y Bf WW. n. BEBNABP.V BATK8 or etmacwPTioH in Avai: $1 00 4 00 "S.'SS "suessrlber, idtand in any partofthe sasarrs2 OHTLIKBK. ere appointed on the conference commit- . nn the Indian Approprillo oiu. aim i Consular and Di; bill passed the Senate. ate. The Mwqui. of Lome and Princess Loui-e Waited Niagara; eycameontneAmer ier denied that. be. furnithed thQ rfiM. wuh a copy of the cipher telegram., Mr; Uncock said they were copied for the jribune before they came Into Bntlerls bands The insurgents in the French colony of New Caledonia have been de- toted. and cold jo England; great suffering and destK ution prevail. Grant and family sailed from Marseilles. All of the Cheyennes but seventeen have been killed or cap- tured The bill passed . the j House amending the patent laws.- - A bill fa- vorableio appropriating, 250,000 for" the education of the blind was reported by tho committee on Edncation and Labor.--- Joseph H. 81081 was nomiaated by the President for Marshal of Alabama. Second day's meeting o Savannah Jockey Club was largely attended. The Can- n.rH nf i?rrrt ronniV FiorW v vass.ng Board of Brevard county, Florida, were yesterday sentenced to the Albany penitentiary for making false returns of the election. New York markets: Money l eiet nn-,annta . 3 per cent. ; cotton 9 7-lG9 9-1Q cenU; flour steady at $3.906.25; wheat ilc i,wcr: corn dull and lwer. ungraded 47 1 43c; spirits turpentine firm at 2929i cents; rosin , firm at $1 5. ; f ' 4 r Tho sprightly Richmond " (Va.) Sun has passed into the hands of Mr. C. li. Whipple as editor and pro prietor. , tt'-t S -j,i.; We wrote that the total of sala ries paid prior to the war was "not much over $7,000.". t We were j made I We were- made to say 3,000. ' ' ' I It is said in Washington that libe New York Tribune will be called 'pn to tell how it procured the cipher ; dis patches. Of coarse let it unbosom itself. - . Madam Anderson has found a ri val. A Miss May Marshall is . a "walkist" also, and - has begun 2700 quarter miles to be completed in I 2700 nnartpr honra. ; --:-A I juu quarter nours. - i If ourclimfttebe not the meat in th world and we think it is-it is certainly I the most variable in winter. , For example, yesterday'morningiat half-past eighUlhe thermometer stood at 20, nd this morning at the same hour, it marked 47 degrees. the weather changed m Wilmington over 40 degrees in seventeen hours, u - - t-j ' i 1 ;- ' -t ' )''-. -' '. i . Conkling ps re-elected to the Senate from New Pennsylvania, and. Matt Carpenter is elected fj-om .Wisconsin. H Carpen- ter WM once ih: the' SenaW!. of decided, 4bO5V,ikeihCfll01T Mii f hu, j1Mub;joy,j.ba. ref)utation.'r ' ' 7 i - -r.r Kafcigh iVf , H . , , . ... .. . r, , vemor on Tuesday for one hour and : I Alamance ' Gleaner: John A. twenty minutes.1 Governor - 'Hart- Mebanedied near New's Ferry, Val on the Mnf., . - ; "nji ; ii- ' 7th of last month, aged seventy years. His ranft s time expired at 12 -.M. , whilst Remains were brougb to Hawfiejds Church his successor, Gov. Hoy t, was not in-" lor burial. He formerly lived in the Haw1 . . , -.M4 , n x nr-i 'tj4 fields neighbrbood,; -We learn that augurated until 1.20 ... Vi M. Bat thehouse of Mr. Dant.eiFoust.of Guilford, there was no darkness Cameron's ,u BMVy'Tt r? f y . , ; - f iiV.LOL? Grant has left Pans, and begtia bta v ui ui bue asi.i me isaccompviieu. I "xlB' rn. r . "7 P"e BU I ex-Secretary s xbe uNavy, a Dr. I to temove said Wln as trustee , and ap 1T.;; ..w . will .-w-. I point a receiver. The Judge declined to Yo by aiX l x Herald correspondent Xoung, J the; name, we believe. It is necesa tO have A nivannir mon ttlnnrr tXiinaisine over him at Stouts, a station be- ' " I ae civilized world posted aa to u,e r ieia Marshal's doings, r , t. .,:... , ftr n $ Col. W. T. Thompson, th6 veteran editor of tnle ivannSb "tieus, is mi w r f . r r j -j . ? . , r spoken of for Congress to virtue va- caney in the' First Geora Bistriot. caused by the 4eath of Represents vi-j i ' i L " , j I acknowledged although he can. wiejd a largerinfldcVs..utbd editor1 of a 1 leading paper like the New. ' Dakota WVrMZU&ll 4h?Xnr nf I iha. rr rr ' . . - , . . - we u won j OTieobeg pardontbt "played f we mean, or ought, to say, - . I la'ge as the State of Nsv Terk.' Ac- cording to the. latest' Urtensua io the United States, the population, not in Qding.the,iribalIndiao8,was 14,181. that k2 ' V-b5'-.ia ws-rt'y.o- via hi uai sue. baa,.aLood ia.: !An-.uMiiiAn, of the Nation, spelt with a big N. The lodged, one day last weefcron' theam of TerritowMeont theoodlawttMibJia caawbriver, m;, . . . ' in Gaston ounty.. . Nothing having been miles, and is more than three times as heard of any one havliiirsnffered a loss of lDIft -MP?e, .iw-is . juftUpdm-, A Iearance ..1 :fft XZX'i.'