THE, IIOEITIITG GT AH. iltUsHfcV DAILY CBXCKPT MONHA YC i 1 "i.U -.! sr. Mtil of snaacairriosi i auvakvk ; , tear, wjwh iiu,. .... . . .. S a 1,1 1 . ! U t lit'. ....... t7 w i months. ' - . ......... 4 00 mree moBtha. j V. : 1 v . , , , . . ri imemonth - " , 7, .... 1 w sMK-iT VOL. XXI V. MO. 68. i n.'dvance.' ; . . t - I , , t , 'nit r- ivj j: iii vi'pj; I nl -i i I , ,U a,vj Civ -iilT " 7w, rU -s -.f, i ii - irk 4.i. II ii. rr 4' S j rr .1' i wiLMiNOTON,iN.;;C-.if,THOlJSpAy 'JUNEjK-lg-, ;,..,a-.l ...gOLE-NO; f-. Odb Sqaare one dsy,; -" four daye,.... .vU Vtii "5 five dayB,;,;.- ii.. ,.. . , 0n8 week ; " Two weeks, ': . ,l. - " Oae month, . ... " Two months. , " ; six montne. Ono yeax .... Z5 a oi) . 8 6i 4 s6t j ,.;j;8 fiii . in wi -.,.-17 oo 40 00 tii c CBT"ContrCt AdTCrtteemeBtn takwi -itt prrj- Nonpareil, type make one nqaar. -re-Dmy'a ItKieattona. i new " Advertisements. . wtk Forest CoIUk Commeneemeni 1 badly crushed.' 'The wagon was lieavuy .' fc .v i- i t t... i I fK t; onj iho TnnnHr.ia thnt J " A man bv the name or Archie liamsey that on Tuesday there wax a lar-UfinoUnBUnUy killed, .i.,.: died raddenlyat his boarding house, on stationary pressure and temfferaiure, partly. TilestOH XTpperjR00111.1 crowu present ai v ase jd orest oi- j morning about 5 o'clock; alter ue laoors i yesterday mornnR. ;il appears wai ne west to soutneast ,winas. --n : ; oime preceamg .W!W v i -..-.....-t-a with. diDhlher a. on Batnrdav 4 -.' 11 ' . . " 1 1 lastj bat never seemed to feel any serious NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. The 'consideration of Mr. ' McDonald's bill resumed in Senate; Senator Bill spoke, .. p-. ., . ,. . r Mtodrr niffhtnen'sittdeU' I of tbe preceding ajghli were, oyei; .ana our adoption of i the metric system. Th I f Wt 1Y If W?. P!8ut Btcf j Monday's paper; was being distributed. Mandarin" won the' Royal Hunt cup: at the I competed for the prize in declama-J whilebtf'buray''hbmehwe1Vaaw atnost Hon." Mr. MciiuGy, or uayetteviue, was kucceesful. liev. Drs. Broadua and Huffam and Dr. Ben-Fowera Wearlns Jlpparet Exempt 50.000 Pounds TIRaT 't'KESKNTATION IH . THIS 91TI;OF 1 A a n-Yw. - ..,. m. -v"'--' dD5'Bak';pppulat Ctomedyrlteama,',., J TTTtltXY WANTBD.for which'5 - ' LlT Ascot Races. J Oil work near rhila- delpbia struck by lightning and consumed. - At Uonshoekin the mill of John Wood was struck and burned; loss 125,000;, in surance $50,000. terrific - wind beautirul mirage brer JNeuse Tiyer.f We j are not sure that it could properly be called a mirage.: . The opposite, shore loomed up laavpni pwer py The following correspondence it .would Tj effects from it until Tuesday." Yesterday ?!; , .-.'l i-i.- . :if 'Vi- v" euevw , seem, should set at iest. any doubt as to .u morning, between 4 and 5. o clock aa Mr. whelW bearing- appareP is 'exempt from 3 ; lfRIDAY" BVKIONG,' JUNK .' 13THr -1839,. hj the THALIAN AMATKUR8.- Admission ?5 ceats.j (Ji j . . were the judges. Professor W. G. SimmonB,' chair- ' ' srv . - t Btormpasaea over aouque. uwa. uoing I. - f f'nttxr ,n ,h:a r vrmT.rZ . i- .t,!. ihrt that he conJd carrel v luetic vi j - W CI O Bv UieUUvlij. i fioVAv ,UO( VUV " I (UCVKU Ul . . - t . A . AnwA .Via. n. nln. apparently auuuv eisunevwB.Mo n the river aeeminz at me. ume not to exucau one hundred yards in width, while in reality it is more than a mile. -The trees and un dergrowth on the opposite aide of the river L; J Thornton was on 2ns way down to his shop, on the corner of Fourth and Campbell t streets, i: he encountered Mr; Ramsay, r- whom:! he t found BO' Berionsly taxation under5; the-Machinery' Act'' all passed by the last Legislatare-J '.j' hi "!;' .WiwtnraxoHi Une 6, '79 .t i Hon. 2. S. Kenanl Attorney General, Bat rr PKICK will be Mid. AddIt to . .. A. W. WATSON. Water st.w - WUmington,N.a, For Sale or Exchange. Also. Cash paid for HIDES, RAGS, MRTAL.c. Send i"or prices. .iii.! s: t- li 8tD StW it -Alii' treat damage and causing loss of one - : . C"ww . I tOri. Cave a ' lUeury UUUUrBI'lUl' I aimoaiaoie lO UiailOKUlSU auw orjiiviovc .rtltllate Willi SUIUC.eufc UlSllUVlueBS IU US I ,u ,.JUUWU:-oi-T.triii juu minooaenj i iuu u; me chj j uunurimeiicu as a cnuuiB ' Proctor KnOtt. for the House JUdlCift- I ' 6 - . & V.. i a I i..i.'i-i s 'i -u rfti.'. I. "w'ua"' . , i I t;.V.lA h.lhar v nrt arinr tn. I -iI'r.. '.k. I 8tatemWV.Ot1tU.e.OOaiVMm:ana. proa- ""f .l u- understood.. Deceased waiaea -witn ftir. r, Tf; V; f and broken to harness. 8plr4ted.bat ry Jw.u pecta of. the InaUluUon.AThe number lMmben icooeman: j ma-1 , , n- shop, where he purchased three Sced inTwct ioo J offered for sale Committee report on the PresidenUal ve- I -tn4lftnt(, -hiehl has been ateadilv lignant type of dysentery is very prevalen . ..:n ' tll,n w.bnm h( a5r Xi, m nf H. 7.