r H B L BYTE IK II. I Tbe following enigm M; written by Mi3J Cailierine Fanshawe, in the Deepdene Albuui, io lSlC,' while laUiDg Tbbmaa i Hope, at Deepdene, England. Star. 1 . fwas wUlspere)ilh)ieaTeo 'iwtl mctlered "la hell. ' ' i . i ..nhn rancrht f&intlv the BOUDU E8 It ADU - o 7 7 . , . . ; . fell ' " " '' .:" . .1 '. nn the confines of earth 'twas permitted to Aod the depths of the ocean, its presence coolest; t -' .tj-i'r V'j v 3:".: Twill be found in the sphere when 'lla riven asunder, ; , , . Be seen in the lightning and heard In the thunder; !' 'Tff as allotted, to man with hit earliest - breatn, , ... - . t Attends at his birth and awaits him at death; - - ' ! ' - Presides o'er bis happiness, honors and health; m ) .r. i-u Is tbe prop of his house and ' the end of his wealth. r ... ' - la tbe heaps of the.miset lis hoarded with.; care, But is sure to be l03t by his prodigal heir. It begins every hope, every wish it must' ' bound; - ; ! ' With (he husbandman toils; with the mon arch is crowned. -' '. 1 " ' Without il the soldier, the sailor may roam, 13ut woe to tbe wretch who expels it from home! ' - -.,' - - -I,i the whispers of conscience its voice will k be found, r-' . -';-Nor e'en lit the whirlwind of passion be drowned. ,i Twill not soften the heart; though deaf be . tbe ear ; . j - Twill make it acutely and instantly hear ; But in shade let it reet ; like delicate timer; .' ., . '!:', ,:. Ob! breathe on it softly it dies in an hour. 1 ' ". . J I GiitNT IN TUB PILLORY. . I be .indignant2 Irishman View of the Action la Cork. ' L i Washington Post Special.. New York, Jan. t.Thp JIercUdt under the beading of "The Cork In ditrniiy to Grant," prints an article from the Catholic Herald, saying it was reserved for the manly and truly Catholic corporation of Cork to ad-, minister a filling rebuke to the brutal and bigoted soldier, who, m October, 1S75, at Dea-Moines, took advantage .,f his exalted position as Frepident oi tlie United Stales, to revivo the beastly cry of "No Popery." The Catholics of Cork do not forget that when Grant aspired for; a third term to the Presidency of the United States, he tried vto strengthen his po sition as a Republican candidate by importing in ine most lnyiaious man ner the religions and anti-Catholio element into the political agitation. He appealed to the religious passions of the Native American element in our population, and that appeal-has now rjsen in judgment before him in Ireland. - i ",l he Great raaatno t Brazil." Mr.. Herbert H. Smith, who ia iow in Brazil, collecting material for a series of papers on that interesting Empire, to appear .. in - JScribners Monthly, writes as follows: "People in the United States know little about this great famine that is rag ing in the northeastern part of Bra zil; I, myself, had no idea of its im portance ' until very, lately. It , ia eooogh to slate that it affects at least one-fourth of the whole popula tion of the Empire; that hundreds are dying of starvation, and IbouV 'sands of disease iouideni to exposure and insufficient food. Ia tbe city of Ceara, which will be 7: my principal point of study, the normal popula tion of 30,000 . ban been swelled to 80,000 by fugitives from the drouth smitten interior ' country; and among t tiia fin nnr vn t.i. v a the enormous figure of 300 per day. these drouths are periodical, occur ring once in twenty or thirty years; it seems to me, therefore, that a study on the spot will be of Very great importance; it is entirely an other side of Brazil from that which 1 have before seeD and written of." ! Itayard Taylor and Beaeeasfield. INew York' World. ;; : ' Id hia address at the funeral of Bayard Taylor, ia Berlin, the Rev. Dr. Thompson cited V little incident at least as characteristic of the inge nious Disraeli himself "it is ot Bay ard Taylor. In , speaking of Mr. Taylor's brief j career in Berlin Dr. Thompson, said:. -I , rl'f' : ! Mr. Taylor himiself took an honest Batisi aci,ipq .Hii' :bgition which ;sof i worthily crooned theiahoTS ; and the ttaining "o?.' his ; life. ':'. Ho Cwaa t in the sphere for which hcf was fitted, and with' which be was satisfied. 5 Jihall not1 1 orgei'the franks pleasote ; with whicK hfel0ld ; ine of his inter-; course with the'personal celebrities brought together, at tbe Congress, j and : especially how the author -of "Coningsby" and ,Tancred,,, taking him warmly by.the hand, paid, 'Tsy 'or, Bayard Tayloiv how glad -I- am o see the man whom I have so long known." - , lmpreTlnc tbe Telephone. fNew York Graphic. , V m "There is my neytelephone,M said Mr. Edison; pointing to a box half as large as a cigar box hanging to the pariiuonv . 