1 -. -5 J 8 KNIGItlA. Y. Journal of Commerce. . "OD Mast od' be - kud he that is odd ia & singular man.. . i - - v j Will assuredly show fThe plural if anything can; Minus u ana u, Alas! woe is to me. I am nought to the wiseor the foul; - So il Jo were uere, - And 2 disappear, I've nought, as I've learned at my school. And C totno-ear ' i J Mav brine very clear The sound of the ocean's main; While the D can transport To a mountain fort, ; Or remove to, a flat Welsh pl.nu. -la the Northern Sea , I love best to be, " " v And to play with Us mighty wave, , . But I'm sometimes found, , With my own sweet sound, .. , Iu the Northern Dee to lave. ' - If this explanation Should give you vexation, Yet I pray you spare the rod, " You may boil me, or fry me, . :" Then dish me, and try me V Ah! you'll eat ine, I am but a Cod.'U . PERSONAL v - Jobn B. Gough, who is now in .i;lund, has talked himself into the bron- Uitis m.t r .i,rtT;iVi f fund-ownera of of England are remitting from icO'-tw fifteen per cent, or tnetr tenants' : cuts. . ... ' .-. Mr. Conway says that in the juorest districts of London the clergymen Sometimes collect the children, and, read lo iiem Bret II arte's "pathetic California tct naucts. " The Liverpool. Post has infor Jaiilion tbat Queen Victoria is about to be come a' great-grandmother. No English jboveteign has yet lived to see greatsgrand- ' Ichil'tftD. . . . . -. I Gen. "Tecump" says he has re- fcevved. uotbiDg but the most, courteous Hreaiment duriDg his inspection lour in the o .,iK Tliu mid wnr!r nf Ilia "hummer," seems 10 have been forgotten, or at least forgiven. Bait. Gazette. - , Baron Heath (his was an Italian til le.) tins jusi uieu ai. uuuuuu, ai tue age 1 of eijitny-nine. He was the oldest living I Harrovian, and one or tne last, u not the I fost turvivor, ut tne quondam school fellows of Byrou and Palmerstoo. The Crown Prince Rudolph, of Austria, having written an offensive letter to a young lady singer at Prague; bet two brothers, who are officers, called 00 his im- uirinl hinVinpaa iinrl nnnfuiifi "ai!iia. S tioD." eitber-from the Prince or some of his staff, whereupon the Prince settled the matter by a formal apology for bis imperti nence. " .j. TWINKLINGS. Paris last year consumed 11,319 burses for food, being some seven hundred more than in 1877. n The best way to kill off the Chinese is lo leach them how to aid kitchen fires with kerosene oil cans. jftjw York Herald. The number of heart beats is tsiimated during the year at 2,370,800,000. A youDg lady wants to know who can eiati- j mule the number of heartaches? A cat and dog recently attend ed a funeral at Windhsro, N. H., together, marching before the procession to the ; grave and then leadihg the way back to the 1 house. Elizabeth, N. J., having 28,000 inhabitants, declared itself bankrupt atur tiny by defaulting not only on tbe interest t.n its hooded debt, but also bv failing to provide the means requisite for the pay ment of the bond which matured on that A Bostou lawyer, badgeriDg a witness, said sternly: "I believe, sir, you have served a sentence in the Stale Prison." I'Yes," was the unconcerned reply, "I was in the State Prison, and I had the misfor tuBe to occupy the cell your brother had had." 1 RELIGIOUS NEWS. - Tbe IU. Rev. Alexander Neil Bethunc, Anglican Bishop of Toronto, died yesterday. Having been Archdeacon of York, he was elected Bishop of Niagara ber 19, 1866, and was consecrated i to his See January 25, 1867. f Cardinal Manning will leave England for Rome early this month, and will be absent during the season ot Lent He visits Rome on the special invitation of lope Leo XIII., to confer with him on Dtatter8 relating to the organization of the Catholic churqh in England. The Brooklyn Presbytery yes terday aDDOinted a cnmmiltm nnaintfnr of three ministers and two elders.1 to in- ijKaie me conduct or tne Kev.'T. De Witt Talmage, it being the common report that he is guilty of falsehood and deceit and using improper methods in preaching, tending to bring religion into contempt. Another indiscreet clergyman. This time it is tbe Rev. Robert H Terry, rector of Christ Church, Hudson, N. Y., .who has got himself into a scrape by wri ting some very silly and spoony letters to a young lady of his congregation; "There does not appear to have been anything worse than silliness, -but as the parson is tnp fntti it.. 2. - ; jt ,-r- ...un a lauiny, 11 was ao aggravaieu case of silliness. Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, the ground and lofty tumbler of the pulpit, prior to his discourse on Sunday ; last ex- H'ojuea ms telegram to Baltimore last npfing, asking certain gentlemen j to sub scribe $5,000 each for bis church. He closed by saying: "Let me say in passing that a man who can twist anything wrong out of that telegram is either a villain or a ol" LLaugbter.l "Ninety-ninth hymn." LaughierJ. . . . ' . ' : - 80UTIIE1XBI : ITEMS. ' The six-year old daughter of a greets of Cbattanooga.v : :-X r --j: ; The Atlanta Constitution' : e&- mates that during the past two BdtfiiooVthe . nners of Georgia have paid our $3,000; 000 for mnler. : r ' J-Vv; - Two lovers in South" Lincoln, Mo., were so anxious to eet -married the other day that they set out tor tow :,mlals tir's house ia a furious storm, accompanied by two men to shovel a 4alh for the sleigh through tbe drifts. ' ; ; . The citizens of- Montgomery, Ala., much against their wlahea," were pre sented with a brand new postmaster, lately by Uocle Rutherford. His name is Paul , Btrobscb, and the Advertiser and MaU .calls him "the most persistent and pesliferouf Radical poUtician .tn : the : country and says "he has grossly slandered that city and State in speeches that have been scattered over the North and West." MISCELLAKEOUSij - I; THS GENUINE 3 ' r Celebrated American 'r - WORM SPECIFIC VERMIFUGE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate: an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-Ud;" thenOSeiSir- ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip : occasional headache, with Humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul. Particularly in the morning t appetite variable sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom- acn, at others, entirely gone: -fleeting pains . in tne . stomacn ; occasional nausea and vomiting ; violent . pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive ; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood ; belly. swollen and hard ; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and nrrnrrmQniV? v W K;r.nr,V. . I sometimes dry ana convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grindins of f ui ; temper vanaDie, dux gener- ally irritable, ; &c. Whenever the above svmptoms " are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE - . : will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY, in any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of dding the slightest injury to tie most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc Lane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. ; :o: C. McLANE'S f , j are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in- all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. I BEWABE OF MUTATIONS. . The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Dx. McLane's Liver Pills. .bach wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C Mc Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. Jan 11 eowD&Wly chSa :9M OF HOREHOUHD ASD TAS FOR THE CURE. OF Coughs, Colds, Influenxa, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leading to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree.ABEis TtAitjAXfTTA. rr T?n1m nf Oilead. The Honey of Horehound soothes and scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat and air rassaces leading to the lungs. FIVE additional ingredients keep the organs cooL moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has. saved thou Kinds of lives by it in his large private practice. - N.B. -The Tar-Balm has no BAD taste or smell. " : j PRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy large size. ';Pikes Toothache Drops " Cure j in 1 Minute. " '. ' Sold by all Druggists. 4? CEITTENT0N, Prop., -f,i sept4DAWtf Atkinson & manning's Insurance Rooms, BANE OF NEW HANOVER BUILDIHG. j WUmlngtont W. C. PIKE. Sueea Insurance Company, of England. . " orthiBritlsa St Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. -Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, National Fir Insurance Company, of Hartford. - Continental insurance company, or new xorav Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. , Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada. j : 1UAB1NE. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Insurance Co. of North America, of Philadelphia. ' LIFE. ' fjJonnecOcut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100,006,000. )an 11-tf i - "cncoubaqe home msTrruTioNs, Security against Pire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY ' ! , RALEIQH, N. a This Company continues to write Policies, at fa rates, onall classes of insurable property. A rad Mid. Tie public favor, aad km at sitPissaiPl n til of property In North Carolina. r Aeents in all parts ef the State. H. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C. B. ROOT, Vice President. . BEATON GALES, Secretary. , PULASKI COWPER, SnpervlBor. 1 : - ATKINSON MANNING,- Aamrrsv tag tf .'. . . . . ; - Wilmington, y. r? : Old Papers.- O LD NEWSPAPERS, SUITABLE- for Wraroinz and other pttrposeBV Can be bad at the STAR OFFICE atf irk ' "3 ,sept 23 tf La Lax tU AiM'ii uaiumore, Md.r if 'Having become familiar with Colden LIB BIG'S LIQUID EXTBACT OF BBBffmd TodIo Invigorator, I take pleasure In recommending it aa an excellent preparation, combining aa i it does FOOD aud TONIC in a remarkable way. producing good. BLOOD, HEALTH. AND STRENGTH. Kola by all Druggists. r,-.: -; , r 1; .. :: ; v .... - : ; Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In Pure Apple Cider Cider Vinegar.' Sole Proprietor and Mannfnr.tnmr of n rmw.. BIT'S TABLE SAUCK. 287 to 295 W. Third Strait ciNciNNATr, o, A DAY to Agents canvassing for the Fire- TvkKa : - 30 TaSectW minkl &;Co.,Naesau,N.Y, ; ,w , ia mixed cards, with ."V "c. l. jonks & name 10c - Agents ont- CO.,Naesaa,N Y, T ADVERTISERS Send for our Select List of Local Newspapers, Sent free on application. New York. - jan3i-4wo&w GrEORG-E MYERS, ll & 13 So. Front St- WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, No. 3 Granite Row. . We araauthorizel to offer the v&ovxvisa u ajl.ifoknia cham fauna: WINES, the BEST in the United States, at J6.C0 per Basket NETT CASH. gQQ Bbla Choice FAMILY FLOUS, JQQ Bags COFFER 5QQ Bbls Table and Planting POTATOES, 5Q Boxes SUGARS, QAA Bbls and Boxes Freeh CAKES OUU and CRACKERS, -. 2QQ Page8-.No. 1LARD, 50 Firfcin8 chGiC0 QOSHEN BUTTER, Fnlton Market Beef, Pig Hams, ' Pig Shoulders, Pig Pork, Mess Pork. , We will sell Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. . Our WINE3 and LIQUORS Department the most complete In the State, fiom $1.00 per gallon and up war as. feb 1 tf GEORGE UTER3. Florida Oranges. JUST RECEIVED. FROM PALATKA, FLOHI DA, a lot of FLORIDA OiiANGES. sweet and de licious. janl5tf For sale at S. G. NORTHROP'S Fruit and Confectionery Stores. The Best. 'J'HE WHITE SAFETY OIL, '150 Decrees Fire Test." is THE BEST. Warranted Hon -Explosive and only 25 Cents a Gallon. For sale only by - feb 2 tf jSo. 25 South Front St. E. H. McKOY. THOS. H. McKOY, Ja. THE McKOYS, Attorneys, and Counsellors at Law, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office Nor h i $ e Market Street, between 2d and 3d. Will practice in all the Courts of Eastern North Carolina peclal attention paid to collection of Claims ia any part of the country. jan 30 tf . ADBLUS. K. TOIXK1W ADRIAN & VOLLESiS. Corner Front and Dock St,. WIIainiNGTON, N O WBOI3AL5 GBOCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will da well by calling on ut and examining our stoclr- nov 19-tf Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTBR THIS DAY THIS STBAMBR PASSPORT WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO SiilTHVILLB Leaving Dock at 9.30 A. M Leave Smithvilie at 2.33 r . m. TickeU. Round Trip, fl 00. oct 23 . - . Agent. New Crop Cuba PJlolasses, First Cargo of the Season. 