TEE nOHITKTG STAE; - - y: Wig. JP. BEKSARP, - -i v i rush bd daily ; except Mondays.; iuc yaar, (by mall) jioatSK arid,.:, $7 JW ix month n - ; " ; W , 5 2? Three months," One month " " : AvT To City Safessrlbera, ttfciivcreu m any " r03Sxa,aB 4 Thrf Earfish papers arc dUcuasiDg effect of tbe Czar'a. ukase; they think it will iaflict the most cruel injustice upon thou-' sands of innocent persons; they prophesy nohtical and judicial s3assina.tion. , The Senate considered thq Army bill; Mrj I Bavaid dde88ed the Senatev: - Tha i . - ...... . ' ( ulUO has tatifiad the Novi-Bazar ConTcn-j ()on with Austria The Czar has Pi pointed Generals Gourko, Todlebea and; Lsui ifelikofl! GovernorsGeneral.. 1 VritirHi 'elficlfonif -ra held in eiirht Dii4 Uictst b!1 Republicans elected and one Bo napattisu ? Italy has s giTen. AusUia si satisfactory explanation, of the Garibal-j aian;agitatian. - ; Therewas a great Catholic demonstration of sacred relics in Garibaldi goes to Albano on the 27th' ; York Markets: ; Money 84 per cent.; cot-i too unsettled at llill cents; flour gene 'rally - without decided change at $4 10 6 50; wheat quiet and steady ; corn dull and rather easy at 4344i cents; spirits lurpen-t tibe dull "and lower at 301Sl cents; rosin anchangtd at $1 40. - if".-,.., j-k Mr. Tennyson received $1,500 for; bis recent ballad. ' Considering its 'qaalityvhe).;'mayrvb0-said,; to be in Lucknow. bw'ti. i:'i-;:.M:i;,f?t j ui. fiL"...1 Kni '"'rii.iJ. I In the Poindexter trial in Rieh I inoud: Va., jurors ; will have to bd obtained, from different sections of - . - i.t. r .... -....iia mi. , i,:;m..;kW- w 1 I the State, it being impossible to ob t tarn a jury in liichmond. -" ; ' i 1 t ; rr.. a - i ..WfW f u .Vf?F57 1 rabl superior to the English lilustra? I ted magazines, both as to the quality: and number pf the illustrations. The New York Evening Post says: . j "When one cympares such a magazine as JLtrper't with any or all of the London . magazines ox the same class, lie no longer wonders-that notwithstanding their special adaptation to American rather than to English needs, our great illustrated period i eauof this kind are rapidly extending their lagllsh sales." . t tThe Springfield (fifass.) Jtepubli ca an honest independent paper of decided abilityand large influence. as the President will sign the Army I i ' : - i 1 - : say- vances to the contrary,.- it says: M ; TBere ia uu valid reason why thePresU I .b'&d hiii wamim .fr- himi n..t Hv i tvit I chambers, he has but two questions to do-f cide ln signing it, . Is this legislation con stilutkmal? lis it wise T ' iu the issues now exciting' ther ooun. try, and the President vetoea the mils I passed Dy congress, wnat then r lne Republicans aro going "to die in the inat Vlit-.rJi."; Thoir nanan ia rfonnarfttPi r?1 i,i'-WaI?::4feaH Kb matter if the country is ruined I itndnhe people are despoiled t no 7! . i ''T "1 1" :" "" -'" tn i flaatUTi it w Ah. J&ailot-ooxaiii iOver ? thrgwu, , whati:Qaro they so the' bull ' doI.ng patty' iiramphs ? What will thoDemocratSri Ckngre8S do when tho final . issue : Is madeup? s B,ack 'down, compromise, or, what ?.: Th WashihgtOB speciat to the Richmond State of 19th inst., says: Vt "The moie extreme men agree in saying that tbe contest or the people lor iree elec tions and fair juries musi be maintained! They do not believe the President will veto the Appropriation .bills in their present I form, and if ha does, aav thev the A I .-M.-.-fei take i "the ! responsibility of de- prmogf luw, ,cuuvq sua me juaiciai departments, or .the means ' or support. Bnt thero are others who intimate that they wj$ have done their duty when ' they shail hafecassedXke-bUhyand if the Prest- .denvdisspBrovea. .the Democrats will have ' lXa aUt t etLer- and determine What is b wisest indHndst patriotic 'thififf -to do. This leads to the ODmiOn that In the event rof a dead-ldck between thft President and Coneresa,, a spirit of compronilafl will bring about an ad jttataaent, perhaps upon the ba sis of tbe repeal ot toe test oatn aaa or tne auiilOTrta ujMUeeb&te xeep tbe peace at a pollaleaviag the repeal of the deputy marshal law for next winter ' They all say it will be time enough to trouble themselves bout these when the exigency arises. and profess to belreve that everything will come out right" yarl i i ; ; The STAB haa watched Col. Wal- ter li. Steele a Uonerressional career ' with interest It has long regarde and solid . worth. On Saturday h made a first rato speech in the House on the Legislative Apnronriation bilL 7 Tt X We will let the inteingent correspon- . p u i T n ainnnnt. nr lha anflh and tha int. .M W WMV VV.WM MUM MV ipression It tnade. Saturday night he wrntes:; ; ., , ,t; "At1ea minutes to 4 o'clock Mr. Steele. ' of North Carolina, proceeded to reply to tpeeehTnitdehy Jlr. Frye, andthe mem 1 bef fronr Maine; Inter! upiidg.'sald be took . back what be lhehikaidi'viz.1 that North . 