"pcDtisuisB's ANNOCNCErxiiNT. iTHB MORNING STAR, the oldest dailyewspa- I lUSMUlwuu""' ... , . . .rrent onday.at $700 per year. $4 W for six months , S&rXr LeektoonryeaT ' ! iami! witiikt.YHTAR lsnablished every rnaay mnrninsr iorning at $ l 50 per year, $i oo f months w cents for three mouth. ! ADVERTISING RATES (DAILp.-Om, ignare one day. $L0U; two eays, -STiS? K ?dayS,3.fo ontbl K; tweiV." montiaOcT Teii tuieo . v .""m r JcatJ gl Bails, HoS. Rc?KVfMStoa,jFSi Meet Inel&c., will be charged regular advertising rates. 'no irentsTser ISS-rt lino ror ursmuKsruwu, uu w vv w. ittbsequent insertion.' '",-.'5" ...'.'"-! I Afivertisements inserted once'a week in iaiii win eorKfTor Z.ic? week, two thirds f. daily rate. 'Notices of Marriage or Deatn, xnoates or e-1 .MKf-Ss when paid for strictly la advance. 'At t'f I cents will par for a simple asaoonoement of M.ar- uage or Deatn. - - .'?. 'AdvertiBements to follow reading matter, or to AM-nnT snT HTMw.iAl tilace. will be chanted extra ac cording to toe posiuon desired; v n ; ? ' ' I Advertisements on wucii no specified munhrof at the option of the publisher, and charted np to the data of discontinuance. .;,;(, ' --!! ' ' ' , 'Advertisements discontinued before the time con tracted for has expired, charged transient rates for. the time actually published. , . ... . ! Advertisements kept under the head of 'New Ad vertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra.. , - Au extra charge will be made for double-column ur triple column advertisements. ; ? I All announcements and recommendations of can: dldates for office, whether in. the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise ments. , ,," , . r 'v.'t,1 . I Amusement, Auction and OfflcUI advertisements one dollar per square for-each insertion. ' : Icontract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed .their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra cnarge.at transient rates. -t- vf - luseruuuB uuwii;v. - ---- Payment for transient "advertisement, mast be mHin advance. Known narties. or stnuisers wtth I proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac- I cording to contract. . - - . ! I Advertisers should always bdocUt the Issue or Is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement .will be Inserted in the een?rharee matunt'oT tteto" luTaddresITT"" uniTjucii remittances will be attne risk of tiie 1 1.-- . .v .. I news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted: and. if acceptable in everv vouaaiurauuua, uuwi moj iniiiwuu. other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. : - Correspondents must write on. only one side of the paper.- - ' ' ' . ? AV- - " f ' I ! . . fcVAUMMl bSf I ' - ' - - .... j nn . . . .. -mmr . i t , i - fc By WIK.K.I AH, JUL. BEnNABO. : WILMINGTON, N. C.i:' Satueday Morning, ; Aug. 3, 187p, TUB HBW PARTT t r . 4 The" Greenback party is distin LkA ' li .i::: " t iia I remarkable pertinacity and zeaL has L-:l:ia :j ..." jv 1 very wild and dangerous notions, and i - j - . t. is very uggreBaiveauu lusiuuauug. iu 1- - - v f. i. . '.' I mav not mean to work mfscTiief. but as snre as the sun is 'the centre' of upon the country if the ideas 'and I i . . , , i 3 r .2 1 principles thus far evolved from its I conventions and platforms are adopt-1 ed by a majority of ther American I eonle. It is a mistake to Rnnroa that this new and aggressive party is ' at an abundant supply if iiimlnff nnl v . j rr; i greenbacks that they simply demand I more money, money in great quanta ties,money continually, money all the year round.' It would be very bad for t I the country if this idea was adopted- if the country was flooded with mil- Hons, hundreds of millions thou- J sunus vi muiions uicufrency, oucn. I attempts to - cure the patient is as flu tile, and -senseless as - to relieve -a man sinking under repeated drunkejn debauches iby . administering :a stiff 7, t.4 unua CYCfY jikd unuuies. . vure Will I 'J.' u f7t ' .uL .Mv c vuuig : vr wg i ovak , juou iu WJab I. way, and relief from the ills thaj a?e aiuiuiini!; luc Kicitv uuuy vuilltlv Will I never be found in the reckless Gree back panacea, .which is to mint anil i payjroat to laborers j on; all "public works a thousand million of dollars. But, as we have said, dangerons and fallacious as this aort'of -quackery would be found to bemaking rverv t1--' -a " i r i 1 ' - . r I bad ..Mand times worse, it is by. do means theonly dangerous practice l ''a rp. ' 'A- , L - - J I ators have other dogmas" and otheV - a .t . , t I remedies,. thatare as dangerous startling. . f . The Greenbarckers 'or Nationals, or lw TOr.of0vr nma L ' i I io hehereafter known anddesi.natU Advocate,' 'V " 1; The: withdrawal from circulation of all notes of National banks! rD ! 2 United ... r - S . I paid off in greenbacks. , . -, .- ' ? 3. That all Government dues are tb I sin . . t i. 1 U-;a : . . r i .1 4. That greenbacks are to be made an absolute legal - tender in all i iincfs of business transactions. , 5. That - there . is to be . no. more issue of bonds, no tax. upon the peo- ple to pay interest. V - o. mat printed notes pubstituted for coin, and faith country to be . in lieu of gold -and silver: i: V: ; ' ThfiRfl ar nm nf tho ft:f .a .n?Se;.89a-?t..Vie P9int8 urged by Convention- They) ail follow ' the grandj underlvinff idea -thA conntlfisa miUinn,, Af msa Vj ulw w ua ecattered broad-cas$ over-tho land. tne JNewurleanscayMne well puts it: , - - - H n anii KahIoJ au e w I protection ine poor woman ciaimea. iuiw.