THE IIOniTETG STAR. HIULISHBD DAILY: EXCEPT MONDAYS, bates o BumsCTurrfoa t advano: 1 ' jnoyear, by mall) postage paid,; , $7 06 ; mU " - -7; 400 SMSr1- To City SuWibers, delivered la My prto'f the city. Fifteen Cent per week. Oar City Agents are oot authorised to collect for mora than three months . m advance. ,; .-.,,....J,J-.,.,T., t?rf fm- . The Congress Urgea iLe BUan jto'iosli- a. lnlnaltikiBl 41 .. .1.1 . to guard the rights of Turkish bond holders. . The "Russian s and Turkish Commissioners to arrange for the evacua tion of Shumla and Varna will leave to-day. - An official statement of the(Anglo-s Turkish treaty is published in . Constant nople; ; England la toi ; pay , the Porte' yearly f75tyOW J;- Cyprus s has been taken possession of by 'the English. - - Kellogg agaia before the Potter committee j lie thinks if Hayes had recognized Pack-j urd there would have been no trouble. j Fire at Port au-Prince, Hay ti loss half a million. John - Jones;-late auditor of Georgia, a defaulter to the ( amount of a quarter million. Mrs. Killy Btahl was arrested at Peoria, Illinois, for the murder of her paramour, James (VNeil, several months ago. " More failures in New York reported. Qreat excitement iu Montreal; the Orangemen decide tu have no proceasiooftbe police are to escort them to their' homes. - ,7 Orangemen of New York had a parade and a picnic; no disturbance; so at Philadelphia and Toronto they paraded without trouble. Bea consfield ia ill but better. Mayor of Montreal arrested Beveral Orangemet. ; they5 are discussing the project of baring a grand1 procession on the 16th, on occasion of the aunivcrsary of Hacketl'a foneraL - ' New York markets:' Money easy at 2 per! cent; gold lOOii government bonds firmer;-' cotton dull and easy at 11 7-16ll 9 16c; flour without important change Southern steady at 4 755 ,73; wheat 1&2c better;: rorn llc lower; spirits turpenUne quiet at 2929J cts; rosin quiet at $1 42il 47. i DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Judges Sapreaae Co art 1 FOR CHIEF JUSTICE, W. N. H. SMITH, . of Wake. . FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES : J THOS. S. ASHE, j of Anson. JOHft HDILLARD, I ' - - L - of Guilford. JTndgea Superior Conn. SEVENTH DIST. . J. P. GRAVES, 1 of Snrrr. KIGHThIhoTRICT. ALPHONSO 6. AVERY, JOf Burke. ". - -NINTH DISTRICT. JAS. C. L. GUDGER, i ' - of Haywood. . Fer Caacreaa t ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. For solicitor t THIRD JUDICIAL DIST. SWIFT, GALLOWAYi , of Greene. ;." There is no- doubt about it. The jrreenbacker8 are making rapid head way in many sections of the Union. Democrats, it is high time you were organized and at work. Unity of purpose, harmony of action. ; By these ;you conquer.' Gen. Sheridan is not to take the field and direct the campaign in per son, as supposed; The immortal Howard (oh! oh!) is to do the fight- The howls of the bull-dozers are loud and alarming whenever Jeffer son Davis exercises his gifts. He has a way of speaking the truth that is very painful to "those who love a lie. Howard is evidently a great cap tain. He has gained a splendid vie tory! after unparalleled fighting, re pulsing the enemy three times and only losing five wounded. It - was terrific, doubtless. 1 Whether there was a dead Indian or not remains to be ascertained. - '. " . Secretary Sherman's visit to ;New York continues to attract attention. A Washington special to the Balti more Sun say i: "The report baa been very current in the Treasury Department to-day tbat the main object of the Secretary's visit is to complete negotiations with the syndicate for the dis posal of the remaining fifty millions four and one-half per centum bonds and to se cure another subscription to the four per cent. loan. 4 A very confident feeling pre vailed in the department tbat the Secretary would, before returning, close negotiations so as to add fifty millions of gold to the amount already held by tbe Treasury for resumption purposes." ' The very intelligent New York correspondent of tbe Philadelphia Ledger writes' on the 10th: "With reference to resumption, be ex presses tbe opinion tbat before there is a sufficient supply of silver dollars in this country to make the gold value or tbe 412 grain tbe practical par for all coin obliga tions, which supply, be .says, can. hardly be obtained inside of three years, tbe peo ple will demand such a revision of tbe laws as will leave gold and gold paper tbe only money of account. As to resumption, be speaks 'of "It and of tbe maintenance of it with great confidence." T ' u ' -. ' - ' 1 VOL. XXII.