THE II0BITEI6 STAR. By WEI. II. CEHWAI1X; k ' IT BUSHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. batCJ ok ADVEitrisno. On Sqnare om day,.... ...... ... ft 00 1 f i' V-A. S 50 . UIH t UWUBUTIUI U ASVAJIGB J . ineyear, (by mail) postage paid............ m 00 mx months. f uree months. one monui M "" a 25 To Oltr Sabseribers, aelivered in anv nrt r th aty, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are not authorised to collect for mere than three meatus n advance. - - . , OUTLINES.. , ... There was quite an excitement the House of Lords whea the Marquis of Salis bury pronounced Lorfc Derby's statement untrue that there was a' secret expedition to capture Cyprus. Beaconsfield de-i clared that England did not fear war with any nation, nor did she seek war; he was loudly cheered repeatedly; the v- papers generally comment favorably on hia state ment. . The British sailors detained by Rrtssiau-troops have returned to the fleet. Hazard & Oaldicott'a liabilities reach 13,500,000. - - Six ironclads and tbrce smaller vessels have been ordered to Cyprus. ; There is serious uneasiness in Austria because, of Italian agitation for annexation. Hon. Eppa - Hunton, of Virginia, has challenged Columbus AIex4 uuder, of Washington, to meet him outside away from the police; Alexander replied thai there was no occasion . for fear of the police. . -r The Umatillas engaged the bosiiles, killing : seventeen warriors, and capturing twenty-five women and children and over sixty horses. . Colorado De mocrats nominated W. A. H.' Loveland fpr Governor, and renominated T. M. Patter son for Congress. , Great fear is felt in New TorlMbal the yellow - fever may be developed at any moment. Many failures announced; . New York mar kets: Money easy atrH P cent; gold bteady ut 100; , government- bonds quiet uud steady; cotton firm at llltf cents; fiuur quiet; wheat 85c$l 02; roro 45 48 J cents; spirits turpentine firm at 28f cents; rosiu uun at $i 42401 iv. , v:, DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Jud(M Saprean Oaurt : Koa'cSSp JUSTICB, . W. N. H. SMITH, . - of.Wake. I k'Oit ASSOCIATE JUSTICES : THOS. S. ASHE, of Anson. - JOHN H.'DiLLAitD, at Gailord. Judgea Superior Court, t SEVENTH D1ST. J J. P. GRAVES, I : ; .. . of Sarrr. . j "'? 'I EIGHTH DISTRICT. t ALPHONSO C. AVEltY, Of Burke. I . ,. I NINTH DISTRICT. JAS. C. L. GUDGER, :. of Haywood. j ' For COHcreaa : ALFRED M. WADDELL, ' of Near Hanover. V For Solicitor 1 , t -THIRD JUDICIAL DIST. ' . SWIFT GALIX)WAY; of Greene..' " ' '! . Miles is the real Indian fighter, He goes up close and hits hard. Howard's forte is writing at long range. Education is higher at Cornell than at Harvard. The former has just beatenjbe latter in an eight- oared race. , - The noble army of independent martyrs who expect to die politically on August 1st, for the benefit of their country, are still, like John Brown's soul, "marching on." . j t . Another instalment of the 'Jenks- Anderson correspondence is' said to be forthcoming. Like Ihe wino at the marriage at Cana, the last is said to be richer than the first. - i . The weather for some days' has been pleasant .in New 'York. The highest range' of thermometer on Monday, -Tuesday and .Wednesday was 81. The evenings have been cool enough for heavy clothing. ; , j There is not a word of truth in the report that Miss Bennett, .sister of the Heralds owner," is . to marry an English Lord; S,he is to marry a Mr. Isaac Bell, Jr., son of the New ' York Commissioner of Education. Bennett says he has not the slightest notion of elarting-a-paper in London.: So two more lies are nailed to the coun ter. Next in order, j , ' . i L The Philadelphia Times says that Oliver ? P. Bald win's most popular Work was "Flush Times in Alabama.'' This is a mistake. That very amu sing book twas 'written by an Ala bama lawyer, of Virginia stock,, we think, and his name was John G. Baldwin, afterwards a J udge, : He wrote also a capital book called "Par ty Leaders t Strange to say, several of the "big dailies" not only got the authorship . f'slightly mixed," but eome of them gave the wrong title to the last work mentioned. : The, World, the.ITeraldt the Sun.' and he "Balti- more Gazette all blundered about the first book named. ' "J ' " I. -1; j it VOL. XXII. NO.:102. To, our surprise we find ourselves mistaken in Ihe lalo O. P. Baldwin's natiyity. He was bom in New York city in 1813. He. jSrst entered the' U. s. Navy, but on account of de fective vision had to ; abandon that calling. He married Miss. Sheffey,1 of Virginia, whose father, .Daniel Sheffey, -was an M. C. He t went to Virginia when a very young man. He died of Bright'a disease. The Baltimore Sun, of which he was the leading editor since 1867, pays him a fitting tribute. We copy a few points: . '? - f "After the death of John i Hamntlen Pleasants, editor of the Richmond Whig, in a duel with Mr. Thomas Ritchie, Jr., of the Enquirer, Mr. Baldwin was editorially con nected with the Whig until the appointment of .Mr. Richard H." Toler. While on the THAig the editorials of Mr. Baldwin attract ed so much attention that he was induced to remain permanently in Richmond, and accepiea an eaitoriai position on the Hepub- Ucan, published by Mr. John a Gallagher. 