1 1 THE LIOEITIITG STAB.. Itj wet. IX. EcnNAiin. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. utii or jsoxstaimoa nr aotakob Oucyear, (by mail) postage paid,..,.,....',, $T00 Sir month. . " ..... 4 00 Three months, ' " - .... 4 25 Ooemonth M J 00 To CUT Subseribers. delivered In any Dart of the city, Fifteen Cent) per week. Oar City Agent are Dot antnonsea to coueci ier mere man tnree menus in kdvance. ;i . ; .- , -. . .. . .-. ,L Ol'TjLINKJr.. TLq Army .bill, was' under discussion in the Senate yeslerday; Mr. Yoorhees ad. 4essed the Senate. Debate la the Houseap reference of the Bilver.bUl to BanklDg Committee. r Bad news from the Kansas negro immigrants; ihey are u Ihe, most Restitute condition t ibe Secretary of Wr ww called 6b for aid,' but he said hTbad nox authority to do so; citizens of the United States called on ; for aid. Further rrUculars concerniag , the yictory. tit Parole in Enel landv -Ctount Schoa- l .tafoff. ai ibe request of the Czar,' has withdrjiwh Us j-equcat to; be permitted to retire) fiiM private life, - Sir ' Stafford Noribeote stated; in Parliament that there was oo titb in the repoirtHbat the Brilisb government(liadj ordered an advance of military forces iq Afghanistan. p Rep. resentatiVe Carlisle, of Kentucky, made stirring; speech in the Housj in reply to Mr. KellyOfPeonsylvania. New York warketsCMoneyA per cent. ; cotton quiet campaign documents calling him a cad ,,, iflrtjiT I 30tor of those who robbed the treasury to H1 lWn 16-16 Cta; flour dull and ia olllhMn nP rUima. Oan. Rra went uuyerr javer;;-wueai ( ti&ic oeuer; com i about icbetter land "fairlv active: aniiita I turpentine WWr Ht 31 cents; rosin quie, at 1 40 ' ' - 4 i I Leadipg' Itepublicaa . Representa- lives urged the passage of the Senate bill authorizing experiments to freeze - ' ' ' t ' i out yelloever.; . VVerecord this to tlieir Credit. ! 1 ' ' 1 Fronithe tone of certain Kepubli- '- ?" - i. '-v V; l I can- naners in Maasachusetts and ConnecUcut we should say that the Down ifiasters are not disposed to V S . i .. .' U: take any of Grant in thern. -. s . "Mr. Hayes is the: only President who I did out ' come in with a majority in the I House of KeDresentativear Jascnanae. I ,!. c 1 I.- I He islhe only man who wrote mnv i self President, "who did not come in1 rident "who I did not come in" I of the qualified electors of the United States. - Both facts are worth remeta- ,r 1 -i, benng.vi 'Randplpiuweara the belt. Hear a "Subscriber' of the Concord Sun, at I Trinity is 3ollege, as he thus bolds forth: C J r, - - "The full fledged sheet, rich with juicy liieratnr and. news, filled our soul with a gladness rivalling the pleasure of the efful gent splendor of the day's brilliant king, as Apollo's chariot begins its daily course and bis frantic steeds paw the bars of the East." "The Washington correspondent of the Richmond State says of Logan's ' . ? e . t . "great effort,? for ; according to the organs all Radical tirades are f great I r - i ' i -a. ; v 'I -"w.is & t y .. j- . ' i 'It -wouldl he, hard tot ' decide whether I Murray 'aj grammar or -, the ; Confederate ' 1 brigadiers suffered . most at the bands of I tbe valiant Loean of Illinois. There was I absolmelj nothing new 4n bis speech.'' ; .;'.. Tlie ewtYork dry; goods markfit isv ihua .fioted by ;a tetter dated the I5tti: : - liSotwilhaianding. the unfavorable wea, thar, ctto ( gooda, were in steady demand, with ' prices tending strongly upward. pward. I AmoSkeag tickings' and' epperell, Laco iii ana: cepDeren. Aiaco- i nia.Androsceggiaand Boston wide sheet- iogs wee advanced by agents. Fancy and shirting prints .were. also in fair reqoest and prices very firm; dress goods in steady de- , maud and woollens sluggish; foreign goods irregalar." The bare ''suggestion that Ulysses would not- agree to become a candi date has afforded u immense relief to the country. . It is like temg cured of a tendency 'to t perpetual nigbt- marev Bat tbew Ulywses will be a candidate and, be will probably: be nomina ted. . xueu tue question i op in all ofitKe " Democratic dalaUnr I Senator Beck, the able .Scotchman wno represents xxentucKy .a lauiuui- . a,uLi;ir;.l:.iiLf-i I uy, maue 9 very -vuequvu BpBeu,it w mar traettbm' corresDondests. A rAAi o I in thA Siffifa an xr a9 - "He rea'd' ffom messages of Republican Governors condemning, the use or presence of soldiers at tbe polls, and quoting from Governor Geary.of Pennsylvania, he asked Wallace whether Geary was loyal. Wal lace saiRHYeO aWas a Major General in tbe Federal army. Here.then' said Beck, 'I read from a messaee of a ReDublicab rj T. u fohimlookinrW Blaine felt it." ,1 iaui.-i -11 .ii.