THE I20EITII7G STAB. Ky WJBL"- II KEIiNAElD. PliKLliiHED DilLT SXCXPT MONDAYS. axTES 0 8UBSOJUPTIOM 1H ADVARCX t One year, 0y null) postage paid,. $7 00 Six month, t" " 4 00 Three months, , ",.,..,...., 3 35 Uue month ' " 44 ............. 1 00 To City Suhasribera, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Centi per week. Onr City Agents are n it authorized pa collect f r mere than three mutha in advance. - -..; -i .i - t Vice President Wheeler baa beeb called borne on account of the dangerous illness nr liia sister: Mr. Tburman was elected President pro(fim. House! considered Se J natebill concerning the construction of ;a 1 refrigerating sbip.j Tbe Qrteek loan ori sixty million Iranca has been Bi2nV-r- j Englilh colliers are coming to America.; Senate Committee on Prltileges and Elections are considering the Louisiana contesiod ckstfi Mr.Cbalmers.of.Misa., yeste'r'day asked the fTodae of ' Kepresenta- tires to ioTestiate his conduct as a Con federatoTt c$adtr ai Jfort Pillow; !8eiialbr Beck Sjq'iS4 Pch in defence of the Dem ocratic ;picy as; ueveiopea in the pre sent 'Congress.; Senator Hamptoa left Columbia,' S. C, for Washingtonv yes terday'.:' ? The son of Ossawattamie Brown, the latter ef whom incited the in surrection at Uarper's Ferry, in Virginia, appears in a new role at Cincinnati, Ohio. Granlism Is rampant in Pennsylrania. Proposition to increase strength of army with reference V t , the i rbntier' serricet was Introduced in . Cpngress yesterday. New fork markets: ; Money 58 per cent, i cotton firm at llillf cts; flour dull; wuea(rl3c lower for spring and lc lower for winter;' corn heavy and fully c lower; spirits turpentine dull at S334c; rosin dull at ti '40. -: Five trteamers left ., New1 ' York Satttrday(taking out 255 passengers I and very heavy i cargoes Sejctetiy.'"- Sherman has just re- turiieflffrju4,New York to Washing ton and represtetii&Cidences bf returni6'plrbsperit, raging.; And' nw - ex-President Jefferson Davis says' there is not one word 6f truth- in the Boston Herald inter view. It was "a simon pure fabrica- J tionj1 Next. At tho public debate of the Wash ingtob Literary Society of Randolph Macon College,:, Virginia, among the speakers wras Mr.4 Wi W. Sawyer, of North Carolina.' :J: r i V Whilst some three or font thousand negroes have left the South and got as far as Kansas and Missouri, quite six thousand genuine "rebels,? former citizens of Kentucky, have settled in Illinois and Indiana. , : Uncle Sammy Tilden's health must LeTUdeed very poor when the Wash ington' Post; Ss moved to write, this concerning him i 1 f' "We hate seen Mr. Tilden within the past two weeks, and if there is a life iasu ranee company that would take a risk on him at lest than ninety-nine cents on the dollar, it is a company that we shouldn't care to pave a policy in." ' , , II I I d The way Jeffreys-Bond is carrying thinK8-4n-South-Carolina shows only too plainly 3thaVihef e 'iiaT the "most pressing; need for Congressional ae tion in regard to the juror's test oath. With Jeffreys -Bohcp oil the bench and twelve ignorant negroes tor a jury, what sort of showing :, has . a decent Democrat for a'' fair trial? Congress should repeal the infamous oath at onoaibye ' a; separate ;-1ilV;'-. if necessary. '1 The news from, the colored immi grants' tc Kansas is 'not of a very encouraging character. ..They , are simply in a most destitute condition,' flrd mnat pitPOtiaiflpttP.aJA-ajft. ton Post says: ; Nine-tenthsiof ibejiegroes now in Kan sas are essentially paupers, and are congre gated iQ large numbers about Leavenworth, Wvandotte and ToDeka. without money or work. The result i that their reception is cool and their prospects either of making a living or getting tome, where theynow want to go again, are aeciaeaiy gioomy. This was the result to ne expecteo." Mr. Wm. L. Royall,' of Richmond, ..Va.,Vptunser for ;jMr. ; John E. Poindextej haa. published j tf-'vyeiy sharp card lcf the State, jrr which" Ihe denounces unmeasuredly the way the accused is treated. He: says tattle and slander are busy at work. Ho has been threatened in the following anonymous letter t t "William L. ItoyaU:t; you undertake. in Poindexter's trjai,lf injure the chatacter of that noble young man, Curtis, your life willpsy theioneiu Mr. Royall says : "What is the necessary tendency and inevitable effect of the deifying gossip, the monument, the bill to' make cowhiding a felony f Its effect must be to poison the public mind against the accused; to arouse a storm of preludice against bim. Is such conduct as this consistent; with giving him a fair trial for the offence With which he aianas cnargeo r W P law of the land, or irfteto-be tried under Ik. 4.. t ..kkl... .nH iriuoin. stands charged ? Iff he tefce tried by the of thecocomumty T "Are bis counsel to be intimidated from pursuing such a course in his defence as their judgment may tell them that right and j justice call upon them to pursue?" . . -. ; , 1 here are , so many sensations in the -papers we- hardly know when to trust a staUmcut made about promi nent politicians. It is telegraphed to 1 VOLv XXIV NO; I9r. J the New Orleans JSm from Wash ington,? aK?i?!Ivr eH ousiy tbreatened ,wuh insanity,, Mt is" not improbable, but is it true ? A njaa of his habits might have insani tyJ The dispatch; says: Tbe story substantially, is that miad is seriously impaired; that it L Grant's miad is seriously imuaired: that it has been threatening fur a longtime which was one cause for his going abroad. , , ; ' 'f;:-- ',' While in Germany a most noted sur geon ws , consulted, , whose opinion i was to at nbe -disease threatened insanity.. 