'Mr: Baldwin was always zealous member of the Whiff party until its disor ganization during the war, when he advo catea Conservative doctrines as being the most desirable in the interest of the South. Before the war he was twice elected to the Virginia Senate from Richmond city, his second election being without opposition, and he was the last Whig Senator elected from that city. He was a well known and eloquent political, speaker of the Whig party, in many of the campaigns in Vir ginia. Mr. Baldwin was also celebrated as a bumorou lecturer, as well for his pol ished wit as the beauty and force of his diction, and : for many years, up to the beginning of the! war, delivered a series of lectures each season. Since the close of the war he has delivered a few lectures. Several years ago he lectured twice in Richmond, Va.j under the auspices of the Yovng Men's 1 Chrisliau Association, and once at .Randolph Macon Uolleee. For many years he has been a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church." Hard times have had one good effect they have .caused the hotels throughout the . country to j reduce their, rates. During the war they went up to almost fabulous pricofl, and although after peace everything else began to decline, including American character, the hotels never found out that there was no war du ring the ten years that followed. It is only recently thai some of the fine hotels made the discovery that peace prices prevailed. Now yon can get for fifty cents a room in a j first-rate hotel in New York and take your "bacon and greens" at a near restau rant. 1 i- i , i -I .. . . - The New : York Journal of. Com merce objects for good reason toBea consfield being called the "Dnke of Cyprus," because the; island is only farmed out to England. It suggests that the proper titular . honor .for the hero of Berlin is "Duke of India." It says : . HI '- -: j. - "With that wonderful country his name will henceforth be as intimately associated for eood or evil as that of Clive or Hast- ingaV .,. I . i ! In the meantime the papers have taken the liberty of "Dizzy." j ; calling him New York is becoming t alarmed. It is feared by the physicians that the yellow fever may break out at any moment! and become epidemic. Three of the seamen have died." We trust that the utmost watch-care will be exercised by the authorities of Wilmington; and that the dread dis ease may not visit us again. 1 If the yellow fever were to bo brought here Wilmington would not recover from the shock in ten years to come. Bismarck has become a purchaser as Germany's agent. He has; bought of Morocco the port, town" and pla teau of Adierond. It is on the east- ern frontier of Morocco, and the river Kirs 'separates it from the French possessions. It is" capable of being fortified in the strongest man ner, and the site is large enongh for a town of 50,000; inhabitants.; What does Bismarck show. :', mean? .Time will Capt. GIlowyo APPolntmeMta. Capt. Swift Galloway, Democratic, can didate for Superior Court solicitor, win address the people at the following places Kenansv le' Saturday. July aum. . Jacksonville.; Onslow county, Monday, Kinhiandfl. 'I'liesaav. aiu. : Woodin&rton. Lenoir county.; Wednes day, July 24tb. . . rf Latirange, 1 nurauay, j uiy mux. Wilmington, Friday, July 26th. Point Caswell, Saturday, July 27th. Goldsboro, Monday, July 29ihJ Beaufort, Tuesday, July 80th. 1 -Hnnkerton. Wednesday. July 31st. izens are most respectfully and earnestly requested to meet as above stated. .Whir.h ifl the richest child in the- world PrtihanhiM. What is the best remedy lor 1 Ho h.h.t . Tit. Boll's Baby Syrup, for it contains no opiates, and is innocent but ef . a a .a A fective. ..s Vox sale py an aruggiam. . t SDecial from Laurinburg to the Raleigh Observer: : Another severe loss from tire in onr midaL Mr. Hector Lytch'S mill was completely consumed by fire yes terday, catcbine from a soarK. xotai iosb five or six thousand dollars. No Insurance, h -: WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY.! Spirits Turpentine. There -( are 375 Normal it es ai Chapel. Hill.,, , :. . '-.! i I The health ' of Charlotte con tinues excellent. ' ,-.