. 2 9 -' ? H W1LMINQT0&, N. ' C : SaturdaVMorsiing, April! 26, 1879. THE LATEST JSfEWSi FHOM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD r. OONGUESit-ilPECU L SESSION. ICesolutlon Adopted Plaein's senate Appointments In Hands of, secreta ry -..and ,.Sereeant-atArni Debate Continued In liouie on-Legislative . Appreprlatlonj lllll I'le Emlsra tlon or Negroes from the SontU to Kanaaa Coder. Dlscusslou-i-Passage of tbe Army Appropriation DHL' ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star. 1 ) ?f SENATE.'. '!;..- Washington, April 25. Tbe Senate, sooa after meeting, proceeded 'to tbe con sideration of the resolution relating to ap pointments to office by tbe . Secretary and tJergeant-at-Arms 6f the Senate.. -Tbe amendments declaring tbat no Union soN dier shall bo removed, except for cause, and also tbat oo Confederate soldier shall take the place of any dismissed Union soldier, were defeated by a strict ; ; party Tote 26 tO 34. ' Theresolution giving the Secretary and Sergeant-aUArmB absolute power over re movals and appointments in their respecjtre departments, was then agreed to. ' The Senate passed the Army; Appropria tion bill as it came from the House without amendment. ''i- i ! '- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ; The House went into Committee on the Legislative Appropriation bill. Mr. Richardson, pi L C, spoke in favor of tbe repeal. .The opposition to. the repeal seemed to be an effort on the part of the Re uubucan party to array a solid JMorth against a solid South a salid South in its adherence to the Constitution. only Mr. Van Voorhees, of N. Y. j aruged that the election laws were constitutional and necessary for the maintenance of an honest ballot-box. - 7 I v '' -- . Mr. Hooker, of Mississippi,- said a stranger who bad been present during the ' debate, from Mr. Garfield down to the last speech, would have supposed that, instead of tbe simple proposition to . keep troops from the polls, it was a question as to whether or not the Southern people were liable to be indicted for murder, arson and other crimes. . He had seen for; five years . after the war closed negroes marched to the polls in Mississippi, headed by leaders between drawn swords, and that never had been regarded by tbe Republicans as an in- . vasion of the rights of the people and ; of the freedom of the ballot-box. This out cry of a free ballot for the; negro waa therefore; alltnretense: In the last two elections in Mississippi there was not a single colored man who had not been abv solutely free to cast his vote as be chose. Mr. Hooker then sent to thej Clerk's desk and had read a protest of the inhabitants of Wyandotte, Kansas, against colored im migration, and said that it was only when the negro was at a safe distance that the Republicans were bis friends. They never had any use ' for negroes except to keep them, like sheep, in shamblea, and run them to the ballot-box in the interest of the Republican party, v ,j Mr. Haskell, of Kansas,. denied that the nonnlA tf fltat RtfttA vra TnriQtilA trt lha negroes, but said they did not: consider it wise to have thousands of people cast upon ODe point destitute and homeless, . . t . The . session of - Wednesday was here brought to a close, and that of Friday com menced. The debate was continued by Messrs. Manning, of Miss., Gode, of Ya., Hiscock, of N. Y., Finley, of; Ohio, and . others. '' ;:;v:::',T-'1.;-i - Mr. Goode said he would not speak from a partisan standpoint, 1 or indulge in any threats, but should advocate the repeal of the test oath because it was a stigma on the people of the South and a standing re proackon the American statute book. He had sometimes, while listening to gentle men on the other side,been almost disposed to despair of the Republic, and to think that the prejudices and passions engendered by the war,, would never - cease; but he preferred to believe that those gentlemen misrepresented their constituents, and to submit the issue to the grand inquest of tbe nation, with full faith tbat it would, decide that the war was over, and its questions de cided. 