- ji uuv pueaiuie u ihe entire bonded debt Of the " : . nnAr Mr."ftfr1afi5iirfir nrrmtrnrriflnt. States is to be callpd in 'anfl one wa wn w a disreputable house, A. . "5J, J " ; t t'They would' subst tute thtv r.sr nicker vue uayonet ana tne corporal 01 itbe yB'f '"yr nianiiesimg, i SaSaS' -agance,his debaU I Mint, IuiH!ta ery,;fwrested; ihe- South.'"from,Hhe' his ciaraxter,' as We have heard Preferred t circulation by being paidas, wages ff all bands of ,theVPoiler and-'frave 'the 8lnce' poof men and women who work on public joos. 1 am currency iiius ouppycu uiu, in thnir view, hp.nnmft lhft reviVlfviD? life- blo0(j of transfusion that U to pick up to health our languid commerce.-, There is to be no more of compulsory idleness, no more nar a times, no more Bcarcuy u iuu- ney. Paper money is to become the solace of all existing woes and panacea fur all pri vate and public maladies." - ' ; Individual manipulators and bush- LwnacKersp.ave., given prB8ion,wvu Buu muisr, agmuau uvumuvm They are specious, and are intended . . . , , - j topose upon ; the gullibility; and iguoranca of the voters of the coup. i,aj vjlugji s ai.-? cmvvo n vfj .- . "'j- !'j " ' - s. j "j.i,; .. the country and reduce if la.ft dMfte - lo beggary and bankrupt6y,; dr.they wonld destroy the 'caDitalists of the : r r;, V , -"' i -j ? j i co.antry in W 10 UUd' UP "an establish a new order Ot thing8.f Une . of the features ot this new,crusade against all men of property or of mftnw - ; UJtUm tha nnmi,L," money, is o limit 7 aw tne.nnmDer nr nnrmi runt, n , man mav. own.'. 1 ne i JHcayunt thus refers: to some of their I demands: "Some demand au income tax that 'shall increase in rate according to the amount pf -income. Borne irequira all. railroads, and other means of general transportation and travel put under ine immediate control of Stale governments, borne ass lor a gratu itous distribution of public lands. I some want a trass-continental railway boilt. with greenback payments for laborj; Some t ww Milk - a.1 aMMtniutiyniiini ' 1 nil i a v uuiii. United States Senators shall be elected for I Wu inwyviiiD; peop. . use memoers oi me lower nouse. ; Xivery 1 form of political heresy finds its advocates I somewhere amoni the Nationals" : . 1 r 1 ihe great end and aim ot this class propagandists and revolutionists 10 aiYl(le 0Dl. lD6- cumulated cap- ital ot tne country, iney nate ail men who have been successful, and Hcrrarianism and o.ommnnTsm li at I o; 7 i I tuo very luuuuauuu ui lueir JJW- litical heresies. - t- I ' .Wn'-'will onlv rpfpr nnw tr nii point the question of circulation of mnnxr' TH iknro dit p I rt ,... r ; . . r ill tiin i.uuiili v i . . i. i hlalkii .- ' a ' - j , .. fact that there are $685,000,000 of. coin and paper in circulation; . jThis will give over $15 to every man, woman I and child in the U muted states, esti-i mating the population at 45,000,000; If there are 1 9,000,000, off - families, with five persons to each family, then I thl8 'ld 8eem " sum for weeklv expenses.' In addi-1 expenses. iiuu. ik 10 cBtiuiBtcu kuaii tucio aio . . ..; , ' - two thousand million dollars on de Posit in banks of the country, We do not-undertake to say how , , , - , b 4 - them to let our readers see what is ,.. , ., ,, ? s , . j . , , jnt f ' " ' 'n ' " J "P f-nty' .m0er 1 ,e. c0??ni I ?TC w f .7 . " " ?0UnlTy requires.; the amount i- . it.-. Ae - , 1 . ' - t ; I v.jouucy uub K iuaj;ue cuvuuuiui we uses of the rjeorile. ;The noint u'tnat .i " ' v '. i ' .J" ? I me country can not ne -renevea oy i the Greenbacker's wild ideas. No decent man can ever rejoice I iWpiiitiof or take m the mlsfortunea of bis fel- . , , t I I. comfort lows. We do not gloat over the evji that befalls tfioTCTorth: or any part of it. :f Unfortunately there are1 editors - .; .... . . - in "e apnp.. wnp .:are always ,reaay . t ia 'l L. it- u uvlu V uuragu cummu- a -.t o .1. 3 . . t l .Qry cf Qur Tf ,a . B nl' 3 - , , -. ' i, I nflrft;. VD t T.nU.r't I r - -v" " b--- work of Lord Beaconsfield's profes howl is made, and the ;.whol a-people I sions of regard for the'integrity df of the South. are"lranded and stierma-1 tized. ;, We are reminded Of thU.whVn " " f peruetraieu iu tuu great otaie 01 .new I v , R-rnn j.t! - .4 tr - j ? tf.t L I "wry, a.give it. conaensea ,.ana wUh? f?"? was taiteu in.: cuarge ou .oparu ox a tain f om Rorae - , , .z-f.. t I ""i"?1"' iTX": KT fnnrfa1 4hnf ahn irrn a mvxanvm as-is-I I s." .' w ,L,oa"D- au lle la.kln ,to'. UUca; Asylu "'f'Pir Pose.Sf on ine oonaacior an ' .passengers, wnose - ' W - A i i In uticajDlwotptraedoutraged and A . J' C 1 . J' 3 .11 . 1 t , . a """"f18 ana au;jier.iwoB or even- wun xora xeaconsneia b clothin and left-there. vThe. larlproiessionR, and certainly tne rrime ?ame .ry properly suppressed. I SM . - - I ':'! Some Northern Radical sheet pro claims with flourish that in 1880 the South' will be solid for,' GrantlIn a horn. When Grant went into office I i ?w i,a,Voi i w ' TJ!:"''.'