FAIR RIBXICU. " 1 " ' 11 IJI-. 'v4 . a JOAQtilN MILLER. 1 I look far down a dewy vale. Where cool palms lean along a brook, As crooked a9 a shepherd's ciook;" T Ked parrots call from orange trees,' r Where white blooms kiss the idle breeze; ; The gray dove coos his low love-tale. . With cross hinjte- ut8tretched-ike ! pleading That mutely plead the faith of Christ. Amid the palms a low church stands; . ., 1 would that man might learn from these The priceless victories of peace, i And woo her 'mid these olive treeaV . And win an earthly paradise. I see black clouds of troops afar '. ' Sweep like a surge that sweeps the shore. I hear the hoarse-voiced cannon roar; The red-mouthed Orators of war ' Plead as they never plead before,. npreaoNEacle Eloquence. . j.- lbaitinM)nB;;azettttli:j r: ! la the raagui&cent speech which Senator-elect Logan evolved while sweeping from the prairies o$ Illinois to the grand reception which' awaited him in Washington last" Thursday ..troninrr t IS a Cf rurxfW r r rv awmC.A description of the" CapUor building occurred: ' 1 - "WKeri I look nnonf - th'at mnrrmfi. j . - j . -- .-s - p-jjMiu- ijent . .building, ., m j , f ellowoitizens which the American people have reared as the emblem of their cottn try'tt greatness, , and beneath . .whose shadows we are standing to-night, I rememj2i that the beaatifnl marbles, and huge limestones of which it! is lareelv composed are-made dp of mi nute animals,whose lives were passed in t.hn dim nersnectiva nf t.h vnrla early morning; who strutted their brief hour across the stage of life and in "flying left their shells as the lasting contribution of each .'infinitesimal creature toward; the for mation of the eternal rocks; and now, after the' birth ot many, many cen turies and the death of ages, every one of those little prototypes who basked in the waters of seas which mortal eyes nave never seen,' but of whose existence the man of science finds ample demonstration, is repre sented in that imposing pile , which inarks the last and best achievement of our race a government of the people." ' And yet there are people in this Country who have the impudence to assert that Mr. Logan is not an ora torthat he is lacking in imaginative capacity, and that, as a matter of fact, he hasno command of the Eng lish language. Let those calumnia tors dwell upon the foregoing intel lectual mosaic, and say whether they ever saw science and poesy blend so beautifully before. , A Komauce lnRtl LKt. Newark Journal. j Eightv ears ago the widow of Francesco Kodriqaez, a Cuban pa triot and refugee, reduced as! Bhe was to the last gasp of despair, Ueft her two children at the Howard Mission in Newfork and disappeared. One of the children, a bright boy of five, Was taken by Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Cox. a childless couple of this-city. i i w i. : .1 . UllliiUlilllV ClIUUU. ktJC Kill, m VT 1 LI tome little one of three years, was adoptedToy II. II. Ehlers. also a Ne w ark man, living on the same street. ti:. : u i ' xt:.i f tins was eiLZUb veais auv. iichuci ui the adopting families knew of what t.liM rti km had i rlniifl nntil o nito re cently, and then by accident.. The reunited children, now' grown to be good sized, yearned for their mother, and their adopted parents advertised for the whereabouts of Mrs. Rod ri- quiz. It was seen by the lady her self. She had married a Hudson rivpr r-.nnlnin named Walker, of New . a j burtr. Mrs. Walker wrote on to Newark, learned about her children, and on Friday came to Newark and gathered them to her arms, the scene of the reunion beincrhiffblv dramatic. " - - - . . . o u ' moving to tears those who witnessed it. . . ,' r- New Orln Fe triiri Tellow Fever y?' The follofrinc is an extract from a .. . . .. p : j 1 private letter dated New Orleans, 17th inst:: ' : '. ' I hope that no idea ot epidemic: of fever, here, will keep you away from New Orleans. So far as I can leafri' hpitfior tfiA nitv nnr 'lhs caiantrv has ever been so healthy. -Oat of a total of seventy deaths officially reported for the week, which ;;is 1 between twenty" and thirty below ihe average, - some twenty-nine are of persons over 'sixty years of age. I do, 'not think it is raVIO probable! Iwe shall have , an . . epidemic during . the coming" summer; there is very: little material in the shape of unac chnaated persons' for it to work upon, ibnt I very much fear that these tales , of sickness starting so early will be . repeated so often that busiijeas may be interropted on the announcement of . .the 'first case of yeflow fever, whether... there Is any sign 1 of its V Tppreadrnjj;' :.tt iroite