t i I ft r THE IIOEITEG QTAE. UBLI8HED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS, i - - - -' - i "aafct'saaaaai 'w ' asms or atraaoanriox nr aitaob : me year, (by mail) postage paid,... m 00 Six months. ..- .T".vrw74 "V QO Three montka, . ! ....".."'' a 88 One month V " -; 1 00 To City Subaeribera, delivered la any part of the city, Fifteen Centa per week. Oar City A genu are not authorized to collect for mere than three months in advance. ? t . OUTLINES. "A mass meeting of 2,000 Catholics was held at Quebec which indorsed the action of the Mayor of Montreal; threat were made to bam the Parliament House unless the bill forbidding street processions passes. Hoedel, the ; German i assassin, has been sentenced to be hanged. : Eng land occupies Cyprus, instead of Egypt, as she did not want to disturb her good rela tions with France. - The excitement in London has not subsided; there is great agitation among the ; politicians ; only small party favor directly challenging the government policy. ' One of the most powerful Iron-clads in the world has just been launched at La Spezzia, Italy.' The Greeuoackers are. nominatins; candi dates for Congress in Ohio and Nebraska. There is a generally favorable 'report from Tennessee crops. Ex-President Davis delivered an address at Mississippi City on the 10th; he eulogized Albert Sid ney Johnston and the Confederates.! '' Kellogg is before the Potter Committee; he said the Louisiana election in 1876 was entirely legal. Two tribes have risen against the government on the island of New Caledonia and massacred a hundred and twenty-five whites, including women and children. The French aire ex cited over the Anglo-Turkish alliance; the press shows great irritation. The Temiscal' mine in California has! been bonded to German capitalists for $1,500, 000. New York: markets: Money 2 p r cent; gold 100$; government bonds firm; cotton dull and ! easy at 11 7-16ll 9-16c; flour a. shade firmer Southern $4 75 5 83; wheat l2c. better; corn ic better; spirits turpentine quiet at 29 cts; rosin dull at $1 42il 47. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. J(i Saatreano Caart J FOR CHIEF JUSTICE, W. N. H. SMITH, of Wake. 1 FOB ASSOCIATE JUSTICES : THOS. S.ASHE, ' of Anson. JOHN H.DILLARD, of Guilford. Judge HaBertr Coairl. SEVENTH DIST. I J. F. GRAVES, I of Sarrr. i EIGHTH "DISTRICT. ALPHONSO GYAVERY, Of Burke. NINThIhSTRICT. J AS. C. L. GUDGER, of Haywood. a?ar Caaarraaias ALFRED M. WADDELL,! of New Hanover. ' j Far Solicitor x THIRD JUDICIAL DIST. SWIFT GALLOWAY, j of Greene. ' O-Hara'was nominated on the 32d ballot. The final heat was between him and Humphrey. ' I Mr. II. H. Smith is the Greenback Labor candidate for the Mayoralty of .Baltimore. A grand ratification mass- meeting was held on the 9th. Mr. Smith "orated."- '! It is only too evident that serions difficulties are brewing at Montreal Both Bides are telegraphing to New York for help. It is not believed that any response will be made. -'V": ': : : -! - - '1:1 : The first kick at the Anglo-Turkish alliance comes -from France. - The press ot Paris is represented as show ing great irritation. : One leading paper expresses the hope that 'the CoDgress will bring .the matter; up for its consideration. - Secretary - Sherman has been' to New York, and it is said that his visit had reference to the disburse ment of gold coin to meet the cur rent 'expenses of the government. This is a part of his scheme of specie resumption. In the meantime the revenues of the country are diminish ing.; i-'-.":'- l'"'J-X According to the Black Hills Pio neer, Gen. Howard ia holding prayer meetings as a campaigning he does go. HTprays for the softening of the In dian's hard heart. The Cromwellian way is better nowpray, but keep your powder dry. The best , way to soften the Red man's heart is to treat bim justly and kindly. . Governor Hicbolls, of Louisiana, renders no assistance whatever to the sub-committee now working up mat ters in New Orleans; He is reported as not in sympathy with the Potter investigation. Neither is Mr. Hayes. - Probably both know , which aide of the bread the butter is on. If they turn it over it may spilL ,. : , :-1 - -r ft: 1"TT"7TI Tl 1 7-- . .tl - 1 II II II M YOL. XXII.--NO. 95. Gen. Phil Sheridan jhas taken the field, and his headquarters are near the Black Hills. It is not believed in Washington that Sitting 'Bull means to invade the! United Slates.' Now that the Army bill has passed the Indian war will not be on such gigantic scale probably. a Gen. J atnes Longstreet's testimony in the Porter trial will: go -far to sus tain Porter's non-action. He said among other things: J t ; "In view of the imnenetrable woods, it would have been hazardous for Gen. Por ter to take his command around to Grove- ton, and if he had attempted . it his i force would nave been broken up. Gen.' Por ter's position checked the forces of the witness till it was too late. ; If : Gen. Porter had attacked that dav anv time after 12 o'clock' the forces of witness would have annihilated him, for the federal lines were men too much extended and disjointed. If Porter bad made an attack on the ! 