a THE HOBITIITQ ST AR P , HUSHED DAILY Kl . m i 0 lC year 0T 2JKSSXam: I To city ofw- -- ? -. --.- - i prance. : xbe Potter ? commlUee will inteiUgate the cipher telegrams, and Mk for further Representative Schleicher, of Texas, U exi tremely low, and hia recovery almoathope es9 Smith & Forbes, of Charlotte ' and Boston, have failed liabilities $15V-- nnn asaeta. tlO.OOa Hew xort Ben- WW ww w ale has passed a resomuon proieaung i against the passage of the bill reoganiziog I the army. me v uoeycnne xaaiaos broke from their prison at Fort Robinson, were pursued, and over forty killed. Cincinnati has had a destructive fire; loss $200,000. Heavy snow in Ohio and Kentucky, Thursday, delaying all trains. TJJ! and stopping some entirely ; heaviest enow twenty years. Terrible outrage . r.: tii:..: "... kt.J. I for proprietor and his employe indicted for murder in Indiana; result of a drunken frolic. - Madame Anderson 1st, is in good condition, and baa days more to complete her feat. Com missioner Radm gave hia views on the pro posed tobacco tax reduction, j' All through trains on the Memphis Railroad stopped on account of ice.; if. Y. markets: Money 3i3 per cent; cotton quiet, at 919 CU; flour steady, with a 1... .r.i .lpm.nfl, wht mm het4 ,er corn a shade firmer; spirits turpentine , ' . . J,. - I lower at 291 cents; roain dull at $1, 85. George Garcelon, the new Demo cratic Governor of Maine, was inau gurated on the 8th. In his address he congratulates the people on the resumption of Bpeciepayments, and hopes the nation will never again be led into violating the Constitution by the passage of a legal-tender act. Captain Bogardus is envious of Dr. Carver's lame ana skill -as a ''shbotist." He began on Wednesday the difficult task of breaking six thou sand balls out six thousand. two hnn dred. i He broke two thousand balls without a single miss. He made about nine a minute, now and I then rtetin. That "Capting" will do. Among the noted European deaths of 1878 were the following: King Victor Emmanuel, Pope Pius IX., Bishop Dupanloup, Earl Russell, Dr. Peterraann, the geographer, Queen Mercedes, King of Hanover, Princess Alice, of England, Mehemet Ali (as aasVmated), VVbyte-Melville, author, I U. U. .ewes, author, Uruikshank, I : . ' ' I I miss Maria Xietta, tne young Ame- rican prima donna, ' who achieved a marked success in Paris, made' her i t . r ,v m. - , i , debut at Booth's Theatre, on Tuesday night, as Jjucia, in Donizetti's, mest successful opera, ''Lucia de Lammer- -mm -r - m I moor." too. Woria says: i s ; . $ "When she first appeared on the stage at the dpening of the second scene she was welcomed with encouraging plaudits, but ber evident nervousness and the sight of - her girlish face and alight figure excited tbe fears as well as sympathies of many peoole imone the audience. When she I I . - . .t. - I ..T I hpiran tn ainir th tiAalillftil air "Paoni vt nei Biienzio, however, ail rears vanished. In spite of the nervousness which . affected her delivery of the cadenza at the 1 end of the air, tbe musically acute . portion, of the audience immediately recognized , in . the ' young debutante an artiste of great ability, and everybody wis charmed with the sweetness and freshness of her voice. It is 1 a wonderfully pure soprano voice; clear, sympathetic, vibrating,' penetrating, net ; broadly dramatic nor of great volume." Han. Julian Hartridgeat the time of hw death was a member of the Judiciary committee of the House; and Chairman of . the sub committee to in vestigate the election frauds in I New York. ' He . was a native ! of Sa vannah, Ga He was, at one period, oliciioreneral of the Eastern Jq-' dicial Circuit of Georgia, and was afV terwards amember of the iiegislai ,.v- Vd. . tt , ture of that State. He served; in the confederate. army daring the early J part of the -1 late tivil war,': and "was subsequently a member of the Co federate Congress. , He was fleeted lo the Forty-fourth Congress and re elected, to the Forty -fifth. , He de clined a re-election to the Forty- sixth Congress, though pressed to become a candidate, preferring to re-1 turn to the practice of his profession. N ... .-' . I He was in his 50th yean - Nortb- Carolina. LRichmbnd Dispatch &-J:: An effort is On foot to make a rail way line of communication betweea the railways that - lead ; io Danville and Salisbury, and Chapel Hill, the seat of the time honored TJniversitv of North Carolina. . We confess to a I knowledgingnthef f ffortsof jBepre (nost devoted desire to see that wat sen tative Scales td Obtain ' the Repeal f access to Chapel Hill established. It has been a mortification to n td ee the languishing condition in Which ah' institution ' that has dn- see such an institution remaining for "oiong a time secluded and ' almost Jprgotten. We are glad that atteh- iuu nas neen redirected towards it. iea some of the best minds not only 156, laws Of l87a-'77, relating to tne f North Carolina,' but of her neigh repeal of th privilege tax (mraer- boring sisters, has continued since tbe chattdise. ".Calendar -k vj;: ar. Painful indeed has it been to Bv Mr." Viughan. aV: biliTedace H I'-: -'Ijjrl.