POBLISUBR'S ARHODNCBnitBl. ..... o.o n,nMMtdanTBewpa- I WtMA3,! .doniay, at fw pet J:.? neinonth. toman SSSSSSSi: H-!.!iS ceawroruireemoBuw. ; ; - ; iree-, .Vth.. --24 00 &u'n . . .r. . ....a. iii.mTlia - I I I I . LUICD su-'-t ''ATa-n No advertisements Inserted. In Local Column at NoticosiBder head or ''City itei8" cuir line for nrst tnacraan, ana w ce F" r I - .ubsequent insertion. - v c;--o-: A r I A0?ZZ&3 It 1 ::.. .n,i d.. thrm fourths oi aailir raw. ! I week.twotlurasoroaiiyi.. -.. I, V..w- T - Notices of Marriageor "jeatn, Ka Swft. occupy any epeclal place, wiU be cuarged extrac- Advertisementa nWblcH no specified namof LrtSroption "or pubiTndchaVp-to SSLedmc tractedfor naaaxpired, clurjed tranalcat rate-for the time actually published. AdvertlBemento kept under the head of "New Ad- vcrtiaementa" wUl.be charged tfty per W An extra charge will Wmade for double-totamn or triple column 9 9 teShVeJ ITthT nicationlr oTotaeirwiee, wlllbA tharged as advertise- mcnts. Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements I ono douar per squaw tot each inseruon. Contract advertisers win not , m auowea ro exceea their space .or aaverusa any imng iu regular ousmesa wiuioifi wt i rt ; ' " -,v - -l Ci V" -r ' 1 Payments for transient advertisements must be made In advance. KAowapartteor fltrsiigew with proper reference, may pay monthly ft quarterly, ae- r.ardiasr to contracts' iiv ujs; .s.--. t. Advertisers should always specify the Issue or is- sues they desire to advertise in. Where no Issue Is. named the advertisement vwlU on inseneo. in me riailT. Where an adarattlser contracte for ths paper , i to be sent to him during the time his advertisement I mailing, of the paper to his address. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the' risk of the publisher, . ',.., " ; -j . ., ' Conmunications, unless they contain important interest, are not wanted; and, ,lf acceptable ifffrT I .ho. mr-v h- will tnvmrlhl tut TUitM if tho I news, or discuss Drieny ana property budiocw oi rew other way, they will Invariably be rejected if the real name of the author la withheld. .. : . r . Correspondents must write, on only one side of the paper. v ,; .. :-- ..-.;s'. y.. U- 3D JllB- By AM U. BERNABD. mriNGTON, iv: a: Saturday Morming, Jan. 4, 1879. "HABD .PACTS." ? I V -4 I The Uhicago lnter-ycean ox tne ' , 30th nit. baa a7 whole page or more pvntAfl t.n th "oveirwhelrnincr nroof . a x of the outragea and frauds , ia.the Sonlli: It calls them "hard facts, andaays they will prove . "astounding developments for Northern readers." No doubt.' This is fresh grist for the outrage mills furnished by the great- es.-irauu ye, kdowd to uiawry ouo Rutherford B. Hayes, now de facto President of these JJSiled ' States When we -turn to these so-called - - - ? .1 .1 J uaru iacis we uuu tuem mauo up of reports to Attorney: General De vens made in conformity with certain instf actions he had sent Out to U. S. Marshals, TJ. S. Attorneys, Special I Agents, : &c: The whole batch is a partisan statement manufactured, we have no doubtjdntjjLthe'jwhoIe. cloth j in many instances, and in other in stances ithe "hard facta" have been sadly' twisted, perverted and magni fied tosuit the exigencies of the oc casion. , ' '.. ,,.,.' , . ; The whole movement is nothing more bor less than ihe desperate ief forts of desperate men to manufac- ture public sentiment by, lying and perversion; that something of jan off- set may be secured to the serious and true and jusC cnageVirouf li! against the Radical party for; the stupendous theft of, 1876. It is'the dying effort