t lorning star. RATIONAL PUNS. "Now," in a Chili tone she said, "I will bo Frank; 'tis true, Alt ho' you Arab brilliant caicb, . I do not Caff re your "0, lady, Dane to' hear ray euit, This heart is Scot by thee," 'Nay sir, I cannot heed: your words, For you Aroaut to mel" i. "Tia Welsh," she added fretzingly, "Since Siam pressed so far, To Hindoo you no longer here, ' And so, good sir, Tartar!" ' What Ottoman like me.to dor" -'Bewailed the stricken man; "I'll Finn-ish up my mad career And wed the Gallican!" St. Louis Times. TO Write thee my name? To be sure I will. Tis not thy fault' if I write it ill; And not my fault if thou canst not see What's written between these lines to thee. - Harper's Bazar. PERSONAL. - President Grevy will pet a sal of $100,000 a year, and $50,000 for ury household expenses.-. Thomas S. Drew, elected Go vernor of Arkansas in 1844, and " again in 1850, died recently in Texas. . -- Senator Cbristtancy was born in New York, and is of gipsy parentage and stock, llis real name is said to be Yancey and Lis given name Christopher. Thomas Carlio, the English bil liard expert, has challenged the new cham pion, Schuefer, to play a three&ball game f live hundred points for $500, "rail tliot&V barred: : , -, I An Ohio taan writes to the Cm ci ini's ti Enquirer to learn the name of the United States Senator from Ohio besides 'f huruian. The average Buckeye is always on the still-hunt for knowledge. PAito. 'lime. j .: , To the New York Star it is un tie countable why Hayes is hot called before the Poller committee. But this is a pe culiar, world, and almost all things about Hayes and the committee are unaccounta ble. PJiila. limes. i- Madame Anderson completed her pad of thirteen hundred and fifty quar ter miles on time, but she, her husband, and A. R. Samuels, the manager, were cud) lined twenty-five dollars and costs for Aioiaiing the Sunday law. j TWINKLINGS Connecticut thinks of adopting ihe liquor bell-punch. Some bakers make bread alum mode. New York Herald. t The fellow who rang the church bell for a false alarm of fire tolled' a lie. 11a kensack Republican. 1 The plumber's dying words for ii'n absent wife "Tell her I'll metier over there." N. T. Express. Sitting Ball is first in war, first in peace, and first in the hairs of his coun- imeu.-Chicago Iribune. The good can Well afford to wait, Give ermined knaves their hour of crime. Ye have the future grand and great, The safe appeal to truth and time. "Mamma," said a, wicked iyoung ntr, "am I a canoe?" "No, child, why do you ask?" "Ob, because you always say you like to see people paddle their own canoe; and I didn't know but may be I was yours." The boy went out of the door with more speed than grace. DRAMATIC NOTE. Miss " Emma C. Thursby has Vjceu singing before the German Emperor nr.d his court, and has created a great im pression, j Miss Genevieve Ward and Mrs. Scott-Siddons are contemplating an ap pearance at Booth s theatre in iohakea peare'u "Winter's Tale," with Mias Ward 'us Hirmione and Mrs. Siddona as Perdita. $r Mr. Arthur Sullivan, the com poser of "Pianfore," who is hourly ex pected to arrive from England, is to be given a complimentary banquet at the Lotus Club. They never slight anybody. At least, "hardly eter." 2Vm York Mad. Mrs. Dion Boucicault (Agnes llobertson) appeared with ber husband at uiRbt; in "Colleen Bawn," the? play in which nearly twenty years ago she won imperishable laurels. The critics agree luat time has dealt gently with jher, and that her acting is as tender and spirited as of old. " 8 .11 ore About tbeRey Qnesiion. New York World, llth."j . , i A Herald correspondent has in the wilds of Iredell county, N.CyVaccu inulated a mass of details bearing upon the singular career of One Peter Stuart Ney, who for thirty years ' taught school in that mountainous region, and departed this lifei inl846, leaving upon his pupils and friends tbo general belief that he was none other than the 'bravest of the brave,' MichelNey, Marshal of France, Duke of ElchiDgen and Prince of Moskva.' This is indeed an interesting fiction, else we should not have found room for it in the World two years ago, when we also made space- tot a brief but conclusive exposition of the fact that this North-Carolina ; pedagogue, a highly educated mortal, much given to copyiugSrerses out of Tom Moore, was not and could not have been identical with the heroic but illiterate Prince of Moskva who was shot to death in the Garden of the: Luxem bourg, December 7, 1815, ai the age of forty-six. i Yellow Fever Still Troubling the South. ' LLouisville Courier-Journal, Monday. We have reports from ; Tennessee and Mississippi which are calculated to create deep apprehension. 