3 i nrning gtar. i THE OAK AMD TUB VINE. j By a Southern Congressman to His Dead Wife. i A graceful oak, with branches broad and bold, :.- v; Uy.)uJ.i ' Lived in a forest gray with years and . aim, . ... .. , j ;.. i And from its roots, with many a icircliug t ;-. "v fold, - I A tender vio crelltf Us topmost limb j And slyly tnestled thercr . What could it, mean? .1 Its tendrils toying with those locks of greeu? Low at its feeUJia-oak first saw the vine, 1 Crouching . for shelter - from an April t shower; j ' - And when It reached around the heart to -4 twine i . It clasped and loved it more from hour. to hour; . ft 'i . Nearer and dearer with each rising sun,' Until the surpliced seasons made them one. , r 1 sn - An autumn eveningaB thesuu went down, While thunder's fingers swept, the stormy lyre, - ; :; . Its branches bent before the whirlwind' ; i ; - fncni'n ;' - And touched the lightnings's dreadful hO tongue of fire.- - .. ? yy v::,..r ' The storm, passed on, the strong oak bowed its head, ' -f; For, looking down, it saw the vine was . . dead. . : . -' 7 In time its tendrils loosened, and the cold .- Breath of November threw its pallid O'er leaf and blossom, turning them to gold. And to the earth the vine, long ; lifeless, -fell; Bui winding round the oak the scars were "a shown ' .ij :t:.-,t.v ' Thenceforth of where the tender vine had ! ' . . i ' -V.-. -. So, in the paths of life, no matter where,! In castle or iu college, we will find Strong men who in their hearts will always ' ' bear - 1 J ':' ; - The cureless .wound of where some viae has twined. , Is there beyond, where endless daylight breaks, - - ; . - , -A balm for earthly wound and heart that . . . aches ? : i - PERSONAL Silling Bull ia only a medicine mau. lla-ases the scalpel. J ! ; Prince Bismarck received count less congratulations on bis birthday. Even the liberal papers publish complimentary aitich;B,.ti. if ' i j -I . j - ' - Brick Pomeroy, Pat Dorian, and Corporal Kernsn ought to form a squad, place themselves under command of the lion. Zachary Chandler, and go to war at once. Atlanta Constitution . "' ! ; Judge Cartter, in the Oliver Cameron case, held that Mrs. Oliver was married to Oliver de facto, but not de jure, which is a new judicial name for the old time broom-Btick marriage! Rich State., ,y ' It is gratifying to be assured that the great and only Rogers, Private Se cretary to Mr. Hayes, stands-firm in this crisis. ,Tbe revolutionary .waves break at his feet without disturbing his equanimity iu the least. 1ah.-Post. . ' James R. Young, who! lately wrote "Executive Clerk, U. S. 8.tta behind , his name, tells the readers of the Philadel phia Star that Washington "is infested with at least five hundred Mrs. Olivers, to whom many of our public men have by their frail lies to pay tribute."; Why, James,-how you dulk! TWINKLING. 1 .4' A toothache is a grindefpest.- Ji. Y. Herald. j- Buttercups are in bloom in the- 'Rabbits -are so numerous andJ destructive io-' California that the farmers are beiog forced to combine for! a war of extermination against them. ' j1 1 LofdXonsdale's art possessions have just been sold in London, and, as usual, some of the prices paid for; different objects are of J interest. 1 The .furniture brought $97,000.. -"Hflw,- grandpa,? said the littl girl, s she threw; away her old hood, and tied a bright new one under her chin, "I'm almost as old as you are. See, I've reached .my second child hood." X. JL Register. n f If there is any one tbiog that . will grab a man by the coat collar and haul him down-Through memory's halls it is to. stand idly by and see a troop of children enjoying the childish rapture of sliding down the banisters. Waterloo Obserter. He pat his arm around her waist Ami swore an awful swore, j And as he jerked it off again . . He said:-' A I've felt that Pin-afore. n .: -M-,y., . Puck. .' 1CELIGIOUS NEWS. Rev, Dr. Carpenter, of Baltic moVe, preachfd ilai'tl feanday bn ' "Nine teentb Century Miracles." He believes in them.'. ; v- :j ' The question whether a minister can perform , the nuptial ceremony, in his own marriage jhts been Jn the courts three years in Ireland and the decision finally reached is that such a marriage is valid. Rev. Samuel Marks, Episcopal minister at Huron, Ontario, . has just preached a sermon on the fifty-fifth anni versary of his ordination to the ministry. He is 82 years of age. He was ordained in Philadelphia,' by Bishop White, in 1824. It appears from lhe latest ; sta tistics that the Church of "England lias 6,500,000 sittings; Wesley an Methodist, 1,702,724; Congregatlonalists, 1,395,570; Baptists, 913,785; other Methodist bodies, 1,214,867; all others, 884,719 giving a total for all ot 12,601,745. . - , A