THE HORimiG STAB. By WffX. II. BERNARD. pilBI.ISnKP .DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. - RAT O SlfaSCRIPTIOH lit ADVAXO : ; v' Oho year, by mall)potage paid,.,,';.!. ;': ;;.' $7 00 ix mouths, " " :.. - 4 00 I'hree months, ' 25 oue taontli ' " ........... X 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are ssssssas uot aatuoriteu w con i i Cuvance, , OI!TLli:h. . The Senate adopted a resolution placing the Senate appointments ia the bauds of the Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arm9j-. The debate in the House on Legislative Ap propriatiop 7bill7was' continued, by h Mr, Richardson, of South Carolina, jn favor of repeal, and Mr. ,Van Voorbees, of ' New York, against; Mr.. Hooker, of Mississippi, followed."- 4 Bishop1 Aine9, ;;jojr the Methodist Church, died in ; Baltimore on Thursday, in bis 74th ' year; Louis Clark, Jf4 of t Kentucxybas: bet -Pierro Lotillard4 $50,000 that be can ; rind three Kentucky horses' that, can beat any three raised oa the" Lorillard farm.- . Loril lard has bought Problem, the steeplechase horse, and will ran bim' against Bennett's imported horses, Parole is nominated fur the Ascot stakes on June 16th. -' Russian police espionage as to persons and correspondence ia of the strictest order. la House of Representatives negro emigra tion from the South has obtatned a foot- bold in the debates; Mr. Goode, of Virginia, spoko yesterday on the subject very effec tively. 4 The Senate passed the Army Appropriation ' bill as it came from the House without amendment, . and the an nouncement of the fact was received with applause in the latter. body by the Demo crats. - Grand preparations are making in Augusta, Ga.; for observing memorial day. -7 The Emperor William is in vig orous health.; The Emperor of Ausv tria will signalize bis silver wedding by the exercise of the pardoning power to 212 persons. - New York markets: Money 33i percent.; cotton steady at 1111, cents; flour a shade firmer; for mediam grades, Southern $4 05 40; wheat l&lc. better'; corn about ic belter: spirits turpen tine steady at 31 cents; rosin quiet at $1 40. The New York Sun says that Mr. Lorillard netted $140,000 daring the racing week. - ' ' " '7:;, ": Commissioner Raum is now send ing out in large sums the new sixteen cent tobacco stamps. Edison i has recently obtained two more patents to. the electric light. He wilLbe heard from to: some pur pose after awhile. : . He is riot "played" but planning. . . , '". A largo wooden building, used as a carpenter's shopr in Petersburg, Va., fell in on Wednesday, and came near killing many persons. Several were severely injured. R , j ' 1L.. : , CkBk4nigas speech is represented to have been veryjbitter, almost insult- ing. - it will uo great narm at tne North, It k thought; It was ex tremely sanguinary. , ( , -o ' borne of the negroes who were bamboozled, and allured to Kansas are returning to their bid homes in -tire-South. Give -them a kind wel- come, j ney are to oe puiea.; Uerro Gordo ' WiHiamB,' of Ken tucky, made a rousing stump-speech iu the Seuale. - Blaine made a bitter assault upon Judge Davis because of his able speech in behalf of peace.' Davis will survive. ' - 7vr Mr. Blair, counsel for Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, who is contesting Mr. YokumV seat in Congress, is ia Washington. " He reports that depo sitions have been taken in six coun ties, but, he says, in Clearfield alone enough had - been obtained to prove conclusively, that . Mr. Curtin was eleeted. He said that the Greenback vote was the troublesome element in , - i". - ! i i t ' ' ' ; v I the contest and4hattheoJemocraU I lost more. than the Republicans, from tins tenria'-' "-v wAA3i'K .t-.t-I 11118 sourccf-u hu -.Mii -.: y.i.i The Raleigh -Omj oC the 24 tb been the slightest intention or a sua pension of the Observer or a day or for an hour. . : ,. The editor says: "Tbe terrible stringency! of tbe times which has prevented the prompt collection -of debts doe to him made him unable to meet the claims of a creditor who needed his money r and to prevent : misfortune to the paper or io Us editor's creditors, it was necessary to take steps, and promplly.'to avoid such a calamity by making provision, as was fully made, for the continuance of the newspaper and fulfilment of all its contracts with subscribers and advertisers. uut tne ubserter newspaper is a great property, and a great paying property, and whether In the hands of others or its present editor, will live for manyi years to serve its party and its trtateK" When Patterson was told of his rascality in Ithe matter of his charges, 4. f . -.-.'! , t to which ..we rpferred iyesterdaythe Baltimore "kmericansaysand U is , ,4 VT' - . good, Republican authority, t that . he said 4tin substance,' and with an oath,' that the .Senate j and "newspapers could mind their own business in the matter; that her fiade alC heVcould out of it, audi was utterly indifferent to criticisms., I One of thei witnesses who. aoDears bv vouchers to ' have re - hat he was actually paid but a smalt yol. xxiv.