THE IIOMIDIG STAR. Ily WH. H.-BBMAB!'1 p.!m.I3UI DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. -. a.aa BAT8 OT BOB80MPTI01I IH ADTAHOl : " .... , mm DoatM Dld ....... tl 00 .V. 4 -400 sx months, ro City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the ritv Fifteen Cento per week. Our City Agents are "t In thorized to collect for more thai three muths in advance. OUTLINES. The particulars of the loss of the Emily B. Souder are given; a leak was the cause; all lost but" two. -Cotton operatives' strike la England is about ended. ' The Spanish Cortes has been dissolved. L The final appeal of the attempted as sassin. Moncasi, has been rejected. - It is now stated that Turkey and Greece will settle their difficulties without media- lion of the Powers. The riot of the I students of the . University of Kieff was I very serious; over eighty persons were killed and wounded; other riots have oc curred at other educational centres; a state of siege will probably be proclaimed at Kieff "and-Kharkoff. Mrs. Harriet Grote, authoress, and widow of the his to- rian Grote, is dead. Henry Vincent, the lecturer, is dead. The sub-com mittee of the Teller committee will go to New Orleans; they will also go t Charlea- tou; the decision of Actios; Attorney Gene ral Phillips gives them the money. - Dr. Skinner, post surgeon, was accidentally killed at Fort Peck.-' HuligetV bakery at Memphis burned; loss $5,000. Nf.w Yotk markets: Money 4 percent.; gold 100; cotton quiet at 0 7-169 9-16 cents; four dull and heavy; wheat c lower; corn very quiet; spirits turpentine firm at 27J28e; tosin quiet at $185 137 ' . . :'- , I ' The walking match between O'Lea- ry and Campana is pronounced "very shabby" in New York. Ex-Gov. Fenton, of New York, is now said to be the Presidential favor ite for tho Berlin mission. It is be lieved in New York that he will be appointed. The meaning of an . important Georgia statute was greatly changed I by a period being, substituted for a comma. Types are dangerous things to fool with. The manager of the New York Clearing- House has Efiven notice lito-special oh, of gold checks" will be discontinued the 31st December. after The Kichmoud State tells the Stab that the Indians will soon trim down the arrny to a leu-thousand peace footing with their little hatchets. We like a cheaper way, and prefer thai Congress should take the army i)v the forelock and trim away ao- cordingly. A party of merchants from New York and Chicago, started on Satur day to visit the City of Mexico on commercial purposes. As it is the fashion in that landot lawlessness to j shoot train hands and rob nasaen&ers. jwe shall not be surprised to hear that JZr-"-r- . ... ur Americans have met with that kind of hospitality Tom Corwin once - spoke of "bloodv hands and bospi- table graves. w Texas is a prodigious State in size. It contains territory enough to send some hundreds of Senators to bon- gress if divided up into. States like Delaware and Rhode Island. ; We notice a revival of the talk to pake four or five States out of it.) We like it, as it would place in the tf. S. Senate some eight or ten Democrats. But how the Radicals will fight the project if it is seriously pushed. , lbe unfortunate Major Andre, the British officer who was hanged as a I r, i.lii Trx.:i-2L I . 5 'I is to have a monument erected to his J memory by Cyrus W. Field. Dean I Slanlpv ,hn viaiteA tha annt Lhora I " ' ! 1 uio uuuy was iuug niierreu, win write i an inscription. Andre, was buried near Tappan, Rockland county, New fin A .-..-.-. fl YOOT k.M n 1 mains were disinterred, taken f,o Eu- w - i gland and deposited in Westminster u . V ,. - -ouey. A peculiar interest, , umm always attached to this young soldier, whoH miafnrnnp Ant him to the . s I T1 . J . T us uuuueuia in , xvubbib. waipiaiu i that theyare very unjustly treated. They have remonstrated against the injustice and oppression, but it seems I without avail. Our foreign dispatches t. . ' . ... I wring intelligence oi very aenuus i riots at many Universities. The one at Kieff in oonBlct, be. tween two companies of soldiers and ,i . I.- iJi. the students, resulting in eighty pr sons being killed or wounded, j I be - . . . . Af A 1 . 