-. -Charlotte will hot have a graded school this year. : - Corn crop in Jones is good, but cotton is very backward, , r ; - Winston lays on the table an rish potato weighing 23 ounces. There is a considerable drought prevailing in many sections of the State. Winston Sentinel: Winston town ship, which includes our two tow us, pays something more than one-half of the entire tax of this county, which! . has thirteen townships. . . ' i r William Robinson and William oyd r got into a difficulty at Charlotte.' iobinson knocked Boyd down,, when he was stabbed in the' side by! an unknown' party. 4 ' R. W. Trezevant is suspected of (doiog tbt) cutting. : . " " Greensboro Patriot : : The ap- plication for a new trial by W. F. Trog- den, argued before Judge Christian at Rich mond on the iota inst., was refused, and the case will now go before the Court of Appeals which meets in November. . , . Washington . Jfyess i We learn that a son of Mr. Tuthill. at Oregon, was! 'drowned in the river a few days ago.' Sev-f eral small : boys had been playing in the, river, and it was not noticed that the child was a the water until it was too late to save him. , " The Raleigh & Gaston Railroad made $107,185.50 over its expenses for the year, ending July 1. It declared no divi dend as usual. It u playing a freeze out game. What - becomes or the earnings ?; The Legislature must find out next winter. The old officers were re-elected, ilt is a most extraordinary concern. ' i r , Tarboro. Soidierner: His many riends will be glad to hear that Rev. J. B. Chesb ire, Jr. , atck at Hillsboro, , is impro ving. H Big tomatoes continue tofpour in on us. John Madra's weighed 24 ounces, and Wesley Robinson's .23. A goat. A boy. Playing., Boy on goat hollering, hands where you pull down your vest. Goat standing triumphantly over looking down. Tragedy. ' Charlotte Democrat'. The de gree of D. D. was conferred on Rev. J. E. ressley, of Cabarrus county, by, the Trus tees of JSrskine College, S. C, (Associate Reform Church) at the late annual meeting dnring the Commencement exercises of the college at Due West. Judge Cox has, indeed, been a popular officer, and a just and upright one. . lie will long be remem bered in this section as a Judge worthy of honor and cotifldeoce. Shelby Aurora: Our coroner was called upon last Sunday to hold : an in quest over the body of Alfred Hill, a ne gro, who was round in a dying! condition near the railroad track, near VYhitaker Sta tion, on Sunday morning. It seems that he had been selling blockade wniskey on Saturday night, and had himself imbibed too much, and made . bis bed too near the railroad. Another instance of the banef ul effects of intemperance. 1 i - Elizabeth City Economist .'Sam Cartwright, near Elizabeth I City, is the champion trucker. He housed 180 barrels of Irish potatoes from three barrels; sixty to one. ' Gates county correspondent: There is some lawlessness among us. On Sunday night, July 7th, some one cut to Eieces, maliciously, a Duggy neionging to Hike Williams. - On the last Saturday nuht in June, some wretch cut the throat of a valuable horse belonging to Thomas Cross, from which the horse died. t Oxford Torchlight: The road can be built, it must be buut, it will be built. Even the prospect of its being built is giving a fresh impetus to the value of real estate here, and we are credibly in formed of many substantial ; business men who will come immediately 1 to Oxford as soon as the road is completed. The ad vantages Oxford would present for ware houses and tobacco lactones as soon as tne road is finished would place it on the high road to prosperity and importance. Greensboro Central Protestant: The Patriot of last week is out on the dog nuisance. We always thonght that Greens boro was truly the city of dogs and "flow ers" and, perhaps, the meanest (fogs that ever prowled about any I city, ancient or modern. - -Some of our citizens are in the habit of holding religious services on Sabbath afternoon for the prisoners ceu fined in our county. jaiK We were present at the one held there on Sunday evening last. The prisoners seemed to prize the efforts made in their behalf, and were very. attentive during. the service. i f j Is: s Fayetteville Gazette: Mr. H. J. Ellis, of Seventy-First Tow nship, near Newton's, made this year seven bushels of wheat from two quarts. This extraordi nary result is authentic, and can be proven Last Wednesday, 10th inst., Frank McNeill, a colored boy, was drowned at the mill of Mr. J. - Marshall Williams, in Flea HillTpwnahip, in this county.. The miller's statement is that he went to the mill for the purpose of having some rye ground, and, while wailing, be wentbath ine in the pond. . Reports for this county and immediate section, of the crops, are generally eood. with , the exception-1 of cotton. j '.'