'jl have discovered a new substance which, if I can successfully control it, will revolutionize, the tele phone system,- JE can't tell yon, what the substance it but it enables tne to wake a telephone which : will easily deliver a voice that can be heard in any part of tbe room in which it terminates. It is. not necessary to hold it to your ear at All; yon bear it as you hear me, and it delivers the vce without any diminution' of voiume. ..I 'tave ; heard ; whisper through it often, and it will deliver a whiBperfrom here to New York 5 it will if I can eontrol the con- unions which make this substance re 8pon8ive.55yait;aIifhae, and IwHl Ii" yu W, done iq tele- Chief Justice Waite will ore bVJl4rl&1,0, ncged Bouth Carolina V SLLAITEOUS 45 Yeers Before; the Public. THE. GENUINE ' OIolLajTE'S t: ; CELEBRATED -. I t v FOR THE CURE OF ; J ' ; F ; Hepatitis or Li ver .Complaint, - ' ; DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HXAD ACHb! Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. DAIN in tiie right side, under the h Pf the ribs, . increases pn pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left aige;tthe;patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is feundertthe:shouldeit blade, audit frtquently "extends to1 thewtop of the shoulder, and is 1 sometimes, mistaken ibfcirhemnatism'ilri . the I armT' The stomach is affected with loss of appe- 5 -tt-- e, I - - - - - - .ii v. a j t tnt 1 1 1 r i . vV', dvuvuuiu tumuouvc itft lax: the head is troubled , with J pdJn, accompamea Wltn a dull, Heavy I t r - . .... i Kfncarinn in th hirir nv n, i uwc is i generally a COnSiaeraDie lOSS OI mem- I Orv. aCCOmrjailierl with a Tair.fnl cAn. I r " v; iiu6 kh uuuvue some- ihinghich ought to bve bee done, attendant . The patient comrJainst cf wearmessandebairy; he.,Veasujf startled, hisfeet aretiold orl burning; and Jie complains of a prickly sensa tion pf the skin; his spirits are low; and ough he issatisfiec) that exer cise would be Beneficial" to him.v vet ne can scarcely summon up fortitude I enough to try it In fact, he distrusts STmntoms attPn'rl th rlicA r.J have occurred where few of them ex-1 AtSt? naves been extensively deranged.; "Ague and fever. , , Dr.:C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Agtte and Fever, when- Tacen witn V2uimne, are productive of the ' most happy results. " No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or, after taking 5 Qumine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. - For all bilious derangements, and as a bmpie purgative, tney are unequaled. . BEWARE of imitations. The Pennine are never surar coated. J ' Every box has a red wax seal on the lid. with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills - ' ' - - .... v The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. . . v ' upoa uaving lac genuine JJR. C McLane's Liver Pnxs, prepared by Rem- ingBroofPittsburgbPathinaxkrtbeing I iu oi imitations 01 tne, name Ja.CJLMtief spelled differently but saine pronunciitkm.' Jan 11 eowDAWly eh 6a "iORET OF HOBEHOUHD 1KD: TAR FQR.THE . CURE OF j ... Coughs, Cclda,' Tnfliiimia, Boarssaess, Difficult . Breathin, and au Affwvtiom of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, Jssdmg . This infallible remedy is comtx'ed of the Honey of the tlant Horehound, in chemical1 umun wiLa iajl-haam, extracieo. trvm tuc . rr. . . .L i 1 r . a! LayE i Principle of the forest tree . Abeis Balsamea, or Bahn of Ulead. f: The Honev of Horehound soothes ANr scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cLeanses and heals the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. .'. FiyB additional ingredients keep the organs cool moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this, great medi- nne ot a lamous doctor wno nas savea uiou. jinds of Eves by it in his large private practices The l ar-15alm has no bad taste or ai-?RiCES 50 cents and $i ppit bqttle , f'! : 1 Great saving to buy large size.. , Tf Pike's ToothadieI)rops Cure . In 1 Miniite, . v : Sold by all Druggists. ' ; , Sfci . CEITTENTON, Prop., Uu Cheap and Safe Li&rht. FIRS PKOOP OIL. 150 de. TEST, ' With PERKINS HOUSE'S Lamps makes a light equal to the best Gas, and no possibility : of ezpk sions. . , , . . STAND LAMPS, and Lamps to screw on Gas fix- Jtures, en hand at bottom prices. The -OIL Is water white and absolutely safe. Pi ice only 36 cents per csUoniW,-! Try It ana you will use no other. nov to tf - i r rtif. ri 1 GEO. A. PECK.. J . . 1 1...