THE nORIiniG STAR, ll WW. II. ttERNARS. PH KM8HED DAILY EXCEPT MONHA VS. -".aS. -i HATS SuaSCRIFTIOH IH ADVANCS " yea, (by mail) postage paid,.. .;, $7 uo six mouths, . " " 4 00 Three raontha. ' ... . S5 one month .; I 00 ro City SaHseribera, delivered in any part of the rliy, rum umu ur woe, vir U(y Agenu re I otrtauthoriaed to collect for mere thaa three mwoth" J U V AIVV., '. .-- OHTLIM. . '-. 'f' ' '" . -. ' : i ''., . , '. i -:. . .- .-' , - - v- . Democratic caucus refused to accept SeDator Bayard's resignation. - The Sil ver bill will be deferredjuotil next winter. - Tbo cashier of the Wilmington, Dela ware, National Bank has been sent to the peDiieotlary for five jears for embezzle ment and false entries; be got $28,000 and returned $12,000. " 1 Spartanaburg, 8. Cr, ISO men took from the jail John Moore, "who raced and murdered Miss Woodward on the Sthjnat.; they hung him where he committed the .deed; Moore is white. House Appropriation t Com iniaee recommended concurrence in Borne and non-concurrence in other of the Senate amendments. A crisis prevails in Turkish " ministerial circles. Trouble U expected at Sofia when the Prince of Buk gariajs Icstalled. - Failures reported in London i : "Qen. Qoday, who usurped the Presidency ot Paraguay, is one of the leaders of the opposition. Two thou sand miners have struck at Tamworth, Eng. . Receiver's offle'e ia Cherson, Southern Russia, baa been robbed of a million and a half of roubles. - Henry W; Blair elect ed U. S. Senator from New. Hampshire. Army Appropriation bill was variously , amended in the Senate; a vote will prob ably be reached to-morrow. The Ju dicial Expense bill was the subject of acri monious discussion in the House; Conger, of Michigan, specially abused parliamentary privileges the House will refuse to concur in the Senate amendments to section second of the Judicial Expense bill; a committee of crfferettce is probable. The Jean- I nette Arctic expedition Will sail from San Francisco on the 25lh inst. The gov ernment will make such representations to South American belligerent States as Will secure protection of . vessels in the guano trade. : The steamer Faraday, wit li the new French cable on board, will sail oi Wednesday. Disturbances in Mouct ..Etna causes earthquakes in Messina. -Io the Louisiana Slate Lottery drawing most of : the lucky numbers were held in - New York In Memphis a woman attempts to snoot her seducer in the court room while beiug tried in a suit for dam ages. The French Chamber is assured that the Algerian troubles afford no ground for anxiety. A threatening condition ia developed in Turkish domestic affairs. Anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill was observed in Boston. The Grand Army of the Republic made a big display in Albany, - N. Y. r Senator Gordon made an eloquent defense of Sena tor Bayard in the Democratic caucus. New York markets: Money easy at 3 per cent.; cotton quiet at 12 7-lC12 9-J6 cents; southenrilour dull and unchanged at $4 756 75; wheal heavy and about ic. tower; ciru heavy and ralber easier; spirits turpentine firm at 27 cents; rosin quiet a $1 301 -35. : The present signs do not favor an adjournment of Congress next Satur day. .':".' The Queen which sailed for Europe from New York- on Saturday look out 130 tons of meat. Last tweek the steamers for Europe took out $850,000 in gold. The tide seems to- be turning again. There is a growing conviction in New York that Dr. Hull murdered his wife. He will be arrested prob ably in a day or so. The New Orleans limes thinks the nomination of Ewing and Rice does not mean Tilden in 1880, but a unit ing of the South aEtd West. The Democrats in Congress are represented as growing indifferent to the fate of the Judicial bill, and if -Hayea vetoes it, then they are willing ao go home without further delay. What In the matter with the New York Sun ? A little while ago Til den' would not do. Now . he is the very man. Have Tncle Sammy's ibar,lsw anything to do with the sud den change of opinion ? The Republican organs eay Hayes will certainly veto the Supplemental Judicial bill, and that there is but little doubt tbat the Legislative bill will meet with the same fate. So be it. It will hurt the Republicans far more than it can - injure the -Democrats. It ; noticeable that the three highest graduates at West Point were Vat large." Among Southern stndenta the highest was John M. Porter, of Alabama, who stood 13. It was once different. What is the matter with the representatives of the South?: The de facto is becoming resigned to his fate. He will not begin his annual visitations to all of the Fairs of the Union before September. . In the meantime if ; Congress prefers "to bile its