THE HOBimiQ 8TAB. Ill IVM. b. BEQNABD. ' . . ." tn - - " . ni rr.Y KXCEPT it OH DA YR. i hatb or euasoan-no w abvahcsI Three n0"0" . , . ........... il 00 Ouc "'"runv-iriberm. delivered la auy pari of the ,lr Fifteen CenU pw owelty igwuut -week. On City Agents are ci'-'.tl.itAMUeetrwiiMrcuwBuireemwua I v ! luljrance, OUTLINES. Aiiaoan no uuiuuuua wam w ... wai; the matter wm referred to acorn mitteeof Beven,headed by Judge Thurman. Some amenameBis nave ueen ngrecu i m . . I I L 'nnn relative to the bill pending on the re- I -i f th Tfeaatnntion act; the'.vote aiood I pea' " - - . . i ,i r . .. . !.... I 5 to IP luo wuii"i" a privileges, Senator Voorhees . intro duced a reaolution, which was agreed to, to investigate the escape And slaughtering of the Cbejeones. The National Savings! Bank bill' was considered in the jj0Uc. . Miners on a strike ta Ienn sylvania have resumed work. An im portant Swiss cotton concern has dissolved. There is no hope for the entombed Jolliers In the Derias mine; there are sixty in the mine More English cotton I mills have stopped, and others have given notice of a purpose to reduce wages, j The Cheyenne Indians have made their escape from the bed of Indian Creek; the troops returned to camp to prepare for a prolonged scouL The brig Panly, from New Orleans, was abandoned at sea sod tbe crew rescued; they have landed at Qneeostown. N. P. Hill, Republican, elected U. S. Senator from Colorado. House of Representatives, in evening ses Ion, passed bill authorizing issue of! cer tificates of deposit, by vote of yeas' 117, nays 73. Great preparations making in Mexico for reception of Chicago excuraion isl8 New York markets: ' Money 2J 3 per cent; cotton dull j,and easy at 9 5-169 7-16 cts; flour quiet and withon jtcided change ;-wheat slightly in buyers' avor: corn scarcely so firm; .spirits tur pentine 27 cents; rosin quiet at $1 371. 1 The Mississippi Ctanon says tne ii.prmometer fell to eight decrees be-1 L. in th tnwi in whioh! it is I ,,.,, " j jtUlJIIalJI'U. Rev. Dr. Girardeau preached . the funeral sermon of the late Rev. Dr. William Mack, at Columbia, S. C, on Sunday last. Senator Bayard is averse .to mak ing any investigations into election frauds in the North as he thinks no good can come of it. What doles he? think about the Smelling Committee in the South? Some Mormon women called on Mr. Hayes and urged him not td sign tho hill now before the Senate and II ouse committees concerning polyg- ny. The de facto asked them to ... -ttini A am state their reasons in writinff. A wise course under the circumstances. Hon. Montgomery Blair has writ- I ten a letter in which he sajs the! c6n- I amending,: the committee was grant ; i son iii K Wa,on Tiln I , same power in regard to the .wwww a WW IIS W-!'WVVTW (aw-v 1 . and Grant. Did the little twelve jear old poet, Dora' Read Gopdale,4 j lefer to Judge Blair when she de scribed a certain odd character in these lines? "Glasses on his time-worn eyes, In bis face a mild surprise; v- - Sweet and simple was bis creed, Noble heart was his, indeed; j Ffee from vain or shallow gildings All his cry was, 'Rah for Tildin ! " Tbe SoOthard army "bill cuts down e staff 'impartially twenty' per I the cent., and organizes the army into J inrvy-iwo regiments twenty 1Dranl -twenty .inian- try, eight cavalry and four artillery. 1 m omcers over sixty-two are to oe retired, but the time may be extend- to Bixij-nve a tne opuon pi me President. The President, as the I constitution intended, "remains Com-mander-in-Chief, These are the main feature, of th. bill th.t wil! proba- bly pass the House, -r aHaHaaflMaasawaaaHaaaawMBaaasHaHaaaHMaaHaHi 1 When W. H.Tanderbi the, rail- .I "Jii.- ' i-al'll'l. J r9ad king : was caneaon ior uisiuiuh. i -ftis reply-was that he owned no taxa-1 ble personal property in excesi bf his I personal property in excess oi his I debts. Statu" Asaesaor Brio-tra aavs I iMr. Vanderbilt told the truth; The iNe w York correspondent of the Phil adelphia Ledger gives the reasons : D. .. . i " In this State the railroads are taxed by law as corporations, and stocks held - iu 1 .Mut vuuu..u bbscbwu w iuumuuft creaUd wffihTK.r'SffiSuS beoersonaiivaase-niwror taxed to Individ-.1 uala in this State: ; Further, the law allows' person 10 change- taxable into non-iaxa-. cTpe taxauS." 