-no; 28. portion, a.en Bigned. .vouchers in biauk, and the raised sum was writ-: ten in. In this case, therefore, ground for criminal action exists." 1 i- Washlnsion Item4 ' - si i i 1 Special to Richmond Dispatch, April 24.1 I ! Stlftlnr Untlar woo ,&,r An Blaine this evening because .of an-. btheVof lfiabiner attacks' ri f Stitji juaroiina. . J ' I Messrs. Scales and Davis, of North Carolina, made strong and sensible speeches on the Army . bill .in , the Ilouseto dav. and so didiMrl Cobb: of Indiana, and other Democrats. I bren. Bragg, who was i a gallant Union soldier, to-day spoke in the Iousg 4i in favor of the Legislative bill,- and made the Republican fur fly, wnue uonkiiner. wno . never killed a Confederate , sparrow, .was for con tinuing the war. ' "''-r'-':'X'' ; Btr. Kandall Puzzlea nil Colleasue. Special to Richmond Dispatch.) : 7 ? wnue Air. U'Neal was defending the Republicans ' of Philadelphia in the House to-day, 5Mr, Randall, who was on tho floor, asked him if the Republicans did not . claim great credit because Mayor Stokes and his 1,200 Republican policeman, were in 1877 able to suppress the railroad riots . without' assistance from the State or tbe United States. Now. said Mr. Randall, that being so, did the gentleman think that at the last election theycould not have preserved the peace without the aid of the 750 deputy marshals especially w hen tbe eiecuon was as quiet as ine proceed ings of the House - are to-day ? Charles could not answer the ques tion, but made a big effort to do so. Spirits Turpentine. Winston gave 201 : majority fainst Consolidation." ;? ."?: I Raleigh is talking about cele brating May 12th instead of the 10th. - - ! A convention of the people to nominate a candidate for Mayer is called at Charlotte. ! , -r Wp: Beatry fbfrTadkiriwaa thrown from : his buggy at Winston and very badly injured. ri w , v A committee waited on the merchants of Raleigh, - in behalf of the next State Fair, and secured f 2060 in sub scriptions. ! ; The Kichmoud merchants are smart. " They are getting up another big excursion of the North Carolina mer chants to that city. The "Kurnela" have almost en tirely disappeared. Tbe "Jedges" are around now. Superior Court Clerks are now called by that once distinguished title. i Only twenty six lawyers attend ed Winston court. 7 There were but three JLurnels" among them, but then there were to make up two "Gcnerala," on. the peace establishmeBt and two ex "Judges. ' The Hillsboro Recorder learns that six negroe8,who plundered and burned Mr. Macknevn store on the 13th. are in Chatham jail. It also chronicles the return or a party ol raiders woo, under command of Gen. Gorman: destroyed five Person county stills. . Usf Raleigh Newsi North Carolina is one of the live StateMJm .the. '.American Union that has always refused the veto power to her Governors, The habit of puffing anything and everything from a poodle, dog to a politician is the crying newspaper vice of the day. Mt. Airy Visitor'. ' Corporal Belton left this place on Tuesday for Ker- nersvule. lie too a wagon and team, some tents and a lot of other things, to be usea uy me surveying party wno are now surveying our railroad. The following in scription was painted on the wagon sheet: Cape Fear Us Yadkin ValleyK. .JK.Co." j AMoorehead correspondent of the Raleigh News says the whale caught on tbe lltb was the largest exer caught on the North Carolina coast, and adds: She was sixty feet long, and the bone was eightieet three Inches long: l ne iuboer was irem eighteen to twenty-three inches thick. They saved three - thousand six hundred and seventy-eight and a half gallons of oil, and one thousand two hundred and fifty five pounds of the wbalebone, which were sold to-day to Mr. Thomas Daniels, of Newbera. at thirty cents per gallon for the oil and one dollar and ten cents per pound or tne none, maxing a toiai oi f ; Three have been caught this year. for the bone, making a total ol $3,484,03. j - ChvlottifiO&s&ter':'' Thft- citr zens of Davidson College held a meeting in tnat tewn on Tuesday last, for the pur- officers, to be elected the first Monday in P. Williams; Commissioners. F. Jl Khox. James Allison, H. P. Helper, R. L. Query, and w.J. Martin, within the last three weeks about . fifteen negroes have been arrested in "Five Points" on the charge of vagrancy, and as r many, more have left that disreputable resort from fear of arrest on the same charge. " -s h Serea naders are out every night now. :The mid' night air is merauy laaen wun song. ? Tarboro aoutnerneri we ?r& eret to hear i of the death of Mrs; !