of a fraudulent administration and a corrupt party to avoid their inevita' ble jdoon They bAyestolea, the r residency; hana betrayed :the try,; and uow- .they. are . at, the old 1 game of the rogue who joined in theTwithout interest1. pry of ''stop thief." Senate. the interest , of,, .truth ;and fairness,5 .:n 1 t' if 'l1 '.u IT 'iT; a wm unug w iiguL me o;naen viaot and it w'tlVjJien be seen how jmdetfjjf truth there is in the , statements'7 st Attorney General Devens's political i hacks. v -- '. -WaHi r-.w' ... The reports .published in, the Chi- S9fe!atf Pouiliana and South Carolina. We wouldlike to know if -Attorney General Devens has issued any instructions to his tools in Massachusetts hiar 6w& State, to make a sdarch' for "hard facts" in re gard to bulldozing Itf that State f VVe , if properly conducted and in 7t0Z& A" &$MS the chargeayf , TUliefMas lf the de facto Vr&foklii'AtKi A .. T Am 1 - nish JthiBiBeleot Committea with soma t. vwrewp.i "ofilClal,document8', bearine on the owu& on vne . - -uivr iw, 1 sided"' investigation as' fai'ra83lhe Administration ; is- - concerned. - The last thing Hayes and his crew desire is the5 precise- truth-a - falf ttnd thorough revelation Of the rascalities , practiced In "PhiUfl v PhiladelDhia." inA York, in MassachuseU IH ir VhW South, " . ' 7 O t MA --. t k .(H-a... duu wvvi iiuoi uaHurnaHflAn vi aint ' i . . ' r Tu . -7T:?".r?irl tnen tne ngnt .nana rubs the nose of . We would like to have a lull f ae- scription of ouHittle'city the year 1 . 'w--ii. ! - f A when Rev. Josejfc FiMrnoo.v.a rant, went through North Carolina in that vtMrzrrsz -. - extract ftora-ltheQuriiaU? of Mr - Pilmbo.T .Ncotnpafaied twith 'notes - We find this : interesting te- .j- 0f tbe hOBpitality .Of 'lho pe0pte of Newbern in 1773J He eays: - "In all my travels through the : world, I ve mt with none like the people of New: ;vvt um. ,; p;tmnP -Wuid rWilmmffton r u - - - - OR;faisway from fewberffTa Charles- ton. He spent VnighUt "Mr . Col- ton." He Blarted nexls mortiing , QT this place. To show the dimqulUea of travel iu thosedavs before the Revolouoorwe copy , a paragraph froW ha Journal :M : " , " ,jji.!- 'StrHDAT,- 3d. As I longed maCh t or 8tt: opportunity f preaching, I set off for Wil fc cre&Uy distressed on the T: TcSJaS.7 before had, raised the water, and wa.he5 tweay a bridge, 80 I was at a loss ; what to do:: but I resolved to take the horse from the chaise, put some planks for the wheels and draw it over myself, which I did, and .hen KOt horse ,0Vef WrlBOtir any hurt. .m th-n nrocceded on mv iournev ttf the rrj n- 7z 7 "-; - - -.- tOWn ';i t.f' il-j " I I'iv ? it Mr. Pilmoor w as fortunate enougli to arrive in Wilmington . in time to fget a good diuner, VVhilat dining at I ; , toe JUU . . 110 was very "agreeaoiv f ...... . . . . . " surprised at the Sight 01 a J'OUOg roan who bad been in society, with us in 1 Philadelphia, and he,1 together with a sea-captain, who had seen me in i the"rdrth, were verv i ready. Id publish preaching f Or mie; and ia the' a ! O 7 evening I had a large : coneregaliorf oi-attenuve cearers, ana uoa gave me great f reedom of mind to declare, 'Yet, surely I know that it shall be well with them that feaij God.' belieyemanyofrthem feltLhe word of the Lord, and -it - may- hereafter bring forth fruit unto holiness, that their end may be cverlasting life." He preached "in the court-house. His record shows that the people of t hb .ntn Wf?lnfU-f GrrU A toj hear the word of life proclaimed. lt; speaks well for the place then in :i ;-r--. w km r-.v ! "jr.':'"";U iw (uiauujr. ucuciij