& '. -ir-ii ; -1 a; i" WILMINGTON-, N. V.: Friday JSIoRNing JApril 11, 1879. t riT? t a tt? cttv- xrx? w n lilU XJIX V J- -A w w FROM ALL PARTS OF THE W0BL1V . , i i i"M . ;t ' )ONOUESS-SPKCIAIi SESSION. " New Hampshire Xeuatorlal Caee-ITIr. Hell Admitted by t Vote of 3 to 8 . II o di considering LeglilttHe Ap , proprjunHttoBIII-rPrOTUIoii for Poy ' ment of Arrearage, of PobiIobi. By Telegraph to the Morning .Star.l , -j vv gENATE. ;: . ' Washington, April 10. The Senate ro aumed tile consideration of the New Hamp shire Senatorial case. Mr. Saulabury ar- I gued against the admission or Air. iseii to the scat. . After f a brief discussion rhe yeas and nays were taken, and Mr. Bell was ad mitted to a seat in the Senate by a! vote of 35 to 28. ; The Army bill was brought before the Senate, after which there was an executive 'session, anfd the Senate adjourned until tomorrow.-'- ' ': ' "' : ' '' '''. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 'I Thd i House' committees were not an-? nounced this morning, but the House.after the reading of the Journal, went Into com mittee of the Whole on the Legislative Ap propriation bill, of. which there are still twenty-five printed pages to be disposed of before taking up the contested portions of the bill. ;rwa'KM',"'n': .1 t : Mr. McMahon offered an amendment, the concluding portion of - which - says that In order to provide for the payment of pension arrearages the Secretary of the Treasury be instructed to issue immediately,' in payment thereof , the ten millions in le gal tenders now kept in the Treasury as a" special fund for the redemption ot frac tional currency. r ; 1 ! L 0 i Mr. Garfield made the point of order that the resolution was not germane to lhe bill. ,7 ! After quite an animated discussion, in which Messrs. MacMahon, Kelley, Weaver ' and others insisted that there was no rea-; son for keeping this ten millions in the Treasury, the Speaker decided that the amendment was in order, 'and," after being additionally amended so as to.provide that fractional currency presented for redemp tion shall be redeemed by any moneys in the Treasury, at the time the 'same is pre sented, Mr. McMahon's amendment was adopted. , . ; . . The House committees will be announced , toraonew. , , . . , ' WASHINGTON. i .:'::', n .. ,.,' -i - "' C ..... i ''ta Grand Army of ihe ICepablle scenia Dialoyalty A Tempeat In a . ToapoaVr-i ;. 4 rf -n' r1.?p JBvIelclrapli to the Mfeunsr Star. - WASHQiaTOH.o April? iia-The . Grand Army of the Republic last night passed res olutions condemning the Washington Light Infantry for not carrying the United States flag while acting as an escort to the Norfolk City Guard, new on a visit to' this city, and claiming that said Company refused or ne glected to bear the flag of our country, and believed that it had teen done in deference to the wishes Of the Company from Vir ginia. C av: '- . ;s :The Washington Lightlnfantry is com posed principally of government clerka,and . 13 commanded by CoL5 Wm. G. Jloore.who : was Paymaster in the Union army, and Private Secretary to President Johnson. The Company, does not carry a fiag,as they claim a single company is not entitled to a flag, as that , distinction , belongs , only to regiments and Datallions. t t: KERTDCKr. ,; . :;. , 'i J ITleetlag; of Hepabllean State Convon . tion Nomination lor Governor. . ," By Telqgrapn to tbe Morning Star. : Louistellk, April 10. The Republican State Convention met to-day, with a large attendance, land ex-Representative John D. White presided. Walter . Evans .was nominated for Governor. ; V; I. - x Resolutions were adopted .'endorsing the acU of the r Republican party, adhering to the principles adopted at the Republican Convention in 1876, and condemning the management of public affairs in Kentucky by the Democratic party. " T r. -- The resolutions farther declare that the determination of the Democrats: j to rule or starve the government "is another , exhibi tion of rebellion, and that duty to the country demands-thaV the- President shall resist by every conatitational .means this Bpirit of lawlessness. Also, that the name and fAmo of . Grant are inseparably linked with the most important events ' in " the i country's history, and it is our pleasure thus to declare our admiration and esteem , for him, oAjt-gratitude to and ouf confi dence ia Irfnr. w , w,-i " ' KOUElCitf 4 BM.AVLH.mtTH - i,,k'fv'' u . . . -'. -I ' . " By Cable to the Morning Star.1 LivKitrooL, Apjil 40 -Ifpoo. (Jottoo firmer;' m'iddliDg uplands (tyd; middling Orleans, 6id; aales of 10,000 bales,- of which, U OOOt talea men tor ;sgecala?ion and export; receipts 38,000 pales, of wuich all were AtDerlcaa.T TB'utdrea opened l-32d better, tilt ie,advanca baa since been loat; middling uplands, 1 jii c, April deHvery G 5-32d j April and May delivery 6 5-32 6d: May- and ' June 'delivery C 7-32(a '0 346d; Jane -an Jul delivery' 0 9 32 August ana eepiemoer aeiivcry ofa. . . . -Tne sales for tbe week were 50,000 bales, of which 39.000-t bale; 'were American: speculation 6,000 bales; export 4,000 bales; ' actual export o.uuo bales; r imports 70,000 bales, of which 59,000 bales are American; stock 587,000 bates, of -which 475,000 bales are American; - amount of cotton ' at sea 264,000 , bales, of which 217,000 bales . are American,. 