tit iUorning star. SONNKT TO TIB.KlSINO MOON I Pnrififts tfca Tla a r W-tcj.H? iff,,P?WoaifiyeB Strength. Ilail, gentle Queen! whQ rjil'at supreme th -tnguii . - . . -.v Uutaiot alone; the stars assist thy sway And add their lesser lights array ' ' To beautify thy flood of mellow light ; -When Uesperusjtfcyf harbinger, 8 bright Announces to fb stars the flight of day And calls tliem forth, loey ailentlv ohev And one by oue do lioinago ia ijjy sight. 1 And chirping cncKei aaas nts bumble song And katydid to celebrate thy nraiae. . From quiet mead, or placid Istreum along," Their evening incense to thee raise. The flowers nowspread Jtheir perfume 00 . ' the air.'.- .;..-..v,.-v"l r -;; While gentle slumber steals away our care. I'EUSONAU - Carlyle ia ''eigliiy-ttlreiv-and - baa smoked all his life.- '',' ... ;, .; - . Longfellow pays a lax of $2,230 jin properly in Cambridge.! ' ,i ' Speaker Randall, declines to de- ivtr the sddiess at the Winchester, ya. 3 1 Theodore Thomas has had an uttack of hay fever. . He probably caught it fromjiis horse-fiddle. Wash. Tbst. Lucretia Mott, at the age of 85, 1reigh9 less than eighty pounds, but enjoys belter health during the last two years than lor the previous ten. . . , 'lb. W. Beecher while "in San Francisco visited the Chinese Joss House li is not stated whether he experienced any religion or not. Wash, ' Pod. . . General Butler ia the only slates man who ever 'spontaneously nominated 1 imself for Governor and then wrote him self a letter accepting the nomination. N. Tnbunet Jiaa. , . 1 The Academic des Sciences of Paris has elected Mr. Darwin a corres- 1 onding member in the Section of Zoology, a 'id Prof. Asa Gray of Cambridge, Maas.j 1 ine se;uoa oi isotany. - - --.. Leo XII. has ordered a census r the clergy residing in Rome, with full t t nils as. to .where and how they live,, their rtuDcs aud church functions, iu order to bstilute certain reforms. .' Now that the Khedive of Egypt ii baukrupo Tecumseh' Sherman ' ouitht to ih-tke his worthy son in-law send those dia- io ids back: This is' the teqnity of the sUiiihm. Atlanta Gm&tiititi&n. . . rL-iid Beaconsfield, iti is rumored, wiil pti'xide at the ceremonies on the ocea- on nf ihe plaetng Of 'the Cleopatra Needle 011 its pedestal, lie will also visit Ireland during the recess of Parliament. - TWINKLINGS. Philadelphia newspapers discuss tue decay 01 tuaKensm. The Treasury Department 1 has purchased a new lot of George Washing ion relics. The original hatchet has not fet been found. Picayune.. Any father who , would go out and put tar on top of bis front gate after clark must be lost to all sense 1 of humanity aod ordinary respectability. Wheeling tender. . Edition has in contemplation a machine that will transfer all brass -band, music to the next town, or dump it down in some unsettled place- as fast as made. Picayune. v Vienna is hankerinj? after the Mblicution of a daily bulletin of the killed mud wounded in Bosnia; but' the. war au thorities say it ia of, no consequence,-' and decline to respond. 1 Thus sayeth the prose poet of ie uostoa l ost: . . "Uow down your head. e haughty clam; . ye oyster, say your prayer; the month that hath an U has come; you're on the bill of fare. Within a fortnight after the 00 ( u p:aion of Cyprus six companies, with an 1 segregate capital of $20,725,000, has-been registered in England to carry on opera- uuus in connection wnu lue ;sianu. Fonr boys, while whistling .... 1 . a few dnvs nsoJ were killed! bv liehthine. I (This is a falsehood but is it a sin to lie for a good; wholesome purpose? .All of this paragraph, outside of the parenthesis. should be read to the boyis.) Norristown Heralds, ft f i-U'i j.i.fil .TfiiCi:--.! i.-. An Ohio yopnff lady, Miss Mat e Gray by name, committed suicide on u iid ay because her father would not cob :iit to her marriaee with, his hired man. No ap Indiana girl would simply have left a note saying: "Deer father, we nev flew, forgiv your Tilda." New York Com- ineraal Advertiser.- ' ' l "Of all the poets, darling one, ? Who've rhapsodized of love, Which one evokes your ardent praise, All other bards above ?" And aa be took her in bis arms And kissed her o'er and; o'er. ; She spake in tones of ecstasy, "O, Tommy, give me Moore!" 