- t'J.' SStu ,f,te ti.fi,M.mA- .u- k.. iMumi -.vjf-cigui, uays wiinouvt dnjoving, nnolSsVi' v ifhi tTtS-.rttl Ocvorit per iawa w. ed.b;at: nanrpian eornev batand it.ljftv ivt. .aijM coaidJiaifllUDit it.tJfttp";iOTegb'. barwiieierseav ght hours .beforehatked-lorfe uthingfafsl 1. " r j f ua-v U".i . , 1 ',. ,v;oLx - xni. - NO'ao4; Considerable toitemctit i report- Va., -mk c.5., u,,..., vcc leciure ou pov fcU U'e fleiuit puIpltlVre VeCl getting rdy their ammaniti0D. ri Rev. Thos. ehcer. f the Episcopal Charcb, r ; v ' ulu iw-.i hat.alreidSl iepliedijEevvDruW.U; Bpopn is training his guns, whilst Re. . Dr. MpDonald, formerly a Catholie; bat nov a Baptist, and, a. .y Illnis to tell how1 U changed his religion, and a reply to - -n u Li . u a eBishop wilj probably also be made, There fa Considerable feeling onf the subject, and learned discussions on theology are the order ol the day. , i , IHh? 0 ft 'fhe great Modjeska, Countess Boxenta, placed' to the largest land m08t fashionable audience tbati haa . . -, . been m Richmond, Va., this m.ter. To Whig says: (Hlij J 4,The CamiOe of Mme Modjeska wa& ex- qiUite. As all who ; are acquainted with . knQWj loye re5gns uprenl?? from the beginning to the end. : 'The great genius of Modjeska alone could have seized .upon minutelr Dumas' every; thouhu -Her reabstic personation of this difficult roU wa affiectiog, and was received with just; appreciltioa by the intelligent audi' ence. iier support is excenenu -JThieves are very lively at States villi.f i f r.. .1 '-a ? h 4-' The '-ooW1 weather' ias lled nearly all the Iredell bees. ; ' - -1-Judge Ashe was able to appear pa the streets of Wadeslwro Tuesday. 4- There are vsiijiy cases .on: the. i criiinal docket locket of Wac Criminal Court " ' rA' Dopliq qcwrrespondent of the Rafeteh Obtener1 nominates Hod. W. T. l Dottch: : forv the Presidency of the State -ir xJJu Observer nominates -Judge Merrimon for Vice President of the United States, on the Democratic ticket in 1880. ' ; ; i- We uegleoted to mention that tbe;"Oolonel8,",noV to be bebiad band, aref alsc) congregating at Raleigh. ' They, too,' are getting "thick." This loes not refer to the tongue, that onrury member. -p The Spartanburg ! (S. ' G.) Spar- Lin Ififira a. d&uirhter of Noah Mills. Of Polk coukily, N C, was kilted by a falling tree, days ago. She was cutting it down, ,nr nr.Jnni. r.n.h, hvii mi it fell. -r t-i- 'Ji rkjL . kiJLS ?m? -rlomnODU 'XlOKiKn,' xibi,. x. M. .Smoot, of Davie coatfty, N.- C. Who W arrested Saturday rr stealing a norse from the stables pfvC C, Abrams. in Charles City; was to-day committed to await the action of the aatherities of that 3iyCnightf at a singing claw three Mies easjof Suteaville, on the Western N. J. Railroad. The participants were respec- lively Hodge Krider, of Rowan, and Wm. 2L 6np, "f nhii county. The; latter was badlaomjM the pbyaill think . .J-The Geological Departmeat is not -abolished. I All that is ungible about tSlSSSSSSSL the tate $5,000. It does more. The Ag. tSSS&T inaeit is made self-sustaining. Prof. Kerr's vaiuaDie services neea not db iobi w uo 11. A A ft i 11.) lltA wa broken into recently and robbed Of about fl.aw in specie.1 uiea, in mis cotinty; on. the 18th otthU.month, James Tuber, in the 8otb. year of bii age. i Raieigb Observer: At Greens- Doro, on aionaay lasHTneaao umj x. C. R. R. vs. N. H.D: Wilson1, Irratee, &a, tried before Kerr. Jtttfta. on motion motiotf, and appeal was taken to Supreme, Cour . , Mr, J. A. kv. a nrominent citizen Of ' Monroe. waa cnt in twain. br the:whetla of the cars tween Charlotte and Monroe. He was fpoitmaster at Stouts.- 'M cM" .it .ku.wx Raieigb iVto: u Ad jatant Gen era! Johnstone Jones yesterday returned fro&iNew York at which place he has SJKJl convention of officers or toe volunteer ser vice from the various 8tates of the Union, -"iSrWltfJSP frontbjDi --Beta fpxt oqrtespoQdest: was raised at Beaufort to-day ana one nunarea guns urea m nonor or Vance's election, 'fbertatomptbusiasm and good feeling p?litiul; 1 u i J CharlcttB T0facrr :. Mr. a McEl wee.tiblS'aiteeys'arinVrbeitypr Dafinie additional tesUmoey in. his-case ...