-l Th,e first contested election case in the Honse will . be Cnrlin YDetn.) against Yoetlnrenbacker) of manY;nhaCnrtin i fill;; be .seated! TheM. important vnai voe icam ui j me xowa election should be looked into, and that it should be decided whether Congress or the Legislature of a State haya the right to fix the day for boldmg elections lor congress- r for boldmg elections lor congress- men. Ue baa no ideals bowerer. mat tbe seats of the Iowa delegation5 will be vacated, Weaver, the Iowa Greenbacker, is a mem- WrftbfciaiitteettEleQtioti.4" . ivfTj. wimri- :J.: -Mr. John Whitehead, of Salis- St!JnaVi lotte Observer s'ajra! Htf Wtfs 6fle of only rfoar outxrf.a .class ;of 128, who received the perfect mark of 100.. During the recess thebas'been appointed assistaat physician toDrCbaseinAhedyspensaryof thePres- byterian Hospital of Philadelphia. - . . . : "' rro -,.r: ' ; - it :-tfz .v.vv.;: f:hr Vf'--' ji- ' i " - i -i i i, - - . ' ' Tj i if mi in r v niiirii- -. i .. . . .. j , ........ 'J ' ' uu j.j L $um ..t.L.iJi1H.IJ. I.J.. voL.-.xxiv.-No:'2i:'i f - BttAGG AND tXVSSKIili. mo of tho 1 ttxoat 'pronounced Noftbenv llopublicna In Ubq Ilodsii 0i1nHPl, 0pn R'p . . ' j.V - V ' " A, r 7 Wsh.fh , Claims r .Cemmissien. Tbeae are nice fellows, j Only a little Wiiile since they were accusing the snth of raiding upon the Treasury, Hero iwas a chanea tu get rid at the . , ' , " , . r10le thlDS - tJ opjoted ,t fPfj00!?0! - fwiac gives the tollowing: - "Mr, i Mai tin (nloblteanlof North Carolina, went into a highfalutin defence of the Union men of the South, when en. Ward, of Ubiok asked him if be. proposed tq pay for property which be as a Confed erate soldier helped to destroy, and he re plied, .'Ycsj, I , was in ; the Confederate army, and have no apology to make for it, either The Republicans, who bad been applauding, seemed - to nave suddenly swallowed sometbinusourwrj fc i; r y: 4 ! "After telline Baker & Co that bis pur pose was to stop the Radicals from issuing fr ? tue rsortn Carolina member, WHO' He said served in the Confederate armyt then iq a uonieaeraie Ajegisiaiure, aau uaauy became a Confederate judge without ever SSdSjn? having graduated from a law office. ( having graduated from a law office. (Great anldnaa tltn MAmnnrAllA flirt A 1 Kf A said 8 that ; the Republicans1 had played is card olt loyalty long enough, and a at t vuiu niu mv v Th . corre8UOndent save it J..., M, of North r Carolina, and ha ia nrnKilnla nnrrit its IDA !a Tint. w .o .vzw--. w , " lh,RkMarUD was ever a Judge., lne y' anaAial antra r'w c : of Norlh Carolina, who took occasion to I eulogize extravagantly csouinern union t'eMAM titk.iau aAWlAAO anil OOArlfltllQ t K A Governmint Wuldi never opay. i ; Bragg said the Souibern Claims Commission was conducted in utter contempt of all known rules of evidence a mere partisan tribunal. erected for partisan purposes, it eases its judgment upon unsworn statements oi ae- tactivea mnloed; bv ihe court to secretlv find out something, and the victim knew notbinz of it until the blow was struck. These detectives are now called investi gating agents, because that sounds more respectable, just as highwaymen are now called road agents. They naa oeen apuy described as dead bodies, that lie! at the bpttom of the Clear stream until the buoy ancy of their putrefaction brings them to the surface and the insufferable stench they emit scatters consternation. : j After Bending th paragraphs con cerning Bragg and . Rnssell ; to the printer, we saw from both New York and Philadelphia papers that Judge Russell was the man that Bragg took alter. . We give,; a very condensed report from the New York World: v "Mr. Russell (Nat., N.-C-) protested that the proposition- was ao iasultio ibe Union men of the South. History, might be n&tcteii in vain for an instance et men having suffered and endured so much for obinion's sake, as they had done. The as seriinn mat mere naa neen no union men ib tbfr' South wa a i slander on men who were tbe equals of the genllcmaa ' from Wisconsin or or any gentleman on tnenoor. I Applause on the Republican side." . ..yfe will give an abstrabiof Iwhat Pen; Bragg aaid inVbnf iiot;. Abiy CoB4lacted la ETtry Depart Monroe zpress.4 , . We have heretofore , neglected to efpeak of tho -faci thai: bur s Valued .u iir:i: . c. qon.emFurry, tu ,,.,uiiuSvuu bas entered upon ? its - twenty-fourth semi-annual 'volume. ?The .Stab is AhW r.ondneted In? overvi dooartment. J ft neWflnaDer has not a suoerior 1U kUH OUU(.l. , 111.1 y . ilo ligut UCYC1 row dim. entinr Mrs. Oliver wishes to lecture at ialeigh.: ; , .. .. , t .;; : A daily mail has, been ordered between Tarboro and Mamuton.