-?elM'0Sa ntiHurvlhterferenca'nni: i r-: " ht-thiBlown.If tonotVconflned to the I puu . . I r. ,injn -; ehange only beeaue he is rather lfe&t for IB the Senate Mr. HdVof .feaphed anrtngHhe 'eeasou just closed than at mtwiwhJ the People store on Fourth, between Bar-' ce88 of Wn 1 Jy 'H , ,(l r a ,., . , , - r ,! n to Mr. Blatotfa"wwnt..fclUciu.,vw-r, The I - iimA; a'iftitlMi-iav.?txThe moral I aa Mntaillv ffood.:hutthe cotton DrosnecU L . J , t't'' . Vi VCTJvLJ; - , leisst , nae , stahoffice. a a w viimv w ! t .r aaw t . . . - mai an rt KiBtipn hi reeLB. tv ucii aid . Bbiruucu ? ' i w ah.. ' . t . . r -. r 1 ; r . i . POB SALS, OB WILL 3K. SZCHAKQBD. FOB a First-Class Enegy , Eorse the FINEST MU8- norse. jgentle, sound pt ex barness. Hortgagcie's Sale. : Assessor YffimiDgloo Township. T ' s i have deddedv with fhe' Approval of the J Legislativt ana js.xecuuve pm was s egaia i tone of .tbe, college is umcieuuy ex- nm t Mackberrv vwine.- He' had' a before.the Senate, various; amend, hibited :in:ihefactHhat only two S v . Medicine.' which mpntft hv the A DDroDrlalioDB coBimittee. I rasGH of disciDline oocurrea aunqff i uijjfell Tn- t . w toho? Af !MlTmhlll I . .' v 'i.: s' " J i a - - i 'r-t. , fc . I aavli T i J ,VWN a ,f i. M4u w and ordered printed ana piacea on me cat- ine aeasion. ,4- u S couoy, oe4Terea,an fwu ivii. -i .i,p ; , -,t' dnur -store, and then exempt from taxation endar. The biU for the removal of consist of twel cases Irom Btate Courts was referred to them young men of brill antalents. ti?S?w ;vikK wui. in tWk ttrtnoA with I The reDort of the treasurer snows !T.mftB(, ta .242. a F.-of P.-M.. Wimu.u.U" , , v- , . , x nA .n. I . ... T " i T.u) I in hrtllRA nfi WaJKeu.inrvvSl 0 line Uaca, I rl,. :r 7 . . I knd.eveWthiniy itx1lth(!iwlt.h arA iirf.t. tnat, moagn .wew, u1eeuuw now aiesuvaim ppskw 7.7 1. amhned dead, almost im- b the. Treasurer,. or atleast no opinion vwaa I biiTtlmwiTiTri in the field, there has been a small &w Tuesday, ,the thinst, forbenefitl atoop where hadropped-aeaav almost ;TB nfv . -Xi lo lL ;. rl f-d ood work as )b doney an7 Presrin the - '.i.. of the Oxford Ornban Asvlum. , r Us.w-a i Deceased was ahouf liT6"' in recreq?e.Jur.y v MJM .5 1I eonntry ; ronnd rentfplot 60x530 feet), 8000 per increase in uus perwuOU. r--- - ' J. " w ai aw I year, and taxes. Lease expires May 1, 1880 A re ment fund. ; ; I -r VliariOlie su VOW a I memorial Atfdresa: yf --yiiEq h-u-. t: ti newal can he had, if desired, on very favorable Y VIRTUa5pF,-THa. PRO VISIONS CON- talned In a Deed of Mortgage, made tha Slat day of January. 1873, between' s Wilijam jQCThnrber and . wife Mary Thurber and the Bank of New Hanover. which is recorded in the Register's Office of Kew Hsnover Connty, in Book FFW; the undersigned, as Attorney for ti . gee, will expose for sale, at public auction, for , cash, at the Court House ia the city of Wilmington, ; on SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1879. at 13 o'clock, the . 1 western half of LOT No. 4. In Block No. 191, in the said rity of Wilmington, according to the official plan thereof. . ... H.' DARBY.- - - je ii sot - v . s , ;t,l5,,; j t ; Attorney for Mortgagee. page 683 et see.. ue aaia orrira- CottonPress at Auction To the Summer Besorts HUT ''COTTON TRUSS, KNOWN AS - THE 1 .". mmmr .-.-. - w w esxern a ortn uaroiina, the understanding that it shall not be hroueht up again this session. '-- The House discussed the Army Appropriation bill, which! was finally passed. -7 The Prince of Orange died in Paris yesterday. A bronze ! bust of the South .Carolina poet and novelist, William Gilmore Simms, was By, and attractive Spar tanbnrg Route. 9.1: vira r1d and , unmarneaj out nas1 a 1 Kf.m.-i.rui yifiim -twit ' ?ti a. - tK. IWril nf Mackevhas inhis bossessiohthe i gun With hw. iihfira ' and sisters livinir in 0- tK ti-.,i .Mv ' ifca.ria.n.4,r tha I tJ52;.,,?-9A!H nr Kov Hpnrv MOUOn- I e.-- , r- . r T". P-nflw miih) ' ' ' 5 'ft S-r , . 7 . I - wwu mw.. .uaw k j a.w.v . t . ' 1 i i uoveilod at Charleston amid Bplendid cere- I gnccessor to the late Dr. W. M. Win- monies.. -: In the Louisiana Constitu- I ate D. D. tional Conuenllon the question of the State debt is producing much animated discus sion. The whole German nation are wild in demonstrations of joy at the Empe ror's golden wedding, which occurs to day. The National Board of Health continues its labors to prevent yellow fever. . New ;; York inarkels:' Money .easy at 34 per cent,; cotton dull at 1213 cts; m " j T? TTonrtr MDon-1 ' which, 'irerguson "was Kiiieo: a T"8- aJ S?lf 7Jv 1 MountaiB, and he related a dozen interest- axa, u. 01 uiuuiuwuu, 1 iDg incidents of thebatue, ,tie naaoeena unanimously eleotea fresiaeni, as 1 close student of the early history, oi ne Ajarounas, ana in view 01 ma. uioujiwuj large fund of ' informati6n,' historical and Uaditional, with reference to the battle the Pender county. Riot Amonc Colored Exearalonlts ;': ,., 1 Bayaneta la U Fray.i;,;; -fc.