4 '- : - ' j .' Mr. Hiscock, of N. Y. , said the object sought in repealing the election law was a Democratic victory in 1830, j through the removal of tbe safeguards against fraud. . Mr. McCook, of KY.,sent to the Clerk's desk and bad read, the resolutions of the -Ne"w Yock,Legislature,condemningthe ac tion of the Democratic party) in Congress with regard to the Appropriation bills, as amounting practically to revolution. ,'":: . v In reply to a question by Mr. Finley, of Ohio, Mr. McCook admitted that the reso lutions were passed by a party, vote. '.. i ' Mr. Ellis, of Louisiana, then proceeded to argue against the assumption that tbe election laws were necessary for the pro tection of the negroe8t-and . said . the Re publican party was the worst ( enemy the negro had ever bad; that the negro bad been its whole stock in trade, fc? :v The debate was then continued by Mr.; Keif er, of Ohio; and Mr. Springer, of Illi nois, and closed on the Democratic side by Mr. Jlwing, of Ohio, who said the object of the reconstruction measures had been to produce race antagonism; that Congress, in that legislation, knew perfectly well it t was,"OTganizinghell" iin thei South, and that Federal intervention had been , the great and last cause of race disturbance. .... During Mr. E wing's remarks a message was received announcing the . passage of the Army Appropriation bill by the Senate, which was received with applause on the Democratic Bide.- " ' ' -ji v . JEhfl bour to which the debate bad been limited having then expired, the committee rose, and the House, at 5 o'clock, adjourned .until to-morrow;' A & V & Lorlllard'a Blood Up Atraneemente for Races with Eenintky Horiei and Bennett's Imported Stoctt. " ".' 1 ' ' ?y Telegrapa'to the Morning Star. ? New Yobk,' April 25. It is stated tbat Pierre Lorillard, owner ,of; Parole," and Lewis Clark, Jr., President of the Louis ville Jockey Club, have settled tbe prelimi naries of a wager of $50,000, by the terms of which Clark is to select three Kentucky . horses that will beat any three horses bred on the Lonllard farm. Five' races are to be run, one being decided each year, with $10,000 stakes on tbe result of each. The? tirBt contest will take place nbxt year either at Louisvillo or at Monmouth Park, N. J. Problem, the steeple-chase horse, was .sold in Baltimore, yesterday, by Alexander D. Brown to Pierre Lorillard for $1,509. He will be run . at Jerome Park in June against the horses recently imported by James Gordon Bennett. He will then be sent to England. - . v;.j; : V?' .Li, He is Nominated tor the Aacoc stakes -The rropoied Itace with Iaono- : my,&e..-...'.; ,.,....'.?....'.:.!:; . .v.: - By Cable to tha Morning Star. London, April 25,-Lor illard's Parole is nominated : for- the race for the Ascot stakes, on Ascot Heath, June 10th. - Gretton's proposal to run i his four year eld cortrlsonomy, against Parole, Includes three pounds allowance to Parole s as a gelding, not to ' Isonomy' as stated yester- MIDNIGHT1 SPARKS. VQItKIOrt lNTBLLIUKNOBi limperor IVtlllam IleaUh-silVer Wedding ' of Emperor of Aaatrla M Tbe Turf-lioee ot steamer jnempHia j-Fronen Altairs-polltlea and He llglou lllneae of tno frlueaaa of ;: A natrlav tcei '.. ' JBj Cable to theMomkig8tar.l -London, April 25. A Berlin dispatch says the Emperor, William's health is ex cellent. He takes a long walk, and 'drives daily and receives visitors at Wiesbaden. , : The Great Sandovra hurdle race handi cap took place to-day at the fpring meet-' ing of Sandowa Park . Club. There were, eighteen starters, snd the race was woo by . v.. wvvuvuiiu a Si in U uiui u xiuiitvu, . with Mr. Case Walker's "Blue , Ruin'V second, and Mr. Clifford's air Hugh" third. The steamer, Memphis, which;, wept ashore below Corunna, while on the passage from Liverpool to New Orleans, has broken in two, and all further attempts to save the vessel are useless..: . i. , . ? A Pabis, April 25. The Government baa laid befere the Council of State a pastoral issued by the Bishop of Nix, attackiag M. Jules Ferry's education bill. The Govern ment takes the ground tbat the pastoral Is a breach of the law, and is firmly resolved to prevent tbe controversy, on this subject being reproduced in tbe form of pastorals and read in the . pulpit, thus -introducing, political discussion into religious worship. Pesth, April 25. The Official Gazette publishes ran "Imperial decree-- giantism I; silver wedding, to 212 persons' undergoing wuuwa,j , vu .uw vwodiwu -kf tug ulJJUOi a 1 punisnment. . , , Vienna, April 25.-Count Bchouvaloff paid a long visit to Count Andrassy to-day. The grand procession, with which the sil ver wedding and festivities of tbe Emperor and Empress were to culminate to day, has been postponed until Sunday on account of the unfavorable weather. Madbiiv April 25. King Alfonso will start for Seville to-night,in consequence of the report that the Princess Christina is at the point of death. "'HS . London, April 25. The Standard's cor respondent at Berlin says: "In St. Peters burg one house after another is searched at night, and - every one whoso passport is found irregular is arrested. . ; i'Itis said Prince Labanoff, Russian am bassador at Constantinople, has asked per mission to open all letters leaving Constan tinople for Russia." iOKORGlA Prcparatloua lor XtlemorlaJ Aay in Atlanta Vial tora Arrlfftax. ' ; By Telegraph to the Morning Stat. : Atlakta, April 25. Grand pseparations are making for the celebration of Memorial Day here to-morrow. Several visiting militia companies have already arrived, Tand Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee,, or Virginia, " ar rived to-day and wili deliver the Memorial address i-morrow. . -n--'i'-x i The Richmond ;; Bussars of AnguBta Edgefield Hussars and Bnrke countyHus- Ears, naa a tut at uglethorpe Park this af ternoon, in which the Edgefield Hussars were victorious. ; Polndexter Convicted or Manalaagb ; i .