the nomniTG gtae. U BUSHED DAILY .EXCEPT) MONDAYS, t RATS OV BUSaCHTPTIO IS ADVAUCS t yuo year, (by null) postage paid,;.;. rr oo 4 00 paree months," : v V -.. ... 8 85 ne month , , y. " i 00 To City Subscriber, delivered in. any part ot the ;ity. Fifteen Cents per week. Oat City Agents are uot authorised to collect for more than thro months a advance. , . ALFRED k. WADBELTi, i -. v 0f New Hanover, y?'' - OUTLINE. " The programme for the honors ta( be paid Beaconsfieid and Salisbury is pub lished ; the arrangements ''are, on a grand and imposing scale. Russian troops are returning to Russia to the number of 50,000 daily." -4- Roumania ; troops 'will make a triumphant entry into Bucharest. Independence of Servia is to be pro claimed on the 23d inal. 7 ATbecrew of the American .ship Mabel Clark are sup posed to. have been all saved. ; - :- R. B. Conant, of the Elliott National Bank, Bos- iod, is behind hand largely. Seven Liberals voted against and no Conservatives voted fori Lord Hartington'a resolutions.1 The- reception of - Beaconsfield and Salisbury was very ' enthusiastic at Guild Hall .5 -New, York; taarkets Jloney easy at 22& per centu gold.lOOi. cotton firm at 11 15 1612 l-ML cents; .flour a.ahade firmer; wheat l2cu better; corn i(ic better; spirits turpentine; quiet at 2?i28 cents; rosin dull at $1 401 45. " '': , North Carolina (funding act) bonds are quoted in , New York 4 at 9 eta. Healthy ! ' , ; j Tbe Congressional - Committee to investigate the labor question isj in session. in New York. . . - ' Gen. Ben Butler is to address the Nationals in New York on the 10th inst. A great demonstration t is' ex pected and a grand raasa meeting is to be held in Union Square. . 1 - Ben Butler swears that, Kearney did not come to Massachusetts at' his suggestion or in his interest. Benhas found out probably that: Kearney's fanaticism and agrarianisra does not take. u -1 - -u h 'if.j : j 4 Bishop Whittaker publishes some queer stories of his experience in Ne vada.:! He had to preach in a gam bling-house, and in the . Litany an ex cited Jistener responded "keno." This is a "specimen brick." : - i Tbe Presiding Bishop of the Epis copal Uhqrch nas issued a circu lar letter summoning the Bishops throughout the United States to meet in New York on the 28th inst. The business to be transacted concerns the late Bishop McCoskry, of Michi gatIi ' ' ' " Since Queen Victoria has just con ferred one Garter on Beaconsfieid and another on Salisbury, there are a- great many people h who ; do not see how the good Queen can make any farther bestowals of that kind. They forget that she's garter plenty of them. V-: r :;: Now tnat the Augnst election is over .will there not be an end for a while at least to the Mernmon-Vance controversy?; Do brethren of the quill give us all a little holiday, really too very warm to bear It is t any more of the same sort, rest forlihe weary ? Is there ! no The returns from Orange county show' that Josiah Turner not only; re ceived tbe full Republican vote, but that- he was supported by about eight hundred Democrats of that county. The Raleigh Observer says he will be an independent candidate fW COTigresa in the; ; Metropolitan District, and thinks, very : properly, tbat if be can retain ,his present hold on the Demociats of. Orange there is great danger of his election. " A railroad asrent. Mr. J. C. j An- d re ws, from New Orleans,' says ' that over one hundred deaths from yel low fever bad occurred before he left several days ago. He says: - :. The fever is specially dreaded because of its malignity, and has proven so far very fatal. Fully fifty per cent of all the pa tients have died, and the doctors find it Hard to manage. There is a great deal o: excitement among the people, who are more affected bv the presence of the fever now than they were in 1873, when it was quite prevalent. The very fact that they are quarantined make them' all the more anxious to eet away. ; and causes much o the fear and excitement. Escape from tbe city is now very difflcult." a : r j During the month of Jnly the tem perature at Aueusta. Ga.. stood as ; folWs on the days mentioned: 7tb 101; 10th, ; ,13th, 98; il4th, . 