jHE HOBimiQ STAB. By ffH. n. BEQNAItD. ; "pt,HLiaiIP DAILY El EXCEPT MONDAYS. BATES OV BUMOWPTIOB IS ADVAKCB : cyear. (bymail)po.tce paid, W txmoni-uo. m M I 4 j5- Thrv'emontM, k ........... I 00 One mV"wKAi. delivered in anv Dart of the iSSSaSOSJOSS T0 in jvance. ' The members of the joint committee fa voring transfer of Indian Bureau to War Department have completed their report; it . r voluminous. The Potter com- mittee has-commenced an inTeatigation of colored Normal School," praying that the cipher telegram The credentials said school jnay be continued and of Gen. Shields, as Senator from Missouri, enlarged. Education, were presented in the Senate yesterday, Mr., Harris, resolution providing for ' A constitutional amendment ;is pro- a; tax ttn cigars, Calendar.1' 1-iir posed prohibiting payment of claims of : Mr. Waddell, a bill with a memo disloyal persons.1 The third general rial, to establish a new county, to be convention of the Independent Order off. called .Vance, composed eXt. portions B'oai B'rjth convened on Sunday in Phil- of Johnston,' Sampson and Wayne. de, hift " . a petition for 'a new Propositions and Grievances. hft9 been made in Mrs. Cobb's case. ' r- White, a bill for the protection 3 v.j Shere Ali's Master of the Horse, the great opponent of British influence's dead. . . TueTirginla Senate has unanimously adoptedjhe committee's report on alleged Federal usurpation. Rev. M.J. Mich poacher, a prominent Jewish Rabbi, died in Richmond yesterday. Verdicts were rendered yesterday against two more judges of election in Baltimore. judge James D.'Halyburton, of Virginia, died onSunday. . . New York mar kets: Money 23 per cent; cotton quiet and steady at 9 7-l699-16c; flour quiet and without change; wheat $1 05l 091; com 4748c; spirits turpentine 29c; rosin $135. " .;. !. ' Patterson, of South Carolina, says he will speak onthe Butler-j-Corbin cane when it comes up in the 'Senate. He says Butler was elected, hence his first vote for seating him, and iiehce his course in the matter now. The witnesses in the Reno trial are not very good judges of 'crowds. Some estimate the Indian forceB at 1,000, whilst others saw moro than double, for they swore there were probably 10,000. It was evidently scarey times. Col. Ellison S. Keitt, of South Carolinawas grossly slandered by tbe New York Times. HO sought j reJress before a-New York jury, put- I ting Ine damages at $50,000. - He got one sixpence. And yet' there 18 scarcely any doubt as to the faot that ; he was8landered. ; " Richmond very properly turned up 1im maoa a( ((Aim' pAni1in TTAnaA ; -X" , l ilie Dispatch thinks Betty the Only redeeming lecture ui tue jJiay. . ii is 1 1 ) -.mm A poor play and as vulgar as poor. The ........ .. t State says tbe company is first-rate. A large audience greeted the vul garity " ., 'i The New York dry goods market is improving in tone, especially in brown and bleached cottorls, which are generally well sold up ! to pro-r I auction. Printing cloths are very I firm at 3fc for standards. Prints j quiet and woollens moving slowly, fl Androscoggin L are advanced to 7f I cents. I Ilayes and his Cabinet aire repre sented as not doubting the propriety of the pension bill. They say about $2,000,000 a month can be adjusted, and that it can be met by paying out the standard silver dollar. Whilst Democrats were'votirig away tens of J millions to pay pensions to the Union Health. Un motion of Mr. iyomeia, ou:- -f.u u 3 " ' ' si the reports -were Bent to the Senate, soldiers, ,f they had not been afraid rproposition to print that of they would have voted, to a man to ho Treasurer of he Board of Agri pension the Mexican war veterans. It culture. tru'l'j j I will be popular in the North to pay the "Union defenders," hence the . .. , ' ... vote, both parties trying! to make capital. It would be unpopular in the North t.rt npnoinn Moiinnn war 1-ia .v.-, T,7 the much larger share, having done mostof the fighting and furnished I most of vote. the volanteers hence the Oxford XreeJLanci: The Register of Deeds has discovered a discrepancy ot . $1,200 each to county and State in the re Inmi f tinl inf 4m4 tavAtilaa kAlnAan TannaFW and November of last year, and has so re- . ijunea to me state Auditor. According to i ton, passed its readings. . the original returns the Sheriff (would have I r ( ' ' - ' ; fill ' gained $2,400. Up to the presoat EBVisiNG the statutes. time Capt Joe Townes, Register of Deeds,' that the conntv debt will not if all short of $30,000. The Raleigh JSTetDt deserves vicuu ior one tning. cenamiy Knocxeu the "snots" ont of exorbitant charges for be Public Printing. ; Give the "Devil his due." j . Trinity College has chosen W. B. Dowd. Chief Manager, and G. D. Ells worth, of Dunlin fihief Marshal. Tha Chiefs then appointed the following assis - - uis: managers a. liodie, souin, Carolina; E. C. Branson, Raleigh W. cD Harris, Thomasville; R. R. Smith. Char- 'otte; John R. Winchester, Monroe. .raarsnais f.u. Biggs, Fayetteville; W. V- Brown, Raleigh; G. S. Daniel, Halifax; J. C. Fiak, concord; J. & Garner, South V4 rti"n . J . Gibbons, , Roxboro : H B . 