feather s very pleasant ! here: now j jibe trees begin' to lopk green and peach blol- ; soma are .showing themselves. Bit very few' strangers are in town and ' the retail trade is said to be doll. 1 v t o.sjiaftsiteHaalo tba lTrasi. a (Springfield Republics n.l '-: Mr. Gladatdrie- it is intimatfedir'will resume th leadership f tbe Liberals in the next FarliameaL the Mara ais of Har(ihiton f stepping . down aqd t out in favor of hw great ooietf. wbose mAiabaV'ihowV-tUaf, with. the best will in the worldy iiDeaaal io wear. , .Gladstooe's standiogtpxia I lothian in the coming electiorteetfls ? rather ngkyrisiqess, even lor; ;hini, mnJek we explained wberi the pro vability of-bia candidatora there was Tory borongb, which 'without qpes tton wooldbloBt with any less prtm-, v ineftuLtbrtann4.net field. 1 : ! - 3 Sallsb'utf' Mast.;' - turned btt 8,000 carriages last yearmany for export. MISCELLANEOUS. 45 YearssBefore the Public. TUP reMIIIMC DR. C. XtXc LANE'S " CELEBRATED " PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint,' DVSI'ErSIA AND SICK KKADACHB. Sy mptoms of a Diseased Liver.' pAIN;. in the right side, under the 1 edge of the ribs; increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and sickness; the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation of having left undone some thing which ought fo have been done. A slight, ; dry cough is isometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness : and debility : he is easilv startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin ; ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND F E y E R . Dr. C. McLane's" I-iver Tills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. tNo better cathartic can be used, prepiasatory to, or after taking Qujmnele wojuld advise all who areafflicted;with this disease to give them a fairtrial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IXITATIOKS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the :lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Livkk Pills. ; The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr!. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem tngBros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the marketbeing full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation, jan 11 eowDJfcWly chSa iQSEI OF. HOBEHODHD ABD Till . FOR -THE CURE OF r Congas, Golds, Influenia, Hoanenesa, Difficult Breathing, and all JUTactiou of th Throat, Bronchial Tuhei aai Limga, leading; , to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the HONEY of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree.ABEis Balsamea, ot Balm of Gilead. The Honey f Horehonnd soothes and SCATTERS all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm CLEANSES AND heals the throat and ait passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi ne of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives bv it in his large pnvate practice. i N.'B. The Tar-Balm has no BAD taste or PRICES SttrtNTS Am $1 PER BOTTLE. 'Great saving to buy large size. -Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure in-1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists, s ; '1 i CEITTENTQN, Prop., N.i r. ' . j i"tf V - . i BeptiPWtf W-.r v . . Atkinson & narLningTs BANK OP NEW HANOVER BUILDING. . Wllmlnieton. N. C. J ; Sue Insurance Company, of England, t orthi&itlah Mercantile Ins. Co., arSntiaadi Hartford Firef Insnranca Company, of Hartford. National fir lnsuranc Company, of Hartford. -Continental Insurance Company, of New York. T kosatx Insurance Company, of New York. ' vprrneaeia xnBunwce ua. im spruiucut, bubo -; ' Royal Canadian Inariratico qompany, of Canada. MerclnUto Mutual InaTCfempany.V New York. Iatnraffrf aag Pkiladelphia. Omaaetieat Mataal Life Ins. Co. of Hartfwrd. , Total AwU EflprwaU4 Over 10O,0O,000. jan n-w : ' - - - - : : ' ' ',- : . ' ' . I j JNCDBAGKHQMI INSTITDTIONS.. THE NORTH CAROLINA UOltfE INUANCE COMPANY RALKIGH, N. C. ThlsWurtmues to writo Policies, at fa rateaonaU classes of IniwraWaproperty. ' t AU losses are momBtly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" ia rephily growing to public favor, and appeals, with conndence, to insurers of property ir North CJOOOlMV ri x' t t : . - : "'I i . . ... . ..... - , . - i : fST Agents in ail parts er the State. uBI I ' R. ST BATTLE, Jr., President. s. Ik ROOT. Vice President.