104 19lb, 99; 20th, 102; 21st, 98; 22nd 105; 23rd, 96; 27th, 101;" 28tb, 96 29th, 97; 31st, 99. There were only threejiay8 when the temperature was below 90 degrees. ' What a climate Our own climate is incomparably the best on the Atlantio coast. .The ave , rage for Jdly was not much above 80 degrees. Only five days went as high as 90.i The highest .was1 91. And 'yeV people run away from Wilming ; ton to go to hotter places. , ; . .. II VOL. XXII. NO.-115. TBR RESULT. By referring to our table it will be seen that the loss and gain thus far is as follows: There is a Democratic gain in Granville, W ake.and the dis-! trict of New Hanover and Pender, of one Senator each total 3. There is a loss in the Senatorial districts of Cabarrns and Stanly, Guilford and Alamance, Cleveland and Gaston, and Bladen and Brunswick of one Senator each total 4. There is a eain in the House of one member each in Frank lin, ; Pender and Wake, and two in Granville total 5. There is a loss in the House of one each in Rowan, Cabarrus, Wayne, Orange, Moore, Alexander and Bladen, and two each in Cumberland and Robeson total EECAPITULATION. Democratic gain Senate.., .....3 .....5 8 : 4 ....ii u ' House . . , Total..:. Democratic loss Senate . . . . " House . . . Total. . 15 Total loss. ; i.. V.7 One precinct in Brunswick (Town Creek) has been thrown out, and if it is sustained, then it will change the result as to the Senator frouT Bladen and Brunswick, and also give us the Representative fr'omj Bladen, which is now counted as a loss. The Leg islature - will be largely Democratic. The Democratic candidates on the State ticket are elected, of course, as there was no opposition except in the case of one of the candidates for Circuit Judges, Mr. Gudger. There is no doubt, however, of his eleotion. People are escaping from New Orleans in large numbers. They are dying at various points. A ; case or two has occurred at Cincinnati, one at Fredericksburg, and - at other points. If the atmosphere of a place is not, favorable to the spread of the disease no danger can arise. But who can tell what the condition of the atmosphere is at Norfolk, or Wil mington or Charleston for instance ? If a traveller from. New Orleans or any other infected -city gets ofiE here and is taken down with the fever, who is Solomon ; enough' to say that there is no danger ? Memphis is wise ly awake. Read the following tele gram: Memphis, August 1. : ' "The quarantine against freight and tra velers from JNew Orleans and ViCK&burg is being rapidly enforced, freight by railroad being detained ten days at White Haven, Miss., and : by river at President's Island quarantine. --. At a meeting of the Board of Health to-day the following action . was taken: "i r -,. -'..: . "Baolved, That the health, officer be em powered to employ three agents to act as detectives at Grenada. Miss.. Grand Junc tion and Milan, Tenn4 to notify all passen eera comine from New Orleans that they will not be permitted to enter the city of Memphis. . r v. .i ,. ' "Besotted, That no passenger or baggage from New Orleans or Yicksbure, by steam boat or rail, will be permitted to enter the city of Memphis until farther notice.", ; The New York ritualistic clergy are represented as decidedly irate over the utterances of the Lambeth Conference that recently adjourned. That body condemned the teachings and practices- of ritualists in no un certain terms, but it is doubtful if the action taken will be fruitful of good or tend to repress , such tendencies, At any rate it has stirred the New York ritualists, as will be seen' from the. following paragraph from the letter' of the New York correspon dent of the Philadelphia Zedger, of August 1st: ; j ; - j . "Thev contend ? that as the conference was in no sense a canonical body, its utter ance on that subject was as gratpituous as it was impertinent, and its only effect, they are persuaded, wift be to impart new mo- mentum to vne caaue oi uia-VBumuauaieuh. As lone as the British hierarchy are under the influence of British statecraft, they further say, such : things may be expected, vet it will only tend ; to hasten the day when the Church shall recover its inde pendence. - As for the concurrent action of the American Bishops, they are inclined to think it will neither add to their innnence nor to respect for their office on this side of tbe Atlantic outside of i the ultra low- church or evangelical circle. As soon as they have some official record of what the Conference really has declared, it is pro bable that it will elicit some sort of