-NO; 96. An important meeting Ss to be held in New Orleans on November 20tb, 1878. , It is to be composed of all citizens living iq the Mississippi1 vali ley. who are specially interested in the development of that' great section I his looks like business. Our great Sobtbern "actress is no; longer Miss Mary Anderson! She was married to Lieutenant Fremont,? son of Gen. John C. and Jesse Fre-j mont,' in New York city, 'and imme diately sailed for Europe. The Lieu tenant is on board ' bis own ship, and ' will meet his handsome bride in Paris. This is the account that appears in the Frankfort, (Ky.) Yeoman. It is cprroborated by the Louisville Argus and National Industrial . The Washington Post spoils this nice story. It was Miss Sallie An derson who married young Fremont. Her father is & civil engineer. : They were married last October. Tu Bud ofibe Cabarrus Bnocb Arden ChaTlotte Observer.l " It will be remembered jthat some time ago the Observer told the story of an Enoch Arden case in Cabarrus. A Miss Dodson had married a Mr. Earnhardt, and after awhile he left. In the coarse of: time she j was mar ried to a Mr Misenheimer, and years afterwards Mr. -Earnhardt returned to find his wife surrounded by a fami ly of children not his own. Unlike the historic Arden, he did j not, after looking in i through the open window y upon the? i happy scene, wipe a tear from :; his J sun burnt face and refuse to I disturb it, but he wanted to claim his own. The wife which was formerlyj his asked for a divorce from him, and at the last term of Cabarrus court, just closed, the case was heard and the divorce granted. Mr. .Misenheinier then, very properly, took steps to have the "legitimacy of bis children established, and next Monday he will be remarried to the woman of whose joys and sorrows he has for the last half 'dozen years been ra faithful sharer. . i Kllza Plukstoa ladersed. (.Washington PosLj . The fi!s of the Congressional He cord for , January, 1877, contain - an official certificate of good character and truthfulness to Eliza from a Re publican Senator of the name of John Sherman. We shall take jearly occa sion to reproduce the gem. j It covers the whole case by declaring that Eliza "was a simple minded child of nature, wnose trans, artless manner carried conviction to the mind ; of every one who heard the story of her wrongs." According to all accounts her last statement was characterized by similar artlessness ot manner. ----- i - l -y ::;: , MATE POLITIC!. - Hon W. M. Robbins was ex pected to speak in Iredell on Wednesday. Tarboro Southerner: pitt Uoun- tv Convention did not - Instruct for Major Yeates as reported. . .. Col. Wm. Johnstone retires from his fruitless contest to get the noml ation from Col. Walter Steele.! '. Charlotte Observer: The con test for the senatonbip of Cleaveland and Gaston counties will be a very warm one. ; . Charlotte Observer: Gen. Cling-, man has no more chance to be elected to the Senate from North Carolina than Mrs. Jenks or the sweet singer of Michigan. Goldsboro Messenger if MrV R. W.Kine informs us tbat be has declined the Senatorial nomination for tbe District com posed of Lenoir and Greene. We have not yet learned wb,o his successor is. ' Greensboro Patriot : (The Rad ical State Convention of ; Alabama met on tbe 5th inst. wrangled the larger portion of tbe day, refused to endorse Hayes, de nounced the .Democrats ana ousted. -: Ch arlotte ; Observer', i Col. : John R. Winston, of Caswell is certainly leadl ine a forlorn' hope. 't ile has announced himself a candidate for Congress in the fifth district on the platform of the Na tional v oartv. lie will never Diack tbe board., ' f Winston Sentinel : We under stand that Dr. J. L. Johnson has announced himself as an independent Republican can didate to represent Stokes anct Forsyth in tbe next Senate. we learn mai kjou Sum. Hnerhes and SouireVenable.of Stokes, are independent candidates for the Bouse of Representatives. Mr. Venable is a Re publican and Mr. Hughes doesn't belong to nartv. and will c not eet vote from either. ejtbCr;- Wm. Bennett is au faidependent Andidate for the House in Surry, and U J. Norman is an independent Republican mndid&te for clerk in ' the same county. We learn that A. JL Joyce, of Dan bum is. or is to be, tbe Republican candK date ior ooiiciior in iuih uisinui. . no bpa aUrf to learn that our friends in Stokes nr alive and hard at work with the deter mination to win. Stokes is largely Demo-! cratic, and harmony is all that is necessary to elect the entire ticket.-' In the Sen atorial district composed of Rowan and Davie, John 8. Henderson, of Rowan, jind .T, f! Foard of Davie, both Democrats, are candidates ia consequence ot a disagree- i ment as to wneiner jtowan or -vaviej w entitled to the candidate this yean - -The Radical Convention here last Saturday put out the following ticket: For the Sen ate it recommended-George B, -Everett; for the Heuse, Wm. A. Loweryj Clerk, C. S. Hauser; Sheriff, A. Fogle.; .Tour- gee, in his speech here on last Saturday before the Republican County Convention, made sport of Governor Vance for review ing the colored troops, and treating them respectfully, and pitched Into the Demo- cratic party for recognizing and guarantee ing tbe constitutional rights of tbe negro. His speech was calculated to make friends to tbe. Democratic party of the colored Voters. f':-" ? :; n"r'. -.V' 5 .Jfc.;.iiX h 1 . . ...t i f,,R? 4..,uitt t- sr..;-j:.