littln not" durinr? the doer A. s x7noi !m Lnm mv day. ia Washington he has no sort of obiection: as he means to eniov t. w!;t ,a i i ia a the qrlletude of Soldiers' Home. Se- rene mr. nayes. . t'. mm wrrv x -; V VTTT':;; ' Vf A : wV( V VjJLia .A. AJL V a"T"JNvJ. lOl The vote for the new constitution in - California stood: for 77,959; against 67,134; majority in favor 10,- 825 total 145,212. Total vote in 1876 for President 155,777; Republi can majority 2,805. It 19 known tbat the Keuubhcans polled over s 8,000 fraudulent votes . The latest news from Edison is that he has abandoned his theory of the elcotrio light. lie will adopt the theory of Mr. Wallace, of Ansonia, Connecticut. So the great inventor ia foiled once, and that, too, after ex pending large sums in experimenting. Mr. Wallace's theory is known as the "carbon." Mr. Edison called his the "platinum theory." ' A xplendt Newspaper." : Rockingham Bee. V; V ; . The weekly newspapers have taken a round of noticing favorably the Wilmington Stab. Where bo many bear testimony to the value of a thine; it must have true merit, it mut h worthv of bavincr the nraise t bestowed. We suppose it is about . . 5 r- - j I our time 10 spean a gooa woru, aou we do so cheerfully, l ne otab nas I no superior in the State and hardly I in the South as a newspaper; ana its I familiar arrangement of matter makes the news unusually easy to find. In its editorial management it is able on all subjects: politically it is just so conservative, witn a smacic or inae pendence, that, when excitement dies out and the flush .of passion cools, the spit fire extremists say that the Stab is about right. And so it is, -. f j -3 it id a splendid I generally, about right newspaper, deserving, we think, the manv ' flattering notices from the press of the State. Spirits Turpentine. Zeb Vance Walser was one of the graduates at Yadkin College. Revenue collections in the Fifth District for the week ending June7lh, $14,r 222 02. - . W. H. Crews, of Granville, re cently received $039.84 for tobacca grown on 1 acres. The fruit and cereal crops hav ing been disposed of the local editors are now writing up the ralllesu&ke business. The Winston Leader says it is easier for a needle to go through the eye of a rich u-au thaa for an editor to please ev erybody Statesville Landmark : Titles were handed around promiscuously at Rutherford College commencement. Titles in these days are certainly becoming empty honors. Newton Enterprise: &Ir. -Mi M. Cline.: of this county, -informs us that his bogs are dying of cholera. He has lost twenty-five large fellows in the last ten days that would have averaged by fall 200 pounds each. The great man of Franklin county is wealthy, 70 years old, been mar ried 45 years, never was from home but three nights, and has always been too stintrv to ride on the cars. He will be at the centennial in July. : Paper that will not gather home news have no right to complain if people. subscribe to .Northern papers, we can find almost any other sort of news in some of our State exchanges except local news, What are they published for? Concord Sun: What might have been a fatal accident, but happily was not. occurred at the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath evening as the janitor was lighting up. One of the large chandeliers fell from its fastening in the ceiling and was broken to atoms upon the noor. Greensboro North State: The wheat harvest has now fairly commenced in Guilford county. Reports from various directions in the county make the - crop an excentionallv good one. We learn that Prof. C. G. Deming,of High Point,has devised a new postage stamp witn coupon attached. The coupon is torn off by the postmaster, and thus he cancels the stamp and prevents its being reused. . : : Concord Register : -We have conversed with a number of people from Mooresville, Ehochville, Coddle Creek and Poplar Tent, on the Alexander Railroad, this week. The people of Alexander county are in supreme earnest in this mat ter. They are determined to have an out let for the products of their section. . They will commence, and have the road graded to Troutman's, on tne A. & l. Kailroad, witnin twelve montna, Morganton Blade: The Concord Sun, Salisbury 'Watchman and Charlotte Democrat favor Win. M. Bobbins for our next Governor. Gentlemen,, don't. Go slow. The dog days are upon us, so don't crowd ns with candidates. This is an oil year; give us a rest. Hickory has im itated Morganton on the question of spirits. The new Town Board have determined that nothing that will intoxicate shall be han dled within the corporation, a'ja mat no thing stronger than water (straight) snail ne taken for the .stomach's sal, even on a physician