1 They are to the effect that during the last two or three weeks there have been" in these States a number of cases of yellow fever and some deaths. It is believed the disease has been caused by the disinterment .and; rptnoval; of persons who died last summer of the fever. It has ; heretofore been be lieved that it was impossible for yel low fever to exist when the mercury had reached the freezing point; and if the germs of , the disease have not been effectually destroyed by -the severely st freezing weather: of this winter much uneasiness is naturally felt as to what will ' be the conse quences next summer, MISCELLANEOUS. 45 Years Before the Public. "THE GENUINE DRVcrMcIiAlTE'S CELEBRATED 4 PILLS, CURE OF FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, - DVSI'KTSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. DAIN in .the right side, under the i- edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure;, sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the; pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it irequentiy extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for. rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and sickness; the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lx ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation , of , having Jeft undone some thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant . The patient complains of weariness and debility - hetis -easily startled, his feet are cold or burniner. and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the; skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quimner We . would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial, f For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, theare unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Livek. ' Pills. ' ' i The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros., on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name M cLane, speueu uinereniiy out same pronunciation. janll eowPAWly chSa ' ' 1 iONET OF HOREHODUD AND TAk FOR THE. CURE OF Coughs Colds, Influenia, 'Hoarseness, Difficult , Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leading to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree Abeis Balsamea, or Balm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES AND scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. FiyE additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep yon from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou . -uds of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no BAD taste or iciell. i . PRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE, r I Great saving to buy large size. Pike's Toothache Drops ' in 1 Minute. . Sold by all Druggists. Cure r CEITTENT0N, Prop., g sept 24 DAW tf Atkinson & Maying's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, WllmlnKton N. C FIIKK. Sueeu Insurance Company; of England. ortaiBritlflh Mercantile Ins,. Co., of England. -Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fir Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New York. . Phoenix Insurance Oowrpaay.- of New York. Sprinrfeld Iasurarice Co., of Springfield, Mass. ; Roy al Canadian Insurance Compaoy, of Canada. AIABiNB. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Iasuranee Co. ef North America, of Philadelphia LIFE. ; ' Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100600000. jan 11-tf - - ' JgNOOURAGK HOMS INSTITUTIONS. 