!''' I mS lDe poi.iucai.destiny 0t the entirei l-,vW ;-y . . . . - . A . . .ll .?,; , o Vfut ?r?e !anaiw? :Know5ae W Louisiana and Florida. ' 'Grant is the . . . . .. - "1B.U' 1U wu- - Be,,8e in? . ?ulf4 "r "'" ."7 f Uon' tls nsarPations, his free use of :T a . r 1 : - n. a i .: . t rt -1 . u iri the 7W ? fP?Dria eignt yearp HwalnTa Robbing 1 uiiBiuHj auu uupicsaiuu ue nucceeu- I wuiuueu. ... jliib oess uuok ior audoids : is government of 'the States into the hands of their own native citizens, The' Charlotte Democrat has en- tercel upon its twenty-seventh vol- ume, Xt is a good paper, taunt ui to its convictions and true to the beet interests of the people. f he editor presumes to ihiuk for jhims&lf loo". J..aU - questioaf .public polwy, am Qfts tOB IDaDUOcM BilU'UoUlBIUII W bay what;rhB nksVe are glad the - ' - J 2emoc has flourished so longed we hopd it :will long continue a powfr in me otaie. "tic are pieaaeu aisu u - , -.: ,"! J; "". F---'iWJ ' 'J : gee' it announced that it will soon f be is8ued oftener than once a week." We f wioi n wpj w f v.v v pmvj. i v(v.( reference, to its past which has i vey ftrootiipiatift rinrr- ? - i i o- "With many thanks for a fair and liberal share of patronage; and, with' good ' Teelifig aQd brotherly love for mankind Igenerally the Editor promises to continue to publish me DSDer boas 10 eivevaimseii BaiusiHuuuu Wo wiiu me uupc uiaii me real ui hue wuriu wui as much pleased as: ne mmseir witu his course as a journalist.. No paper in the United States ever had more steadfast add 'substantial friends than the Charlotte Dem ' ocrat, and the Editor thinks he has been true to. bis friends. ; tru.e, lx principle, . true to tne public welfare,, and true to the cause of right,? - . vv.;; ' , ;:!' There-! is a workinginffmen'ct club t .... e t .... t ," - i -i m NewlYork, called the' "Impeciini ous Club." '.Their doctrine , is hat impecuniosity is a blessing to all truly d min.and. nhantom to Doliticians o - 7-,- - r 4 ------ and capitalists.'' 'No. man with more . . V A -T r . ; i None'but eennme wbrkinffmen' are alj0WVd! to join.. Win.' Gebgbegan is the Preiident. ,Tbe other day a hun- dred membenr celebrated the sixth anniversary with a Dig dinner.' Any i s l'.sV I 1.v-s . meuiucr wiiu uayb a jusl uuv wilt DQ eXDelled. , fi ' - lh New York Times. New York Jrioune, and, Marper't , treeMy. are oddosidct decidedly the Grhnt move mpnt., ..Tlrpr..: havr had onnnalt i . j - - ' - v- -- i Grant. ) This is well enough for Kb phblican papers. Bnt then Grant has his, side the whiskey thief he par doned put of the penitentiary tho lellow who runs tho. UlobeVemocrat of Sl Louis and, Robeson, Logan,- and six! other thieves ' and bnramens. Gr""" 4 ' t, , What a fearfnl statement! There are 30,000 boys and 'girls in Chicago who are patrons of drinking saloons, and many of them v are actual drunk: ards. During the .past : year ? 9,000. were- arrested' for drunkenness and crime. - f lhis i is- simply horrible." What if " to becouio of a city with su6h a record?! If the, children are trained In drunkenness, what is to be Jt . . S . 4 , "u,e" u oi ie country r t , , P URBJKIf X1 oonnBiiT r -r Four gentlemen of ?H"ashvil vindicated their honor last week ,h'v - ; f , , . ; .. r.,r-.s-.z-i falling together on one man and mur dering 'him. "Chivalrv -'still ' liven in Dixie. PhiL JPress. " This is another Uneer of course, from 'the -bloody Jand of- Molhe Magaireism. When. turn N Aur; H.nlahfi.'0nf lamari Hron:a respectible married lady from a raii- wayr train iniNewn York, abduct, rob a.nd- hr " nobody, thinks of characterizing that as chivalrv.n. . It . nnW . --fnl AYnvAr.nM K ' tii '" J Jrrf'"r ru6""W Dy the arm rays . of the bus operat, ' Lt . 1 , . . 1 i of AaltGauk. xcw r.,iaasi,qne mases snort ...1 , the Ottoman Empire. ., With Servia Montenegro free and Herzego:-1 it is impossible, .he says, to deny that V?1 ?A"Wf. no" 88 uwuiuiews, ib us great ao luaii ui x u- land.-And with Hill this 1 division going on hffeaUnot Bee' why Greece -hnnTJ t h aflh-wh th ffrtrf th British representatives should, uoauuicchwu A.muBivciy w pruuuiug iect races, yM reiterates "What he has wid consistently, fxom the first,, .that equal results, 11 not result ianooier. i- , r . . 0 severed herself .from. Russia and thrown air her. support on the side of 1 v AlAlUlOUViiai tVilUJ U .. Dili J TV a J . consistent 'either ith English tradl-1 - ' Til - J . 1 t 1J bave lnade Awv.that. can 1 .. . . logically satisfactory JPAzVadTepAia JL iTneSf jLndt ? 7 fi..' i OtJK ' STATE' 'CONTBMlPOIt Aillka. Lin it ''L 1 ,li it ' ; f J " 1,1 I ..We.bave no, doubt it was an Armfleld convention that read Bobbins out.'but he is . join the firrn'of .Grin & Barrett. B But it m a foolish piece of work inthe lew awauow taus wno ousted him;bei:waji one of the best we had :-BeidDiZbs lima. i ..... . .... flra'imn - a;V. was received someTwe he was one of our-Circuit Judges. From 1 otners wno naa attendea ma courts we learned that he everywhere impresseclhimM ptrndWh-minded' jurisrcarryl J fn hlfl nS the - well ' established CHARLESTON'S OPiB NCVySPAPEII. ! Some Outside View of the Coarse of Journalism. - - V trom 'Columbia StraightrOat Democrat I The Charleston Journal of Com- merce,fter a precarious existence of a little more than two years, nas given up the ghost. It was a joint stock enterprise,' and the supposition is that U had too many bossesllus: many cooks ;poil jthe broth.",.