THE IIOBIHIIG STAR. By WBT. n. BERNARD. , . ' . , . '-v.. . P It LI SHED DAILY EXCEPT KONUA YS. Sj S IU.TK8 o amscBmtoM in adtajiob : oc year, (by mall) postage paid,. . . . . . A . . . $1 00 Six month, " M ........... 4 00 Three montha, " " 14 . ... J 25 One month u " 1 00 To City Sttbeeribera, delivered In any part of the BATES 07 ,A U V CK'flSI N U. One aareoaeiiy.f.i.;.'.:.-,.;-,...-. $1 CO threadaya,. ;.,.... 2 60 tour days, , ' 8 00 five days, 3 60 One week....:...........:...". 4 Ot l 1 " " Two week,... .......... ; 6-50 " " Three weeks,... , 8 60 " ' One month, ............. 10 0l " Two months,..' 17-01' ' l .Three montha,.., 84 W " " Six montha,.. ... ... 40 0L- '. . " One year, .. no CO IT'Contract AdTertiaements taken fct p-opv city. Kir teen wnn per woe, vur vny Agraaare l tta w- .WTTT . - . - not authorised tocoW.tfr mere than three montha I VOli XXTTT -NO 12Q WILMINGTON, N. CM SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 22, (879. WHOLE NO. 3.600 tionatelylow in Alvance. . : - - I -T. Mnaa ulU . . i. a,. V , ' " . Senator Voorhecs introduced a bill re-, latirelo payment of arrears of penstoDs. Oil-clotli works partially and six dwellings burnt atjSalem, N. J. '- More failures reported in "England and Scotland. " Duty and tax on tobacco are to be increased- in Germany. - - Tranquility reigns at Cairo, Egypt Senate debated tbo Army bill at length; memorial exer cises in respect to Representative Williams followed. Marshal Wharton . was cross-examined before the Potter Commit tee by Gen. Butler. Claiborne Smith, ihe tbird negro tried for the murder of Jno. C. Lacy, inNewKent, Va., was convicted of murder in the second degree and sen tenced to the penitentiary; Fat Smith and Julius Christian, two other negroes, will be hanged on March 25th. Virginia Se nate has decided to vote to-day on the bill ptoviding for the settlement of the State .debt. Suit against Northern Central Railroad in Court of Common Pleas, Baltic awarding $10,000 dam ages for killing of Mrs. Burns, who was run over -.New York markets; . Money 22pei cent; cotton dull at 99$ cts; flour dull and without decided change; Wheat $1 021 13; corn in fair deman d a 464? cents; spirits turpentine heavy at 30 cents; rosin quiet at $1 401 42. Trie news from Washington is that a majority of the Senators favor the Brazilian subsidy. If Hayes, should veto the Chinese bill he will do one good act. This breaking of" treaties is a shabby busi ness at best. In our longest editorial of yester day, third column, near the end of the first paragraph, for "it is so many," read "many." Old Zach Chandler says he does hot want any tomfoolery over his re turn to-the Senate, He knows what sort of fellows are to beat the tom toms. Hayes still postpones appointing a successor to Bayard Taylor as Minister" to Germany.. Ex-Senator Ramsey, of Minnesota, is thought to stand the best chance just now. Corbin has but little hope of ousting Butler, of S. C. Don Cameron has told him he will vote to seat Butler. Two or three other Radical Senators are reported as giving like intima tions. - Both parties are very anxious to obtain the credit of - securing the passage of the unfortunate back-grab pension bill; both Tare manfully dodging the responsibility of raising the necessary means to meet' the pay ment. This is contemptible. Bayard Taylor's family are ipre eeuted to be in Germany without money, in debt, and in a very em barrassed condition generally. Mrs. Taylor is unable to pay the physicians who attended her husband, or even his funeral expenses. The Consul General has paid the funeral expen ses out of his own means,bnt expects reimbursement. ; The two parties in lhe House are in a big fight over the repeal of the election law, and T both ; swear that they will remain as firm as the moun- tains. The Washington L correspond ' ent of the Richmond State says i "On the surface it would appear that the failureof the bill that appropriates money .for the whole government establishment is auevitable, but beneath it all one finds that very many Democrats,. Including Black burn, who was chairman of the caucus, do out consider themselves bound by the opinion of the caucus that Ibis troublesome amendment should be put on the. ..legisla tive appropriation bill." . Hale leads the Radicals. , He and Garfield are the fellows who got the o very law, sought, to; be repealed, t a fir art An ha anh1 utr mull rlll ttfltfi civil vuu .UB ouUu.j 7 ' T thus it became a' law. The' 'Demo crats are but feeding them out of