- . u ShVlTONGAlBscretar i PTJLA3X1 COWPFSupervifif."" auffl-tf , numuwioD, n. ! -' ' OLB-KWSPAPBRSi TJITABIiH ' fof Wrapping and ether purposes, Can be had at the STAR OFFICE -w X1s' new: advertisements. ForTen Dollars Cash wowlU 'iH8en a seven-line ad Yertisement one week in a net of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines In a different list of 837 papers, or ten lines two weeks in a choice of either of four separate and distinct lists containing from 70 to 100 papers each, or four linos one week in all four of the small ;iisU, or one line one week in all six lists combined, being moie than 1000 papers. We also have lists of papers hj States throughout tke United States and Canada. Bend 10 cents for our 100 page pamphlet. Address G. P. ROW ELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce Bt., New York. ; P. 8. If you will send us the names of a half do zen high-priced papers in which you wuuld adver tise JUST NOW, if a satisfactory inducement ia made, we will submit a proposition by return mail, which we think will please you.-. Mootybatzd is xonkt earxbd. send copy of the-advertisement you will use and state in what paper you saw this. From Dr. S. J. Belt. M B. Baltimore, Bid. ! I have prescribed Colden's LIEBIQ'S LIQUID BXTBACT OF BEKF and Tonic Invigontor, and cheerfully state that it has met my most sanguine expectations, giving to patients long enfeebled by CHRONIC DISKABBS, DEBILITY, WEAKNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE and INDIGESTION, the NEBD1D NUTRITION and NERVE FOOD. Sold by all Druggists. fiPf A DAY to Agents canvassing for tbe Fire O f side Visitor. Terms and Oui fit Kre. Ad dress P. O. VICKBRY, Augusta, Maine.. K A Snowflake, Motto, Ac, no two alike, or 25 el iv egantChromo Cards, 10 cts. Nassau Card Co. Nassau, N.Y. 77 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents P I I Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Maine, feb 22-4wD&W GEORGE MYERS, 11 & 13 So-Front St WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, No. 3 Granito Row. Wc arc authorized to offer the CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE WINES, the BEST in the United States, at $6.C0 per Basket NETT CAS1L 500 100 500 50 300 200 BblsChoico FAMILY FLOUR, ' Bags COFFEE. Bbls Table and Planting POTATOES, Boxes SUGARS, Bbls and Bcxes Fresh CAKES and CRACKERS, Packages Ex. No. 1 LARD, 50 Firkins Choice GOSHEN BUTTER, Fulton Market Beef, Pig Ham. Pig Shoulders, Pig Pork, Mess Pork. We will sell Goods at.the Lowest Possible Prices. Our WINES and LIQUORS Department the most compete in the state, from $1.00 per gallon and up- yfebltf GEORGE VYKRS. R. H, McKOY. THOS. It McKOY, Jb. THE HcKOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office Norlh Side Market Street, between 2d and 3d. Will practice in all the Courts of Eastern North Carolina. Special attention paid to collection of Claims in any part of the country. jan 30 tf A. aDBIAS. a. vcixtow ADRIAN & TOLLEBS, Com er Front and Dock Sta. WILMINGTON, N. WHOL.KSAU8 OEOCSK8 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. - Coantrv merchants will do well by caUinf on ui and exf.miulng onr etock. ;novl9-tf Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS DAY THE STEAMER PASSPORT WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO SMITH VILLE Leaving Dock at 9.30 A. M Leave Smithville at 2.30 P. M. Ticket. Round Trip, $1 00. GEO MTERS, oct33 . Agent. THE NEW Boot and Shoe Store I WILL CLOSE OUT, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY , DAYS. THE BALANCE OF MY Fall and Winter Goods. Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES, At Greatly Seduced Prices, Preparatory to my leaving for the Northern Mar keta, to purchase a FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUM ' XKR GOODsV AND ALL" THE NOV- , .. 3LTLES OF. THK SEASON . Thankful for past favors, I will endeavor In the future, as in the past, to sell you a GOOD ARTI CLE at a LOW PRICE. C. ROSENTHAL, 354 MARKET ST. f eb 9 tf New Crop Cuba Molasses, First Cargo of the Season. 287 Hitds. s OhoicetNew drop Molasses, Br.'Brig 'Zttgcr," direcf from Matahzas. Tor sale Very low jan 19-tf WORTH WORTH. Where To Go. Exchange Corner." W ITH ALL THE OTHER NICE THINGS WB ! offer for PRESENTS, we havo also a FINE LOT of JAP WAITERS ' and other FANCY- JAP GOODS. . -- tcome at once before all are gone. . dec 24 tf N. n. 8PRUNT, mv T ' 1 in IjmCOJJl JrrOiriTtJOP, ' V.i Jfi. -W;f ...XViKii- :. - SMi-V'. ! L r . -. . -m 0 m m d V ' '!ftT "a." IS the onlv oaner publiMied in Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants; Jfanners ana au classes oi Duamesa men in theStateV" .5 . .-V i: It offers to the Merchants or wnmmgion a no sirable medinm for advertising their . business throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements; Subscription price, $2 00 per annum in advance. ' Address - " , F. H.: DuLANE, . Editor and Proprietor. PQESGniPTIQil FREE Wor the speedy Core of Seminal Weakness, Lest . JP. Manhood. Premature -BebUltr Xerreasaefcs, 1 pondency, CMtfasiom er Ideas, . AvenKm to f etv. DafsetlvB Memory.