1 m-- way - fA ThiP.ii.. lawMilmlaa. ' " i nr.... . ' i n asnincion especial to 1 isainmore bub. j A member of the Potter cVmmit- tee said to-day to your correspondent and tax dogs. Agriculture. i tt,, 3 thatth'cookedp'ffidivrt St. i .oUa.wingwew, refrf eo ;thy; Martin would be torn to shreds before JJonf v ' ' ;"'r: Z they were through with it, that he BfMpmn,m,m9 warsurpfised that Secretary Sherftiai. commerdaltoiinstff andgentsv - h had permitted his counsel to send ; By Mr. BJalock, a bill to repeal the such document to the committee, ;aot aUOWi Cdunrnfjoiers anathatMiSbQialdlbo aud others tobire. .puVoonyots., u to find himself in aVi awkward 'ffirT- i By Mr. Wynne, a bll tor proeo-l Ths Bead irrk.. AWa8h. Special to Baltimore ' American. SeriAtnii Vatnn -m t. A-,m after listfining to yoorheca1 green- the Pemocrats fead ireacfceoV the fork ot the 'road, and if i Voorheea' as that of the DemoctacH belor! nvum vae me otner iorai .Una J IK Ml' tmr ' i "V vf tt VV Ar i f jv I i -""mil Mi-j u GOV. YANCB NOniNATKD. The nrtminftlinn of Gov. Vannn hv i to his election. We trust the bit- j . . ' eraef f BUife jmay-. Javed I ueuoeiorin. ana mat vue uemocrauo i - 5 . .S TV ' 1 party xn onl Carolina will be a4 ' i .:i I wc -uuhcu nuu buiiuiucu until i I civil liberty aud honest rule and . low cal. Belt-government are guaranteed j acrainst all forms of consDiracv and nmWn. nna : .MUiltJL Th I . A , ' , , Tf I strain nas oeeu terriDie; me contest has been heated and angry. Let the dead nAst burv its dead. Now for victory' In" bsoj Wri congratulate J ; & . . the people upon the settlement of the aimcolties. we congratulate tne i oress that bo stale, and vet fed ves!cit- lVwimo xna aan i,iJiiftA ni inga theme, has been thus lifted out oi the way ot legitimate, aiscussion. Qov. Vance has the ability ahd' 01- I J XT ik! 'H!L-f:.. I faithfnf anil eminent 8GrvioeH in'the ui&rh arena to which, he has been raised by the voice of party l Frank Mordaunt, the actor, has. dis- appeared from his home in New York, and his! friends afe alarmed ? t THE LEGISLATURE. L Raleigh Observer Report Condensed. , - SENATE.. . . RfLEiQH, N. 0.i Jan. 14, 1879 ' B1TT cf ' 3 '- ' 1 bills'. ! By Mr. Bryan, of Duplin, a bill to amanil tlio nF TTnrlli Carolina, by inserting before Deaf Mutei.Blind and 'Insane, the word In- dieent. 1 Referred' to the' committee on Deaf. Dumb and Blind .Institute. ' RESOLUTIONS. ft: v. aesirucuon Oi lurweB, lerrapius anu marsn iowis m me county oi runs- wick. - 1 CALENDAR. nouse resolution on puqiic aeni, raising aiomt commutee, was aaopt- eo. ane cnair appoinieu iuo penaio committee as the joint committee, dropping the last two on the Senate committee, as tne committee on Public Debt. t Mr. Bynum asked to suspend the rules and take up House resolution No: 22; to raise a joinV committee to :l55luiJnJiue.ran-ae it rr T9 .1 lM P J:r the House and two on the part of the Senate, to be appointed forthwith, and proceed immediately to the said r,oad apd inyes igate it in al its de- partments, books, records, &c, and make a full nd t eompJfo report ; said . committee to haver.: power to send for persons and ''papers. After g. JT 1 TLT A.Mi H TV esiern insane vsyiuiu ai murau- ton. Read three times and engrossed for the, nearrence of theHusevI Senate bill ;No.B7,1tokngTtor the. . oi. asitine lor vue, -Mil relief of W. P. Oldham and oth-? ( Mr Brown, of Mecklenburg, of ers, passed by for the present by ferea , amendment as to conpoisf Consent. .;!, i, . -j , ,n:on nritV. tko roDrtlntinn ntdfl An rp. j Senate bill No. 5. repealing part of tanaiora ana lenant aci, xepurteu ia II 5 and ienM actD-eported fa- voraDiy oy ineiuaiciary i MVtWMf Senate bill No. 61, repealing sec. 40. chap. 105, Battle's Revisal. Ju- diciary committee jrecommended a substitute, allowing commission connues io proviue one pouuu Of v"u"t", Fww. roa8tea, boiled or baked fleshy and foasted plenty of wholesome water, with per- r-v Hm, A "u'lT m;a to toble m r.ia jii rooijel? yOsterday: .covered this case. Ayes and hays called'f or. Ayes 6, noes 41. Bill then passed. third reading. S. B. 67. a ioint resolution requir- jSS'S. and the Commissioner of Agnculture; k A MAnMMa vwavwiaI tv ftf t1ianfn to consider the propriety of '' placing j Uhe .ueoiogicai department unaextne . fcontrol of the Agricultural Depart- . - , i ... i