THE HOEITIITG STAR. vriKriiNu. Qb lauiBe one dy,,,,.t.;t. f 1 00 1 75 2 60 3.00 3 50 4 01 6 50 8 50 10 00 17 00 34 00 40 00 60 00 By WH. II. BERNARD. three days, tow days,..., Are days,.... One week.... IU1KUSHKD DAILY Two weeks....... Tkree weeks...... One month, Two months...... Tkree, months,... Six months, One year, Of BUB80SIPTIOM XM A9VA.N0U Due year, (by mall) portage paid,., . $100 si months. " " " i 00 Three months, " " i. 35 One monUi " ; 100 To Olty SabMrlbera, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are ..... 5S VOL. XXIII.--NO. 136. Co ii tract Advertisement taken tt nrofeu- not aataoruea to coiiecx rer .in Alvance. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY. MAIiCH 2, 1879,; . WHOLE NO, 3,607 hately,wm EXCEPT MONDAYS. ' Ll Si J ! I I" 1 1 JT1NV X I 1 VSX f V ' X . . . .. . , A iX dav'a walkinit match between O'Leary and three others has been ar- partment, were bom in Iredell ooun ranged to commence at GilmorVs Garden, ty, and the Secretary is quite prond March lOtb. -in tbe matter of he In- come of Cornelias J. jTtnderbiU, the fact was shown that be was regularly paid. The Pope sent Dr. Newman an an nouncement that he will be created a Car dinal at the approaching Consistory. A motion to take up and pass the Northern Pacific Railroad bill was defeated in he House., Three heavy failures are re ported in London. BasBett was t con yicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced. to imprisonment for life, f An avalanche in Switzerland.. killed the driyer of a postal sleigh. The Greek bound ary question is still unsettled. The Chinese rebellion in Koshgar has been crushed. The Senate allowed: D.t. Cor bin $10,000 as expenses of -his contest of General Butler's seat. - Commiitee of Conference on Army Appropriation failed to agree. An extra sessiou! of Congress ia inevitable. -President sending nominations to the Senate. Senate Committee of Appropriations lias completed the consideration of 1 Legis lative, Executive and Judicial Appropria tion bill -The Committee strikeout sections repealing the election If w. . Senate passed bill giving Mexican teU erans arrears of pensions. The Sedate amendments to Sundry Civil bill and Sugar bill were withdrawn in-the House. More trouble in England between cotton masters and operatives. - Fifteen feet of snow reported at Schleswiz Cardinal Gindi is dead. New York markets: Money a4 pei cent; cotton dull at 9 13-169 15-1G cents; flour without decided change.wheat winter cents better; corn slightly in buyers' favor; spirits turpentine quiet at 29i30 cents; rostn"dull at f 1 40$1 421. Burnside has taken back his ugly words hurled at Conkling, and now peace reigns between the miejhty men of war. i Five more working days for the Legislature, when the Solons must either kick from their feet the dust of the capital, or stay and pay for their own provender.! Thev havetill a great deal to do., ! Tbe enemies of the new tobacco tax say that it will never become a law.; The improvements of the reve nue machinery for collecting the tax are said to be great, as provided in tbe law just passed. It is probable that Hayes's nomi nation of Conant as United States Marshal of Florida will not be con firmed, as he is known to be very ac tive in the political persecutions of Democrats in Florida. The Washington correspondent of the Richmond State says the sum proposed for the Cape Fear River by the Senate Committee on Commerce is $100,000. Our telegraphic dis patch says $75,000. Which is right ? We hope the State is. The New JTork Herald is not an infallible gnesser. It says North Ca rolina will have 1088,850 inhabitants in 1880. It had 1,071,000 in 1870,and the Herald will only allow the State to increase some l ,ouu in ten years, i Winnt ah, nnonifif. acroinflt. tftA Herald, and place the population of iNorth .Carolina in 1880 at 1,2U0,U00. Lieutenant Governor Robinson has askecPfor an investigation of :the charges made against himself by a correspondent bf the New York Times, to the effect that be ancl nine other Legislators drew pay as Lgis- lasVnepatyberifl'TlieR'a jleigh Observer says that "Lieutenant lGovernor Robinson has already fur uiished the most complete vindica tion." The publio generally feel no inte rest in the business relations existing betweenjthe Star and the New York Associated Press, and for that reason we do not propose to make any elab orate reply to the card of Mr. J. W. Simonton recently published. We hall content ourselves with saying that tbe card is a mass of. misstate- . ments. In fact, it does not contain a single leading proposition that is fair- ly or correctly stated. . , i ; ' : ; - Radical Senators are irate. They .'