1 : SecRrity agalnet Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA IIOME INSURANCE COMPANY RALEIGH, N. O. This Company coatinues to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes of insurable property. All tosses are promptly adjusted and paid. ' Tht "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, sad appeals, witfceonfldeace, to insurers of property ir North Carolina, , , ; - . ry.Agnts in all parts ef the State. JEf ' R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. CB. ROOT, Vice President. ,. BEATON GALES,' Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Aesim, jm Wilminirteu. N. n. Old Papers. O LD NEWSPAPERS 8OTTABLB tot Wrapptne and other parposes. Can be bad at the STAR OFFU ICE 15; -2S?l.. Ill sept 99 tf IN ANY QUANTITY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; From Dr. S. W.;Hunter, , - Baltimore, Tttd. Having become familiar with Colden LIE BIG'8 LIQUID EXTRACT OF BEEF and Tonic Invigorator. I take pleasure in recommending it as an excellent preparation, combining as it does FOOD and TONIC in a remarkable way, producing good BLOOD, HEALTH AND STRENGTH. Sold by all Druggists. ,, Geo. C. Ware, - Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In Pure Apple Cider Cider Vinegar.' Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of E. R.30N EIT'S TABLE SAUCE, 287 to 293 W. Third Street, CINCINNATI, O. i v , ? AW A DAY to Agents canvassing for the 17ire O 4 side Visitor. TermsandOutflt Free. Ad dress P. O. VICKBRY, Augusta. Maine. , , OA FANCY CARDS, Chromo, Snowflake, Ac, no OU two alike, with name, 10 cts. J. MINKLER & CO., Nassau, N. Y. s. J A MIXED CARDS, with name 10c. U fit 10c. L. JONES & CO., Nassau Y. TO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select List of Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 r pruce 8t., New York. i- jan 31-4wD&W - OEORQE MYERS, 11 & 13 So. Front St WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, No. 3 Granite Row. We are authorized to offer the CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE WINES, the BEST in the United States, at u $6.C0 per Basket NETT CASH. QQ Bbls Choice FAMILY FLOUR, JQQ Bags COFFEE. gQQ Bbls Table and Planting POTATOES, Q Boxes SUGARS, OA A Bbls and Boxes Fresh CAKES OUU and CRACKERS, 200 PackagcB'Ex-No- ii-RD Q Firkins Choice GOSHEN BUTTER, Fulton Market Beef, Fig Hams, Pig Shoulders, Pig Fork, Mess Pork. We will sell Goods at.the Lowest Possible Prices. Our WINKS and LIQUORS Department the most complete in the State, from $1.00 per gallon and up wards. febltf GEORGE MYERS. R. II. McKOY. THOS. H. McKOY, Jr. THE HcKOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, , WILMINGTON, N. C. Office North Side Market Street, between 3d and 3d. Will practice in all the Courts of Eastern North Carolina. Special attention paid to collection of maims in any pan or we country. jan su u A. adsiax. K. TOIXKBf ADB!AM A TOLLERS, Corner Front and Dock: sts. WIIiTHINOXON, N. O. TTTHOLBSALK GROCERS W IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Coutry merchants will do well by calling on ut and examining our etock. nov l-tf Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DAY THE STEAMER PASSPORT WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO SMITH V1LLE Leaving Dock at 9.30 A. M Leave Smtthville at 2.39 P. M. Tickets Round Trip, $1.00, GEO MYERS, oct 23 . Agent Just Eeceivedr- Another supply of that CELEBRATED BRAND of Jack Frost Flour, Awarded a Gold Medal at the Parts Exposition. has.no equal. The very finest made. It ALSO. 1000 300 250 Bbls FLOUR, all grades, Boxes Dry Salted and Smoked SIDES, Saeks Java, Laguyra and Rio COFFEE. Bbls Crushed, Granulated, 150 350 Standard A, Ex. C, and c suuAita Bbls Porto Rico. Cuba, N. O. and S. H. MOLASSES, PA Bb!s City MESS PORK, -QQ Tubs Choice LEAF LARD, OAAA New and Second Hand ZUUU SPIRIT BARRELS, Lake Geerge and Lebanon SHEETINGS. Manchester and Randolph YARNS, Crackers, Candy, Soap, Starch, Soda, Potasb, Lye, Snuff, Matches, Corn, Hay, Oats, blue, Bungs, Nails, Hoop Iron, &c, &c For sale low by feb 9 If WILLIAMS & MURCHISON Buggies ! Buggies ! Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT GERHARDT & GO.'S, 3d Street, opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND - DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. feb 9 tf - i ALTAFFER & HILL. Factory and Office foot of Walnut St . WILMINGTON, N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds,. & Oruamcntal Woodwork. All orders filled promptly, and Workmanship and Prices guaranteed to please. Lumber orders sent to our Mr. W .E. HILL, Ab bottsburg, will receive prompt attention. ALTAFFER & HILL, feb9-tf Wilmington, N. C. Oh! The Birds npHEY MUST HAVE CAGES f At PARKER & TAYLOR'S You'll find BREEDING and FANCY CANARY. MOCKING BIRD, and ROBIN, of all Kinds and Prices. And those STOVES 1 The PARKER 1 The ROSS MORE I Real Family Comforts I and for so small a price. Let your orders come. TIN-WARE so low that the shine Is all knocked off. Pumps and Fixtures, Lamps and Chimneys, NEVER SO LOWv nTofnm OLD STAND, feb9tf 19 Front Street Country Merchants THAT ARB IN WANT OF PLOWS, TRACE nhaina. Collars. Hames. Weeding and Grub Hoes, Plow Lines, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Grindstones, Hollow Ward; Hatchets, Swedes Iron, Plow Steel, Nails, CoHee JliUfl, curry twmos.dcc.,' will do well to call and examine Stock and Prices at the Old Established Hardware House ef . -JOHN DAWSON & CO., feb9 tf ,.