- ' ' ter. . ,:: : By Telegraph to the Morninfi Btatl j Richmond, April 25. John E. Poisdex ter, tried for killing C. C. Curtis, baa been convicted of voluntary manslaughter. The jury assessed his punishment at two years in the penitentiary. ; ' WASHINGTON. By Telegraph to the Moraao Star. ; WASHmQTok, April 25. The Senate to day confirmed the followine nominations: Edwin W. Keightley, el Michigan, to be I rnird Auditor or the Treasury; W. El well Golsborough, ot Baltimore, to be - United states (uonsul jat Amoy. EI.BCTB1G SPARKS. 1 Bishop, Ames died in Baltimore yesterday morning in the seventy-fourth year of his age. I .. v-,.,. S J.. T. Bridewell was prqbably fatally shot, last night, at Ticksburg, Mass. He say 8 he was shot bv F. M. Andrews, a , brother of W. H. Andrews, who was killed last month.' : . ? & f The first hanging ia North Alabama, un der the recent law requiring executions to be private, occurred at Tuscumbia yester day, the culprit being Chas, Rask, colored, who killed his j wife in April last. The -Signal Corps Station at Key West reports that the American ship Mary K Riggs, with a cargo of cotton from New Orleans for Bremen, went ashore on Freneh yeef, Florida coast, April 21st- The neces I sary assistaace has gone to her aidvi. dl. . UOnBSTIO HABKUTK. -' By TiSegraph to the Moraine Star J 1 ffinancial&--j, . Nkw aYokk; April 25 Noon.-Stocks strong. Money 34 per cent Sterling exchange long 486," short - 487$. State bonds dull. Governments steady. M Evening Money 33T per cent Ster ling exchange steady. Governments firm 4 new 5's 104f. 8tate bonds dull.' Commercial. I New York, April 25--Noon. Cotton I steady; with sales of 1343 bales; middling uplands 11$ cents; Orleans 11 cents. Fu tures steadier;! with sales at the following prices: May 11.63 cents; June. ll.$& cents; July 12.00 cents; August 12.14 cents; Sep tember 11.85 cents. Flour quiet. Wheat quiet. Corn dull. Fork weak at $9 00. Lard dull at $6 17. Spirits turpentine 31 Cents. . Rosin $1 40. 2 Freights quiet: 1 Evening Cotton steady.;, sales of 624 bales; middling uplands 11$ cents, Orleans lli cents; weekly - net receipts 2,976 bales; gross ',12.701 bales; exports to Great Bri tain 3,303 bales; to the continent 150 bales; Bales for the week 7,069 bales; stock 180,314 bales, iriour medium grades or winter a ehade firmer, otherwise the market is quiet and. unchanged, closing .steady; Southern if airly active and firmer; common to fair 'extra $4 105 40; good to choice $5 50 ;6 50. Wheat winter iic better; spring ;a shade firmer; winter red f 1 061 12; No. 2 dofl 12il 13. Corn about Jc better; .'ungraded 4243ic; No, 3, 4040ic. - Su gar quiet and unchanged; Cuba 66 3-16c; if air to good refining quoted at 6i6f c; prime 6ic; refined fairly active; standard iA 71c; Kranulated 84c; powdered 8ici crushed sic. i uorxee auiet and- steady cargoes .f II. 014 60; Job. lots flL0, ' "I O OR If Alaeaao in foil" (iomori A n n1 Awm Rice in fair request and steady. Kosin quiet Lard prime steam $6 206 27 rork higner ana strong; new mess, ? on spot, $10 25; old quoted at $9 009 25; 'SDOt. SDirits - turpentine steady v at . 31 - cents." ! Whiskey, quiet at f 1 07J bid.- : Freights .firm. . .- '1 7 'n :; ';'-V: Votton net Receipts 16baleV;'fjgr0ss . receipts 1,075 bales. Futures closed barely steady, with sales of 106,000 bales, at tbe following prices : April 11. 7311.74 cents, May 11.7411.75 cents, June. 11.9311.4 cts, July 12. 1112.12 cents, Aueust 12.25 12.26 cts, September41.9311.84 centsf October -11.3311.35 ceats,-November ;10.9710.99 cts, December 10.9210.93 cents. '!'it . - v- -i -j-r-jw saw 5 Baltimoke; April 25. Flour dull: and heavy; Howard street ana western- super. fiJ3.U; extra 44,ou; ismuy f4j J5 5 50; city mills super $3 253 50; extra ,f44 50; Pa tapsco family $6 60. Southern wheat firm; western firm; southern red $1 091 10i; amber $1 131 14; No. 2 western winter red.pn spot and. April de livery $1 11 tt May delivery, $i. Hi, June $1 llfl 11. Southern corn dull; western firm and higher Southern Wbite 4646ic; yellow 42ic. -Oats steady; sduthn em 3587c; Pennsylvania S435c; western white 4S5c; "do lxed 3234c. Rye quiefcat 5760 ceata Hay firmrime choice Pennsylvania and Maryland $12 151 per toUiProvisions "firmer for bulk meats and quiet'-iorrpackecLS CMess pork $10 5010 75. Bulk rnci loose bhpulders Sic; clear rib sides 4fc; packed415ie. Bacon shoulders ; 4ic; clear 'rib Bideac; hams 9i9ic. . Jdrefmed,'in?tiercps, 77i i cents. w Butter - steady ptUae. jtp choice western packedSl57c; roll It 13c. Eggsaull and weak at 12c.UCo3ee .4ull; Rio cargoes 10iGc. .WhiskeyCdiill at $1 07i. ugarateadyi.iSS v CiKCTKNATi;Aprtt.25.3nour 4ul and vnpbanged.! tWtcat scarce ancV"firhij tiut iqulet; red and araberT$100105r'C(irn steady and in fair demand at S738 cents cash. Oats dull at 2g31c. Prk quiet at $10. Lard stronger; current nake$5P5. Bulk meats Strongs shoulders $1 031; clear Tib sides $4 50j 4ihort -clear sides" $4 JT5. JJafcon in good'demahd and a shade higher; shoulders 4c; clear rib sides 50; clear sides 5c. Whiskey active and 'firm at $1 pi. Butter dull; creamery. 