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All announcements and recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be charged as advervue inents. .-- ." .?.'"'"-": H , (1 4 j ' 'Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each insertion. ; j ; Contract advertisers will not bo allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to tfeeir regular business without extra cnarge at transient rates.;.-; v.. ' - in.ut: Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterly, ac cording to contract. ' ' I ; Advertisers should always specify the issue or is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement .will be inserted in i the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in the proprietor will only be responsible for the moiling of the paper to his address. : ,. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Older, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only1 such, remittances will be at the risk of j the publisher: ;' v:.' ; .v,vC . -i . i Communications, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable 1b every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld.: i " j i Correspondents must write on only one side of the paper. - -. ' . " !! T. or William; h. Bernard. -WILMINGTON, Nl ! C: Sunday Morning,',' Sept.,!. I.1 1878. fllORB GOCBRNIRG ' v , RENCY. THE CUR- We ' mentioned in our- last - that there . was the most conclusive evi dence o eh6wr thatof Hhe '7-30's thtf sum of $234,000,000 was made legal tenders and became a part of the dur rency. ( By . consulting ex -Secretary McCulloch's report (Finance Report; page 3 8,) you, will find sthat he gifes thefabove figures as the exact amount. ' - TIT . )V."' J-l . I.Mr vv e ueBire io suppiemenii what we have before said ? about' tb of currency in circulation. amount .-WTT vv e are more than ever satisfied that the T l - .. - t-, . ri - , colditea misrepresent -the 'amount; of circulation in 1864-65, and for' some years . thereafter," m order to ' lessen thei amount of ; actual contraction, r ' It is rwell. known that the late Chief Justice Chase was the originator of i the! Greenback scheme. He was a distinguished ( Republican, 4 and ifas Secretary.' of , the Treasury 'under President Lincoln, and, therefore.' during the war. In Schoeker's 'Ltfe of Salmon P. Chase" the, followihg occurs : ' viiJi.ii'-r - ';; i:;Ei' - ( "jThe system worked so efflciently that before the end of the war Congress had au thorized the application of toe: legal tender . sanction to one form or another of governC. mept oDitgatiotrs lo x total : amount ! ol TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION OF DoiABSjUiijii nmmHw ; ,,5'he capitals are; by the author jof the volume. Soever by this witness, wh was not writing to subserve, any political end, the currency in circua tion was. twelve hundred and fiity mill iph dollarsor -one i "million iess than JvegaV e J;;yesieTday.L,Bnt;Mn Schpejer';. undfirsta ures, .as ,.is apparent ' fromf wlat we before1' showed. Mr.' Spalding, in hU financial Historyj of the Wak" shows:-conclfislvify that there were $i;i25,87r,634.53 in circulation before ine act was passed authorizing the issuing of 7-30's. Add the i234,00p, 000 to the above and we thave te immense sum of $l,359,877,034;i3 as the Sirculatingmediumj .tDeiooOOOjOOO of -?fmali denomina tion referred to at' editoriai ol yesterday. , !'H-(4--r :" We may mention that Mr. Bhoeker apjJeartf'Cto cifirm , ihtfgtaiement made yesterday -relative to the legal , tender function ,ot ' ineidjfifefefc1 He says there were r $400,000,009 of "Treasury note8Mttbat were "redeema, t ble fter tfirle Bnetarin. cy interest, not exceeding seven . jand three-tenths per cent., per, annuni.?? So much for the amount in circula tion. It could not have, been less than- $1,250,000,000.1 It7ws j)oT ' bably X more G&iilMbo: - aa Mr. wSpanldiBg3figuresabow, ' exclusive, '. mind :s you,: of : alt ."small - denomTnation8?Ct which, ac cording Uo the Finahcer Report ol .1 amounted to over $4od)000oclo. We are thus particular,-: because itlis essential to"Vrfeottu ., of the wat !td needs of the tcoun tryjto OWi.hbw'muChthe currency has-been, contracted.,; The Jpjresefat r fiTL volume of: currency does not exceed $688,275.27, aa we before published. The contraction - has certainly beeti $671,279,759.26, with aprobability: of two or three or i four huudred miU lion more. 1 - r The question now preseuts ! itself -is not such an extraordinary contrao tion well calculated to bring about iusttbe uonditioiioMlitngrxhat" n6w exists? When the country is bowed down under an. -immense: weight of debt, and taxes are literally; unbarr able, is not the withdrawar of fWm six hundred and Beventy-one' million dollars to nine ' hundred and sitty'r seven million dollars (MrJ StuartJ es timate), from the circulating medium of; the cuniry, "weUalulRted0 press business operations, and to bring about a fearful .slagoatjoji In. theindustriaMhierests'ofour vast ind growing country? It would seem tliat the course pursued could only result in disaster to the-; many whilst the money dealers alone could jbe bepe-; fited. Is it a matter forsurprise'lhat' thousands bave been bankrupted, and the energies of the country have ie' come paralyzed? - j . ,' ; The organs of . the money-kings swear there is currency enough Ind to spare. - Senator Eaton says : there are in eight Northern States ? toay. lying ticUe "more than one hundred and twenty 'five million dollars in the banks."; He says there are oyer fifty million dollars lying idle in Now York, exclusive ofwbat isj in the Sa vings Banks. The organs say the currency of the country,' before the wft,)watf $2000wd,00d H ii 1 In reply are some well known tacts. Failures have to be, counted by tens pttbous.ajids.ud-joo so abundant as in - New ISngianof ah 4 New Ybrk;f 5 The? whole JlBOuntry i& rp8trate.C? Everything has been at a standstill for .years. What causes all this? Why this prostration ? 