THE IIOEUIIIG OTAE. tUHLISUBD DIET , KICIPT - MONUAYR. '. : HATS Ht SOTtSCKCmo IN ADVAHOK t ., . .. One year, (bj mall) portage paid, . ....... ...If 00 Throe montLa, a 5 ; One month' " .,,.1 W To City Sabseribera, delivered in any part of the ciiy, Fifteen Cento per week. Our City Agenta are not authorised to collect for mere tbaa throe matk m advance,' - - " , , . ' J OUTLlNliK .l,.p .., 'j.. ! .1 - I ; Uurrle lor Wiling rpner,u.e.. aciWr...? Judge Spoflord addresaed the Qommittee oo PrltiWeeaand Slecliona the' Spof- I u Tf" ,.o - w, . . I forKeltogg case; Kellogg replied, Thew York SydicaU will Uke the one h hundred ;PUllMMtVU refnndiag certificatea. r. t raroie ia now a Blrong I a has been appointed :t3i Wymeeu on 27ih inaH. f j --i- 1'J vernor of Eeume'l IlnlgaiHaifAaaem eudangcred yhreaking oi -river daina.- j jj bishop, nive intimated a williugneas tore- v fWailAiiAa Vaimtaltt noAiiat:AJ.. L ;ll0,-Vr ?.weoFri C015 m-r . ff J rv a : V- !; turpeoliDe "7- r Ceni8;T? ' $1 40 r - - .- .. I VV- 'mrrrt' to learn I that, c M.t w - ' 7 - T . T JT.r.'l n" u i .4- t-- I Ninetyvsix riicmbera ofhfrUouse are W)lef forf apwh; lative bitl. "Blowwind and crack v v.-'r-'V J .T 7t -.1.-11 I i ' fi--!. r j "Senator 'Dawes made apbwerful i peeoVMfc an orgaKThat is the ip Inkfti til th spaRor,Jti,iIrobablir beat okej0r. the season.. 1 ro uaDiy it only me'ant it was "powerfal? dull,. ' i ' .; .. .. .. . Gov. Hampton's arrival : in Wasn- ton ar&ted quite a stir among bw I , ",' . r. :,..!.; i.,ir., ".v.iv.l mg y frijnda.; His' weioome ,in:ihV r man Senate !4!npl have?beett: wameV or morp general, says a JDispatch spe ' xr ' ( . j -" - ' .':. )- The codfish aristocracv of ' Ne ine. coensn sriawcracy oi new, York are in a' pa nfnl state pf expec a ur. aro xu j pmuiu. Bfc v. y sr- 'taney.pvetbo . rtimPT;tfaaK;ine.Iake, . of Argyle Tfatper of K Marquis ?of - F , . Lome, soriMb-lat of 'V ctona), is to visit that ifcity. , I a r I Byroq idof himself, that he went to aleeti aHdwoke np fihdins himself v T r -5); famous, He wrote poetry-i.The car- Det-bacffei editor pf 'the Okplpna pel nagger eaiipr or, tne .vitojona (Miss.) went to sleep and woke 1 i- ".-' .( ' ' iV ' I up finding Ihimself ;inf arnoua. .He wrote. M 'rtaai!owMifi m. "VI & ) - v,",,V;5 ' r CunaTueeiTiiasf rifeaehea fcll..!(nr o 8 NewrU'Tt rstneilSStn steam- iJ1... nulls VUIIVUI ..iv....;: ,wv n u wwu m TT . .-'. ' . .... 1. t tniu nf 9 dCI rum " TltiHimnr AnutriMtn. I2eri. ' - 1"--.' '. "J.V. ,(';' 1. '--ij " T r: I Grant camPmh 1,80 mapnty. r in iwifie carnea t it by 55.966L Haye carried it by IS 542 maioritv inla"56 ' Now the I "r9 , wo apA 5 noar ifArifl -nrt-no i1..0k.eTi..rl ' winwUT.iMr.'.Crpaljyj-rlien on.the a ew,paptr,i editedibyrXc N-: HtalhBga, near llOM a?dfiO have hee teBcd, rr-7 8tnrJ i8t fiukdaK'SeTted thai be" fea its appearance taia ek.01d Rip- T ! S T?' ,B hid never mado I uch a statement, fcj k? Pf destroyed and the town of Arad seriously w a imwa i cqurae.;)(iAj. .W VvM structed ,at Glasgow, .lias 450 feet Wged grasshopper" carries hot leal than a Federal Court, for violations of the Inter length and accorambdaUons for. 480 gallon adU a lialfj b intrtafl if tnue naL yenue .laws, and one . -o A-..'rtr-;v;j,H K-t measure, "stacked down under hia shirt." cases have been dismissed. FOrty-rour saleou, passengers.- i. a u-. i i r nr waa:- . .-iuiVirii.-'."' nw pills have been found by the grand , 3 "I '-'-T Mi. O. W. Eddins, ,of i Char- iVLryhicll i8 still ia 8e88iOB. Tne j?niled jepupucaus gcb yui aubjuiikj religious promauos w vmbum, imi j - p k,ninn. A prt r,. '" .. .i' k ' , www --l iHb hia amalarv.naef id and blame-r't ryww' v'v -iney cautnaaygT.Yioto,ry,)h been appreciated,. adt ,pnlj.ia th' HAu. & Pbubsau , :,, . . m ,v j1 hiaown household of faithj.bat by all good I :o. pnspir & Co. New Wq nfltir.ft , that ,'TAny!w'--fTficti Tespondegs l5unfS6jKfi P $X W Jadge Kusseli as a KepuDliean. lie ;- will have to makes Grbetlback speech I to know hembo,atandsf oMhrst l . . a . J m ' . m uont mm9- WPPI w ave been a euccess Hewill hardly say, "A httlVtM girapV, GeneVal