20c; fcboice, westeen a-eserve 1415c; do central OhiaI2134 St. Looxa April ;2ndur"8teadynd .unchanged. Wheat, 'options higher and cash steadyr 'NoUS'tred fall lOJe cash; $104il Q4i 1IayV$13i,June;5J96c Julv: No. S do fil 02: No., 2 SDring 'j85c. dorn firmer; -No. 2 naixed:52i32c;" May 33ic; June 83i33ic Oats;No 2, 25i Pork saVtfi. 11 UUUMSJ OWSOUJ Bt JL V. r: firmer at f.10. Lard $5 S5. .Bulk meats unchanged. Bacon' oulet: clear .rib: sides $5; 105 15; dear aides $5 25. -i t. New York comparative Cotton .state. New "York. Aririi 25. The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: Net receipts at all United States corts durinsr week 36.418 32,516 Total receiDts to this date . 4.2S2.011 4.045.140 lExporls for week.U2.,wS5,42a. 59JD03 rotal exnorta to this X date.. ..... ...... . , 3,120, 562 2,930,170 Stock in all Uiflborts. 401,46 445.595 Stock in all Interior - town&.i . ... . , . .-&.. 52.239 ..C3.C6S Stock in Liverpool 06,000 American afloat for 862,000 Great Britain. . T:i i ' 216,000 222,060 corron inajRacK-rN. . By Telegraph to the Morning Star. f April 25 WkkkltRbscktpts, Galves ton, firm but held higher at 11 cts net re ceipts 179 bales i Norfolk, quiet and stea dy at i 111 cents net receipts 741 bales: Baltimore, quiet at Hi cents-net receipts -4- bales; Boston, quiet at 11 cents net re ceipts 276 bales; Philadelphia, firm ai 111 cts net receipts 167 bales; bavaanah. firm arllf ct8-nnet-r receipts 935rbales jew uneans,qute( at ii cents net receipw. 1.547 bales; Mooue, nominal at ii cents net. receipts 115 bales; Memphis, steady at 11 cents net receipts 43S bales; Augusta, quiet and firm at 1H cents net receipts, net receipts 421 bales. FOKKION HARKKTS. y f) .By Cahla. to tha Morning Star.J in moderate inquiry, which is freely sup plied; middling nplaadaMSfd ; middling Orleans 6 716d: sales of 8.000 bales, of which 1.000 bales were for speculation and export; receipts 12,000 bales, of which all were American. Futures l-32d better; middling nnlands.; I. m lc ADrii delivery ll-32d; April and May delivery C ll-32d; Hav and June delivery 6 ll-32d: June and July ' delivery 66 13-32d;! July and August delivery 6 7-16&6 13-82d; August and September delivery 6 15-32d. ( The sales for the week were 50,000 bales, of which 42,000 bales were American; speculation 7,000 bales; export 3,000 bales; actual export 6,000 bales; imports 100,000 bales, of which 77,000 bales are American ; atock 606,000" bales, of which 477,000 bales are American; amount of cotton at sea 331.000 bales, of which 216.000 bales are American. I Lateb Futures uplands, 1 m c; June and July dclivciy 6d; July and August delivery 6 7-i6d: September and October delivery Gli. - ' - " ' '- i Sales ' of . cotton to-day . include. 6,400 bales American. 1 Evening Futures firm: middling up lands, 1 m c. May and June delivery Gfd; June and July delivery Gfd; July and August delivery 6 7-16d; August and Sep- tember delivery 6id; September, ana ucto- per delivery 6 17-32d. spirits turpentine aas 6d.' . . , Liverpool Cotton Trade. By Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool. April 25 This week's circu- ar of tbe Juiverpool Cotton .Brokers' Asso ciation, lor tbe week ending last night, says f 'Cotton was in moderate demand early in tha week, and prices for,jBome descriptions Were in favor of buyers. Un Wednesday land Thursday business increased and the market was firm, though quotations scarce, ly changed. American was in fair daily request. It declined id. early in the week but has since rallied and Thursday's quotations are generally repeated. Sea Island was in fair demand, and advanced 3ld. Futures opened steady, but on Sa turday, Monday and Tuesday, with con siderable pressure to sell, declined 3-16d. On Wednesday they were strong, and;reco fvered full id. On Thursday they advanced pl-16d.; but this advance was not main tained. The final rates shew the same rprices for the April and May and May and pTune deliveries. Other positions have de clined l-32l-16d. since last Thursday." 