1 n.4nn.a vaVA vx vavirjr u uiujr emu cum ; arrested. ,The disturbances are of such a serious character that it it given out that boUi RieiF and Khar koff : will,; be" declared ' ina state .of siege. '? Strict orders have been : sent to frontier (owns, and appearances indicate much future trouble. f e - it VOL. XXIII.-NO. 83. It is a great thing to be born great. It is a better thing to have greatness thrust upon yon. Fred Grant, eldest son of Ulysses, is a good kind of a fellow in his way, as his West Point companions testify. But whilst his classmates are simple Lieutenants, Fred is Colonel. And this simply because he is the son .of the mighty Ulysses. VVie know a young North Carolinian who stood a long way above Fred in the class, and who has served some eight years, mostly' on the frontier. He is still a Lieutenant of Cavalry, whilst Fred signs his name "Colonel," by the grace of fa voritism. These things make a man think so highly of American fair-play and justice. And now "Colonel" Fred, covered with laurels won on the "peace establishment" and in cities, has leave of absence to hasten to Europe to accompany his famous "big-dad on his junketings. We agree with the Baltimore Gvzetle that it is highly desirable that he should "occasionally copy off the log of the Richmond and send it to some enter prising third term paper in this coun try. It would be painful at this juuoture to have a hiatus in the his torical travels of the Grant family. It is necessary to a proper state of public anxiety that there should be continuity in the annals of Ulysses, the Modern Wanderer." more InYestiffatlon ILte cipher Dis patches tbla Time. Special Dispatch to Philadelphia Times. t Washington, Dec 27. It is at last positively stated by competent an thority that the Democrats are to in vestigate the cipher telegrams. This comes from a source so high .that it cannot be doubted. It is proposed to make the inquiry short and decisive, whether by a special committee or not I have not been informed. It is H" 2. f'S" Will U1UJDVU w uno aLdt tftic uvtiuaj recess, feeling at last that it is neces sary for him to have a vindication. Senators Thurman, Wallace and otherstare by no means averse to this, and think: it is within the- pins to kill Tilden as a Presidential candidate even deader than he is. Mr. Reid.of the Tribune, and one or two of his staff, will be summoned, and also Manton Marble.Nephew Jrelton.Jobn Coyle and others who have figured in the Tribune a disclosures. Arrest a a4sKIIllasr of an Outlaw. Special to the Columbia Register. :i Tixxonsyillk, S. C; December 23. Andrew Woods, a notorious ras cal, who has been dodgig the law for4a long time, was surprised ami ar rested in Cooperville, near Florence, on Sunday, by the Messrs. Powleys. Wood quietly submitted; ,and ? pro- mised if they would not handcuff him he woaid g0 along. He did not go very far before he made a violent grasp for Powley'sgun, and, missing it. continued to run, whereupon Pow ley shot him dead. He lived until to-day, about 10 o'clock, and; was turned over to the coroner and jury. Spirits Turpentine. -- Kinston has a tobacco factory. North Carolina is known to have 4,850 indigenous plants. Revenue collections in Fourth District last week $4,86586, Raleigh is clapping its hands because it is to nave lamp postal noxes. i : Raleigh I handled , 839 bales of cotton last week. Increase thus far 820 bales. Mr. James H. Dibble, an old and respected citizen of Kigston, is dead in hisWthyear. . Fender has just sent- one convict Bertie two convicts to the penitentiary au forsteannjc Mr. JameS M. TowleS, One of 1?AlAivKfa ' aar an1 mAof rconaMnrl Trior chants, IS dead, aged 71. Windsor, Bertie county, has organized a military company, andapplica . jaieitza uxews: j Eeuuemaa ui thi8 city harvested seventy tons of Ice last ay WDich WM about three ; inches thick, r : named .. knocked down and robbed a negro boy, named Bill Simms, at Raleigh. He is now in jail. iuo uuiisuh; uius ncm nit biuucuu, Ao iDcrease is expected when the next ses o begins. T.n we may lruBt tne eulog8.ts of with such able men as North Carolina -is - ' & '" were pigmies, i Rookingbam Bee: Miss Nannio tZTai'&ilt plication will be made to the next jegisls- ture;for the formation of a new! county out of Richmond Robeson and Cumber- f S ' w ueru w, pneu: Ane iour- I nimpnt inn na.1I at Kaohnm Unn.v I . . . 