THE HORIITIIGr STAR. By WM. II. BEKNAttD. p.. ki.IMHKD DAILY EXCEPT liONDAVR,'. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOH IH ADVA .,c year, (by iaa postage paid,. Sis months, " " w rntve months, " " S 35 one month " " .. 1 00 To City Subaeribera, aelivered In wiy part of the city, Fifteen Cents per ween. wt uiy Agonuwo I not authorized to collect for mere than three uiwnths 1 The barque Viking was found abandoned at sea; crew supposed to be safe. The bill establishing Bureau of Public Health passed the Senate. The depression I of English trade continues with augmented force. Russians are burning infected houses in the plague-stricken r districts. . The result of tbe investigation in Third Minnesota District shows the charges to have been false in regard to an unair elec tion Tbe Breathitt county prisoners, id JveniucKy, maoe a uesperaio attempt to escape.- The strike of the coal heavers and dock laborers at Liverpool has col lapsed. Rhode Island Prohibitory Couvention nominated present officers for re-election. A new. era of good feel ing is .Icing evidenced between Turkey and Itussia and Turkey and Austria. ; Bismarck made a Bpeech on the Austro Gerraan treaty of commerce. Ban ning, of Ohio, accused his colleague, the liev. Garfield, of breaking the ninth com- mandraent. The House in committee of the Whole discussed the Legislative -Appropriation bill with, the amendment respecting the election laws, in which Mr. Hale, of Maine, was unsuccessful in his tactics to defeat it; three Republicans voted with ihe Democrats and thus gave a quorum ; tlie bill was finally passed with this amend ment together with that respecting the test oiith . N.Y. markets: Money 22J per cent; cotton firm at 9$9f cts; flour quiet; wheat $1 081 12; corn dull and without change; Bpirits turpentine quiet at 30 cents; rosin firm and quiet at $1 40 1 45 There are only eight survivors of tlw famous Palmetto Regiment that went io Mexico. It had 1,100 men when it left South Carolina. When it-returned it had but 223. The gal laut Pierce M. Butler was its Colonel. Archbishop Purcell's financial' troubles appear io De on ine increase, i A nf V.a OtA fi-nrn f ? n 5 r, r. a t J I says that thus far $3,600,000 in claims have been already presented against liira. All schemes for relief appear to have failed. Washington's birthday was cele brated in grand style by the Charles touiaus. The News and Courier.h&a a full report of proceedings and inci dents that would fill fifteen, columns of the Stab. Maj. Hugh S. Thomp son made the oration. ' President Hayes has departed from the beaten track in his selection of a Minister to Berlin to succeed Bayard Taylor. He has formally tendered the appointment to Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, a Cougregationalist min ister of learning and ability, and who has resided for several years in Ber lin. ' It is to be hopnd that the House will'not agree to the action of the Senate in striking out from the Army Appropriation bill the clause forbidV ding the use of troops at the polls. The House ought never to agree to that. It means mischief. It means a repetition of violence and intimida tion in 1880. The Honsemust stand like au anvil. It is only too plain that the Radi- Congress are planning a cam- I paign of outrage. They are despe rate. If they cannot by trickery and fraud and violence overcome the Democratic majority in the House they know very well that their chances in the next Presidential elec- tion will be too slfm (or imccegs. Their plans have already been clearly I intimated in the Stab. Recent news I from Washington only confirms what : uaayen saiu. xn jjouisiana iuarsuai Wharton has arrested l ' mm e T " ' 3 uent citizens oi Ajouisiana, inciuaing ex-members of Congress, journalists, and men prominent . in business and in social life. The game is to be repeated in Florida. Judge Settle has shown his willingness to admin ister law for his party. The Wash- mgten correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says : . "It is understood that one or more of the Democratic members elect to the House 'from Louisiana are to be arrested. Judge ; Woods, in Louisiana, is said to be as de termined an upholder of the election laws as any of ' the federal judges, and is ex pected to be as rigorous in sentencing per sons who may be convicted ." 