5an it be becau$e.there,i8 money enough ? Or is it not because seven or eight or' i -li -. . - Jii i : nine nunarea muiion . aoiiars nave i i r 4 . j i been withdrawn from circulation I ' While the country is groaning, John Sherman, Radical Secretary ofr'ithe Ireasury, to c Out bis' scheme, of specie resumption, has of 'coin more than our total circulation . before the war, be it remembered according to the figures of the contractionists locked up ' in ; the vaults ot the Treasury. The people 1 are starvipg,' and this Radical and enemy of the DeoDle has hoarded i two hnndred arid " thirty-seven j million dollars in. ccin, tnai me currency mayj do sun farther contracted,' his wet! scheme tbe parried out, and forced ' resumption become an accomplished fact. And yet John Sherman sweara too, that there is plenty, of';. money. j,, Every dollar of this $237,006,000 thus hoardedis costing five per cent, of the peopled earnings,' or over eleven mil lion of dollars annually. Put, quoth the 'bondholders and their organs, therd is plenty of " money," j I , I The S?ab. does not advocate infla tion,. We" believe Che. voium'e of cur rency should be equal to the demands Cih?hIjI siC? P5y) we are0ppsed to all contraction, and favor such an expansion as our grow ing country j shall require from time to time. As t the country .grows so should the currency grow, If the ,V1- olent and extraordinary contract ton has brought . about' the present un happy condition; of : affairs, do not continue contraction .but try its 0p-j posite expansion. & Let the j patient be put on some .. other regimen. ; Dr. Sangrado has been tried long enough ;.'. " pi jltforris " ' J :-' lilCyotc wishSjoOsee how! Inucbdif ference, if any, there is between the Greenbackers and the Democrats,' turn to the. Fourtb District platform, published in the Stas the other dav. and compare ;with tbe following New "li The greenback dollar must be a fall legal tender foryibei payment of all debts, public and trivatef and by the Qovermnent issued, protected, and received as absolute money. ,.-,f&y,. U i ' ' ' We declare 4hat all act! of Congress changing the' original bond ""contract, o wit: of 1809, 1870, ' and 1873, and the Re sumption act of 1875, were enacted without consent or procurement, and were; and are,' frauds upon' the rights of the people; and therefore we demand tbe immediate calling io and payment of all bonds with absolute paper moneys wiUjou regard tor Hhe time 4hey may nave tdun - on their 'face, and that there be no-farther issue by the Go-" vernment of any bonda,-r ! .vj ,. -,r 3; We demand the repeal of the National bank act; tbe immediate withdrawal from circnlatfcm of the National bank notes, and the substitution therefor of absolute paper -i'-' . yi-tUiT:rW: 4i 'fe-ri r r . ; . "4. i The equal t aation;of 5i all; property owned byiindividuals or corporations." ; "5. The total repeal of the Internal Reve nue system which is unequal and oppres' sive, and justly odious to every man, wo man and child in the land." j If; ' " 'The3 Richmond ' TFAtar publishes the aboverand aaysf it "covers all the grandeSMritiafc ia5 a 3reenbaok"4:p tant difference is in' the second reso iati'QD.yWo understand ithe'l Demo crals ip opposed, to any dishonest - . , renbdiation of any "Must debt that thejjr are for keeping, . faithfully ' all contracts,' and for paying the United Stales bonds strictly- in accordance wilji the terms of the agreement en tered into between the government ana the purchasers:, of ... the .bonds. Such was, the position, taken f by Hon. , A, u. vv aaaeu, in nis speecn in vv n- mlriigton Tpda cfi7 as we understand it, is the position or the! ; Kbrth. Carolina Democracy. Whentie bonds ' are , to be paid they shofild,'be:ipaid old where the original coniracj. caus ior guiu. ; The 'Philadelphia Press : has again coniessed that it is the purpose of the Republicans to-.wse the National - Greenbackers ; to 'divide crats and thus restore to t the.'