1 . . J largely aucnaea oy persons from an sec tlonaoi Xianern -XHortn uaroliaa. Sixteen Knights entered the lists. Walter Barring- ton waa uh Buuceuoiui ivuigm ana crowned the Queen, MUs Alice Nichols. ' Newlerniarii. On . Monday, 30th Inst,; PrnfrEdward O. Daves will deliver a lectufe at oar Theatre, for the benefit of the poor of our city. His subject j will be his travels in Palestine, devoting himself principally to the country from Nazareth to MCMiNING -3 WILMINGTON, the Sea of Tiberias, including both of those places. - : : '"i-'f- Newbern bad a tram b thn nthAr day who cursed everybody was finally put in prison, after being severely handled by persons abused by. him, whereupon he set fire to some hay that was in the cell, but it was fortunately extinguished. The said tramp is evidently a villain and is now in chains.' " :- V ...... Greensboro correspondent of Raleigh Obtenerz Our people- have assur ances of the early completion of the Fay etteville road to this point. The work is being pushed., forward,, and with a little more energy on our part we hope to soon shake hands with our friends in the "an cient town." - There are eleven students buried at the University cemetery. Two graves have no monuments or stones. Those with tombs are Lewis B. Holt, of Orange county; Zenas Johnson, James T. Smith, of Anson county; and John A. Smith, of Cumber land county, who belonged to the Dialectic Society, and Mark Bennette, D. W. Usher, of Texas; Jno. W. Burton, son of Gov. Burton, J as. N. Neal and Joshua P. Perry, of Texas, of the Philanthropic Society. We learn this from a Chapel Hill letter in the Raleigh Observer. A negro woman, named Luce Hutching, aged 60, was found frozen to death, at Raleigh, on Thursday night. The JTetM says: It was in evidence before the jury of inquest that she was at times, de mented, and while in that condition would tear off her clothing. The body presented no appearance of any bruises or wounds, nor were any found upon medical examina tion. , The skin of both knees was torn off, doubtless caused by her attempts to crawl up the hill. The verdict of the jury was death from exposure to the cold. V The Legislature meets on i the 8th of January. Thus far there are' not more than forty-niae candidates for the Speakership. Cannot another disinterested patriot, who has remarkable gifts for the place, be persuaded to become a candid date? There ought to be fifty. Rather than that any should ' be disappointed let llttm rotate a new Speaker every day. The business cannot possibly suffer, as all are masters of Jefferson's and Cushing'a Manual, and all have had large experience in presiding over deliberative assemblies. Raleigh Observer: Wyatt Mc Kever McKensey, who was in November last convicted of the murder of George Goode, made his escape from . the jail of Rockingham county on the night of the 26th, together with other prisoners. They made their escape by burning the floor and prizing the iron bars of their cell. -Was discharged from the penitentiary on the 28th, 8. M. Hatcher, white, convicted in Iredell county of larceny, and sentenced to the penitentiary in May, in 1874. He is 29 years old, five feet ten inches high, and weighed wi.en admitted 150 pounds. ; - Person county is ready to subscribe $100, 000 to continue the railroad from Milton to Roxboro, as soon as the Legislature gives a charter and authorizes a vote. The Court of Claims has decided the. Douglas cotton c! iim in favor of the heirs. Col. R. M. Douglas, Western North Carolina Dis trict Marshal, and Gen. S. A.. Douglas, get about $60,000 each, and Mr. Cutls.a Wash ington lawyer, and father of the last Mrs. Douglas, receives $25,000 by way of: fees. The claim vena fnr nntlnn mntvirrH hv J.he United Slates Government in Mississippi during the war and sold as abandoned pro perty. THE CITY. NEW aDVBBTIBBKlBN'rS. E. S. Mabttn Mortgage sala Munson Clothing at lowest prices. Heinsbbrgeb New Year's presents. Boatwkight & McKot Special card. Notice To Gen. Colston's old students. Ckonly & Morius Gas stock auction. Cronly & Morbis Vehicles at auction. BoYKm, Cabmeb, & Co. Agricultural chemicals. To'Dtj'i lndleiloae. For the South Atlantic States, norths west winds, rainy, followed by clearing weather, rising ' barometer, and slightly lower temperature. j Arrested on at Capias. John Davis, colored, for whose arrest a capiat had been issued by the Clerk of the Criminal Court, was captured in Brooklyn on Sunday night and lodged in the guard houself It seems' tiat