- Vhi!f,ur moh' V. j V"1 t"'3 r" -j 7 " fc"' 2 04 JstF Oi7tAV,ii.fiTi! 7f, . 1 t- ft ? 1 r1'"7"" cctpt MONDAYS, i -r m .,. . h M 7 'i , x -j x ,f airsN f s ' i v; ivy,; i r- ::r 1 .--'. ,.fiJi I'll .11 1 I V 31 II If II fc -1 XX I II i I XXI II "II - V'" "l" M""'-l' M i t 'II - . ' t,".- .... . ... r?r .! ' ' ' ' t. - ! '!.',.- I . ... i .. . : r ' r- 1 " " " " ' 1 , .,rv , ... : 4 -. VOL. XXIIINO; 93. TIIK LEIL,A.TURE. Rakigh-Obaerrer Report Condensed. w;.;'4 senate.;: r.:; Mr. Dortch's resolution, instruct ing the oommiitee on -Internal Im provements1 to inquire Into and re port the alleged combinations 6f rail roads to increase freight for short onAi: Un.l ; xtv aistanoesi'tridjlitfltrl it from prtb Carolina cities, to wns and "seaports, was read And, went or , the. calendar. ; . TBB BIDIKGS OF THE JUDGES. : U Mr, Dortch moved,a joint commit tee of twelve fromVthe-i Hons and Senate to settle the permanent ri dings and-' system of flotation of,ihe judges." The resolatibn, under bus- !"f reaodj en' CToasmenL, -' J: -i -s . L . ii : . public PRnrnNG. i . : liur. jsiusra introuuoea me iouow- Sectioh l.j 7 Oeneral.:Assefnbiy of Worth Carolina tfoicrMQLr. TMt section i pt cnapter W7,pt xHlttie'B Reirisal, entitled "Pablio Printing," 5ebaitnV1!e5,! f9Q cents in line fifth, and inserting CQUl8 bj striWng oune doM, Jar land sixty cents" m line sixth, and h trtaitrtinrf t(Jn Mntm n artA af n but "50 cents" in' line seventh, and inserting "25 eents. T ; . . Sec. 2. That seotion 4, of chapter 164, Laws of 1876V77, are hereby re pealedi mjeilif -...;" . J v ; 0 Ssa 3. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. d ! TAKE TAXES OFF FACTORIES. r, Mr, Everitt came forward with a relief measure for manufacturers.' He wants factories and factory sites, where cotton and fwoolen fabrics and machinery and agricultural imple ments are made, relieved of all sorts of taxation. It will increase the in vestment of capital, and will prove popularAvith all classes. ; r t ; ...fob jiCAJTY COUBTs!! Wayae people have become so orderly and their dockets are so well cleaned by the competent conduct of the Inferior Court that four 'yearly terms of the Superior Court are found to be just two too many. Mr. Dortch wants two extra courts lopped off, and the Senate by a vote of fifty ayes, a unanimous vote, passed his bill through its several readingslv v ' - Mr. Dortch introduced a stringent measure for the protection of inno cent women against wanton and ma licious slanderers Punishments fine. imprisonment or penitentiaried not -"t T "LT l - Mr. A. D. Brooks, of Alamance, was elected Engrossing Clerk. Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, intro- duced a bill requiring the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts to reP0! thes Governor amendments or changes in'the laws, and suggest the t pasMge of such other , laws as they may deem important. - a much kebdbd bbvision and di - . Mr. Dortch introduced a bill au thorizing the Governor, to .appoint three commissioners to collate, ''re vise and digest all publio statute laws now in force ia this ' State,' including the laws passed ' bV ' thiS Assembly,, Jill " ti i. .' ' 111 ' A ioiiowing ine geuerai ptau oi iua Kevised Statutes, 1854. The Com mission is to report to the next Gene rat Assembly, making suoh sugges tions as may be proper; is authorized to employ a clerk at a salary of $300, and to have 300 copies printed. He also introduced a bill providing for the holding- of the Superior Courts successively by the seve ral ! Judges of said Court. The Jdge of the First District to ride the vj 8 trf t0 riae the Sixtji. pircait, &c; the! Judge of the' Third to " ride the Seventh, fcc ; the J udge of the Fourth to ride the Eierhtbr the Jod are of the Fifth to ride the Ninth f the Judge of the Sixth to ride the First; the Judge of the Seventh to ride the Second; the'Judee of the Eighth to ride the ?hii and the Judge of the Ninth to ride the , Fourth, 4fep. fff , Mr. Dortch intfoiltlced'i t)ill for the exemption of certain1' personal property from sale under exeoution or other final process, v atue not to exceed $500. j ; The Governor's message was then . read, after -whiotr the Senate ad- journed HOIJSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 The election of ; officers , then came ready. Stab.) ofL (We have published them al- . V mm 1 - liv Mr. Atlunson, a resolution pro nosinff a ioint committee" of three on