- Delia Cotton, wife of Adolphus Cotton, Esq.! in Baltimore, oa Monday last. Mrs. Cotton was tbe daughter of the late Judge Asa Biggs. B. F. Long, Eso7; of Hamil ton, informs.' us that the steamer L. Qj Gannon is a total loss. Special Depu ties . Dueean .. and uardisen. ' of Martin county, passed through 'this place on Mon day last with two colored prisoners for the State prison. ' According to,' appoints vrionr RSahnM T.vmon nPAaitharl In lHYV church. atthisDlace. on Sundav last. He administered the i rite - ! confirmation to eight applicants, five white and three col- ored. Richard Smith, colored, was bRa,gh,1 d5w, fom Uaker .IMm,a,,y and lodged in jail, v He was tried before Jostice Hilllard, of Whitakers, oa a charge of threatening to kill Maj. J. M. Msyo of that place,) "iieiis in jail Raleigh Observer:? The 218th meeting of Orange Presbytery1 .convened yesieraay unurcn, urange county, six miles north of Hillsboro. This venera ble Church Court has .some of the 'ablest ministers in uit state among 4ta members. L Sheriff W. J. Sutton, of teUdn mha. 1 tv. brought up Henry Corbett a nettv lac Dave Allison, colored, sentenced to two WILMINGTON, years in the penitentiary for stealing, and . n. Tayior, BberiS ol Surry putln John w, manner tor an attempted rape tor nve years. ? e- Mrs. Mooa and Miss.' Painter continue to draw large crowds. K A lit tle son oi mt. John n;. 7VY imams had- his hand very badly mutilated at Ellington & Roystei's shop on Tuesday: last; '. He was playing with a rip-saw and came very--near parting company with the best part of his hand. ... - - ; , t . Farmer and Mechanic: U.:S. Entomologist, Prof. C. V: Riley, is urging the adoption of silk raising not on a grand scale but by country families as a "side issue" for the gude-wife' and children, and instances the Case of our townsman, .Ed ward Fasnacb, '.'who for several years has been shipping to France the cocooud reared by bia. family. He sends in bales" aver aging about forty pounds, stifled or choked cocoons, for which he has obtained as high as $2750 per pound net, .The freight tq Marseilles, France, is only $3 per cwt." Ike South Illustrated is the name selec ted for the Illustrated Magazine, which is now being prepared bv Mr. Georee H. Cbapin, assisted by D. A. B. Chapin, of. Caathama 71he present edition will be mainly devoted to North Carolina, and will csntain wbod: cuts "of all the principle buildings in Raleigh and other: cities, to gether with the-, information most needed by the Northern heme seekers. Copies of the publication will . be scattered far and wide through the agencies -f tbe.well known Boston Advertising firm. ' iX i' Winston Sentinel: Since the last issue of the Sentinel 400,000 pounds of tobacco have been sold here. Tuesday .the 23d, was the largest break of the season; all of the warehouses were filled, and about 15U.0U pounds sold. J The concert given by Miss Emma Hahr. at the Salem Academy, on Tuesday evening, was fully attended considering the short notice, and I ine audience was delighted with the per formance. Mr. Applegct is here making the plan of the new hotel to be erected by Captain J. E. - Gilmer in this place. : The hotel is to have 120 feet front, five stories high, and Will have four store houses under it. The fruit crop is not as badly damaged as was at first feared. A full crop of apples and at least half d peach crop may be expected, if nothing further occurs to injure them. "' Rev. Dr. J.'F. B. Mayes, Corresponding! Secretary ; ofi ine ; Baptist state Mission "Uoard- ox Tennessee, is on a visit to this , place Nat Boyden, arrested hereon a bench warrant issued from Surry court, and; aJhv ludedto-last week,7 was brought befbf Judge Schenck in Stokes, who required a bond of $750 in each of five indictments, for Boyden's appearance at the next term of Surry court, and in default of which the prisoner was committed to jail in Danbury. At the Federal Court last week, Daniel Kiser, of Stokes county, was sentenced to the penitentiary for one year and a day for blockading tobacco. By au accidental discharge of a pistol : a young gentleman of Winston wa slightly wounded last Sun day.' An insano person; by the name of Duncan committed suicide by - banging himself in ; Guilford . county jail - en -last Saturday night Col. J. I. Scales, of Greensboro, has consented to deliver the Memorial iddress at this place on the 19th of May next. An election has beet called for the 15lh of May for the citizens of Mt Airy township, in Surry county, to deside whether they will subscribe $20,000 to the Mount Airy & Ore Knob Railroad. A gentleman of our place, Maj . Ham. Scales, bought a lot of tobacco machinery recently at High Point, and had it hauled in wagons from there here for $4 a thousand less than the railroad would bring it Several years ago there lived near Kernersville, in this county, a woman named Pol Fitz, who was the mother of a girl