be had been bound over for his appearance at the Criminal Court a term or two back, to answer! to the charge of an affray, but jumped his ; bond. Emanuel Nichols, one of bis securities, got wind of his whereabouts on Sunday; even ing, and secured the assistance of a police man, when the two made the arrest J Yes terday morning Davis was turned ever to the sheriff, - and he was committed to jail. Previous to his arrest he had -gotten into a difficulty with one Dick Brewn, and received quite a severe Wound in the arm, HI i -si The Christmas Row at Warsaw. We have hitherto referred to a distur bance, that occurred at Warsaw,, Duplin county. oas Christmas eve.yWe are. in formed by a correspondent at that place that the "innocent" man referred to in our article was one Friday Hill, colored, who, after the row had about been quelled, rode through the streets with a gun and tried to incite another1 riot, for Which be -Was promptly arrested and bound oveij in the sum of $150 by Mayor Davis for his futnre BDDearanco .to answer the charge. The row was commenced by 'the colored pee- pie. pur. corresponpent adds, because one oi their dumber bad been 'kicked, by, a white' man whom he had. cursed and in- snited. v r 'j-i :. j . . ' 1 S-S,SJ 1 j . s'luM Appropriation for Our Pnilclsehoola Mr. Donald MacRae has received notifi Cation from Mr. J. C. Scarborough,1 Super intendent of Public Instruction, of an ap- propriationi from the iPeabody Fund '! bf $1,000, to be divided equally between the four public schools1 1 of f.. this cityi two for while and two for colored children or $250 u each kam:; . ,in. - , The Mew Steam Saw Mills.'' The frame work for the new steam aw mills, to be erected on the Burnt Mill pro-; M M k.4 M Hla.AH 1-f t'll '.1 I Vfflt. yciij, wm uia iiiuauigiaD JoiiopdAiuie, is going up. The mills, as before stated. .wiU be the property of Mr. Jas. E. !Billlng- ion, formerly of Portsmouth, Michigan. Local Dots. Ring out the old year and ring in the new. Bellevue Cemetery is being steadily improved. . Cold rain or snow, says the almanac, for to-day. Many of our business houses will be closed to-morrow New Year's Day. ; , ; ' . There will be a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen this afternoon at 4 o'clock. . An old colored woman is said to have frozen to death over the railroad Saturday night. Tho children attending the Brooklyn Sunday School will be treated to a nice Christmas supper, at Brooklyn Hall this evening. The experiment with -Stanley's Floating Compress, which was expected to take place yesterday, was postponed. A trial will probably be had to-morrow. Hon. W. T. Faircloth, and E. B. Borden, Esq., President of the Branch Bank of New Hanover, at Goldsboro, registered at the Purcell House last night. The walls of the brick buildings in Lippitt'a block, which were destroyed by fire on the morning of the 24th inst., were being pulled down yesterday to pre vent an accident. L Mr. D. B. Hodges, Business Agent of Tony Denier's Humpty Dumpty troupe, is in the city to make arrangements for the appearance of the( Company at the Opera House, January 8th. The : walls of the "Murray" building, on North Water street, which was destroyed by fire on the morning of Saturday, the 7th inst, are being taken down preparatory to rebuilding. At Miss Hart's exhibition, on the evening after Christmas, one of the young misses exchanged waterproofs with another, a mistake v bicb can bo rectified by calling on Capt. C. D. Myers. We see that Professor Edward Daves, the accomplished scholar, is to de liver a lecture in Newbern fur the benefit of the poor of that city. Can nut some one be induced to lecture for the benefit bf the poor of Wilmington? We record in our obituary column this morning the - death, near Kenansville, Duplin county, of Mr. David Southerland, grandfather of Capt. T. J. and James Southerland, of this city, at the advanced age of 97 years. The Chief of Police had the Little Giant pumping water in among the ruins of Capt. Southerland's stables, yes terday, in order to put the fire out and stop the disagreeable smell that has been per vading the. atmosphere from the burning feed, &c ' The hydraulic press of the Wil mington Compress Company, which has been out of order for some weeks past, will be ready to commence operations again in about ten days. In the meantime the other press