the r.art of theiiatehd-fiYe on the nart of .the : HotiseU-tOu asoertain - the publio expenditures, and how they can be curtailed. Placed on the calendar. ";Bv Mr. York, a resolution of re- auest. that ibui,: Representatives .' in. I Congress'seenre a reduction of 1 I tax on liduors and tobacco ; also the ac- I of the Ux on brandy. Calendar. ,! I ' v- intbodwctioji ofbill8... . I Br Mr. Riohardson, of Columbus, la bill to amend seotion 12, chapter 1 and regulate thelpbst Of babji 'print I ingi Calendanioni'fi 'w&vi.vrr.t'i- IV By Mrii Blocker;! a' bill to declare I and secure the personal property ex I incr Viill wVimTi nrnnt. nnnn tVio nulon- , -the walk- dr. ,, j v. r HiMM ? but three U o & fecro ::; ; y iLmNaTo empt' from execution lo f debtors on t debts contracted 'prior to the' State Constitution of 1878. " CalendarV" ' : r By Mr SootL a. bill to define the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, Calendar, oj utiuotnj. tu i ux. n mli tfti .It was agreed that 1.200 oooies of the Governor's message should1 be prioteoVt.,v'i;:,Vv" "I?1 !5J oSpirtf s Turtjeutine. -r- fedenton (7asjftea8gone 'up.1 - Elizabeth City- as a??comedy company." ......... -f- Judge Ashef is still sick at home rom4hnhca::!niS ;tl::'-V?1i':M "1c i-t- Ninety students at 'the mmmmmm, a I VS. A VlllfllV JLVVA V LLJ t, . It ,is represented that there is muchdestitutioa in Raleighwlr1 'Vjf '-T- Mi McGehee. . the able member from Person in the House, is quite ill at his hone.7 .; -f; t(-: ..-? i:nj,'. -IT -J- Wadesboro .Herald: . Rev P. L. Groom, the new pastor of the Method dist' church at this place, with his lady, ar rived oh last Thursday, and preached two moat -excellent sermons on last cunaay morning and at night to a large and atten-r live congreeation - Colored.rr-On the 80th ult., a son to Mary Tillman. - Raleigh Netosx It is" understood that on Monday evening next the-Rt;- Rev.' Thos . Atkinson, Bishop of North Carolina; wilt deliver a lecture at Tucker 4 Hall, for Ohe benefit of St. Jolra'sGtilia- Hospitol. r- The election' or yohttK ill JULorlng as Speaker of the House means a business session, We congratulate the House, . . , The Raleigh Bar field a meeting relative to the death of Colonel David MT Carter. The 06aw says; The following gentlemen were , designated by j.be Chair-. man as thepaii-oearers: Hons. w. K. H. Smilh, J. H. Dillard, W. H. Battle, E. Q, Reade, J, B, Batchelor,' Thos. C. fuller, W. R. Cox, and Messrs. R. H. Battle, A. M. Lewis. W. H. Pace. E. R. Stamps and John Gattliog. -t' - ' ;is'f.' Polkton Armis: ' Brother Pat. rick; of ihQ 'Heratd, goes to Florida for. his. health. Our best wishes attend You on'the tripi Wji hope this Legislature will pass a bill making an 'appropriation for the State Guard.' Wonder if the Legisla ture will listen tb . the demands of the peo ple and pass an act regulating .the freight tariffs on our railroads? - Mooresville: Gazette: Arid now thev 8av Jnle Davidson cscaDed from the I officer in cbaige or. him, and to escape the mab, climbed a tree, and losing1 his foot hold, (the trees were covered with ice that night), fell. The chain, with which he was bound cauiihten .a limb and bis body sus pended between earth and heaven,; where it was found next morning. Accidents will happen.' 1 Next. The .Oxford Ornhau Asvlum now publishes a "monthly statement." The statement" for December says : "The pr phah Asylum ia hot a hospital for the re ception of the deformed and diseased, nor an "Intelligence QQce'! forthe distribution of servants. ; Wedoot seeRr"hoineaM for the torphans; but they, when discharged. generally desire td learn trades, or to obtain honorable employment' with f reasonable compensation.? - , ' Goldsboro Mailr Two whit- tling affrays in town 'Monday - Consider able gore, but no funeral ? We regret to announce the death of Miss Nannie W. Cobb, which occurred on Monday; after noon last. Mr. J. H. Miller had the misfortune to break hia legs, few days be fore the Christmas, holliday a Tourna meats are assuming the; iorm ,oi an epi demic. Newbern will have , the; next at tack on tbe 23rd.. 7 i(1 1; Greensboro' Patriotic special court ordered for Randelph county this week was indefinitely postponed on ao count of the severe illness of Judge Kerr. We rejrret to learn that Col. John A. Gilmer haa been confined to hia bed . since Alamance court, from the effects of the wound received during the war, and that he has been suffering much pain: -Died, in Greensboro, on Saturday night, Jani 4, 1879, after a short and very severe attack or ninmneiifl.' miss ih anna uavie Greater, a She - was the youngest child of 4 Revi John A. Gretter, the former beloved and; honored pastor or the freiDytenao church. Jk iA?