'ue, WHSOn. ; a, m In the United States Senate, Wednesday, Mr, Merrimon presented the memorial of John 8. Long and others, cili- us or xiewbern, w. C, remonstrating r. TBmonBiraLinir, w 5r wremo.TK 1 0f.th(, FdfIlCoa" : clty.t? tne U? of Goldsboro, in this State; which was referred to the com m reierrea to me com- mittee on the Judiciary, UVW 1... J! tic - J 3 - Tf TFT VOI XXIII.NO. 107: THE LEUISLATURE. Raleigh, Newi JJeport Condensed. - Kalkiqu, N. C, Jan. 25, 18Y9. ofnghsh mocking birds. Mr. Davidson! to change the time for holding .. the Superior Courts in the Ninth Judicial District. Mr. Robinson moved to reconsider H. B. 173, S. B. 184, which passed its second reading on yesterday 'to ex tend the time to redeem land sold for taxes and purchased by the State. Carried. -. -. -' , " ! After some little debate upon the bill, Mr. Robinson moved to re-com-mt to the Finance Committco with instructions to investigate.- . b. U. 20, State officers, to require State , oflicials to make a report to this body of the money and fees received by them! Adopted. S. R. 165, in favor of, North Caro lina soldiers. . Mr. Caldwell moved to amend by inserting those who lost two legs and two arms. :tvJ I I j Mr. Auatin moved to refer the bill, together with the amendments, to the Finance committee. Carried, i 1 ! SPECIAL OBDSB. ; - S. B. 128, to incorporate the Ben nettsville & Hamlet Railroad Com pany, beintr. the special order for to day at 12 o'clock,4 President Jarvis announced that the, hour had arrived. Several of the Senaiord who. were interested in the bill being absent, Mr. Leach moved that the further consideration of it be postponed and made the special order for Thursday next at 12 o'clock. Carried. IJOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By Mr. English, memorial of the N. O. Teachers' Association. Edu i ' ami7 AaortAialtAM W H cation. Ml. JULU. 15 y jut. liernara, amenaing tne charter of the Snow Hill, Goldsboro & Greenville R. R. Co, ( By Mr. Ellison, to incorporate the i - on 1 . T !1 i . itaieign cc xocsy iuouni xaiiroau. By Mr. Reynolds: To punish min- fan Who apply money to private uses, ifropositions ana urievances. I The calendar was taken up and the ionowing Dins ana resolutions aciea t, 3 upon: I H. B. 26, requesting our Represen tatives lit Congress to secure, an sp propriation to improve the Cape Fear Kiver ana raaxe jj ayettevuie a port of entry, passed its readings. I S. B. 195, deolaring the elections held for county offioers and members of Congress, in 1878, to have been properly held and valid, passed its HISO, to prevent the felling of timber on Swift Creek in the coun- ties of Edgecombe and Nash, passed "s reaaings. , H. R. 64, asking Representatives in Congress to secure am appropria tion for the removal of obstructions in Waocamaw River, passed Us read ings. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. ; A message from the Governor was read, transmitting the reports of the Treasurer of the Board of Agricul- iure and of the State BoaTd of ! A message iwaaw also sent jin, an Poancipg conoiirrence n tion raising a joint select committee on pablio Roads, and named as the Senate branch Messrs. Alexander, Merritt and Holleman; ar. Also a concurrence In the resolu- tion raising a joint' committee on the Figh , interests of'tlie State, and na- ming Messrs. Davidson and Moye as the Senate branch. ; S. B. 151, to allow commissioners of the towns of Salisbury and Golds boro to oorreot the tax lists for 1876- 77 and 1878, and collect arrears, passed. 11. 15. 188, to incorporate Uer mania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., of Wilming- h. B. 168, S. B. 14, to provide for ho statutes, a committee of three to be appointed by the Governor, to whom the work shall De entreated. who shall digest all the present State laws and reduce to one -act all laws of one nature which can and ought to be consolidated. The . work to be done in time - for submission to the I next Lecmlature. On motion of Mr. 1 Richardson of Columbus the bill was not Aiiumiaiiuf ! hot waa.f made the n0t; jWfP wafjjnaae ,.ine Pfc! order; tor Tpday. noon. ; S. R. 215, H. R. 91, in relation to the election of Justices of the reace, raising 4 joint committee of thirteen eight in v the House and five in the Senate, to be known as the commit tee on Nominations,, to whom shall be submitted iall i- the. nominations from. tha.. vari(ua