clerical wag, thus epitomizes the peculiarities of the canons ofiSt. Paul's, London," tn the matter of Bermons: Canon - Grpirorv can read his Mrmnni. but can't write them; Canon Lightfoot can write his sermons, but can't read them; Canon Lid don can do both,, and .Bishop Claughton can ao neiiner.; 4 i duaiiia note. x 1 a. Miss.. Abbott t gained - troops of admiring friends during her stay in Kansas City,1 who will 'cordially unite with the lime In lh wiaht VMaV VOUr life. Miflfl Abbott, be filled with, sunshine, and may you never come to woei Emmal" Kansas viiy xvmes. -t , : . . t.. Miss FloreniDaVeDport,dauh ter of the late E. I Davenport, the actor, made her debut as Josephine in Pinafore, i an. sum a jruiiBuciyuia uowv, Mondav Ditrht. The limes intimates plainly that her 1 performance 'fell belew publio expectation. A London correspondent says, In a recent letter, that Miss Emma Thursby . has been singing with' great success at the grand Philharmonic and popular: concerts at crystal raiace 'and Brighton, ri ene gees to Paris soon to; remain a few , weeks, and where she1 is expected to sing, after which .she returns to London for the fashionable MISCELLANEOUS. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. IJcLANE ; til -f elebrated;: fi ' - FILLS, FOR THE CURE OF .,- t . .i - ., ... ; Hepatitis, bnUver; Conplaint, DVS -KPSIA AND SICK UBADACIIK. i Svmotoms of a Diseased T ivr Jvmpt mm 1 edtre m? thfc lifii under th eage the ribs, increases on pres- sure; sometimes the Dain is in the left sfde; the patient is rarely able to lie itu muc i suiuciuuics ine pain is feitunde the shoulder blatde. and it frequently extends to the lop of the shoulder, land is sometimes , mistaken IOTjrnetimatlSmt-Mn the arm. rTh I strimnrKTo af&rZA r,M, I tite and sickness; ther bowels iri gen- eral ire cbstive, sometimes alternative . .w ui ajjpc- 1 witn lax ; ine neaa is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back nart. There i I . , , f . . I generally a consiaeraDie loss ot mem-1 ory, accompanied with a painful sen ..: .f ii ; j ?S?!tw?l.!I,'Ss5.i015: attendanrJ .The patient complains of I weariness: and debility; he is easily I siaruea, ms leet are coia ot burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa-( ticin df'thft :sim' his'snrnhi 'are lrw' anrl oltVmtirrli Via is MtirffaJ 4-V . CISC WOUIO pe penenciairtO ium, yet I nUnT. ; - t- r if - jr- 7: i I enough to try It In fact, he distrusts I every remedy; V Several of the abdvel symptoms attend the- disease,1 but ca$e5 I have occurred where few of them ex- J dj istea, yet examination of the body after dea th. has showu. the LIVER to have : beep extensively deranged. 1 li - i AfcUE' AND FEVER. Pr. C. McLane's Liver : Pells,. in cases of .Ague and Fever. when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most I hapDv results.' No better catharrir : an he ' nrnmfnnr 1 advise allj who are afflicted with this j' u t.r . .n: ,lj .r- It disease to give them a fair trial. tor all bilious deranffements. and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled t j BEWARE OP MaTTATl6S :d f' The gennine are never sugar coatecU -- .. Every bdx has a red wax seal on the lid. with the impression Dr. McLane's Liter ' The remiine McLank's Liver Pills bear the1 signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist: upon having the genuine' Dr. tl McLane's iLiver Pills, prepared by Flera- mg iiros., oi rutsDurgh, Pa, the market being iuii oi lmnaiions oi tne name JU.CJjanet spelled differently but same pronunciation. Jan 11 eowp&Wly csSa - r; HALE'S rSMT OF HOEEHOMD AND -TiK I FOR. THE CURE OP Coughs, Colds, InSuenxa, Hoarseness, Difficult BreatMng, and all Affections of the Throat, ) Bronchial Tunes, a&I jXungs, leading . This infallible remedy is composed of ihe Honey of i the plant Horebound. in chemical union with TAR-BAUi,rextracted.from the Life Principle "of the forest -tree-ABEis The Honey of Horehonnd s6othe? ant scatters all irritations and inflaTntnaf?ons,gnd the Tar-balm CLEANSES AND heals the throat and air passages leading to the hrags1 FiVB' additional pgredient -keephawpi gans . cool, moist, and in healthfiri 'actidri.i Let no pre judice keep you from trying ibis great medi cinef of a famous doctor ivbo; has saved thou vstis of lives by it in His large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has ho BAD taste or PRICES! 50 CENTS AND $1 PER 1WXTLIV , - . Great saving to boy large size. Pike's! Toothache T Drops " Cure in 1 Mmute. , . . Sold by all Drnggists. -1 - .