Bragg." The luisUld' .1 'ul 9 i'i.ali LL l. 4 f lOv 'i..'nnl.'r always a large BUeei, llCUHCUtlJf . JIUU 1 li.he. . donbWrfinbaDd , mo.t l.r6,tnogV for.fidrco. . ' . f , , ing. Its issue of the, 15lh sueh a :parfandone: aaaf K aHiI awiaIii wm M4 H a W VVTrl 0 I -irmu vuiwuaie, uiuiwrvw wy4f 'pear in three umbs-dfthe ;Neir York fW- IVa:nster in size 1 mhpke full Pf gPPdaUffy 11 "Ti5" ;v: mtiW-'v, '' '.ij knownfarxte itf rmm at.ii i-.'w i .i f WUW M..UUAU .fl-hW! ?, '. I through th outh as Paul J3rroi alias John I -aole object -seems, taM procuriig of money on letters of credit,-, Amon enects oT the 'individual arrested aa . Byron, and who is new sojourning ; -couniy jail, were found certain documenta which lead to the impression that be is the vipariy, .AaaalettbeNorthwestern Mutual1 -county jail, were found certain documents : . - .. - It- Ay .oO- i 7T VOL. XXIV ;-NO; 22. ' Insurance Company of Milwaukee - in his I DOSSesalOQ and BtamDeil nn.iMrUin nnn 1 h.t.UikoiouMeibrik. At we aro not mistakea this indi. ti u.i)t.! . t t , .iL.fl j .illt.Uo,. rM:;;7V""","j;"i I tL00a ' : : , t S ' "r -n : , , -., I Ul, .! -rl. TfcuL f JaKSI T - Vu" I tli&roWW k actdeaT senHt on the JNew of tho prosecutors) declared in: on- lalniage was a , liar aqd a BOoundrel and a (ldi8?raoe to the as to the exact words, bat the wit- rsalidri, and said that Mr. Orosbv I - - J M 1 teAa?AI I .yr, occasion of a game of i:: sa.. oTka nM. lilttSBB Wlhll.v:ilf lilt' UlObEBii U U SIOV-1 I tacle was a gorgeoua one, and kings, een nights, bishops, and eyen Ttitirn urprA nrravnn 'in. R1IKR. HUmL v r, r . J r , 7 . ' 1 velvets ana mazing jewel, a ne came TC."cko. ttuu J- n itlaoart KT I .nlain MAKonriD 1 , J J. ? , . I Mcli.enzie I wna vnn in I l r.: 1 ravil" I .ubbu 1 knights second square," j r - I 1( r,.,.r F.. "r r, or nucuiiua. ' IFrankiinllenorterli -irt .' TIT ' T ' ' " ri ' ' 'nl. 'VI ' I us u ujuamva uAft.-iuio.M daly has just entered npon its XXIV I I.Sehe tSrigs fJWP-W to nnq jne peat tnings whlch have boen 8aid by the press of North Carolinajor aouieho it never fail to tiuahepiib f Current com- ment. Long may the Mohnino Stab hibe pu JNorth. Parina -journaliam. in. i ', ! ' ." - I ' 1 $piritS i Tlirpeiltine. v.,;;h " 'J,. - -V"-" -4-Miltoii will probably gettts . .1 JNewbern is still amictea wttn Hiiiti., m,i.hi " lcr; " f -. oomgiarJa pase gees tp the Saplreme Cewrt oa'appeaL - J 4- Mr7'" William" rHodeesV'' Of t t 't tVU'Ji&'fa r 3. Joafa countyis .deaagedO.- -t- Mr. Lewis Jonnson, a J valued I viuva vy,y..--.Jlj-riT'TB I tu- u ,i4oTy 1 citizen of Qoldaborb, ia dead, aged 48. ''TJlJL Aaviuaop' 3i.vueg' Lcabaiuguc shows 10S' matrtealatea for the eollegiate ye - j ' " " , :,,,.V. .vfiitawiwriL- u rT" !$ . -W v 1:1 aaya Jttdgeajexr 1 : joualLTewiOt i.Virgmia.vl abont bis fatherr vv asaiBKwu jrrcsa: auc pri 1 effort at eacapjftatiujmayiiignfiilil 1.1- bbdied J men! and boya loungi was dib floarea pe.auu wuBjiig Aupinuisiw a-;; I m. . . 17" J 1 iUUCi ICIUIIUUCUVIMH onur .. L j i- ..k.. V 1 uhdrel, wben tne tatterr nea. xnuj is i ' I .'VTSniabAthCitvfeonomwaiBiahaD Atkiason is now Over 70 years of age. For I about a quarter of a century hia mental and I physfcal energiea have been devoted to the I whn prnfffin and caiitbeiaaeireavtirisi i-C: ! ..T ..".i.i .-i 'S. w. 1 R j4. h mrmrand Mkkhakic: -wri.rnr " , t JS aaa.Mr .rr.J ducefl 70 bales of cotton oa 6d aerea. Joel I tJSi I. ! aa : A m I oaiea to uiewow.wiiw. fauced 1060 buahelsof turnips on one acre. Nash farmiagJ LpFineh I ..Ah.4 Oflft nninna fif uiAt onttin . and .wtn 1 xxr a ax,.-a w I thaTlver to! nm&StfSSm ' USe-: j nrM anil that n.nnn'ioi d.u I grucq IU liviviu, auu tuai y.uyuDyo i ua I v I t"5lb w burned to deativ' pa Monday nighu' ral4t taatardy. moraing jt larga eagle was .1 - ... i - I repairs; it will Boon w cumpieira, na series will be brtdJWgularly by Sit. n. arlftttft 0iMPB' ,aaid I thattUre'are'about1 many turpentine uiBui.i.Uu.Mv w-.. -.--..