- ( Mecklenbure oonnty was named iv a Mr. Goertner, wbe'eame from JHeck- fenburg, Germany. -Vi&?'JA vHC Mr. VY . xiinton, ; oi yv ake, was very seriously 1 1 Mr viEUas , Qress, of Cabarrus, tras badly hurt by jumping from a wagon aii. At i WuilDi luc UOiecS were tttiiuiiiK bWITi becUne aQ inTitaUon to deliver) an address St Charlotte 0a May SOlh. Bis public du ties will engross nis attention. W!e learft. f rpm the .Virginian (hat Hon. ; Z. B. Vance . baa promised, ; if not otherwise Prevented, to deliver an ad- lress at the. spring fair whlcU is soon to Raleigh apJierveitThCTelfyill P.WWiSuX"B r1 e released to-day Lewis Wilkerson, cot- 1 Fea co?W, V"U,W1 ,Bf" i eenv ana sentoncea to ine pennenuary in fc!fW- j Charlottewrii JUftyeight nersons loined the different churches in town last Sunday part of the -fruits Ot Mist Painters revival. uver one Hundred nave made a profession of faith during tbe leeting, and a large numoer are sua at me I Wadesboro Jlerald: The fruit n this section Is not ail juiiea. a iew peaches and apples yet remain uninjured- (a allowed to shoot, trao or net satridges. l ue Diiu nn is iih im ,vvy.t- W-W doves, ' robbinsj larks,' mocktog-mras, or wild turkeys, nnder penalty of ten dollars for each offence. I T 'if rt ' 2- f ir r li V' 1 J I f lue .vtrMuutivi-uw t waiua from a private source that there ia a fine in- fluence now at work at Chapel Hill, espe- ciaHyj amobK3be stud,enta f The student! tre froldragyer-nirtttng iSSSiSSSSSS phurcb there, and w wppose the ..other fhurcnM in lhe piaceTghared in the con- yert8 ho haTe connected themselves ilh' lhe church J ' , ... ' ! ,rr. Oxford Torchlight: .gourtwaa in session only three days last week, and , r lSwiEWNci: fpiday- april lsiMi, disposed of 29 cases out of 41, and only one appeal toJ.the Superior Court taken: Granyille Superior Court is bo'w in. session j There are 101 cases oa the' criminal docket tor be disposed 6CJ -r afwr'days go we were shown" By a gentle,man arendiBgia this pjaceaspecimenof reed that far sor- passes anything of the-kind we eyetifeaw of heard of .rJUmeaaiued about pur ; inches in diameter; or twelve and. a hall inches in circumference. " 'so .-j-. HillahordBtfcorJrf.Ibert - At- water, stated witness tn the case against Davis and others, and - who .has ..been in prison since the' arrest ot the . gang in Au gust jasrw.as '. d Iscnaf ged "oafastc- Frtdayv Se was. we leaxa. an ao . hurry' to leave tbr jail during daylight, and begged ihc sUerLS td keep hint-in custody ntiLspijjta, when ie might depart . unsec v.ReA. C. Uixon is conducting a very animated and successful; te?1val iJat Chapel ; Bill;, and, already upwards of -seventy have been added to his church.1 - Mr. Diron 'is a man of zea!6iety andability-afcii a penter,:one of our Lmdst : esteemed' citizens and merchants, haa 'accepted a 'cashier's position in a Kansas bank. The Audi tor has received applications for money for the support, of, outside lunatics, in certain cases where the appropriation was due ba had not been drawn previous to the act re pealing the appropriation in this particular. The Auditov bolda that hobas ne aathonty f for such a warrants ifice Battle's iRevisal, 1 chap. 75, ato. 6oV pp, 650. wit was told the local' editor yesterday that Senator Vance hasf t -severe-attackof-ulcerated sore throat. If he recbYera. sufficiently be Will try his hand on a speech in the Senate on the Appropriation tilL f Gen. Himpton was teceived at Charlotte by the military and citizens. He m ade a speech leaning on : hlsi crutches. yv e give para ?rapai, rrom ( the voterver : "I am going to Washington.!! aaidi he. "to represent my people in the National Coun cil. I trust that while I shaltinever forget 1 that 1 am a Southern man, l shall always recollect that I am an American Senator; that I shall be able tosubordinate a partisan spirit to' the bringing about f that recon ciliation which we all so ardently desire and need. Since I first laid aside my sword Iihave striven for peace between the lately contending ( Sections , el the Union, and! believed then as I believe bow that such a state of feeling will ' bring - prosperity and happiness to our land." The Observer says: Governor Hampton is looking remarkably welt considering tbe suffering be bas un dergone, but moves with considerable diffi culty. ;i - i Raleigh Jfartner Mechanic: Forty nine, delegates; of whom twentyone were ministers, attended the Associate lie formed - Presbytery, at Sardis, Mecklen4 bttrg county, last week. -- .north Car olina ranks nine among the States of the Union, in number "of postoffices. . About 7 o'clock Wednesday morning, a negro, named Dave Hnehea, whe baa been in the habit of 'riding on the platform of tbe R & G. train from the machine shops to his home in the . suburbs, sprang off, slipped, and had the usual amputation of bis leg. : it was a toucn aad go wltn bun far life.