1 i . ... . .. JVew i Xork NaTal Storea market, . . Apru as. Spirits- Turpentine The comparatively seasy prices of a day or two fail to impart jmuch vitality to trade; merchantable order is held at 31c, but bids are scarcely belter than 30c. Rosins--Strained 1s without im portant . movement, but is steadily held; medium grades have a moderate inquiry jand show no decided change; the " upper qualities' are scarce and . nomiiiaL-r The following are the quotations: Good strained !$I 40; common strained scarce ; and 'nominal; Na 2 IP at$l 42il 65; No fl G H at $1 852 12; good No 1 1 at $2 25 i2 50; low pale K at $2 62i(a3 00; pale M at $3 12i3 37;extra pale N at $3 G2,& 3 75, and window glass W at $4 00(&4 50. hl ;City pitch at $1 75, f.' oVb. Tar is quoted at ft our 7o, the latter ior w iimington. Cbarleaton Naval - Siorea v itlarket, 1 f. April 24. .vuvi .'.. -, The j receipts .were 228. casks spirits turpealine and ' 933 harrels Lof ' rosin: Resins ; were in. !!request,'ii Sales oti 500 bbls, partly on private terms and. partly at 1 10 per ' bbl '" for ' strained, good " strained ana jmo. a u, i and Ji; 1. 20 for extra No 2 F; fl 30 for low ; No 1 Q; f 1 50 for No 1 H; ft 80 for- exlra Nflf l I; f3 25 for low: pale K; f2 75 for pale M; f3 00 for extra pale N; f 75 for window glass.: Spirits turpentine in fair ' demand.:. Sales 300 casks at 25c pec gallon for oil and whiskeys, and 26c per; gallon fbrregulars. . " " : 43. K YA v aa mt m -- :v. ,;i V. , . " "Suggestion ia a privilego , all can make use of and we would suggest to the my riads ol sufferers from Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague. Indigestion, etc., to use Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pilfe, whose L curative ' power over these diseases is gratefully ap preciated by thousands. Price only 25 COMMERCIAL. t VV I'lM" I NTTON' MAUKK'JV The official or opening uuotatiuna Otiow are posted at tho Produce Exchange daily t 1 1 P. "M an4 refer u prices ai that hour. ,STAR XFFICApril 25.0 SPIRITS TURPENTINE The' market was quoted steady at-26t cents per gallen for regular packagei,. Sales eporled of 350ieiskkAv2fl4rdls! JiU iiVhl ROSIN The. market was dull at $1 00 lor Strained and ifl )5 fdrGbod Strained, Sales reported of 15 bbls (N) Extra Pale at $3; 5p, per Jt)bl and a rumored sale of. 1,000 bbls Strained at $1 00 per bbl. , , TAR Market steady iind unchanged. thfe "receiplsor tiie Jay 6einTgdfsp6sed 'of al'821 cents ber libVof 2S0 lbs.i- CRUDE TURPENTINE--The:: market was steady, the, receipts of the day being plicedU $1 jOQ. fpr Hardll, 60 for;Yel, low Dip, .and $3 10 for (new) Virgin. -f CUi lOJM-ihe market was nrm, with sales' reported of 20 balSs at thb following official quotations:" : ' Ordinary .iii?. i.i1 - God Ordinary, . ... . . . 10i . .. . cents lb t Strict liood Ordinary.. lOf Low- Middling;'. 10ft Middling.. .,.,........ 11 , Good Middling. '. . . Quotations conform to the classifications of. the Airrenean Cotton Exchange, PEANUTS Sales reported -of s 800 bdsbelsi at - $1. 00 for Ordinary, . $1 K 10 for Primer$12Q for Extra Prime, and $1 80 I per bushel for .Fancy. Market steady. Cotton i'fi-iv.'T.is ; j 4 bales Spirits turpentine .109 casks. Rosin........... 1,190 bbls. Tar. . 2 " 67 " Cf ude turpentine, . This imnortant orean weiefhs but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living person (about three gallons) passes through it at least once every half hour, to have the bile and other impurities strained or filtered from it. Bile is the natural w H rH purgative of the bowels, and if the Liver becomes id tt is not separated from tne Diooa, out car throueh the veins to all Darts of the system. and in trying to escape through the pores of the skin, causes it to turn vellow or a dirty brown color, tne stomacn becomes aiseasea, ana JLYS- pepsia, indigestion, uonsupanon, xxeaaacne, out, onsness, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick and hour stomacn. and eeneral acnuitv ioi- low. Mbrrbix's Hepatinb, the great vegetable discovery for torpidity, causes the liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bUe each time the W blood passes through it. as long as there is an ex cess of bile: and the effect of even a few doses n yellow complexion or a brown dirty looking. i. will astonish all who trv it thev beine the first symptoms to disappear. The cure of aUhili- OUS UlSCaSCS K11U UTCrcUUllljunil3UUUCWUUU by taking Hzfattnk in accordance with directions. Headache is eenerallv cured in twenty minutes. and no that arises from tha live can exist if a ir trial is eiven. SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE . FOR PILLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price mm The fatality of Consumption or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep to the prave at least one-third of all death' victims, arise from the Opium, or Morphine treatment, which simply stu pefies as the work of death goes on. fiono wiU be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation ofODhim . Morohine or Prussic Acid, can be found in the Globe Flower Cough Syrup, which has cured people who are living to-day with but one remaining lung. . No greater wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. The Globb Flower Couch Syrup will cure it when all other means have failed. Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. - Kead tne testimonials ot tne rion. Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and Ex-Gor. Brown of Ga.. Hon. Geo. Peabody. as well as those of other remarkable cures in our book free to all at the drug stores and be convinced that if Sn wish to be cured you can Dc oy taxing tne lock Flowex Cough Strut. Take no Troches or Lozenees for Sore Throat, when yon can get Globs Flower Syrup at same pnoe. Jf or saw oy au jrugguo Price 25 Cents and $L00 Grave mistakes are made in the treatment of all diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not one case.of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand. is treated without the use of Mercury in some form. Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro., duces are worse than any other kind of blood or skin disease can be. Da'. PKMBRRTON'sSTrLi.rN- M IS cia or Ouekn's Delight is the onlv medicine upon which x wk tit iwnci uvui ouwim, sy philis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer. Jio.ooo will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable ana narm less can te louna in ii. . Price bv all Urueeists Ct.oo. - Globs Flower Cough Syrup and Mbrrbll'S Hepatins for the Liver for sale by all Drug gists in 25 cent ana yi.oo nonies. A. P. UESBELL & CO., Proprietors, j ! PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' " no VP-sodW'iY -m tamaa- iniwioti tEi "v i it a- ... (! t: F U L L ,FRES H , -AND- COMPLETE STOCK ! -OF- GROCERIES, Ctc. IS STORE : tS'-Give us a trial and yoa will be convinced that oar faculties and largo stock. enable nfl to give Greater Inducements" than, any other honae In tne tsity -ADRIAN VOLLERS. . .Wholesale Orocers, . - apSO W ; , is. corner jurontana uoct sts. Read the Testimony N REGARD TO OUR i oJ J 1U1 T "ROS8MORB" d VPARKER" COOKS i'lf every thing you.sell gives as GOOD SATIS- FAUTIOjl as thai; COOKENG STOVR sold to iny "wfll'only . Tt U V J VU( AlBitUVW be i spoken of in ijX ia: I So thev co. WHOLE FAMILIES ARE MADE glAPPr.. Newjot JaBtin.and "Our Dave" is haul- lit ui, iau Onlv at PARKER A TAYLOR'S.' j apaotf . 19 Front Street Hlolasse's.- Holasses. Igfi HhdsTrW Crop CUBA; " " ' 100 df ;WCIP' CUBjv SA aoSUGAR-H6uSK,:!;':'': i fn Sols N. O. MOLASSES, lAl i. For sale by" 'AW mmm rHtn,,M,0rm The Central Protestant Hiff- rnrcaasea wim rromptness oe iiispaica l MARINE; Sun Rises... :.r..;....r.. 5.12 A. M. Sun Sets...... 6.44 P. M. Hiteh Water (Sraithville). i .11.04 Even. lK ( Wilmington), worn. Day's Length.,, ' . -. 13h. , 82m. f ;-r-i-; ARRIVED. 8tmr?;!Wave; : ; Robeson,: iFayetterille, ;- fc - D 'tT...t nr..ll.,i- T7..ll'!ll. 4 DUUI XI. M. J-LUll, II VI VU, 4-' OJCHCIUIO, Worth & Wortbir ; 1 q S ; Steam yacht Passport, :llar per.Smubvilie, George Myers. ... - - , . - ? rnor baique Agatua, iii. Ums uanr. oa- vannab, RE Heide. - vi i. -j-; f-'i . filer barque Von der Heydl, . 462 "tons, Mjchaela, Amsterdam, E Pescuau &tWes tetmann. -. ,f ,;r ' Ichr Mary JbJ? Oliver 148 tons, Uaker, Niw York, Master. . . " - Ichr Sea Birdi 188 tons, Campbell, Rap pahannock Kiver, 1U.UUU bushels corn, to Williams JVlurchtsoD; ve86el lllarrisa j .. v : . CLEARED.) . . (l . ;r Stmr " Wave, tri Robeson, ; 'Fayctteville,. Williams i&Murchison. Stmr A P.Huft, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . " . -r- Steam yacht Passport. Harper.Smithville. : George Myers ' - ----- 8 we brigi Emil. :EbbeasoB. Grennock. nil.!.:., o. tt: - " - . ' - ' sxpoim: FOREIGN Grennock Swe brig Euail28901 bbls tar.' MARINE DIRECTORS I at of Veaeele In. tne Port or Wll mlneton Tt.C. April 26. 1 8T9. - rt a TfnTfPQ ' " " - , ........... .. ... avMioviiWt , v.,. . w MfAr (Nor. ), 457 tons, Inguldseo, - I t . ' ' ' tr iAlepane Cito (Nor.), 355 tons, Krbger, ' C P Mebane . Ararat (Nor.). 