'f Carolina was no chargeable .with the out- 4- rages tuat naa majKea. iueconutt ine Democrats ia other Southern States, for be had aiote ascertained that she had as many moonshiners ': and IkukluX as the rest ol them, and if he were given fifteen minutes he wouapllli ptecje-.raisioghis . bands, said;, r'Angels, and, ministers ,of e grace, defend usf jand bis manner, asiVU, .a whal-lie- said, anaaetne jiouse roar. - lie travea histdrv bf carpet-bag rule in his State, which was listened to trith at- , tentkaby everybody.and when interrupted aot tha lau-rh invariably noon the Keoub- IaM n'ndpr what wrnnira thftneonle anfferad S . vTT". 1 XXIV. NO. 24ii jheu the resorted to the kuklax, . and cited recent instances of lynch law to show ?n ?inur ot .wraaaing outrage, is now in St&te3 iorlh of thft potomHg told the story of tha rule of ignorant pani. n judges in North Carolina, witlx whom iheeicenHon - unr! iirt hm -nir was that the peopl endured theca ao, jkng land so patiently.- He- also toueuad upon I the naffro tiX'jdus. ailkl ssPH .the Nerth would get tired of it. Tha speech was k capitat one, and Mr. Steels was cqagratuv latedat Its closa.'.' , i t, r rrl 3yi! VYo Uko the'andor;of ther,!Valli- ipelocr correspondent of ike -itieh- moiul Xate. , lid is trHtntu Ji'aB a newspaper conscience; iH dOei trot feel himself authorized to buff all the Democrats who speak. They are not all orators by a great -deal. ; He saya,; for instance, of reeent speeches -in tho'Senate:'1-4-:-- U MThe speeches of Senatoia Randolph and Grootne were below ; the average. They must have disappointed even their friends!" - Referring to tbe debates in - the other ehamber he said In ih a TTiinjf v-stftrdav tha DemoAr&ta fared no better than in the cSeaate ! MS Ki'nler. of Ohio (Reaub)icaa and Bar- rotieha, of Michigan tuenuoncanv-were pitted aealnsl, ttousei or. xennessee, ana Coffroth. of Pennsylvania (Democrat); The first two are very good speakers, rather on the snrcad-emffle order, but meir Blvia of ?deliTcy was enliven ini?. and roused !4U"Mi vZ uZZf"9ltT aaua. ...... .. t- "Coffroth is unquestionably a bore, i He rei iioub manuscript, ia an aimostiaauui Wo tonet what ihoie who sat near him Say was good Democratic doctrine, lietusbope - ounoioau. prewj :.vfuuE UIT 3 but did not secure atteutioa. CThere was nothing nev strikingln til6, f We can trust that correspondent. His praise is worth something. ; kiii by &ia:Jifsitaa. -LNewbern Kat 8hell. A letter received in this city ,yesr day, gives an account of a mosttert nbie affair which occurred at Adamsf the death of one person and the nari row escape of another. Miss Mattie Ireland and Mias.Nora Holland were on horseback Thursday; and nearias the home of the latter! where both resided: when the two ladies and their horses were stricken II 1 1 l I U :... 1 killed, j Miss Holland was so severely .hocked that up to the hour, when the) letter was sent off she had remained paralyted in pne side and. almost to tally blind, lhe horse on which, she was riding was only severely ahooked and afterwards recovered. I Miss Ireland was about eighteen years of ago, a most beautiful lady, 4 consistent member of the Methodist Churchy and held iikhisrh esteem it of ner piety tiKmmiaoie oisposiiion Nob Keatf Wlttt nt Pleaanre. (.Lenoir Topic. iThete is no,parJej av comes t this office thatial-ead with morepleaf sure than the Stab. of Wilmington. This1sa "paper in the tuUesi sense of the word. 5 It n has lust en tered jitf twenty-fourth , halfTyearl volume, and will we trust always ret tain tbe popular favor it now enjoys! Spirits T urpentuie. The Greensboro Patriot X for sale. ' v- ,;. v.; i The Raleigh Calholio Fan wai ' Revenue receipts In the Fourth District last week fo;iuT. isisnop Atiunson connrmea iour Dtrsons at Uertiora ana tnree at uamaefl. HT4XttDet3ax recovered one of his fine match herses wo years .after it wak OIen-l :., - ... Mr. Martin Gibson, at Rocking ham, was thrown from bis wagon and badly bruised. Elder F. M. Jordau is aiding his son in a protracted meeting at Kock- inghamu, -iM si -iviuiXi-A .i i j Raleigh handled 631 bales of cotton; last week; increase thus far over last season 3,021 bales. ;. --..A hurricane, passed over J?ew;- sern, ieatrojinr auaoo-ireea ana wuibz: a flat loaded with flour, pork, c. There were. t wen tv.riiiie bawvera atanrme turt Jait week.