Agriculture, i R. No. ; K. No. 88. authorizing the com imittee on Salariesnd Jb ees to inquire 1116 ? laitora "?" wwmmw1!, tan1 Toeaoil house j By Mr.' Smith, a t resolutiou for a ioint select committee td inquii'ejntb ffeiorht and traveL r A;ienoar. By Mr. BrtlMrfflf WVta lor in Icreasing the time or Tceepmg open yfot&WA 1 V,? U i, pBoposmoNS AND" grievances. U ByMx York, fi tm& Amffijttee to- Capruons. I inLBTCSL; 1 VyUieauar. ;.; HJ ajiM-'t iiwm , ... M V 1 -M . . . j I, a m T,rB,'!",i-' R i tm-, aawvyAftwa-jy rffa o . ?J Mri A'w, a bill to protectshee tion against1 tne aepreaations ox ais- chArffed. '. convicts l'enai instiiur j tions. : '-'is-wi ''".'i.U-". I ! TKv Mr. Orchard, a bill against :tramp8a.in31nev- r f By HrOrcbard,i a bill to &mf l the law IhYregara to aiscnmiiiiiifii irt 'i reightiv '?lbf poBjmiftwri j l JorporawoB.'i i V IT 1 f ,...... , -,,. .. . .a I 1 ' ' ill M : WILMINGTON, By MrXort Ul 'to ariend-ilfce arter of "the Northwestern W. C. I charter oi go'as to biaild a branch 'via Vyilkesbbro. Wilkes oountv, tb'Pat1 terson, Caldwell tooanty. . To. ' ? the jjmmittee on Railroads, Post Roadiy 'fti. bo.uu I After tho morning hour the follow? wg annoancement of committees j wis mono" Committee on Claims Messrs; Bryson, Hewitt, Bonner, Leach, Car 8n iiorton, White and XiewelL J EduoationMessrs. McLean, Eng- "h, Johnson, Davis of Catawba, Rawley, Moore, Angier, Buchan, Council, Foard, Ewing, Ellison; Cary : and Reynolds. U Salarie. and Fees-Messrs.. Amis, Taylor, Paxton, Lamb, Gatling, ra n.roV f 'vnooir Ai.ilair Atkinson,' ;Xoung, Bateraao. VV-im- berly and Petipher. i Immigration Messrs. 5 Anderson, Llnd8ay Meares Baninger,Ferrell, Powe'rsNorment, Cole and Wimberly. '' RailvAaila Tnf TtnaAa anA Tnm. PrrrMfiBS Jghan,ichard- sOn of Wake, Oliver, McLean. John son, Leatherwood, Brown' of Yadkin, Blocker and Carter of Warren. Military Affairs Messrs.'; Ether- 'ridge, Armstrong, Blalock, (Meares, omeld, Clarke, Lo wry and UBborne. J Counties Cities,. Towns and (Town- Buips-messrs, rveia ,ot mu- Tk 11 J ty ' M -!IUl "uwei Anuwawn,. . erry, uuw, I loiria rt TTawnrnA1 I Inono E f Ttitnot- 1 . mas and Battle. ;i ' .. : j House Branch Committee on Pub- I lio Printing Messrs. Coyingt6n, Jones, Vaughan, .Carter oirfBun- j combe. Foster, Moore, Scotl and V enable. Mr. Clarke was taken from 'the Committee on Privileges and Eleo tions and placed on Committee 011 In ternal Improvements, and Mrs Miller, from Committee on Internal Improve manf. trt V o f rip Trvi vilorvaa end 1 art. ; MfiBr. TSarrinaer and Rataman ftrfl ... ta cmmittee on Finance. Mr. BnRt. to Committee on A&Ticnl- , o Jnt' Tmnrnomanta )rtrn-mnliknA n-fnTm.MMrt, Atkinson. McLean, York, Col well and Blocker. TAXING' LAWYERS. : 4 1 Mr. Cooke obtained leave to take up tne resolution instructing tne Finance Committee to report a privi lege tax on practicing attorneys. lie advocated its passage as a matter of merchant, the farmer and others were taxed, and he saw tio .u imMM i,m t taxed likewise: he hoped tbe resolu, Uon would pass. - 'u. , , . . FBBLL PUNCII. u .( J Mr. Colwell asked a suspension of k t . 1111 I .0!.MffeI up the bill in relation to jthe Moffett bell pnnctu After some remarks it was referred to the committee on Finance, with instructions to investigate its wor& ibgs in Virginia and other States, and report as early aa practicable to . a irrt00 i i. W k a r . , .t M jTt Vaugh rfir.-i tall - Hoa8e m No J0 This bill re lates: - o the .boliililable drii&e r pf Incest. The Judiciary committee reported a substitute for the original bill, making the crime a felony, pun ishable with imprisonment in the . county lau or Penitentiary, at tne discretion of the court. , : Mr. Jones thought the bill should tmXo reacfe other oases upot mehllOhed, ana uporr dm; motion 'V WVTecommitlea :uwna;,insriipT 1! . f . f . ' i t t i I , i-j ii a ri n;Lr: Jtt. IV. no. O Was ,-WSUSU UU, ...AlUS Resolution teks that .our Senators and iuiiuuia.KWS3U2jr SiSJSSS53 Binks and the repeal of the tobacco ' .w fl . I v 1 '"1 ; 0 Qn motion o Mr.' Bizz.ll tit was Ljj ui H. wuu wo tauic. Tne envent at ColomMaVB. C. The Charleston JNews and Courier feavs: The nuns of the Ursulme H0IlvenV near 01ninD Yt have prepared a peuvioR.ior prescui, ation io-Cnhrrras which has reOeif ed the ' a - 4 nA. CvI.I.m.. J 2.a :lnsMPaU Vreds;sklnrgn 4pp priation of $100,000, (to u 1 - ! al. J an iru wIjI .IHw. TTn PnK fery7 . M? &S?S bo C.i-l' Wni fnflnantialr friends fullv acauaiaJ fe'ltnbl facisl1 1J ti?i IH-1 il'l nuarterlr Meetlng; Flra Round for tne Wilmington District. cCohariej t Mingo Lbdge, January 17 j. Cokesbury, January 18-19v -Bladenr M vfentre, January Elizabeth, itiElizabethtown,sFe,b.,lr8.1 Whiteville, at Whiteville, February 8-9: Waccamaw MisslOB? February it.