'i?m -t,:it i;:; J; Late Middling upranda,':ir'nx c,ij May and June delivery 0 7-32di June and July delivery 6 7-52x1 KBeptember? aB3-October delivery 6 lad. - Sales of,, cotton .lo-day include -7,000 baled Anierlcany.,,; Mi ' :.: : Cotton market will be closed from to night uatU Tuesday V: ! r: evening x uiuresioaay ana quiet, with 4 -aa fiffannfrisWrMsli:.. t::.TT WS'l - upiaBds,:.iihr; Ansust delivifvR isXiV - - r AnSU8V rtmVWh germm Iilverpool Cotton Trade. Lrvfcap . ADrttlOThis4eek4 Mliln tar or me Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Asso ciation, for the week ending last niRht.says: voiwu h ouimaiea on n naay, with a " considerable advance In prices. Since then It had been less active, with sales to a fair extent, quotations are above those of last Thursdays 'American wai n fair daily request, and prices have risen d- Bea Island ia-ta ood demandand Hhiifber Jot medium a4 t4iotilaeir gtade. vFu tures were very strong, and advanced on irriaay ana Baturaay t5-32d. This week there has been considerable fluctuation the market closing strong. The highest prices . have berSTnauitainedf sad final rot. an advaaio drd for April and Aprif and iay, sou o-oyo-Jipu,or ptner positions. The average American kitchen f and ' Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills both know .Dyspep sia; the one creates it, the other destroys it. Price 23 cents. j midnight sparks. N TE L I.1U EN G B t t , Question Ot Occupation of Turkish Territory ; Mettled. Garibaldi 3 Still Alive, dee. dee. By pable to tie Morning Star. '-' L Rome, April 10. -It is positively an nounced that Italy has finally decided not to participate in the mixe d roccupationTof Eastern Iioumelia. -) Garibaldi daily receives numerous visits from political, personages He said yester. day: "I never have been more concerned for the interests of our . brethren; beyond the Alps than I am now," '. , ! ; I London, -April 10. A Vienna dispatch to the ''limei says that according to Con stantinople advices the agreement between Austria and Turkey, relative to ..the occck palion of Turkish territory, is now per feet fo all its points. According to all ordinary calculations,3 this long pending question is ' at .last settled. The ' documents with the necessary Austrian regulations attached,'- . I . . t y .: i . wiu u scut iu uuuuiiiuuutipie uy iue ucu mail. t6 be exchanged for that signed by. will be sent; to Constantinople Turkey; . . The agreement grants Austria the power of occupying three points on the river Lorn, km the outskirts of Novi Bazax and commanding all the practicable cross ing places on the river.-- MZ -V The lime? dispatch from 'Bombay says it is rumored in the Cabinet that negoti ations : oetween Axasooo ; lib an and tne. British have failed, because lhe latter in sisted on the evacuation of Cabul; but such, demand is in direct contradiction to the. statements of the Government iu Parlia ment. " r " . ' . 1 Pabis, April 10. The 2mps states : ihat the Council of Ministers, to discuss the Egyptian question, will be held Saturday.' The final resolutions can only be adopted when France and England have agreed on. a joint course of action.. It is not. true that the foreign consuls in Eypt have de clared in favor ot the Khedive's plan, though the European colony appear - gene rally to favor IL..? .?'-.:: v-& xs m 4 A Frelzbt Train Breaks In Two- r Usui (ioaaca vara iiemuua. i t . By Tlegrapb. to the Horning Star. ! Elizabeth, N. J., April 10. The fast freight train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, eastward bound, broke .in-two at Kahway, at 2:30 o'clock this morning. - The engi- nppr atrnni(T thn fnrnint nart nt tha train ' rr- . v and the detached section ran into it, de molishineueicht cars filled with merchan dise and canned fruits.and slightly injuring a brakeman. ; The wreck covered both tracks, delaying the trains five to six hours. , t. " i mm m mm ' '" ""r::1 L ELECTRIC 8P1BK8. ? -J'.t Ulonsiglor Vincent Gosscr, Prince Bishop of Bnxen, Austria, is dead . ' In the Kornegay foundry, at Goldsboro yesterday evening, the ; boiler exploded, killing Jl B. Timberlake, fireman, and badly scalding four others. .In consequence of the indisposition of Judge Bryan, the U. 8. Circuit Court, at Charleston, was adjourned by Judge Bond yesterday until Monday next. - ----- t I A private telegram bulletined in the London i Stock Exchange, and dated Iquiqua, Peru, April .5th.- say that that port is blockaded by a Chilian squadron; " A. Foster Elliott, resident Secretary . of the Liverpool & London & Globe Insu rance Company, and Vice Consul of Bra zil, fell dead at New Orleans' yesterday af ternoon. 