- ' It ia curious to note the odd, outlandub or ludicrous i names', sometimes selected for postofHces. - Here ia North uarolina we have Troublesome, eoapstone, Why Not, Tuckahoe; Nelachucky. Kasla toe, Cullowhee, Aquone, Toisnot, Sana Souci, Turkey Tail, TomatolaA Iron Duff, Mutual Love, Celo, Big Toe, -Vala Grncis, and Hog Back. cm :.!AA-'fc't I Winston Sentinel: Died, April 7lhy from injuries received during the wary Mr. Spencer Haines,of Fulton.Davie coun ty. In Mr. H. L. Graves' store we were shown last week specimens of fret work, representing wheel-barrows, wall-pockets, and picture frames, cut in the most exqui site and artistical life-like representations of birds, vines, &c. Tbe work was done by ? Master. iaV P. Johnston, son . of oar esteemed' townsman, Rev. F. EL John ston. On Friday night last the Win ston Light Infantry held their annual elec tion of officers, which resulted as follows: Captain, John T. Vann; 1st Lieutenant, R. T. Steadman: 2d Lieutenant. E. H. Wilson; Junior 2d Lieutenant, John A-.BrowniE sign, ' 3. C.; Bessent. Died nearJGer- man ton, on last Saturday morning, Mr. Reuben Golding, at the advanced age of 76 years. Several new buildings are in coarse of erection in Salem... An ex change says "some men are like brooks, they are always murmuring." Very true. Some are like brooks in another respect, they run on to see all that is to be seen. MKW ADVUUTMEIUENIK. O. G.;Pabslbt, Jr. Shingles. Lock Box 212 For exchange. Mtjksok India-rubber overcoats: ' Pattkbson & Hicks Low prices. Heutsbeboeb Gen. Taylor's book. " Metfb.ii.--" ? . .. ... The storm signal was displayed yesterday. 1 ' No cases for tho Mayor's Court yesterday morning. I At last those who were wishing for rain are satisfied, y ( l I j The very finest, plumpest, well podded green peas we : have seen this sea-1 son were shewn us yesterday. They were gathered in the garden 'of Mri Rt .G. Fow- lerin this city., , , . .f vA. r;Si, i Mr. R. E. Heide informs us that his peach crop at "Appleton," near tbis iity,' has been entirely destroyed, aha( bis crop Of pears did not fare much better; A . ..... Uis apples are all right. : i..: ! j , i ... I Jackson Wood was before Jus-1 tice.. Hall,; yesfeday, charged.twih ,1x61 pass; this anldaTif hating !beenbworn out by one Sherard:Newsom. defendant was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and cosjs, but the fine was subsequently remitted. j .7 Three, of the crew of . the Nor wegian barque Ararat, when the vessel was coming up the river Wednesday evening, were.knocked down by a bar of electricity, . A a An ... ...A. n n n a I a mm . . m.. ... who assaulted . .the little daughter pt Mr. I GeorgelloylenlTuesoiastr Atole ApmnncT.tnd e8T-rinffalg bdievedlo be? thjianie!?pfivh assaulting wnilOcCBiiaren aon-ne atieeis,' ntessomewherofinjthe:. Eleventh -and Castle streets. TIfB SCUOOt. piODSK BOBBERIES. Preliminary Examination of w. M. Boyeite, :tbe i Alleged Tklef, before JJ natlee iaardaVelr Hla Commitment j W.; H. Boyette, ;he accompllsiied, thiei and scholar, author of MMoral Advice to the .Young,? &c i had a ; preliminary, exam ination before Justice, Gardner, yesterday in the Cases of larceny with which he stands cjiargedj- i:.'11'1 '' ' ' - ! l The first case called was that in which i he Was accused of stealing a melodeon from the Union School Hbuser The melodeon recovered tf officers Carrrahd Bunting.and which was1 in court, was fully identified as 4e J property, of Cp V7 SR Kenanby whom it was loaned to the schoel. It was further shown that the instrument was seen in the up-stairs oi the - nouse oi one my wood Miller colored, ia the neighborhood oi Wtej, ! tbe-jitjijRe, by a Boyette; that -it ; was subset , qliedtly taken to -the- house of one i Jane i Willis, colored, ' Bettehcourts alley, at Bo-1 yette'a direction.and found there by the offi cers.'packed bWas If teady for ehipment i At ihe'concluibn of ,th' examination ; Bo- j yette waaoraereaiogiveajustuied bond m tbe Bum of 2100 for his appearance at tbe drimmal'Dourtl'"' '.fft! An affidavit was then read charging Boyette with stealing a number of books from the Tempie of IsraeL. , ;MrV ; Ai. Weill , identified the books, which were in Court, i and staled that the school room attached to the Temple had,-been robbed on several opeasiOns and many valuable books taken. It was in eridence that the .books in court, ana laenunea. by mi. w, wuo purchased them for the school, were found in a box pnlledfyem Under ' Jane Willis' bed, and tie latter testified: that they were brought to her house by Boyette. There was other corroborative evidence," at the conclusion of which" the defendant was ordered to ye a justified bond in the sum of $50 for s appearance atjCaari'V, ' Another affidavit was now read, charging Boyette with stealing a clock aad a piano cover from'the school house of the Misses Burr and James, on Market street. The clock waa found in room occupied by Boyette.' Capt. J- H. Allen identified the tbne-piece as one sold by him to the Misses Burr and James, and' Mr. Ned Cashing testified to the fact . of the school bouse.be iig robbed of 'various articles, including tie' clock, which; be identified.' York Everett, colored! testified to having seen the same clock in Boyette's school house, corner of. Twelfth 'aod Dock streets., De fendant was required to give a $50 bond in is 'Case,' - with ' conditions similar to the hers. . : in.u'tin.,- '-''J, . Another case was called, in : which Bo- yfctte was charged with stealing books,etc, from the Peabody colored school house on Campbell street. J.'E.' Samp