response, in the shape of a protest or remonstrance, to be signed by Churchmen of this particu lar school throughout the - country. The task of preparing is expected, will de volve on Rev. Dr. Ewer, aided by Father Morrill, of St, Alban's, and Father Brown, of St. Mary the Virgin." - . - . , . ' There was probably never as much talk before of any woman's garters as of the' two that England's Queen has just bestowed upon Beaconsfieid and Salisbury The papers are still chat tin? abont them as if there was a singular fascination in such gear. ; : How can I have a clear and brilliant complexion f ! Simply by using Dr. Bull's uiood mixture and observing me ruies ot neaun. , .. T E r . I i il . N , - S . ' -u , ? I . ... 3 i 'y ' lU- : :'v. '-'J.:-.r.V-i;A'?-i';":?"'3 -tiVJMI vi'f!i. - fi"sH sf'lf ifVJ'-r -;viti -iifci i .'tri' siijl !:' S' WILMINGTON, N: C, SUNDAY.i AUGUST 4, 1878. THE CITY. ! NEW ADVISKTISBTOEIMTR Miflik AIWA. AJ1UUV1J. A. David Clothing. 'u " S. L!. FKEMONT-For rent. ' '- A. Shbxer Less than cost Munson Wamsutta shirts. C, W.. YATES-School books. ; Stab Job Office Bill-heads. N. Jacobi About pumps, &a . MA1XABD.& Co Saddlery, &c K. of P. Grand German picnic. - " G. A. Peck Buggy wheels, &c. , ' Stab Job Office Lett er-heids y Geo. Myers Tea, floor, sugar, &c. F. M. Kino: & Co Sam cook stove, j Hethsbebgeb Musical instruments. I Boatwbioht & McKoy Best goods.; Altaffeb & HiMj Sash, - doors, &c. i J. Dawsok & Co Ames' shovels, &c, ! Hatden & Gebhabdt Harness, &c; Meetiko Board Justices of the Peace. Stab Job Office Railroad receipts! , Adbian & Yoixebs Mineral water. Harrison & Aixek Lowest ca&h'prices. Pabkeb & Tatxob Plaiting machines. Gn.ES & Mtjbchison Twines and rope. W. M. Collins Office Saloon for sale. Eebchneb & Caldeb Bbos Bagging, wagons, bacon, powder, &c. Loeal Dots. -j Seventh Sunday after Trinity. I The Board of Aldermen meet to-morrow afternoon. The Criminal Court f meets to morrow. . ; I In preparing a chicken for din-. ner, a few days ago, one of our city cooks found in its gizzard a small inife blade." ; Friday night seems to be uni versally conceded lo have been "one or the hottest nights ever known in this latitude. The Register of Deeds issued six marriage licenses during the past week, ot which one was for white and five for co lored couples. The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the : past week numbered four, of which two were adults and two children. i There was a fine rain in this sec tion yesterday, accompanied by a light sprinkle of hail, and followed by a delight ful cooling, off in the atmosphere. ; i j Warmer, partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, variable winds, mostly southwesterly, and stationary pressure, are the indications for this section to-day. : j 5 We are requeted to state that Bey. A. A. Benton will preach at St John's Church to-day at 11 A. M. and 6 P.!M. There will be communion service at 11 o'clock. . r . ; I' The third quarterly "meeting for the present Conference year is bow being held at the Front Street Methodist Church. The Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. : Burkhend, is In attendance. '' I ... ; . .;Vi!: U Uoi..,r-i I . . A plentiful supply of carbolic acid was sprinkled yesterday j a the various alleys and in other localities where it was thought to be needed, under the 'direction of the city authorities. . There is no doubt v : ! - t i i;: ,-4 . .' u I !'-' of the t eleo- tion of Mr. R. K. Bryan as Senator from New Hanover and Pender, though the offl-. cial returns from Pender, which were ex pected last night, did not come to hand. ; f -Wesley Graham and Joe. Chance, both colored, were committed to jail, yes terday, for non-payment of costs in Justice Hill's Court, the former for assault and bat tery and the latter for willful abandonment. The law requiring the Board of Magistrates to meet at the Court House for the election of a Board of County Com miasioners.or at least it being so construed. tbe Criminal Cocrt will not meet until 3 p. m. to-morrow . - Among the latest instances of direct importation to this port, was the re- ceipt by Messrs. Adrian '& Tollers, by the German barque Friederiek EcaSa, which ar rived here from Rotterdam, on Friday,' of 400 casks of Apolinaris (Natural Mi neral Water, rfx stone jug9 and glass bottles, ; Tbe Election. ' The following is the official vote of Guil ford county, received., through .'a special telegram to the Stab: Judicial; Smith 2,947, Ashe 2,943, Dil- lard 2,938, Graves 2,934, Avery 2,925, Gud cer 1.709. Cocke 1.221, Solicitor: btrud- wick, 1,483; Hawsee,' 1,380. . ' t j Senators: 1 Scales,'- Demi, 1,656;' Holt, Dem., 1,609; Caldwell, Ind.; 1,812; Mont gomery, Ind., 1,568. ' House: Wheeler, Dem., 1,714; McLean, Dem., 1,652; Pritchelt, Ind. , 1,641 ; f Chil cult, Ind., 1,631. 