-;' ; Savannah, G a., June 9.r-A , ter rible riot took place this afternoon at Mcintosh. Liberty oonnty, a station on the Atlantic & Qalf JlaUroad, be tween a party from Bryan connty Mclntosn celebration of which is to take place next year, we respectfully suggest to the man agement, now ia time, that he be invited to attend that celebration as one of the orators of the occasion, t --- The Superior Court is . in session ; at btateavuie, j uage Graves presiding, t 4 Among the most im ! Rwu wfi nnbliflh. in f nil. the .Memorial LAadre8S delivered oy nev. ju. a. xaies, oi 1 . ;-,1,-,f,., Cjii iri 1 sii i .1 Yesterday moroiog.. Immediately .tier ?umZ";"Zril,:llil fedT ..!rLiiNHillHO!B, a a - Aa ai iitn i 1 t . w 1 no onnn nw 1 iih 1 the adjournment of, the Superior Court,; a fw uo ,uf v" . "vv" : L. .i.. tnpmhora of the Bar was introductory correspondence. that -the ad auevuu, 7 . : I 1 'balled for the action in relatio: ;C61. William S brother member. Devane, -pf this city a I nortant trials to come no at the present term I I nn motion of Col. B. It. Moore. Hon. of negro excursionists I Me tbat of Jo, GUlespie. oolored, for com-1 1 VrRnt.h .as called to the Chair, and. and negroes be-1 phcity in tM highway robbery ana muraer 1 T.T.ondon. Esa.. Mr. J. tu, (wtnKia 1 or Mr. v'owierin Aiooresviue. ibb xeceui-1 myHV" - - - was . requested to act as ber, and , also the case ot . Bradwell and I p,. Bellamy, Jr longin? in southern flour quiet and firm at 4;75 began in a fight between two negroes, grchI-wlth burglary, 5 CO; wUeat irregular; ungraded winter red whereupon John Ran dale, the Cap- near Stateaville. Charlotte has .never ii 12&f No,;2 do. $1 171H8vcorn tain of a'negroi militia company from had such; atreat- in the shape of a .;T AtMAK nt.V anirit- tnr- Brvkn countv. which company formed lecture, as. Col. McRae wilUdeliver. i.inj "it- 1 . 4 - . a j 1 jjet us give ijum a iuu nouac. . ,- Pentine 2Gi cents; rosin quiet at $180135 a part of the excursion party, orderea ReT Boshamer. preached the e purposVof taking suitable r.EMnPynfa :3T ion to the' death of the late pttbucatipn,toj;-fc 0d aJi - ...J .!:'. their nrtrenr solicitation':'' i t f -t ' 1 . SUIIlIIlf j It is with much pleasure taelpdsQjj rect attention to the handsome introductory remarks of Dr..W; G. Curtis,' of Smithville;' which are published in the Same connect MUU., it .' ' ' ' . '' ? ' 'i Andl THE tYERY BEST SHIBT "l l"3 " i : 'ii in thr riTV wnw 91 .un Summer Stvles QTRAW, AND . 1 . .i . for common to good strained. What has become of "Bill Dadd," oFtheRichrnond State f Ob, Bill, we cannot well spare you. We grieve at y bar absence. , Come back, Bill, come back.' : Secretary.? I judge Cantwell moved that a Committee of five be appointed to draft suitable reso- lotions and report at 4 o'clock to-morrow Under this motion the Chair appointed On : Mr. Ricaud's motion , the meeting then adjourned until Friday afternoon, the I3tb '.inst ., at 4 o'clockv; tvUi , 5 We are perfectly delighted to hear that .there is fair prospect that Stal wart McOrary will not be confirmed as U. S.;.Circait Judge. No .man who believes that bayonets should control free ballots is fit to wear the ermine.'' a. .Mary Anderson and John. Mo Collough make a splendid combina tion. They are to play in Baltimore -she as Farthenia and he as Ingih nwrj A fins support ,! plays with them. -Come ihis way. A crowded bouse awaits you. a charge. .The company obeyed the I tnnnj ermon and Rev. J. Henry Smith, inv1 o T hejvnnplinfjf PV nrvbodv within I TV n j; of .Greensboro .delivered the annual reach, the captain himself killing one address before the pupils i of : Jhe Monroe 1 jadgeCantweU,HonL;D.lK Russell, Du-. man by ninning him through with his sword. There was intense excite- Cb&rie8ton flea and Courier copies promi- ment at this outrage, and the: Mcln- Sently the local article in last Saturday's tosh nesroes rallied and drove the Observer, which told of several mysterious 'u,,, -nmnanv into the cars, letters which had been received by a negro military company into .. tne cars, in tne aouIhea8Urn part ef this county, opened v fire on ; tnem, aiiiea iour, telijng jlim lnat