11 was hoped that chanze, , freedom from ex citement and anxiety would; work a cure. ou ims nas not Deen me result; ana wnue the, attacks are. intermittent and irregular, they are the cause of great anxiety, to , his family and friends." v f - vjine intelligence is 8am 10 come from "au officer of very high rank" who has just returned from abroad. This jexplanatioa is said; to account for his stranee conduot in various pllces, and specially for his conduot When. at the Esuurial in Spain, when, according to a Spanish paperbe was intoxicated. The ettrea Case go Over Till October. Special to the State. J . Washington, April 14.- By ar- rangement between counsel ihe Rives cases and the Tennessee case go over to October in the Supreme Court. In the meantime proceedings in the State courts will be stopped, lnese cases are tp have precedence ; at jthe nextl lerm. opinions ui meiuuers vi tua bar are that the indications are very favorable to the State. ! I i Mohroe Enquirer. - - . i In the last week or two we have seerv no less than fifty uotioes in our exchanges, congratulating the Wil mington Star on its beginning a new volume, and speaking many words or. praise and commendation, and we think that we can safely endorse every sentence that has been written Spirits, Turpentine. A revival of religion is progress log iu the Baptist Church at Greenville. The Hotel at Weldon had a narrow escape from destruction on Thurs day of last week. Salem Press: The Wilmington Stab entered upon its twenty-fourth half yearly volume on Tuesday- Lung may that bright star stunt. - The next session of the Char- lolfc District Conference will be held in Concord, embracing the fourth Sunday in July, and beginaiag on the Thursday morning Deiore. . ;i i The Charlotte Observer savs Senator Butler, of S. C, was In that place on Monday, and expected to be joined that night by Senator Hampton, wnen tney would then go to Washington. The iurvof Northampton coun ty gave $15,000 to the administrators ef the late Edward Conigland. of Halifax, who was killed whilst walking on the railroad track. It will be remembered that he was f The following , ' persons were elected officers of the "Cox Rifles," the new military company - of tWarrenton: Captain, F. AL Fitu; uC lieut.j George field; 2nd Lieut, J. f Russell Palmer; JuSior liaa Lieut., a. a. rviuiams. Capt. Shot well is preparing a history of his prison life while in the AJba- ny Penuenuary, wmtnerie naa ocen sent by ithe infamous Bond under a false accu sation. The Captain , is a true . man and writes vigorously and graphically. ? . i- Sixty days after the 13th day of March. 1879, it will cease to be lawful for any Fire Insurance Company (except one investing all its assets in mis state; to trapsact any business or receive any pre mium against loss by fire unless and until it has deposited with the Public Treasurer $10,000 in United States bonds. Greensboro Central Protestant'. The Greensboro Cornet Band have en tered some new members and are Indus triously practicing for the summer ' cam paign. President Page of the North Carolina District has removed his family from Cary, Wake county, to the parsonage on'Uailiax circuit, near muuubjtiub. , Newborn Nut Shell: The ex travacant . reBOrts in reference to the kid- nattDeis have had a startling effect on the colored neonle of New bern. About nine out ef every ten believe all the reports to be true, and that the racts are not tnen nan disclosed. It is almost an impossibility to get a servant to go an errand after nightfall for love or money. - j pi The incorporators of the State University Railroad met at Chapel Hill on Saturday last, " Mr. Paul C. Cameron pre sided, and Commissioners were appointed to open books of subscription and report tolaa adjourned meeting on the 17th of May. As loon as $10,000 shall be subscribed Di rectors will be elected and work will be commenced. It looks as if the road to the University were a faet. Shall it go to Dur ham or Cary f i Mr. fV V. Stewart, of Union. cane near losing his life. I His horse ran WtJx the horse's heels and the single tree, and thisfl he was causht and carried for seven iut"lui - - . i . , ty-five yards, in danger ef being kicked to death at every jump. Fortunately, the Wheels struck some article which caused fh hft4 to srive wav. freeing the horse. Mr. 8. received several severe bruises and gashes, but no bones were broken, as we learn frem the Monroe Enqpirer. U i Reidsville Times: Judge Kerr, we learn, waS born in Pittsylvania, Va inil811. - -Joe Paschal's