-Dekno- the Radicals their' lost ejj f i "In the Boutheru mind Republicanism is only successful abolitionism and must be j vlsied witn tne prejudices or years, lie rice Southern Bepubtioan have only oneouUei for their energies, and it is to strtngthen the National party in the South, in order to sap the jinity and strength of the Democraby. DemoQra,, beon your "guard. Forewarned, b& forearmed. Let fnot theishaTpers cheat i'yool ' They; will deceive and bamboozle the ignorant neg ro as they did after "reconstruct tioi "2 when they, promised tbeVf orty ' aer isandemnle, but; white men aho ild be above such chafilfs Col. Waddell said, "do not let then! sprin kle salt on your tails." Dennis Kearney is to have a recep tion by the Nationals of New , York Citx on f September, 6th. The' , New Yolk correspondent of the Philadel- - p "fe waa.to have made a speech from the 'steps q the i Treasury building : in Wall street, right in the presenee of the wicked bondholders, and, after that, be was to ad dress a meeting in the open air, at .Union Squire or m Washmgton Parade Ground; tnts tettinir down,' rt is needless to say. Mr. Kearney haa nobody to thank but him self J His rhetorical extravagances have convinced the more.reflecting men of : the Greenback partv that thev will lose more than they will gain by him, while many of the working men, wno were disposed to npon mm as tbe man for the' times, come to tne conclusion that : be is a man to have as little to do -with as any people' who were once weal thy are applying for conductors9 and ticket-takers1 places on the East Side Elevated , Railroad in New . -Yrk. There are 2,000 applications in "all. The Company at present have in their employ, on construction and; on the cars, about 2,500 men. They5 have on the - road ; about - 3Q engines and about; 75 cars with' engines and 75 additional care under contract, some of which will be finished next week. At present it costa about 55 per cent.1 on the gross earnings to run the road. ! ;iie' biggeall?nake of the season Le fonga toXJidiioViulaJtr ...li iaonly foHy: feec lonft however. In 'diameter it is twenty inches. It is a terrible snake, and; a'tetrible aocount S given jo the Calif orpia Chronicle, The storyj is very iniere.sung,.uui. reaua oo rnnca likepne of Baron Munchausen's yarns. lYejawait further news after the jx citement wears oflE. We once heard of a! mpnsterBnake in Tennessee, but it turned out to be a grand hoax. Uut that California 'monster h as 1 been seen, so - Mr. 'Rand and Mr. F. C. Buylick say, and by tbern and others. war correspondent of the New . . 4 . . . rt. r -i . I. x or K .2 rioune. , vv . - i? . ; ix. , bo an as, 1 1 n- don es Gen.- Grant' account of the figh r at Lookout Mountain. He'savs; u " eneral Grant is technically correct in saylrig there was no battle, there; he doubt less meant io mase tne distinction oetween a meke combat betweerrfsmall divisions of two armlet and a geheral' engagement of the eintire forces on both Bides i The Jtruth is that there was ho battle ther-hoth5ng mora man an : anair, , or more propeny speaaing.a: "combat," and there were no clouds to? fight latere mly a he sty j mist wmcn settled down and enveloped tne uase of )Uie mountain." i L st? i;ri"T i The skeletons of several i Confederate soldiers, who were buried on , Sullivan's Island during the war, havevbeea washed: up on the beach, ( and , present: a. ghastly to : nromenaders. Charleston JVewa viutiBipatrwtisrmioienaea wnn anityj would prompt a decent in- entiof. those sacred bones that ibeldnged to heroes andmarlyrsv; ; - J -Ex.GbvP Seymour - Iiast very c jn cisely and impressively stated a gr )a truth in the following paragraph: fiiilTbe Cwnmunist is only a hiehlvdevel-: oped tariff man, who believes that the Gov-, uuucui iumci iuo firuaperiiy 01 B country, and Jshould interfere with the business of its ctizen8.i They both belie ve that the property of one should be given to another a; t V'tttogtjppeclalo: il; Ledger j) J sF re4ericTfeA.i; Sawyer fdrmeHy Uni ield ;Stateer Senator from ; South Can lina,and subsequently Assistant SecrbtarjRolyee1asury,hhas beetf app inted to, a small clerkship 1 id the ofiic of ;the Coast Survey of the Treasuryf DeparttnentThilf 'p poinjtmeni illustrates t one r of ; the vif cis8iudesf;.publi6.umetLi Sawyer? is a man of eminently scholarly attain ments,1' but c has beenuhfortunaitep and by a aeries of 1 reverses has been compelled to accept almost the am all' est office the. great establishment1 urtiinn Vi a at nnn t!m. a a 1 m trledVlfii:?" fe ll - .:. ..-:-'-h:-- l.-v-:,-; -U. Senator Blaine iar now making a gallant battle in i Maine against 'all independent' VotiugVat.Hhef coming, election,' and it is announced! tbat.be is next to exhibit' ill North Carolina in favor of the independents. Blaine is a macrnetic'eloquent . and powerful .cJiampion ; but jt it .isn't rightto bolt iu! iuaiuj'jxwuu fc. iw ijvv du.w imj; culLy. in proving..wXhat, it'ariglLtto. bolt in North t Carolina IriPhiladel- phia ffmes, lnch . V 1 L General Beale' says he.ia for greenbacks. " ',So is1 everybody.5- Scr are we, provided we get ; them with out robbing some1 one else.' v. But how to get them is' the question., VThe Government might print thewi by the. billio but aa l vh as no s w ay ; o f !d is- triboiing;ih'ebi"8ave;-'6yrpayirig for what it; buys, or for, .work done for St, weK don't -well iflee'.. how -anybbdy; would be' benefited. - After the st of next January the Govern' men twill pay for its purchasea,and ..fprthe la bor it employs in. gold, and no matter how much greenbacks may be idyed, nobody doubts that ; gold - is loved much, better, j The good did ' Denio-; cratio rule of paying a.rnau in money that would be worths its face Value; if found on his body a hundred yeaia af ter his death! ana not" in v paper,! the value of which 'fluctuates with ith, vagaries of trade is the best ono; for all parties - to followcertainlv; Itbe uesb tor xeiuouranu auopiiuu. - -Alex- qndria :Va.Uazettet.JJemi:vj1, ona statu coNTEnponaBiBK. X I -!;' -; - v. ! I -I The Roan Mountain (N. C.) Republican hoists the name -of U. 8. Grant for tbe Pre sidency in 1880. If "Old Roaa" was not a specimen of the genus homo, called Vod dity," we should talk to him' about this. We suppose, however, it was intended as a joke. ' ' But, Roan, it is in bad taste to joke at your father's grave, and this joke 4a kin to Elizabeth City Economist. j - .