-, sad . all : Disorders Brought on by Secret Habits and Exeesses. Ahy - rags1" ugrcuiuH. - juhio, i '130 West Sixth St., onroiHirATi, oma feb 15 lyD&W MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and IIIPORT AIIT DEPARTURE ! Agents Everywhere, Not the , Druggists, To Hereafter Sell.tue Holian LiTfr Pal Company's Remedies. 1 There convened, on the 8th day of January, 1859, (Prof. D. A Loomia, M. D., chairman), at the head office of the Hotanan Liver Pad Co., 93 William St., New York,-a large delegation a first general re union consisting of all the many important agents of the United States, the Canadas, and representa tives from Europe and Asia, for the specifle purpose or reviewing taeprw ana ceoi inepast practical vmrkinira nr this wonderful BVStemof niceeaafnllT treating disease by absorption without the use of meaicme, as luusiraiea in uoimau liiver Co.'a remedies, and in a united manner to decide what course in future should, in their judgment be adopted as the best and speediest plan to meet the great and increasing demand that is daily manifest ed from every quarter of the globe-not only for the remedies, but also to learn the proper mode of utilizing them. -Much time and attention were faithfully eiven to n earing the many interesting reports or tae wonder ful efficacy found in this way or treating disease wherever it had been faithfully used. The subject took a wide and extended range. It was found from these official sources that nearly every kind of incu rable disease known to the human system, so far as it had come within their knowledge, had been successfully treated to a marvelous degree, and to an extent never Dei ore kiiuytm in iue muierj oi me dicine; and that the number of its patrons during the snort time since its uumaucuan was unprece dented; that it long since ceased to be am experl ment, and its success should forever stand a burn ing disgrace to the medical "faculty that it had not for ages past availed itself of a principle Nature's own Taw, illustrated In every portion of the human body, and the entire economy of nature; as old as the universe, aa fixed as any natural law can be, and nnalterablv certain in its good results as a treatment when DroperlyTutllized; with little or aa difference as to climate or nationality in Us unifor mity or action, wnat mazes n more precious suu is that its comparative small expense brings it with' in the reach of all. It is now attracting the atten tion and receiving the endorsement of every fair minded physician wherever an opportunity is affor ded for testing its practical workings. Added to this is the fact that many distinguished ia their profes sion are now counted as c-work erg; also that an enormous army of enthusiastic friends, who have been made happy through the use of these simple remedies (a large proportion of whom have found everything else heretofore failing them), are work ing zealously among the afflicted, overcoming pre judice by living examples of cures; or. what is bet ter Btili, the successful prevention ot disease It was clearly demonstrated that where failures did occur it was traceable to a want of proper knowledge how to use these remedies; and that notwithstanding this Oomoanv had endeavored through the druggists to faithfully do their part by the patients, yet it bad been found that a great and fatal error, as a whole, had been committed in ever placing thtst remedies -ia treatment, a it is. distinct by itself,) in their hands for sale, by the side of drugs and patent nos trums. Because, first, the principle, absorption, is in direct opposition with their system, drugs. Be cause also that, to a certain extent, it is contrary (as they claim) to their business interests on account or its cheapness and rapid . effect. And with rare ex ceptions, it has been the studied efforts of druggists to decry their merits, to discourage their use. or a refusal to explain or answer inquiries; also to en courage other remedies, or cuosuiuie an interior ar ticle a counterfeit or imitations some a dangerous poiaen, others as passive and useless as so much sawdust; also to throw every obstacle in the way of IaahI .n.nf. Tm. nnornnntlnff find anfiprftfillincr. ssgS2'msSdth"5 many other practices that are a aisnonor to any pro fession have causea inis uompany nnu iw man amenta in convention to nass resolutions, unan: i mously adopted, to the effect that hereafter the lioiman. Juiver