-. - - ' '. OEITTENTOBf j 1 Prop., H.is mj Tki.nru ...... - ; . . . . AtkinDcn naiininB inraranceioonu, : ',, BANS: OF KEW HANOTElt BUILDI11G, ! WUmlattsaH,; C. ; r . ; Oneea Insurance , of Bnglana, North;Britisb A Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. Hartford Fue lssnraace Company, of Hartford. : National Fire Insurance Companyof Hartford. : vhnit niMfuuM i nmwn evw run v ivnr . - Snrinrneld Iasunaee Co.. of . Sncuurnel Royal Canadian insurance Company, of Mantll Mntual Ina CemiwnT. Of New York.' Insurance Co. ef North America, of kiladelphiaj Connecticut Mutual Life Ins, Co. of Hartfortf. Ttal Assets Represented Over $100600.000. jhn ii-v ki - NCOURAGB HQMJB, mSTTrUTIONS.J. JiAAA A1VAVAAA VAWW nOME IKSUI2AICE CO CUP AN a ! - . i. v - KAXXiaBi k. a This Comnanv eoatbnes to write Fellcle, at fa rates, on all clasaes olinanrahls property. : AH losses are promptly adjusted and paid. . Tat appeals, with confidence, to bam North Gasoline, . J r,u iJiM of property it . , f.i ..I , t . t agents In all parts er the BUte. ifcj w J TTLB, Jr., President r-- B. H. BA Q. B. BOOTi ViceProaident.' atm a ftvw n r via a . PULASKI CO WPEH. 8niervbWj Vn'U 'U . 1 A' I istWf- Old Patters;;; 6 iLB NEWDFAPBRSStJrTABLKf r I ' ' AA. fl7u.,l. J a. s HI - Can be had at the STAR OFFICE NKWADVERTISEIIENTS.1 KE:iAYlTII S i Anti-Dyspeptic ; Pills. 1 hese Kllg will . PREVENT. AND fTTTBie T1V8- PEPdlA. Tkev are an nnri vailed DINNER PIUV mild aperient, aod admirably adapted as a Family. Medicine. Thev are used bv the most cultivated people in Otur. country, and are extensively used by; J Phyiicians in their practice. Sold by Druggists ge-. Sole iUnafacturer.Ptersbnrg. Va. - - - : $M?FrR8W 1 ..Maxias Hospital, Baltimore, , Writes : I take neat Dleaanre in ' tecommendin er Oolden's LIEBIQ'8 LIQUID EXTRACT OF BEEF and! Tonic Iavigorator, aa a most excellent tonic is au eases or eeDinty, ctuorosu, dsc. L nave -.tested wm universal success. . tsoia oy au uruggisi. WAITTED SSffi MSBSSSSSSSfe- Heferences re- S3 Qark fetreet, Chicago, V e will pay Agents a Salary ot luo Der month and ezpeafea, r ailowa larj?e commiwuoii, to sell oar t now and w'oaderful inventions. We mean what mti bample Swe. .Address Smkului it Co., Mars4is.ll , Sbe OKI AMf -A'DAT to Aeents canvassing for the Fire Ml ljVlHr. Temsand Outfit Free, Ad Areap P. Q. VICKJSKY, Augusta. Maine. , , , ' -' $77 s guars Out 0t free. Shav & Co., Augusta, Maine, AI) V JjJATlSJiMENT serted 300 nP ' JULO8d ioc. lines in- 1 week for 109 page pampnicu Q. P. BO WELL A CO.. 10 Spruce st.,N. y. ... ; mn -4wiJi w THE i. Buffalo" lithia .Waters,' v; AS A GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT :In Chronic i Diseases f I Waters, and the claim, though a strong one, is eminent medical ;men of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated atoe?B!?:iv : i Jl m :j ; n. Atections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially. In Stone or Gravel: Dvsoepaia. Kheamatlc Qont. Rheumatism. Paralysis. Malarial Fevers in their Chronic Ckronic form.' Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions, and in the peciauy n U Disorders. of. the Xenstmal j-uncaon, they have accomplished results as remarkable as were ever accompusnea oy any remedial agent wnatsoever, wnemer ra juuena sietuca or among juncnu waters. They are confidently recommended bv some emi nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE; OP THE 5S!di.4 - lP ANP DANQAR8 INCIDENT TO .These Waters, in Caaes of One Dozen Half Gal Ion Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs. Pamphlet sent to any address, t , Springs open for tfuests 1st day of June. i . THOS.. F. GOODS, Proprietor Mtt..'-:,'.;.:'j,'. Baftal Lithia Springs, Ya. L1VE;CHE1P. : : : ! SATE HflHET- "v I BUY GROCERIES FROM GEORG-E "MYERS, WboleAale and IletailY 11,13 & 16 So. Front St BEST BUTT BR IN THK WORLD, from 15c to 30c .' Flour, Teas, Wines, Liquors. Sugars, ; Ootifee, Molasses, hyrupa, Spices. I Crackers and Cakes, new style; Apples, .'; : Oranges; Lemons, Dates, New Prunes, 10c; . Baisins, Kxtracrs, Hams, Tongues, D. S. Heat, Pig Pork, Fulton Market Beer, t I Champagnes, bin Grass, Posey, Club- Bouse and Sweet Mash Whiskeys, ! Sherry. Port. Aneelica. cod. 100 Galls. PUR PKJtNOH BRANDY, from Anc- f ' non, at uair race. s3TWB ABB TUB LARGEST OF AST 8IMT- LAJl IN TUB KTATB. ana will sell Prompt Paying Customers CELKAPKR THAN TUB ivcuaarj9x. mhlltf . r.GBOSGX MTKRS. FtirnltfUre FllTIlililire 1 .MPOTrisu.! . WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, : to be sold at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Marble Top Tables, Ac , Ac, as well as common ChamberSets, Bed-Steads, Chairs and Rockers 6f all aortS, Looking Glasses, - Mirrors, Parlor Suits, Lounges, Shades. Bedding and evervthinz bclonz- t .L m x m i . . . Also, another lot of the Celebrated Genuine Slew art Sewing Machine, a real comfort. - : ;j ! For sale at ' ; ' , : F. A.' BCHUTTE'Si s'-j 26 and 38 South Fremt and -- 11 to 15 Dock 8te.' mhBtf The Steamer Pastsport 11 TILL RESUME REGULAR :l,-J" '- . ;s ; MONDAY, March id Leaving her Wharf at 1L90: A.m. : Keiunuug ai o.uj r.m. . iiavinz Deen over- hauled. redecorated and tainted, we nronuse exenr- KMiisTs ana pleasure seeaers accommoaauone un- snrpassed. Tickets 50 cents. . ; OBO. MTKRS, Agent. . main R, H, McKOY. ,,-X .