-,, The control of the government by the Radical party is ld.be regarded as the grtat curse of the conntryi ,Th'e ,wriler will ad mtf it, vs he has of ten done. How; then are we to get this car Be ut ot the way ? Tola is tne great questions j is it at all pro bable that we can , oust that Radicals iby dividing the Democratic party ? Not at all.i ' We tan only put the i party down hv rallying ! ali f the; elemental of ofiposiiion against : it' under tbe IJemocratic; nanner. This -accomplished the.: people will get "more money" a , plenty ot it- and ; good money,' too. There will be no more swin dling in the silver dollars Trade- of every. Kind will proaper.- liut . unlit this liadical parly is burled from power it is. idle, nay, nonsense, toi clamor for ''aaore ' money" or setter times. Yon wul neither gel the one nor the other. Milton. UhTvata-. u ft! I'Ol.lTICAIil'OIWTS. 8 -i- The urgent necessity -of c4rry5ng the1 next Legislature is developing to' the .New . xork ltepublicans & surprising amount of conciliatory, feeling, vJsventbe god-nae uonaung stoops to conquer la a way that causes his coat tails1 16 stand! out like the ears of 4 stain peded muJe - )KaA . ftfy.B"'- H:.;,,v: Ui - J 1 I Kearney s advice to the work ingmen to ."pool their issues" Was followed last evening by-an' invitation to pool their spare change to bay him for his'nalderdasb. The people ; who selv hira down f or a f dol are in error. -lie never made money o fast or So easily in his life, and he knows people are going back to Grant in 1830 is simply a good nalured assumption that Ube American nation are fools, and have but one; man to rule them, ' and him one who was cast aside with alacrity after a trial of eight years, which; resulted in the over throw of his party. Springfield Republican Inxl. . -pThurman is 66. t , . .-Gen, Jo Johnston is 11. .. j : - Er-DoorkeeperT.Fitahugb ') th "biger man than old; Grant, V. will reopen Willard'a .Hotel, .Washington, as a resort for Southern people ,?4S r , ;.-r- Secretary Eyarts lives, in great elegance. He haathree large residences for the accommodation of bis family J iud flienda who may be his gaests;i i-'f'': 'i j . 11 The Bos6l"'.lPdyaviVJfBnller' says he never expects1 to have a monuments Hut isn't ne Duudlngnia own monument as enduriog as brass can make it, ?" ,,if ,,t f - "t" The, repOrtthat.Taimaigei., will reopen the performances at his Tabernacle by a service en itho tight-rope is at liast premature. tteny Evening Journal:' f " -i-5 According to iS iheV) late s lrT Franklin the Indian' traders of his ( time were ."thef moat; .vicious and abandoned wretches of our nation." And yet he, never Chicago mrnes Winip the Southern city, Mira. Myra Clark Gaines ias gone to jnassacnusetts iot tne remainder ot the summer." j '', ' j jJiewBio J14.C1 1, ..x u a . Ben1 Butler, the champion-ball-dozer; ' Put a question he thought was a poser; . . nei n'm aown who a lerK. And bull-dozed 'the champion " bull-dozer from tneuetroiijiquor (dealers tor study- up the unconstitutionality ' of the oADchigan liquor Jaw. .j fie. did, studyju p . and Wn t ;his opinion Jast week. ' It wt8(!vry brief and to the effefct.' ''You can't break" the iaw.fi;' J1' The ''Kew" 'O'rieah's aae,: stung by tue T repeated J taunts ! mat Kutler kept dowrryeftow-feTerrmakes this happy retort: "If, as alleged, there were no epi demics under . Radical misrule, it may; be .counted a dispensation, of a merciful Prov idence that spared us from a ; double 6ai lamity."iia i!yru.a97t -ffw$pi i;-d.--( In the !; Episcopal - DiObese 6( Connecticut there are 19,530coffimuhrcaats ; in the Diocese of Arkansas there are 608 communicants. ,tUt Arkansas has' as large a delegation ip the General , Convealioni as Oonnectrcttt.;:! .-.-.4iVi"y.i. w r ThQeJeeGllfiii after only half aa -boni,8,illnea9v S j He had left pandee for Brechinthe night befcire, and was to have officiated at the. marriage of a niece on the day h&. expird.T, He was in his uual health on the previous Sunday and !-pwache4r;o sudden; death. -...v?tfhoVrr'vsj,-Hi.-j.i 'hnin-? ij -1 The Rev;llMerrittHttrlbudi a young Methodist' preacbirof LJ well Mas sachusetts, at Martha's Vineyard, the other: day,: said that it is IB duty of the Method- I- ist Church brgifiiaition tohold the balahce of rweHirthentted6tatea. Warming tobialheme, he Vehtnred to hope that the MetbodiaU of the Country wilt' organize a movement to nominate from thd Bishops of tne jueinouisi v;nurcn a candidate i tor the presidential uoatf;i hih:i ji i i i- If he says "I done, saw," ho is rorhLotiaville. Graphic. : , . j t.. TLe national, debt 61. England aw studs, Iby the most recent return, at l888tX07.9801 - :v . 