1 MUTIIERtf"lTEMS. -Virginia has a reform candidate whose platform is. "Ho interest on money, aoa death to lawyers.", -.: - The New Orleans Times1 advice hi the ricoDle of the Crescent City is; Fifty yoancrSionxlare being ed ucated to useful labor in the. Virginia Me- chamcal Institute. They are said to learn last, and to be reasonably industrious. Thomas C Wilkinson,; one ; of ! Uie proprietary printers of the New Orleans Cifcm died of lbe prevailing epidemic on the 5ih instant. . lie was a native of Ohio. j (General Joseph E. Johnston (tears on his body-the scars of eleven ivouDds received fighting the public enemy. hat it not be said Ins friends made the do zen complete. - x ' t The fact 'that' Hon; Gustav ; Schleicher refused to support the bill to re : (nonelize silver, and his failing to support the bill repealing the resumption act, ia telling against him' in Democratic circles, ud will be the cause of his defeat in the fiext election. San"ArtfdiuoIerald HTEU1ET -qpSSHf. M. Thiers' speeches are being edited bv M. Calon. Senator and intimate ineodor the creat statesman, r l ne nrsi volume will aDoear in December and the second in February. ' .; t t t . - Prof Skeat has undertaken an Hymolbgical dictionary of the English lan guage, illustrated by a few . selected quota- It...... : , . .1 .t... iuub approximately luusiraimg iw H"luu jf introduction of. the various words into he language. It will take about three more yeara to complete the work;! Christina RosettiJ the poet, a woman bow ia middle ae& is an invalid and a recluse. Her sweet nature has not. however, been soured by illness; the is one pi the most amiable and charming of wo- Fnen. (She has a splendid face with prom inent eyes and a fine head, and she is ex- iremely industrious, writing constantly., , MISCELLANEOUS,. VEGETIHE. Mr. H. R Stbvms HU ux Jw' ".1878. ..llMrHi.v .n'r.. .. - . den for mA u.-I k ve8UI nas been doing won-. Jn.tho wamps of the South, nothing eil BJiTf ,me Immediate relief, toning up my Btem - ,hmlcinea wealed me anS filled my wtStlnM Vt iS? "I?0 W!U of the South and week JfAth(iXesetia,0 01 three ttaM f tk. Z. J j 0 t,"1' irevau as certain timed aA u2J aavo doctor 's bills, and live to a good o-. ikCJuecuniiTTfinra , U f "if 'II w'', I" ? E- MITCHELL, ucnaersoa's Looms, St Louis, Mo.. Af.T. 11fB,ld.SA v. 'bltJik cleanse, purify and uro such diseases, SJKS!! th after, trying : """f pany remeaies. susertng ror . 7- i najiB mis meaicine per- i2W5MS5ai5S. ' wo Jn the. blood, r .r '. Krettt urce or aiaeaae tS1.41?6? 0y uPn to purify and renoTate. has af)7 Inst. riAiwk mwi nnuu. xi . - " m puuiiv; aLLCULlOu. VEGETINE Ha ;Eatirely" Cured Me of Vertigo. ft a vn a T T n rtri Mr. H. R. Btbtohs : . f tlne";tt has entirely ured me r Vertigo. I have medicine for kidney complaint. I would recom mend it as a good blood purifier, . . .. N. YOCUM. PA11T imniniM ro WA Aw l a - heaUh when hurl n. ommnt .. -iii.r .iT I . ----- r iiaiuwfi viiuuiaii w'Ul tne blood, canaing pain and disease; and these hu- Uveness headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, andau w,uoi wuipiaiui.B f riemove me canise oy taking Vegotine, the most reliable remedy -for cleansing and purifying the blood.j x VEGETINE I BeUeve it to be a Good Mcdicme. YtlA ( Wnri-M 1TT V JJear Sir. I wish to Inform vnnwhitiAnrVixrA. tine has done for me. I have been afflicted with Neuralgia, and after using throe bottles of the Ve- geune was entirely relieved. J. also round, my gen eral health much improved. I believe it to be a good medicine. i Yours truly." KRBD UARYERSTICK. i YxoETUrx thoronffhlv erailiriatp.a nvnrr bin! nf humor, and restores the entire VHtem to a hpjilfhv condition...... .1 ' ' .. VEGETIHE Dmggist'a Report. EL R. Stkvxns . ! i ' . Dear Sir, We have boen selling your "Yefcetlne" for the past eighteen months, and we take pleaeure in stating that in every case, to our knowledge, tt has given great satisfaction. Respectfully, - uickman, Jiy. . VEGETINE IS THE BEST SPRING 1 MEDICINE. VEGETIKE, Prepared by II. R: STEVKNS, Boston, , Mas'). Veeetlue Is Sold by all DragSlM". ecpt 1 IAWly I Try It ! Try It ! Our, i!ek F I o u r , ' ' NOW BEING GROUND From IVewi Wheat AT OUR MILLS, - - -. - i At Reduced f Prices ! Fer sale in quantities to suit by B. F. Mitchell & Son. Bept8tf ' First National Batik. Thk dawson Bank 'is now consoljda- TED WITH THIS BANK. V ! The Depositors of the former are notified' that their Deposits and Certificates are assumed by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ,;,4 v DIRECTORS: yi E. R. BURRUSS. JAS. DAWSON,; JAMBS SPRUNT, ALFRED MARTIN, D. G. WORTH. OFFICERS: t E. E. BURltUSS, President.1 U JAS. DAWSON, Vice President. i A. K. WALKER, Cashier. WM. LARKINS, Asst. Cashier. I . H.1L. BOWDEN, Teller. jnnelStf : t -y- Sash, Doors & Blinds. PP HAS NOW BECOME A WELL KNOWN tn n. that TIa ..n Allfl An PflmTlPtfl fftVAffthlV. tlOth O, HUUW T. V. MUU uw W . w . w S . 