- J :.J J I'X. M A 'Wt IH IIV f , MARKET STREET," WILMINGTON. N. C, BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OV FABMKBfl. TRUCKEH8 and GARDBNBjSS generally, to their Stock of GARDEN, FIELD a ad jrjArwjut (MUfcUtOi tne nest ana purest (juauoctw The country is flooded with worthless trash, and too much care eamet be exercised In selecting your supply, .Always avoid purchasing what are termed 'Commission Seed." aa ther will rareTr be found reliable, from the fact that eld stock is taken back rrom year to Tear boxes reassortea for others, and th MIHa fiAAA AAftr Atlf AtfMta 1 M rPm !fi-i aW Bissaaav JVatf tit " Tfcllll MBJW1V UVfll ; .. . - , - All Seeds sold by us are guaranteed fresh, and true 10 name, ana prices as low ;as any noose in tnis section 01 tne country. -: janau I IT.. . . X 4 c . j .V -..i . 1 v tt Buggies ! ; Buggies 1 Harness & Saddles, i 1 FOR SALE AT GERHARDT & CO.'S, , , - 8d Street, Opposite City HalL . I s Iff-. 3 i i REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AJSTD , DI8PATCH. HORSB-BHOinNQ A' SPECIALTY. 1 :Jan5t - - : MISCELLAIOHa. 1 t DAY, JANrjART 14, 1179 -104th Monthly Drawing. T tatuUwa wa reeulmrly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State Tor. Educational and Chari tabla PorpMes in 1868, with- a capital of 1J0,)0, Ur which it has since added a reserre fund of f85o, 000. ITS UttAND 8INQLBNDMBEB DISTKtSt) TION will take place montaly on ttxe secend Toea -i7 ?tJFa P&ones. " Look at the following Dtotr8rattoni .y, ,;,p t .L 1 4 1 r CAPITAJU PKIZK. $30,000. ,V , 103,000 TICKETS AT .TWO , DOLLaBJ BACH I HALF TICKETS, "ONE DOLLAR : LIST OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Priaei.;i...v;.i;. 1 Capital Prise.... 1 Capital Prize...... $30,000 . 1U.UU0 Prize of 2500...C... 5,000 5 Prize of leoo. 5.CO0 SO Prize f 800... ICQ Prizes of 100... 10,00Oi 10,080 SOS Prizes of 60. .. 10.000 500 Prizes of SO... . .. 10.000, 1000 Prizes Of ' 10... 10.0CO APPROXIMATION PHIZES: 9 Approximation Prizes of $300. ..... 9 Approximation Prizes of 00... ..' 9 Approximation Ptizes pf 100...... 2.700 : 1.809 ,i 900 1007 razes, amooatlnz to ..... au0 400 ikiwuubw curneponoiDs ageB wan leu at ail 5iSrmw' wnom i"eriu compensation 1; -r . PProf rawstocliftashoiUdonlrta .."-"r w vueu. - wnie, cieariy stating full address, for further in luruuMODiwrBenaoraerBto . M. TBfill?iPllIN, I i P. O. Box 693. New Orieaa it Louisiana. ah onr Grand Kxtraordlnary Drawings are under SSSttSSSf dec ll-U8aww4W sat we 17 1131 Comoiiw jialtk DistiHitii.3iiiaiiy. fj auiuuiii.jr ui wuuuuuwraiui ui acuiuckj, Drawing and details under supervision of promi nent citizens of Kentucky, in the, city of Louis- vtu. on Th Tirfiflfl V TTl 5.0 SCALING I NO POSTPONEMENT ! pbizbs paioun fuIli. j $115,400 linCaslDlstrllintei I TICKETS OXJLY $3. UNPABALLBLEn 8UC0SSS OF THE POPULAR Read tbe following attractive liat X Prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING : ,: 1 Prize . ...$30,000 100 Prize $100 each $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 15.CO0 1 Prize... ... 5.000 50S Prizes 20 each. 10.000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 SO Prizes 600 10,000 i f ti 9 Prizes $3C0 each. Approxha-itUMi Prises, $3,700 Prizes 200 each, " ' 1,800 0 Prizes 100 each. : . 900 1,960 Prizes. I $115,400 Half Tickets, $1. ; 65 Tickets, $100. Whole Tickets. S3. Sn Tickets, $50. Remit by Post Office Money Order, registered let ter, bank draft, or express.. Full list ef drawing jUbUsnea in ixmnmue uouner-dournai ana new York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. For tickets and information address tbe COMMON WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., or T. J. COM. MBRFORD. Secretary, Courier Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. ( aec . werrinuec stnsatuinjsn liew upera i uanxatas s XT M S PTNAFfiRE ri m . AT -t" KJXxJ2jt Comid Opera, by Arthur Sullivan, la the most popular thing of the kind ever perforat ed in tnis country, music ixoeitmc inaeuy, ana words unexceptionable, making It very desirable for amateur p. rformance in any town or village. Ele gant copy, with words, music and libretto complete, mailed anywhere for $ 1 .OO. L ' TRIAL BY JURY is a laughable Operetta y the .. same auinor. ov cia. JOSEPH'S BONDAGE. By Chad wick . $ 1 ,00 BBLSHAZZAR. r?y Butterfield. l.OO ESTHER. By Bradbury, .50 These Cantatas are magnificent when given with Oriental dress and scenery. The last one is easy. - PAULINB (a.)-PALOMITA Kt ) DIAMOND CUT IilAJtUMU IIl.-UU&KUtaA ATWii tlOUC 7 LESSON IN ;CfiARrTY 60c-) MAUD LRVNG (60ci are Onerettas reaulrimrbut a few singers, and are capital for Parlor Performances. Tke last three are j avenues. 