I SIP tar. WILMINGTON, N. .: Sunday Morning, ' April 0,; 1879. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD - CONG It ESS SPECIAL SESSION. e'aate Not la, Sesslon-Sparrlnsr Ex blbltlon In ilit Home-Tbe Great ' . Ntrnara-la Ended Decisive Triumph of the -Democracy I. arse majority - of Greenbaclcers with the Dominant Party. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' ' Washington, April o. -The Sente is not in session, r 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. i The House met at 11 o'clock in contin uance or Friday's session, and Immedi ately went into Committee of the. Whole ;. on the Army appropriation bill.: - Mr. Sparks, of .Illinois, - called attention to an article in the Chicago' lnier-Occan, containing an account of an interview with ' President Hayes, by Mr. Davis, of Chicago, .- in which the latter gave the assurance that the President would stand .firmly by the Ttennhlinans? that he had waited anon the President as requested, and that there is ' UV1H9UU IU UOllOO Ulll IUI. liCOlUCUt will disappoint the loyal people of the itAnnlnr Wn himafllf fnio Ka who An Mr. Sparks went on to say that it seemed ' that the President is troubled with some spinal disease, which rendered it necessary for the stalwart members of his Dartv to try to cure it. He aBked fair-minded men - to read the articles published in the great metropolitan journal or the northwest, and mv whether there was not an effort mri there to coerce the President into the ex treme meARtiren nf PTtrpmp mfmVifra nf nar. ty, and yet, in spite of all . that, the city of uuivigu uau jubkivcu axsciuuvrauc msjui itv nf 4.fi2X to Carter TTarriB-nf"rmr nnn Carter, he called him) and that was char actcrized by the Chicago Inter-Ocean as a ' "victory for the Democrats and ' howling rebels." (Laughter.) In place of patting ramrods into the President's backbone, all the marrow and stiffness had been taken out of the Republicans. That Democratic victory in Chicago was the first popular re- ; A . T 1 . . . . upuuse iroiu mat xiepuDiican City, ana H was startling in its character. . . : Mr. Caswell, of Wisconsin, reminded Mr. Sparks that on the same day Wisconsin naa given an increasea Republican major ity of over 6,000. ; ,''."..-- to tnai Jar. .Bragg, or Wisconsin, re sponded in a manner thai elicited loud ap plause from the Democratic Bide. Then Mr. Chittenden.ofNewJfork.made an impassioned speecn, - sneering at the Green backers, and telling the Democrats that their present policy was in favor of desperadoes and bulldozers and - blacklegs at the polls. -..'...'. " . : The amendment offerer! yesterday by jut. .new, oi Indiana, ; mat the repeal shall not abridge or effect the right and duty of the Executive to resnnnrl to th rail r State Legislature or Governor, was agreed iu uci iy o, ma Avepuuucana retraining irom,voung on euner siae. . n Mr. Lowe, of Alabama, moved to strike out section 6 from the bill ' Mr. Conger, of Michigan, suggested to the other side of the House that if that were done his side would aid them in pass-, ipg immediately, without debate, a separate ; uui repeating entirely me BO-cauea objec tionable Sections of the statutes.- i ' Mr. McMahon, of Ohio, speaking for himself, repudiated the proposition. In the course of the debate, Mr. Cox, of New York, -stated that he had in the Democrat! councils favored a repeal of the obnoxious measures in an independent uui, uui mat ueTiaa Deen overruled and mat ne naa acquiessed in the superior wisuom, uui not tne superior experience of others. He expected that if the President veioea tne oui, tne senate would send to the House repeal bills pure and simple, and then there , would be a chance of testing the sincerity of the Republican side. "j.; t Mtj Aiken, of S.C., said that in the Porty fUth Congress the gentleman from Ohio Garfield) had said that whoever attempted to raise sectional issues as a. platform for 1830 would find himself greatly mistaken, and when that gentleman was in the Forty Sixth Congress and denounced the majority coming from the South as revolutionary, he (AikeD) could see no candor in the , man or his position. . Following the leadership of that gentleman, the gentleman from Ar kansas (Haskell) had condemned the acts of Southern men, but he had forgotten to tell that, after Republican rule of twenty years, within the last ten days cit izens of his 'own State had hanged a- negro, burned him at the stake, and danced to bacchanalian music around his pyre. . The House had also had the "nigger catcher" from Connecticut, Hawley gen tlemen would excuse the expression who : had said: "You, gentlemen of the South, are relying upon treacherous friends. You must knew that inthe Northern ' Stales all the patriotism, ali the intelligence, and all the fcapital belong to the Republican party." If that gentleman was half as wise as he thought he was, and knew anything about the Southern States, be must know that all the intelligence, all the .property, all the virtue, and all the wealth there be longed to the Democratic party. Applause on the Democratic side. He had heard from men of eminence constitutional argun ments, but