-j , - pany.'tPae' composed oi citizens Pown and countvlLlo to yesterday 'tw'Mtv-flve names had been secured.. ol Ah . a jAM.a-hf'tHa n&MTMli: Waa' the only eurTiTprgfEathoae whp then 81st dSy of 3ecemberl800. I tnrougp V ewera ptatea, ana haa cotoe back aatislled that after aU there 1 ia no sdeh place as our good old county. . n a . ri n.wH m li n K w m. i m k- s. - - rM. i w ii ri iiu iih nrvtMMni. iHrwn . i . inn "& Ntaraava .i K i.nvr nr wnntanr n in fins vonairj jyjt 1H- .!(.- hiWt jji-lii pit. ( WILMINGTON; i i ii i '. ...'!.' .1. W rgret to leorn tbatth"8tfe-of Haek4 ni. .ft: W.vd nmllt PU.aant PIiumWbmI storm-Mgnu wu. GroLiaboro nfiisaannarirh VthT I UninlHnnnn? -with Tit ft R , TiM- I oL. -, . .. ;V3 U -.... - . . - JJupim county items: Mr .:!Thoa. The fruit crop is almost destroyed all ekiri onnt UtA -vaHntioQ tk xaw f StamKiLanoir - i' cotutty lata -eekioi lilt Aft. 9 Ut .IbaWaM .iAni egw;l!L not expected .f, liv V J. LUiewew icrorrns ns th) I. .iV' J.; J a. ! ; M ane d aaf e.TB a ittieMaling i. a:d.gcmd. thing -r P inirh a mllhnn vnnr fnm urill rin i l I .".t:- Zf. - v Tn"TV1Tr.: i 7r,W - WOw A negro was killed near nay laatweek Dy ligntains. -Died, in DIIMUVMI DV llVHUIinv 1IWM1;, IB aL Rocky Mount; on the 18th.' insta'nt. Mrs. r5 ffwv UAnnf ni kA i9ti iiMnint ifH Margaret .xi, uaivej. venswrt ui air, aaxaea 1 the 50th year of herage.i- xl Tfuite womaa living near - XiasonTine, in Nastecounty, tyie4jtopi80 0tth,eKonj! Jg3nnuttd nrefeti, )We hanllng at dtal of iaaoi -H- A fashingtoa items Oft Friday last, a HiliVllH VH. T u.was wimia jour nuiea or lewn. tae passenger and ' baggage car Jumped "the IDoyWwhar tneiplmtform waa m,,, agtinat the eras Ue with auch force as tobreak his neck and kill him almost lnstanay.. i. 'V "', I, Greensboro Patriot fDt. R-;K Gregory has recently invented a little con? triyance for registering the beating pf the pttlsei'.';'ItIs" much;;: simpler, and .cheaper. thah instruments for that purpose now ia JZT in Beobow igi The The Udd Jfeuowa of tnis town will celebrate their Anniversary Hall on the evening of the 26th; address will be delivered by Mrj John ;N. Staples. -Miaa Lizzie "r " residence of her mother, after a protracted illness, kst Saturday nights -- Neil Ellihgtoa hasbeen, by the board of direc- tors, aprjoufled AasisuntCashleroif the -Jfa tionfclBankwlthfullbowertoactatCashr There seems to be a revival in the blockade whiskey busineaa.ii The revenue meri captured a few barrels entering town i -O-" ' - , .- O- accepted tne invitation w deliver me jne- mortal address at the Confederate Cemete- IfT ? peiumotaiaT. faaavapr neaa win act as craei axaranaa on' taat oc casiOn. The party of engineers under Mr- Morrison arrived here last night, and will at once beein the aurvev of the Fay- ettetille road at mia end, When the iurvey n-Ude tK. work or eradinr will beein J twflvl htiSSL. living jiere.eaca oaqlqi wumauuTHiiHi thinaa. Among them we might, mention Hi? i0Be8 fJ111?!? "ti lhf AUen brick machine, the Kendall shingle ma- chine, and the Sergeant head block for saw milht There have been sixteen con J : .1 . . - t ' LLT JE3Z JE3 CITY. 4 NBV 1DVKBTISBIIIKNTS. . Mpirso) v oeea Mxj80K-Sprinfe overcdati' ' x Hpusk Aladdin matinee. Bags, corn, &c. Flour, lard,. &c.t. u; music books. t L -. i. . .J.. i .-51 FoT the South Atlantic .States, djmin- inl nrthw kHtniJid vJinda ,iieh(ly warmer and clear weather, with stannary or veering-b.rometen - - " ' I - - i -aaiaalfc-BaV"aIliaaa L.aJLoM )&THm W J H. Boyette was again brought befors j- rdner, yesierdayri)nJthree sepa 4hargts of larceny, the first of which was mr stealing pulpit lamps from the First (coloW 'Baptist', churpbs the secondfpr, W:Ul Dl t)or.V xx1aa1 aivKllllg uiuica uvui an. umuoum ivvwibu e.nj . -ill. MtnM ye two breadrbpwls, ( andpUiepn artideaypf j,..! Yh SM m wt aaaa' anrl lA Waaci umanrloii tA fall w Pv-nfi-n . . - Uurft. Two diareDtrtable damsela MoilUV' Bar rias aid Fannyi floret , the. latter r a 'White om.n D0,h denizens oi :.'raaayiJieir' i jt?t l . 'rr J. , j : AtMk - I captured lato totJTifght and lodged In Oift I iockup prelimtaary to trial to-day. 1 . 