-mny odBi)6t6iMedmderirthi house of Benaiah Williams, in Grantham's Town shiD. ;oeether with all hisfurelture and wearing apparel, waaaoairoyea i ny nraon Sunday last, while tbe family were away from home. .The execuliori f 3ohn Edwards, for the cold-blooded, murder of. Kader Ballard, in Johnston ouniy, is toe order of the dav for Friday, tbe 17th inst.. and as there is no prospect of any Executive interference, the eld sinner will doubtless awineon that dav. - Snow Hill cor respondent: Mr.ExsumToumage.of Greene County, Kiuea a nog .iBBi ween. y.iuit well develoted hoofs on one foot. negro namea &duodj vowuu,id viupivja nn John HdlPuflnf boat -fell ' Overboard On i . -. - -.- a. wl.. the last upward trip, and 'was drowned J ( It Is said to have been an aocioent, causeany the breaking of his pole. . ., : ' Mr. Daniel. Pittman, a . young white man of Lenoir, was accidehtaliy r . ? t i killed by the discharge ot -a: pistol in the band of a negro at Snow Hilk rDepsey Hardy was examining a pistol in a store, having been told that U was not loaded. Pittman, was behind the . counter.. Hardy, thus assured, began revolving the barrels. The very first exploded. Mr. Pittman fell back, and so suddenly disappeared behind the Counter that no one of , the large crowd, in the store knew, lor a moment, that any thing feerious had happened. "What does that! mean ?w asked one. " l have allied him I" said Dempsey, with a look of hor ror: !"he is dead 1 " Then the crowd rushed around and found poor , Pittman. on his back behind the counter, insensible, blood and brains issuing from a wound bver his right eye. He never spoke again ' This we learn from the Goldsboro JfowcneA )0 i Raleigh " Observer: The court met rat 10 o'clock, his honor Judge A. S. Seymour on the bench. The bar was filled With prominent lawyers, oom rosuuenw anu from abroadv Mr. '- Bwepson was present, and cloud Of witnesses thronged the court room. The case attracted uousual atten tion on account of the magnificence of the crime charged and the high reputation and eminent services oi sear y au tap wunesa . The attornevs reoresentlns the State, Messrs. Devereux, GaUing, Gilliam, A: M. Lewis and Solicitor Collins were grouped together, while the defendant's counsel, Messrs. Fuller, Fowle, Rufiln, .Snow, and xiaA&nr were seated apart, near Mr. Bweo- son. After consulUUna it .wms decided, to select FranUia ounty;i as efchajed place 6rtrial,afidrWednesdayot TheflrBt week was the day set for the trial. Thus ended in a switch-off wlMBtCMised to be a long and exciting run. ' Another delay and another sensation spoiled. n. j a, Saturday, jANtJARy;;879;; Charlotte Observer r Col. Chan. tean's records show that during the month ofi Decer4bef ' 55 illicit ' distilleries were broken up- during - the six months ending with December; 196; number of coppers destroyed 'in' slxw months, 69; number la pvjeember, J 83 ; number of - beer J- stands seized in six months: 9.S14; in 'December; 646 i total number of 'gallons ef beer seized Ibk siX : months, '190,600; ' ia December, 47,950; hurnber of gallons Of singlings -in six months, 2,315: in December 385; num ber bf gallons of whiskey seized and ' for feited to the government, &097; number of gallphs seized ' in J December, 292. The whiskey ia sold at the rate of about $1.35 per gallon.- Mr,. BJ Stoitbj of Monroe, Is one of ! the crack shots of this section. They Uetl" it - here iJ that s( the other- day he i broke-S1 out of 87 glaBa- balla Ua. gentlemitn from the Western part of the State reports' that the cold in that sec tion especially in Watauga and Caldwell counUes. is the most : intense known for- years, and owing to the protracted spell the people are suffering, proDaoiy more man they have ever done before; Ih Caldwell county the owner of a mill cut the ice on his pond; which 'war twenty-seven 1 inches thick: It cost $144 40 to keep the prisoners in the county jail during the month of December., Napoleon Alexans der is the name of one of the two negroes committed to jail yesterday. The ar ticles Of agreement have been drawn up and signed Tinder which (here will be an other Targe cocking main in this city next Wednesday, 15th Instant The parties to the agreement art Messrs. B. B. Holt & Co.. of Alamance, on 'one side and Messrs. O.T, Walker tfc Co.. of Charlotte, on the other. The stakes -will be $25 on the fight and $250 on the odd. s ' t - "t ' 'vy : RBW ADYJtATI8BnBNT8U ; LbsT-Pair of spectacle s. . , i Lost PuppY-Bring him in. Munson More about shir ts. iA. T. & J. London For sale. i MMTfi CAMPEN-unoice meats. ' MEKTiNb Colston reception committee. Local Data. -j-"Mayor's Court, yesterday morn- iag0.; ' ",:" ' ' ! " , Dr. Winants' ice machine works like a charm. Bovs, don't throw your' rocks id the direction of our churches. A number of beautiful panes io our church windows have been injured by this