V fi'iar.' c2 - " T J ! s MISCELLANEOUS. NEW 4ADYERTXSEMENT3. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 i A4VS AVA A&VUflt v 1 The World' a bubble and the Ufa of nia ! Less than a span; j la biscoDcepliiia wretched, from the womb So, to the tomb; Curat iron his. cradle, and .brought up to iniii. ..... j Who then to frail mortality shall trust ' t -. - ? THE i GENUINE . DR. C. noLAITE'S ; Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC VEEOJjIIPUGE v I . I til i v i ' ' - . ' i" DVIIDTnilO nr tiiAnim ' "i v i mr i umg vr wunlYIO. D I It I E- S O A Pi C A U T I O N ! p;;j.vt0REW & iooj, S 1 - . : UieUnioiid. V. - ;-- " a--n Manufacture- all the standard varieties of y i Laiuidryl' Soaps, ; WHICH THEY5 OFFER AT LOWEST? PRICES. Facts that the Public Should Remember. But limns on water, or but writes in duat. J . . - ' , t :i t n rr r o u j . $ hi I tjjc. countenance is paie anaUeaaen--.Yetwbilst wltbBOTrowttfrftwelrvttbppieBrl A "colored, with occasional fhikhps or XANTHINE;' a r - a . " " WtiAV- lifu ia haal Prof. Hertz's '.Great' German ' Hair Restorative. The beat preparation tot ma tiair rtuw juon. Advice that Should Hot beJPorgptten.; Courts are but only superficial schools llf aiviffH men? t " 1 i " j - T . -. ! I me Desjpreparanon rorme-Mair rww xvixjnxt. - Colored, With occasional flushes, or .UKradnally restores gray ltro it natural color. ' HTrriimwrIKAH crf kk produclnt a lnxnriaat growth, eradicates icnifl and tm all diseases of tbe scalp, prevents falllnt; oat, and relieves neuralgia la IIS t , . ... . 5 I "iui. viui To dandle foola. i - , , cncess; ine eyes Decome duiiiythe pu- tnrrom mare turned lew aefOtipUs flilaffejflailTiiienncfrili. znns Inmropnn4 t)f savage men; ; . k v I along the lower eve-lid : the nose is ir4 I P"ggts. - hpjulftr.he. Trv It. Pretiared bv Richmond. Va., and ror sale Dy all And wnereAacuyirom jouiivjce w rrte il Wtltedie PAi iTK ii ixiivr. Of the ears; an nial irrprinn nf I LlheaePlilewlU JPVJSOTj.au.iUUKa io -To surrender imked eye, . s i .u.. .-: ..." i .1 -i . i . . f I Bars coiaen's ldiuiiu's iauuiu ikiiitAi uir were ippiiuui ucuuerauons oi ice I UlTOUgnOUt . Uie aDOOmen; DOWdS IT- BKBF is a Terr agreeable article of diet, and par-j House Caucus OH Saturday. And not a I rmilar MtimMorah'va. d;m. I UcnlarlT uefnl when tonics are reonlred. beiaz tol-i I craven note was heard from any Quarter 1 -.r f -TX 7,", r erated when other forjns of animal food are reject-', u&iJL PbaLi v I not.uhfteqttently tinged with 'blood; ed. in diphtheria, haLabia, typhoid fk- i I -IWW. XTW. v J . . I '...P. . .'I va-pa WHATT-NTItSS Mil AvarrrianreBainsr disease.' I - A fr CAn-rv.t ueuy swoaen ananara; urme fWTO; wri.V. pibed itth W .. Bold by, . ; i Auuuauuu vwuouuuout uuuwuxw suiu i cut autcico. : - ' ciou is coDceroea, waica is lae worst, tuat I t - -.! . 1 i. I the President should be coerced by the ml-. Uccotaierf nby nor tv or consress. or bv tha mioritv l somcumcs ory ana couYvustve uneasy t Brooklyn Eagle, Dem. '- :;.;' 1 ! J and disturbed sleep, With grinding of The last words of Uen.- J. A. i me teem : temper vanaoie. dik gener- Dix, a soldier of the war of 1812 and in I ally irritable, Kanwftf1 Tbav im art nnrlva.IlMl 1)1 IV M KK flULLi I , - ' - v- . - - mail w u ins mi w sa. - a is. u.a . uauu auciioubi auu . siminwj a eurrender a frjeeibaU icto -.henfl fouliarticulaiiy M theoMne:! r,i2t?2n5 tary results, a liberty. Wath.ltot, Jkm. ' . ; appctiteTarial)letsometimesvoxack in the affections of the :rtfvb!utiori Wtf sibie U hhe I witK a'enawihg ksensahon of ne'stom-l hJ:Tv-n r, ' 'J,. . Haves Lrs revmntmntv.Ai) him. L rh, t rthpr- hriv ftAhfltfinr r a. ' . - - - -nn II jrinrfi'-r- - pairis in 4 the stomach: occasionaltMBlll ; !JrS.f SbV Ot J. U. fllbULtiT,! done m every dime I r T?? 9t, I.ata, mo. , v I their efficacy. the lata, war. relative to I political affairs. were in deprecation of the aRltation in Congress to revive the dead issues of thef war, and be spoke feelingly of the bad ef I feet epon tue country that trie lals or rev olution and civil war would create. r-f4 - j PERSONAL. : 1 It Tf -tatt.f,. vare:touna to exists -T' DR.C,i McLANE'S tyERMIFUGE v . wiU certainly effect a ?cure. - IT DOES NOT CONTAIN , MERCURY r tn any form t it is an innocent prepara tion, not taxable of elding ; the slightest injury to the most tender fnant. , ; . t'r ' We will pay Agent a Salary of 1U per monta - , , and expense, or allow large commission, to sett our ( - new and wonderful inventions. R'e mean wkai w toy. . aide Visitor. Terms and Outfit Free, Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. ' ' , ' A rrrj a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents 35 I I Ontllt'free. finuiw & Co., Augusta, Maine,; 7 -3V dii-TU BE ISSUED APRIL 15,1879. Vol. IV of Iniliuus eftommon and Statute Law, . Treating of the Practice of law in: Civil Cases, hy -JORTV R. MINOR. Lf. D.. : ' Professor ot Com. and' but. Law in the University XUIE ----TMircriioTJAirE'S LIVER PILLS Buffa Lithia Waer8 KSSSSV-"!! emriiwL..raBmiAi. agent u7CT. "1Jui,OMiMJun in Chronic Diseases that character, they stand without a rival. A GUE A ND FEVER. UpiS CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE f in PlmtnK off upon the public these sastreiis .ttercatiaxti ki?Tot r' IWOB ! StdaSfftotte flowlnlSerrtS e-Pee "cently dlarged from the office of an. Jurnpletyurgatrvetlieyuneaudea p " ; V tofe Holman Liver Pi 3ompany, appar- Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, especially 4 RtAnsnr Orswel: n.iiaii vhanmiriefioaL Rhenmatism. ParasTsTMalarial Fevers in their Chronic form, Dropaic&l Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, rhiiiniitiniDi Knrotiens. and in the vwjsJ r Prineo Napoleon5 has teeoive munv ilmnnlrntinne rtt wpImiitia ml flana ToWB- The' genuine mMcis Vot- W2&&ffiiZ&t A boy i if" Philadelphia has ob- I mifuge Dears me signatures ot v mc- i bybookeUeia generauyrana by the -andewrtenea; ..-.,it.i r.,r isiiort rf.m.o ..'tnct" I Lane and Fleming Bros, on the I Address (P. o , University p Vs.)fc mcKbnnie, , . , 6 I I Bookseller ana niPiiKieit, a. a p w iiu suuiv bbiwju peeper wuuT pruuufc uis eye I wrapper. Ml u,i eassisiaM) tee I'omiu ui jury. Eliza i 1 Pinkstori is : "reported anionjc the negro emigrants ' to Kausas. Here is a chatted for, that enterprising re purler of , the-' St.-Louis ' Globe-Democrat to Mtt up a racy interview: Let him see Elizaf fxi her tala of blood arul nrarder, and tell it to tbe wind.' From the letter of4 our Wash1- iuKtoo correspondent published yesterday, it aDoears that the most sensible of i Gen eral Grant's friends, Including such men as Ueorge, W. UhUOa, A. a.- Urexel, ; Tliomas A. tcott aqd his ex-Secretary Borie, will do their best to dissuade General 1 Grant from becorniog a casdidate fer the Presi dency in 1880. Norfolk Vtroiman. 1 be high civilization of Massa chusctts did not prevent the recent tarring and feathering of a man in UanJpshire COUUty..- -,- iU.; ;,.;'.;:;-: , ' ' The popular way of eatihgfrult is to take aatrawbeiry and a piece1 of pine apple on tbe top of a glass of punch. Tbe Phfladelpbia J?venin$ JBut - 11L till 4 lS.ll ill-. lii-sSlii-..- lain, .apvaaiig in wjf great uiaunery at Peoria, says; , ,"Our advice is 'drink deep, . but taste not the Peorian spring.' : : The peualty of lying if Biam ia to nave tbe mouth sewed" up." pa scrip tioos for the purpose of sending Eli Per kins to Slam wiU be received at this office.'- Theldejl, papers continaoosly published and 6tul in bealtby existence is the Worcester (Blass.) Spy. It was estab lished in Boston in . 1771; and, after the Revolutionary war, removed to Wprcester. Boston Bulletin: The lightest and airiest walking costumes of the lessen will be worn by tramps. There h one kind of canned goods that goes pn quieter than anv olhr-Guiuijow4ari V- The buds have started bn a Vhu8t't!.The. cro- cusS8 krein bloom, and the croak cusses will arum ainor in t)Jt ivimn v. iic::iV'' ' IJITElTAaMrOSIP. Donald G. Mitchell ia writing a history of (he Republic 6f Yeniccf '( a VI VERotla . jdio a stave oi aucu iuuiureut ucaitu iu 4 it is the "old, bTd story." ' It is found in the an nals' of every medical specialty possessing merit that a brood of