-? jyi,. -V-rn'J WILMINGTON;' N.'Cs SATURDAY;1 Spirits Turpentine,' s fr . The up-coontry peaches are in ferior.5 u -.1 j A dog bit a little child at Greenst boro. One dog.less. - i " f There are jbut four ladies at the Sparkling Catawba Springs. , .. -. The heat up among the nine lies at Greensboro, and no ice. . . Some of our weekly 5 exehangea come irregularly. I What has become of the Milton Chronicle t; . t . - r The ! Charlotte - Hornet's Nest rifle team beat tbe Grays. :t Pi tnce 200; yards, Creed more style.' ' ' ' s 1 Raleigh Observer: We' regret! to learn of the continued serious illness ;ofj Dr. F. Kt Luckeyj of Rowan, who. lies at bis home in a very, critical condition, from' an attack of paralysis. ' V' - ; f Dr. O.' F. Hanson, formerly "of, Granville county, N. C, now of Richmond,! Va., was, on Monday night. July 1, ueani-f mously elected permanent President of the Board of CommonJ Council of the city of; Richmond."'" I A writer in ' the Raleigh Ob server shows that Daniel's brigade ,loat, killed andWounded, at Gettysburg,' 778t total, whilst Stewart's brigade lost but 851.? They were about equal in number when the: battle opened., - The Tarboro Southerner states that Venus Hart cut Franklin Leathers very badly in several places, using a knife given her by Jerry , Hart, ber husband.. The; wounded woman is in a dangerous condi-i tion. The negro, woman fled, but her bus-' band is in jail, : '" j ' '-y , unartotte I uoserver: k A. negro i wbo was convicted, at the last term of Ca barrus court of some offense, not larceny. has in his possession a gold watch and chain which be claims toj have found on the cars. There is every reason, however, to believe tbat be bas stolen Inem. : ; - ' Raleigh News: The Board of Directors of tbe Penitentiary are in session. They have decided to Bend fifty more con victs to the Western North Carolina Rail-1 way.- The convict Tilghman Cranford, who attempted to escape on Tuesday, and was cooped up in the stockade around the quary, has not yet either been seen or cap tured.; it is proDftDie that ne na9 escaped from the enclosure r'v-4 f t X ayetteville celebratea the 4th of July. EL S. Huske was Chief Marshal Rev. L. W. Crawford made the prayer. Mr. Alex. Graham read the Mecklenburg Declaration, prefacing it with a few very appropriate and well chosen remarks. Mr. W. F. Campbell read the Declaration of Independence, ' and in : conclusion CapL. Ben. Robinson delivered : the oration an address or nrst-rate merit, weir delivered. and listened to with much satisfaction by the audience, says Jhe Uazette. h s ; . Statesvilie Landmark: Jlr Pig, of Rowan, With his family, "consisting of two sons and wiie, started to Unity Ubnrcn. As they were going down the steep bill near the old Neely mill place, the harness broke, which caused the horse to run. The old gentleman was badly bruised and ; one shoulder broken His wounds are thought to be fatal. The collar-bone of one of tbe sons was ; broken and penetrated through the flesh on top of the shoulder. The flesh was torn off tbe other eon's leg, : but no bones were broken. v - A h-. The venerable Edward J. Hale writes from New York to the Raleigh Ob server: Viot. Simmons, of Wake Forest College, and Mr. Phillips," son of Prof. Phillips, of the TJhiyersity, are here, both ia pursuit of Knowledge ia the branches of study to which they, bave devoted thems selves. .. Is it true, as stated in a paper here, that) Virginia! has re-established the whipping-post? North Carolina should have set her the example. But if she can not set the example, the next best thing will be to follow it. ,i. ( ri s Fayetteville Gazette: Our read ers will not forget the rare .literary enter tainment wbich they are to enjoy on', the eveningof next Thursday, 18th inst, in the lecture which CoL D.I K. McRaelsto de liver nnder the auspices of the , Lyceum Association; A native of our town,- for years a very prominent citizen of this State, and with a brilliant! reputation as an orator of extraordinary .. powers' the- announce ment of bis appearance upon the rostrum here will be hailed with! great satisfaction,, and will gather together an immense audi ence." ' : ; f 7f - f . ' " r;; . ' ; '''-fit". " i Tarboro Southerner: Last Sat urday night, about 12 o'clock, 'Jefferson Terry and Israel Hargia, two colored, men, accompanied by several others, left town, where they had beeh indulging in drinking, talking politics, &c. When tbey bad tra velled some two miles on the Tarboro and Greenville road, quarrelling aa tbey :went along, Hargia? made an attack upon Terry with a knife, cutting Win in three places, one near the breast bpneand.two abdomi nal. Bis intestisea were cut entirely into. Either of the two abdominal ' wounds was sufficient to cause f death. , The' body re mained in the road until next morning. Themurdere-f isjiat;iarge,;i; I'.'.Wa, President Battle : writes to the Raleigh 06acn :of ;tbe . Normal. School : "Besides, we have la kindergarten class of children, nearly flft, three f romHillsboro), who are used as a training class for the Normal 'students to "practice on."; The students work very bard.": They are earnest and . attentive and, punctual. The morale of the school is excellent. . ,We have repre sentatives from ail ; classes t of teachers; many are of wide jreputation, while most of them are those, who' are working to ob tain an education, sit the same time teach ing in order to gain a livelihood. i There are many who were here last year." L .