407 tons, Axelsen, ' ' It E Ueide Heimdal (Nor.), 382 tonsr Jensen, 1 .... KEHeide Lydia Peschau (Oer.), '403 tuns, Bremers, ! js.feschau & Westermann EcHptic (Rus.), 332 tons, -Johansen, Hi reschau s Westermann Valkyrian (Nor.), 249 tons, Olsen, 1 - . ' KEUeide , BRIGS. Dos Cunados (SpA tons, waitine. ' . Emil (Swed.), 267 tons.Ebbesen, Rifl Heide Fred (Nor.), 267 tons, Thorsen, R E Heide uu van iiorn iur.), avo ions, iiau, v r - ' - Abprun4 &aon i J SCHOONERS!. iJlHiiii Addie Schlaefer 178 tons. i !; Harriss & Howell Florence N. Tower, 175 tons; ;Adams, ! EG Barker & Co Anna S Murch, 114 Jon9, Trewargy, '" i iiidder s ons INotick. If . the Signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U.' S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so. designated' should send ashore for telenam. . T To MAKE BOOK FOR M ORB TO ARRIVB, FOR THB MKXT WKEK WK OFFER 1NUUCB- MKNT8 to those wanting CAR LOAD LOTS OF VJruN, nil, RLSoXi, oc. at, . rT" Would bay a fewthoasand Bushel PEASK at fall figorea. - pU l i"KlKlTOJM LUIIHUIU Si W. Oars. Oars. JUST RKCE1VKD, A FULL STOCK H of AU OAKS, all leuKtha. UALVA1UZBU OAR LOCKS. ' i - ;i BLOCKS, CLEATS, &C. I For sale cheap by . KO. A. PECK, apSiOtf 1 No. S5 South Front St. Cotton Batting-, tOK DISTILLERS, : FOR SALS CHEAP, at THE WILMINGTON apS0 4t COTTON MILLS., - Congress and Bitter later. A' LARGE STOCK OF CONGRESS AND BIT 2. TK& WATiR, for sale cheaft by the Case and Dozen. Also, BRANDIES, WiUSKETS and WINES, for Medicinal purposes, at ray Drag Store. ap 13 it i. N. X. Corner Market and Front Streeta f f THE FEE DEE fATCHHAK:' First Class eldyKewopaper Pabllshed at DA&LINQTON a EL, 8. C. . IT IS A LARGE PAPER S4x40 IKCHE3 ALIVE with news, local. State and eeneral. with srjecial pains ia tho departments, for the family, of ita oat aide, which Is all home work. ; ;V It circolatea in Darlmgton, Samter, Marion and Marlboro, and hence Is a most valuable advertising medium, i Circulation specially large at Florence. S. C c- Address 1 ; !. A. A. F. A. GILBERT, : septl8tf OarliagtonC. H..S. C. 1 - . : AND " ROD AND GUN. ?HR, AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S , JOURNA ! i.i. t i tX'jL o ilj j jlu lij A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TOKX, naa. UULTUKK, JfRUTEOTlON OF -GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLE i PRACTICE. AND ALL , OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. t This is the onlv Joornal In the Cenntrv that fnllv supplies the wants and necessities of the - Gentleman Sportsman, i a : TERMS $1 00 a Year. 'Send for Specimen Copy ' i 5 I Forest &. Stream labllbliiK Co., Ill FULTON ST., (Oii No. 103,)" v. s 8 -..-'.' .-ir.v .- -.s" i: - ;,-.! New York.; Post Office Box 3831. sept 37-tf aner i tant Church In North Carolina, Is published wreensboro, N. u. i Terms, ti 00 per annom, In advance. ? The elMbilitr of its location, the number and ae ilvlty of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand f orit among the more, solid classes; of readers tn various sectionfl; give-the CENrRAL-peculiar Claims upon tne patronage ei tne aaveros.ng puDIlc . -enns very iavorauio. Ajonarut your ousmeaff inte 0stst ana aaaress tne editor - w-.r . - J. L. MICHAUY, I ,i ; Qreeneboro, N. C. The Biblical i Recor der. I t PUBLISHED BY Edwraras, Broushton &. Co. r tourv n r mn.nv TMitmjus.iwt.wts.n RBVl J. P. HUFHAM, Associate Editor, " ' pv. Wt 'iv w ALTJkua u, u.r Agncuit'al Editor; brpn S . or iiom caroiina BaBtisls. !EVERY BAPT S4fi" TAKE IT Y Only 3.lo perYear,A3 . AddreiS. Jan SO-tf BIBLICAL RECORDER. ' f Raleigh, N.a mercnantsiir vvummgionr hrvEALING AT WHOLESALE IN SUGAR, UL' Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Liq.uors.Rice, and other Staple Goods, shoald advertise in the CAROLINA I WATCHMAN, Salisbury; North Carolina. -Rates I S i..- i i ill - - - we: Mf.v II II II II j A,A'nj";! -f 'A1 A- Jb' t; A A--L' AA A A L A A X, k ;-AaTr7ACLC tut ii ii ii A LLLLLL II TO equireinents of the Public and the Season, j .: r;.T: r. ;f AM PREPARED TO OFFER . , A Full Assortment of the LATEST STYLES t j SUITABLE FOR OUR CLIMATE, ; : I promise that you will be gratified In finding the BEST QTJ ATj. TIES ana good WEARING HATERIALS AS LO W annan jr. Inferior Goods offered,, and tbat. my Pricet will compare faTorably wltn samples of Northern Retail Houses. -fp f COMPLETE;ASSORTMENT OF! CJT- SILKS,. Cashmeres Mohairs, Henriettas, Tamise. I . . t ' : . r . . .1-. ? ' GRENADINES in Iron. Matlassee, Bege, i Bantings and JPanoy--Dress Wash Poplins. . ' y WHITE GOODS.ii i Piques, Marseilles," Lawns) Linens and Cambrics. I Breton, Malinel .Torcbori and Spanish 1 i HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. LADIES' . "AND GENT'S UNDER WE AB' Hosiery,' Gloves, Para- sola,'Trimtnings, Corsets, Novelties in . In short, baye not space to enumerate oil give prices. "A call will be a MUTUAL BENEFIT. zlvl . jn tpi3 tr 4 MISCELLANEOUS. JOB SPRINTING; THE MORNING- STAR f. " , .,.., ,f .., . ,,- , . : ; Steam Printing House, i : MOBNIIfO STAB BUILDING, ' 1 : PRINCESS STREET. ' MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING ' j . . ; OFFICE IN THE CITY, ; .FJNE BOOK, NEWSPAPER & MERCANTILE ,i PRINTING AND BINDING i CHEAP FOR CASH: ' ' - ALSO, . - THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES A TICKETS, INSURANCE-PRINTING, i BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS; cards. Dodgers.' STEAMSHIP; STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED LY QUICKER T1MR AND. BETTER 'STYLE THAN BY- : ANYOTHER OFFICE IN ! ; , W2LMJNQT0N. -' FIRST CLASS WORK ANDiLOyt fRlCESI THE MORNING '.STAR"WTHAM PRINTING fl HOUSE, PRINCESS; STREET,- ipi Hi ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED to 2nd work sent to Any part - v, of the united states, , SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH-THE f ; ; SAME PROMPTNESS AS 'zASGER ONES, vi.i-i l'-.