u waa time for the burning Wounded a large ! number of others, 1 G( bouses' and railroad bridges to begin, I marsliala tar ihe Weldon Fair. and only stopped shooting when the and comments upon it as follows: j "It is CoL H. G. Flanner," Chief Marshal for train was drawn out of ranK , They- dDe0r tneM tried to prevent the train from Ieav- x. Q beeQ preTalent in many River Agricultural 8ociety, announces the ing oy veanug up iuc im parU OI irie Biaie 10 ne 4 enect , iu i following list of Assistant jnarsnaia; but failed. - ' All tne parties engageu qeiunct naoicai party, was ievrgauuuiK ana mai mis may oe one ui vucir piaus ui reorganizing. The correspondents of the Newt and Courier at the interior towns will investigate ' the matter and report the result." -....:.--".!. v VY f The meeting at the"rFront Street; Metho dist church continues with unabated' in terest.' Night after night the church is crowded ' with attentive listeners, - and mourners continue, to ask for the prayers of God's people 4 :- Some thirty, or forty, have j Je M tf. 0 LINSN HATS 1 j i 7 ". 1 V'. -.. HARRISON ALLBN, f Hatters. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R.R., j PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, i?Uw?& &vx -is- jane lOth, 1879.1 COMMENCTNa JUNK 11TH. 1879, TH FOL L lowing PERFECT AND CONTINUOUS SCHJS DULBwlU be operated' on- the SPARTANBURG ROUTS, by which ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all frominent Western North Carolina Excursion oints will be on sale, good nntll NOVEMBER ' 1st. 1879. ,,,.,-... -Ai:'Z , .ic-A .-'-- ' ; Leave Wilmington (by Sleeping. ..v, - j n j Car to Coinmbia)..,., .f .10.13 P M -. . j - Leave Columbia.. ....... .',.......10:80 AM :i ARlveBpartanbniv.-.iif'.W..jr4:10P'M ! Arrive Hendersonville. ... 6:10 P M j Arrive AeheTille ...10:S0 P M ,; .; 24 iHQUSS WnMINQTON TO ASHBVILLS V;' To connect with this very attractive Schedule Passengers, can leave .., r . . 5:40 PM ! Desirable-Residence for Sale. T off of Jot sale bt Saaidence.- on the rWest side of' Third Street, between Ches- nat and Mulfcerry 6treetaj The Lot is . 1yoxit'Teet, une Mouse contains eigne rooms and is in excellent repair. : - i Persona wlshinr Lto - purchase will be shown throagh the premises on application. ; - ;. Weldonvt.'ii Wilson.... Tarboro....-.... Newbern ....... Goldsboro....... .Magnolia.......: ...V: 104)0 AM 5:41 AM 66 PM 8:00PM. I IIS! ijeTlw i .For terms. &c. abDlv to H. nac OHN LONDON. Brut? Cutiar Es CoL B.R Moore and already been converted, and the work is l.gorner SCHOOL, OXIQrQ, IN. 0, L G:!Ricaud,Esq.! f ' '"r. f ; spreading. Rev. Messrs. Yates and Mc- I , -hb: 8CIKNTI. i ugibuu nic ; nui&WK uaj auu uikui " i xju au auu. Aiuuufci xxv x - ! For Tickets, Time Cards, Engagement of Bleep ing .Car Accommodations, &c.,.&c.v enquire of Agents at tho Stations named, or of the under, atgned.". - !; ; i r A. POPE, Qe 11 tf " " Generol Passenger Agent. ) . . ( i i i i i - -r i i ' i i i . i -. 1679 1 Excursion i j Season. their who le energy, while Mrs.' McPberson is ever, found by the side. of the mourners. Fall Ses sion opens September 1st. Assistant Instructor, R. W. Winston, a graduate of the University with .distinction. I am also glad to announce that my father. 3. H. Hnrnnr. .will take charge of several pointing them to the saviour wno aieu tor i classes, jfor circulars aaaress , . ; nr. " SL Jeltt JBROMKO. HORNER, Principal llltlli. A UC lUCCuuo ait inuuuij .iv i but a deep earnestness is depicted , upon the face of the whole congregation. 4 -J were negroes. t-5 ; Spirits . Tarpentuie. Mr. Alexand er Justice, of New bern, is dead, aged 55- ;Jii 41"'""' A Presbyterian church has been organized at Cameron. ; ; - t -. v . Winston is to celebrate July j 4tb. May 20lh would have been better. 1 - Rev; ;Dr. O. M. Shepperson has ipft Red Banks: . N.C. . and is now at A Bishop Moore Memorial Church J Woodville, Miss. has been organized in Richmond, Y&.' I The Mayor of Newbern put 22 " ; . . m o . .u into the treasury by fining four persons for using "cuss words" on the street. ;. . a . I Th Akheville theatre wag for- f : HEW ADVEBTlSEnBNTS.; ; Munson English half-hose. t , ':i 1 Stab Office For sale or exchange. . i HABjaiaoN& AiXKN--Summer styles.' 1 ; ;Tbalian Amateubs Friday evening. T. B. Henderson & Co. To houskeepers .E.; H, Ludlow & Co. -Cottdq press sale. Rev. Dr. Daniel r. n ewly elected rector. Sons is the He' is! the old ! j Vr Riaton. J. C Powell. Tarboro; J. N. Whitted, FayettevUle, : T. A- WiUiams, Ringwood; W.L. Long, A. J. Burton, M W. Ransom, Jr., A. C. Zollicoffer, Wel don; Frank Borden, Goldsboro; F. S. Har ney, Elizabeth City; E. J Peebles, John McRae, J. E.' Phillips,' Jackson; C. C. Tucker, Gaston; G. L. Hyman, ' Halifax; W. Martin, Elizabeth City; A. W. Hay wood, Raleigh; WmTATjohnson, Clinton; W. A- Davisj Oxford; R. ' A.. Sills,, Nash ville; J. L. Bailey, Toisnot; . Dr. ; D. . 