the same spoon. " If the Democrats waver in the least 'the Radicals will unite at once in a more determined resistance. . We give ' an interesting extract from the special to the State: 'j:'V--, 'v' ' ''-j'1,, ': "The House being in Committee of the Whole while perfecting the bill, Blackburn ,inamh .r,t,,rH -m harira that the House was called unon to reels tar the ' decrees of a pany caucus, and the chair- Kuaa mmseii maue nis ruling in accoru-wiiu party dictates. Blackburn came down, and having obtained from the stenographer a report of Garfield's words, read them and -asked for an explanation. Garfield said be meant no personal reflection upon Black- L t ...... ... - , . . aro, uuiinat ne, use every memoer or T . - , R ft;iwav Combanv - fiftv con the Democratic caucus, was bound by its "H,106 "an way company nny con lictates. ;..:-st.. "Blackburn accented the explanation. fid declared that the' caucus referred to Wftfl mar A 1 iiAfifAMnM htr ofliiAh nnhniir. 1 Z aninni,! -4.,Ki.. v, .t...i- - vmu Mvuvuvoa u v v vvvuib auvvusar . . - . . o ii uaroeidjbad not essentially modified hit first chtrfeei - -n- Rouslar-soeecbes were made bv Get eral Chalmers- Aiken Southard and others and hKur?: finVT n.?I?ia ? 1 hi other side." : r.' . ; It will cost the people more than $80,000 to pay the contestanta in the House. Over $46,000 has been ap propriated already to that end. The way contests are made over seats is becoming discreditable, monotonous ana aeciaeuly costly. As long as parties hold out inducements there will always be disappointed aspirants who are ready to contest in order to get - pay. . VV hen ' unsuccessful con testants are made to pay their own expenses the evil 'will rapidly, dimin ish. A - '3 v:; - I; : . , '..i Minister Seward is a bad egg. . He "will be i asked by the House to show cause why he should not produce the books called for in the subpoena. m THE LEUI5L1TURE. ' ' ' ' . - . ! (Raleigh Observer Report Condensed.) f : 4 ' . SENATE. Raxbigh, Feb. 21, 1879. : By Mr. Bryan, of Duplin, to pre vent employes and agents of rail roads from desecrating the Sab bath. : - fi "WESTERN BAILBOAD. i lne special orderr-the bill to change the name of and auorize the Western (Coalfield) Railroad Company to consolidate with the Mount Airy Railroad Company, and to complete the same, was taken up, the question being on the second reading of the bill. Mr. Scales then proceeded to ex-1 amine the provisions of the bill. This road had already cost $1,100,000 from Fayetteville to Egypt, a dis tance of 43 miles, and of this interest the State owned eleven-fourteenths. There were judgments against the company to an amount of some $50, 000, under which a Bale of the road was threatened in June next. Nearly all of the sum ot $50,000 was money advanced by friends of the road in Fayetteville to save it from spolia tion, and to rescue it from the hands of the unscrupulous, into which the fortunes : of war had forced it. It was proposed to ask authority to is sue bonds to an amount not exceed ing $400,000 to cpmplote the road to Greensboro, said bond not to be is sued until the road shall have been graded, except to an amount of some $50,000, which the State is to be re quired to subscribe to pay the press ing judgments and save the road from sale. It was not proposed to pay this money out of the treasury, but to fund the little debt and save the road once more, that is to issue bonds for $50,000 to save $1,100,000. Mr. Scales dwelt at length upon the prospects of the v undertaking in piercing the Yadkin valley, and ap pealed to the f nends of the Western N. C. Railroad, who had been aided of late by the State to the amount of $85U,uou to clear on its aeoi, ana $70,000 per annum to continue the work, i . Mr. Caldwell warmly advocated the passage of the bill. He ridi culed the idea of the failure of the railroad system, for. with all its hor rors, it went on progressively, from the tramway to the improved steel rail. He asserted that there was not a fifty mile narrow gauge railroad in the world that did not pay, and the continuation of the proposed road from Greensboro west would be of this character. Mr. Caldwell spoke feelingly and with warmth of ; the men of Fayetteville who had sunk their money to save this road, and were now simply asking for an ar raugement by which their efforts may be followed no and the road saved from sacrifice. .Mr. Caldwell ap pealed to Senators to come to the re lief of the road. " The money asked for was an honest debt due individ uals who had advanced it for the State's good. .; - The previous question was now demanded, and the,, bill passed its second reading by a vote of 25 to 20. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Resolution in regard tr.the expul sion of R. B. Brown, member from Yadkin, on account of idr.unkentjess was passed over ' mf ormallyl : Mr. Brown promising reformation. Bill to change the name change the name ot the i . v ,1 t a pt Ayanf 1 v. I Massed. Bill to establish Gilliam county, This bill proposes, to establish a new county, with county seat at Hender son. out of portions of Warren, Gran ville and Franklin counties. Bill was tabled.- ; 'i-m'fj ..V " Bill to provide for. the repairing of the Quarantine Hospital at Smith- ville. ; Passed. Bill to prevent the use of dragnets in New river, Onslow county, Mr. Hewitt stated that unless the bill Dassed, there would very soon be . . - .. ' ..- . ..r - j tjjo oysters in JNew river. i.nis toucnea I tne House in a tender spot,: and the bill went through with an enthusias tic vote. Bill to canal Angola bay, in Daplin and Pender counties. v Passed. Bill to allow the Rabun Gap Short iailway Passed. I tww. Bill to prevent the hauling of seines : P-ml5rt nd Tar and Nensa Rivera 1U A CBUbs.w m- - I ' , . a n. 1 i . o'clock Monday morning.- xms nm i " -.- . .. I .a I 1?. .a? a.:. : J M h I prevents tne naming i Bemes uunug fh mntinned in . Pamlico and 1,X??JZ--j2 -XV in 5 n'iiWl x . 7 ville county4 and in Neuse River up I to Orange county. It passed. " - Bill to amend the charter of the city of Newbern was read by the title only and passed. NIGHT SESSION. Mr. English, by consent, introduced the following resolution: jtiesolved, 1st. That a resolution (No. 171) passed 'by - this House on the 18th of February, 1878, be and the same is hereby repealed and an nulled. 2. That 1,000 copies of the dis bursement account of the Depart ment of Agriculture be printed for the information of this Hous Bill to renew the charter of the Chapel Hill Iron Mountain Railroad Company, passed its readings. Bui to amend sections 3 and 4, cb. 80 of Battle's Revisal. This bill gives clerks of the superior tJourt the power to justify bonds of county officers. It passed. Bill to amend chap. 32 of Battle's Kevisal. This bill allows manslaugh ter to be punished by twenty years' imprisonment, and the crime of throwing trains off the traok by im prisonment for ten years. It passed. Bill in regard to the jurisdiction of magistrates. This is the bill which drew such a discussion last night. It was read a third time. Mr. Cooke offered the following amendment "Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prevent the Superior, Inferior or Criminal Courts from hnally hearing and determining such affrays as shall be committed within one mile of the place where and during the time such court is being held, nor shall this act be con- strued to prevent said courts from assuming "jurisdiction of affrays and assaults and batteries, if some Jus tice of the Peace shall not, within six months after the commission of the offence, have proceeded to take official cognizance of the same. -The amendment was adopted. Bill then passed. Spirits Turpentine. Horse swapping is the rage in Charlotte. The walking mania still afflicts Newbern. A three inch snow fell at Win ston last Sunday. Part henia Hall, a school girl of twelve years of age, was burnt to death at Plymouth. She was at school when ner dress U k fire as it trailed through a small fire., - Charlotte Observer: Only one bar-room in Charlotte remains open all night. Several chiefs of the cock pit have gone to New Orleans to witness the in ter-state main tnero. A Bible found on a battle field during the war.and belonging to A. W. White, of Charlotte, who was killed, has been re covered by the brother of the deceased. It was sent by a lady in Maine. Weldon News-. The jail at Hal if ax is full of prisoners. Oh ! the girls, the beautiful girls. Our hearts beat, our blood whirls. Every man thinks who's any ways dutiful lie must love tne girts, tne gins so Deauti- ful. - Greenville letter to Goldsboro Messenger: A badly mangled headless woman's body was found in the river oe low this place. Coroner's report failed to indentify. but thought it was colored. We have only three cases or nomicide to be tried at our next term of Superior Court, in Mareh. This is very good show ing for Pitt. Goldsboro Mail : A Goldsboro lady has sprained her arm by knitting. No . j . j z . 