- fJNIVtasiTY OFTDESOUTn, - Sewanee, Tennessee. TTIGHBST ' EDUCATION ON CHRISTIAN UL PRINCIPIjSS. Grammar-School. Cadet corps. CHARGES ; MODERATE. ' The Spring Term opens Win. Address CHAIRMAN. t . mhl8dl3tw4t j For Sale, U'WKNTY-BARREIi SECOND- J 'HAND TUUVJENTiNS STILL, With Fixtures Complete. Call on or address LILLY BROTHER. i J ,. ! s -t i- i. ji . V mh5 tf THE f XaANDMARK. . At iWMi . r kiejg$ I .Carolina) -r. . - .J l.O , ' v . -' i ' ' It Is the only Democratic Paper published la Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a lareer Iocs Circulation than any paper ever heretofore published Its circulation In Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe.. Alle ghany, Yadkin,- Davis and ; Iredell, is larger than (hat of say two papers la the SUte combined ; and Surry, Rowan and western uecuenDurg-. I It la the onlv naDer in'Westera North Carolina that employs a Rscraia Cahtabbino akht, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly Increasing circulation is the result, THE BEST ADVEBTISIIfG ISaXDITJin I t w Tmi'Ci'nWTjw wrt-Dnnr a rM rw a ADBRBSS. IiiNDIIlRK,)' I '.Mi TheiiiibiKStar., rtHB OLDEST NEWSPAPER " PUBLISHED TW IX the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and moat prosperous to the State, offers to CommiBeioa and wholesale Merchants and Manuf actarers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by BamDle. an excellent medium of comnonimtlnn with a large and infiaential class of merchants, me chanics.planters and navai a tore men, whoso pat ronage Is worth aoUcitatioB. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terras 1- Address : vv THB STAR. i septtatf-'-S-- & y ." Karioe. 8, C x f LD NEWSPAPERS, 8UTT ABLE 2s . . for Wrapping aad other purposes, Can be had at the STAR OFFICE March V EEEEEE V ;E v E E V V V Jee E ' E E EEEEEE V y v y v v THE BLACK, COLORED AND FAN- . . ' " - - Mexican and Sea Side. 'All-Wool - Goods. , Muslins, Lawns Fancy and ,'..' Laces. Damasks, Spreads, Napkins, Towels. French' Buttons, &c, fcc. 36 Market Street. MISCELLAOTOUS A;w ew Departure P. L. Bridgers & Co. 1 i Following the example of Park A Tilford, Ackler, Merrill 4 Condlct, and ; other large Grocers of New York, have j ' commenced keeping ' ' '' BURNETrs ; 00L6gNES ! ' Which are acknowledged by all to be the finest' in America ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED i r. A LINE OF THAT, , OldNorth Carolina Corn Which created each a sensation among the lovers : ' of PURE OLD CORN. V - " It Is made by a Farmer near Charlotte, and we ara the only parties fax the State who can sell it. Guaranteed to be Fonr Tears old. 1' P. Li. Bridgers & . Co; Tie CAPE FEAE still Tales tie Leal ! OUR ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY 8TEWART RYE IS THB BEST FOUR DOLLAR ' 'S. WHISKEY IN THE WORLD. " - THE DIAMOND STAR CIGAR, three foe 10 cents ! V '. J Is guaranteed Clear Havana Filler. , P. L. Bridgers & Co. DON?T FO R GE T! ,: . Even If we are : THB LARGEST RETAIL CIGAR jAND LIQUOR ; DEALERS IN WILMINGTON, ?. ' t3T"THAT WE ARE ALSO THE CHEAPEST i r t9-GROCERS.iEl t P. X. Bridgera &: Cb. imh2tf j; -,,.:." .:-; - Wagronh UBS, SPOKES, RIMS," CART WHEELS, . Buggy Bodies and Seats, Sulky Wheel. Springs, Axies. Tire Iron of all sixes. Shafts. Trim mings of all- kinds; ahv large assortment or Genuine Barren Patent Buggy wheels II you want good Goods at lew prices go to the Old Estab lished Hardware House ot . . . . t . , : , JNO. DAWSON & CO., ap 20 if - - "i 19, 21. 23 Market streeL i "hi " 1 ,v. '- - i Good Work' V AlW AYS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF;! .;t 1 ' VSMt SCBNERYf NEW STYLESf I ' ' ' - LOW . PRICES! 1 Old Pictures copied and enlarged at - i i ! YATES' PHOTO GALLERY. . j ap 20 tf A. PER, Jr.; Photographer. 2000 5 ) At T Exchange Corner I 300O YaFds namborsr. EdsInffs Z ' Just Received. ! 9rhe Ladies will tad on examination thai J . . ! - - ' ,-.. i - ' ' these 'ARB THB CHEAPEST ever sold In this- market Hi H. 8PRCNT, .1 . , gxebanga Corner. - mh as tf ! TTji.11n.rfl & Co. V V -V kx- harness! Harness I 1 ' . r' - " " $7.S0per set and upwardav ' Bridles, Saddles, Collars, &&, all grades ' . j,,- -and prices to suit the times. f,TS , , ; - ' . Trunks and Satchels in abundance. . . ap 20 tfn?d0"of880U'rH FRONT STREET " 1 Pennsylvania red : fl ' 12il 13; No. 2 cents. ' r. ' . ap 24 tf KBRCHNER A CALDER BROS dest3 9 tf ; . IN;ANY4 QUANTITY j