29th, he could have held him i without drawing from the rest of the army." Gen. Ord is in Washington., He baa just returned ..from the Texas border. He wants more troops.1 He thinks Mexico is powerless to prevent the raids, and the Kickapoo Indians, 300 Btroner. are now! 5 raidiuer ialso. Where is the army? Send 5,000 men to Texas. That number onght to be sufficient to put down i 300 redskins and restrain a few hundred Mexican cattle thieves. We have no use for any part of the army in the South outside of Texas. An army of 25,000 ought to ail be strong Indian and enough to squelch Mexican depredations. But a in part the and of the army must he kept North to watch communists other evil -disposed persons. Sherman and (be Army. Gen. Sherman is preparing a plan for the re-organization of the army, to be presented to the; Congressional Commission appointed to consider the question, which will meet at the White Sulphur Springs on the 22d tnst. He thinks the present organiza tion of the army answers every re quirement, and believes that where civil power ia weak reserved power should be strong. The use of troops should be brought within well-defined limits of law. The commission as organized he does not consider a fair one, principally because- Representa tives Banning and Bragg, who are on it. -have shown such a decided hostility to the army. 5 - Petal Affray on a Baee Ball Ground. Atlanta, Ga., July 9. In a game of base ball yesterday an altercation occurred between Wo. Lawshe, twenty-one years old, and Samuel Yenable. fifteen years old. While Lawshe had Yenable on : the ground. Carl Mitchell! a bov sixteen years old, and a friend of Yenable,' came up with a bat and struck Law she two terrible blows . on his head, resulting in his death to-day. ohell has been arrested.. Mit- sTATE POLITICS. Capt. W. R. Trull, of Madison, announces himself as an Independent Re publican candidate for the Senate from Buncombe and Madison.! I w Oxford Orphan's Friend'. - Last Saturday was a dark day in Oxford.' A vast multitude of sable Africans occupied the Court House and Dr. Taylors grove, The candidates were nominated. Too many black birds for such a small pie. - Charlotte Observer: County Conventions In Catawba, Anson, Richmond and Robeson have endorsed Hon. Walter Li. Steele, and recommended his return to Coneress from this district. Gaston. Lin coln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Union, Stan-, ly and Montgomery have given no expres sion. jt Jonn ii. uoiun8, the negro candidate for Solicitor in the Second Dis trict, the Raleigh -fieotsfer, a Republican paper, says: ' "uoiuns was born in JNor- folk. Va.. on the 11th of November. 1849. He was educated . at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, and graduated at this insti tution. - He read law - unaer mr. w. r. Solomon, of Halifax, and was licensed by the Supreme Court to practice law at June term, 1874.' Charlotte Observer: J. M. Shook has announced himself, an independent candidate: for the House in Iredell. .We are reliably informed that he will be sat down upon with unparalleled iorce and en errv. : A. man namea ocroges . is aiso oat - .M. . , 41 -''. A. for the House. He claims, however, to be the nominee of the Greenback party, which we are told has taken some little foothold in Iredell through the influence of a New York paper which has been freely circu lated in all parts of the county. Spirits Turpentine, Charlotte is talking of an excursion to Beaufort. t . An attempt was made to fire the Oxford JaiL . , ' There are 375 teachers attend ing the University Normal School. i It was Prof. Shepnem to whom reference was made in our last. He is a North Carolinian,,. . The Normal School at Greens boro has a smaller attendance than usual; but it is pushed with vigor. . j Rev. J. M. Atkinson,of Raleigh. is now at Charlotte soliciting contributions to enable him to build his congregation a new bouse of worship. , Statesville Zanctmdrkt The fol lowing report of the weather from the 1st of June, 1877, to the 1st of June, 1878, has been furnished us by Ms. B. J; R. Sum mers: 243 clear days; 71 cloudy days.with out any rain ; 48 rainy days; 29 days with I 1 " 1 -u I I 1 .'II-' . 