he had only to listen from whieh side of the House the voice came to know the convictions of the speaker, and that had led him to believe that there was not so much constitutional construction required about the matter. The law which it was proposed to repeal had been a parti san measure, passed by a partisan Congress for the purpose tf upholding - partisan power. In 1868 ho had , been permitted, for the first time after the war, to vote, but on going to the polls found a sentfnel guarding the approach to - the, ballot box aod an officer secreted behind the box. He thereupon refused to .vote, styiog that no freeman would vote under duress. De risive daughter on ; i Republican side.l There ; ; had been ;j no; Democratic votes cast at - that poll -' In 1872 be had gone to another poll and found soldiers quartered within fifty yards of the ballofbo. and not a Republican vote was cast arthat polL - Why ? Because they i.Unrg0lthe m51itary "ere Demcl and said the .renowned champion f the ?rP.?Ltii? Q"5tt) charged thBDDeiiJ! ft WMPth?tSr2? it was ineentloman'a own party that had dragged the nation to the verjr perilous edie of revolution, and from that eulf the Dem ocratic party Intended VStSSSSSi- 2fviite?a?: After several amendments had been of fered and wjected,the committee rose and reported the bill' W lhoou8e 'in al Jffi" MxJlparks to i uu vtuimuitYio nave a veaan1 ?? lhe .Pf h4 section. ? "d MrMcMahon objected, and the biU then paed-yea. 148, nays lg3-a 6,en?Uplabrety T: i j-'The Greeabackers toted as followtrIirh me tEirmative, Messrs. De La uatyr, Fordt Gillette, Jones, of Texas, Lsdd, Lowe, of Alabama, Mlirtb, Stevenson, Weaver and Yokum. . In the negative. Durlnii unit Forsythe. I " ... ; Iheresultwas received without applause on the Democratic side. ' The House, at 4:20.- Kdlnurtted until i oesaay. WASHINGTON. - Action er the Ilooie Committee on Kalea The Wrlc Dome. , V Bt Telegraph to the Morning Btar. ' :, WAsfiiNQTON, Apdl5. The House Com milteo on Rules, who have under consider ation the proposition to increase the mem bership of several of the most important Standing Committees of the House, met this morning and authorized Mr. Blackburn to repoit to the House in favor of increasing the Committee on Elections from eleven, as at last Congress, to fifteen; Ways and Meana from eleven to thirteen; Appropria tions from eleven to fifteen; Commerce from eleven te fifteen; Judiciary from eleven to fifteen; Agriculture from eleven to fifteen, and fixinir the memhershin nf thm Committee! on Enrolled bills at seven, in stead of nine, as at the last session. The DrOIDOSitinn to tnrrnnan thn ttlnin committeejwas considered, but it was found tua luo taw uxeu tue memoersnip or mat at mree, in conformity with like of thn KpnttA Ika Inn tn ,sl jointly whf n by so doing measures referred . . L. , . M .... . . iu iuciu can oe Deuer lacuuatea. The committee tonic no notion - on Hi a proposed distribution of the several annual appropriation bills among committees hav ing like subjects in charge, but it is very probable that when the question of increas ing the committee on Appropriations is laid before the House, some , controversy Will arise, and that thnsn favnrinr B 'divi. sion of tbej work of appropriations will pro- pass to commit to me Military committee appropriations for the Army - and all branches of the militarv Rervirp to ' thn J Naval committee appropriations for the naval service, and to the Commerce com mittee 8DDroDriations relatirif to navicra- t - - tioo, sc : FOKEltiN INTELLIGENCE. Cambrldse Wins the Boat Itaee The Iiondoa Times on English Finances Spread or Silnderpeat In Bahemla, &e. &c. -. tBy Cable to the Morning Star. LONDON. ADril 5. The lnter-TJniveraitv boat race Was won bv Camhrirltrp hv two i - - 4 Iho lime financial article says: Ten' tiers xor l,8W,000 in treasury bills were received yesterday, at rates by which the government disposes of three months' bills at about one and one. half per cent, disj count, and six months' bills at about two per cent, j Such rates cannot but fail to temDt covernment to nastnnnn fnnHinr it a floating debt, but they, are far from indi cating a healthy tone of the money mar Hamburg. Anril a : Thn RMitR. says Bismarck intends to impose extra du- . : AM 1 1 m uco upuujituips carrying ioreign nags. T VmNNA. Anril 5. The TVcuk 7?Vti Pmm says the rinderpest is becoming increasingly places are now affected A irriin1tniA In many Dlacea is at a stand mill th A run rrh t Aflitl. 