adventurers are certain to follow la its wake, clamoring lor public favor, in order to derive pre fit by palming Off their lmitatlens, and thus hoping to reap where others have sown. Gen nine remedies alone attain after long trial and sala- permanent reputation and lodgment afflicted. This the Holman remedies confessedly have where sufferers have tested During the last fire years, since their reputation has seen established, not less than fifty-eight lmita tions have n-,ade their appearance ad been placed on the market, ut ually under a great flourish and blast of trumpets; and each of these within a short time has died, as all others of a similar class are certain to do, namely, with quick consumption fhelr fleeting existence being sometimes a little pro lenged by a liberal waste of money.. And way Because some so-called "Liver Pads" have proved a danseroaa poison; others, in a vain attempt to make up for the lack of the necessary ingredients, were the direction that it be applied with extreme caa- tton, while others were as passive as so mnch saw dust. The Imitators sometimes add to the stolen title of their pad the name of some noted physician who died long before absorption was heard of as a remedy. "They also act In defiance of an Act of Congre&t, declaring, the use of copy-righted matter, etc, as criminal."; More flagrant, brazen-raced examples, li able to the fullest extent of punishment, were ne ver before witnessed than from this class of buz cards in human form. .: - , These are a few of the many practices resorted to "-'ilsfi'i1' -- 'I RAILROAD LINES, - &d. MISCELLANEOUS.- ovricn or GaH'i. SorsHTimiroBKT, 1 . - Wilmington, N. C, Novsa, 1878. 1 ? ssss id " vrs - 7Uiiiiilgtoix & .Weldon EC "V" X -3Sr Or 4 ratt:road; CO. if , '"I . v- I aSSSBWa. . fat i MBm fSSBfM SMSS SB t FULL, hKhvH, T t- - - ' .AND , COMPLETE STOCK ! GROCERIES, Cec .Tin STORKi ' Wo are prepared to All all Orders ' AND ' ' , Purchases with Promptn;ss & Dispatch Change of.Schpdule. - j ON AND AFTEB ' ; SUNDAY, KOVS4lh. 1878; Passenger Trains a the Wilmington A Weldoa Railroad will run as follows: t . . . - - -.,..- i Day Mall and Express Train, 111 Leave Wilmington. Front 8t Depot, at. 6:W A.. Arriveat Weldoa . 1J Leave Weldon., .. - Amve s Wilmington, Front St. Depot, -;6a.P . Nlgtie' nialf and Express Train; Dally 'I 1, : : ' s 1 IV" ' -"t . I. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at. 9:30 r Mi Arrive at Weldon... t .e . - . S0 A. Leave Weldon:.-.'; v....- " ... 5il Arrive at Wilmington, Frbut St Depot, 8.15 A. M. Tralos onTarboro Branch Boad leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 5.00 P, M. Daily, and Tnes-? day. Thursday and Saturday at 5 00 A. M. Return- Ing'leave Tarboro- at 10.00 A. M. DaUv, and Mon-) day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P. M. i The Day Train makes close connection at Wei ion for all points North via Bay Lime, daily except- Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- rail route. i . - Night train makes close connections at, Weldon, for all points north via Richmoad. v. 1 s ... meepmg lara attacnea 10 an n lgut i rjauio . , , i Give us a trial: and you will be convinced that our facilities and large aock enable as to give . Greater Indnesments than any other house In the cly.' 1 apSOtf ' I ADRIAN & VOLLERS, 3 , : : j Wholesale Grocers. ; Sv B. eomec Front sndiDock sU. nov244f . 4eneral.8up'L V7E CLAir.l .f i . : - 4 i t. . - .1. '- ' J 1 t ' ; To manufacture the ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE DURHAM Tobacco. i - To be located in the VERY CEN TRE of the finest Tobacco growing to be kept moist with.aflery liquid, but with section of the Union, peculiarly adap- General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, coa.TJirjjatAA ;-'.-.'qTjjj'A R,'R. 009IPANT WILMINGTON. N.:C..3Xovw23. 1878. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER 8UNDAT, NOV:' S40L, 1878, the following Schedule will be run on this Road:- . . , , , - . ' ' Day -Repress and Mall Train Dally. Leave-' Wllmlnzten..... 86A.M. ted to the manufacture of a firstclass I Leave Florence............ 