-lAad yet It is insisted that there are no lawyers. Railroad speakings are the rase j? Griuville just now. Uight or ten Intel- of a new road., , ; :- .r -V 1 - iRookingham J5ev . The - Rerk Maho-erhas' had a 'eoodneettne at ML live;l(i C. 1 There were eight accessions t ,Th'e Murt reesDoroigumtj it from the stockholders tf the female Col lege that the coliese must and will be re- j built witheat any greater, delay man is no- fElizabetfi. City Oarolinfan: The I - . . . . dwelling house of Thomas Grif-n, colored, in this county, was destroyed ay me ; on Sunday night. '.;Three o bis children were burned to death. ','''.,' M-.j-.i.vJ- Charlotte Observer. WiT;.t. Osborne enters the lists this morning as a candidal for Mayor. - Davidson Col lege commencement falls this year on the 12th f5Jane,' twa- weeks earlief than usual. - . . ; ' - Y ' Chapel m Ledger-. The scene 1 j a(pvrreIoyia mill, creels oa. Easter" rjdaday afternoon, when the rite of .baptism was administered to twenty of the late converts, was 1 beautiful " and impressive, several hundred persons were present 1 frWartentori OazetteiSt Rev. Gilbert Biggs arrived bare yesterday. We understand it Is bis purpose to make War- ttSSScataS -ArSauT nV. his residence, froea paralysis, on Wednes- 8ea, Jer- . - , " v -. renton his place of abode.' --' Died, at WILMINGTON, i '-Attorned General Kea an ti pub lishes an opinion in the Raleigh ' Observer in regard to the signing of the School bill. He favors it It will be remembered that by neglect the Speaker failed to place his aigqature to the bill before adjonmcitj! Salisbury watchmani A negrQ boy. about 17 years of age, was before Justice Smith, last week, charged with 2opie is not inclined to think poison ha 1 much to do with it Oxford Free Lance: Daring th visit of Grand Master W. R." Oox to the Orphan Asylum this week, that officiaL hi Mills, decided upon a plan and, place for building a hospital la connection witn that r institution. The buildine ;will be.coni I structed near the Asylum, with four rooms and will be admirably adapted to me use ior which it is intended. riara Auarew ConnLtof . Wmen conntv. droeoed , dead T kd from her Chair on IViday lasf .V I ti j j The Lenoir Tonic cives a . vei sion of the recent homicide in Taylorsf ville different from that given by the 'States ville Landmark. ' The -IvpUi -saysrliasl lopjo4 -stiysrIiast I Saturday afternoon, in the town of Tay j lorsvuie, Alexander county, yoiumoua i 'league and a negro biacEsmiin named I1 Dennis engaged in a quarreUv Both parties were drinkinfir. Teairue final! v knocked the neerb down with a - stick, whereupbe me negro drew a pistol ana snoi mm in toe head, near the temple. Teague fired three shots at the negro, alUook effect, and death instantly followed. Teague was arrested and placed in jail, but h? wound .proved wtayaadHittd de j at j iu 3:(yojca;yittionqay morning. ' i Raleisrh ITewsi The fruit crop in this county has suffered but little damage by the late frost Work is to com? meace very soon on the W iiiiamston os rax boro Kailroad. It is thought that the cars will run through to WilliamBton - by Sepi t temberl. A meetin e of the State Board ! pi xcaucauon was neiaiin :me.,uoveraer e i kaiiaBtiiaavHrkt aknwaaASalt-ir; I tance Were aiSCUSSeu and paSSOQ UPOU I The JTtftM agrees withits esteemed con temf I porary, the Charlotte Dmoeraf; that' thf habit of puffing Judges ,for merely doing their tiuty should cease.' It li hauacatinsj -Federal Court has now been Jn ses4 .... .i t 1 ti.w DeffLocrat' tnav me I iae most notaoie case in court was mat 01 the State vs. Joseph LaW, for robbing the ail mt W.ilt.A.lh .H.mrt Ttl. lm,aA was set for last Ftidaybut wai pat oft fill Monday. A rather unusual spectacle has presented ilself in this court, in this casei there being witnesses . from amongst the best society of ladies; one from CaBcadej mis Btaie, one (tae leashier, a laay), irora tbe great nouse or 3s. rudiey as sons, rew York, and several ladies from Wentwortb and hence tbe unusual spectacle, as i. said. of seeing, a great throng of ladies Jn.te court room, asy wuer vay irem tna nrsu The case was terminated this, the fourth diyi by the acquittal ef Law, who is respectably connected, hi8.,uroUi?r being the lmf oiiow?