carelessness. ; -r The walls of the old Brown building, fronting on Water street, between Dock and Orange; are down. A splendid warehouse could and should be erected: on that site. .... ,'-4- A new dodge of clothiers on Market . streets-standing good looking clerks, thinly clad, in front of their stores, When the 'atmosphere is biting, with in structions to shiver. , , f ' The divers found it too cold yesterday to begin the work of raising the wreeKor ine steamer xiorui cast, -lney made a prenminary examination - of j the BifUitton Of affairs beneath' the river's sur face; and Svindo nothing' more utflil the weather is warmer. -r WUmington will be represented in the meeting of the State Guard, which convened in Raleigh yesterday, by General M. P. Taylor, ' commanding, Second Bri gade; Lieutenant Colonel John W. Gor don of the Second Regiment, and Captain Waller Coney, of the Light Infantry. r 1 - - TaIMj iaftleaiteaa, Fr the - South Atlantic SUtes, falling barometer, easterly winds, Warmer land partly cloudy weather, are the indications for tonday.. u.or: , ;;;,lr . ILttlKtata oS Pjthlaa TAe Endowment BinB:4-ln'itaIUtion. ' ' f.' ' ,a a meeting' of Section No. 221,! of the Endowment Rank of the Order of Knights of Pythias; held last evening, the following officers were installed bv W.H. Gerken. ex President:.;,,,-. ; Gj M. Aliafl!er, President. tUt Sat W OWtmatnn XTlsm DAii$1A.J a. m vt -4 ?s aAacaaaati uu jl vwucua H; C, Prempert.i Chaplain ..j. Jiio.. L Dudley,Secretary and Treasurer. Al GJMcGirt, Guides v. !;; f. s ; - -Fj a MuHervdsrit . m R.' W; Price, Sentinel. ! , CirlFi Bdrkhardt; Mttif Medical JSx- aml?er;'J;fU' nriv.K .ir" From a 'member ' of the - Rank we glean the ifofiowing;1 facts as'ib its objects f aid condidob; At the session of the Supreme Ledge of 'the Order, held -at Cleveland, Ohio, .ja, Aagustj', 1877, the', Endowment Rank was adopted as an additional ranx ,oi the Order, having, for its leading feature an endowment, payable ak the death of its members to the family f the-4lecased,aad in of der that every Knight, rich- or poor, might avail himself of the benefits of the Rank,, two classes were. incorporated i lo a sectioo, the . amouat i reoeived in thai Jfirat class being $1,000, and in the second class $2,000: 6rV Umetitber. might join both, classes and thus, in the .eyent of his death, entire those he saay leave to $3,003. Io or der or place ; every 'safeguard around i the Rank, none nut Jaights of if y thias,m gooa standing in their subordinate Lodges; and under 50 years of age, were admitted to its Section 2$i. of '.'IwuinsaiMby f P-iGL W. H. Gerken, In July last, with iwemy-iwo cnarcer memoers. xne. report of the 'rretfo evening, jshw aaffiWhWBhip of feriyr threelB the second and sixteen in the first classj a! attehgMtjce8ser' w we take into consideration instituted only six monthauiian :: : Faailenis":3ovl rsViiOfv?j.iM.ll bit The1 colored' woman residing: on Nun, near.SXe.fwjS; blnjBsWeii'nesdayrfe al&ut 3 o'clock. This was not altogether unexpected, a thorougTexamtoa of her injuries leaving but the'smallest'possibllity of her recovery. t The cnarlatte Oorvaiif Ion ar'Nartli rtt nan.' b-iil'jU i,ls jkI hlinl -fit ng, but this tune with no purpose of urgA ins either the anoointment or attendance of delegates front iha cltyV i tt Is i iitile,y nayj passing1 at range to una pamy here, wwie Norfolk and other" Somhera ciliea are man.- if es(iug deep concero9.t(f the dehberationa ot$i rMhich;, fppplnj.(9j mee next Wednesday, 15tb Just.-.Its action, in I vyuimciuiBi, aricuiiurai afiu uiaouiao- tnringiwnse7isestmSd;BM exercise ' a 1 decided iofiaene'e on our local interests, especially, perhaps, in giving diLustifiea thl a rection to capital and immigratioa our two great anta)?4Th6 whoTabf attend- and; to induce acceptance,' of:&e alternative is our pTeaent;ohjectr-areaiavjited .to.write 'Ho Mr; N. Dumont, of Chanotts,o: whom all correspondence in reference' to1 the'sub- jecti should .headdrassfld Jltuigxiihaur.., views ' updo, the matters whiclt it is pro-i posed that the convention shall touch, at the jsame timeVfuriQiing'su fac ' and statisuca as s bear upoui the cuinditiou of their respective counties, socially; morally; politically, religiously, or otiierwise; MvbgJ an eye mainly to agricuUuralstaUsucs' - . nercnrlal Faata Tlta FWeatber. . 