7 t Tli. irm unUPRRBR hs Snllivnn and IU AlDj A.. m j ' 1 THS LirTLR DUKS.hr Leeecq. Oliver Ditson & Co., I .BOSTON. . CHAS.H.DITSOM St CO. I J. E. DITSON A CO. M3 Broadway. N. Y. 1 9-23 Chestnut st , Phila. Ian 4-4 wSw Wed Sat NO MORE ri r eouT tT ACUTEOR CHRONIC, ry, b mmr . , n til d r Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark, by the. -. rnrflUPQTiS.Qlipvlin -M priininp nrnnnQnv liiuuuuunjswuiiwjuu uvuviuu uuiuuuji ;OF PABISiriD KtEIFZin ;s tjtXCDIATK RKLIKT WAKRASTZD. PXBJUUrKNT Cum enaaAHTKXD. Now exclusively sed by all celebrated Physicians of Europe. acd America, .be coming a Staple, .Harmless and Reliable Remedy on both continents: , The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases within three days. - Secret The only dis solver of thspoisonous l Me AeAA which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients, r $1.00 a Bor ; S Boxes for $5. Sent to any aaaress on receipt or price, skdobszh BT FHTSIOIAHS . BOLD BT AUU iiaUOSISTB. AUUTesS WASIIBUE & CO., Only Importers' Depb 23 Cliff-st., V. Y nov 14 eodaeowly Vtn satu Atkinson fclJaing's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF MEW HANOVER BUILDING. - i Wtiapmw.tfa,?;v" NorthBrlttsh A Mercantile Ins. Co., of England.; Hartford Fire Insurance Company; of Hartford , National Fire lnsnrance uompany, 01 nartiuru, Continental Insurance Company, of New York,,. . Phoenix Insurance uompaay, 01. new xora- Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Roy al Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. fercantUe Mutual la. Company, or rt ewxarx insurance Co. North; America, of Philadeh .iiwb45:vA: sv . Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. ,. '- .... ' v - ' - ate - " Total Assets Represented Over SIOO.OOO.OOO. Janll-tf ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. 1 Secvxity against Tire. THE NORTH CAROLINA aotlE INSURANCE COMPAN1 ! 1 RALEIGH, N. C. . . This Company continues to write Policies, at fa nonalicia6f Insarablepropert. - . . , AU iaa are pipmpuy aajusaana pai. x "HOME" is rapidly growing In public favor, and appeals, wiwioonflaencettoinsnrra of property, iff fferthCOrtfUia. Aents In all parts of the State. mSI B. H. BATTLE, Jjj, President. , 4 C. B. BOOT, VicePresldent. BEATON GALES, Socretary.r PULASKI COWPKR, Supervisor. . TAJXINSON MANNING, Asms, , augl-tf " rWihnmgton. N.O. a. annxaa. - .:a ? -s . voiurat ADIlIASf & ,YO,ltBttfi !cen acr Vrent and Bosk Ms4 "nt; fl TTTOLESALSGROCEHS v ' f " - -1 YV ( - 'IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 1 Country merchants will da well by calling on w and examining our etock. novl-tf v 1 'Aj 8PMINDI0 OPPORTTJIIITT TO SlJSroNK- yiR8T BANS D18TKI- BITTIOK. CLASS A. AT" NlVnOTlim Trrvu in m r hVeni l-'-.-Vidi-l Vici ! A ReTolntionary Agent to our MiM t -f ; . : j' f j5 . :r , THE ATTACK ID OS BI THE , HO LHAH LIVER PAD. i ix-. v i;:8.?ii.'i..,r- - ABSOEPTIONvs. DISEASE Internal Medicine Aboliaked Forever ! NO MORS CANKERED STOMACHS OR DE- 1iJSTROYED DIGESTION I DOCTORS, LAWYERS, JUDGES AND GOVERN ORS ENDORSS-XHEPAD. j HOLMAN'S LIVER PAD THUNDERING AT THE I GATES OP EVERY aOtSEHOLD. A MALARIA MET AND VANQUISHED t READ t ' ? ' PONDER r llrVEStlGATE t p ! - ; .una j evjift? ' . ''t Not since the fatrodactlon of Taccination by Jen ner.has any medical 4ascorery equalled In Impor tance that of absorption, aa illustrated m the fiOL MAN LIVER PAD, t-T' . r. . . 1 N - The principle upon. ! which it acts is based npon eommon sense; and ltjr'deelopmsnt lathe result of scientific investigation Therefore, lay aside .your prejudice, and give this your rawest attention and r.WwAAtiurntinv.' 1 ? .. ... i rrs great Value not at pirst reVealbd , Luce every hew ' discovery, all of its good result conianoii coma not be known at once, lmpon&ni aeveiop nMBti ! Kwmw a mrM nf ntfeerdiaeasea beafda of enres of otter dUeasea beside If alalia, were manifefttinc themsdvea raoldlT. be-; ztaiana..w ingacanowieagea ana reponea oj we grateiui par Uents of both sexes and all ages tarengkout the land, until tt- has now become a settled question that the Holman Pad, iateUigenily applied to the pit of the stomach, and worn according te direc tions,wiir cure nineteen-twentieths of the ills either sex is BUDject j lv.,; ....vr- - r Xt 1 - J( TBE STOMACH AND LIVER THE GREAT M i SEAT OF MOST DISEASES. 7 . The Pad farther proves that the Stomach and Li ver are the foundation of most of oar troubles, such aa Billons disorders. Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsta, FermenUtlon, Letwoe, wrTOBMieBS.JNeu ralgia. RhenmatlsmJDizeUess, life-long and peri odical Sick Headache. KidneT Complaint. Dlarrhosa. BUions Colic, all kinds of Female Weakness, Irreg ular Action or the Heart,: jaantnee. iver uouens, often taken for Consumption, Pains in the Side, Back, Stomach and Muscles, .Fever and Ague.Damb Ague; Maianai rever, Ague mwrmiraeni, Remittent and Binoua Fever: addintr eloonay fore bodings and depression of spirits. c r The above emhraopt a long list, and the unreflect ing mind would naturally be blow in aockptino all these as proceeding from the great cause the Sto mach and Liver. f3yWe ask the question Do 70a remember of ever suffering with any of the above named symp toms while you naa a souaa .Biomaca ana Jiver 1 Ask your neig&Dor tue same quesuon. H O L, M A N L I V E K THE COURSE OF MEDICINE -HOW PATIENTS t ARE DECEIVED. ; j Most persons Beemto have the impression that all so-called Liver Msciciaes go straight to the liver. Mediciae,Uke food, goes immediately to. the sto mach; a portion mixes with tbe snbstances, and acts as a cathartic while the rem. Ioder eaters tke ZV I baneful effects, and begins tbe pernicious practice, which, If followed up, will eventually -destroy the stomacn and nsten aiease m tne ejbicm, never; ro be eradicated. THE PREVENTIVE AND ANTIDOTAL POWER OF TUB HOLMAN AGUE AND LIVER PAD. As a ' preventive of any disease tbat attacks tbe vitals, the Pad is worth many times its weight in gold. It is impossible to compute the value of a discovery which, without medicine, may be abso lutely relied upon to prevent tbe most dangerous maladies. Nothing is truer than the old saying that prevention is better than cure, i jne frta wiu prevent oyer .kuu huo. nwu according to directions J- the most delicate system mar defy malaria, and come forth as safe as the tnree Hebrew cuuaren in uie uiu 1 esismem ewry. did from the furnace of fire. This is aosoiuteiy certain, and has been proven over and over and over again.; it win in will prevent Yellow Chagres, Typhoid, Remit- tent, Biltods and Congestive Fever, and fevers of all kinds.-' This baa been tested and prm en tn so many Instances tnat we state it posmveiyana witn- out any qualification. It . will prevent coiqs, aHu protect ww luugo against confirmed disease. It is better than all the chest protectors ever made. No one wis "ever at tacked with Diphtheria while wearing the Pad i The habit of pouring medicines into tbe stomach, in hope of curing diseases that are tributary to the liver, is not only absurd, but wicked, . ! - Nothing is so certain to produce torpid liver as continual dosing with Quinine. .It temporarily ex cites, but anally deranges and impairs the function ary powers OI Wis important organ. ios eaect m Mercury and Arsenic is to induce dropsical ten dency. ; ' Do be persuaded to stop dosing and drugging.and use the Holmsn Pad. It is a precious boon to ha- mansuffeilcg. WOMAN THS MOST GRATEFUL. None seem to receive such benefit and none show such profound gratitude and interest in promulga ting the use of the Pad, as woman. It seems to he the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex is almost aniveraally subjected to. , Many very remarkable instances are Constantly occurring and reported. For example, the Pad is applied for some specific trouble, such as Chills and Fever and Indigestion, or the Liver. Besides these, they have constant ana penoajcat sick neaaacnes, wcaiuicee in the hack or kidneys, pam In the shoulders or dif ferent parts of the body,- a feeling of lassitude and despondency, bearing down pains, prolapsus or re troversion of the womb and other difficulties con nected with these organs. f" - I - Wltaout toe aagntest expectation or receiving vj benefit for ail tnese symptoms, sne nnas. to aer mat snrDrise and delieht. that within a short time after applying the Pad that all of these symptoms are surely yielding their hold, and continue doing so until the system is restored to normal state of health. . uv Thousands oi eucBvcases are occumng. - 1 4 You are ready to ask, and how Is this possible? As has heretofore been explained, all these belong to the same class and Drooeed from the same cause the LlTer and Stomach. The diseases were noth ing more nor less than fthe result of impure,' weak, vitiated poisonous blood. i The- Fad rectifies the stomach and Liver, ana absorbs all the foreign properties of the blood, thus sending pure, vitalising flaids throughout; the entire system. These are no idle words for they are susceptible 01 proor, and it is earnestly nopea tnat women everywhere, ere long, will adopt the Pad rand our Plasters which are frequently used) in lieu of , the unnatural and cruel treatment otherwise resorted to. g short of an unpardonable Indifference and cruelty not to adoDt this sinrole and canvenient xemedv in all the above-named eases -h-;.-- . 