p. " iii i i . . , ' i ' , . " . . ; - -1 - - ' ' . i . j . i . . 1 1 , ....... ... . . 1 1 . . .- l'.' .if. . . 1 J F . . . J. V J tlTf I IHE H0BITI1TG STAB By WBI. H. BERNARD ,,,, HSDPAILT EXCEPT MONDAYS tks o stmaowpnoK nt advaw : .. main oostage paid, Ojc year. " - " $7 00 4 00 - ' ..V... " - Am T&ree months, ., 100 Oflemontn aeliveredin any part of the ; far mere tnaa tnree inum ItA-TBS Off J.iVKriSlNi. "One Square fl 00 " m two davs. 1 15 three days,.-.. 2 60 - n tourneys,..., 3 00 : ftve days,..;. . ... 8 50 . . One week,...' 4 ft, Two week,.... 6 so " Three weeks, 8F.0 " One month,.., ...... t. ..... .. 10 00 Two month, . . . . 17 00 " Three months, 24 00 Six months,. ............... ... 40 00 One year....... 60 00 Yit ieen Cento per w rfhorised to collect 1 VOL. XXIII.-NO. 82. WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 29- 1878 tST" Contract Advertlsementa taken at propo' WHOLE NO. 3,555 u;M,ow" 9 I Tab liitcta ulM No h dvance. THE O I T IT . The late troubles in England are on ihe I i,.eti - mi , - ' Two yoong men wers uuiucm i- . xuw wiu ounj nmi vwu.ww. barn at East Orange, mew i Remember tbe poor. . ; No interments in Bellevue Cem- iucrease. to death in a Bank. N. Tersey. .. Y hasbeenlclosed by an injunction. ; Elaine's letter to the Election Frauds com :.. u nblisbed. He wants Jas. B. Campbell, E. W. M-iMacKey, C. Q Mennin- I ia Front Street M. E. Church this morning pTof South Carolina; Gov. Nicholfa, Col. J and eTening. Tirhrv. Ex-Chief Justice -Ludling, of Louis- GeQ E Col8ton i expected Our Cbarekes To-Day. ,;; rii Front Street M. E. Church (South), 1 cor ner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. EL A. Yates, pastor. ; Services at 11 a, m, and J 7i p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m.; W M. Parker, sup't Young Men's Society Tuesday evening, 7i o'clock; and regular Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday iaua- Hon Reubin Uavw, oi juibb.. uu othera, summoned as witnesses. He say. a:a nTnfferh 9 resolution as yuu U1U "v " etery during the past week. " Rev. N. M. Jurney will preach I evening at 1 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. B. R. Hall, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. J Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third to reach New York en route for home about Tuesday next ' Hon. O. M. Conger, M. C. from Michigan, accompanied by his wife, is re I ana Orange streets. Rev. Dr. J. li. Wil- gistered at the Purcell House. I son, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and H p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 7i o'clock; Lecture Thursday evening at 7i o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev, C. M Payne, Pastor, r Services at 11 a. m. Onlv one interment in JOakdale I and 7J p. m. Sabbath school and Bible .i v npxt week d urine three I Cemetery during the week just closed, and class at 3 p.m. Prayer meetlngevery Wed- 1 ' ... . I .i . - . j..,. i. . i 1. n HC . 1 1 prosecutor. The lunis wcu. Cape Henry may succeed possibly in 'get .. .. ff of ihfi next food. New York nrkPts- Monev 4 per cent.; gold 100; cotton I Those who have waived their ouiet and steady at 9i9f cents; flour, taxes are expected by the Sheriff to call and dull aod in buyers' favor; wheat ic lower 8eltie the same without delay, and rather quiet; corn quiet and a shade , A German wm be given at Ger- firraer; spirits turpentine firm at27ic; rosin M qq aigh quiet at $1 351 37j. promises to be a brilliant affair. " . t .iDrun'A Tiarrett tlava in Rich iv.'"- . U10 nights, an d tickets have sold like hot cakes, If the way tne money went iur Christmas "tricks and fixings" can be taken as any evidence of the disap pearance of hard times, then we can take heart and hope for the best. nesday at 7$ p. m. Scats free. ' First Baptist Church, corner ofj Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school will meet at 9i.m rm . . . . . m. '. T", , Bishop Atkinson will continue I Sunday School at 3 p. m. Young men's his lectures expository of the Creed, this I prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7i o'cl'k. evening, at St. Paul's Church, at balfpast Regular Church prayer meeting Thursday that was an adult brought here for burial. ; Not a single police arrest on Friday night, and consequently no cases for trial before His Honor yiesterday morning. Secretary Sherman has great confi dence in tho success of resumption, He has jast returned to Washington I two children from New York, and he says it will succeed because everybody is anxioo8 to help t along. 