- lhis leaves 1 the -News and Courier-, once more alone-in jthe cy.v- It is;a hard horse to run against. . v , I I j, From th'e'Atia'nta Constitution I f. The death of he Journal of -Cork' merce nearly brings to an end dual journalism in the 1" South.'" Within a lino, rnn from New Orleans trJIiouis ville,: and from'- Louisville 'lb Rich mond and tlTe coastwe find in all of this vast tract ; of enclosed country, embracing all of what isknown, as the Southeast, but two' 'cities that have more than one morning paper Knox-, ville and ColumbusLouisville,Nash ville; Uhattanooga, Lynchburg, Dan ville, Charlotte, Wilmington, Colum bia, Charleston, Augusta, Savannah,1 Macon,- Atlanta, Montgomery,Mobile and Jacksonville; each have one pajieiv In Knoxville and surrounding coun try there are two active white men parties. No one can adcount for ex ceptional Columbus, unless . it is that her" two papers are conducted on air inexpensive basis, and neither' isj therefore, forced: to succumb to the othe -!. j is IFrom the.Winosboro" News. 1 The Journal of , Commerce, owed its origin chiefly to a spirit of hostility on the part of raanv persons towards the News ' and Courier,: although many others supported it from a! de sire of having two papers in the- city to acVaa checks upon each other. J It had also the prestige of ; starting out as a straight-out - paper, at the .time that ' straight ouiism was .carrying everything before' it." But " it costs money to run a paper, and ihe Jour nal of Commerce had an antagonist that knew, how to spend mouey in iournalistio enlerorise.- and was! not afraid to spend it - The excitement of the campaign in 1876 made heavy demands on J.ho papers' to' furnish the news. The special dispatches from Columbia to the Charleston papers alone cost sometimes as much as six ty dollars a day to each paper.' lOp position only spurred the-' Inferos and Courier to renewed effort, and the Journal of Commerce could uot keep ' up at the ! break-neck speed. The former paper spends seveniy five thousand dollars a year; the lat ter paper- in two years sank sixty thousand dollars besides its income. Conducting a good paper is no child's play,- and experience seems lo show conclusively that Charleston cannot support more than one of these luxu ries. . . . . fFrom the' Macon Telegraph.! ' There is no room in Charleston for two newspapers of the ability and enterprise of the News and Courier and one must die. There are not people, money ' and ' business enough to support both, which would require $150,000 a year in unavoidable ex penses, and consequently one must die, though bv extrinsic aid ! and friendly ' contributions ; the 'death struggle may be prolonged. 'H The. time for starting daily newspapers in the South, either as a speculation' or a caprice, haa. gone by forever, have become too expensive, bey t j One or Hajei's Aspslntmeuti, ; . From the Boston Herald. I :j .i. !.. jIWashingtok. Jnlv 28 .Old 1 stories about Leon ard H uy ck have been revived since his appoint ment its a notary, public. Huyck was President of the Merchants' National Bank, of this city, which, failed in 1871 owing r the , government. $750,- ouo, , a congressional investigation followed, and it transpired that he bad been operating in gold very hea vily, and,' whenever the- bank got into a' pinch for money' was ' in the habit of calling upon: a naval pay master for assistance.- It is charged that he, as President of the Bank, brought special influences to bear on the Treasury Department, which in duced them to make the bank a 'sort of Government depository 1 VVJbeh the bank broke, a man ; by the-name of KennedV"was appointed receiver, and declared a dividend:'6f t-10 per cent: 1 He died; ' and! Mr.- 'McGruder was appointed in ' nis - piace, woo ae clared a dividend of 14 7-10 per cent. w hich was ' m ad e fi n ah Huy ck w as at one time imprisoned for his alleged rascalities. . r - Ttiat Vojrase Around tne World ' The longtalked of voyage around the world ia at last coming off. The twenty-five voy agers-twelve French men, and the rest .Russians, 5 Swiss, Belgians, and Germans lad a part ing dinner given .to ihAm .uast night at the Continental Jd,otel; ; M.?de Les seps presided, supported -by Genera Turr, Mr. H. M. Stanley,? and. M.t ;de Quatrefages. Jrleaded.by ,M. Biard, Naval Lieutenant,,, the ; organizer of the expedition, the party" will leave marseines 111 meuuon, anu ;.wui pe aosent eleven montns. xnree proies sors accompany them, and will 1 lec ture on natural 'hitory, geography, PDy!,a.Pefology.v,?.: vir0 Blimarck,( RoasbTallt to theTarki ? ?A' correspondent' of : the. Globe speaks of the rougtr tone in which Bismarck addressed Uhe-' iTufkish representativesiat the: . late Congress, when tbey protested against thei OcJ-' cupiition.byv Austria--of i Bosnialand Herzegovina. 4 Do y pu; really -6up-pose," said he,, "that ,wo. are -here ,toe consider. thaiftter'estaliofJ Turkey,? We:are here-for the "interests-of, Europe, forthe'-peace J bF Europe What do you' -Turks Want ? ; Ybu donH want to! retire to 1 the Asiatic side of the Bosphords. f . Yery :go"dd, you shall not retire; lYou'll be pitched into it if you go on protesting,", r POLITICAL. POINTS. y-1 The Democrats may view with the liveliest satisfaction the development of the plot to- renominate the great.ring mas ter ,of Republicanism. Atlanta Constiiu-. tion, Ind. " - r- Of course there's nothing , in the Grant movement; but then, if you don't want the roof lifted, don't mention Grant' name in a Republican meeting. St. Leui$ OkbI)emoGratjt Rod. e ' The J.press.oL, this , countryjs loose and licentious, but bulb Kearney and Ben Butler 'i testify that it bever did any thing forthem. This enables the press to pull np its shirt collar; and )qok respectable. isall Uazette ifern. t i -lf?