1 1 It vv ' 1 -i W ! j II- WnMN&TONi' Nl C:,' FRI DAY; JULY .12.V 1878. thunder showers., - January 8tbi: 1878, .was .V- 1 J A. Jl ' J T..l -I . n . LUC UUlUCBh UBJT, HU UUiJ 1D UV Uu, lui 1B77. The corner-stone pi the princi pal edifice of Davidson College-was laid In ' 1837. The institution has ant endowment fund of $85,000,, and au. income , of over $12,000 per annum. , j .. ; Six persons attempted to arrest a man calling ! himself Charles Williams, who lives four miles' from 'Henderson, Granville county.' He inflicted a , terrible; possibly fatal, wound upon W.' A. ' Phelps, shot S. Ar Hughes through the thigh,. and Mr. Hoyle in the face,- aDd then made good his escape, though shot at i Several limes, as we icara iruiu ue aicigu izicwo. Lincolotoh;JVew:i! Mr;: Af 'L. )ke, of this I county, had several sheep killed by dogs last Monday and also lost a calf in the same way. Can't something be done to rid.the;.couDtryjot.worthiesssneep killing curs. Several cows and hogs have recently leeh shot and. killed in the road in thel neighborhood of Daniel's church, this county. - Who did the ShootiDg and why n was done, remains to ne round, out. - -:-, . ' ' iiu. Raleigh News: Major' Seaton Gales will deliver an address before) the students at the , State Normal School , at Chapel Hill, next Tuesday evening. . -r Daniel R. Goodloe,' of Warren ton, has been appointed Supervisor of United States Internal Revenge 9 for this State, j Liieutenant Governor Jarvis left the city lor Currituck eounty yesterday on business of a professional nature. : : Raleieh'ft i7etea: Thet'i Normal School at Chapel Hill represents some sixty counties, from ! Ashe to JPimlico and; Per quimans, and the number on Monday had reached three hundred and fifty-eight, be sides many visitors who come to. study the workings of the school, among whom are Rev. Mr.; Gattii, Rev; , Mr. HeittmanJ Rev; Mr. Dixon, Rev. Mr; Dalton, Maj. Robert Bingham, Prof; Webb, of Tennessee, and manv others. There are also students from South Carolina, ' Virginia and . Tennessee. Prof. Watson, Uie elocutionist ; from New York, began work on Monday. ! The; work at Chapel Hill s a great success. - Charlotte Observer: -It is cur rently reported and believed here that the Richmond. & Danville Railroad Compa ny is pressing negotiations for the purchase of the southern security uompany s inters est the controlling interest In the Char' lotte, IColumbia & ; Augusta Railroad.' Some think that the sale has already been made, and that the presence of Coli Bu- ford, the president,, and Auditor Barber, together with Col. A. B. Andrews, of the North Carolina division, in Colombia, j a few days since.was for the purpose of: dos ing the trade, j Mr. R.H. Field,of Field Bros., of this city and Hickory, has bought the f urnituro of the Charlotte Hotel -from the present proprietor, Mr. J. Riley Da vidson, and ' on the 15th of Ibe present month will take possession.,, Jfred Baxter, colored, -was 6ent to jail y ester day by Justice Hilton, for assault upon with intent toiKiU Sophia Uaxter-v Hond was fixed at $1,000, from which we jdge that the case was a much aggravated i one; Oxford I Orphan's Iiendi "'A gentleman who adopted one of 'our Uittle boys, was induced to attend churcu; and Sunday school to cariy the boy. , bo bis heart was directed to things divine, and he was led into the fold of the great Shepherd. -Clinton Wjre Cloth Company, of Clin ton, jaass. has sent k me urpnan Asyium 250 square feet of wire cloth, and now. with wire cloth doors and wire cloth win dow -sasb, We can shUt'but the flies while admitting the air and the breezes. How strange that we have allowed the flies to persecute us so long., It is truly je- fresnmg to find a brave man, able and wil ling to stand aS a voluntary sentinel at the door of bis profession, and keep intruders out. Dr. Grissom has issued an able docu: ment exposing I pretenders, and . proposing that true experts, in the presence ot a judge, shall examine those arrested for crime; and supposed to beiiusane. Hope the Legisla lure win aaoptiine suggestion, vi. Ham mond attacks Dr. Grissom with violence; but even the viper writhes when his head is mashed. ' ' p-1 Asheville Pioneer: Messrs.' Brvan. Lillington - Huffman,1 and other revenue officer returned last week from! a raid among thej illicit distillers : ot Hender son, Transylvania, Polk and Rutherford. They report havinir destroyed twenty stills, 20,000 gallons of beer and about 300 gallons or wniskey, and made severar arrests: Mr.; Abram Creaman, of this place ; will celebrate his one-hundredth birth-day on Friday .next, 12th lnst .He; proposes to walk to the Court House; od that day, . and mingle with his inends. He was . Dorn I in Halifax county. July 12, 1778, and removed to Buncombe i county : about the . fall i of 1800. For one of his age he is remarkably active and hearty. JEte never; was drunk in his life, never had a law suit or even- .a fight, and has! lived an honest, exemplary life. . During the prevalence or a jam storm." accompanied ov considerable wind add some hail, which i passed over this place in the early afternoon or Sunday last, the roof of the main buildiog of the pew Pulliam coach factory, situated near the Court House, Was blown completely .'off. The route via HenderBonville is be coming the favorite one. with all going 1 to and from AsheVille, east- Though ; the stage ronte is aj little longer day travel. good roads and' superior railroad accom? modations are winning' popularity for the Asheville & Spartanburg line., .i Oxford; Torchtighli. On Satur day last a white man by- the name lof Malone, we think,; addressed the Cozart and Hicks wing of .the Radical party, and he wound up his harangue with this asser tion: "The Hicks party will do everything, They . will, stand knee, deep k in sulphur slime, upon the brink of belt and snake hands with the devil." We'll Venture to say they'lLi meet with a "warm.'' reception: We regret to chronicle the painful accident that befell pur popular townsman, Mr." J. F. Edwards, on Friday morning last; and- his : harrow escape.