1:03 p . m. 011110 av WiUiUVU), . . .; .'a - - S m ok ine: Tobacco. iMwomt&j Arrive at wunungion.... ... NIGI1T EXPRESS TRAIN CDailT). ; To operate the LARGEST AND I t nDrenwl".""..."." ....".... tSilM Leave Florence. . ' X Arriveat Wilmington.... .... -... 6:18A., This Train stops only at Flemlngton, Whltevlue, -V. ; A Full ; Supply Corn. Hay. Qats, OA Oft A Bushels PRIME WHITE CORN in ZlUUU j store and daily expected a 3ff Bushels CHOICB SEED and FEE? aUUU OATS.: , - a? A A Bales Choice Eastern, Marjland and 5 OUU other HAY. , . .. . ' ALSO, .. . .. The Very Best Freeh Ground MEAL, PEARL and EXTRA HOMINY C. CORN. PEA MEAL, Ac also,.' ' - - Onr Choice GRADE FLOUR to suit all buyers, at prices below Uie advance. B. P.: Mitchell & Son. my 1U ), : At Low Prices; It a ESS PORK 1Y1 D. S. SIDES, BEST EQUIPPED Sinokincf Tobac co factory IN THE WORLD. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after As a BEWABE OF XMTTATIOXS. " - , The genuine are never sugar coated. rr Each b6xnas a red wax Seal on the lid with ; the impression Dr. McLane's Lives. Fills. Kach wrapper bears the signatures oi c McLanx and Fleming Bros. ( Insist upon having the geatrineDr. C Mc-j Lane's Lives. Pills, prepared by Fleming; Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa.', the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. janll eowPAWly:! ichSa i i v. enUy desirous of aetting into the pad easiness as a proprietor. And believing that the formula was in the poBsesatoh of that agent, repeatelly offered To Purchase THE VERY BEST RAW MATERIAL and use THE MOST SKILLED LABOR in our operations ot any Manufacturers on the Market. . ' , ; To ' be better prepared, f rom our LONG EXPERIENCE and ABUN DANT FACILITIES, to Manufao- Vol. ninff atltfl M -1nti .- Passengers for Augusta, (via Columbia), should take Day Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains far Charles txin ' . JOHN F. DIVINE." novS4-tf ' i Gen'l ban't. CAROM A CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. ' r." ? ..C JIM .1 !i 1L. .tt v.ll i:"""" . . . . ,8. t!. UAM, SUGAR, " " . . COFFEE, - ' . FLOUIt, CANDLES, , , SOAP.. , SODA, LYE, POTASH, TOBACCO, l.-'l. CIGARS, . i; , PAPER. BAGS. . TWINE, C, AC, ' At Low rTieea fcr Cash. ' . : PATTERSON . HICKS, ' ap 30 D&Wtf ; , ;; 2 N. Water Street o Omci Gxkxiux. BTjrrararssDinrT '-' Wilmington, N. C-,Marchl6, 1879, Change pf Schedule. N AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following Schedule wiU be operated on tma naiiway: Steamer Passport, V I "I APT. J. W. HARPER, Functional Diseases PecuUarto Womenmore es- t mone:r tothe office boy to obtain a cW of the tnreTHE VERY BEST SMOKING I PASSENGER. MAIL -AND EXPRESS TRAIN: .tv in si 1 1 i lHiini H.rs ui uid jaDucuaai a . - .. j. - - - . - . . . tieciall Fancticn, : . ,Vi ; Z ' I same. :Upon jheprtvate desk was left a decoy pa- ; thev have accomplished results "jenwklejis; I -ruarked ..toprtantFermula." He secured a i were ever accompuaiicu j uij iciu w . -;v. ....... ...j .. r . - whatsoever, whether in Materia eaic or ,amuuK i dnplicate copy, aapposing it to he the true secret or Mineral Waters. - ' ". '' ;' ,, - some eml- I matin8 P48 whereas it contained, in ia, not one TOBACCO known to commerce. To have , established within the The; ! are confldentfy recommended by some Medical men J a i-RETVENTlVB i OF ; . 1 Leave Wilmington at . . 6:80 A. M. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at. , . , . . .S :C0 P. M. S . . ,, , Charlotte at 8:14 P. M.; , J Leave Charlotte at. i 8:20A;M. No.?. V Arrive at Hamlet at : .'M A. M. . i . yvumingion ai ..iu;uu f. a. j Close connections made at Hamlet with'trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railway. ' . Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8MITHVILLE, APRIL 87, weather permitting. Daily Trips as usual -. Leave dock at u.su a. m. ap98tf- . 