cpuotiea, and who shall make choioe of the persons pro. n, ut im e bbuq. iuu lu ua annp er to be eleoUd, inis . to be done by Tuesday. February 18tbf and on ,lJ J,Ann thtf ileotion will h - "J - .r - held? The bill passed its readings. WILMINGTON, IN. GUESD AX: JANIJAET 28,f jT9 'J : l.f Spirits: Turpen we. - Raleigh , handled cotton last week t Revenue receipts District last week were The Charlotte urday issued large ment. ( Enterprise tells. -i- Reidsville Times: Xh Wil miogton Stab is a jewel. Always full up 10 nt regular standard of a daily newspa per, . . . , -'Newbern was happr on: Thurs day. T It had a glorious pole-pucchlnaf."It was a grand time. Mr. J. F, Sawyer' was the best "punchist.t't He crowned Miss Alice Cabo. ' ". 1 i mov aubwau uiuivi. Sulphur Spring, Surry,county, six .persons proiessea iaitb. , At Cedar Jirancb Baptist Church, near Jamesville. there were twenty- five nrofesaiona. ' ,..slf , c .1 r-.The.Raleigh Observer says it is f miiamaH t V. t hnm wff f vm 4V m 'Tam.mmI am. . I : are of theoninion that wnrtc on that insti l tuuon should , be discontinued and a heavy drain on the State Treasury may be thereby stopped . , . r Rockingham Bee: We hear that climor for the new county' out of Rich mond, Kobeson and Cumberland runsnlh and is ' developinc much strength. The neio county meeting at 'Shoe Heel agreed upon tne aetaus and oouudaries. ; 5 ; I Greensboro JPatriot: There ap pears to be a difficulty in the colored Pres byterian churcu or this place, between a portion of the congregation and the pastor. Rev. J. A. Crestfield. which resulted.' last Sunday,' in an assault upon him and his ejectment from the pulpit; There was a considerable row, , and ;Chief of . Police Reese was called in to preserve the peace. Charlotte Southern JZome: We were pleased to meet Rev. T. W. Erwin, of White Oak, Fairfield, county, South Caro lina. Mr. lrwin is a native of this county. and was raised about twelve miles from this city. He has received. a call to a church in Dallas, Texas, where-be , will shortly move with his family. - Read in,' spellin' and spankin' Is what makes good men out of bad lads. That is what Solomon said, or words to that effect. A subscriber wishes to know whether there are as many as fifty citizens of Charlotte who nave no handles to their names; whe ther there are as many as two hundred who are not called Colonel, and whether out of the legion of so-called Colonels as many as five -ever gained the title on the field 01 battle. , We are reliably in formed that Vance had 79 supporters and I Merrimon 23, among tbe Democratic mem bers, Merrimon being allowed all of the doubtful ones, i Charlotte Observer: It is an nounced that Mrs. M. E.Brittoo.of Charles ton, will issue, about the middle of Febru ary, a literary weekly entitled 2he Home drel$. Mrs. Britton is the wife of Mr. J. Evans Britton, son of Mr. E. H. Bri tion, the veteran editor and publisher, of this city, and is herself a native of Charlotte, being well kown here as Miss Maggie Elms. A good many people went down to the de pot to see tbe Countess of Burgundy as she passed through with her suite in. a. special car. Some didn't think her very good look ing. Mudieska, like Janauscbek, does not run on her looks. The Gounod Musi cal Club, of this city, has just concluded an arrangement with the Mendelssohn Quin tette Club, of Boston, which is now travel ling through the South,- to appear in our Upera House on the 6th ot F ebruary. Eddie, aged 12 years, son of Capt. E. M. Ferris, of Gastonia. Gaston county, was handlinz a euu the other day. when the weapon exploded and blew his left hand all to pieces. A surgeon dressed the wound and thinks tbe thumb may be saved Reidsville Times: Judge ,-Kerr j has been absent in Greensboro, where' on Monday and Saturday last the case of the N. C. R. R. Co; and John W. Graham vs. N. H. D. Wilson, Trustee of the Sink ins Fond of said Road, was argued bv H. M. Scott and Col. Ruffln for plaintiffs, and Ball & Gregory, Jr. U. Jiobbins, and J. W. Reid of Boyd A Reid for defendant. The bill charged unfitness and breach of trust on the part of Dr. Wilson, hut by the decision of His Honor, who disallowed the motion both for a receiver and injunction. the trustee is fully vindicated. The in vestigation of Dr. Wilson's management exhibited in its true ugnt the -purity ana The Hillsboro Boarder represents Cobb of excellence ox his Christian character. Lincoln as having a maturity of judgment kindled by the warmth of eloquence. He must be a well seasoned Cobb. squire John Jones, of Person, aged eighty, was married last week to a auss. w instead, Seed about forty. It is the Squire's third marriage and all bis wives have been-Win- steads. Jue gave the biggest party mat nas been seen in Roxboro for many a day, and good cheer and congratulations ended the hour. ' Raleigh Hews: A number of col ored DeoDle of this city have called a meet ing of the people of their race living in this township, lor tne purpose ox organizingjan Emandpation Historical Bociety. The liClIB Ul Ul. JB1. A. V1UUUP, VI IUJU1U countv.have as a leeacyt40.000 m old State bonds. If the ' present" Legislature reinstates their value nwilf ne a "wind fall" for the Crudup family. 