7 o'clock.. f There were four interments in ?ine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week, of which two were adults and ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sealed Proposals 1878. ChriBtmas 1878 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , December 29th, 1879. "XRDKRBD THAT SEALED PROPOSALS BB received for Keeping the Poor and Insane at the County Poor House,' for one year from January, 1819to be determined at the regular meeting of the Board, to be held January 6th, 187, on the basis of the contract now In force, or without the use of the Cleared land. Ordered. That Sealed Proposals will .be received aad acted, on at the regular meeting of the Board, to be held Janmary 6th, 1879, for taking charge of the criminals sentenced to the Work House, or sent to the same for costs of court, with the use of the cleared land attached to the Poor House premises. : . ' J. E. SAMPSON, dee 29 It ' - ; Clerk. is over. aj v. v G t Liu . a ' -v : . 3 i. . j. IS NEAR-AT HAND 4- : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ;. ; Lecture liy Hon. George Dayis. JHB LECTURE OF HON. GEORGE DAVIS, for the Benefit of the Widow and Children of LT. BEipiEB, wUl be delivered at the OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, 3d JANUARY NEXT, 8 P. M. Tickets, FiXty Cents each, will be Bold at the Book and Drag Stores; also by members of the I Committee of Arrangements and a Committee of Ladles. No Reserved. Seata except. Private Boxes, which can be secured at Heiasberger's Book Store. dec28tf ' ' - ; Ten lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. CRONL.Y, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. VEHICLES AT AUCTION. BUGGIES, OPEN and TOP. PHOTONS AT AUCTION, at Xxchange Corner, TUESDAY NEXT, 31st instant, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Particulars Tuesday morning, dec 89 It ' ' " . CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY MORRIS. Boathriglit & EIcKoy Grand XTniform Ball. MAKE THEIR BOW To tteir CiiiiiBiiaiEiiii tlie Pililic, AND BEG TO ASSURE THEM THAT, IN THE FUTURE. AS IN THE PAST, THEY WILL Will E. W. Mackey please rise and explain what he wanted and what he did with the ten thousand "tissue tic kets" he had priuted just before the night at 71 o'clock Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7i o'clock, p. m., by Bro. J. P. King. Sunday school at 91 a. m, 13 amiI a . D..Mlui.i, o a n1rr1r Tnoa : jiib x-wKUM day evening rour marriage licenses aunng me psi gt paul,g Evang. Lutheran Church, week, of which two were fr white and two comer of 6th and Market streets. Rev. Q. for colored couples. D; Bernheim, D. D., pastor. EnglUh ser- 5ohn Brown's body will be vice at 11 a. m.; German service at 7J p. m. marching on after delinquent poll taxpay- Sunday school at 3 p. m. Christian Asso- ers if they don't call at the Sheriff's office ciation at 4 p.m. Catechetical instruction and settle right away. on Friday at 3fr p. m. w .M ,. . tht. Seamen's Bethel, Dock, between Water TO THE PATRONS OF The Live Book Store. j WOULD RETURN MY SINCERE THANKS for their 11 serai patronage daring the Holidays, and L do earnestly hope that their selections have proved satisfactory in every Instance. , ' I would also beg to remind them of the immense assortment and great variety of Beantiful and Use- JjllTTlTlftS Of Life ! ful NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS now on exhibition. Furnish the Necessaries! A8 WELL A3 Call at once and make your selections at HEINSBBROER'S i dec 39 tf Kos. 89 and 41 Market St. Never lie down And crack a frown, BUT REST EASY ON DTJNK'8 PATENT NOISELESS BED. For sale. only at the New Furniture Store. BEHHENDI Sc JllINBOB. SOLE AGENTS. Salesroom N.B. cor. Market and Second Streets. Warerooms, Second between Market and Princess, dec 39 tf . EVEN Lower than Formerly. G-ermania Hall. NEW Y E A R'S E.V E. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31ST, 1878. . , Under the auspices of GERM ANI A LODGE No. 4 K. of P. Tickets $1 50, Supper included. To be had of the Committee. Comtik: W. H. Gherken, Jno. Haar, Jr. J. C. 01denbuttel,H. C. Prempert, C. F. Barkhardt dec aw at As Hew, Year's Day will soon b9 here, Bead our rhyme and gather good cheer- Kind friends, without wishing to ran down Any Grocery Store in town, We must emphatically say Goods bought ef as will certainly pay ! In this lively and gay season Borne price their goods out of all reason ; But our stock was bought low. And, without attempting to crow. We earnestly invite all to come and see How cheap they'll find our goods to be. If you xf elsewhere and buy, Anil fhnn twf nnr Htor.lt. a Bich Will surely creep out of your ihroatX Plows, election in South Carolina? The world listens, and Jim Blaine's bosom I the lamp on the south side of Princess, be- ra nolnifatinir. i I tween Fourth and Fifth streets, ... o- . -Fhe New York 3Xmest Radical, says Senator Bayard is girding him- weldon as low down as Wilson, on the line and Front streets. Bev. Jas. W.Craig, chap ain. Services at 11 a. m., to which seamen are cordially invited. The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston UDoer room in the There was snow Friday from I Tileston Normal School building, on Ann CASTINGS, HAMES, " , Collars, Traces, Backhands, Plow Lines, &c, &c. All at Lowest Prices. . GILES A MURCHISON, dec 39 tf 38 and 40 Mnrchison Block. WTTTT TTTP. "NT. W YF. A"R U Justbecause you haven't a groat And then. 4teara. tears, idle tears." WK 1 f Ul f nu J vr uwuuvy Because your eoods you've already bought ! START AFRESH!! WiPtet.booksthatare fat with greenbacks, silver and all that. has not been lighted for tbe past b'ix or seven nights. self for the contest to secure the Democratic nomination for the Presi dency, and hopes to secure a "solid South," together with New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The Washington correspondent of the BaltimonfjStm reports that Sen ator Bayard says if he is nominated by the Democrats it most be a free will offering, as he will not lift a fin- of the W. & W. Railroad. There was also a heavy fall of snow at Charlotte and vi cinity. ' Mr. W. U. Cochrane, of the Grand Central Hotel, at Charlotle.proposes to open a house there'early in January on the European plan, to be superintended by Mr. R. J. Lewis, of this city. The" odor arising from the burnt corn and other ddnrit, still smouldering among the ruins of the livery stables at the corner of Third and Princess alrects.struck streets,, between Fourth and Fifth streets, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A Pbotouraph of ih. Da4 nnrdertr. We saw yesterday, in the possession of a gentleman of this cily,a photograph of Jule Davidson, one of the murderers of Mr. W. P. H, Hayden. SADDLES, HARNESS AND BUG GIE3, XrvtlBridlea, Collars, Whips. Ac. Harness at $7.03 per set and upward. Repairing at short nonce. dec39 tf Third St., bet. Market and Princess. Patent Coffee-Pots. For me Best Goo&s, Host Literal Bargains, and Lowest Prices, We will assure all, for the past year Come one, come all, and fly To buy goods that are by no mean 8 high, Hams bought of us are well cured ; And friend, you may rest assured That in our stock you will find. Jellies, cranberries, and sugars refined, Together with spices, prunes, and sauces so nice; Also maccaroni, preserves and rice. - We nave coffee and teas of every grade, Selected to suit the Wilmington trade. We can suit any taste in shelf goods, r From a prince to a laborer of the woods. WilniuflQii Gas Light Stoct at Auction. ON TUESDAY NEXT, 81ST INSTANT, AT 12 o'clock, M., we will sell at Exchange Corner 85 Shares Capital Stock Wilmington Gas Light Co. dec $9 St 91. CBONIiY Auctioneer. .'. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OP THE provision sjcontained In a deed of mortgage executed by George Leonard and wife to Edward Kidder Sons, bearing date the 18th day of Octo ber, 1877, and registered in Book !NNN, pages 348 and following, of the Records of New Hanover Co., the undersigned, as Attorney for the said mort gagees, will offer for sale at public auction, at Ex- , change Corner, in the city of Wilmington, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 18TH, 1879. at 12 o'clock M., the following described LOT OP LAND in the city of Wilmington, conveyed by said mortgage: Beginning at a point 33 feet north of the intersection of the northern line of New street with Seventh street, thence north 33 feet on Seventh and running back 135 feet to Wilson street, being part of Lot 6 in Block 119, according to official plan of the city of Wilmington. - t Terms casn . rurcnaser to pay lor papers . dec 29 ta E. & MARTIN. Id. CRONLY Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 81st, 1878, at 13 o'clock. M.. tbe undersigned will expose to sale, at Public Auction, 1 at Exchange Corner, in the City of Wilmington 151 Shares Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Wei aonitauroaauo. ?8 Shares Capital Stock Bank of New Hanover, 44 do do Wilmington Compress Co. 67 do do Brunswick B'dge St F. Co. !5 do do Wilmington Cotton Mllle, 4X do do Cape Fear People's Steamboat Co. 15 First Mortgage Bonds ($1,000 each) of the Caro lina Central Railway Co. Terms Cash. JAS. C. MoRAE, I8AAC BATES, Admr's of Isaac B. Grainger, dee'd. dec 6 6t ' 6, 8, 15, SJ, 29, 81 DMINISTRATOR'S BALE. ON THURSDAY, January 2dJ1879, commencing at 11 o'clock, A. M., I will sell at the residence ef the late Eli Murray, deceased, (on Fifth, between Market and Princess street.) all of the HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUKNITUKB tnerein contained. , Terms cash. ANDREW MURRAY, Jr., Administrator. CRONLY & MORRIS, dec 8 4t 15 29&jan2 Auctioneers. SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER MORT GAGE. By virtue and in execution of the power of sale, contained in a certain indenture ef Mortgage, made by Henry J. Tarble and his wife Elizabeth Tarble, to Albert C. Wessell, dated the 86th day of June, 1877, and duly registered in the Register's efflce of Pender county. In Book B. B. , -r, , t , . .1 TUST RECEIVED, A SUPPLY OF G. Fowl r, Jr., taken as he hung suspend-j J " - ger to secure it. Let us how hear from Thurraau, Hendricks, Hancock I destrians on our streets last night and my other Barkises who "are ed by the neck from the limb of a tree about two miles above Mooresville, Iredell I county, where be fell a victim to the ven geance of an indignant and outraged peo ple, and where he remained from Satur- day, the 21st ' instant, until the following Tuesday evening before he was cut down. unDleaaantly UDon the olfactories of pe A. new n.n varc We are elad to learn that At the instance The.wealher. Friday might was Df Mavor Fishblate a new hose cart has willing." We are fast gravitating to intensely cold and ice waa"plentifnl every. I t,een ordered for the Little Giant steam fire the-good old custom when the office I where yesterday morning. Even milk in j engine, and may be expected to arrive the Patent "DOMESTIC COFFEE POTS." The Best Thing out. Call early and get one. For sale by. ' GEO. A. PECK, j dec23tf No. 25 South Front St. The Wew Year TS CLOSE AT HAND, AND WITH IT YOU X need a good COOK STOVE. jy Try the ROS8MORE. IT'S ALL RIGHT. And we intend TO DO EVES BETTER during the NEXT YEAR We have syrup, flour, and mince meat, Wo TTottO ToVaTl tllfi Palm " I Codflsn. mackerel, andBBOOXS that can't bcbeatl Yve naye laKen me rami, Waio.ftOTIitalMi drte. and jam. Buckwheat, dried tongue and devilled ham. Together with green aud black teas in caddies, " Which we will exchange for the dollars of our f DADDH8 ! ' , If any one wishes to give a frolic, And does not eschew drinks alcoholic, We can furnish something rxtra fine, SAVE YOUR MONEY tS2SXZT We recommend our "Cam Frar Whiskey." BY BUnNG I Tint If vonr hlne-ribbon friends come to sup, Who look not upon wine when 'tis "red in the cup," WHAT YOU NEED IN THE GROCERY LINE, I Or if yon are courting a parson's daughter. !We recommend highly our Apollinaria water. pages 219, aw, scci, sxst, (aeiauit