1 aTn.lfniiiiihin anH Prtaafl with guv nthftr KflttO- riefl or Dealers in tne manuiaciure ana Baie oi - Sash, Doors, Blinds ..dc Ornamen- 1 : x tal Woodwork. . We are determined to give satisfacton or take no Dav. i '. -I ! - Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glas and Lum ber furnished at Wholesale Prices. We mnst have the trade, and in order to get it are selling our uooes on a very email margin. . - ALTAFFEK & HILL, J !- Wartnra and llfflP! fnnt. of WftlnOt HL f-pt l-lf - - t Wilmington, N.C. GEORGE MYERSj Kos. 9, 11 & 1 South Front t. TNVITESJASH BUYERS 4TO EXAMINE HIS X immense stoca of i Choice Family Groceries, Wines, xr. aive irtYHTFV h tnlAnt.inc vonr Gro- ceries from OUR MAMMOTH bTOCK, as our pri ces are positively THE LOWEST in the State. We retail at NEW xouk. tr&iuaa. , Arrw nrit n mirfP TRAS. the most delicate and cheapest in tne maiKec, w to vuc per puuuu. 4r. if..ViV TUrt- Tlama Hwf TVin rmpu. Plff GOSHEN BUTTER, all Retailing at WHOLESALE PRiUESi--. , . j ... f . . r-Hememher. we do as we say. and invite yon aug 21 tf - 9. 11 and 13 Sonth Front St. ! Last Week 1 ORDERS FOR OUR CELEBRATED "SAM'' COOK STOVES! Were the biggest yet,' ansV'.lt the very ebb of the .season. It shows their steady increasing popu larltv - ' - !! ?" jJ ' r '- Tniir nDtnra 1 1 Write for Cnt i 15ol4'eniy by1 V 1 tfiJ j ' - , (. P, 91..KINO & CO..' 5 ,-j. eptS tf, c ,. v. . . ' i Dealers in Tinware. f MECEWIAKEQUS. j I (lit sulphur soap. A iSi-ERiXNo ' Remedy ."for .Diseases' 'Np, INJURIES OF THE SKIN,' A HEALTIIFUI. liuHFiER i of the Complexion ; ' A Ivmliable Means of( Preventing and .Relieving Rheomatism and GouTj and an Unequaled Disinfectant, Deodo- . kizer and Counter-Irritant. . - v vivtivwi MVWlMf CIOUI eating .local diseases of the. skin, banishes de-. fect. of ; the" Complexion,;- end ;irtp4i ts ,t it gratifying cleainess and smoothness. ' ' bulnhur Ratlin eruptions and .other diseases ot z Uh, as Well as Rheiimaticm nnrl Clrwt- ? J lli1a Sulphur Soap produces - the same, effects- ..ot- uiuwg cipciisc... i uis .aumirao.ie specific also speedily heal sores, bruises, scalds, burns, sprains and aits,1 It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. ' , ; . ' j Oolhinc and Tinpn nspr? in tTi cir-t Tnnm JS !i.'il!ti.-CtCc!. afld diseases rommnniraM'Kt co:it:i't with the person,, prevented by it, ,l iie .iotlicaI J-ratcrnity sanction its use. h :cns-25 and 50 Cenlsper Cake; Per u!j. o u iX'! : ). ouc. ana w.za N.B. Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and 5 cents extra lor eacn Cake. tt WTT TJC TT i TT 1 vn TirnTOirnn-nim tti' itlack or Brewn, 00 Cents. C. j. (UTTESTOJ, Prop'r, 7 Sixth 1y.,I.Y. augSt-DArTly The Brown Cotton Gin Is Equal to the Best ! Every. Machine Guaranteed ! A Perfect Self-Feeder and ConieHser. THESE MACHINES HAVE BEEN BEFORE the nablic so lonsr and have met with such fa vorable .reception, that it is only necessary to add mat tney axe, rmeugn ereauyreaucea in. pnce GUARANTEED TO BE A PERFECT MACHINE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, and constructed in a tho rough, workmanlike manner, and is, in this and ev ery other respect, the equal of any Gin in the mar ket, while the fact is U N QUESTIONED that it is FAR AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS IN CLEANING THE SEED, FA8T GINNING, AND LIGHT AND SMOOTH KUNN1NO. Received the eremium at the Georgia State Fair. Centennial, Texas State Fair, at Houston, May, and other state ana county ratrs.- r -; REDUCED, PRICE LIST GF COTTON i GINS FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. . . . j x. Price of Gins . Price wiu Self- H f with Self-Feed-V Feeding Attach- Price of ing Attach- ments and Con' Sizes. Gins. ments. deasers. " I 80 Saw. $ 75 00 35 " .87 60 $97 50 113 75 130 00 14175 ; -1SS 68 166 00 . 1S3 GO ; " 208 00 $120 00 140 00 160 00 am. 40 100 W) 45 4 . - . .110 00 60 - " ISO 00 60 " 130 00 70 " 140 00 1H5 Ull 203 00 231 00 256 00 80 " 160 00 Boxed readv for shiDmentand delivered at facto ry. JTive per cent, on ior me casn wiu mo urmer. We ship goods nnder special contract, and get very low rates, unerai terms to gooa panieo. Circulars, testimonials and full Information as to cost or rreignt, (wmcn 10 many points aoes not ex ceed $10,) and other particulars on application. Address, , ; . " v ... : . . '. ... BROWN COTTON GIN CO., roy 2-5tn NEW LONDON. CONN). Zeb: Vance Cook Stove. IT IS THE LARGEST COOK STOVE IT IS THE BEST COOK STOVE I IT IS THE HEAVIEST COOK STQVEl IT IS THE CHEAPEST COOK STOVE! ' IT IS SOLD BT - AT. JACOI5I, Wilminston, V. C. Manufactured for the trade by . TbomRi, Roberts Stevonaon dc Co., ap 24-7m PHILADELPHIA. Keep Cool. C5 PECIAL INDUCEMENT TO KEEP COOL AND O clean during the hot weather. . A Cold Water Bath, 15 Cents. A Warm Water Bath, 25 Cents. : XX.m mm K JM us rm nm aj 1vl2 tf Under First National Bank. Green & Flanner, : tttHOTjES Af.