-5 1 h 1 Smith villey at Concord, February 15-16., Wilmington, at Fifth Btfeeti.Feb. ,23-23L Wilmington, at Front Street, March 1-2. Topsail, at Union, March 8-9: ..'-' SK Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 1&-W. - " tar The ; District Stewards will please aired... ENJ Hive In r we iliearths tm ;feiua.i roccasion ci2Matisfctory proof thatGreen'a August pknr ler will make them ai free from disease as when trjom.wThwedoaeaof August Flower wiu prove axs I Hronderfnl. effect, , , t 'T( f W IK & y vu? vl-t, a- vu- ; . . .- L. S. Btjrkhead, Pr.E.'"1 QnFEw a tj!RanTinnT worn we I re caffaesire no Doner wnen nr penect i iiow often ,02 the,jnatoritaMf , peopl N; C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1879.: NJ HBOITT; MBW ADVKBTMKBIKNTJ. 'f iMifNapAbout i&birUv y i. iC. JEV Locket -The only place. !patte8ok & HicksLow prices. Gi W. PoxiiE--Foi: rent or lease. HEIH8BEKGEB Second-hand pianos. Mayor's notic against alone-throwing. Habbtson & Alleu Fashionable hats 1 Rev. . MendelsOhtt has returned from Phiiadelbhia. ' 1 I iw"n,m i-"" wr pected to be among nis 'oia inenas nere i wunin eignt or ten aays. who is ill in New York, whither be went tq attend a course of medical lectures, improving. . . " is TJdmailable letters remain in t le po8tomce, addressed to J. A McKelthan, Clarkton, N. C, and V -Express, Terre Haute, Ind. f Senator. R. K. Bryan, .whose absence from the State Senate, on account of sickness, we mentioned in Wednesday's issuev is now on duty. "Richard is him- I self again." 1 I i - - The bop at Germania Hall, last nUtflrt fnr th vSuni and after- Wards for the adults-proved to be quite a .access in all respects, rand was decidedly a nleaaant affair. ' The steamship Maletgh, which cleared from Baltimore, for this port, Tues- day morning, had to put back on account of the ice. She will be detained until I there is at least a partial thaw in tbe Pa tapsco river. Wilmington failed to semi dele gates te the Convention of Northern men, which assembled in Charlotte yesterday. We are glad to know, however, that there were a goodly number of delegates from other parts of the State.' i j ! We mentioned, a short time since, that there was a strong probability that the Carolina Central Railway and the citizens of Hickory would arrange- menu tohuild a branch road from Lincoln- ton to the former point. The Charlptte Observer aays it has become a tized fact.! The seaman, Chas. W. Tower, whose bouts with Capt. Getchell, of the schooner Ralph Howe, we noticed yester day, adjusted the judgments, against him. quit the ship by consent of his captain, and, as be is a good mechanic, has re solved himself into a landsman. He is now certainly Tower-ing above the sea. ' , . We . learn that our German friends intend having another of their pleasant balls at Germania Hall on Wed nesday evening next. The affair has been "vOUBJ VVVU1UC UAV A uv HUtStt UWW VWH PlHn the hands of a committee that will inserc a splendid time to all who may attend. A new feature will be introduced, due notice of which wili be given in adver tisement Snnday. B Car era 1. : An ancient, toothless,! bald-headed, wrinkled, vinegar-tempered, unredeemed maiden ' aunt, : who ought to be a grand mother, would be about correct if she should affirm that it is dafleerous to fool 'jvHh the mails of the United States. Busi ness men" should therefore remember the fact, i 1st! That printed cards filled in with a pen arc subject to letter postage. i 2nd. National bank, notes, with written qrfac simile signatures, . are subject to letter rates of postage. j Sid. A printed circular js rendered sub- ject to letter postage by the insertion of a rUten dat; 4tb. Anyrinted msUer containing addi tlon8 made with i8 robject to letter postage. I j Kljk Whn oirmLn r .U1 nn with . ,Po8tmasters cannotdeter- r iialTirint. for w pal print, for which " reason