-. THOS. H. MoSOY. Ja. i THE HcKOYS, , Attorneys and Ckmnsellors! at Law, WILMINGTON, JT. C. Office North Side Market Street, between 2d and Sd. Will practice in all the, Courts of Eastern North' Carolina.' Special attention paid to collection of I z Claims m any pars or ine country. anS0tf v Coriter Front AiidllMk ; " ; ; -! --.uf,-,--- i . . 7 .77.1 TtTHOLESALK GROCERS f ' : :. v ' " ' - f v i -. - IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. . Country merchants will do well bv calllnaonus exaiamuix our biock. a-.:--- . novi-u Hew Crop Garden Seed, JUST' RECEIVED, AND FOR SALS IN BULK, . and LPBHS, Wholesale and Ketatl,"by A AV Al U , . . VIIejlalHAI OT-Ji. AdfXAlX AkUVe North Carolina Flour. TVST R8CETVED, A XARGE CONSIGNMENT of NORTH CAROXmi FLOUBV In Backs. Call and examine. 4 .-to . ,l rs .' 1 - . v Always on hand, at the LOWEST FIGURES : COFFEE. ;-SUGAB,: ''iLAHD, ' A BACOiJ,1 and a foil supply . of HEAYY GEDCKEIES .large CODIlIUUllCilfcVl iJVAJUhUU ll.HU. . . ... , "i DDL BROS., ,febS8tf vXo.,ii nonn. vyater l Fall Faoliions 'HTRS. VIBGnnA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED gadi JM IS now using the LATEST '' SHAPES for La dles and jrilsses uaxs, ana mvixes s cau iron muse 'who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She Is prepared to alter old styles and fashion then into the most modern anapee. -.- .' ;5: -White straw dyed black whorTso; ordered and in. : . U v C A U T I O Rl! Pacts that the Public Should Remember. "Mvice that Should Hot be Forgotten. It is the 'old, om-story." It is found in the an- nals of eyery medical specialty, possessing merit that a brood of adventurers are certain to fellow in its wake, clamoring for public favor, in order to derhre profit by palming oft their imitatlens, and thus hoping to reap where others nave sown. Gen nine remedies alone attain after long trial and saln- ... -i .- .nul l: j.iii'; .s ' - ., . . .. ... tafy results, $, permanent reputation and lodgment in the affections of the affl!cted..Thi8 the Holman' IJver Tad Company's remedies confessedly have done in every dime, where sufferers have tested their efficacy. ' During the last five years, aiaoa theix reputation has teen established, not lees than fifty-eight Imtta- I . .si....... tlons have made their appearance and been placed on the market, usually ander a great flourish and blast of trumpets; and each of these within a short j X -i. - i i time has died, as all others tf a similar cli ore certain to do, namely, with quick: consumption , their fleeting existence being sometimes a little pro longed by a liberal waste of money. And why ? Because some so-called "Liver Pads" have proved Aj - is'sl i .'A ..... " -... ... .. ... . a dangerous polsoa others, in. a vain attempt to make up for the lack of the necessary ingredients,. were to be kept moist with a fiery liquid, bat with the direction that It be applied' with extreme cau tion, while others were aa passive as so much saw- dust. ' The imitators sometimes add to the stolen title of thelrpad the name of some noted physician who died long before absorption waa heard of as a remedy,' " : They also act la defiance of an .Ac, of Congress. declaring the use of copy-righted matter, etc, as criminal. More flagrant, brazen-faced examples, li able to the fullest extent of punishment, were ne ver before witnessed than from this class of suz- sards In human form. 1 . These are a few of the many practices resorted to In palming off ipon the public these monstrous de ceptions. , Tie following la another instance ; An employee recently discharged from the office of an agent of the Holman Liver Pad Company, appar ently desirous of getting into the pad easiness as a proprietor, and believing that the formula was In the possession of that agent, repeatedly offered money to the offlca hoy to obtain a copy of the same. Upon, the private desk was left a decoy pa per marked "Important Formula." He secured a -i . . . . .. I - duplicate copy, supposing It to be the true secret of making pads, whereas it contained, in fact, not one Ingredient of the Holman Pad, but was absolutely' worthless. . Nevertheless, it has been proclaimed aa the "8cientificn basiB of one ef the "Graitdkst Disoovxarjts or thb Asa,' out sold at a reduced price. ' This thing has been so advertised and put upon Use market within the last few weeks; and this and similar enterprises are aided by firms known, in the language of Mare Antony, as "honor tbUmn.n . . ' . . - Because of these oft-repeated honorabU" prac- til?inda8 a prptecUon to thepubllcandto thla 1. 