'GEO MTBRH, Agent- -VTITIPHOPLK JTEVER FULLY APPRECIATED 3 the benefits of "RECONSf RUCTION 4" until they saw it applied to an uw uit or uioiaing, as Dyed, Cleaned and Repaired at the WILMINGTON nVETNfl rstarmshmknt. Market Street be tween 3d and 3d. Ladies' Dresses Dyed in all the New Shades of Blue, Brown and Plum. Kid Gloves nent Medical men as a run. y ar, 'Lv.V.., I ingredient or tna Boimaarao, w" wan wmavuvaj biiui b tuaou . ui tuu.ii.wu jsmo, IMSTHRBA res AND DAGSatS INCIDENT TO I; uBttw,fc" . I ' r .: - - PREGNANCY. -AZyS'.-'T I worthless. Nevertheless, it has been proclaimed as yarrj. TO TFlrC S1TPR1UOR QUA. SHTtT.RT DIVISION - MAIL.- FREIGHT & PAS- -. , a SENGEK AMD JSXriUiSB. cleaned at 15c a pair. mh27 U ! These Waters, in Cases of Ono Dozen Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs, i , ;,- ! Pamphlet sent to anaddress. J Springs open for Unesta 1st day of J one. the scientiac"i basis: of one ef the Gbajtdkst LITY OF OUR PROD UCTS, a Leave charlotte. created a HO f Arriveat Shelby.. THOS. F. GOODE, Proprietor mh9Stf Buffalo Lithia Springs, Ya. LITE CHEAP. Sterling TAEMrmy. tor Diseases and Ixjueies of the Skin; A Healthful I'tAUTIFIER. '- OF THE COMPLEXION ; A Reliable Means 'of Peeventing and Relieving Rheumatism and Gout, and : AN UNEQUaLed; DlilNFBCTANT, 1 DEODO- rizer and Countea-Ieritant. . .. . Ttenn's SuZnJvur Soar, besides eraai- catiiiff. local diseases of tie skin, banishei de lects, ot the . complexion, ana mparis : n gratifying Clearness ana smoouiness. - Sulvhur Hatha are celebrated for curing fupions i'ano;, other .diseases oft the skia, as -WIT a 1?ritimat5sm and GonL Cl&n.1tl?& sha ia unfit for much intellectual labor.and YStdohur Soctrt iiroduces the same effects hennedical advisers are dubious as: to; the Tat a most trifling expense.:, This admirable Dronriety of her resuming the writing pf I specific also speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds. this and similar enterprises are. aided by firms known, in the language of Marc Antony, as "honor? SAVE HOHEY- Because of these oft-repeated "honorabln prac- nl a a nrntrYtlon to Ul DUbliC ftUd tO Ullfl BUY GROCERIES company, a convention was held at the Holman Li- FROM - ' " I er Pad Company's headquarters, No.,9S Wiuiam GEORGE .MTEBS, sttendedb, DucovxaixsovTmi Aoa," but Kid at a reduced .. , , -Anmx .nA nut. I crrAAt.pr rpnn tat.lon and misuiuig i to- --r--, i . Leave Shelby ....... upon the market within the last few weeks; and &eJiiex demand for BLACK WELL'S ' yeatCh4rlottc- - . I J I i mm'' r - m X Va. 7:00 A. M ..... ; 11:15 A. M 12:45 P. M. ...... 5:00P.M. nla hin Trainn nave Passeneer accommoda- DURH AM than any House in the j Hons, and are the only ones permitted to carry Pas- m . u u v.1 . j. 1 BenE8r5' 7. Q- JOHNSON. Tobacco business has been able 10 ao I nsa-tf General Saperintendent, in half a century, - CLYDE'S , i -.:;: ' ; - - : , ; To have given more general satis- l.CW JLUlJiiUiU if uuiau6wai faction with BLACK WELL'S DUR-1 SteaiTlSrllD Line. , ... - a ; ; ReToMon ii M BarlierBiisiness. , : T WERNER A H. OV PREMPBRT, THE WELL CI known . GERMAN BARBERS AND HA1H DRESSERS, have, owing tothe stringency of mo ney, concluded to REDUCE THE PRICE of Hair cutting to 25c; Shampooing to 25c: and Whiskers Dyeing 80c and upwards. Na T SOUTH and No. 11 NORTH FRONT BTS. I i,inhMir i J A A Bush. Fresh' VIRGINIA ME AL, i- 4UU ' - lOO Bush. WHITE "CORN,' Kftrt BuSh.MIXED CORN,.: . i. OUU . 200 Bbls Good FLOUR, all grades, ,-trf TtnTRii M RAT. Smoked and Unsmoked. . slUU ! - ; Also, Vinegar; Bpanlsh Brown, t i S 1 I TTnnn Tron. Glne. Snico. Gineer. s Popper, Coffee, Sugar, Soap, Ac. For sale low at . . D. L. GORE'S, Nos. 3 and? south water st. apSOtf Wholesale and Retail , 's 'the agenU is thia country, the Canada, and repre- I HAM, and are doing It to-day, than 1 11. 13 & 16 So. Front St BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD, from 15c to 30C Flour, Teas, wines. Liquors, sugars. 