fPTJTVT TftTl TTTTTfl A Tl By WEI. D. BCSKAQD, IH'BLISHBD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. . ; utm or snBaoBrpTioM nt advajjcx : " ' , "I ! . . . - . mail! luwtaM inaM mn itfY I ! Three mouths," " ..A. a 23 I One month v " , ., .... .. 1 00 To City Bnesenoara, ctcuverea in any part ex tne SSJSSSOSSS odilim:;".. An increase of pension jwaa asked f tue Senate for;the widow of Col. Fletcher Webster, son of Daniel Webster. Mr. Conkling spoke n the army bill.: . frr::Ginettt: of ;lowa,made a apeech , in the House from the Greenback standpoint; Mr. De La Matyr.of Indiana, another reen backer, also apoke.5' Mr. Gretton challenges Mr.jLorlllard to j run " Parole against Isonomy for 3,000. - .The Chester Trades' cap, to e run eo May 7th, is said to; be entirely at the mercy of Parole he will be run also for the Goodwood eup on July SI ; the French horse, Kinesem, it is thought will be entered for, The same race, besides English horses. 1 --7- Gray tried to 'assassinate Edwin Booth at Chi cao, firing two shots at him, both of winch missed. . Lorillard says his .winnings are exaggerated. - The ! position o' Durham ' miners' strike unchanged.-' Duko of Roxburghe, head of Scotch house ofEer, is dead. -7 Large part of the Tillage of, Coscob, Conn., destroyed by fire; - Senator; Conkling'a speech yesterday was in support of the Federal election laws and arraignment; of the Democratic party. - Debate on Legislative appropriation bill will ' terminate Ibis 5 afternoon. The French Government js acting towards I BlanquiCommunist, rebently elected to, Chamber of Deputies, so as to prevent his being seated. Grand' jury in Hinds James case, at . Baltimore, have returned presentments against Denwood and Henry T.' Hinds for murder. ; The condition " of Bishop Ames makes his recovery almost impossible General debate on Legisn lative bill Was continued at ; the evening session of the House of . Representatives. . -New York, tnarkels: Money 2 per cent. ; cotton dull, and easier at cents; flour a shade stronger for medimm grades,' Southern $4 105 40; wheat c lower; corn Jlc lower; spirits turpentine i quiet at SI cents; rosin quiet! at $1 40. In the Poindexter trial Miss Cot- trell admitted she 'had been engaged two years to the young man on trial, and that she wore a number two shoe. - - . The famine in Bolivia is said to be awful.' a"At La Paz people are dying iu the public squares and streets. Corn-is selling at $100 a' bushel and wheat at $50. ,-, r On Wednesday a great crowd was 10 assemble at Stratford-upon-Avon j to de honor to the greatest genius I this world: ever saw. ': A memorial I building was to be dedicated to Wilr liam Shakespeare. .It is understood now that the sod- deu ending of the political trials in South Carolina was caused by in strtrctions from Attorney General DeveBs. ; Bond may deserve - very little .credit in the matter!. ' TJie jNewQrleansl Jockey LClub doe not observe Sunday. For that matter, not many of - the people of that wicked city observe' the Lord's Day. Theatres, . restaurants, race course and all do "a smashing busi ness" on the day appointed for rest. ' Mr. Stougbton, of Electoral Com7 mission aotoriety, and the man who was so mercilessly tortured by J udge j Jerry Black in the North 'American Review is Minister to Russia. He is on his way back," and the . report in j w a8inogton is mai ue win resign, do be it. fW,, ! i :rattc committee, in . the c6ojf4!feii$) the fooiish Okolotii States ' published have passed a res olution of censure ' and:; condemna tion of the paperas - being ufi-Uem- ocratic i anji obn-repjr eaentative. Old Frye- says he ' is a subscriber; " Bally far Frye. - Patterson wh Bo long a time mis- represented South Carollna,is a thief. ille was a' committed:' of -one, accom . rpanied by a deputy sergeant-ati-arms,' j ;to go the Indian Territory to inquire into the interests of the Texas Pacific Raflroa hKew -this little trio foots np $17,000. A former committee of: six cost $0,000, which was three times too much. Patterson ought to bi eak Into the penitentiary, y , ' i , . Conklin g has again made a very witty speech at Thurman's expense. I day, on the question of consolidation, re-nt.:..:lii.-.- v 1 .1.1 'ill suited in a defeat of the scheme. - Winston auis uiuo it. ws Mcvauoi ui iuo lum abolishing the supemsory control of appointments and removals jn the , 5 , , f I ' ; 1 " . Senate .which :.has belonged to the The speecn produced great laughter, The Richmond State's says : "There is so much inConkling's manner and emphasis . and gesture, end in the ease and rapidity with which he chooses bis words, that his best efforts of this kind lose: much of . their. . effect when t read in print. Thurman was nresidiog.': and therefore made n reply, but he and his party Mto.i7jhmepA'Medkmfr W rArAt enjoyed the speech a. much as the Repub- Jrf,;JXe VOL.'XXIV; - ;NO;.27." ' I The prudent correspondent of that fu.T..j' t...:. 