4 A rich scene occurred ia the Senate on Saturday. It was the most exeit- ing episode of the session. Senator : B-side objected to the " oon.ider- tion of Mr. Stratton'a case, who had W, nAm:n.4A4 t . , . been nominated for steamboat mspee- V tor in one of the New York districts, Thi. n ; i nit brought the imperious Cockling to his feet, who then poured out bis ,.,.,. ' ... , , . sarcasms at will and in the I most wi- thering tyle. He characterized the . . , conduct of Gen. Burnside as officious, intermeddling, impertinent and imou- -dint .C A ' anu impu uent, and when Gen, Burnside at- ilfE trA r r VTTT Trv - or yjjm A.A.lll,""iN IJ, tempted to interrupt him refused to yield, and demanded . of the Chair thai his right to the floor should be respected. He said io the most wi- thering style of sarcasm that Gen. Burnside, not contend with attending to the affairs of the great State which had tseut him to the Senate, was con stantly interfering with matters which belonged to the State of New Yoik, and that it was a pity the peo ple of New York, in consideration' of his transcendant ability, had not also requested him to act as Senator for that State. Gen!: Burnside : was desperately angryand in reply told the New York peacock that ho could not reply in the same style for lack of language, but he would say that he was willing to put his word against that of a man who all those who were associated with him knew him to be a constant and an habitual pre varicator and a teller of untruths. At this the Chair rapped Gen. Burnside to order very vigorously, and Senators Anthony and Don Cameron rushed around and secured an immediate adjournment. ( Spirits Turpentine. Fayetteville has bad but one snow this winter The venerable ex-Judge W. H. Battle is very sick at Chapel Hill. Mr. W. Watson's blacksmith shop and contents were burnt at Fayelte ille. D. II. Hill, Jr., has been elected Captain of the Military Company at Da vidsou College. The Lenoir Topic copies from the St Ail and credits to another iianer. I But mistakes will occur in the best regulated OlUCe. The Newbernian has an elo quent and vigorous plea for the Lunatic Asylum, and a strong plea fur the retention of Dr. Grissom. A man named Yolmort attempt ed to rob Mr. Rube Deaver, of Asheville, ia the day. Tbe rogue was knocked down but made his escape. The Fayetteville Gazette is again on our table. It is still under the management of Mr. J. II. Alyrover, who has made a good and useful paper for-the Fayetteville section. Hickory Press: The store of Messrs. -Williams & Finger, of Newton, was broken into last Tuesday night by Henry Smyre, colored. His entire aim was to ob tain money, but to his surprise he only got three cents. J ; In " llateigb, last Thursday, a colored man. Ransom Hill, was detained and treated to the hospitality of the station bouse for trying to pass a bogus check at the State National Bank. The amount was for something like a hundred .or mere dollars: H - " - : ; '' ' f Statesville American: About 12 o'clock today, Thursday, as alarm of fire was sounded, which proved to be the two story frame dwelling located in the eas tern portion of town, and occupied by Mr. Yancey and family, who has only recently moved to this place from Caswell county. Washington Press: We learn that the steamers Pamlico and Newborn have so arranged their trips that one will leave Washington for Norfolk via New bern, while the other will leave Newbern for Norfolk via Washington, This schedule gives great satisfaction to this community, aa it is one that has been long wished for. Goldsboro Messenger: We blunt- lv say to the Democrats of the present General Assembly that the infamy of 1876- '77 must not be, and will not bear repeating. No Radical magistrates, be they white or black, are wanted in the East; certainly not in the eleven counties el wnicn tbe Messen- ger has the honor to be a faithful sentinel urj Uiv waitu-iunci. : Lenoir Topic: The wife of Rev. G. W. Lewis died recently. Gold mining is being carried on to a considera ble extent this winter, but very little of tbe precious metal is being found.' The average amount to tne man is not more man eleven cents per day; yet they work on unceas ingly, ever hoping shortly to realize a fortune. Mr. i win compter, who was few daya glBce, ia improving. , i J I Asheville Citizen: An aged I white woman, Mrs. Johnson, the mother of walkine down Main street, Monday morn- I atAvm fait to lha rvAitn1 in frAnt f 1 .awja-.M wuMa , mmm w. I Brown's tin store. She was at once picned ud and conTeved into the residence of Mr. Rube Deaver, and Dr. Summey was called in. but life was already extinct. Her death was donbtless caused by heart disease. Linoola Progress: Died on Feb. 5th, 1879. Mrs. Annie Delhnger, aged about eighty-six years. She was an esti mable lady and a consistent member of the church. - She leaves - behind ten elnl- I dren, seventy . grand . children, sixty-five ereat grand children, and one great grand child. At an enthusiastic meeting of farmers at Bess's Chapel.Thursday night, a resolution was passed pledging themselves not to "purchase commercial fertilizers at the present exorbitant prices." Rather than do so they propose to buy chemicals and make compost instead. It is with unfeigned sorrow that we announce the death of Isaac Lowe. Esq.. which .took place at his residence, sear Beattie's Ford, county, da Monday. February 17tb, Raleigh' Observer : Col. Polk, in his address on Tuesday night, was enume- SSSSSff of the Legislature" asked him if he could suggest any plan for its settlement. The colonel replied that while he was not there to discuss questions of finance, yet hecould give him an opinion as a citizen of the gtate. . 