-:; , ... ... ft,.' charge Kellogg with duplicity. They say he promised to vote for Corbin J- ;rru u i . and then dodged. .The Richmond State's Washington correspondent saya one of the oldest Republican - Senators declares that Corbin's title to it teat is twice asgbod asKellogg's, and though he voted to admit Kel logg as &' political necessity, he knew ... ' of no political necessity I that would . .compel him to vote to keep him in after the duplicity be practicea. in -the Corbin case. The father and grandfather of C? . e .t tit t oeuromrj mcvrary, oi loe M ar ue- of his North Carolina blood. Honi Walter L. Steele made a good speech in the House of Representa tives, on the 25th ult., on the elec tion law repeal. Pu SlJBj CD ITY.J - NMW aUVKKTISKIHKNTH. Otterbovrq All new. MxnfsoN .Suits to order. t P. M. Kiko & Co You say. jG. A. Peck Hoes, rakes, &c. Cronly& Morris For rent. Harrison & Allen My girl. ; N. Jacobi Builders' hardware. ' Heinsberqer Gold pens, &c. Adrian & Vollkrs Groceries. ; C. W. Yates Photographs, &c. John Saul Catalogue of plants. ; Cronlt & Morris Buggies, &c. Hennino & Teel Cook's plow. Giles & Murchison Plows, &c. J. K. McIlhenky Special notice. Parker & Taylor Cook stoves. Behrekds & Monroe Furniture. Brown & Roddick Inducements. Holmes & Watters New grocery, j C. W. Yates Books and stationery. Altaffer & Hill Sash, doors, &c. J. C. Stevenson Astonishing prices. P. H. Havden Buggies, harness, &c. Mitchell & Son Remedy of the ag& Williams & Murchison Groceries. . . Mallard & Co Harness, saddles, &c. Gerhardt & Co Buggies, harness, &c. J. Dawson & Co. Bellows, anvils, &c. Boatwrioht & McKot Lowest prices. Eerchner & Calder Bros. Molasses, potatoes, sugar, bacon, &c. Local Dots. First Sunday in Lent. And again no City Court. Storm-flag flying again yester day, r March came in somewhat like a lamb. No interments in Bellevue Cem -etery during the past week. All of our city churches, as usual, will bd opened to-dayj Four marriage licenses issued last week, all to white couples. Only one interment, an adult, m Oakdale Cemetery-last week. A love feast was held at the Front Street Methodist Church on Friday night. One adult and five children in terred in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery last week. Tbe gross receipts of the Luth- I eran Sunday School festival Friday night footed up $83 28. Messrs. Holmes & Waters will open their new retail grocery House, at No. 8 North Front street, about the 10th inst. . The sale of reserved seats for the Pathfinders' entertainment will com mence at Hiensberger's book store to-morrow evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Historical and Scientific Society will be held at the usual place to-morrow (Mon day) evening. . The visitors of the Ladies' Be nevolent Society will meet at Hook and Ladder Hall, on 'Tuesday, March 4th, at 4 o'ciock, r. a I rpi ' M.o .l.m Af flM on Walnut; between Second and Third ureeis, yesieruay aoout noon, out u ura no become general. A "Citv Subscriber" writes: J owners of cattle for sale at the public j pound should be made to feed them while confined there." Great care should be exercised during the windy month of March to pre vent conflagrations from fires built yards, &c.Y4sWeltas in doors.. in Sportsmen should never shoot fire arms towards the public roads. One young lady recently lost her life in the east era part of our State from that cause. Our oitizens would stand better chanccsof purchasing shad, poultry, &c, at fair prices, if so much speculation was not al lowed tO" parties who pay no city taxes.1.: - r The Trinity '. College at which there is a difficulty or controversy between the faculty and stu4ents is in Connecticut. I We mention the fact for fear some might think it occurred at a