1 'X, "Take away women, . and then what would follow?" asks a writer. Stag nation; of course.-f- - - - - " " ; - Have a 'card girls, have a 1- car- A.oeie muiei, a jj-rencn maiaeu, una uccu hugged to death. 2fcfcw 2 rarneript ' - v j It's harder to "break'' 'an old horse chestnut than it la to break a young cbesnut horse. Boston Post. , I .- ;! J German and Austrian Jaw for buds the sale of dead '. fish. The ' fish are brought from tbe sea and riyers . in , tanks, and are killed after being sold . 1 ' i . j "How much was this bnlterdid you say?1 "Sevenieeu cents, sir.": 1" VV litre pa earth have the other two - gone? I can ou)y8mell Micea-Syracuseiimesy l if: Ten mills make one cent, nay'Lbe arithmetics- but competition Jis so strong among the cotton factories down East that ton mills dou't make a cent. Exeluinge , f The Grand Dictator of ithe Knights of Honor In' Ohio has called oa the subordinate lodges for donations in aid of? the sufferers by yellow lever in the South. - . The Congressional committee on' tlie Labor Quest ion finished their investi gation in New York yesteiday; They will hold sessions in Pittsburg and Cbicago.and ! again assemble in New York iu the Tali.f.a ;i ' It appears ihat r in SartFrauciseo,1 rwJiere Dcuuis Kearney says the' Chinese' hive taken all but the land, the down trod den workingmen have $67,000,000 in; the savings banks. ' They clearly belong to the class of. bloated capitalists whoin DenbiS popose8 to . hang.. Pioneer-Press ' r From.the'Nortli to the South, aa ia the old j fever times ' before the War free gifts of money;: medicines and assist ance are beginning to pour out in steady stream, and it needs Only such a calamity, to! show-that there is One; Southern 'claim.!: that will eveif be recognized Philadelphia Ledger. iy J , - L ; j -: A correspondenv wants to know why women ? never -sleep in'chuTcb. -We suspect that it is on account of their un comfortable headgear., We don't believe that any man, with his head jabbed full of hair pins and back-hair twisted up so tight that a sneeze would break a blood vessel. Could find repose even under the most s'om nifying discourse that ever banished physi cal pain. It can't be did, Breakfast Table.1 SOUTHERN ITEM, j its..-,,H ,; ..t.... - iin i -i , -- ;.y : t 1' -Of the 158 natives of New Or leans, who died of yellow fever up to Au gust 24th, 140 were children under fifteen years of age.1' " : ,: j-" ' j j ;'f - ! A' Mobile doctor stipulates that his professional card shall be inserted just above the death i notices. ; We soppose he respectfully refers to the names which tol-ow.--MotBgiteri - j i ; ( Colonel Mosby has declined' an invitation to be chief of cavalry at the' re union of the Confederate and Union; soldiers; at Marietta, Ohio, beginning September 3d. The President also regrets that he will be unable to he present. . j . ; ... Sherman (Texas) . Dispatch: News has just reached us of a fiendish as sassination last week near Dexler, Cooke county. f A cowardly assassin crept stealth ily by moonlight near, a gallery where- a man named Cline was sleeping with i his young wife; to whom he had been married 1 about a month, and emptied the contents ot one barrel of a, shot-gun, loaded with turkey shot, into the face and head; of tbe u n8uspecti ng; innocent sleeper . Ch ne ' d led almost instantly. A Qaeer Rlaslcal Invention. ' I Portland (Mei)1 Press 1 Mr..E. B. Robinson is' introducing a new musical instrument' which V'pro rhises tb become popular.' It requires no musical knowledge to, produce the 1 bje.BUpomposjtioq. t?f It is a wind fin- etrument,,i somewhat resembling in appearance a cabinet ' organ, . laud' is operated, by pedals. But thero are no keys, and no fingering, is required in playing a tune. The tunes are pre pared by perforations in a broad sheet of paper, the length of eaoh -perforation determining the duration : of the note. This sheet of papery ih-tj which" the tunes are thus cut, is wound on a reel, and, being placed in the instru ment, is unwound by! , the action i of; the pedals, the paper passing over a bridge im which the rdeds are placed." As" the wind is drawu intoi the- reeds at the top the passagei Of - the j paper over them prevents it from entering any save those where the perforations in the paper fall, and: the notes pre ititis produced automatically. It pos sesses great power, and the bass notes are produced especially v well;J The price willbe5 about5 $80. '"' C1RCTJ1T COURT THE1 UNITED STATES FOR TELE K ASTERN DISTRICT OF NOHTU CAROLINA FOURTH CIRCUIT. , i ..':'-, 'U- :' h-i:' j.?;' George S. Brows, Enoch Pratt, Complainants, va. The Wilmington, Columbia & Angus- , ta Railroad Company, ! J .