s prescription. ; Winston Sentinel: la Orange county oats looked very promung, but have beaded out cheats almost enureiy. The Durham Light Infantry and the Dan villa Grava have been invited by the Win' ston Light Infantry to Come to Winston on the Fourth of July and heln celebrate. The recent term of the Rockingham Court did not afford a very abundant harvest to Solicitor Strudwick. We are informed that when he finished his docket he arose and smilingly said to the presiding Judge that he would "have to ask His Honor that be be allowed to prove his attendance, as he had failed to maae expenses." ; Raleigh Ifews: We learn - that Professor Ladd, Superintendent,, and Pro fessor Tillet, a Professor in the Normal School, arrived at Chapel Hill last week in advance of the opening of the schooL Several students have also put in their ap nparance. ' A large attendance is certain. The school opens Tuesday, the 17th. Short 8Deeches will be made by President Battle, nT Laddi Me8srg. DixoDi Hei ' I mn. Cheshire and Mangum, Professors Redd Winston and others. A special SJkfto lhe jftM from Winston says i that on oaiuraay eveuiug ui ooaiea v WILMINGTON, shot and killed Jim Stratton. - Scales es caped. Both of the parties were negroes. -rNew Bern Democrat: Died, on Saturday, at his residence on Craven street. in this city, Mr. Jonathan VYhaleyt an old and estimable citizen. - On March 1st, 1879, Mr. Geo. Allen, of this city, planted a field containing four , acres in peas.' On May 6th he picked 142 boxes' May 8th, 50 boxes; May. 12th, 73 Dozes; May I4tb, aa boxes, making a total of 364 boxes. This crop sold to net, after deducting picking, boxes, freight and commission. $175. The four tons of forage, which were gathered gK vaSn I Tbe fer tile crop cost about $25. This same field was planted with DicKson Uluster Uottoo May 20th. The cotton has been plowed and chopped out, and stands to-day, June l4lh, over seven Inches high. ' - ij ' Goldsboro Messenger: The Pres byterian Church in this place, on Sunday before last, received four additions, one by letter and three on examination. The crops are encouraging CoL Wm. Hooks brings us floe reports of their condition in Great Swamp. Mr. Haywood Ham says they are splendid in Pikeville. Our good friend, C W. Bizzeu. ISsq., says they were never better in his section. Rev. Dr. Chapman was summoned by telegraph to Wilson on Thursday, to preach the funeral of Mrs. Emma Vines Sugg, wife of T. B. Sugg, Esq., who died the day previous, aged 23 years. Dr. B. F. Arriogton has for several years been giving thought and study to the aubfect: of silk culture, and. having satiaflepimself f its utility, has decided to embark in this new industry on a la Kale;,we; that be contem- niates Diamine this fall an orchard of fifty or seventy-five acres in xnulbeny trees of .fBTWJ uer TM"l?llu H"yr' We c:ave3 the fact of the acquit tal of Mrs. Louisa . Pierce, ; in Wake, for child murder It turns out to have been a foul conspiracy of a negro man and two negro women, who are now in jail i Mrs. Pierce is a Northern woman.having moved hete from New. York' several years ago.and married VYiliiam JS. nerce; a citizen ot this county, of good standing, and a graduate of distinction of Yale College. Mra.. Pierce I oeingaxtonneru womaaranu. uBuaeuw negro labor, haabeen unable to get along I witn them as servants; hence the negroes in her neighborhood despised her. and this 'is supposed to be the animus ot.the conspi racy. The facts are as follows, and. prove one of the most diabolical conspiracies .on record: On the 30th . of : May . Mrs. . Pierce Sve premature birth to twins. The chil en were born dead and were placed in a small box for burial, but before they wero buried neighborhood gossip had' charged that the twins were born alive and the mo ther had destroyed them by burning. This L coming to the ears of the parents the box containing the bodies was kept,and at their request a number of persons inspected it. Last Thursday, it being supposed the slan der was refuted, the bodies were buried. Yesterday a warrant was sworn out by a negro woman charging Mrs. Pierce - with murder. A box was brought nere by tne officer making the arrest, which - was sup posed to nave contained the bodies, but an examination by medical experts developed the fact 'iiat it contained the remains of a chicken. One of the negro witnesses' pro duced charred bones, which Bhe swore was the carcass of One of the children, and was taken from the fire in Pierce's house. These bones were clearly proved to be those of a cat. From the testimony it was evident that the bodies of the children, as buried by the father on Thuraday,had been unearthed, the remains taken from the box and re