10 seventeen hours, from 1 r. Jtt., Thurs day to 6 .A. M:; Friday, the mercury fell from ,70 degrees to below 'freezUrgi--a change of quite 4X)egrtes7;This ' per formance would he a precious argument,; if it if ould remain steady at' ' quotat ioiil against the theories of flume, Gibbon, Jef ferson, and other .men of eminence,, who have held that the climate of our zone is getting warmer, while.joppositei tbeoVists in the scientific world those jold codgers, like Virgil, who wrote of- eleven feet Snow, and; also of a cold snap when people bad to chop their wine -with axes, crossing the Black Sea on ice, and the . ' like-"-would have exulted over the. transition to ' which we have referred, ilt. may be that our globe, said to be once as hot as the sun. will in time become as cold as the moon, J but "distance lends enchantment to the vie" in this particular, an.dj Qld Sol wilt doubtless, within the next few, days, knock tbe Ideas of moon-struck gentlemen into a cocked hat. "u;i u " "Ji--i- Arc! Exhibition far Benefit of Ftrat Baptist Cnarett. " We learn that instead of a festival,' as Was at one time contemplated, "there will be on tbe night of .Monday, , the . 20th, ? a . most beautiful and instructive art exhibition for the jbenefil of the First7.BaptU)t; Church. Tbe first part of the exhibition will1 consist of an exquisite series of ' views, ' entitled VThe Life of Christ,wandi,TnePrunkard,s Progress." The second part of the' exhibi tion, will consist of-aJarge nombet of-diS" solving, views, i including he mpreasiy sets) entitled "No Cross, nn Cown," VThe Rock of Ages," sod a large miscellaneous selection, including many views 'never be fore exhibited In this city! ' The price of admittance will be very low, the tickets for grpwn people being only twentyfi ve cents, and; for children fifteen cents. The "little folks" will soon.sally iforlh, snd 'counting rooms and the ' streets' be made musical with Bny a ticket, sir," and; who Will btf able' to resist them f III aixiin T t i The first Council bf this Order in .North Carolina was - instituted1-in -1 this city, on Thursday evening,; the 9th inst., by D. G. R. J. J. Wright, of. RfcheaoridV(Ya, l has been christened , "Cornelius Harnett Coun oil R. A.." with tti following offic are to serve for the present term : ' . ft-NathUacobl.' -.:s. : c- -; R Owen Fennel Jr: i . ; . Gi Jno. D Bellamy, J vi ' P. R. M. M. Katz. . , . ., t ;- V'r ; . , S-J, N. fliaton. ., V . - . a-j. Wen. "'v;: V"4". Chaplain Rev. S. Mendelsohn. ' " .-. G.-r-H. H. Kasprow'icz. " A -W.-A.Sllrier. ,:n.7J-. ! . S., E. Leyy,lL,w vf-0c4 ( : Trustees SamU Northrop, , H, Brunhild, M. M, Katz. , , , , BlMtioja r.Fll pacer.; us oi hail ; The officers of the 4th and.5th .BaUalions coL) North Carolina State troops, assem bled in this city yesterday 'morning, inpur suadce 1 of a generaordeissued by Ad ju tant General Johastori Jones,? for the elec tion of field officers. The Howard Light Infantry's brass band,' of. FayetteyiUe wi in 5 Attendance. ' The following werpre Wii. ' : ' ;." 7-''- 11 . LieutenantsColonei-Geo'.! L. Mabsbb, of Wilmington. ':",$. hi::, i ron I Major Abram HoBowsy,; of i Fayette- 'villei Li;ff ii? i' itifiaitzso -no-f Pir.w.id 7 After the official business bad been fin Uhed, the visitors and the resident military spent the remainder of the day in social enjoyments: ' '" Tfc a x.atrGaia Cans mt 1 1 Bxplalne. , lAUriAl of the etasticily of our $edsl ap pen4age4 yesterday, as far as the National Cemetery, did riot reward Us with the dis-' covery of anyT ; damage to property . ia that locality. A, jColored , pbUQSopber, from whom we endeavored pto gain a doUt fur nished us with the ' information religiously expressed, that the gale of Thursday : was unquestionably the product of the rsmbval of the Federal dead. f rom ScftUhville,; d i :;y inmrods, ookr.toyoOTarma.ifAibert .PrepejV ; ofs.Mr,,Q. Hrempert,; i srhen pnt gunning Yesterday :had pajrrow., escape f He discharged the piece which jwas ovetloadeaViea f barf ei .WMfoTcibly earned swax&m'Hhe stockf a piece of the wob stnkiDg' - him -in the f orehead and iafliefihg sat s ngly i s stfoand.'. His hat, fortunately, instead ;of t hia head, was knocked a distance of ten steps. WHOLE INfO; 364 Opara Hoase-RIr. Bangs a ftlare An-, rt tony. ; r -N ' ' 7 ' ' iU ' -.ThehlWaiTt1r'A Of th IraMion RanM I " '"b" t at the Opera jHduae, ! on Monday evening next, will possibly be the great event of the Season to tbe ; patrons of tragedy. He )TayedMarQ Antony ib Richmond, Va.,L .Thursday last; -and the press of that city jTjroiiQuWkyeryt favor of1 him as, a great actor. I ;i he jjtspatcA says . :"Mr. J Bangs was In tolerable voice; and 'perfectly reaSzed the greatxectaubns that had been: formed ; of him. ; His reading, and gesture are perfect,' ; add the audience i by j continued 7 applause,, Miss . Vaders has; but ! little to do,..lut. looked very sweet Ss, Lucius Mr . Kee ne as:ita8i?!r, .wntn'a;'' 'Hoey iif the title' mi,: and Mr. Ahrent aa Casca, were Very accept able,' (he minor parts wen bus iaine' apd curtain i tell on l a '' well pleased and an enthusiastic audience." , '7 Tttarmoaneter Beeord. ,7: ' 7' ',,7:' ' The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4l!yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: . -Atlanta.'