-R -' AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. VY keep constantlyon hand a large and well se lected stock or ruuis imuus. vuaaxvajjo, SOAPS. PERFUMERY. GARDEN SEED, &C, Jkc. which they euarantee to sell as low as any House in tnis section or me couuinr. MARKET STREET, ..WUmington, N. C. augS3tf " MMSlW"- :Diseaser:J IsMl - . 1 ..... , :,-.,f-"?: . ailSCELLANEOUS.-, H0LIIA1T LIVER PAD. PreTeileJ and Cnrcl BiMOLM PAD CO.'S Mies, )Sf , Upon the natural principle, absorption. : -: 3f. These Remedies will do for you what nothing else on earth can. In the name or humanity try them. More than a quarter of a million intelligent living witnesses near testimony to tneu emcacy. - , 'l'he following are some of the many diseases Ihe LIVER PAD COMPANY'S Remedies will cure : FEVER and A &UE. fi BILIOUS DISORDERS, ' " ' ' XFffi? COMPLAINT. ASTHMA, j . la TMItMll IMa 1 JflSV JStt. i. PERIODICAL HEADACHE, . V - . DYSPEPSIA, AGUE CAKE.' I CHILL FEVER! DUMB A9UE. - ' i BILIOUS FEVER, and tverykmd of Fever, . j! tt DIARRHCE A, CATARRH, ' KIDNEY, TROUBLES. JAUNDICE, ' . ; i I IRREGULAR ACTION OF THE HEART. 1 NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM, . JK.1JHD8 VJT JfJSMALJS WEAKNESSES, I iSCiT HEADACHE. LUMBAGO. SCIATICA. 1 ' PAIN IN SIDE, BACK, STOMACH, ... , ouvujjLfJBJsa ana muaujjens, , LASSITUDE; BILIOUS CQL1C. , ' ; r All these have their oriertn. directlv or in directly. in the Stomach and Liver. If you doubt it send for Dr. FairchUd'a Lecture. MFads and Plasters sent by mail, on receipt of price, free of charge. Salt is sent by express at the expense 01 tne purchaser. . ; ,t ,v We have tried the HOLMAN PAD with most tho rough and beneficial results, and found it te be all to at is claimed tor it, t we neamiy commend tt : James B. Low. Atlanta. Qa. Robert Benner.ltfarkham House, Atlanta, Qa. Merritt Roeson, Lore's Creek, N. C. . f iienry iiams, iraikiana, ft. u. C. Kline. Kline's Cross Roads! Va. '- Mrs. James T. Hamiltcn. 300 B. Oanttol Street, Washington, P. G. i auss iteoecca w . Bater, w asnington, v. u. : Miss Julia Bachelder. 708 Thirteenth St.. Wash ington, D. C. --tt.. ... t Mia s waterman raimey, ueorgetown, va. John Crockard. 302 South Freeman Street. Balti more, MLf j,. t-,;-;:; f-v. What tome of Charleston's best known citizens have to say about the Holman Liver Pad. r V i Mc J. H. Colburn. of the firm of Colburn A Howell, Insurance Agents on Broad street. Mr. O. has been wearing a pad tor four weeks.; He had been afflicted for years with rheumatism, and in fact with general debility. "Im you and any relief from the pad?1' inquired the reporter. "Do I t I should say. that I do. It i a great success. I have never felt better for years. I have had chronic rheu matism for years; 1 had it hi the hand on Saturday, and in three days it passed off. I think the pad the nest remedy in tne world, and 1 nave and wiu re commend it to all I know . j Why I used to be trou bled with coughs and colds 1 Now.1 am compara tively free from them. My appetite is good, and I feel ketterand stronger than 1 have felt fer years.. I knew a gentleman whose daughter some of the doctors said had an affection of the lungs; ethers called her disease liver complaint. She scarcely ever sot a nizat's rest, I induced her father to try one of the Holman Liver Pads, and to-day she is. almost well. Bleeps at mgnts aua is every way oct ter. I can refer you to hundreds of gentlemen in the city, whe will bear me, out ia what I say, who have tried the Pad, and have been either cured or permanently benefited by its UBe, lam a little en thusiastic about it, but 1 have every reason to be so It has made me a new man." - - - ' Mr. J. 8. TERRY (fish and game commission mer chant) states, concerning bis son : j 'Jfr son. Oscar M. Tetrv. Is about eighteen years of age, had spent nearly all his money in medicines and things, lie had especially used meat quack: medicines, but" thev never did him any good. He seemed to be troubled with dyspepsia, indigestion, weaklnng and a general combination of don't know now many ailments. HefWould come home crying and suffering with terrible pains in the chest. Some times he would sit at the table, but never eat but a mouthful, and often complained to his mother that he could not sleep . at . nights, and that he wished ne was dead. Tnis is no exaggeration, the boy was in an awful state. Well, we tried every thing. He stopped drinking coffee and drank no thing but milk, then he took his medicine and that, but ceuld get no relief. Finally the Holman Liver raawaa recommenaea. : we resoivea to try it, sent to the agents, got one and i applied it on him. in one week after he commenced to wear it he was a different boy. and to-day he is perfectly cured. His appetite has been recovered, he is free from pain. Bleeps well at night, and as l said, is perfectly cured. That's what the Pad did for him, and I don't care if you publish it to the world." - JAMES M. WILSON, of the firm of D. F. Flem- ing & Co., No. 3 Hayne street, Charleston, S. C., says: ' .. - .'