- J J U 1 Raleigh Observer: 1 he trustees of Wake Forest College are contemplating the establishment' of a iwt department ja connectioni with Ue- inititationl' Messrs B. F. Montague, JC. Scarborough and W. L Pace have recently been appointed as aosmmntee tOimakettre jieceg;try rahrement witb xegacd Wtluimpitlan step. - The Indian birch bark canoe in the Agricultural Museum was mentioned in these columns aome time,ao. Jbut injhi mention some errors were made. It nevet had the honor of carrying Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith, and never saw James river: 4 fwas made by a Oanidianlndiad in 1875, an the north sh.ere of Lake Sup4 vti vr. a . -p. Rk.nh.nl nf U Pul and by him presented to tbe,MueumTf Interest of past due first mortgage bonds of the North "Carolina j Railroad Com nan v SSodafSi? KBu?w&Ssu?.gi Wart reatoh-'0as0t Jttdee' Buxton on Thursday lge Buxton on Thursday rhJ.b ordered a verdiet SinJS? aifK. Sheriff B. W nSWtenoitcwiY brought m, to he fterrythrea aoli MTMW iwo years; ouuon uzzie, tnree years, ana Jeff Johnson, fiveyeataViThere patiH be released from the nenitentiarv on tne 81st; Allen 3ell, coloredr convicted ik Washington county ot larceny, . and sen tenced to the penitentiary Bepteniher..l874 He" Is abdnt '25 yearr oldrB fee 5 inches high,- and weighed, when admittedi- 148 pounds. , . Slight attempt at auicid yesterday!;3BAod;aetadwitl special request, .t Mrs.i J?aiBterJt i said, is td assist Mrs. Meenin conducting the revival at the Edenton Street M. El Church. Mr. Everard Eatman fell in ant about noowsterdivThrermarlet lease. re4- AeieitmryTirvrfht aVa iB tha falL 'Her'reeflverBd laufflcientlv i ia a few minutes id be carried td his residence. Baalist Coflentfon Which meetaat Atlaats. Ga., on thei 8thof nextmontnv. Gratis tumimm: 'wmaw ef OranTille. rancinc f rem nine and ahalf to one hundred and -flf teed detar'a; eTAve- age, tartr-utreedouars. : uany outer aaies at as high priceswer tBaae- me ttaiiroaa is almost sure "lo' "Be built. Fortyrflvje thousand dollars has been subscribed, and with the money to be raised by Oxford and othpi- towrii:htM.f ttTa thQUffht that enough will be secured to push tbe road to an earlkr . . n TT rrr, -s,-a .1 v; i 'V .-Tr ,ig: 1 ;aiKlDviBTrii8B ; Munson More ldthing. f t ;C x TV tTtrntmri TJttut tj. .ft VraafltlSAVt. .5-?: II AAA AAi W AU-?A4A-a3 --a. t b waaa tJRltossET & Co. herring. a G. CI McDouaAL Admtt notice. P. Cummxrq & Co.Iniacementa. j JHq,,?T.,GoBN,.&BBO. Insurance. CoREsroin)XNCB Mrs. D. Kahnweiler usaia - ii MrGerge D, McMian; welkkBOT printeibjrthia, hjf ytfbd yesterdaj'piqfnlng afteiinTillttess of jf".ar 4ioni ioHe waa uo tvTally: popular cwith' peop4t.ia.h4f profewtpn. and much beloved by hff ?acquainUnees generally .jlltf ac quitted hjmseli-bandapmely m a soldier. luring WewAr tei we ethe-S Safes; was na turaily of a generona; djwWo'" A- jrtayed al tioief Ihat yalty to personal friendship which is one "of the greateer ofr namearanalalniai ittaahood Peace and foreine the name ol John 1. weieern te ri' .rjsi . ;. m t -J ' . . .,is sueaia ui uenrj . suon. j.ne party - Rotirhnff it " " a'M io,oo,ooe.) WltaW office, for pair or.teeI-rfmed -PecUclf ,WedneVaay v.-ad-i-rill SoSffit Us jorialll point's '.1 : ; AnnW rindend to Btockhoiacr. chant 6f Lexington; .to the'amouhrof 80. jaito Hons; JTps. J. Davie probably .ejaken to the I Sound: .10- viqw South, daily i, ...t.,: 7s30 Ait Tea p ; - .-The coroner of Caldwell county Md D T . R1Mell Jor t'Iona fiahli . . Ue beauii of abe.ocean.blu and drlai Westaanuiao. R'y)daily ' . tcx. is to hold an inquest over the body of uavid : --; .... . li waifr , - - L IV"x;"wy'tivA-Silw eJ " 3 losse. on May, who ded from whiskey dnnKing. to i . - . - - 1 -j. -v -34 -(i 7j !:!.;,.;::. j iuot vtows wjjungflu, - . . t without discount learnif. tha whlkeV-.wa;oisoncd.t,He rrv.. ;Ar Iki. i On Thursday, with the addition, front :Railroad. .".:.. . ' 7:30 A. it F3?11? "KCOUKT . had drank five qdartl in the'th'r lUy s itai 1 ; .. ?f " -7, "! ' 4 " is city of a number of gentlemen; they 'oir 'between wTo.-i.-u 0 , j JNO. W. GORDON r meuiateiv Dreceuintr uis ue:uu. -iu iu i vwwu.v, , uiuiww . . .- j. v i Ihbnbribnlamem'ery , ' ,'4! 1 22i?l879.:i Local Uota. .SV..;, ) r ,s ; j J i hJ JUoyely day5 yesterday. , i Another flight;; frost Sunday j morning. V v w , mi - - . i . ... 1 s Jf fm-Aije IQuavcp laUvOrviQ gOltjg up t witharush. i - , fm8T."l!hTfr,'.M.-.A' c-i'') '.. j trj- ThOj fire iw JUrnnswjok conuty j last week'did a great deal of .damage to I .uiiaaii... . -.1 ; ..... , nil turpentine boxes. Lrf , A - Rfoeery. and commission homsg ou North ."Water street was found Ji-i? ' -,:'i , j opep by. $he police on Saturday night lasi asfi'aetff grounds 1 1 near; this j city, .lawireoaaiea oy ir.-. auomas aiona ior purposes of a Catholic Cemetery; are beine nut! Mole nected with theiEaH5apliat Church Sun- hob! day "will have ah excursion to Wacr Lako bathe 1st of Mav ' - i - - - . - 1 - -: - " Mi -- Carl Heargrflen,' a .seaman be- iging tq he rwean, barqueufletiwil, 1 jwaa arrested yesterday, by i direction of Vice Consul lleide, and locked up in tho guard-house fr safe keeping. .;! ( -f;r'! Pv:; Dr. Patterson, who, had W. " fesignauou as. xvectoroi Ol. .Inlin'a "Pnriali .in f.lit ' nitv' i ia Iifo ri in I r-mvr :-.