-.? He. was eui ged in repairing a pump ldr Mrr It U. unt. He was down in .the .well, and as the pump " stock was : beiog . lowered,' the bottom . section came out, striking Mr. Edwards a violent blow on his headJin-i Aiding a deep1 - and ugly wound; bruising his right hand and foot. He is now doing tery well. ' My little son, Simon Dick inson, about ten years old, ran .away from the Asylvm at Oxford, N. C, In Septem-j ber, 1877 - He is rather stout In j. form, heieht about I four feet, hair dark. He is supposed to be lot Granville county,- but of this I am not certain Any inf ormation in regard to him fwill be thankfully received. Address. Maseie A. Dickinson. BeafifOrL Carteret county: . N. C. Mr. John Dickerson. a former citizen of this county, and who moved to Illinois about nine years ago, died ia-Ramseyr Fayette county; in that State, on the.v25thpf October, 1877, While out rid inff horseback Ott ThUrS' day evening last, from Borne cause or pther Miss Martha Lanier was thrown front her borse; her foot having caught in the stirrup. She was dragged some distance, one was badly hurt, but fortunately no bones were brofcen, j ii. . vrrv- TTT v . t ' rr rx t U ti FuBMASsxi-TKeep cool.4 - J :-1 ;Kife; - A HBBEB 14wes prices. . Jf r JBDiSBKtffBaaNew;. poksHl)-; Motx feCAMFBS-tall-fed beefy J! ' P, CupciNCi & Co.Pea meal,'&ci' is.j --. Henbt HBBECKrrC!ard of thanks. in J W ATKInsoiH-Insorance ststemeDt Iioeal Dotal ""1 :--:i--;Regi8te;r J ..;f t ? . . 5 4- liegister ! fRegister 1 flit-Sit Register I, .Register 1. Register ! New Hanover cOunty. If you do not reg-: ister you cannot vote in the August elec- tion. ypChisis! the jastj, dayvjforltsting . i'iu iTHt't taxes.i i AU who fail to give in to-day will go on -the delinquent listv and will have to -4 It is clai m ed by .I.P. Sam pson's -. ' I - ; i : ! if friends that a Republican meeting . held in Harnett Township. Wednesday night Unani mously endorsed him lot the senate, t Partly, cloudy weather,'! 'occa sional showers, light southerly winds, sta tionary temperature and Btati6narytbrlower pressure, are the indications for this, sec tion to-day. " ' V " ' - ! -V-; l.-i H't; .v .UU5iO,!-: f-'tx' '; ' '- , ; A mule, the property of K F. Martin, was firrested and :take.n ' r to police headquarters by Officer Goodman, on Wed nesday night, for acting disorderly on the street, f He was rather stnbborn, bqt did not resist sufficiently to make himself ( liable to extra punishment. He was released yesterday on his good behavior Tfte raaaonboro dab!. " !' " -i The young gentlemen composing this Club had their first regatta of the season at Masonboro sound on Wednesday, the distance sajled being about 2 miles. The following canoes, s i stated in; ouf JasH were; entered for the race : Stormy Petrel Captain Henry Savage, Jr. m:- j n .! .: Skip Jae& Capiat u Victor Grainger. ' ' Zuy CapUin Ed. Daniel. ;j j " Anna McKay Captain Wm. Parsley. . Cbrris Captain Ed. Cazaux . j, ! " The boats, everything considered, made good time, and - at i the conclusion of the race, the prizes were awarded as follows: The champion flag and first prize, a sheath knife and sheath; was awarded to We Atma McKay. a ' f ' ;'; j :t " Second prize, a handsome pearl handled pocket-knife, to the Stormy Petrel, w 1 ' Third prize, a fishing line, to the ' iiarrU. Fourth prize, (slowest boat) an anchor rope, to theSlipdck. . U ..?j f j 6'' the club was not exempt from the usua accidents on such occasions, i In the midst of the race the Lucy filled and withdrew, while the Skip Jack was upset and had to be bailed but before she could continue the contest.!. There was considerable dissatis faction at the decision of the, judges,' and an appeal was taken therefrom,- the various commanders agreeing to let Commodore drainger decide' the matter. , He confirmed the decision of the. judges,' and this left the members of the club as far. from being sat isfied l, as ever,; and j at last accounts they were meditating a repitition of the race in order to decide the matter to the satisfac tion of idlf "fit-"' iUi t --. : :'" .