sen testified liat tbe school had' been' robbed on three or four different occasions, and that among tie' missing articles were quite a number of valuable books, seven chairs, a clock,; two bells, window curtains, brooms, &c. - Wit ness recognized the books, which were in dourt, aadid also A. B. Lind, who was principal of the school at the time, and un der, whose direction, they were ordered by : 'tbe . school T committeemen. VHe also showed nrivate marks in them which ) were l.made by him with a ' pencil, including hps u own name- and ' those of several of :lhe -scholars who had used them. - Jane Wiii testified as to ihe books' being in the blox found underTher bed by tho i ofiloers, and which' had been placed there by Bo yette." Ahbon.d In the sum of ; $50 was re quired in this case. This concluded ; the cases examined during the forenoon. h . Onlcec Care was called upon in each case t testify' as to where jaod under what clr umstances1 the ar.tfctes were Tound &c'. ; : goring ibe'annatioia. the prisoner ap- I eared to regard B.tb proceedings With i ufrreme mdiff erenbe,' ' occasidn ally smiling I I the remark'of a' v witness aad dedinlag m every instancetbeQSscea privileges f asking any,quesUonb pleased of those ho were testifying .against mm or or. aking statement in his own defence. - text jiHXXk'J-y"-Id the af lernoon anotb cas was called,' which the defendant" was charged, with Jaying stolen a number. of books and other rficiei from.the.Wiliison school how,,' in; tbe aoutherni 'portion 6f the' city. - Entice Green was the principal witness, and fully identified the books! He ; said itas his habit to' "write : hlsfnamefon tne One'hun- dredthwpage bfiVWokj, I their had ;sq many, and also on the two-handredth, rorjded Uhwas aijbkNjnUining:that maajr pageau Some of the books wefe then axahiined-and' f dabd1 ia be 'marked with witness pamejaJjtheL pages indicated. e'sesaio'n 'of Boyette- and at Ihexon- clusioief thOttfeatimoay.hd was. required tb 'featfef btb bbnd8 m the sum of $50. Being unable to give the 'security 'required of him,.the prisoner was remanded to jail 4. 1. 'During ahef "storm' Vesterdav mornings between J3, and 8 p'cIock, a flajt, lpaded with staves, went down so suddenly Bnijer the.presfure of ithf ihlth wind then revauiag that .the, sole occupant oi tne had to - escape ; for 1 ,'i!-2 .tltlwl ,2'- Kl-hrNwbwTSiffjglad t to learn that HcmAiM'Waideir-has ac f tueiaorinijuiareas were on tne nppruauuing w semeTery ;ComplimentaryremaTM;M reference to CoL i Waddell. . . . '..'f . t ". " fB i . i -r r, XN 'ill i J 7 11 &lik& UUii A f'Jii To-Day'o Jnieatlena. r : , , I For the South Atlantic' mates; f alling followed I by " rising' harometer,1 southerly windi.slight to colder northwesterlycloudy weather, possibly clearingaway vby Thurs day night- ;.- i-LTl n!t . .. " The;Wilmihgton -Light Infantry held a meeting last; night, and we .are 'glad,, to learn that its :ranks "were strengthened by tte'enrblment of ' new' members.'.' A.'1 com pany around; which ; centres' so much that is honorable and chivalrous, abOuld not be permitted to languish aad become .extinpt. Indeed; ;lt;J really dfsjeiita.be to;the spirit of our. young men that both tbe Light Infantry and. Whiting Itifles are not a hun dred 'strong. "- We trusjthal Wis not yet too latef to stimulate a ! propel' dispeeition - toward these organizations among ur bu4- siness people. If they will -but encourage their employes Wilmington may still claim, the honor of military companies ( equal to any in tue South in 'point 'of 'efficiency" Amiinniont .nil nnmarial afrAnrrfW I. PasUlstle Encounter. I Tbe usual monotony of the abad market, foot of Market 'street, was enlivened' "yesH terday afternoon, about half-past ; Sloci by a fight between two white men, -wbich attracted, quite a crowd j,. They went at it in earnest, and it, was hard to - tell ; which Was the "best man." The excitement was about reaching fever heat, and, bets were being freely offered "and taken by -(he ffiends of' the' respective parties.' when oifilcer Robert Green, of the police; erce, appeared on the scene and. put, a: stop.; to the fun. The pugilists were then taken to the . station house; .where, they gave the necessary oonu ior meir appearance ueiore the Mayor' and were released'. Money mat ters are said to have been at the bottom bF the difficulty. i i ijlifj?;u?ti6 us' m ' , r"i.i , Thermometer Record. I The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 431 yesterday - evening, Washington mean. time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin; issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta... .54 Key West,...;... 79 Augusta......... 72 Charleston, ...... 67 Charlotte....... .66 Corsicana, . ..... .68 Galveston,. . . .-. . .69 Mobile.... ',6 Montgomery . i k . .58 New Orleans,,... 67 PuntaRassa,: . . . .74 Savannah,.;. . . ...74 St. Marks,. .. Havana.,... .. ...7 Indianola. . ; . . . A78 Wilmington,.... 