1. ti TJO MUM5" u.u 01 ,?ocPy naoro lhan bait, an ( hoar xn the ' delivery,' but was brimf ull of thought and wisdom. , : He adds: . ! VDurhijc tuts , deliver? tf Judao., Dayis'8 speech Mr. Bfaioe occupied a chair directly in iront or mm, wane Air. uonKiing leant against the wall directly behind him. . A. number of other leading Republican Sena tors wio grouped closely together in his immediate vicinity,' and ail listened to him from beginning to end when be con cluded several Democratic Senators and members of tbe House, who were present. went up to him and look him by tne band in congratulation, but every Republican. Senator held aloof." a ;:. : ; 1 : ? ' Only last night we discovered that we had been guilty of strange f or- getfulness in our partial enumeration of Southern poete in our editorial of yesterday. The name ot Paul H. Hay ne is omitted. 'The f orgetfulness is the more strange when we have read all the verse' he has published, have often written long aud . short articles concerning them, and have so good an opinion of much of the worir i,0 bas done. In our judgment Poe and Harry Timrod alone have equalled or j - surpassed - him among Southern singers. I J, ; Yolney Ryan r is still in jail at Savannah. His aliases are J. M; Ryan and Paul Byron. He has vic timized a number of banks, and re quisitions from many quarters a will be made, or have been made, for him. Upon the back of his Letter of Credit are the following amounU, whioh we copy from the Savannah .News of the 23rd inst.: " : . ' v ! March 3. 100. Bank of Msysville. Ky f March 8 $50. First National. Bank of Nashville. " :j March 10. tl09, Firsl National Bankos Chattanooea. Tenn. ' - . "-r '- March 13. sou. J. tl. ueeicman's JEix- cfianee Bank. Aiken. S. C, 'March 19. $50, People's National Bank, Fayetteville, N. O. y -. - ' : Marcn zo. ou ou, f irsiixaiiOBU ubldk, Wilmineton. N. C. ; March 31. $100, Marine Bank of Nor folk, Va. - April 3. $100, Pacific Insurance: Com Danvof New York. -There is no such concern in Louisville as T? a -t n Rv.n Ar. Cn it ib laimprl nnr Mir such corporation as Southern Underwri- lerft Agency, He was caught at Montgomery, some time ago, and served a short while in the Alabama penitentiary. Spirits Turpentine. The whortleberry crop was not killed I The Fauey Fair at Eittrell is reported as a success. ? The Charlotte Hornet' Nest Riflemen will visit Columbia. ; . j Charlotte has a lazy club." Most' towns have such "institutions. " Mr.rJohn W. Hayes has been elected President of the Granville county Bible Society. i j Four or five bands of musio are expected to be present at Charlotte at the 20th ot May, celebration. - It. M. Farraan, of the Asheville CitUen. has aeetrred an office i.n VYasbiae- ton through Senator Ransom. - j Jude Kerr: is able to walk about his room, but his health is feeble.and he wui scarcely be able to bold any 01 bis curls The . Asheville Journal thinks that there is nothing cheekier than to read a paper somebody else pays for, unless it is . .. . 1 1 -j . . to reau one mat nouoay uajf iwr. . Newbern Nut BJutlz We noticed on our streets yesterday Mr. T. M. Oliver of Oliver-Cameron lame alter an ab isence of a decade. We understand he has been visiting his daughter, who now lives in Onslew county ' The courteous young editor of the Winston . Leader complains that the Wilmineton STAB man" does not give him his 'Must dues."" We try to deal fairly wiiu all. we wm enaeavor 10 oe unusun aHy particular when we have occasion, to draw upon tbe juaaer. ; s i ' i t Oxford Torchlight: ). There are now at the Orphan Asylum in Oxford 123 bovs and girls, and not a single case pf sickness. The people of Oxford have I made up their minds to build the Oxford & Henderson Railroad, ifcapital and energy will accomplish, the work,, ana we are sure if will. The large framed stables on the plantation of Mr. D. T. Gooch, neat Oxford, were burned last Sundaynight. Tha-horses were saved, but a large quan tity of produce was consumed. " The work or an incenuiary. s" iuouiuvs.