-. ,, The Masonboro Canoe Club is composed euthely;0fjnyejuj8f'.';ig;i ' y f 6-j j Robbery at lloTky Point. ' ' y .ThVreaidenccb of t Mr, Robert Fann, of Rocky Pointy -Pender county, was robbed on Tuesday night of a quantity of clothing, bacon, sugar, coffee and other articles, Jby a colored tramp who had recently taken up in that neighborhood, t It seems that the fek IbwbeVeh-liome employment about the premises , for a day. or two 'pre vious,, and on Tuesday Mr, Fann had oc casion to leave the house for a few minutes and on his return both tthe darkey andj the articles .alluded to were? missing!: . Beifol lowed iu pursuit, and ' traeed him in tha uirecuoa 01 mis cuy, nearmg . irom nim several, times, jprijthe :rojjite,f b fajOtea 0 Hall yesterday and had a warrant issued for the arrest of the thief, but he had not been' taken" at last accounts, though; he is dou btless somewhere' in this cityP. . , i la (bo Watermelon ?Pateb. r ' ; a,: I Robert.WiUiams,; white, and John Old ham, Too. (Challendy, and Mack Be s eolored, were' arraigned 5 before ? Justice appropriating watermelons from the ? farm. pf Mr. j Reuben needen near the. intersecr tion i of Market - and :- Seventeenth streets. ' Defendants were ordered togive ; bond In tne sum orfou eacn for their appearance at the next term of the. Criminal Court,.whicb W,as lurnishedt.aud tbey.wera released jtgJMayor ;w.vp.Canaday,5 whois one Of the jtate Republican- Executive' Com mittee, and whq';r ha? jast returned . from ! 1 Raleigh, informs us that the Committee was iri BeSslon only "about twenty1 minutes, and it Was Unanimously agreed not to put i any State ticket in the field during , the present csmpaigii. U r Tberttfemetei1 Beeorai. - i ii 4 : The following will show the state of the thermometer i at the stations mentioned at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington1 mead time.' as ascertained from' the daily bulletin Issuedfrom the Signal Offlceihis city:1 Augusta, . . ; ; 1 i Mobile;. ; vf .t.83 Charleston,'. .871 Montgomery . Oorsicana,.'. . SU89 Galveston,, 4 . .87 Indianola, .......83 Jacksonville,. . ; . .84 Key West, 89 New-Orleans, .i -i .85 K Punta Rassa, i. -i-o" cm vauuou,.. ....... w Rt Harks.: :r., . 1.89 Waminjrton.1. ;'.- 84 oatraceona .tJoaslBet. ;4 i ' r i "'': 3Ir, Roderick MacRae was passing in the vicinity of Mr. Currie's livery' stables: yesi lerday afternoonV between ' one and. two o'clock, when be was hailed byi the : well, tamWhliSea Phinney who accosted bim lflW Insulting manner, Mr. MacRae paid no attention to " him at 'first!,5 thinking that he must have i. been I address ing hut remarks to some, other, person, but the objectionable- language A was,, repeated in such a way that Mr. M. could no longer doubt that be' was the person spoken to. He then turned and demanded of vPhinney If he was the one he was alluding to, i and was -answered . ; in tho affirmative, ; where. upon he . approached . him, , when . he reiterated the . insulting language.. Mr. ' Ma- e then .made . an - ef- fort o atrike;:i;-Phlnner.'-:'andPo(hljr.'' a blow was passed, when : the latter stooped down and seized a rock, with which he was about to strike Mr.ll;, when he closed with him, wrested the; missile from his grasp, and was proceeding to punish the fellow as his conduct deserved; , when Justice1 E. D. Hall suddenly, arrived on the ground, sepa rated the partiesjand took them bothinto custody. ; I ,c j Justice Hall made out the n ecessarV war-. rants and had an Immediate hearing of the case at his office, the witnesses, both: white and coloredtestifylng that the conduct of Phioney was most "' unprovoked, and that Mr.: McRae could not have acted otherwise than bo. did under tthe i circumstances, whereupon ; the magistrate dismissed the case against him and sentenced Phioney to pay a fine of $10 and the costs. At the conclusion "of the investigation Pbinney was placed in the custody of the Sheriff, when 'jTier begged I to be allowed the privilege of going to a certain house to get the amount of the fine. , and costs, whereupon he was placed in the custody of Deputy Sheriff T, C. Miller for thatj pur pose! j They went to the place designated. when Pbinney went inside, and, as soon as he go beyond the reach of. the officer, at tempted to escape. The officer .pursued,' followed , him over two or. three fences, dropped a number of important papers out of his pocket as he mounted one of them, stopped to pick them up, as he considered them of more importance than the -possession of Pbinney, and in : the meantime that worthy made good his, escape, and had hot been recaptured at last accounts. , ! j : The affair created considerable excite ment for awhile. - .: . , . . mm ,. ; Anoiber CnUlaicRcrape. Edward Hill, a colored boy, about ten years of age, was arrested yesterday morn ing, about nine o'clock, on the charge of cutting another . colored ; youth, . by the name; of James Everett, aged sixteen or seventeen years, with ' a knife. ' It appears that the two ; boys Were 'eating a melon to gether,' when a dispute arose