( m.nlraf.ll Thli finMag nnxrain at against J3iac&weii. Auiscunica upngaiu ufc aD eariy day before the domntwsioner of Parent .o WMtfOnMiv A drowned W Wod. lhe uppositiQaM tbenebbor-! bood is that a stranger went into tbe'rjyer at McMahon. livinsr. on . Crowder 'a ereek. .iff the Southern part of Gaston county1 Went i nome quue qxuok, ano; aiwrwarai startea oat to retusn 10 Dar:rppm n jne netgn-r bprhood, or ta purpose irf getting more liauor.J H6 did rib return home that night. lana next! njornmg u wasxouqnat,nenaa. a Tii 1... . ...... it,l. v. 4 Mvw Whn was a beaVfy; r b n ipaet his ?f Uead,!Jtfodacttdilt waa-aapposedvbyAihia duifii 1 W'tal WtiiS 9W a . t ..... va Spencers ford, when the stream was swoi leni and thalhdr andrfder wete'arwcred. - Some nights ago a neero. naroedvToni In.r KUbWAtl.'.H ; ? Wilmington, i TIIE . E.EGIS1AXURE.! J Raleigh ObserySr's Report Condensed. 5 ; MESSAGE FROM , THE QOTJSE. A memorial from citizens ' of Vir ginia, ia regard to, the State debt, ao conjpanied by a message ; of transmis sion from the Governor. ' ' Te Hbu'se askid the Senate to concur n print- iugi j.ueoenaie aeounea to concur and; referred ' tho memorial " to the committee on. the State debt. ": By Mr. Bryan, to fix the ti me of holding the Superior CourLs in the Third Judicial District. By Mr. Dancy, a bill to allow the people of North Carolina to elect tueir vouniy commissioners. ben ate resolution. No. 115, in re lation to appointing a . joint commit tee j to nominate magistrates, said committee to report on Tuesday. February, 18, at 12 M. Passed second : reading . and-. engrossed for the House. V .'; ; V ... Senate bill No. 195. concerning the elections for the year 1878, legalizing the elections of Registers . of Deeds and Members of Congress. senate bill No. 166. in favor of sol diers who lost their eyesight , in thex Uo a federate service, was tabled. Senate bill No. 52, to make lustOes of the peace ex-offioio rangers in the counties in which they . reside,. pAssed its third reading.. ' At 12 o clock, noon, the .Senators formed in procession and marched to bue nau 01 ine xiouse 01 rvepresenia tives to ratify the action pfv the Sen ate' of yesterday, bv declanncr Zebn- Ion! B. Vance dnlv elected United Stages Senator, all of which was done in due and proper form. (See report of the House.1 t 'After returning to the Senate Chamber the Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. Richardson, of Columbus, petition from citizens of Bladen, asking for a prohibitory law for Trinity church in said county. To the committee on Propositions and Grievances. (By Mr. Amis, resolution iu regard to sheep husbandry. To the com ¬ mittee 0:1 Propositions and Griev ances. By Mr. Colwell, bill to regulate in surance in. the State. To the com mittee on Insurance. ,By Mr. Clarke, bill to amend the landlord and tenant aot. To the committee on the Judiciary. . By Mr. Paxton. bill to reduce the number of grand jurors to twelve. To the committee on the Judiciary. Resolution in fayor of practical re form. 1 (Recites business depression, and says salaries mast be . out down. Orders Judiciary committee to pre- t nr Mil. o.nttino- all salariea; one- 1 pare a bill cutting all salaries' one half.) ' Referred to the committee ob Salaries and Fees. "Bill for the relief of persons con fined Jiti the common jails. Read the; second time. ; The bill passed second time, , and . was then read and passed third time. i JOIHT SESSION. At 12 M. the Senate entered the hall in a body, preceded by its offi cers, and were provided with seats on the right of the Speaker. The. Clerk of the Senate read so much of the Journal of that body of yesterdayas appertained to the elec tioO of Senator, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives vread. ao much of the Journal of that body for yesterday as pertained to toe same subject. . i '' '.; ' ' ' Mr. Moring, the Speaker of the House, thereupon. arose and said: . Senators ahMembers of the , MM?6. &ReJr&ehtativea'. It appealing from tne journals ot the! General Assembly of the State Ot INortn Carolina, oomparea iu jomv session, that the two' Houses did, on Tupsday, the 2 1 st day " of J anuary, A.J D 1879, in1 conformity with thfl law. nroneed to elect a Senator to represent the Stated lu ; the Congress of theUnjtea states ,ior tne term commencing on the 4th day of March, 18t9. and ending the 4th Tj dayof March, A IX, 1885, and it also ap- Han. Zebalo'n BaiTd Vancq ' did, in said election'. 