- o rl' I Raleigh News'. Otey, a favorite hirherof " the city, was honored with an appointment from tne u . o. senate as lore- man of the Senate ; barber shops, with a s&larv of $900 a year; Me received notice of his appoiniment inrougu. , suwr nu sem . Old - bonds to the . amount of S38.000 came in Tuesday - to -, tbe state Treasurer for refunding.,'" do far1, the sum. total i 07K.oou. xne. vote ox in citizens of Salem and . Winston, last Satur- i y0ted seiidJy sBgauist it. . I . Raleigh Ooerver: Some days g e newopa-wported i that ; negro named Thomas Brewn had been --tun over and failed by the train en the Raleigh & yet gone, but is alive and getting well. He lost an arm by the accident, it being ampu tatad near the shoulder. The railroad men say that the tewn of Manly, on the Raleigh &, AugusU Railroad, is one of the liveliest and most flourishing places of its aze in tbe state. A. great many buildings. chiefly residences, both substantial and I ornate, are being' erected. n3i :; "i-rw;1 .:.,:;,"M ' -'v; i;-r.--v',.";!r , '!-,'.,WiEMINQfix)N---Ni e.,'FRIDAY;APRIL':'25.;;l879.J-' - alien Gapt.?Woedhouse,editorof th3 Con coti Register; in tbe loss 6fliis mother; af ter a short illness at!Mendham,.New Jersey, on the 14th inst. . His father died a .couple of years ago. Raleigh FjrstPresbyfe nan .Church received :mne j access? ons jit the' recent communion.: The; Company Shops church received eighteen' new mem bers. - Kaleieh convocation to beneld at Chapel. Hill April 80th; and continue several days. , CoL ;W. E."i Anderson and Capt. Samuel Ashe are the' new war dens of Christ chureh. We shall publish the action of the Board of vEduca tion in relation to the Public! Schools nd schooNbooks next week. -Aj a .Southern man with Southern principles, we rejoice to observe a disposition on the, part of, the Board , to ' adopt Southern , ux;-" books. Mr.- Geo. 'Allen will not fall - a jdoljar on his figures estimating the Amount of snuff sold annually at the following points, to-wit; -Kaieigu, S75.U00; Uoiasboror$40. 000; end tfewbera,; from $75,000 tef 100; 000. He mentions two firms In 'Newbern who sell about $1.000 worth of the sneezing Eropagator every month; Rev-i Dr. arahaU is' Visiting in aUuiibre. ! At the church meeting on Monday fight, the : fact that be bad declined joncefc.or pnener, .a call to a much more eligible parrshj in that city,' was repeatedly alluded -to as -one "of jhe many items o his credit. '' i-- The JTair Committee nave already obtained sub scriptions to the amount of about $2,000.' To state it briefly the fair is going to. ie held,' and be worth- coming to' s ' Charlotte : Observeri ' The4 plot thickens ..There are four candidates in the field, and a proposition for a convention is on toot. votion planting in mis coun ty did not fairly begin Until last Monday. The meeting ot railroad managers which was called to take place in Raleigh to-morrow, has been indefinitely postponed. Excellent reports in reference to tbe wheat crop reaches us from Catawba and Gaston. .. The seventy-sixth an nual meeting of the Lutheran synod of North Carolina, will be held at Bethel Church,: Stanley county J commencing - Wednesday, 80th . msU v--r--.The,i Darlington (S. G.) Southerner records the. death, at the resi dence of Mr. John Rhodes, a few miies from that town.on the 15th instant, of ilrs. Margaret JU&jauchiin, the mother or Air. a. - Mcbaucnnn, tne v mgnt loreman of the Obterver-i printing .establishment. In -February, Messrs... W. R. Cech- rane and D. G. Maxwell bought in Atlanta five full-breed bloodhound pups, then very young. ' - Solicitor "Montgomery says that under tbe new law me ieea as proses cuting attorney will hardly be sufficient to pay bis hotel bills on tne circuit lm-. ported strawberries have come down to 25 cents per quart. " They are selling on the streets or Charleston at a cents. ine spring three days' meeting at Big Steel Creek Church, which is always so largely attended from the surrounding country, begins Friday and ends with Sunday. Many people from the city, a usual,, will go out Sunday. -A convention was held by the colored voters of Ward 20. 3 ast night, aud tbe f oiiowsng ticket-, was nominated for Alderman: H. T, Butler, J. W. Gordon, Sidney Reading.: The meeting favored Mr. F. L-Osborne for Mayor. - Sines the result of the meeting in Phil adelphia .'last week the talk . abont -the changes ot schedule has subsided. i -It s said that trains on the Western North Carolina Railroad .will pass through Swan- nanoa tunnel in sixty days, and Mai. Wil son has premised that the road shall be" completed te Swannanoa station, six miles beyond the tunnel, by the 4th or July. Thence to Asheville will be plain sailing. Goldsboro Messenger: A pro tracted meeting is in progress at Thomp son's Chapel, a few miles from Goldsboror under tbe guidance ot Mrs. jrusbee, tbe blind lady, and we learn that great interest is being manifested. We would cau tion our friends to beware of counterfeit coins, of which there is said to be a good deal in circulation, some of them sucb per feet imitations that the unsuspecting are readily taken in. Tbe friends of the Bursaw and Onslow .Railwav ComDanv will