'Miss Susan White, residing on Morgan street, hear Blount, broke her arm yesterday by a fall. The injury is not thought a serious one, - At the annual meeting of the stockholders of Peace Institute, the folio wh Stocxnoioers oi reacts insuiute, me lonowi Ine eentlemen were elected officers: Hon. tP S r. ,.i . n : j .. u. tu r WXt. U omitn, rresiueni; juj.uuu ja Williams, of Fayetteville, Vice President: Dr. JJ.' E. JSverett, isecrewry ; ano rreas urerv The following were chosen as the Board of Directors: Messrs. R. S. Pullea, S. Tucker,' W. S. Primrose, W. H. craw. Julius Lewis. Ruf us Barrinser, of v;UBlluire, mux's" Dr. B. Burke Haywood. ' By private intelligence comes the news of the death at Hillsboro oh vesterday of Mr. John U. Klrkland, Sr., an old and prominent citi zen of that town;' iii.-Xl c'iJ ; i? t f . j m) zen of that town. Raleigh Observer: Deputy Mar shal W. J. Watson; withDeputy Collector Worth, of the Fifth Collection District,, came down upon a large still in full opera-. 'tion at the head of J. I. Alien s miu pona, in Orange county. They destroyed about 2,500 gallons of beer, and all the fixtures of the still, The authorities will dis charge from tbe penitentiary on tne z an inst., Austin Wilson, white, convicted in Alexander county and sentenced in April, 1877. He is about 23 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high: and weighed, when admitted, 151 pounds. Ruf us W. Wharton ad ministered yesterday on the estate pf David MCartetaaft 8T8 bondinlthe WpM $80,000. -Rt. Rev. Theodore a. Ey man. Assistant Bishop of North Carpllnai !arrived in the city n JWday night V v i The roof of the Orphan Asylum, at Oxford, Iwaa hnrnart 'two of three daVS SgO. - XtO one ' . i B . . . , - j . WashUrt. and.the JOBS UCJOVeredDV a sufficient iasuraoce.- --It is now setueu t.m i v.. iirof iiiatriAt win and elesanr suoole-; da.lhi4ta davof Febroarmext. i , I very short time seturfed aba presence of the; pTJr'r? - . f i t ' ' f" . ' ' '' !' I' ' U .', Ill , I I ', I, - , l . . . . ' " ! . ' . ' 1 . ' " . II . I 'l I l' i I i i i i J ,, j, i, ride the Second, and so In Tegular order to the Judge of the Ninth District, who rides M?tt,;.fcalwliVDi Special ma hi rot. i mm jna era can uaiv riae ina i ra il MBSrvAPVKBTlSnBITli, 'JhcLkwis' oew.buuk.Hv .," MTOMK-Boys suits very low. Wit. Tefapariankr ; CAtJTtoK NbTiOB-Crew brig Aurai IfTOTicE Ex-Cadets Cape Fear Acad'y. Notice of application r incorporation. Itdeal Dots. - i :t,i T .XLlLLIBrOJil UillUUbaD was preva- uAt veMerrfav . i . . i h Sheriff James M. ; W all (ion oof. j j- uuciui nauico iik, . ud dw ti tled the tsxeB of i Anson county total 4t- 044.241 " . Coronar Hewlett so ill veater- day as to be unable to attend to an official request i Nor. barque. La yPlatta, hereto- fore reported in below, came up yesterday morning.' u " ; ;l-New Hanover has obtained from -1 i i the State $100 for the support of lunatics i Companies "A Ana a (colored), ri. V, Qiw uuaru, are to nave an inipeo t-1 wi a'j: w I tion and parade to-morrow. I . . - ' Rt. Rev. Theodore B. Lyman, As sistant Episcopal Bishop etNorth Carolina, reached Raleigh Friday eight. The bill to incorporate Germa- nia Lodge Ne. 4, of P., passed its third reading in the House of Rspresentalives last Saturday. The bill for the incorporation of the Bennettsville & Hamlet extension iniquity has been made the special order for Thursday next. ----Mrs. Caroline .Winder, widow of General Winder, and mother of Major I Jno. C. Winder, is dead. She was, not very long ago, a resident of Wilmington. The visitors of the "Ladies Be nevolent Society" are requested to meet at ;"Hook & Ladder Hall," Tuesday 28tb, at 3 o.'clock P. M., at which time the visit- j ing cards will be ready for distribution. Representative Scott, of this county, informs us that he has already taken steps in the Legislature looking to a return of the special tax paid by our busi nessmen since the commencement of 1879. - i Our neighborhood boys at a distance are winning a fair proportion of college boners. The last noted is Mr. Goodwin D. Ellsworth, of Duplin, who has been made Chief Marshal for the Trinity College celebration by a unanimous vote. Off f or BalelKh. A detachment of tbe committee ap- pointed to visit Raleigh with a view of de- feating, if