luitu agiuu m the same place to a large congrega- tidn on the nettr evening, Monday, On Tuesday c he "dined with Mr. JMforgatroyed, a merchant of Phila- delphia, and in the evening bad an- other large rbongregatioii and was enabled to preach the whole counsel ofj God andio- delivei my owVgoul." On Wednesday "a young gentleman" from the country invited him to visit hmi, but he was compelled to decline as; he was "fixed to go forward to the Sjuth." We can but wonder who was the hospitable and interested 4oung gentleman?" The Wilming- Hon landlord and family of that day 1 were kindly and considerate. Mr. Pilmoor says: ;"The people at the inn where I stayed were remarkably , crril; tbey-would sot iiiffer meXopay for anything.Tjul ehtreaT- eq me to stay longer." . : y t VVherf wa?;$he inn?; situated, n "who was "mine host" who so eene- ronsl; .esidedraaw)io so hoapita- by entertained , God's ambassador? VVilramgton iVas eVen- thea a plaeeof importauce, ; and ad a considerable population. " Thesesacri rant says: . j "As there are. many neoole in: the dace I should be clad to aUv.-wlr 1 am under necessity of hastening towards Obarles- After dining on 'Wednesday he set off, and '"intended to reach Brbiis wick, but the roads, were 1 so : bad I , We give one more extract that is not 1 . !In the morning I Jiastened -on lo itiia '-r.- tfwn in hppes of preachlqglhat day but ccuidnit the 9m$mmt day, when we had a, fine congregation in we courcH wnere 1 iouna liDerty and pow er to preach the gospel ' -oiyia ,n,.-i Saturday dined with Wftllam'vfiiiil Esq., to whom I had letters of recommen dation . Be is a gentleman- of jood nler- stanamgi ana-wneaa wseriow rwigfon. f I apent the time yery comfortablyja ; v. -i v.-uf in MAS". o It affords as satisfactioR . to know gainst the ijtklMmkf t e attraCting5;) the New England States as elsewhere. he refinement and culturV : 4t ;!?ihat tate are endeavorin-t-tcrmooli'booh if ': interfering with the:freedDnuof eTec- i ' tlona. Monstronal TrtonatrAna! 'Aii HHi:nasiRLLEiniinnnfli.ini. anir ii-a- food. m things, and fvestigations become factors in the prviaouon or virtue and ln-rtbere straining off vice. The chjast been made bv Gen. Rntlar. 'fiV Vho been made by( Gen. Butler, by ' th' I nrl'" V. . " A" V Tfr v 'i viTilijlfcl:rA .?. . "rw rfiuu8 secuonaor Massachusetts, that there" was the most effective and systematic iniimi daiion practiced throutthdut . the Diaie.;4 lb lairzp tue iauicai uapeiH icouin of MUh8are endeavor WPo''lht desUfiior eLMe-fob. K charges made so distinctly and. re, peateoiy ln tnefymfHHifcidP . : lir w -w I evidently anything else - thanr bapp over the revelations. 'Like Mat Tapley they mav be, J'jolW.Jbnt un-1 1 ;:i .T. ' r.t. . i.l - a .!'. ;.jr-, j.JMi: . ki! t bnndoztng Sutc-fe?fattmpt tSv ga- ..JL -v- .w-1-,..:.-; 1 i " LU-U UIOJUtGOW-AllVU DUWU; UVI I.1 vItCattbotbdenietf iBatA-r l - w ' J I flA' Tn rMMiAM arlii thse:Stsia-aad! elasla-rji. .fiifcia.rcatiidr.'i In iWbj-afaperhnmjm.f ! pabUcMT managed, in a presidential, eiec- Uott.noCTOthe' BtatC VftvMMtj less- thah 2,000J ltt:l87tha itepnbrican.vote, dlmmishej as it wm Ha iO.IXJOii'reeft-T.r. o; mtoprWs hen It was that the J backers, was in a agaansi .xjuuer. rnen k was Tnat xne .aXmii Itf KHiMAn!