they are sub ject to letter tates 1 l 6tb. Anietter deposited in a postofflce, Bo matter to whom addressed, prepaid with1; one lull letter; rate (three cents) by iBtamps affixed, no matter how much it may Sveigbi must be forwarded to destination, the same being first rated up with amount aue, to oe coiiecteu on delivery. May ar'a Court, f nThe Mayor's amiable face was more than usually benevolent-looking yesterday morn ng,f jdii -1 entering ' theP municipal sanctum jfi, and but for the fact that he has flexible magistrate heard the testimony and Jt'i W Ofou.... fined 45 on ten davs in the city prison; 8im Campbell; innocent; and discharged; Pharlea'Ahderson, $9, pr ten days in the basemenvSors.are.sp much, afloat that ! 1 i 1 1 il . 1 . t ' i: . L Tire juiaiuku. iu nee : uiem . curtaneu iu iueu, liberty ashore, but wa had no money except E, Chinese counterfeit piece; and had to see bV Joy s. i pMementsd. ' " John Watson, a jWeWi India cableist, and an old offender, ivaVetttfi . so lucky.f ' He wa8 Bappy by na ture andrln practice, being JioUnd Weepin la railroad car, and, on being aroused, be-, came disorderly,! Hewas quartered in the city prison for; thirty days, without condi tions. Ji df'hi- fefnv-aM (i- --n': I s8ver pn3po4eioa.orVOf nii8siojisry: spirit,: the good jold hymd, r"Turhj frnnera; -UUrn,bat, owinf to the dispens.ed mtihtMi-hu &rzrji .-.tjti; 'mn Tbe Gemarjirea?, Boese.f rom (Wmiungn flavre5,'1 wai 1 reporter at iPortlaid on'1 the hth inst ' '" . ' ' ' f 1 ' ' aa&i f - - - - : a natutaiLaveraioa to ininatice. we should I steam tues. which wUt be of eeneral inte- J vassa ior xnis port, wnicu was rawea into indemnify j h -rf?ued homfiilJrtee diaorderlv I i-est ! to the ,; owners1 df &k felaai of Tea- 1 rnadin FlbrtdaJUy; went on; the iur -dliiK44" county coraraissioNBits. Tbe nieetlBs; Yeaterday. Tbe Board ; of, CoUnty -Commissioners 1 met at the Cou.r House yesterday at halN past 3 o'clock, the, Chattman, Wm. K I Smith, presiding, ' and ; Commissioners Worth, J. A. Montgomery," H.; A. Brag and A J.Grady4 present,. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The official hand of Nichol&a Morris. oianaaru weeper, in ine sum oi . wun JM - -roniy ana nuaes jyiorna, Jiisqs., as i sureties,' was tendered,' and, on motion, ac-' I Icented and ordered to be spread on tbe reCoid of official bonda. It was ordered that the committee on me Driage over ureen s miu pona, near tne old plank road! The report on the' division of the Gordon road was received and adopted. Notice was given of a petition from sun' dry citizens of Federal Point and Mason- boro Townships, for' the laying off of a public road in said townships, commencing (at a point in the Federal point road, at.or near the seven-mile post, to run as hear as practicable with the neighborhood read, in Masonboro townshipto a point in tbe Federal point road at or near the twelve mlle P8t i Commissioner B. G. Worth reported the collection of a claim of $103.60 against the J coanV 01 uaea utcouec- tion, which was ordered to be paid over to tbe County Treasurer. The report of the County Treasurer for December was presented and : ordered to spread up0D tbe minme8 ana piaced on An order was s made permitting Jennie Washington to become an inmate of the Poor House. - - Tbe Board then proceeded to draw the regular venire of jurors for the February term of the Criminal . Court, and the fol lowing is the list: E. F. Cason, Robert F. White, George M. Crapon, John Maunder, Alonze Hewlett, George W. Perdue, F. Rheinstein, Thomas J. Capps,"Sr., J. W. Johnson, Nicholas Morris, Iredell Johnson, ..... ' f. n R n.R t iaiWi Ba.wA iuwivt uvutj tkuvsuv va V mJW Lpwe, R. F. Eyden, Wm. Kellogg, W. M. Hankins, E. T. Hancock, Joseph P. Wal ton, John Casteen, Thomas Ennett. ' I The Chairman of the committee on Pub lic Buildings made a report in regard to having iron shutters on the, Court House, recommending that the contract be award ed to F. M. &ing & Co., as the lowest bid ders, which was, on motion, adopted. . It was ordered that the Finance com mittee meet on Friday evening next, at 7 o,clock. l The Board then adjourned to meet Wed nesday evening, 22nd Inst., at 7 o'clock. The Board immediately , reassembled as the Board of Education, but transacted no business of public interest except-tbe ap portionment of the