of the Company continues to keep up with the demands upon it. The box belonging to the 'Rev. S. Mendlesohn, which was carried off du ring the fire on last Tuesday morning, was found in the woods on- Sunday afternoon and brought to the Stab office yesterday morning by a negro boy, who said hie had seen it advertised in the Stab. 1 IKaslstrato'sCoort. ! -! j ' Harriet Hill, colored, was arraigned be fore Justice Hall, on the affidavit of Celia Davis, also colored, , charged with assault and battery. Defendant ordered to pky one penny and the costs, in default of which she was sent to jail. ' i , Ann Spencer next had a hearing on the charge of committing assault and battery on the person of ; Celia Davis.' Defendant ordered to pay a.flne of $2 and costs. Fine subsequently remitted, Costs paid and de fendant discharged. ; Ctermanla Hall-Grand Uniform Ball ' this Bvenlnx., Our German friends will usher in the hew vearbv a grand uniform ball,! under the au8picesof Germania Lodge No, 4, K. of P., which will take place at Germania iHall. io the new Vollers building, this evening;, The. Committee, Messrs. W. H. iGerkenv Jno. Haar. Jr.. J. C. Oldenbut- tet.IL a Prempeft'and.C. F. Burkhardt, have made every arrangement to assure brilliant sucoesa for the last ball of the old. year.- Mayor " TjoortT The bnly.oase before (he Mayor's Court yesterday morning was that of a colored individual by the name of John Williams, charged With firing a gun ' on one of the wharves, Sunday .evening. He was from the country,' and said he was told by some white men to shoot.. Case dismissed, on payment of costs.' unaaallable Letters. The following are the Unmailable letters remaining in the city poatofflce rMrs. E. J. Martin, Swann Sta. , Moore county, N. O. ; James Tbarp, Town Creek, N. C.i Eliza Stanley, Cheraw.U C4; A. G Mbselyanaairt.Warsaw N. C,i; J. "W, Satchwell, Rocky .Point, N. C. ; G. A. Me- bane, Windsor,. Bertie county, N. C. Meetlnc this JBTeaJna:. "' 'r The former pupils of the Cape Fear Mill" Uty Academy, under Gen .'; R. & Colston, are requested to meet at the Armory of the WilinJtogfon Ligtt i Infaniry this (Tuesday) eviqgt 9 o'clock, t - Every one pat can . possibly attend is earnestly desired to do so. 1 The Kntertalament at 'tho Academi ot the IaearnatloB Last Nlcht. ; A large audience filled the spacious hall of the Academy bf the. Incarnation last night,' to Witness the Christinas' drama presented by the young ladles of that insti tution; The young ladies had selected : for the evening' ntertaiument the play enti tled; Fabiola,".. which was dramatized from Cardinal, Wiseman's work' of that name.' It portrays the sufferings and sac rificed .Vf th;e : early Christians of . pagan Rome; tells in thrilling tones bf their trials and tribulations,' of their fleeing to the catacombs beneath the ancient city, and of the great benefits derive to their faith from the example and i martyrdom of their representatives. About twenty youngs ladies, arrayed in rich and varied costumes, depicting to a considerable extent the dress of that early day, took part in the performance; and so well did the youthful actresses sustain the characters they personated that , we have seldom seen an audience or more appreciative. better pleased The entire careful train of that natu- rendition showed much ing and.bore the impress ralness and appreciation of the several characters on the part of the youug ladies, which is so pleasing to witness in young attempters of the drama. The good Sisters and their pupils have every reason to con gratulate themselves upon the success of their efforts, and can safely feel that their works of preparation were not spent in vain, when such an elegant and beautiful entertainment,and one which was so highly appreeiated, was the result of their efforts.' We might particularize as to some of the characters, but when all did so well and so fully come up to the mark of expecta tion, it would not be fair to discriminate. The performance .was in every respect a capital one, as the frequent Applause of the audience testified. Pardoned by the Gsverfeor. David Davis, the colored, baker, -who was convicted and sentenced to the peni tentiary some two or three years ago oh the charge of being concerned in breaking open and robbing Mr.,T. H. Smith's store, was pardoned by the Governor on the 26th inst, and arrived