1 : 1 1 . t . amc ucius jucKea up wnerever tne ais ease occurs. The weeklv statement of the Kc Vrt Associated , Banks shows the following cnanges: lxians aecrease $4,621,900; specie decrease iSl.800: lecal tendnra f2,543,100; deposits decrease $5,822,900; circulation increase $123,400; reserve de crease $11078.925: banks now hold 41 Oftn - OTt -L. T jv m ciueas vi legai requirements. i'- OIBlESTIC nAKKfcTk. By Telegraph to the Mornlns Star r Financial. Nkw Yokk. April 5 Noon. Stocks strong. Money 7 per cent Sterling ex change :long486i,jBhort 487. State bonds dull. Governments stroncr. Kveninir Mnnpv Sterling exchange loner 4RfU4Rj.. ihnrt 487i488f . - Governments strons ne w fives lOoi. State bonds firm. i Commercial. , New York. Anril 4 Nnnn rvion quiet; sales of 18S bales; middling up lands 11 .c; middling Orleans llc. Fu tures eaisy, with sales at the follow ing quotations: April 11.15 cU: Mav 11.27 cents; June 11.40 cents; July 11.53 centsr August 11.65 cents. Flour dull. Wheat dull. Corn dull. Pork weak at 9 40. T.nrd a at ti 8pirits turpentine 34 cents. Rosin $1 40 Freights quiet. Evenine Cotton auiet? .sal nt tan bales;. middling uplands Hi cents, Orleans xit cents; consouaaiea net receipts 5,191 bales; exports to Great Britain 2.742 bales- to the continent 4,616 bales," Flour with out decided change; Southern unchanged; common to fair extra 4 lOidiS 50? wood to choice do 5 50a6 75 . Wh-t mrin. abdut steady, with a moderate export de mand; winter tc lower, witn light trade; uneraded winter red 1 A41 14. Pnm steady; futures a shade lower with mode- iaie traae;souinern yenow 45ic. Coffee quiet and firm; Rio quoted in cargoes at lllai5C; in job lots lHai6c Snirardnll and weak: Cuba 61a6ic: fair to rnnd refining 6J6ic; refined steady ahd un cbantred. Molasses- ahont ntnadv rA quiet. Rice quiet and unchanged. Rosin quiet atj $1 40 for good strained. Fork a shade lower, with moderate demand; old mess, 04 spot, $9 409 50; new $10 85. Whiskey quiet at $1 05 cash. "Freights dull. . , . - - , .7 . Cotton net reneinta 9.SR hi... mm. redeip"ts559 bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 131.000 bales, as follow.. ArJril 11.20J?v11:21 pta Mav 11 5rii 00 . l , M.mj a. Vf A. W Cents. June ll.5ltfftll.fi2 nenla Jnlv 11 A7 U. 68J cents, August 11.7711.78-cents, oepiemoer it.oyoii.eu cents, October 11.14(Znll.l5 cents. Novemherm fiiTm q.k cents, December 10.8210.84 cents." Baltimore. Anril 5. THonr tH nd Unchanged.: Knnlhorn tirhoat nnlitiBo.i.i quiet and8teady; southern red $1 131 15; amber $1 161 16i; No. 2 Pennsylvania red $1 131 13; No. 2 western winter red, on! spot and April delivery $1 124 1 I2f; May delivery $1 18f 1 13. South era corn quiet and steady; western easier; southern white 46c: veltow 43a44c." Oats steady land unchanged. Provisions firm and unchanged. Coffee firm and un changed. Whiakev nnchanired. fintrsr steady ;! A soft 88ic. . St. LbrjlS. Anril 5. Flour nnleti don. bl4 extra fall 4 854 50: treble do 4 RX 0.1 70: familv 4 75(215 85: ehoiee 4 Oft 5 10, - Wheat -unsettled and irregular but generally higher; No. 2 red fall $1 04 ai 041 cash. Corn fairlv antivn und n. shade higher; No. 2 mixed 83i33f cents cash. Whlsfeey steady, at $1 04. Pork dull at $10 50. Lard quiet at $6 25. Bulk meats' easier; clear , rib sides $4 85; clear sides $4 955 00. Bacon -inactive and iww, cicar no . Biues so 4u; ciesr smes $5 50. W- V'ii .i.H -iiv.,:i, .-:;c-;: Anril 5. "Flour otiiet f am- Hyi $4 C0a4 85t superfine $3 25a3 65. Wheat firm: red nnd hfta i n;i na Corn quiet and firm at8738c. Pork held very nrmiy at f iu ooio 75. , Lard steady and firm; current make $6 806 82f Bulk meats buiet but firm' thnni.. o ok. olear rib aides $4 85: clear side. s in Bacon Quiet but fi m sides 5f c; ciesr sides 5fc. Vhiskev sicaay ana in lair demand at $1 03. 1 - iTrrr r . A frrnt fniluro n i- i. 1 . .u uueiucau in sometimes less Umentnhln than . i I....... n n t. iuio lu -Aieaiin.- JJr. Hull'" TtAltimnvA , r:ii. - fco.nt. T " . preserye tne MIDNIGtHTP2CKK57 OBSTRUCT lYlS FiriE. : The Latt St, Lonla tBddflatcrdtloti . UeaVv, Oestraetlon of stoelc ot Good Total Ioaa,Etlnaate4 ar from 0400,009 to $500,000. j Si It " By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Louis; ApriTX The buildings oc cupied by i ApplertmNoyes :Maude, Mack & Co,, and 8. II. Hamilton" Co. Nos. 500 to; 606, North Fif tH JBtroet. and wru ui w. ju. xieyers da -wo-.r4 Washinctonv Avenue,"- were . burned Hast night. They , cost t:30,000.a few; ;yers ago, ana were owned oy the .Mercantile Block and Real Estate Association p pleton, Noyes & Maude's- building-was damaged about ' $20,000; Mack? & Co. 'a building was nearly a total loss, sav 50.000. and Mevers & Bio. ia inlnred in the rear $5,000. On these buildings there waain- surance to ma amount 01 f izu.uou. liodd, Brown & Co. were insured on rtbe eoods. on Fifth street, for $70,000. The Joss tot Mack & Co. on stock is estimated at $125. 000; insured fori $40,000. ; The stock :of Appleton, Noyes & .Maude waa valued at $55,000; losa and insurance not yet ob tained. Hamilton & Co. had about a 40. 000 stock, and Jacob Bros. &"HofEmao. Who ocennieo tba Gharlaa street U nf thn Fifth street building, had about $25,000 biock 01 jeans ana ciomtng. Aitherman White's loss in not rleflnitelv tnanrn Ihnt will probably increase the. total loss to I be tween 400.000 and 500.000 ,"X- if - The body of , Geo. Farrant, business agent of the National Guard Association, Whose armerv was in the nnfker ntnrv on Verandah Row, was taken from lhe ruins ulia morninir vvif n .rtni ,nl-iflffi hnrn.H t " . . I Wll V,.W.WVV. Off. and hin fanA frtfrhtfnlitr mt.karf ' Ho " ia lue rear ruomuLtne armory, tooatng auer some oases or . rmes, wnen it 18 sup posed a part of the roof fell - and buried him in the debris. His, relations. live in Norfolk, Va. - - ;,. St, Louis. April 5. The fire which com- I WMAMAA t. f.dk -Vtfli.? :!... . . ' il . , ucubcu iu muiui-cuw: eireet, 'last dieui, was under controtat midnight,' and had not extended beyond the block in which it atariea. AJinerman z White's store was gutted; Meyer & Bro's., adjoining, was damaged-a t good 'deal by water;-The Fourth street stores - in v.vrnrthJv Prt were injured, more or less, by water, par ucatany miner, urant B uo..