between them, daring which Everett kicked at Hill, Wheaf the latter stove his knife into his foot; cut-: ting it ' severely. "The blood' flowed; pro fusely from the wound, and Everett Isoon neeame so iaint and exnausieo iromtne lo8S of ttJ'iAi16 upon the pavement where .Officer .J. M. King,; who arrested . Hill,: found , him. Everett : was placed upon a dray, and taken to Dr. Lane, in charge of the City Hospital, while s Hill was conducted to, the guard house and locked up, s ;,Everett was subsequently con veyed tOrthe residence of his parents, on Seventh . street, near the corner ot Nun. The phyaiciaB sUtes that the wound is not necessarily serious, though I the wounds of thisctfaracter'abont the 'feet are more or less dangsrbus. Hill -claims : that he and Everett were playing and that he did not intend to inflict any injury upon his com panion.' : ,u It far expected that the case win come up for a hearing , before Mavor Fishblate this morning!- provided the wounded boy is able to attend: Penaer Biperlar burt; -"The only case before: this court yesterday Was vtbat in ' BiackburQ,- klte, charged with ! "the murder of Mr! John D. Lamb of Sampson county, about one year agoby striking him oyer , ths head! with a oonr tool., from the effects of . which he diedj'about ja, week .afterards, the lease having,. been removed from. Sampson to Pender! for, txiai . Solicitor . Norment and Messrs. Stallings and Boykin appeared for the prosecution, and Messrs. s Kerr & Bro., BeHamy; J. 8.; Stewart and Bland for; the defence, The lease had not been ooncldded when the train passed. j" ' ; In jthe case of the State m. Joel Williams, from Ddplin, tried "on Wednesday, njen tioned in our last, in ' the consideration of which the : court remained in session until 2 o'clock1 yeSierday s inorningVWe jury re- was charged with burning a 'corn house. " ! J:We learn that the shooting caseof F.W: Foster and James iieaton wm come up ior a hearing to-day. s""n ::-:r-' 'y; j V". -Us-'- J A prominent colored , man from Harnett township,. was, publicly announcing himself ba the, BUeett; yesterday as au jearnest and flufUnchingj -adv ocatejof Jti)ee-establs ment of the whipping post, bothas aaaviag to thi3 and other counties !a the State, and mode of swift justice by which persons convicted of cri mes ; and felonies j could receive their, punishment at once and then look Iftey the ittpporbftheir, families.? oxrnkb XKepaat4. it'! b The. beautiful juvenile joperatta, entitled ;'A Spring Holiday,, which was recently so successf oily performed at the annual soiree1 of the Misses Burr and james- tscnooi, i Dy ISiiupils ef tlal institntioQ'will M re fceateratlie Opera1 HawfcwL 1 Monday efehing next :for fteeneflt of theil- J f .i-;;V,Stf -mineton Lleht Infantry. ' ' t 1 . iy 12-lt ; - Oae door from 2d street. y i I I TV I : i , I. . - ' u .WHOLE 6:1409 r Fine Sport on tho saannir Rinki.n ' .:r?To give-some idea of 'what .sort of spott urn juo ciicttcu ah me saBapper . xjanxs, wewill:statetheLfacrrras ;narrated to us yesterday,, lhat a fishing! .smack from New York took on board a pilot from the tTrtoA Simmons, uapi. u. u. Worse's pilot boat.' uu oaiurus auoui iwo weeas ago, went to the "Snapper Banks," and on the following Sunday afternoon the Smack put ibe pilot on board, the lightr-shipV offlFrying Pan Shoals, ahd ,eft for'New fTdrki'reioicine y;'e8sessi6n!5of!fo ',ananiuH) in tVtk ta11 An Annr .U...nbJ oi Ice. i These fish are usually quite largej. and are : 'said io hi f Eomethitig similar ' to! 8beephead.!5 .emtnUvlm -i-i;, Byjthe-wayi we learn that several of our old citizens are to join' in" the-excursion to tne oanss next yy ednesday evening, which Will be the first, we .understand; ever given from this s place, ihe ' fishipg' Tgrou nds are Knnt iMi-r iv.i1oo AntMi di..i T-ii ' qtJUk- yvui tuuca yuwtug yo auici. Myar:f Courts" rrl'ta:, ! , U Martha We8cott, colored,wtts arraigned for being drank' and disorderly on Mulber ry;1 between!! Frontand!1 Second1' streets, f' 4;-i i:-f,i -.WH lt!W)V fit. f j-' Wednesday night , and was ordered to be released on the payment of costs;. ) ' charged .with disorderly, con- duct, costs. was dismissed on in the payment1 of 'i;" :"f"; yr'a. si a k in it itkWk.I;- UIVBR AND The steamship D, J. Foley, Price, ar rived at Baltimore from this port on the 9th inst.; .!!'-. -: ! .;i ! 1 The steamship Benefactor, Jones, ar rived at New York from this port on the thinst. t';Uj:tol5-M-; '?.-,.;,-' . ..i The German - barque Fritz Von aer Laneken, Freese, arrived at Hamburg from this port on the 9th inst. . j : , j The German barque' Lydia Petchau CaptJ' Bremens, ' arrived "at London: from this port on Wednesday evening:-' ' j Capt. Gallaways Appdlntmentat Capt Swift Galloway, .Democratic! can didate for Superior' Court Solicitor, will address the people at the following places: " Cooper's Alley, Nash county, Saturday, JUly 13th.1' .' j "A: -. Wilson, Monday, July 15tb. ) ; . Clinton, Friday, July 19th. ; Kenan8Tille, -Saturday, July 20tb.' s ? , Jaekspnville, Onslow, county, Monday, juiyzd. - -.. - -.'