-4-r, A'South Carolina' sheriff, defy ing the United Slates Government in re fusing" to- respect a wnt -of : one of ita courts, is a spectacle that may delight the moonsbinerB, but it is one which' will raise the ire of Joyal men.--2Vy limes, Bad: i llydroptiobla After Twelve Years. V t Xftnm tue liioDe-iJemocrai.j j . -.'in . .l.Y w iff . T..1 no ; :.i . .... .jVAttiuau iu.u,, a ui jr ; j - A 1 mosi remarkable death from hydrophobia, occurred yesterday near Lamar, in' Barton -county. tTho vic tim was a prominent citizen, John ilailam, fl welve 'years- ago ne was Vitten by a mad dog, and the wound ueaicu up, iievipr JJi lufs aujf paiuj and the occurrence , had . nearly been forgottenj , Last t ridav he was sud deuly.' takeii with . convulsions of a terrible nature.' He continned thus until lie dfed. fiThe first two days of nis oonvnlsions he .was i perlectly rational but oni faundav became crazv. His death and suffering were terrible to witness; it taking four .stout men to hold him. -lie leaves a wife and two'childperi.j .-"' ' - - j 1 ' i Truth' crushed to. earth will jise again, even n it is oniiged to vioaicate lien 13 u tier, it seems oow- that lien hid those spoons in a; public vault, and waited in patience! and contumely for sixteen years for lbe' right man1 to come and ask for them Wasi. lJosi. . . . .t , , . - KPLBNDID OPPOKTCNITY Te WIN ! A - FOBTUSK. WIoaTU QBAND D1S- TKIBUTION, 1878, AT NEW OKLEAN? , TCBS- . Lonislaia State Loticry. Couanfi ! Tkla instltation was refimlsrlT lneonxtf ftted bv the Legislature of the State for Sdacatlonal and Chari Uble purposes ia 1868, with a capital of f 1.000.0CO, te which it has since added a reserve f and of $35u.-: 000. JITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBEK P1STKIBU TION win take place monthly en the second Tues day. : i It never scale or postpones. - Look, at the fol lowing Distribution f i..r '.''' " CAPITAL FRIZS, $30,000, ',' IOj.COO TICkBTS AT TWO COLLARS EACH. HAL.P TICfiBTd. ONB POLI.AR. :!' I LIST OF PRIZES. , 1 Capital Prize...1 .'. i... .$30,000 . 1 Capital Prize.... i.wi. . 10,000 .1 CapitalPrize.... 4. , 5,000 2 Prizes of $35001..... - 5,000 -5 Prize of 1C00 ; .. ... 5C0J '. SO Prizes of 50Dj ... 10,000 100 Prizes of !100............. ....... ..i SOO Prizes of 50.... ......... ...j..... 10,000 -500 Prizes of " SO...:............;..,.. .. 10 000 1000 Prizes Of 10. . ; ........ .'. 10.000 f - APPROXIMATION PRIZES: ; '. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. . . 9 Approximation Prizes of 100... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 ... 1857 Prizes, amounting to ...... '2,700 1.800 900 .$110,400 . Resi tesponslble corresponding aeents wanted at i alt prominent points, to whom a liberal compensati Will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made, to the Home Office in New Orleans. i Write, clearly statins fell address, for farther in formation, or send orders to . , .,,!; , -. i iV. A. JDAUPH1N,; '. . ;.. P. O. Box 693, New Orleans, Louisiana.) ; All onr Grand .Extraordinary Drawings are under tne supervision, ana management or-UKNKttAks G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A, "BARLY. Jyl0-D3aw4wfcW . ii .satwe'- ' i Quarantine Ndticei j On AND AFTER THE 1ST DAY OF; JUNEJ 1878, QUARANTINE WJLL BE ENFORCED. S usual, on all vessels from south of the Cape' Fear vf-.V;!--'i-" "ti ,--r:- f j River,.; and bn all vessel HAYING HAD ANY KIND OF SICKNESS during their voyage. ' " 1 I . PILOTS AND ALL PERSONS .CONCERNED will please take notice and bring thejr vessels to the Quarantine Station Tor inspection. ' . s. W. 3. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician 1 r. : ; ' i i -.Port of Wilmington, N. C.! Iel-3taw5m t ; , ea we Review copy. , ... j Insurance Company, CHARTERED 1825 5V ta SAJnTEti T. SUDSORE. President, - u- - 0 r ; want A OAKLCx, Tke PraJdent. : ; ; msores Against Loss or Danaga tyTira ! FOB POLICIES APPLY TO' ! Jf 'v. - DOBWOOD GILES.; I ! aug 11-oawly - Sat . WILMINGTON, N. C. ; fT- 'I 'T"i ' 'SJ'.f tr- " J"' e ' ' y ''vh r.-.''?i" T " ' BETHEL' Classical l Mlarylcaleiy; . ' V v; Near Warren ton, Faueuler co., Va. , , ? Prepares .for College, University or Business. Re JVconunended.for Locatien, Health, Morality,, f i.-,-' ( :, , Scholarship and Discipline. ,"" i BOARD and, TUITION (Half Session)..... $95 00 Address, for Catalogue,- - , -1 - J j . ; MAJ.A.G. SMITH, SHpt.k i ...... .4 "Bethel Academy P.O., Fauquier co. va.' ''jy85-eod6w t thsatu . t - - Uiiiyeisitj ffigh Sbliobl Near Amherit C. llM V, A.' STRODE (Math. Medalist, U. a.,) Pria, cin&l and Instructor in Mathematics: H. C. BROCK. B. Lit. U. Va.. Crecentlv Asst. Ins. Latin U. Ya.,X Associate Instructor; This School is strict- ly preparatory 'to. the University of Virginia, and embraces in fts course every .branch taught in the High Schoels of the State. i t For testimonials as to its general character, and particularly as to its discipline, its high-moral tone. and the successor its Students, see the Catalogues il,t . J l . ' S... t ,t ( (f f 'i''THlKS'FOBHAJa'SISSlOlfr.'1 .'i i Boarid and Tuition. . ;!;i,!.rt :h- This charge may he reduced In many cases to $85,. . by boarding in private, families- near the School. 