- dealers in laces and fancy dry goods, and H. P, froboaco, dealer in fancy candies. The American 'Express 1 Company's office also received a thorough wetting. The aggre gates tosses cannot even oe approximated at present. FOREIGN INTELLlOGNCH.1 Farther Pstrtlealara or Battle be . tureen EffTPtlans and Arabs-Strl-: Islos nitneraXleldlnc The Pope and , uneta victarla-adjanrnsnent r or French Senate' and Chamber Par- dona of Communists Signed. - 1 fBy Cable to the Moraine St&r.l London, April 5. A special to the lima from Alexandria says that on the day after the; battle between the 'Egyptians and the Arabs, under the lead of Suleiman, five thousaed deserters came over to ih TCr,n tian CamD; The? Efrvntians followed ti.o retiring enemy; killing tea chiefs, audi two ingusiau more men, ana were sun in pur suit at last adviceav -The capture of all the slave depots ia considered certain. -. The notice to the Durham miners of 15 per cent, reduction in their wages expires to-dy.f Workmen i at tforty of .the pits nave accepted , and it is believed ali will accept. A dispatch from Rome-to the PoS Mall uazctie says the Pope has sent an autograph letter to Queen Victoria, welcoming her to Italy and expressing good wishes for her welfare. : Verb An.T.rcy April 5. The . Senate has adjourned until the 8th of May, and the Chamber of Deputies until lhel5tb of May. viuuiui, u. ueunuu vriineim Dove, the celebrated metrologist and writer, is dead. JfARig, April. 5. President Grew has signed a further numerous list of pardons ot communists. . i " i ELECTfKIO SPARKS. ! A disDatch fromtAmriifitn C aura ih. the extreme cold weather for the past fortv- 1 111 ... .. . . cigui noura aiuea tne iruit ana -vegetables in Georgia and South Carolina. i A. special from Dallas, Texas, says in the aiuicuity xriaay, at Akauimao, John Kt 11 snot and killed Unas. Smith, a nephew of oongressman Brown, of Kentucky. A dispatch from " Montgomery, Ala.7 states teat mere waa frost generally in that 0a a a- .a oiaie ana cotton mat was up was injured. Some replanting will be necessary. Fruit and vegetables were also injured. v v 1 ... . J "i COTTOB lUARKBTX. I . (By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' AdhI 5 Galveston, dull nd at o in& ctsf-net receipts 1018 bales; Norfolk, easv at 4ut cis net receipts lsw baletfl Balti more, firm at lit cents net receipts bales; Boston, firm at llf cts net receipts 776 bales; Philadelphia, Arm at Hi cents net receipts 150. bales; Savannah, firm at 10 cts net receinla 753 halpa. tTaw Or leans, firm and in fair demand at lOf cents net receipU 272 bales; Mobile, quiet and Steadv at 101 cents net rprpiMa OftSholao. Memphis, firm and held higher at 10f eta Yl of Mnamt. IOQO V.n ln . .. - . ... . 18f, cents net receipts 153 bales; Charles ton, firm at 101 cents net receinta 4SU bales. ; , v.. , . . .. . . (By Cable to the Morning SUr.J LrVKRPOOL. Anril ' 5 Noon . t lol ton In good demand and freelv met at nrevinn prices; middling uplands 6id;; middling vneans oa: saiea 01 iu.uuu Dales. 01 which. 2,000 bales were for speculation and ex ports receipts 1&SO0 baies.iof which 5.000 were American. . Futures oDened nartiaJlv 4 . A , ' . I -... . .. " . ' x-io cneaper, oui aecnne since re covered: middlincraDtands. 1 m A nril h. livery r 6 8-32d; April . and May delivery 6 1-166 3-32d; May and June delivery 6 5-32d; July and August delivery 6 3-16a ft TftO.4. 4n .! '..4 D.i. 1 j.ir ZZ: v r-ui August auu kcMcuiuer uciivery 6i8 9-82ds September and October de livery 6 9-32L . . ,M Latbb Futures dulljiniddling uplands 1 ra c, April ? and May? delivery 6 116 6 l-32d: Mav and June deliver a iifii. June and July delivery 6 5-326,d; July Teas. Teas. Teas; - ;' - JTJ8T BECK1VKD. " Fresh and New from the Importers a nice lot of GREEN. IBLACfK AIfD 'ENGLIJSB: s BREAKFAST TEAS. ' V . , . ..... . .. . AlifO, a Full Line of OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA,' LAGCYRA AND KIO j , COFFEES. , atAAtTXM'B JTANUX GILT-EDGE BUTTER, 'V J KNULISH DAIRY, PINEAPPLE, EDAM AND I CREAM CHEESE. " " PLANT'S EXTRA MATCHLESS SHENANDOAH , AND OHIO VALLEY FLOURS. All of which we are offering at PRICES TO SUIT I THE TIMES. - . i Holmes & Watters, mh23tf , . No.S North Front St rIts7,T4r6ntiSe.i: . 'LOCAL ;.-NEWK Ht Hrof.' Dife rfeeefilly exhibited at Salem. :; 0 , ; . . Warren tori has a dramatic .troupe. ; a rr-j Wrpnton Jrto haro a military company?- v v.' r MnoIdfdeen'PtUatd is, quite? Se riously ill. k J- ' ;' - " ! -: Bishop Lyman" confirmed three persons atSoow flilU , Greonsborc b-aa a Bbiu under sail. It is in a shopwjndow., r ,?