house was burnt yesterday, all but one bed lost, lady could hardly get her children out ia time, it was an awiui uay, wwu uiuwiug ucivci, tbeVsay "about three miles of fencing was trtwaVda Tir Powell's -Judee I Umt tOWSrUS Ul. ITOWeUB. . -rf UB Kerr is improving, but has not been out yet. . it is ebamelul that pubiie preju dice against railroad corporations apouia oe so openly ' shown by juries in a court of justice. Just Judges should set such ver dicts aside. - l -.. I Salem Press: .We resret to learn that the dwelling horse of W.C.Hel- maa. sear urabam, Alamance county, was recently destroyed by Are. Only a portion of ps furniture was saved. Tobias Peebles, living' near'Kerncraville, in this 1PT-W 53 B mil . a : Td. ;, arte j v ' ' ';liJ "' " -!: - u '"' ' f ' ' ! Mi'i county, hid his lee broken one . day , this. week, caused. by the jrunnmeaway. or a team ho was driving.. Henry Hart.Esq., died vefy ' saiienJy on Hlonday Jast at Clemmonsville, Davidson countyi ., He-was Bitting in his slorej reading a' newspaper," when his head was aeea to falUf or Ward ,by a friend jrtaQdini sear by 'who immediate ly called to himv but no r answer eaiae', and upon cl8e examination discovered, that the spiritbed fled:,"' v A c- j3,3"i ,3'- ' Ben Moody in Watauga. was crushed to death w.bilst ' rolling logs; He lost his life ia Irvine -to save a, Iriend Bob Green. The Charlotte Observer says: They had rolled the log soma-distance down 1 the hill towards the heap, but -when 'they Jhad reached ihe-ateepest part in'the" rttl.tQJ:hoth men discovered ihat theywfife liable o manage itand,4eJermined$to iurQ il6se. Moody placed bis spike near tfre cea'tre "of. thef log,-and told bis companion to leap let his life, and that he would follow.-- Green Jumped and cleared the track- of- She leg, mt when Moody attempted to foUow his' loot caugnt in a projecung root,- and the next moment the log passed over his body. Almest every bone was broken,' and he scarcely breathed after.-; bis companion reached him. : i r- -y.: , , . : Moarod JExpresi: ThVx Couatr Commissioners decided not to petition the Governor to call as extra term of the court for this county.'for ' the reasons,-that the court coma not ne neia until the close oi the circuit, We reported , last week an attempt of Mr. James .Edwards, of An son county, to commit suicide by cutting his throat Mr. Edwards, died of. "his wounds after our informant had heard oL the occurrence. The. deed was done on Wednesday morning,1 and that night he expired. - '.The Wesley Chapel M. EL Chureb, situated eight miles west of Mon roe, which was burned down hy an incen diary last spring, has been .rebuilt, and we are assured by a competent Judge that it is ' me prettiest cburcn in the county. .. The work was done by Rev. J. E. Kine." who tells us that the building is werth $1,200. r Mr; W. B.' Biinson, who lives thirteen miles easfof Monroe,' 6n a recent morning killed seven wild turkey cobblers at one shot. .Who can beat it l l, The peach crop is reported as being entirely destroyed by the cold; mere may be a few apples left but they wiU be very soriy. - , (ioldsboro Messenger: A depu ty United States Marshal passed here Fri day, havingln charge George W Cain and Frank Yann (son of ValentlneYann), whites, of Lisbon township. SamDson county, en routs for Raleigh, charged with having cir culated counterieit government coins The "Bonitz Hotel" in this town chaneed hands last week Mr. Wm. Benitt sold out his interest in the hotel to Messrs Merrett & Bunting, of Wilmington, who declare it their purpose to continue a first-class house. A mend urges us to start a live daily paper in Goldsboro. That time has not come yet in the history of Geldsbero, when a good daily can be a success. ' Du ring Good Friday's service, at St Stephen's Ubufcb, collections were taken up lor the relief of Mr. Timberlake'a amilyas4 con sidering the fact that do previous notice had been given, quite a neat sum was realized. A very suspicious negro. who eas ins name is William - Jernhran. and that be is from Mississippi, has been committed to jail at Clinton. He has a very bad scar on the back of his left band, has a small scar under his left eye, and others over his right eye; is about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches high, . and quick spoken. Charlotte Observer: Rev. Father J. J. O'Connell, occupant of the monastery : s-i . . i . . i . in vrBBiou vuuuty, uas ' recently written a book of 600 pages, entitled "Catholicity in the Carolina aatf - in ergia." - He is the founder of the Order of St Benedict' in Gaston county. A few years ago he be queathed $10,000 and a valuable landed Iiroperty to the order. Rev. Dr. Mil er,; of this city, has been preaching during tne weex in uoneora. The revival oi reli giop ia the Presbyterian church there has been quite remarkable. About Terty per sons have attended the inquiry meetings.' Rev. Mr. Thornwell, of Cabarrus, and the ministers ot the other denominations. In the' town, .have also assisted the: pastor. - Messrs. Ernest IneersolLof Now York. and Frank H. Taylor, of