-.! "tiArw. af,a. lor oritl-crafo rjSS- "a ! SSfSL0"' - - . . - dated bw j-'threaia1 3o-v diacaarSa a-aod bv Imoral duress..., nd . the .ReDublican ouaaozers ; mumpneo,. ioq election in OT-Serwn lAAflerin Maln hut jn.MMS-hafltta IaW I lerJas able a political leader, as, there, is in. 1 tbeicountry, marshaHed the ahtr-Kepnbn-tlh4 cad hosts. WHhouta leader the oooueKiotf f- flefeatert tha Mains' iienablfeans led bv I " ar-tKll..Aa l.a.hn I . r .. r i Blaine, . their .white pi Blaine, their .white plumed avarre.t In MM9nr.hniu.tta the maWitir of ita voteraled I by I Butler. their' "wbtte-pmmed - Navarre, 1 wereaeieaiea oreaflerieaa tiwpouca. i i . m . . s a m . i .. a r . a l W.tn.'W taqury oi oairaecoua.corrupuoa auasyaiue- i tosi bulld6intf. This sort of thins' m8t be f t Btopped! It must be stopped-now! The I Kepubucans want oouthera btvJldpzing end? ed J but we will go a step further. We. de mand that both Northern and Southern in terference With lb right of fraftcbise- ahali Stop...' " .. ' ; ..t;:; 'V:?fiT1i) :m f i , i. t,-. ,, ... ,. , . e impression ;i8; being mqe throuchout the countrv. richt or wox)g as itmay be,.that,iQ,the ge-, cohd North Carolina District the I ht thing was n6t done in throwing nrtt.'a rW-ijr' nniihp:' rf Tf :v'nti-lliJ Te Chicago Inter-Ocean invites1 the B aine CmmittJo0beg,wcby. investigating thatXHstrict. -It. says 5 j'The democrats threwbnf br ihe coarft tyer 1,900 votea cast for O'Hara, Repnbli- Can, The committee might ask, why they 1 dohV-lhrow out all of the Republican j We are in .favof of, a thorough in-1 uiry. If O'Hara is legally elected then he ought to have his seau Fair 4 - 0 . - .,. I m.rrurB, uVV6 T,uai,",D,'l At ne is noi eiectea men 01 course ne 1 hasno legal:ciaimai - A mvesttga- tion would determine the matter. i 11 ! ! 1 ..: t . fThePresidetit of the Bwiaa Coufedera- tiqn gets only $3,000 per annum, yet, there is kio difflcolty in finding plenty f patriots willing (o take the place whenever a vacan cj? oocMA?Wiukingtoil '-FMAn L'.m .e.'.-o: They have too 1181 Switzef- tlji..r;co.oiiU President most have $50,000 annual 1v -'TH-Nritr. OimtThaLAhlLj.': roM,na men must be'paid ,five or six. or eight thousaaq dollars. ior. do- I ids the worlc tharhnndreda"nK hnnK, 1 .1 -.-'. i '.'' a-J --" III .( Uvj labd to increase salaries and nulro-p-founi-, -jomueipg ai a premium, aL '" 'utc iZV 1 rfAi c.ians.l-.d-y few, people wanted tt'xcharjge dice flush tnesamp nsa men would be gladtoiinderuke a4ybody can gewUwnjilollars5 JutJ Tl.MdPwards in silver foreeobaekai r t ""-1: " ? w"i , ; AUf -""B18" J latute will have to razee the salafies: 1 o mav ipo WJvo a snarp ana reso- i at ;i. .iii wrs t ffuji., r - ' - c .e.handPf therej!wilUead.tmen us account to settle swiih the peo J 4: ots! : a m vr v; 1. 1 m STATE g?f!?f!ggft?i:CbrbDcy. ihe prospects of a biir.like i t.Und the tendeaeyf ifBHg- opinion in the OldNorth State a&wVllavfVA I paths.? Jdoch maybfe saiibnbothL sides J v wiwwnB'uuj. ,ni uxw- ping post Beats ine peniteauary opinion pjheabeneyojenjeorx tnat nothine stops evil courses li licking."-BlpuMh ikExmih it tiudiciar adt ernsineT has f an6C:,Jwfie'b unuer consiaerauoa-iBDreTioiwaessioiwori" aatwW.6..u..,aYJJa, UBUU 3 w-jfi?Tici -a-TTr -ViJ7XT3T"3iJaJ VOQ RITftfttfirl. ilepn mnepm fnr thfi I iiiwcBuiui uj, jpeopie, anu rwoiiu save I tttemrr-afiaiHooal !;ta-ktfot.;'Wlie ia f fir as 'aa -iTeVfrRTTirT-o Only, that in the individual cases affected by .the propoBed-ntfcfirtenTTThere is the SfSiI'i. uEiuira wf ui ysh iwssaiiirom wea vanuigef:ittblki 1 " ' " I J i I , . T - - - 1 ....... J cr .u i --:- ""j .-a ""- n i m s 1. 1. r sti ri s-k in i iisiir tv sit i r-xs ---- -t I ki, i i:r .