-i IS Greensboro Patriot i ThetoWn of Salem rejoices in water works - now. and every afternoon! they take out the hose, Sprinkle the streets and sit back iri,the cool. When the dust gets- four ' inches 1 deep - on bur streets and "nary.' sprinkler,' we sigh for a lodge In Salem. Harp Houston, a negro, sat down beside tbe railroad track near the East Market Btreet crossing - last Wednesday' nieht And fell asleep. He stretched himself alongside of the rail and threw one arm - across it ' The passenger train from Richmond, which' came along shortlv afterwards, ran over and crushed his arm i ( He lay there till the following morning, When be was picked up, pnysi' cians sent for and the shattered arm ampu tated v1;;'' ' , . t - .. j i Two negroes' had a ' scrimmage at Charlotte. aiose jones ana mar shall Morrison twere.l found.Jn Colonel Cbxe's back vard lying pear each other. The Observer savs: ;"No one saw the whole of tbe difficulty, the; family being .absent at the time, and hence all the facts in the case are not known, but it appears t mat. morn son bad insulted Jones, when the, latter threatened to kill him With a' plank. Mor rison drew a pistol and fired' five shots at his antagonist, one of .which took effect in his thigh.: . In the melee Jones struck Mor- riann a verv severe blow on tbe bead. Tbe MORNING :bTAH: ,'.-t? iJiUjIT il .j ;t fT ' .M It'll !. i lll I.J- lv- j V . I J. ' j v,. fight lasted for several, minutes, and both men were greatly exhausted, and, ad stated above, were apparently in a dangerous con-itiony-jwug'-yrt ,44 Goldsboro Messenger: Two sets of: Wilmington -colored excursionists, vis ited our town last week, One of the pari ties, under -.the management of James Winfleld, behaved in a most orderly and creditable' manner during their entire stay from Wednesday lo Friday? but the party that arrived bere.with the firemen? on' the 4th of July .was largely composed . of, a noisy,1 insolent rabble, whose presence ia not at all desired in ' this community'. They were here only a few hours and yet suc ceeded very near .in bringing on .what threatened to become a serious disturbance.1 The, Colored Insane Asylam directors we are glad ' to learn, bave agreed to give, out the contract for the buildings, provided a contractor ean' be: found who : will take the State's ;. vouchers In . payment, as there: is bo money jn .the Treasury, now,1 " The directors have agreed upon a place for the main building;' and Col. S. L: Fremont has; been elected to superintend the work when- ever work ; is : commeuced.,; The,, selection of Col.; Fremont is a most excellent one. . , ,rr- HTarborc f .Southerner: . Edge combe boasts of a horned horse. An. old! colored individual drove him into town on last Saturday bitched to bis buggy: I He is gentle and works welK ii- On" Saturday nighti 29th nlt two -colored men; named . Eliaa Arriogton and Henry i Windfield, got into a quarrel near the railroad depot, when Arlington struck" Windfield on" the 'head! with so much force that be was thought to be in a dying condition for several hours! .j- On. Sunday, June SOtb, Turner jWil-; llama, a young colored man, with a party of colored boys, went into tbe Red . Williams' mill pond bathing. Turner, who j could not swim, got into water over his head and was drowned before help could reach him. -: Dr. Alonzo Hassell, of WiUiamston, performed a feat of surgery on Josh Griffin, whb was wounded in the battle of Cold Harbor by a minnie ball. - The ball entered bia body, and lodged-, near ' tbe bladder. From tbat day to this,; a period of fifteen years, the ball remained firmly embedded and caused Mr. G. to suffer excruciating ly. Dr. Hassell, by a painful though aue-f cessful operation,-has extracted tbe ball, entirely relieving the sufferer. - The Doctor is ayoung man. : j i . . . Wr Capt. Galloway' Appelnimeut , Capt. Swift Galloway, Democratic .can didate for , Superior ' Court Solicitor, will address the people at the following: places: Coopers Alley, Nasa county, baiuraay, Uly IJftn.' i '-i i ' V: !i5:i .. Wilson, Monday, July 15lb, ; i ii ? ra j . . v i. Kenansville. Saturday. July 20ibl f ' Jacksonville, Onslow county,' Monday, July22d.'-!-T i- j:i.ii ;?. v- Richlaods Tuesday, 23d. M JE31 Ji .. CD X.'Jl1 NKW ADVKBtlSBIlBNTS, v Stab Job Office Bill-heads. ' GeoI Mysbs Steamer Passport. ' Stab Job Office Letter-heads, i O. Ditson & Co.flilusiq books. . Notice---Wilmington Bridge Co, Stab Job Office Railroad receipts. ,.; . JuvEKHiE Operetta Monday evening. Experts far tbe North of, Ba rope.' J The following is a comparative statement of the exports for the North of Europe from the various ports named during the month of June : New York; '2,116 f casks spirits turpentine, 12,478 bbls . rosin ; Wilmington, 9,823 casks spirits turpentine; 18,295 ( bbls. rosin Charleston, 0,456 casks spirits tur pen tine, 12,847 bbls. rosin; Savannah' 800 casks spirits' turpentine,' 6,427 bbls. rosin ; BroBSwick,' Ga., 1,550 Casks spirits turpen tine, 677 bbls rosin. Thtrtaometar ' kteeor. J -0 The following will show the state of the thermometer,-. at the stations mentioned, at 4.85 yesterday 'evening,' Washington mean time, as'ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this' city: i Augusti:: '.:::;.'