placed by those of a chicken. THE OITIT. NEW ADTKRTlSBflENn. ; A. David Pearls. La. 8. L. July distribution. ; Mussoh Boys' linen pants, &c. Wm. Labxzks Bankrupt notice. L. A. Akgel Telephone Exchange. ; Caution Notice Crew bark Carin. HsmsBEBGEB Books and hammocks. J. C. Stevenson Free delivery of goods on the Sounds. : Esoeal Dots. Very quiet in magisterial circles yesterday. Shrimps were selling in market yesterday at ten cents per quart. The hours for listing taxes are from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. - 2 Another moon light exoursion, under the auspices of the Cornet Concert Club, i9 on the tapis for the next moon. O Quite an extensive excursion party went up the river yesterday on the steamer Isis, Capt. Paddison, their desti nation being the Hamme place. Two colored boys, named Henry Sherman and John Gurley, were arrested yesterday morning for ; fighting on the streets, and were locked up for a future hearing. There was a novelty in the city yesterday in the shape of a colored "drummer" from New York; who was so kciting customers for a wood and willow ware house. . The colored Odd Fellows of this city will have a big celebration on Friday, the 20th inst., and the colored Masons on Tuesday, the 24th inst- Visiting Lodges from abroad are expected. ' The fourth family excursion of the season, under the auspices of Prof. F. M. Agostini, will be given on Friday next, the 20th inst., on the steamer Passport, which will visit the forts and other points of in terest at the seashore. We are requested to slate that Rev. F, A. Bishop, of the Cokesbury Cir cuit, and a former resident of this city, will fill the pulpit of the Fifth Street M. E. Church on Sunday next, the pastor, Rev. B. It Hall, expecting to be. absent at Fay- etteville. That Water street f riendof ours, who thought of some business he had to attend to down the street, a few evenings since, while his wife was gone to church, and upon his return, at a late houri found . na(iin(Iirin tha lUt.htin "S i " ""e Key, wmcu u uu carried in his pocket, now thinks of having waiting for the house key. which he had i an extra one mace tor such emergencies. . ! : ' TTa T TTTT T m N. C., WEDNESDAY. ToDays Indication. . ;r; For - the South Atlantic States, rising barometer, northeast ; to northwest winds and cooler, partly cloudy weather, possibly preceded by coast rains, are the indications for this section to-day. . Supreme Coart. . ' , We find the following in the published proceedings of the Supreme Court on Mon day: . y Vick & Mebane ts: W: P. Pope : and wife, from New Hanover. Called and ar gued by Merrimon; Fuller & Aahe for the plaintiffs, and D. L. Russell for the de fendants. .. . . Alexander Oldham vs. F. W. Eerchner, from New Hanover. Called and argued by D. L. Russell for the plaintiff, and Hins dale and Devereux for the defendant -i Court adjourned until 10 o'clock, Tues day morning, ' when the consideration ; of appeals from' the Third District were to have been resumed. . i In this list of appeals we notice the case of the State vs. James Heatou. Open Air Coaetrit. l .Our citizens will be glad to learn that the Cornet Concert Club propose to give a Series of their popular open : air concerts,' the first of which will probably take place next Wednesday. . A committee has been appointed ; to make arrangements for a stand in the City Hall park, aud to take such other steps as may be necessary in the premises.' In order to prevent an indis criminate crowd from filling the inclosure the small sum of ten cents will be charged for admission at the gale. Thermometer Record. i The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean ascertained from the daily bulletin ' J issued from the Signal Office in this city: Atlanta... 83 Augusta.....;;.. 94 Charleston, . . . . . '. 81 Charlotte..... ...83 Corsicana, 93 Galveston........ 89 Havana ....80 Indianola, 88 Jacksonville,. . . . .80 Key West. . . 86 Mobile........... 95 Montgomery ... . .91 New Orleans,.... 85 PuntaRa&sa 86 Savannah,... 85 St Marks........ 