8. Ellis, Garysburg; J, B. Vines, NaBhville; W. C. Faison,MargarettsvUle; W.tG. Di vine; Florence, S. C; W, 0, Lamb, Norr folk, Ya. ; Jas. E. Sebrell, Farmers Grove, tnr nf Vh Southern Churchman mally opened, .and the , ThonM Comedy an evangelical Episcopal paper that is well worth reading. 1 Returning Board Stoughton was rewarded by being made Minister to Russia. He is at home now and will not return to his post, He can hold on for two months, and ; then' draw Company played "Cricket on the Hearth.' J- Milton ':t7Annt'?'!'WiUiam8,' nnp of the four neero convicts sent 'to the penitentiary from this xouaty by our last 1 J The Local Data.: ,.!' -n,, -n-.'J , i No session of the Mayor's Court I ya.: W.E. Beaman, Franklin, Ya.; 0. G. yesterday morning. ;. :v . J parsley, Jr-, E J. Lilly, E.. D. Browning, f Mr. Julian S Carr, of Durham, j Paul Pope, Wilmington. is at the Purcell House.. , question of takef the hour: Superior Court, was prosecuted for stealing I w.. . Dhone m you trf a rnnle. He savs he stole the mule to raise I Which pnone win you vu monev to buv clothiae to be baptised in I I Ootvonr tioket and eniov vour- i- m m m N. C. Presbyterian : Pour per-1 "Among the.. Breakers" to-morrow sons united wan we rresuyieriau uiuku ... ; . , , .., l " . Be-Arretted. i Delef ale Towers was .ie-irested- Tues- day evening, on account ofinsofflciency of bond, and required to give security in the sum of f 300 for his appearance oeiore a Magistrate to-day to answer to the charge of assaulting Hezekiah I Atkinson with a deadly weapon. He was committed to jau until yesterday when he gave the necessary bond.' : . - u t .... r ., , ' BITER AND MAHI(IB. j S i Capt, Garrason, of . the steamer t JD. MurcMaon, reports the river to be very, low, causing the boats to drag upon the sho.als in many places. , ? . j The 'NorwegIwiibaf4ue.yi,.CapL Adsem, which arrived here on Tuesday sailed from Liverpool on the 6th of May and arrived at Smithville on the 6th' of j June, making the trip in just thirty days, which is considered a very fast run across the Atlantic. ; .';;r-f ;';? id it The schrs. GoldZecftuid Minnie Ward; Which sailed for New River, Onslow coun- Cotton Batting. 100 Bales COTTON BATTING. : . For sale by, . ,v -i., , y ; j je 8 tf ' " 1 KERCHNER CALDER BROS. Salt5 Bacon and Lard 4000 100 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, v. Boxes Smoked and D . S . SIDES, 100 jeS tf Tubs and Tierces LARD, , . ; , r( ! , j ; . IVi . "' ' ' " .. War flqlf. liv KBRCHNER A CALDER BROS WrLMIKSTOU & WXIJXHT RAH.ROAD. ' 1 .;!.-!-.-..! Passkkosb Dxfabtitbht, . -' i " Wuvxinotok, N. June 8th, 1879. , . t ' JtLOUND TRIP TICKETS TO, THE VARIOUS: , Virginia Springs, ' Western North Carolina Summer j Reserts; Moreheaddty, N. C. ,"and Old Point Com t forWVa., good until Noyemher 1st, 1879, are now obtainable at Union . Ticket Office, Wilmington, , , doldsboro,' Wilson and Taiboro, and will remain. on; sale nnUl October 1st, 1873. . . Close connectl6n for points on A.M.4 O.B.K. t by 9-20 P. M. train from' Wilmington : . Close connections for points on C. to OJEL TL by - -both trains from Wilmington. , . Close connection for points on; western a ortn Carolina ts B., ny train leavug Folasses.'lolass : I . ik ii Qf) New Prop CUBA MOLASSES rx rjf Bhds and Bbls. SUGAR-HOUSE, ': JQQBblsN.O. MOLASSES, J l i Fersaiebyi al'j ' i. ii-.r.-'Z I' Wilmlngtot . . A Weldon.: , .. J. . Wuson. 4 a t . I" je 8 tf KERCHNIR tJALDBR BROS. W t Onlrtshoro. Sabbath last, three on exam- "T ' ... rw an- inatinn and one bv letter. 1 no oiaun TelepnoBle. . . . ,, ;. a u : , The frame-work, which .was being erect-r ed yesterday on the roof of the First Na tional Bank building, in which the West- iT.I.. T.iannnli nffina fa IrvO.ated. And 1 m.-J. n. nt..r1 n.r nnra xnmnpllpil tn fret nnt at which many supposed ; was ; intended to be I tbe'Western Bar instead of New Inlet, as preparatory to the. removal, of the Signal j formerly; the latter having been closed to No pases of importance were I Office to thatpoint, is really for the tele-1 navigation. This will necsitate their i AGONS OF ABOVE MAKE; , ; - At Manufacturers' races, it; For sale y -' C" Je8tf KERCHXBR & CALDER BROS ...6.88 A. M. t . 2J3 A. M. ' ..4 SI A. M. i Tarboro...... .