1 - II . i I I ..I I Vl., 9il I Ml 1 r 1 a - .11 N. G. SATURDAY, APRIL '-19 .187ST; o ih i " .J''' , , . ,' 1 1 ' i ' ' i i i in 1oi 1 ' i fl ":' i ;l MW.jJJi '-.iV l-t.' .' . , "-4 . 1 n.v'i nn,XiU 'laWW. I CZ?Wttfrzrr?ZLr.rt. b.9 poajoffice. ddessea to JUrs. tKoluaaon, KotJ 60, Gamated aireet. 1 ' : ! " :m j ! Valle!te8teraay, and aome' appreheosionb i tH J 'i 1 1 L'll '; 1"J- M1 ! ..'f' n t vi.ln-J u -i'- t.-- LaS-i1 - returned. from yetteyille.u.We regret to Jean earn that Thete are now eight females con ' qoed in the cjty prison, all of whom, are qoioea wun ,onq aiigni, jeuepuynj 10 t j Kata and mice have been among I I ... ..-. .. I.-. . ni ,i ,.t .tSexk:aa4i havft .playf dtiaad baTQc.iwith SSliteT.1 -ery ' fine Insh es, wwch iweie taaen irom his garden this ally abot 4 waek -ago. emnaittaebllo BaUd- iinittor - theiwaraor Awenwn metyester i I . . 1.1. ,. . . Irv kn n' vifd.iriairi thi Nsr' .. r : ; - . " t"Vhv Hall, and thfijanXracLufor the. same waa awaraevao nn .ibwhtusk" Serious damage is repoytedby Cipt. ITarper,- 9'f the" steamer tfwpori, tp tog peen washed away during the severe Jgale s of Wedheaday f night uad Thuraday rnng;u.jS tvtb JZ'i i; l- .k---; --CJapt Waiter 'Farloag, engineer pit ihe -steam fire engine "Adrian," who was Tniured ai the fire on Wednesday morning 4ask,Mtf ittif ;iiiif ertng0 severely, ! With: very ?itie; perceptibteVmbrivement in bis cohdi- ivn, wtticuauuffCTft nut .rcuarucu . ua aorlmia feicltement on Maritei Siriet-Thp Considerable excitement waa created on ao-araei street, yustcruajr aiicruouu, ban jf;pf.'a arfflculty, between Mr; A. C. Tc sself andjjacploredj mani' Henderson pv is iff ?ac'4 V? ttaVelatteij'eaa ten d; the siorepftlae former, and while jere dwtned a. cltpn-noe.kf ,l avowing nat he 1 ad left it with thvpler)c, but he stated mei t was etouUy danidsJ)UAhat official. Dai is thereupon announced- hit purpose to hav ; it and proceeded1 to depart with aaid artii :le,!Mn W informing him that he could ppeaess ft only by payment of. ita value.' 'F? rmj was still Davis logle, and Mr; Weaself-aelzed and 'wrested-the prize from his irasp; whetf the f ormer ii charged with raJafctfitlc'l; and 'deiUng iWpVeprleidr'bf .1. - LjLiiW iX-ISJAi MHIV! .AULll.'.A' tu."r Later ;the .parties: were , before. Justice Haul on a waxapt issued .at the instance of Daviaand the jnagistrV ;6T judgment agaiiatj .MJveasejl. J pr , pno; .ppa'n j; iand costs; fron which .decision an: appeal .waa taken to. he Cilminal CrourL -,t.- I Jrlm.;J I Li I I : I ------ , ijprjobable, Ywe nnderstanaV' that a warrkatiwitl beobUined agaiaat Davis, and that ihe other bide ief the, 'dispute will be heart. "!pl' Wt aiiiuj ai'i ; Mi Wessell Bustalnedno sertotis damage frpmj the blow with We atick",' Vhdugh" put for warding1 it off with, his arm his face - or headjmrgh have, ben,, parked in an ugly minicr '1tr-,! ; kid )r i a a-tirffnU-:i if.!? Aiauia ai intuptra uou . i , . .. if & was a large turnout of f aahionable foil at tlie HSoera' House ' last ' niaht. . to witness 'tie presentation lot , the beautiful S1 lS?Tryfnnddln,ntp the WonderiumpJstTJbf charaptera were persana j&y;jxpriywBpupiw ,o : trtv Agoslindarictog acheol, and we are con- fident batil waa one o the i most pleasing eniertainmBaia! supplied ;iier fOT many montaf JNolnnr: cenld i have expected that consummate display -of s stage art whkh requires lonr.rrfiloas training. and 4 Wdeal of stumer tnere were frequent dUplaysnf dramatiQtact, , just con wpuTO CP racir8.f jnjAy uss ifBW; dnptannd invidippa. 4,All did aainirajly theparU.asigpedith &vATOjfooJi Shppier.,th after noon lwil :4pubttesiatura.ct; to the Opera flousi hi greater! maltiuida Uiaq tesUflecl lhif ipfadaOkam effeningJK .pvii;t ibit!l fcuuL-I ii.iHSo aipjui r. ii JU steaiftnPatwanK r$rumiMtoW ana -Ottrjcuizensjwm ba.