1 i y&T What ground can there be for doubting such statements t ;wnat reuy not to accept tuem i :"):; ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS. Tha Holman Pad has stood the severest and I most thorough test for years. It has a national reputa tion, eeUblished through its wonderful efficacy In all ailments thathave their origin in a torpid Aver or diseaaed:Btomach.r ... . , ' We have bled the HOLMAN PAD with moat tho- 1 taugh beneficial cesaUs, aad found it to be all I jjjAr lfe rWheart coatmendU : ... ilimet b.ow rn.UMKiuH wa.-T r-,-?. Robert Bonner: Markham House, Atlanta, Ga, Merritt Roeson, Lore's Creek, N. C . . 1 Henry Harruv Falkland, NO.-.n ; -' J. H. Col burn. Broad St., Charleston, S. C. t O. M. Terry, com. merc't, i- - . , " i , T. F. McManus, II King at. i Jas.M. Wilson; a Hayaesb . " Mrs. Bolger, 8 Cooper rs Court, f 1 UrtS 5 00,000 MORS. IN THS NAME OF HUMANITY TRY THEM. Every 000 who has Med the Pad pronounces it the best care for diseases ever offered to the public. Pad, ft; Specials, $3. - Specials are used in com plicated cases,' ooy piasters, eoa Foot riasters. uc a pair.- Zr wP. piasters sent hv mail (oh receipt of Price) free of charge, j Salt Is sent by express at the expense of pure: cnaser ' lySend for Dr. D Nature's Laws. Free. W. Falrchiid'a Lecture on U ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO J Holman Pad Company, CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, CHARLSSTO S. C, OR V&t MAIN '(',' , STREET, RICHMOND. VA. ; : :. l 5M 4 4 FITZMORRIS FOSTER, Y v7";. M4AGEBS:; ;"J -' -j decW ! ,Ailll7r iy RAIXJiaatjAl$ TAKE; iWOJICE; ,Tl Celebrated , SHOEING TOBACCO ! Is retailed at v . . ' I 1 N ITO" tTTTITSJ 1 I -rZ V--1- For 9ez. Sack, : l ' And the smoker iercts as much Tobacco by buying it as he does by buying ten events , worth of poor stuff. TOT IT ' AID ;.TiI-'.I0 OTHEE ! Very Respectfully, W. T. Blackwell & Co.j MANUFlCTtfRBRS OF The Original and only Genuine DURHAM ! SMOKING TOBACCO. WHDtWN8 ..... . -.. i-. Tbe Dariiam Brand of Sfflotiag Tolacco ? lead Tlila ana Determine. DECREE; W. T. BLACKWELL & CO., S Clicnlt Court U.S., ; . vs. . B Dish Of VS. . DIBRELL ft CO ) : In Equity. i ; '.. E Diet, of Vs. W.B. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the hill and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Court doth consider that tbe said complainants, William T. Blackwell, James R. Day and Julian S. Carr, trading under the name and style of W. T. BLACK-. WELL A CO., HAVE TBS 80LS AND SX- clusive Riant to trss and employ TEE WORD DURHAM TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE ' SMOKING11 TOBACCO MANVFA CTUEED B Y THEM i. also to use and employ In conjunction with the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation of a DUB HAM BULL as and for their trade-mark, and that the said respondents, W. . DibreU and W. MT.; PhUlips, trading under tne name and style of W. E. Dibreli ft Co., HAVE . WRONGFULLY IN FRINGED AND INVADED the said right and trade-mark of the said complainants, , by designa ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them 3 DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO and by using In conjoacUon with the Baid words the repre sentaUon of the head of & DURHAM BULL. ' Wherefore, the Couxt doOtRDER ADJUDGE AND DEGREE tint the said W. B. Dibren and the said W. w; Philjipa, and theu and each of their,' servants and agents, he, and they and each of them are tiodUhmjf ENJOINED RETRAINED FR OM USING AND EMPLOYING THE WORD DURHAM TO MARK ANP DISTINGUISH SMOKING TOBACCO, k& frOm uslfig and em ploying for the said purpose the representation of the head of a DURHAM BLLum other word, symbol, representation er device, of a character to deceive the public by inducing the belief that the Smoking Tobacco sold by them, the said respond ents, is the same as the Smoking Tohacco manufac tured and sold by the said complainants; and it is further ordered,1 adjudged : and decreed that this cause' be and the same is hereby referred to Thomas S. Atkins, as Maeter. 'to TAKE AN ACCOUNT, of All and singular the earnings GAiyS AND PROFITS made and acquired by the aald respondents, by snd from the sale of Smo king Tobacco, marked and deaigiited Z? U2Si.ii' " -is:- rej'.v j I VfMi 5 Smoking Tobacco, and markedr and -designated by - representation of the head of kfDURHAM BULL, and to make report to the Court here of all and singular he shall do Jn the premises, AND THAT .TUB SAID -RESPONDENTS 1)0 AND . SHALL PAY TO THE SAID COMPLAINANTS ; $- -,r ,iUBC m- -mf! J ' 'i " J, "m j ' ' ' 5 BO, W. HUGHES, ' Judge. , i . Richmond,. 18th January. 1878.; . c f - - - - ,t' ; A true copy Teste : M. F.. Pwus-MCttW Clerk,', Wilmintoii ' & T7eldon RAILROAD; CO omen o Gas'S SunanrnHiMnr, 4 !. Wilmington, C, Nov. 23, 1878, 1 Change of Schedule V V AND AFTER - 8UNDAY, OV; S4th. J 1$78, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & WeMoo Railroad will run as follows: DaF Wall and Expreaa Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at' 6:38 Al M. Arriveat Weldoa ... - 1K F. M. LeaneiWeldon. .i.:.....s..... 233 P. 1. Axnvost Wilmington, Front St Depot, 9:53 P. M, RlKbi Klall and Express TralB, Dslli Leave IwUmlngton, Front St. Depot, at. 9:30 P. M. arrrreat weiaon..... 