tr&a uo.sremeaies wm oeww muj by such agents as shall be found properly accreaitea by this Company. This decision opens up a large and wide field ef usefulness to good and efficient persons everywhere, and on a basis of pecuniary re sults that warrant little er no risk in the enterprise, the particulars of which can always be learned by making application to the office nearest them ; those having felt or seen the .practical workings of these remedies always preferred. Tnis company ana its general agenu mean uj theee acts to be understood that in the future as in the past, without fear or favor, they intend to dis seminate useful knowledge, heretofore by nearly all medical schools desurnedTv made dark and obscure; and alto ia every manner within their powsr try to do the greatest gooa in tne least possuMe u suffering humanity everywhere, and the public are earnestly cautioned to be on their guard, in simple justice and protection to themselves sad this Com pany , to show a total discountenance and contempt for anv and all combinations ef individual adventu rers (always sinister m their motives) who hereafter thrust any substitutes in opposition to or In compe tition with our remedies, thkrhave proved their ef ficiency bjr the severetttest possible. The Holman Liver Pad Co., 93 William Street, iY. Y. JOSEPH CHRISTADORO & D. W. FAIHCHILD, Proprietors. ' BATES A HANLBY, Managers for the North west, 134 Madison street, Chicago, 111 ; Hall Block, Toledo, Ohio; Mechanics' BleekuDetzoit, Michigan: Arcade Block,Milwankee,W is.; Fletcher Sharpee Block, Indianapolis, ind. ; Best's Block, Minneapo lis, Minn. A. M. BARBER, rooms a and 3 Singer Building, St. Louis, Mo. ; 646 Main street, Kansas city, WESLEY TAYLOR, 169 Market Street, Galves ton, Texas. RING WALT & HALL, No. 8 North Charles et, Baltimore, Md. RING W A LT& HALL, 8. E. corner 9lh and S. streets, N.W.. Washington, D. C A. W. BRIGGS120 Meirimack St., Lowell. Maes. W.GINN & CO., ConOnental Block. 92?' Euclid ave., uieveiana, u. H. P. TRUMAN, Kvansvfile, Ind. FTTZ MORRIS & FOSTER, 1113 Main St., Rich mond, Va. FITZMOBRIS FOSTER j cor. King and Mar ket streets, Charleston, S, C. ; ALEXANDER NOTMAN, 71 King street. West Toronto, and 801 Notre Dame street, Moi mtreal. Cal. JUNIUS HART & CO., 191 Canal street, 'Hew urieans, la. rf WATSON & Co4 319 Battery street, San Fran- Cisco, cai. CHAUNCBY M. HATCH. 134 Tremont St., Bos ton, Mass., formerly 3S School st Mrs. Dr. I S. CARTER, 8027 Columbia avenue, Philadelphia, Penn. ; . ; BYRON W. WATSON, Wo. ? P. O. block, Man chester, N.H. .r ' Dr. J. SEYMOUR, room 12. German Ins. Co., building, Buffalo, H.T., Powers, block, Rochestert N. Y., Vice:8eeretary. j -j-. J. H. MILLER, rooms 63 and 64 Johnston build ding, corner Fifth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, u., secretary. - - . ..: Dr. L. S.' CARTER, 920 Chestnut streeCPhiUdel thla Penn. ; Pens avenue and Sixth s veet, Pitts Wg, Penn., Vice President. ' 'H: - Professor D. A. LOOMIS, M. D.. Louisville, Ky. Presidens. 4 ; i . : : The Jioimaa xaa Rtomaek Pads and the I auxiliaries, the Med Plasters and Absorption Salt, having been taken entirely out of the hands of ' i CUUgKlSl druggistsTthey can only he had hereafter from agen cies The price of the regular Pd $3.00;- Special Pad lone-third larger). ftSOoIXXX. Pad. which co vers stomach: liver aud. spleen, and is a sovereign remedy lor all chronic troubles growing out of dis eased stomach or liver, price $5.00; Absorption Salt, six packages for $1.35, used lor twelve baths. Medicated PI asters-price- for Foot Plasters per pair, 50 cents; Body PlastmeachSe-eenta. Address ei ther of the following offices x Holmaa Liver Fad Co., CXJRNER KING 'AND MARKET .STREETS, CHARLESTON, fl. C, on 1013 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. 1 Cet-VTe wanf- KWERQETIC, ACTIVE 'AGENTS m EVERY TOWN mtlorthisnd South Carollna.i MANAGBRS;f ' jan 29 MISCELLANEOUS. TAKE ...NOTICE. Tills etetorated SMOKING TOBACCO ! la retailed at -,tv ! For a3-oz. Sack, fe And the smoker gets as much Tobacco by buying It as he does by buying ten cents worth or poor stuff. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER Very Respectful'y, W. T. Blackweli & Co., Manufacturers of The Original and only Uenuinc DURHAM smoking tobacco. WHO OWNS The Durham Brand of Mm Tobacco ? Head Tbla and Determine. W. T. BLACK WELL A CO., Ciicuit Conrt U.S. vs. E Diet of Va. ) inEquity. W. E. DD3RKLL St CO. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the bill' and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Court doth consider that the said complainants, William T. Blackweli, James R. Day and Julian S, Carr, trading under the name and style of W. T. BLACK- WELL & CO., HAVE TEE SOLE AND EX CLUSIVE .RIGHT TO USE AND EMPLOY THE WOED DURHAM TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE SMOKING TOBACCO MANUFACTURED IJBY THEM, and also to use and employ In conjunction with the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation of a DUR HAM BULL as and for their trade mark, and that the said respondents, W. E. Dibrell and W. W. Phillips, trading under the name and style of W. E. Dibrell & Co., : HAVE WRONGFULLY . IN FRINGED AND INVADED the said right and trade-mark of the said complainants, by designa ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them as DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO and by using in conjunction with the said words the repre sentation of the head of DURHAM BULL. Wherefore, the Court doth ORDER, ADJUDGE AND DECREE that the said W . E. Dibrell and the said W. W. Phillips, and their, and each of their, servants and agents, be, and they and each of them are and is hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED FROM USING AND EMPLOYING THE WORD DURHAM TO MARK AND DISTINGUISH SMOKING' TOBACCO, and from using and em ploying for the said purpose the ' representation of the head of a DURHAM BULL, or any other word, symbol, representation or device, of a character to decerethe, public by indnciag the belief that the Smoking Tobacco sold by them, the- said- respond ents, is the same. a the Smoking Tobacco manufac tured and sold by the said :,complalnants ; and; it is , further :dered, adjudged au4 decreed that this causebe and the same is hereby referred to Thomas S, Atkins, as Master, to. TAKE AN ACCOUNT OF ALL AND 8INQULARfJTHE EARNINGS, GAINS AND -PROFITS tatAe -and acquired by the said respondeat pyaadfrem the sale of Smo king Tobacco, niarked'and designated DURHAM 8mokIng Tobacco, and marked and designated by the representation -ot' the head of. tDUBHAM . . ...4. ai' .-.-t -i : ; v BULL) and to make reporf to the Court here of all and singular he -shall do in -the premises, 4 KD . : ,:i.i.'scii. n: ' THAT THEi SAID RE80NDEN?S DO AhD iHlLL PAT TO THE 'B AID cbMPLAINANTS f! fit ; ..p 1 l) ,f p. . .ti ALLXAND &mUf4B ?KEW ,gOST3 BY I THEM LAID OUT ANit EXPENDED IN AND ill t v flu 1 si . J iH (i I ' " APOJUT WW, PROSECDJ'JONof, THEU SUIT? :t.i Jla"vf HUGHES,' Judge, y&tch-ataodVtSth1Jaanary;l878.rf J '" ' - ; . A L truocopy ' Teste : ,1m i 1 L . t C iM; F. PuuiAirra. Clerk. -.Stew 'v. if SIIP4Ji . ... trr " f - RAILROAD LINES, &o. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Oman ot Gas'i.SupBBiKman. ( Wilmington, N. C Nov. S8, 1S78 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, VQV. 24th. 1878, Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Weldoo Railroad will run a follows: .. Day Mali aud Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6 .38 A. I M Arrive at Weldon 1:00 P.rM. Leave Weldon. .. . . 2:82 P. IH. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9 53 P. M. PflSbt Mall and Express Train, Daljr Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 9:20 Arrive at Weldon.... . ... 3:50 A.sM Leave Weldon .... . .. ... . 2:13 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot, 8.16 A. su Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave. Rock; Mount for Tarboro at 5.00 P. M. Daily, and Tues day. Thursday and Saturday at 5 CO A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M. Daily, and Mpn- aay, weonesaay ana rnaay hiw r.-m. ; The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- ran route, t ; Night train makes dose connections at Wei den for all points north via Richmond. sieepmg i;ara attaenca to ail nignt Trains . 1 JOHN F. DIVJNK, nov24-tf .General Sup'v General Sup;ts Office, WILMINGTON, .Cl. UIUlSiA A XI- SlISTA B. JS. COirXPANX, il ILMINaTON. N C., Nov. 23. TB Ksi5Srae, Change of Schedule AN AND AKTEB sundat. NOV. 84th, 1878, W the following Schedule will be run on this Road: Day Express and stall Train Dally. . 8:36 A.M. ..... 1:03 P.M. 4:15 P. M. 12:55 P. M. 4:47 P. M. 9:00 P. (M. Leave Wilmington. .... . Jbeave Florence Arrive at Columbia . . . Leave Columbia Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington NIGHT EXPRESS TU A IN (Dally). Leave wamingtcn 10:13 P. M. Arrive at Florence 2:30 A. M Leave Florence ,. i 2:00 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington.... .... .. ... 6:18A.M. This Train stops onlv at Flcminsrton. WMtevlEe. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Augusta, (via Columbia), should take Day Express Tram from Wilmington. Throng n sieepmg cars on nignt trains tor unaries ton. i i JOHN F. DIVINE, nov 24 tf! Oen'l Sup't. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL? AT GO, Omcx Gkkbhal 8 upxiuktkndx st Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 29, 1878. Change of Schedule. f ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : 1 Leave Wilmington at. ...6:80 A.M. ....2:06 P.M. ...7:57 P.M. ...6:00 A. M. ...11:40 A. M. 7 1 55 X AC No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. Charlotte at. 1 Leave Charlotte at No. 3. Arrive at Hamlet at ) " : Wilmington at SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. Wo. 9. J Leave Charlotte. . f Arrive at Shelby . . 7:00 A. M 11:15 A. M vr 1n I ucsts ounuj x.to J. . in.. The above Trains have Paseencer accommoda tions, and are the only ones permitted to carry Pas sengers. v. JOMJNSUJS, nov 30-tf ' . General Superintendent. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in $300,000 Snrplns Fnnd 850,000 DIREG1 ORS. JOHN DAWSON C M. STEDMA& ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE -E. B. BORDEN ; D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGER8 j. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. 8TEDMAN, President ISAAC BATES, Vice President 1 S. D. Wallace. Cashier - aug 20-tf The Camden Journal .Published Every Thwrdayt at Camden, 6. 0. , IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPiR IN BtershaW county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes ol business men in the county. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country ia which tt circulates, Deing conneciea witn tnat ciry Dy steam er on the Wateree River, and the WUmington, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad. 1 - UDerai terms wiu no maae wiin tnose aesirmg to. advertise. Subscription price, f 3 50 per annum; Addwss, r . FRANTHAM BAY,; feb27-tf Editors and Proprietor?. The Central Protestant WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS L paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published a Greensboro, N. C S Terms, f, uu per annum, m aavauce. : The elMbUitvoi its location, tho number and ac tiyity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand, for it among the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give u vjcntkaa peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public 1-erms very favorable, Consult your business inter ests,anaauTessiae eawr . , ! Greensboro, N. C. ThesJJjrton Star, i THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous In the State, offers to Commission nil Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling: by Sample,; an excellent mtaium or ommnnicuuon with a large ana innuennai ciaBB ot aieivmuiie, me Chanics.planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is wortn soiiciTauon. . Aavernsemenca ana jSTnunew csras meersea.m uoBai tems. ; Address .. THE STAR, v ,sept2Stf : ' . : f Marion, s. G. :" ; f ALL about i WesternllortliCarolina If you' want to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of v ww- - w v w. It is a TWENTY-HEIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, 'full of Interesting reading matter, and 'devoted to the interests of Western North Carolina -: .I i Address i ' " - ' ;. ... THE COURIER COMPANY, , my 19 tf ., " i ' . HendersonviUe, N. O. . ; TheTPelfephqne. A A :1 ' T X Landy Wood, Editor and Proprietor: CONW&TBORO, U C; ' ' The only Paper now published In Horry Cunty. $2 per annum in advance. 1 Send stamp for sample copies. Advertising rates moderate. Circulation arge for a country paper. jy 10 tf MISCKL1iAKEOU?: STATE PRIDE rown fc Roddick 45 Market St. WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN CAL1.1NO particular attention to the foilowtrg Depmt monts for the NEXT 1 WO WKRK.S. Wc aro making SPECIAL KPFOK1 S t inlro duce every thing that is new inourlinc of buiiwss. and -OUR PRItK is to do so at men prices that they cannot help attracting the attention of EVfiftY ONE IN WANT OF SUCH GOOUS. , Ladies' Underwear. rWe have Just opened a fall assortment of the above, via : Tuck and Fancy SKIRT. CHHMlsK and NIGHT DRK8S, and call paiticular attention to a few Lots that are DECIDED BARGAIA'; Lot 1. 38 Doz. WALKING SKIRTS, 5 Tucks, Sjfinch Hem 50c, worth double the mcnej. 20 Doa. CHEMISE,Tuck Yokes. 50 cents, worth at least 75 eents. 173i Doz. CMEMISS, Tucked aud Emb'd Yokes. , 60 cts; a marvel of cheapness. Corsets. We have the Largest Stock of CORSETS that has ever been offered in this city, and are making hpe clalties of the following makes. Our Goods were bought direct from the Manufacturers and Import ers, and offer them at prices that will compare fa vorably with any Dry Goods House in the country. 