navug oeen maae in tne payment requires nnaer ue nvfi said Indenture.) the undersigned Mortgi . . seeks the man. That is to say, if the men will not seek the office, of which we will see more hereafter. pitchers froze in some instances, the like of which has not been known in this particu lar latitude for tbe a number of years. Some twenty gentlemen or more, by invitation of Mr. George Chad bourn, partook of an elegant 'supper given at bis residence on Friday evening in honor of Rev. Dr. Hepburn, who formerly had charge of the First Presbyterian Church in The Legislature of Virginia has re quired that the State Aoditor should make a report showing how the Mof fett Register had worked in the way of iucreasing the taxes. It appears j lnia City ani Who is now his guest. trom the report that the revenue J I for the ftonth Atlantic States, fallins was but $82,669 14. This is really bomele, 80UlhCTy winds, warmer, partly arrived at Barbadoes from this port on the a disannnffttino' result. The acfirre- I .tn.,jD..ihi. .mi nnmomna mim 511 I 4th inst, 1 r r, Dn l vivuu w w ahu v. , wiu . ... gate of receipts under the Moffett I prevail. liquor law was $472,814 14. Rebates shortly. We have one of the best volun teer fire departments in tbe country, and it should not be allowed to lack the very least facility which the city can supply in the way of keeping up its proficiency to the proper- standard. rivkk akobolLmhk items The lirfinq, Johnson, arrived at Ant werp from this port on the 12th inst. The Brazilian, Beck, arrived at Hel voet from this port on the 10th inst. The German brig Hbffaung, Prahm, BatertalasMeni mt ike Academy of Ineamilii. The entertainment at the Academy of Incarnation on Monday evening, referred to in our last, is to be given by the young ladies of that institution, and not by the of license tax and expense $149, 165 00. Net result $333,669 14. Under the old Bystetn $240,600 00 TfT A CI Mft!ni3 Wa aI ill Vvrvltmt A 4lt at A M aa .a.OCu. ... uc.ico wuC uw Uciiea or that institution, ana not oy tne Tt ,9 n,1Mt,nnfth,e ftt lea8t lo -iiow the law is a good one, and if properly en- I young gentlemen of St. Joseph's Academy, baby to exhaust itself and annoy the house' The 6chr.. Tf. A. . Letenng, mitb, sailed from Port Spain for this port on the 29th ult. The schooner Ida db Annie, Cook, sailed from St. Thomas for this port and Navassa on tbe 14th inst. HEATING 8TOVE3 AND ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE CHEAP. decl9tf PARKER TAYLOR. Hay Corn, 0ats9 &c. Dally Expected and In ;8tore, 6000 Baahel8 Prlme WHITE CORN, 3QQQ Bushels Choice SEED andBED gats gQQ Bales Choice EASTERN HAY. ALSO, SUPERIOR SEED WHEAT and RYE, for planting. For sale by B. F. Hitchell & Son. decS9tf 1 T Figures are Catching. Whether WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, p FROM Boatwright & IIcKoy, S. 7 and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. dec29JDWtf A Card. JAMES C. STEVENSON RETURNS THANKS to his friend and patrons tot the very liberal trade given him during the Christmas holidays, and for the year past, andln wishing them A HAPPY NEW YEAR, . desire to say that he intends in the future, as in the past , to be the Pioneer of Low Prices riving to all tha very lowest prices for first class KOOOS own wa ua . Which you'll find neither cheers nor inebriates. But beautifies, and at once your thirst abates. Our business is on a cash basis planned. And no other trade we take in hand. Those who haven't got the cash Must seek elsewhere to purchase their h&shl So we kindly beg and entreat The gay and festive dead-beat To pass our establishment by , For it is useless for him to try To get our goods in exchange for his cheek,! For we can't allow his bill to run even a week. it would exhadMt printer's ink to tell Of the great variety of goods we sell. Suffice it all that man devours Is to be found in the well assorted stock of ours. Respectfully and truly, P. L. Bridgers & Co. dec 29-tf - - . . Turpentine Axes, nmp nAKPR-NTltRS' AXES. BROAD AXES. O Board Axes, Ship Carpenters' Adzes, Club Axes, visions of DrtKatree. as aforesaid, will, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 