coiiege or me same in our own State, We are requested to state that Rev. F. R. Howell.who has been pastlor of the First Colored Baptist Church, of this for the past four and a half yeais.wul preach bis farewell sermon to-night at 8 ciock ' ' wn m i - -.Mn-vlv s.Wjlliams, Clerk of .J:'3. H.,vn, '.,,,,,,. city treMuryt for the twelve months from Jayv lo j 0iyt 1878, $3,204 44. He there is some misunderstanding about the matter. and he wants to set himself right. SnnremBK smrs, , At Ralelgbon Friday tbe following was the only case from this section called : TCAw&rd Kidder vs. T. C. Mcllhennv. from . Brunswick. Certiorari instanter I granted. A It C II 20 LOGY. Interesting Investleatloua i middle found, in this Ceonty-lndlnn e- . in. i:;fSrr 7 ;v , ' On Thursday last Rev. Dr. Bernheim, President of the New Hanover County Historical and Scientific Society, accompa nied by Rev. Dr. Wilson, of the FirstPres bytenan Church, and Mr. Edward Kidder, visited the plantation of A. RBlaek, Esq!, on Middle Sound, about ten miles below this city, for the purpose of continuing the investigations as to the character cf the re mains already alluded to onsevtral occa ions as having been discovered on Mr. j pies, candy and other articles displayed in 1 g north ;Fuont stbaetw aiid respectfully in l's land,which has attracted the atten- the same, and creating 'quite lively ex. oSSaiSS!ara fInqyW)cIr Black tion and enlisted the interest of auite a number of the scientifically inclined in this immediate section. They opened two burial places on this occasion, and the one in which the three skulls were found on Monday last, referred to in the Star of Thursday morning, there were discovered seven skulls altogether, one of them that of a child. These skulls, with the accompany ing bones,-were in beaps, each to itself, and in ; such a position as to suggest tbe idea that the individuals to whom they be longed had been in a. standing or sitting posture while, undergoing the process ef decay, and had eventually tumbled down in heaps, with the bones at the bottom and. the skulls on top. These remains, as before intimated, bad to all appearances been placed in a . trench prepared for the pur pose, but without any particular order of burial. A. short distance from the above spot another and complete skeleton was ex humed, its position indicating that tbe individual , had been lying on bis back with his face turned to One side. A root was found growing through the skull, entering at the top and protrud ing through the lower portion, manifesting a softness of the skull which in itself would suggest great antiquity These remains were all found at a depth of from one to three feet below the surface of the ground; but this by no means indi cates the depth of their original interment, as, being in a sandy soil, the action of the wind has no doubt brought them much nearer the surface than thev were at first placed. The visitors, after as careful an investi gation as tbe circumstances would permit all came to the conclusion that the remains, were those of Indians. This opinion was arrived m chiefly from the mode of sepul ture, the graves having been filled with oy ster and clam shells, evidently conveyed some distance for that purpose, which it is safe to assume would not have been done by while people, to whom the soil would nave been considered so mucu more con venient Tbe finding of an arrow head and a specimen of Indian pottery in the grave or trench was still further evidence to our scientific explorers of the correctness of their theory. The jawbone of a deer, with teeth attached, was also among the relics found in proximity to the remains. Six ;of ' the skulls alluded to as having been found in the trench or grave were brought to this city, and are now in the possession of Mr. Kidder, who will be glad to show them to any scientific gentleman who may have a curiosity to see these in teresting relics of a pre-historic age. The other bones it was found impossible to re move intact, as they crumbled and fell to pieces when handled. The mounds at tbe same place were not visited on Thursday, but will form the sub ject of investigation at some future time. Dr. Thomas F. Wood was to have formed one of the