-T-.r-ti- ---j , - i duced to withdraw the same, much to the gratification of hts Congregation. ' ThoiiTreasurer'a office at the City pall has been transferred for the pres- ' iViHa Xrvnr, rniim rn tii 'nnn&itA - :,: .,. k!i . ,i ; ,J aide of the passage, while awaiting the re- iu wuiuu mu ui uciuguiaucju uc former;''' ' " " - The flags of the German Irape- a . - . . vial niMtanlAln a a 1 f ttaa flnvman ahlAnirtaV I vv-- j: 1... .J : - of the 50th anniversary of the wedding of the venerable ' parents of Mr. E Peschaui, Impetial Conaui,a.thia. port. - - ' . Maglatrateancourt. - . m j Tt. t. ... Saturday charged by Mr. A. C. Weasell - with forcible trespass.had a hearing before Justice Wagner yesterday aiternoon, ana at the conclusion of the examination the magistrate announced lhathe would reserve hia decision until: to-day. Mr. M. Bellamy ooPeafed for Davis. r--:J r 4vOW&r Morton, colored, charged with as sault upon Lzz.ie. Watson, was ordered to I -pay a fiao of, ft and "the costs, in default of which he was committed to jail. In a case of misdemeanor against the same defendant udiiment was suspended. ' , . . , ' vLaura Haggett, arraigned before Justice VI 111 ran a noaAA warrant ei rri nl an nn f H ntt"ftr! . n ite-- - r waaxgei:aasaius aou aiwry, . was jcqmuuiieu to jaiu t,- , Ulatajrteal Jvent It aceraa not to ba ireneraJlv known that I Q. Grant visited a this1 city shortly I n. want visiieu & UUS CHJT t 1 fter lhe closeOTtfhe war.; Some or our I oldest citizens Have denied that 'such was I ... .... w;v lBibgt2)of JJeb. 1st; 18 f okS weere gtancing over V day;;! I '.ii' t a.tnA tha'nointf r: j jwo since, feema to settlo the point: i beValTXKGrantarrived here early! F vyirnrniSif:: andL like a bfii -haing travdled all the night before T rift bnaaridi 1 Mmfa rTot lea hlmTTnt wTlmUal i &.fl.n i. ha ret hd. after restintf an hour or twe. he get tld, washed his face and 'hands jQ3t like ether felks ate his breakfast, and ai tweive I o'clock: started for Charleston." We do . not. claim. : that the, vititwas an event to boast of , but it ia well enofigb to keen Mrrectlv infarnied about eved such small matters. '.-.-.-.Oi v; . TlM Truest Gardeea. 1 A.,visit to the various truck gardena in I .v. t:i, ,.. t, raiifvinir rW I State r aSairs. considering ue prayaui J of such unieasoaahle weather Tbe garden I neashave suffered materially from the celd, 4 hoagh somewhat backward,, are looking I flhely ; and 4ven of the peas there is likely to be from one-half to a two-thirdscrop T- fbr thecold ( snap many I would have heen shipped 'ere Wooten lostTEil "Ssntife" pea would haWoleh kiarge1 one sod iSeen favorable.1 ' t ! aA'colored yt TS35 ytii4AHar Ak. i ft.i.i.-'i overooaru.' near m r. TiJ - M -"'J.'C'T'. -.!-f- i.t,Ab -k HOranfeeStreeCyeslerday afternoon, abOtttO i Art owner is wanted, at thnttORb. 4 : . i-i -; l, frota. includinc A:. & N. 15. i. -r ..l ' I'. If. .L. v t I 1 , . A i-; .1. . - ! I Hill 1CT lUr WSkB TfUUUBlUUW. i f. r.a4l,-u.U --JtnJiT- y.-,I.-i.Vy. 3 tki.lZTTr- ..ijy nJH j 75J ftaL-inT 1 v.i,uvik, ouu vuauc as -.-r- Tjdrownlngt ; K remained under water so 1 t.Li.i'.ti. v.tM'' in I I ftnallyappeared upon the surf ace.succeedejd in geiyng his hand upon a wharf log, .and iilllm.f.lw ...iCkl V.m Jiwmft in . . f ft . ' """'i "VJr ' " 7 , . . -!A meeting of this gallant ? company wis heldlasf evening, and we are advised that was1 so manifest as to in dft'ee the hoticeT)tinted elsewhere for reai Seinbfithls. evening .'This tnilitsry ;o- ganizalion cannot claim great age, iut the record-made , since r hs organization, is of e ."rwkk'i."-'-!'''!'!: ' tr .i- wi wuivu ik may juauy uo f - j - wahepJriLA.L.veteransiae Prudent peopld always have Dr. Bull's Baltimore" Pilla pnvenieh i Thev of tSn take the place of a, doctor and cost only 5 cents. ' Por sal everywhere. - V BiflesTviUSTpesz Jm., QUreeta with full Wilmington, Front' Streets. c. . gay ma. - d' 1 - f7 .t i tjov.. Jarvta elatS AmenaTfnTfaf , . "-how u whi a ,.n,(eTT Gov.Thbi'.J.Jarvis, Secretary of Stati a WtM na Kkaa eat 1Y ra-y1v.A rr- - Vt i a nwnniit.an4 aaw Tj'ii" BlolucrrB1" -5 Hearing ' of - he-bfoposetf -visii flh. Governor, Iha Lotus Club tendered i aim a complimentary .bop,: adraquested himtA mt-tJ. .i... .Li, n'.,u i ' i. I accepting with thanxs and selecting aesday night.-i WM'V 'No efforts will be 'Spared to- make the stay of the party, .while tWihaiagtonl pleasant, and. we doqbt nptthat the gent)ej men will be quite willing . to rest (?) a day here before commencing the onslaught on the fishes at Lake Waccamaw. Vo.Oai'1 ladlcaUaaa, For the South 'Atlantic States, rising barometer,. " easterly winds, and slightly warmer, clear .weather, are the indication fer to-day, i Narrow Escape. t1 ? i There was intense- excitement yesterday, betn by a horse, attached to DfJ Wu Lane's , . . . .. . . . , ! unvBY. oecomine. irieutenea ana Diuneinr 80uihward at "two-forty" sBeed" The suddenness of tna nnirnUment int seated Dr. Lane, ahdbe was preciphated l I from the vehicle almost ' at the start; but I Mr. Brown. . who tvaa riding .wiihthe Doctor, remained In ;the vehicle until it 2! .1 ifSfewj'Jir"! i-r.