287 Hhds. Choice New Crop Molasses, Ex Br. Brig "Zinger," direct from Matanzas. For sale very low. jaa 19-tf WORTH .WORTH. I a TVTk-wrr flliriaTnoe ! I a'aoiij w w IMPOSSIBLE TO SPARE THE TIME TO TELL ' YOU ABOUT MY BOOTS AND SHOES. The Crush and Bush since I opened speak sufficiently. ; You will hear more from me af ter the Holidays. Very Ee pect'uLy, C. ROSE 32 MARKET ST, dec 31 tf The Atlas Plow! THE BEST IN USE. THIS PLOW COMBINES all the best points of the Watt and Dixie Plows, and Is superior to them In lightness of draft and In excellence of work done. We have different sizes aud all the Castings Interchange. Call and examine. Soldi only by ourselves at the New Established Hardware House of HENNING & TBEL, j No. 9 Market street. : NXAB TDK WHAKf . feb U4WH; Groceries at Low f rices for tie CasL TTX ts STtlTCa. - U, SMOKED SHOULDERS, J MESS PORK, HAMS, ALL GRADES OP SUGAB, FLOUR, COFFEE, CANDLES, CANDY, LYE, POTASH, SOAP, j STARCH. PICKLESV3tehss6dAj WRAPPING-PAPER, - I 3 PPKR TWINE, . Bononw a LlS,wjvxw, euua A COTTON YARN, SHEETING, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. PATTERSON HICKS. i febSD&Wtf 21-N. Water Street. H. A. STEDLIAN, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at low,! EUJ5ABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. O. Office Upstairs, In Brick Building, occupied by Rinaldl & Co. Soeclsl attention to Claims. Collections on sums (I ot $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if x without suit. -Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, ftc. a j. 1 epecuuiy. . . . .- nuuvnu jBEMBTURE! nts Every where, Not the 1: ists, Hereafter Sell tfee Holman Urn Pal Comanfs Eeieiies. : ' There convened, on the 8th day of January, 1879, (Prof. D; A. Loomls, M. D., chairman), at the head office of the Holm an Liver Pad Co., 93 William St., New York, a large delegation a first general re union consisting of all the many important agents of the United States, the Canadas, and representa tives from Europe and Asia, for the specific purpose of reviewing the pro and eons of the past practical workings or this wonderful system of successfully treating -disease by absorption without the use of medicine, as Illustrated In the Holm an Liver Pad Co.vs remedies, and in a united manner to decide what course in future should, in their Judgment be adopted as the best and speediest plan to meet the great and increasing demand that is daily manifest ed from every quarter of the globe-not only for the remedies, but also to learn the proper mode of ntilizinsr them. Much time and attention were faithfully given to hearing the many interesting reports of the wonder ful efficacy found in this way. of treating disease wherever It had been faithfully used. The subject took a wide and extended range. It was found from these official sources that nearly every kind of incu rable disease known to the human systex, so far aa it had come within their knowledge, had been successfully treated to a marvelous degree, and to an extent never before known in the history of me dicine; and that the number of its patrons during the short time since its introduction was unprece dented; that It long since ceased to be an experi ment, and its success . should forever stand a burn ing disgrace to the medical : faculty that it had not for ages past availed itself of a principle Nature's own law, Illustrated In every portion of the human body, and the entire economy of nature; as old as tne universe, as nxea as anyjiaiaruiaw-can oe, and unalterably certain In its good results as a treatment when properlyTutilized; with little or no difference as to climate or nationality in its unifor mity of action. What makes it more precious still Is that its comparative small expense brings it with in the reach of alL It is now attracting the atten tion and receiving the endorsement of every f air- distinguished in their profi slon are now counted as ce-woraers; also that an enormous army of enthusiastic friends, who have been made happy through the use of these simple remedies (a large proportion of whom have found everything else heretofore failing them), are work ing zealously among the afflicted, overcoming pre- overcoming s; or. what is of disease. It juaice DT living examples 01 cares; or, wu is oei- ammea or ci ter still, the successful prevention of disease. It was clearly demonstrated that where failures did eccur y aemonsiraiea uuh. wucrc jwhumwu vyui 1 ii-H5Lffi Company had endeavored through the druggists to raitniuuy ao tneir pan Dy tao pane to, jei it uaa been found that a great and fatal error, as a whole, had been committed in ever placing thtse remedies (a treatment, as it is, distinct by itself,) in their hunrU for Rain, hv the aide of drugs and patent nos trums. Because, first, the principle, absorption, is in direct opposition