possible, the proposed iniquity of authorizing the projected extension of the Augusta Air Line Railroad, left yesteis day morning.. Another squad departed last night-and the remainder will leave this morning. ' We believe that earnest, intelligent ei- fprtawill bo necessary in order to avert the calamity which threatens ua. The gentle men entrusted with the "matter are equal to this requirement, but we suggest that they should not forget to make it known that, apart from the local interests we have in P"ticalar case WUmington j is now j and forever the enemy, upon general prinei- ptei, to any and all legislation which compromises the interests Of the State for the benefit of ports, cities, towns or cor porktidhs beyond North Carolina borders. We cannot, should not afford to build bridges or conduits for other people. Vl'lt ot the Grand master ot tne I. O. i. Of O, JB. To-morrow night is the regular time for the meeting of Orion Lodge, L O. of O. F, and on the sama eveninir tha Grand Master f ihe Stale wilt reach this city. Cape Fear Lodge will unite with Orion ou the occa sion, and we know mat tbe chiex omcer oi the Order will have to prove himself an .Tn.n WomI f ho tinM With him a - .. w irnftf'that ran toss thn mftmhera hitrher inannewuinnu nimseii eievaieu dreadful contest. In fact, in view of the i -. -- x.j.in urdeals to be gone through, the two Lodges I .!- :n -i : .v.- id iau wij wm uui auuw anj w uo to wear either padded garments or paste board, so the Grand Master may bring in his most perfectly heated irons. As to in tellectual testa, we say nothing. ! He will fincHhem up in the books, and also well, i i "''. , . I We wont telljhe . outside heathen. 'AH tJnlneky iav. i Saturday was a day of misfortune to Ma j. Burgess, in that a sprightly horse, attached to a buggy from which he bad just alighted, took fright at something, ran away and broke the vehicle so thoroughly as to re : . - quire little less than rebuilding. n rebuilding. To add to this mishap, some rogue or rogues, on Sun day night, appropriated a valuable quanti ty of commissary .supplies from .the store house -rf his Academy, on Fourth, near jfnncess street., ! I . , .. .. "aa-ay. TTMtnallable .t,attara. jj The following are the iinmailahle ietters remaining In the city postoffice: n hnff -ftinrad ni no addrcstt VWw w.w --w '"'vf-i r-- & B. Brockway, Key West,.Fla:j Mary M. Owen,'eI.Brldge, N. a; John Doyle, z v vt -TfiT". .,. . , w -m I- . . o. . , pAPrv Maann & " - ixii. uonoD. mass: mj : iu. r, ..; l term will be provided for by the Governor I wit.uw AWynffJi& .Mi M'c soraneasv to aouttiwest winds, and partly in the Fourth MuTOt to -tne nstnunonai i cloudy weathei", with light rains, are the S10.058.50. 1 .u! "V li" Ti... "7u f181" bitww iub wpccni w Luv uigos indications for to-day. .dtiehjer of Sat, beTKle were prompt m;theirfflentsrid in If 1.1'. W , - . , ' Ji'::' 1 , I i II I T,nn.,an ,n w.,r Ca from ,.-,r. 1 .-t ' : I Tlte Fire VMUrday nornlBC." ' i The alarm of flfji yestefdaynlDrn'inff was . j r. WBwtt,:o i tug icuuuuout, wu'. uoi id uuioiuii th flrp nriointut Tt U.k hLn .V1'. llVAihaftlAMIF ArnAill.iM.lh. llnM wharA 1 r a : V ,: 7J - T Ar-"- "r headway long enough to render U impoa- f Bioio io ou more iuaa conane 11 10 lOHisr- T mediate locality: -The i valued tie J goods lost is estrmated alt $960 awhile-thftiinsurrili ancewM riyJ350, 4n4lhian oneo ii nnriunLAfl h Jnn W f-lnrrinn I . . . fc. . & Bro. , The building was not extensively injured. It belonged to' llr. Jno. L. Holmes and was Cofered bvsurance. The "Ltttle Giaat'ftti reporteU- to have. got the first stream,, though the Cape Fear was first at the scene. ! ( Iadeed, all the j ma chines in the city responded with a readi- ness and such lightning speed, as to bring, the devourer under control within 'fifteen . ; in riiteen I minutes after : reaching the scene of the conflagration. '..-; The sicnat Office. Sergeant D C. Ralston, Chief Signal Officer in this city, has been ; ordered to B'uunarck, Dakota Territory, where in- "tructions as to his future operaUons wiU i..i.l , ' frii.i- r " , y Bentieman and man of our peoDle. but. iike Kre&d east unon tha. waters: he mav return to us after many,, days. At all events he will carry with him to his far off field of labor myriads of kind wishes. The successor here of Mr. R. is Mr. James M. Watson, who comes hither from New Mexico. While regretting the loss of Mr. Ralston, we are glad that be is replaced I 1 i . M by so agreeable and competent officer as Mr. Watson, and we guarantee him the , kindest treatment here if he will only keep tbe weather straight. Death of a Well Known Minister. IMany of our Baptist friends in this city. as well as people of other denominations, who have heard his pulpit efforts, will