1 ; yarn aooui ims uarneu ii meru w. Those Members elect up at itaieign Must cease to persist in their folly Retrench in expense Or, when they go hence. They'll hardly go back up to Raleigh Greensboro Jratriot : We are glad to learn that the condition of Colonel Gilmer is improving daily and tne indica tions are that he will soon be able to be out. A party of bird shooters went down to' Gibsonville last Thursday and bagged eightyaone. The North Carolina btate Medical Association will hold its annual meeting in this city in May next. Elizabeth City Economist: Mr. G. H. Ferris, of Baltimore, to whom was awarded the contract for deepening the channel of Currituck Sound, for which an appropriation was made at the last session of Congress, leit Jfortsmoutn un vveones day with a large number of men, steam tues. dredges, scows, etc. , to commence the work. The Elizabeth City rail road will terminate ou fhe Petersburg road, four miles from the iron bridge,:; or " at; Portsmouth. . t - t : ; Salem and Winston are still I nammenae hwmv bv iuc tuugunuauuK scheme. The Sentinel says: The plan sub! hammering away at tne consolidating I . ..... rtr incorporated as a city. The city is to be divided into four wards, with two alder men for each ward, with a proviso that the rate of taxation for general purposes shall not exceed 30 cents on the $100 valuation of property, and $1.50 on the poll. If the plan succeeds North Carolina will have an other large city of four - thousand inhabi tants. North Carolina cities are generally large. Some of them have as much as three hundred people. . . ;. Winston gsentinet:. We are sorry to see that Brown, the representative from Yadkin, figures more prominently in the proceedings Of the Mayor's court in Raleigh than he does in the proceedings of the Legislature. On last . Saturday evening the wife of James Hartgrove, Of Stokes county, went out to the woodpile after some wood, and being absent for seme time the family went out to see what detained her; and found her lying dead. : -We have been making inquiries, and learn from reliable sources that prepara tions are being made in Forsythe, Stokes, Surrv and Davie counties to put out a long tobacco crop. I A amoro avuurrtvr. pnv Wter to usfrom a prominent government I uixll.l x Tir.RKItnn rv w oawa I nilita- I O ill CI HI 1U VV i-vj, oaja, luuivo- wW be': admitted to nis seat ifl tne Forty i .,, . ' - . . i m i . w 1 Ki.tL ln. . 4U.i Ua man f ailt-VAlkAlAl i bu.ui yuugra, wk u n bas done a great deal for his people, secure tag $200,000 for improvements: wnis dis- Wet" And nowcomes tne uiasgow ,KtO limes telline about JohnJacob Good- man living in Monroe county, Ky., born in North Carolina in 1781, and now in his 97th year. ' But that isn't the remarkable thins about the youth.' jonn Jacob is the father of thirty-two legitimate offspring by only two wives. Our citizens will re member the handsome Howard Smith, for merly a druggist in Tarboro. He is now a full surgeon in the Navy, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. : He recently returned from a long cruise on the U. 8. steamer Portsmouth and is now on a visit to his relatives and old friends, all of whom are elad to welcome him. Tom Evans is now Hatchet Holder Plenipotentiary. When Cupid shoots his pizen'd arrow i . xnio me youmiui ueaxi, It does their inmost gizzard harrow . And cause th them to start and stretch and roll and twist and scorch and burn and get red-hot and sizz until, it is said, nothing quencheth the flame but rising at 6 in the morning, cold as scissors, -and making a fire with wet wood. - ttocfcy Mount correspondent: Mr. a. tr. Pitt, who was put in Nash jail a few weeks Bince for forgery, maae nis escape last Week, but was recaptured next day. His wife went to see him, wearing two dresses. She clad her husband in one and she re mained in jail. Mr. Pitt, with bonnet on and handkerchief up to bis face, went to the buggy, weeping as if bis heart would break, the jailor, thinking all the time that it was Mrs. Pitt Tou can imagine his shock when, in about an hour, the boy came back with the buggy for Mrs. Jt. THE CITY. NEW AOVKBTISBitlEN T. Mtjhson Overcoats cheap. Giles & Murchison Plows. D. L. Gore Cheap groceries. P. Cummiho & Co. Other things. f S. G. Northrop Florida oranges. Heinsberger Musical instruments. Croklt & Morris Sloop at auction. Hall & Pearsall The thing at last. Local Dot. Shad, yesterday, down to 75 cents a pair. The "off-shore" signal was dis played at the Signal Station yesterday. We are requested to call atten tion