.-! "It affords me great pleasure to add my testimo ny for the benefit I have , received Irom the use of the Holman Liver Pad and Plasters. For over forty years I have endured the horrors growing out of a torpid Liver and Dyspepsia, accompanied with vio lent headache. I have tried various remedies and change of climate without receiving permanent re lief. I have worn one of Holman's Pads about one month with wonderful results, and can say that I feel better tnan l nave aene ror years, ana i neueve will be permanently cured. From the benefit I have received I am convinced of the virtue of the Pad, and recommend it to suffering humanity." T. S. KING, Ageat Dnryea'a Starch Company ... . Charleston, s. c, says: v - j "For over thirty years Is have been a martyr to dyspepsia, indigestion and terpid liver, with all its evil consequences, so much so that at times life was a burden, during which time I suffered untold mis ery, includtnc; an almost unbearable pain in tne pit of the stomach, Aeumatism, pains in the back and limbs. I have tried alt kinds of tonics, pills and drags, enough to float a small navy, and found no permanent relief. What more to do I did not know, when I heard of the Holman Liver Pad 'cure with out medicine' 'simply by absorption,' nature's own remeay. 1 purcnaseu one, ana ngm nere let me say a very emphatic word in-favor of the Holman Pad.: Its efficiency in my case has been marvellous. I have witnessed its magical effects in other cases. I would not exchanee my present feellns for any amount of wealth. I give this statement, hoping it may persuade some of the doubting sufferers to try tne rao." .. , T. F. McMANUS, No. 16 King street, says "I Buffered for nine years with Chills and Fever. Tried everything, in fact anything that I thought wonld do me any good, but could find no relief I Two years ago I heard of the Holman Ague and Liver Pad, and there being ho Agency in Charleston at tnat time x sent to new xont - ana procured one. Wore it about three months, and . have not had a chill from the day 1 put it on to the present time. 1 consider it one ef the greatest cures ever discovf ered, and can recommend it to suffering humanity wherever they may be. It certainly did all that was claimed ror it in my case. " i CAfS A 0. STONK'S ' BTATEMENT. I have besn wearing one of Holman's Liver Fads three -weeks.- I was billions: had liver complaint.: pain in my side, caused, I suppose, from spleen, and since wearing tne rati nave expenencea great re lief. It is a great thing, and I have Bent over a dozen persons to the Agent here. 1 know a lady, whose name I would not like -to have mentioned- in the paper without her consent, and who for years nas not been uze to steep on ner ngnc sioe ana, in fact, who could sleeo but verv little at nieht. She tried one of the Pads, and in three days she was air most well. She has worn tne rad aoouttwo weeks, and is now almost completely Hvered. J A LETTER FROM H.HINPjG6Ei ; r J chablxstos, S. Cm July li, 1878. Metsn. Fvzmorrxs b nosier. Managers 'liolman ,:..fS ; ... Liver Paa Company: On the 4th day of the present month, through the earnest solicitations of many friends, I called at your office and purchased one of your pads, prior te which time I had a scrofulous affection on the left side of my neck, which has been emitting mat ter for three years, and was until I used your reme dies. I have taken almost everything ror its cure. but all to no purpose. Since wearing your pad it has thoroughly neaieo. . nave also been asectea with partial paralysis to each, an extent that my friends thought was aoont to be paralyzed, out, thank God. by his aid. and the use of vournad. plasters, baths, I am feeling like myself again. Am using tne paa, ana bii&ii continue its use as long as I live. Aeain I say. God bless the Holman Liver Pad Company, and to all suffering humanity, .try tneuounaniaver rati. Respectfully yours, -' H . BOLDEN PICKBNPACK. Pad. $2: Specials. $3i ' Specials are used in com plicated cases, Body plasters, 60c Foot Plasters, 50c a pair. ' vj. Absorption Salt Foot Baths, 25c a package; six nArksires 1 25. -. .