. , . iyiotf D&W' GORB St GORB. : :A BPI.RNIIID OPPOKTDNITV TA WIN A FORTUNE . KIGHTH GRAND D1S 5RLBUTION, 1178, AT NEW ORLEANS TUES- A.I AUUUWK lta,, .f .Vr.y.-ii-vifi . 1 LOlllSlHilfl 0THI6 LOTTGrv flmilSllV. This institution was regularly incorporated by the , egislatursof the State for EducaUonal and Charl- . table a parposes In lges, with a capital of $ 1,000,000, hichrt has since added a reserve fund of S8&o,- , te wt 000: ITH GRANT) RINaT.H! 'VTTMRHW nTBTRTRrT. TION will take place monthly on the second Tues oay. ; m never tcaus or postpone. JLook at the rol iowwk uistriDunon ss..; : CAPITAL' PRIZE. 30.000. , . 109,1100 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH y'f HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. f fe, .. i,; LIST OF PRIZES "I Capital Priae..., , fl Capital Prtee....... 1 Capital Prize..... i S Prizes of assoou.... 5 Prizes of 1000 SO Prizes of 600. wi.i, inn PHrpn nt inn ni t - rx i. ..$30,000 10,000 .. 6,000 s.000 6.CO0 10,000 10,0X0 10,000 10,000 10,000 : ' 1000 Prizes of i lj.K".-I;Ii;;.i ; APPROXIMATION PRIZES; 9 Approximation Prizes of $200... . Approximation Prises at j 100...!... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 yy. ?t-.! ... S.700 . w. 100 ... 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to .$110,400 I SetmanarhiA mwimmiainrf Mtitd m all prominent BOintS. to whom a liberal cAmnenaatton will be paidV , j f u - - i - - i Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. ! write, clearly stating fall address, for farther in- . formation, o send orders to ' - i,,., -s'S- M A OAVF01N, n "'.' .; P. O. Box69S, New Orleaxs, Louisiana. All bar Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the sunervision and1 meat or ujcnskajub w. X. BEAUREGARD and BALA. EARLY. My 10-Dw4w&W sat we CAPE FEAR. HILITABT ACADEMY, IksibucTOSS Mai. B. J. BTJRGS88. Prinfiinal : Prof. J. C HOKNliR, Associate Principal : Capt. -WASHINGTON CATLETT. Assistant. Strict discipline; location healthful, school tho roughly equipped. t Fall term begins I&d September; 'IJyOtf Furniture. jtCargb stock of new - : 1 ; ' ' i - ' AND FRESH GOODS ' , . ' . . ., s- ... t . - i-i ,v - '"Just received, and for sale low by i : i . . ... ..... ,v . .. . JyStf ' ' t D A. SMITH A CO.a j Flour, Uoiasses. Ac. i; WE OFFER AT LO W FIGURES ' ' 500 BblsrLOUS aU J 1 200 BbI" K0LASSE kmds ' ' ''!' JQ'Q Boxes BACON, s J ' ' 200KeKNAILS,i ;' fye-BagsCOFFEE,'''' 75 Kbit SUGAR.' Cotton' Yarn: Rice. Tobacco. Shtaflr nnAv r-h. dies, Buckets, Brooms, Ac. ' .. - , --. t 1v B-tfDAW . Wbnleaals DmHinL , Horsies; : Horses- WELL BROKEN HARNESS 1 -'l iJ 1 AND SADDLE HORSES Can snit any body1 vi ' - ' ' : ; ta style, speed and action. Rev, copy.' NORTHROP m CUMMISQ. ALL PERSONS ARB HEREBY forewarned not to trust or harbor any of the crew of the American Schooner '"JOHN BCRTJETTB." as no debts of jT, their contracting will be paid by the jaasier or ixmsuiiee. tM LUND. Master. i&Jmu MiBfiiiairiiiPiaiios.' ' - TOSBPH DBNCK,' '-' - vj i?fi& wJiwll'''; s'o J . ' FROM COLUMBIA, 8. C. ; WOl stay a few days in WILMINGTON to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANOS, MBLODEONS, REED and PIPE ORGANS.- i:".j.ii ! Orders left aHeinsberger's Book and Music Store -will meet with prompt attention. - jy 7 8t , ! Tot acciS Snuff and Oigars.; ,rARIOUS GRADES t . AND LOW PRICES, by - lyTDAWtf HALIt PBARSALL, . I iao .pxx::: For sale. ; fyTSt 1 " '

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