-..v. . ..,.:. -.8.30 P..M.' ' Leaving Goldsboro at 10.10 A. M. daily, arriving at . . SaKBbnrv 10.36 P. M.. there eohnectinir with Sleep- ing Cars on W. V . C. R. R., and reaching Swan- , , nanoa at 6.30 A. M., and AshevUle 10 SO A. M., be-' UIg VCJVUU UCOUUU U16 11UO VI 4ivw wiMici aauu; ( snperior comfort to all others running to . Western -North Carolina. . , . - . For tickets, time cards, engagement or sleeping , ear accommodations, in a aire of Agents at Stations, ; named or to the undersigned. . ' " - . a. rwB, u je81w : t .--.ii-'--. i t.i Gen. Pass. Agent 1 1 Atkinson & Hanning's , J, Insurance Rooms, . t: . : . BANE OF NEW BANOVra BUILDINO, WUmlnston It. C. ' ' -about $3,000, and do nothing before I SSjTv-SSSl-1 disposed of by the Superior Court yes. gr),pbic wires to rest upon as they branch going around" "Frying Pan Shoals, these i cautioned gainst trusting er :lrbpr- I Aggregate Capital Represented Over (100,000,000 1 ; ,si k- ing any lof the crew of the British I ifjf - ; . i ' ' BBrie lThJKrrB, as no biUsof their I iB l t . y contraction will be paid by the Master I j ryi -;' Wi'f: rr? n'-P'T Pr,"""' jw.4 PATERbONi DOWNING to CO.. 4 Vftt-i-au i r ! i; -Consignees; he "hands in his checks." He is the I narv as exceedingly appropriate, impressive I terday Mm fallow Jere Black sat down on and eloquent. i ' I, : U j Jndge Seymour ' was taken, ill t:i.i:1 Piui7ii It av . . I lr so heavily in the North American nth m d M.r Rineham are the speak- Eeview. He squeezed Stoughton so i ersfortbe Murireesooro commencement, j hard that nothing but bitters are left. fowine in dimensions and importaace. Dr." A. R Ladoux has three assistants- yesterday, and. held no court during the afternoon:-; x'. ;- We' learn that Mr. tf. N. Hinton, of Wilmington High .School, ( is very; ill with diphtheria. : : ' BHiii U- The coming Fourth of July in this " city is to be ushered in by . an old- out to different sections of the city. No I veaiels.Swe leartf, being the. first of the poles will be Used for these1 wires, which I '8maU craft, such as com and naval atores ! u ReTOlfllioiii The mendacity ; of ;the tLooisiana Messrs. ;Taylor,;Warnecke and.Philhps . " nli 'A1 ; ' ;:SVm" I besides the aid of Prof. Redd. They are witnesses is attracting general atten- SSinienttoglargely.'':-';';'5r Ur. tion. No such lying has been heard jz Hendersonville -itenis in Aahe- fMhi0ned salute by the Cape Fear Light in Washington since the days of Jim TS Artillery. . Anderaon and the Jenks. The Rich- 0, fne sparumburg & Asheville Railroad. L j- Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, mondsay.: ' ' . arMS ..t ii,a c-ionVi awftrini? match between n.l, wnw: vaaina.'.vAn immense where he is to deliver, on . Sunday next, .hi. Onnffm-ri and KuWotftr . witnesses. - the nt nAnnlA witnessed the -arrival I tha Commencement Sermon before St. wuw.v. --' . J.w, I WUW." -- W.. U 1 - ... , i ll lauuxf f i 0f the train, uen. wingmso, wuu.ww Mary's School. ,r 1 C5 ; KPiiniriT nAorrnpa were no rounaa sou i "p i r ih train, uen. (jnnemaa. wuu .wm ahead of Bpofford'a, and there were Mverat pre8ent,f wa called Upon itol address the , Advertisements ! on which no yet to- be heard. Spofford has probably Mt i88embly; but he refused to do so.v Aaverusemenis on ,wnicn : no got the most witnesses witn ine pest uouuiu, Atlanta ' Constitution: mpoDauv u. ..- -.e jaaiBK JflJ i-It haabeen .igge?ted, that, it wife was poisoned by his family pnysician.. Bra to place tneir trasn paper, c in uar- Tuesday night Spell eloped with himself, re j for lhe city carts to take away, instead and failed to leave behind him a map of ms it loose iai0 lho' Btreeta to litter route. . -i - i ' ' will be stretched over the buildlnjga, resting Te88els, that have been obliged to, take this I ;it webnbs to Jraggmnw.TjnBWKLt '. i. . I ' . . . . : i a' I el a known GERMAN" BARBERS AND HAIR OU cross-arms piaceu uy pciuiioo"" . course, wmvu uus wwvi.i; w - . UJKJaoJti5, navewowinjeioiaeBiriBgency m mo- robfaofthe same, at proper intervals- uU between Wilniington and; their place &lWi Aagel, the agent for .rthe' Edison-Phclps -rf&kM instruments: is eXDectine eleven bum," i t ;4a:.; . - - . - . :i - ., t-" r : BOLTED MEA L, "the best in the city. v - t " PEARL HOMINY, fresh and white. , : i . -v RICE, PEAS, &C.&C. - 4,( CORN---a large lot of Feed Corn and Prime White. . Also, a Foil Team of Large TIMBER MULEs, and i . a S-Horse. Wagon and Harness.