Philadelphia, are getting up a pietonai book or the ;AirLioe Railroad. '-The Carolina Central Rail road's steam shovel is very nearly through with its work at MeAlolne's Creek.7 - Mr. Jii. il. White, oi this city, has received the appointment from General William R. CoX. Grand Master of the Grand Lodee of Masons in North Carolina; of Grand Lec turtr oi the state, and will at once , enter upon the discharge of his duties. ' '-'w- A magnificent lot of cattle were brought to this city yesterday irom Wilkes county and shipped South.' They were raised by Mr. A. i W. Finley. near Wilkesboro. The largest in the lot turned the scales at 2,122 pounds. r : 1 .11 j NEW ADVKBTISBnENTX. Lost A lady's bag. B. H J. Ahbexs Ice business.. ,' ; ! A. David Vests ef latest styles.' 1 C, Rosekt hal Boots 'and shoes. 1 , Muhsok Boys' blue flannel BuitsA ,. P.SCuJCnj?a & Co Bags, corn, &c. Totay Isidleatloaia. ". ' i For the South Atlantic States, warmer southeast winds, with falling barometer cloudy and rainy weather, followed in the northern portion by colder northerly winds and rising barometer, are the indications for to-day. Delesatee to fiplaeopal . Conveatlen. . The Vestrymen of St. James' Episcopa unurcn neia tneir session last night, and elected the following delegates and alter nates to the General Episcopal Convention at FayettevUle to be held onlhe 14th of Delegates Dr. A. J. DeRosset, A. H YauBokkelen, R. E. Calder, ;Col. W.rL. DeRosselC Alternates Judge R. O. French, Clayton Giles, J. G. Burr, James Dawson; - This completes i the delegates from the different churches ia this city. , - ,j Tnermometer Beeord.- ,,The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned,: at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained frem the dally bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta.......... 72 Augusta. ....... .60 Charleston,.....' 73 Charlotte .64 Oorsicana, . w ... .85 Galveston,,...... 79 Havana.. ...... ..89 Indianola,i......78 Jacksonville,:...1. Key West, J)fi..81 Mobile,.... I1... 73 Montgomery ::: , .71 New Orleans... 78 Punta Rassai i l .80 Savannah.; ! V. V'.V8 St. Marks,. UIU.GS Wilmington,.... 72 XjOeal Dote. - iTbe storm signal was displayed yeterdayri1 " - Up'Beston of the Mayor's Court yeiterdaytmorning,(. . . ;.,,. h- Deputy Sheriff -Daniel Howard starts for RaleTgh - this morning with three coorea l( prisoners for '' the " penitentiary Their names, terms oimprisonment, &c.7, 1 The effort jio pilfer the store of our friend, George u. i acuuiie,- on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets.made ast fittUdsyVpight, proved a fiasco. ' Wil- liajn was too sharp for the thief. o.-.. Cap..' J. t W." Plummer, of Robe-" son county, who usually raises a good deal bf !f misinforms us that bis peach and pear crops were entirely destroyed by' the late cojdVnaji.''' His apples Were not injured.' and rlhe Onslow ites li picnic at Groom's Bridget oa-the Northeast river, next Satur day. They will do so in celebration of the Legislature passage of the Angola Canal H-,DoraWilliamB.c9l.ored, was ar rested oa Dickinson's HilL ia the northern section of the cityt yesterday afternoon, by Officer E. Scharff, -charged with loud and boisterous cursing and swearing, using ob scene, language, &a . She was locked up for, a hearing this morning.. - t- The Thaiian Amateurs, at Tiles- tonj Upper Room; last nUht, added largely to jhelr previous'dramati reputation in the presentation of -the captivating little piece. "The Last Loaf." A gentleman, of flae critical judgment assures us that while all did well, Miss McDougald quite distin guished herself as Patty, the servant girl. - 1 - -iZrr. .. ; . . The Scheol Henee Bobber lee Arrest of e. JParty ;smplieie Recovery or stolen Proper ty e. - The School Committeemen of this Town ship having gone before Justice Gardner and made the i proper .affidavit, a search warrant was issued and placed in the hands of officers Carr and Bunting for the reco very of certain articles stolen from the pub lic school houses ia this city seme months ago, when, it will be remembered, that for some weeks scarcely a night passed but what One 'or more of the school houses suf fered in this way. Search, was made at a house oa Mulberry betweea Fourth asd Fifth streets; at another on the corner of Deck and Twelfth streets, : known as the Missionary Baptist Church; and at still an other in au alley between Front aud Second streets, in a room occupied . by ose ' Jane WOlis, in each of which a portion of the stolen articles were found, consisting of nearly it hundred books,' including six or seven, Bibles, a lot of chairs, a clock, a bell, and some other articles. It was also expected to recover a melodeon.stolen from one of the school rooms. Information re ceived in connection with these discoveries led to the arrest of one Wellington H. Bovetie. . a , mulatto, a freauenler of the plaice named, who, it will be remembered, served but a term of one year in the Albany peaiteutiary several years ago for, opening a letter addressed to centlemaa in this city, whieh he tookffent Ihe .postefflce and abstracted tnereirem a caecx on one of aur citv hanks for a, sum of money. . It i m also leaked out afterwards that while in the penitentiary he was a regular corre spdndent of the band of thieves and mid night marauders '.which was broken up here some years ago,' by , Officer N. Carr, and which was known by the distinctive appellation of "Moonshiners." Beyette ; was ordered to , give a justified bond in the sum of $100 for His appearance before Justice Gardner for preliminary ex amination Thursday, in default of which he Was committed to jail. ,t; The .articles , recovered by : the officers were all identified as part of the property stofen from the school houses P. S. Since the, above was written, we learn that ""officer XJarrV further searches haje been .rewarded with1 the discovery ant recovery of the stolen, melodeon. .. He f eiind the instrument In the house ef Jane .Wtlis, boxed, and'arranged boss to; lead to jhe impression i that ! the purpose of the spoils , gatherers was to ship it to some other and safer peinCltls supposed to be the property oi the Union School, and we are) requested o ask . parties interested to call and aid the-offlcers in identification of the- property, : now at Squire Gardner' otflce. Prleenere from Brastswtelt. Shetifl S.1 R.r" Chinnis. of Brunswick, arrived here rom 3mithville on the steamer Patsport, , yesterday afternoon, with three ceiored prisoners in his ' charge, which he will take to the penitentiary this mernlag. These are George Stene, convicted of lar- teSy, and sentenced forj a term of ten. years; Henry Robinson, convicted of lar cenyy and f sentenced for five years; and fJon' Warring convicted of larceny, and sentenced for two years. They were lodged in iali for safe "'keeBlntf tntli, the time for statti ngj i., t ., .. ,; HtA Mrke ennren. , At a meeting of the Vestry of St Mark's Episcopal Church, -colored, held last. even ing, the folldwing officers were elected for the current yeajt " Senior: Warden-rJqh G Norwood; Jut ior Warden, John D. Niion- v. ; Treasurer-Johtt H Davis.! ; Secmtary4-John 0.:Nlxoni.!t l; This church, we hear, 4s In a prosperous coriditioli, spiritually and financially. V 4!MaV vour1 tronblea only be little ones. and may you always shave? Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup ' handy," said an ? old bachelor to a hely married couple.' a! "" t -4 ' WllminKtoa x.lcb( Infantryi J i- t 1 This popular and time-benored orgaai- zatien,-whose history for the: last twenty. fire years has been, an epitome. Df hatjpf the community, and of which most of our prominent citizens' have' been members. held their usual monthly1 meetingS Monday night; at their Andory on Front street,! Mr; F. H iDarby ia the iehair, and i transacted the usual business, ;:).,.; - , ti. . r We are pleased to note the ie,viyal of public interest iq the company. By special' request the members of the 'company pre sent were 'addressed1 by", Judge' Cantwell, wno auenuea me meeting. iorue. purpose. His remarks . and. recommendations were received with great attention. At their close, a complimentary vote" of thanks was tendered to the speaker.1 H 1 V ' On motion of J. C Mands.sfl., Secre tary of the company jt) was;. resolved, ,.Jhat the Captain be authorized - to . ihvite ohe members of the Regular and Veteran corps- 19 meet in comereace upon. ; wits present condition and prospects .of Jthe compaay ; second, -that an appeal ' be made to' the sdies ef Wilmington for a renewal of their , friendship and former countenance and co operation; third, that the merchants; pro perty holders and parents of the city, hav-i ing families to take care of, and Interested . ia he peace and good order of the city, be urged to conteibuteraa ia-timeapasMothe organization, i. i . ,j jf .f What the company needs is not. moBey so ; much, for we learn 1 it has the con trol of sufficient funds, but it does want a' plain and unequivocal' expression of favor from the respectable classes -of Wilming ton, sufficient to induce .'parents to urge their sons of proper; age to join and the merchants to let their , clerks - attend the meetings and drills. .The Stab has never omitted its duty to the public in these par ticulars, and we trust that every merchant and parent in the city commend us for it With their voice and example.,: : We understand that it. is the purpose to get up a concert under the auspices of the ladies in furtherance of these objects. A number of our distinguished citizens' will probably be ' invited to . join in a course of lectures for the same purpose. ) The main thing to be secured Is the ' preservation of the efficiency of the company, by giving it that prominence which its real usefulness and services entitle it to expect, and make it One avenue by which young men of proper character will find it pleasant and profitable to seek the honors of member ship, and their employers may be led to consider the same membership a certificate of good character and qualifications.. The Fire A.ast IflxhU Considerable excitement was created in the city last mghtpythe nngrngcf