7 , .1 '! Democratic county officers all re elected, miartaary. , There, were no, interments .in Oakdale Cemetery during the - past weer-. There were only three during the month of July, of which one was aged 73 years, one aged only two weeks, and one was a still-born infant ;; In Bellevue Cemetery during the same period there was only one Interment,' which ; was an7infant brought here from some other place for buriaL This makes a total of only two actual deaths among the white population of the; city during the month, which is a remarkable exhibit, par ticularly at this season of the year. Arrested for Larceny. ' m(,; A colored individual by the name of Sa lem Beasley was arrested yesterday on the charge of larceny, and was required to give bond in the sum of $3Q for his . appearance before Justice Scott on Monday. Beasley gave the necessary bond and was released. Tbe Volt of Hew HanoTer. - j ' i The Board of Canvassers 'for this county met yesterday at the Court 1 House at 13 o'clock. i This Board was constituted as fonOWS:-' .- ' ":. f I - I ''Pirst Ward Edgar MUler i j , Second WaraR. P. Eyden. ;j j . Third Ward-Joseph McLaurini ' ' - Fourth Ward Jno. G. Norwood. j Tifth.Ward-J.'W. Branch." !j Cape Fear Townships-James Cowan i f; . Harnett TownshipGarrett VValken f Masonboro Township John Ai Farrow. Federal Point Township J. Hi Hbrne. John L.; Dudley, Esq. was called to the chair, and Joseph E. Sampson, Register of Deeds, was exvofflcio the Secretary pf . the Board. t . - "i c i , 1 ' The votes of the various candidates were canvassed upon the calling of the several precincts in the county. ' " !.-..: In canvassing the vote in - the Lower Division of the First Ward, the' Vote for Constable was called, when one of the canvassers made a statement, to the effect that as there were no blanks provided for the vote for Constable, - none were filled out, and that the vote was simply counted,- On motion, it was ordered that no notice be taken of any voles cast for ; Constable, there being no law ordering an election for such. The vote1 for Constable . in the i -.- - .:...- ' " . ( i- -. Fourth Ward was also thrown out. i : : ' The official yote . of the county, which does not vary the result as already pub lished, will appear in full, by townships, in Tuesday's paper. ' i 7 ' ffu Not Satisfied. ; , ' '" - George Sanders colored, . who had a hearing before the Mayor yesterday morn ing on the charge of being engaged W an affray in, the First Ward on Friday after-' noon , and : was discharged; subsequently went before Justice Hill and made affidavit, charging Officer CV H. Grant,' who was one of the policemen who made the arre8t,with commitling an assadlt and battery : upon him. After hearing the case the Magistrate fined Officer Grant $25 and the coats, when defendant appealed to the Criminal Court and was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance, Mayor Fishblate going on his bond. . - . j j : Afterwards Sanders was arrested on a warrant Issued by Mayor Fishblate, on the charge of resisting an officer in the discbarge of his duty, it having transpired after the investigation before him . in the morning that Sanders resisted Officer Griffith when be attempted to arrest him.wresled his club from his hand, and the two were struggling on the groundwhen Officer Griffith, called for assistance and Officer Grant went to bis aid. . 'rf j ' !''