(-' " -r- Rev. Dr. J. H. Smith, of Greens boro. writes as follows of Davidson College to the Washington Press:. ."The influence at Davidson College will make a Methodist, an Episcopalian, a Baptist, a Presbyterian student leave its balls witn larger views 01 truth and science; and the Bible; will make him a better Christian without affecting his chosen form of church organization, ., &c. It is no theological school it has no professors of theology, church government, &c. It is a noble Christian school, belong ing to the Presbyterians, managed by them; its chairs of science, art and languages, &c. t filled bv Christian gentlemen, wno, tnem selves, exemplify the character 1 of Chris-. tians, and who would train the intellect, the head and the manners of their students and make them high-toned Christian gentlemen. Charlotte Observer: The streets were crowded all day yesterday with co lored people. - There must have been at least a thousand non-residents in the city. Those who came in on the excursion train from Raleigh and other points along the North Carolina Railroad, day before yes terday ..remained oyer, and . besides these there were many from the surrounding country. The occasion was the meeting of the military and fire companies of Raleigh and Charlotte. 4. This bemg the first, meet ing of the colored military companies in the State, special interest and importance were attached thereto. ? The - citizens of Statesville and vicinity- held a meeting at the court bouse in that town, Monday; and decided upon submitting to the-people a nroDOBition to vote 850.000 in aid 01 me nmnnutit nAw Danvilift. Winston & States villa Railroad, provided Statesville is made its southern terminus.- The opinion is freely expressed that the county, outside or the; town,! will vote a similar appropriation un- uer Hiiuiiar cuumuuuo. VT ATE POLITICS. "4! G. L. Greeson is an independent candidate for the Senate in Alamance: i iJohn J. Gatling'is tbe DenioH cratic candidate for the House in Gates! ' xne rut county -uemoorauo aa dress is about three times as long as ; the State Democratic address. They forgot to boil it down.) 1 ' ' - J A Elizabeth City Economist: Wd hear the Republican horse - in Chowan has four riders to carry. Four mad factions all in a row, ; ( r ,..,,' I The Greenback Labor party has nominated a ticket in Gates. ' S. J. Hal stead is the nominee for the House. C. C PoolJ a noted I Radical, is one of the party An executive committee was appointed. ; Washington JVes: The Radical Convention for the selection of two Sena4 tors met in Jamesville. on. last, Wednesday' and nominated Samuel T. Carrow, of Beaup fort, land Benjamin F. Sykes, of Tyrrell, as theirjcandidate8r,t:.i:f-,i'f 4i " t j Greensboro Patriot: In the counties in this State where the- Radicals areia the majority, you don't hear of them putting forward many independents,, but in the counties where they are in tne mu nority that's their came. Eight out of ten of these independents are Radicals in dis- guiso .: 1 ; . p, vi ' v ; i . .: (The Democratic ticket of Cral ven county is as follows: For the , Senate! M. D. W. Stephenson; for the 4 House Messrs. Clement Manly and JTred L.ancas ter; for Superior. Court Clerk, Seth M Carpenter; for Sheriff, T. H. Mallisou; for Register of Deeds, Alpheus W. Wood ;' f oi Coroner, Dr.i Charles Duffy, Jr.; for Sur veyor, Wm. U. Marshal. 0' I r 1 f i H Charlotte Observer says: "The Rowan canvass is progressing, and politic are in a muddle.' We have four candidates for Sheriff, who belabor each other vigors ously; and one independent candidate; for the House, D. Barringer, Esq., who wages war against the whole field: The warmest Contest, however; is the Senatorial fight between John a. Henderson, of Kowaui and J. C. Foard, of Davie." lOxford Torchlight: Dr.. L. CI Taylor announces himself a compromise-f candidate for Clerk Superior Court. Three Kadical candidates are now in tne neia ior this office. Siuce the color line has been drawn in the Second Congressional District,! new parlies and - independents are the order of the day. ' Suppose the Hon. jC. H. Brogden come out as an inde-j pendent candidate for Congress in that district on the white, side of the ticket, i 1: -j Winston Sentinel: We suppose we were mistaken in announcing last week that A. U. Joyce was a candidate for So-j licitor. as Mr. Tom Dula, of Wilkea, waa, around last week electioneering for j the place! -i - The ; Republican Convention! of Yadkin county, on last Saturday, en dorsed John Ml Brower for the Senate from I Yadkin and Surry, B. S. Brown for the