82 Wilmington, 79 Trial Bemeved. The case of Joe Gillespie, col'd, charged with the mux ' " -te W. G. Fowler, )nt at the time a resident of Mooresville, Iredell county, was set for a hearing in the BdVfjor Court at Statesville to-day, and Mr. 1 owler, of this city, received notificatioLwbe present, but, on the eve of starting, he received another telegram to the effect that the trial had been removed to Alexander county, where it will come off at the fall term. Visit or Inspection. - Col. Craighill arrived here on the North ern train yesterday morning and proceeded down the river on the government steamer Woodbury,tot the purpose of inspecting the works for the improvement of our harbor and river. He was accompanied by Mr Whitcomb, in charge of the James River improvements. ' Col. Craighill was expect ed to return in time to leave on the South ern train last evening. V - Badly Burned. i We regret to hear that a little son of Mr. Stienken fell into a barrel of hot rosin at the still of Messrs. Alderman & Bra, at Point Peter, yesterday afternoon, and had one of his legs quite severely burned. The burn, we are told, was so severe that the Bkin was stripped from the leg and the little fellow bad to be borne to his home. A Street FlghL '.v.' ; v- a "scrimmage" occurred between two colored men near the Bank of New Hano ver, late yesterday evening, during which one struck the other a severe blow about the head, drawing the "claret." At . last accounts a policeman was after the man who -was apparently so anxious to : display bis muscle. . -Locked Up..': : Drake, the colored shoemaker, known as the "Chief of Paddy's Hollow,1' was ar rested by officers William8 and Biddle yesterday afternoon, on the charge of act ing disorderly and abusing a. health officer. He was locked up to await a bearing before the Mayor this morning. . . Vnmallable Letters. ' ' The following are the unmailable letters remaining in the city postofflce: John G. Blaisdell, Baltimore. Md. ; F. W. Rodger, Clarklon, N. C; Wm. Corporal; postal card written to Lillie, signed Aunt, with no address. ; A correspondent at Lauriubarg sends us an obituary of a blue heron, be longing to Mr. A. J. Yogal, which com mitted suicide on Saturday by leaping from a window and breaking its neck. He attributed the rash act to its being tired of living a life of capture. The bird, though young, measured," when standing erect, about four feet from the top of the head to the ground. The little steamer ffirefly, -which ; has been carrying the - mail between this city and Smithville for some months past, got a hole , punched jnlo her bottom yesterday afternoon, about 2 o'clock, while getting ready to leave her wharf, and sunk almost immediately . afterwards. ' Arrangements are being made to raise her. The accident was t caused by her getting caught on a piling. v j ' A TIKK-HONORKDI CUSTOM. For the one hundred and tenth time the aanooacement ia made that, In accordance with its vested rights te- 1 Letter company wiuas iu rewiar custom, prc- L!!FLr, and every tiucu uj hi uiiinaun cuiuxer, UO ljOUISlHIia Bulie alar month! matx The -riea. Ue tickets, ir nana. Itlfft.lH.HiM. J J A X . . Dauphin, r. O.Box 692, New Orleans, La. -iw vv n JUNE 18, 18791 K I V KB A PI O OT A K I N K. 5 : ' The brig Fred arrived - at" Newcastle from this port on the 17th inst. " The barque Idencn sailed from Cux- haven for this port on the 3rd inst. The Norwegian bark Goto arrived at Bristol from this port on the 13th inst. - - The Norwegian bark SUo - sailed from London for this pors on the 13th inst -: The. Norwegian brig 'HSding- arrived at Riga from this port on the 11th inst - The Norwegian bark. Brakka! arrived at Bolderaa from this port -on the 14th inst. The British brig C. C. Van, Earn ar rived at Helvoet from:this port on the 14th inst. '.'' : ... I : The schooner Henrietta HSU cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 15th instant. . The Norwegian bark Aegir, from this port, was reported off Dungeness on the 12th inst. There was a rise of about eight or ten inches in the river after the late rains, but the steamers Wave and A. P. Hurt report it as now falling off again, flats having to be called into requisition in order to get over the shoals. V LIST OFLBTTEBS Remaining in the City Post Office, June 18, 1879, unclaimed: B Miss Mattie Bell, miss Alice Bauman, Monroe Bird. John Bird. Henry Beck. J as A Berry, J M Borough, Dao'l Bordeaux. - C Mrs Libbie Uorbett, miss Flora Uhes nut, Joseph S Campbell, Jas Clark. D Miss ; Mattie JS uavia, miss uema Davis, miss Catherine H Dayis, Orra Dick son, S W Dunham, W Davis. F B H Ftllyaw, mrs Alariah Farmer. G Miss Ellen Garrison, miss Ann Eliza Gasklll, mrs S A Gilbert, R L Goodman. H Miss Almira G Hill, J J Herring, ueo Hudson, Nelson Hanks, Wm Harsen, Thos Hamil, Isabella Hudson, H Hill. ? ' J Rev M a Johnson, J ja Jones, jfauicK Jordan. K B J King, miss Lizzie King. L Jas Lot ten, Jacob Landry. M Benj F Mathes. Miss Malinda Mc- Fariand, Eddie Moore, W Z Morton, care J E Sheppard. O Fanme Owen, 11 Uglesby. PRB Parker. R L L Reeves. 8 Daniel Sanders. Calvin Shaw, R H W Scott, C A Spicer, Elsie Swain. T Jos Thomas, ISliza J Taylor. W Miss Ann White, Jas E Wolf, mrs Annie Wrigbt, mrs M Wilson, T F Willey. ; y .Elmer W loung, wm xoung. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not called for within thirty days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Ufflce. Ed. R. Bbtnk, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. From all sections of the country come tidings of the good effecU of Dr. Bull's lialtimore rills in diseases or tne juiver, Stomach, Bowels, and Blood. They cure Constipation, Malarial Fever, Headache, Nervousness, etc . t THE OTAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails. ..... 7 :45 P. M. Northern throueh ' and way mails.................... 5:30A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, ' and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. RaiLrbad, at.. 5:30A.M. Southern mails for all: points South, daily 7:30 A. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday). 6.-00P. M, Mail for tiheraw & Darlineton Railroad. 7:45 P. M. Mails for Doints between Flo rence and Charleston ..... . 7-J30 A. M. Fayette ville,and offices on Cape Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays........;.......;...' 1:00 PM. Fayetteville. via Lumberton. ' daily, except Sundays. ... 6:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and interme : diate offices every Friday. . 6 :00 A. M Smitbyille mails, bv steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 2 .-00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, every Friday at.... 6:00 A. M, Wilmincrtoc. and Lisbon. Mon days and Fridays at. ...... 6:00 A. M. : OPEN FOS DELIVERY. Northern through mails. . . . . . 9 JX) A. M. Northern through and way mails..;.....- 7 .00 A. M, Southern mails 7:00 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 10:35 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 50 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. i--- General delivery open from 6:30 A. M. to 6 SO P. M., and on Sundays from 8 SO to 9:30 A. M. Oaarterly OTeetlnsre Tlilrd 'Round for tne Wilmlnzten District. IDT. K. Chorehi sontb. Elisabeth, at Pordie's - ...............Jane Bladen, at Soale Chapel Jane Whiteville, at Carver's Creek ..July Coharrie Mission, at Black's ChaDel. . Jalv SI, 3 5,"6 13, 13 Clinton fDiatrict Conference). Goshen. July 17, 18 Brunswick, at Bethel July 86. 27 Wilmington, Fifth Street.... ....... ...July Wilmington, Front Street .Aug. Waccamaw Mission, at Bethel. ...... ..Aug. Smithville Station -Aug. TopsaiL. Aag. 2, S . S 5. 9,10 VUBiOW . . . ..V. . ..... ..... . ...Al.l6.JiW, II. : The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, on Thursday; July 17th, at 9 o'clock. A. M. The opening sermon will be ID, 1 preached by Sev. John Tiflett. - L. S. BTJKKHB AD, . . .. Presiding Elder. C1XY IxKins. Chew JxcKBOH's Bxst Sweet NavyTTobacco. . . ; THE MORNING STAB can always be had at thT following places in the city : The ParceU House, Harris' News' Stand, and the Stau Office. , ELECTRIC BELTS. A sore cure for nervous debility, premature decay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable care, drealars mailed free. Address J. K-REEVES, 43 Chatham SUN. Y. , FOB UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mbs Wis blow's Sootkots Stbup has been msed for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wutd oolio, regulates the bowels, cores stsxhtsbt and dubbhou whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 85 OHTS A BOTTXiK. - Sarlt ahs CxHTAniLT that great external reme dy, Glkns's 8ulphuii soap, remeyes cutaneous eruptions by opening the pores whose obstruction was the cause of the difficulty. 'Test and you will endorse it, . . -. , Beautiful Shades of Black or Brswa are produced byHiu'e Haib Dra. .J . , FINE ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of sports men tt invited to the advertisement f Messrs. J. W. Toliey. manufacturers ox fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, England. ; Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure xnents furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock &c. t - ' ' WHOLE NO. 3,697 NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. ASurprisingOffer TO BKSIDENTS OF Wrightsville, Masonboro or - Middle Sounds. jNY PARTY OR PARTIES BUYING A DRAY or WAGON LOAD OP ASSORTED GROCERIES from me, can have them DELIVERED AT THEIR HOMES on any of the Sounds; within Eight Miles of Wilmington, by paying Turnpike fees, oa any day ia the week except Saturday. ; : I GUARANTEE PRICES, in all instances, AS LOW AS ANY ONE WILL SELL FIRST CLASS GOODS. This offer removes one of the greatest difficul ties of living at the Sounds. AVAIL YOURSELVES OF IT. Jas. C. Stevenson .The Wilmington Telephone Exchange. QUR FRIENDS ARB REQUESTED TO BE A little patient. We expect the Instruments soon. The Wires are being strung as rapidly as possible. One Cable was laid in the river yesterday, and wo have another on the