fcflE HORITIITG STAB. Br WKX. n. KElTNAItl. ri.KUi)HB1 DAILY EXCEPT MONliA YK. , HATWJ OF SDBWalPTIOW TK ADVANUll f '-" ' ' f )5,b year, ' (by malt) pontage paid,, 1 uv ,mtha, , .. " j ".-.,.,.,,.,, 4 00 three month. - f ' " - . , , .: s 35 ihe month .'.- ' ' " ......, i I 0u To (Sty Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, mneen Uenta per week. Our City Agents are I not antnorued to collect rr mere than three mntbv I oiitijnkv The Democratic Adrisory Committees of Hnat inil TTnttoA hivn crrfd IinOll IWO bills to be submitted to the Joint Demo- craUc crocus. -Thc new Galon steamer Ariiona hat made the quickest trip on record across the Atlantic, . lo 7 days, 9 iQWr SS minutes. - Mr. Tburman was ftkiatCld not preside in the Senate. Th tkbdUon of tbe KLedivo appears to bd )wiuIboU The insurrection in Algeria to ended; four thousand insurgents are tn the hands of the French. In tbe Senate yesterday Mr. Burnside in troduced- a resolution reaffirming tbe prin ciples of tbe Monroe doctrine in connection with the establishment of a canal across tbe Isthmus of Darien.1 ' The Consuls General f the !Powers yesterday notified tbe Khedive of his deposition; he referred ' them to the5 Sultan, -r--The caucus of Democratic Congresbmen last evening,' on the ..vetoed Appropriation bills, resulted in defeat, of proposition . to reenact them in their old form; two separate bills to be reported.' -A funeral party was thrown from a coach on the Lake Shore Railroad; the injured parties will probably die. The Louisiana .Slate Convention yester day, ordered ; the State Treasuier not to pay -bondholders ' Interest on the 1st of July, until that body so directs. There ia said to be a , fair prospect ' of tariff f revision in Germany resulting iu the -desired increase of revenues. ... . ' . - Reports from the provinces of Canada si.qw the harvest will be a bountiful one: - -Tbe Confederate Sufvivors Assoeia- - J;....-.: . A ..... , .. lion of Montgomery, Ala., will have a grand celebration ion the fourth of July. Tbe steamer Arizona has' made the fastest ceau trip on record. ; Robert Jones, colored, was executed at Tarboro yesterday. -New York marketer Money. easy at 'l22f perceiii:;' cottou; quiet at 1212i cents; flour wiihout decided change and in moerate!demand; wheat quiet and firm; corn slightly in buyers' favor, dosing rather more steady; spirits turpentine steady and qaietat 27 cents; rosin quiet and steady at $1 80 1 35. , On Monday, the ship "Cultivator" suited from Norfolk, Va., with 4,100 bales of cotton for Liverpool. Senator Thur man is represented as being extremely anxious to pass a Judicial bill that will be signed. '-rre critic of a Northern magazine has done the country- service in lash ing ',L,As8oxnmo,,, the nasty French novel that some people are now read- Many of the leading Democrats of the House are absent, among them Mr. Tacker, of Virginia and Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky. Wise and discreet men are needed now. A New Work letter of -the 23d thus reports the dry goods market:: "Staple cotton and woollen goods were. moving to-day in . lair quantities, on ac codntof back orders, current business con tinuing light. Cotton goods were fairly lieu, and Utica wide sheetings were ad vanced. Medium fancy prints are in fair demand, but light, descriptions are quiet. Men's wear woollens are less active but firm. Kentucky jeans steadily held." We have received the first number of the old IIill8boro Recorder, now published at the flourishing; town of Durham. It is the oldest paper in I ... ... . I JMorth Uarohna. For sixty years two generations it has been pub lished at the old historic town. The editor, Col. John W. Cameron, has no superior in our State, as we sin cerely believe. -We "wish him great success in his new Lome, t In a short time the paper jvill be enlarged and otherwise improved. If many intelligent people who be lieve that the ; legitimate drama is improving feel shocked at the immo ralities of the professionals the latter must blame no one bnt themselves. The divorces and corruptions of many leading women of the buskins are deplorable nay, disgusting. The Richmond State says : ' , "The divorce suit of Mrs. Girard Rowe against her huaban i. Geo. Fawcett Rowe. tbe actor, is attracting much attention in Jfew York, and has already turned the talk : away from the Oates affair. Strange that unese actors, who all hold the mirror up to mature on the stage as model husbands and wves, Bnould fall so far short of domestic ibappine83 in their own lives. According lo reports from Wash ington the Democrats are in a quan darv as to what next. , The ' State's letter from Washington of 24th says: he Democrats are tossed upon a sea of uncertainty, laebed by waves of doubt and conflicting counsels. When tbe joint caucus committee pours oil upon the waters tbo mass may move smoothly. Tbey cannot successfully carry out what is left of the original nrogramme without Ibey settle down to a continuous session,' extending through many months, because tbey have not a two-thirds majority to legislate aa they desire in spite of the President, who stands immovable in tbe way. They can not refuse appropriations and adjourn with out the minority, party permit it, because they haven't a quorum; and though all members within reach might be summoned o return, there would be still' four absent HI H ju Aurope. T mmmnwnymmr 1 mliilliTir UfiiMilM iiw m i fi ir t ' 1i fcn a iHiinaiJillirfiT fcnufMMJiiT 'r n i ti si n us- Una MiffTi """''"""T I n hniiTii'M miiIih - nIHai 4 ' "'-"r- j-'r, - - . . . - ' t - ... fm.;-.JT4 MaMa. " - - " - ......... r. , r-. .. - " 1 hh'i-ju.i . .