hold their first meeting at Jacksonville on Monday of superior Uourt for Onslow, it being the 12th of May. ' A public meeting in favor of pushing on the scheme will be held on that occasion at Jacksonville, and large attendance ia. expected. We learn that Pender, Onslew and other sec titns are warmly in favor of this enterprise. At last Ooldsboro is to nave public re ception rooms for the accommodation of such of the travelling public as are not dis posed to put up at the hotels. ' A resort of this kind has long been needed in this town. The W. & W. Railroad and the R. & D Railroad have jointly leased . the large cor ner room in the Gregory Hotel building. The Methodist Church reports seventy- three accessions to its membership tbe re sult of Mrs. Moon's good labors. About sixty were baptized on Sunday. On Monday last Sheriff Grantham left for Ra leigh, having in charge Josiah McKinnie Butts, and a negro named Harry Griswold, en route lor tbe irenitentiary the first for a three years sentence and the last for One. we regret to learn that Hon. Geo - V. Strong feels himself compelled to decline the invitation of the Rifles to deliver the memorial address on the 8th of May, busi ness engagements preventing him. The Beard of Directors of tbe Colored In sane Asylum met here yesterday. Present: Dr. J. W. Vick, E. B. Berden. Dr. Matt. Moore. M. M. Katz. Theo. Edwards and J. A Bonitz. Mr. Geo. W. Dewey was elected Treasurer of the Asylum in the place of Mr. Ja.1. Dertca, who bad declined. Mr. Theo. Edwards resigned as Secretary to the Board, and J. A Bonitz was elected in his stead. The work of putting up the buildings will be' pushed with all possible vigor, and the Directors hope to -compleie turn mtm hmimncr hf 1 lemmMr iiatt ' , N K W A l VkKTIHBM BUT, : MtTNSOK New lot clothing. " G. R. Frbkch, jB.--Lost dog. Croklt & Mobbis Auction sale. i Ettkksok & Hicxs--At low prices, y. G. R. Fbexch& Bom Fresh supplies Edward Glavla for mayor t ' A prophet, it has been said once or twice, Is hot without honor save in his own land. If we are privileged to change "land" for "city," then we have an ; illustration at hand. ; A writer in the Charlotte Obeertur of yesterday places our former old towns' man on tbe slate for . Mayor of that tcity, and assumes that said Nedward "is a1 gen tleman of excellent moral and s mental at-. talnments, and should he become the chief executive of- our city, he will endeavor to modify some of the recent ordinances that are now in force. Therefore, being'friendly to the cause! we place him in the arena this morning, as he '.does' his celebrated; game birds,' heeled and equipped to win., If he should be nominated and elected we shall parade the six cocks of, the Stab Iioeal JVt. ; The storm' signal -v was .flying yesterday. ,' 5- " - Conch soup is now served op by some of our restaurants;."-- -5 s ;LThe Sheriff s office is being over hauled, polished up, recarpeted, &c.: i ; The Comos Club will "hop at the Little Giant Engine Hall Jto.nightl A ,fselecl; party went down the river yesterday on the steamer Passport,; ;, Thanks; to'Hoh;; Walter L. Steele for numerous public documents. - v The starsTand stripes have been floating from the Democratic flag pole, in front of Harris' news stand, for the past two ? daysf in honor of our distinguished Visitors: f" ' - Some ; gentlemen of this city, who indulged in a trip to the government works at the mouth of the river, on" Wed nesday, pronounce them, in their opinion, a great success, v l I 7-PatBeyr James and Emma llag- gett, two colored.; damselB,' had a setto yesterday, and we're hauled up before a Magistrate, who disposed of the cases by making them pay the costs. -V l . y e noticed at; Mr. Honnett's, yesterday, a silver goblet, and two silver cups,; Which are the prizes to be shot for by the ' members of the First Ward 1 (colored) Bucket Company von the . first Monday in The third annual meeting of the - stockholders of Bellevue Cemetery Company will be held at tbe City Court room, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Every stockholder is requested to be pre- sent. r iij .s.t-.i. S , si vis-svif.t Messrs.vFi D.' Poisson' and J. I. Macks were called in on the part of the qity in the Juibeas corpus 'case Wednesday night. Mention of the fact was inadver tently omitted in our article iu reference to the matter..; ? ipM-r: h'r u U ' : JPalnlni Aceldeut I We regret to have tu stale that Mr. Isaac Reynolds, a ship-carpenter, employed in the yard of Messrs. Cassidey & Ross, I met with a serious and painful accident yester day. -He was engaged at work on the Lightship, and by some mishap fell from the Staging, about twenty feet high, among a quantity of ' limber, ' and" the