THE HORIIIHG STAR. By WM, IT. SERNAIiD. tlHl.ISUED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. KATK8 OT 8UHSC1U3TION IK ASTANOV : Orteycar, (by mall) postage paid,.. sixmonths, ". .......... Three months. ..." 7 4 00 i 25 one montn 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the city, r utoeu ucuwj ucr uir vuy Agcnia are Uot auworuieu whiiiwi i won: was mrecmttnius OIITLIMX SeDator Cockrell iatroduced a resolution authorizing the opening of a correspon dencr'with Franco relative to a commercial tieaiy. Senate considered the Legis lative Appropriation bill; Mr. Beck spoke in explanation, of the provisions of the bill. House considered the .bill con cerning removal of cases from State to U. S. Courts: Mr. Orlh snoke against and Mr. McLane for the bill. Sixty English cotton operatives have sailed for America. The question of .- wages of English niiuejjJias been submitted to arbitration. The strike in ten London iron manti factories has failed; a strike in Belfast re sulted likewise. The Board of Appeals of the National Trotting 'Association have rendered several important decisions., Tue military terrorism in Russia is still progressing, and seveial titled persons are amoDg the arrested . Southern Under writers' Association meet in Atlanta next week, and will endeavor to correct existing demoralization in rates. A water spout bursts over Louisville, Ky. Senator Hampton refutes a slander of the Minnesota Senator, Windom. Sena tor Thurman made an able speech on the jury and election clauses of the pending appropriation bill. The House passed several sections of the coinage bill. Communication by cable between Peru aud Europe is temporarily- interrupted. - The Peru-Chilian war is progressing. Pisaqua was attacked and destroyed by Chilian gun boats. Proposition for relief of parties implicated in the tim ber troubles was favorably considered by the House Committee, on Public Lands. The Southern Presbyterian Assembly, in session at Louisville, elected Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Wilmington, N. C , moderator. New York markets Money 34 per cent.; cotton firm at 12SlZi cents; flour less active and scarcely so firm at $5 00 C 75; wheat, ungraded winter red $1 174 1 18; corn a shade firmer at4444 cents; spirits turpentine lower at 2Sj29 cents; rosin $1 301 32J. Miss Agnes Herndon's success at Richmond, Va., was decided. Cornelius J. Vanderbilt says the Variderbilt estate is beyond doubt worth more than $100,000,000. Our Government is about to open negotiations with England to settle the position of silver in tbe monetary standard of the world. Senator Bruce's committee is about beinniii2 its work of investigation I . I into the rascalities of the Freedman's Bank. We hope every one of the robbers will be ferreted out. Representative Carlisle, of Ken tucky, was to have spoken in New York last night by invitation of the Tammany Democrats. The : State's correspoident says he can "make as shrewd a guess as any Democrat in Congress." The sensation created over Henry Ward Beecher at Memphis,- when 4,000 people rushed to hear him lec ture, is rather disgusting. The peo ple of that city can never complain of or censure any demonstrations over questionable characters else where. People from Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee gathered to hear a bad but gifted man display his powers. People who are consumed by prurient curi osity, or are victims of low tastes, rasher prefer to patronize men of dan gerous reputation, it appears. Beech er is a success, but the South suffers. It is the impression in Washington that the Legislative bill now before Congress will be passed, with its ri ders, next, and then, after it is ve toed, to hold a caucus. The caucus committees are now busy at work ar ranging a plan of action. : The fol lowing paragraph from a Washing ton special to., the Baltimore Sun re veals the fact that the Stalwarts are in high favor at the White House: "A large number of stalwart Republi cans, including Senators Chandler and Lo- 5an and Representatives Frye, Conger, oyce and others, were at the White House to-day. With the exception of the brief time occupied in Cabinet session the Pres ident devoted most of the day to these gen tlemen and the reception of their congrat ulations and praise over the course which he has pursued. The entente cordiale be tween the President and the radical ele ment of bis party is apparently now fully restored, and the stalwarts, who have for more than two years- made a point of de nouncing him without stiat, publicly and privately, now have nothing but honeyed phrases for him." ; - According to the Richmond State's account of the Russell-Kilehin affair, "it was scandalous but very amus ing.", Judge Russell is represented as saying: ' ; ; ;. "' "V--; -'., "Russell referred .to Kitchin as one en tilled to be called a gentleman by courtesy of tbe House, and reaffirmed his former statement that Kitchin was sent to Congress by Democratic fraud in throwing out hun dreds of voles upon the flimsiest pretexts, some of which he - mentioned. .: He said Kitchin knew that he was now holding the seat and drawing the salary another man was entitled to. He had notified him that VOL. XXIV.