1 ; V., '.J.i'.t. The rope of the elevator at the Gramercy Park Hotel, New York, broke yesterday morning, and the elevator fell to the base ment, crashing George Burchard, engineer Of the hoteL He was taken out dead. The Convention of General Ticket Agents, at Atlanta, Ga., adjourned yesterday after making J a general reduction in through I rates. The Southern KailwaT and Steam- I ship Association ia now in session for the purposel of . discussing the true source of the recent cutting in through freights, and to permanently restore the pool figures. DOiaBSTIC OAHKHTK. Bf Telegraph to the Morning Star ' -; ! ' Mndneial. . , . I - r l Kkw jYorx, April 10 Noon. Stocks quieL Money 67 per cent. Sterling ex changelong 486, abort 4871- ; State bonds dull. Governments weak. Evening Money 43 per cenL-- Ster ling t exchange 485485. -Governments weak new 5's 104. State bonds dull. ; .tOtmrnerctalB jdlT , : Nbw York, April 10 Noon Cotton qujet; sales ol 2i)i 'bales; middling up lands 11 5-16c; middling Orleans 11716c. Fatures ) firmer, with sales at the follow ing quotations: April 1L81 cents; May 1143 cents; June 1LC0 cents; July 11.75 cents; August delivery 11.80 cents. s Flour dulL Wheat doll. Corn dull. Pork quiet at $9 40. Lard dull at tQ 57. Spirits turpentine 34 cents. -Rosin $1 40. Freights steady.' ' Evening Cotton nominal, with sales of 384 bales; middling uplands llf cents, Or leans 11 cents; consolidated net receipts 6,862 bales; exports to Great Britain 60,407 bales. Flour dull and strongly in buyers' favor; Southern quiet and heavy common to fair extra $4 105 40; good to choice do $5 506 60.- Wheat ilc lower, with a very moderate trade; ungraded winter red Jill00$l 14. Corn slightly in buyers' avor and quiet; ungraded 43i45c Coffee firm with a moderate inquiry. Sugar a fair trade and steady; Cuba 7 3-16c ; Cen trifugal 7c; fair to good refining 6i6fc; prime pjc; renned quiet and unchanged. jMLQlasses in fair request ?5.w.11? ViiVi qU nraxwiln a lair inquiry Spirits turpentine firmer, at 8536 cents. Pork again lower and very dull; old mess 9 ;37i9 40; - new ' $10 78. Lard fairly activeprime steam $5 5G8 60. Freights quiet1! X-yx -- ' ";-!; Cotton net receipts 554 bales; I gross receipts, 1905 bales.; Futures closed, barely steady, jwilh sales of 128,000 bales, at tbe following prices: April 11.3911.4Q cents. May 11.4911.50 cents, June 11.6411.65 cents, July 11.7811. 79 cents, August ll.p0U.91 cents, September 1l66XL67 ctsi October 11.27il 28 cents, November 10.9310.94 cents, December 10.9010.91 - r . - j m nn.... ..l.i. 4AjuxiH.uttJ, April . iour , uivi; Howard street and western super $3 3 75; extra $44 65; family $4 755 50; bitt mills super 3 75; -extra f 4 254 50; fatap&co family t6 75.". Southern wheat easier; western quiet and steady: southern iea f l isi ia amoer f 101,10; xto. 2 Penosylvtnia red $1 184 o western, winter red.' da $1 lliai 111; May delivery $L 1151 Hi ; June $1 121 12. Southern corn steady, and; quiet; western steady; southern white 6i7c; , yellow 48244& & Oats steady; southern and Pennsylvania 3233c; west-; emj white "S233c; . do . mixed Sl32c. Provisions quiet. Mess pork $10 5d1075. Bulk meats loose shoulders 344c; clear rib Bides 5i5ic; packed 4i5jc. ' Bacon shoulders : 4jc; clear rib sides 6c; hams vi&vio-" Larawennea, in tierces, vtcis. Butter steady at 10c. Eggs dull and lower at 1212C Coffee firm; Rio cargoes, ordi nary to choice 1016c.. Whiskey dull and nominsi at $1 07i,i;Bugaquiet. No market to-morrow. ; St. Lotus, April -10. Flour dull ' add tending downward. .;. Wheat was weak for. cash, and options closed firm; No. 2 red fall l 3il $2i cash! May . fl 03ai03i A ciouiBg ns- t-fr JOne f I'tKf! '03J; Jnly 97(a97c; No. 3 .red fall mc Corn firmer for cash and easier for futures; No. 2 mixedr83t cU cash; May 831 c; Jane 841c: July 8?35Jcw Whiskey steady at $1 04. Pork inactiveand lower; jobbing $10 8o. Lard nominal at $0256 SO. . Bulk meats nominally lorer. Bacon easier; clear ribs if 5 as. ?r rt - j ' Cinctnnat 'April lOFlour dull; fam ilv 4 fiOas SO. Wheat dull and nominal. Cora autet and firm": at S73Sar. Oars 2T (a32& Porkin fair demand at 11 so ia and $10 60 asked. Lard dull and a shade lower; current make" $02f Bulk meats dull and Jowerto ee!T; shoulders $3 GO; short rib sides $4 8CC 65; short ?cleas sides45. Bacon quiet; shoulders Aid clear; rib. sides 5c; clear ides Efc. -Whiskey; alfcady and in good demand at 1 01. angary firm and unchanged; . - ': f . ;iifc 'COTTON XDIARK.E'W p i By Telegraph to the Moruln taf.y 1 April 10-4-Galvesto'n steady at "10 ct& tet receipts 6C3 ttle3;Uorfolk,vquietat 11 ctsnet f receipt 1,293 balesj "Baltimore, firm at Hi ceats-net receipts : ales; Boston, firm at 1H pents-net receipts 403 tales; Philadelphia, firm at JUt nts--net receipts 498 bales; i Savannah, very! firm at 10i cts etrecerptad91 bajesr New Orleans, atrofigJat 101 cents net edeipts 3,103 bales; 4 Mobile, firm at lOi'xents net' recelpts655 balesj Memphis,! firm and held i higher :a JOf cU-net' receipts 1,105 bales Augusta,3; quiet at 10 1 cents net receiDts r 808 bales v Charleston, iuiet but strong it -11 cent net receipts, 273 ; tales.: y r.t Nw l'MK , Ptannt Ularkfci. -. I Journal of Commerce. April 0. Trade is without much life.' Quotations are: 95c for prime Virginia ;7ic $1 'o' extra do; $1 05f or fancy do., tet $1 15 $1 20 for. hand-picked.