abrupt, un obstructed fall injured the unfortunate me chanic badly. . Iris tbe opinion of the physician called to attend him, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy,' that, though considerably shocked and bruised, his ultimate and com plete recovery may be expected. There is considerable contusion of .the muscles and a long scalp wound, but last evening no evidence of any internal Injuries had been detected. f-' ; - Mr.Reynolds is a , woitby, industrious mechanic, a native of Brunswick, and we hope to be able to-announce at an early day his complete recovery. Badly vld f ..i ... , The difference between sugar . and . salts epsom) may be very small in appearance, but a Fifth Ward Magistrate's experience yesterday' abundantly testifies' as to the fa cility with which a taste can detect the one frpm the other. Thegrave law dispenser isjalsa a grocer, and visited ; one of our wholesale establishments as a sampler. A sweet tooth inspired too much zeal, and he did not scruple to thrust into his mouth and swallow at least a cup-full of snow-like sweetBess. But, horror of horrors, when too late be found that it was doublecoa-centrated.double-breasted saltsi ' The dose was too much; be heaved, cast up , his breakfast, and at last accounts, in spite of Battle's Revisal , and its . admonitions against peace disturbers, was heaving in a manner so noisy that his neighbors de manded this arreBt .as a disturber oC the peace of the city - Tlie Governor an Party. . r Governor Jarvis and party spent jester- day at Waccamaw Lake, having left. '. Wil mington for the1 fishing grounds ye&terday mornidgi ;We leain that the Governor ex pects to reach Raleigh to-day, and was ex pected to pass through here last night or this morning. We understand that it is not at all- likely i that he will stop here on his return." ; - ' r ' Secretary of $tate Saunders, we hear, is expected to pass a few more days with his many friends in this city, ' and will there fore not return at the same lime with Sis Excellency. A :lf lee Cbeaa Table. ""'I ' Asplendid double chcssboard has just been' completed for the Carolina' Club by Mr. C D, Morrell. It is really an ,in-i genious piece(of .workmanship, and must nave reauireu mnca pauenco as.- wcu ,aa required much' patience skill to construct it. a It is made of walnut and white belly, and conlaias in the - two sides -of .the" board" two : hundred and, seventy-five Separateand . distinct "pieces, including two hundred and fifty-seven o the .one and on?-half inch square pieces of alternate colors; T&ermometer aeartf.j;r.r . . u The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the- stations mentioned, at 4.91 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained front the daily hulleSn issued from the Signal Office in this city:- Atlanta.u.;..k..8& Augusta, .i . .'. i V.84 Charleston, . : 'J. . .68 -Charlotte . VJH Corsicana,; .ni,. taalvestoff,;;v.j Havana.. i..u;; .SO Indianolar . ; '. j Kev West.. 77 Mooue,. Monmery w,..88 New Orleans,. .. 75 Mobile,. ;.;.;. .76 PunURaSsa,iV...81 Savannah,.'. .Yul St. Marks,-77 Jacksonville;. . .79 j i.., . To-Day' ludieailoas. ,i rv -.'r. l ox me ooutn Aiianue ; states; falling l barometer. nnrtliflilRt tn snnthAnst wlnila I Stationary : to' .higher temneratn're. 'oaVtlv I cloud v wptiU; hnao!iM tA hV w.r I C . . - " .7". '. " -:".:! raiuB, nre me inuicauons'for io-uay.-' i i '. '.r " irr' r v j.' ?r Wllmlnston Llebt Infantry. " ! The members of the Veteran Corps antrj those on the active list of this ancient and; f U. ri. tl vv,,. imguw aiiueir -armgry, jn aajournea meeting to l confer together upon the best measures to I Ir. nn. miiinf a'l'niJ thai '11 z:.xr-y"rT r. . uaeiuiucos. iib hb uappy 10, learn .mai the best feeling prevailed; and the liveliest I interest was manifested. Photic speeches were made by Judge Cantwell and Dr. T. B. Carr, of tbe Veterans, . and Secretary J. C. Mund8, Lieut.' James, Capt. A. L. De- tlosset, and Capt. Gumming, of the Regu- I I Resolutions of regret and condolence upon the death of Slra. Dora Gregory, the deceased Vivandiere of the corps,' were unanimously adopted -and a committee of the Veteran Corps authorized to take steps to provide a monument. to the memory of the deceased, and. to Invite the co-operation of the citizens in this laudable' under taking. ' ' v j . " . ; 1 ? ; We learn that there was much ' interest and enthusiasm evinced, and. that several new members were received. ; The Wilmington Light Infantry need no I assurance from us that the community will heartily respond to and aid them in their patriotic exertions!' . -I). S. Diatrlet vonrf. -j' ; The following comprise the juors for the approaching . term of the . United : States District Court, Judge' Brooks presiding which convenes in thia'city May 6th : I New Hanover County. T. C. Mcll- henny, John Maunder, Alfred- Hargrave, J amea H. Caraway, . Balaam Fuller, John A Scarborough, Louis S. Belden, Thomas H. Johnson, John H. ' Whiteman, S. W- Nobles, C. F.