-NO.45. be would denounce these frauds because they were a shame to the State, and his colleague was mistaken if he supposed he could step him by cutting capers before the country. ; - ' ; : "Kitchin got the floor.and, walking down to the area before .the . Sneaker's desk. launched at once into a furious denuncia tion of scallawags.and Russell, in particular. He said Russell belonged to a class whom the Republicans despise in their hearts- He had maligned, slandered and damned ; hid native State, people, his race, &c, and joined the rag-tag and bobtail of creation. Hb did not associate with the better; class of people in his own State, and was not respected by tnem. - "Kitchin strutted back and forth in front of the Republicans, gesticulating wildly and becoming more excited the longer he spoke, tie was several times interrupted by points of order raised by Democrats. and the Speaker requested him to speak from bis place in the ; House. He went to his desk and got out a book, and suddenly inquired whether Kussell bad not been courUmartialed and dismissed from the Confederate- service f The answer came quickly, and brought down the House. Russell said : 'How long will you give me to answer that f .1 was court-martialed and dismissed from the Confederate service for whipping a conscript officer, and 1 was restored by order of Jeff. Davis'.' -"Kitchin's discomfiture was complete. He hesitated, started to say something, abruptly shut his mouth, laid the book down and began to turn over the leaves hurriedly. In the meantime almost every body was laughing at him, and Russell stood grinning in the opposite aisle. Be fore Kitchin recovered himself he was cut off by a point of order, and his reply was lost to tbe world." There is a rumor of a challenge from Kitchin in Washington, but there ia probably no truth in it. Mar tin says there will be do fight. SoDtti Carolina Eplseopal Conven lion Special Dispatch to News and Courier. liKEENVimE, May 14. lne an nual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of South Carolina assembled in this city to-day, Bishop Howe presiding. Tbe day's proceedings were limited to organizing and tbe appointment or committees. I ho Kev. J. D. Mc- Cullough was reelected Secretary and the liev. JtLllison Capers Assistant. The opening sermon was preached at 11 A. M., by the Rev. John Johnson, of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, from Col. 2, 3. TUB EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. L Reported for the Star. Fatettetille, May 14, 1879. The Con vention was organized this morning at 10 o'clock m ot. John s Church. The attendance was small, there being twentyrseven clergymen besides the bish ops, and only thirteen parishes represented. The opening sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Hale, of Newbern. After service the Kev. Mr. Forbes was elected President, and the Rev. Mr. Lar- ....... 11. - '(J KoSnn .k.l Kf. mour, the 'Secretary, being absent, Mr. Tillinghast was elected Secretary pro tern. The Treasurer's report was read and ap proved. ' After the discussion of one or two un- important matters the Convention ad journed to meet to morro n morning at 10 o clock. Spirits . Turpentine. Durham bought $45,000 worth of stamps in two days. Pitt and Rockingham have sent up one convict each. There are 946 insolvents re ported in Granville by the Sheriff. Amount owing the county $1,063.46. The Mt. Airy Visitor an in dependent paper has completed us se venth volume. The editor says they have succeeded beyond their expectations. Raleigh Visitor: Gov. J arvis and Capt. Charles M. Cooke.memberof the Board of Internal Improvements, left yes terday afternoon to visit tbe Western JN.U. itairoaa . The issue in the municipal elec tion at Chapel Hill was the bog question whether they should be permitted to run at large. The hogs won, and can, walk the streets as well as anybody else. - JSaltimorean: Bishop Atkinson, of North Carolina, is now over 70 years of age. For about a quarter of a century his mental and physical energies have been devoted to the religious promotion of that State. Raleigh Observer: The Superin I tendent of our Insane Asylum has been very prominent and very