-?l-YT.-1 vnatow-juv -tu; and interme-" . t venieace,' to- whicl'the -9veraorrrepu4' f-- every idavr' 6:00 A.' M. . If SVIT I .-.; jiM.v, .( n fi j.",, j'"!1 j" I neir oracye. I biocks.fxom tha .8tarUDg'jint,te..wheii thet I m.r.. .v. . .? ... a . 'Xt. I I j'"""''- V"u," I tT IliA rtffai vera a hwb&n tha hAHn nbMma I ..1, n loa-;- .K h..rni .t . l,al I " t "--.--a -"e&J " - continued his flight for eome diatance.'buf finally becoming weary t of the. .race, was captured. ,,. Dr. Lace's horse was frightened by an other horse, but even this" would not have rendered him unmanageable 3 had not the 1 reins accidentally slipped from the Doctor's j grasp. "The TleasanT patriorthe affair is 1 tuat the Uoctor and .' bis companion were not ialured, and returned to their domiqils on foot : - . '. . . ( .1. Yesterday; morning Judy Ann Hunter, one of the frailest . colored representatives .i , ' , V : i iuL of "Paddy's Hollow," was arraigned on the charge of drunkenness and' disorderly c4n uuci, uuu was oraereu i pay a hub r or De loo&ea op iornueen aays. one rorae over tiieX and was released.' nJaa ail David Mallett, Jr., arrested Saturday r at: 1 t5rnoe- for CBtn- .d abnainir one of the I .tr..t v, nJ, . .nd ' .irtnVWniL be locked up for:fiftee.days.: -.'"", ?l . . -j -. .' ' tasai mm a mi 4di A Goad fiMlPl A gentleman, not iriven to fish 'stories. ' but o f v'uqt!ofr Yorni Js that Col. J. P.: 2acaery the fainoas ; haw a killer, who is at present stepping withiL U Clwell, f o;Ppl on last Saturday o?amg.,al one eg4f 1 Poa n",; sixxy-iwo iresn water ,' uh??7??STv3 weighing ever one , haoundj 1 sides a i number of -otbertfish, irea fak f -tatement, aid he wul notjtaock off as fafy acale from itaoM LiS I ' y-': 1 . . :. J . Thermsmeter Beeord. i rWka fAlf Am.Tiv totlT or.rnitr. a oV 'U Mite .... . v ji - j. i AUO AVUUniVg 'VV AAA OUUTT a-W atfCSIrb VI' Ma thermometer, atthe atatioas mentioned it ... . ... - nw . . ' ' " i v(.roav eTaninir. :vvaaniBi7U)a xoean , , , , .i, time, as ascertained froOL the dahy bulletin i88Ufrom-thfr-Bi?ni-Qfflee--ia this city: Atlanta ii....;;. 73 AuaUBU.... I.,... 76 ,KeyvTeati.V.'...78 Mobile.... ...... 76 Charleston, ii". . . 66 Montgomery '...V.81 Charlotte.. ....k. 71 Hew Aleaas,vViJA Punta Rasaa. -.' ... .83 .., I Corsicana,.,,....i a QarvestOnV.V..v.7 Savannah;;. ..V. 'J. 69 1 Havana. . . 4. .f 1 St. Majrks.s.iwU Indianola, , . ... ".78 Wilmington..... 66 Jacksonville,.... L73 HIT BR AND iriAKIIVK. .The rwegiaa p&iqw. &lcfas,A .Q'. ..1.:J. i.J .l.rt.lb.lu S,ll 1 w --"--a's------.w; expected here UBtuthis aueraaon!&J;:in Tharxrexuier AwMr-CmL : Lavtoa. T.-u.-ntii. wirwrM .t nin this 1 T..An.ill. nt !ntn ihla nnrl " - I rfTTiW TT V!???&,iK"r!niXtFj&rr I aHn(.w morB5nr leakintr ani abort of eoal. a v morn in Z leakine and, short of eoal ViKJy -1 J&Tj" ". Jitap i sue was on and OS the railway at Aiessrs. I . . y , 4....,-.n (it rjassldey & RosV ahlpyai'd - yeeterdar.'knki I is now id primeofder'agailis'i. f I diocbsb , or north cabolinA- Blthop Atklniea's AvpslaimeatsJ l...'Tii.J 't . .ujn '1 .a ui itiii -3 o il 1 I Tuesday. April S3 Windsor.! Thursday. -April 34; ; . . .. , .v. .4 . . ; : Jackson... Friday, : April 25, P. M...... ........ Itt.u.L, 1 1; Batnrdav. ABril SS. A. M..Uu. Ai- t:"r,""- Sunday. - April 37, 3d8un.after Easter. .Weldon,.! Collections made at each plate fob Dtoeaeas Mian Bli.B. .,...,-.. i -.- . t .1 Qaarteiriy 'lateetiiia-aeaaid 0 naond . Car; o ,WU-alajK filauisjn.. J Cbareb. Saotb. . rp,' , t Elizabeth, at Singletary s ;;..'' F: . : Aprif ' '38; waccamaw. at iz-ynreaa .v.M"-- . : ii . an 18 rih! theiist 1 vV;S:;;t s crop, which J-'rTheaieajnship2fiH -iU ,imt3 nT n,i th. from jew ort1 late Sathrday hlghtMr f apautffflinf. lliw eqsset1& co. .Tfnj-frySKSJj; rvlu---u r'-mMfftEr..,, ; r... i . -,. - ST ...'Si.!. t.v.;nl'L Ji Q i ii.LT Ji . j! :rt'1fl IV 1 Whitevuie,at wayaj Whltevllle, at Waymaa; - , i Smith ville Station..-. ... Wa . f ' ! L"- -1 .1"." THE MORNING. 8MB aa-alwayaj be had at ,t followine Dll m th? citTi .The Purcell HonSe Harr'ifewstaniMdtoe Sf av Office; . : - he i Wl V JVJj WHOLE NO. 3;6iy t ...... T . ; -- .-t J- . J . - . . f 1'hn niai'.a close and arrive s.1 ih-i !ti Ojty ' SIT " !Kortheru through mails!". . . , . . 7:431. ot Nortbeni through "and'way ) MaUa?for the t. CI Railroad, 1 ? and" routes Supplied - there-1 " Jv J Fayettevilfc,&ndoffl6esbnCape 1 - frelayB :Msi Faycttevme,via'Ldmbertoa, -, 11 i-awyxcept.isundays.., fi.