-W. Bissinger,-A. R.- Black, Henry Ohlandt, H. M. Bishop. r:;. Brunswiek. County Peter? Rouarks, J. S. Wescott, WiUiam Drew, C. W. Taylor James C. Grimes, John W. Mintz," J. Dick: son McRae, George W. Grisset. Duphn County John W. Cox; Thomas S. Watson, AbnerJPaison, S. O.i Middle- ton, Robert H. Brownr ; Silen us. Cooper, Isaac B. Kelly, Tbos. Perrett. A Foxy Party Off-Wnai Oar maculae Ground Out. . 5 At half-past four this very morn; i j With gay gallant and tooting horn, The ladies fair from far and near I ' Join in the race, and will we fear. I ' Without much grace, exterminate The foxes which do depredate Upon the fowl without the gold ' , ' Upon many a farm of small estate, A number of which are to be found : Between this city and the sound. -,-. And now, upon reflection, . , . ;5 . We refrain from a further infliction,... , Lest some poet may suggest, , . . .If this is your best, . . ..r, ; Then give us a rest. , , r. Tne Slate Tax far 1879. r Our present revenue act levies on the one hundred dollars' valuation the following tax for the present year : For general purpo ses, 12 cents; fori Insane Asylum, etc.,' cents; for Penitentiary 6 cents; total 24 cents. The school tax levy." 84 cents, re mains the same as formerly., - The levy for State purposes this year is 5 cents less on the one hundred dollars valuation than was levied for the year 1878. -: . . ..-! flXiyora Court. , v . ... Janus Davis, colored, charged with the larceny of a pair of shoes, the. property, of a young Swede, from the Shop of , Ludd Johnson, colored, on North .Water street, a few days since, had a hearing yesterday morning, resulting in the defendant being required to enter into security in the Bum of $50 for his appearance at , the. next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was sent to jaiL Curs;et wltla Per jar 74 A decision was rendered yesterday in the case of Henderson - Devis, ' 1 colored, , " " f "V ,"VTO J the defendant being required ky the mag - istrate who conducted tbe - investigation to give bond in tbe sum of fl0 for his api pearauce at the next 'term term of the Criminal Court. The defendant ' gave the necessary security and was released from custody. Silver Weaolaat. The Kev. Df.i Bernheim, pastor of at; Paul's Lutheran Church, of this city, and his estimable -lady, celebrate this evening the twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar-' riage in other words,their silver wedding. ! tulte a large number oi(lriends have been lnvite(1 lo aUend 'ebraUonV" iid we 1 ni.al t 'anA -nnria .mnn th are pleased te number. - BIVKK ADIT itt AKIN B. V"- I A number of vessels are in bdlow for this port. The German harque -Von xleh Eeydt r - .. . - v . was reported in below yesterday afternoon. Norwegian . barque. Jloke't Michelsen, sailed from Hull for this port on the 22nd . ' - .. .... w A inst. , . - " - j ' r . I; -f.,:! 't-t German barque Vidette, Roggatz, -waa a .-r r- , nk.i vif:1.. OQiiA af 1 j riorwegian .oarquej otww, onuj ftom xfa porV arriVeatt6tettUi on jbe I -ij 1 - Norwegian .barque, noiyn, vqpuscuj - uiai. i 'Schr. Jem SdH2na,MslU .from.fhit 1 I bound forBalh, Me. V ! 1 J WHOLE NO; 3,651 "TUB MAILS. V- The maUs close and arrive at the City Pnat HHtpii m fnUnvaa-' -4 ! i-1'- ' ' . .v--i-s o;: i.-;CLOSB Northern.through mails... . -7.-45 P. M. Northern through Jand 'Way- 1 r mails....... ...... .v. ..... 50 A M f from,, including A; & N. C. ( Rauroad, :sX u.-.v? I 6:30 A.y M puuuiera inaoia lor ail noin.v.V'T.--ii:t , south, daily .'....i.:...., LTorM Western mails CC.C. R'y) daily v J (except Sunday).: 5:00 A. M. tbeniW & Darling ton ' 7 iwoad....... ...:.7:3oa. m. Mails for 'points between Flo- j renceand Charleston 1 3 : 7 sSO A M WVl Fear River. Tuesdava and 1 Fridays. ; lsOOP iff? Fayetteville,, via . Lumberton,, . . , .. : -I daily, except Sundays..,. 5:00 A. M. Onslow C; (H. and-interme- v m - i diate offices every Friday. WV6:00 A. M. Smithviile mails, by steam- . . . i boat, daily (except Sundays! 9.00 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town . i ureea !and halloUe everv rt; V; Wilmington and Lisbon. Mou ..mm t . . . . .............. a.nn a vt days and Fridays at.. ;6KX) A. M. ' . OPEN FOB DKLIVERV. . . Northern through mails. .fiWMQWAJ M s Northern: through .and way-.. ; uioua. . . . . . . ... ...... . . ;w Xk. iu. Southern 'mails. ;i k Zl .Q;J 7:00 Ai :W Carolina Central Railroad..... 6 .