64 Jacksonville,.. . 77 J KIVKB AND niKlNB. The Atlantic, 'Harden, from this port, ; Tbe Hardi, Wilson, cleared from Liv erpool for this port on the 3d inst. ' ' ' -. i - ' .!...' r t - Ralph If. Holies', Getchell, cleared from Philadelphia for this port on the 15th inst. Tbe Dimorah, Jorgensen,'' from this port for Arendal, was off Falmouth on the SlStUlt. ; U- : fit': -dl :,hi j Norwegian barque d&t, Jugvoldsen, sailed from Charleston for this port on the 15th inst. t . .. , Save money and time ' by having -Dr.L KuU'a iSsltimore Jf ills on band, i and using them for the numerous diseases which more or less trouble families ' at times. Bold everywhere. . Price 25 cents, t. V, J - 4; htH: ':tiMb 'Miiw.'ilii3 3i' P: The mails dose and arrive at the Citv Jf ost Otneo as lollows: CLoaa. Northern through, mails! '. "745 P.-M. Northern - through, i and i wayo f mails,. . .. ,i ....... . . , , , ,5:30 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railr6ad, . . , and routes supplied there from, including A. &N. C. -- 'J Railroad. .. at. . . . . i. . ,5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points , l( r ..' r JSouth, daily. :.'iV;V.'t;;. . 1 73d a:'mv Westernmails(0. pR)daily uii t (except Sunday). . . . 5:00 Ai M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlintrton ..; ?, . i .4 . i itauroaa......;.... !t ihsvil. ja. I rence and Charleston .; . . .. 7:30 A. M. FayettevilledofficesonCape,,,: ' Fear, River. Tuesdays, -and . Favetteville;v via Lumberton. i: 'J ; " 1 fiJ J I x iiuavg. ....... ............. m. .vw x dauy, ! except aonaays.. . a:uu A. mi. Qnalow.jU-uu. and mterme-. . : r. diate offices every Friday.. 6:00 A. M. SmithYilie mails, by steam boat, daily (except aundaysl vw- JuiXL maiiajior juujkA,mu iAvww.'Jifiioa' &aial w - m . tt Tsri m Creek .and BbaitPtw,, every ,, , Vj , n ! Friday at., ;V: n 6:00 A."MlJ WibningtOe and Lisbon, , Moa '-" ' i days and. FridayB at. . . . G&Q Aw.M, i .,.-(,. OPEN FOR DKLIVEST. Northern through mails.'. ; '. " $iXSjL"pT' Northern through "and wayoi Vf 3 'J-i-, j mails. v . f . .u . , i u i 3 a 7 AW A: JU Southern mails. ......... ;UL,7aX) A- Carolina central uauroad.... ,o.-oo A. M. 1 Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.1,' and from 2 to 5 SO P.M.. i Money order and Register Department open, same , aa ; Stamp efflcewv: 4I-fStV,rj f'fi-iifl ' - wiii I General delivery open from 6:30. A. M7 tb 6:30 P. M., and on Sundays froni8:30to fll:S0'A.iiM.H;t-' iu frKiiln "Sf.il oJj Stamps for sale at general delivery hen stamp office is closed.,-, . .. , ! Mails collected from -'street boxesf every dav at 4.00 Pi Mi ' fcwcutj ugi ot.. ; Key Boxes accessUale. M ali: hours, day DIOCESE ,B, JWOBTH CABOlilR A j Bishop AtBlnaon'af Appolntm Friday, Soaday, April 18 L....,...,Marfxeesboro. April sOjfst? Sunday mfter . - Easter.: Woodviile. Bertie co. Tuesday, April as. v r r-....f..,..ijW masor . Thursday, 3 AptU UiUSih:- .. .H..r...Uaclcsoa. rnnayw Saturda; Snndav. t coUecttonji made ateach place toi; Dpceaaa Itis- . i. a ..ji . ! ars)-eif j ; " , I 1 1: ii t rr annrterlr jnieeUna: Secend iRouad 1 t&ftt'v&fh Bladen.'-at McDonald's Bchool-itoo.; April' 19,- M ElbahetJi, at Singletary's.ii iAartl ;iz&S7 Waccamaw, at Cypreaa, Cek April . SJ WhlteviUe, at Waymim. iV&W. fi 7. AW 1 1 Smlthville StattoniL.: VV-SLs ,H't Smlthvflle Circuit, at ZIon ....t..l...May' 10,11 Wilmington, Front Street. . . r r . - - JJW. a I ess Wild -iBreaiiWejtC, I 1 1 1 aBa-a 1 1 , r.. rl ' ; CheW J ACXSOH S tXST DWCKh lj.4vu,w 1 ii jti 1 . il 11 II 'J-VJLJau'W'riJjif.'-H.i ',;,!. t .in. f f li wrJt . i uliiiti. U i7JJj vJu Viirf ifr . .1 it t i t,(, 1J .V jKLKCTRIG B8LT8tA-im . on - ton wirnn a dabilitv. . prematnre. decav. exhaostion. etc The only reliable core. 'Circulars mailed free; Address , a, kisjsvbs. 43 Chatham Bt. N.Y.. u , ; ' : ' ' ' 1 kid I boOK BraOKnT.J-lfUMORNIMO bab Book P.ind ery does all kinds or Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner.! and at reasonable nricMa.t Mej Chants andothera needing Receipt Books, or other ,wxr, may reiy on. promptnese tn tne execmUon of i ;. -mm a,: fpOA .ITPWAUnS ' rvw wnnjTV. wauu una "Wis blow's Soothing 8tbup has ; Keen need for calldraa.- It corxeeta acldltv of the twruu-h. w1im ynxo oouo, regulates the bowels,' cures uxsairraaT aadPT AKHHfaii .whether arlalng from .teething or lother causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 . TIKXKNQUSa eUKS.L'PhA attentinn M mr.rlm bksQ la invited to the adTertiaement ef Uesara. J. & uf uuiuuKMnn ui nno Dreecn-ioaoln? i sans, uirmingaam, JSngiand . Their guns are made .toorde according to Bpecificatlons and measure' mentB forniBhed. thna ennnrinor thA Hirhh Jetogth of etock. &c J ;i.itf -.,(! . :'. iXOU Can now Bton at the ftmmrf Hnnti-al tlnt'nt on BrOOdWKV. New YnrV IWl tho imrlr.n aiLSO or $3.00 per day, or yon can on the Bnropean year lnnch down town, or Ain with . f ot,3 ..j year room at tbe otel wiu nly cost ypi $l.ob per day and upwards, and meals are also provided, at' to the Hotel. !N :v ?.i a 1 (AS I TRnfJ-flT.An Hwaeraie prices, at tne elegant Kestanrant attached. (AN IRON-CLAD., I NOT-- MORE 8BCURK vgmMj takenrfar the Congna, Colds, and, Bron cnlal Contplainta, whlob always precede these terri-' Die diseases." -r " ' . - -' . . iPlkB'S TOOthaAA DrVh' r.ntftTofitJi.fihi, t iNEVY ADYERTJSEMENT&iiJK 3idia Rubber .0vBic6ats,'; Ttmbrjsllas, ' tt;'n AT' t. 3 . ! ' TRAVELING BAGSi etfcUt ;apl81t- i..,, tt MUNSON'S. hoiCXON, GOOD AND PRIMS; .'i.. i . 