-00A. hoat, daily (except Sundays) 9 KX) A. Jl Malli'for-Easy-Hlll,- 'Town - ; ! UreeJc and Bhallotta. everv . ; 3 Friday at . . 6:00 Al Wilminertoc and Lisbori. Motr:-' i i .lid Fridays, au . . , ; . . , CX) AVM, , ' l 'K .OPEN FOB PELIVERY. , , ! Northern through mails. ; . i . 9 .-00 A. M Northern, through and .way, ... ? i :MaUs..;. 7:00 A. I Southern!mails;viWi:;'.'..ii' ''7:00a.. A Carolina Central Railroad. . . ., 6:00 A.M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 2M., and from St05:30 P.M. Money order and Register JJepartmeiit.oDea same: as tamP officel - ' "' s BCleneratJ-deavery open- from 6:30- Ai M to 6:30 PM., -And on Sundays from 8 0tb :30A:'M. ' j Stamps -for sale at general delivery when stamp omce. is closed. I Kev Boxes acneasihlfl at nil honra. Hv t ti,li' '''-.U - . . . ..... ,. . . f and night" .ii.i . J 1 1 .iaaa m aaa' . r 7 1 jVl'f VMTlfriTISflaS. -I." ttew J. . booK: biKnaux.-tl-KnMORiriita stab Boo- iiind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manuKa -manner, ana at reasonaue prices, uu 1 cnants and others needing Receipt Books, or other w ur, umjr ij uu tiruiuuuiuu wuie vzecauim ci UP WARDS j OF . THIRTY YEARS Hi Wrasi6w'8c1iooTHiH9vBTETrr has Teeti used for . cniittren.' corrects actmty 01 tnestomacn.reuevas -wiki eoijo, regnlates the-boirelr, cures sf skktxbx andPT.RWffOU, whether arising: from teething or other causes.- An old and well-tried remedy; ' 35 ; FIK3 ENGLISH GUNS-The attention of snorts men la invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. 4s W. Tolley, mannfactorenr of fine breach-loading guns, Birmingham, England. Their guns are mae to order according to specifications and ; measure ments furnished, thus casoring the. right crook, . , ea a " 'iuu ui wiw mwv nit uiv uniou ienLrai uoiei. cm Broadway, New York, on the American planJfor krv a. -..o flA ... J n . - . I 2 pian, uute tout srcaKrast mora m tne mormaz.tuN your ranch down town, or dine with a friend, and Sour room at the Hotel will only cost yon $1.00 per ay and upwards, and meals are also provided, at moaerata prices, at ine elegant sstanrant attached uu lue nuiei. 011-f AN IRON-CLAD IS NOT MORE SECURE against ordinary cannon, than the lungs, throat and chest are against Consumption or Bronchitis,-when buub's HovztTo Hob-houxd ahd : taif u . IT j.T toothache Dron. enr: Toothach. in k ' minute.' PI ED, April 21st, f ter a line' ABoaaajaf a, . titvi.unv! : :-vrr I - The funeral sorvicss will take place this (Tne day) morning, at 9 o'clock, from his late residence on Cowan street, thence , to Oakdale Cemetery Friends and acquaintances .are, respectfully invited 9 Hi. iu a; iCArrespondeiico WILMINGTON, N. C, April 19, 1879.1 D. KAHNWILER,J 3 - -( I U;J " -' 1 - . ? l Madam. Admirine voar i extraordinary gifts as a Binger, we unite in asking I youtoauora as tae pleasure er aKeaaing a con cert, to ba given by yourself at semeeatiy day, and doubt not your consenting to do so will be n your consenting to oo so wui De ue appreciated' by .the lovers of good mnsic m mington. , JOHN WELDER ATKINSON, li E. E. BTJRRUSS.'" - " S. H. FISHRTjATR. iifoCl JAMES BPRUNT, - ;: . C H. ROBINSON . r 1 f.q J.:f BT,BRUTZ CUTLAR. it I: UK WILMINGTON, N.C., April 2181, 1879. L - alfta iTc I T. ' . . . i taw me Aerewiu wi lenoer von mv uosiauicere I thanks for, the flattering demonstration: roa hate I sean fit to extend to me. and snail endeavor to trait your reuesc as soon as tne necessary arrangements. caaDamaoei.' ji. vary nespecuuuy, -.-i: . 1 r . r. v . if .1 t.t iitr KM.:tii - iitiii M il i4i "AttftYitintri5 Whi titter TliflfiS. iXTOa ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO .APPEAR, T.JL. at your Armory wuts svjcminu. at 8 o'clock. ia inn-areas nnuorm, ior arm ana civu meeung. i - Ununifonned members are alao requested to be n 3 . T.t 1 1 . a .. f VapMlt ,.Tu i C. N,,BRBWEB 0?S. :T'd.I0 - '4IOO OU. Notice. I TT"AVDKl TRATOR K jlSaWe F. Burkhardt, I esiawjo uu nun nmuw hi mate unmeauue pay- meat to me, aaaau istaaaai.-aviiui claims against ald esUte wul present them for payment on or be- . I aaid esUte will present them for payment i foraAprilxaa, IBSItos this notice wttl be p i foraAprilSSd, lSStLoc this notice will be pleaded to 1 bar of their recovery. GEO. CMcDOUQAL. I.'I -rrAnrilfiSd. 1R7SL' i n&WSw tnr c i Anmlnlatntl It. - l:: 5 HTAKB ROOM FOR MORE TO ARRIVE, FOfc qHi wni vtSK wa OFFE It INDUCE MENTS to those wanting CAB .LOAD LOTS OF S'auaony a mr wsw. aoj gures. , : S.. . t atfull tap 33 " . . - . ... : ' . . . ,:. ,J . : . ; .a i rjio-JIORROW WB isgii, A, w 4 'SHALL HAYM -Al 'ANOTHER1 f J lt w a; tr , ..Sill s r 'iil'v ;r-. ;,!, .Lf;-:iJca;oeJI loSCJPLY.OF CLOTHING. ttl" - .. .d:ij.arni3l5iJ2t Vafcaja-rOVnaW- f r - i: i- ipb it . - - - . . , jnuuoua.. f ir-100'S FIjOW-MMPKOVJtl."'