- p 'rz This important organ weighs but about three pounds, ana au H (Wood in a living persai idou Uum gaUoas passes through U at (eaatONCMveiT ' half hour, to have the bile and other impurities strained or filtered from it. Bile is the natural purgative of the bowctsiaad if the liver becomes . j . . i r .1 VI 1.... ried through, the veins to all parts tf the system, and ia trying to escape ihmugh the .pores of the , skin. Cause it lo turn fellow or a dirty-brown. color. 1 be stomacn. Decomes oiseasea, ana dys pepsia, Indigestion, Constipationf Headache, Bili ousness. Taundice. Chills. Malarial Fevers. Piles, bict ana sour atomacn, ana general aeoiuiy iui lo. Merrkll's Hhpatinb, the great vegetable discovery for torpidity, causes the Liver to thro nr. off-frOm one to twd 'ounces 'of bile each time the blood passes through it, as long as there is an ex cess of bile; and the effect or even a few .doses upon yellow complexion of a fcrowit dirty looking skin, wiu astonish all who tryit they being the first symptoms to disappear. The cure of all bili ous diseases and liver complaint fa road certain by taking Hep atthe in accordance with directions. Headache is generally cured in twenty minutes, and no disease that arises, from the Liver can exist if a lair trial li given.' v SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. f . , Price 25 Cents and $1.00 mm The fatality of Consumption qr Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least one-third of all death's victims, arises from the. Onium or Momhine treatment, which timely stu- pefies as the wotk of death goes 'on. ' Jio.ooo wiH be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation of Opium. Morphine or Prussic Acid, can be found paid if Opium or Morphine, or any pr Onium. Morphine or Prussic Add. can in the Globs Flows CoutiH Syhjp, which has cored people who are riving to-day with but one remaining lung. No greater wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. The. Globs Fudwex Couch Sysu will euro it when all other means bave failed. "Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Got. Sarith and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., lion. Geo. Peabody, as well as those of other remarkable cures in our book free to all at die drug stores and be convinced that if you wish to be cured yon can be by taking the Globs Flower Cough Syrup. , Take so Troches or Lozenges for Sore Throat, when you can get Globs Flower SiiOT at; same, price. For sue by all .Druggist fT a Price 25 Cents and $1.00 . Grave tnistakea are made in the treatment of all that arise from poison in the blood. Not one case of Scrofula. Syphilis, White Swelling, H o M Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand, is treated without the use of Mercury in seine form. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro duces are worse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. Dr. Pkmbkrton' sStillin gia or Qubsm's Dbxjgmt is the .only medicine upon which a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Sy philis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be Hi M reasonably iounaea, ana inai wiu cure vuiccr. txofioo will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable and harm less can be found ia it. . : . " " CO Price bv all Urueeists Si.oo. Globs Flo web Cough Syrup and MsRsn.t.a Hepatinb for the Lives for sale by all Drug, gists in 5 cent and fi.oo bottles - vJ ' i A. 7. inSUBBLL & CO.. Proprietors. j .x ,: PHILADELPHIA, PA. nov36 eod&W ly tathaa. ; ,. SUPERIOR NUTRITION THE LIFE. The Great Medicinal food..- m i Kalvator for Invalids and th Aaed. An Incom parable Aliment for the Growth and Protection - wjinjanu ana unuaren. a eupervor jsvl- , . t tritive in Continued 'Fevers, und a v Reliable Remedial Agent in all Diseases, of the j Stomach and Intestines, - ' : not only been highly recommendecLbut certified to by a large number of Chemists and Physicians repre- lysicians repre f science as the sentinz a very high degree ot medica V. Safest, Growth and Protection of Infants and Children, and fori Mothers lacking Sufficient Nourishment for their offspring - yv-.; m.VW? "J. Unlike those preparations made trom animal or vineus matter, wnich are liable to stimulate the brain, and irritate the digestive organs, it embraces in its elementary composition ' V;K:,.9t-f. Thkt which makes strong Bone and Muscle. V That which makes rood Flesh and Blood. , That which is easy of Digestion never constipating. That which it kind and friendly to the Brain, and That -which acts as a preventive of those Intestinal Disorders rarAUMjt - . . : And, while it would be difficult to conceive of any thing ia Food or Dessert more csxamy and Delicious, or more noujushing and stkkngthening as an ali ment in Fevers, Pulmonary Complaints, Dyspepsia and General Debility, its Rakb Medicinal Excel- LEMCa in all Intestinal Diseases, especiallyin U ; tytestery, Chroaio liarrhota tad Choltra Islutna, ' i ' ' Has been Incontettably Proven. Sold Wholesale and Retail by a s ostraaisTs aud rsAsxicisss, ' 1 ". tut the 5v. "PRINCIPAL CITIES of the UNITED STATER. JOHN CARLE & SOWS, NEW YOJiA a. nov ho oawiv ' " sa : v Ulank Booksr OC&OOL BOOKS, D. i vt STATIONERY. Ac ." f- .:. -s r. .. I LARGE STOCK. i . ..jit.: i-L-vj! ; . iajw i'JttUJito, At ap 6 tl ' .mo YATES' BOOK: STORE. The Central Protestant Vi WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS JA. paper and the'Organ of the Methodist FroteS tant i Church in North Carolina, Is published , a -areetsborOjNC. : ' ' ' -'V, . . ' -Terms, $3 00 per annum, in advance. - The eligibility of Its location, the number and ac tl vitv effts aeents. and the eonetantlv increasine de- Ifll I 'mTTTS inctlv celebrated Titktic Preparation ic in at iUlI prices. lUCa I CI composition, principally the Gluten derived from aroiina OtQSiC; I therwuiTB winter r lint w hkat ibrkal, a aua - i ai I extract, the invention of an eminent Chemist. It has - mana font among we more soa classes ox reaaers in virions sections, give the CENTRAL, peculiar claims upon the patronage ef th. advertis'ng public Verms very favorable. . Consult your buaineus inter ests, and address the editor J ? . J. L. MICHAUX, I .ii-.'., f -i Greeneboro.N. C. COMMEKC1AL. .j , y i l; m f o n at a r et; The Social or opening (quotations Stiow are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1- P.jM,andJrefer.to prices at tbathourv, vOIluli 'JL:VliJ. T f STA& PFFlCE.s ApHll 10. , SPXRltiJ TURPENTINE The market opened and closed flrnr at 30 cts per gallon for reguUr packages with isales .reported ROSIN The 'market -was quiet at $105 for Sirained and $1 07 for Good Strained. No sales reported, ' - - j -TAR-rMatket sCeady and ' unchanged, thejvceiptsof jho.day -being disposed of 6i 00 cants per.bbl. f 230 lbs., - ; 1 CRUDE TUUPENTINE.-Sales re- ported of 300 bbU at $1 00 for Hard and $1 65 Tor Virgin aud ' Yellow Dip, being au advance of 5 cli 'ou' the latter grades since last repot;olusing steady. j '- 1 COTTON-The maikt opened ateady, with, sales reported of 230 bales on a basis of 1010 cents per lb. for Middling. , The (ollowng were the official quotations: ; Ordinary.". . . . . . r. . . . . Good Ordinary.. . . .. Strict Good Ordinary. . . Low Middling. ; . . ;. . . . 1" Middling.; ..........." Good Middling. .... . cents 10 " 10i " 10f fit i Quotations conform to tbe claaailicaiious of ''tu'c" American Cotton Exchange. ; CO!EN Market rather heavy,' with sales reported of 2,000 bushels at 5555i cents per bushel, ia hulk. r PEANUTS aalea reported . of 200 ..bushels at 80 cents for. Ordinary, 90 cents Tor J.Jnme, fl for Extra Prime, aud $1 10 nr I ''U. -v ........ . . per uusuei tor r ancy. J KECEIPTS. 4 .. 1 ' , - t . DAILY, HECKIPTS. , Ootiou 131 bales. Spirits turpentine. . ; . . 88 casks'. Itosin.., , 781 bbls. Tar ' 480 " Crude turpentine.. 1. '665 I- Turpentine Still. PRIME 1S-BARRKL STILL, . .( .. ' v J ' WITH CAP, WORM, Ac. j '" ' ' Fer tale by ap 8 Iwd ltw ' ' 'ALFRED MARTIN. ! The Old Uarket OTANDS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE OTTERBOURG'S MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. J Ton Can't Miss the Place. Latest styles Hats, new stock Clothing, Summer Underwear, White and Percale Shirts, Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs .and Suspenders, Linen and Paper viuu, a ecit wear. - . "Continued Sale for Fifteen Oajs of Linen Collar j at 15c 'Examine Samples for 8 Drill z Sotts to order wsrnt wcauier next wees; &ipaca uoau, sc. . . OTTEKBOtJKQ'S, apSlf? - STstarketBt. Discharging. t f r in fin A Bnb PRIME WHITS Rappahannock xvvvu wtui, ex acar i . r. a.euey. 9,500 flo.17, s. do. -- do. . ' ex SchrH. A. Tabor. For sale cheap, a&d in car load lot. epeciai nznrea. ,( fUKSToii CUKX1NQ & CO. ap8U All Who Wish TlQOTOGRAPnS OP THEIR X i CITY OR BOUND RESIDENCES, will please leave orders st YATES BOOK STORE, m ww are now prepared lor au eucn wore 1 - ' a w.yatks. . ap 6 tf A. ORR, Jr., Photographer. .Bakes.; Forks, ttt TTiTl PiQiprvna yaw Dturvo nra JT ing Tackle, Hope, Twine, Hobs, Spokes, Rims, Tire Irwn, Cotton uarde. Pot Ware, Ac, &c, all at U3weat uasn rrtccs at me new aaraware store of ' - 1 ROBERT HJENNING, '! : , y ; accessor to Hennlng A Teel, . , no. jutKet street. s NAB THK WHAET. ap 6 DAWtf The Best Elusic Books. f HiCBORCH OFFERlElii . ortia per dozen), has the beet arraneed anc largest ceUeetlon of Music for a PISCO PAL .. . CHOIRS ever pablished. 6 Venites, 19 Qlorla Patrls, as Qlorlas; Ac. Ac., all In Anthem Form, . ' besides a large variety ot Chants, and Anthems .for Christmas, KAtiTEit and other Festivals. Although prepared expressly for the EPISCO PAL 8KBVIUK, th. large number of an. An i. ithems renders it one of the best Anthem books Tor a:ithonu. t ...... KTr SASTElt MUSIC I EASTER CABOLS 1 EASTER ANTHEMS t Send for LIbUl" -" ;' CANTATAS FOR SCHOOLS AND SEMINARIES. '-; i Among many good ones may be mentioned ., uauuis mviNU, n cenu): l,bsson in - CHARITY, (60 cents); GUARDIAN ANG&L, l t, 150 cenU); CORONATION. (GO cenU); CUL- ' rp-V v a x , tai;, .ana jtaihh bhi ua u, jsoe.) : The present number of the WEEKLY MUSICAL i- : itSCOUD is full of EASTER MUSta Send 6c for it.tituu .it-gfc..--.