. . This case against Sanders will be heard Monday morning, and from present appear ances the defendant rwould have fared much better if he had rested satisfied with the Mayor's disposition of the mat!ter.with out bringing it to the attention of a magis trate. ' -rJ3-'J:. i .1 ' mayor Court. :' .... George Hill, colored, charged with act ing disorderly at the Brooklyn ' market !ori Friday morning, was let off on the pay ment of costs, It was alleged thai this de fendant drew a kuife on one Oliver Spicer, but there was no evidence to show , that 'he made any threatening demonstration with the weapon, which he had open in! his hand for the purpose of cutting a watermelon. ' George Sanders and Washington .Green, both colored, charged with an affray in the First Ward, were found not guilty and dis charged. . - . , ' George Yann, colored,' charged V with of- fering, unwholesome meat in the market lor sale, was ordered to pay a fino of $20 or be confined in the city prison for twenty days. The meat in question Was that of j the cow reported in our paper as having died from excessive beat, in the alley adjoining the PurCell House, on Friday afternoon. It seems that the animal was taken outside; of the city limits and afterwards butchered. The case of Edward - Bryson,1 charged with resistine a process of fhe Court, Vcon' tinued from Wednesday morning,was again postponed, until Monday morning,'- on ac- count of the indisposition of the defendant. Tbo naslotrates Rteetlna:. ; - ! '' j I - It is now announced by John Cowan, Esq., Secretary, that the ; adjourned meet ing of the Board of Justices, for the elec tion of a Board of County Commissioners, heretofore advertised to take place at the city court room, will be held at the Court house to-morrow (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. The magistrates are requested to be on hand promptly; as they jean : only have the use of the Courthouse from 10 A. M,lo.3P.M.-"i K . ., ' , A Prisoner from Harnett. si A colored man - by the name of Henry Crews was sent to this city yesterday,' on der -a commitment from Justice A. !A1 Moscley; of'( Harnett 1 tow nshipj charged with larceny, the accused being required to give a justified bond in tbe sum of $100 for his appearance at the next, term ,of the Criminal Court. The bond was .furnished and the prisoner released from custody. .-" "nn i.. Anniversary Celebration ;.. , , , : t i i The seventh anniversary of Germania Lodge No." 4, K. of P., will be celebrated by a German picnic .at Wilmington Gar den, era Wednesday next, August 7th, com mencing at 1 4 o'clock,' to which all Germans are invited! ) The public ? parade;has been postponed on account of the extreme heat The picnic is expected to be a grand affair f an- -aw Unmallable Letters. ; -:.-! '" - The following are ) the unmailable letters remaining in the city post officer: ( ' M 1 'Blue stamped envelope, no address; Ellas Henderson, CasUe Hayne, K.C. ; John Tell, care J.t W, Russell, Savannah.. Ga.; Miss Mary Pemberton, Fayetteville, K. C. Ifl:1;';;: si Ann s: : Commerce of tbe Port. ' By reference lohe books' at the1 Custom House in this city,1 we find that the follow-: ing ; business ; was transacted during ; the month of July: Duty on , imports, itf coin $943 11; tonnage dues, $908 00; receipts from other,' sources,' $165 92. Total, $2, 017 03. - - "-r . --JJ f . The exports during the same period were as follows: 7 20,074 r bbls. Toain, valued at $34,817; 603,699 gallons Spirits turpentine; valued at $163,965; 529,486- feet ' lumber, valued at $8,271; 205,525 - shinnies, : valued at $1,293; miscellaneous, $1,347. ;Total vain uation, $209,693. J, ,u . , j; - ...... During the month nine vessels entered from foreign ports,and thirteen have cleared for foreign countries. At the meeting of the Board of Canvas sers for Brunswick county, at Smilhville yesterday, the vote of Town Creek precinct was thrown out, which gives the county to the Democrats.: The cause assigned for throwing out the vote Is the fact that there was no registration in the township, al though a new registration had been ordered. Judge j Russell ventures the' opinion' that this action on tbe part of the Board has made work for the lawyers. ; - i ; I - Thermometer Becord. ' 1 I I The following will. show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned," at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean 1 time, as ascertained from the dally bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Auuusia. . . . . . ... 93 Mobile i.,76 Charleston...... 90 Corsicana....... .96 Galveston, ... : ; .' .80 Indianola, ...... .85 Jacksonville,. . . . .77 Montgomery ... J . 85 New Orleans,.... 82 Pun ta Rassa, .... . 87 Savannah,.'