10c;, : Crackers and Cakes, new style; Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, New Prunes, . DiMn Hxtrar.ta- Hani. Tonfnes. D. S. Meat, Pig Pork, Fulton Market Beer, Champagnes, Blue Grass, Poney, Club- BentaUvea from Europe, to devise some plan where- by the genuine pad and lto auxiliaries should here after be found in the hands of one reliable repre Uatative, properly accredited, la every town in the United States and'eleewhero. It was decided the any other Brand of Smoking Tobacco upon the market. . The Steamer That there can be no more HON representative should be, generally, one of the best I ggT RELIABLE &nd S ATISFAC mtan itrnpffists m' the nlaco. This planisnowbe- I ! . f House and Sweet Mash Whiskeys, I retail druggists ns the place. This plan 100 QaUMRBCHRSiDY, from Aac- I Lg thoroughly carried oat.- uon'a!f. ' , I Good judgment win suggest the purehaseof none 1 upon J fyWB ARK THIS LAKUJSST Uir An X ouu- fiction for several yesrs.y. i burns, strains and cuts. It removes dandruff ahdfpreventsthe Jlair; fom" Jailing outl and 1- CHEAPEST. v.ar HOUSE -IN THE STATE, and will sell Prompt Pavine Customers CHEAPER THAN THE Edmond About, in the Lin AOuinaum. condemns th "Assommoir and all the other novels of :mi)e Zolu Mul trash, reaping a pecuniary harvest tbrougn the debased taste of the hour; by their aide, he says, Paul de Rock's novels enuwoim to a monument five hundred feet bgb r V W SWW mmmiO .M. Jm U L . . r.- r- , I Jl -M . - mr. ieBny,swruw,, B (3 Cake;) pVc. wd $1.20, the London Zteeum a new play in -ferae I - .k,. tr. t.2 a i . liJ-L and five acUventiUed Eleanr.nd j SSffi' makiI " Up nraan th antbOT OI UM.Vrlla I ; " ir.r rt tory of the EnglUh People, says. thatjWRbJ I HILl?S HAlK 1SD WHISKER all lila rAaAarr.ha : into the annalS Cf the 1 " t., ; imuir n. Kn fnta ' twelfth century, he bad never arnved.at sa i , , . ,. . - - vivid a conception ef the cbaracterel ij. js,uu' Henry U. nd Bis uouri as is emoouij ?u . o-r Ar jl it t w GEORGE MYERS. si SsmVeaedroeS I ptaiidtiiralFiijfidtttre 1 J ,f)tt!! r -J TORY SMOKING" TOBACCO put iho market' than BLACKS 1 WILL -C- ."'-r'-.f1 "'.J at. the HOLMAN LIYKK PAD OCMPANY'S I yfftJJJS DURHAM. IBMEDIES. which have stood the severest test. emember always that it is the genuine article only REGULATOR, PiOKEER 0WORKS BIRMINQHA.K; . ENuP.AND i?2J0Jt NEW' YORK, contact with the person, prevented by it. - I i a Qnrf vrar nip I IllolmaiA LlTer Pad Company. iTiur Medical Frafernitv sftnefiori Its nse. -A i t f II (C- rfi.iiSii-'-iC-V!- Ji'V f.OilliUhr .Sd -"-r'?..hi' HT4 T.TTTTVfnTA MBKR SUITS. These-reiaedletwhich aw the sola exinehts f a . , a r c r rm. a. riMha ea r to be sold at the very bottom prices, CfeBbea EUROPE, than any similar EFFECTUAL KEMEpY-FOR Aw5S . i : .-I ...... i . Jk . . . . . i -r.. i ,.1-1 I 1RTHTNH ITHfLM XUilKlAUtt A UWUiW-I .Inoa KAAIla pc,,-uu. a vaaat wardroses, Biueuoarua, ikii u au., . grfcH OR UVER, and it is-a well known ract t vttt00 I ..TVT. n wfi1l aa: common I that nearly all the diseases that attack Uie human I ; wm ii I body eau be traced direcuy or auwu w i $ ,.aif' r1.. lambetSeta.lStead,CairsandRokersofatt lt rpi,at RT. . CK WELL'S DURHAM I II il auuwu in auiMsi IJIIIv'1.i-- .t-'-.: i - " I t.. 7a" .V.r.i.. A - a.W .Jh S Af TtAtlft IPTfil I , . . -.'.i.,4 A - I fllMIM IDU KLURgJ LnSi VUUU1 BE PIUU va f- i a SAIL " - Saturday May: 10. tarshippers catl rely upon the PROMPT BATLTN0 I 1 v. of Steamers as advertised.'d " j ForFreightEngagementB apply to , . - .. DURHAM enters intoimore general thos.'e. bond. : a D.cmcx, i .o .t, Superintendent. - v' -' Freight Agent. Wilmington, NC. , W. P.'Ctyde A; Co.,' General Agents, 'r) jmyStf 35 Broadway, New York. -i; That by all odds BLACK WELL'S consumption, in THIS COUNTRY this drama. " a r drahatiu noTcn y i;i AdK Oavendisbf 'beeihs her en irarament "at Wallack's with "As Ton Like ItT! n W ti Ai flU :1 T7I i .1 ry: ..V;i3rnn j oru auu uimuioriuau vtn.u.wu a 4 . T K , Inffpjrance, ixooDXEjXiU. ' BANE: OF NBWnANOVI BUILDING. - sorts. Lookinz Glasses. Mirrors; Parlor Suits, "lounges, Shades, Bedding and everything belong ing to a Flrst-CliisaFnrnUure Establishment i Also, another lot of the Celebrated Genuine SteW art Sewing Machine, a real comfort that can modiJUd by the use jrfdrngs. dm , -..w. anj eiveH better satis ! . Prices In England. i - ..... - - - - .j,- ; . . , .,'. $68 00, $78.75 189.85V $l60.o6, 'VMl; $150.00,' belivered in' New York, duty, and, all charges in- . j j , ' . cluslye j ! i - - i Tha