popular figure at wmniDE new lauroia buiviu. mo moo a mo lata uMivaai inuivi wuivutawu Atlanta.1.;- . Wadesboro Herald: The An son Veterans are to have a target shooting and parade at Grassy Islands next Tuesday, the 20th inst. They will gather to celebrate their anniversary, and also the Mecklen burg Declaration. Charlotte Observer : Fully one hundred Charlotte people were in Columbia Yesterday, and more wanted to be there. - Tbe Davidson College boys will not have an annual ball in Charlotte this year. Tbe party who was cut by William Northey, in the affray Sunday morning, was not a negro, as reported through a mis apprehension, but a white miner who lives On the oui8Kiris 01 me cuy. - Winston Leader: Last week wp. saw a crentleman. who had: been sojourn' irnr iiTYadkin count v for some time, and he informs us that he examined the fruit on twentyfour farms, and upon only two of that number he found the fruit killed, 'lne apple, cherry, peach and plum were in good condition; the pear and apricot were a failure. Ten car loads of manufac tured tobacco were shipped from Winston in one day. Mt. Airy Visitor: The colored people deserve much praise for their efforts in behalf of the railroad. They are doing all they can to get their race fully organ ized so aa to poll a solid "railroad" vote. iWe regret very much that we cannot say - T -c VS J as mucn lor our own race. vr. sa. Alfred, of Tadkinsville, informs us that the prisoners, three in number, confined in the county jail, made a successful effort at escape a few days ago. - They have not beea recaptured. ., - . ' Oxford Torchlight: The propo sition to tax the townships was voted down at Sassafras Fork, Tally Hd and Fishing Creek. Oxford and Walnut Grove have gone for it. This gives us $44,000 from taxation, which, added to the private WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY. MAY 16. 1879. subscription, makes about $55,000, being within $10,000 of enough to build the roai The road is a certainty and will be built. There are 37 inmates at the poor touse 2S white " and 14 colored, five of whom are insane. We were not very fa vorably struck with the condition of affairs. Goldsboro Messenger: The old Odd Fellow Lodge at Farmville. Pitt county, was reorganized on the 28th ult. vve learn that a colored man was killed by another darkey on Dr.Woodard's nlar.e. in Wilson on Mandav last. The murderer escaped. Tuesday night 1,330 boxes or peas were shipped from I iicie oyer iub n. oe yv. .uauroaa. iub i strawberry shipping season has fairly set in, and tbe shipments this week wi 1 not be much short, if any, of 15,000 quarts we learn witu more than ordinary pleasure that the Odd Fellow fraternity in this town aave memorialized their brethren through out the State for a voluntary contribution of twenty-five cents each, towards a "mon umental fund" for the purpose of erecting a suitable memorial tablet or monument over the -grave of the late Col. W.. S. G. Andrews, a former Grand Master of the fraternity, as well as historian of the Order. -. Uoldsboro's town tax on real estate has generally been 50 cents on the hundred dollars valuation. Now it is only 33 cents. If any person will take the trouble to take a stroll about town, he will be sur prised at the evidences of growth and ia dicatiens of a promising future everywhere abounding. - On all sides may be noticed improvements. ,: : Hillsboro Recorder: The condi tion of the wheat crop is variable, and ia not suggestive of big fortunes from the ground. The condition of the lruit crop is capricious in the extreme. Some neighborhoods have a sufficiency, while others are blasted with black disaster. - We dropped in upon our worthy Treasurer at Raleigh on Thursday last. He tells us that the bill to settle the State debt is a success. Over a million dollars in old bonds have already been offered in ex change, and he informed us that on that morning $67,000 in old bonds bad come in. - in connection with the recent meet ing of the Presbytery at Eno Presbyterian church, we stated, on authority of a com munication in the N. C. Presbyterian (which conforms to our idea) that the nearest exact date for its erection goes back to 1736 or 1737. The deed given for the ground bears date from tbo" ninth year of George IL The original building was of logs. The present building was erected in 1793, having undergone frequent thorough repair, being of wood. Bill Gray, a negro, was arrested here on Saturday afternoon on the charge of burglary on the house of Mag iiush. On bis person were round f lot) in gold. He was committed for trial at the next term of the Superior Court. . THEOITY. INItn ADVKBTUBMENIX. Mvnson Light cass. suits. Heinsbeugeb New novel. Caxjtio Notice