- v - - i pip raas ana jriasters Bent oy man von receipt or race) rree or cnarge. Bait is sent py express at the expense of purchaser, j ' v 3. t Consultation at our, parlors, King Street, corner Market, or by letter, free. Separate parlor fer ladies in caargeora iaay awenaanv- - wneiesale orders promptly executed. - . Beware of Imitations. - None genuine' bat 'the above. ,y.:: k i:,rr Holmaii any. FITZMORRIS & FOSTER, KING STREET, CORNER MARKET, CHARLES MISCKLLANEOUS. TAKE WOTICE. t 11 M ? 5. I ' s 2 u 4r t i f. .5 y v &a i This Celebrated : - SMOKING TOBACCO Z ; Is reialled at r ,7. ' T3B3isr:QBisra?s - "S v" i Is" - - - " For a 2-oz. Sack, And the smoker sets as much Tobacco by buying It as he docs by baying ten cents worth of poor siuffi TRY If AUD TAKE NO OTHER J Very Beepect'iil y, W. T. Blackwell & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF The Original and only Uenuine DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. WHO OWNS TDc DflrMm Brand of Smoldi ToMcco ? Bead TUle aud Determine. , DECREE W. T. BLACK WELL A. CO., ) Chcuit Court U.S., vs. , t . B. Distof Va. W. B. DIBRELL A CO., J In Equity. This cause came on this day to tie heard upon the bill and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Couk doth consider that the said complainants, William T. Blackwell, James R. . Day and Julian S.. Carr, trading under the name ind style of W. T. BLACK- WELL & co.,' .ha e the, svle an& 'ex CLUSTVE RIGHT TO USE AND EMPLOY THE WORD DURHAM TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE SMOKING TOBACCO MANUFACTURED BY THEM, and also to use and employ, in conjunction with the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation of a DUR HAM BULL aa and for their trade mark, and that the said respondents, W. E. Dibrell and W. W. Phillips, trading nnder tne name and style of W. E. Dibrell & Co., . HAVE WRONGFULLY IN FRINGED AND INVADED the said right and trade-mark of the said complainants, by designa ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them as DURHAM SM0EJN& TOBACCO mib-f using in conjunction; with the said words the repre-, sentation or the head of a D URHAM B ULL, Wherefore, the Court doth ORDER, ADJUDGE AND DECREE that the said W. E. Dibrell and the saidW. W.Phillips, and their;' and each of their, servants and agents, be, and they and each of them are and iti hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED FR OM USING AND EMPL OYING THE WORD DURHAM , TO MASK AND DISTINGUISH SMOKING TOBA CCO, and from .using and em ploying for the said purpose the representation of the head of a DURHAM BULL, oi any other word. symbol, representation or device, of a character to deceive the public iy inducing the belief thai the Smoking Tobacco sold by them, the said respond ents, is the same as the Smoking Tosacco manufac tured and sold by the said -complainants; and it is further ordered, 'adjudged and' decreed that this cause be and the same is hereby referred to Thomas S. Atkhi8; as Master,' to : TAKE AN A CCOUNT OF ALL AND SINOULArItHE EARNINGS, GAINS AND PROFITS made' and 'acquired by the said respondents, by and from the sale of Smo king Tobacco, marked and -designated DURHAM Smoking Tobacco, and marked and designated by the representation of the head of a 'DURHAM - .- ..i . - - - - - BULL, and to make report to he Court here of all and singular he shall dd m. the' premises, AstD HATHE:kAm DolAJi SHALL PAY TO THE SAID COMPLAINANTS all And singular ; THEIR COSTS BY THEM LaID OUT. AND EXPENDED INLAND ABOUT THEPRWE(mrtbNy THEIR SUIT. ; .. k KO. W HUGHES. Judge. rRichmondlith anukrK i8,u- ftf$S . ;-i j'. A true copy. Teste r ,4 M.'F; PtKASAjraa, Clerk. 5 11 1 I auB21,. : t '.a .. - .kI ,.aL ....... RAILROAD . LINES, &c. f Wilmington & Weldon ;rf ,R ALtRip AD. CO; "il- . omci oy Qaar'L BujsatiwairgM," ? . f ... nrn j . n T , 40M 1 y uM i fcaaXRaxxa' li (wral It" fl g, B n - r. , tt itf Change of Schedule.- ; O ' N AND " AFTER '1 MONDAY, JUNE 'sd, 1878. at 8-15 A. M. ' Passeueer Trains en the Wilmington & Weldoo Railroad will run as follows: Day Jdalt aod Express Trala baty Lea ve Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 8.50 A. & Arrive at Weldon ' 8f:lft P. M. Leave Weldon. ; 1:45 P M . Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. -Depot, . 7:05 PM. NlStat flail, and Express Train, Dally except Monday. L; Leave Wilmington, Front St.' Depot, at 7:60 P. M, Arrive at Weldon...: . -j . . 8:10A,M Leave Weldon.... ..... ... .. . -.3:15a. M, Arrive at Wilmington, Frbtt St. Depot, 10. J5 A. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leavo Rooky Mount for Tarboro at 2 30 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 CO A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 10.15 A. M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 SO P. M. - ' h y,i The Day Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay. Line, daily, except Sunday, and. daily via Richmond and all rail route. ' - --(, : Nieht train makes close connections at Weldon ror ail points aorta via menmoao. . -. . Bleeping ir attacnea to ail niat l rmus. 3 . i - - . JOHS If. divine; : je h !?! -f - y 4enerat Snp't General Sup ts Oiftce. WILMINGTON, COLUHIIIIA Al OUST A 1st, HL COMPANY, ? ' ' ' WH.MINGTOK. N. C.l June' 1,18,;7 24 Ai':-X- Change of Schediile. ; ON AND AFTER SUNDAr, JUNE , at v A.M; the following Schedule will be . run on this Road:; .;;'. :.. . ..; -. ! .. ? Day Express and mail Train (Dally ' ' Axeept Sunday.) Leave Wilmington..... ... . 10:25 A.M. Arrive at Florence. 3:30 P.-M. Leave Florence.. ...... .....i 3:80 P. M. Ajriye aWilmineton. ..r 7:30 P.M. Hi IG IIT EXPRESS TEA IN (Dally). , Leave Wilmington 7:35 P. M. Leave Florence... .,..,;....... 11:47 P. M, Arrive at ColumbU,... . 3:35 A.H. Leave 01umbla.....,..i... .......... 11:30 A. M. Leave Florence............... ........ . 4:00 A M, Arrive at Wilmington..... . 8;3Q A M. ThU Train will; only stop at Brlnkley's, Flcm ington, WhiteviUe, Fair Bluff, Nichols, Marion and Florence, and all stations between Florence and Columbia. ' ' Passengers for Aueusta, and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. . Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton and Augusta. ' v ; , , . v -ti- JOHN F. DIVINE, -' je9-tf - ... . -.. ften'l Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO; OmOI GZHXBAIi STJrXaiMTBHBKRT ' ' : : Wilmington, N. C. May 18, 1877, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, 20TH INSTANT, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: ; : v . i -i .... " . . i PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN '.' 1 Leave WUmincrton. at..... .5:30 P. M. No.l. J-Arrive at Hamlet at........ 12:40 A.M. 1 " Charlotte at. . ..... .....5:35 A. M. ' ) Leave Charlotte at.. . ....7iS0 P. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at...... .. ...12:15 A.M. 1 Wilmington at 7:45 A. M. T BI-WEEKLY FREIGHT & ACCOM'N TRAIN.. Leave Wilmington 50 A. M. and Charlotte 75 A. M.. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Laurinburg 4:00 A. M. going East,' and 6:00 A. M. going -West; on Mondays, Wednesdays and, Fridays.-;; - v. ., .. .- .-. i- SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS- SENGER AND EXPRESS. , o (Leave Charlotte, v.. ao. a. t , uh.iht 6:35 A. M. 10:50 A.M. .....12:45 P.M. . , . . 5:00 P. M. b nib vuu. . u w m . 1 TraoiB'Nosi. S anil 4 run Dally except Sunday.r Passengers for Raleish leave Wilminston 5:30 P. M., and Charlotte at 7:30 P.M., make close connec tion at Hamlet, arriving at Raleigh at 8:45 A.M. Passensrers for States villa and Western N. C.R.R. by No. 1 rraia arrive at Statesville next morning at a:ia; arrive "ueaa or western lioaa" at a:au tr.ua.., ana Asneyme same evening. ' V. Q. JOHNBON, General Superintendent. my 19-tf PBODTJOEi NORTHERN IRISH, POTATOES, NORTHERN CABBAGE. , NORTHERN ONIONS, i NORTHERNBEETS. Martin's OUt-Edse JBUTTEIft ALWAYS jON HAND. 1 try to keep every thing FRESH and SWEET, and of BEST QUALITY, by ordering .WEEKLY SUPPLIES dating the hot season. ;i5?i;l Jas. C. Stevenson sept9tf- ;:! - - - ' -CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES J FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA FOURTH CIRCUIT. .-- George S. Brown, Enoch Pratt, : Complainants, vs. The Wilmington, Columbia & Angus- ta Railroad Company, ; Defendant. In pursuance of a Decretal Order heretofore ren- derea in tnis cause, nouce is nereoy given to ui parties having claims against the Wilmington, Co lumbia & Augusta Railroad Company, to present the same to me at my office in .Wilmington, before the first day of November next, to be by me report ed to the Court for such action as may be had (in that behalf Tnis: nouee aoes not apply to an; claim contracted since the 15th day of April. 187t aa all such claims will be paid by the Receiver in due coarse of business. All parties presenting claims to me will exhibit Any evidence or claim of lienor other incumbrance which may be claimed on any of the property Of the Defendant Company; This notice does not apply to the Bonded debt of the Defendant Corporation. - . - ' ... .