40 Doz. 50 Bone SIDE STEEL CORSETS, 50 cts . a pair. 383 Doz. 70-Bone CORSETS, 8ilk Embroidered. to tie a pur. Sole Agents ftr the celebrated LA REINE COR SETS. 75 cents. They are made under a Patent, No Cutting er Ripping of teams beirg Required. To remove the Steels all that need to be dene is to unlace the Utile Silk Lacer. Every Pair WariaDted. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions- Decidedly the Cheapest Line we have shown. Give us a call. . Parasols and Fans We have opened this day a very large stock of Sunshades and Fans, having beugnt Very Low for Cash., They are at least 25 per cent, less than they will be when in season. - We have many Novelties. "Sole A cents for DEVLXN . no r.t York. GENT'S SUITS made to order. A beauti ful Line of Samples for Spring Wear. Call and look them over. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market street. feb 1 tf C5f MAIL BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND Prices In ISngland. $C8 00, 178.75, $89.25, 100 00, $125.00, $150.00 Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in elusive : $103.28, $117.79, $131.97,- $150 53, $184 23, $218.00. The above may be ordered "Full Choke," Me dium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices We are now m akin it mall hnri nt Nna u in ard 20 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in ' owrf to the larger bores. Weight of 20-Borc from 5 v lbs. " 1416 " ti2 ' "12 ' ....... 75 ' " 10 " ... 8K " Our '-Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. - Send for Illustrated 8heets. We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen who have purchased and are now asinsr onr guns : Hon. Walter L. Steele. M. c. TCorbincrbom tei-h mond county, N. C. Cant. U. K. Murchison, Wilmington, N. C. CoL B. F. Uttle, Little's Mills, N. . James A. Leak, Esq.. Wadesboro, N. O. Wm. B. Bernard, Esq., WUmington, N. C. J. W. TOLLEY, Pioneer Works. 8t. Mary's Square, oct 8 D&Wtf Birmingham, fcnglaiid HABBLE r.i o ra u r.i e ra t s ' AND Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOKK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHABD WATHAN 4c CO,, 7 Lafayette PlaesNew'lork. Wathan's Monumental Dcsnrns. in book form fnt sale to the Trade. : dec 4 DAWtf New York SHOOTING- COAT. STYUSH, HANDSOME COAT. v First Class in every partlcnlm Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheair est. MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. Pockets and Lining made to take out, so thai may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. Horace Smith, Esq., says : "It Is my idea of shooting coat. I have worn them for several yean and will have none other." ; Price for Coat, $25; Vest,. $6.50. Also, the bch. brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods de not tun. briars and will not give satisfaction. Also, in addition to the above, I am making Waterproof Canvass Suit, cut same style aa the Vel veteen! goods, not stiff ahd hard, but soft and plea sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water, fiportsmei. who have seen it say it ia The Pest Yet. Coat $ti.5u. For full Suit, $14.00. I also make the Sleeveless Coaj Vest with slccvo If desired. Rules for measurement and samples sent nii. application. t?.X. JiUBLDON, oct25P&Wtf HAHWAY. N .1. SHARP'S Metallic CARTRniGE' military, hunt ING AND t4CREEDMOOR" KIFLKS EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU ; , RACY, STRHNGTg. AND i ,- q . . SAFETY. j No Prauatnxe Biicliarge Xvei Oecnri Every Rifle warranted 4" good, shooter. Caiiim 40, 44 and 50-10C of n inch, and of any desired lenili. Charge ef powder from 6Q to 105 grains.'; Weight .( haHa from. '320 to 549 grains, , Stock,', plain; ait Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe a: d Peep Sights; Vernier " with ; interchangeable ftore signia , aad -Wmd-gauge.Bvery ;vrity of vm munition for above guns, constantly on hand Prices flrtm , $Sd ta v SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY, septlDWtf . Bridgeport. Coi- . fNGLISH. " IRISH AND GORDON BETTERH, Of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees jr. w ajuon, BQvTDjfcWtf-,- " . .;York.Penn II. A.4WWftmiZ Jr.". ELIZABETHTONi BLADEN COUNTY,; N. h Offlce--Up italra, Jn Brirt JBnlJdlng, occupied b RlnaldlAOo. - 1 . ....... ; . Special attention to maims, uoi leenons on sum t ef SlOO and upwards made for Five Per Oent if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Ac, specialty. ap5-DWtf i ZJSm - fTiSE BY PlONEfeR WORKS J15 .fl tt BIRMINGHAM, I I F ENRHAND Viif

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