.! . Ricblandsi Tuesday, 23d. Wllmlnertdn Diatrlet laarterly Bleet- r:p''!-':'l ins. k 'ji-J : Rev. L. S! Burkhead, D. D.jf Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District, Metho dist E. Church, South, has made the follow-' ing appointments for his third round, of quarterly meetings: i; ,;: I !if ' Duplin, at Magnolia, i . I July 20-21 SmithvilleVat Bethel, ' s July 24-25 Wilmington, at Front :Streett July 27-28 Wilmington, at Fifth Street,: August 3-4 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs August lOll, Bladen,' at Bethlehem, . - v; August 17-18 Cokesbnry and Coharie Mls- ' ,' t 'X' ! sion, at Bethel, ' ' i i - August 24-:2o Clinton at Salem, j ; August 31 and Sep. 1 Onslow, 1 ; September 7-8 Topsail'..' 1 September 7t8 HOTEL AKR1VAL8. ' PuRCKLii HoufiE Cobb Bros., Pro'prs. July 11 C J Costin; Pender Co; B P Long, Rockingham, N C O iW ! Lednon, Bladenboro, N C; .Wm iGilchrist, North Carolina; "B "Doaae, Jno Fillyaw,' New yorkiT W Partridgev Milton NC WJH Cary, Marion,, S C: L, Frink, Captj John" Harper, Smithville: ! : "I : ' j ' f ' " " : ."' j.:. ;t : ; Prevention is surely better than cure ; and to prevent the diseases of babyhood from attacking-your child use in season: Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, the safest; and best remedy for. children .! All Druggists sell :3?:i -t ClTflTEns. ' book Bdtbmit. 'I'hbmoeh iiio stab Book Bind ery does all Mads of Binding and Ruling- in work manlike manner,, and at reasonable prices.! Mer chants aadetaera aeedine Receipt Booka. or other work, may rely oa promptnesa lathe execation of aeir oraera.. 1, at if -i-tydj cui: , TsiNina PatHTiRaurKa.-InVaina,ble to road companies, steamship companiea, banks,! mert Chants, manalactarers and otters; i Tncy are en- darine and ekancreless. and will codt ahara and clear for an iadeflnlte period of time. Having jaat received a fresh aepplyof these inks, wears pre pared to execnttorders promptly and as jnoderata pneea. : . . --. i . -u: A SKIaT LJKS MONUMENTAL ALABASTER mar be attained by aainc Gtin'i Btjuphttb 8oap. which does away with the necessity for Sulphur Baths. Try it, ladies. ; It is a genuine beaatifler. and Tery ecoaomtctu. - -j,...- - f j .j. Hiht to thoss PbimatUbki.4- Gait!, 'n Hiix'e FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS; MB8 Wisbuiw'b SooTHXHa Stbtjp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, reUerea wdtd oolio, regulates tne ooweis, cores dtbshtibt and dixbbhoxa,- whether ariainK. front teething or ower causes. An oia ana weu-mea remeay. SS CKHTSX BOTTX& 10 firs Sellable Help for weak and nerrotu anserera. Chrenic, painful, and , prostrating diseaaea cured without medicine. PalTermacher'a Electric Belts the arand desideratum. . Avoid imitations. Book and Journal, with full particulars, mailed free Ad dress roXTXBMAGHXa UAXTXSIO UO, XV VIBS St.. Cincinnati, Ohia ' I ' . t IJVER IS KING. The Liver ia the imperial 01 gaaof the whole human system.' .When it is dis turbed in its proper action all kinds of ailments are) the natural result. ; it has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower ia unequalled ia caring all perBona afflicted- with Dyspepsia or live Oom nlaint. and all the numerous svmDtoms that result nt, and all the numerous symptoms that result a aa unhealthy condition of the Liver aad b to from aa unhealthy conditionof the Liver and bto- rn ach. Three doses will prove that it ia Just what yoa.want.niii i . ,r,i.f:i' i ' it.vii -J .i - NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. npHB UNDERSIGNBD MOST RESPECTFULLY. ' JL hereby' tenders his sincere thanks to all who rendered him assistance at the are on -Tuesday moraine, especially the neighbors both-colored and, white, aad also the Firemen. . v. , j, Jyit-it ii 5 ii. w HENRY SHRBSCE4 r,- ..,r.':, Peaneal, l . C.i - l'lU R COWS AND HORSES. 1 .J,. s-i AC - AtL' KINDS' OF FIEB GRAIN.' it i -Per asle by ?j Jy I-lt : W PBKSTON CUMMTNO & CO. -,. x;4 Stall-EedBeef. u Hf ORE OF THAT FINS STALL-FED. , i j . ? d t w ir v as aasi i.a wiiu -x a tb iw iia w - CU soon or leare ordenu '. - j 5 4 ' .twodaya,'.; J .... I w a du S 00 .11 ; ay dayg,.-;.... .. ... 8 BO 2 25! week;;.;V,.V.ii.,.:J.;.. 4 00 v t M TwowKtoi.... v.,..;... ... 6 60 : Threavfrnka. - e Ml. Ttoeoweeka.:...' ' 8 60- ,OBeiaonth,..4i..... ;,J..I. io 00 " two inonUiB,...... !;....... 17 00 4 TliMaa wiAtifrhs i -. 1 fli nft .j ,1,. 81x months,.. ... 40 00 ,X,ttc,.i' On jrear,...)i;,:i;..,, 60 00 'tVContraet AdTertisenienta taken i A propor ttonatcly low rat: .y-Tea lines aalld NonpareS typo make oae sqaare. ; rjJNEW; ADVERTJSILSIE1STS. " -1 1 1 1 1 1 - i ' i - : - i l. Mb onlight and Music. . !M'": io-,- fli't '1 SteiePPassport tlima an SxcrjRsioif trip for a ' wi nj to anuiBTui ana tnei roiaaca .l s iyln iock: at T; Bjstittahigat is M. ?d T?iJMi' . !QOOD DANCING Music will be furnished. Refreshments at seasonable rates. Co not fail -to become refreshed, j . tJT-Tickets limited. For sale at the office of the til if:; IT IV C s?m; UKV,' JtxEBs. i 4 .