.89 Charleston, ; . . .84 Coraicanay. .98 Galveaton,..i; t ..91 Indianola, . . . . ... .87 Mobile.... 83 Montgomery . 2 .'.'.85 New Orleans,;!. .86 Punta R&ssa, . j i ...87 Savannah., j J . . .83 St. Marks, ... J .. .85 Wflmlneton..,J.". 85 Jacksonville,. . , . .86 Key west,... ....90 Becister. - s i . 'ti-i It . should ) be: impressed upon the Demo! cratic voters 'of this city and county that a complete registration prior to the coming Jelection is required by law. - Thus far very if ewj comparatively , speaking, bave regis tered in tbe various wards of this city, ''and ithe time is getting short. "1 Register at once land get the matter off' your : mind.' t)on't 1 waii, uuiu me lasi. uay or iwo, wneu mere jwill necessarily be a rush. l ' !f " ' . jPendei! Superior Court; In Pender Superior Court, yesterday, the jcase of James Blackburn, from Sampson; Knargea with the murder of Jno. u. iiamo, which was commenced oh Thursday; occu- ied the day, and it was supposed that the greement would not be concluded' before or 10 o'clock last1 iibht! i ThR excited a good deal of interest. Uamallablo Lettero The following are' the unmailable letters remaining in the city postofflcef li 'Bmith Wilson, 1 Eatton,-Nj C. j Charles Moore Pox P. O. Deer Creek La. Matilda V.? Rhodes, (papers), Newport,' Ri l- j " '! "HITJBK'AND iaAUlNB 'iTIlBia.1 ; 'i A Spanish barque.' name unknown. $vas reported in bel9wyesTerday. - : j The SiVfiWeCalliess,.? cleared from plensbury for this port on Iha 22d ult.-, -j -The steamship J). "JS Foley, Price; ar rived at Baltimore frdrn thisport on the 9th The i steamship J9fe7icfer,,'Jones v rived at New 5Y6rk' from' this port , on ,tbe 9thnst:f''rr:,'v;'VI'-.i'':,'1 f i The schooner, jZeoneasaj Acbofn, ar rived at Newbury portfro'm this port on the f I - The .German nbarque vFtili Vbnder t 2jefon,rree8e,'aTrived at Hamburg "from thisport on the 9th inst. "' t - -'M " I 1 iThe' British hAft'anci. 'TippetLfrom' London 'for this port!, 'was "spoken June, risth, in latitude 49, longitude 18. ' '' "; JULY 13 1878; Coeal ttota. j ,-:J. HuoriRtprf Koariat.prl i ;,-T7 Rain is beginning vto he badly needed The last chance for listing taxes Hog carts are now circulating about the city. . -,.- . i-i.uiTit ifi:?-:'pw;i : Let all who have not registerec go and do so at once," . - i - lnere was little, or no activity rable in magisterial circles yesterday observa' fa.s; v HUM, tfantwi. & if atermelons and, peaches . are quite plentiful and will soon: be in the Teachbf.f'pobr folks't luitf i:1';ifSi'yi Excursions do wh '.the' . river are1 now of'almost dairy occurrence; The peo; ple are fond of sal(airX'TiVf" u .Th i us : ; f ar ;'; we haveost f odrteeii minutes of daylight since tie days com- 'Ti.-?'--Sf!'i'i-.i , oweT divi- menced getting shorter. f ?' S Kegisiratiotij in ' the sion of the Pirsf 1 Ward foots iip, 1 to !date j 50 white' and 296 colored.; :i fa ! i The fugitive Phintiey ' was re ported at the Sound, yesterday,: rnsticating for the benefit of his health: If f ; : ill -r The young-crops in this and the surrounding' counties are! reported,- as a general thing, iffinconditionj ; ; J The lawyers icattendance upon Pe nder So per ior s Court,' from this .place, generally! come home every night. t.H " :i The Sumter Light .Infantry ex pect to remain in camp at Smithville for ten days,-commencing od the 16th inst.'"!! Plenty of copperas' and extract of tar. both said to be -good disinfectants can be had on application at the City Hall. ' - : The tumor on the street yester day to the effect, that Tom Johnson alias Alonzo Elri had been "captured!, proved to be a mistake;' iih .--.u-.' '.vHM'. Tickets fpr the Juvenile Ope retta, to be performed at the Opera House on.Mooday night next, can be purchased at Mr. .tieinsperger B.sjii i -;i.v-tifi v..,.-U ... rJ omnriir'viviiot nor oeca- siooal rains, light , variable winds, mostly from tbe south, and stationary pressure and temperature' are the: indications for this section to-day. ! m ,.v.ii, .- ; ., ., ' The moonlight excursion on the steamer Passport last Bight was quite large ly altended,'i'and appearances indicated tbat tboee who participated would bave a fine. evening. .i. .4 x.i v The communication from Fair Bluff is not inserted for the reason that the" newsit contains b. rather stale. -We thank our correspondent and will be glad to hear from him againi - , , " The only, excitement on Princess street yesterday afternoon was caused by a runaway bx, , attached to a country, cart, that did hi! level best to smash the clumsy vehicle,' but without success. : : ': V.: , Mr. A. B. Chase and; family left for the Western' part of the State on Thursday evening, ; in the hope that the pure air of the 'mountains may jbenefit "the healthi pt his afflicted daughter. . : g j: w,;i 11 It was ! remarked that ' several young ladies and' gentlemen were "getting up- in ; the ' world', yesterday fi afternoon. They were viewing,' the , "lapdscape o'er", from the top of ihe.New Hanover Bank. . ' -- The thermometer, .attained 88 degrees in the Stab i.ofnce yesterday, j A fine southerly -breeze did much to neutralize . the , effects of the ' beat: but still it' was "-.m!'j,:.. i - .1 .........;'. --..