home Saturday night. Davis is said to have conducted himself in such a manner as to secure the good will of all the officials of .the penitentiary, and now comes home with the determination, he declares, to lead an honest life. Watch-meeting. The old custom of watching the old year out and new year in will be observed at the Fifth Street Methodist Church, this evening, by watch-night services, commencing at 9f o'clock. ' R1VKB ARDTOAKiriR ITEMS The Norwegian brig tfohvat, Nielsen, arrived at Trieste from this port on the 23d inst. The steamship lybee, Holmes, arrived at New York irom this port on the; 27th inst. ' ' The steamship B. J. Foley, Price, cleared from Baltimore for this portion the 28th inst. t Y The steamship Benefactor Jones, sailed from New York for this port on the 28th inst. - r ; i The steamship Benefactor, Jones, ar rived at New1 York from this port on the 27th lnat..rr7T.T-" The German barque J. F. Janrt,Wil Ham; arrived at Qa'eenstown from this port yesterday .' '.' ' t ;- j The British barquentine Holt, Tnnt, sailed from. Liverpool for this port on me loui mau , E!. , To always protect the weakest pats is a duty, and it is especially the' daty of; those whose lungs are being weakened by the constant wear of coughing to protect them oy using a Booming . remedy,. Bucn as ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. : ; t 4 " cjiTir .itIsbis. Chew cuoa's Bxst Sweet Kavy Tobaoco. CaBBOUira. a deodonsed extract of Petroleum, the only article that will restore hair on bald head. la an alivmf (wiildtnM AAittAln m nnt m SHa1a of lead, orphar. or other polsoaoas drags. Hold by . FOR DPWAHIJS OF THIRTY YIAfia MaS WisbxiOWb Soothims Stbup has "been nsed for chudrifc It correcta acidity of the stosiach, relieves warn eouo, regulates the bowels, cares dtiixtxby and DiABBHdta, whether arising from teething or otner caoses. mm out ana weu-uiea xemeay. o II ' --SBaSaSaa-Sal1-tV-ln-SnBMMMM 1.1 I i PlNaBKGLWHWJNS.-Thatt-ntionof sports men & invited to the advertisement of Hesaro. J. 4s W. Tolley. manufacturers of fine breech-loading mma. BlrmliKrham. Knciand. t Their srvnA are made to ordei aocording to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, jeagui or Btocr. c . , .. , ' CRIES OF ItljKDKa IN THE. NIGHT appal us . ' A bad Coogbriwdngthroofch the house im the hours of; dafkness Is squally suggestive, of danger cr death.' Soothe, quiet, and core It with Halb's Hokst or HOBBttomm Aim Tab. Other remedies may have disappointed you, bat this neyet fails. Pike's Toothache Drops care Toothache in one minute.;; . . - j ;. - "saao-SB . i GOOD ADVICE. Now la the time of year for Pneumonia," Lang Ferer, Ac Every family ahoald have abotof BoBCHBB'sl-BJtaH 8tbp. Don't allow for one moment thai cough to take held of your child, your family or yourself. Consumption, Asthmay Paenmosla. Croup, Hemorrhages,, and other fatal diseases may set m. Gbbxah Stbup is curing thousands of tneee dreaded diseaaee. One botue wiu last your wnoic lamuy a winter ana Keep you Bare rrom eanger. ' i "in i -m aRiKP ; vt ) i i ' PO WELL H1DDICK .-On December 18th, 1878, at the residence oi the bride's father, by Sev, J. W. Dickson, Mr. JOHN tt POWELL to Mist 8ALLIB K. KIDDICSi all of Colnmbua co., M C. ; t in i, 1 80UTHERLAND.-i-Nar: lehsnsrllle, on the 80th inst -DAVID SOUTHERLAND. aged si yeanu MEN'S. YOTJMSA'' i-ou: a 7 1" I : i ' t' .--f jpoi3SWBLB PHICES: t :- dec 31 It MUNSON.' WHOLE NO; 3,554 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lecture liy Hon. George Mis. : 1RZ LECTURE OF HON. GEORGE DAVIS, for the Benefit of the Widow and Children of LT. BENNER, wnl be delivered at the OPERA HOUSE, PRIDAy, 3d JANUARY NEXT, 8 P.M. Tickets, Fifty Cents each, will be sold at the Book and Drug Stores; also by members of the Committee of Arrangements and a Committee of Ladies. No Reserved Seats except Private Boxes, which can be secured at Heinsberger's Book Store. uee zb w Grand Uniform Ball. Germania Hall. N E W YEAR'S EVE. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31ST, 18T8. Under the auspices of GERMANIA LODGE No. 4 K. of P. Tickets tl 50. SuDDer included. To be had of the Committee. ; ComilVTSK: W. H. Gherken. Jno. Hsat. Jr. J. C Oldenbuttel, H. C. Prempert, C. F. Burkhardt aeoxvx( . Notice. fJiHB FORMER PUPILS OF THE CAPE FEAR Military Academy, under Gen. R. B. Colston, are requested to meet at the Armory of the Wilming ton Light Infantry, on Front Street, THIS EVE NING, at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is desira- we. i, iy oecsiit New Year's Presents XpOR. EVERY ONK.