.'... 43 Augusta. :i ... .45 Key West, ...... 69 Mobile.... ..46 Montgomery . , . , .45 New Orleans,;.' 43 Punta Rassa, . ... .71 Savannah, , . .46 St. Marks,.,. V... 53 Wilmington,. 43 Charleston, .,.,45 Charlotte ....... 4. 87 Corsicana, . ....-. .40. Galyeston, 4s Havana... .!..-.:vi78 IndianOla, ;.. . .446 Jacksonville;. . ,..49 Iilnea of a Wlimlnetonlan. j Mr. James W. Lippitt, whp left here a month or two since to reside in Savannah, G&.J is, we learn by a telegram received here late yesterday afternoon, dangerously Hi from congestion of the brain. We trust, however, that the anxiety of his connexions and) friends! at this!, point will be relieved to-day by, the reception of such tidings as wBl: justify a - reasonable hope of bis re 1 Late 'Wna. 'Jowler:'7'- The "teachers and scholars ' of Fairview Sunday School, and a number of promia nent citizens at Mooresvule, the place where the Mate 'William G. Fowler resided: and where he Was brutally murdered ,- recently passed a ' series of resolutions highly eulo gistic df the character of the deceased as Superintendent of the Sunday school, member of the church and citizen of, that community.. TM flop IiSaft Nlsnt. .The bop of the Lotus Club ' last- evening, at dermaaia Hall,' was well attended,- and the enjoyment of those present may be in ferred from1 the spirit with which those participating" entered into the dancing. The ladles were pretty and cheerful there are very few of: them, in our opinion, that are not and the masculines Well, they were gallant Bisnop Atkinson. ' : -A , , , Bishop. Atkinson, of this city, is an nounced to lecture in Raleigh, in behalf of St. John's' Gu'ld Hospital, ' on Monday evening next, , The Hem hopes the promise will; be realized, saying that "the Bishop's rarej powers of oratory and depth of learn ing mske him at' once the moBt entertaining and) instructive of speakers." v S?raonalv:: : Capt. Buchan, of the British barque North Carciina,' came up oh the Passport last evening, and registered at the Pur cell House. - Mr. John Wilson came home as a passenger in the vessel, being the: last of the -Wilmington party, who left here last summer for' Europe, to return hp me. ReV.J.B. Bart well. : 'i- .. : Information has been received that Rev. J, B. Hartwell, p. D." returned missionary f r.ork China!, and sOon to : labor among the Cbihese in California, will be in the city and! occupy the pulpit of . the First. Baptist churcbi'on Sunday. kites a ft to 'ra Ami eve stbiti -Buoy No. 7 opposite New Inlet, dis-r placed during the recent rough weatber.has been restored to its old locality. '!J The British barque KonJi ' Carolina, CapiUJ Buchan, from , Liverpool, to Alex. Sprjtn & Son, U below inside the bar. ' cs.Tp Mothers: Should the baby be suffer- ine with aav of the disorders of oaovnoou use pr. Bull's .Baby Syrup at once for the trouble;'1 Price 25 cents. ! ' " , ' 1 . J2hew JaCxbcpi's Bsst Sweet Navy Tobacco,; "SasBSnWssaV' I CABBOLINB, a' deodomed extract of Tetrolenm, the only article that wui restore aair oa Daia neaas, UlUluagiiBcaniHiiiji, uu wuwiii uui. m wucib of lead, sulphur, or other poisonous drags. Sold by araggiata. v PUSra ENGLISH GUNa The attention of sports-1 men is mvitea fo tne aaveraeement er jtessrs. d . W. Tolley. manufacturers of fine breech-loading euns. Birmingham. Enzland. Their eons are made to erier according to speciflcations and meaanre- ments rornunea, tnas easanng tne ngat crooa. leasjiaoi biock ac i m ok UPWARDS OP THIRTY YEABS ITbb Wiwslow's Soothih8 Btbup has been aaed for ealldrsa. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wixsooijo, regulates the bowels, cores dysxhtbbt andnuBBHOUi, whether arising from teething or ouer caaae. 1 ab out ana : weu-inea remeay. 35 OKirra a Borrus. FBOCBASTTNATION IS TBS THIEF OP LIFE as wefiaBor tune. ; uon't-coqaetwiui a -tw Cold.or aav btnz r throat ComDlainC W: eren an bear's delay procure Hau'i : Horn or Hobhhouhd aid Tab. . There's no discount ODeratioa. A cure is the Inevitable result. " Pike's Toothache Drops care Toothache in one annate, , .i u: GOOD ADVICE. Now Is the time of year for Pneomonia. Lone Pever. Ac. Evert family ihoald have a botUeof Boscoan's Gxbjlui Stow. Dont allow for one momant that coagh to take hold of your child, yotir family or yourself. Consumption Asthma.- Paeamoaia,- Otrap, . Hemorrhages, anc ether fatal diseasesmay set hi. i:bntxAaTBtrB 1st earing thousands of these dreaded, aueases.. One bottle will last your whole family a winter and keeo X yon Bare irom aanger.1 Bl 9 MEECER-On the BSth of November, 1878, at Leckwood's Polly. Brunswick co. , N. a, Mr. DAN IEL fPDLTON MERCER, aged 18 years and 1 monins sa a w a a Ju ai s .? t)ae Square one daytW.. tin ti.ii $1 00 ! 10 aaya...iv-.-... itnrMaays,. foaxaays........ S 00 Ave days,...,... S 60 One week,..'.. ... ....i..,,.,.., 4 OC Two weeks,. ............ 6 60 Three weeks,.... ...... 8 60 Oaein&nth....... ,..,... 10 00 . Two avmtaa, .a 17 00 Three months,., ;Vi..;;i- S4 00 Six months... ,4f'r.,i.,......ii., : 40 00 ' One year,. .......... 60 00 IContcact Advertiaemeats takeli at proaor-, Oonately tow rates. - - - t . Tea lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW;r ADVERTISEMENTS. I ) ' - .) . . . 1 . . r " OPERA HOUSE. Julius CsBsar ! ShakespearcTa Chaste asd 'Historical Tragedy, oa MONDAY EVENING, JAN, 13TB, . Interpreted . by the . reaowaed . Dramatic Artirt'; Hr. P. C; Banir8; As MAKO ANTONY, aa acted y Mm for ovet 100 uiguuj, at coum a i neaire, new xora. -, t .; IS ' .. - The dlBtlnmiahedAeton. . Mr. THOMAS W. KBJSNB, whose eueFesa la Shakeapenan characters emlnenllr at- kin for hia great personation of CAS81US ; JU. KtsajSKT Ii DOWNING, vfho haa won eritt- eal praise for his brilliant performance of Othello! Ul appear as BRUTUS : -xi .. Mr. GEORGE HOEY. HOEY. tho MAmnfehji4l , wtm Will aseame the role of JULIUS rC&SAR. ; ; New Scenery has been specially provided.' New Soman Costumes for every character. 1 . .. . Saleef Seats to commence Priday.it Heinsber- ger's. Admission 75c. Gallery 35c - Orchestra and Dress Circle $1. No extra charee for secure seats. ;jaa8 4t wefreasu Straved or StolfiTii QN WEDNESDAY LAST, A PUPPY, ABOUT four months eld; general color black; white breast, and toes of each foot tipped with white; cross be tween balland setter.' A reasonable reward will he paid for bis return to the STAR OFFICE, jau ID It Lost. On THURSDAY LAST, A PAIR OP GOLD RIMMED SPECTACLES. A suitable reward will be piid the under on leaviag them at the STAR 9PPICE. : jaa 11 It ' Notice: MEETING OP THE COMMITTEE ON THE reception of Gen. Colston, will take place THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock; at the Office of John D. Bellamy, Jr. Esq. jaaiiit gso. V. pakslxy, Chairman. 1 Look At A.ND tTEY OUK SHUtTS, . .IT, IS A BUR- prise; to many how we caa afford to sell so good an article for only 7 5 e. We are .surprised ourselves, but it is true. Only T5e. at Jan 11 It MUNSON'8 Beel, Veal, Pork & Sausage. WE SHAVE FOR TO-DAY A VERY PINE buddIv. to which we invite the attention of the dtizenaof Wilmington. .'j - - j -; Although Live Stock has taken a rise, we con tinue to sell at the same LOW PRICES. MOTT A CAMPEN, Jan 11 tf h North Bide Market Street. For Sale, pBAT DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE, ON THE A South side of Princess atreet. between Froat and Second streets, and next west of the Jourcal Building.; ? :-'r :;;..:.:..i :-- apj.T ' ALSO.' rrHim .vnnnrii ttr.ivmimnv - rannif A as "PEMBROKE:" containing about ONE THOUSAND ACRES, situated oa Kecky Point, la irenqer oouaiy. , ?arttes desiriBir to ourchase can obtain all infor mation and liberal terms from k - n -. A. T. J. LONDON. . Office on Fjont St. Jan 11 lw Apples, Potatoes and Entter. ; 25 BbU Choice APPLES, . . ' QQ Bbh) POTATOES, ' : g tubs ROLL BUTTER, . j : g Dozen TONGUES, : - -' BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, j LARD, ONIONS, &&, &c Examine Goods and you will be convinced that 1 . . . " . ' sell at LOWEST PIGTJRES. ' 1 iVery4raiy, ;V j. b. Worth; 34 and 85 North Water st. Jan lO.tf II,EV7 ARRIVAL. Eastern Hay, j Northern Bricks. ' j QQ Bales Choice EASTERN HAY. ' 10- 000 desirable-naRD BRICKS, xfl ' Now landing, ' ' : : ; :-; ; per schooner . .' ; I - Ralph Howes. ' 1 'Porsaieby B ! P, mtchell & Son. 1. JaalOtf? . - &t the Live Book Store I i. You can get ft First Claet V i.1 Vf llAiiv C VA spAtf.UV 1 " - 1 AN ORGAN POR $70.00 I Guitars, Violins, and all kinds of Musical Instrn. . meats at the Lowest Prices,. BLANK BOOKS, all Sizes, Styles and Prices. : ,; Letter Copying Books.' Letter Presses, InkStands, Pens, Penholders, Pencfls,' : - Inks, Mucilage,' &c, Ae., Vct :'1 -; j , Forsaleat." f ' . , HEINSBERGER'S, Jan 10 tf ' Noe. 8S and 41 Market St. For the People. Bash Water Mill MEAL, '25 0 hla MBs8.foBS 200 Boxe D'B'SIDK8 2QQ Bags COFFEE, ;7; t;. t 100 Bbls SUGAR, For sale low b w by HALL Jan 10 DAWtf A PXARSALL, Howls the Time griy .'OV -i :To buy a good sub 1 j aratirtai nsif nr - ; s . 1 , BOOTS or SHOES to keep your feet warm and comfortable this cold weather. !,',- . t ' You can find -them at LOW PRICES at GEa B. PRENCH SON'S,' iiiJS SBN.Troat Bt.,WamiBetOB. e Stock QAN0T.CHACKERS, SOAP, - ' '! jBtahSca, Lye, Potash, Sanff.. t- it 1 ..- ' ... ; Matches. Nuts, Corn, MeaL Hay, Glue. Bungs. Hoop-Iron, Bagging, ' ! v-;.;,- V .rt.il f" , J . - FISH ANDf8ALTfora4TiculturaluriK)Bua, 1 . -( - ADRTAir VOLLKRS, ' Jan 5 tf 8.2. corner Front and Deck Bts. ? rr. -i ... .... p. t

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