1 t company, a convention wae held at the Holmaa LI- yer Pad Company's headquarters, No. 9S William Street, New York, January 8, 1879, attended by all the agents In this country, the Canadas, and repre sentatives from Europe, to devise come plan where- by the genuine pad and its auxiliaries should here after be found in the hands of one reliable repre i sentattve, properly accredited, m every town in the United States and eirewhere. . It was decided the representative Should be, generally; one of 'the best retail druggists in the place. . This plan is now be- i - , . . lng tfcowraghly carried out. " : - Good Judgment will suggest the purchase of none bat the- HOLMAN LTVRR TAD .XM3MPANTS REMBDIE3. which haye stood the, severest .test. Remember always that it is the genuine article only ; that Imitators copy,- tui) r j'.': "i , : ' ' . "....; ..V ... , , Holman Elver Pad Company. ITrtAaa Mtnalaa mrtt.t1. svavVa sswvIa avnAtiontl ftT VAVVaJt TV UiVU CSJLO WW S.VMWWw v the CURB BY ABSORPTION, as opposed to DOS ING, have been proved the cheapest and MOST ARIBING FROM MALARIA OS A DISORDERED STOMACH OR LIVER, and it is'a well known fact thatnearlv all the diseases that attack the human body can be traced directly or Indirectly to these two organs ... , , , - ' It la known bv actual erneritfLat that there IS no -disease that attacks theyouttaer adult of both sexes taat can mm oe moayiea. by ui use or arugs, bus that can be acted on la a far more satiefactoryand permanent manner by the HOLMAN LIVER PAD NUMBERLESS CA8ES. FINALLY ACKNOWL EDGED TO BE BEfOND THE REACH OF ME piC3mB,':HAVB BEEN 8AVED UNDER TUB MILD ACTION OF THfiSE REMEDIES ALONE. "If I questioned, send for our pamphlet. Naimm's XiwBj" giving extended information and testimo enimv- nials irom tae nrst people or the coantry. MaUed The remedies are sent bv Tnall. Vjastnald. on te- cvipioi price, except ine Bait, wmcn ia aen uj t ( . i . . ... - . . t . . - i i ytxen at purcnaser'B expense. -ijonBtuti tatioa free, end toUeUtA at oar office, or br I 'mail. vmg ruu aescnptiOB of your case. ' The public . la EARNESTLY CAUTIONED . '. . : - against Imitations and spurious articles. DESCED7TIYK PRICE LIST. J EEGULAB PAD (3 00; Incipient diseases, first ! ,.,, . Biagesvnuia ana ever, cu. , SPECIAL PAD $3 03; Chronic Liver and Stomach. " Disorders and Malaria. 8PLEEN BELT (5 00; Enlarged Spleen and Liver INFANT PAD-$1.B0; Preventive and Cnreof Cho lera iMtntiii anasuomer uem, plaints. rx .,, s BODY PLASTERS 50c. ) Auxiliaries for Nervous Of OUT " pair 50c. 4 And Circnlauve iToumes '-: throwing off obstructions and. removing pains. . ABSORPTION SALT-1 box IScf ft boxes $1.45. Auxiliary iox uoias, dick nu : . echo. nnmhnMiaf extremitiea. Vrtr fnrt.Binr InnrnnaKna aa 4n A, a mm mm Marthmi hv , tae Pad and its Auxiliaries, consult our pamphlet. Address, j . . ... , r. 'BolfflM:IiiitoPt.d Offices; CORNER KING AND' MARKET STREETS, CHARLESTON, S, C,i OB 1019 MAIN i STREET, RICHMOND, VA. u. Is' : It ! ; FITZMORRIS -& -FOSTER, MANAGERS, mh SI l iU y'4j : I .'.1-4 Hi f. Y rn n r rn v tNSrL 4 THIS Celebrated SH0KHIG TOBACCO ! Is retallecl at I ' (H,"Nr . OfTHTVy ' l I . , I , , , ..... -. ., , . ... ... i For a3-oz. Sack, ; 1 . ' I . " . And the smoker sets as much . Tobacco by buying It as he ; does by buylns teacents worth of poor stuff. , TRY IT AMD TAKB HO QfflEB 1 Very Respectfully, ' W. T. Blackwell & Co., ' : , ...... "' ! MANUFACTURERS OF The Original and only Genuine DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. WHO OWNS The MM Brand of MM Tobacco ? 1 Head Tbli aol Determine. DECREE; W. T. BLACKWELL CO M Clicuit Court U.S., :' vs. R.Distof Va. In Equity. " W. B- DD3RXLL SB CO., This cause came on this day to be heard upon the bill and answer with the exhibits and depositions, and was argued by counsel, and thereupon the Court doth consider that the said complainants William T. Blackwell, James R.! Day and Jaliaa S. Carr, trading under the name and style of W. T. BLACK- WELL & CO., HAYE TRE SOLE AND EX- CLUSI7E EIGHT TO USE AND EMPLOY THE WOBD DUBHAJt TO DESIGNATE AND DISTINGUISH THE s SMOKING "TOBACCO MANUFACTURED BIT THEM, and also to ase and employ lit conjunction with the said word DURHAM, the side-view representation of si DUR HAM BULL a and for their trade-mark, and that the said respondents, W5.' B. :DIbreil 'and W.' W. Faillips, trading ander tae name and style of W. S. DlbreU A Co., HAVE WRONGFULLY m- FRINGED AND INVADED the said 