House . of Representatives, ana ; o. u Welsh for Sheriff! The new party on Tuesday nominated Capt. Martin Grogan for the Senate, and Major W. B. Stipe for the House. :r ;, - - ' " -v ' THE OITY. . . NBV ADVKBTISERIKNTS. . ; A. David Keep cool. 1 Stak Job Officb Bill-heads. Stab Job - Office Letter-heads. ; GRSKK& FliAHNKB Turnip seed. .' , Stab Job Office Railroad, receipts. G. R. French & Soss-f-Bools and shoes, The Fire Yeaterday iriorniatg. ' ' I Yesterday morning, about four o'clock, Mr. John MeEuerny, the " watchman at the Wilmington & Weldou , Railroad Depot, discovered smoke issuing from the windows of thb establishment on the southeast cor-j ner of Nutt and Red Crosa streets, occuf pied jy Mr.M.W O'Brian as a grocery and paloon. - Finding the doors all last, nq failing to arouse any one, he got a piece of timber lying near by, and with it broke one of the doors open, when he discovered that the flames were located , in a corner of the store next to Nutt street. Ha made his way through the dense smoke to the upper story, where he found Mn O'Brien, the propriej tor, nearly suffocated, and succeeded in eretlinsr him out. ' In the meantime' the alarm: had been sounded, -and' one of the encines. the "Little Giant arrived al the scene and the fire was soon - extinguished The ;V Adrian" was delayed in reaching the spot by a mistake in! the . person who rung the bell, which at first sounded the wrong fire district The damage 'to' the property was not material.' ' The stock was injured to some extent, but "the loss' was covered by insurance in the Orient,- of Hartford, of which Mr. Norwood Giles is agent. Thi origin of the fire la unknown, but is sup posed to have been caused either by an incendiary, or bv the icntlion of matches by rats or mice. Tbe Weather, dec. The heat continues unabated,;, though judging by the thermometer Wilmington is a decidedly pleasant place,: and her. citi zens comfortable, as compared ; with some places. The delicious breeze which is expe riehced here almost continuously,- wafted direct from "Old Ocean,? in a great mea- sure neutralizes the effect 'of the heat ana lifts the pressure' which r would otherwise make things yery unpleasant. So far the thermometer has never exceeded' 91T de-t greesj in bur. office, and the same has bees the case at the City: Hall, while 1 in Ricbi mond and many other places it has reached 103, to say nothing of what it has attained in Some cities in the Northwest. : A gentle man just from Augusta informed us yest terday that the heat ; here was nothing to compare to what it was in that : place, an d he is a frequent visitor there and knows .whereof he speaks, .Vr;i; ,..-."!' ' ''- j- The Sumter . Light, Infantrywha were cordially received by Maj. Graves, in comr mand - at- Fort a Johnson . Smithville,' are quartered Vt fJamp Taylor, named in honor L 1 01 Vfcn., m. . t . . j. ayior, 01 111 13 ana i 'are said to be deKehted with "tbe situa- I tion.' . i . , JULY, 20. 1878. ltoeal Dota. ' ' - 3 ' t - There was ? no session of ; the Mayor's Court yesterday morning.. -i.-bi; f ThellKermometef i indicated 90 degrees In ihe Stab office yesterday . '- Everything was quiet on Prin cess street yesterday, especially in magiste rial circles.',- - "'''",J'" ' . i: Mr: C. Hi'Prtnce, of the Mer chant and Farmer; Marion, S. C, paid us a brief visit yesterday. ij I ( The brig Cora Green, Philbrook; from this port lor Newburyport, was at anehor in Vineyard Sound on the 16th inst ; . , f A gentleman of this city got an Irish potato from his garden yesterday that turned the scales t ' seventeen and a half, punces.- . tuUrih:i-i;.,VJ a i; : : r The Charlotte Observer says the Grays are making extensive preparations for their excursion to Wilmington on the 23rd instant ' . : j ! . r Mr. J..J. Fowler, AssistaQt City Clerk and Treasurer, leaves on the steam ship Regulator this morning for a short trip to NewJ-brklri;"'"'" !'" "'' - ; The steamer f'Ltttle Giant" was engaged yesterday .afternoon infilling the cistern of the Empire . House, the steamer being stationed: at Market dock, u "2 77 Part1y,lottjjt feather, . sional rains, variable. winds, mostly occa- BOUth lrly, and stationary pressure and tempera ture, are the indications for this section to day.! ;4,,.: : ,;'.:AAi The rumor of a fire in the south, ern portion of the tcity yesterday morning was caused by Abe mistake in ringing the fire district for tbe one at the foot of Red Cross street f : " :'';X -"'::"' '-r. ".'' Farmers from this and the neigh boring counties are complaining thai their crops and gardens are suffering materially from the dry,' hot weather that has pre--vailed lately, j ; , Vv '.'"'