way. It is hardly necessary to tell yon that anything said .through the Exchange will be private, only reaching the party for whom It is intended. L. A. ANGEL, jel8tf Agent '." Ship Notice. : ALL PERSONS ARE : HEREBY forewarned not to harbor or trust any of the Crew of the Swedish Barque M CARIN, " as no bills . contracted by any of said crew wDi be paid by the aasier or tne uonsignee, .w : J. W. SCHMIDT, Master. - Je,18 3t JgOYS' LINEN PANTS. ; '75c AND fl.OO. ; ALPACA COATS, CHEMBOURG COATS. STRIPED SOCKS 50c ALL GOODS LOW PRICE at 1 je 18 It MUNSON'S. QJSSAB. A SKETCH. By James Anthony Fronde, M. A. For sale at . .. HEINSBiRGER'S. LIFE OF GENERAL ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON. For sale at f, HEINSBERGER'S. HAMMOCKS. ' Made of the best quality Cord. Mexican Grass Hammocas. Baby Cradle Hammocks. For sale at jel8tf , HEINSBERGER'S. jt TjVEN "KINGS' LOOK FOR "PEARLS," AND "DIAMONDS" appear better on "PEARL SHIRT' fronts. Hence it Is advisable to wear only the PEARL. . . ' We have just received ONE HUNDRED DOZEN OF THEM.' of ail sizes, to fit t ' LARGE MEN AND SMALL MEN, FAT MEN" AND LEAN MEN, , Even the BOYS sre not forgotten by ' A. DAVID, -- Je 18 tf v The Popular Clothieri ; , Bankrupt Notice. ; NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by Neill McPhail, of Spout Spring, Harnett co., duly de clared bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1867. for the dischanre and certificate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 12th day of July, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register in jtanaruptcy. at tne u. a. uoun Koom, ia jray etteville. are the time and olace assigned- for the hearing of the same, when; and where ail creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they nave, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. - Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 17th osy oi dunej law. 1 ! WM. LARKINS, i Jel8-oaw2w: paid ' ' ' We Clerk. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS O, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUES- AJAx, 4 uiix ata, iwn -liuu jnonuuy u rawing. Louisiana State Lottery Company. : : . . This institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Chari table purposes In 1868, FOR THE TERM OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, to which contract the in violable faith of the State is pledged, with a capital of $1,000,000, te which it has since added a reserve rand of $350,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. R mwt tcaie or postpones. Look at the following Distribution : ; CAPITAL PBIZE, $30,000. 100,003 TICKETS - AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. . I 1 Capital Prize.. ' 1 Capital Prize.. 1 Capital Prize.. : 2 Prizes of $2500 : K Prizes of 1000 .$30,000 . 10,000 . 5,000 5,000 . 5.000 . 10,000 . 10,080 . 10,000 .10,000 . 10,000 S.700 . 1,800 . 900 90 Prizes of : 600 100 Prizes of 800 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 100. 60. SO. is of 10. ippunTivnTrnN prizrsi 10. 9 Appreximatton Prizes of $300 9 Approximation Prizes of. 200...... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100...... J.857 Prizes, amounting to ........ ......$110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at ; all prom&entints, to whom a liberal cempensation Application f or rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. ; : Write, clearly stating full address, for further in formation, ot send ortento ' M. A. DATJPIIIN, ; " ' P. O. Box 693, New Orleans, Louisiana. . . Or to P. O. Box 873, '. , Wilmington, N. C . All oar Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. je 18-DSaw8w&W - - . sat we- .-. . .v For Kent,- r During the 8ummer and Fall months, S . X the Sound Residence of Dr. A. B. Wright, pssi I rht. miles from town, on Tornoike road. adjoining the residence of W. A. Wright. J There are on premises one large Dwelling H .wa nil. 11 ftffiMfl all In TlArfAnf twAm.v . BbbIBBBWSIJSJHSMHbW IttWQ SBjA J3 vu uiviuwvg VUW MU WWAAU Hease and two small Offices, all in perfect order. . ... T n YX7TT"1TlrW apSSStawtf en we Agent. KATES Ofr.,t'KlMNl. One Snnsra ttbn Am - 1 rt?: " wo aay,....- 1 15 2 hit 3 M 3 60 4 Ot 6 itf g rtv 1' 40 W inresa&ys,... ronreays,,... five dava. " - Two weeks,. .."..".'."!'.".! ., Threewecka, . .s . - r ", 2?e ontb v , Two months. Three months,... ........... - - Six months,. -. ; ? One year,.... i ' ; S Contract Advertisementii taken at proyu tionately low rates. ;. Tea lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " 66 Water Street." Come for Popular Prices To Suit the Times GILT : EDGE PENNSYLVANIA BUTTER AT PRICES; YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY. S"We invite all We are detei mined to sell the Goods. Rerpectfuily " NEWBURY ft CHASTEN. Wilmington. N. C' Jane 15. 