to the condition of the sidewalk on the north side of Market, betweeu Second and Third streets, nearly midway the block. The following Wilmingtonians are "peisonalized at ltaieign : Mayor S. H. Fisbblate, DuBiutz Cutlar, Esq., President Bridgera, of the VV. & W. R. R., sod Col. Don. McRae. Mr. George Marshal, formerly a resident of this city, and well known at the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad shops, is winning high repute with his paint brush from the Newbernese. Magisterial circles will be look ing up now that the Criminal Court is about to close for the term. Emanuel Truesdale, who is charged with stealing hay from Jesse Weatherly, of Cape Fear Township, is now in jail and will be inves tigated by Justice E. D. Hall this morning He will probably rank a No. 1 at the next term of Judge Meares' tribunal. To-Day's Indication. For the South Atlantic States, clear and partly cloudy weather, northerly winds, shiftioe to easterly or somberly, n a slight rise followed by falling barometer, are the indications for to-day Almost a Fire. No general alarm having been given.very few beyond the immediate neighborhood were aware that there was a very narrow escape from a destructive fire in the ex treme southern portion of the city on Thursday af ternoon. The roof of a house on Front, between Wooster and Dawson streets, occupied by Jane Oliston and owned by Fred. Merrick, caught fire, the wind at the time blowing almost a gale, and but for prompt measures the flames would not have been eotten under control. As it was, the properly was damaged considera bly. The bouse is a two-story one. Washlng-ton' Birthday. While there appears to have been no effort made for a general observance of the 22d, we are glad to know that the pub lie offices of the city will be closed in hon or of that distinguished rebel, George Washington. The Custom House will do no business, the Post Office, is to be' closed from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., and at the City Hall only the office of the . Chief of Poliee will be open. The shipping in port, al though mostly foreign bottoms, will doubt less be left to give the day its most signa. recognition. Theatrical Notes. Thomas W. Keene, the actor who won so mucn reputation in tne character oi . ... . - m 'Cassias," in the play of Julius Csesar, at our upera tiouse, some weeks ago, nas been engaged as leading man at the Cal ifornia theatrev in San Fraasisco. at an increased salary. We see by a paragraph in the New Yoik Dramatic News that the "Pathfinder Combi nation" (a la troubadour) include this city (March 5th,) in their route. Robinson & Crane, who are playing in New Orleans, will start North shortly under the management of Mr. John T. Ford, and as their purpose is to visit aH the principal Southern cities, Wilmington will doubtless be included. . . . - i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howard (Hiss Helen Marr) who appeared here' with the Helen D'Eate Troupe,, are now in New Orleans With a combination called, '-'The Merry makers,!' of which Mr. Howard is manager and Helen Marr the star. Will not be Repeated. - t jfve regret to hear that there will be no Repetition of the cantata recently given at the Tileston Normal School Uprr Roon. The entertainmenVwas one of such una usua merit!; thatj lreaictn would have gratified numbers; who were prevented from bearing it I ; ; . , -: Criminal Ooart. ; . Sentences were pronounced by His Hon or, Judge Meares, yesterday morning, after I which, at the: dinner hour, Court was ad- ourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. when the final business of the session will be transacted. The jury cases were dis-r p03ed of Thursday night. ' state vs. fliars uaniei, convicted oi as sault and battery. Defendant ordered to pay a fine of $101 and costs or go to the House of Correction for thirty days. State vs. Jacob Freeman,' convicted of killing stock. Defendant to pay $8 to the owner of horse' in question and the costs of the Court. i State vs. Amanda Jackson, convicted of assault and battery. . Defendant to pay $1 and costs or go to the House of Correction. mate vs. Kobert AlcJioy, arraigned on a peace warrant, was dismissed at defendant's C08tS. ; : : ' State vs. Edward Merrick, convicted of arceny. Defendant sentenced to two years in the House of Correction. State vs. David Redd, convicted of lar ceny. Defendant sentenced to two years n the House, of Correction. State vs. George W. Johnson, convicted of larceny. Defendant