- .i, -. i i . - . Defendants. i la pursuance of a Decretal Order heretofore ren dered In this cause, notice Is hereby given to all Cties having claims against the Wttmington. jCo ibia & Augusta Rauroad Company, to present theaame to me at my office In Wllmlngtonv before the first day of November next, to be by me report ed to the Court for such action as may be had .in that behalf. This . notice does not apply to any claim contracted since the 15th day of April, 1878, as all such claims will be paid by the Receiver in due course of business. .Alt 'parties presenting claims to me wUl exhibit any evidence or claim of lien or other incumbrance which may be claimed on any of the property of the Defendant Company. This notice does not apply to; the Bonded debt of the Defendant Corporatlos. I ; . . , i ., . D. L RUSSRLL, - ! ang29-lra - j i Special Master In Chancery. GRSSNSBORO FEMALE COLLKQB. Terms - Reduced to Suit the limes. The 45th Bession will begin on WEDNESDAY, 88TH OF AUGUST. Charges per Session of twenty weeks: Board, (ex clusive of washing and lights.) $50.00 ; Tuition in, full English course, $25.0J. Extra, Studies modo rate?w;M aui-ivj -iJi.m mi u. -ytxK i y .For particular apply for Catalogue to JONES. J30 6wf. .id,. suth tt . I.- ! President. BORt3BS Jtt ALL, fit Boys, an tlish. Classical and-Commcrcial Board in it O English, . School, 14 miles from Baltimore, on W. Md. R. R. PudIIs nrenared for anv Colleira or Bnalnena lAt Term $250 to $300 for ten months. ' Re-opens Sep- bcmucr m, io.o. rtsor. 4. Vi. AJ.tJ!taLK, A. M , H Jy 14-eod39t ' cae fr"- -- Relsterstown, Md. ' I'-OST, STOLEN OR MISLAID.' " ; I f J-:ii 1;-K5h;i 5 i Thepublle are herewith caa- tioned not to negotiate or a certain PROMISSORY NOTE, made by Henry Haar, and payable to Her man Samson, for Four Thousand Dollars, and on which there is a credit endorsed of One Thousand Dollars, said Note having been lost, mislaid or sto len. . . PHILLIP NEWMAN.; v - V J Guardian of Herman Samson. WllmingtonJi &,A.Bgust20th, 1878. , rang 21-eodawv j f . we,ftt : - ? -i'i'-'H. THB NEW AND COMMODIOUS- t STJiMrBE PASSF0ET WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS , ! , , rTO g jiithVILLB. n,: Leave-Dok.;jt...v..v... 9.00 A;M., . , Return 6.83P. M. . 2 j . Sundays half hoar latere ' ' ! ! Hound Trip 75 Cents. . Single Trip 0 Cents. jywtrj . , ujso, MzEKS, Agent. ,- 1 : . ... 7 --4 j"itT t)ar qauiauona, n noutd bo understood, rep remmf the wholesale prices generally. la miklnt .:.' HKiajl orders Uigher prices aave to be Chargeo. FR1CKB.! liAHCHNU-jQuiiny. ,. ifrfj. Double Aiictiui. .. ... . Dnnblr Ac li "A". ' 1 00 00 12 12 UAtJON-Nortl. Carolina. Hams, 1 - "raht.sldere. y a,. -tidisw.n c choice, u ft Mk .'.. K.L- it a f f 14 d ' 'o1 e' . - , xa 13 : 15 ' ShouiaorN.t" ii'Jry baJteii ! if ' . rthoalders.;.4.V uaKK Live weight BAKKELti Spirit Turpentlu . Second Hand. eack ...... V JSew New, Vorfc,; each. New City, each BEESWAX BBJCKS-Wamijagion' M mi Northern, t ilv,.''f.w -A ilOTTER North O&roiluk. lb rt-Nortbern, fll'te.it .v..'ii.'. CANDLES Sperm. V , , Tallow, Adamantine. V lb 1 10 -,00-00 C'00. 15 to e i6o t 7& 1 90 f 25 DOO 14 00 18 C3 S7' f 43 " 1 nx 13 14 i IS 80 . 80 0 75' I ilka IS OaSKSK-rNortheTO Factory t i uairy, cream s. 13 ','10 . 28 16 i 58 9 a o COFFEE Java. COltN MliAlr' bnsheLiaamci COTTON TIES tflbdle 00 8 25 .DOUKiTiCSMi&eeUne.-4; 16 xam. v buuen 00 o M5 . FISil Mackerel, No. 1. 9 . bbL.. 1 is 00 a ai 00 8 50" a 10 50 , aackerei, Ne.S. fjt obi. .N K9-X awCi.-uJi' U HackwcL, No. a. V bbl. . . . . . i Mullet8.ebbl...ii.'4. turn'. j. N. O. ilering, lioe.fT keg 1 -? .DryOod,51 t-uf9,M.tnfM PLOUR--Fine. V bW......... i' Super. Northern, tt bbl.;... fi 4 Kxtra-4tt.lt.4J..vT f VbUi&. Family :h9 bbl.u tntjj MUJg Suptr.v bbl... Y V f;: 'j. Extra. 9 hhK: 1 - Family, f bbli.! :j ;; .-:,.-ax.FamUy,i.bbl; FSKTlLlZEJib ' ' . Peruvian (luano, ft 20t0 s f -Baugh's Phosphate, .r,;. v-. i Carolina Fertiliser, P 9 00 .(A tt 60 iS T5- (O s 00 a !!)" 4 60 '5 00 6 60 ' , tt eo . e 0 CO 5 75 & 6 35 6 70 . 1 A D UU J 15 00 $ 60u C 25 B 0O -i h f 0 6 50 1 ?00 . ! Art 67 50 . KM. 00 60'- 60 00 60 00. 00 00; 40 00 00 00 45 00 AA AA A IWAA , OrouudUoue. . ,BoneMeaL 11 Flour. VV W . 0 Vt .U OO UV--' 60 00 00 (00 i 67 60 09 00. 7000 00 00 70 00 60 00- 00 00 . 4 Complete Manure .,', .. r. Whann's Phosphate' f, -1 Wando Phosphate, - ' i Berger & Bute's Phoeph." ! 'Excellenza Cotton Fertdlicer 65 90; 60 00 GLUE- Su . 9 O ; 65 ' 6 . v3 i 16 ! 70 : I 60 : 1 65 65 . 1 50 IS.., GrtAIN Corn, in store,- in oags,j i. ,vorn,uargo , Dusnei....... Corn, mlxedV DUsheLin bags. s com. wnoiesaie,aa saga. Oats, 9 bushel.. 60 r 48 ',- 75-, 4 sr.-10. 0 00 00 90 i " ress, vuVi'V uueuui...t... HIDES Green. 9 ! Dry. 9 ...... ....'...,. HAY Eastern, 9 100 Is.... tj i : WesUra. 9 100 9s.... "North River, 9 100 fts... LlC3tf p uo 110 I (5 HOOF IKUI w ion. 65 00 :7I 5 0 00 LARD Northern, V . ...... - - North Carolina, 9 -LIME 9 bl 9va 1 i 00 i; a iu 25 00 f LUMBER Ctix &TaAKSAwaD snip stuir.resawea, i u rt.. Rouzh Edge PUnk. M ft.. 18 00 OO 00; SO 00 15 00 ii 18 00 35 00 WestIndiaCargoes,accordIng to quality v a it.. .. . .. . . . 14 CO 13 09 f n ureesea Flooring, se&aosed. i v ScantiiBg turn Boaras. . com F " mon, g Mft.V..J...... ... .! MOLASSES New cp jCuba,hhds 13 00 16 00 38 43 New crop uudu, ODis v gal Porto Ricoshhds.i. ;..-- TbblS.:....C.:..'. 1 SuearHousei hhds. tral. 00 ' ,M I 00 t 22 15 ' Q . DO 16 . 1 10 1 80 ;:. 30 t 18' 12 :75 90 2 25 il 35 f 38 23 ( ii 26 H 80 S 65 ii 17 . " bbla. gal..;. nails cat, 4a to sua, v Keg.. . OLUi Kerosene, v gau...r... - LardT9 gal.'..... v..V...r i rl Unseed, gal.. ........... . r Rosin. gal.. .... .. .ii. ....... 145 100 140, i 80 - ? 1T; 110 100 8 50' POULTRY Cldckens,live,growh . !-- ; spring. rjunuii) 9 Daenei........... POTATOS8 Swoet, buaheUr. Irish, Nortkern, Dbl ., 12 60 13 00 Thin, i bbl ........... .. Prime, 9 bbl. ...... Rump, 9 bbl BICO Carolina, 9 ........... ' . Rough, V bunh RAGS Coub try, -9 .......... 