'receive maiority of f-General Assembly: WetffTfco&rJ- Jatvisw ifreswtent ot. tne oeoaie, ua. John tingi:: Speaker of; the Ucjuse 01 ttepreseniatives, aQ: auexe forte IieVebY? declare that i that said ZepulOn Baird Vance is duly elected Senator as aforesaid to iepfefieht the State of Nrth UarOliha in the, grass of tfie tJnited .' States. ' :f The Sedate thereupon TetQrfred to. its own Chamber, nd the House re lumed the-'consideratioti of the cai- enaar.f .v,, j ;..",.;;" ; ,a J, CAXlNpAB -EESUMED , ill' to incorporate th .Kinsteft Fiia Companv No. l.ii t4eadi and 'passed second aWd thiratimes." vh ISM ! 10 iacorporaw u-- uri5 w .Male and l) emaie Acaoemy in county governments (electa Justices t sessfon, ;ln that. city, andl wia, alao-jmade a -?tf5ii- -ivi r;iii3nT'k gJ'JU-Zi' Ot tn-c ww,.vvh. wvhmvsw sioheTS by iwpttiafuwTTOTwir seebnd timerrMC Olatk? ajrguedf M fon nFlfift Wll ' 'u.i.L'fJtj.ia.jk Af .aj rfit w -VA iai tne iame fr &.n,ZZl'-rc,iZrtT h The veift-arid Vats' rwea;.artfar.f jo&rdemapd. oTOtniehtJ 'Iftdtn fflolioir OTevaitediYeas 66.'nay8 47. n. .c.Fia"DAYfc.jANirABYa8!fies - F : Bjilt to repeal sections 5 and 6, chap ter V of Battle's RevisaL (Repeals tbp allowance of $1,500 to - the State gticnittttal;cietyr) ,;;T lHl was reacj .ibe'!8eVtjrfln' called for 4in-explanation of the bill, abdl Mr. Armstrong,' wbo introduced the bill, explainodv its provisions, and the fcill passerityraecondr-apd third 'readings. ;rsiHf. nv At the . close of the" session j the Ctiair announced the' lollowibg com biitteesf" . J uHousj$ f Btaicb: "of ' Committee on Public RoacU' Messrs. : -j Colwell, Brown of Meckle'bburg; Riphey, Bla- lock;, Davis of Madison, and Melson. '''qtfBsfr Interests Messrs; Tork,! Ftflphe and Blaisaell. vu V ' ' li f iAl On County Governments Messrs. Cobb, ; Armstrbng Taylor, Moore, Paxton; Powers, Lamb, Lewis,1 Low rie tnid'.08droe.1!f MS n': '"') ' !;::f v tHB CITY. NIW ADVEBTIIBIHBNT, Wanted Lost address. aum seN-rfS coat ana vesi. . i Ciosnv? & MOB51S Auction sale 3. C.' STRVENSON-Jtock complete. Pbof. AaosTrst-i-Phantoin dance. oat. j-j- Remember the poor. - Genevieve Rogers to-night, False alarm of fire yesterday aftefnoonl ' ! .. i.-r-j- NewMieUice and radishes were in rdarket pri Wednesday. s r .' . j - 4- Commodore Cheeseborougb, the Owner of the Bassportjis In the city. . , -1- Rev Dr. Burkhead and family have removed from Magnolia to Raleigh. -Fred ; Hill has been commis sioned Captain of the Cape Feaf Light' In fantry ' -j- The , Light; House Board will immiediately repair all lifiht: houses iu this district which were damaged during the late severe weather. ' . i r ! . . r "Phantom Dance," at Megib ney's Hall, this eveningwith.Pro'. Agos tini as master of .ceremonies. , It . promises to be a brilliant affair. - The hose reel of the Wilming ton Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 is ice-bound or lather the train on which it was to be shipped to New York city, j The Genevieve Rogers troupe will arrive here by special train this morn ing, but .we regret to hear that the contem plated imattnee, to-morrow afternoon, has been! abandoned. i s , ' i ; -i W. T.i Jones, of . this; city, is to figure as one of: the Marshals' on the Occa sion I of the society celebrations at Wake rorT -;. 18 doWn d,lto- Forept College. L. T. Carroll, of Columbus; I Mr. R. B. Sbolar. a native of this (county, died on the , 17Ui inst., near Wake ForeBt College in his 56th year. He movea. irom ew tianover to yy aae coun ty sevetnl years ago. ; v ; : r 4 Business was ' extremely dull at all points yesterday, but molasses candy was Steady, though the army of " dippers " at one of our, wharves had a poor chance at the hrst cargo of new cropr brought over in a crude state by the brig Zingu. One dis gusted !- stevedore, who bad anticipated, a six months' supply for- himself and the little ones! 