school fund. The amount to be distributed was 19,170 and the per capita allowaaccwas fixed at $2 per scholar, both for while and colored pu pils in the public sshoels. " Removml of the Carolina Central Railway Sbopa. The question of the removal oi the Car- aISmm PaMfkal tAMrfl akAna 'laAvw' TllfrlnKnWf i .vu-m u. ""-"77 to Charlotte is beine aeaia agitated. We Observe that Captain V.". Q. Johnson, Su- perintendent of that. :imprpvemeptt was in tbe latter place and before the City. Coun cil, last Monday, when be stated ihat the company would make the chance upon con dition that Charlotte, in : its -corporate I capacity, would give the company the sum of $20,000 and the land,, upon which to erect them. He,: read a letter iromJurr. Edward Matthews, the owner of the ma jority of the bonds of the company, saying ihat if the city would-contribute tbe amount already specified the receivers had his consent to the removal; otherwise, the Question of removal was - left to their dis- cretion . ' '" - : ' No definite action was taken further than the appointment of a committee to examine into the. details of the proposition and make report to a future meeting of tbe City Council. If Wilmington wishes to have a voice in immediate Btepa shbuld this matter, some be taken in the premises. imne-rtsm owatri of StehM Tasxi. ! The Sewetary oftheTreasT a letter in regard to wriebyl a light on the stem of the vessel, .instead pi on ft. pll U now ctob, that such lieht must be screened so as to I show from forward to two points abaft the I beam on eimer aide. r;Tlieaftei! ght; must j ebow ail arounn tnenonzon., crnen iow- I L. .V.A 1Aw mtll k. Mimntiul -with litf tiantv i iugwu n ""yr'1 TP-.1 ing an addittonal .light" two or three ifeet below the proper "'light; also1 showing all around the horizou,snd-from a flagstaff of sufficient height put any where abaft ths pilot a-onse. Jcu oii x'uiaoiulj ; -f-s-BsW' . thermanieter Bsetf r;. - " " Tha t nllnwin mriW aliAtf ht atatji rf , tha iuermomeiBr,,ai um aiauoiut uwbuuucu, ah j 01 .4 i.J Jctr.T.A-. 4.n 4.81 yesterday evening, 'Washington mean time, as ascfertalned ftoth4; daily ta Issued from the Signal Office ih thi city :, Atlanta -U ..... , S0 v w tnl yJ. ; ?;0H frtrtr r 'IT Augusta. . . T. . .63 Charleston,...;,. 53 Charlotte . . . ., .49 Corsicana, ..... . 71 Galveston. ... ; vol Hkvaua. .'.ViLiTTO Indianola.r'.ViTO Jacksonville,., ,08 Aiooue.. . .00 Mootgdmery ; iSSi48 New Orleans.j.65 i IT IAUM nWWS. . . .1 A WMULlli; 1NU. 3,500 iii fe'ic.) aw.'ai' r . m' cit :.Mu-,.'.&i I i or me aoutb Atlantic States, norlbeaat l.t "Tw T""er 9,?'?Z 7? I8nS yH'ujr u mojr weauier. w T-T ' w;jru.ju;-. u i rAi - nat of o AntfrnelonJ TiiTAf - . J I. U. colored boy whoreloicea in the coirnol ad captured yesterday by Officer Heiiry Tpitjen, of the police force; and committed rfthecuxprthathV bow. to Mayor Fishblate this morning: He" wits sougai , ana louna ai ine maiance.oi Mr. Richard1 Cartjohn, a grocery keeper, doing business on tbe . corner of Front and Brunswick streets, beyond the shops' of the W. & W. R. R. George visited Mr. Cart john, and, with something of the air of a prince (of darkness) gave' lavish orders for sugar, cheese, crackers, etc., finishing the list of his wants with a call for brandy. Bef ore - the polite dealer could supply the 'latter demand, however, the ebony,customer departed with the packages which had been wrapped up without de positing the usual pecuniary consideration. Johnson proved himself a fleet horse and as a reward wU doubtless ; be well stabled before sundown. ' Oja Bcardlifc Haae.' . :' f Leonard Grover's famous comedy, "Oar Boarding House," will hold the stage at the Onera House on the the romfse j s lDal our theatregoers will haTe a moet entertaining treat. The, St. Louis 2im,'8peaing of the play (where it J was produced lat . week, says: "Mr. Leonard Grover's very successful comedy, which was so well received here last season, was greeted with at least equal approbation ai the Olympic Theatre last night. VOne or more of tbe types described in our 'Board ing House' may be visible in all large cities, and it is easy enough to pick up in Tarioua parts of the country an Elevator, a SJwuter a OSlypod, or an Eligible, but themass could hardly be agglomerated outside of the great city of extecsiae enterprises. 