--""t WBMUO IB ftlUB IT, ItSLIlII i TJ1 T TTlI BTVI QrAA l vv"ucawoy--Bvini-jsjaB ..ni..na inOUIUd uwic ujjUj jipouon tnaa"iaivT; linn rrAo-A1-.Jtfi- tdt.: Jfef ff :S.aAadMi.;keOil the defeated carjdMatQVrK too in - " a - .. . . T -A-n-av--- . . s : m m " - ;7TiMuiSSf. ess m inenarftstgiiarsttiet. and """ving;neignw Wh(V Dl am... I . --aVSfrBBHBBSM-B. . .' What blalne WltneaBesllay. ; Mr.1IJU.u.c I witnesses, ,sv named I? MiCTfeMmm egajnsjtjy. loaglo t . i i . i w. j-. -i i IM, III M V- . -i T . i . ( -I ' I. . M -tanjooaf ,-H-.y lsnJii ao vli-.s sd) selves? 16b thb other side 'about as1 fdst TH i,7: dT rBoTia r?T:?V.. rViinfrn- ma So-t-. F .u ' I iMiniuir 11 urn .ira av;u '.lliih - OCUU. I ; A t fJCT-ArlT L?fd uora iu. auv enmner 'ipat ne is no. o pe i Msbwn'fortunelne'-TiiAit mfm?mWm netter -ana&uatt iarcuiltectUTe.( todrjfx,;to.iHe Buouiueris aim mngs. ieiureran it Runt cojimknt. -4r. vBootwell 40 hia recent Jution jo the Jforth American , - ? f. vfpetwjeeri 3 said, practices. I ifuiu uviiur buu' a k. ww , not due to Wslation.bnt. to:a m' s 1. 1 - 1 J1 box.atnfflnaadJaJdozjngA nroatft nnr nreveui. . xuuu; ruoi ltl!urinar losi.ryu.&Mi.r . .1 1 1 1 nn V. n .. - f .4 11 OikU whffi.h I ul, mirr-WSiStji t-Mr.edu4Jjat it isn't the bU.luM.'(.l sfl UWU Deiuir-- 'r "V2r. "F. vr:Z I w-r ' . " ' .... !, -H vv e civee3aoiiea-H.v i Knc'3 disooverMtu Wiulldozing llhere. JVlassachasetts is one ianfi4tui . I . .1 I Vl Ibliaiasjl KVC fMQ. ux. UI or. & as.r - i -- p to takpnara of herself bft - 1 . ' ' J . ... Ltm nncfa t.r hof inl F nhe dfles MOt iWi'an m Wii Uvr.rvp-r- iiArt. .-i ..atuvrvw. aicavo vuu --f.vf- - .rdTfaa.State:lleabilcaMi.omtni tba sort she has. Anybody who aoesr f.J . . k K. ".. 7 " " ; f enddgE'HaWachhse'ttsL' pffijftti" to' join hiiiu mafeihg aa change1 cerrii-1 j , xvsjJZi 1 W 1 .Alftlftmf -4 1 rrr-r :,nn 7u :i.iTT4e Wilmington iUel.) Avery 1 .f .11 .JidJ I,'., A-.Fied-Grant graduated .boot foot of his class at Wjw-fi t - - - ' ,apd there fs, little, .doubt that hadjie not been tnej son of fathV he woiild ndt havb gWdtratetf Jat aif. "1 never sawady? :1ff e a . n .-1 C --?I oawtlUit . ' i rt E h ifl Ay9cep-wnsii .uaJ S (r'ill4 XluBterAo seek for- rich gold mip.es in 1. Black Hills...; Yet.be .was pro- I Ua 1 a' "A ".KS;"7TSf7"P w cave is several miies in exient,, 1.1 a t 1, i , mil LCII ,J W CH llllini 1,1111...! n 11 U UWlt.W I " T , r. 7, .... .. .. . . . I m viittinatf in'-wtittf-M nT.'iaarnn v yY", , , t ii I beflibn." and now be is to tdraw fall l uaV and alio wahoefi as a Lieutenant-. Uolonel,oE Cavalry - While doing no thla.iDd the oro-lo 5rW;U-iled i 5 :7, c States are to pay abOttt $40080 f o deadheading Ms father and him- lot deadheading self around a large portion of the world. JiA' greater t jo utrage, on; iivhe. American people ; was :never , perpu trated even when the reason for. such outrages was at its height Jn.the.'days when Fred Grant s father was Presi debt of the United Stat-tSat)an- nf iseuss. jjem- L.S ', w tt7ashingion Letter to Savannah News. J fohn Sherman has prepared a bill abfut the silvefdollar -which -wrir be Sekrate nporr their reassembling. This bill-provides for an increaaeabia sity-eight grains in weight of the. stindar silver, dollar in order ,to make it of eaual market value as the .1 .lAiUr notri. VTToa 1 fW. of! this bilk " He arid" Sherman '-and the gold nien hold that the people wil not take the silver dollar tinless ite f'S"1 uui, ,uaa hAAn ArhvpiL .Iri truth. t.nA cyrpatpst. obiecuon to the silver dojlarhas been us weiciu. ana, to aaa to it win aaa oojecuou. ,a saviogue Biiyer dqllar is unpopular,' the reservation shjouTd always be 1mftde---:ondeT the presenv circumstanoes," 1 he stand ard dollar created,! by the silver. bil has oever had a faic opportunity to get inid general ctreulation. , - ? Jt has been. paid out by Saerman only in exchange foTtffPld.. except., to. a , very limited money r-J irr - parity, the denfaml f or ; silver- bai- increased three f oldj andis InCteaaingdailyv ver-an amount eieht "times as larte I.' - l ,4w ,-. .