-ir . warm. At least so we bc&rd several re mark, i" '' 47 " ll- . MrJ Canaday informajas that the vote of the Republican Executive Com mittee in regard to putting ; po State ticket in the field this campaign, was not exactly unanimous, but a large majority of ; tbe committee1 voted that way.'.", ' " J" " ' 5 ' j . W.t Q. Ganus,: who murdered istephen .Eoleytih ' Columbus' county , on Tuesday, was released ' from our jail- on the 1st of June, where be bad been confined under a sentence from the tl.: S J. District Court forj violating the internal revenue jaws.' j! '.'1 -Ji'-ti'i i I ' The (case of ;Ed ward? HilI, co lored, j, charged with sticking a knife -into the foot of James Everett, colored, Thurs-i day night,! which was to have come up be- jfore the Mayor's Court yesterdayi- moming was postponed on -account oi the inability io8f Everett ta appear. ; 4 " -J 'M - ' ' i The 'Republicans'-.nave issued circulars, blazing all over, with eloquence and' teeming with patriotic fire, calling upon their Iriends to register. ;i bis bigb falutin'.'; appeal, in which Patrick- Henry, is allowed to steal aome of Dan iel Webster's thunder, is said tq be the. production of a former magistrate; of Cape Feax Township. f ; -v.k.--, .1.;.,, - . Wh- Wilmington Dlatrlet-QnarterlyMeet- i- i - -jog.; - - ' - - I ReV.' LfS. Burkhead; TX U.;'"!Presiding Elder bf the Wilmington 'District; Metho dist E, Church, Boutnhaa made the follow ing ; appointments for his jlhirdf ropnd of quarterly meetings; . . .ii'.w , -Duplin, at Magnolia." i :v0 1 July 20-21 Smithville, at Bethelf ' mS J July 24-25 Wflmington, at Front Slreetj ? u July 27-28 Wilmington, at Fifth Street Augast 8-4 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, August 10-11 Bladen; at Bethlebem,; v August 17-18 Cokesburyand CoharieMlsJ ! , -'"f; ' -sionatBethelf'.f Ji rj 'nLi Atigust24-25 Clinton; at Salem,'::! August 81 and Sep. 1 Onslow.,.-: ? tr.. A -September 7-8 Toa;;:,;' September 7-8 ( fA'cIearomplexidn is desired by every lady? it can: be secured by' the use of that great blood purifierT-Dr Bull'a Blood Mix lire. - i t ' ' j-i ."J i-.s- i If i HOLE NO, 3,410 ; M. K. CH CRCH; SOUTH' ivilmlBstoa Dlairlet Conlertnc. : --" LReportedfortheStar.V f - ' ' j FIBST DAY. ' ' V J Whitevtlle,! N. C. July 11,1878. i'i The Wilmington District Conference, of the Methodist E. Church. South, convened at Wblteville at 'AJ'M: to-day f Devo- Honar, exercises were! conducted iby;the Presiding Elder, Rev. L. A. Burkbead. D. D;i after whieh Rev;- T. Page Ricaud i was elected Secretary, f -it; jr-J ' !s The roll of delegates was made out and called, a large proportion being present f.,.Rev. Dr. Bobbitt, of the Raleigh Chriatia7 Advocate, Rev. J. J.; Carden, of the Fav etteville District, and Ret H.' B: 8: Ga'r-i riss, of the Presbyterian Cfhnrcrx. were! in-i .trorrnced and invited, to seats. in the ine LOnierence., f & t , The presiding officer. Dr. Burkbead; gave the Conference some wholesome-' adq vice and!, wise suggestions in reference, to. the work before them. He stated,' 'In call- ing for tbe. reports on the spiritual-condi-t tion of the different charges, he would ask; each preacher for a brief statement 'f i his own Ch48tianxri1ebee.k;o'rl'r:.'.,lri ; The work of the Conference, will .consist in considering the spiritual condition of the Church in the district,: its finanoial and etfceAUonal interests receiving reports of -all theintcrests of the Church, &ci-i-5 ' f 4 I . Front f Street Station, of Wilmington,! being called,; Rev. E. ..A. Yates, pastor,; gave an encouraging account of the charge, j The hour, for -adjournment ; arriving r, the Conference listened tu an excellent sermon i from i Rev. Li, Shelly. on 1st, Timothy, 2d chap, and 4tu verse. . s , : ? " The- Conference 'has been warmly re-i ceived i and is being handsomely tained. ' ' - - . .,? ' 1 AFTERNOON SESSION.'" enter' Con ference met at.84 o'clock P. M.'-' Re ligious services conducted. by , Rev. ,E. A. Yates. i r r'. -'"' "- -.-'-- U j It be minutes ..of the morning s -session Were read and approved.. , !.. ( ( "" I neglected to say in ' my ' fdrmer -communication that Rev. Henry Gray, an aged minister of tbe church, was introduced to the Conference r " .'.- y ;" 1 f - " -' j'-;.v !J. . The following ministers - and delegates, who came iu since the morning 'session, ap peared and took their seats : Revs; J. -W. Randlei J. ,Sandford, D,; Culbretb,' T,.i,J. Browning, Col. J. J. Lucas, S. B. Reeves, D. J. Ward, James Long Jesse Long, Rev. Jesse Cox, Rev. N. H. Guy ton , J. Q. Bell, R. W.Tatom, Sam'l King, Wm. M. Poisson and J.t At Evana.if tur ;.' . - Mr. R W. Chad wick being called upon, gave an interesting account of the Front Street Sabbath School at Wamington., '.