- - TWO Gaiiford OOatltV" hunters are orngging over killtogSO turkeys bos tween them this winter. Internal Revenue receipts in the Fifth District, for we-k ending March 29,1 $7,825 00.Total for Alarch. 48,92.7 03. . . -x.Au. unknown uegro was burned to death in Granville last week, lie lay down by? fire, from which-his clothes TJ!he good people of IJashville gave Rev. S". J. McLeod a severe "pound-C ing," becaH8e he aided in procuring a pro- hibft?ryl! law for IhatjVilUgft, T" -A- severe tornado passed over Brqwn's Summit,N; C.V6ri 3d inst. ' Sev eral houses were blown down and their contents scattered broadcast. One boy was killed and many persons seriously injured by falling timber, i Trees and -fences were blown dp wn ,an great damage done. , . , TrlYarnto9 Gazette; At our last court we' were specially impressed with that part of Judga Eure's charge to the grand jury, where he : spoke, of th9 im portance of having none but good men on the jury and by good men, he -said he meant those, who had good mentai and moral qualifications. ' ' 4 KitiaUn Journal: We hear that fliere were twelve newspaper drummers at Snqw Hill this week. . -, There arefifly three cases on tho civil issue docket and fou teen on the i summons docket for the next Superior Court convening here on the 21st inSt ' J. A . fjftrtunii a Klrn.nl.. Jiving inr town, iwas stricken ; with partial paralysis on Monday. . , . ,. T ,. f- Raleigh' JVtfws: Olie firm of W. T. Blackweir & Co: invested $20,000 in revenue stamps Thursday.. This is the largest purchase ever made In this State. - t- That - clever young gentleman, Jobn M. Sher wood, has been elected Junior Sec ond Lieutenant of the Raleigh Light In fancy, and the new organization, so to Speak, is now complete. -z: . ; ; -T Spartanburg (S. , O.) : &partan: Gen. Austell of Atlanta, and Cola. Oates and McAden, of Charlotte, passed through town last VMek on their Way to Henderson. They let out the contract of finUfiing the roatl to that point to the largest railroad man ia tne ooutn, uoi. Potts, who : has agreed under, penalty to. have, the iron horse in Henderson on the 1st day of June next -f v :)- : t- Statesville Landmark: Corn is selpng at 50 cents. per busheL with an in clination downwards. The wheat crop in this county will fall rery much below the average this season. , The ex cessive cold weather and scarcity of snow during the winter accounts for the falling oflj i The Congressional canvass in this district was opened last week at WUkesboro, by ex-Congressman Bobbins. From parties present we learn Mr. Rob bins made a rousing speech. --r Salem Press : A colored man. re- idine in Winston. Drofessen covered what many have striven for and ultimately failed in perpetual motion. He has a machine of soma kind ih 1.. k... on the go for six weeks without stopping or j oaiswoce 01 any Kin a. Kev. J ohn H. Clewell. a n ali vp. ' of RVm .mi . . graduate of Bethlehem Theological Semi nary, has received and accepted a pastor ship of the Moravian church at Vlricbville, Ohio. r - Thieving of every description prevails, throughout the town, and vicinity. ' 4 Greensboro . Patriot: Tom r Jones, formerly of Greensboro, son of Mr! J. L. Jones, is now perched 11.000 feet above sea level near Leadville, Colorado, where he is engaged in mining. a, mule attached to a wmMn n..r DavSa m-t East Market street, took fright last Thurs- uay, ana aasnea away so suddenly that a ladv and bov were thrown tmm tk. n.- The lady's thigh-bone was broken, and the uujsuguuy injured. Mr. J.N.' Sta ples will deliver the anniversary address at the Odd Fellows' celebration An I Ha QAtk - wis instant. Salem Press: S Esq., of Davie county, had his shoulder wAi.ua, nuwu .nw , 1UJU1CU UJ a WOUnu re ccired during the late war, taken out some two months aco. - . R ? m ; -tt nert, late of Salem Female Academy, has aiiycpieu a puainua as resiaeni irroiessor in the! Moravian Theological C Seminary, at Bethlehem, Pa. One hundred thou sand dollars were invested by 8alem cap italists recently in IT. S. flan Deri cent, bonds. ..llf Willi-, a Lash, of Walnut Cove, received on Wednes aay morning, irom d. u. Jfotts, Esq., of Fleknintrton. h lot. of anavn rt ik. i o . - v. , n bm eye perch, from Lake Waccamaw. - At tne; tate term 01 vv uses ueurt ten convicts were sent to the Penitentiary. . Jndir. Cldud' 'returned' from his wfntiir trin n Florida on Tuesday night. -K Charlotte i if Observer;? At: nhrroa. pbndent ' writes us from Mount Mourne that Mr::'W. L Kennerlv' of - th i-- had his thigh broken, and was otherwise painfully injured by a failing treo. It is beginning to get into the newspapers ina? uousin Anme Jaaria Barnes,, of the Acanthut. has sriven her heart ni nrnmtaori her hand to" Mathes, of the Winstod Senti- neli -'OJThe auestiannf nrpoontln w 1 M. S. Pinafore, by amateurs, is being dis cussed; '-W-s A lively affair occurred tn Baumgar tents saloon,; opposite tho Central jresieruaj ttiieruoou, tne parties to which were-Masars. John Ada KiStler and. Robert Sh a rru T i.a Adams7 leg got fastened between the bar anq an iron rod that surrounds iv about foot from the floor.'