. . . ... .94 St Marks,... ..J. 80 Wilmington, 78 Key West,... "....90 IMVBB AND fllARINB ITBIUM.!? ,- The British brig Eover, Webster.sailed from Rotterdam for this port on the 31st ult The Norwegian barque Resolve, . An derson; sailed from Silloth for this port oti the 31st ult. .m . , j ' CITY ITEaia. ' ""' ' For familiea TMlOiiir Phllaelnhin no nnm rov. home-like qnirtera, combined with excelleHt ser Tice, unexceptional ctdtine, and moderate Trica can be found than at tbe Colonnade Hotel on Cheat nut Street. Me;;:Uv: i-.-p; t-.s - After all that has been said abont uaweenln? re ductions," the Grand Central is the only first-class hotel in Hew York that has made a "sweeping re daction." It offers first class accommodation for f3.60 and $3.00 per 6mj. i LAta PARBS. To Harris News Stand, nontb side Front Street, we sre indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank LeOWt muttraUd Newspaper for tbe current week. Tbe Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. . - 1 - - . j n ... - K m m m - H Book i BncDsnr. Thsmobkihs Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike! manner, and at reasonable srices. Mer chants and ethers needine Beeelnt Books, or other wore, may reiy on promptness tntne ezeeuuonof TnuisrsB PRUfrnro-lirXs. lnralaable to rail road companies, steamship companiestbanks,' merj chants, inanufactarera and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and dear for an indefinite period of time. Haying Jnst received s fresh supply of these Inks, we are pre pared to: executeorders promptly and at moderate prices. FOB UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Hbs. Wisblow'b BooTHnro Stbup has been used for children. It corrects acidity ot the stomach, relieves wnro oouo, regulates the bowels, cures dtsmstsst andoiABBHOXA. whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 USATS A BOTTIiX. ; : , ,; J, ; jt J t , '! - : .- ? . . . ,. fr;-'ll-Vi 8AFLY AND CKBTAINLY that great external remedy, Glbhh's Bulfhub Soap, removes cutane ous eruptions by opening the pores whose obstruc tion was the cause of the difficulty. Test and yon will endorseSit. v. i .- BxAtmvox Shadxb o Black on Bhowx are pro duced by HiUt's Haib Orm. - i I AN UNDKNIABLE TRUTH. You deserve' to suiter, and if you lead a miserable unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault. Personal knowledge and common sense rea soning will : soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dys pepsia, with all Its miserable effects, such as aick uead acne, palpitation or tbe heart, soar stomach, habitual costiveness. dixxoness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, Ac. i i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand German Picnic ! SEVKNTH ANNIVERSARY OP GERMAN I A LODGE, No. 4.K. of P., at WILMINGTON GARDENS. WBDNBSBAY, Angust 7, commenc ing at a o'ciock. jr. ml. au uermana are. respect Jv invited. H. GEBKEN, , F.LTJHBS, aug4-2t eu we li John ltjtgen; i f f ; r J. G. OLDENBUTTEL. . iA . For Bentj t inasfi uwsiiunua, on xnira du, under oaks, near Bed Crass, and one on Front Street, near the Railroad. This in cludes large Aiweuing. corner Kea cross Third SI Street, with eleht rooms, bath room, Kiicnen, ana aii modern improvements. tot). L. FBSMONT or B, F. LANGDON 01500 Wanted. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS : - ... -t - v . . -n- i : ; . , WANTED AT 8 PKB CENT. INTEREST. BEST SECURITY GIVEN. t ' K Address. FINANCIER,! , augS-St !l -nac Care of Btab Office. mmM For Sale, .HE GOOD WILL. 8TOCK AND FIXTURES complete of the Office Saloon and Restaurant, sit uated on eastern House. Avenue. In the City of Wilmington, N. C. , favorably known to all visitors as tne "uoiuna Keataurant." ror nuxner lniorms- tion apply to ' - W. M. COLLINS, 1 t i ' PestofficcBoxSOS, !- au4 SldAltw , su sa : Wilmington, N.O. Gold Chop Tea! XJEST IN THE WORLD I SO CHESTS JUST In. Selling at 90 cents per pound. We guarantee it tne Dest in tne market, i 4. j ---y- .1 i ) 90 CENTS PER POUND I : t Try tt and you will use no other. GEO. MYERS, Sole Agen aag4U A A , 11 and 18 South Front St FlotiiSugarc. AAA BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY, FLOUR, frost .tt M n HI lu. hhl Bhlfl.' REFINED 8UQARS.' 1 1 ifj'n.t . Extra Goshen Butter. Pig Hams. Shoulders and Pork, Beef Tongues, New Cheese, Crackers and Cakes. : Blue Grass, ueimonico oiud House, sweet slash, ana jsaker'aQldicye wniskeye. . . 