-"; Fifth Street Station and Topsail and Clinton circuits were called and reported upon by their respective pastors ; 4- 6 k .The reports from the charges called thus far are in the main encouraging . " I A communicatioB in regard to. the Dis trict Parsonage at Magnolia was submitted by the Presiding Elder and referred to a committee of one from each charge, i, jM't Appropriate committees were appointed on finances, Sabbath schools and1 the spiritual condition of tbe ehurch. .-j The Conference then adjourned until to morrow morning at 8$ o'clock. : 'f i: At night Rev. J. J. Carden; delivered an impressive sermon; which was marked by originality of thought, upon : 1st Peter, - 2d chapter and 7th verse.1 t . the naiLs. f The mails close and , arrive at the City rost umce as iouows: , - -'.-i-ji i.. CLOSE. fp Northern through mails..., , , 6:45 P.M. A.M. Northern i thronsh and wav i maUs.tliUCriiV:!.. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes' supplied there ;frbm, including A. & N. C Railroad, at... ..... Southern 'mails for all points ; ) 6)45 P.M.; - - South, daily. . ; , .: ; . . . ; . -. '; ? 6:00 p.; M. Westernmails(C. CJi'y) daily, . ; (except Sunday). V:V...;. 4:45 P. f." Mail for Cheraw &:Darlineton . . c m Railroad. . f f ' 10.O0 A. M. Mails for 'points - between' Flo- : rence and Uharlestoa . . 10 AM) A. M. Fayette ville.and offices on Cape ( Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays. 1:00 P JU Fayetteville by -Warsaw, daily , , i , ! " (except! Sundays)..'. . . ' 8:O0'A M.' Onslow ; C. H. and interme- : 1 1 i : ;j diate offices every Friday. . 6:00 A. M. Smithville mails, by ateam- j r boat, daily (except Sundays) 2.-00 P, M. Mails for E,asy Hill, Town , : . i Creek and ShaIlotte, 'at:i.. 8:00 P. M.! Northern through mails. ..... 11 :0d A. M. -Northern j through'-and 'way -I f mails.L.... ,...' 7:30P. M. Southern mails j-. ". . .-. . : 9 :80 A.'M. Carolina Central Railroad. , i . " 8KW A M. - Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P M. Money lorder and Register Department open same aa atamp office.., ,-;,t , r ., : , Mails delivered from 6KWA.M. to 7:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 80 to 9:30 A. 'Stamps , for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed, rrji . y . .t:li;ifuj - .-.-... .... ...... i-Jfj C1T ITEMS. : Nothing in the Quaker City has received more na limlted or well-merited praise from ita guests thaa the Colonnade Hotel, Philadelphia, for liberal man agement and excellent courtesy.-' ' ' y m ! An experienced traveller says : ""After a week's sojourn at the Grand Central HoteTI have no hesi tation In saying that it is the best and cheapest lint class hotel in New York." ' .! i Book nnrnxnT. THXMOBiriHS Stab Book Bind tery does all kinds of Binding and Bullng la work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Beeetot Boo tea. or other Work, may rely on promptness in the exeeatloaof hetr order a..- v. vt: ;si ..--;. - -. - m TKAirsnB ' PKiHTuro-ixxs. lnratuable to- rail road companies, steamship companiesbanks, merj cnaniB, manniacnrera ana outers, i noy are en during and changeless, and wilt copy sharp-and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Jut received a fresh sopply of these inks, wear pie pared ta execute arders promptly and at moderate ! A SKIN tISB MONUMENTAL ALABASTER may be attained by using Guura ' 8uuphuii Soap, which does away with the necessity tot Sulphur Baths. -Try i it, ladies. " It is a genuine beautifier and. very economical., tlti'i i Hnrr to thosx Fbxxatcbxlt Ghat, nee Hill's EAra.DT.,-- J.-.-.i v ". itt f;jir.: I FORT UPWARDS ' OF THIRTY YEARS i Masl wiVBLow's SooTHura Stbup has rbeen" used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wm colic, regulates the bowels; cures dtsxhtkbt and PTARKHfKA, whether arising from. teething or ether causes. - An old and well-tried remedy. 33 OKKTS A BOTTLX. (.3 r $i a nclD Chrenlc, painful and prostrating diseases cured Without, medicine, Pulvermacher's Electric Belts the grand desideratum. Avoid imitations. ..; Book and Journal, -with, foil particulars, mailed free.- Ad dress PUIiVXBVAOHXa GALVANIO UO., 2S VlBt St.. Cincinnati, Ohiovi-y "i'V'fiv . v - a -rji.t: r LIVEE IS KING. The Liver la the Imperial or4 gaaof the whole human system. When His dis. turbed the net in its wooer action all kinds of ailments are the natural result. It has been successfully proved that Green's Auzust Flower is unea nailed in carine au persons amiciea wita xiyBpepsu or Xiiver com- J plaint, ana au me numerous, symptoms that result from aa unhealthy condition oi the Liver and 8to-r mach.- 'Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. i . - . . ; .Tf .-.OATCJ OFAUVUrilNG., One Square one day,.,, 'two days,' ' three day s J -:.-. ... .... . f 1 00 l n tea 800 8 60 4 00 6 60 8 60 ........ ' Two weeks, , - - , mv. ...... i v - Oaemoath.. AHin WV&JB, ...-... . 3. ........ Two months,. w l) uu ; w oo Three months.... 84 00 , Six months,..... ...40 00 . One year7, .;,.".;:; ; 60 00- ; 1 Contract Advertisements taken at propo? tionateiy low rates. - , ; t , . " ' ' Tea Hnes selld NonpareC type make one square. 