1 Seventh session begins SEPTEMBER 12th, 18(78.; ' M -jv.v'i ." k t TESTIMONIAL. i .5.1 -1 iT The success which the KENMOREHIGH SCHOOL jnas achieved under the energetic and censcientiou s administration of the Principal and his able Aseis tant, and the preparation and training of its pupils," who have entered the- University ot Virginia, have fully justified 1 the .. recommendations of this excel lenfbchoolto'the public, at its beginning. ,1 regard it as a very saeceesf ul educational foundation . and I trust it will continue! fori many years to doits good work for our State and country, -n - ,:u ' " V . - Q. 8. VENABLE ' ' 1 " Jyl6eed2fti ' tdtftsa - Prof. Math. U. Va.5 ?; ;w:-;Vo..2eC;pxJobliiI ; j i SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO KEEP COOL AND clean daring the hot weather , , '--ACold-WaterBatnf 15 Cents. v? . , j 1; A Warm Water Bath, 55 Cente. . 1 At r:! :XJTtlSIAinKl'8.M J' Under First NaUonal Bank. ' jyiatf 1 ' t" TVIXOLESAliK PRICES. Cr" Our quotations, n BBould be understood, rep resent the wholesale 'prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. AaTlOLKB. raicss. BAGGING Gunny .. : . 00 00 is ia . Double Anchor... Double Anchor " A" . BACON North Carolina. llams, 9 3(ncw).' - ... - Shoulders, i 1b...r. Hides, N. C. choice, 9 lb :. i sWestern Bmobed ; f i 'Hams.. t.. ..& w Sides, .. . .'. "Shoulders;.'.:."?-- . Dry Salted . . voi.-K Sides . .... Shoulders i ... eo 6 n - - 6x0 " 1 1W. ,8M , if V a ,7a 7x . . i- l exa ' ex 10 t I 40 - cd r 00 (f I 75; - '00 190 i.1 ?5.:.?S6 BB3F Live weight;...,.;..... BA R REIt Spirits Tnrpentlno. . - ' oecouQiiana.aca.... ...... , j ? New New York,- each.- how vivr. enui..: beeswax a a.... BRICKS Wilmington, M 7 en fa 00 " 'M O 14 00 j : u a a SO 25 , ' 15 ia 43 BUTTER North Carolina, 9 tb Northern, y jt CANDLES Sperm, a...':: Tallow, $ S Adamantine. S .. u llja ; l - CHEESE Northern Factory 9 S ; f 18 ; IS uairy, creamy ............ State, 9 COFFEBWava. ? . Rio, 9 fi Laeuavra.S S.v::i.. s..... . is a, 14 - ''.10t' ' 19 ,.fS8 O 80 16 O i SO ''i 19. a 1 i CORN MEAL fj.bnsheUu sacks, I 70 O 7SX uuttun -i-uta viDQie...... ... . DOMESTICS Sheeting. 44, 9 yd Yarn, 9 Duncn........... EGGS t.. ..'..a ' 90, e v its 00 , a so 00 . . ea a 10 60 is to 13 00 i s b 50 & 6 76 9 00 ' O 9 50 8 75. a 8 00 ! 2 00 4 00 FISH Mackerel, No: I. V bbL ,tv .No.1, 9 X hbl . Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl...... MO. , W DDI Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl. -. jauuete. flioui.Ak.i....... i , 7N. O. Herring, Roe,9 keg Dry coa, 9 s..,..j.... v eo - a - 6 FLOUR Fine, 9 bbl.........,. - 4 Ml 2 OUU 5 00 5 50 5 60 8 25 6 50 8 00 0 00 0C0 ooj i ess cuwr. nuruiem, f DDI.. UU. : . V SUInni. Family - .9 bbl a city Jftms super. , 9 bbl...- - 1 Extra, 9 bbl f- " Family, 9 bbl.. ' - Bx.FamJly, 9 bbl . FERTILIZERS - , 6 tO 6 75 TOO 7S6 , ,.. t - 67 60 ' 62 50 00 00 60 00 45 00 60 00 00 00 4000 00 00 ; 45 00 00 00 67 00 65 00 ' 65 00 00 00 ; 67 60 09 00 ' 70 00 HO 000 70 00 60 00 . 00 00 65.90 60 00 C 15 ,65 ;70 '66. "'60 Ground Bone. US w Bone Mesi, . Flour," -' ' Nevaaaa Guano, ; . Complete Manure . ' .. Whann's Phosphate " "' - Wando Phosphate,' ' Berger & Bute's Phoeph. ' t Bxcellenza Cotton Fertilizer GLUE 9 8 . . GRAIN Corn, in store. In oags. Corn, cargo, 9 DusheL.. ... -.: .- Corn,mixed9 UBhel,in bags. i'fM-a Hsu . uorn, wnoiesaie, m nags.. Oats, 9 bushel ; .- Peas, Cow,. 9 bushels..... HIDES Green. 9 ... 'J 40 t DU , 85 . 1 00 4- 5 9 JM.. ....... ....... i 10, W3f UAi Eahtcrn, v luu ns...... V INI u UbU - 105 115 15 s 1 10 i 65 CO 75 00 North River, 9 100 ls....... HOOF IRON 9 WO.- ... uaAunuiiiisui, ...... :v',':8X 3f North Carolina, 9 LIMB-9 bbi.v..- UU 11 ' m 1 25 18 Od SO 00 00 00 15 00 i4 00' 18 00 18 00 85 00 LUMBBR-rCmr &txakSawm j Ship Stuff, resawea, 9 M ft Koutrh Edge Plank. 9 M ft. i WcstIoidiaCargpes,aecordjng to quality, 9 M ft.......... Dresaea Flooring, seasoned . . 8cantung and Boards, com,. . : mon, 9 M ft. ... ..... ,. MOLASSES New cp (Caba.hhdsl 13 00 00 16 00 38 , , 42 135 as . 23 26 80 S 50 17 ,145 New crop uuDa, DDis 9 gal Porta Rico.hhd s . " c ' bbls. ........ .. Susrar House, ahds. 9 cal. 00 , 00 00 " 22: 25 40 S 75 15 1 10 ' -,V" bbla.9 gal.... Syrup, bls. 9 u... NAILS Cut, 4d to SoAJ 9 keg. . . OUJ4 nerosene, 9 gai... ....... - Lard, 9 gal....... ........v Linseed, 9 gal... ' Rosin. 9 eal.. . 90 :100. .Ma 40 POULTRY Clilckens.llve.grown "so" .10. 75 00 25 . 15 noa 50 rSAN UTM 9 DUSnoi....... POTATOES Sweet. bushel. - Irish, Northern, 9 bbl ...... PORK Northern. City Mess.... . as ; S75 12 00 12150 Thin, 9 bbl' .v.... 00 00 00 OCJJ 00 00 not 0000 10 00 i 8 90 1 00 Prime, 9 bbl..... ' Rump. 9 bbl. RICE Carolina, 9 )fc ........... Rough, 9 bunh RAGS Country. 9 to........... City, 9 -KUf a SALT Alum, 9 bushel....;.: - Liverpool, 9saok,ch F.O.B.. Lisbon, 9 sack , i : .American,. 9 saclt.... ....... 