1 Remember we give you the Choicest Goods at the Lowest races. t. IGEQRGEMYERS, ang4-tf :..'U;;i: If 9, 11 and 13 South Front Bt WHOLE NO,; 3,429 r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Same Old Thing I Boatwright v & IIcKoy THE LLBGEST ST0 CK TheJBest.Popds;! . AND SELL THEM MORE REASONABLE THAN GROCERY HOUSE in the STATE. PTha Workingmea and Laborers will find that they can get MORE GOODS for their money, and of a BETTER QUALITY, than at any other House in the City; and at the same time our assortment of FANCY GROCERIES cannot 'be excelled; any- ! " -1 " ' ' - v- .- - f-- .1- i ,.: Where.! Our PRICES ARB BOTTOM AND CAN- NOT BE BEATEN. . . , . , : . i Boatwright tfc TIcEoy, Bt and 8 NORTH FRONT, ST.! i i . ' ts -af -a-" : ; ; f"The first of the month - haviner Collector will call on our Patrons. - Please do not turn him off. s We are needing money for the busi ness. - Pay him and commence a new account, and we premise not to call upon you again until the first of September. t v j BvATWBIGHT & McKOY, - ? aug4D&WU ' i 5, 7 and 8 North Front St.-: I Letter-Heads ! JKTTEB-HEADS PRINTED AT PRICES 10 PEB CENT. LOWER than charged by any print '':- i I.-' ! ,'- .'' j ' -., Ing establishment here or elsewhere. Call at the I' - y-' 1 ..'' "- ' I i C aug 4 It , ! y STAB JOB OFFICE. ALT AFFER & HILL, i : ..i.;;..: Manufacturers of :" it . i: s ,. Sash, JDoors, Blinds da Ornamen- I - tal Woodwork, I ' ' Guarantee the VERY LOWEST PRICES and SU- I s PERIOR WORK. r J ' I . f' - . .r,-.,..',:-i - ....... .-r ,-t- j-..; i"- All Goods sre made under our own nnraonal an. perrision, and none but the best Mechanics are em- pioyeo. ..; .','.;i. .. i- : :; , ......a, ( Builders' Hardware. Paints. Oils, abuts mH I .tim ber furbished at such prices aa cannot be beatenw - is Kememper.wesre ji aji u r Avrl LI a. SKa and are determined to give satisfaction. i ) , . I , ALTAFFEB HILL, ! . ! v i ' Factory and Office foot of Walnut St. -sag 4-tf i ' - Wilmington, N. C. Book Bindery. ! JHB STAB BOOK BINDERY IS COMPLETE in all its appointments. RULING and BINDING done promptly,' and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call at the STAR BINDERY, In the i I j - STAB BUILDING, i ' , aug 4 If , . nac Princess Street NOW IS THE TIME 1 All Summer Goods ! y 'Will be sold for LESS THAN COST I 1 . In order to make room for the Fall Stock. Best : ! SHIRTS in Ihe City 75 Cents each.' ,. 1 j' ' a: shbteb. , aun 4tf . , No. 84 Market Street. BUl-HeadsIBUl-Heads! TILL-HEADS PRINTED AT PRICES 10PKR CENT. LOWER than charged by any printing es tablishment here or elsewhere. Call at the .; , j aug 4 It' ; ' " ? , STAB JOB OFFICE. '.' The tadies' Favorite ! EXCELSIOR PLAITING MiCEINE ! Manufactured and Sold only byus.. . f 9Agents wanted In every County In the State !;OURRbSSMOliE! And a variety of other Pint Class Cooking Stoves, . i ty - H 'i - .:,.'. v..,:' ,'i.vj..,i r-Jfr-' i ! which we are selling very cheap, at old standi , PARKER A TAYLOR, ' ' , ,. , . 19 So. Front St aug 4-tf Railroad Keceipts ! j R AILROAD RECEIPTS PRINTED AT PRICES --i'"fy- ;y. .'....' ..''i..h,. j ' lO FSB CENT.' LOWER than charged i by any printing establishment here or elsewhere. Call at the 1 1 ' aug4 It ! ' STAB JOB OFFICE. Direct Importation! ! 400CASES! OF APOLLIft ARIS , . Alatnral Sllneral Water, i IN STONE JUGS . AND GLASS BOTTLES, just f received per Barque "Friedrich 8calla." ;4r i lTThls Water is highly recommended by phy sician and those In search of health or a pleasant drink had better avail themselves of this privilege . i i . ..- . , ot getting It fresh, pare,' and direct from the Springs In the old country. f ? r Also, continually on hand a full supply of the HUNYADI JANOS MINERAL or BITTER WA- TEB.I For sale by augitr -' - B.X. corner Dock and Front sts. About Fnmps &c TsOBCELAm LINED. : . PUMPS FOB WELLS XT and Cisterns, sre known to be the Cheapest BUILDERS' HARDWARE, 8A8B and BLINDS, FAIN ITS, OILS, ULASS. dSC U liJiU : ! , REDUCED PRICES at f . ? ; i NATH'UJACOBrs Hardware Depot, - : . sug 4 -tf , No. 10 South Front street , Bugffjy 7hcels.; 4 A FULL STOCK OF PATENT J - . AND PLAIN BUGGY. WHEEL 8 HUBS. SPOKES. RIMS. ---.-. .-J .... j, . . AXLES. TIRE and BAND IRON, ji" 1 For sale cheap by -' j- - ang4tf it J Ho. t5 South Front St , , . HATES OF ADTCIXTISINO. One Square one day,.:.,...i.;;..V.;:.J.. ft 00 v two days,..., 115 .-": three days, , S 60 -' fourdsys, 8 09 ' r- !I flTe ..i.... . 