1st. If we could secure satisfactory terimt for a compromise of the debt, 2d. If we had a more equitable system for assessing property, by which all classes of it could be wfe tobear its just share ortbe barden of taxation ; and, od. it we would arm our officers of the la with a Moffitt Register itt one nand attd. do c,n,r itt th.8 otfcer wtf cQald ftQt ony pay interest on her debt, bnt could create a sinking fund, and Jr , ..,:.-. . ........ . , ...... ... ..-.--.. .---v. -.1. WILMINGTON, the tax payers of the State would not fl it. ills impromptu plan was heartily a plauded by tne audience. Charlotte Observer: The germ! Friday night was not only the largest,' a is universally pronounced the most pleasa of the season. The dance is becoming mi popular. Charlotte banks did not cl for Washington's birthday. No attent j whatever was paid to it here. - If Jesse Heathcock, of Mount Pleasant, aft suffering for nearly fifteen years from wound received during the war, will I compelled to have his leg amputated on count of it. Mr. Abram W. Venabf a son of Col. Thomas B. Tenable, of Cj ford, N. C, - and a grandson of the ll lion. Abram Yenable, of Granville, vl ocate in Asheville for the immedute ptl pose of assisting Prof . 8. F. Yenable in i conduct of the male academy in that plaq On Saturday night last, when tne pf senger train on the North Carolina Railrof was in the vicinity of High Point, a heal stone was thrown through one of the wil dows of the passenger coach, by so revengeful imp of darkness, but fortunate struck no one, although there were a go many persons in tbe car at tne time. II company will make it warm for the wre if he can be caught. Soon after tb freight train on the Charlotte. Columbia & Augusta Railroad arrived Sunday after noon a noise was beard in one of tbe box cars. When the door was opened two Heartless tramps stepped out smiling, and expressed their appreciation of attention shown them so soon after their arrival "in your hospitable city." THE OITY. NBW ADVICRTISEiriRN-IK. P. Ctjmming & Co Hay I Oh! Mtjnson Black cloth dress suits. Heinsbergsr Celebrated pianos. Patterson & Hicks Low for cash. Wm. Lark.ins Ten bankrupt notices. Cronlt & Morris Pictures at auction. Festival St. Paul's E. L. Church S S. Local Uoli. The storm flag was flying yes terday. The fast of Lent begins with to day, Ash Wednesday. And now the sailing of kites is once more in vogue with the boys. Weather mild and spring-like yesterday, but a little windy withal. Sheriff Manning himself took his prisoners to the penitentiary yesterday. No oliee arrests on Monday and no cases fur trial before the Mayor's court yesterday morning. The Good Samaritans were out yesterday afternoon in attendance upon the funeral if one oi their members. Part of the Work House "birds" were carried out Monday and tho remain der yesterday. There are fourteen in all Mr. W. II. Gerken is acting as temporary boarding officer at Smituville in place of Mr. E. Legg, who recently re-, signed. There were quite a uumber of persons from Pender here yesterday in at tendance upon a case before the Judge of Probate. George L Littleton, the alleged murderer of Peter Randall, who escaped from the'Whiteville (Columbus county) jail on tbe 18th Inst, is still at large. - Messrs. Kirkwood and Hewes, of Charleston, composing the Local Board of Steamboat Inspectors for this district, are in the city on official business. The guano season opened late, but is now going it with a perfect rush. Cargo after cargo is ariying at our port and is being hurried forward daily over our several railroads. We are triad to hear that the 1!m1a rliicritr nf Al A Iot 'Tnhnonn .Tr who was so severely burned a few days since, is steadily improving, and her early recovery is now confidently expected. We learn that the Rip buoy off Fort Caswell has sunk, and as the channel is verv narrow at that point vessels run a great risk in going out or coming in with out anv guide to their movements. The matter should be attended to at once A dime festival will be held at the building on the south side of Market street, formerly occupied by the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company, on Friday evening next, under the auspices of the children of St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday School A special dispatch to the Balti more Sun includes Judge Russell, the new ly-elected Congressman from this District, in a council of greenbackers at Washing ton on the 22nd inst It is intimated that tbe Greenbackers ' will form no alliance with the Republicans in tbe House. Funeral of Col.. W. 8. JDevane. The very large attendance upon the fu neral of the late Col. W. S. Devane, which took place from " the First ' Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. attested the great respect and esteem in which he was held by k the .'community.1 Rev. Dr. Wilson, pastor, and Rev. Mr. Yates, of the Front Street Methodist Church, officiated. The following gentle men acted as pall-bearers: Hon. O. P Meares, Captains W. A. Cumming and W. R. Kenan, and Messrs. M. Bellamy, H. YonGlahn, George CbadboUrn and H. W. McLauren . . As marks of respect to deceased the City Hall, the various county offices and the Masristrates' offices were closed, the en - r-u " -a-.