-00 A. M. ,r Stamp Office open from '.8 A31L9 12 M.. and from 2 to 5 0 P. M; t Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office; i-Ki.-; v-:i"i. tienerai denyery open from 6:30 A; M. to 6:30 Pi M., and on Sundays from 8:80 to :30AJMV' -f'iJ .:-;f :- 5 Stamps for sale at'general delivery when stamp office is closed. y ! " . Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4. 00 P. M. - - .. j Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. ' ; '- ' t If .you have, been drinking too .much, Which, however, you should never do, a dose - of 'Dr. Bull's Baltimo re Pills will : place you ib good condition again Quarterly Jleetlnsa Second Ronnd : far tne Wllmlnarten ; Diatrlet. in. E. iCnarch sontta. Elizabeth, at Slneletarr'B. ..April S6, 27 ..April 30 ...May ? '3, 4 ...May:; 1 ..May 16, 11 .i.May ; 17. 18 waccamaw, at vjpreea vreet...;. .... wnueviue,at way man.. ....... Smithviile Station.. v.; J 8mltkTiIle Circuit, at Zion . . . . . Wilmington, Fifth treet. .-. . . Wilmington, front street...... ...May 24, 85 Qnalow."..v.". .,...i..;...ii y 3H, as May 31, Je.1 tu 8. BUKKHBAD, . Presiding Elder. fClTY.lTJBSI. Chew Jackboh's Best Sweet NavyTobacco. THB MORNING STAR can alwava be had at the following places in the city : The Pnrcell House, Harris' Newa Stand, and the Sta Office. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, nrematore decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable care. Circulars mailed f fee. Addreaa J K. KEEVXS. 43 Chatham St. N.Y. v Book BnrDznf . TBXMOBHiHe Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mm i chants and others needing Becelnt Books, or other worE,mayreiyon promptness in tne execauonor heir orders. .. FINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention Of snorts men Is invited -to the advertisement ef" Messrs. J. A W . Tolley, mannfactnrers of fine breech-loading srons. Birmingham. JEneland . Their enne are made to order according to specifications and measure men is iurmsnea, urns ensanng tne - right, ctook, lengtnoretoca c , , v . .. FOE UPWARDS DP THIRTY YEARS Mas Wisslow'b Soothino Stbup haa been used for I eblldren. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieve wnro oolio. reematea tne Dowels, cores dtskstxbt anaBiA&EHOSA. whether arising from teething or otner canaea. , ah oicl ana, weu-tnea remedy, so cxkts abottijl . - . -';" TO PLAY WITH A RATTLESNAKE Is not more dangerous than to disregard a Cough. The core is simple, agreeable, obtainable everywhere. A iew aoeea or "iiAurs uoitkt or uobkhouito aito Tab" removes the: irritation that produces tha par oxysms. . Nothing can be more certain or more harmless. - No Cough or Cold can. resist its healing, soothingstrengthenlng operation. - - - - Pike's Toothache Drops care Toothache in one NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale This Day FRIDAY. APRIL S5TH, AT 10 A. M. At Invoice of CROCKERY, well assorted. i -I jrunu ubc Tuwiuw, ane Bunaries. . ap25.lt ,i : .., .; . ... Auctioneers. I i ; . . iDoiStiayeL or StoM,. J jpROM r MY. RESIDENCE, A small white SPANIEL,' Has orange colored ears and orange vwv.cn Bfuw uu wuD, trail vi us uueo wuue. ui swers to the name of "Joe.", A liberal reward will be paid for his return to apKtf GEO..R. FRENCH, Jr. OpeneUvTesjkerday,'' I VfEW, LOT OF CLOTHING, 1 1 ..r j. t - ! Coming every week, as fast as it can.be made for us. ap34 It MUNSON. : Fresh Supply : ; . t . -. Hand Sewed CONGRESS GAITERS ii! K' , . . and LOW SHOES. Neat, Nobby,, i -Nice, and Low in Price, at ,,GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, &u 1: ap2 tr , 39 N. Front st.,Wilmlngton. At Low Prices. c t ESS' PORK, e t i . M SIDES. C. HAM3; . S.CHAMS, sugar, - : ' 'I i, FJiOUB. CANDLES, - ; .f -i SOAP. 1; SODA."' iLYB... POTASH. -' - ; TOBACCO, , ' - . - ! yA CIGARS, 1 ' - v ' . r .-,,.,.. v FAPRR. BAGS. , ; ,w . TWINE, ftC.'ftc., At Low Prices for Cash. PATTERSON ft HICKS." v ap23 DftWtf: - - 21 N. Water Street. ICOlsiHlCOl Ice! I JJYUtG HADE ARRANGEMENTS FOB PUB cbaslng' my epply of ICE this season.vi am pre pared to da ihe tCK BUSINESS in aU its branches, and would solicit the patronage ot the pnblic. . . . J- ap 10 d2t paw3t thu B. H. J. AHBSNS. ' One Sirturt one day,..' ,..,;.. & - iwooiy.,...,,, -lis iu three day s,.Y....... . ..., tut , four days',;: see Ave days,..-...-.,..' , . aw- " ' one Week,.. ( ., . 4 W. ' ' u Two wefeks,... . 6 60 " " Three weeks 8 to '. ,. One month ..... v 10 00 Two months. f - Three months, .,". " Six months,... " One year,... . ................. Yl UU -. ......... 24 00 40 ou m w t38r" Con tract Advertisement taken w p t . tionately low rates. fV - - - Tea lines eelid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bent. . From May 1st, that desirably located , . ... .. .. . ... ... . . . . ...... ..... . ..f.j- S S 1 L DWELLING, containing seven rooms.Bir 11 uatcd on Dock between Front and fec UMond Streets.