1 IK 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 10 00 --:' i 8 .,90 1 00 F vi.J, V. Ww.. ....... . 1 f IX iwrifi ...... ........ aALT Alum, f) bushel...: i Liverpool, $saok,cb F.O.B.. ; Lisbon, JI sack....- , American, sack......;..; UTTl A T? TlMK. tO IK - 00 . ?'80f i 00 I 00 00 --!0tV:f 10 : 83i t.'ft-1 00 1": ,j-i 4 00, 501i 4 60 quin.uT-vuua, V ...... a ' ' - Porto Rico, 9 . A ootxee, w m)......... ; r 'B---V'1-' ;!-.- ...i,,.;t.iy. . .. i' . -' Rx. O y fi............ . Crushed, .i 1 tAP Northern, 9 8UINGLE3 Contract, 9 M Cemmoa, $ M . Cypress Saps B M rw 'Cypress Hearts 9 M...i. 60.KM 12 00 1 10 00 00 00 ( i-'Tift-' STAVES W.O.BbL, M... ... i i! B.O. Ehd Mi,-;...'v i Cypress, 9 M..., ............ ALC6W-- ..,!..!......, 1I00 10 90 ' i) VwSaS9illUw i i Common Mill............ :.. : Inferior to Ordinarr. SBM.Li. T 0U 5 00 4 60 3 5) 1 00 1800 6-00 , 5 00 ' 4 00 a 500 ' .WHISKEY Northern, gaU. 4orca vxioana, 9 gai.ViM.. WOOL UuwaahcdV 9 ,,. Washed. '1 75 ,2 60 , is; 20 ( 28 4 WILiaiNUTON,: BtONBI I1ABKBT r .arrriHe.' SxiXui l Goid . .l". ... .i.i... ....... Exchange (sight) on New York, ... . . . X alBC't. . ... - ..is f ; i 1BalUmOXE,....i i .- . J ,. iBoston, ..: . . , t. , , . w i i .i phihwlerpbla; , . ! -i!..:1 ' - it iWster.Citi0s, - -- . ..... X I" exchange 30 days 1 9 con , Bank of New Hanover Stock A'lt . . ..'.J First National Bank,.... .... .... , Wilmington Building Stock,.. ..... .. Meebariibs'.e' -3 i-i.;..,' Navassa Ouano Co. . f Ni C. Bond-OldBiOoupon... ; ...... .14 Do, FuBdintr 18v .rrrr-.-. .1-6 ;Dowi '' . 1868.-.. .vjVv... 6- . -: Do, j New.i. .-..w.. iij Do. Special Tax.. 1 , Do. tt N.C. Railroad.: 49 W.' A. W. B,R.Bonde 7 cGold In t) .100 ClinaCeiitral,R.R..BWd1aVc--r-4 i, Wilmington City Boada," S Ve. .'..i i i-.'i70 I " i " 7c, ,90 :i ia o ye.; ; tew 6 Vc .y.70 (Goldlnt) i .;....;.. 75 (: p Q8 6 fi. ,.5 (Goldlftt) : 1. . new New Hanover County Boa Do. i , do.,.,, n Vc.,,.70 (Cur. flnt) W. A W. BAilroad Stock .45 F7- North Carolina R.B. Wt... ....... 40- ! . WiL Gas Light Co. " .!...:...Wt - Wilmington, Cotton Milla... :. ......;10O i ! : -ail Fashions. I MR3.-TIR3(tNiA-A7oRtffeAS&EfeEtVED and is now using the. LATEST SHAPES ftr La dies and Misses Hats, and invites a call from taose who have heretofore entrusted her with- their work. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them -into' the most modern shapeB. a -: m ' ' if ! White straw dyed black when so ordered and in best ttyler.' f' - " "'v.tvf1-'' LV ,: ij ' - RESIDENCE pne door eaatof Fn.t, on Church Street. " " oct 14-tf Samuel ; Sutherland's Son. importer, taanuiaciurer ana veaier in j : BREECH, A'kuZZLE LOAbGUSSIFLES, ; , & PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, CARTRIDGES, GAME BAGS. , , And Every Requisite for a Sportman'a tiutfli . 'All orders from a distance will receive prompt and faithful attention; .. . tUjuJ v;j t, j .y f This Old House is known from tha St Lawrence to the Rio Grande rivers for First Class Goods and Guns and Small Arms made to order and repaired oy ezpenencea woruien. -ius . . -a st - jsreecn-jboaamg Ammunition a specialty L SUTHERLAND'S SON. Mi4u Mam street. octSltf .-. . . .1 ; Richmondj Va. f . HighrBfedpogsi E NGLIsn,' IRISH AND GORDON BETTERS, of the Choicefct . with guaranteed pedigreea jrtiu- iii. j, i.is.ir-w KLBa.i.'. nov7D&Wtf York, Peari The Central Protests AWEEYRETJGIOUSAND FAMILYNEwS paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant; Cnnrch in, North Caroliruliia .published at Greensboro, N. C , . ' . - v 1 1 lerms, m uu per annum, m surauoo.-- js 1 . The eligibility of its locauon, tne number and !ac tlvity of its agents, and the constantlyirAcreastnpde. mand f orit among the more solid classes of reader in various sections, give' the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage at the advertising public. L Verms very favorable, Consult you business inter esta, and address the editor -1 - - j ? .f ,y7 ,a .1 ir! .U U MICHAUX. I j Greeasboro, N. C. BA VAKD TAYLOH . . 17 pleasure in recommending n nn. Tt. Fet emy r of Kr. S. C. hortlidie. Hon kkhtj OD. a patron., says, 'WXcSu WO( use or mv name as :rcTeivtiiA '..kurim..r. Ule 1'ennRji'. Price T 13 Ccnig Wewspaper Adve rtisine " 116th EDITION, 13 Containing; a complete list of all ihe tf.wn in ,k United States, the Territories 8Ed the nl J Canada having a population greater ihau 5 C0o .p cording to the last tfensns. 4nwt.h.r iih .1, '.w ae 8 1 X eewapanerahavi.giUe largt local circuit ,.in.!i!5h' l.l)v1ce1,8mi- Also, aeauwj: ucwo.po:o wucu mrv recommended lo irt,,r. charged. Also,. the Rehgious and ArlcultUralZV showing the cost of advertising iu various nev pers, and much other information which a be' !n advertising woald do well to powesg. Ad GEO. P ROWELL & CO.. Newspape A dvcfuJS" Bureau, iOi-prucet. N. T..- 'inwnS SLBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE piTaiT LOTTESYILLE, ;VIRGINIA TweiftV .iil session (9 months), begiuB Oct 1st, BoirS ' ding washing, fuel and lights and tuition in KnSi' Latin. Greek and French, $200 per session Mu.'v Drawfng and Painting equally low. The Alh'f1 is the best fumlshedJuUtute in ihe Xom" free. Full irtr.nltv. An. -i V.".T:T. W :-t.r - r -Ti-; ''"",cu "re v. ..i- - logues address - .' Foreat.v R. H. RAWLINQ8, M. A. Prt-sidont i i ,.1 "y"ci7-ui ventennlal Exposition fot V fL?" Jhvoring. . The best tobc0 , bltr..16- A onr blna trip trade-mat k 13 closeW j , imitated on Inftrior goods, see that jademn', Ty " , . V . 