t- gret to be apprised of the ' death of Rev. Levi Thoroe, in Baltimore, on Wednesday of last week. His father was a pastor of - the same denomination, coming to this country from Devonshire, , England. The' subject of this notice was born in 1826. He studied medicine but abandoned it for the Church, and was licensed as a preacher in 1852, at the High Street Baptist Church, Baltimore, and his first pastorate Was at Harper's Ferry, Va. , He was afterward pastor of Churches at Chapel Hill, Hew- bern and Kinston in this State. His last charge was in Delaware, but two years ago he was compelled to relinquish it on ac count ot ill-health. Sudden Deatn. We regret to hear of the sudden death, last' Sunday, of the wife of Mr, Wm. Mur rill, who resides en Middle Sound,: eight nicies from the city. In company with others she left home to attend - services at I the Masouboro Sound Baptist Church, and while on the road and aear the point of her destination, she complained of being un- able to proceed and soon after became so faint as to require to be carried to the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Glad" ding. She was attacked about 11 o'clock ana aiea in less inaa one noun uur uv formant did not know the nature r of her Complaint, and no inquest had been held when he left there yesterday, ttoctare by Cat P. K ATcRae. The simple announcement of a lecture by this gentleman is a guarantee of the presence of a vast multitude at the Opera HouBe next Friday night. ; His reputation as an author, member of the bar and poli - iician, is something more than State, and those who are familiar with his public ad dresses and lectures well know that ' in the humorous field he 1 excels. 'Gehius and Talent," the theme of his promised lec-! ture, opens to him a broad domain for the exhibition of his splendid capabilities, and we prophesy that he wllpresent-the sub ject in a manner that wilt' be .equally elo quent and instructive. i a. society Hem. ! 1 -That wicked . fellow Caldwell, , of the, I Charlotte ObwiDer. who saver letaanvthinir i j " . : I newsv DaSS him. savs: "Misg Davis, of niuuwuiyv field, 8. C, both of whom have many" ac - I hn.tait.mu. i n...Ui - I quittances in Charlotte, are visiting in I a ti.t. -wsvt v..f- .i. .,.. wil i 'si Bmuls mu wmui was eiven in their honor ( at the1 Elmbkll House." We knew this Joseph, and thank VOU for saving our modesty. we never like to speak Of the worth and beauty of our ladies for fear of an avalanche 'of xaotn taineers down'this wayV . . f'" The Ada Rtehmsld Ofrora 'Banfis rpi r tt. i i Alio wpcra nuuH ubs ocob wBgwjpsu iw Mn.ii.. mwA Tnaor.v .vonintTa t?ah- " " v r"r V "Hf J' -V7 Tuary 3rd and 4th, at which time, the Ada I . - - Richmond upera Jsoune, company wui ap - pear. : We are, glad to announce that this company, which has recently , met with AAAata 1 enaaaefl twa fl loiiatiiii Mam r , Orleans, and Other. Southern cities, . is i to visit Wilmington. H uff i .' i iwa am a" . ...r , Seat Da wi The only case before the Mayor yesterday i . i . : '; as that of Richard, Boston Colored, who J was huA hoar. AimAcwA ntW MrA - .r....j1t ; in lact. a veteran tn noige-makinir. who is I . i . i. ,...,i-t. bouse, except one,' and xot having '.VI convenient went i down eaiaa.'ixpldring I , tnnv fdr tan daVal afWwhifllf Rifttianl wHl uivuauiT uiuiooix aKaioi- : j - WHOLE NO; 3,578 T6Dy' ladleatiABB. For, the South Atlantic States, falling barb meter, a slight rise in temperature, - , . . a :;:i i . Wl X-CadetS Sol . v Cape Fear Mdilary Academy, at the l . . ztw . . :. .! . : . . "Vi VmM .cpncmde, .mar there o""" ruou r.L f ! a? r?m,n8 !.im.w uen- vJoistonr, j x II ! H I in. Hnmn Timn enn w inni iiiaii nn -t msj they tenkion at! roll-call They seldom, if. ever, aik4 9 reflecting credit on themselves as .auprganwed hody, and it will be a pity i( thdy now efface or blemish their record. Pafraopal. We were glad to welcome back to Wil- mihg. yesterday; D. M. Wrieht. EsoJ. who' : - ...... - . i ... . " . . ' - nnn-nari Q.. nri .. L.t " . . returned on Sunday last irom a trip to -Waco:'; Texas;0 his" former home: - Dune says he had an exceedingly pleasant time, and found that many changes ' and im provements had taken place in tbe "Lobe Stf Btat?'i 8inc6 he was lhere. His many fiends in Wilmington and other portions of jNb Carolina will be pleased to learn ' that th Old Nnrth Htntn nnaifaavo o renter that the old North State noaeBMs sreater attractions for him than Texas or else- ialA! anil lli.t Ka ..Me. a mam. : - Cstpe Fear Club. At the annual meeting of the Cape Fear Club, . held in their, rooms last Saturday rOL. McRAE will deliver his celebra eeninft the following officers were elected neeWMSlS foi the essuing year, viz. President CapL Chas. D; Myers. ' iVice