171879, at 12 o'clock, m., seu at ruDiic aucuob. ror casn, at the Court - House door, in the City of Wilming ton, the following described PROPERTY In said county (Pender) t Beginning in Grant Township, in the county ef Pender, State of North Carolina, at a stake, in Alenzo Miller's line, on the northwest side of White Marsh swamp; running thence Nor'h 18jf, West 110 poles, to a pine tree; thence North 66, Bast 200 poles, to a stake, thenee North AO, Bast 107 poles; to a stake; thence North 86Jf, East 46 poles, to a stake la James Morgan's line; thence South 54, Hast is poles, to a stage on tne Monn uae oi w nue Marsh swamp; thence with North edge of White Marsh swamp to the Beginning. the same contain ing 75 ACRES more or less . A. C. WESSBLL, doc 29 It Mortgagee. Notice To Consumers Kerosene Oil. We ARE SELLING "STANDARD REFINED" KEROSENE, from the old and well known Refine ry of C. WEST & SONS, Baltimore, Md., (now Baltimore Limited Oil Co.) . We take this method of informing consumers that we are the only firm in Wilmington supplying dealers with this OiL we do not retail Kerosene, but ask your Grocer for our Oil and accept no other. ALTAFFER & HILL, Manufacturers of. Sash, Doors, Blinds, & Ornamental Woodwork. OBtOmerS - I m.:..i:.. xx..nhAa nl.a TrotKheta T-flthincr Kftt AT LEAST ADVERTISED "FIGURES" ARi I feeming the trade of the latter a mark of confidence I chete. Grub Hoes, Bush Hooks, Coopers' Tools, . Look below, and seenow-if a kind of ciphering I wnichhe will not abuse. By an honest endeavor I -y j Anvii. Blacksmiths' Bellows, and a great va- measles don't Dreax one in una locauty aovui. to treat every easterner iamy, wuuu w ri t of otner Hardware Gceds, at ixiwest mces, forced would prove a great and im- I wbo so excellently rendered "The Feast of oortant source of revenue. No law I Belshazzar" on Thursday evening last. The - ,, , , . ... , I piece to be played by the young ladies is r., m.J.. entitled "Fabiola, or, the Youthful Mar- c4ua.iy uiuruu. ut. bluum iuiu tyrg of BaBMn being a representation of he can remedy the defects of the law. j the martyrdom of the early Christians, who had to take refuge from their persecutors in the Catacombs. The play is said to be an exceedingly interesting one. Tbe play of "The Feast of Belshazzar" will be repeated by the young gentlemen of St. Joseph's Academy at some future time. NEW ADVBRTI8EHIENTX. TSTonson A few left. A. David Overcoats. EKaklsberg A card. J. C. Stevenson A card. E. S. Maktin Mortgage sale. O. G. Parsley, Jr. Coal, &c. Heinsberoeb To his patrons. Yates Booka and photographs. A. Shrieb Reduction in prices. Q. A. Peck- Patent, coffee-pots. Giles & Muhchison Plows, &c Mitchell & Son Hay, corn, &c. YakOrsdell More about babies. Germania Lodge Uniform ball. A. (j. Wssseix Mortgagee's sale. County Comr'8 Sealed proposals. N. Jacobi Hardware, cutlery, &c. Chess, Carley & Co Kerosene oil . ! Altaffeb& HrLL Sash, doors, &c. Boatwbioht & McKoy Assurances. ; f Ottebboukq Communication No. 2. -Jno. W. Gordon & Bao. Insurance. Parker & Taylor Rossmore stoves. P. H. Hayden Saddles, harness, &c. '. Williams & Muhchison Flour, &c. ' Cronly & Morris Gas stock auction .' Behrends & Monroe Never lie dowq,. P. L. Bridgkrs & Co Read our rhyme. John Dawson & Co General hardware. F. M. Kmc & Co Figures are catebing. Gerhardt & Co Buggietj harness, &c. , Cronly & Morris Vehicles at auction. -Mallard & Co Harness, saddle's,' &C. Henniko & Teel Turpentine axes, &c. Kerchner & Caldbr Bros. Bait, ba on, coffee, bagging, &c. ' ' hold with its continual crvme when that tried remedy, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, will quiet it at once. . Price 25 cents. ; t ' SKARSIBO. TAYLOR ALTAFFER. In this city, on 24th inst. at the First Baptist Church, by the Uev. J. B. Taylor, Mr. ROBERT R. TAYLOR and Miss RO BERTA P. ALTAFFER, youngest daughter of G. M. Altaffer, Esq. , all of this city. No cards. ..1 a rinnV StnvB. eomolete. for S3 25. and no charge fordrayagei 1 Oh, we can stand it great expec tattona related to the Hardwicke family large estates In Kngiana. you jcbowi A Self -Feeder none of your poor relation sort, but -a cheery welcome heating- stove for $5 oo. Peels the skin right on, oat we must mase raw mere Bams, tne doss cook bhto. . Herns 5 cts. Boys, get your New Year's supply. Blow out the old year. Blow in the new. in. KINO & CO.. Wllntlngton. N. C. 1 dec9tf N Polneaed by EatlDK Bamboo Berries. W. H. Moore, colored, formerly Republi can Senator from this county, but now farming at Mason boro' Sound, was troubled NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. 