party, but was disap- poiQted at ,he ,Mt momec; we1 known pi,oto Smithvmet dled very raddenl- at his residence in that place, on Friday night last. He was sitting with his I family, when he called to one of his chil- I dren and told him to go after the Doctor, J who lived just across the street, and before the physician could reach him was speech less, and died in about a half hour after he was attacked. We did not ascertain the character of the disease. Almost a Fire. There was a momentary fright occa sioned in the neighborhood of Third street, at ita intersection with Mulberry, yester day. ' The soot in the kitchen chimney of a residence in that locality caught fire from tbe stove, and, falling in a burning mass, ignited some of tbe woodwork about tbe fire-place. A few buckets of water af forded a prompt remedy. Perjnrvt Mason Holmes, colored, bad a hearing before a magistrate yesterday morning on the charge of perjury, alleged to have been committed in a civil case tried before an other magistrate a few days since. Defen dant was ordered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which be was lodged in jail. Death In Jail. Csesar Williams, a colored lunatic,' who has been confined in the county jail in this city for some time past, died yestet day. He has been lingering for some time past and death was no doubt a great relief to him. He was between30 and 85 years of age. --. ' m m- m 'The Sunken Beat. , ; Nothing was done to wards getting up the sunken steamer North East yesterday, on account of tbe threatening weather early in the morning, but Mr, W. L. Beery informs us that operations will be resumed Monday morning, and that the hull will probably be brought to the surface on Tuesday. TfDaj'i Indications. For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, winds mostly from east to south, with slight changes in temperature an4 barometer.; .. . . . ... A tittle Excitement. Two colored damsels got mad with a yesterday morning,' and chased him down to w aier street, near ine corner oi bxui berry, when one 6f them picked up a reck I , ; V . . w.-i --;. ... j-. kt ,1 ana nuriea ll at ni? ueau, wnicn misseu ine i mark and went4, crashing through thel wtrirlnw nf "e mU erocerv In that neiffh- I .. - - - --r-,--o- Dornood, scattering promiscuously ine ap- cinity for a lew momenta, Jtto ar-1 . . . - - : ; rests.- .. . .-r . ,! i '". Arrested on Suspicion. Mr.' John D. Burch, formerly of this city, but how of Winston, states in a letter to us from that place, dated on the 26th ult., that ' a negro corresponding to a letter with the description given in the Star of Eli Be th'une, who is alleged ' to have committed the outrage on Miss McDuffy, near Laurinn burg, recently, has been arrested in Stokes county, thirty miles above Winston, and the party arresting him has telegraphed to the Sheriff of Richmond county, asking for information. Tbe man has tried to escape several times, and has given several differ ent names.. Scrapa" at tbs Opera House. Speaking of this piece, the Philadelphia Item B&yB: "The Pathfinders entered upon their third week with the same excellent business they have bad heretofore, the Mu seum being unable to bold all who were anxious to see the amusing mdange . called 'Scraps," whose bright, sparkling dialogue and catching airs do not ' seem to lose one whit of their freshness. This is tbe last week of tbe Pathfinders' present engage ment here, and we advise all those who wish to enjoy a real treat to see them. Attention Sportsmen. Under the law recently pasfed by the Legislature the close season for partridges begins April 1st. Any person who shoots a partridge between April 1st and October 1st will be fined ten dollars for each offence. All sportsmen should be on tbe lookout for the nest robbers, as the same law makes it an indictable offence to break up or rob a partridge nest. . Tbe law applies to JNew Hanover, Pender, Duplin, Sampson, Co lumbus, Union, and some other counties that we do not now remember. Criminal Court. In the Criminal Court yesterday, the case of Ben Brown, (colored) convicted of per jury some twelve months ago, came up for sentence upon the prisoner. This case was carried up to the Supreme Court upon ap peal