-gUd6tq Jparp Jhat CapL George W. Charlotte,; of ;Beaufort, ia aa we are reUaWy.4afofmed.will rdeTefwetiWtt'Wactf snif'yTn- during ti appVdahing' summer iMin' jinz "lnl the; sweet 'bayfiand 9t in lhatibfautiWi atra.j t ear- raise no objection. l 15111 'ememperthe' Utile, ones atnome and 1 do notileavethe mfrae without a' bottle of 1 Syrup. t i ja, Bnaaw pnIf arrpyEaeaiPeari I A horse, with, uggy attached, formerly ihe property of the late Pr. Burkhardt, get ( righteneiiV neat the 1 cdrneT of Ninth' ' and Chesnut - atreet&V ry esterdiy mbrnrng, 'and raal iawayia The driver -mi tie I time wa 4taoding at the'i Jioraa'a. head-cengagedMai t djuating. fhebrldj athftamajstaxted, before he rhad got, the hit in, hia mouth. The consequence was'; that CapL'Bremers, of (the German barque Itcfta JPkscAiiii-; who: waa in the buggy, waji tiekble to check1 a im. npon; oasCoverin? waicbj and f earinfir dvery moment; in theatisehceof a steering PPHWViiFKKlwflJgaPe P;ua; learo-enda; of. stranded. ;agaiuat aome vtree or la fall aad some slight feiuiaeay, put eostaining no material J damkg.-At thia moment a Ikdj, who was on; the sidewalk, just ahead pf Itbe aflJrightedflinialjo'rM ia which she: waa plaoedvand attempted to ekcape by entering' an cnYgatewMt' before she pduld do. ao a cplored gfrl lnide tpe yardcloaed it land cui off ; her retxeatj he horse, plunging at fall speedi wai now ItbiaJ fpjleei-p wapeii :inatant'deam'oy the fence as compactly as humanity would permit. ' ' Iter1 clothes ,:ere absolutely brushed by thepasamg:TeMclBrrrrr The , horse i then) continued o hia t course down to McRae street, turning, the. corner. oj which the top of the buggy came in con tact wun tne upper part ot a small shade mcc, eovcriuK it ia twaia aoore uae box ; - 1 . . . . ( I ... 3 wmcn protected it and damaging tne ouggy tep aomewhat,- and then running to a point near ,the middle of the block, whea l the vehicle eame in contact with an oak tree and broke the shafts. The horse was finally stopped on Sixth, between BedV. Cross and Walnut street, by Daniel BUia,. engineer of the Stab printing presses, ' whp delif ered hint to. the driver.! S 4 rkrmomeurBMr The following will show the state oL the thermometer, at the, stations mentioned, at 431 yesterday evening, Washington mean, was, oo laiucu iiuux iuc u:uijr uuucUH issued irom tne signal Ufflce in tbu City: Atlanta. V J ...... .57 Key West; .l,.V.l.72 Mobile....... ..G9 AuitU8ta........:C5 Charleston, . ... . 63 Montgomery 64 New Orleans, '. . . .69 Puntafiassavr. . . .66 Savannah,., ...... 63 SCMarks.-.";. ;7 unariotte Corsicana, . . . .. . ;75 Galveston........ 72 Havana. '. . .. . . .74 Indianola. ...... .75 : Wilmington, U 1 58 Jacksonville,. ... .8 . We mentioned a few days since that the epizooty had brokxn ontamong Ihe-horses on the, plantation of Judge Buasell, .in Brunswick county. . -We now', learn that he only lost two of his animals from the dis ease,' and ' that the remainder are getting well.- There are no : indications-: of : "the disease spreading. - ..; A report was prevalent here yesterday thai H. Ogleaby, '. who recently "ahdt and killed David J. Williams' at Liurlnburg, had; beeome crazed.' A letter from that plaoe, received at this office, list night; aatialies ua that the-TumorUwUhOPT-War- yaj .'!& w,rt; ry.aaAaivf ! -i Riva-M 1 AWmWa'aJtafiii'1 ! !: h'l ji- .iiiilliift lJJ?.i!'iU:i tlll K' t No arrivals, ja jpelpw jreaterday. a 1 Brig Louis &trout, Willey; is at"Batli Me.i loading with ice for this port . ii3 l The German barque S3rjj?AaVSchuitz arrived at Hamburg from'tbis. port pn the HimUBW.f :. -i , ;. , -ill,. The schooner iSttsaa i&lion, Hale.av-. rived at? Mayaguezj s April'; 1st, -frPmWit- mington.Ji Uulj 1 --i-jThe GVmaatbai que yitZnna?' Bdese. :f tsf-V'ffir1 cleared ffPm Hamburg for this port on the 5th df April. I ;' , . A- .i.l t i aa i !' ' The mails close and Arrive at -tliP'Oity losti Office as touowsi:n tt?. iuun ouj i gr rarr ins Northern through mails...... . . ; t : 7.-4S, P M V.wkiM tkimill i anil 'fo "; - lAVltlu tuivngu' iau CTtai , 1 'i 0 maila-ii 2M:-XMin Jlfi'- 3:86' A. M. MatUfoi the XI&iBtUxoaapmu&ju t n ahd routea supplied f there, j la ams Southern' mails fctf-ali'pplnts;4 .t1' r. iSouth; dallyt 1'3'U f . .."