! ; The ball and supper, at Smith vtile, on Thursday night, are pronounced by those who were present from this city to have been a grand success,both pecuniarily and otherwise, j -,,r-: . . I Mr. James D. Mcl ver, Demo, cratic candidate for Solicitor in the Fourth Judicial District, has been on a visit to out' city for the last day or two, taking a of the salt air. - - sniff" The Mayor was at Smithville yesterday, and probably bad an interview with Dr. Curtis, Quarantine Physician, in regard to the vexed question of allowing vessels froni infected ports to come into our harbor. . ; . ..(: It is said that "all signs fail in dry c weather." It has been threatening rain for 'several days, -.and we have had none yet, except a very light sprinkle on Thursday. - Rain is badly needed through out all this section. - ; ! The excursion on the steamer Passport, yesterday, under the auspices of the Bropklyn Sunday School, was one of tbelargest.of the season, and we understand that those, who 'participated in it enjoyed the trip immensely. ;.r : J Met a Tramp. , !;, The old man picked up on the street near the depot on Thursday night, with a severe wound on the side of his face, said to have been caused by his being struck by a train, turns out to' be a Mr.. Daniels, of Duplin county,' and not a tramp, as stated in our last ' tThis is about all the Information that can' be obtained from him,: except that he is sixty-three years of sge. and that he in sists upon it that he was cut by somebody Instead of being hurt In the way described. He stilt appears to be partially delirious, though the city physician says his wound is not serious. He was to he taken to the City Hospital : yesteMay. 1 T J' : f -f Previaloned. - j;1- -1; ;j - -lv " The Spanish brig 8ahtomdttjiag at quar antine in 'the ! stream opposite the "Dram Tree," was provisioned .yesterday . under the direction of the Collector of the Port Everybody on. board is in perfect health, but, as we . have before intimated, she is restrained from; approaching the city as a matter of precaution. ; ,: ".-"-'--! : '- : UIVEK AND ITIA.KINB ITKfflS. 'The Spanish .barque Cabieces, hence for Antwerp, previously reported leaking badly, returned , to this port yesterday, where her. upper seams above the coppec will be re-caulked. . 4 K Qwing to. the dry. weather. Which has prevailed . for some .time past the river be tween this city and Fayetteville has be come so low that it is almost impossible for the steamers to get over tbe shoals, has id he accomplished by hauling which The here steamer 'AfPd Eurt jwhich; was due; yesterday morning,, never reached her wharf until about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and the Wave was still further behind time.. Capt.; Wortb 6t the Mart, eporlithat h never saw the river so low at some points HS 11 IB UUW. UOTBIt A 1C RIVALS. IS .; - Emfire House I. L. Doubt, Pbo'pb. J Jnlr 19. W. H. Stricklin; E ! P Richer. CM Hurst, Jr, Sumter, S C; BF Mackall Jr, J.T Harper, Smithvuie; H AlurowD, N Yi R P Paddison. Point Caswell: HE Newbery, Johnnie Newbury, Magnolia ; H u. Jfoard, render county; m. a tyoou, Georgia; W H Bagley, Weld0B;af if i f ' Pobceli Hons -Cobb" Bibs.,' Pbo'pbs. July W.aaadersrharlotte, N C; Mrs Hamner and two children, High Point, N C: J W Brinklevl Maxwell. N C; Lt A D Schenck,.U 8 Army; Mrs. WhlUng, Bal- . iiuvivi . . ,.-' v.-.: j t . t ' ' i: v WHOLE NO. 3;416 Wllmlncton Dlatrlet-Qnerterly REeet- Rev, L. S. Burkhead, D. D., Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District; Metho dist E, Church, South, has made the follow ing appointments for his third round of Juarterly meetings: I , u uplin, at Magnolia, , r 1 July 20-21 Smithville, at Bethel, ' 14 July 24-25 Wilmington, at Front 8treet,!i t July 27-28 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, ; . August 8-4 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, August 10-11 Bladen, at Bethlehem, 1 , j August 17-18 Cokesburyand Coharie Mis- , sion, at Bethel, August 24-25 Clinton, at Salem, August 31 and Sep. 1 Onslow, , - j September 7-8 Topsail L 'JJ' September. 7-8 TUB.nAlLS. - ! The mails close and arrive St the City' Post. Office as follows: - n, , , . 1 . close. t . i . : . J 1. Northern through mails..:..; Northern through and -way mails. .... . ... . ... ; . - Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied: there from, including A. & N. C. ' Railroad, at...... 1.-.... . Southern mails for 'all points South, daily. ... ... ...... : . Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday)... .... 6:45 P. M. ,8:00 A.M. 6:45 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 4:45 P.M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad ..... . . . . . 10. -00 A. M. rence and Charleston . . . . . 