with their system, drugs. Be-, cause also that, to a certain extent, it is canirary (as they claim) to their businees interests on account of its cheapness and rapid effect. And with rare ex ceptions, It has been the studied efforts of druggists to decry their merits, to discourage their use, or a rftfriRal tn exnlain or answer inaulries; also to en courage other remedies, or substitute an Inferior ar ticlea counterfeit or imitations some a dangerous poison, others as passive and useless as so much sawdust; also 10 tnrow every ooswcie iu me way ui local agents by underquoting and underselling, down to starvation prices, with the view of forcing t.hm tn ahandon their blessed work. These and many other practices that are a dishonor to any pro fession have caused this Company and its many agents in convention to pass resolutions, unam tnnnalv artnnted. to the effect that hereafter the Holman Liver Pad Co. 's remedies will be sold only by such agents as shall be found property accredited by this Company. This decision opens up a large and wide field of usefulness to good and efficient persons everywhere, and on a basis of pecuniary re sults that warrant little er no risk in the enterprise, the particulars of which can always be learned by making application to the office nearest them; those having felt or seen the practical workings of these remedies always prererrea Thfa flomniuiv and its :eneral agents mean by these acts to be understood that in the future as in the past, without fear or favor, they intend to dis- eeminate useful knowledge, heretofore by nearly all medical schools designedly made dark and obscure; and also in every manner within their power try to do the greatest good in the least possible time to suffering humanity everywhere, and the public are oiniMtiv rjuitinned to be on their cuard. in simple Justice and protection to themselves and this Com pany , to show a total discountenance and contempt for any and all combinations of individual adventu rers (always sinister in their motives) who hereafter thrust any substitutes in opposition to or in compe tition with oar remedies, that have proved their ef ficiency by the severoittest possible. The Holman Liver Pad Co., 03 William Street, N.Y. JOSEPH CHRIST ADORO & D. W. FAIRCHILD. Proprietors. BATES & HANLEY, Managers for the North west, 134 Madison street, ctucago, in ; uau ciock, Toleae, Ohio; Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Michigan: Ure lis, Minn. A.M. BARBER. rooms 2 and 3 Singer Building, St. Louis, Mo.; 546 Main street, Kansas city. WESLEY TAYLOR, 189 Market Street, Galves ton, Texas. RING WALT & HALT-, No. 8 North Charles et, Baltimore, Md. RING WALT & HALL, S. B.' corner 9ih and E. street?, N.W., Washington, D. C. A. W. BRIGGS, 120 Meirimack St., Lowell, Mass. W. GINN & CO., Continental Block. 223 Euclid ave., Cleveland, O. H. P. TRUMAN, Evansville, Ind. FITZ MORRIS & FOSTER, 1013 Main St., Rich mond, Va. FITZMORRI3 & FOSTER, cor. King and Mar ket streets, Charleston, S. C. ALEXANDER NOTMAN, 71 Kin street, West Toronto, and 301 Notre Dame street, Montreal, CaL JUNIUS HART & CJ., 191 Canal street, New Orleans, La. WATSON & CO., 319 Battery street, San Fran cisco, CaL CHAUNCEY M. HATCH. 124 Tremont st, Bos ton, Mass., formerly 28 School st Mrs. Dr. L. 8. CARTER, 2027 Columbia avenue, Philadelphia, Pens. BYRON W. WATSON, No. 7 P. O. block, Man chester, N. 11. 1 Dr. J. SEYMOUR, room 12, German Ins. Co., building, Buffalo, N. Y., Powers' block, Rochester, N. Y., Vice Secretary. - T TT MTT.T.TIH. rooms 63 and (U Johnston build- ding, corner Fifth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, O., Secretary. " Dr. L. S. CARTER, 920 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, Penn.; Penn avenae and Sixth street, Pitts burg, Penn., Vice President. Professor D. A. LOOMIS, M. D:. LouUville. Ky, President. The Holman Liver and Stomach Pads and the auxiliaries, the Medicinal Plasters and Absorption Salt, having been taken entirely out of the hands of druggists, they can only be bad hereafter from agen cies The price of the regular Pad, $2.00; 8pecisl Pad (one third larger), $3.00; XXX. Pad, which co vers stomach, liver and spleen, and is a sovereign remedy for all chronic troubles growing out of dis eased stomach or liver, price $5.00; Absorption Salt, six packages ror $1.25, used ror iweive oauw. Medicated Plasters, price f or Toot Plasters per pair, 60 cents; Body Plasters, each 60 cents. . Address ei ther of the following offices : f Holman Liver Pad Co., CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, - CHARLESTON, S. C, on 1013 MAIN ' STREET, RICHMOND, VA. -We want ENERGETIC, ACTIVE AGENTS in EVERY TOWN In North and South Carolina. FITZMORRIS & FOSTER, ' t - MANAGERS. ' t " ' 'c''- - ii1 : -:- J": : ; MISCELLANEOUS, Tula Celebrated SMOKING TOBACCO ! Is retailed at TEUsT fTTTl"Nj ' I J For a 3-oz. Sack, And the smoker gets as much Tobacco by buying It as lie does by buying ten cents I worth of poor stuff! mnTr Tn un m tt vrn nmrrnn 1 AU lull fiU UltibK! Very Respectful y, W. T. Blackwell & Co., J MANUFACTURERS OF The Original and only Genuine DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. WHO OWNS The Durham Bra&i of SMii Tobacco ? Head Tula aud Determine. DECREEi W. T. BLACKWELL & CO., ) Circuit Court U.S.. vs. E DistofVa. ) In Equity. W. E. DIBRSLL & CO.. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the bill and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Court doth consider that the said complainants, William T. Blackwell, James R, Day and Juliaa S. Carr, trading under the name and style of W. T. BLACK WELL & CO., HAVE THE SOLE AND EX CLUSIVE BIGHT TO USE- AND EMPLOY THE WORD DURHAM TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE SMOKING TOBACCO use and employ In, conjunction wi h the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation, of a DUR HAM BULL as and for their trade mark, and that the said respondents, W. E. Dlbrell and W. VT. Phillips, trading under tne name and style of W. E. Dlbrell & Co., HAVE WRONGFULLY IN FRINGED AND INVADED the said right and trade-mark ef the said complainants, by designa ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them as DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO and by using in conjunction with the said words the repre sentation of the head of a DURHAM BULL. Wherefore, the Court doth ORDER, ADJUDGE AND' DECREE that the said W. E. Dlbrell and the said W. W. Phillips, and their, and each of their, servants and agents, be, and they and each of them are and is hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED FROM USING AND EMPLOYING THE WORD DURHAM TO MARK AND DISTINGUISH SMOKING TOBACCO, and from using and em ploying for the said purpose the representation of the head of a DURHAM BULL, or any other word, symbol, representation or device, of a character to deceive the public by inducing the belief that the Smoking Tobacco sold by them, the said respond ents, is the same as the Smoking Tobacco manufac tured and sold by the said complainants; and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that this cause be and the same is hereby referred to Thomas S. Atkins, as Master, to TAKE AN ACCOUNT OF ALL AND SINGULAR THE EARNINGS, GAINS AND PROFITS made and acquired by the said respondents, by and from the Bale of Smo king Tobacco, marked and designated DURHAM Smoking Tobacco, and marked and designated by the representation of the head of DURHAM BULL, and to make report to the Court here of all and singular he shall do In the premises, AND THAT THE SAID RESPONDENTS DO AND SHALL PA Y Ta THE SAID COMPLAINANTS ALL AND SINGULAR THEIR COSTS BY THEM LAID OUT AND EXPENDED IN AND ABOUT THE PROSECUTION of THEIR SUIT. , RO. W. HUGHES, Judge. Richmond, 18th. January, 1878." ' " A true copy' Teste : ,- x , -f , .-V-" , " ' M. F. PuusaitTS, Clerk. Wilmington &;&IotK : RMLROAD C0. - . Wilmington, N. C Kov. S3, 1378, f Ciiaase of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, VOV. 24th. 1878, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & Weldor Railroad will run as follower -rj Day Mail acd j Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 68 A. M- Arrlveat Weldon gi ... 1:00 ?. M. Leave Weldon v ..... 2:32 P. M.. Amve at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.58 P. M. Nisltt Mall ard Cxprea Train, Dally Leave Wilmington,1 Front St. Depot, at 9.20 t. It. Arrive at Weldon.... 8:60 A. K Leav&Weldon.... .... . . 