sentenced to four years in the State Penitentiary. State vs. Abraham Dunmore, convicted of larceny. Defendant sentenced to one year in the House of Correction. State vs. George mil, arraigned on a peace warrant. ; Defendant to give nond for two months Or to go to the House of 1 Correction. State vs. Mary Stewart, convicted of as sault and battery. Defendant sentenced to three months in the House of Correc tion. State vs. James Anderson, convicted of larceny. Defendant sentenced to five years in the Penitentiary. State vs. Peter Coleman, convicted of false pretenses, i Defendant ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs or go to the House of Correction for two years. State vs. Sarah Allen and Virginia Hines, convicted of manslaughter. De fendants sentenced to ten years each in the State Penitentiary. The Barcaw 4c Onslow Railroad Company. Section first of the act to incorporate the above road, now pending in the General Assembly, provides that for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a railroad from the town of Burgaw, in Pender coun ty, to the navigable waters of New River, in Onslow county, the exact point at which the said railroad shall strike the waters of New River to be determined by a majority of the stockholders in amount at their first meeting. The j incorporators are R. R Bridgers, Roger Moore, A. H. VanBokke len, W. L. DeRossett, C. M. Stedman, Al fred Martin, F.! W. Kerchner, H. Vollers, John C. Heyer, M. M. Katz, Sol. Bear, A. H. Patterson, W. T, Bannerman, S. P. Hand, J. H. Moore, J. H. Brown, S. S. Satchwell, Bruce Williams, E. Poiter, Ja cob E. James, Eli H. Shiver, D. R. Murch ison, Dr. R. W. Ward, John H. Mash- borne, Charles Lessesne, J. D. Costin, S. B. Taylor, L. W. Harget, Franklin Thomp son, N. E. Armstrong, D. E. Sandlin,E. L. Franks,8olomon Gorrite.B. H. Williams Council Davis and H. H. Sandlin,and their successors, &c. i The capital stock is three hundred thousand dollars, which may be created by subscription on the part of in dividuals, corporations, &c., in shares of fifty dollars each. Section third refers to the opening of the books. Section fourth provides for the calling of a general meeta ing of stockholders when the sum of ten thousand dollars shall have been sub scribed, which shall elect a board of seven directors, who in turn will elect the neces sary officers, &c. Section five provides for the assessing of the value of land and other property used for the purposes of said road. The gauge of life road will be fixed by the stockholders at their first meeting, The company is graaled power to lease its franchises. Section eight provides for bor rowing money, issuing bonds, &c. Sections ten and eleven authorize the employment of convict labor to be furnished by. the directors of the State penitentiary, the number not to exceed two hundred or to reduce the quota allowed to other works of internal improvement beyond a certain extent, &c. Section thirteen provides that it may be lawful for the Burgaw & Onslow Railroad Company to consolidate with the Weldon Railroad upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the directors of the said roads; that in case of such a con solidation the Burgaw & Onslow Railroad shall become a branch of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and as such enjoy all its privileges and advantages. - The Has Cholera. ; Our country friends, especially in the lower part of this county, who have lost heavily during the last six or eight months from the continued ravages of hog cholera, will be glad to learn that a gentleman of this city, who has large experience in the the raising of stock, as well as in dealing with the disease1 in question, is preparing an article for publication: in the Star, which will give important information in relation-to the disease, and no doubt result in great benefit to the agricutural commu nity generally.! Look out for it. Carolina Clnb.-,,,,;. ... : We announced some time ago the organ ization and officering of the' club which has been christened heCarolina Club." They have, located themselves in rooms ever Mr. P.