(-19, 21. 23 Market street The Harion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and mnat nmrnwrnm In the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who hare adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent medium, -of communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me chanics .planters and nayal ; store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business earns inserted on noerai terms. , Address THE STAR, - sept 23 tf s Marion, B.C. MISCELLANEOUS. HEW andlHPORTAIIT DEPARTURE ! Agents Every where, Not the Druggists, Hereafter - Sell ; tHe Holman Llynr Fad Comaiiy's Remedies. There convened, on the 8th day of January, 1879, (Prof. D. A. Loomls, M: D. chairman), at the head office of the Holman Liver Pad Co., 93 William at., New York, a large delegation a first general re union consisting of all the many Important agents of the United States, the Canadas, and representa tives from Europe and Asia, for the specific purpose of reviewing the pros and eont of the past practical workings of this wonderful system of successfully treating disease by absorption without the use of medicine, as illustrated in the Holman Liver Pad Coa remedies, and in a united manner to decide what course in future should, in their judgment be adopted as the best and speediest plan to meet the great and increasing demand that is daily manifest ed from every quarter of the globe not only for the remedies, but also to learn the proper mode of utilizing them. Much time and attention were faithfully given to hearing the many interesting reports of the wonder ful efficacy found in this way of treating disease wherever it had been faithfully used. The subject took a wide and extended range. It was found from these official sources that nearly every kind of incu rable disease known to the human system, so far as it had come within their knowledge, had been successfully treated to a marvelous degree, and to an extent never before known In the history of me dicine; and that the number of its patrons during the short time since its introduction was unprece dented; that it long since ceased , to be am experi ment, and its success should forever stand a burn ing disgrace to the medical 'faculty that it had not for ages past availed itself of a principle Nature's own law, illustrated in every portion oi tne human body, and the entire economy of nature; as old as the universe, as fixed as any natural law can be, and unalterably certain in its good results as a treatment when roperlyu.tilizea ; with little or no difference as to climate or nationality in its unifor mity of action. What makes it more precious still is that its comparative small expense orings it with in the reach of all. ; It is now attracting the atten tion and receiving the endorsement of every fair minded physician wherever an opportunity is affor ded for testing its practical workings. Added to this is tne race toat many nsunguiBnea m meir proiee sion are now counted as c-workers; also that an enormous army of enthusiastic friends, who have been made happy through the use of these simple remedies (a large proportion of whom have found everything else heretofore failing them), are work ing zealously among the afflicted, overcoming pre judice by living-examples of cures; or, what is bet ter sttli, the BucceeBfuLprevenlion of disease. It was clearly demonstrated that where failures did occur it was traceable to a want of proper knowledge how to use these remedies; anainatnoiwimsHnainginia Company had endeavored through the druggists to faithfully do their part by the patients, yet it had been found that a great and fatal error, as a whole, had been committed in ever placing thtse remedies (a treatment, as it iti distinct by itself,) in their hands for sale, by the side of drugs ana patent nos trums. Because, first, the principle, absorption, is in direct opposition with their system, drugs. Be cause also tnat, to a certain extent, it u cunuary as they claim) to their business interests on account of its cheapness and rapid effect. And with rare ex ceptions, It has been the studied efforts of druggists to decry their merits, to discourage their use, or a refusal to explain or answer inquiries; also to en courage otner remedies, or snusuiuw du mrawr ar ticlea counterfeit or imitations some adangeroas poison, others as passive and useless as to much sawdust; also to throw every obstacle in the way of Iocal agents by underquoting and underselling, local agents oy uuuHHuuuug uuu.u5, i dowa to starvation prices, with the view of forcing I them to abandon their Blessed work. These and I many other practices, that are a dishonor to any pro fession have caused this Company and its many acrents in convention to pass resolutions, unani mously adopted, to the effect that hereafter the Holman Liver Pad Co.' s remedies will be sold only by such sgenta as shall be found properly accredited by this Company. This decision opens up a large and wide field ef usefulness to good and efficient persons everywhere, and on a basis of pecuniary re miita that warrant utile er no risk in the enterprise. the particulars of which can always be learned by making application to tne omce nearest uiua, uiuk having felt or seen the practical workings of these remedies always preferred, i- This Company and its general agents mean by these acts to be understood that in the future as in the past, without fear or favor, they intend to dis seminate useful knowledge, heretofore by nearly all medical schools designedly made dark and obscure; and also in every manner within their power try to tin r no fmjujm owyi m tne least mwuuw uuiq w suffering humanity everywhere, and the public are earnestly cautioned to be on their guard, in simple Justice and protection to themselves and this Com pany, to show a total discountenance and contempt for any and all combinations of individual adventu rers (always sinister in their motives) who hereafter thrust any substitutes in oppositien to or in compe tition witb our remedies, tnat nave provea meir ei- ficiency by the severest test possible. The Holman Liver Pad Co., 03 William Street, N.Y. JOSEPH CHRISTADORO & D. W. FAIRCHILD, Proprietors. BATES St HANLEY, Managers for the North west, 134 Madison street, Chicago, 111 ; Hall Block, Toledo, Ohio; Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Michigan: Areade Block.Milwankee.Wis. : Fletcher & Sharpes4 Block, Indianapolis. Ind.; Best's Block, Minneapo lis, Minn. A. M. BARBER, rooms 2 and 3 Singer Boilding, St. Louis, Mo. ; 546 Main street, Kansas city. WESLEY TAYLOR, 169 Market Street, Galves ton, Texas. RING WALT & HALL, No. 8 North Charles st, Baltimore, Md. RING WALT & HALL, 8. E. corner 9A and E. streets, N.W.. Washington, D. C. A. W. BRIGGS, 120 Meirimack st., Lowell. Mass. W. GINN & CO., Continental Block. 223 Euclid ave., Cleveland, O. H. P. TRUMAN, Evansville, Ind. FITZ MORRIS & FOSTER, 1013 Main st,, Rich mond, Va. FITZMORBIS A FOSTER, cor., King and Mar ket streets, Charleston, S. C. ALEXANDER NOTM AN. 71 Kimr street. West Toronto, and 301 Notre Dame street, Montreal. Cal. JUNIUS HART & CD. Orleans, La. 191 Canal street, New WATSON & CO., 319 Battery street, San Fran cisco, Cal. CHAUNCEY M. HATCH. 124 Tremont st, Bos ton, Mass., formerly 28 School st " Mrs. Dr. L. 8. CARTER, 2027 Columbia avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. BYRON W. WATSON, No. 7 P. O. block, Man chester, N. H. Dr. J. SEYMOUR, room 12. German Ins. Co.. building, Buffalo, N. Y., Powers' block, Rochester, N. Y., Vice Secretary. J. H. MILLER, rooms 63 and 64 Johnston build ding, corner Fifth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, O., Secretary. Dr. L. 8. CARTER, 920 Chestnut street, Philadel hia,Penn. ; Penn avenue and Sixth street, Pitts urg, Penn., Vice President. Professor D President A. LOOMIS, M. D.. LoulsvUle, Ky. The Holman Liver and Stomach Pads and the auxiliaries, the Medicinal Plasters and Absorption Salt, having been taken entirely out of the hands of druggists, they can only be had hereafter from agen ' cies. The price of the regular Pad, $2.00; Special Pad (one-third larger), $3.00; XXX Pad, which co vers stomach, liver and spleen, and is a sovereign remedy for all chronic troubles growing out of dis eased stomach or liver, price $5.00; Absorption Salt, six packages for $1,25, used for twelve baths. Medicated Plasters, price for Foot Plasters per pair, 50 cents ; Body Plasters, each 50 cents. Address ei ther of the following offices : Holman Liver Fad Co., CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C, OR 1013 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. 