200 Tons Goal. OT DAMAGED. ALL SIZES, AND WELL Screened. Deiirerea promptly, as usual. What I Say I Mean. I EXPECT TO KEEP. A COMPLETE A8SOBT mentof , . BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Parties desiring goods In my line win do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. i.h arraunmniation am desired, he has donea very successful and constantly increasing business. He has the smallest expense or any house in the city doing the same amount of busl- imm A IntMMl On niBUL QlffCPUBM 1UB -UUM when aavaniageoM,, buim """'.r".!.!; ! goods as pw as anyoeay. ana uum mo of long experience in knowlnzwhat and when to bay These adTaatages . he oilers to his cus tomers, and wants everybody to take the matter into serious consideration, aad inquire jf it la not to their interest to open their accounts for the year 1879 with 7 ; Jas. C.Stevenson 1 dec 29 tf ''"'' ''' : '' ": "'' '"' '' Flour; Bacon, Coffee, 1 AAA Bbla FLOUR, all grades. will be found at the New Established Hardware House of ii.ltiNiX.UMi a twuj, No. 9 Market street. Nkab this Whabf. dec 29 Dfc Wtf WE HAVE .FAC1X1TIE8 IUNSURPASSED BY ANY, tAll work is done under our own personal su pervision, and satisfaction both as to Workmanship and Prices guaranteed . Factory and Office foot of Walnut St dec29-tf Wilmington, N.C. .A.. SHBIBB C W.YATES. 300 Kegs Dupont's Powder onburnt. At low est prices to cash customers. Wood and Shingles. Fresh supplies expected '"eVSftf- ' OldStantcorfoWater. J&y ftlOtOgraplL EOOlllS strouoieu - n, O, I Are now complete, and everything is ready for rirsc with some disease of the eye on Thursday HarU.Wtire, UUUUlJTe Vi Classwort Bring along the chiidreni weguarau- n. w vitm. A. ORR, Jr., Photographer. o r QOft Boxes Dry Baited ana 225 Smoked BACON, Sacks Javai Laguyra , . . 1 7 and Bio COFFEE. evening last, when his wife went out into I ttancy FIRE-DOGS. SHOVELS. TONGS. a -mm Ha doffee Mills. &C EngUah and American Pocket and Table Cutlery; Prices. At dec29tf N. JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, NalO 8. Front St. the woods and got i lot of .bamboo berries 1 to make a poultice for it Upon her return, and before the berries had been used for ! the purpose for which.they had been gath ered, one of Moore's children, aged about seven years, ate a quantity of them, im mediately after which he Was taken violent ly sick and died on Friday morning, -his death having evidently been caused by eating the berries referred to. ---', , i it ss-iSB- Committed for Ii.reenv.9 Edward Merrick, colored, was arrested j 2fotiC6 Ef.Tft Ordinary ! j vowawij iSuwasoafv ,w j, m yvuv. vimw vu dec29 tf lea lat Factory La CSSO 61016 lllS. CO., John Bawson & Co. CARRY ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF GENERAL HARDWARE to be found in the BUte. They are selling first class goods at the lowest cash prices. Be sure and examine their goods before buying elsewhere. You will find it to your advantage. The same old stand 19, 21 and 23 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. , dec29 tf - " --' the charge of stealing a dozen brass boxes from a room attached to tbe Carolina Cen tral depot, the said boxes having been found in his, basket. : He was turned over to a magistrate, who - gave him a prelimi nary Bearing yesterday afternoon, the re sult of which was thafdefondant was or dered to give hOB io the sum of $100 for his appearance at the : next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. 1 - A M AGNANIMOXJS OFFER! 