-tf..i m 1 RICHARDSON'S NSW METHOD FOR THE PI- ANOF9RTK, ($3.35), is the most popular ever isaned, as proved positively by th. sale of ann- areas of thousands or copies. Examine it. i-- J u Any iiook mailed for Retail Price.". sumps si su'j Oliver Ditson & Co., 1 1.. i m, u rai ra ...r,-, - CHAS1H. DITSON 4 CO. I J. E, DITSON A CO. 843 4 Broadway , N; Y. 1 993 Chestnut st, Thlla. ma 9-flAwtr wea a aai THE' LANDMARBl, '5 " y PUBLISHED AT 81A1E3VIZLE,, IREDELL CO. Ct IS THE - Carolina- It Is the only Democratic Paper published ia Ire 'neli Coiintv one of the largest and wealthiest nMm in a kiaia juiu. linn iHiisinirn ..imw uk&i circalation than any paper ever heretofore pablished in the county. testes . Its circulation ia Alexander, Wilkes Ashe, Alle rhdrtv. Tsdtdn. Davie and IredelL is' larcer than Out Of any two papers in th State combined; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Forsyth e. Sorry, Rowan and western MeckOenburg. ; o ,T t. T "Itla the onlv Daoer in Western Nertb. Oar.lina that Bmploys a Riemua Cahvassum " Aeurr, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly Increasing circruatloH is the result, maKmg tne laxxwa.& TTB BEST A D VKRTISING ITIEOIlJn I -. - t IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, der -tf f. . 7, - . .SUtesvUle, N. Cs.'xl Jessup & Iloore, PAPER M ANUFACTOREHS,",1;', "A. v. ' No. 87 Nwrth Sixth St, PHILADELPHIA. T SELL CHEAP FOR CASH SAMPLES UPON APPLICATION.' r f . . . T- rf.i r CASH.pAiDij:(iRiJUL3s. coxfok Tfrj-Vttr : sauuinu, c - we ice zo-oawiy The Piedmont Press, hickoky,' k a, 'TS THE ONLY .PAPER PUBLISHED Wfli- JL tiwba county, and has an extensive circulation among mercnants,iarmers, ana au classes or busi ness men in tne atate. lie rtusss is a ? WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, MARINE; ! .. Port- Almanac April 11. Sun Rises. 5.30 A.,M. sun sets...;:...a,?;;:t4;.;.' a.sa v.& High Water (Sraithville). i . . . .11.15 Morn. ( . . . (Wilmington)...'. 1.15 Even. Day's-Length..; ISli. 02m. : arrived. ;, ' .. ;'; p- Stmr North State, Green,5; Fayetteville, Worth &r .Worth. . - . .. . - Schr tJ no; A Griffin; 305; tous,. Fostei .Philadelphja, Harriss & JIowelL' ' ' - .- L:,.. CLEARED... - -j:;x-: . i fitmr North. State, Green; Fayettcville. Worth & Worth. -, ; ,.. t ... .-.' j Nor barque Condor, .NeiiseD,-: Biisto!, Alex Sprunt & Son. " ' ' ',r',r x Jf BXPOKTt.- ' FOREIGN. Bbistoii. Nor. . barque Condor 3.650 bbls rosin. . . - . J . I K1AKWE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels in tbe Port of ,'HK mlnaton. April 11, 1 879. - BARQUES " ' f t(:'? Ecliptic (Uus.), 832 tous. Jouansen. s JS Feschau & Weslermann Braekka (Nor.L ions. Ifeirsen.'.i. i r - . - It tletde Condor (Nor.), 899 tons, Nielsetf.C 1 "T'rr f f speranza tor.), us ions,uiscn, It is Ueide Biio (nor.), aai tons, Moriand. K EIieide Valkyrian (Nor.), 243 tons, Oiaeu, , . : - UElIeide JE M Thomas (Am.), 72 tons, Nejgon, ' ' ' ' .. T . i ' "1- Master Rebecca M Smith (Am.), SSI tons,Jrace. ' - ' : . . , - Uttrti38.&Howeli. Ring Jove, ,140 tone, Cozens, i . , . , EGBaikerSSjOo John Slusnian, 275 tons, Call,' ' - - , Ilarri3s& liowell P Kelsey, 180 tons, Steelman, ! llarriss & Ilowell Brave, 113 tons. Goosins." - i'!f ! ' ' ."Nnrliirnn'iAs Pnmminrr Henry A Tabor, 129 tons, Peiry, Master Nones. If the Signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U, S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. . The rooming Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY SiAscriDtunt Rates- In AinicfiT'; I DAILY STAR, Oue Year, postage paid... ...,$T0O 4 00 - Six Months " Three Month " ' " .. " - . ' One Uonth ""., '., .." 1 00 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year pottage paid. 9 81x MonUiS. ' r.'.' t 'ei Three MOHths : " . - 59 j Notices of the Press: -. . . i -,' ! ' A first-class pspez.BatQtboro Aitcarux. Emphatically a live paper. Gtfdeboro Itcu. The Stab to a live paper. Sumter (S. a) Mmm Ob. ot th. very best -i oar daily exchanges SotUA CatvUMan. Raaka amone the leading Dailies of tboBtate. Christian Advocate - One of the beat Dallies to ti't"-r!a intelUomar: A valuable MDcr. We cheerfully 'recommend IU Pt4 Dm Courier Ranks amonz the leadhur lonrnaia of tne Snnth Marion VS. G) Stat. One of the beet and most desirable nanera in Nm-t Carolina. Norfolk Virginia. Poll of oral new, and a credit to Wilmington CUyNorJiCaro&nian. One of th. best dauy vTers pabllBhed In the Boathera 8tatea. iZjrry (8. C.) Newt. On. of oar best BoaUeni learnals. As a newspa per not sarpassed by any. Friend of Ttmperanc. On. of the best condacted ln'Jio State : bold. Inde pendent and well Informed. UUubore Recorder. .. Ably edited, and has a circulation which sneaks. volamu. of comment on its influence. Matmolia Monitor. - Onward and upward tt goe. until now il has tbl largest drcutation of any ay iauy in the State. PU4- !