2:13 A. it- Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8.18 A. 31. Trains on Tarboro Brancb Road leave kockj Mount for Tarboro at5 00 P. M. Dally, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 CO A. M. Retarn ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. The Day Train makes close connection' at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all Tail route. 1 - Night train makes close connections at Weldcn. for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cara attacked to all Night Trains. JOHH F. DIY1KK. nov 24-tf general Snp'v General Sup'ts Office, WltraiNGTOr?, COLUMBIA ft Al GOSTA ajS. COHPAWY, , i WIL3INGTO. N. C.. Nov. 28. 1873. Change of Schedule. rS AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24th, 1873, J the following .Schedaie wul be run this Road: Day Express and crtall Train Dally. Lieave wiimirigton oao.jn. Leave Florence. .1 1-.03 P. M. Arrive at Columbia l:br. a. Leave Columbia.; 12:55 P. M. Leave Florence. 4:47 P. M. Arrive atr Wilmington..... 9:00P M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington.. .. ..,10:13P.M. Arrive at Florence 2:30 A. M Leavd Florence, j 2:00 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington ... 6:18 A.M. This Train stops only at Flemington.-Whiteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Augusta, (via Columbia), should take Dav Bxnress Tram from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton, s dOHM F. DIVINE, nov 4-tr Gen'l Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAI CO, Ostccs Gbsebal Sttpsbistxkdxht , Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 29, 187a Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: PASSENGER,! MATT. AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave Wilmington at. 1 6:30 A. M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at 2:06 P. M. J " Charlotte at. . .7:57 P. M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 6:00 A. M. No. 2. V Arrive at Hamlet at 11:40 A.M. ) "j Wilmington at 7:55 P.M. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. Q ) Leave Charlotte B0-a f Arrive at Shelby. ...... N 10 1 Leave Shelby.. Joau f Arrive at Charlotte. . . . 7:00 A. M 11:15 A. M 12:45 P. M. 5:00 P. M. ; The above 'Trains have Passenger accommoda tions, ana are we omy ones perminea 10 carry pas sengers. V. U. JU11MSUJM, nov 30-tf i General Superintendent Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,00 D Cash Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus ; Fund $50,000 I) IB JSC 7 ORS. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISOS DONALD McRAE H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGERS C. M. ST2DKA& ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK 6. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKTN80N ! CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. S. D. Wallace. Cashier ang 20-tf Boots for Men and Boys BOOTS for LADIES ! All kinds of SHOES, at all kinds of Prices, at FRENCH'S. ' We can fit your Foot and fit your Pocket. Call and examine. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. febltf North Carolina Flour. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, in Sacks. Call and examine. Always on hand, at the LOWEST FIGURES : COFFEE, SUGAR, BACON, .LARD, and a fall supply of HEAVY GROCERIES. Large consignment of BUTTE Son hand. DIX BROS., No. 17 North Water St. dec ! tf Where To Go. Cfc Exchange Corner." -yrrn all the other nice things we offer for PRESENTS, we have also a FINE LOT of JAP WAITERS and other FANCY JAP GOODS; tTcbm3 at on ?c before all are gone. dec24 tf N. H. SPRUNT. PRESCRIPTION: FREE. T7M3R THE SPBADY CURB of Seminal Weak JD aess. Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has tne lngreaieniB. - Aaareea ur. uauiu cd w.,- ivo W Sixth St. Cincinnati. Ohio . febl.V-lyDAW Fall Fashions. MRSl VIRGINIA A . ORR HAS RECEIVED and la now uainff the LATEST SHAPES for La ?sai-.it i dles and Misses Hats, and Invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She Is prepared Ao alter old styles andfashion them Into tne most moaern ouapes. , . . , White straw ayea oiaca wnen ao oraerea ana lestetyle. " 's - ' -- . RESIDENUtt une aoor east or etvm, on unurcn Streets oct!4-tf V- -C t.: STEAMSHIP : LIN ES Steamsh 1 p ; L i The Steamer Capi. OOAXK, WILL 8A1L FROM XEW YGllk; U'cdneadaj't Fb. 5 iarShlppers can rely upon the PROMPT 8A i ti of Steamers as advertised." .art . For Freight Engagements or Passage appi j to , A. I). 