1S79. je 15 lw Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY eantionpd SCftitlRt tnathm nr-h.phn.. ing any (of the crew of the Swedish Barque "LYDIA." as no bills of their contraction will be paid by the Master , I DAV: NORD1N, jel53t : Master. - Ship Notice, " ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned against trusting or harbor ing uiv nf fmw nf thn Nnn... gtaa Brig "TYPHON." as neither the v. i. m i ... . ... .muter w wuBiguf9 win pay any Dins -of their contracting. T. THOMSON, Master jel5 8t Truss Hoops. COOPERS' TOOLS. BORING MACHINES. Cow Bells. Hoes. Rakes. Seine Twine. Tracn Chains. Plow Lines, and a large ereneral assortment of Hardware at Lowest Cash Prices. : ROBERT HENNING, Successor to Henning & Teel, : No. 9 Market street. Nbarthx Whabt. "je 15 D&Wtf 50,000 Pounds ITraT WANTWn fnrwhlrli W If II 1J H II4H KMT1 fl a KH wui De paid. Apply to A W WATMI N. WHMr at. , Wilmington, nIg, Also. Oftflh nnlH for nTDUIS Rina urtii u Bend for prices. - , je 13 lwD 2tW To the Summer Resorts Of Western North Carolina, By the new and attractive Spar- ; tanbnrg Route. : WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, ? -I Jane 10th,-1879. . . COMMENCING JUNE 15TH, 1879, THE FOL lowing PERFECT AND CONTINUOUS 8CHE DULE will be operated on the SPARTANBURG ROUTE, by which ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all prominent Western North Carolina Excursion Points will be on sale, good until NOVkMBEK 1st, 1879. . Leave Wilmington (by Sleeping .... Car to Colombia) ....10:13PM Leave Columbia 10:30 AM Arrive Spartanburg.... .. ......... 8:10 PM Arrive Hendersonville.. .......... 6:10PM ? Arrive Asheville .10:20 P M 34 ; HOURS WILMINGTON TO ASHEVILLE 1 To connect with this very attractive Schedule Passengers can leave ; Weldon ; 8:32 PM Wilson............... 6:40PM ; Tarboro ......10:00AM Newbern , 5:41AM . ; Goldsboro , 6:36 PM . Magnolia... 8:00PM -:- For Tickets, Time Cards, Engagement of Sleep ing Car Accommodations, &c, &c. enquire or Agents at the Stations named, or of the under signed. ; ; A. POPE, 3el5tf :- ', - General Passenger Agent. . 1879 Excursion Season. : 1879 wiucingtok si wkldok ratlboad. -Passekokb, Dxpabtxikt. , WruaNOTOK, N. C, Jane 8th, 1879. RoUNITTRIP TICKETS TO THE VARIOUS Virginia Springs, Western North Carolina Summer Resorts. Morehead City, N. C. and Old Point Com fort, Va., good nntil Noyember ' 1st,' 1879, arc now obtainable at Union Ticket Office, Wilmington, Goldsboro, Wilson and Tarboro, and will remain on sale nntu October 1st, 1879. - - .-- - - Close connection for points on A. M. & O. R. R. ujr vitu r. a..uwu iivu vriiuiuigLUH. Close connections for points on C. & O. R. E. by both trains from Wilmington. Close connection for points on Western-North Carolina R. S., by train leavirg - - ; . Wilmington ' Weldon ? Wilson.. ! Tarboro ..!... ........7.10 A. M. . .. .3.13 A. M. ..4 21 A. M. 8.80 P. M. Leaving Goldsboro at 10.10 AJ M. dally, arriving at Salisbury 10.86 P: M.. there connecting with Sleep ing Cars on W.N. C. R. R.. and reaching 8wu nanoa at 10.00 A. M., and Asheville 13 30 P.M., be ing beyond question the line of quicker transit and superior comfort to all others running te Western North Carolina. - ; . - - For tickets, time cards, engagement of sleeping car accommodations, inquire of Agents at Stations named or to the undersigned. IJeTStf . ' Gen. Pass. Agent. To Preyent Enyions Feelinp ! - I WOULD STATE THAT THE BLACK, GLOSSY Coat I sometimes air ; myself in is only a ten-year old garment Dyed and Braided by me, at the " WILMINGTON DYEING KSTAB'T, je 15 tf - . , , Market, bet. 3d and 3d bis. TIRE HANGING BASKETS, WIRE RAT and OUSE TRAPS, - ' WIRE DISH COVERS, For sale cheap by GEO. A. PECK, No. 35 South Front Ht je 15 tf Moore's History of North : Carolina. . TTJST RECEIVED " el AND FOR SALE BY C. W. ITJLTJBS.' BLANK BOOKS of every kind gotten up to order at short notice. . Jel5tf . Reduction of Prices JjS CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE I JUST received a further stock of oar popular, Stone Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Churns, Ac i GILES MURCHISON, ' je 15tf 38 and 40 Mnrchison Block ''fcwFURWITURE! STORE IS STILL AHEAD in .: J BEST DESIGNS t 1 ' ' LOWEST PRICES V ; - : -: . ; MOST DESIRABLE GOODS l f : BEHBENDS & nONROK, N.E. cor. Market and 3d Sts., WUmiagton, N.C. S COTTS EMULSION COD LIVER OIL, Wommer'a Extract Malt, . Valentine's Meat J nice, ' ;.?.--.... Bay Rom, Violet Water, . r , Extracts, Cologne, Sec, in great vaneiy at myS8tf GREEN A PLANNER'S. - rrJSw? '

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