named. Martha. The girl lived thereuntil she was eighteen years of age, and dressed and acted as a woman. Directly after the war she moved to Surry county, when she changed her name to Julius Mall and assumed the garb of a man, married, and she is now the . fa ther of two children. : 7. -,r- NBWADVBBTlSBnBN'n. Mtjksok Neckwear, &c V l Haix & Pkaksat,t, Flour. Gko. Myebs Steamer Passport Lottery Com. Dis, Co. for May., Newbtot' & Chasten Copartnership. - Col..W; L.Saunder8, Secretary of State, takes his departure this morning.' He will ' visit Tarboro before goiBg homel j- The Signal Station in '' this city carried its flag at half-mast yesterday as a token of respect to the memory, of General Dix. ' 'f 7t . :X i i 1 7 President Battle, of theUniver- . - . ''. aiiy, yesteruay iook a irip uuwa ine river on the steamer i Passport, In ; company with M. Henry Nutt and others. Governor J arvis is a member of the Order of Knights of Pythias, and du ring his stay in Wilmington many, pf the brethren paid their respects to him. 1 11 'J I It has been suggested that the Custom - House officials either get a new flag, or labd their old one, so that stran gers may know what it is intended to reps resent : '. v ... --. j Jen. J ohnson, . colored, bad a hearing before Justice Hall yesterday, on tbe charge of committing' an assault Case dismissed on the payment of one penny and the costs. . , ' ! We hear that there have been twenty-five rats caught in one .trapJor the past two nights, at rAirJ uireu s .grocery store,' and bis clerks say they were not very good nights for rats either. i, f Misers. P. A.' Newburv "and . I vTTv , " " 3 fS'-s Jj R. ! Chasten have 'formed a copartner' ship under the 'firm name of Newburyr & Chasten, for the transaction of ; the general commission and' grocery business. : The only case before , the, May or's Court yesterday' morning was that of Samuel Reese, colored, charged with; Jond and boisterous cursing and swearing in the store of Mr. GRosentbal,4 and ; whoVas ordered to pay a fine 6t ;$5or be-locked up for ten days, v , ,, 7 i , j A femafe, representing' herself to be from Lynn," Mass., and as itiij as a bid-bug that doesn't bile, was taken to the. guard house Aboutlll otcIocklast .. highly. Who aha isTbr hat shd' i. exceDt a . poor' r ; ..iv.:ijt..ii..7 tu Idnatic has not transpirea nas, tne omcers of the clty,7alt,;cletei;, nini'' pity her;1 an4 will give her the kindest attention nntil she is officially disposed of. ' ' . . - .!'! N. C., SATURDAY. APRIL ,26;, 1879., To-Jaya Indications. .For' the South Atlantic States, falling barometer; southerly winds,' partly cloudy weather,.: occasional rains, and a . slight change ia temperature, are the indications fertoJday7 "-' j.j , i i wt am , . r , Tbym j Annual Meeilna: o stock- f laoldera ot Bellevue Cemetery. jThe stockholder's of Bellevue,. Cemetery held their third annua.1 meeting at the City Hall last night, and there was a pretty full representation:, ;Thf statement of rthe Secretary' showed that there bad been twenty-five interments during the past year, and the report of the Teasurer exbibited tbe fact that the Com" pany.was not only out of: debt,' but had a balance In hand if v na ipyrH Mr Leu . ' An election of .officers: was fthen. held, with-the following result : V j President E.' W Manning. ; Vice President Jno.. A. Everett. ! Secretary and Treasurer John S. Mc- Directors John D Bellamy, Jr.' James Aldermani ,P.. H. Smith,. Jss. H. He Garitf Hy Morton; - Jno. C. i Berne m'anameS'Bagley,;!;?""; '-s' jThis corporation is in a healthy financial condition, and we are assured that the bandsome balance over expenses ia hand is '"nt to be absorbed as profits, but that the stockholders decided with unanimity that the revenues should -be devoted to the further beautifying of this" already pretty Swlndllni Baakera v jWe are advised to.cautton oar friends ih Wilmington and elsewhere against a swin dling coneern known as Lawrence & Co., Bankers, Exchange iPlace,New York. They send out very plausible circulars, inviting persons of small' means to place their sur plus funds of from ten dollars and upwards ia their keeping, and stating that with the aggregate amount thus ' received they are enabled to so manipulate the same as to make very handsome returns. Some few gentlemen inthis city have been led to in vest, one of them informing us that he sent twenty-five dollars to the bogus concern, upon which he received two small divi dends, which were followed by losses that swamped the whole ' amount In other words,: it went into the pockets or coffers of Lawrence & Co., Bankers, who are no doubt getting rich at the expense of their dpes in the South and elsewhere. An edi tor of one of the New : York newspapers, who was consulted on the subject, pro nounces the firm a set of swindlers. i -inE-nv-nw flkf BXOda. ,.7vi;'.;' It transpired yesterday,, even in cbntra djction of previous noticer that a secret ex pedition bad been organized against the German Empire, and would sail this morn ing. It will surprise the friends of ino narchlcal - government (and no doubt eur old schoolmates King William and Count Bismarck), to know that this expedition is in the hands of one J. W. Gerdts, assisted by his compatriot C. F. .YoaKampen, who tv hi avani couriers of the revolutionary 'movement They leave this morning for Germany, and instead of the barbecue we proposed in their honor on the other side ot the world, we have notified Gen. Von Moltke to' receive them with canister and grape grape, of course, in a liquid form. Bev. Dr. Mlden. . . 