'OurJ3oard- ing House' must be ranked as a first-class comedy, for; its life is in its character-por traits." r InTaclatrate'a Coart Justice T. M. Gardner was somewhat busy yesterday intending to a series of James A. d J. M. Hewlett, fn- dieted Lewis Spencer, ; colored, for tres pass, and the defendant was required, to pay a fine of $ I and costs in each case. A peace warrant .had been also taken out against Spencer by J. A. Hewlett, and in this instance the Magistrate fixed the bond against the former, for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, at $100, when an assault : and battery case, Hewlett vs. Spencer, was called but post poned until 3 o'clock this afternoon, when it will beJiieard, as also that of Jerry Hew lett against Isaac Spencer, the latter being charged with perjury. ' - v The 8pencer8 were sent to Sheriff Man ning, but we understand they found bonds men and did not, of course, go to jail. The Case Of Lewli Ddrsey. Lewis H. jDorsey, the colored barber, an account of whose arrest was. given in yes- I ferday's,TARy and who was b? appear be I -ore deputy-Sheriff-of -Robeson, yes terday morning,; gave the necessary bond I of $100. to appear at the next term of the I ftn'nerinr flnnrt AfDnrtMAn ' fn'natiAA 'to uorsey, u may oe said he has always borne 4 good character in this city, and claims he I T t. Can establish hia innocence of the crime With which he .is charged ; when brought to trial. . (. . i R1VKR AND ItlAKINar ITBSIS. The British brig7 Eleanor, Partelow, rem this port;- was at Maguez on the 23rd Ult. . ' i I . : ; .-4. - - j!: '., i.-t - ;,; - The schooaer Mdie Rack, Northrop, from this port, arrived at Ponce on tbe 15th j The steamship 'Regulator; Jones, from this pbrtj aHved at New York on the 12th The Norwegian brig Zkwertfo,Strange, Vrived at London- from this port hn the ' The British schooner , Indiana Mc-ri enzie, arrived at Liverpool from this port on the 13 th inst. .. ; : ; 4 ;- The. Norwegian;.' barqu.j.t.Stnanft&- EnudsenJ arrived at- Glasgow from: this W1! f?sp ! I ..TT i uyt.TT , um iju .AWf iMuot, PftllA sen, from W ummgten, was es the Isle ox 1 iX.ignt on tne ism max. raestination ' Ham burg, ci - j , j. j Che jAiCfc80H'&fiB Sweelayy Tobacco. it I CARBOLINE,a deodorised extract of now presented to the public as the best Restorative and Bean tiller of the hair the world has ever pro idaced. It performs what others only claim for their preparattwrul- ;ii l-tn ftllKf. i". mqu h!.v:. FOR UPWARDS OF' THlirrT YEARS MM jWnsLOrs i SooTHnre Stbup has been used for children. ' Itorrects acidity of the stomachy relieres wdtd oolm, regulates the bowels, cures dtbcttxbi 1 d d' whether ismnwm. -whether arising from teethinKor other ' causes. An old and well-tried remedy. .25 irMA'BOcnav-v . r lh.v,m: ssj.tir- !jiu 1! FrNBENGUSHTJNa. TheutUntidnof snorts- i men is mTited ta the advertisement ot Meaera. J. $t i cuns. ismatngnam, angiana. i neir gnu are maae I to order according to speciflcations ana meaenre- I ioU rumlahedf taaa jaaauring the xight crook, Jeagth of stock -Ac.-- ' : ' '. - - m to it rr- nt, All STABS U STABS IN THE DARK 1 Every at of Coughing id tae sun watches or tne m t, ,is o nao n tfttjt I ilark at Ou hina. Heal the atel I iitoswiihHAia Hohxt or HoasHauxD axb, T. ma Bisp vaa nw I iNcahing is so soothing. Nothing so quickly cures. renwdyaan.Deiessaisagreeaoie.'- ti !ir) j. Tootnacae uropa. cure .Toothache in on I. ft. vi KcHi iciii one I )mWnU!v: I I I ii t!: ' I' iiit f a r. rwnr v n - - be 8th of January, 1879, MAST LOU ALLISON. I peach, topped. lea t age, anu is onuer way I here. ' 6ao iiaM.ii'aa7tMrM.vr.i-..v..'''..' fi , .'. ,i. ttarH Java ' " ' ' ' 1 IH r ( : li ' U li thieiday,......u. s cu fOUt day t 3 00 4i6 tlaya,.,...i.. 3 W tine week,.vt:.v.i..-....,..4.- 4 0t TWO weeks,. j..; .r.-,.. Three weeks,. .... 8 M Oae mbnti ;. ,. JO 0U Twoiadtithi,..,........;,....; M 00 , Three loo&tha,;.,. . : . , . :i V; j i-. 54 00 Six months,. 40 00 One year,, eo (0 it . t; it it Mfl of TUAtkni grates. ITea lines aell4 No I Nonpareil type make one square. supreme Coart. iThian.itwi.i . Pfted business of local interest to our read era. Among" other; appeal the following were caliedt I State vs. Lewis James, -from New llano i'Sfj Ued-JT fhe State by the Attorney Charles M. Bonham vs. Thomas Craig et &inTJwWfl Hino7;rgtted for, 'be ! State vs. J. H. Blackburn, from Pender; ! H.. Brunhild & Bro.1 vs. J. H. Freeman et al., from New Hanover; argued for the plaintiffs by A. T. &J. London, and for defendants by D. L. RuaaelL ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAYOR'S OFFICE, . CITY OF WILMIKGTON, N. C. 1 j . January 15. 