8UGAR-Caba,9.. Porto Rico, 9 A. Coffee, 9 fi. ............. B 9 fi : f ! I... - Ex. C 9 Crushed. 9 B..........v... SOAP-Northern; 9 . , SHINGLES Contract, 9 M..... Common, 9 M... .,......;-. - Cypress Suds 9 M..... SS 00 80 00 00 - 00 ,.f 00 ! 101- 9X , ; ; 8x 00 . 6. 4 00 J ; 78 85 75 85 5 9 9 ; E 111 . .! O UU 8 00 4M 5 00 cypress Hearts 9 M..... .... STAVES W. O. BbL, 9 M k. o hiul, M.;.;..-...... -? CypresB, 9 M.'..........i. 9 60 iti' 00 12 00 15 00 10 00 0000 00 00) 0000 TAlOiOW-i-W 7. 8 TIM IS KB- B ffiERnippl'ngiVM""..! 10 90' MOO Mill Prime, 9M.... . ; 7; 00 , 8 09 Mill Fair. 9 M. 5 00 6 00 ' uommos iiu....i.i..i. . Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal,,.. North Carolina, 9 gal........ WOOL Unwashed, 9 ft Washed. 9 BK. .4 50 i 5 00 8 5) , 4 00 1 00 - 6 00 1 75 S 60 it 15 20 25 - 28 WIIiirjINGTON o4d .1' . .....'.i. .... ..U-...i.Parj i i Pat Exchange (sight) on New Yorki,.,,. 5. Jf disct. ,! naiamore, y -f .. j. iphiar".::.',u'x;."i . n Cities,... I i ... ' , .1 1 . ruuaueii Western Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank: of New Hanover stock.. .. 3 it 100 75 100 95 120 First National Bank, ,v Wilmington Building Stock,... . ...;.. f Mechknics' " " N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon .....14 . . ? Do. . 1 Funding 1866..i.......... ,5 -1 . ',Do. " 4868 ....6 Do. New?.:..-..i... ..!..!.:. 5 Do.; I Special Tax... w.... 1. Do. to N.C. Railroad.... 49 Wl . W.R.R.Bonds7 9c (Gold Int). 100 ')' Carolina Central R.1S. Bonds, 6 9c... 40 ; i. Wil. CoL & Aug. R. R. ........80 1" Ss J Wilmington City Bonds, S 9C... ...70 ; ! . , ;,'- old8 9c.:.74'i '4 1 ',." - , . " new6 9e....70(GoUInt. New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9c.u.95 (Gold Int) 1 -Do. ! . fv..., ;do,t , ? 8 9e.... 70 (Cur. Int) W. & W. Railroad Stock ...45. r " t North Carolina R. B. '..1. il ....i ,40 . ; ; ; . f V wu. viasLiizntuo. - ;.... .t..i... .57 1 w. 1 WUmington Cotton Mills. ;i. .v. 100 N. : Ai's'STEDEIAN, ' Jri 1 Attorney and Counsellor atv Law,. ! ELIZABBTHTON, JBLADEnJ COUNTY, N.i b.! Office Up stairs, in Brick Building.' occupied iy RinaldlACo.-. ' ,...-.. Special attention to Claims, Col 'ections on sumi of $100 and upwards made for. Five Per Cent. -if without suit. Drawing Deeds.' Mortgages, AcJ s specialty. ,tr( ap6-DVfeWtf Vol nohiATia I : ' JL OtXX- A CfcOAAAUAAO r MRS. VIRGINIA' ArORR HAS RECEIVED aid is now using the LATEST SHAPES for La dies and Misses .Hats, and invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them into the most modern shapes, v . , f - ' I 1 ''-White straw dyed Mack when- so -ordered -and in best style. r .. t-i , .. '-?.! ' t RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. " tnst 14-tf ; ; ;ortu, Carolina at Gettyslnrg.-; j . A PPLICATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY MADE . for copies of THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to the conduct of North Carolina troops at Gettysburg.. The number of requests for these, from the Northern States especially, has lat terly become so great that, being unable to supply them otherwise, it has been, determined to, publish them in book f ornv. , ,,.s . . ,, f t ' The papers on the subject, on both sides, will he reprinted Just as they appeared ' In The Observer,' and will make a volume of some 200 'pages; i t) ! . The book will be printed on fair white paper,wlth good, clear type, and In paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each; to dealers and canvassers, at $15 peri hundred. - ... . ,- . - , 1 -, A library edition wEH also be made, printed on su-, perior paper and handsomely bound, which will he, sold at $1 each; to dealers and canvassers at the ratei of (60 pet hundred. . . . 1 . , . r . i , .. 1 Single copies of either edition mailed postpaid on receipt of the price; .1 .."... i- . : The book wUl be ready for delivery In a few weeks, f Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. v 1 Address " ' " ' THE OBSERVER,' -myStf - - i Raleigh, N. C.1 Hew Crop Turnip S e e d, , -fusT receivedv,::;;;;! ; -. ; -.lu Original Sealed Package.- i t.:i-.-: c s - -" ' V 1 r ' In Bnlkorln Papers, At Prices never before so low, at . 1 . ' " GREEN & FLAYER'S, 1 " t Jy 20 tf -. t Market street.' r;NEy ADVERTISEMENTS.. VkginfaCliisteriWheat The most prolific variety of Winter Wheat ever known, and especially adapted to Southern Culture, in some instances one kernel has produced 100 fall ktuwu uuuub. aua pivuut:ut uaye seen ODtamed at the rate of from 54 to-90 bushel per acre. Print $8.C0, per bushel, freight paid, and no charge for sacks. Send stamp for circular of testimonial. Agent wanted in every county in NorrlKJaroliniK Liberal commission allowed. Add res the Unno.Ji Agents, E. O. DANIEL & CO., P: O. Box 158 Rini Hintr Npw York- - ' - Awvded Xtghaf prise at Centennial Exposition fOI tne chewing quahtie x,& exeeOmee and lasting char Her. of meeetnif and best tobacco ,1.de- Asj our bine jltrip trademark ii cloly imitated on iiifcrior goods, too, that Sadism's Bat h ooj BVjty rtnt Sold by all dealem. gend for almple. fcee. to C. JL. Jacksov A Co Mfra, rehnbanTVa! DTI lift Beautiful Concert Grand PianosnT) fi 1 11 rtnnUcost $I,00onry $4S5. Su-llnllfi N " berb Grand Sonare- Pianon. rrt II1IUU1 on IT Y55. 