'remarked that ' she didn't leak a 1 ;inb Tae propositlou to. .organize a . club with e proposit this pame. was xarred into execution last Thursday; evening,., when - the following offlefcrsi were. ejected: ,.; . .t ,'.,. Pr!esiden:fc--Thos..W, Strange-' j r. y, ; Vice Preside.nts 1st, Wm. fatimeri 2d,, TaSpronLa n.vd v .. . t a:,;; ;4Sacretary--T; BL McEoy, rjJrj ,.R;Hrriu All the officers' are evwfkio members of the Governing Committee, with the addine tion joJC Messrs, (jt.. J.Bpney and , Rj H , Mc- Tiecluhtarts with about thirty ? mem bersi and as the object is reflnedaofil btt joyraent -4t milk doubUeajj attaia aidesjfH abJelntimexicaJ atrengtbj .Tbebrxoomkiwill be ii the secofcd Story of J tW Murchison build fogy da Nertb' Front street; MM A cbajanetieitItfvmBle fiellpae lijstJ evening ' . Juplte v JFinuSj I and,; the Mocb' wereiia 4oa j0ii6tienilTbe new moon occurred' 'otfd'thelttd. sow that the i three ' Dlatfeis ere quite loW in- tbe wes ti and inesB wno- were on lur "iookoui repreocu Oor , aecUont Wiir rno.r"be Vurdenedwitb an ebns 9fUllbe Wjyrdayt.itas P inviaibahrflaorTlreV K two, rer eclipses, o Be, ij fwu, anu iae wiiwi u, the moQOtbolbltovisiblefOili Inflict, we prefer a little such sunshine as l t ... I" . Lwe bad yesterday-t-oytliio4tke a veil ovoid Sol. XWttJkmmanff- 1 J 0UrTT7lurU.i ,.:-jo ' Balfimor'e, aVbfeefinelecied 1 Second Vice that tfie1 spectajfeVas-one of reats'pletf 'dor, espectdHy tt'bfbrlunatepos mvmmtyff W iYMirttmtntMkWmm fimtTeiLXittf iAeirorDn nx&m 111' n I P"'R!S.'JrVr -r mvn,m tt4hinWnW enWn - - -ThepIwalf evening tos wjoessnf tbefat llmqiiBjthis .The , piece,-contftlns.'t maavLrrB amusing and laugbjibleilaceJicSoandj Jnoi-s dents, that ere mosf heartfltf anbreelaied: by the mfffijl' features of t us platthaJo tre i-eaucely ;;V)o broad for tbls'ldcanrjf.iarid wbicb mAr Ibe effect ofUs" redtttj fcedly i nree or lour 01 mo companj.wao apn peared last night were Really ,e,xcollejitacT tdrs. but unfortunately there were as many who' were equally as indifferent. ; '. 1 To-night tliehevteVe Rogerspears1 for liitj uru ume io mio- titj, bdu 'wvaopeio- see s large audience. v We "knowilthat sbe is a decidedly clever 1 actress and; is, paid to have a strong support, iacludieg-Mr, Frank w. &iaen, an actor or reputation.. Optra uouae VBlaattjriailtf" ; Theatre-gcera will have, an, opportunity this evening of witnessing the presentation of the pastoral drama of "Maud4 Muller," with its young and1 pretty heroine in the person of Miss Genevieve Rogers; : If .the rendition of the character here i is aft per- feet as it has been elsewhere, , we . may, ex- pect her to force alternate smiles and tears . ' : .. J- a., ii- - . .-"t.L J from the audience The "culcbaw" of Boston were not able to resist' the influence of her charming impersonations, but Coj ceded her a lofty niche in the temple-of dramatic fame. It is decidedly compli-, mentaiy to this little lady that those critics who; are singularly distinguished for fault finding have been unable to find excuse for attacking any feature in her conception and execution of the character of 4Maud JluN leh'l Give her a large presence: to-night.' Ifl ay er'a Court. , . This tribunal was well attended yester day morning, and the cases before it were dispatched with' becoming1 Celerity. ''" ! 1 Henderson Davis, Colored; who was tip on the charge of being 00 bcerned in an af fray, was dealt with ..lightly, as he had a good record, and judgment was suspended on iae payment 01 costs. W. B. Frost, a seaman, charged With disorderly conduct and resisting the police, was j fined $20 or .thirty dayan :in the city ; prison. He either willingly or compulso- ruy accepted tne latter alternative, ana went into durance vile. ' JO Matthew Gillespie,- colored, ' arraigned for slight dssorderly conduct, was admon ished and discharged. , ;i . The last case called was, that of John Watson, colored' an old offenderone of the incorrigibles on Whom a show df leni ency would be wasted. J He was not only charged with having been) disorderly,' bat I resisted .the police when arresting bim. The Mayor therefore fined .him $25 or thirty days In the city iockup. How well this festive cuss deserved ''restraint "was manifest in bis physical displays' - toward!) the I escorts who proceeded, to consign him to. . the , depths. . ; He fas, however, basemenUd, without the ghost, of , .chance 1 of remission of sentence. . 81 Days at the' Pnnipi 'A' Th! e bark Oliver Eintry which arrived at New York a few days ; ago, bad -Qf beard the Captain and five sailors,, who had been resciied from the schooner Magpie Vandu&n, irom mis port. Vapi. 1 nomas, ui we schooner, says he never experienced such terrible weather. From the ! time be left Smithville, onlbrriJaTaialyTfiert was scarcely a cessa'tlori td tbe fury oT tfit gale. Sea after sea brokeover tbeachooner and Swept the, deckp. clear,. , the .boat belsg carried away, water .casks .burst and rudder ground to pieces. For J six days, the crew' laboted kt theu pumps, HH6S water' gaining' upon tbemall IheUme. 