(4JW .'D. t.-.--f as any.that had, gone put any day Previous. Again, " after J anuary 1st, fijBtfof lran8portatlon erbis Will- be the first time that silver hasreallv awcava, .a,BB.L VauwivvHB, - - 5pt4edsilo:dQubJfebal'thatiUrw uterGil!Ulan liinksap.aifWithn jse, facta LwelL.knowa to; at, least rthe House Committee t on. Banking A and e.xW P9f ?a niD Pferan w.tteasi, ppi,y.ery: flrignt Judge Buckner, chairman of J thai icOmmittee. savs that no taeasnTe x orfj nii t ,.'wikrrtiii-i :iH -..- IProvideoca. Journal,!. t J .-r,rcr.-,i.-w.-Tj rjTTiTTvJ J9,3 i a -w.l- v.t. 1 .Kuaa)ivBKivi; iu.. ;gucittij uiuH i trieetiag in Ie,LTlest.te;M1 if Orii Ut taeir troubtesaneffor DraVerWao.'No hadiftOMi&r i .t t -fA. !. . nsn .f . : .T.' iviatuvuiusovi cue UXUelilUU 'LUtilU . I - . -"IW", fc 1. -Wnnlrt hfl- a JIVlV,t.Jmoi rvK ir Inataar). vi uitwuBiut "wwera in a itina. cren e 3 : , . If i uciryu r ree rress.i vinDfJ-ii f . lv ' iB ' u tl .'tc . - -.naw 9ls & Two inenKilldTm:ni..h.! J mtdlttcaTrj i , i urnce1 J JLry a ijio v ben Aftihe objeetK lwefha flTnlurfPft JVlr- ilnvea , in A. ho- in. -mssmnTrai i94iuuwuvih.. i - i . . (u rffiH m.i.-i ...Tj 1, r . t vtt u -m It . . . I ASZ'n. ' "l r"? f d sturbed UibWflJiMrvkeMtSt IledMaW.rUvjBish .1 " ' . -.-i..s-wau-jouj -i.i! $refUl terJmbgrfljf -W - - ' P" -ir V rOLITl The? Wredicion of -"immediate Diosfceritv.1: &a the result of resamotion. --. r7T-. r a. 1 i t -m S S ,fx - J5ejatoi tPfflaty writes o aen- atirP'alnA'a rtrtmnrhittMA in n nran f i irifti not a crat tHIimMirtfo ftebbHcat.ltaBON minauon ror tue KrfcMQeticy.Jw. 'limes, They man who obtained tire high? fcst ofBee 10 4m Hepubhe Jy the most gi- can tic icaua .la Jiistorv is euioi. to tell Air. .Teller's committee something about alleged fraud. io the elections of 1878. ' .It'willie it'gdrgfeOfta moraf spectacle.. Wash. pMtt Berks listen n livx;.bqc:-:i i.Ki-.;.'c.I: ,L,., - h On Jaunaryt Tennessee will '-'-rrrt. r.a.. .in ..i. . a,ri4 nnj mrr '-A' Georgiarii trapped nineteen mvcrugmg ; luriy upuoua, jq one of-lJre6fci1.a Diewart county Tiec bf Jjoijjsiana spent, datfbtL the last elee- trcri, ,$10 more ihanev received m con- tribtalns? T s"! rui I irxr. cr- y Judge Henry G. Smith dropped ueau vvcuoesuay mgui, ai ms resiueoce id Madison street, Memphis, Ten n.; f He was, at oue time a Jodgeof the Supreme Court of Tennessee. , .vf-.: jt - Tfeeotali-jojt of educatioii Jn VTesl Virgi nfa, for Ibeaat jear,is estlma tedUt 1686.818, SI. There has been a larce increase oTaUet dance and ftorresponding tlduction in expenses. - r Geotdglc Surveys of ihe Luray Uate, in Vircinia. are beini? made.' 'Tbe Pate,, Courier states, that James fJ5ritun haa ciscoverea another, cave 10 tuai county f " . .; , . i . . .. -. 1 R7RrT!hriRf TYiafi 1 878 0 4 O. Uixll&bUIcts AO I O. is over. IS NKAK AT HAND 1 BoatrirTriglit t& McKoy MABJLTORIR J3QW To! tlieir CMtoiers aM .be PulJlia, BEG TO ASSURE THEM THAT, Tiiii?imjaE,, AS is the past. I ; .- V.THKY WILL ; Furnish ' , the - Necessaries ! AS W&LL AS CU3 The Luxuries of Life ! EVEN WITH THE NEW YEAR ! ai a START A P SHI Fr lie W. Goods.. j f i i.j.. . . .. . : Host Lilifiral BEurgaifts, , Vni.'ii is. , ana lowest Prices v W e wilt assore all, for the past year Have Taken the Palm," i , " . , And we intend ' "" TO DORVE.1 B&TrRR daring the MRXT XOAU ;ij r..i SAVE YOUE MONEY WUA YOU NflfiSi vJN TUB OR00ERY UN1C, Willi UO . si?: .J. i-u.t i': i W HOLIES AfiE Jolt ; RETAIL; ns:;.'f Boatxirriirlit &clffoKoy V77An86TH: vvontfprj 1.' T- I aMitiwir t ' 1 ' 1, , . . ,1 I t iW"" -j . . insrNice. TTl ,i,rr . iinba4s-ili More that TENDER CELERY dno 'onl Tuesday, a I , . . u Fruit andj Coaf etiojjery Stores. 