256. Elegant Upright Piandg. ' $ 1 5 fi- New Style Upright Pianos arana 3R. O reran a 19. .tnn. costssuvwonlyl flia.SO. Or sra 1 Church Organe. 1 6 stops,' cost $390.' IS. Elegant $ST5 Mirror Top OrgaiiB nj7,ii&.:,Jegant $576 Mirror Top Orgs urn auo. iremtnaoui acrince tn eloaeont present, toclt. New Steam Fac tory soon to be erected. Newspaper with much in formation about Plaoea and Orsaw. tf.( FBRE. PleaBe address DANIEL F. BKATTV Washington, N. J. ' - , A1' 1 jfow&SL. r utnrii r 1 iri u.. uuv. ,f ..in . . UUHRHFS CP I tOBsnprnnuX d ipjcnci ABCKHEABACHJA 7 - CLEARS THE I I J rnuw rYinu is For Pamphlet address Dk, Sanfobd, New York. AW;A DAY to Agents eanvassing for the Pi re WI aiae visitor.1'ermsand Outfit Free Ad- dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. TELEPHONES i ; ; For Business Parpoaea ours excel all others in clearness snd volsmn nf imp ififlllns. circular snd testimonial for 8c . a. HOLCoMB, Mallet Crkkk, Ohio! Address J MELT IDr.lfarchisi'B ! Uterine CATKnLICrtl WlU positively c Female Weakness, such as Falling ation of the Womb, incidental Hemorrhage or Flood ing, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Menstruation, Ac An old and reliable remedy.. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from Phrrtcians and patients, to HO WARTH A BALLARD, UTICA. K. Y. JSold by all DrugKlsts-SLfiO per bottla jy 13-4wD&W ; . .. BELLE VUE HIGH SCHOOL, BBDPOBD CO., V1KGIMIA. i For young men and hoys.' Session begins Sept 15th. For catalogues containing information ad drees WILLIAM ,j ABBOT, Principal, Bcllevue P. - i ,ir i : i , jy 18 DAWSw -MANCIIESTJEB LOCOnOTIVE WORKS t : . , E3TABLI8HUD IN 1853. : Manufacture all kinds 0 Locomotives, and have re cently purchased .of the Amoakeag Manufacturing Co. all the patterns, patents, and the good will fui the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire An gines and Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared tc receive and execute orders promptly, bend for de scriptive circular. ARETAB BLOOD, Agent, nov25DfeWly , : .,!- Manchester, N. 0. . jiHewJork SHOOTING- GOAT. t-i'.i' t , . f -T ' ' ' STYLISH, HANDSOME COA'T. , - j "-. First Class in" every purticulai Pleasant to wear, durable, and In' the end the cheap est MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. J Fockets and Lining made to take out, eo that may be worn for early fail and winter shooting. Horace -8mith, Esq.,--says r It is my idea of shooting coat. I have worn them for several yeurs and will have none other." - ' ' ' t-j- V Price for Coat. $25; Vest, $6.61' Also.' the best brown cordoroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the-one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tuns briars and will not give satisfaction. L , ; . - : Also.. in addition, to- the abova,-1 am making Waterproof CanvaBS Suit, cut same style as the Vel veteent goods, not sUfl and hard, hut soft and plea . sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmen who have Been it say it ia The Pest Vet Coat $6.50. For full Suit, $14.00. - -1 i :;-" ' j ' ' ' - ) - J I also make the Sleeveless Coa; Vest with sleeve if desired v ( : ' i. , Rnlea for meaeurement and samples, eeht upor. application. - - j . , 1 1 F. , Mm BUBLSON, ect25 D&Wtf RAHWAY. N. J. SHARP'S M, lETALLIC CARTRIDGE,: MILITARY, HUNT ' INGAND uORKRnunni vtirrVa ... . t j , i EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU f 8r V. -' ' RAOVv STRENGTH AND ' .', t . , SAFETY. , , . h-t t. Ko Premature iDischarge Ever Occur V Kyery Rifle' warranted a good shooter.' Calibrf 40, 44 and 50-10C of pa inch, and of any desired length Charge ef powder from 50 to 105 grains.. Weight of balls from1 220 to 548 .grains.' Stocki plain; also Pistol grip, and checked. ' Sights: plain ; Globe and Peep Sights; , Vernier Ua! mtcrcnangeable from sights , and Wind-gauge. Every vsrlety of (an munition for -above guns', constantly on hand ' Prices from $30 to $135. ""SH20awS'RTFLE'COMPAN V . t- BeptOr-DAWtft; -'; V , .Bridgeport. Conh. PRESCRI PTIOX: FREE;- FOR THE SPBADY CURE of Seminal Weak , ness. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on ny indiscretion or excess. Any ' druggist has the lngrediisnts. .Address Dr. JAQUE8 A CO., itO W Sixth 8t, Cincinnati, Ohio;- feb 15-lyD A W I Hiffh-Bred I)offs. EsduSH IRISH-AND ' GORDON 'SETTERS, of the Choice t Breed1, with guaranteed pedigrees. : aala iyV'-rlt .-..if. -- E.'.P. WELSH. nov7 D&Wtf .: . : - York, Pean ;n;;.0:W;M:i;tni:TS 1 fi'i" ...V"AND 1 ltWi'4 1 Grave Stbries; J ;.j-t H i-'il f. 1 , it V . FlItST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICKS. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK i.-PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, 1 "TO ANY PART OF THE BOUTM. RICH AMD WATIIAjyjtCO, . j , 5T Xafayette Place, New York. .:: WathanV Monumental Designs, in book f orm.for sale to the Twss.---r-'"--te 4 D&Wtf f; 'Plrlciii ' $50 '00 : to 250 00. ' "MtTZZtE tOAiytNG U ''G UNS , V 'ALTERED TO "BREECH-LOADING. v i V ... , rncei $40 to flOO. ft; jClarK & Sneideri; MANUFACTURERS. r i j , .? . 214 West Pratt street. r l t ' :",-' Baltimore. ' Bend for Catalogue.; m 'dec 22 DAWtf ';-,Co'i,Wetherill&C6. NEWSPAPER 'ADYERTISINiGr' AO'TS, ''.'Receive AdvertisemenU tot the Stab, ' At their Office 607 Chesnuf Street, Philadelphia - "-.". r:-;-'o : :;.- v.v ; .-i vt'y:-'-''' 1 . "