1 Th4 destrubtibri of ibe caska left taem withdat water fit :to drink, and their f sufferings were , ; intense TW01 out of the .seaman , jyere.a0f terrhjjr irpsB-pitten tnat tney sunx qown almost in Benslbie'aVthephlpai To'tcnipieTte1 Iheil' trouble, rjptl bmas, ' w&6 NrWJilm6st cbastaatTy at the wheel,' was trtrack by one Of the seas that -washed bver the; Vessel and lnjbed in the bead and. sideOn the m iay the sor?ildisssepeppl began . . A & . 1 t. . 1 1 k ! 1. . IO EITI riaamv Heatan la Jail A aympatbeUe '-As 'conslderabhf dlkibW'beenex ptesBCd here to see the artills f the Char PjdttfJ 13enrs4jregardJtQ!He ! j i'l . ' : now1 incarceraieu in our couniy jau, we copy it below, With the remark mat Wimmy 4itick parties, wbtf &mtMitM4tfm iml f yoiunisry aeaiieu YHiiowfrjM,ji;.,i3v;i 1 ' 1 ' . 1 .i : . ' m. - tt t f.rf oqamei .HBatonet ubli.( can political leader In Wilmington, in for taerryeire, and wh6 dldJ-m)icb a' secure languishing in the Wilmington jalL Heaton mmmiM I KCUHVUa U0(MVW W W WW WHIM MWW "V 1 tnrt-1,1 K-hiiintinjahlafathfer who representedL. ortbHgaraUna n fhe, I AieglSiaiure auu vuucoa m wuu iubj oe f vepUda ba4sTiembJte sWOMSirfA after the closetof the. war., from pissing IpuWicaBUelajJSptNa.wj Itemte-tm not jwilUng to do. something to relleye an old friend ia dishes, waO w41l do4t? apJ added man. andaBaWnnfrom M jo fioUr.OiiK ' Jl.i.- ctty, Leonard OroveT's iComedyn to) 6ar acts; ; entiiled'CMr Jain1&onsM a up nope, . wuen uis welcome bikui miicfa needed asafsianWayYendred?" il: t .... . .r. " : . r ': t t tMBavBVBBW (111! I P itlT M I I CBUBU , mM, n V.BJ AUUHl,aAltaaf A fmtn dona f that his efforts, and jrpice, were JTMsed just I , ... T f i imnnp ' f- f.. .V. MrtMAAVM M4h.l Prtlrl.t.t.lld..l.tAAU JITHE IX1NSI HKPI V I ir ATfnb- of rwwn' and , rrxvl . dfcTIl nJ ww 1 a0 Wtpeoplfcirt -' -wfc. ew w- tt iap jjwMia j jtp ja wawsani nr nana a si t ataa t . ?w -iVi 3 ; uj XHOLfi No: 3,575 To-baya Indleatloas. ' ,:'vfpr the South' Atlantic? States' westerly wipas,.antuiiig lojaortheriy and easterly. Vising v, bfrometer, lower,, tomperature, and partly i cloudy weather with local rains in jjje northern portion, followed by clearing 1 uaeaiaer. ThevnaonSeter Record gdTae following will show the state of the therfnometeif.. at th atatfnnn mhtinm(f t jyesterday . evenuigf, Washington mean ime as ascertained frora the daily bulletia issadd from' the Surnal Office in this citv; . 'Atfahta. . ....61 ! Key West, V. . . . . ,67. 'A-u'gtstav. . t Mobile.;;; ; : .w fJharieslon,:... Montgomery . ... .68 Unarlotte ........58 C6Mcana;.;:i.j;67 New Orleans,. . . .66 Punta Rassa, . . 1 . .75 Savannah......... 69 St. Marks, .. Wflmington, i . .. 69 Galvb8WO,....w.08 ilavana. 77 Ind'AnOm'j;ti'..:;60 Jacksonville,?..,, 70 ? .1 mm Maslairate'a Cbtirt. '! Vry little business engaged the attention bt be magistrates yesterday s - , John H Hamphrey s, charged , w lh per- iqrywas before. Justice HUl;but the prose cutor could not sustain the allegation and the case was dismissed at his cost. . ! Edward Tatton accused of the larceny of a box of eggs; was hauled up, but the prose cutor did not sustain the charge agaimt him and had to pay the costs for his fun. UaiyiaUable kettera.-: ' - iiTie fpllQwipg.are the unmailable letters remiinivg iq the city postoffice: . Cass, y.j Augusta, Lincoln University, Chester co! Pa. Miss Priscilla Lory. Nor mal Behool Hampton, Va.; J. AV Harman, Lobg iCreek, N; C,; John Doyle, care H. J... Sweet, !Jr.; S, ,S. Brockaway & Col, y West Florida; ; Happy Caroline Min- nis, Newberne, N. C. ; Perry, Mason & Co., jjobuuo, inass. t ' 'iavai ; ' - . BIVER ANpjSAItlPIB ITEMS. t 1 jThe Norwegian barque ZknoraA, for this port, jcame Inside the bar yesterday. : 1 The 1 schooners Joseph' Buddi -Tyler, and jQion6- Pajttersda, were 1 at Vineyard Havn on the 15th Inst., from Weymouth, bound for this port. The mails dose and arrive &.t the. City Post j Office an follows; Northern through mails. ...... Northern through and.', way 7:45 P. M. 5:30 A. M. 5:30 A.M. 7:30 A. M. 50 M. 70A. M mails. .'I . . . v'.v j Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there- from;' including A. & N. C. Railroad.' at. ..... Southern mails for all ' points 'South; aaiiy.v. ........ Western mails(C. C. Ry) daily r Vexcept ouuuay; Mail if or Cheraw & Darlington . RallroadJ., Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston.,..,; i 7:30 A. M. Fayetteville,&nd officeaon Cape , ..; ., Fear Kiver, Tuesdays and Frldays.i...-.;... IKK) P.M. FayeftteyUIe, via Lumberton, daUy, except Sundays. . . 5:00 A. M. Oasipw vvj tUi ana interme- , diate offices every Friday. 6 :00 A. M. Bmithville' 1 malls,4 by ' steam- , , boat, daily except Sundays) 9 AX) A. M. Mail4 for Easy Hill, Town - ureek ana 'Hnaiiotte, every Friday at 6:00 A. M. Wllrhingtoc and Lisbon, Mob" - days ana' jrnaays' at. . ; : : . . e tuo a. m. 1 I v bisO?K1l ?,0B I)KLIVlEBT. Northern thrpugh mails. ..... 9 :00 A. M. Northern through1 and way-1 1 ! : maiis..y... ....... j. 7.-00 a.. m. Southern mails. .......... .... 7 .-00 A. M. CaroliaaCemral Railroad.';, . 6KW A. M. -v Stamp Office open from 8A.M. to 12 M,, and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp General delivery open from 6:30 A. M. to 6 $9 PI M. , and on Sundays front 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. j.-. tij.jn 'r-.f I'--, 't ; f, ' -fv- Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office fa closed. ; - : Mails collected Irom, street; boxes every day it 4.00 PM., a-neyojoa 9 A trA rr f Ajh.TBVVaH9weoia&o ai'nu'iiviuei: uot cur ITEMS. lii. oils Cbdw Jacxbon's Bbbt Sweet RarT.Tobacco. 1 ;1T- Ct&RBOLurc aeddrMe(i extract or retroieoaw tne oaiy arucie uiat will restore aair on Data neaas, Ml legant 'dressing, and contains not a particle or V ot outer poisonous oraga .soia oj drnggiBt. OTW GBiA! CHABGK t-aeventh - Drawing UO!OSinSI,TK JJIBTBIBUTIOir uo,at JUOOlSTUie, eaSOthinist. Only a few more daya left." Brilliant arrayiof cash prizes. - Tieketa only $8.. Seize the opportunity. XMen will be filled up to erenlne of nine of r, Con- S9tn.t Address T. J. OOMJUarOSD. SaoT. xmt-tjoTjRNAi. BcifiDixe, uoxmrihiMi JSx, c toBCtfPwAfcDS OP mETT YKAHS Has t - Wiaatow's r-Sran has- been, used fox Children. It 1 acidity of the stomach, relieyas wzHsfooiJO, rexulates the cores 9a wtui anaiHARRHnti. whetner ansuiK iron irom leeuung or other; cadsea. -, An old and w4re4 remedy. 4 ,85 . -i-i -f;-iivc. JTJJIJISJUII QLISH QTJN8. The attention of SDorts- me la invited to fh advertisement vt Measra, J.-eV W . Joiley. manuxactarers or one DreecOfioadUi; gneiBhMlnyham. Kngfandt Their euns are mad' to order according to specifications and measure- length of stock &c , -.- T?i h'sA 8 i I V VlCTOEIOTJa X VSBXWHSH8 Ir-Prom ah euar- teri rs come the same happy news. "Hail's Hohbt on PoHawuai unt'1; is accomplishing sach earesln serere Coughs and Colas, and other throat and rang tqempianta aa astpniBA even am. ttaie ua self, j To be without it In whiter is a most aei To be without it in winter is a most serious matter lnaayfaaiUy,, vfftfiiJi'fO wli hi -v T'Pikb's Toothache nDrops cure Toothaphe In one OOOO tADYlCE.-Now is Ahe tiaia tf aaroB iPieuisonia, Lung Fever, Ac. Every family should nave a notueor owsokbb s uasaAS stbupa ixmt allow for one moment that . cough to take hold of voorchll child, your family or yourself. Consumption, 1 isttoma, . Pneumonia. Hi anc etnerjaiatai susses mav aea MEKMiM la eormg taousanos 01 xnese oreaaea aiseases. une bottle will wtyenswhoiQ family a winter sad keep : . . . . t. : . Rsnmr.v hhpr v.ii' tioMsyaiamaara famngr;hiany a medicine, la the most disaustme and diffleuu tat ts ttake.? Few stomachs d not revolt at the mere thought of CASTOK or COO symptoms paaenta waste of and tissue than the nutritive powers are sud- DlTinc. COI IiTVEH; OIL la the; Bttbst iruatworthy aadSeSecUve remedy in the world. Bat repugnance to itsitane-aaa oaei deabsir.- Itisthen him tas-jawsl ineatimaWe iUndaa ea ktrnwiuby telling him of BOOTT'8 AHUL8ION OF iXstSAKD feODATbr trathfullv aasuriasbJi jpf ita tim-freedOfqafrom I ,..f-' v . . .: .-.,, A-' TT mj w WAW VAM iT-wvl odorjof its-marreloua qualities as anutrlent, and jb! Mfth4raeJp,ltlgS , . -.. I fXemicn. perve sndrbrain, , , aT 8tATaX4fr AiaVataftriMinu. p&a Bquare oaa day,.".; , 81 ttl-t ... 1 J5 ... 8 6U ... SOU . - 8 W ... 4 Ot ... G 60 ... 860 . , 10 00 oo ...4 00 .. 40 00 -... 60 00 two aaya,...,. j... three daya,. . .. ... four days,..:. 4v daya, One week,.. ;.. ..;.. i Two weeks, ...... :.. Three weeks,. . . . . . . . . ; . . )ne month Two months,... ...... Three- months,. . ....... Six months, One year, ... 