5:ouiU S LeavWeldon... .t.. -I-'' .. . a:13A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.16 A. M. ' Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rock) ifountiforTarbOTO at 5.00 P.M. Daily, and Tuetf day, Thursday and Saturday st 5 CO A. M. Returar lng,1eave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. DaUy, and Mon- nrln.... onA 0ri9aw at. ft aft P M- . i The Day Train makes close connection at Wet-j don for all points North tia Bay - Line, dally except Sunday, and daily via ; Richmond and all rail roite. -1 : j - .. : . -" - inght train makes close connections at weldon fbrll tnjinta north via RichmoBd. - SleEBing Uara attacked to all Night Trains. . -'"T) .V::. v . JOHN V. D1Y1NB.T .4eneral -8upi General Srip'ts Office, wrHMlNGTOK4 COLUMBIA Al '- i IIST'U. R. COBK14SI.NY, t f 5 WILMINGTON. N. C. NOV. S8, 1818. WMfeiHSBIIIM . CKange of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAT, NOV. 24th, 1878, the following Schcdale will be run on this Road:! I Jay Expresa and mall Train Daily. iLeaTO Wilmington.......... 8:36 A, M. Leave Florence. 1:03 P. M. Arrive at Gohu&Ma . ....... 4:15 P. Mi" 13:55 P. M. Leave CelumDiai. Leave Florence. L 4:47 P. M. ArriYe.at Wilmington. . 9:00 P M. MIGHT JBXPRBSS TRAIN (Dally). Tm W!lm1nPton....' ........ .:. 10:13P. M. Arrive at Florence........... ........ 3:3ft A. M Leave Florence, ....i. . 8:00A.M. Arriveat Wilmington.... .... .. ... 6:18A.M. This Train stops only at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair BhdE and Marlon. Passengers for Augusta, (via Columbia), should take Day Express-Train from Wilmington. Throuh Sleeping Care on night trains for Charles ton. ' I . i JOHN F. DlVlNK. nov 4-tf Gen'l Sup't. CAEdLlNA CENTRAL RAIL! AT CO. Oma Gehxuax. SurzaxHTramxin . Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 29, 1873. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER, 'MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ; ' I Leave Wilnungton at . . ... 6:20A.M. 2:06 P.M. No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at. . I " 1 Charlotte at. . .. .... . ,..7:E7 P. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at......... . ...6:00 A.M. No. I. V Arrive at Hamlet at ..... ...11:40A.M. 1 " ; Wilmington at 7:55 P.M. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS . ' SENGER AND EXPRESS. 1 Leave CUariotte Ko' 9- f Arrive at Shelby..,. w. 1 n I Leave Shelby. ... i . f f Arrive at Charlotte. . 7:00 A. M .. 11:15 A. M ...18:45 P.M. ... S:00P.M. The; above Trains have Passenger accommoda tions, ind are the only ones permitted to carry Pas sengers, i novSO-tf - General Superintendent. I . ; . .. : I BaUlt Of NiBW HailOVGr f TT . . i Authorized Capital $1,000,00 1 Casn Capital paid Ih $300,000 Sarplus Fnnd 'i $50,000 D IRE C 2 0R8 JOHN: DAWSON D, R. MURCHISOS DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLSRsJ R. R. BRTJX3ERS 0. M. STBDMAh ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAS B. F. LITTLE B. B. BORDES J. W. ATKINSON ' 4 CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. Wam-OT. Cashier c ang 80-tf TX7PTH DANDRUFF OB 'ITCHING OF THE v F Scalp, when you can get relieved ny ustns T. WTTRMANSKl'S Hair Invieorator. which is us with great satisfaction by very many tiaxues ana Gentlemen of this City. v It gives entirely new life and Strength to tne growtn, wunout aiscoionng. -i o Gentlemen the. first application free to convince yourself. Call at Barber and Hair Dressing Saloon, Front. st, two doors north of PnrceH House.- nor 17 JTortll Cturolina FtoTurf JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, In Sacks.. Call and examine. ! Always on hand, at the LOWEST FIGURES : COFFEE, : SUGAR, ' BACON, .LARD, and a full supply of HEAVY GROCERIES. Large consignment of BUTTER on hand. DIX BROS., No. 17 North Water St. dec 1 tf Where To Go. as Exchange Corner. W ITH ALL THE OTHER NICE THINGS WE offer for PRESENTS, we have also a FINS LOT of jIf WAITERS and other FANCY JAP GOODS. fgCome at once before all are gone. , decSI tf -;i N. H. 8PRUNT. Qet Insurance, LIFE FIRE AND MARINE, IN THE BEST, OF COMPANIES, - FROM ! JNO. W. GORDON & CRO., General Insorance Agents, jaaStf- 24 North Water Street I ?lHESClIPTIOM FREE. T7OB!TH: SPBADY CURE of Seminal Weak X! .. neaa. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on ii ttidiafcretion or excess, aut arumnst nas the Ingredients. Adaresa ur. dAiuxs cu., us W Sixth St.. Cincinnati, Ohio, v febI5-lyDftW , ;5TKAA1SH1P, LINES; 5i New York and Wilmingtor Steamship Line. The' Steamer ; REGULATOR, ft: Capt. DOANE, WILL SAIL - FROM NEW YORK ' Wednesday, Jaa. 8.. P Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAJLI Nfc " of Steamers as advertised.a , . For Freight Engagements or Passage apply xc ' j V A. 'b.?CAZAl7X Ageiil;.:.'i ! - WILMINGTON. N. L. S. .BELDBN, Soliciting Agent. WH P. CLVDK A CO., General Agents, - Bowling Greeu or Pier' 13 Nl R., ' ' octe tf ' New York Baltimore & Wilming- Steamship Line, The Steamer Capu OliIVER, WILL 8A1LFR0M BALTIMORE Oh '.. j SATITRpAVt.Jaii. 11. Steamera Sail rrom WIlBalaartoa ever) Saturday promptly at 12 Oi. Kw""8htpperscanrely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised mSk- .. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to an from Philadelphia, and prompt dispav -r. Guaranteed. ? For Freight Engagements apply to A. . CAZAUX. Agetil. , WILMINGTON N t. v L. 8. BELDBN. Soliciting Agent; REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, . Corner Lee and Light Streets. -cct6tf ' , . ". - " Baltimore. )RAWINC8 & PRICES :j FREE BY -MAIL. PlOKEER YY0RK8 BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. Prices in England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.85100.00, $135.00, $160.00. Delivered In New York, duty and all charges in-. H i , elusive : , -$103.28, $117.79, $181.97 $150.63, $184 8, $918.00. The above inav be ordered !'Fnll Chake." "Mb. I dium Choke," oi I arid logaugewt I to the larger dot dium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. : we are now maaing rmau nores or nos. 14, is and 30 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in ower . to the larger hores. - Weight of SO-Bore from. 5Xlbs. , "1416 " ..... . 6tf " " IS IV " Our "Giant Grip""' Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. - - Send for Illustrated Sheets. " We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now usinsr our gnaa : . Hon. Walter L. Steele, M.C., Rockingham, Sirb mond county, N. C. - - - - - ; i. Capt. IX K. Murchison. Wilmington, K. C. . Col. B. F. Little, Little's Mills, N. li. James A. Leak, Esq., Wadeaboro, N. C. Wm. II. Bernard, Esq.,Wilminrten; N. C. J. ft W. TOLLBY, -Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Square, oct 3 D&Wtf . ,. Birmingham, England. IIAEBLE r.ioraOr.iEiuTs ' 7; . and;.." ' Grave Stories. ' i , -,.;'!' f. J .-' M .i.fy.-.- FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOK& PRICE8. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, j TO ANY PART OF THS SOUTHS ' BICHABD WATHAN COM 51 Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form,f oi saletotheTrade. ; dee 4 DftWtf SHooTnyo- coat. STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT, , First Class in every particulai Pleasant to wear, durable, and In tbe end tbe chear est. MADB OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take oat, so that may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. Horace Smith, Esq, Loraoe otlncr save : "It is my idea ot - shoo coat. i have worn them for several yean . and will hare noneother." brown cordoroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the one grade, as the chasms goods do not ton briars and will not give satisfaction, t Also, in addition to the above. .1 am making , Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut same style as the Vel veteenV goods, not stiff and hard; but soft aad plea sent to wear; guaranteea to hub water. . nponamea . who have seen it ssy it is The Best Yet. -Coat $6.50. For fall Suit, $14.00.- - - v .i . ,. . I also make the Sleeveless Coa : Vest with sleeve If desired. Rules for measurement and samples sent upot application.. ..;-;.:..., . F. SHB1VDON, iQCtgS-D&Wtf . HAH WAY, N.J. SHARP'S M. LETALLIC CARTRTDOE, MILITARY, HUNT . j U4U&MU -fJttaaUJMWlt" Kir Wtt ,: i EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU : - ? ; BACT, 8TBENGTH AND ' , . ... . . SAFETY.- --r ' Vo Premature Diicnarge ver Oecurt: Bvery Rifle watraate a good aheoter, Gahbrt 40, 44 and 60-lOC ofan inch, and of any desired length Charge of powder from 50 to 106 grains. Weight o balls rrom 330 to 548 grains.'' etoca plan; alsr Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe aar Peep Sights; Vernier with interchangeaUe fro sights and Wnid-aage." Kyery varUty of ne munitjonfer shot e guns, constantly on hand,. Prices from tsa to tias. BHABPSOTLB COMPANY. aeptsl-DftWtf 1 Bridgeport. Conn : flijjliredlijfls ; f J .a.... iJv--H-'i .vWi' ' i l V - English, ibish and wrdon setters bf the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by B P. WELSH, York, Fens, novT DftWtf r