--.--.- ing. We also noucea some oi me iiagsa., balNmast. A' laree number oi - ine relatives ana frtanita f thA rfapftflt-, followed 4hav re- mmmm, .w- . .... . . T mains to their last resting place yx Uafc- dale Cemetery. "' .1 1- g d pe IP" 7 te kf in pn lie n. s. h. M tmimn .1 rnaimii -.u "mull At'lliitTtfrnQry of the Wilmington Light Infantry by Cap tain Coney, who j presided as the senior officer present. Lieutenant W. J. Gordon, of the same company, was made Secretary; Captains Alexander and Worth were appointed a committee on proxies and re ported tbirtynine votes represented in person and by proxy. r The election succeeded and resulted in the following on the first ballot: Colonel C. W. Alexander. Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Worth. Msjor W. A. Liles. These elections were on motion declared unanimous. On motion of Colonel Worth it was de clared to be the sense of the meeting that no blame should attach lo Colonel Gordon for the alleged illegality or irregularity of the election for : Field Officers, held in Raleigh on the 15th of January lat- A Belie of the Mexican W.r. Tbe following in reference to au incident of the late meeting of Mexican Veterans in Baltimore is from ihe Sun: "Col. Edward Cantwell, of Wilmington, N. C, presented a flag which had been carried all through the Mexican war by the Twelfth United States Infantry. When the late war broke out it was buried on an island opposite Cape Fear, and was dug up by some Union soldiers, who srave it to a nre comDanv in Wilmington. It afterwards passed Into the ' 1 hands of Col. CiRtwelL The convention decided to hand it over to the ' War De partment for preservation." The ('iioa Fire Venerdar. A lot of cotton 00 the platform of the Carolina Central Railway depot caught fire yesterday afternoon, about half past four o'clock, it is supposed from sparks from the shifting engine. The fact was tele graphed promptly to the dowa town office of the company and the alarm sounded, but fortunately the flames were soon ex tinguished by the efforts of the employes of tbe company. About twenty-five bales were mere or less damaged, in most in stances tbe surface cotton only being injured. The cotton was censigned to Capt. a W. Vick, Tlie City Bill. The bill to continue in office tbe present Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Wil mington until the fourth Thursday of March, 1881, passed the Senate yesterday and is now a law. The feeling in favor of this bill, as shown in the several ward meetings, was so nearly unanimous that it is hardly necessary to say that its prompt passage by the . Legislature is extrein ely 1 gratifying to a very large majority of tbe lemOCraiS OI W liminglOO. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at I 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta ..67 Augusta.. 1.73 Charleston, 65 Key West,. i 75 Mobile..... 1 65 Montgomery . . . . .72 Charlotte .65 Corsicana,.......85 Galveston, .... . . .69 New Orleans,. . . i74 Punta Rassa, . . . . .75 Savannah,... . ... .68 Havana .77 St. Maries, 64 Indianola, .73 Jacksonville,. . . . .71 Wilmington,.. . 64 TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. University op North Cabouna, ) Dialectic Hall. Feb. 22. 1879. f Whereas, the sad intelligence reached us, a few days since, of the death of our esteemed friend and teupw memner, dos. A. Engelhard, who departed hence only a f aot flhnrt veirs tr. nrnwned . with ' high boopr and endowed with talents which wpn for him a brilliant career in the arena of life; Whose genial manners and kinaiy ais position gainea tne esteem ana aamirauon f .u kn kfiAw him- vhniA love of v riQB and science placed him in one of the go- vernment omces oi ine State, ana arouna wnose near iuiure so many origm promises clustered-the Dialectic Society, lamenting his untimely loss, has, therefore, . Besolml, That, while we bow in numbie reverence to the dispensation of an All powerful Arbiter of Events, we can but re- gret most smcereiy me iosboi mm wuo was snch a worth V member of our Society. - , Resolved. Tnat in nis fleatn we ieei me absence of a most noble and ever, watchful f i lend; the Dialectic Society a member . '! t ii :Ia...J It it.. whose superior talents reflected upon it the hichest credit: the citv in which he lived one of its beat citizens; and that hit rela tions have sustained a. loss which can never ba repaired. . c Resolved. That while we would not in trude noon the sanctity of domestic grief. we tender our heartfelt sympathies to his themf in thiatheir sfflictien, to leok 1 for consolation from -Him who doeth all .-I thinsrs well. " ! " B-aoeit That a coDvof these resolutions be 8ent to the famny of the deceased. Ra- leigh 06wrwr,and Wilmington Bear,-with i luorequBsii u iuoy y umwwu. ; , 1 . ,'. t.s ' ..u.trt V . ; i'i: f ' '" "I. H . HlLLl. I I I - N. R. Blade, ; 1 ........ usmmlIlee. FEBRUARY 26; 1879. .OPERA HOUSE. "Irelautt as b lrlah . People. The very large audience that was present last night to hear the lecture of Col. Dun can K. McRae on ' ''Ireland and the Irish People," was a distinguished compliment to one of the must gifted men of our day. It was his third lecture within a few weeks. and yet tbe largest audience that has greet ed him was present last night to hear his very fascinating, able, thoughtful and elo quent defence of Ireland and her people. It was much the largest f crowd we have seen at the -Opera House during the winter. Not only was every set occupied, but chairs had to be placed in tbe aisles. The audience was intelligent aid appreciative to a high degtee, and the entertainment was rich, diversified, exquisite. It was one of those royal banquets of wit and eloquence, of fun and drollery, of description and re flection, of argumentation; and illustration, that could only be served up by a man of rare versatility and munificent endow ment, who had thought much, read widely, seen much of the world, and studied human life and human character under its manifold ' phases with the eye of a close observer, and with the reflective qualities of a philosopher. From a range deep and wide and varied be drew materials for the splendid panorama he unfolded to our eyes. The lecture was a reply in part to some of James Anthony Froude's assaults, upon Ireland. The lec turer not only met tbe gifted and marvel lously graphic and vigorous English histo rian upon his own chosen arena and with the weapons he used so dextrously, but he availed himself of that inexhaustible fund of raillery and satire which he possesses, to break the force of his prejudiced state ments, and to gain for himself a coigne of vantage. Col. McRae did not deal in mere bold assertion or empty declamation. He displayed throughout not only an extensive acquaintance with Ireland, but be showed himself at home in the history of those peoples most intimately associated with that great and heroic little island Whilst with some of his judgments we cannot en tirely agree, we must ackaowledge that he made out an admirable case for his client, and placed the accomplished and eloquent assailant liors de combat. The tributes to Ireland, which occurred in many places, were just and conceived in a high style of Pegync. mere were some spienaia mi luw uwwiiiwue " eiuiwwuci.u wuu sweet wild flowers; some masterly word painting; some fierce and incisive denun ciation; some rollicking, abounding humor; seme frolicsome play; some gamboleings of wit; some displays of genuine and touching pathos. ' His description of the battle of Hastings was a fine piece of workmanship. The reader of Tennyson's wonderful de scription of Senlac (the correct name of the battle) as it is given in the fifth act of his magnificent drama of Harold the bestin two hundred years save Shelley's grand Ctnci was only the better prepared to ap preciate the beauty and power of the battle scene, and the dark night of storm that fol lowed, when the crazed and devoted Edith wandered among the dying and the dead until she found her lover and king to Whom she had been secretly marriad. It was quite a manifestation of literary and artistic skill as he presented to the kindling fancy of the audience the brilliant succession of pictures, i in language now lofty, now musical, now picturesque, the whole woven with masterly ability into a rich and continuous fabric.- There was a I felicitous blending of light and shade, a J happy commingling of the scenice, the I historic, the classic, tbe artistic, the humor ous. At times we were reminded of those 1 ou""" wU.u m ia.wm.jr appun to John Milton s wondrous prose, a penect neia ot cipin- or gold, sun with gorgeous broidery.' Ireland offers indeed j a rich field to the competent , and patient gleaner. Her peo pie have exemplified in their lives many of the noblest and most engaging traits that adorn and glorify humanity. The multi tudinous billows of thought that roll in every human soul are tinged with tbe hues of outward life. The Irishmen of to day reflect in their eloquent outcries against oppression, and in their songs of passion and love, the wine-press of wrath and trib ulation through which their ancestors have passed all along the centuries. A word more, writing hurriedly as we do. The people of Wilmington are under obligations to Col. McRae for the three ad mirable and elegant literary entertainments which he has given them. As Nick Bot tom, the Weaver, said on one occasion "We wish more of youi acquaintance, good Master Cobweb." (We do not quote exact- i j . . w -. - eonv of ghakesDeare at Vr zna we nRTe n9 C(,Py OI onaaespeare ai hand.) noL McRae was handsomelv introduced .