'It will gratify his friends, in this city to know that Ret. Dr. Hideo, former pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city, is winning Jnew laurels in South Carolina. Thelast we hear : of his intellectual per formances' ;was that at Columbia, S. C, where he lectured oa Temperance, in the Opera House, to a multitude of people. The Register, of that city, says: ? 7 i "It is impossible .to do full justice, in this brief netiee, to the gifted speaker, but the impression made upon all who heard him will be of a lasting and beneficial na ture, and will strengthen the members of our several temperance organizations in their efforts to advance a cause so full ef permanent good to all who come within the sphere of its teachings." ; - 1 lield for Larceny. f A colored man by tbe name of George I'Vr'iUiams appeared before Justice Hall yes terday morning and made affidavit to the effect that one Ella Holmes colored had enterecl.his bouse on the day previous and stolen 4 quantity of bacon, flour, lard, but teiy eggV'&c. : Upon bia application a Bearch warrant was issued and the articles found in 'the possession of the accused, who subsequently had a preliminary hear ing before Justice HalL who required - her to give Jond in the sum of $50, justified for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Courts in default of which she was committed to jail 7 'I .Tbe ornet Concert clnb. ' ': Club 1s . again languishing. : One of the prominent members having withdrawn, th Remainder, it appears, have: become der the organization. -' We hope -some effort will be,f made , lo ' revive and increase the efllciency of the Club. If this most excel lent musical organization is suffered to go down it will, be long ilime before another such one is' gotten i up in our midst. ,We do not see" why Wilmington cannot keep up a flrsUclaas band ' as, .well as other places. with less population. Llli ItlViKR FtfD'MAui!B. ' Schooner s . Oermanial Wilmour, for this port, sailed from Alton a' on the 9th inst - j-The schooner' Seabird, mhch arrived here yesterday,'; Collided With 'the steamer ft dvejti her"wharr -ppposite the, Custom House,, but luckily very Uttfe' damage was done. r'- ' i . :-.' -ji . ' i: s A Notable Bvent Sllverr Weddlns ot icev. or; Bcruhtim and Lady. A large number of ladies and gentlemen assembled at tbeesidence of the "Rev! Dii Bernheiro, last ; evening, to ; . tender j their, congratulations , to r himself ,and-; lady, ; on having attained the twentv'-fifth1 anniver sary of their wedding da. Among1 the nu merous and nanotsome presents was an7 el egant- silver 'tea service, consisting7 of i aai urn, butter dish a spoon holder, a wai ter, j and a, .dozen .r spoons,, , with .the initials ,Gj D. .B. jfc E. C B. neatly en. graved thereon.' iTbe waiter contained the inscription, 'Presented by members of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Wilmington, NC.; to-Rev.G.-D.yBern- heim; D. D-VandMrs EBeVnheinvW the anniversary Hjf , their Silver Wedding.? No truer. testimonial otiihi high, esteem in which the couple are - hekl,, in this com munity could have been bestowed, and the assemblage of so large a number of out citizens, of' all denbminatlohs, to do them honor,' was proof 1 patent - that 5 the ceremo nies were not merely formal,' but the oSt spring of genuine regard. Tiie Pox Bnnt. j The untimely end of "our poet' who committed suicide early yesterday morning becauae the types isaid Vj-eld- where he wrote "gate," prevents our-indulging in any levity over the Fex Hunt of yesterday . It was a success beyond expectation and all participants enjoyed it hugely." The old lovers of the chase In the community determined recently to - Introduce young blood into the organization of hunters which has existed-here for years, and for fear the new recruits would be disap pointed on their first bunt they procured a fox, which was . to ! be turned : Joose where there would be no uncertainty of recapture. Unfortunately, however, instead of leading the dogs a chase the fox promptly "treed it" on being Iiberated,compelling the hunters to catch a fox legitimately or return home un successful, which