-ayA'M; Westernpiails(e.O.:iyMaUy afl Jo X? (except Sunday).. T: liiDOAMJ renceandXiarieBtottlllUiiM!' -7:80 Ai; M Fayeftevmp.anfflceflppCapeibfcb li WfeT,6Aeao.aa rrnrrs i Fridays. .......,.,.,,,,,. "1 K) Pj, M. Eavci(iiuiB, IU) jjuiuuntuu,. r daily; Jexcepti Sundays. . i ."'5KW!A: W Onslawi CL A..andtintenne-;"Ou oi koui t diateofflcea, every tFridaya vMOflhL 21. ', ,.boat,daiiy (except Suhdaysy. d.WA. 11 Mails; forEaay HilHTown uir nmiLiiv 111 n. iiiraj in., iiv mlhhiii r . ... . .. " Creek and bhaltottA.:everyi: owinoutu !-Friday , atll . .W.ia.iwa 6i00:A. M. -ma a T-l a V ar Northern through mails;:. . . t v ot a. M. Ndrtbern , throogh-and: Jway t,.ii oi pi a: mails, ;..I,. . vJj 7KX)AjM Carolina Central Bailroad. 6i00A3t i fltarnn Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 MIj andfrom ato fiOP.M. f Mpnor order ah Register Peparenjt; open same i as .-stamp omce.r.-i., vj:,f-, o,f 1 AnrAl ftli Vftrv nrwr-f rom -2(1 to P. M.V and Srmdays irofn 8 30 tc flOAl MiO aioiwloa 1.i-1'j 1 i' BtdrApa fpfc aalftat gederal delitery when Btemppfficeisxddsed.,r ijnol f Iiw - PIOCESB, QWpaTlA ?RQlLftA r Rlalitt a-iKtkaatiiMUlUBaaiitf1 ati.a a ' a ia eva a t t -1 " I s sSdaf,..! April Sd-Safa-J: w-eld Collections made at each place for Diocesan Mia- fence to hia PWP foerll and discomfiture.''-j j.naxxj, . April .....i PridaT.l . ; April 25. Pi M.-.- 'X t . ; ... WiHOLEs NO. 3,66 . in i.i . i - mi i, n i I 1- J VI Quarterly Meetings Second Kountf for the Wilmington District, in. K. caren south, i Jno:.vvt.ii 'j-ti - Bladen, at McDonald's ScboolrOoiiM iAbril. 19, SI KUMtbeUt, at 8inBletarB.. .'.April 2T WHKevUle, at Wayman. . . . . May 4 S. 4 Smlthvllle 8tatIon .,iJ' ..Hay. i.a'T BtliTlUeClrcnlWat-'Zloh,.?. MaJ'-fell Vtoinai Front 'BtreelMh.. v. .May J Sal 25 jropau..,? vV"ii?'fl"iMf' 'VV Qiis!w.i...':I...;:!..?:!..- j-.-. .-!mV ai. H..nyKajiai, ,vri -OJ . PrealdiagEiaor.-' , 1TV 1TKMS, . , - ilOl Chew, Jackbon'b llm Sweet NavyTTobacco. 5 i Book nrjrpKQT.TrjrsaipBHtas was Book Elad T-doea all kinds of Blndtaff and Rnlinv in . vnrb-' Book eyy-doea laanllko manner, and, at reasonable jprleeaa ' Mei Chants and others necdlne Eecelnt Book.: WIsI1ew'a, BooTHiHa BtKoyhaa ''been used for A caildran. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieve 1 Wiau OOUOt. Msnuacea thA hmmla ntrM nvamnDv atdsiASBHOtA, whether arising from; teething or other-eaaaeav An -old and well-tried remedy. '2$ -. . . aaa, aj a .i; j i! ' iFmMKGUBH . qUNS.r-Tha attenUono'f aporta uteu u uiwu iiw .iw auverusement or Mes&rs. d . dE RfJie, Birminghami "Khgland . Their gona are made tporderaccprdmB tq specieatians and msaanren ntenta- rarnlaaed, thus casarmg the right crook. 'on ckn new atop at? Ihe Grand' cihtral fioel; en Adwar.-New-York. .on. tha Annlnn.nUii.:fm SiOO or $3.00 per-day.'or yon can on the Bnropean plan, take year breakfast there la the morning. take year iancn aown town,-or' dine with a mend, and year room at the Hotel will only coat yoa $1.00 per day and upwards, and meals are also provided, at moderate oricea. at tha eletwnfc Meatum-ant .ttahwi tdthe Hoter:1 M --a; n i i ) ea a r ;s.-;! K la-Ofial iB ' libTMOBii BCf&Rjf wnaii wrouary cannon, xnan the longs, throat and cheat are against Consumption or Bronchitis,: when; BAiji'a- Honxt or HoBBBomcp ahd Ta' ; la promptly taken for ther Coughs, Colds, andBron cmal Conwlaintav whlcih alwa va -mv-rf Ht trH.- blediaeasea.-r t is&iiw'ftwtu:. -naomi-tnii ,ai , rute s aootnacna iJrops. careLTootbaeaea qne f-r"r - ( . : ; .. . t uy i iia.-in tars city, on yesterday, AprU 18th, CiDoyleM . .&a--i.5)howti it-w w.l - i-xne iora gaveta ana the Lord taketh. away: Blessed be the name of the Lord." " 1 FOLLSTviUln Fridayf 8th inad t '4jlr clbck7 Pallef- Barl A.Tfara 1 wianth nil 1K Am-k M - ' fnn,cral BsrylceB wurtake slace. Ops (Satar- day) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the residence of thtf parents, on Market, between 8tn hud 9th fit.,1 ttience to OakdaircaaSteryFnenda andacqaain- uncea ?f faiauy jarojreapectfuByiatited to at-i tend, j r NBWi AIKYERTISEplENTS. f HB .FANCY. BXTOAyAQANZA. OP' "ALAO DIr, orTHB' tONDBRFUL LAM," wOl be per. formed at the OPKRA tiOi7Sa,:Thia C3ATUBB AY' Afternoon.' Performance Id commence at 3jf-o'cllE Tickets of admission to all oarta of the house. 