above mav be' brdered "Full Cbeke,, Me- I ftium Choke," or Cylinder Bore, at these prices. . i We are now making small bores of Nob. 14,16 and SO gauge, which are scarcely inferior In -ewer, to the larger bores. r . - " . Weight or so-core irom, oius.j - 14 i r- ' 6f t ' v l :.f w r.8 V ; ! f Our Glant Grip" Action has been awarded a Di- -ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. ., ttena lor xuuBtrausa sucew. , . We respectfully refer to the following gentlemen, ho have purchased and are now nsinr our guns : , .... -.t- TTW. I Hon. waiter u. Bieeie,,M..v., JtMica"B""f" ! dames A. Leaa, nsqM iywiwuuju, . v. A nr xt T..4 Va. -Wilmlntftym. rj- i AO pt. D. RMurchlsonj Wflrningtoa, N. C. ' L ;B. F. Little, Little's Mills, N.V " j s. i , - , . 1 ' . ,;'!i;t-;: . I l -I A9rtttO aa I IT H.Hfl W HII CBUtJILJ. U. Vt u : f a lanital $1 AAfl AAft I S Wm. H. Bernard. Esq.. Wilmington, N- C ! auiuvivu v.w-,--,- - - i J..AW.-TOI leea lhsurafice Company, of Knglan. fes ah9tf" i t. . t a M. STEDMAR Charlea Al A Mercantile Ins. Co.. of Sneiaa&r Pinafore" will co from New York lo l., hwW Chicaed. f h jl i Ui U W.iV r. - -1 '"S nn,' ijiauranca ComDaaT.Bf aarflord- Natienal rire insurance vompanyui jxaiuwu. Omtinental lnsnranee joir paoy,-i new iwa, Meu.dnmiiwilL. leave fer Europe in June in search of novelties I g phoBsix Inemrancvaof-yYork frtr ttMi a,iT- ! ;. i 3. 0- ' -fc. ,'rt , 1 4i UprlngSeld Insurance Co.. of Springfield. 1 lor lire Artn: s : -.-?r: S?caiadiaa isasjtoeeCspipaay-, ofji wYork. Mass... fnoTtky 1 ' ,nvRp;nd of Tobacco FR itfilPaldJtM ,s remedies:. - V , , faction than any Brind of Tobacco j NUMBERLESS CASES, FINALLY ACKNOWL tliAW,.At. and itdoes '"y1!?. ' ? - J - : " ? ' vruawrt w'ira Rrvrran titr jueauu an.-, lg Machine, a real comioru .A i "T"' j"" - 3 r.firrf I!'.! XO 10V.U DIONB. HAVE "BEEN SAVED UNDER THE UTT.n AfrTtOW f)9 TITRSH REMEDIES ALONJt; I ' ' I -y 'vVJI-Jm. JLai-HArtart I ! That thfi nast histbrv and future d. -r: xurchisos j :rf-: r--t. i Minn. ' - , - i -lwi .- ;-. r iiAWB, giving extended miormamm jrrr-. I -: , : ,i i 0 - ' I DONALD MoRAB t ; ; ; (i -- , , , l prospects oi DLAn. t u a- lH McKOY.iiw ''-TflOS.'Hi MoKOY, Jb.1 ,, t'K" "n nnat-naid. on re- K I - TTTTS,-TTpTTnVfl"" T I P01 Price exefP the salt, whicis sent by ex- JJAM pro ve"all. this. !nLiij'iti i." .r i ;j . luonBuic octSDAWtf TOLI PloneerJWfcBVJto'a8quare, BirminRham, England. ' f V A. SCHUTTE'S. . 36 and 38 South Front and' . V , JltoWDockl - ISAAC BATES, 5 .JAS. A. LEAS , ' B. F. LITTLE " Fannv Davenport, starts ; for. Saa Francisco this week . Her sister Blanche -goes wun ner. i Jl vMiilti ! Mrs. Emma Abbott has riot missed, performance this season, and has not been "indisposea" an our. uinufs sv remrkablap4 ecord firji pdma dani. The youngest theatrical man rii.ilk irnhiai Tna OirmnanT. of New York. nee CeiNo Amerieivf PhUadelphiA :.: . ..E.iF.'fSa ' :x Oonneeticut kutaallifeina.Co. of Hartford. i $ lfj 0,00ft. 6 o. wi 1.1 1, i g. a BORDEN. Very Respectf ully 'TrUI taTir .:,. nmirta nf Ttwitern North 1 ? , DESCRIPTIVE PRICK Carolina, Special attention paid to . collection pf rTOgQTjLAB PAD-tlOa; Incipient diseases, firat Claims iitany part or the cpttutry. - jan 30 lf., A wuuai TBtagee ChUls and Fsver, etc., t- SPECIAL PAD aa 031 vnronie i f '-rr7T5' T Ttlannlora and Malaria. 1 ; ';::ti-!' "- ; J rr W. T. Blackwell & Co. EncburaigeiHonie Industry; H. VOLLEBS - i R. R. BEIDGERS j I ;.-, y CHASv St STEDMAN, PresideaU . . " . I ISAAC BATES, Vice President' 8, D. WALLaCa. Cashier Iaug20-U PRESGniSlTni FREE Tor the speedy Care of Seminal Weakness, Lost J? Maahood, Premature Debility, Kervoesaesa, I)egpoadeney, Coafnsloa at ideas, Aversloa- e Society, Befecttve -Memory,; and aB Wserders Brought oa by Secret Habits and Exessseaaay j i druggist has the ligredieats. Address, r , '--pR.'JAQUES A CO. j - f 130 West Kll B VOWCnor AT0SH . : feb'lS IvDAW'.Vr.''vr'-' - ' f HAEBLE - -si t'i tol Ai ADaiAJI. n VOT.T.YRJ I i I j . j. , auUaulvH-- . , I iriCruer:FroamilaT;0clt Star " )l rNFANT FAD--$i.5dr Preventive sndCureorCho, 1 ,w J! ) TC7HOLE&ALBa IV JlU'tC-t J5' vThe youngest theatrical man- I -y ncgurage HOME.iNSTTTOnoNa in the world ia Charles Matthews, who Lit . .T'-'i w Sffer manages Haverly's theatre in Chicago. lie haajiot atuined bis msjonty, out nas oee- connected with theatres invduieTeni caps cUies sinctf boyhood.'