18;9 jPREQUNT COMPLAINTS HAYING BEEN njade recently at Police Headquarters, of parties (mostly boys) throwing stones dr dangerous' mis siles from the great danger of the citizens, notice is hereby gtren that any person or persons caught in tbe act of throwing these stones or other missiles within the limits of the City, will be ar rested and severely dealt with according to law, j 8 H. FISHBLATE. ,jaal61t; -,..4 .. .vA. . ..i.-.t-jtajror.:. , ! For Sale or Lease. My HOUSE AND LOT, on Fourth St. between Orange and Nun; alto HOU8B- HOLD and KITCHEN FUBNITURB ; ' Apply to , ijanWSt Una GEO. WS DOTLB 1 The Only Place JN THE CITY TO; GET HOT & COLD BATHS and.HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, v- . Ac, Ac, extremely cheap, is at the REFORM BARBER bHOP, corner Front and Princess Bts. jan 16 It C. P. LOCKEY, Proprietor. ' Fine Fashionable XT ATS, CAPS, BAGS, j a, and UMBRELLAS, and the Lowest Prices, ; HARRISON ALLEN'S ' ; City Hat Store. At jan lfitf ! Don't Pay One Dollar jpoit A SH1R1 WHEN YOU CAN . 1 buy justaa good for 75c. If ours do not compare favorably return them and we will refund the money. janlSlt : t j ; MUNSON. WE ARB OFFERING TO THE TRADE AT VERY LOW PRICES .: A Sugar, all grades; Coffee, all grades, ' i - i Smoked Sides, Smoked Shoulders, Mess Pork, Canvassed Ham?, - D. S. Sides; Flour, all grades; ! . -1 . j t Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, 1 f ' ' Candy, Candles, Starch, . i - fieap. Extra Cream Cheese. Ac - PATTERSON A HICKS, jan 16 D&Wtf 4 SIN. Water Street. Second-Hand Pianos. "D ARTIES IN WANT OF A GOOD SKCOND- I HAND PIANO will do weU to call at the X ' Live Book Store. i We have on hand an Upright Piano for $40.00. I - " -.- . j Two Square Pianos, with good tone, for f75.Cn and $109. i ' " j A rare chance for any one in want of a CHEAP nstrukent. Call at once at - ' . i HEINSBERGER'H 1 Live Book and Music Store. janlStf Florida Oranges. ITUST SBCEIYED, FROM PALATKA, FLORI- ZJ DA, a lot Of FLORIDA ORANGES, sweet and de- ! licioue. ! Jan 18 tf For sale at - i S. G. NORTHROP'8 Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Extra Axe Poetry, . (Wiajyartatlons.lJl4,i Axes, Augers, Garden Bakes, Pitchforks and Molasses Gates. Meat Cutters and Staffers, Guns, Grindstones and to on. N. JACOBrS Hardware Depot, i Later. Axe for no. iw o. jnont ot. r the Zeb Vance Cook the Chief A- ;: - jaa 14 tf of Stoves iValtiable Land for Sale 3rr UATED ; HALF MILS OF CLARKTON. Bladen County, N. C, aad ijnmedlmtcly on th Carolina Central Railway, containing 83 ACRES; has two. good Dwellings thereon,: with .a wall of Water in eactfyard; Store, Stable and all other ne cessary out-houses About SO acres in a high state of cultivation, and stable , manure enough to im prove several more. Parties desiring to locate in a pleasant neighborhood will do well to. confer with as. Terms easy, s Janl2.3ts ws WILKINSON A FOBS, nac Clarkton; N. C. I A A. I. ALL SIZES. WELL SCREENED. J-it r, y v. .ir i. - -j-'-? -l Delrteied promptly AXTOOfl OAK, ASH ana FINE. . j v v ' j - " Cerd length: or cut up as desired. OHlIICitjES ALL KINDS, r . ."DO WJD fCU -500 EEGS aH kinds. JL - w - For saleTtt aut rai mess by 'US'J-i 1 11" jan 14 tf - U-1.:: - O. Qw PAKSLBY. Jr. : (Cpr. Orange Jk 8. Water Streets. Edir Sale; 1 L. jrpHAT DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE, ON THE j X South side of Princess fctreet, between Front and Second streets, ana next west of the Journal BoUdiag. : - -r.':P ALSO. -4 -i a a AT VALUABLE PLANTATION. KNOWN as "PEMBROKE." containing about ONE THOUSAND ACRES, situated on Reeky Point, la Pender county. . Parties deeinug to purchase can obtain all infor atlon aad liberal terms from ' A.T. A J.LONDON. Office on Front St. jan 11 lw 5Cdllarij aiftHainefl; trpBACB CTHAINSO PLOUGHS, ; HAKKUWS, Jk Wheai-Baorows, I'eed Cutters, Pkmgh lines. other Hardware Goods, at lowest trt fWMr'RafshTlaheA Hardware 'House of r HENNING 4 TEEL, f . No. 9 Market street. I ! lAatHSWBABT. Jan DAWtf