- : . -j - . by Mr. F. H. Darbyt himself of Irish pa- rentage, though a native of Wilmington, as we ouaht to have stated at the beginning o this notice.. Unmallable Letters, ; : The following are the unmailable letters I remaining in the city postofflce: I ... i ' jj t one oiann. envelope, uu .auuress; a aue Quince, Boston, Mass.; . Morgan, Esq., care ,W. E. Woodhall & Co. .Ship- Builders, Baltimore, Md. j Dr. Daniel Dupre, Nash ville, Tennessee; G..W. Ford, Baltimore, Md, ... New Publication. . Have you read "Pmona's Bridal Trip,' the latest ' ! "RUDDER GRANGE" STORY, in 8CBXBHER for March.and "PoTrs'fl Pain less Cure," Edward Bellamy's story in i cukusaish iwr xcBiuary r . I . .: .... mmrm-my-m-rw .kW -. . - 1 a -A. 11. j I f5owui2 places in the city : The Pnreeu Honse, Hams' news ewna, ana we dtah umce. TAR WHOLE NO. 3,603 To-Daya Indications. For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, southerly winds shifting to westerly! and northwesterly, stationary or slowly falling barometer, with slight changes in temperature, probably followed during Wednesday afternoon or evening by rising barometer and lower temperature. - CITY ItTEOT. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy .Tobacco. ARIOSO FREE. -Yon will tret a samnle of Ar- bnckle's Un ground Roasted Arioso Coffee free, if you will call at your Grocers. UARBOLINE.a deodorized extract of Petroleum.ifl now presented to the public as the best Restorative and Beautifler of the hair the world has ever pro duced. It performs what others only claim for their preparations. Whv not make ud vonr minds, at nresent. what Hotel you are going to stop at when you arrive in New York ? The Grand Central, on Brnariwav. ia now kept on both the American plan at $2.50 to $3.00, and the European plan at $1.00 and upwards per day. An elegant Kestanrantat moderate prices is conducted Dy the Hotel. v PINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of BDOrts men is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. & W. Toiler, manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England . Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of Btock &c FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mrs Wibslow's SooTHnre Stbot has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind coup, regulates the bowels, cures dyskntkbt and PTAKTHTfBA. whether arisinsr from teethini? or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 OBMTS A BOTTLE. A COBWEB 14 SCARCELY MORE DELICATE than the structure of the Lungs. A violent Cough convulBes and tears their finer tisanes aa an earth quake does the soil. Arrest the ravage, soothe the irritation,: heal the inflamed and lacerated mem branes with "Hale's Honey op Hokbhottnd ant Tab." Pike's Toothache Drops cure Toothache in one minute, f AN OPINION OF GEN. EARLY. OF VIRGI NIA. In reply to an inquiry suggested by a news paper article, Geo. J. A. Early, of Virginia, whf se reputation as a legal disputant is second only to his military, says : "I know that by the terms of its charter, The Louisiana State Lottery Company is bound to pay, and does ; annually pay, into the State Treasury $40,000, which is appropriated to one of the noblest charities in America the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. I found the Company operating under that charter, which has the force of a contract, and uader the Constitution of the United States it can not be interfered with in the prosecution of its bu siness until the charter expires by its own limita tion." i A CHANGE THAT IS A BLESSING There is no more remarkable feature, in tho progress ef sci ence, and ho greater change in any professional practice, than is illustrated by the contrast of the medical system of to-day and thirty years ago. Then all medicines were copious in quantity and nause ous to the taste. To take them was a trial to adults, and an overwhelming horror to the young. New most doses are small and concentrated, and free from offensive flavor. Until recently, however, one of the most valuable and efficient of remedies was detestable to nearly all for whom it was prescribed, COO LIVER OIL, the only cure for wasting de cline of vital energy, and certain means ef renew ing healthy tissue, disgusted those to whom it should have done most good. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL with the HYPOPHOB- PHITES OF LIME AND SODA removes this nnlv objection. Its flavor is reallv Dleasant. its nourish ing power marvelous, and there is no finer nerve ana Drain tonic in the world. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITI. CBORLY, Auctioneer. ! BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Choice Pictures at Auction. THIS (WEDNESDAY), FEBRUARY 26th. 18T9, commenefflg at 7V o'clock, P. M., we will sell. At. WtlOAlor Jtr. Wllonnl. rxA D,-n A If W-k u. - ' mwm.w. Mr f ..DV.. 0 UIU DUUU flLdi&Cb DUCCl -JAQ CHOICE PICTURES, CHROMOS printed in Oil and Paint. Natural to the Eye, and in neat Polished Carved Walnut Frames. BffAre much admired and eold without limit.; feb261t ! Sunday School Festival THE CHILDREN OF ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN JL SUNDAY SCHOOL will hold a DTMK WRS. Tiv At,, in the Store on the South side of Market btreet, formerly occupied by the wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine Co. . on FRIDAY EVENING. Feb. ruary 28th. The Ladies of the Church are request- cu tu bbuu in meir coninounons or eataoies, dec.. vm rruuty, at u;e oiore. -rne a. . scnoiars or Bt. Paul's B. L. Church will enter free. Admittance io cents. we fr feb S6 2t Hay ! Oh ! g ASTERN Hay, WESTERN Hav, BALTIMORE Hay, NEW YORK Hay, CLOVER Hay, TIMOTHY Hay, FINE Hay. COARSE Hay. Hay in SMALL bales and Hay in LARGE bales. Hay 1 Hay ! Hay i iep as 1-.KBSTUH uummimg & vo. Black Cloth Dress Suits A FEW SUPERIOR BUS. SUITS,' XX. A VERY FEW OVERCOATS, LOW PRICE. MUN80N. feb 25 It Groceries at Low Prices for Casb. rv s. sides. U, MESS PORK, S. C. H AMS, FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE, SOAP. ii CANDLES, LYE. POTASH. NAILS, NUTS, RAISINS. CHEESE, CANDY, OYSTERS. PICKLES, Ac. PATTERSON & HICKS, fcb29D&Wtf . 2i N. Water Street; Celebrated Pianos. JpROM THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS. WEBER, ;STEIN WAY & SfONS, CHICKBRINO & SONS, WM. KNABE St CO., and CHARLES M. STIBFF, Both UDrieht and Sanare. ' Also a cheaper erade of Instruments of First Class Makes MARCH AL A SMITH, QROVESTEBN & FULLER, and WHES LOCK, in store aad for sale on the Installment nan, or ior uasn, at HEINSBEBQBR'S I ' .Live Book and Music Store. f eb 26 tf Nob . 89 and 41 Market 8t Mountain Beef . TUST RECEIVED, A FINE SUPPLY ? OF MOUNTAIN BEEF, Which we offer, for the ensuing week, "Cheapei than the Cheapest.' can ana leave oraers at no. e secona t. feb ita tf SIKBS & MELTON. Attention! TTOR DURABLE FURNITURE AND PLEASING X1 STYLES at Lowest Prices, go to the NEW FUUNITURK STOKK. i BEHUEND8 Sc RIUNSOE. N.B. cor. Market and Second Sts. feb83tf Wilmington, N. C. Low Prices A ND FINE GOODS ALWAYS LEAD, at : ff' HARRISON A' ALLEN'S ' City Hat Store, feb S3 tf BATES OF AlVKKriIN. One 8quare one day, ............. ...... . . . " two days... $1 00 1 a 2 60 3 00 3 50 4 It CM! 8 ! ; io oo 17 00 " " 'three days,....; V four days,,... . " " five days,......, " One week,;..... Two weeks,.. .; " " Three weeks,... " One month...... Two months,... " " Three months.. ;4 W - , isixmontna, ... . ... 40 uu ' One year...... .. m u- SS'" Contract Advertisements taken at p: . tionately low rates. , Ten lines selid Nonpareil type make one squat . NEW" ADVERTrSEMENTS Bankrupt Notice NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed ia the District Court of the United Mate for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by Bldridge O. Ward, of Sampson county, inly de clared bankrupt under the Act of Congress or March 2, 1867j for the discharge and certificate thei e of from all his debts and other claims provable un der said act, ana that the 18th day of Mrch, ir.9 at 10 o'clock. A. M., before William A fiuth w, he-' glsterin Bankruptcy, at the U. . Court Boom, in Kayettevflle, are the time and place assigned Jot the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts; and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer or the petitioner should not be granted. daieaDrW.5S1!819n North C"B. lhe25th febS6oaw2w WeM" frk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a peUtion has been filed in the District Court of the United States for tho Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by John C McEachln, of Robeson co., duly declared -bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 1867, for the discharge and certificate thereof irom all his debts and other claims provable under said act and that the 18th day of March, 1879. at 10 nUn.k A U I,- ,17111: a r-m.t.lmZ IT! . . in Bankruptcy, at the U. 8. (sonrt Room in Kay- 111 .1 1! T . . .. . J cireuiTO, art; me ume ana piace assigned ior tne Hear ing of the same, when and where all creditors wh have proved their debts, and other Dei-son in inte rest, may attend and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmlnarton. North narolinA. nn thn 9Mh day of February, 1879. WM. LARK1NS, ieb 26-oaw2w . re Clerk Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court ef the-United StatP for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by A. K. Cromartie. of Bladen county, duly dcp.lnrod bankrupt under the Act of Congress ef March 2, ion, ior me aiscnarge ana certificate tnereor from all his debts and other claims provable under said act. and that the 18th day of March. 1RTO at m o'clock, Al M., before William A. Guthrie, Register . in Bankruptcy, at the U. S. Court Room, in Fayette ville, are the time and place assigned for the hear ing of the same, when and where all creditors who nave proved their debts, and other persons in inte rest, may attend, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer Of the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 85th day of February. 