would, have; probably, quelled the ardor of the young hunters and damaged the future prospects of the Club considerably.. ,,.7 As luck would haye it, after 'beating around a short while a second trail was struck, and for an hour the hunters had all the fun they wanted following the "hounds' over hill and dale until finally fox number two succumbed . to force of numbers and was. treed. ..,-!.! ; The gentleman first in at the death on this occasion. also secured the brush on the list bunt. 1"- 7- "7; ' Tnermonaeter Boeord f; ?' The following will show the state of ; the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin Issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta.......... 79 Augusta.. ;.82 Charleston, . . ... .78 Key West, 78 Mobile... 78 Montgomery . . . . .80 New Orleans,... .56 PuntaRassa,.....79 Savannah,. .78 St Marks,.. .77 Wilmington, . . . . 71 Charlotte........ 78 Oorsicana,.......73 Galveston, Havana.... ...... 80 Iodianola, . . . . . . . Jacksonville,. ....77 i AnotnerDrnnamer In Trouble. ' ' j A drummer was! arrested : by Detective Mayer, yesterday afternoon, and taken be fore the Mayer, at j the City flail, charged with soliciting and taking orders for print ing without securing the necessary license.' After hearing the evidence in the case the Mayor ordered the defendant to pay a fine of $10, and also to take out his license, for which he had to pay $20 more. ' ' '' : ; I Mr. Marsden Bellamy appeared for the prosecutors.' "j ''' . , . . " ' "( j .;i..7 . . tuk siAiLs.. : 1 The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CliOSB " '" ' ":"'. Northern through mails.. .... 7:45 P. M. Northern through land way; .7.-. mails.... ...... 5:30 A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, ; . . ' and routes supplied there- ' " ' v '-" ' I from, including A. & N. C- '7 - ; Railroad, at.. .... .i 5:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points l South, daily. . ..... ........ 7:30 A. M. Western marls(C. C. Ry) daily : (except Sunday)......... d.! ,5. -00 A M; Mail for Cheraw & Darlington RaUroad...... TOAiM. Mails for points between Flo - 7 rence and Charleston ... . .70 A. M. Fayetteville,&nd officeson Cape ... i5 (. "Fear River, Tuesdays 7 and 7' ' 7 j Fridays;..-. . : i i: 1... . . iV. .7." IKK) P' if. Fayette ville, via Lumber ton, ' -i . ' daily, except Bundays.... 5:00 A. M. Ohslow C. H. and interme- , ;diate offices every "Friday". . ' 6 :00 Al M. Smithville mails, by steam-' : - ii - boat, daily (except Sundays) ; 9:00 A, Ji. Mails for Easy Hill, Town, Creek . and' Shallotte, ' every " ; Friday at. ...... ...... 8KX) A. M. Wilmington and Lisbon; Man! . ; -- - . days and Fridays-atrrr.-rrr-HX-A. M 1 OBEKFOH DEUVBRT n S Northern through mails. ..... 9 :00 A. M Northern throush -and wav ' ,.i maUs. . 1 .. . . . . 7:00 A. M. Southern mails. . .VS. . 700 A.'M.' Carolina Central Railroad i . .V 6.-00 A. M. Stamp Oflice open from 8 A.M. to 12M.v and from 2 to 5:30P.M- .Money .order and Register Department open fame, as .stamp office.:' , ! r r . 'i 7- ":" . General delivery open. from:S0A. M.' to 6:30 P. M., ahd on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. VL-i'u im'J iur r,nd ni Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. ' " a-. : ' 'V i - pan- 'non y '"' ""' A i Free-Shade, Middlesex CoVa' Having used Dr;1 Bull's Baby. .Syrup. .in my family with tbe'greatest degree of satis faction,' I unhesitatingly recommend it;as the best remedy that I know of for children' , ': ivc A'i.TioMAaTi ItAwaoa.; irleetlnK Soco i r for.sbo WitnsliiBjtott imtriet, M. cuareni soutb. - ' l Elizabeth. k Shurletarv's.. waccamaw, as uypreea ueeKT.i White ville, at Wayman. Smithville Station. Smithville Cironit, at Zion ......May Wilmington; nrtn street ;.May 17, 18 WUsftingtoB Front .Btweti-.- .v.vjj;.ltajo t? S Topsail.. " U' 28. S9 unsiow. i . . i t .1 .; I i . Z;-iZ'f!? V ... . L. a BURKHBAD, . .. ; . .! presidlBg Elder.'" WHOLE NQ.5 3,652 4 Chew Jacksoh'b Bes'T Sweet NavyTobacco. u 1 ' - THB MO RNTNTj" RT A H mt tlwanWahaA at thn . following places in the city : ThePurceU House. Hams Nevr' HtjiTiil tnlhiili.i.nffli.. aMK BtKDaBT. -rHMOKNIMO HT1K Roolr Rind ery doe alt kinds or Bindhw? and Haling In m -ork mannlce manner, and at rMwnahiA wIpm Mm chants andothera needing Beoeipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execatlon of aelr, orders.. y-i. Jt :: , , . , , I t .... ; if . J fINB ENGLISH OTJNS' The atfentlnn Af anArt.' jnenU invited to the advertisement af Meesra. i. k W. Tolley, maunfactarers of fine breech-loading Sana, Birmingham, England Their gnns are made to .order according to specifications and measure -menta farniahed,. thus ensnring the rieht crook: length of stock Ac" '" " ' i 1 ? 