25 -sicac!?n 11 Myuii - t apisit Sjpig Overcoats; in A Ji WOOL BUS. 8UIT8 $8.00, t i j i.ti j iii". i 5 ' 1 ' hBSTWAMSUTTA,8HIBT8i AliCUAfl l' nitUii. W1EAB, ii ai t9 ft MUN80N, 4v His For Sale. MY ft A A' PeJeetea CALXFOBNLa. AQS.v t: lluUUl BaTpahannock. Elizabeth Citv. am ir. 3 mil v.: and Western WH1TB; CORN. Choicest TIMOTHY HAY in the, city ,r . U4r A iAi. iiiil.. . i. . :'.4 . - :'9 : apl 15 tf. .. PBKaTeN CVMHINO fc CO. .'U3lli5i i VWff rVfiTi OjIV 0 f w. v anaaw w m lP ic loiljfitf iri'jf)!)!! 'O-j sfCii ud t lilOHeitfeAlRY BtjTTKft,1-" ;:1tn lo If.i'.Mi OiU lo Ufjllliiii; .) i. . j FINS N. O, BTRUP, 1 .. j . ,.. W1017C 1. ,iWUy...(.;.lSiny J ! P d ' And otter Standard articles.1 : 5 ' 7 oaOrdsolldtetti"0' to.iiiJX:hi .Ob flipWff Jne!flaLL a? barsALl:,;- 1 t r . rrr- I trAv IVxrr Kan rv , , o wj I vi j ii n vii ui i a?. ' -'j- ii. NUMBUS OF JSMALt HOUSES, yiBLDIM a. t good income, will be exchanged for a DBSIRA- BLBiRESIDBNCB, containing six to eight rooms aad weu located talma eitv.n ?i. h ! " ijiuA4dFeB8 " (-ICEjBOXaiS.!,? M,.fj j 1 ap W St- aae v; h;,;'SSaiijitag . 1 lfe7 llnsic Books. Jf-. z:a ataticoy in- .t ,ujti an-a v r. .thenvotSn Press aod)neaciy ireadya u Waiif ortti "fSaaJ.odt h.a elssiia ti-'iw .meai. Itf ne6f the beat barest urd sweefeat , o'l .1 - - - . evawAaAAW At. . . . . ...... .. . .. GEMSFiEH&MSflSfllht -, netue Moxa MsmeAi. ubbabt which oontalna . nearly an tne good tsneet mnaic ever pabiiahed. rillfil UJaJl yocal cepy, 'complete,., 78 cent for ,j -j imtramenrai arrangement. - tiisuukvbkb iralSBIGi&llBCBBD'&a C-i'Biiai ..weejua Aiusicai raper. ux per year) o eta. r 3jer single eepy.eontalnlnKOdc worth of music. Jfloa.L--a l."!lli lUaei-iai paipU iven 2)itsoiio& Co CHASi H.BIT603V COi I J. DITSON A CO. OA I Rm.lar.v V V 1 Q-M ntiMtnnt at Whll. J lo lu C. Bar.nn. f-'iTaj djioIiu oj roi;:Lo I'oV Hr, KHtiJlM9'.l!?0OiI odJ.l-i. tiC. f -P di anouiaer8, CHOICE LOT. WlL T - fS? .Hill I. RJilLJf iiiVJ- lill-u t ... BM.OK.aD AND TRIMMEC. C9tU LOU- -.BJitifctnI'lJSl.itl o li floii !iCf i Aha cto where, joacaa get aay iiLt; .-Ji.iAlfia. AaC- U riff, VM, apnta . . . lT-rTi II . na 8qrrt one day,..',:.... .':..,: ... fiorf; 1 4," 4, .""" ". ..... a w ? s oo : S 60 "l-'ava da4r" """"T!-1 " One week........ . ! ii.Two weeka(... . .T V" w a " Oaemoata,.. ;ia;;vv: . lirOU :-. - -i?re "34 w C.- '' g?Mitlia,...s..r. 40 OU . i nv.paeyear,,,..... ,.-fio 0 3rContract Advertiaemeato laki At 'piH : Ponatoly lowrates: l ea unea elta fiioaparwl typa make uim; square NEW . ADVERTISEMEIfr?-;. ;v- rj.a'JPor.Sale;1 TWflNTY-BABRKIa &JBCOKD- i HAND TUEFENTINK 8TIUf., ..' .t A A l i. it t.;- '.'.j . . a.i a .....: Vith Fixtures Complete. -Call on or address ; : wj. .y. itZLLY A BROTBEK. .. . ij OooperslTopls; BUSS EOOP8, DOWELING MACHINES.' 'Jointer.'' Bowel Is. -Crostea. TknnriiT ti.n.. - a -'i Board Axes, Adzes, Drawing KnWes, Horse Headal Chisels, Punches, Setts, Driven, Ac A Large Aa eortmeat of the above tioods. and at Hot to m vu . gbrea, can be found at the Old Betabliabed -Hard- wareuoaseor .ii JNU. DAWSON CO. i- upio u ; - .v ia. J.33AiarKet street. ' n ND STRAW QOOPSri-.--:il:'!5i'c" ' L..!:iiisJ- M;iJ-:ii j.-ijiaiia xi law J2w s;. . '' - ''-?S;iii!wJV&,ViCa; ".'t 4 ...!,! ;eGHABN:AUJu tpntr :".:il OMMON, GOOD AND JPRIMB, ,: ; f 1 ' " ALWAYS ON BANIvS; aale atLoweat Ftleea-WcaalL-1'-1!il.i-!?!i:?-fi fp 8 tf Cor. Orange : -Water Streets" ' '" W in . Sit? SUGAR, COFFEE, BiJvFlUR;MBATS;vvj;x-.t4 ,! .. D. &.SIDES.''HAMS,-- W t niiti- !'.Jt'-iOANOYi CANDLES,- v;;:i . WaPK'SODA,rS:, uaAt'Aiui8, i. OX8TKR8, PICKLES, ?v I .' p4aches4 : . -v-,-, .. . i i-.jr COTTON TARN8 sa ) i.-,8HEETrNG8; t ' : -,-'- "' 1 . . - WBAPPINQ PAPER.- r ; r APER BAGS. C."" 4'J FATEBSON HtcKa iW f 4i ?. N.JWate? i Street 4 SC.V 1 ana Becoostraciiaa. :.. FkBRSNAL - EXPERIENCE OP THE LATE s WAR.- Bt RICHARD TATmR l.l.nt..r.t General in the Confederate Army. . 7Aaa writer he la ; rigorous. 