1 "V WWING TO THE FAILURE OF THE HOME crop I am willing to take One or Two Million of other people's Babies 'daring the next ninety days. For f urther particulars apply at .'j Van OrodellG FhoU) Art Gallery fend Frame Depot, south Bide bt manet street, Yf linunKton, n. V. ' ' - dec 29 It OF PARIS, FRANCE, Fire Insurance Exclusively. Gold Assets $5,000,000. United States Branch Office Western Union Building, flew York City. Does a leading business In New York and through out the United States. JNO, W. CORDON dc BRO , . ;;; '..! Agents. dec29tf ' ' ' '' 24 North Water Street A Hew Invoice V-V : .... . . t in' 'nvmiCOATS JUST RECEIVED, AND will be disposed of at very low prices. . New Dress and Business Suits, New Scarfs, New Silk Handkerchiefs, ' ' And Kew ' Furnishing Goods generally. My assortment ia mot permitted to get law down. 'V A. DAVID, dec29tf THE CLOTHIKR. Sugars, Ilolasses. 250 WSb SUGARS. 375 BbUKLAssEs.: LARGE AND FRESH SUPPLY OF Crackers, Candy, Soap. 8tarcn,;a.BOQa, Potash, Lye, ;, Bnan Matches, com. Hay, Oats,. Glue, Bungs, Nails, Hoop Iron,. 4c , c . : .. BAGGING, TWINE, TIBS. f t AAA Sacks Liverpool, iJsbon Lake George and Lebanon Smufi'lNGS, . . .. - ..-,, . . ... : .., -(. ... Manchester and lUndelph YARNS, . dec S9?f :f "wiLIlSfB MURCHlSONi ind Marshall's SALT, Buggies,!. Harness & Saddles, BftP 91T.R AP GERHARpT & COf'S. REPAIRING- DONE WITH NEATNESS AND i i HORSB-SHOWNQ Af 8PC3ALTY, ;dea29 tf . IATNE89. AStf f i iiJf iso3i 3' j ' PJALfY.I 3 ) t I A Few Left F THOSE CHOICE OVERCOATS. BOYS' SUITS at Very Low Figures, ' At dec 29 It MUNSON'S. A Card. In WISHING MY FRIENDS K HAPPY NEW YEAR, I thank them for the kind patronage they. have given me for several years, and take pleasure la informing them that, for the coming year, I have made an engagement with Mr. A. DAVID, Clothier, comer of Front and Princess Streets, where I will be oleased to see them, and where, from the large . . . ! ... T 1 1 Lava a nntta. assortment ana larger varici-jr, wu chance to continue to deserve their favors. Respectfully, aec29 2t E. KARL8BERG. ; ' '. COMMUNICATION No. 2. ' i BUSYTON.N. C, ; December J8th, 1878. . J. OTTERBOURG, MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, WILMINGTON, N. C. " Dxab Sib The purchases of Clothing, Ac, by Mr. I. M. Fullypaid, of Busyton, N. C.naving gi ven such entire satisfaction regarding prices, quali ty. Ac.. I am induced likewise to send you an order. Enclosed find Twenty-live dollars ($25) for which amount please send, per nrst Mp jrw man's Outfit, to wit : One suit Black JClott. one Black Beaver Overcoat, one Black Srft-lined Fur Hat. two suits Underwear, four Dress Shirts-Triumph" trlpple front,) a pair of Patent Spring-top Kid Gloves, one pair "Argosy" roller Suspenders, Collars, Con's, Neck-Tie, Heslery, Ac., Ac. Being only seven feet high, you'll dad no trouble in nt- iOrietfjf confidential, going to get married in about 1 Itt,Uprem9f"TO.TRY ' Is. ; : HoKday Hat A LL THE RAGE t ,' ' .; .. Great Reduction In Prices! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL CLOTHING Lower than lias Eyer teen Offered, In oider to close out my Stock. " A. SHRIEK, dec29tf 34 Market street Mallard & Co. " Marshall's FINE. For sale bv 1 KERCHNER A CALDBR BROS HARNESS f HARNESS t ' $7.50 per set and upwards. Bridles. Saddles. Collars. Ac. all grades. and nrices to suit the times. Trunks and Satchels in abundance . Repairing done promptly. dec 29 tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET Salt. Salt. Salt. A A A A Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, tuuu 1000 dec 29 tf Bacon, Flour, Pork. QQ Boxes D. S. SUJBS, do Smoked SIDES, FjQ Bbls FLOUR, all kinds, Bbls PORK, . For sale by " dec 29 tf KERCHNER A CALDBR BROS. C6ffee,lSugar, Rice and Oats. .1 Kfi ?8S COFFEE, Bbls REFINED SUGAR. OK Bbls and Tierces RICE, AO 1000 dec29tf Bush OATS, . ... , - :.: Vmr .. nv KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. dec 28 tf AT J H ARRISON A ALLEN'S CRT Hat Store. Bagging.: Bagging iA nnA"Yards BAGGING, decS9 tf ' For sale bv . r KERCHNER A C ALDER BR98 'NSS -i ii . Wll lM t m nin " " ii ' - ii i' .1. - i " " 'l ' " ' ; , rYii mi am -in- 'iii ii i i i i milium n "i i uTiiTsms ss r 1 I'liimnr i i . 11. iij.h m... 11 1 i"' :-----mM----mm--m---msm

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