8 60 .,: One week....................... 4 00 , i Two weeks,;...,.. 9 60 Threeweeks,..........w....i... 8 60 ; ,i , . Onemonth, 10 00 , rt i Two months,.. ..,.f. 17 00 - . Three months,... 84 00 , Six months............ ... 40 00 " One year,. ............ 60 (X) . ' EVOontract 'Advertisements taken at proj o , tlonately low rates. Tea Ilnea gelid Nonpareil type make one squarr NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. : AN ADJOURNBD MEETING OT THE BOARD OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOB NEW HAN- OVEB COUNTY 'will ' be held at Ihe COURT HOUSE, AUGUST 6, 1878, at 11 o'clock, A M.j at which time a Board of Counly Commissioners will be elected. " " J , aug 4 It , ' JOHN COWAN, Secr'y. Ames' Shovels, S ID A THUS AfVtrtVi -n-w-rm . . ' . Bush Hooks. Knives, Mattocks, Marl Picks, Grass Blades, Snaths, Reap Hooks, &c. A larere assort ment of th nhnva nnnda at Trwxr HDTniTd on hand, at the Old Established Hardware House of "S4tf. ,;i !v,,:j, , 19. 81 and S3 Market st Harness rx-- " FBOM SS.50 to $25.00 A SET M Saddles from f 1.60 to $85.00. Collars from rfi75 cents to $3.00. . I il Renairlnfr ilmn with iiAitnM, mra dispatch. HAYDKN ft GEBHABDT, aug 4 tf y - ". Next to Southerland'a Stables, Lowest Cash Prices ! JTBAW AND .,.... r . . . . - LINEN HATS, at HARRISON A ALLEN'S aug 4 tf .. . . CASH HAT STORE. Twines, Rope. i full' supply of twines of all X kinds-Gill, Seine, Bagging, Wrapping, &c. Alan.' a fnll linn rt Vanilla Int. ..j rn. , ROPE, for sale at Lowest Prices by aug 4 tf 88 and 40 Murchison Block. ' x " ' Bagging and Ties. -10,000 TBAGGrao- i -fA TonsTIES,y For sale bv f " aug 4 tf KSRCHNEB A CALDEB BROS. Wilson, Chillis & Co.'s Wagons. . . WAGONS OF ABOVE MAKE FOB SALE AT Manufacturers' Piices, by sag 4 tf KBRCHNKR A CALDEB BRGb Bacon. Flour, Cofee. 1 100 Boxes,-s su)vi vl ! ; 2 -j do Smoked SIDES -T-. : : j 5Q0 Bbls FLOUR, all kinds, -f ftA Bags COFFEE, j - . . 1UU V ' ' .' - ' '. i aug4tf :-' Fer saie by i !'' KERCHNBR A CALDEB BBOS. Oriental Powder. 500 Keg8 Rifle and BlaBUn2 POWDER, 200 Keg 8portInK POWDEB, Fer sale by aug 4 tf KEBCHNEBA CALDEB BBOS. Mallard & Co. HARNESS ! HARNESS 1 - , - $7.60 per set and upwards. Bridles. Saddles. Collars. Ac all Grades. and prices to suit the times. . - Trunks and Satchels in abundance. ., . ' ' uepairing done promptly. aug 4 tt No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET. It is Impossible . ITJ ' A BETTEB SHIRT -' THAN OUR WAMSUTTA. rjH) . r 5 TWO GASES JUST IN, ., .. FOB HANDSOME SUMMER COATS AT A LOW - PRICE GO TO sng4 tf . . , t,t . . - MUNSON'S. Come and See r h OB YOURSELF WHAT GREAT BARGAINS ' . :lam offering lit , . . , Our" Grand Annual Clearing-Out Sale is in full blast, and though it Is the dull season, our sales are very flattering Indeed, and the main reason is that out prices attract buyers. . Remember all must go In the next ten days.' ' , . ' ' A. DAVID. ; . aug4-tf '.!....' j The Clothier. - Cotton. Grin for Sale, ft OB SALE, AT LESS THAN MANUFACTU RER'S PRICE, A FIFTY-SAW '' Brown Cotton? Gin, With Self-Feeding' Attachment, and Condenser. Boxed, ready for shipment, and has never betn used. Address. " BOX 8U, nac , . v Wilmington, N. C. Jy 80 lwDAW AtlOur Risk!, ; Send fob a sam cook stove, and if it does not come up to the fall, measure of your ex pectatlons, return It at our expense BOTH WAYS. Four sizes. Can suit any size, family. ; Write for Descriptive Circular, Cut and Prices. .' ' " . TINWARE I TIN-ROOFING in or out of town. Britannia Coffee and Tea Pots, - French Biggins, . Bath Tubs, and a Fall Line of Housekeeper' Arti cles.' : ' , " ' ' .F.'FI.'KINO 6c CO.. -. ' : aug4tf - ' 29 Market Street. Ilusical Instruments. ' i-.ti "... .ii ' : ; . A ' - -' ; -- T3IANOS, : ORGANS, GUITARS. YIOUNS , -.y; Banjos, Accordeoni, Flutes, Fies, j - vt ,; HarnKmlcis.DrumB, Ac. J 4 " ' 'Also, the'largest stock of SHEET MUSIC In the State.' Chromos and Steel Engravings,' Autograph and Photograph Albums, Gold Pens and Pencils. l-yi JUL tot sale at ?.. ; HEINSBZEGZB'S , I aog 4-tT j i Lire Book and Music Store. -.ScHobl iBooks. LaEGE STOCK I 1 LOW PRICES I COUNTRY Teachers and Dealers will find It to their advantage to correspond with mo before purchasing elsewhere. Another lot of CROQUET jatt received and for sale at Bottom Prices. . . . ' r aug4tf - ' 1 -: tC. v7; YATES.

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