1 mrWe want ENERGETIC, ACTIVE AGENTS in EVERY TOWN in North and South Carolina. FITZMORRIS & FOSTER, MANAGERS. Jan 29 . ' ,, JinsCKLLANKOUa.- TAKE raOTlE; This Celebrated SMOKING tfdBS ! Is retailed at For a 3-oz. Sack, And the smoker gets as much t Tobacco by buying It as he does by buying ten cents worth of poor stuff. TRY -IT AND TAKE NO OTHER! Very Respectful' y, W. T. Blackwell & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF The Original and only Uenulne DURHAM f Trw. t mxn y- s. S M OKTNfr Tf YR A OiUWJVlll VT I VUilVlWi WHO OWNS The DnrHai -Brail of Sioiw Tobacco ? Kead Tnls and Determine. DECREE; W. T. BLACKWELL A CO., ) CUcuitCourtU.S., vs. E Dist of Va. W. B. DIBRBLL A CO.. ) In Equity. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the bill and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Court doth consider that the said complainants, William T. Blackwell, James R. Day and Julian S. Carr, trading under the name and style of W. T. BLACK WELL & CO., HAVE THE SOLE AND EX CLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE AND EMPLOY THE WORD DURHAM TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE SMOKING TOBACCO MANUFACTURED BY THEM, aai also to use and employ in conjunction with the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation of a DUR HAM BULL as and for their trade-mark, and that the said respondents, W. B. Dibrell and W. W. Phillips, trading under tne name and style of W. E. Dibrell St Co., HAW! WRONGFULLY IN FRINGED AND INVADED1 the said right and trade-mark of the said complainants, by deeigna ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them as DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO and by using in conjunction with the said words the repre sentatlou of the head of a DURHAM BULL. Wherefore, the Court doth ORDER, ADJUDGE AND DECREE that the said W. E. Dibrell and the said W. W. Phillips, and their, and each of their, servants and agents, be, and they and each of them are and Is hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED FROM USING AND EMPLOYING THE WORD DURHAM TO .MARK AND DISTINGUISH SMOKING TOBACCO, and from using and em ploying for the said purpose the representation of the head of a DURHAM BULL, or any other word, symbol, representation er device, of a character to deceive the public by Inducing the belief that the Smoking Tobacco sold by them, the said respond ents, is the same as the Smoking Tobacco manufac tured and sold by the said complainants; and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that this cause be and the same is hereby referred to Thomas 8. Atkins, as Master, to TAKE AN ACCOUNT OF ALL AND SINGULAR THE EARNINGS, GAINS AND PROFITS made and acquired by the said respondents, by and from the sale of Smo king Tobacco, marked and designated DURHAM Smoking Tobacco, and marked and designated by the representation of the head of & DURHAM BULL, and to make report to the Court here of all and singular he shall do in the premises, AND THAT THE SAID RESPONDENTS DO AND SHALL PAY TO THE SAID COMPLAINANTS ALL AND SINGULAR THEIR COSTS BY THEM LAID OUT AND EXPENDED IN AND ABOUT THE PROSECUTION of THEIR SUIT. 1 . HO. W. HUGHES, Judge. Richmond, 18th January, 1878. . A true copy. Tester '' j M. F. Pleasants, Clerk i If J $ s ; III ! i - ..RAILROAD LINES, &c. Wilmington & WeldoB RAILROAD CO. OwioB or QmSoFaatmrBNPwnr, i . Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 33, 1873. f Change of Schedule. 0Ni AND AFTER SUNDAY. VOV. Slth. 1S78. Passenger Trains ea the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will run as follows: Day Mail and Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:38 A. M. amveat weidon i:uu r. m. Leave Weldon 3:32 P. M. Arrrve at Wilmington, Front St, Depot, 9.53 P. M. Nlgnt Mall and. Express Train, Daily Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 9.30 P. J&. Arrive at Weldon.... 