where the judgment of the Court below was affirmed. The fact was estab lished of previous excellent character by a number of respectable witnesses. His Honor listened to the prayer of mercy made by defendants counsel and suspended judg ment upon payment of costs. Quarterly JTIeetlnE. The exercises of the first quarterly meet ing for the present Conference year at the Front Street Methodist Church, commenced with services on Saturday, and will be con tinued to-dav. The nresidine elder ef the District. Rev. Dr. Burkhead. is in at tendance. . new advertisements. For Rent, UNTIL OCTOBER 1st 1879, that con venient Dwellinc containing seven IB S.I list rooms, situated on the southeast corner of Chcsnut and Fifth streets. IBS! at n resent oeennied bv Dr. J. A. KB A. Comfortable Servants' House, Water and all necessarv out BuUduurs on tae premises. os cofrinn rtren immediately. Atrelv to .run 2 3t HLve eu nac CRONLY & MORRIS. Special Notice! PURE BRANDIES, WHISKEYS AND WINKS for Medicinal purposes, Landreth's Garden Seeds of all kinds! the beat and most reliable : also Drugs and Medicines in great 'variety, sold at I reasonaoie prices, ootawnoiesaie ana rewu, . W. H. juMJjiiiscin z , " Druggist and Chemist. maStf Corner Marketand Front Streets. John Saul's i AT ALOOTTR OF NEW. HAKE 'AND BKAUTI- WFUL PLANTS Will be ready in February, with a colored plate. Many new and beautiful plants of Green-House and Hot-House Plants, Bedding Plants. New and Choice Keaea. Dahlias. &C. well grown and at low prices. Free to all my custom ers; to others price lOxeiits. A plain copy iree. mh21w JOHN SAUL, Washinaton, D. C Yates' Book Store JS THE PLACE TO BUY. ONE VISIT WILL (satisfy you that it is so. His stock of BOOKS and STATIONERY is complete, and prices lower than ever. mhStf C. W YATES. Hy Girl ! SPRING BEAUTY I FOR YOUNG MEN I The Price will Please 1 HABM80N ALLEN, mhStf ' HATTERS. We Are Prepared rpo MAKE TQ ORDER .. FRESH NEW GOOD3, ; IN SUITS from $35 to $50. ,: ; BugglfiSj ; FMois aiifaioiis. TTTE ARB ADVISED OF SHIPMENT OF CAB YY load of EIGHTEEN YEH4CLRS, containing Top and Open BUGGIES, Side bar BUGGIES, new style, Two and Three Spring PHOTONS. Top and Open Bporting WAGONS.snafU A pole Spring and Platform , do. " do. We invito an inspection ef this work upon arrl. vaL Shall seU at Low Figure for such Material ana woramansoip. - T rmoNLY A MORRIS. mh3-U Auctioaeers and Brokers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IK; 02 IsT O i!lP T O IE2 ! nrms undersigned hays entered into A Copartnership; for the pnrpose of conducting A GENERAL t RETAIL GRUCKRT BUSINESS, under the- flrm' and style of f r; - ! J , MqILXLOS J& W atteiS. thetraslnesstoaUKedes.theypropeee.bywaltr Ing in person pon their costomers promptly, to ciaim ana merit tae Kina patronage or tneir meaaa Vi?.? an . :i n.keep the ???? .AJRTICLES toiej obtained. ana sell tnem as luw ahtuk luwkst. ; - ; i i v. . - GABRIEL HOLMES. JOS. H. WATTERS. mh 2 lw TouxSay TTHEY ARB SO -WXLL KNOWN AND BO popular and so cheap that eo ene who ip that bo ene who elves the matter an; uy t thought bay any other kind of Cook s 'SAM." Stove but the Never 1 .What, never 1 . . : i Well, to be particular, hardly ever. Sold more than all others combined. Guaranteed to please or may be returned at our exDense and money refunded. Seven: sizes. Write for cut 'end prices, ask also aoout we steam cooker; can be used on any Stove; a marvel of utility and con venience. Don't cost much. Take it back if you don't like it Sams and Steam Cookers sold only by P. in. KING A: CO., mhStf ....... Wilmineton,N.C. Gold Pens. LL GRADES, SIZES AND STYLES. The Pensman's Best Friend, Making writing a yleaeure rather than a task. i Pocket Books. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Just received all new stylet. Pianos and Organs, gOLD ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN, AT HEINSBERGER'S mhatf Live Book and Music Store. XliL FEW! JOUIS J. OTTEKBOURG'S I MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. Percale and Cheviot Shirts Nalneook and Gauze Underwear, Linen Collars and Cuffs, French and British Hosiery, 8 ilk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Balance of Woolen Goods at cost OTTERBOURG, 27 Market Street mh2tf ASTONISHING YOU CAN BUY AT MY STORE, ON MARKET STREET, 1 Lb, of Ground Coffee, at 15c Guaranteed pure. Bright Yellow Sugar 8c Pure White do 9c Standard "A" do ."