'right. and trade-mark of the said complainants; by designa ting and distinguishing Smoking Tobacco sold by them as DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO and by using in conjunction with the said words the repre sentation of the head of DURHAM BULL. Wherefore, tite Court doth ORDER, ADJUDGE AND DECREE that the said W.E. Dibrell and the said W. W. PhlUipS, and titeir, ana each of their, servants and agents, be, and they and each of them are ami is hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED FROM USING AND EMPLOYING THE WORD DURHAM TO MARK AND' DISTINGUISH SMOKING TOBACCO, and. from . using ami em ploying for the said purpose the representation of the head of DURHAM BULL, or any other word. symbol, representation er device, of a character te" deceive the public by inducing the belief that toe Smoking Tobacco Bold by them, 'the' said respond; ents, is the same as the Smoking Tobacco maaufao- tnreri and anld hv th said cOmnlalaants: and it is further 'Ordered, adjudged aad-decreed that this cause be and the same la hereby referred to Thomas 8. Atkins, as Master, to TAKE AN ACCOUNT I OF ALL AND SINGULAR THE EARNINGS, GAINS AND PROFITS f made and acquired by the said respondents, by and from the sale of Smo king Tobacco, marked and designated DURHAM i Smoking Tobacco, and marked and designated by the-representation ef .the head ot & DURHAM BULL, and to make report to the Court here of all : ...... ri . and singular he shall do in the premises, AND THAT THE SAID 'RESPONDENTS DO AND flaiii the saw complainants ALL AND SINGULAR THEIR COSTS BY THEM LAID OUT AND EXPENDED IN AND AB OUT THE PR OSECUTION of ' THEIR SUIT. . BO. W. HUGHES, Judge. v Ricamond. ltstn January, ivio. - . ntmr T-ir . J .Atruocopy Teste i.-.a. M. F. FiJtASAHTs, Clerk. ilxrdngton & WelddD RAILROAD CO.; Omen o Qfli'L SupxanrnirsxHT, " i r: Wilmington, N. O, Nov. 23, 1878. .: Cbausro Of Schedule. 01 N : AND AFTER SUNDAY, ' KOV. 84th, ! 1878, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & .Waldon Railroad will run aa f ollowsv r ; , '' i - - - - -L- - Haiy QXa.il and JBspresn. Train, Dally TjeAwo Wilmington, front SL Deoot. at 6:83 Ai-M. Anivea Weldon, ....iUi. ia r. m. Leave Weldon 4, ;.. - ..... 3:82 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9:53 r. . RIHC KlaU'and Express Train; Dally Leave Wlhnlneton. Front St. Depot, at 1 9:20 P. JB. Ardveat WekUrn..!-- ' : -v. A. M-' Leave Weldon.. i,: .... S:13 A. M. Arrive at Wilminzton. Front 8L Depot. 8.18 A. M. . '.Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Bock . I aotmt for Tarboro at 5.00 P. M.. Daily, and Tues-- day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 CO A. M. Ketura- lag, leave larooro at Hi. 00 a. jh. DaUy, and Mon day Wednesday and Friday at 8 SO P. Hi. , The uav rraia maaea cioae connecaon at wci- don for all points North via Bay Line, daily i except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- rau route. . Nicrht train makes close connections at Weldon jur fui pvuiiB uurm via juvuiausu. - . . .- a . i f a - Hieepmg Kara attacsea to ail Nignt Trains. , ; JOHN F. DIVINE. nov34-tf Ooneral Sup'L General Sup'ts Office. WII.BIINGTON, 7k COIiVlSBlA 4 GtTSTA U. Ei. COStPANS, WILaONQTONN. C. Nov. S3, 1878. : change of Schedule. ON AND AFTEB SUNDAY, NOV. 24th, 1878, the following Schedule will be run on this Road: Cf Kxpreae and Mall Train Dally. Leave Wilmington ;i 8:36 A.M. Leave Florence.. . 1:03 P. MY Arrive at uoinmnia... 4:15 P. M. Leave Owtaunbia.i . 13:56 P. K. Leave Florence l. .......... 4:47 P. M. - Arrive at Wilmington 9:00 P. II. NIGHT EXPRESS TKAIH (Dally). Leave) Wilmington.: . ..10:13 P. M. Arrive at Florence. - 2:89 A. M Leave Florence . 2:00 A.-M. Arrive at Walmington ... 6:18 A. M. This Train stops onlv at Fleminzton. Whiteville. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Augusta, ma Columbia), should take Day .Express Tram from Wilmington. Tnrouga Sleeping cars pnaigat trains tor uaaries- rton. .. , ... -,. . i ; juun if. mvxJNis. npv54-tf Gen'l Sup't. 1 - I .', i -, T CAROLIM ..CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Omen GxsxsaIi Sctxsiktxhisj(t Wilmington, N. C, March 16, 1879, 79. Change of Schedule. rTH AND AFTEB THIS DATE, the following V Schedule will be operated on this ..Hallway: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPBSSS TRAIN : 1 Leave .Wilnuneton at . ...6:30 A.M. . 3i00 P. M. No, t. V Arrive at Hanuet at. ... . . 1 cnariotte at .....8:14 P.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at.. ....... 8:30 A. M. No, 2. Arrive at Hamlet at . . . . . . . . .... .2:03 A. M. , 1 . j Wilmington at.... ....10:C0 P. M. Close connections made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railway. SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT & PAS SENGER AND EXPRESS. I Leave Charlotte 7:00 r i Arrive at Shelby .11:15 A.M A. M r 1 r 01...11... 