-LJ Bridgers' & Ca's 'store, in the MacRae building, oniTront street, and will make that eligible location; the future seat of 1 their warfare against' intellectual and social corrosive sublimate. Question and answer. The following, which we. clip from the Ne w York Journal of Commerce, may be of interest to some of our business friends: I Wilmington, N. 0., Feb. 13. Editor of ihe Journal of Commerce: ...... A, of Wilmington, sells B. of New York. 1,000 barrels of tar, free on board, at a cer tain price. A submits the invoice and draws for the amount on B through a bank at Wilmington. Who pays the exchange? . i; SUBSCRIBER . Reply. This will depecd on the under standing between the parties; but if nothing issaid or implied about this between them, it is sumcient in New York if B cashes here the claim for the face of the bill as rendered. If, therefore, with this under standing A draws on New York for the face of the bilL he must pay whatever it costs to transfer the result to Wilmiaeton: in other words, the exohange is at A'a ex pense. If there is any doubt about this, it should form part of the terms of the con tract at the time it is made. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta..:..,. .50 ..53 .51 . .45 . .75 ...66 ,'..71 . . .72 ..53 Key West, 64 Mobile........... 57 Augusta Charleston, . . Montgomery 56 New Orleans 65 unarlotte . . . . Corsicana, . . . Galveston,... Punta Rassa, .... .64 Savannah,.. 52 St. Marks,.,..... 57 Wilmington, 43 Havana... ... Indianola, . . . Jacksonville,. KArloso Club. This Club gave a hop at Germania Hall last evening, in compliment to "The Mar ried Folks," and as it was intended to be the farewell one for this season, the mem bers made it exceptionally pleasant. Ex cellent music, a large presence, gallantry and beauty, combined with admirable ar rangement, and rare intervals in the danc ing, constituted it a worthy finale of the many pleasant affairs of the kind which L Arioso has given during the winter. Tbo KEeetlnsTo-aay. Don't forget the meeting of the Teachers' Association at Tileston Upper Room, at 10 o'clock this morning, and remember that all the friends of education are invited to be present. Prof. John J. Ladd, of the University Normal School, is to speak, and his position and experience are a guaranty that what he may say will be both profit able and entertaining to educators and household heads. Uamallable Letter. The following are the unmailable letters remaining in the city postofflce: Rev. Theodore Gould, 631 Pine street, Philadelphia, Pena.; Mrs. Sarah A. Murray, Brown's Turnout, N. C. Dr. Freeman. The condition of this - gentleman, at 1 o'clock last night, was not of a nature to enlarge hope of his recovery. He was alive, and that is all we can repeat. BIV,KR AND IOTAKINB ITEMS. The schooner Mary, Gilchrist, sailed from Belfast fur this port on the 15th inst The brig, Wm. Robertson, rived at Havana from this port on the lth inst. i The steamship Raleigh, Oliver, ar rived at Baltimore from this port on the 19th inst. The schooners Susan Stetson and Eagle sailed from Vineyard Haven for this port on the 19th inst. CITY ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy .Tobacco. THE MORNING STAR can alwavs be had at the iouowing places in tne city : Tne rarceii Mouse, nams' jxews' a tana, ana tne bta. umce. GARBOLINE. a deodorized extract of Petroleum. me omy article mat win restore aair on Daia neaaa. is an elegant dressing, and contains not a particle of lead, sulphur, or other poisonous drugs. Sold by oruggietB. FINS ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. A W. Tolley, manufacturers of fine breech-loading fans, Birmingham, England. Their guns are made to order according to specincaaons ana measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, lengtnoi stock sc. FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mas WiisiOw's SooTHiirs Ststjp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wihd colic, regulates tne Dowels, cores dyskntbby andPURKHfKA. whether arlsinz from teethincror omer causes, ail oia ana weu-inea remeay. 20 CKNTS A BOTTLS. , COUGHS BECOME FRIGHTFUL? from neelect At the first warnine note resort to "Halx's Ho- iriT Of Eobkeound asd Tab.m The Conch is Immediately softened and controlled, and the cure. I is speeay. - fce'a Toothache Dropa core Toothache in one nunate. ; Why not make no your minds, at d resent, what Hotel yoa are going to stop at when you arrive In rtewxonc r xne urana uentrai. on uroaawav. ia now kept on both the American plan at $2.60 to $3.00, and the European plan at $100 and upwards per day. An elegant Restanrantat moderate prices ia i 1 conducted by the Hotel. a m th NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., Just a Few, QNLY.A FEW, AND; - THEY ARE FOR SALE CHEAP. THEY ARB OVERCOATS. feb 22 It MUNSON. Lastly THE FIRST PLACE" THE DAMAGED ITS and CORN are movta?. No use sav anything more about tnem,but we have other things we wui mention, to wit : A pair (or two) good farm Moles, a large pair Wagon Moles, Corn, Oats, Hay, eras, ac, ana tae neat tBoiteai ueai in u city. ' leb 22 It PRESTON CUMM1NG A CO. Musical Instruments. THE LARGEST STOCK AND BEST ASSORT mentet , VioInisGnitars, Bans, Tambourines, u yintes. Fifes. Harmonicas. Accordeons. ' '' Flageolets, Jew's Harps, Zitherns, . Drums and Moaical Boxes, Strinsrs for ail Instruments. omenta, rices, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. 