41 j I. tVOontract Advertisements taken at probot Uonately low rates. 4 jf.; Tea Uses selid Nonpareil type make one square. J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TWO BXimA COMHSMCQfQ FRIDAY, JAN. 84TB, the Bril- Uant and handsome young Comedienne, Hiss Genevieve Bogers t ouuisa oj uie laTonte American Actor, - I nr. FRANK K. AIKBN, Who wul appear on FRIDAY NIGHT in the success : ' . of the past two seasons, t Maud MuHerr eatfSSS SATURDAY NTHT t.hn .. .im.i . icaa Comedy Drama,, written expressly for them by Charles Gaylor. aeq.i enUUed ,. f! ATI HI Tl P n-Y-rri "The Worrit' of the School VUUolU XlUAJ s and Fairy of the Household. - , : Admission Paranettn ama Dnu niuu tmn No extra charge lor Heserred Seats, to be had at Hetnsberger's Book Store. 3an24t fflt. CRONIiY, Anetloneer. BY CRONLY A MORRI8. Auction Sale. TH18 DAY (FRIDAY), 84TH INSTANT, AT 11 o'clock, A.M.. we will tell, at our Sales Scorns, 99 mts Kxtra Fat MACKERKL. new and its Extra Fat Mi bright packages, Ship Regulator. now landia: ag ex tt. lOOO Lbs HAMS. 1000 Lbs SHOULDERS 5tO Boxes CHXaSS. lO Bales HAY. With the HOUSEHOLD end KTTflHK'W vttkwt. TUBS of a family removing from the city. - Anether Invoice of TTN-WARB, a siearns s Hum mvn SArs,: , OFFICK DSSS, 4c. Jan 84 It The Phantom Dance, TTNDRS THK SUPERVISION OF PROFESSOR (J AGOSTINI. will take nlace at MBaniNEVm HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, 84TH INST Admission Single Gentleman, CO cents; Gentle man and Lady. 60 cents; single Lady. 85 cents. All uraiea in rnaniom uress admitted free. , Phantom March commences at 8jf o'clock. t jan 841t . Wanted. Address of Wilmington gentleman is lost. Street Car Device is ready Call at this jan J4 8t Office. .OO. ELEGANT DIAGONAL X)AT AND VEST. tS8.00. A FEW. SIZES LEFT AT Jan 84 It MUNSON'S. STOOK COMPLETE j ' AND 'V- '' ! - GOODS ARE CHANGING HANDS AT A LIVELY . : . , . , oATJs AT . J.C.Stevenson's, j Because he sells " 4 " SWEET BUTTER at 20 cU per pound, PATAPSCO FLOUR at retail for 4c, and Good FAMILY at 3X Cts per pound. - .1 Lbs of Light Yellow SUGAR for $1.00, and I expect to esntinue to sell at this price I unlets the market changes. ,!-! '1 - . ; ' 1 - Prime COFFEE 15 cU per pound. 'sjnaU Sugar -Cured HAMS and SHOULDERS , BACON STRIPS and PIG PORK, All kinds of CANNED GOODS, LEMONS, Messina, 85 cts per dezen. EVERY THING AT LOWEST PRICES. Polite, Considerate and Accommodating, is my sietto. i ... Jas. C.Stevenson janj84tf ; ' - :' - riThe Best Hat! THE LEAST MONEY J i. ;' ; " '; at; ; - I HARRISON 4s ALLEN'S Jani 83 tf. l, ' , i City HsfStore. eCrt Ctiba. 1 1I H Hbda Nbw F CUBA MOLASSES, Fof saleby " KRRCRNkR CALDBH BHB jan;SS it larlyBbse Potatoes. 100 f814 ROSS POTATOES, . I l ;: Forssleay Jan, 23 tf : i r KERCHNER PALDER BROev (:. Flour. Flour. Flour. 1 -800 BV1"rL0UB,aU Pades, f j For saleby ' -! , Jan. 83 tf KERCHNER, CALDER BROa. , Oats and Heal. 10 00 BnBl1 8?D OAT8 4QQ Bush Water Mill MEAL, Fer saie bv- - ' jantf? ERCHNKR CALDER BROS. ; 1Sl8SOLUTION.-Tlie firm of J. FERNBXRGBR XJ CO., lately dolngbaaiaeaa la the Cby of Wil mincrton. composed of Julius Fernbereer. Solomon JBear, Samuel Bear and Marcus Bear, is this day dia- iaa ieie nna whi preaeni tnamto w alias ernbersrer for Payment, and Julias Farnbereer is aauionzea vm eoueesu aeota uue tne late arm . JULIUS FERNBBRGSR. SAMUEL BEAR. jMABCUs) BEAR. anuary 81, 1879. . ;-n t Ji'.';. in - IRE BUSINESS CONDUCTED BY THE LATE FirnwiJl be eontinaed bv tee. at. the eld stand, in all its branches, and my friends nd old eastomers are eovdjaUy Invited to bestow on me the same liberal patronage extended In the past. . S JOUU8 FERNBEXGER. - JanS3 d8toawsw aa QFPICS W. AS. RAILROAD CO. 1 I January si, un. - ) XTOTICB. THE STREET CASS WILL LEAVE 131 . tba head of tiia Road (corner Sixth and Castle streets), every hour, commencing its A JL., and -running daring the day. Persona desirous of visit ing tae uemetery can reiy upon meeting vara ac cordlar to abave schedule. rdiar to abave achedala anaaet he fPiaitQ3iani jan 13 6t HENRY WRIGHT, 8upt. ia,xid Organs. AND SECOND BULND, f H Sold for Cash, or on the no ktavt : ,LIVE BOOK ..STORE . , ii ana iiciBsaa,xvteTy, rvnwmusn w, AUCiloraf Mettoea, Fiamea,: . u a . . 1 n , nv.ak t V . ' ; For sale at" " Wn, I janStf -Nos.8andlt Market St. 1 i . V b "y'i ii 4 i r j i r- 1 i