7 NEW rADVERTJSEMEn,S. JUVENILE OPERETTA ! To be performed at the O RE R A ,11 O u! S E ON lUONDAIT ETBNllfG. JCtT; ttTH. 1 Price of Admission 60 Cents'; Children half price Neextra eharge for reserved seats. . Tickets can be found at HelnsbergeT's Book 8tore v- - Jyl3-8to-,i. i j 1 f--....s.' r Letter-Heads ! JBTTaS-HKADS PBINTBUjjATflPjaiCIS 10 PBB CKNT. LOWES" than charged by any nrint ing establishment here or elcewhere. ' Call at the ' ' Jy 13 It'" r bTAB JOB OFFICB. WILMINGTON BBLDGS COMPANY, mi - ! ' ! WILMINGTON. N. C. July 1874. -:;tefeKbtice.lp ; TQ, 8TBA.MB0 AT CAPTAINS AND ALL OTH- -BBS IN INTERB3T 4 NAVIGATING ; THB o j CAPB PKAB KIVERS, i i-tr.-.j. ... , . - - .. . ,i -i . . . QN XONBAT, JULY 18TH; THB WOBK OF rebuOding Feeders to . Draws at Meares' Bluff and Hilton Bridges, ever'tha Cape iFear,. will be com menced, and this notice Is to request and caution all persons naTlgating the two Rivera to use the ut most care la' passing through the Dbaws, that no Injury may result to the work being performed, or FartieA Will he helrl fnr nvnBrvoai 11 MAU I- Jurjoccur. . f;J,. n -.. - ' jy!8 lw : 1 Bnp't Wllmuigtoa Bridge do. Bill-Heads 1 Bill-Heads ! JILL-HXADS PRINTED AT PRICES 1 0 PJSR CENT. LOWER than charged by any printing es- JapUahment hereJot-elseirherelJ. Call at the jylSlt STAB JOB OFFICB : . wBteamerl Passport W ILL r MAKE ,THS, USUAL : DELIGHTFUL TRIP, visiting the Fortlllcations, Bald Head and other points of interest. f Bound trip 75 cents. "Din ner 60 cento. Starts at 4:80 K M.y returning at 6 vm. sDaiiy trip ai i ihv k " " jy 13 tf r u i - GEO. MTBR8, Agent. 1 Railroad Beceipits i. JJAILROAD BECEIPTS PRINTED AT PRICES 1 tt PEK CENT.r LOWER than charged by any : ; i ; ;! '-v..'.;- ? ....;:; .i. .:.- ,-. ... printing establishment here or elsewhere. Call at -.SCM- ::a.i, J5 ,v;? af-V'S-ii..' i h- the fy 13 It -V STAB JOB OFFICB . Chnrisfprs nrnranictc - And ill Professional Utuieians, are invited to Improve a portion of their Bummel Vacations in examining the large number of usefu Music Books, prepared by Oliver Ditson it Co., es pecially for their use. EXAMINE li O. EMERSON'S NEW ONWABD,' 5r ; ($7.50 per doeen); his beet oook for Sinsine Schools.. Also, , bis; new "CHURCH OFFER ' ING,' (flJ per doeen) a splendid Anthem Book. Also, his 'SACRED QUARTETS,' i$M.) EXAMINE ; OUB CHORUSES, GLEES, FOUR r. SPABT SONGS. AQIaPampldet Form. (5 to Wets each), very extensively used by Chairs. ' Societies, Ac. 4 Catalogues furnished. EXAMINE JOHNSON'S "NEW METHOD FOR , THOROUGH BASE, ($1.00), the best Instruc I tion Book for learning to pay Chord Music ia P Psalm Tunes, Gleea,' &c. Also, kis CHOBUS CHOIR INSTRUCTION BOOK, ($13 per doa.) . - k f eFI.c?n1Pte manoal and class book. Worth " careful study. , 1 - i - t i - m -. u iv v4i.'.$yn."f!fyi'iJj-uA -:.-: 'i: -$JB The above, and a multitude of other oonven- nseflU booka, may be seen at the stores of OLIVER B1TSON A CO., in Boston, New York and Philadelphia; Lyon Healy. Chicago; Newhall at Clncinnatf ; Sherman. Hyde A Ce., Saa Francis- wtmavHi iu prominent dealers throughout tbe country til 1 : . Oliver . Ditson & Co. , POSTON.-N- CHAS.;H. DITSON A CO. 1 J. S. DITSON CO. 843 Broadway, N. Y. 023 Chestnut st, Fhila y 13Uw3w Wed 8at IS READY : !-J!UI TO FURNISH EVERY BODY WITH CLOTHING L6VEfeT PEICES 1 .: i r . STOCK i XABGS AND - DAILY INCREASING. ';;v3 5L 1 COMB AND SEE. v i ,: : J an tit ' 'U fc-H-T vSHBOBVV i .jy 1J tf ...L';--;'-No. 81 Market Street ' DtalrtBK Pleaaant Sck ProfitanU Work ; are invited to solicit orders for l ...!'V,t.ziJ;i&- is'. - i- ..a.'--rf . ' , , ,f 'l'HE LIFE OF Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, iembradng his services In the armies' of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate . State. Bj hla son, Col, Wm. Preston Johnston. One handsome, octavo, 729 pages, illuatrated by ' jjmaps and engravings. Sold by subscription. . Ex 4 elaaive territory glven : For farther parUculars ap ply to the publishers,' ID. APPLBTON ft CO., 649 Broadway, New York. , - Jy 13-D2t Wit -' SELECT EOAED ING acl DAT SCHOOL, Ti UILLSUUnUi n. v. - HE MISSES NASH and MISS XOLLOCK will resume the exercises of their School on FRIDAY, ouiiuiji, ana oonunue warn uii ma "W-km- fEB (Twenty Weeks.) :m ').,,,.,,) Je39eodlm nac satath - ... . -. . Quarantine Notice. On and1afteb"thk ist'daY of June, 1s78,! quar antine will be enforced a ' usual, oa all vernelr from 'south of the Cape Feat ' River,' and On all vessela HAVING v HAD ANY KIND OF SICKNESS daring their voyage! ; ' 1 ' ' I PILOTS AND ALL' PERSONS CONCEBNEB will please take notice and bring their vessels to tbe -' Quarantine Station for inspection. . .,' i ,.,-;,W.G. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician j " ' ' Port of Wilmington, N. a"." ! Je 1-StawSm r sa we . Bevlew eopy . ' '- 1 1 ' ' " i, 1 : 1 1 " ' ' 111 .fthclleal t-; Ileal ' - I 800 "Bub "VTBCtrBrLA msaj; ,l ': ,i7;Pa sale)low y ' JylOtf DAW. GORE GOBJC. . ! . i s . . , : :

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