13:45 P. M. rtO.1V f At Thaln(A .... 5:00P.M. The above Trains have Passenger accommoda tions, and are the only ones permitted to carry Pas- sengera. . ,. V. H. JUHJMSUW. mh23-tf . General Superintendent. ! CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. I The Steamer I t BENEF ACT OR, : 1 Capt. JOXES. WILL SAIL FROM NEW TORS, . Saturday, April 5. Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to . - 'THOS. E. BOND, A. D. GAZACX. Sup't, w Freight Agent, ; ; - . . Wilmmgton, M. U. , w P. Clyde & Co.', General Agents, apltf - . . . 6 Bowling Green, New York. Bank of Hew Hanover. Antborized Capital $1,000,000 I Cash ; Capital paid In $300,000 Surplus Fund 1 0 - $50,000 himjscz 0X8. JOHKbAWSGN , IX B MIWHISON : JtokALDMcBAB. ' a M. STBD3IAR ISAAC BATES,. JASi A. LEAK' H.rVOLLKRS ; B. F. LITTLE ; R. E. BRIDGERS E. B. BORDEK J. W. ATKINSON iffl . I ..... t. . "t :' .) CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President 1 . I ; ISAAC BATES, Vice President, : S. D. Waixacx. Cashier ; aug 80-tI The Idncolnl Progress, ... i i. w " , ' ' . i,r vr JV5Z&aeif0iA7lCV&l,iVi V. ; TO IVn .W iutLi, nnklahnl In TJnCdln COUntT and has an extensive circulation among the mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in theStateJi.;-.-ic.J Lww' - ji lt oners to tne jaercnanw wi -airable mediom for advertising , their business throughout western norui liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver nts:T Subscription price, $3 00 per annum tisements. in advance. Address ) ; : F. H. DxLANE; ; : Editor and Proprietor. t s AZL. ABOUT i: YTesterii ITortli Carolina If yon want to know all about the "Garden 8pot" of the South, send for a specimen copy of . 4 I ' " i-'-i'-'r1 .::'.. ;,'i-'r.' The .WesteiCourier. It Is a TWKNTY-EIGrrP COLUMN WEEKLY, full of Interesting reading matter,, and devoted to the interests of Western .North Carolina. . - y . lf222S25ri i Address . - S THK COURIER COMPANY, -1 myl9tf Bendersonville, N. C. . This important organ weighs but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living person (about- - uirec gauons ) passes tnrougn it at least once every . , half hour, to have the bile and other imDllrkies ' strained or filtered from it. Bile is the natural - purgative of the bowels, and if the Liver becomes torpia it is not separated rrom the blood, but car- -ried throueh the veins to all carts of the svstcm." and in trying to escape through, the pores of the skinr causes it to turn yellow o a. dirty brown color. , ine stomacn becoraej aiseased, and iys-; . .6 oneness, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Dick ana aomr atornacn, ana general debility lol- , low. Mbsrbu.'s Hepatins. the great vegetable - ft discovery for toroiditv. causes the Liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time thd - -blood passes through it, as lone as there is an ex- -. cess of bile ; and the effect of even a few doses upon yellow complexion or a brown dirty looking' skin, wDl astonish all who try it they being the first symptoms- to disappear.-' The cure of all bill- : ous diseases and Liver complaint is made certain ' by taking Hkpatixe in accordance with directions, f f Headache is generally cured in twenty minutes, -and no disease that arises from the liver canjexisi if aur trial is eiven : , . . . i. . u'-ui'd SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILL3 BY ALL DRUGGISTS.1 - - e- The fktalitv of Consumntion or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least ?' :'. one-third of all death's victims: arises from the " Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply stu- ! penes as the work of death gees on. $10,000 will . , be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation , of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, can be found 1 : in the Globb Flqwek Couch Syup, which has ' cored people who are living to-day with but one ;; remaininglung. No greater wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable, ! The Globb Flower Couch Syrup will curate when .: all other means have fiiiled. . Also, Colds, Cough, : . Asthma, Bronchitis, and all disease of the throat. . , and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and Ex-Gov.. V Brown of Ga., Bon. Geo. Peabody, as well as s those of other remarkable cures in our book res . . to an at the drug stores and be convinced that if you wish to be cured you can be by taking the ' Gxobs FtowBK Cough Svrop. 1 : : .. . Take no Troches or Lozenees for Sore Throat. . when you Can get Globb Flower Syrup at same ' : . '- price..