-, tha RidenpA ot the lain. . . Horace Bun-, dee'd . totrethentiih nil tha wilRNf. TORE contained therein - . - .... i.v.,f The House is furnished la a most thorough man- ' ner. s. . . t i j, , t,... t . Good Kitchen and delightful Snrins Water on the'' premises. ; -.'-,.'.-'' : Persons In want of a pleasant Home are invited to call and examine. For terms and particulars apply to CRONLY & MORRIS. ' ' v apll oaw3w f r - - - Real Estate Agents. ; The Correct Styles TN SPRING HATS t . '-At v - ., HARRISON ft ALLEN'S, " Batteia. ap S4 tf New Lot of 'Choice Beading, , JUSTIRBCEIVJSD. .;. "L'ASSOMMOIR." ' A novel by Emile Zola, ia one of the greatest novels ever printed, and has al' ready attained a sale In France ot over one thou sand copies - . i "DOUItNOF.M ' A Russian Story, by Henry Bre- 1 villa. Was -written In Russia during Madame Gre- vine's resiaence iu ot retereourjr. and is a charms log and graphic story of Russian life. - -4 "THB CLYFFARDS OF CLYFFB," by James Payne, is written in a pleasant style, and is far su-' perlor to the ordinary novelB of the day. w . .. .. . I yijmjLCi a vfttumu." a dook tor women., ! r r For sale at . . ' " : HEINSUEHGBR'S " " apS4 tf ; . Live Book and Music Store. Ilolasses. Llolasses. QTJBA MOLASSES, " Barrels and Hogsheads, J ' -In Lots to suit. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, . . .. . Common to Very Fine, PORTO RICO MOLASSES, 1 i'i ' " 8DQ AR -HOUSE SYRUP. . Orders solicited, to be filled at Low Down Prices, tap 24 D&Wtf HALL ft PEARSALL. A Grand Reception I -AT- Clothing Store; -i 1 .1 f TO-DAY. T Everybody Is invited and ia welcome. 4 , BE CERTAIN TO CALL; tfSpecial Inducements to buyers who want a little money MO go a long way." ap 24 tf llolasses.: Molasses. JfQ Hhds New Crop CUBA, .3 ' 1 0H JL Old Crop CUBA, - do. SUGAR-HOUSE, 1 AA BblsN. O. MOLASSES, I For sale by " " . ' KEROHNER ft CALDER BROb ap34U Corni , Corn I -... K( ft ( Bu8b-Prime Whitc WEN, , -i 1 : Fer saie bv , ap34tf KKRCHNER ft CALDER BROb.' ' j o 1 Spirit Casks. ; -u j Q Q Q New New York SPIRIT CASIU. : : . I . '; -ovForsaleby 'v"sr:'; . . 3 ap 54 tf KERCHNEK ft CALDKR BROS Flour and Ileal, j 3 0 0 BbIa FIJOUB, 111 erode. '-' A(( Bush Water Kill MEAL, -- 11 For sale bv . . . ' :! - ap 14 tf KERCHNUR A CALDER BUB Owners of Carriages, - S fy WAGONS, ftc, heeding Repairs, will find rrvtiit to their Interest to bring them at once xl to P. H. HAYDEN. : . HARNESS. 8 ADDLES, &c constantly on hand.' HORSE-SHOEING done at Low Prices. ap23tf . ' - - ' jigGeneral: Taylor's DESTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION! ALSO - A lars;e stock of Croquet, Base Balls and Bats,' just received. - At prices to suit aU.- '" - Always a well selected Stock, of everything in the Book and Stationery line at ap 20 tf YATES BOOK f TORE.". ALTAFFER & PRICE. We are net only Manufacturing Sash, Doors, ; Blinds, ; 1 MOULDINGS, fcc., "' But are turning out some FINE WORK in SHOW;. : CASES. WARDROBES, CHINA PRESSES I I AND BOOK CASES. A fine etock " "" v I " - of Walnut Lumber on hand, v j ' : ' ? , .) c. Work guaranteed and: ,7, PRICES LOW. . . ' -' Dearborn's Blind Awning Fixtures and Thom son's "Sensible Balancer" on hand. Call and see them. ALTAFFER ft PRICE. Factory foot of Walnut Street Office on Nutt, near Red Cross. ap SOtf , ; j ; Hiss S. A. Strock , HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK,., and the Northern cities with a GRAND COL LECTION of - - - , SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, which will be opened on the 24TH. 25TH and 26TB. ; The mdlea are respectfnDy Invited to examine, i api3 U, - . - - - v v ' ' i For the ladies. FINE FRENCH PATTERN HATS and BON-'" NETS. FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, Ac., on THURSDAY, 24th inst. The Ladies are respect-' J fully Invited to cauV,!,w ,s . ? -. ap 20 lw ' E. A. LUMSDEN Liveqol & London Slobe i1 j i H Mmmm avyauraaaa CTRONGEST IN THB WORLD 1 ASSETS THIRTT MILLION DOLLA RS I " - ($30,000,000.) ? Annual. Dividend to Stockholders for last four years, 25 PER CENT. ; , , l,v. t . n : t3T"Fays Its. just loseev on receipt of proof, , j TOrrrrnTPP TTr!rTrwT : . i .,: ! JNO. W. GORDON ft BRO., Agents, : aptatf -' ' 24 North Water Street:', ... Pineapples and jBannas. THE FINEST LOT OF ASPINWALL , pANA ,, NAS received this season now on baud. , ..;.... ... . . . ".I?,'.... A .J:.:'v ' '". Aiso,PINE-APPLES and STRAWBERRIES from' ' Charleston.'. t - ' Js'i-. " For sale af " S. d. NORTHROP'S ap30 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores, ; i once in honor ot tbe event. -