7 FOR 1 UPWARDS OTP THIBTT VBina ! WWslow's Soothiss Stbtjv has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wran ontto, regulates the bowels, cores dyskhtxet and DIARRHCBA. whether M-iainir tmm tjaathini. other xaaaes. An old and well-tried remedy. 23 CSNTS a. BOTTLX.'-"r, . 8tvle. el nee, location, moderate prices, and choice of eit ir the American plan.aa.60 or S3. 00 peraay.or the European plan, $1.00 per day and up wards, meals in the elegant- Restaurant attached to the honjje. all unite in giving the traveller more for toe same moneys at the Grand Central Hotel, New York, than elsewhere. , . , - j ' - " ii """"v"'- TQ .PLA WITH; A7RATTLE8NAKB Is not more dangerous than to disregards Cough. The core ia Bimple, agreeable, obtainable everywhere. . A few doses of "HIlx's Honbt or Hokkhoukd and Tab" removes the irritation that produces the par oxysms. Nothing can be more certain or more harmless, . No Cough or Cold can resist ita healing, soothing, strengthening operation. ' - Pike's Toothache Drops; cure Toothache in one mfnutfe - - . ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lime. JjQQQ "JbVis'xtjmp limb, c '; 90l 0- TOINTA PINISHINU LIM3. ' ,Now landiHg ex-Schr. Mary S Oliver. ; For sale low the attention of Masons to this Lime. ap 26 tf ROBINSON & KING. F Steamer Passport, 3, T. UARPER, ; ::" - i : Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO SMITHVILLE, APRIL J7, weather permitting. , pally Trips as usual. Leave Dock at 9.30 A. M. i apt6tf"- 'l QBO MYERS, Agent; ,-t .- -.. , - ; j Elegant Neckwear . JRCRIVBD yBSTKBrjAY.. . Q ( ix.iJyiiy ?J,;AHD.T8A43K SUITS, ap26 it K.MJ,f:.;:,; ; . MUNSON, I : P?Persliip. j; rfB& UNDBRSIGNED HAvVTHIS DAY ' X formed a Copartnership under' the name and eijie oi , ?J NEWBURY & CGASTEN. for the purpose ef conducting a GENERAL COM MISSION AND -GROCERY BUSINESS. . Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and Coun try Produce generally solicited. " v . .Good Prices anp Prompt Returns guaranteed. S " 1 ," Reepectf uHy, ' j . . F. A. NEWBURY, 1 ' . ' Late of Magnolia, N. C. 1 . J. R. CHASTEN, tap.S6 4t - ' Late of J. M Chasten & Son. 12Q0 Barrels f u Good Flour, .nil For sale at close figures.: 'ap6i;DAWtf HALL St PEARS ALL. i9THi . GRAND DISTRIBUTION ! CoiiOuieailuJlsM Company. iBy authority' of Commonwealth of Kentucky, Drawing and details untfer supervision of promi nent citizens of KentucKy, in the city of Louis ville. on" -. " - . . Saturday, Hay 31, 1879 NO SCALING 1 NO POSTPONEMENT 1 PRIZES PAID IN FCLL ! I V TICKETS OaiLT $2. ( UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THE POPULAR " v;," ' DRAWINGS t ' Read the following'' attractive list of Prizes for the . . ; tifn J-i r'llAY D84.WIKGt : . , ': . 1 Prize; ' .;it30.000' 100 Prizes 100 each flO.000 1 Prize...... 10,000 300 Prises . 60 each 10,000 1 Prize. 5,000 09 Prizes 20 each li.000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 3d Prizes 500 10,000 ' S Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 Prizes : 100 each. ,? ; - : 900 1,960 Prizes. . , : $112,400 1 Whole TicTreU, $a...HaU Ticketf, $1. 21 Tickets, $50.; , . . 55 Tickets, $100. v Remit by Post Office Money Order.' registered let ter,, bank draft, or express.. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders . Fer tickets and information address the COMMON WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., or T. J. COM MERFORD. Secretary, Courier Journal Building, LouisviUeKy. ,, ij ,( . . - ap26-td eatuinAp tfisatalnMy " j At Lowr Prices. MKS8RK.-S. SIDES. i , N. C, HAMS, ' ' . ' S. C. HAMS, : t t .......... . , i : .! -; : : : i.. . ; ; t SUGAR, CUlflflJ. -c i ;FLOUR, ' ; -' I1' ' - 1 SODA ' j. r LYE, POTASH. ' ' 'V ' - i TOBACCO, , " - ! CIGARS, -j-, - , , PAPER. BAGS, j. ' TWINE, Jtc., &, r yjfH fx At Low Prices for Cash. ;;, I - PATTERSON St HICKS, ap25 D&Wtf :hr it N. Water Street, r. hdrAYTNG HADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR PUR- . Suing my supply of ICE this season, I am pre- Tred to do the ICE m u muraucma, j Gun Explosion G- ' reates a Loud report," and. the re sult, when fataL is felt far and wide.' " Oaf Bedaction in Prices has likewise been ratal to the depressed state of affairs and will continue to sell .t--- ',.,., A good Linen Front Shirt, "ready for ttfs.:...T5cts.' Gent's Undenbirta and Drawers, per pair.. ..25 eta. y,fini Collars. , M . ... j. ........ . . . .'. 15 cta : Linen Cuffs;. .... .......... ,..25 cts Neck Ties -(ojm fto4 Seta. Half-Hoso . . ; .J. .vi i J. .lOcts.' Men's and Boys1 Clothing low down. ; . i; -,t I New arrival Hats and Scarfs, -v . ... . ., , Examine large line Cassimeres for Spring BuRa to order:" Just inky last night's Express;' --.- -v.: . i o -i Off ESBOURG'S, l t. ' 'f Y, apSO tf,. i fji- :u 87 Market St. fl 00 ' 1 Ii .2 5t ;. 3 00 -' S 60 A Ot. ' US ' 3 W 10 00 17 00 34 00 . iwo uy !4 J, threedays,..',;"..; ' , four days, ' . ,-. fivo daya,..., ."J. .' ... 