10.-00 A. M. F&yetteville.and offices on Cape - ; - Fear River, Tuesdays and - ' Fridays.. .......v... 1:00 P 'lL Fayetteville by Warsaw, da. ' (except Sundays). ......... 8:00 A. M. Onslow C. H. and interme- diate offices every FridaV . . 6 :00 A: W. Smithville mails, by steam- i 1 ' ooat daily (except SundavsV 2. -00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill, - Town , , . , ,J Creek and Shallotte, at , i . . 8 :00 P. M: ! ' -ii ' AAUi V J. : !! Northern through mails. . L 1 .v 11 :00 A. M. Northern through and way i J mails .. .. ... .... .... 7 :30 P. M. Southern mails. . ... .... . .,. . i 9:30 A; M, Carolina Central Railroad. . . . - 8 :00 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.; and from 2 to 6 P M.' Money Jorder and Register Department open same as stamn office." : .. j : Mails delivered from 6KX) A. M. to 7:00 P. M., and on Sundays from8i30 to 9:30 AL M.! -r :.'.''? . t j: jt- :, :;:, -';; .( :,.'. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. - ! :- ? Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night r- ' -v , Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. , ; C1TV ITEMS. Kothine in the blinker mtv limited or well-merited praise from its guests than .ua uiiuaaww uoiet, riuiaaeipnia, ror nberal man agement and excellent courtesy. ... . . 'An experienced traveller faya: "Altera week's Bojoura at the Grand Central Hotel, I have no hesi tation in aaying that it la the beBt and cheapeat first class hotel in Kew York." Book bihdhbt. l-HKMOKmNo STi.K Book Bind err does all kinds of Blndintr and Hnlim in m wnrk manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her uuuiLoauuemerB noeamg Keceipi isooka.. or othea work, may rely on promptneaa in the oxecatlon of their orders. I 1 J ' . -ivy '" r .-t i poa trp wards op thirty tkabs hbs.; Wmslow's 800THIN8 Stbup has been used for Children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind oolic, regulate i the bowels, cores dybshtibt andDTARKHfHiA, whether arising from teething or' other cauaes. An old and well-tried remedy..; 25 CXHT8ABOTTUC ( ;. j Happy tidings for nervous sufferers, and these who have been dosed, dragged and quacked. Pol-; vermacher'a Klectnc Belts effectually core prema-j tore debility, weakness, and decay. Book and Jour nal, with information worth thousands, mailed free. Address Poxvibxachib Galvaxic Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio. i,, . : . j ; THERE IS NOTHING MYSTERIOUS about the ' disappearance from the skin of eruptions, barns, Bcalds, braises, ulcers and sores through the influ ence of Glkhh's Buu-hu ' Soap. Solpnur is a po tent purifier and healer of the akin, and la most be neficially utilized in this form. , - To renew your Youth use Hell's Ihstahtahxoub Rant Dtk. --..n.-! . ;-' 1 r ; AN UNDENtABLK TRUTH. You deserve to Buffer, and If you lead a miserable uneatisfactory life In this beautiful world. It is entirely your own fault Personal knowledge and common sense rea soning will soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such aa Bick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual costlveaesa. dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirit, Ac. it, 1 , . .j, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j I Letter-Heads I a jKTTBR-HEADS PRINTED ! AT, PRICES I O PES CENT. j LOWE. than charge ,by any print ing establishment here or elsewhere. - Call at the L, Jy 20 It STAR JOB OPPICB t r neWCwp Tuirni j: Seed; JUST RECEIVED, ' ' '' . " ' ' .v. . ;',- - - , .,;., :, fcjjj Iu Original Sealed Package, In Bulk or in Papers, At Prices never before so low, at : a k d i GREEN & PLANNER'S, JygQtf ,,, , : ;Marketatieet4 I, Railroad Eeceipts !-; jAILROAD RECEIPTS PRINTED AT PRICES IO PER CENT. LOWER than charged by any printing establishment here or. elsewhere., , Call at the f ! JyiO'li: STAR JOB OFFICE. Seep Cool ! ND IN ORDER TO DO SO BUY ' ' : ; "I- linns AND ALPACCA3 prom A. DAVID. ; 1 THE LARGEST1 BTOCi OP WHITE VESTS : ii , ; In the city. All Styles and Prices. :M ?c HfDon't fail to examine my Goods before buy ing elsewhere. It will pay every one to give? me a call. '1 1 ::. A. DAVID. '- 'Jy 20 tf f ;yf.-f -; a ij y . i :?i The Clothier., Bill-Heads! Bill-Heads! ILL-HEADS PRINTED "AT PRICES 1 6 PER CENT. LOWER than charged by any printing es- tabUshment here or elsewhere. Call at the : JySOlt STAR JOB OFFICE. Boots and Shoes. f '".!- 'if "sv-f " ,and -t-ii" ' BOYS' SHOES, .--:-4 .i'JH BRBAT' i"f VARIETY, AT VERY :; imj -jLOW PRICES.' ; i Call and examioe tbf EV; jBTYLES at tjit GEO. R. FRENCH S) SONS jy,S0 tf ; 39 N. Front at., Wilmington. .. " ttr tour dy a 00 . u4 i i .... Sto dava...... -.2 M Od week...'