- i r,, L'je 11 U ' ' PRESTON CUMMINO A CO; -r- i -s i wl'U'iii."iiia ' nil will com- I Ever since Jsve'a incautious. eiptaicu -yp. j-rost SUNG has arrived. This aa wire ;to begin with to-day., and, WHX om j m the Garden of Eden, .Babies have been liperb Matthews Soda Water Apparatus has been mence getting it in position aonce. . , L m institution. Petted i by men ana-ioveu Since writine the above. WC. see mat ine i tj women, ineir oaoy me wwu? vp I the modal at the Vienna Exposition over au liuro rl i Vk. Jfh.a been com- solulely bappy existence, but for those ev - pean competitors. &&g&2 S?00!::?" 1 ii Tnti-, rl!rl .t I Blver-plated creetings and mountings. It unites r latuieuvy,. : civ. uar..j onceV however, by the prompt use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. - :. z 1 .use'.,;.. vERKENBREGHER'S work of stretching the. wires has been com menced. I' 1 ClXlf 1XJEB1S. Chew Jackson's Bust Sweet NavyTTobacco. Roma I soecified number of insertions, is marked but Kellogg's are much the best swearers, . '."Vinted the facte in the case continued' ; "till .forbid," ; at jibe anaisnowgoou coacmuK. ; -f'one-Wiman Spell, who was arrested in oplion 0f the publisher, and charged up to ine jsaiwmore oun . " " s- Cochran 'ormiiMerm wu n v- the date ot,di8Continuance j -Unm aim aai At.n i n or tn i ann coun it. xviu vbivum-. ri'w" MsiMBPrTniisiiaiHiii. jiob aiov Dvutvvwh -r- . . n say - ' : . . I . a " , a daoity..of .the aforesaid . witnesses, Rj pplsoned by his family physician.' ! fa to place their trash paperi &6., In bar- aa-M - I a . Iff W1vMMj1 nt f V It W lmflfll T We quote: . :-: 'rr fa;' "Every member of the Committee on Privileges and Jfiiecnonsis a lawyer i? - T. fl f lhem. and of varied experience in criminal ;:, i laieig" VM , "7 i tv. q W Allnn who was aD Zn in thA nression that t:i,- Tm.n were at the Coleman The S ii. Allen, wno was ap for cool Impudence and unadulterated ly- House, New Tork, on Saturday las-just pojnted Most Illustrious GrandMaBter, at ingwhat they are now listening to surpasses arrlved rom Europe. Dr., ten (h t meeting" of the" Royal Arch anythintf they bad ever heard or seen. The Battie died at Eufaula, Alan last week, .mjuu e, , . Iafficedwn rom -what has so far ed 94 years. He was a native of Edge- Chapter at Durham, and who is credited to transpired by the friends of Kellogg and of combe, where he practiced his profession imington by the papers, is a citizen of Bpofford are entirely different. Kellogg's for gome years. Since 1836 he had lived friends insist, that Spofford's case has ia Alabama where he was greatly respec- Winston. . v broken down completely, wniie tue led, and where ne Became emiucu -..-.o-aeiar of Spofford maintain that thperjary 8gricolt?ri8u His immense estate passed "w vnih no, hcan rnmmiueu jjm -t.w uw la,, wnn iuu wu. p.k - , -- .. - .. . . -chances for Kellogg retaining ; b hv seat Mt. Airy Visitor: A colored thermometer, at the stations menuoneo, at much worse, ' Impartial opinion inelinei Jo ..J" Byant of Long Creek, N. 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean the belief that the case will be made to as- t1 C tr and 'oar. .aoJL.d from the daily bulletin i that there snouia no y-, ---""i v - '""Ia .. r."T"-" .J,. . L AAA iiiAA mvav f Tey. West,.. . 84 Mobile... Montcromerv 2 . . . 91 New. Orleans,. . . .84 PnntaRasaa..... .73 Savannah.. . . . ; 84 DoksT n Dor JBatfaea." " vTJp to 3 P. M.1 yesterday Only 254 dog badges had been disposed of, -"; : : '" :"' By the way, a reference to the records in the office of the1 City Treasurer 5 shows ,a steW decrease in the -yearly-salea 6 badges. For instance; there were V78 sold HarriB' News' stand and thaBiaa Office.: :i?p in 1875; 829 inl876; 68. In 1877, and 657 in iECTRic belts'.-" se cure for' 1878." There is believed to have been .some debility, premature decayr exhaostion, ete The u Jii'.-H' ; -!7.' thrt only reliaWe cure. CiKulars mailed free.. -4 Address yeaCfirsi naWdbut not.tothe xtent.inr!. j ' ' Vj"' dicatedabbve. : It is the omnion opinion fobup ardo HS that a , census,; would , show at least three J!Xl thousand dogs in the City ofWllmingtonff and niAABHOXA., whether arising from teething or 'a " .1 other caaaes. An old and well-tried remedy S5 For Bnrope. Bishop 'Atkinson left here .last night, every improvement known, to tne arc, ana is emcuy firat class in everv c articular. Call and drink your wita kqck uanay Byrups rrom ine BONTON !,' ROYAL GLOSSI ' : -Dure Soda Water . . Tr. JJTOBt AJBg, as my u tf S. G. NORTHROP'S. REFINED PE ARE ! Sold by all Grocers ! c OR SHOULD BE. , , r Snperior to tor M' in tMs. ' Je list ,::.-:, 0XKTS A BOTTU. Recard. f 4 is: ; The foUowing. will show.the state, of :' the : - . . tt0i liledearivon luesuay muruiug lununujfii i xjorBicaua, Jontv in the Senate may rw-"B.Sli Peter Mitchell, in old colored man, Galveston ..,.,..85 Togga seat, that the Republicans will 1 stand -rg, ln' , hat-linf- u ramber at Havana. 