'SDarkDa?. eraditA. and entertaining to a degree. Hia opportunities for the observation of men and thiage hare been such as ifew poeseaeeeViaad be haa made good use f them. Of course he views the late war from a Soatherner'a standpoint, bat botk ' sides receive censure at hia hands. The great interest ia hia book to many will, no doubt, be the aaarpaeae with : which he criticises men and measures. Where least expected, he .poors forth batteries of sarcasm and denunciation, and spares ao one whom he thrnksdeserfes-Bhowingnpir N.YiHerald.i.i. . . a a... a a aaQ n . 1 ir i fx .uu. c or aaie ai I rnf( Ji vrf t HeiNHllltRramrR P. i' haplS' tr ' ' Live Book and Music Store. OjNS'THOUSANb!FIVE BUND RED i'"fcJ " i . ... fDoXiLARS IN wHrTE TESTS. 'e bfiBLAGEST STOCK Eff THE STATE. J '- I - . . -.- ' .... Coaprtelng - all ' the- lATEST feTTLES In" Plain White and Colored Linen and Morseine" ' Ranging in price from 75c to 4.5a. 1 " ' ' ' -' An examination is solicited. " ' ! i -1 3 w C " ? . a . n 4 irrn . ! . . . I -rill J ii, .'.J -ii'J H.Si7 '! " i The Clothier. "Pi S. I have. some, made In "Double -Breasted styl.-v - iJ-"- ap 16tf J A.D. 0Ii(Brpobl5alt. '"25008acki(K,mWeIsb) - -vi' j iiW uv.,j 0.,,,ERPpOL.SALT.-; i , j-Now landing and for aale by ffp ,.: k... 1 ' tv 1 Q VVtnnWD A -I. r-rr..-........ 8d -,.v'i.ei .easf 1i ?jl '. Elolasses. 1 A A Hhds, and Bals New CropCUBA, , loo i ioi ;r&mm ri doib ew crop , w. aoi.apHE i 4 For sale by ii 13 tf KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS Owners of Carriages, - yy a.qjuis a?cfkaoeun5 Kepairs, wr find lt to thetf: interest to brmguthemat ttnce!'u to P. -Hi HAYDBtf. hr .kau HXfi& J.-o i , HORSE-SHOEING done at jLow Prices; JUii A apiiKtviiVH s mPhnrmiTV r Fh F ISEi " una." - r i n. ntoii ujoiui. BUTION CLASS Be. AT! NRW ORLKAlXa. TURMi V -' -1 anx? . . winmima f- TtrtMtti .v..m i..raM.. jli t-.1 ; JAYt MAtttT;9SMonJ v-.j : 011 .,rAaiUAUia(l UlUWi: n This instltaUoB was Lemsiatnre of the state lor Educational aad Chari- ' ' - : table! purposes In 1868, FOB THE i TERM OF n t TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, to which contract the in violable faith of the State is pledged, with a capital ',' -of SUOOOOO, te which rt has since added a reserve fund ef $350,000 .- ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER . DISTRIBUTION will take place- monthly on the ' ' second Tuesday. It never teaUt r postpone. Look at the following iMstobutfonr - - t ' v r-. "' iOP,OOb TICKETS AT, TWQ : DOLLARS EACH uy. isiwsp c PRirKs.r iso' liar- fdapiwPna."..,.'..V';'.M' :V flVttai Prise...; , .. -5,000 ; T SC 1-a..M 1AAA ' ai iUVl of.t! V. ...a .... ..... . a ... a f in An 6 000. 100 Prizes of . , 100..... T10,0if0 r . " 800-Iiaes,ef riiM...ikU....a 10,000--'' SOO PHsseaof 20.., - v- 10 000 MOT IMS 0f 50. i. ; . ; ; .'. 1 . J. .U W.OOO .. ,1 f APPROXIMATION PRIZES: . ti'-ll. 1 . .. . - a. .'lit 1tTOl ; '. pi Approximation Prizes of 200...,....,,. L800 gApprtiimatton Piiaes of j Wy.U 1 WO v aunwuuuua rin ui qvww - ifwr , amounting to .uXstu;vy.t.tii0ye . Responsible coirespoiidins agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom, a uberaLeampenaatlon wvii pa addreaa. lonnauuu, ur aenu orders 10 , , ... v. -J159tS tfaPDAtJHIN,'' F. O. Box 6d2, New Orleans. Loniaianaj ii ,) .1 f i O Or toFi O. Box t2, - - - V1! Jli it! Allons Gaa4 BxtraorAinarr Drawing are nniieir ! Wilmington, M, C. the supervision , and management of GENERALS a.T. B1AU1 ARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. w4wAW , sat we .,'...;;. , .f SmitliTille anil-rortificatioas; : ;.i.l: r. 1 ..iiKQ'fTASTi BtEAMElt PASSPORT WiUreBome Regular Trips FRIDAY, April 11th . .Leaving Dock at 9.0 A.M i Beturnlng at 6.0J P.M . 1 Fare 60 Cents.. --tj -..-?'.-?. . , , V a lOitf 'flSPUa'iaO MtERS, Agent.' " "til i TS HIS POCKET," QUB MR. MUNRDB JUMPED J' X on the train, bound for the Nerth. where he used this money lo - ee jadjeiona a, manner taai we are now enabled to oiler a stock of Furniture, roc sale which for eleeeace,dnrabilKy aad tow prices 1 sai-'M.) passes all.' BEHBBHDS jnsjntauK, - - - N.E. cor. Market and Second fits. ap l3tf ' ; Wilmington N. C. ii.'l !.!.'' -:' J

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