-,"- D.' L. RUSSELL, . . . ang29 lm ..' " ' f Special Master In Chancery. The-Standard THE U. B. GOVERNMENT has again awarded the HOWE SCALE COMPANY the contract for supplying the Treasury and Custom Depart ments with the IMPROVED HOWE SCALE, this being the Third Year or tne continuance or the contract..: jorsaieoiuyDy "-f GILES & MURCmSON, sept 1 tf 38 and 40 Mnrchison Block. Butter; Lard, 1 Hams, - Flour, Coffee, Broomi. K GOING TO-CJbOaa a. OUT WHAT I HAYS GOT - fc iAT SQMB PRICE. CHAS. D. MYERS. ; aug 23-D&Wtf 83 and 40 North Water BtreeL 3bS INSUItANCE. Atkinson & Ilanning's . Insurance Rooms, : BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUIL1MN,. ; - wilmlnstou. N. v.. - . .-li vi ?' firb: i a 1 Queen Insurance Company, of Kiiiclaiift. North British & Mercantile ins. Ce , or England: Hartford Fire Insurance Company, or Hartforu National Fir Insurance Company, of Hartford . Continental Insurance Company, if New Yorl Phoenix Insurance Company, of New- York - - blpringneld insurance Co., of Kprmgneld, Maai -vjioyal Canadian tutmrance tompa: y, r Canada k Mercantile Mutual lus. tympany, of New lork. , Insurance Co. ef North America, nf riladrli& Connecticut Mutual Life lus. Vu. .f i;rt,ur.. Total Assets Represented Over 10u,Oo.i . jan ii-tt. . . .v . . . , Tj N COURAGE HOME INSTITUTION " - - SoCMity agraimt Fire. j THE; NORTH. CAKOUr.A. uoitie i,suitA?r. coin c- m ; - -1 t RALEIGH, N. C. ' -This f!emrRTiv rates, on all classes of insarabloproitert v. ' OLUiusees are piomyuy aojustea ana p&ia .. T x HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, :-6 ft lorth Carolina. -.-!. v Agents In all paitu of the State. . R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. ' . B. ROOT, Vice President. BEATON GALES, Secretary . PULASKI COWPER, Sopervlsor. ; ATKINSON A MANNING, ammt. aagl-tf ?i - -v - WUmingtoo. v. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $l,OOO.oo Cash Capital paid 1m $.?00,00i ..4 Surplus ; Fund - $5o,ooo ' D IU JSC 7 OUS. JOHN DAWSON . C. M. BTEDMAN t. R. MURCHI80N ISAAC BATES, DONALD McRAE . JAS. A. LEA t . VOLLERS - ' B. F. LITTLa R. R. BRIDGERS S. B BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON 1 - 4 ; tV, :f OH AS. M. STEDMAN, Presldeni ISAAC SATES, Vice President. 8. D. WiUid, Cashier ' - aug 20-tf A. AgBtSJi. O. TOLL1M AH It I AM i 'dc V OLLG US. . Corner Front and Dock sta., - ..,r- . WHiOIINGTON, ft. WHOLESALE GROCERS ..-', IN ALL ITS BRANCH KM. Countrv merchants will Aa wll h MlKnmt. . and examining our stock. uovl9-t CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer REGULATOR, u Capt. DOAWE, WILL 'SAIL FROM NEW YORK, Saturday Rforntug, sept. 14. far-SMppers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING ,.: of Steamers aa advertised. ' - For Freight Engagements or Passage apply to . A. D. CAZAUX, Accnl, ' WILMINGTON, N. O ' " . . ,J ! . ...... L. 8.- BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. . - WM. P. CLYDE & CO.i General Agents, Bowling Green or Pier 13 N. R., sept8tf " v v - - v New York. Baltimore & Wilming ton, N. C. Steamship Line. The Steamer Capt, OLIVER, 1... - . WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OA SATURDAY, Sept. 14. Steamers Sail from WllsnlsiKton every saiardavpremptlyai is FI. . Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING ! of Steamers as advertised -THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to an 1 from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPATCfl Guaranteed. . .. ... For Freight Engagements apply to i " y. A, p. CAZAVX, Affent, ':-( Lt .. WLLMINQTON, N. C L. S. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. . : ' REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, .j. Corner Lee and Light Streets, sept 8 tf Baltimore. Bagging and Ties, &c. 150 ItoUsudH,a,ItoUaBAaalN -""r " ' 500 BondleB TIBS - : -On A Bbls FLOUR, all grades. Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Candles, Lye, Matches, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. " ' - ' eeptl-tf WORTH tt WORTH. , f, hi, i ,,i 1' t , . ., , r , r . , ; 1 Kffi Bbl FRESH LIMB arrived and will be lOUU landed Monday. septl tf 7 WORTH & WORTH. ; , THE NEW AND COMMODIOUS . STEAIIEK PASSPORT ,L MAKE DAILY TRIPS , ' 5 . . ..'. . :.:.. f. -,! r --Trt BUTTHVH T. y - leave itocK...,. ....9,00 A, M. . , ' : ' Return. ........ ,.3 P; M. Sundays half hour later. - 1 -Round Trip 75 Cents. . : ' Single Trip CO Cents.' Jy 87tf ; GEO. MYERa, Agent. ' .; . . ., ; OSUCCXSBOB TO ROBKBT STBAXSZO ATTORNEY?AT;LW i - Market street, between Second and Third, .H' '4 1 - j . i - , j 1 1 -. i - - - . . jy7 8nv . y ... . WDIMINGTON, N. O. . I

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