1 -t a. 1 LlilJ al III - ri 1 s . ; i i iiijutj. jiitUija ,,J( JUif. 5 JS Axes, S&ws, UoSee Mills. &c . . . . i&lis and American Pocket and Table Cutlerr. aDeriorBaftors. SeiesoM ahdhearsj fims a i mproTCd Beating and Coosj Soirea at factory .ee 99 tf -UNaviaSIFfe .ts: LtKIujCAfilTflfeH s avi ilOO and- upwards made- for Five Per Cent. at anile : Drawine .Deed MmtnssiAt. Wlf, IH?,ais 0 liYlfSSsa- I i Lower than Formerly RE nfsia sooba tor Cxnnmercia,. Travelers. lm ever? aeDuunwn -u coaiMci-unciata tm natmi MISCELLANEOUS Fl e nyCh r i st m as Aib i' .' " w Year TO ALIi. ,? ruwn 45 MarlEt TAKE 118 01PI)RTDN1TY. OP KBTURNt in their sincere thanks for the Datronare so li berally bestowed daring the past year. ,:- OarbasinfiBS having eteadilv Increased since oar first opening; it will always be oar aim in the f atnie, as m we past, to , . . . . MeuuMiiM knowing such to be the true element of snccesa 1 anybosinesa. J rs?-ouR PRirSrea ahb thr a iir to a tt! BV KRY ARTICLE IS MARKED IN PLAIN' PKK TJRES.and ererr order sent is tost as careullY ee- lscted as if the party stood at the counter, and Judg ing from the nhmerons orders we- daily ecelT. oar system is duly appreciated, as all Oeods , not satis factory can always De returned. We are mating prcparatioire for oar irnnd ; Annual Clearing Sale , Dne notice ef which will bejiriTea L " - ; I through this medium . l ': ' v Toys, iic.v&c.JtSc. : We wofild atnipW state, as we hare NO ROOM to pack away any of the FANCY GOODS' and TOYS left OTer, it will be to the DECIDED ADVANTAGE of all to give as a call before New Year's, as we will CERTAINLY CLOSE TJP EVERY THING by that time, enf lease being limited to that date.' WHOLESALE BUYERS . i.-t;.,i;,, ::- WiU do well by calling early Afi TBE GOODS i MUST BR SOLD. BROWN & RODDICK , t45 JTIarkot street. dec 35 U ' - y- : . Mullets, k JN OAK BARRELS,' " j , AT REDUCED PRICES, For sale by L . -m des 2Stf : '" - ADRIAN & VOLLERS Fresh and Daily !A.lDIDig?IEOlsrS AHE BEING MADE TO OlIR ; LARGE STOCK ' ' .' . ' . t -of OrSO OEBIE S Holiday Goods, &c. . J- r- GlTena a call. ' Adrian & Vol I e rs, ; dec 2 ' . S.Ercorneri Front and Dock 8ts. FURNITURE. A! -r -TaN ENTIRE? NEW STOCK 0 TfiE MOBT stylish, patterns and designs, carefully' selected and at the LOWEST PRICES. . The Best Assortment of Office, Parler, Chamber. Dining Rooia and Kitchen Furniture ever offered, in Wil- miagton. Stockof all kinds of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Bedding, Acj, At.r ' 00)5':; ..; . 4. suDstantiai CHRISTMA8,:PB-si!n cait. b selected from toy stock that Sielfi delight the Te cipient, Byamlnarim ot stock soBcited. . : 1 n j . . .. :.. J". A. 8CHUTTB, ',V j S6androntandllandl5DockSUj- GREAT BARGAINS! , - " ' -': 1 .... ' " . '.; V " ' . Sol Bear Bros. -to ' i r '. 1 Offer one of jlha , MOST COMPLETE. & CllKAPEST STdCKS OF v i :ii tmViL4.i .tit iayyaii8 Ihw si 7 I '' ' '-- - ! U05ifl-9l :inj . 