- and nn nf tho s.h bofces was broken. Yesterdav. Mr ' Hall M . Cald wel I. Dennt w not t.w internal Revenue service; captured and brought jlo Charlotte, a wagon and; team and twenty-four boxes- of-tobacco; which was innocent of eovernmrfrit DrdDertv belooeed id Mr. Thnwoa lirnrrio of pavie couaty;; Vliis3teZi H Tarboro; Southerner H - We have not yet heard of any cotton being . planted in the county.. Let Ua again beseech' "our farfcaers ppvtoplant too much., s , i i i uo puiovo xuafii j0P v . ; And sprung up from her bed. . '- Tiftid an nion in nAndriok ' "' "I'm Peerless now," she said. interesting seon istWdhesday and uuHuiiueu luree pwiUDS.i;r) Vs , tie wb9 subscribes and fails to pay, i i. Is surely ia ar wicked wayj , txiuti ntm nvryearar we hate to tell, Bill hia hpd hfi'a marla In l'J : v. 'A. plse6 wheretlinenid ytvu lu.Di, euaaiuc; agues HUU 8UCU are IB treat demand. ' TJnah ightsnowmttji-eputyi Sheriff. joa white menft last Friday for paseipffcouiK terieii money, mey drew their pistols and dared him to touch one of- themAHe didn't touch, so thev.went Oil thnlii mn.. a jolctng. A. colored man, Iivine near town, gave ; his! mule, a bo of coneeEtrated lye to make him won't eat no mo'." pitr Churches To-Day; y I St John's Church, corne! of Third and Red Crpss streets-. Rev George Pattefson, Rector. 'Palm Sunday. " Morning Prayer and Cgtebration pt; the' Holy Eucharist at II jo'clock - Evening Prayer at 9 o'clocfci Daily service Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday.Y at 71 a. m.. 12 m and 5 0: on Thursday at,7i a.J' and 5 pirn.,u and Inj 1 Good Fridav, RPTviopa at 1 1 m'sndRnm" jj-gter Even, services'.at' Ti'm. and 2 p.'" m. i The church wHl ha one n for nrivftt .'- , : ; - devotions each day this weekV from sunrise till! sunset, Jti j," ."V" St. James' Church; corner Market and Thfrd st8. Palm Sunday. Morning Pray ez and Celebration at H o'clk; Sunday school at 4 p.m. ; Evening; Prayer at 5 o'cl'k. Dab ly service; Monday, Tuesday andrWednes aay at T a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.; MauB day; Ta ursday at 7 a. mJ7 5 p. m. aod 8 p.m.; Good Friday at 9 a ni. and 3 pi m. ; Satur day- (Easter Eve:) at 7a.m.ll a m , 3 p.m. ot. r aurs lAUpiscopai) church; corner of Fourth and Orange streets,': Rev. T. M. Am blet, Rectot. Services at It a. m.; and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 3i p.m. Seats free '- First Presbyteriaa Church; corner'Third and. Orange streets, j Rev. DrJ. R Wil- aonj Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and p, m. Sabbath sehool at 3 p. m. Young Mei's Prayer Meeting Tuesday nig'hat 8 eiocs ; - lecture i'i hursday evening at 8 o'clock. Skats freb. Second Presbyterian Church, corner. ef Fourth ';and i Campbell streets. Rev' C 1L Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 aim and at 7J p. m. Sabba(h school and Bible class at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wed-' :besday-at'7'p in.i;6cats; free. f ? St - Paul's Evang! Lutheran Church- corner of 6th and Market streets. Rev. G. u- pernheim, D. D.j pastor. Services for Passion Week. Palm Sunday, April 6lh, English service and examination of cate chumens at 11 a. m. German service at 8 plmi; Sunday school at 3r. m; English services, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thm day, at 4 p. in. Good Friday, April llth Preparatory service In German at lOia.m.; German service and communion at 11 a,m. English service and confirmation at 8 p. m; Seats free. Every person cordially invited! First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7fj m. .The Lord's supper wil be administered after morning sermon. Brooklyn Sunday school at 3 p.m. Rev. A. Kirkland, of Presbyterian Church, will occupy the pulpit at night; Monthlv church meeting for business Monday night Young metj's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7f o'clock. Church prayer meeting Thursday night at 7f o'clk. ; 1 Second Baptist Church, on 6tb, between Cbiirch and Castle -streets. - Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m.; and 7i o'clockp. rnivby Brcl J. P. King. ;Sunday sehool at 9 ra. Regular Prayer Meeting at 8 o'clock Tues day evening. f . " ' St.. Thomas' Catholic Church. Dock and Tnird Streei?. Revf Mark S. Gr6ss,Pa8tor iraim Dunaay eany morning service at 7 o'clock; the blessing and distribution of Palms at 1050 service; Vespers at 4 p. m. Holy Thursday and Good Friday, services at 9 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. ; Holy Saturday; services at 8:30 a.m. Easter Day, services at 7 and 1050a.m.; Vespers at 4p.m. Seats open to visitors. u ' Front Street Ml E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and d Walnut streets, Rev. E. Services atlla. :Bd .v School ,9 . . w A. Yates, pastor. 0 p.. m.; Sunday School at -3d. m.: W. M. Parker, sup'L Young Men's Society Tuesday evening, 1 o'clock; and regular Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evening at 7i o'clock. - Fjfth Street Methodist E. Church (South,) situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev.. B. R. HaN, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at9 a. m. Prayer meeUng Thursday eve ning at 7i o'clock, i : . i The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston upper room in the Tileston Normal School building, on Ann streets, between Fourth and Fifth streets every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' First Congregational Church. Memorial Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets Rev. D. D. Dodge. Minister. Sunday ser vices at 10, a.m and 3 and 7p. m.Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7i o'clock. ... v . w St. Luke's A. M. E. Zibn Church, corner Seventh and Churcbi streets. Rev; G. B Farmer, pastor; Services at 11 a. m., and 8and 7:30p. m." The public are invited. Seats free. ?jivj St. Mark's Colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Services n Sundays at 11 a. rn. and 7T p.m. ; Saints' 9 a. m. and 4ip. m. Sunday school at St. Barnabas at 8 p. m.'; Seats free. arE u St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church. Rev. J. l-Fry, pastor. Services on Sunday at 101 a. nx , 8 p. m. and 7 p. m.; on Tuesday 7 P. m., facial ; meeting; ; preaching on Wednesday at 7 p. a ; prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p. m. - ? - - . Eirst Presbyterian Church, (colored), 8th andChesnut StreetSwn Rev. D. J. Sanders pastor. Preachine at 11 o'clock, m .nai ;7T p. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock a. ra Wooten's Chapel, (colored), corner of Bladen and 7th streets, Rev Willis Wooten. pastor. Preaching at 11a. m., 3 p. m., and 7a p. rhltSunday School at 9 a. nv. Wed nesday services at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock everv Pr id av nrninv1ia... free. fltf4 Uui.i w '.C Wirot Ttnntlat rkni1. ai . hNinth and Red Cross streets Elder Jeirv rauerson, pastor ln charge. - Sabbath shcool at 9 o clock a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock B,lblf Bch001 at 8 p, ray . Preaching at 7 o clock n. m -v Ynnnff man'o . I meeuog Monday night, 7T Vclock; preach S1!8 ni8llt 7 .dk; regular prayer lueeung.Aoursaay nigut,,7io'cik; -r First Ranttst f!hntrh- 'fn.lnraA '-a-;. ' and Camt)bfen rtft: RirnHaV 01.1 ft Yin nraoAliiaiM HiAi T v - VF I 7i D. m. ReV. P. R.'-TTnwel1' T&. Mi iibataUiiii' nb aus ss. m vx x i 11, Pastor. n2.Hnd 5ftPli8t Charch (colored), between Castle and Queen on Ninth Street! liev. B. -j Z. J " cervices at 11 a.m. and 7 p m ; Sunday school at 9 a.m7 ; i Ebenezer Baptist! Church (colored), 7th. between Orantrn nnA Ann . iVr n Banks, pastor. .: Services at 10, a. V,; 8 p. Tr-iS ; 0 ?m, ,oatbath school at 12 M. 'Trinitv Chanel tT'H! ni,i,--.v TZj. Brunswick, streets, Rev E. Morten, Pas- " eeRev.-E. Morten, P 7 p' m' Sabas?aP9l at X Tri7tTii.vr TrnTTn.rrtr -r .,M-Ur. tJ BiNoiPMsmmM SiAooicc X":;?Yi5..WWrl .aw. v a avi u. BuuivH VualXUBAn. " " v . . " .. . . 2. r V sXisra- goods: ill : Staple and Fancy D ry ; Good s; :i IN ALL THE : r.lost Popular Brands, . i i T"r j 4 1 r r DAILY ARRTVrNfi at Hi ii'i hut .Tytei.t,'Q louiaarKet street. IV, 'M. ii J I' -ajS Miili?1"ii;iIjjfw''-l3&uino COMMERCIAL. Wit MI NOT ON MA R K IT. The official .or ormnrner onotftiinrio ujim are posted at .the Proddce Exchange daily - M7. bl., ana reier to prices at that hour. ;STAR OFFICE. Anril S SPiRITSTPENTINE-The Tmarket opened easier, with 29 cents asked Sales reported later of S0 casks .at 2centa; per or regaiar pacxages.t closing, jum. ROSIjhejmarket.wasdull, at $1 05 ior jSlrained and 1 1 10 for Good Strained: No sales reported,;? ai;-- .?m :A ' i TAR The market was steady at 90 cts per?bbL, of ,280 hWsf at which price the receipts of the dav were disnoVeri of J ' CRUDER TURPEliTINE The market quiet at ft 00 for Hard and Sl 60 for Vir gin )and "jiovrjiipv atWhicU!iihV receipts' "nf ilia Hair nl.A-'jr ! 1 ' -li - wui awxh roe market opened ouiet. with sales reported ?bjE onlylS bales on a basa of lOi cents per lb for Middling, clos ing steaay, n i no lollowiog were the official quotations Xn-nin. cte, u,, vvruu iiuiuaijr ...... . iff Stript Good Ordinary ; 10 , Low Middling. . I;.. ..-10 .; auaaung..L.1...v.i.ii 10J v - . ; Good Middling...'..;. . , Quotations conform to the classifications of the Amencan Cotton Exchange. I , PEANUTb, Sales of ; 100 bushels at 80 cenis for Ordinary, 90 cents for Prime, $1 00 forExtra Prime ; and $t;?l 6 per bushel for Fancy. Market steady. f ' ajjA " r" j RECEIPTS. ! ' DAILY RECEIPTS Cotton....'....;.;...,.' Spirits turpentine, ' . ... ; 130 bales. 175 casks. '4 nosin. . . ...... ...... . Tan. Crude turpentine, ..j., l,7M'.bbla. 200 a MARINES Port Alnanttae Arl 6. .Bun Risei,.'...V;'.Air:-Ai,ri.K.ja - ir High Water (Siflithville) 0.53 Morn d1 iSE "Wf,t , . ?kl2h. 48m., ir f .?fgAmviSiP 8tmr Clinton Bisby.BarJnerman'sBridge. Master " 8tmr WavbesoiC JyeletUle, Williams Murchison,.,,- fl am yachtPassporli grper,imtthviile,i Nor barque BraekkaNeitedrj, Savannah, u.a j . 'j;:5;CLEAltED.; Stmr Isis," Paddison; om$ Caswelt R P Paddison; . . ... Williams & Murchison. -; -r: . , - , , Steam i yacht Passport, Harper.Smitbviile, George Myers. ) - . . '.. ;. r,-8! r;Perry, aikf.VPoice, v Porto Kc4, NortbroR, Cumnniog. ; ; , Schr Warden Evans,: Primrose. Phila ddrihia, Harriaa & Howell. ; ! : .