President Mai. John W. Dunham. Secretary and Treasurer Mr. . O. G. I pkrsley, Jr I iur course mis UlUD is in, a lelicitous condition, having a large and substantial imbersbip, and being composed of gen tlemen who know bow to enjbylife with- ont abusing it f ' ; .... cape Fear impronmenti ' '' We are elad to observe that the Leeisla- tlire recognizes tbe importance of our Ri- vr and Bar Improvemehts, and has adopt, i " ed a resolution calling upon our Senators l . " I and Representatives in : Congress to press . - the matter of . national aid fur that, purs pose. . Congress should, because of the im portance of this improvement to com merce, domestic as well as foreign, enlarge upon past yearly appropriations. As a question of economy, it would be far bet ter to increase the amount by one-half. t . m m a Thermometer Record. j The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 431 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta J.. ; 55 Key West, 75 Mobile... ..63 Montgomery 70 Augusta......... 63 Charleston, ...... 61 Charlotte ... .47 New Orleans,. . . .73 PuntaRassa, 72 Savannah, 68 St. Marks........ 69 Wilmington,.... 62 Corsicana, ....... 76 Galveston,. .65 Havana; 79 Ihdianola, . . . . . . .72 I Jacksonville, 71 Gea. Colston. This gentleman, who was formerly at the head of the Cape Fear Military Academy, in this city, peached Raleigh last Friday, auu wm mine iu mis cur to-nient. ice dreneral has manv friends hp.ra vehn Will h glad to welcome him to the Cape Fear sec- r ion once more. RIVKR AND AEAK1NB ITBRIS. i The schooner Eddie Huek, Northrop, arrived at Port au Prince on the 10th from ihis port. j The ' steamship Benefactor, Jones, 3 ileared f rom New York for this port on the 1 f5.)??1-' -,s . . . . . . The steamship Baleigh, Price, and the ichooner MaSel IJwtnat, McKenzie, cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 25th. C'IX 1TJBSIS. Chew Jaqksqh's Bkst Sweet Navy.Tobacco. (!ARROT,TXRn rlnrvtancAri rrtnwt at Petmlenm An now presented to the public as the beat Restorative and Beautifierof the hair the world has ever pro duced. It performs what others only claim for their preparations. -- FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mas Wiaaiow's SooTHnrs Stbtjp has been used for I wtkd couo, regulates the bowels, cures dybkhtkht children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves I ana diabbhcka, wnetner arisini i from teethintror .a otner causes, a other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 85 I panrs a. bottijl FINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports- I men u invited to the advertisement of Messrs. J. J F- xouoy. manuracturers or nne breecn-ioading feaas, Birmingham. England. Their gnns are made I to order accordinz to sDeciilcations and measure - jqjj furniehedT thus easurinjr the right crook. I length of stock &c THE BATTLE IS RAGING BETWEEN WIN- I TEB and all the organs through which we draw the I soothe, and heal the irritated lungs and throat with 1 tha rapid cure of Cough, Cold or Influenza, is abso lutely certain. minute. 1 ENJOY LIFE. What a truly beautiful world we 4 lire ui i yt o cau uocire no oei lire in f We can desire no better when in- perfect i health; bnt how often do the majority of people I feel lu glvutg up dlsheartenea. when there is no I occasionlor tEU feeling, as every sufferer can easily J (obtain satlsfactoryproof that Green's August Flow- erwiu mue aern. as iree irom aueese ea when 1 bomi Three doses of August Flower will prove its m" J t m . . i .GOOD CHEEK FOR OON8UMPnVES.-There la a form of Consumption which was better lndlca- I ted by the out faahioned name of dechne., it is I dreadedswmrge of some parts of the Southern States, claiming more victims every year than are swepiaway ny tne most terriBie visitations or yel low fever. The malady arises from the inabllitr of I iow;jever. -xwmuao arises irominemaouity or the patient's system to take up and assimilate the nourishing- ingredients of the food that la eaten I some years ago the medical profession, with re- markable unanimity, agreed that Cod. Liver OU con- ! .tained the most coacentrated ana easily absorbed M n A M. - - t TM A.1 T , . I smeu or me ou coma oe avoiaeau wouia unaaes- 1 ll .-'7PuJ ever saea a neating oieasiug oa uu numan race. And sTYPOPaosPHiTBs of lime. and soda in EMULSION. The combination la a nmtt mcsaiakOuet, mvaaauaii mm awoet bmul m nsror. COfi lleenWtotlMBtavnachaadaetl i iiem. r ; - " - - item. fl PC 1 3 CO 8 00 8 W 4 Ot Us 5 60 10 00 .17 00 34 00 ; h " i w v twdHi.. ..... Uuwdaja...;,. foatdaya,.... ... ftve days......... On week, Twq weeks....... - - " T&reeweeKa, " ; " One month, ' Two months...... " r - " ' Three months,... - " " . Six months. 