Crew Alaska. D. L. Gore Flour, molasses, &c. Postponed Mrs, Kahnweiler's concert. Local Don. As many as thirteen corn ves sels, recently cleared from this port, are reported at New Inlet awaiting a faverable wind to go out. We learn that several flower gardens have been raided upon recently and many choice plants stolen. It is to be hoped that some of the thieves may be de tected and made an example of. ma . ja lne disgusting spectacle or a drunken white woman was witnessed on the streets yesterday afternoon. She was arrested by the police and taken to jail, the guard house being in a state of dilapidation in consequence of repairs' being made upon it. The Association of Officers of the old Third North Carolina Regiment of Infantry will .celebrate the ' anniversary of the organization of their regiment, in the accustomed manner, by a dinner at the place of Capt. W. A. Cumming, on Green ville Sound, to-day. Maj. B. J. Burgess, Principal of the Cape Fear Military Academy, after a short visit to Norfolk, has returned to this city. He has been elected President and Treasurer of the Eastern Guano Company, of Eastern Virginia, in which corporation he has for some time been interested, and will surrender his charge of the Academy here to engage in his new business after the June commencement. Distinguished Compliment. We are very greatly gratified to learn I from our midnight telegraph reports that i ine rleY. JOB. IV VV 11SOO. U. U.. OI Our CUV. was yesterday elected, by an almost unan imous vote. Moderator of the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church, South, in its organization at Louis ville. As the telegram states, Rev. Dr. Wilson has been tbe Stated Clerk of that body for the last thirty years. The choice of so distinguished an assembly of intellis gent divines for their presiding officer conveys with it a high compliment indeed, the most gratify iDg feature of which is to know that it is richly merited by the new incumbent. Coneert Postponed. In consequence of a family affliction the testimonial concert tendered to Mrs. D. Kahnweiler, which was advertised to take place this evening, has been postponed. The time at which the entertainment will take place will be announced in Tuesday's paper, and we are requested to state that tickets already purchased will be good at that time. State Guards. ' In accordance with general orders, No. 13, issued at the Adjutant General's Office, the white infantry troops and Company A, First Battalion Artillery, of this District, will parade on the 20th inst., and the Fifth Battalion (colored) on the 30lh inst. Temple of Israel. j Rev. Mr. Mendelsohn having returned last evening, we are requested to state that divine services will be held to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at 10:30 o'clock. , The. publia are invited. ' ToDay' Indlcailona. For the South Atlantic States,' falling barometer, southeast and variable winds. and cloudy and rainy weather, possibly .followed by colder northwest winds, are the indications for to-day. i r: Sent Oat of the Cliy. i-; Two seamen were arrested by the police and taken to the station house, yesterday morning, on suspicion that they were two of the men said to have come up to the city from the schooner Lewis Clark, f rem i.o. alluded tn k.. detained below on account of her having come from an infected port. This after wards proved to be the case, and - it was ascertained, upon proper investigation, that the men came up on tbe little schooner Dolly Varden. Mayor Fishblate thereupon gave directions to Chief of Police Brock to notify the captain of the DoUy "Varden that he must leave this port with his vessel and crew and ..proceed down the river at once, and if caught within the limits of the city during the next thirty days he or they would be given the full penalty of the law in such cases made and provided. A Philadelphia Drummer In Trouble. A party by the name of W. A. Smith, hailing from Philadelphia, who has been here for several days engaged in getting up advertisements for folding circulars and cards,1 to be posted and distributed in ho tels, steamboats, etc., was- arrested Wed nesday night on the charge.of swindling. In other words, be had told the advertisers that he was going to have a certain num ber of the circulars and cards struck off, but it afterwards came to the knowledge of one of the patrons of the gentleman from the City of Brotherly Love that he was having a much less number punted than he had promised. The case was heard before Justice Hall, who got up at midnight to issue the warrant, and re sulted in Smith being required l refund about 45 per cent, of the aount collected by him. mayor's Court. T. Morrisey, colored, wa9 arraigned on the charge of forestalling in the market. Defendant stated that he procured a license to buy and sell, add did not think he was violating tbe law, but afterwards acknow ledged that when he got the license he was told that it only granted him the privilege of selling between tbe hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., whereas he had purchased vegetables for the purpose of reselling them before 9 o'clock yesterday morning. This being the first case under the new or dinance the defendant was let off on the payment of $5, or ten days' confinement in the city prison. The two burglary cases are noticed at length in another place. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta .77 Augusta. 81 Charleston, 73 Key West . .87 Mobile. 84 Montgomery 69 Charlotte 65 Corsicana, 83 Galveston, 87 Havana 83 Indianola, ...... .87 New Orleans,... .80 PuntaRassa 80 Savannah,... . '. . . .79 St. Marks, 80 Wilmington,.... 77 Jacksonville, 83 I Supposed Deserter from the Schooner Lewie Claris. A dispatch was received from Dr. W. G. Curtis, quarantine physician at Sm'rthville, yesterday, to tbe effect that a Spaniard, supposed to be a deserter from the Schr. Lewis Clark, was at that place. An attempt was made to arrest him, when he showed fight, threatening to kill the first man that laid hands on him. He finally escaped to the woods, and is thought to have come in the direction of this city. THE JHA1XS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: close. Northern through mails Northern through and way 7:45 P. M. 5:30 A.M. mails.... Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at. ........... . 5:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points fcioutn, daily. 7:30 A. M. 5:00 A.M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except ounday). .......... Mail for Cheraw & Darlington itauroaa. 7:30 A. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston ...... 7 :30 A. M Fayetteville, end offices on Cape D ear Jtiver, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 PM. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays. 5:00 A. M. Onslow C. H. and intefmcr diate offices every Fridav. . 6:00 A. M. Smithville mails. . bv steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 9:00 A. M Alans ior .Easy Mill, Town ureeK ana Bhallotte. everv Friday at................. 6:00 A. M. ; Wilmington and Lisbon. Mon aays ana j? naays at. . . . . . . u :uu a. m i i. OlfES FOB DEUVEBY. Northern through mails. . . . . . 9:00 A. M JMortnern , through, and wav maus. ....... ........... (wua. iii. w rvsv k i Southern maila.......y...... 7:00 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 6 KX) A. M, Stamp Office open from 8 A. ML to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as ' stamp omce. ; . : . ; ., . . - General delivery onen from 0:30 A. M. to 6:30 P; M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M.; : Stamps for sale at eeneral delivery when stamp omce is closed. . Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. ; Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. " Hw is the baby? is the question often put . to a mother, and' many an answer comes, "thanks to Dr.? Bull's Baby Syrnp, mucn Detter to-day." ; Chew Jacsoh's Best Sweet NavyTTobacco. BURGLARY. Officers Waiting for au Burarlar His Entrance and Capture Preliminary Examination or tne frlooaer and Hie Accomplice Belore the Mayor Thd Result, &e..'; . :; On Wednesday night Glasgow ; Hill, colored, was arrested on the charge of bur glariously entering the store of Mr. David R. Cauady, located on the southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, and yesterday morning Irving Washington,-colored, was arrested on the charge of being accessory before the fact -The parties were lodged in the guard house,; and at the usual hour for the assembling of the City Court yes terday morning, they underwent a prelimi nary examination before Mayor Fishblate. The case of Glasgow Hill was first called, and W. A. Walker, T. A. Olesby, 8. Petteway and "W. H. Goodman were dnly sworn as witnesses, officer Woebse, who was also a witness, not being present. Mr. Walker was put on the stand and testified that he was in the charge of Mr. Canady's store, and that it was his custom to sleep in the up-stairs of the building every night. . He had been missing articles fiom the store for sometime, entrance to it having been effected four times to his knowledge. He had every reason to be lieve that the thief got in the first time by the use of a key (false or otherwise) to the door. To prevett a repetition of this wav of getting in witness said he had an iron bar placed across the door, secured by sta ples. The other entrances were made through a window, which was also secured by an iron bar, but the key to the bolt had been removed some time during the day, when, it is supposed, the store was full of customers. T5n Wednesday afternoon Mr. Walker noticed that the key was missing from the bolt which secured the bar to the window, and the idea occurred to him that now was the time to catch the burglar. He accordingly got a friend (a Mr. Smith) to go down the street late Wednesday evening and see if he could get a policeman. Mr.