the fire bells, caused by the discovery that the dry ing department of the plough manufactory of ' Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Co. was in flames. The Fire Department, as is their wont, turned out in a deublequick, 'and we are glad to state that,' in ' spite of the proximity of the conflagration to the patent shop, foundry and, other property pf,. the firm, and the private residences on Second,' between Market and Dock streets, the de struction'epoinLwhero the flames originated. . The building i was but little damaged except ia the destruc tion of the window blinds and injury to the flooring, though Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Co. austained a loes in -the consumption of plow material which will amount to $200 or $309, on which there was no insurance. We do not feel like writing of first or second stresms, but we do knew that in i i - - .-. , ...... promptness,, systematic ' and intelligent labor, our firemen1areelaalio anyin the country, North or South, " East br" West, without regard to color or previous condi tion of servitude.; :H a , - m; .- (.h Proaaee Bxekaie, The newly-elected Board of Managers of the Produce "Exchange met" yesterday at noon and appointed the following standing committees : - 1 ' " ' k Law D. Q: Worth, ' Chairman ;: James Sprunt. , finance Q. W.1 Williams, Chairman ; Joha T. Rankin, John L. Caatwell; ' 1 Information and Statistics H Peschau, Chairman ; A. L. DeRosset, C. H. King. : a Marine D. R. Murchison, Chairman ; R. E. fleide, A. J. Howell, -s ''--i Inspection U. F. Hall, Chairman ; Jacob Loeb, Roger Moore.1-- Cotton CUutijkation-'K: Lilly; Chairman ; William Calder, JameS Sprunt " i : Cotton Statistics-r-vr. li. DeRosset, Chair man ; A. Pope, E. Q. Barker Cotton Quotations D. G. Worth,' Chair-' man ; E. Lilly, J. D. Woody.3 1 . JTatal Stores Quotations R. T E; Calder, Chairman ; Roger Moore; O.' H. King., " CoL J. LJ Caatwell was re-elected Sec retary and Treasurer. l" - ' vt 'i The meeting adjourned until' to-day at 12 M., when the Committee on Arbitration will be appointed, whieh will complete lb organization ' 61 1 the ' Exchange ' for' the ensuing year. 'I f ' . s" ' ;x Tha KdIicsbbI Gaavsatlsn. - , We are requysteayRevv 'j. Worrali Larmour, Secretary, to state, that arrange-. stents nave been made with the. authorities of the different railroads te nsuati Vej duction ot fare for clergyman aa4 delegates attending the approaching Episcopal. Con-? vention .at FayetteviUe, 0 the ifth Of May, who must in all cases ;furcha&e; return tickets. tJamallaole Lettera, ( The f ollowinjr aritqie unmaihibjjetlers remaining U ths city postofilpe z-r.e. v. i i Mrs. Albertine t Bulchea, care JohA But, chen; Mrs. T.f Long; 143 finfy'p cago, ' 111. 1 Irs;;;Wm?i H.'jTouchtpne l Traddstreet. - WHOLE NO: 343 We are sorry jta state, ,that a, destructive e occurred at Glen May, the farm of Mr. fir Samuel ' Davis, oh the Rocky Point road, six miles from this city',' alioutf'lS o'clock on,' Monday nightie The fire waei first dis- coveredi 1 by Mr . Davi'., aons 4n, , the main buildingjea frame We-slorv tenemfint.' and it haenpade such progress before the occu pants were -aroused'' tbsY any effort at its eirictiou Svb'ultf nave been simply abor tive. Its a short time thee flames commutal-; caed to another Jtuilding pfj Ukeidimeu- siqns,: which .was soon. -demolished in epite oijine erxorts 01 persons on the piemises to suppress . the conflagration. Household and 'kttcnen fumrturc, and aaamoUni'ol clothing were '-likewise consumed,' as were thf kitchen and smoke house. - Th'originM 'cWdf ;tne buildings 'waV p,wu. ,iiie insurance, we ocuer- stand; is $700; and in: the of tne campa- nies 'represented' here & by Messrs- J, W. . How the fir origipaledJs.jUnkriown, though it is supposed to have resulted from accident .l.f Tttelueketerw.-3;--l!'J -iath 9: Fish hucksters are'eau'sing' some 'of our citizens, no,, little trouble- and tribulation just now. theycomplain that they have to pay the; hucksters" nearly,0 if ': not'quite, double as much for a bunch of fish as they could get them 1 for from first hands, and they do say that a' huckster can let a fisher man knowMbsl"hV wants' his whole load tbe moment be enters the dock, without . so mqch as opening his mouth. - BpVJiciL.AFip xria eciN k. ; The i faediator) Jensen, tailed ' from CoxbaTeni foxithis port, on the 27th ult d ?-j-,The Alaska Hafloron.;. -sailed , from Liverpool forthis port, on the th ult U3 -t-The German.; barque. Richard, Paske, tjapx this port, arrived. at Hamburg. on the llthinsti " " I ' ' . " ' -!-.Qefman barque "ApoOieker Dieting,' 9tli inst : 5 4- Schooner ffrJf. Porter, ironi Frontera. Mexrco, recently in port hqre, has. reached New York. .iL l- ,r - -. The steamer A Murchison, 'Captain Garrasan, which has. been laid up' for two weeks past for the purpose ol undergoing certain necessary Tepairs,'repainting, fcc;, is expected to arrive here . on Friday night next in resumption of, her regular trips. , i I . . ; .. . -om- aw rvs... ii j:- lalSTy OFXBTTEUS Rernaining in the City Post Office. April , jsvy, unclaimed: . ..