-" The Wihninston Stab, now vcrv much Imnroved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. EnJleld Timet. r The Stab stands amone the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit vnener to. vj jteooner. Unauestlonablv the beet dallv lonrnal In North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern Btateorjtoro (3. C.i Timet. F.r editorial ability, eeneral news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab has n. superior Rocky Mount MaiL , - 1 - -... ,. ... ...... - I well cor ducted and has aa much and nd great a Dauy in va- nety of good reading matter as any the state. narrenten uaseut. This paper, though not many years old, is one of ie best dailies in the State, and well .merits the ipport tt receives. Louitburg Courier. One of the best dallv touraals an oar exchanre Hit. a Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good ot tne people. eammnan Mirror. Tit. WiTmington Houma SrAa is among th. beat newspapers In the South. Rich, rare,- racy, always fresh and "on time. ' 'Ashevillt Expositor. , ; . s staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern coa&try.-jBadkiNffftam Observer. ' The Htak is undoubtedly an enterDrlsInc sheet.' beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his" efforts in 1 ournalifim.- -Ralsiqh Sentiiel. Those of our readers desirmr to take a- dally or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do bettet tnaataKa tne wumtnrtoa arAJBivherawvs. V. Democrat. t. -r The Btax la one of our most highly valued ex changes, and tt affords us pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. A inrton 4kumt&v-----.- A live newsnaser. and the beet Dallv n the State. The clrculatleu Is larger than that of any other uauy m tne state, wmcn proves it. Milton unron - - N. paper evei started in North Carolina has srown so rapidly as has th. Stab. , Though only five years L u is now a fixed institution, entovins? aninfln. enc. and a prosperity second to none in the State.- Qalisburr Watchman. - The Wllmlneton Stab Is In the front rank of can Southern dailies, well edited, full of news and select reading matter, telegraphiceports, and in every res pect a first rate Journal If we had many suchpaperB our State would be the xainat by ik Gffens. Patriot,' Forest and Stream, ' - . i -AND r OK-.'. X. BOD AND GIN; THB AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL: I A WHH1TT.V PA PIFB nvvnniiKn nm V . - ' . FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURALHISjf V t j YACHTING AND BOATING. RIFLE . I - -PRACTICE. AND ALL. i f OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. . This is the onlv Journal la the Ceuntrv that full?. I supplies u wants ana neceeeiueB 01 me I. Gentleman Sportsman. 'US TERMS f I W a Year:. Bend for Specimen Cppy Forest & Sir PnpIlsUlnc Co.. I ' IU FULTON ST., (Old a. 103' . V i -. t M.'-Si'i New York. Post Office Box ' . sept S7-if h 1 Staple '-andu'Faricy Dry Go x)dsi IN ALL Talost Popular Brands, ' DAILY ARRIVING AT 36 Elarket & r f.'.T,. .V i-1 j rlL LMISCELLAKEOlJS.:'-J - JOB; PRINTING. THE XI0E1IING ; STAB ; StePriijting Hbuse,"Jc ; mqbninq stab tbvjlpino, 'I'bincess qtbebtV. ; l- '.1. 'MOST TIIOBOUQHLY EQUIPPED PB1NT1NQ OFFICE IN TITS CITY, J FINE BOOK,' NEWSPAPEB & MEBCANTILE ' PRINTING AND BINDING, , ' CHEAP FOR CA&H.,' : - ' ... ; ALSO,1 . . , ' ' ' TOE A TRICAL 'POSTERS, PROGRAMMES A TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, J BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, r- CARDS, DODGERS.:? ; if i TEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN ' QUICKER TIMEj . AND BETTER STYLE THAN BY 'ANY OTHEROFFICE IN ."V" " WILMINGTON-- ! : ' " I 1 : FinST, CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES I hi; " - - ' Lit ! j- " j. . . .. f v - - THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, I WILMING TON, N.C. : , ORDERS BY MALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO 'ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES,? -r '! V w .'v f- - SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED iJflTH THE SAMS PROMPTNESS AS-H LARGERjONES-f I . . ! '- . ESor?2ase8 ale r TJI TIRTTO rO ;TI!"5 . PROVISIONS CON JD tained In a Deed of lortgae mad.-the S2d da of Jenuarr: 1877. between Andrew J. Johnson and wife Marietta, and Arra J. Freeman, wife of jounil. Freeman which is. reeoroM in tne) uegis tArWi Offlc nf NRwTTurKTim- hmmtr.in Book M.M.M. Daie 530. c.. tha undenlsnedr as Attomev for the said Mrteagee, will expose for sale, at Public Aue - ttoa, ror uaan, as jfxenange uorner, in me city 01 Wilmington, on TUE8DAT, 15th day of APRIL, 1S79, at 11 o'clock, A.M.. the following TRACT OF LAND, in said city of Wilmington.conveyed by said Deed Beginning at a point inWfistera line of Sev enth Street 131 feet from comer of Seventh and r Mulberry Streets, thence 66 feet oh beventh Street, ana running dock ltib reet irom eaia sireec, Deing Eastern half of Lot 3 Block 1. official plan of aid City. K. S. MARTIN, mh 35 tde - ; " Attorney for Mortgagee. W. E. STOREI, LL D., HOJI KOPAV li MST.r iSUCCESSOK TO DR. W. JL' FREEMAN. af6tt:j OQlce aihislato Residence.! Garden Hoes, JJAKES, PITCHFORKS, v SHOVELS. SPALES. WHEELBARROWS. At Bottom Prices, by" - . ,- USO. A- PECK. rlJN ap6tf o. s5 South Front St. k .ppllinaris :ater. t JUST RECEIVED, ELEVEN HAMPERS, . WhicrfwnWeoTtd eirXs Lt W rXTa K. rt.AnaMn. t4t T3nt1 - VI vr--rr-, apetf UJ UsV AAaUilOl Ul (tt AtGUUli r: JAMESC;BTETENb6n. Mallard tSi Co. A-. HARNESS ! HARNESS 1 f $7.60 per set and upwards, lyi J Bridies, Saddles, Collars, Ac., all grades, if r:r ; . Trnnka and Satchoia inabundante. 