. aim Twoweeke,. ...... ...i....V.,. 6 60 " Three weeka,.,. 8 Mf .'' One month... 10 00 Two montha, .......... .'. . . 1700 Three montha,... .............. 24 00 1 Six months...... ..j. 40 00 M i One year,.. 60 CO ill". -wil CVCoutract Advertisements taken at nro'vo tionately low rates. , : . , - Tea lines aalld NonpareO type make one square n NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS.- SELECT BOARDIHQanl DAT SCHOOL h . . . RILLIBOBO, N. V. I A HE MISSES NASH and MISS KOLLOCK will rsame the exercises of their School on FRIDAY. .t..JJLY and continue them till 12th DECEM BER (Twenty Weeks.) , . . , , , je 89 eodlm nac - sa tu th ' ' Qiiarantinel Notice. 0 N ANQ AFTER THE 1ST DAY OF '. JUNE, 1878, QUARiNTINB WILL BE ENFORCED, as j. ........ - , ....... ,, ....... ...... usnal, ob all vessels from south of the Cape Fear River, and on all vessels HAVING ' HAD ANY KIND OF SICKNESS daring their voyage.' PILOTS AND ALL PEBSONS CONCERNED will please take notice and bring their vessels to the Quarantine Station for inspection. - " 1 I ! W. G. CURTIS, Qoarantine Physician . , ni . - Port of Wilmington, N. O. Je l-2Uw5m , , ..; sa we . , Review copy. JSteamer Passport W ILL MAKE THE USUAL DELIGHTFUL TRIP, visiting the Fortifications, Bald Head and other points of Interest Round trip 75 cent8. Din ner SO cents. Starts at 9:80 A." M.i returning at S p.m. fvi .1 v 1.- - jyl8tf . GEO. MYERS, Agent. To the Voters of Hew I Hanover County. JJAVING DISCHARGED THE DUTIES OF the office of CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT for the past twelve months, apparently to the satis factian of all classes of the people, and believing that my experience and fidelity nave been favorably appreciated, I am Induced to seek the position again, and therefore announce myself a candidate fnr t.llA kfflM at fKA onMtn. fully solicit the support of my fellow citizens. L,,n.v i JOHN D. TAYLOR. fuij xoo. 1 ........ jy 9 tag GLO TGE3I I COMB AND SEE THE GREAT BARGAINS WE v ! ARE OFFERING IN Children's. Boys' 1 & 001118' Clo- thins and Linen Clothes At New York cost to close eut tbe lot; We are 1 - f '. . - 1 - . Belling lower than ever before. Come ! and be convinced. ! A.'BHRIBR. No. 84 Market Street. f Jy 19 tf For 1 SiitlTillR Beplar Daily Line. Steamer J. S. XJnderhill Leaves Wilmington every day at 9.00 A.M. Leaves Smithville " at 8.39 P. M . - Fare for Round Trip 60 Cents. I jy 19 tf O. G. PARSLEY, Jr.,1 Agent. Straw and Linen Hats, rpHE RAGE FOR THIS 8EASON,' . 1 AT THE CHEAP CASH HAT STORE, ; , HARRISON Sb ALLEN, i ;;. ) . 9 Front Street. Jy 18 tf Shot Gun for Eaffle, . , , ' FEW CHANCES LEFT IN THE RAFFLE for BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUN. j ii . Call at ;" . 1. , v ' if 18 t nao , r J W. LIPPITT'S. f ( Hew Books. TJY MRS., BURNETT, AUTHOR OF 1 : '-THAT LASS O' LOW RIES. i MISS CRE3PIGNT. t KATHLEEN, PRETTY POLLY PEMBERTON. 1 n.; . And "THEO." '"ji Cji Price 50 cents each in Paper, or $1.00 In Cieth. ; For Bale at , f HBINSBERGER'S, , . . &9 and 41 Market Street JyWtf Black Alpacca, TRIPE ALPACCA, LIGHT "Ir;rt SHADE MOHAIR AND OTHER - . ? KINDS BUMMER SACKS, .;:::.Vttr?,r muns tSON'S. GrEOOERY EMPORIUM ! im-'ii :M'AT - - STos. 5,7 and 8 North Front St., . j',;,! Is the place for every one la the . City of Wilmington and Surrouding . Country to BUY THEIR GROCERIES, Family Supplies, Liquors, Wines, l -iil i .-v f i - -is ' s j' r Tobaccof&c.:s;?;i,.v.,:;, t They will always furnish . yoa the VEBY BEST GOODS at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, j - 'tCj wESways tell yoa anything that can pos sibly be found InVqy Retail Grocery Establishment In the State; and to who call upon . them they guarantee not only the mitpolIU attention while in their stores, .but witn - their superior ! facilities (two carta and a dray) to deliver such goods aa are ith:,.;.-;::...-:,.J : i- - . .-:..: ..r ; ipti: ' , & ordered, at the shortest possible notice. They allow no one to undersell them, and guaran tee ill goods they send" out to bo the very beat or iaotalfc'fiAJiftH1 --.-- 'J'.'Jl . .'5- Boafrwrightf & IIcKoy, , T aB4 8 NOBTU JFROlfT ST. ..Jyl4DWtfri-r-'-bn'e - 'J.. - ' ' iWiiiHflli Coversi : A LARGE LOT WIRE DISH COVERS, ,, , 1 1 WW . v W MM 1 I., w JUYWw' w. v, ?T- W-'i"--i ,..k. 1 e . 'f-i . Of all sizes, for sale at Greatlv Reduced Prices. i.;:t::'4L- .oi .!.;'.' f V-' -f - U . i GILES MURCHISON, . jy M tf :" ' V! JS8 and 40 Murchiaon Block. g3oDl6ri & Co. Carry the largest stock and most extensive aasertment of Bulldera Hardware m the city. If von want First Class Goods and Close: Figures, be sure and examine onr Stock and Prices, before buying. . 1 s ' . - i- l, Hi and 23 MARKET STREET,1 Jyl4 Wilmington, N.C ! 1 i i