'CA33AUX, Agcsil, WILMINGTON. N U L. 8. BBLDBN. Soliciting Agenr. "WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling Green or Pier 13 K. It oct 6 tf New Yok Baltimore & Wilming ton, N. C. Steamship Linev The Steamer BALBIGH, Capt. OLIVER, HILL 8A1L FROM BALTIMORE 0 SATURDAY, Feb. 8. j? ' - Steamers Sail from Wilmington ever) Sainrday promptly at 12 in. ' EST!? hlppers can rely upon the PROMPT SAlUNi. of Steamers as advertised ggj THROUGH BILLS OF LADljf given to an.-. from PHILADELPHIA, aad PROMPT DISP A Guaranteed. - For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, A t'ens. WILMDJQTON. N t L. 8. SELDEN. Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, " Horner Lee and Light Streets, oct 6 tf Baltimore. BIRMINGHAM, EN nr. AND Prices in England. $68 00, $78.75, $89.95, $100.00, $125.00, '$160.00. Delivered in New York, duty and all charges In elusive : $103.28, $117.79, $131.97, $150 63. $184 23, $218.00. The above maybe ordered "Full Choke," "Me dium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices! We are now making small bores of Bos. 14, IB : Ta zu gauge, wnicn are scarcely mierlor In ower . to the larger bores. s - Weight of 20-Bore from ....6Xlbs: T' 1416 " ..... . 6 ' 12 " IX" " 10 " 8 " - Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Meiit at the Paris Exhibition. Send for Illustrated Sheets. We resnectfullv refer to the follnwtn mntiMmni who have purchased and are now using our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich- -mond county, N. C. , Capt. D. R. Murchison, Wilmington. N. C. CoL B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. . James A Leak, Esq., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm, H. Bernard, EBq., Wilmington, N. C. i J. & W. TOLLBY, Pioneer Works. St. Mary's Sauare. oct 3 D&Wtf Birmingham, England. HABBLE i WOWUiVIE WTS " : - ' AND -' I- Griave Stones. . ' . FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORfc PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICH AUD WATHAN ic COW - 57 Iiafayette Place, Newlork. Wathan's Monumental Designs,- In book form.f 01 sale to the Trade. ; . dec 4 D&Wtf New York SHOOTING- COAT. STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT, First Class In every particnlai Pleasant to wear, durable, and In the end tbe cheap est MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. ; ; : Pockets and Lining made to take out, so that may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. lie or ace Smith. Ebq.. savs : "It ia mv idea of Shooting coat. I have worn them for several yean " and will have none other." Price for Coat. $25: Vest. $6.59. Ales, the bee. ' brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. .- I make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tun briars and will hot give satisfaction. ; ' - fS0 ' 138 A PS 1CE9 l0IEER WORKS ' 'e"N6 BIRMINGHAM, I ; l. lX" E NHL AMD SJr" Also, in addition to the above, lam making Waterproof Canvass Suit, cat same style as the Vel - veteent goods, not staff and hard, bat soft and plea .' sani 10 wear; guaranteea 10 turn water. Bpprtsmci " who have seen it say it is The Best Yet. Coat $0.60. ? For full 8uit, $14.00. I also make tne Sleeveless Coa ; Vest with aleeyet if desired. . . . . . , Rules for measurement and samples sent ayf- - oct 25 D&Wtf RAHWAY, N. J. SHARP'S. . illETALLIC CARTRIDGE,' MILITARY, HUNT--ING AND "CRBBDMOOR" RIFLES ; -EXCEL ALL OTHER8 IN ACCU- ; ? . RACY, STRENGTH AND : : SAFETY. v-:j :M Ho einAture IBcliarge Ever Occuri - Every Rifle warranted a good shooter.' Calib 40, 44 and 60-108 ofn Inch, and of any desired length Charge ef powder from 60 to 105 grains.: Weight i balls from 320 to 646 grains. Stock, plain; ftr Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Glebe anc Peep Sights; Vernier with Interchangeable fron slghts and Wind-gauge. Every variety of ;m munition for above guns, constantly on hand. Prices from 3 to $12-5. SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY,': septxl-BAWtf Bridgeport. Coni.' ffigh-BredDdgs. English, irish and gordon betters ; of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed; 'pedigree ; in Fprsaleby E. P. WELSH, : . YorkPen&.- noitD4Wtf mmm

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