. ' IKJ a v u Atlas Plow; Stonewall Cottoa Flo Scrapers. Hack Wefghta, Hack.Whettera, White-' wash Brashes, Blacksmiths' bellows' and Tools, Axes, Grab Hoes, Garden Rakea, Hoec, Baggy.Cart and Wagon Wood Work, Ac, Ac, all at theXoweat Cash Price at the New Hardware Store of 5 I i , n,- ,Na9MaFketsWJ 4 Naks tot Whxb. tH -IT. . gp n DWt It One Square one iy,".....w..... ;! W 1 J thr days,...,., . . ; S bU 3 (K S 60' 4 IK. Ono week,.....i.:,i. Two weeks, ........... Ttree weeks, t One month,. i..v ; Twomontht, ,,, Tiree months,.. e ,., Six months, , One year, - 6 r . 8 to S4 va JS-Contract AdTerttseincau mkt . tt J.jtt; tionatelylow rates.' ' - - . Tea linos solid Konvareil iyp aiake one square. NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company," ;' , gTRONQKST IN TUB WORLD I ' ASSISTS THIRTY MILLION DOLLAR 1 for last f.ur receipt of proof. BRO., Agents, ... l. 11 - . Molasses. Holasses. ika HhdsKawCrop cuba;' - " A- ''' " . JIJ-! ,V..; VIH VMi VVAA - 1 Aft Ebls N. O. MOLASSES,' .- For sale Tty : , -r.; KKSCHNfiK A'CAJLLUIt ISKOh ap 33 tf Corn, ' Corii. Corn. , 5000 Busl1 Tllmo White CORN,' Far ea.e bv ap20 tf Spirit Casks. I JQQ Q Hew New York SHKTT CASKS, ,. 1 1 w MJaMwaMiAM ear VAAWAA lilVO Dastrflctioiiell EecqrtstTnctioD. pKR39NAL EXPERIENCE OF.sTHg LATE WAR. By RICHARD TAYLOR, LIcutenaniGen eral la the Confederat Army.- 1 vol; 8vo. Cloth. 74 pages Price (1 - - ' ' - Theae reminiaceneea of aeaaaaWwi.- mmr- mm. r. construction it has seemed to me a duty to record. ail acKJi-uiercia, acciaent or romne atcoraea me exceptional advantages for an .tatcrlor TIew,' From rreface. v - ' .': . . . .,.: . v: - : : " For sale at ' nil 3 5f HKINSlJERGKR'B ap 20 tf y , ; . . Live Book and Music Store. Owners of Carriages, WAGONSneedlnsEepalrswIH find it to their interest to brine them at once to P. H.HAYPKN.' . . HARNESS. SADDLES. Ac. eontAnt.lv nn ban HnRflitRnniniia Am., .t i n v.iM. ap S3 tf. : . , ; ; - - Cotton Batting1, OtS- - THE WILMINGTON ap3 4t '- - - COTTON MILLS. irpaERE iWHJV BE A GRAND OPKNINO OF FINE FRENCH PATTERN HATS and BON NETS. FRENCH FLOWERS. RIBBONS. Ac. on THURSDAY, 84th Inst. ; The Ladles are respect fully invited; to call. -..;.;... K-ap su iw-u. ,j?;i.i r !. ; jc A. 1.UJLSPJU1. TAT PVTRPR Are invited to examine the new arrived Stock at the He Fiirnitiire Store, Going at Low Prices. kLjZJii& BBHUENOS a inURROK, NT.B. cor. Market and Sd Sts., Wiamington, N.C. ap 5 tf . WareroonuvSd, bet. Market Princess. ard;& Co; HARNESS I HARNESS I . ti - . a?Mmr mnt mnA urni Bridles, Saddles, Collars, all grades, and prices to salt the times. '- - Trunks and Satchela in abundance. Repairing done promptly. - - - " .ap 20 tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET -i ; i. .if i'. i. I i ii. n Hi - t. . . . -iao Spring Hovelties N QENTS AND " V ;:t ' ' ; M..Hi0 iliDIEsVHATS.i'''- -Mh)ii,;;;n.',i HARRISON ALLEN'S, ' 'apSOtf. Hatters. S6ad the Testimony . JN REGARD TO OUR " K ' i' - a ' "KossMOKE"- and -pakkbr" cooks : 'ilf everything "ybuVeli gives" as GOOO SATIS-' FACTION as that COOKtHG STOVE seld to my wife,- yoar names wfu ' only be 1 pokta- "of in 'So thev WHOLE FAMILIES ARE MADE HAPPY, New lot Just in, and Onr PaveV.is haul ing tnem out. r ., oaiy at.. - ., PARKEK A TAYLOR'S, ! j t . y J9 Front Street ap20tf- Oars Oars.: 'va TUSX RECEIVED, A FULL BTOCfi: ' :,' . :. (J -of AH OARS, all . lecetha. GALYANJZSD OAR LOCKS, i ' ' ' r- . i ' ClAMJOvO, vIjUATB, CO. sif For fate cheap by- . . ,s ' USO. A. PECK, ?:ap83tf j jQLitiiN)a.woatb yroatBt. . . i .' .... - '-'.?. "THE FINEST LOT OF ASPINWALL : BAN A ' JL NAS received this season now on hand: AlsiNA-APPl-tS Charleston. - . , , AjUmm For sale, at - -v . uimi naur D . ap3 tf, ,v :.u Fruit and Confectionery Store. , 00 Wffi CORN, OUU "300 Bbls Good FLOUR, all grade-,. -tf Boxes MEAT, BmoKea ana unamoaea. -lUlr ' ' Also, Vinegar, Spanish Brown, - i .-. Iloopiron, uiue, epice, uingerf , 4 J Pepper, Coffee, Sagar, Soap, Ac, i For sale low at . p. Lv WORK'S, . sp30tf Nos. 3 and 8 South Water st. .:-?low Prices for Bmceries. -' QUGAR, COFFEE,' if . KJ FLOUR, MEATS, r ; V : . II. B. oulJS. JlAlas, ,V..i V'.: L. . CANDY, CANDLES.' r . , 4 LYE, POTASH. soap, soda, - -;v-.'.-. - CAKES, CRACKERS, . 'i' ; ... . OXSTERS, PICKLES, - 1 - . TOBACCO, CIGARS, P5SACHE3, v, - . COTTON YARNS, ' , ' SHEETINGS, - -: . . . i WRAPPING PAPER. . , J3 . VX.;, 4(1 ; . PAPXR BAGS. Ac. .tiu'. ,? ? ) PATTERSON Js ITICX w j : ap 18 D&Wtf 3) N. Water Street. Crockeiypepartment. u .'.lij. Aanther Ffl 11 IJae Of r FLOWER-POTS, - ii ii')ji v.. - CHURNS and PIPKINS. . I ; f GTLB8 MUKCHJSON, w 1 ' ' p to tf -" " 1 TS W and 40 Murchieon Block, '0

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