1879. . t . WM. LARKINS, feb 26-oaw2w We Clerk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by Robert Tolar. of Bladen county, duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for the discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 19th day of March, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register , in Bankruptcy, at the U.S. Court Room in Fajette ville, are the time and place assigned for the hear ing oi me same, wnen ana wnere au ereoitors who have proved their debts, and other persons in in terest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 25th day of February, 1879. WM. LARKINS, feb26-oaw2w We Clerk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by Robert M. Tolar, of Bladen county, duly de clared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1(67, for the discharge and certificate there of from all his debts and other claims provable un der said act, and that the 19th day of March, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before William A. Guthrie. Ke- f'ster in Bankruptcy, at the U. S. Court Room, in ayetteville, are the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 25th day of February, 1879. feb 26-eaw2w We Clerk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States. for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by James Phillips, ef Bladen ceunty, duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for the discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that tbe 19th day of March, 1879. at 10 o'clock, A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, at the U.S. Court Roem in Fayette ville, are the time and place assigned for the hear ing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in in terest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not De granted. Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 25th day of February, 1879. WM. LARKINS. febS6-oaw2w. We Clerk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has bern filed in the District Court of the United States. for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by Owen West, of Duplin county, duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, for the discharge and certificate there of rrom ail nis aebts ana other claims provable un der saia act, ana tnat tne sutn aay or March, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before William A. Guthrle.He gister in Bankruptcy, at the U. S. Court Room, in Fayetteville, are the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors wno nave provea weir oeDts. ana otner persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. ? .Datea at w limington, norm Carolina, on ine X5tu day of February, 1879. - WM. liAKJUNH, feb26-eaw2w ; We j Clerk. Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States. for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by M. Schlossberg, of Cumberland co., duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress ofMarch 2, 1857, ior me aiscnarge ana ceruncate tnereor rrom all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 20th day of March, 1879, at 10 o'clock, 'A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, at the U. 8. Court Room, in Fay etteville, are the time and piece assigned for the hearing or the same, when ana where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in Interest, may attend and show cause, if anv they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, iNortn uaroiina, on tne rain aihgto day of February, 1879. WM. LARKINS, We Clerk. feb 26-oaw2w' Bankrupt Notice. , NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States. for the Cape Fear District ef North Carolina, by Simon Hales, of Cumberland county, duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1887, for the aiscnarge ana . ceruncate tnereor from all his debts and other claims provaole under said act, and that the 20th day of March, 1879, at 10 o'ciock, a. m., neiore w imam a. uutnne, uegister in Bankruptcy, at theU. 8. Court Room, in Fay etteville, are the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if aay they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. f Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 25th day of February, 1879. ; - WM. LARKINS. feb 26-oaw2w f We Clerk. ; Bankrupt Notice. -; NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed In the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by George W. Bannerman, of Sampson co., duly de clared bankrupt under the Act of Gonerets of March 2, 1867, for the discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under saia act, ana tnat tne zutn aay or Marco. itrv, at w o'clock, A. M., before William A. Gnthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, at the U. 8. Court Roem. ia Fay etteville, are the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors wno nave proved tneir aeow, ami ouicr vmn w Interest, may attend and show cause, ii any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should net be trr&titccL Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 25th day of February, ism. - feb 26-oaw2w WIL LARKINS, We - Clerk. llotice. APPLICATION WDLL BE MADE TO THE Qyieral Assembly, for an Act to Incorporate the FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, jan2330d