....10c Good Green Tea. 40c .'Good Butter...... .......30c FULL STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCE- CKRIES. at LOWEST PRICES, including all grades of COFFEES Roasted Every Day under my own supervision; and when I sell a certain kind I know What I am doing. - Call and get it warm from the Boaster CHEAPER than any one else can sell it iu this city. Jas. C. Stevenson mhtts THE Greatest Inducements ! OFFERED TO Purohasers, Consumers and Dealers in MAY BE FOUND At the Large Wholesale Establishment OF I Ariviln 4 If - 1 1 r a a u nui inn VUIICI9 -.;'.. AT ' . S. fi. Corner Front and Dock St VARIETY ample, superior, and adequate to the umuBsui au. eaxvtso iajyh . wrvmen and Purcaasers solicited, mh 2 tf Plows Plows. PLOWS, CASTINGS. TRACES, : . HameSjCollars, Backhands, Bridles, Weed Hoes. Grab Hoes. Axes. And all seasonable Goods, at prices that defy petition, either in New York, Baltimore, oi com. or any uiuer city, . . . UUiES MURCHISON. mh 1 tf 38 and 40 Murchison Block. s; rjHB WORK NOW BEING DONE AT YATES' GALLERY by Mr. ORB, Is said by all to be fine. Give aim a sitting and be satisfied that such Is the case, iiis prices are low. a W. YATES. mh2 tf A. OSB, Jr., Photographer. Blacksmiths' Bellows. J3BTER WRIGHT ANVILS, CAST ANVILS, JL-with steel faces; solid box Vises, Screw Plates, ox aa sunos ana susee, sieages nana Hammers, Tyre Irons, Smith's Drills,. Tongs, Chisels, Iron, Steel, Borax, Ac. - The largest assortment 'of the above goods lit the city can, be found at the Old Established Hardware Bouse of - . -i - i :u; i JNO. DAWSON A CO., mkiU ,. U W ! 83 Market street M. .. . HQSSi RAKES, PrrCHFORKS, Shove'.s and; Spades, Plows, Traces, Horse Collars, Ac, at low prices. J ' J mh 2 tf No. 25 South Front St. NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Boatwright & HcKoy ARE Better Prepared - THAN EVER To Furnish the Best ! w I - ; r- ' I AT THE Lowest Harket Prices. We beg of our patrons, ia every instance in which Goods seat them are not satisfactory, to please advise us promptly. We desire to please, and shall exert every energy to accomplish that end. Any mistakes on the part of any proprietor or employe In our establishment, if reported, will be promptly rcwedied. We require of our Cartmen politeness and prompt delivery of Gcods. 5FWe think we know the wants of the people of the City of Wilmington and the surrounding country, and we proposo to supply a goodly num ber, that is, if selling GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICES will accomplish that ead f3TWe make up all our bills promptly at the end of the month, and would be pleased that all will ceme forward promptly and settle. It has been said that short settlements make long friends. WE CAN'T, NOR WON'T, BE UNDERSOLD. "MIND THAT." Boatwright & McKoy, 6, ? and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. mn 2 DAW tf JpCUNITURK ! ; HON EST WORK ! LOWEST PRICES AT THE NEW FURNITURE STORE. BEHUENDS & RtUNROK, N.E. cor. Market and Second St 8. mh2tf Wilmington, N. C. I Have Got Them. BUGGIES, HARNESS and SADDLES of all kinds. and at LOW PRICES. REPAIRING done at short notice. mh 2 tf P. H. HAYDBN. ALTAFFER & HILL. Factory and Office foot of Walnut St. WILMINGTON, N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds, & Ornamental Woodwork. All orders filled promptly, and Workmanship and rrices guaranteed to please. j Lumber orders sent to our Mr. W .E. HILL, Ab oottsDurg, wiu receive prompt attention. ALTAFFER A HILL, mh 2-tf Wilmington, N. C. Buggies ! Buggies ! Harness & Saddles. j FOR SALE AT GERHARDT & CO.'S, : 3d Street, opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. mh 2 tf r. Just Beceived, Another supply of that CELEBRATED BRAND of Jack Frost Flour, Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition . It has no equal. The very finest made, j ALSO. . 1000 Bbl8FLOlJR' 011 rades QAA Boxes Dry Salted and OUU Smoked SIDES, OKA Sacks Java, Laguyra OU and Rio COFFEE, Bbls Crushed. Granulated. LOVJ Standard A, Ex. C, and C SUGARS OCA Bbls Porto Rico. Cuba, N. o. Oil If ' and 8. H. MOLASSES, ud:b mty mjsss jtuiul, . 