- , j Showing the Condition of the 1 Mercantile Rlutual (Irlarinc) In- , ; sorance Co:! of NewXork. December 31, !ry, w.bJ.. riU- Hiit ABBOTS. Value of real estate and ground rents owned ot ue r tympany, (less the , . amount or enenmlttancea theion None. Loans on bond and mortgage (duly re- cornea ana oemg nrat liens on me ree simple)..... None. 447,813 00 9.C00 CO 4,817 00 Account of stocks and bonda ef the united states, and. or this and other "' States. also all other stocks and bonds 1 absolutely owned by the Company... Stocks, bonds and all other securities, (except mortgages) nypoiaecatea to the Company aa collateral security for cash actually loaned br the Comnanv Interest dne and accrued on stocks and other securities.... ....... ....... .. .. Cash in Company's principal office and Belonging to tne i;omp&ny, aepositea in Bank 40,634 93 138,713 89 877,896 67 Premiums unpaid . .................... All other assets, detailed ia statement.. Total assets. $907,283 89 LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, including those resisted Reserve, as required by law. . . :... ..; AJlother claima. v. ."...."' - f $103,055 03 1IU.78S SK 26,750 63 Total liablllUes. ....... . jts9,691 85 Surplus as regards policy holders..'. .... Capital Stock paid up ... ... Surplus as regarda stockholders Total Income. ...... . . .... ...... Total Expenditures.... , ...,. $657,691 C4 ouu.uuu uu 167,691 04 841,177 9S 790,848 57 ; NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 1877, Risks written'.. rremiums received ........... . Losses Dsid on riska taken... ... $9,266 92 i V4,7C6 791 4,706 79 Agent, xiOBses incarrea. . . .... . . . ... J. W. ATKINSON WILMINGTON. STATE t)F NOKTH CAROLINA, .OFFICE SECRETARY OF STATE, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, nil t ylji; RALEIGH, July 9,1878 In comDliance With: Section r Kicht hf "An Art Concerning Insurance," ratified March 12th, 1877. I ccnuy toat ue soots ia a true - axtract rrom the sworn statement of the Mercantile Mutual (Marine) Insurance ComsanT to December Slat. un. file in this Department, and the statement la here- Dy approved. ; : j3!., , -ja.:-r - , ..-"-. " v J08t A ENGELHARD, !!3yiM1!iA,y':!';' Secretary of State ; 7S7 .A.. SHB I ZE3 Hj TO FURNISH EVERY BODY WITH ' 7LOTHING jjc-i-.w - AT TBJs f ' -. ' LOWEST PRICES! STOCK LARGE AND DAILY I INCREASING. ,n, d vi ': COME. AND 8ER. !;.f ! ' r5 jy-12 tf. ..; , N.ket Street Books. MADAME POMPADOUR'S GARTER. A Thril ling aad Historical Romance of the days of Madame Pompadour, during the reign ef Louis XY. By Gabrieue De 8W Andre. :-.A .J;,.. G ABRIELLE; or, THE HOUSE OF MAURBZE. By Madame Henry Greviile, the most popular wri ter In Europe at the present time. Translated from the French,- -' v-i,. . . , MISS CRESPIGNY. A Charming Love Story. By Mrs. Frances Hodrson Burnett, author of That Laeao' Lowrie's,' Kathleen,' eta - - - " - Price,' Fifty' Centa each In Paper Cover, or One Dollar each la Morocco Cloth, Black and Gold. yf-cii -ti'w. ypt Bale at -t - iniO "5 HBXNBBERGER'S, . ' "JyH'tf ..j,,, v,; 89 and 41 Market Street : V,..'.. - ' i ; 1jlAiroTIEH pgJTO SOgTTT DealrlDK PleaM Wo rk 7 ' '1 'i'HE LIFE OF ' GenjiMbert Sidney JoliustoD, embracing hit services ia the armies if the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. - By his son, CoL Wat Preaton Johnston, t - One handsome octavo, 722 pages. Illustrated by maps and engravings. Sold by subscription, Ex elusive territory giTen.7 For farther particulars ap ply to the publishers, ID, APPLETON CO., 549 Broadway, New York., ; ; i Jj 2-D2t Wit Keep Cool. !ia;dd' SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO KEEP COOL AND cleaa during the hot weather. - 1 .-. . i ' i A Cold Water Bath. 15 CehU 1. ; ; . . A Warm Water Bath, 15 Cents. , . , - . ..- f At I FURMANSKI'8, . jylS tf Under First National Bank. J 1 1 ' , : '. 'j '. " '- Hampton's Choice ! V SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR fj "l ' " " . . .J- ' ;i-BQLI)'AT HARD-PAN PRICES ! :m;: By ': " WOODY ft CURRIeJ , - i ; CommissioB. MerchantsT ' - Jyll-lw 'J-'-' '-'-'i - Wilmington, N. C. .... t,- . .:'-..: -j.- f !w Cotton Ties. LdtfiiO ' t - i svwt.-n AS AGENTS FOB NORTH CAROLINA OF the American Cotton Tie Supply Co., w offer to the Trade and to Planters, the I . tiCiebrated owTies In any required quantitT and at LOW FIGURES We hare also for sale a large supply of -. n i h Pieced Ties,?, i . . ot very wasonable terms, and will kuarantee fuL protection - to those who may purchase from as against all claima for TiolaUoa or the ripfats of pa-Unteea.-, vr DsR08SKT CO, ii . le ss-xaw4w - nac . . tuir i On S4Uare one day,.. ,.,.;;