- Smith met up with Oapt. Goodman, who, after bearing Mr. S.'s statement, imme diately conferred with Chief Brock, by whose direction Officers H. Woebse and S. Patteway were taken from separate beats and placed in the store to watch for the thief, Messrs. Walker and Oglesby being with them. Just as the clock was striking the hour of midnight a noise was heard at the window, the bolt was with drawn, the shutter opened, and a person cautiously entered and advanced quickly in tbe direction of the place where the men were concealed. At the proper mo ment Mr. Walker suddenly struck a match and flashed the light upon the intruder, and at the same moment Officers Woebse and Petteway seized their prisoner. As the first named officer grabbed Hill with both hands the latter seized .his club and endea vored to wrest it from his grasp, but Officer Weebse managed to retain possession of it and gave the prisoner a blow over the head which drew the first blood. He was then taken to the guard house. At the same moment that Hill was taken another party was seen at the window, but he fled. Hill afterwards confessed to wit ness and others that his accomplice at the window was Irving Washington. Witness stated that among the articles stolen were four watches. When searched there was found on the prisoner a key that was attached to the guard of the first watch stolen, and also a watch that Hill confessed he had stolen. He further con fessed, of his own free will and accord, that he had broke into Mr. Canady's store on two separate occasions. He first de clared that no one was with him, but af terwards confessed that ho had an accom plice in the person of Irving Washington. The watch found on the prisoner's person was exhibited in Court and identified by witness as one of those stolen from a drawer in Mr. Canady's store. The other witnesses were examined, but nothing new was elicited. Hill, in reply to questions from the May or, said he was seventeen years old, and resided on Orange, between Sixth and Se venth streets. Defendant was ordered to be turned over to the Sheriff, without the benefit of bail, to be held for trial at the next term of the Criminal Court, and the witnesses were duly recognized for their appearance, in cluding officer Woebse, who had now come into Court. ; Irving Washington was ordered to give bond in the sum of $109 for his appearance at Court, in default of which he was com mitted to jail along with his companion He is also quite young. He was arrested by Capt. Goodman and Sergeant Davis in a lot on Market, between Eighth and Ninth streets. Subsequent to the above proceedings HiL was visited at the county jail by Mr. Walker and officer Woebse, when, in answer to inquiries propounded, ' he stated that he bad given or loaned one of the watches to a colored drayman by the name of McFar land. The latter was afterwards visited by Mr. W. and -the - officer,- - and - a chain which belonged to one of the stolen watches was seen and recognized by Mr. W. protruding from McFarland'a pocket., He delivered up the watch, stating that he had purchased it from Hill on condition that everything turned out all right, he not to pay for it Until., he . was satisfied on this score. .This chain, Mr,: Walker says, was stolen the first time the store was entered, while the watch attached to it was stolen the third time it was broken into, i 'Among - thp' articles stolen : altogether were four watches, .'eight dollars in money, One razor, one pocket, knife, one bottle of pickles, one bpjr- of snuff and cigars and WHOLE NO. 3,669 candy almost without limit, besides other articles,' no doubt,' which have not been missed. . . . " i The court ' .room ; was pretty well filled with spectators during the progress of the investigation. Commencement Exercises.. Our acknowledgments are ' tendered ' ip Hon., Kemp P. Battle for an invitation: to be present at the Commencement exercises of the University of North Carolina, which will take place on the 4th and 5tH of June. Also to the Committee for an invitation to attend the Commencement of Whiteville High School on Friday, May 30lh, at which the address will be delivered by Col. D. K. McRae, of this city. ..... city rrisjtis., ELECTBIC BELTS A snrn mm fnr nnrvnna debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc The only reliable cure. Circulars mailed free. Add . K. REEVES, 43 Chatham St., N.Y. FOB UPWARDS OP THIHTY TEABS Wnc Wrt BLOW'S SOOTHINO 8tehi han bwn nui) fnr children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves winb coua, regulates the bowels, cures bybenteet andPiARKHfttA, whether arising from teethinor other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 C3STS A BOTTLE. . FINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention Of snnrtu men Is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. & w. Tolley, manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England . Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook. Oily Substances always assravatk Skin Dis- XA8B8. Ointments are therefore rather hurtful than beneficial. Glenn's Sulpjiub Soap, which opens, Instead ef clogging the pores with grease, has, as might have been expeeted, widely superseded ole aginous compounds as a remedy for scorbutic af fections. . Hill a Instantaneous Haiti n-rir nnvinM, nn metallic lustre. DIED. ...... BUKNHILD. In this Citv. on Thtirsrtav. Mav is at 2 O'clock. A M.. ROSALIB. TmnncrPHt rhilrl of kHenry and Julia Barnhild, aged thirteen months tuiu two aays. The funeral Barvices will take place this (Toes- day) morning, at 11 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. M. Oreenwald, on Fourth, between Dock and Orange streets. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY Cautioned ae-ainst tmRtincr nr hurhnr. ing any of the crew of the British Brig "ALASKA," as no bills of their contraction, will be paid by the Master or ironsignees. - L. A. HALCROW, Master. ' A. Sprout Se Son, Consignees. my 16 2t Look At rpHOSB ELEGANT LIGHT CASS. SUITS, JUST OPENED. my 16 It At MUNSOJS'3, Flour. Flour. BblB Fre8h Milled FLOUR, Bbls MOLASSES, all grades, Glue. Bones. Hood Iron, and other Distillera' (inn- plies on hand and for sale by D. L. GORE, my ia it nob. i ana s south water st : IHIELIEIISnKi. A TALE OF LOVE, PASSION AND REMORSE. BY EMILB ZOLA. Author of "L'Assommoir," etc. Translated from the French by MARY MEAL" SHERWOOD. In uniform style with "The," "Kathleen," etc. Price 55c In Paper, or $1 in Cloth. For sale at HEINSBESOER'S my 16 tf -Xive Book and Music Store. Look' Over the List ! pDINBURQ OATMEAL, in 14 lb. Tins, Apollinaris Water, by the Hamper or at Retail, HunyadiJanos Bitter Water, Ecltzer Water N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders, Ferris' Hams, Strips, Smoked Beef Tongues, Dried Beef, chipped to order smooth and clean, . The Best Tea in the city at 50c. Large size strictly No. 1 Sugar-Cured Hams, at 10 cents per pound, Patapsco, Ten-Strike, Snow-Flako, Piedmont and other brands of Flour in Barrels and Half Barrels. New Crop Cuba and Porto Rico and New Orleans Molasses, x . Coffee Roasted Daily and Ground to Order I have a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, se lected for the Best Retail Trade in the City. Come and Buy. Jas. C.Stevenson my 1 ts .Spirit Casks, Glue. &c. - -i A A A New and Second-Hand? lUUU SPIRIT CASKS, 100 1000 B(Us HOOjP IRON' 500 Kegs NAILS, 2Q0 Pkg" RIVETS, C Bbls SPANISH BROWN, For sale bv ' my 11 tf KERCHNEK A C ALDER BROS. Corn, Hay and Flour. 1 A AAA Bush White and Mixed CORN, ' s s. O A A Bales Prime HAY, ovu 1 AAA Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 1VVV For sale bv . my 11 tf dt. CALDER BROS Salt, Bacon and Lard. 1500 Sacks LIVERP00L salt 00 Boxes D. S. SIDES, 20 ' d0 Smoked SIDES; ; O K Taos and Tierces LARD, . - 0 For sale y KERCHNEK 4 CALDER BROS my 11 tf ' SIMMONS1 LIVER REGULATOR, TARRANT'S APERIENT,. ; ' POROUS PLASTERS, COO LIVER OLU, ' i . -J; ; BURNETT'S COCOAINE, fcrthe Hair. . FLAVORING EXTRACTS, ' HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL f - , ' , ' BRUSHES in great varletr; 1 For sale as low as the lowest at my9 , GREEN St PLANNER'S. - BATES OP, ,A OVERTIMING. One Square one day, l M 1 K " -. , ' thro days,. ,4 , " ... " four days,. M " five days,. S'60 3 00 3 50 4 00 ti ft) 6 60 10 t n of 34 M r one weeK,.... l j. Two weeks,..., - .. Three weeks,. . . " - " One month...... " Two months,.... .. .. ' t ThiA mnntha " ; ; mxmcntbg, ... 