3:50 A.M. Leave Weldon.... ....... .... 3:13 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 8. IS A. M. r Trains on Tarooro Branch Road leave Rock Mount for Tarboro at 5.00 P. M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5.CQ A. M. Return ing,4eave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 30 P. M. . me uay 'XTam mazes ciose connecuon at w ei dofi for all points North via . Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail route. -' -" Nisht train makes close connections at Weldon for au points north via Richmond. Bleeping tars auacnea to au nignt Trains . JOHN F. DIVINE, nov 24-tf ,4eneral Sup't. General Sup'ts Omce, WILMINGTON, COLI'MBIA & At OB ST A R. R. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 23. 1818 Cbmgh of Schidtae. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24th, 1878, the following Schedule will be run on this Road: Day Express and Mail rram Dally. 8:36 A.M. 1:03 P. M. 4:15 P.M. 12:55 P. M. 4:47 P. M. 9:00 P M. Leave Wilmington..;. Leave Florence... Arrive at Columbia. . . Leave Columbia.. Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. NIGHT EXPRESSTUAIH (Dally). Leave-Wilmington ... 10rl3 P. M. Arrive at Florence . . 3:39 A. M Leave Florence 2:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:18 A. M. This Train stops only at Fleminston. Wluteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Augusta, (via Columbia), should take Day Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping cars on night trains ror Charles ton. JOHN F. DIVINE. nov 4-tf en'l Bup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. rVfilwri ,;rf OITICS GXKSBAL STTPXBINTEirDXKT Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 29, 1878. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : i Leave Wilmington at 6:20 A. M. No. 1. VArrive at Hamlet at 2:06 P. M. 1 " Charlotte at ....7:57 P.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 6:00 A. M. No. 2. VArrive at Hamlet at 11 :40 A. M. ) " Wilmington at 7:55 Jr. M. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. No. 9. I Leave Charlotte f Arrive at Shelby 7:00 A.M 11:15 A. M w -in oueiujr 1 T OV -IT .12:45 P. . 5:00 P. M. M. The above Trains have Passenger accommoda tions, and are the only ones permitted to carry Pas sengers. 7 V. W- dUJUNSum. nov 30-tf . General Superintendent Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Casta Capital paid tu $300,000 Surplus Fund $50,000 DIREG1 0128, JOHN DAWSON - C. 21. STEDMA& ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE S. B. BORDES STEDMAN, President. D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAB H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON, CHAS. M. ISAAC BATES, Vice President 8. D. Wamaou. Cashier ang 20-tf Groc&nes at Low Prices for the CasL D ; 8. SIDES, SMOKED SHOULDERS, . ft MESS PORK, HAMS, Aili GRADES OF SUGAR, FLOUR, COFFEE, ? CANDLES, CANDY, LYE, POTASH, SOAP, STARCH, PICKLES, ' OYSTERS, SODA, WRAPPING-PAPER, -PAPER TWINE, COTTON YARN, SHEETING, PATTERSON & HICKS, i 2i N. Water Street. feb 5 D&Wtf North Carolina Flour. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of NORTH CAROLINA FiLoUR, in Sacks. Call and examine. I - , - Always on hand, at the LOWEST FIGURES : COFFEE, SUGAR, BACON, lLARD, and a full supply of HEAVX GROCERIES. Large consignment of BUTTER on hand. DIX BROS., No. 17 North Water St dec 1 tf Where To Go. " Exchange Corner." -ITITH ALL THE OTHER NICE THINGS WS offer for PRESENTS, we have also a FINE LOT i of JAP-WAITERS and other FANCY JAr GOODS. ta-Come at once before all are gone. dec24 tf N. H. SPRUNT. Fall Fashions. H rRS9 VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and IVI ' Iihivb nninc the LATEST SHAPES for La dies and Misss Hats, and Invites a call from those who have aeretoigre entrustea ner wiiu tuoir wura. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them into the most modem shapes. : White straw dyed black when so ordered and in best style. . . . . RESVJENCJS one ttoor east or xtuui, on jnurcn Street - "- ' - oct 14-tf PRESCRIPTIOX FREE. 1R THE SPBADY CURB of Seminal Weak- JC nese. Lost Manhood, and all disorders bro on bv indiscretion or excess. ' Any druggist irougbt 1st has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAQUES & CO., ICS W Sixth 8U Cincinnati, Ohio. febl5-lyD&W . . STEAMSHIP LINES. . CLYDE'S T New York and ilmiLi. a Steamship Line, The Steamer REGULATOR, Capt. DOAXE, WILL SAIL FROM .NEW Wednesday, Ftb. 12. YORK tVShippers can rely upon the PROMPl., SAJL1 Ni 1 of Steamers as advertised, a For Freight Engagements or Passage apply in, A. . CAZAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling Green or Pier 13 N. R. . ; Oct 6 tf New Yoik. Baltimore & Wilming ton,N.C Steamship Line. The Steamer i Capt. OLIVER, 1MLL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE Oh SATURDAY, Feb. 15. Steamers Sail from Wilmington every Saturday promptly at 12 iu. ; '- fchippers can rely upon the PROM PT SAILING of Steamers as advertisedi;jE3 THROUGH BILLS OF LADINU given to anl from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPAre Guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. WILMINGTON, N L. 8. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, Corner Lee and Light Streets. Baltimore. oct 6 tr QRAWINC3 & PRICES FREE BY MAIL., PIONEER VORKS BIRMINGHAM, ENQLAND Prices in England. $68 00, $78.75, $89.25," $10a00, $125.00, $150.00. Delivered in New York, duty end all charges in clusive : $103.28, $117.'79, $131.97, $150.53, $184 28, $218.00. The above may be ordered "Full Choke," "Me dium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these Prices. We are now making small bores of Nos. 14, 16 ar.d 20 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in ower to the larger bores. Weight ef 20-Bore from 5k lbs. " 1416 " 6tf " - 12 ... 7 " io '"'.8v " Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition: Send for Illustrated Sheets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are now u sine our guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele, M. C, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N. C. Capt. D. R. Murchison, Wilmington, N. C. Col. B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. James A. Leak, Esq., Wadesboro, N. C. Wm. H. Bernard, Esq., Wilmington. N. C. J. & W. TOLLEY. Pioneer Works. St Mary's Square, oct 3 D&Wtf Birmingham, England. MARBLE r.TomuiviENTs AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORt PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATHAN Sc CO,, 57 Lafayette Place, Newlork. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form.foi sale to the Trade. dec 4 D&Wtf New York SHOOTING COAT. STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT, First Class in every particulai Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheap est MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out so thai may he worn ior eariy rau ana winter snooting. Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It is my idea of ahnnHnir rrnt T hfivi worn thorn tnr aivrnl vpurv ana win uavc uuuc uuicr. Price for Coat $25; Vest, $6.69. Alee, the bes. brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tun briars and will not give satisfaction. Also, in addition to the above, I am making Waterproof Canvass Suit cut same style as the Vc. veteenl goods, not stiff and hard, but soft and plea Bant to wear; guaranieea io inrn water, eportsmer who have seen it say it is The Best Yet Coat $6.5t; For full Suit, $14.00. I also make the Sleeveless Coat; Vest with sleev- if desired. Rules for measurement and samples sent upfn application. F. I. SHELDON, OCt25-P&Wtf RAHWAY. N. J. SHARP'S IVlETALLIC CARTRIDGE MILITARY, HUNT ING AND "CREEDMOOR" RIFLES EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU RACY, STRENGTH AND ',. SAFETY. ; No Premature Discharge Ever Ocean Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Callbr 40, 44 and 50-106 ofn inch, and of any desired length, Charge ef powder from 50 to 105 grains. Weight balls from 220 to 540 grains. Stock, plain; ai Pistol grip and checked,. . Sights: plain; Globe ai ii Peen Siehts: Vernier with interchangeable from sights and. Wind-gauge. . Every variety of - ta muaitten for above guns, constantly on hand. . Prices from $30 to $125 SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY, sept 21-DAWtf Bridgeport. Conn High-Bred Dogs. English, Irish and gordon setter!). of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees,. For sale by B. P. WELSH, , York, Penn. nov 7 D&Wtf