1 . .ALWAYS OK HAND. "j?lr Bale at Lowest Prices forCash!itj iiilV j iO. ti. PARSLEY, Jr.,- jap 18 tf . Cor. Orange & 8. Water Streets. : ' tlD.B.-SIl)i8'1HA'MSr, ' ' 5 iiiWw t-.isio.-nrvjvj : CANDY, CANDLESv .-soap, soda; ;!,iJ -f'-' --- UAKJsa, CRACKERS, , i f ,..4ovOTjaiij,.pica6XB8,' .. , ' t PEACHES, . . . " CUTTOJSl ' YAHNB,- :"- v - - t ? j , SHEETINGS, " . . 'f ' - WRAPPING PAPER, ' -; PAPER BAGS, Ac, PATTERSON A HICKS, aplSD&Wtf : - "; .N. Water L NUMBER OF J ALL HOUSES, YIELDING aj good income, will be', exchanged, for j 'f. PESIRA BI4S' jStpctB, J wmtaUiing six toj eight robing ana weu loctaea m.inu city. A .. ..-..,.! - ,v -- vT"" Address,, LOCK BOX 213,' ; SaplTSt nac Wilmlngtori, N; C; u EHSNAL. EXPERIENCE OF THEt LATB k-WAR " BY RICHARD TAYLOTl. l.ifintpnanl General in the ConfederaU Army. . . , , ... i "Aa a writer he' is -rigorous, Bparkuug, erudite, and entertaining to a degree. : His opportunities for the obaerralion of men and things nave been such aa few possessed, and he has made good use of them;- Uf course he views the late war from A Southerner's standpoint, but both,, sides receive nsure at nis nands. The trreat interest in Tila book to many will. no doubt, be the 8hanness with which' -be crittcisea men and' measures.' ' Where least expected, he poura, forth batteries of sarcasm and denunciatioHp and spares mo one whom he tmKB aeserTes snowing up."r-N.: X. Herald. ,,4 Price fiOO.4 ' i." For sale at - r 5 ap 18 tf 1 ' " Lire Book and Music Store. SmitliTme aEtl Fortifidations- JHK BBAUWFUt NSW AND H U - ' Will resume. Regular Trips, FRIDAY, April llth- Leaving- Dock at 9.80 AM ; Returning at 5.0) P.M. are ou taenia. - . -, aplOtf - J.y - GEO MYERS, Agent1-, T ((-. :.:n J r From May 1st, that desirably located ! S! 1 ( SWELLING.contalnmg seyen rooms.Bit uatedonDock between Front and 8ed -1 - 1 j Rtreeto. thn -Ro.iilPTip nf thn lata Horace Bun dee'd.; together with all lhe FURNI-' lujsa conuunea.tnereia. ,,; ,i, , - r The House is furnished in a most thorough man- Kitchen and deUehtful.SDrine Water on the prentiaesv - jsiuirsii-ii isu'J ;itj i '.. Persons in want of a nlcaaant Home are Invited For terms and particulars. applr to. s , .. ... . - CRONLY 5fc MORRIS. J" apMj oswSw BO tt. ( . 5 f Real Estate Agents J. $10,0001 TN HIS POCKETTOUR MS. MUNROE JUMPED A on the train, bound for the North, where he wed this money in so judicious a manner that we are BOW mahlad t&oireB a. . atmfk at Vnmitnn tnr ula L wmcn ror elegance, durability and low prices sui r V1 mm mm dm nn m- riM.... cor. Market and Second Sta. apl3tf ' ; ja.ixrwi. ouu c ma yi3--!l- v'.--di Wft!ft t 'biii 'TJRUaS . HOOPS, , DOWEIJNG ,' MACHINES, ik. auuucn, xiowcjiB, uuweiiug noues, Board Axes, Adzes, Drawing Knives, Horse Heads, Chisels. Punches.' Setts. Drivers Ac. . A Large As sortment of the aboye Goods, andt at Bottom Fi gures, can do round at tne uia iistaaiisned uara ware House of .1 ';,JNO. DAWSON & CO., . , aplS tf ' -'" 19, 2L' 33-Market Street Hats, Caps, AND STRAW GOODS. f II iitlW ,19iiW. 'SJ?'aaPwrriAW V3A'TrW - piuoaos. "(i TrcoqTwr..Y7 .:.- .j u r j-H Hattera. .m AkBfANKtoRD'.'5',,'!i I "A U . CBQKB JOAIR? BTJTTB,".; ,r . i"-dJ TINiiN,.,J6:,SYHtJP,. :'WM - ; .T ,n J-titf t-'sl. i?;iv u'-jjiJ feJ Jr. r A till nitipr iUanilaril rflilp. iii:V 9W1!r3edrf -jj. v-sdj ji n17;,DAWtf 3i1.rllALL; PBAR8AT.K, HOOT 'ifl C.ib&uJMAY'l STILL buy tag FSAS.T . Write' na IT yoi nn IS tf' ' PRESTON CUMMIN ?fi.jn LitfvfOiiJ xs n-Hti Jo tiiy-f-'j kbuwi, vmu or oiiinon, man tne lungs, tnroat and caeat are against Qoneumptlon or Broncbitis. when "Mali's Bohit ior fioaiHoinnt t.Tin'it i. fV AAA Selected CALIFORNIA BAGS.. US U U U Xl .Rappahannock, Elizabeth City; ! ;"-. : ; i and Western WHITE tCOBN. HATES O A I Vaiit S tJH I N U . Oae Suaare one day,.; 'r ;. ,"foO ' II two days... .;...,. LOBr?,s"i-.- : 8 oo i: five daya,.i..,. Vi 3 60 .: One week,.i.,.;,..I.,.;;,; 4 oc ' Two weeks........ , .... fi 60 . Three weeks,. . . . .. . .. ... . . . ; , . , ; 8 50 t Oneinonth,... ......... , 10 00 . Two months, ,..4, ..,.... n Ou ' . Three months, . .;. 84 w ; ". six months,..;.......... ... 40 00 One year,.........:.:-;' -.Iv.vti fin ( 1 jPtyContract AdverUsemenU tabn t ptt. tionateiy low rates. . . , .- Tea lines lid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; ! r: ;: : For Sale. TWENTY-BARREL SECOND- i - i - HAND TURPENTINE STILL, With Fixtures Complete. pall on or aadrew . TOhS tt; ; . . ,. K LILLY A BROTHER. W: G.j Bacon. v.