-.j ,: 1.8. .' . .. linn iii 1 : COASTWISE. a- , - Xorx Steamship Regulator-.83,V mo teei iiumner, i.uia bales cotton, 200 bag peanuts, 475 casks spirits turpentine.' SO bbls crude turpentine,' 40 bales sheeting 70 bbls pitch, 1 do rosin, 133 do tar, 29 pkgf mdse.1 tiimI titl'M,i!li,i . , PtoADftLPHiA Sch: Warden Evans I27,p00shingle8.. s j - r cl ' , Ponce, P. R: Schr A B Perry 1&5.96G TeeUumber, 57,800 cypress shingles. & s- 1 if-'ikf ii-tj 1 ! thak SA a nr.. XUi of Vessel ... - . A.T. VI . W III ' m-kiuv, 1919. Condor (Nor.), 399 tonseUen, Pauiilien (Noti'toAnew Hperanza(Ner.l4ffitonaniairfW 'pWAii tSUoMtNofcVm - toasi Morlan'd EHeide -jM-a 0w.wi.at uiaenr s?n i.is ta w ...ixi jj. Heide SCUOONEKSn Jesse Hartd, 253 tons, Wall :-'Ha taster TJmi -Worth & Worth ' . ' - w .tf , ,-1 MasUr. leoecca at mnh (Am.), 381 tons, Grace, jCharles A Jones; 044ous,- Crowell, Master KMn Ti L- i nr. . m! tjiiaa iti nr .11.1. iiiii uiiim s irnap . . - " r " Q Barker & Co .tang lJove.fprra; AXen4 f H(K Mill Jii U .Barker & Co Warder 4t Evan83 (oWPrlmtosei & W . .! ! ' RPoffljining& Co - .TqttajiisaTtssidljiiowell ' j .b-i ,t'lH L-aaSIU x'luwi SK , ItoncjC-tt the Siguaf1eUerlrfiiy veV DAI In TNrVff a VA:av1aA1 a I f " 1 . ' ' nalpfflceA the vessel so , designated should send 8horefortelertiAmr.j TIlMTAlntinn ,m 41h ni'.t.i'.n ' I !,i rtA .1. J u- J' lae u O.1 Dig- BlftRVDu 'int .AAAu uai,, vwmw w iseismoffeneybf mo ney, concladed to RJSDiSca THfc PRACJIHair- fT'lt oXr0 5 onPemg. to S5c : aad Whiskers oX. . !. "S. uj oc: aad Whiskers I. rtttelPlSiA18 ..AM SOUTH and No. if m FRONT BT8. 4 , ; 29lt , J ,-i p. 33 SsSltJ::': WW 1. i - ja HKCELLANEOUS NEW YORKril, 187ft.,. PUBLISHER: Please annonnce to the residents WUmina that H.JH. MUNSON Ja authorirod to Receive onleri for any article of the complete list f CBltDEEN'S CLOTHING, sam'ples'snd'cats of which aaay b ramlne la Ms Sales Booms, and I m 'o'ard to him for Ms Patrons, at NSW YOKK PEICKS, Expressage added. CASH ON DELI VERY." ' ,: ir-'- ' vvV'; K Tlle prlng and Saaimer Aseortawnt is complete, and( the most extensive ever before exhibited ia the city. j " " BALDWIN, THK CLOTHIER. It's Woftj&Ytifc ALL GRADES OF COKFfiKS AKK EOASTRD - f AND GROUND. DAILY, UNDER MY . -OWN SUPEKVISIOIT : 1 have a Patent Cviini ar Pmii 1 j .1 enced man to attend to It. Therefore I can AL- oesirea, and can guarantee the quality, because 1 select my own Coffees, and eaa jadgethera ia the greettberrxu i. i,. .-u,lL .: Parties hnrlnir tfmatl v... m .v : ... S tteJSet, dot how long it has been roasted wibffurr r v" kc "Hwniee yoa call rcr KKSH.and at pnets that others cau't compete ' 'U.4 ' -f;r:v'-! J.. , : ri,". Rememher thai t am tk. n .... tnat Roasts hiloToff. '"" lUB cuy Prices as foUow s, Roasted and Ground : V fx9FAJBAr-Mc-or w lbB-$i. JAVA, Genuine Old Government 33c. NO M1XTURES-ALI,. PURK. Jas. C. Stevenson apS ts .--i.M. Review" copy.':" vV'i Boys & OhUdreii's Clothing. yuti uy not FORGET THB BOYS, AND) you need, not send away from home to bay dotafeg for your Children - - ' -j We have received all the LATEST STYLES OF THE SEASON. ,. .:; ?,V"V V.;" . -T Tjmtt KTA fitinrf Pont. S. V. J '... ' Vest Piicss trom Two Dollars id ci - - . . uim awiur.yoiA send yoarprders Nerth, and yoa will be SUITED at -- Fashionable Clothier. ; ' ' "P5tf . earner Front and Princess ats. ' iGroceries at VerT tow Prici3sl . COFFEE, -j' .j--:,' ;..;f FJLOUR, . ., MEAT,' ' ' . ' - ' CORN, ,, . . CANDLES. POTASH, -a-::i;..i. :Va: ,i jk -4. j-, SOAP. m : - . -, soda:-":; . ; .;"- CHACKBRSr; ' ' ' - - TOBACCO, " '-mT-SgBSFV, ' . apS D&Wtf 2i N. Water Street. ii ' i The nuet Reliable and KcoBomlcal BACKING POWDER ! ! : ONE TEASPOONFUI,.: , ... to a Qdart of Floor is. ENOUGH. ; Try it once and . you will nse no other. " At Wholesale by ' m t - . , - HOYELf IES IHf BOOTS VH & SHOES. in; Bayers will hnd a 1. . large and varied stock ' 4 BOOTSt AND SHOES .-. - i ... embracing all kinds of ' staple and fancy Goods togetaer with all r the .Novelties,' it the Low feat Prices, at . GEO. R. FRENCH' 4; BON'S, J ah SO tr 39 N Front st.,WiImln8lOBL FeUow'CitizensV ...... .... f .... . . , ' 25 S. A.'.- .1 YOU ARK 'CORDIALLY ? INVXTKT) TO AT tend. a. Semi-Aannal Ex&minatioa Goods "tJS?8 ; vPTTERBOURW'S MEN'S WEAK DEPOT. r ' -. i.." : JTnA " MjkMMJ. I. . k..S . A.. . ' ""w, a largo- lino oi njuau nais, in Uff and Felt? also Mohair and SlUe Ventilate re. . K Bkl a. . -T l , . -aaaa 1 -. . UmPM finlt-Sl tl7AMnJ Yia.A.aa Uffa itUnlf. T w WM-aaap. VV VI DVCU A1OTO UUlKSa tflUM 1W ASft" msOViatt aval all Aat... IfI-Ja AJ finuJ .. , . fli Mr. C. L, UOWLBS, theaffldeataaal poUteCnt- wr ana jaerensnt lauor, nas nis nan as weu in. ne will -AfrninA . .11 ilmaa in AAni1-iAA a. Maammm liooma oyer stores w , v, - For fifteen days a rood ; Linen Collar will be sold far PIFTRKP CENltt - 'r ' - far FIFTKEF UENIU. 4 Vti.4 Yoars . L mhS0tf t:.'. w JLOUtS. OTTERBOUR9. ! i 3V -v A? Fact. v OUR PEOPLE NEVER FULLY APPRECIATE', the benefits of "RECONSTRUCTION," anttt' uiey hw u kvmiiea vo tut via dou ui vutuiwk- nwa1 ri)..iA.M1 -sAVAaaakt am tka OT YT UfunflMtXT DYUINa ESTABLISHMENT, Market Street, be-'. tweei New I clean- iwcen x auu so.' Lisaies- vmm irjw m ail ui Shades or lane, Brown and Plnnv Kid Gloveat cleaned at 16n pair, r, tn tcj h U. S9 ,t i 7