88 solidly together to keep him in, no matter mm one dav'Sa8t week. fell Tndianola. ...... .84 what may be brought out In the pena ng m- of .,the wseon and was JackaonvUle... . . .84 oTWT tfwriT.Too nTTWR Th attention of snorts accompanied5 by his Wife, for NeW 'York, men is invited to the advertisement t xeJ.- uu . . J ' . ! w. Toller, manufacturers of fine breech-loading and intends to set sail from mat port ior Europe on Thursday or next week, the 19th inst. " This Voyage is ; to be taken by the Bishop for the benefit of his health, and with this view he purposes 'spending some weeks of his absence in the south of Italy, We trust that the venerable Bishop will ieturn to his Diocese greatly improved, and strengthened..; -y , . " Hlag:IarateeCart. " L .t ,; , Thomas Clark was before' 'Justice Gard ner,' yesterday " morning, on a peace war rant, and was required, tV. pay. the c?ata and give bond , in the sum ofi$5HKJaJkeep the peace for ninety days.:, 1 i at R.Robbinj - was not under a BimUar towards, t nomas St,.Marks,....-.-87 j d t keep tQe peacetowar WUmingtorj,-..80' , . . v " ' .J Clark. - eons. BirmWham, England. Their guns are made 1 to order according to spectOcations and measure- j menta fornisnea, tnas bbiuuk uto iiu. uw length of stock c - - ' : ? A Skin like Monumental Alabaster may be at tained by using OLUX't Suuara Soap, 'which does away with the necessity for Sulphur Batha Try it, ladies. It is a feenuine beautifief, and very economical ;--,.f. - ! Hint to those Prematurely .Gray, use Bill's - BTAHTAiraOCS HAIB' DTX. " '' o ' ' " : ' CLEAYELAHD - HIHEBAL SPBIHGS nrVn.f.' OPEN JUNE 1, 1879.-These Springs YV are two miles from Shelby, Of ty four miles west of Charlotte, and one mile of Carolina Central Railway. Hacks wilt be at Spring Station on arri val of every train. - At King's Mountain Station, On Air-Line Railroad, Hacks can be obtained, (dis tance ten miles. 1 Trains runmroiigu mw wu- inineton without ttetention;f . i.r-.: -n Ccold and Warm Baths. White and Hed Sulphur nA raJvhAt Waters. A Good 8trin?Band se- OTder.: ., r..-?.-.-.. j .--ml- ' (foil Hftl -HI fttrtTV ... The Proprietor is aeterminea mat me r aw buiu. i .-; jja muww . be equal to mat or any spring in ma osaie. "- i ' v - " , tends to make special efforts In this direction. v fV NORTH Special Kates for Families. v - . r V By John V m.. - - ; McPOSTON, Prop'r, sneioy, . v., . i L. S. WILLIAMS, of Charlotte, N. C Bup't. . myl5eo45w .thsatU' ... Z i: Stall-Fed Beef, AT Cmf iTKfE? HOUSE, .j , Fot SATURDAY and. the ensuing week. Alio, choice IBWyaOOTABLES.t T. A. WATSON & CO. CAROLINA. FROM 1584 TO 1879." . if t a trnthfnl and comDrehensive statement of the whole story of our rise and progress as a peo ple. All the most important men and facts-con- , Sec ted with North Carolina are set down in this re- : cord, which begins with the discovery and first sett, tlementia 1584 and ends with March 1st, 1879.' - y , AJirtEtolie )e6tf U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steamer Fire-Ply," i Commencing t u ua x i JUNK 7tb. will leave WI1 'Vi A Rare dance for Honseteepers. - i .. . ......... Je7tf mingtea' every day at a)f P.M.; Smithville every day At7Jtf A.M. - :- ' O. G. PARSLET, Jr., . ,'i - - Agent. ' ACHOICB LOT N. a HAMS " ' , ! SO Small Klta prime N. C. LARO, - i3S , do. : do., i do. BUTTltiS,!:!. '. 7 SOD LUBDOIbllBff JLWi. wwnw - '. rZ a ..x ha aniit, Call early ana doj rhun. North Front 8t TI 1 1 UTCHER'S UGSTNING FLY KHjUHL '' For sale at ' GREEN FLANNBlt D. : Grain Cradles. ; ; ; i. - a -raT i -n arw rm a TT vjo A3 rULL SUrrJUx ivaaj.i vxkJuJuao ni.a tinsh ScvUies. Scvthe SnatheaScythe Stones, Reap Hooks, &c, &c, always in stock and. for sale at very lowest prices by . -f TI ! , GILES A MTJRCraSONv . - la 8tf :' ' " ' . 38' and 40 Murchison B 1 cc Pianos and Organs,;.. FROM ALL THE LEADING - J ' na - - - MANUFACTURERS, , Sold' on tho Instalment Flan, at - , HEINSBERGBR'S, " ' jell tf ' ' v Nos. 89 and 41 MarketHt. J. The ; vHygeiaV Hotel, . OLD POINT COMFORT, VA- Situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any Hotel in the United states as a Spring, Summer or Autumn- Kert. Seed foe ctr-, cular. HARRISON PHOEBps, , my 13 im ' . w- , SCOTT'S EMULSION COD LITER OIL, ' ; Wommer'a Extract Malt, i c . ' Valentine's Meat Juice, . , . . , . r Bay Rnm, Violet Water, . . - " ' - j Extracts, Cologne, Ac.. t , r . ;t f . , m ereat variety at - -' -- V. my23 GBBEM FLANNSRS. i i v-r t " f" 1 . i .. . , A TeotlffatLnn ' i1 .v i ' ' 1 . 1 i --. V UBUW ' m . - - - ...5

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