- ! i.i.-.Ay' i-cv- wn 4.; v ; ...-; 10,000 Lbs. v-.; ; :, Hams," f,!:;;;,: :- Shoulders; Very choice .lot.- ; 'ynitiff:f -! , vi,.,. t AND TKlMHEr. MESSENA LEMONS and ORANGES.- .Freeh lot. f BURNETT'S EXTRACTS, i : : : " ( COFFEE ROASTED DAILY.' Tbe only place in the city where you can get any . . . - grade WARM. . "". - '-h J as. C.Stevenson yests. VestsaetTests. THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ! - ID0LLAR8 IN WHITE VESTS, I ' THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. J Cbmprising all the 1ATE8T STYLES in Plain J White and Colored Linen and Marseilles. Ranging in price from 75c to $469. An examination 1b solicited. ; ; 1 A.. DAVID, The UlnlTilAr P. 8. I have some made In Donhio HrMni style, . ap.lfitf m-i, ' AD. , Uverpool Salt. 2gQ Q 8 (Full Weight) - - r ' ..' . ..; ;.; s LIYKRPOOL SALT, r; ; ,. .Now landing and for sale by . .- v ap.13 tf KERCHNES CALDBK ttROS lolasses. Molasses. 100 100 j jQ A Hhds and BblB New Crop CUBA, 100 rd' ' i01du,PCt3BA, '. "J H"B "ew TOp . W. JtUAiAAJSS, . KJ- For sale by' i V- ! ap!3 tf . KERCHNER CALDBK BROS Bacon; Corn! and Heal. Q A Boxes D:BV SH)E87 ' " sir; OK do Smoked SIDES,' 1' ' " " ' jQ do D. S. SHOULBER3, ' 5000 BnSarhte Hed COR, 1 A A A Busn Fresh VA. MEAL. arvv, For sale by ap 13- tf ; KERCHNER A CALDEK BROS. Owners of Carriages, WAGONS. Ac needing Repairs, will find rrVlRto tbelr interest to: bring them at once l fi to P. H. H AYDEN. --f , , :.. . i . . ; iiAKNicss, bAudlbs, Ac, constantly on band. HORSE-SHOEING done at Low Pricea..,- u ap 13 tf " - ' ' A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY 119 WIS A FORTUNE. FIFTH GRAND D18TRI- BUTION, CLASS K. AT NEW ORLEANS , TUESDAY,- MAY JStb, 1879 -108th Monthly Drawing. ! This institution was regularly incorporated by tbe ,ure of the State for Educational and Caari- table purposes in 1868, FOR THE TERM OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, to which contract the in-' Variable faith ot the State is pledged, with a capital of $l,eOO,000, te which it baa since added a reserve fund of $350,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly oa the ': second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look Tine louowing uutnouoon.! ... . j -? ; A3APTTAL PRIZE, $30,000. '. , -1,00,00 J TICKETS At TWO DOLLARS EACU v . ''HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. . . j LIST OF PRIZES. t Capital Prisie.-. .. .-. . V.v J. -.. : . . . $30,0C0' 10,000 5,000 5,000 5C09 ,10.000 , 10,080 ,. 10,000 . 10.000 . .10,000 1 2tpuai raw.,,.. Capital Prize. S Prizes ot $2500.. 5 Prizes Of 1000 SOPrizeaof 500 uW -Prizes 'of 100..:... 800 Prizes ef v,60.,..'........f B00 Prizea of- 'SO.'...'....::.. .-. :. ..v. . . ' WOO. Prizes of. 19.; ; .... ArrroxiMATION PRIZES: ' 9 Approximation Prizes of $300... a ApproximaUoH Prizes of 200... ...... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. ........ . 1,700 100 ' 900 1B57 Prizes, amounting to . , $110,400 I Responsible correspondlns agents wanted at all nrominent points, to whom a liberal compensation wiUbeDald.it' 1. .,,'.:.,. . . i ! Ap ainnCauon ror rates to ciuos should only ne made tp tne umce or ue uompany in new urieans. l Write. clearlT stating full address, for further in- fprmarioa, or send orders to 1. J 1 . i - t v , ., -u . M. A. DAUPHIN, ! P.O.BoxeW. NewOrieans,LoitaianA ' T ; - Or to P.O. Box T3,. . ,5.. f Wilmlntlon. N. C. ' All our Grand Extraordinarv Drawimrs are under le BTTDervteiOTf1 and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD aad JUBAL A. EARLY. j ap 9-D3aw4wAW J aat wa- " j - ' '- ThOest usic Books; HE CHURCH fiFFESINGf Sfe ;or$12 pep dozen), haa the best arranged and. largegt collecUon or Music for EPISCOPAL CHOIRS even pablished. C Veaites. 19 Oloria ,: Patris, S3 Glorias, Ac, Ac, all in Anthem Form, - besides a large variety of Chaata, and Anthems. -.' for Christmas, EASTER and other Festivals. - Although prepared expressly for the EPIBCU-t-;; PAL SERVICE, the large number of fine An thems renders it One of the beat Anthesa books Yor all Choirs. -lloi- .i ' u j ui i 'I .jiu. j .ui; EASTER MUSIC EASTER CAROLS I EASTER ANTHEMS T ' Bend for Lists. . 'v " '1, CANTATAS FOR SCHOOLS am SEMINARIES. hkrAmong many good ones may be -mentioned. 1 MAUDE IRVING. (75 cents); LESSON IN na ivi x w mni uuuvuuatAilvui,i 50 cents): CORONATION. (GO cenU); CUL- FRIT FAY, ($1K aad FAIRY BRIDALi (SOC) .'ii'4.i4J ' v ' 'I' r" ygv? The present: number of the -WEEKLY MUSICAL' ' I K SCO 2D ijj f-alljDt EASTEBj MUSIC,,, Send 6e ?r . I trLi '' 'i '' r '"''' i t' - i RICHARDSON'S NEW METHOD- FOR THE PI- fjiir Any -Book iiiaOed for BetaA Price. : ' j- Oliver Ditson tfip.i ; ;;: CHAS. H. DITSON A CO. I J. B. DITS0 . CO. j 843 Broadway, N. T. a vnesuiui bu, ruua, mh "BMlAwtf Wed 'A Bat trt: J j.-i- tt" 7 i 4

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