-.i j A Miss Uarne Artia, miss Hattie Allen, mrs Mary Ann Andrews. 1 B-?A Bussell. ES Barruss. Henrv Baker. colored, James Brown, Joha D Battle. . C Miss Josie Clefie. colored, mrs Vir- gmiaG Craig. . !-.-'. .' , JJ Robert Davis, Belford Davis, Kater Donald, mrs Sarah Dozier. ' .;JS Patrick Kvans. r. if, ..,;. F Miss Sally Farrar. ' ' G J D Gilbert Deems Gilbert, WC Gerhard. - ... , H-r-O y Hinea, mrs Eiizabeih Howard, miss jjranxy House, John tdardy, colored. K J D Kuott, mrs J A King, George A KilleBeer. t t i- fL Emanuel Lane Jacob Leonard, W E Lee, miss Hugh Jane Loftin. - ! ;; ; f . 1 lr.a s . n . r miss Caroline McDonald.' miss Eadv Mc- Neal, mrs Hattie Morse, mrs Violet D Mur- reli Jas JM Martin, J ML Merrick, York MoW ;-j -; - " u O-f-PharaohjOJiyer...;. ; t , P Lisbon Payne. R-MissCJracy- Richardson; 'miss - Julia ltaplms.'?:Ui ...f t( j.-, . a William Small. James Simoson. co l6rfed;- mrs ' Annie Stubbs, miss Sarah A Salmon, miss Jb annie ooutherland, . T MrsMarv Tvson. ' 'i M H Williams, mrs Andora Wright, mm Martha Williams. John B Williams, mrs Maoda Wortham; R'M Wescott, J-M Wilson,! John vWebber colored, -AbUer D vviius. . , y . v Persens'callimr for jetters ;in the 1 above list will, please say! "advertised." 1 It not caued lor within thirty days they will be sent a- .1 t- j t r6a- j J io i,uv jjeau jjcucr wiuco. - . ' i.'r.i :-t Ed. R. Bbinx, P, M. WilmingtQni New Hanover Co., N. C. TUBmaiLs. 'X'hb mails close and arrive at the City rofit? Umce as ioiiows: :3" (J 1 .I., r : CLOSE... (l Ncirthern through mails. ..... 7:45 P. M. Northern .through1 and -way UMUS,,..,..,.... ,.'.,.,,, n. ill. L MaUs for the N. 13. RaUroad, .. ana routes suppiiea - mere- " . ' from, including A. & N. O. u: Railroad, at......,.:-. 5:30A. M. Southern mails for all points 71 South, daily. , 750 A. M. I Wistern mails rC.C:.R'y) daily I (exbept Sunday) i .U .". t.-.. - 5KK)A. M Mail loxv Uacraw , Darlington ..Railroad:. " 7;boavm. MallS for points i between Flo Unc:tj rboce and Charleston ...... 730 A. M. & a Fear tRivet' Tuesdays and ... Fridays. ,..... ,1KH)P. M. FatetXeville, via' Lumberlon, ; " qauVi s xcept Sundays . . 1 ; 5-.00 A M. -OnBlow C.t H. and interme-..' diate offices every Friday. . v 6:00 A. M. Srnithvillo: 1 mailsj by! 1 steam-: ; s i boatrdaily (except Sundays) 'fljQO A. M BLaiLB: 1U1 JUOOJ JJL1U, XUWU : Creek-andi Shallotte. every la ... ...... 4:00 A. M. , Wilmlnfitori ami Lisbon: Moh uays ans Aiuojra. nt. ... . 1 v ;w m. --'M OPKNPOB DBUVBBT. ' : .rt Northerif through mails.4: '. : '$:00 A. M Kottiiern through and- way. 'r ; maUs. .. ... . . . . . . . v" 7:00 M-, Southern' mails. .V... . !; i'.!:'."" 70 A; M.' Carolina Central Railroad;. . v Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12M., aiidlTom 3 t6530P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office -, .",,-' 1 . f General delivery 'open-' ! from fr:30 A.: HL to f :30 P. M., and on Sundays from.8Q to 9:8DA. M. J, 0 - " Stamps for sale t -general delivery when stamp office ia closed., r,,, ; t v ,:..nt r lv Mails collected from street 'boxes every dat a4.00T. M. .vwivpus lf; x:iniiL Key Boxes accessible at-all ; hours, day 1 m t: j i. t . .. , a' , U I A ,1 till ??!' "UaAat -r. i.i.ia, Wjr doee H Idee of aUndinfcand-Rallng in wortc BHJMWk, X3UJiaBUtX '1-HxsioBsriHe 8tax Book Bind mnflirp manner, a u, reasonaDie price. . nej. chaste andethers heeding-Receipt Books, or other workmayrelyon promptness lathe.execstlon of heir orders. ,J - J- . On ftqaare cae dAT...i. ............. ...v.., $i id It ' - -H ' toot days,..., ;;3 0O live flays,......,.'.. . 60 s One weck,.,, ' 4 Ot Two weeks, . 6 bo- Taree weeks,.. i.....;:."ir 8 6- OBe month, ,. .;. .. io 00 Two months,.., ....i. . n 0U , Three months, .4 24 00 .8tr months,. ..-..-.., 40 00 One yeat,..n 60 00 "Contract " Advertisements taken at protto--" tion&telj low rates.7 , " " . Ta Hues selld Nonpareil type make one sqnare. ' C1XY IXBBlfc.; 1 Chew Jackson's Bkst Sweet Nary.Tobacco; ; ' ' " ' I m . - rV4:-. fpUowine places In the city t ThePnreell Hone, yarns' News' Stand, and the Stjl Office. - . - I ;- sa 1 1 BLSCTfiic BKLTS.' A mr 1nr dehilitv. nrematnra onhr reliable cure. Circnlars mailed free!. A ddivss J, a KKSVaUi 48 Chatham St., N.Y. . T"' FOB UPWARDS nv Thiwtv Tviou t ' ' Wis blow's . Soot hi nth Mtottp ha w. 3' children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relievo n vuuv, reKiuua me ooweis, coxes VTSKMTaax and DIABHHOSA. 'Whether-artninv frmn lurthln.Mi! other causes. -.