40 01' " One year. ;;.. m U EST" Contract Advertisement taker, tt prow tionately low rates. Tea lines salid Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Postponement. In CONSEQUENCE F A DEATH IN THE family, the Testimonial Qonccrt tendered to Mrs. D. Kahnweiler, advertised to take place Jhls (Fri day) evening, May 16th, la postponed. The defl nitetime that the Concert wUl take placs will bo announced in Tuesday morning's issue "of this. Paper. . my 16 It The Hygeia - Hotel, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. Situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any Hotel In the United States as a Spring, Summer or Autumn Resort. Send for cir cular. , HARRISON PHOEBUS, mY 3 lm Propr etor. It's a Mistaken Idea F THOSK WHO suwn tSmmi wm rrnoin uiku uwu ana euaouery wnen they can get them Just as cheap at home, and thereby save freight, &c. A full supply always on hand at , ... . w YATES' BOOK tTOUE. - All books not in stock will be promptly ordered, without additional cost. my 11 tf Family Excursion. TTNDER THE AUSPICES OF PROF. AGOSTINI, On. Steamer PA8 SPORT. SATURDAY, MAY 17lh. to SMITHVILLE and the FORTS. Italian Strine Band. Tickets 50 cents; Children and Servants Sj cents. myl4 8t 1 Groceries at low Prices for CasH. JRY SALT and SMOKED SIDES, " All grades SUGAR, COFFEE and FLOUR, LEMON CAKES, GINGER CAKES, LYE, POTASH, SOAP. SODA, - I CANDY, CANDLES, - TOBACCO at Reduced Prices, ' - SNUFF at Reduced Frlrcs, COTTON YARNS, SHEETINGS, NAILS, &c. . PATTERSON As HICKS, my 14 D&Wtf 2 N. Water Street. Cook's Plow, Improved, BUGGY WHEELS WAGON WHEELS, CART x.WhSfl8' ,Br?y Wheels. Rime, Spokes! Hubs, FiBhingTackle, Rope, Lines, Japan PolesHooks! Bobs, Pullers, Dippers. Hoes, Rases, &e., cheap for Cash at the New Ektablished Hardware Store of ' ROBERT HENNING, . , SucceeortoHenningTeel, m No. 9 Market street. Nkab the Whahf. ; , my 11 D&Wtf MaUard& HARNESS 1 HARNESS I $7.50 per set and upwards. Bridles. Saddlna. nnllara nil n. j.. . wwm., UU, . U.A EIOUVD. and nrices ta anlt Hmu Trunks and Satchels in abundance . Repairing done promptly. my 11 tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET Grain Cradles. WE KEEP A FULL- STOCK OF GRANT'S SOITTHHBTJ nm.TTTWB! ow A TM nurTno Also nave a full assortment of FEED CUTTERS. If von wnnf.H'PA'NniQn nn4na nA Turm. TIONS, send your orders to the Old Established uiuiiHMouuuseui UAU. uawsoH & CO.. my 11 tf - . 19, 21. 23 Market street. New CIIDnilTIIAC Arrived l.wrt.IU I I W1C best designs: lowest prices ! SEE AND BELIEVE 1 r BEHREBDS & ntUNBOK, . N.E. cor. Market and 2d Sts., Wilmington, N.C. ' my 11 tf Warerooms 2d, bet. Market Princess. We Offer A LARGE LOT OF CORN, BOLTED MEAL, OATS, PEAS, PEARL'HOMINY, HAY. Ac, Cheap for Cash. ' - ' . BRICK, Hard and Soft, we always keer on hand, and are expecting a lot of PRESSED BRICK, for Paving, Ac. my 13 tf PRESTON CUMMING & CO. Wilminff ton -o XXS SEEN THROUGH THR . STEREOSCOPE. A fine collection of views of tho City and vicinity, gotten Mr. ORR'S usual fine Btyle. At ; . YATES BOOK STORE AND PHOTO ROOMS. my 11 tf ' Owners of Carriages, , , VVAOOJ Wlittothel M i n'to p. H WAGONS, &c, needing Repairs, will and their interest to bring them at once ?. fl. HAYDEN. HARNESS. SADDLES, &c, constantly on hand. HORSE-SHOEING done at Low Prices, mylltf PURE AND FRESH DRUGS ' . AND CHEMICALS, MINERAL WATERS, by the Case or Dozen, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS and WINES, f " " : For Uedicinal Purposes, at J. K. McILHENN Y '8, Drugstore, ap 27 tf N. E. Corner Market and Front Streets Miss 8. A. Strbck HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK and the Northern cities with a GRAND COL LECTION of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, ' which will be opened on the 24TH. 25TH and 26TB. The ijadies are respectfully invited to examine. ap 83 tf - . Excellent Stvles ! S' THAW AND LINEN. HATS 1 ; j , . HARRISON ALLEN, ' , - :. :". Hatters. my 15 tf WiU Try rpHE LOW PRICE SYSTEM v . FOR ONLY BIX DAYS, , MONDAY to SATURDAY. : ' -"--;. 5 v. t - - (i i- Twenty Dozen of those nobby Sack and Cntaway Business Suits just received. ij-:V ' Straw Bats, Fur Hats and Ventilators. ; Shirts ready for use, 70c. : : Spring Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Ac. Second story exclusively for Merchant Tailoring Department. s Leave erdere. !t a;-. ; OTTERBOURG'S MEN'S .WEAK DEPOT, V mylltf . - .27 Market St. . Fishing Tackle . i ', Just received, a .supply of bamboo and Calcutta Fishing. Rodsv Silk and- Linen Licet, Corks, Hooks and Bobs For sale cneap by Jl" u GEO. A. PECK, No. 95 Sooth Front St Jmy4tf rpHE FROST KING HAS ARRIVED. This su-, ' A. perb Matthews Soda Water Apparatus has been repeatedly declared by the Judges to be superior to f any ether known .form of Apparatus, ana received ' the medal at the Vienna Kxpotition over all Euro pean competitors. -The Frost King la mado of the ' richest Verde Antique Marble, embellished with silver-plated crestings and mountings. It ' unites ' every improvement known to the art,' and is strictly t flrat cla in every particular. Call and drink your pure Soda Water with Rock Candy Syrups from tho Frost King, at my 11 tf S. G, NORTHROP'S. IT 17 y