1 ,, One weekr. Ji Tc weeks,..,.,. . ' Three weeks,.. ,..f ' Oae month . , Two months, Three month a, j.. ' Six monthn . V ''. One year,. suio 40 00 CB1-Con tract Advertisements taken X nhf Uonately low rate. , .7 --s :7 3. ... Tea ines selid Nonpareil type make one square. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J The Correct Styles JN SPRING HATS 1 HARRISON & ALLEN'S, ' '' ' ' ' " Battels. , api4tf 7l ' New Lot ot Choice' Reading, JUSTJSBCEIYtD. 'L'ASSOMMOIR." A novel by Emile Zo.'a, ia one of the greatest novels ever printed, and has al ready attained a sale in France of over one thou'-' sand Copies - ' OOURNOF." - A Russian Story, by Henry G re villa. Was written In Russia during Madame Gnf ville's residence in St. Petersburg, and is a charm-, ing and graphic story of Russian life. ; . ' "THE OLYFFARbS OF CLYFFK," by James Payne, ia written in a pleasant style, and is far su perior to the ordinary novels of the day. . . "WOMAN'S WRONG." A book for women. r ' For tale at - ! HRINSBBRft ICR'S ap24tf - Live Book and Mnic Store. - ,T . . .. . : " ' A Grand Reception I i j at ; . . ! Clothing Store, j ' TO-DAY. ty Evorybody is invited and is welcome. BE CERTAIN TO CALL. 7 .' i' , I3"fipecial Inducements to buyers who want a little money lo go a long way." ap 24 tf Buggies! Buggies! ! Harness & Saddles, 1 FOR SALE AT 7; GERHARDT & CO.'S, j 8d Street, opposite City Hall. ' - REPAIRING DONS WITH NEATNESS AND ... ,v - . DISPATCH.. . HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY, ap 20 tf . Fresh Supply Of Gents' Fine - - 7 Hand Sewed CONGRESS GAITERS and LOW SHOES. ? Neat, Nobby, t Nice, and Low in Price, at . GEO. R. FRENCH A SON'S, .... 39 N. Front st;, Wilmington. - ap 25 tf umc .ssnajea or stolen, : JiROM MY RESIDENCE, A SMALL WHITE SPANIEL. Has orange colored ears and orange colored spots on side; part of his nose white; an swers to the name of "Joe." A liberal reward wlU. be paid for his return to 5 1 -ap 95 tf . . .. . GEO. R. FRENCH, Jr. Notice to Brickmakers. is-; 200,000 'BRICK; I WANT TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND BRICK made,- two miles east of Laurinburg, N. C, from 1st of June to 20th of August first Kiln of One Hundred Thousand to be made and burnt by 20th of July. I will furnish the power to work up . the Clay, and deliver the Wood on the yard. The Brick to be made by hand, with George Carmel Brothers' Machine, Philadelphia. I will also enter tain a proposition for puttingthe Brick into Walls, by competent Masons. The Brick to be hand-made. I reserve the right to reject any and all Bids.- -j 8. M. THOMAS, " :' Laurinburg, Richmond county, N. ; ap 21 D3t 24,26,59 W2tap25my2 Owners of Carriages, WAGONS, Ac, needing Repairs, will find Lit to their interest to bring them at once Ito P. H.HAYDBN. . HARNESS, SADDLES, Ac, constantly on hand. ; HORSE-SHOEING done at Low Prices. aptatf - - . . .. : 7 :l, General Taylor's DESTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION I AL80 A large stock of Croquet, Base Balls and Bats, juBt received. At prices to suit all. Always a well selected Stock of everything in the Book and Stationery line at ap 20 tf YATES' BOOK hTORE ALTAFFER & PRICE. t i We are not only Manufacturing : . Sash, Doors, Blinds, f u MOULDINGS, &at - ...... t - But are turning out some FINB WORK in SHOW CASES, WARDROBES, CHINA PRESSES I ! AND BOOK CASES. A fine stock -.- of Walnut Lumber on hand. : .! : . . . J Work guaranteed and .--a - PRICES LOW. ': ' ' . Dearborn's Blind Awning Fixtures and Thom son's "Sesible Balancer" on hand. Call and see them. r, - ALTAFFER PRICE. -. Factory foot of Walnut Street Office oa Nutt, near Red Cross. - y, - - ' ap20tf j Hiss S. A. Strockt ; Has' JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK and the Northern cities with a GRAND. COL LECTION of ; SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, which will be opened on the 24TH. 25TH and 26TH. The juadies are respectfully invited to examine.- . . ap33 u ... , , . . :For the Ladies. 1 XMSXW DIUHV VUC U.OJT , . I . -as, . ,i t ; '.: - ' r ft npHERE WILL BE A GRAND OPENING OF i ' FINB FRENCH PATTERN I HATS . and HON- V- -NETS. FRENCH FLOWERS. RIBBONS, Sx.. on . , THHRSDAY, 24th Inst. The Ladies are respect-. fully Invited to call. L , - ap SO lw ' -" B. A. LUM8DBN. . if Liverpool & London & Globe t Insurance . Company; i , 'J ' GTRONGEST IN THE WORLD i i. ?f- S . .; I ASSETS THIRTY MTLLIONDOLLAKS 1 ' j . t C . ($30,000,000.) , . - Annual Dividend to Stockholders for last fenr years, 25 FEB CENT. , . ' tarpays Us "'just lossca, on receipt of proof, : WITHOUT DISCOUNT.,:..; '') I i JNO. W. GORDON &BRO., Agents. , ? apt2tf - , 24 North Water Street. Pine-Apples and:.Banauasi'; TBE FINEST LOT OF ASPINWALL BAN A;i;t MAS received thisseasoa now on hand. ; s 2 AisolpiNE-APPLES and STRAWBERRIES from ' frsaie aV n S. Q. NORTHr6pS apSO tf i- Frait and Conf ectioaery Stores. . J.