--Aa old and well-trtod remedy 8 OKSTS A BOTTUC. . S . t -FJNa ENGLISH GUNSLThe attantlAn Xt -U. " men Is invited to the advertisement ef Jtessra, J. et '- -r W4 Tolley. manafactorers of fine breech-loadins , gaas, Birmingham, England . ' Their guns are made '' " to erder according to speciflcatlons and measure- puma iormsnea, mas eBsanng the right crook. "" length of stock 4c. ..u. t-.. A Ton Can nOW Stem at th f3ran rVinh.l ' Broadway, New York, on the American plan, for $3.60 or $8.00 per day, or 70a can on the gnropean . plan, take roar breakfast there la themornlag.take your lunch down town, or dine with a friend, and Sour room at the Hotel will only cost you $1.00 per ay and upwards, and meals are also provided, at moderate prices, at the elegant Kestaurint attached W IUU AAVtVl, ! ' sa - AN IEON-CLAD TS (TP vnrir currran azalnst ordlsarv cannnn than th. .r? chest are against ConeuiuDiicn or RmnrMn. J,r' - ' Eau'i Hoxxt or Uomhotod ato Tab" li ' P"'?"11, fo' the cough, Colds, and Bron- STiaiComplaintB wUcft lways precede these tenl oie diseases. - tue'tToqthache Drops cure Toothache in one minute., .:i . . .; . ,. .., , . v , ., QUKBR LEGIST.AT1 VR Ttnrwaa tw t mrrur AMA. The actlnn nf tha inriiUhtu. .v. c.rJ ftn!r8" PK au acf to. repealithe charter w u uuuaiuia duiu) uunerj company nas been ' announced In the papers; but it appears that the in- -Jury intended to an Institution which has paid by Contract hundred of thnnaanHa nf k i the doors of the far-famed Charity Hospital open - .uucnui vauuuii do accompiisned. The Supreme Court of the United States has alwsvs malntafced that the BanctUy ef such ccTntractsan- ' ;rc V. e- ui iouo, u, wui continue its !L-r '.o'.iBe'nIness and benevolence. Thejx)ni8i. Stery Company draws next monthrits " 10&.h monthly nand distribution, at New Orleaha. BnuauanDiication to M a nnM. -Dn u Nv Orleans, la., wul secure aSy tofoimauoi i NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Lady's Bag. DBOn?; : AT' ' TILHSTON BALL - LAST nighL during the Derformanca of thA Thii.n. On Ann Or Third HtrmL a amall Rr.anir WT SiBAl,.1ineSJ!lUl' Vnrvle satin, containing a liuiuuiuuu wiku uie owners run name, and other articles of no value to any one but the owner. The Bag is very much prised,and its full value is offered as a reward to the Under. Pleaee return to This Cfflce. ' - anlfilt Ice! Ice ! Ice ! HAVING MADB ARRANGEMENTS FOR PUR- chasing my supply of ICS this season, I am pre pared to do the ICE BUSINESS In all its branches, and would solicit the patron aeer the public. ap 16 dat oawSt th . II. J. AUukNS. Boys' JLUK FLANNEL SUITS, s . FOR SCHOOL USE. ' ' ' 1 only At. a n flnd A. en . WARRANTED FAST COLORS. . , . " , - , "Vests. - Vests. Vests; QNE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED dollars in white vests'. Stub largest stock in the state. ' ! Comprising all the aATEST - STYLES' in Plain -r . .... ! White and Colored Llnen'ana, .Marseilles.. , Ranging In price from 75c to $4S3.: Ti " ' 1 :l- An examination Is solicited. '"- ; I V., ,-. - . A. DAVID. J - . The Clothier." T. S. L have, some mado in Doable Breanted styje. - ap 16tf . - AD. For Sale, Hi 10,000 Selected CALIFORNIA BAGS. ' '; - - Rappahannock. Elisabeth Citv. - t i i; ; ; : and Western WHITS -CORN. Choicest T1MOTHT HAY la the city. . . STILL buying P S AS. Write us if you have any. ap 15 tf . PRESTOK CUMMINtt & CO ; : tb e ne w ;;; . Boot and Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM. THE NORTH with a large stoctof ' - First Class Goods i , IN MT LINK, . All the LateBt Styles of the season la dints', La dies' and Children's Goods. - - -.- - ' - ; . i , . . f v . ' A call at my place will save yea money..- - ' ' , . i My Stock is now, and the Best ia QUALITY and STYLE. , - " - - ' Fine Slippers from 60c up. - ; . . . . . i . i i Newport Ties from $1 up. s . i ' , And every thisg in propertion. Prices to suit the hard times, ,1.1., . - . j ' Call and examine for voureelf. No trouble to - show Goods. - Respectful Respectfully, p. ROSENTHAL, 32 MARKET ST, ap16 tf 1 f Deslrnctioa aui EecoiistriiclioL PERSONAL BXFEBEENCB OF THE LATE WAR. By RICHARD TAYLOR, Lieutenant , General in the Confederate Army. . . . r - "As a writer he is vigorous, sparkling,! erudite, and entertaining to a degree. His opportunities for the observation of men and thines have been such aa Tew possessed, and he has made good use of, them. Of course he views the late war from a Southerner's standpoint, -but both. Sides receive ' cenanre at his hands. The sreat interest in his I book to many will, no doubt, be the sharpness with wnicn ne cnucuea men- ana measures, w nere least expected, he pours forth batteries of sarcasm :' -and eenundatlon. and spares no one whom he thiaka deeertes showing np." N. Y. eralL Price S3.00. For sale at - 1(1. : t h. UJUAajMbttUJUl'B . ap 15 tf Live Book and Music Store. $10,0001 I a HIS POCKET, OUR MR. MUNROE JUMPED on the train, bound for the Nerth, where he used. thli mnnm In . ia InHlMnna a mannnr tkat m ar A now enabled to offer a stock of Fumtture for sale u which for elegance, durability and low prices sut-, naaseeau.' behben ds & mvnnoiu mi- ; I N.B.eor. Market and Second Sta. anistf -.v ,i : . J j t . i WllmiBfitott. ZL C.'i J "TIRUflS HOOPS. DOWELING MACHINES, , - JLtJointen, Howells, Crozes. Doweling Planes, ! Board Axes, Adzes, Drawing Knives. Horse Heads, , Chisels, Fanehesv Setts, Drivers, c -A Large As- soitment of the. above Goods, and at Bottom Ft- ., guies, can be found at the Old KstaWishedHard- ? wareHouseof, -r SXO. DAWSON CO., :; aplStf 19,2L S3 Market Street, !1 ..1

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