100 7111)8 cho!cc LBAF lard- OA A A New and Second Hand &JJJ SPIRIT BARRELS, Lake George and Lebanon SHEETINGS. Manchester and Randolph YARNS, Crackers, Candy, Soap. Starch, Soda, Potash, Lye, Snuff, Matches, Cora, Hay, i Oats, Glue, Bungs, Nails, i Hoop Iron, Ac , Ac For sale low by mh2 tf WILLIAMS A MURCH180N Builders' Hardware. i3PE OORS, SASH and BLIND S, fjr-Strictly Pure WHITE LEAD and COLORS, t9-OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS, Ac. iaPLOWST PRICES at N. JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 10 8. Front St. N. B. Another Invoice of Improved Heating and Ceok stoves at Factory mces. musu mallard $ Co. 4 HARNESS 1 HARNESS 1 - 7.50ter set and upwards. Bridles. Saddles. Collars. Ac all eiadea. l Trunks and Satchels in abundance . ouu vive ww anMw wv iihi ann iwimm wra anir rna nmaa Reoairlnsdone prompuy. mh2tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET O OOK'S PLOW IMPROVED 1 i .THE STONEWALL COTTON PLOW-1 ' i THA ATLAS PLC l PI1W I All tiiese Plows are- uus beet in use ead are fast takiesr the vlaceof all other Plows. Collars. Hames. Backbands. Traoes. 'Plow Lines. lisned uaraware turns or - HKNNINa Jk THHT. f 1Vn.Wu-ketatrfet: Nkab the Whabt. mh 2 DAWtf i3 NEW V ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUS E. POSITIVELY TWO NIGHTS ONLY ! Wednesday Sc Thursday, idareb 5 & 6 SUCCESS OP THE SEASON ? THEPATHFINDKRS A LA TROUBADOURS and luciaMtTOnn auii-UH JASfKKS, in their Brest rrviean ana Musical creation, S O A. S An entertainment without a flaw, being a pro nounced success bv Preaa and Pnhl I At. " w' Reserved seats $1. Admission Para uette 1 Kcenra Tnnr uita .l. tti -Cv'TV MARCH I, 1879. trown & Roddick 45 Harket St. A RE OFFERING TOK wot.t tvarvstn nr. A. MENTS during the fttwo week? in Marc; In order to make room for our NRW Spring and Summer Stock ! For 1S79. ..v uuw. u nauiv moo value rer $1.60. 250 BEST DOMESTIC MORN11 riNG QUILTS, re sold formerly uiiucu id 11.10. a-neywere sold formerlv for HZ.5, " witnoat any exception ' mo l ucjicot ui ine maraet. Ladies' Underwear. CHEMISE from 50c. SKIRTS from E0. DRESS in fuU line. NIGHT We have not the space to enumerate all the differ- v. wu examine tnem personally. Corsets. We hPrcpared to exMbit the largest assortment .uo .wre no imye ever Buown. uur 50c Corset is a Marvel of Cheapness and Art. We can suit the most fastidious. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions. We are clearing out the balance of this Stock in or- uci i uiue room ior a jsw 'LINE. La dies in search of such Goods should not fail to call early. Linen Damasks and Towels. We made a SweeDinsr KetW.ttan ment some short time since. The quantity we have S??. i-S "Pefka olumes. We are opening some Special Bargains in them. 4-4 NEW YORK MILLS LONG CLOTH, 11c per j...... w. iw uj ui. picve. xne ;vneapest and best Cotton in the U. 8. GENT'S WAM8UTTA SHIRTS, 2100 Unen Bo Boms o uents. soia ail over tie country for $1.00. BROWN & RODDICK, 45- Market street. mhS tf THE REMEDY! Of the Age. Peterson's Celebrated Medi cated Soap Liniment. MOST EXCELLENT. AS MANY CAN ATTEST For Barns, Sprains, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Croup, Sore Throat, Bruises, Sores, Ac, Ac. IVIts popularity is daily increasing. 37For sale at the Drug Stores, and by the Pro prietors, B. F. Mitchell & Son. mh2tf Would You JUY A GOOD COOK STOVE FOR A FEW DOLLARS T NOW IS YOUR TIME, And we,can fully satisfy you as to QUALITY and PRICE. ; Bird Cages, cheap and pretty, Toilet Sets and Slop Buckets, Brooms and Door Mats. PARKER A TAYLOR'S, 19 Front Street mhltf Holasses, Holasses. JgQ Hhds and Bbls New Crop CUBA, QQ Bbls Old Crop do tjg Bbls SUGAR HOUSE, K A do New Crop NEW ORLEANS, For sale by EERCHNER A CALDER BROS mh2 tf. Bacon Bacon. Bacon: 100 60X60 D s SU3Es 5Q do Smoked SIDES, A.MC.JI.PORK, Mr -- " ey mh 2 tf - . KERCHNKR A For asle tv . CALDER BBSS J3ccd Potatoes. H A A Bbls EARLY BOSK SEED POTATOES, 1UU Tor sale by KERCHNERA CALDER BROS. 1 tf Sugar, Coif ee, Cheese. ' 75 BD?AB. all grades, 50 , KyrH till If !HB! 2;-.' Per sale bv mb.2 KERCHNKR A CALDER BROS.

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