'J- f T . -. ... ? ! - . : ! ; ' AND: ' ' :.': : GENTS' FLTRNISHtNG GOODS ! -: : '' V; 'Jic-ui .:$,':;. : is i J. In this City orSteteV I 0 j ''.;,i..v.V"-i;jt ca'iiU -v lur, j fnJt:lit:in'' ' -i iAfutttodcpmptetatctckj ,nUj js OOTS A1H H0ES r - at Maanfanrer?:Prheku:!j,i;i&! rF-Glve as a call before going1ehehr.a " i 1 decl4tf" SOL BEAR fc BROS! ! Oh ! Ain't they.Pretty ! iiijJ,?!;:i:-'Xii;-t1. i5'-Snclt.r.a tfcftstte-r 1 '-.. -m&msmk r"Z on? nanaoora SO QeetaE Tey: ara iusi xne uon. lor a Present to yoar sweet heart andlfyoa havat : -weetheart, then lor f; j .iwflrrj .nsiiT ifea n taut ai. Vonr Pa nr "Rroher. i ' flee 21 tf - 8 N Front stVi ; 8t4"WUnlntoiu 3 ChaWffe of acliediAleii e.. AwflTTTiiBn7fi'"TiTrfi! STsiAMElt ? VII PASSPORT WlLIr XAK DAILT, TRIPS A W1 Lsaye Smithvilleiu ?.83 P. &. J Tickets; R6utdTripr$lJ0,y i w?Oj lo I J ISCELLAyKOlJS..4 7 Holiday :Go6ds ! The Tremenclous Eusl. TO G-EGRG-E MYERS', 1 1 , 13 & 16 So Front St Is r Pully: ; Explained ! STANDARD GOODS ! ; , -V; AT THS Astonishingly , Low Prices iv CAUSliS THE EXCITEMENT ! AT GEORGE MYBRs', 30,000 , ; 200 C1?0iCC K A PPLE3t 2Qj Boxes FIRE CRACKEKSV , 50000 TORPEDOK3' ' . ! j'QQjQ Lbs Asaoited NUTS, ) QjQQ, ths Choice CANDIK3, . -,20j0 ?XC8 IA'ISINS ; ' t.QO M??8 New. FIGS, . t i .Cjumj CITRON. LOWEST PRICES in THE STATE U ' . ' , - AT feEORGE MYERS', OIIR FANCY GOODS DEPARTMEST, I FRENCH AND GERMAN GOODS, AT HALF PRICE! " ! DON'T FORGET THE LITTLE ONES. 115 to 25 Cents will buy a token longtobere memberedl at GEORGE MYERS'. OUR WIH1T&LIQD0R DEPARTMENT. fWe are selling WINES and CHAMPAGNE WINES at HALF PfUCE. t3"Elegant Pure IMPORTED and DOMESTIC WINES at $1 Sit and $1.50 per gallon.' t2T"Oar WHISKEYS are UNEQUALLED iu the State in Excellence of Quality and Cheapness. Try or OLD BAKER at per gallon. SWEET MAsii the Best in the World, at $3 per gallon. SAVE 100 PER CENT. AT . E O RGrJE M XjE R S'. ' t5&Our Goods are bought from FIRST HAN 03 "NO MIDDLE MAN'S PROFITS." i Hence we can SAYE MONET FOR YOU. j We laave the LARGEST. CHOICEST au,l CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS in our THREE STORES to- be found in the State. G eoegilm ye r S', 1 1,' 1 3 ANlP 1 6 FRONT ST. A P. 8. Poetry again : A box of Cigars for your friend, A hamper of Wise for your brother, r- A gallon of Sweet Mash you'll find Precisely the thing for each other. deelStf ' G.M. FFMS of 'superior English mnko : famous for durabi.ity and jelasfccHy ; greal variety of styles suited to every kind of writing. For sale by dealers jrenerslly: - . - rWBJIT'Jk'-KI'Vil assorted samples for trial, ic elndlngthe ti TT ' - -tt "C A T-rjOTNT ' celebrated U AND X1 J-y y Fens, by mail, oa receipt of Twenty-fire Cent-. lyiSON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR it CO. Sou Aenmro. iu U. S. 38 and 140 Grand St., Ne,w York. act 5-oaw3m fr The World's Standard. :lS.r . I.f ? f . i VTf '.'.'! iH"'!-- i.t" S O pA-;;--Xj,iJ-EI-.j S : FOR SALE ALSO, . ) 'Coffeet Mills, gjiice Hills, and Store ; ! - J Fixtures Generally, The improved T)fI "Wrrli!. , ! ' Oselllattnr rpmmt,p h:m Pnmp. i ! 'SEND FOB CIRCULARS.; FAIRBANKS &C. 311 B.rP4wyt New York. Foe Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers. ksg 81-ataw4aAWUlA isawe -f Select Boarding hnd Day school, r h - nulsboro', 3i c. 1 T' HBTMl8Sli NASH! ANDr'MI33 KOLLOCK wUl resume the exercises of their School en FRIDAY.TTH FEBRUARY, 1879, and dese them g6TH JUNK, (Twenty Weeks.) , Clwilaraon appU catioti: - - t -wire ' dec 14 9tawim rr mgh-3red Dogs. English., irish and . gordon setters tt the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. ' . , For sale by ! 0 'UK-'J ni;?. zvie,;.i WELSH. , Uv7D&wtf : .. :York'p!! ACOMPJUETESTpCK - "OF' ALL KINB8. , i AriRICE8 mMSETTHJI Y3 KWS OF BUYERS ST1EI ' Fdrto f-':.'" vwAKiwtwiiiwilc-ri-iJ .t U U.i 'r0 anj ()oa Mereiiants, ' V:?-r. 5-7 a., v . . !!; anlD&Wtf ai N. Water Street. sawing wood. recover. bet .3 tf