11 . " ,. .' . .. PM rJ A Bea1tlfnl -Qrand Pianos, price 1 00ft riflnUonlyt8T&. Magnificent Upright Piano" --price $lO0O,only t75. Elesant Vu. right Pianos, price $800, onfy$175. PUnos a7 135,NewVles. S?EaI S5V Organs 9 swps, $57.50. Charch nnn I B gant $315 MirrorTop Organs only$l 05. Beautiful Parlor Organ, price $340, only $95 "Fraud KWosed,JS500 reward. Read TVap8 fo," -!5 iuo unwary,- una newspaper about cost of pi. no and Orgaua,teiit FKKK. Please mi dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, WashSgton, N. J ( Vy A DAY to Agents canvassing for tbe Pi re. & f 'alelojyiltor. Terms and Outfit Free a,i. drees PrOtVlCKBRY. Augusta, Maine. augl0-4wD&W v .; HieSSGHOOL, -BEDFORD CO., VlUGIMA. ;rFJ5r;?oanie me,I,and boK-' Bession begins Sent, 15th. For catalogues containing information Ld drefs WILLIAM , JL't ABBOT, . Principal, Bcllcvwe r iJj...L. .... ,:. jy 18 D&W8v NI YEllSI'l H .OR VIRGINIA ,-Se7-sion begins on the First of October, and contin ues nine months. tThe institution is organized on eettvesyem. giving the student free choice ef studies, with fall courses , in the Schools of the Acadeinic Department and in the Schools of Law Medicine. EngineeriDg and Agriculture. For cal logue apply to. the Secretary of the facnlty, l o University of Virginia. - JAMES F. ITATlBranw tt r sng8 DjrW8w Chairman of the Faculty. LOCOMOTIVE WORKS X-U-Ui .ESTABUBWtO.rH 1853, , Manufacture all kinds of Locomotives, and have ro cenUy purchased of the Amoskeag Manufacruriu Co. all the patterns, patents,' and the good will for the manufacture f their celebrated Steam Fire n n gines and Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared 10 receive and execute ordars jwomptly. end for de scrlpUve circular. " ARETAS BLOOD. Agent. nov 89 D&Wly - - : Manchester, N. U. SHOOTINGh COAT. STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT, : i First Class in every particuhu Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the chcap- eu JiLflaJis un UttUWJM. VJtLVETEEN. it Wrt , r: . ! S i: !' .- ... Pockets and Lining made to take out, so that may be worn for early fail and winter shooting. Horace. Smith Esq.,. aays tIt is my idea of shooting coat . I have worn them for several years aad will have none other' -'...;. Price for Coat, $25; Vest,: '$.6i Also, the bent brown corduroyPantsat $10 per pair. I make on iy the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not turt briars and will not give satis; action, i ' jAlso, in addition to the above, I am making Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut same style as the Ve! veteeni goods, not stiff and hard,: bat soft and pies sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sportsmen who have seen it say it is The Best Yet Coat $.50. For full Suit, $14.00. ,. . . . . . .. j f . . ' .-I also make the Sleeveless Coa : Vest with sleevts Bnlesf or measureroeBt and samples sent opou -.- T2-T- '"r-rr-iFr,: sueldo n , ect25;DAWtf ;..(. ;j . : s.RaHWAY, N. J. SHARP'S Mi ETALLiC CARTRIDGE. MILITARY, HUNT EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU i ayi RACYv STRENGTH AND , ; t SAFETY.. ; Ko Rematnrd DiscbArge. Ever Occurs :8very Sine ' warranted ;a 'good -shooter. Calibrr 40, 44 and EO-10C of.an inch, and of any desired length 1 M; J.ll Charge etpowder iromiO to 105- grains. Weight ' balls from 20 to 648' "grains. Stock, plain; alsi Pistol grip and checked. "Sights: plain; Globe ami Peep Sights'; Vernier ?wltii' lBtferchangeable frog. Isijilynndaiis; evrlsQr''of ar.' munition for above gone, constantly on hand -? l?lrlc58's ftanv ' 50 to ! 1 2S. L: -, i SHARP'S lFLEi COMFANY, , .septSl-D&Wtf , i ,Bridgeiort, ta Nr iAv' STEDHANi Jr. rneyaiid pomtsellor at Law, mii.flBttxnrojt, BLADEN COUNTY, R. C OfflceUP staira, in Brick, Building, occupied i.j Rinaldi-ifeCo. jtij iUii u.-l-' ' Special attention to Claims, fv.l 'wti.ms on nmi of $100 and. upwardft made for Five Per Cent, il without suit, .Drawing Deeds,' Mortgages, &c, sperjimiy.i.n j'ltis'f s ap5-D&wtr i PlaESCTRIPTION FREE. TjMJRTHI SPB ADY' CURE 'of ' Seminal Weak J?. . ness. Lost Manhood, and alt disorders brought oa y indiscretion or 'exeeea' J Anv drncrtriet has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAQ.UES A -CO., 1 nxtafit, Cincinnati Ohio, I f eb 15-lyl w si iE A Tg"BXjB . t 'Y.-'j ..-.', , i : ' AND . ' . .. ".ill i! ,. il' iff. Pi-' "?"' ft HGraveStones. F1RST-CLAS&-WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORE PRICEa DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK j-: i ! AHU BtUffUU. AT ouk tusa, TO ANY PART OF THB SOUTH. " niCHAKD WATHAN As CO., :? ' .... . HT I.afai.lta M.nr VnrK. Wathan's MonnmentaJ Demma. in hook form.fM c ale to the Trade. 4 4 M ' dec 4 D&Wtf IHE -LOADING Gun. WIIV r Prices, 50 OO to 9U50 00. LOADING GUN& ALTERED. TO BREECH-LOADING - Prices, $40 to $100. . Clark & Bneider, .MANUFACTURERS,' ;t . tt-t 2l4 Wfist p,. street i ! Baltimore. CkllM- Titan WW Send for Catalogue. dec S3 DAWtf