- For saw by all Puggista -c-i -' f '-; Grave mistakes are made in the treatment of all : -diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not :" s . one case ot bcrotula, byptulis, wrute swelling, f Ulcerous Sores and Skin; Disease, in a thousand, ' . is treated without the use of Mercury in some form. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro. .1 duces are worse than any other kind of blood or - ; ' skin disease can be. Dk. Pkmbkrton's Stillin- . ' ' gia or Qukbk's Delight is the only medicine ' " - t.ri i r c o o- - ': H t-1 uiwa Win (.11 a uupc vt rcvuvcry uviu ouuiuw, oy- philis and Mercurial diseases tn all stages, can be V reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer. S 9 io,poo will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury or any ingredient not purely vegetable and harm- . less can be found in it. -. M-,if-rV,; r i Price by all Druggists i.co. ' Globe Flower Cough Stkup a"nd Merrell'S Hbpatike for the Liver for sale by all Drug gists in 35 cent and fi.oo 00 tues. ; , . ; - A. P. liEBSSLLI; CO.froprietor; j . . PHILADELPHIA, PA. r ; nov26 eod&Wly, : tnthsa NO iMOR OR GOUT; ACUTEOR CHRONIC AB-ICVIL8C -SURE CURE. V.atl.w , rf . r--", -wvw 4fU-4lUHn, European SaUcyUc MetUcme Gofflpany, OF PABIS AND tKIPZIO, H ' - rf IMSIKDIATB ReLTK WAKRAWTTtn. . PmwiTOWn Curh guarahtktbd. . Now exclusively used by all celebrated Physicians of Europe and America, be- ' coming a Staple, Harmless and Reliable Remedy on ' both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of ' -Paris report 95 cures ont ef 100 cases within three ucjd. ocuci-iuo uuiy uissoiver oi ine poisonoas Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $1.00 a Box ; Boxes for $5. Kent to any address on receipt of price. - Ehdobsxd bt Phybiciahs , ou bt Au, Dkuooibis. Addresa WASHBURN!? dc CO., Only Importers' Depot, 23 CLLff-st , N.Y - For ealeby " ' ; . .; ' - GREEN & PLANNER. novl4 eodaeowly . - thsa ta Druggists.- - Prices in England. $6a00, $78.75, , $89.25, '$100100,' $135.00, $150.00 Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in ; r. . - elusive:. - $103.23, $117.79, $13L97, $150.53, $184.88, $318.00. The above mav be ordered "Full Cheke." "Me dium Ch6ke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now makinz small bores of Noa. 14. 18 I and SO gauge, which are scarcely inferior in owet to the larger bores. -:i;;:o' i w eight or 30-Bore from ....... 5X ids. - '":.i-...v8j". 'i? Our "Giant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di- - plomaof Merit at the Paris Exhibition.; . , eena ror mustratea sneets. ---- -We respectfully refer to the followinr eentiemen. who have purchased and are now usine our guns : , Hon. Walter L. Steele; M. O, Rockingham, Rich mond county, N. C. - - - . - Gapt. D. R. Mnrchison. Wilmington, N. C. ' CoL B. F. Little. Ltttle's Mills,,?!. G. j , James A. Leak, Esq., Wadesbof o, N. C. Z , Wm. H. Bernard, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. - .,' t J. A W. TOLLEY, J - ' " . : . , pioneer Works, St. Mary's Square, ( . oct 3 D&Wtf . -r . Birminxham, England. .-ij' H-A1& 1..' and: .1 X! C rave ;Stbn es. n FIKST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW TOR ; PRICES. DESIGNS SENT ax MA11. WUK,- . , i WIHHA' n I H Pfl RflN X. I f in u & siv VCUWd CWUVVsBaVV Price 25 Merits aad $100 ' .ss55ft!V" DRAWINGS & PKsC8 itf B"S " : birmingh aw; fi V : V:jr S : 4 1 TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. . -t; v . 4 1" BICIIAiiD wA:ArfJis.s;!,5i-. ' t;;..;5T: alalia jretse Place, New pflLfi;4:& : Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book fornMoi ; , sale to the Trade. ,. ;. aeetawn Mi'eK-l-aiaSSSSS; 1 JC Manhood; Premature Debility,' nervousness. ,' I Degpoadency Coafnsloa of Ideas! Avrtioa to Despondency Coafnsloa of Ideas. ' Aversion to Society, Defective - Memory, and all Disorders Breaght on' by Secret Habits aad Exeesseav c Any dragglst has the ingredients. Address, i j . ; DR. JAQUES A CO., . i 130 West Sixth St, COTCISVAXI, citK feb!5llyP&W T - - . i?.' a. sTEbnMij ; ; Attorney and Cknmsellor at Law, ELlZABETHTON,r BLADEN COUNTY, N. D, Office Up stairs, In Brick Building, occupied by ., RinaldlAOo. Special attention to Claim -Collections nsas ef $100 and upwards made for. Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, . a;, specialty. . " - ap S-D AWtf The ;PiedmontPress,v - : r hickort, n. a;:;r v r' THE ONLY PAPER TUBLISHED IN CA tawba county, and has an extensive circulation ... among merchants, farmers, and all classes of busl- . necs men In the State. The PRESS is a , WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, I season. dest3 9 tf UUIAMX QUANTITY Street. oct 14-tf

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