1 All styles and prices, at the QHROMOS AND ENGRAVINGS." - -. . - . ' - A new lot juat received. At prices te suit everyone, at .- . ! HBINSBERGBR'S, : feb 22 tf Noe. 8 and 41 Market St NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sloop Pomana at Auction. ON SATURDAY NKXT. SID INSTANT, AT 11 o'clock, A. H.,' we will Bell, at Market Wharf. The Sloop POMANA, of Chlncoteague, aa she now Ilea foot of Ana 6 tree . where nutien can examine. CRONLY MORRIS. feb 18 8t -w., 18. SO, 23 , : Auctioneers The Thing at Last. fc-rVNB SPOON" yj BAKING POWDER. Oae of the most effective aids fc) KITCHEN KCONOXY. Tried and recommended by the most akilf al CULINARY ARTIST. Simple in ita nee. RELIABLE, HEALTHFUL and ECONOMICAL. At Wholesale by feb2D&Wtf BALL & PEARSALL. Cheap Groceries. rOU WILL FIND AT D. L. GORE'S?, .iNoa-8 ,nd 3 So- Water Street. FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, MEAT, MOLAH8RS. SnOAR nORVEIt And in fact all Gooda commonly f ouud in a Grocery Store, at Bottom Price a. febSltf Plows. Plows, H AMES, TRACKS, BACKB AN DS, . Backhand Webbins and Book. Singletrees, Plow Unes, Bridles. Uarae Strihm. An.. All for aale at the Very Lowest Prices by GILES A MURCHISON, feb22tf 33 and 40 Mnrchiaon Block. Florida Oranges. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SWEET, DELI cioua and Juicy FLORIDA ORANGES jast re ceived. Also, A spin wall Bananas, Lemons, Cocoa nuts and Apples. resn, rue uome-Maae tardy alwaya on hand. At S. G. NORTUROP'S feb 28 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. STRONGEST IN THE WORLD ! PAYS ITS LOSSES ON RECEIPT OF PROOF WITHOUT DISCOUNT. JNO. W. GORDON & BRO., Agents, feb22tf : 24 North Water Street. Wood. Wood. JLACK JACK, SPLIT OAK, ASH, PINE AND SWAMP WOOD. Full supply for aale from wharf or delivered, cord length or cat ap, at Lowest Prices for Cash . U. G, PAKSLBY, Jr., febiltf Cor. Orange & 8. Water Streets. New Goods BOOTS & SHOES FOR EVERYBODY. We are now daily re ceiving our STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, em bracing new aty lea and novelties in entree and last to fit easily and make the foot look pret tily. For sale at verv Lew Price8at GEO. R. FRENCH 3c SON'S, " 39 N. Front at.. Wilmington. feb 21 tf Seed Potatoes. 1 lYft Bbls EAKLY ROSE SEED POTATOES, For sale by kerchner; caldsr urvis feb 21 tf Wilson, CMlis & Co.'s Vapns. WAGON OF ABOVE tMAKB, For sale at Manufacturers Price List, lesi Twenty Per Cent. Discount, by feb 21 tf KERCHNER C ALDER BRh Bacon. Lard, SFlour. Q Boxes D. 8. SIDES, rjp Tuba and Tierces LARD, BOO Bbls FLOUR 111 Shades, Fer saieby feb 21 tf KERCHNER St CALDBR BROS Holasses. Molasses. NEW CROP CUBA and NEW ORLEANS. OLD CROP CUBA and 1. SUGAR-HOUSE For sale iy feb 21 tf KERCHNER A CALDBR BROS Hats. Hats. Hats. EW SPRING STYLES 1 HARRISON & ALLEN, ' HATTERS. feb 20 tf Country Merchants THAT ARB IN WANT OF PLOWS, TRACE Chahis, Collars, Hamee, Weeding and Grab Hoes. Plow Lines. Axes. K hovels. Spades. Forks. Grindstones, Hollow Ware, Hatchets, Swedes Iron, Plow Steel. Nails, Goffee Mills, Curry Combs, Ac. will do well to call and examine Stock and Prices at the Old Established Hardware House ef JOHN DAWSON CO., feblStf " -1 19, 21. 23 Market street. Choice Articles. JJUNNAN HADDIES,- : ,.,' iy -a Fresh smoked; Imported. C MOKED SALMON. ... Just received, saperior quality QHOICB LOT OF LADY PEAS, ;n 5 it 4 : : Fer the Retail Trade. JURIED APPLE8, - . PEACHES and PRUNES. JEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, , : . :j:v' :;-;'ij; i,-:- A very Buperior qoallry. "pDAM AND PINE APPLE CHEESB3. CaiiforniaBartlett Pears, In Cans, . . Canned Peachee, Pears. Tomatoes, r And all Gooda at Lowest Prices at J.C. Stevenson's. ( feb 20ts ' - Select Boarding and Day f cnool i". Ulllsboro', : "'. rpflE MISSES NASH AND MISS KOLLOCK A will resume the exercises of their iSchool m FRIDAY, TTH FEBRUARY; 1879, and clese them 26TH JUNE, (Twenty Weeks.) Clreulars n appli- eauon -i.i .m.:awe j.. .,: $-. aecMatawxm, 1 s '4 Mi 13 u v. 11 '1 !