-AN INVITATION IS here extended to you and your friends to call and examine the HANDSOME ARTICLES now on ex hibition at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs Within reach of every one. Handsome ' NEW PI ANOS, with full rich tone, and all the modern im provements, for $125. ORGANS for $70. j jforsaieat HEINSBERQBR'S decSltf Lire Book and Music Store. Agricultural Chemicals. MESSRS. BOYKIN, CARMER & CO., BALTIMORE, MD., Offer PURE CHEMICALS for making Composts at Thev are the PIONEER Dealers in this elasa of Goods, are thoroughly POSTED, and deal only in PURE GOODS. Thev are Sole Pronrietors of the "HOME FER TILIZER," which all intelligent Farmers know to oe tne iuist jtLAJHums ior tne money new in use. OWEN FENNELL. Jr.. is their Asent in Wil mington, and will furnish their Price List, Formu la, sc., cc, eena ror inem at once. dec 31 8 w Boatwright & McKoy HAVE TRIED Ta to tlieir Duty to tteir Customers FOR THE FAST TWELVE MONTHS. t ' - ' - They have never denied them, and have sold them Goods at the Lowest Prices. Their Accounts will all be made up to 1st of. Janu ary, 1879. Please come forward and settle. And should their Collector call on you pleaee don't turn him off. WE NEED MONEY. GROCERIES COST MONEY. f5?To those whose accounts have been staBd a tSTTng for several months, they will etateg3 9that they need the amounts that are ine Gfi tthem, and they trust they will pay them apt promptly. Don't let it be said by ehraa 'competitors, who sell for cash, that yen are "dead-beats." Do your duty nkedE3 fy"men. Pay promptly for what you eat, andj there will be no difflcnlty about yonr buy ISfing Goods on thirty days as low as you can Sbuy them for cash. They don't object toaa the credit system, bat they do object toi men so far forgetting the idea of an oalI-j 9gation as never to pay for what they eat.j3 Politeness and attention you will always receive from BOATWRIGHT & McKOT. dec 31 tf A Card. AN WISHING MY FRIENDS A HAPPY NEW TEAR, I thank them for the kind patronage they have given me for several years, and take pleasure ia' Informing them that, for the coming year, I have made an engagement with. Mr, A. DAVID, Clothier, corner of Front and Princess Streets, where I will - '... . . . . - j be Dleased to see them, and where, from the laree assortment and larger variety, I .will have a better cnance to, continue to aeserve tneir iavors. " Respectfully, deo 23 2t B. KARLSBERG. What I Say I Mean. I EXPKCT TQ KEEP A COMPLETE ASSORT mentof BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Parties desiring goods in my line will do well to examine my scock nerore purcnaeing eisewnere. ' G W. YATES. My Photograph Booms Are now complete, and everything ia ready for First mass wore wmg aioag tne cnuareni.- we guaran tee gooa wora ar no pay. . ; t r 0.';W.-YATKS,;.; . dec29tf - A. ORR, Jr., Photographer. La Oaisse G-enerale Insi Co., t OE PARIS, FRANCE j: I Fire Insurance Exclusively.. Gold Assets $5,300,000. United States Branch Office Western Unien Building, "New York City. . !i t. . ... ' Does a leading business In New York and through' out the United States. " " ' 1 JNO. W. GORDON & BRO , ' '-' ' " Agents. dec29tf i-' ' .-I 94 North Watet Street A New Invoice JF OVERCOATS JUST .RECEIVED, AND will be disposed of at very low prices.' j . New Dress and Business Suits, ' i f, New Scs, New Silk Handkerchief s,s I ,, .;. -V -..f J- . , - . ' a ? i , ' . T ' . i . And New Furnishing Goods generally.' , . My assortment is not permitted to get low down. '- a tv'a -trrrv ? i dectf I'l - THE CLOTH I SR. KATKS OF .UVKUriStlNfl. Ott Iqim bm tofJrt )t4.-. fi 00 't.lW9 0MI,..M., 1 r two days,..... three days...... four days,.... , five days,....: One week...... Two weeks,.... Three weeks,... 8 00 8 60 , 4 0b ... S CO , ......... 8 Ml 'jneinontn,... Two months,.. 10 0U W 00 84 00 ...... ... 48 00 ......... GO 00 Tares months, Six months,... uneyear,... IST" Con tract Advertisement uken it nroo tionately low rates, r . Tea lines Mild Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Iff. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY MORRIS. WiMlMton Gas IMt Stoclc m Anctlnn. THIS DAY (TUESDAY) 818T INSTANT, AT 13 A'aIakU ST aaa a. Ill -.ll a. TB I . n - " w, mi... wi wui won jucnange sorter 25 Shares Canital Stock Wilmlnston r iDht r-n dec3I It , M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. Vehicles at Auction. , o'closk, A.M., we will sell at Exchange Corner, 4 OPEN BUGGIES, Latest Style, 4 Superior TOP BUGGIES, An Elegant PfliETON, ReceiTed this flav fmm f ha wall vnnn. u. . ... rer, LOUISCoSk: Cinclnniti. Ohio dec 31 It III. CKONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. A HJS.TS118' 8ALK.-ON TUESDAY. T , , 77. .i , . A . v uwa. A., W undersigned will expose to sale, at Public Auction. " wiirni, ui un or wummjeton 151 Shares Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Wei uvu imiu usAl Vv. 78 Shares Capital Stock Bank of New Hanover. u uu tt lumnDTOB utmnnu 1 'n do do do Brunswick B'dge & F. Co. Wilmington Cotton Mills. Cape Fear x People's do do do 15 First Mortgage Bonds ($1,000 each) of the Caro- lina Central Railway Co. , Terms Cash. JAS. C. McRAB, . , ... ISAAC BATES, Admr's of Isaac B. Grainger, dee'd. dec6 6t 6,8,15,22,29,81 RZ. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF THE nrmninnn.SmntolnAil in a aa . . Kidder bens, bearing date the 18th day of Octo-. aud foUowing, of the lUcorda of tfew Hanover Co.. --a mhwsuvv ivi uio aaiu muri- gageets will offer for sale at public aactlom at Ex- nhanfta On-na An tkn ttt nrrii 1 t, viMA-igw vv.uu iu bUD ktj Ul IT limiUgLOUa Oil r WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22D, 1879. at 12 o'clock M.. the following described LOT OF LAND iu the city of Wilmington, conveyed by said mortgage: Beginning at a point 33 feet north of the Intersection of the northern line of New street wiui ocvcuui buwi, men co norm as reet on sevent n And rtlnninT haolr tut futtn wn.n. vi art of Lnt A 1m R1v i iu .Mmii.n .:, i. of the city of Wilmington. i erms casn . Purchaser to pay for papers . ec 31 ta a. 8. MARTIN. Notice To Consumers Kerosene Oil. B ARB 8ELLTNO i'STAVninn TtVTl8tfn KEROSENE, from the old and well known Refine ry of C. WEST SONS, Baltimore, Md., (now Baltimore. United Oil Co.) - X7a tab. Ma wwwawwxwkA a. X . 1 that we are the only firm in Wilmington supplying dealers with this OIL We do not rnfcmil KfitrttSRmnm finf atolr for our Oil and accept no ottrer. WI VlllWSB, UAKLiX X CO. ALTAFFER & HILL. Manafactttrers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3c Ornamental Woodwork. w E HAVE FACILITIES (UNSURPASSED BY ANY. tasT-All work is dens under our own nerBocal an pervision , and satisfaction both as to Workmanship ' Factory and Office foot of Walnut St dec 29-tf Wilmington. N.C. A. SHBIBR Great Reduction in Prices ! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL .1 CLOTHING Lower M lias Eyer Jeea Offftrei, In older to close ont my Stock. A. SHRIKE, dec 39 tf 34 Market street. Holiday Hats! A XL THE RAGE ! . AT HARRISON ft ALLEN'S City Hat Store. dec38tf HaUard & Co. HARNESS 1 HARNESS I $7J50per set and upwards. Bridles, Saddles, Collars, &c, all grades, and nrlcea to suit the times. Trunks and Satchels in abundance . Repairing done promptly. -dec 89 tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET The Wew Year JS CLOSE AT HAND, AND WITH IT "YOU need a good - COOK STOVE. 3ffTTT the.ROSSMORE. IT'S ALL RIGHT. HEATING STOVES AND ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE CHEAP. : dec9tf PABKBR A TAYLOR. Hay, Corn, Oats. &c. Dally Expected and .In Store, 6000 BushelB Pzlmo WHITE CORN, Q Aft A Bushels Choice SEED and dUUU FEED OATS. 500 B&leBC!holce EASTERN HAY. r ;v ALSO, : SUPERIOR SEED WHEAT and RYE, for planting. '" for sale by B. , Fs Hitcli Son. desS9tf Figures are Oatcliing. ' f Ttnk hainw. .nd ee now if s kind of ciphering - A 1 measles don't break oat ia this locality about next Saturday? ; - m, Cook Stove, complete, for $3 S5, sad no charge for drayagel ! Oh, we can stand it great expec tationsrelated to the Hardwicke family large .estates In England, you know! . , " . - A Self-Feeder none of your poor relation sort, bat a cheery welcome heating-stove for $5 00. Peels the skin right off, bat we must make room for more Sams, the boss cook stove. . . Hems 5 cts. Boys, get yoar New Year's supply. '..;..- : . Blow out the old year, , , Blow In the new. . F. M. KINO k CO., dec t9 tf Wilmington, N. C.

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