1 i f" AMpOU Ulg VUUV lUtfBlUUT) ' ' ago tf : :; 9.;8 SAUTH JF.&ONT STREET; MMm li tteBa?M JMiess; Jj I WERNER A Hi O. PRKMPEItT, THE WELL known GERMAN SAKKIICt - AMD ' HAIR have, owing to the.'ttringency of mo- neyJ concluded to RBDUCE THE PRICK of Bair- DyeingJOc and upwards. NovTSOUTH and No. 1) NORTH FRONT TS. 4 "-"mil tf . t I . : - tifl I mmi tjpu TtVQ trimnniriw vr. . t 1 lflu rLJj uiiii nniuuiajiii.' A First Class 'Weekly ITewapaper . . j PubUshed at P ARLINGTON CH.;BXC;ni TT IS A LARGE PAPER 44x40 LNCHE3 ALIVB X Wita. sews, local, Bue and xuneratwn special palnB in the departments, for the family, of lis out side, which Is all home work. ' ! ' - , It circulates In Darbntrton; Sumter. Marion and Marlboro, and hence Is a most valuable advertising' meaium.t uucnianoa speciauy isjg ml jiiorsnce. H. a. . Address-. vi'-s.t afe eptlStf Oarllngton O. ILt 8. Q. mA. TTw--rrAwii.'te rTWB OLDEST NEWSPAPER publtshh ry rw X the Pee Dee section, ene of tliaweaithieet 'and most proeperoas in the States offers to CommlaBlon and Wholeside Merchants and Mannfactniwra. aiur ' uuvbo waw mire wiupiiea tnsj pisn-QI seillBg py Bwuyus, au uAceiieat . lut po mr OBvuuinClltlOn with a laree and influential class cA xehimta: na. chanics,planters snd naval -store men, whose pat ronage is worth solfeitattont AdveTttaemente atxf unsineasoatds msertodoa aberal terms, ::,-.!; -Address i. l - ti.TBE RTlft.. -Jf-i ;..8eptS2tt;VLf.;t' Marion. S.C. ft S Jt . ' h f - ?. .'V 4," v 3 u yj . " -. I.- sTHE r ' t. 1. Street r it 4- ' 5 '".'it U'fir MISCELLANEOUS It'd Worth Yoiir WMle i Heading! " . t . GRADES OF COFFEES ARB ROASTSD AND GROUND DAILY UNDER MY OWN4 SUFSKYIslON. 1 have a Patent Cylinder Roater. and an nwri- enced man to attend to it. Therefore I can AL WAYS furnlih you with Roasted Coffee Warm if desired, and can guarantee the quality, because I selnct my own Coffees, and can Judge thesa in the green berry. i Parties buyine Roasted Coffees North cant tel what tbev get, nor how long it has been roasted Come where you can get tha Coffee you call for FRB8H, and at pricta that others can't compete With. .. . . ... . j Remember that I am the only Grocer in the city that Roasti his own coffee.. : Price, as follows. Roasted and Ground : : " BIO 15c, 20c. 25c, 80c. " ' i ' ' ' LAGUAYRA 80c. or t lbs! for $L ; - - ' JAVA, Genuine Old Government S3c. NO MIXTURES ALL PURE. Jas. C.Stevenson spits . ' , i Review copy. : v Tpas.fTeas. Teas. I JUST RECEIVED, Freeh and New from the Importers, a nice lot of 12 GREEN. IBLACK AND EHGLBiH ; BREAKFA8T TKA8. i Abo, a Futt Line of OLD GOVEKNMSNT JAVA, i . .. lLttUXiiA AMU-K1U- ! IVii-slv.'-COFFEBS'ia; 1" j. MARTIN'S FANCY GILT -EDGE SUTTER, ENGLISH DAIRY. PINE APPLE. EDAM AND CREAM .CHEESE.- j PLANT'S EXTRA MATCHLESS SHENANDOAH . ! I AND OUIQ VALLEY: FLOURS: All of which we are offering at PRICES TO SUIT W:'-' . THE TIMESn t : : ' fHolmestia mha8tf ' ' -'".ili8 North Front St. -' NOVELTIES IN BOOTS AflD SHOES. Buyers y will and a large and varied stock BOOTS AND SHOES embracing all kind, ef staple and fancy Goods together with all ef the Novelties, atthe Low- eat PrlMM ' tti. GEO. R. FRENCH A SON'S. ' m, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington mhSOtf A Fact. t.. rURPEOPLK NEVER FULLY APPftECIATEB 1 1 hMaa.. a itDDTVivaiiDrirfiTrnH t M.tl SjXiJO ITCUOUW VI - JAiSVVllUiakUVaiVHf' liBUI they saW it applied to an Old Suit of Clothing, aa Dyed, Cleaned and Repaired at the WILMINGTON DYKING .ESTABLISHMENT, Market Street, be tween Sd and 3d. Ladle.' Dresses Dyed to all the New Shades of Blue, Brown and Plunu Kid Glove. cieanea at ioc a pair. ; mn 7 u Peruvian Guano. ( 'S3- JiTi 250 Tons llo. 1 Guanape4 lilt' Z r. k-k. ' ' ' , . . For sale by i j-, ap fr tf - -T- WILLIAMS A MTJKCHTSOV. Choice Hew CroB Cuba Talolasses. n300iHhdsi,JM"sy X-i1-.;4.. . . - - . - , j-S P!, t(it i 0' fAB,T OF, IT.NOW LANDING. ' 1 1 vap fttf WlLtJAMS AlsTfRCHrraOir; ; : .. . .. -4. 1 v.'-- - Bush.VIRJ3INIaUMRAMii 8 UU AO BnlSlL 8YRUPfc -R A Bbls CUBA MOLASSS3, . . JXJ nil ;ui;AO BhiaKLaX MOLASSES. Si. t - ALSO. . ' I j, . Corn,1 Glue, Hoop Iron, Rice. Flour, Crackers Tobacco, and in fact a full stock of all Good, kept in my line, now on band and for sale low by ., . j (.mIju D. Li CORE,' ' , , ap Btf , j i,,-. KoaS andS South Water at ; - r v.j.' .M"l i. r w .'u.f.Mi iTiu i. Vt- Pall Fashions. a aRa: virotnta a ORR HAS KECEirED aud . ill is now nains- tha LATEST. SHAPES far l- dies and Misses Bata, and Invites a caB from thoMt i who have heretofore entrusted hec with their work. 8he is prepared to alter old styles and fashion then , into the most modern shapes. , - - i . " " V Whit, straw dyed black when so ordered and. ha -best style. ' tt '.' ...". ,..r.-)-. i. ).., ' RESIDENCE One door east of Frcut, On Church n Street., r, gy-..jQ7tf- i'-i:. HATS OK HAND A LARGE' StbCsf Wr!',: COTTON .SWEEPS, of she following ihipesr J-:. 1arMAli 1X1 aai eat Mi TVllrflAn Ac : it" -r . - rA-t t. I ATsoTstEaL SHOVELS of various eisss.WRSDt ., fEOES, SPADES, 8HOVELS, FORKS,1 Ae, all for I isle at Verv Lowest Ficures. t . . " " r r . GILES A MURCHISON(, J tK lau'tf &3 and 40 Murchiaon Block, tti urn-.. ..di