--: rf ; v,Jt-r i r KOUTIIEUN .ITEiriS. iNorfolk paid liquor a1rforil5 $926. - ' ..y::.U':irjii,: j: ;n Dan Jlice-ttie famous circa mausgeiC isying r dangerously ill at San Antonio, Texas. " fi''-l."Wf rl J' Mary 'Cdsgrof e1, iged. 35, was hired to'lsstkct James K.-Wajrrenr aged 17, in music and French, in New; Orleans.! After six (le8S0nsey eloped ogetbert, Congressain J.Rahdolph'TucK er, of Virginhrwfeaau2ers from cataract so severely that; he can neither read nor write, has gene to Baltimore for treatment to his eyes. S..1M ' In at Wta. aMWUAWJ mmmm. io i m m wrv-nmit V. -i A'TjnT.TW A 1IOSXI2 INSURANCS COMPAPJT . THirnQLI! JSrlLrrtteolWei-at fat . ratos, on all classes of Jiareprefty,, H AH tosses are promptly, adjusted paw. w "HOME Is rapidly growing in public lavor, aaet appeals, with cooildaBce, W UMmrere-ef 'property is Worth CaroUnan n rr a rarsiii tu . ; tAtte inagparto ef the State. JETj , i jtlH, BATTLE, Jr., President. . . . VC.B.ROOT, VieePreenV" " ! c 6 BATON GALES, Jeetetex rf a'j PULASKI OOWPE4i,4upervisor.v -a. i.-a ATKINSON A MANNING, Aaawre, H , ' ?: wmak lT . 'L - wt uaumwui AW4. I. 1 ll 5o tiJji,--- WILMINaXONW.tJ. 1,1 ,c. 1- - hTOlnfantum and Saomer r-" ... t ;e3i'.i KiniSnauustfu - - " rra BRANCHEa. S9. IfJS.T. Coftatirnerchants Will do weUbyiealmig en ns-1 rowuerobBtrucUons and tfjnaisdsdawoiiratoek ' '.4'-'". .nov lir-tr ... I l - JS.MlM.r ' : iri Jl.. -1 Add exanuaiag our etoclt-;:.'. ev Crop Garden Seed, ii Q7Q SKA. VA S w v- I mnrttiwiffftwa i f IW ..Lmm mrt.W KnTAa ai .85. rallV I i AtmilarrferOolda, Slcfevhead- achenmpness of extremities, etc ... mi further Iriformatioa as to diseases reached by FOR SALE, . ..i , a .1." ' ' TTTB'nlvn ArDED HBW AEtir juumv i nHHT-ULASS WUHA at lAn d ill UAva'atuaw M-" . A are I v.v;.t,,, ,ut-,-.tu aom tiv unr. wiinii pfanyorderin - -; -A5rO?PAT0Fffi6 TOUt'J' ' Sasli. Poors; Blinas. r1ciiabd wathar a: com f ..ANYTYLBOFJtOIJLDlNGS, - , jjJJJjnfc no a'irR NEWEliSr. HAND-RAILS, BALLAS-' aale to the Trade. - -dec4 DAWtf ,BKAcAVl,-,,l7BWt Kotice and Low Figures.' - -- - . Tju.r-- rfo A l: Qrni?TlTT ATI- ? Iv" ivETiiv a a b arm - a -m a . j . mm a . . ; 'fINb' bOOK CASES. WARDROBES PRESSES AJNW rxvn t u VJ Attorney and Cooniellor at; Law; ,dits AuxiUaries.'consult our pamphlet. AST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE IN BULK ' VI " 7 ' lll l" a -I fl M-t-ai am 4 a and PAPERS. Wholesale and Retail, by : UlOllTiail lilVer TaU ' teblStf . - ' . uxuztoi AT FACTOBI PRICES, i:-'CT Factoi near w ory'fot'y WaliiflES'eS jhaIbITBnV: OOTJNTY., jC, C , eycroesT, , . ; '... "fl,4;.! Offici-Up stairs, InBrick Buildtog,.cupled by.. t: it- ' f r - Ihinglesi bMMON, GOOD, AND PRJME, .a . - - . , 'Wl'JvAtlw"AY8' ON HAND, FoV satf at Lowest Prices for Ca- sp 18 tf : " ; Cor. Orange A . water Bireew, jU4 CORNER KING AND MARKET ' STREETS, in ')!1W 1 fcwaj ssWsb4 t I ni "'-a uia jrapers. .)'lK() GU3 WJSWO arait.CT ouiiiiuuo ' -7 ,ii ... i ; for Wrapping and other purposed Can be had at the STAR destssu IN. ANY QUANTITY' CSAlfSTQN B. CJosiiOia MAIN CJODA WATER. According to the great chemist. J.T.iVinttnn trt maima. - col'ectioni on sums of $100 and upwards maae jot x rro r BaKmLiebig, there IS no more healthful drink I ttoot suit, rDrawlng Jeedav Mori, than Soda Water, tnax 1","?" I specialty. -r r , r , Iiji.w MiBAPfni flnM which that sham old as- I ..." .J .t-;. : - - . rwhiof 8dTI& i --ffiffivBredBogs.t i SMttoirifp Mrnnfom VA: ? t . ..: .-"itt-titi I v.Kn.. TivoiHier. nulled ta . Pieces. ana caiiea f t i V r;7. tr"- : ' ; m XT p W A IT Vfe ! F 0 K O 11 It 1 ciboTacfd It exhilarates theEtii e systemjto- BITZMORRia & FOSTER, AtihAJAp aptf Kni of the Choicest GLTSH.' IRISH AND GORDON BBTl'BKa, fctBreed. wi& guaranteed pedigrees, r For sale by MANAGERS. mhSl Wilmlnffton, Fruit and Confectionery Stores. aovfDAWtf X. P. WELSH, t . York, Fenn.