40 00 One year, 60.00 BS" Contract AdvertlBemente taken at proo -Uonately low rate. , Tea lines selld NonpareU type make one aqnare. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 llotice. ipPUCATION WILL BE MADE TO THE General Assembly for an Act to incorporate the FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. jan30d . Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS " ARB HEREBY cwuouea against trusting or harbor- tfHS " mo crew or we lirttian Brur 'ATTBA " fmm at nun.. .. hs j no bills contracted by them will' be nald hv thn ITutAp m Jan 28 lt W. W. MORRlOtMter. Consignees. ttklm) i where abb you going ? 1 Down to the STEW RTTKK" Where's that and who rnns it t In old POST OFFICE AI.I.BV an J Tiu r vnno !i?5?.598S1Se,et,tnell,leat aas lunch m MIffi oimva. tt ill tuu vu miODZ T s certainly, we'll take It in Aim mhv sn ABLE. Ian 98 It 1 notice. THE EX -CADETS OF THE CAPB FEAR MIL ITARY ACADEMY are notified to meet at th ?J1.J!' It "T Ml i--l w cu. WUWU I m accordance with the PiDmmm. nKinnai j&n 28 It Chairman Com. Arrangements Balance nvc. r a aa CTTTma J5 BOYS' OVERCOATS, In FUR and CASTOR BEAVER, VERY LOW, ' '- '; At MUNEON'S. Jan SSlt LecttLT6 by Ool, D, K, McKaB I S Wllmlnston Library Association. OPERA HOUSE, on FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY Sltt. Tickets. 85 cents each, win ha -.i int. thn til- and Drag atom; also by members or the Commit tee of Arrangements. Ne reserved seats except private boxes, which can be secured at Heiniber ger'e Book Store. - jan 88 4t Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been -filed la the District Court or the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by 8. Hanstein & Co., Samuel Hanstein and David Greenwald, partners, of Wilmington, New Hanover co., duly declared bankrupt under Act of Coaeress of March S, 1887, for the discharge and certificate them. of from all their debts and other claims provable nn. I ?'!idacandthat.theS0thdayofFebrtiAry.i8,;9 I AC ID OT.lnr.K A. M .. hAfnm Wllli.Tn A 0.t.r. T.- I sister in Bankruptcy, at the U. 8. Court Room, in ltlt I wh? th1eir debts, and other persons in i in teres L. mil Bziena Ann unavr ran.a ir nv .k.. I have, why the prayer or the petitioners should not I ruk O Ml T ton Hated at WUmiBtrton, North Carolina, on the 87th jan28 oaww WH. LABKHNS, Ta Clerk. Great Attraction. rJHE "PARKER" COOK! NOTHING LIKE IT I SELLS RIGHT ALONG! Another shipment this week to fiil orders. 1 -ALSO Wood and Willow Ware, Mats. Tin Ware, Lamps and Lamp Goods. : Highest Test Non.Exploslve Oil for 35 cents per gallon. At JanS6tf PARKER & TAYLO&'S. Watt Plows. HAVING CONTROL OF THESE GOODS FOR this part of the State, and NOT having to PURCHASE them THROUGH SECOND HANDS, we can offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS to buyers. If you want the Lowest Figures on these Plows, send your orders to the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON A CO.. . I Jan 86 tf - 19, 8L 83 Market street. Twines, Cordage, &c. have on hand a wrmr I wr uiLlUlnu AND SEINE TWINES. I ROPE, CORDAGE, &c For sale cheap bv GEO. A. PECK, No. 85 South Front Ht. jan 38 tf I Have Got Them. BUGGIES, HARNESS and SADDLES of all klnde. . , and at LOW PRICES. REPAIRING done at short notice. Jan.26tf P. II. HAYDEN. ALTAFFER & HILL, I FactandOfoee footar wainatst. Factory and Office foot of Walnut St WILMINGTON, N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds, 4c Ornamental Woodwork. All orders filled promptly, and Workmanship and Prices guaranteed to please. V T-T " wwm. W AU. TT .MM. AiAjLi, VII T.11ln1uHl AFW. Cant An TTT T. WTf T . V. yviwaiug, wu receive prompt aciennon. ALTAFFER HILL, Wilmington, N.C. jan 86 -u Just Received,' Another supply of that CELEBRATED BRAND of Jack Frost Flour, A warded a Gold Medal at the Parts Exposition . it nasnoeauai. i'ne very naest maae. . . ALSO. 1000 BbleFLODR' 111 emd' QHA Boxes Dry Salted and - OU V 8moked SIDES, r A Seeks Java, Laguyra . and Rio COFFEE, 1 K( Bbls Crushed, Granulated, LOJ Standard A, Ex. C, and C 8UGARS OKA Bbl Porto Rico. Cuba, N. O. OO U and S. H. MOLASSES, KQ Bbls City MESS PORK, 100 TubS CkolM L8AF LAED OA AA New and Second Hand aUUU . SPIRIT BARRELS, Lake George and Lebanon SHEETINGS. i Manchester and Randolph YARNS, Crackers, Candy, Soap. Starch, Soda, potash, - Lye, Snuff, Matches, Corn, Hay, Oats, blue. Bungs, Nails, Hoop Iron, Ste , Ac ? ' - For sale low by : Jan 26 tf WILLIAMS St MURCHISON. ? Times are Hard. iND IT BEHOOVES EVERY ONE TO MAKE hia monev 00 aa far aa nosaibie. A little moner :. WILL GO A LONG WAY in buymg CLOTHING from me. I am determined ! . TO CLOSE OUT the balance of my Winter Stock, and will do to , AT ANY SACRIFICE. , : LA.. DATID, janSS tf , THE CLOTHIER. L One Sdoareone da.;V.. .... ... i3 1 1. . 1 J1