-.-.?.. zva.vMimjnummemBKm! it urn r -- -TW. XT r va W TIT """f A ? O A" V lllj. A Ai V llvJ- OVi. vi When Congress will adjourn , ia un-1 known just now. The probability's, J we take it. that there will be another 1 . ' , 4 I Iwet - k, unless enough Democrats . vote Lwilh the liepublioans and: Qroed backers to pass the 'Judicial bill ' ap propriations denuded; of the objec tionable feature:'. The State's well- informed correspondent t thinks that adjournment would quickly come if every mau followed his own judg ment. (He say i a few men lead the others and the leaders are not always the most intelligent or wisest. .This is the ' case often in deliberative bodies not Congressional. - Men of great wills' and groat effrontery gen- erally are the conspicuous ones.while I the brains aro stored away in the crniet. unobtrusive heads. Tbe States letter says . ... "Theoretically all want the fight to con tinue, but practically a large number want to rest on; their arms, for a few months,, if only some plausible excuse can be found; or if a few' Demociata would be bold enonerh to vote a clean appropriation bill. and take the 'cussin' that would follow, it would be an immense relief to their breth ren. Spirits T urp entine . Dr. T. II. Means is better. Mr. John A. Wilson, of Char lotte, is dead. . . Judge Kerr is in Raleigh, but is still quite feeble. t Too wheat crop generally is re ported good throughout tbe Stale. :, ilernersvilio was engaged in dog killing on tbe llth. Seven were killed mad, we presume. . . The item iu yesterday's paper relative to the burning of the bonds ought to have beea credited lo tbe Kaleigh Jiem. - The Concord Sun has entered upon lis seventn volume. May its rays continue brighter and brighter lor decades to come. ; . - ... ; , . ' Polkton Argus'. There is a disease among tbe horses in White's Store neighborhood, that .is said to -be, fatal in nearly every case. - Which is right New-Bern, Newbern or New Berne? We notice that our bright contemporary, the New-Bern Democrat, uses each form. Mr. Henry Biggs, of Robeson, was tired at tbe other day as he was re- larumg home, ilia horse ran away and he was thrown to the ground. Raleigh News: The Governor yesterday issued a requisition upon the Governor of South Uarollna lor a fugitive from North Carolina Justice. - N e w ton Enterprise : Sixteen large bogs belonging to Mr. M. M. Cline died last week of cholera. This makes sixty that be has lost within the last fifteen days The . celebration at ' the Oxford Orphan Asylum on tit. John's Day was a fine success. The Raleigh New Bays 2,000 people were preBenL Judge Merrimon and Judge Cox delivered addresses. Jiobesonian: On Tuesday night of last week. Mr. J. Jr. McKay, near Mc Lean's X Roads, in this county, had the misfoitune to have bis dwelling and a large part of its contents destroyed by fire. Concord own." We received a private letter,' this week, from a gentleman in one of the extreme western counties.who sees people every day from all parts of Western JNortn Carolina, and he says the people are a unit for Kobbins for..Qo vernor. , ... : .... Concord Register'. When will our young men find that cotton f uturing docs not pay. we nave it on good autno- nlv that a young man or our town suc ceeded in making f8UW .- on luturea lor June. ' and making - a large venture lost $18,000. Hucbisluck. ; i The N. Y. Sun correspondent, referring to what occurred when Lamar CnrTm it woo vprv harsh it waa told Conkling, "it was very harsh; it was such as no good man would deserve, and no brave mau wear," says that Mr. Vance jumped from his chair and clapped bis hands at tne stinging retort. , :, . The Charlotte Southern Home makes the annexed complaint: "The pub lie laws of North Carolina have been issued. Those we have seen are badly bound and have to be handled with care lo keep them from falling to pieces. The backs are bound with cloth, instead ot leather." New-Bern Democrat : On last Saturday a gentleman offered to write up for us the scenes and incidents attending the last moments of the poor unfortunate negro who was bung in lseaufort last Fri day; this we declined publishing, as we be- lieve public execatioM are deleterious in I their teachings. A correspondent of the Raleigh News eays that the smallest woman in West ern North Carolina was in Winston some days ago. The correspondent adds: She is a daughter of jnetcner Jones, who lives eight or nine miles from here. She is eighteen years of age, twenty-seven or eight inches high, and weighs thirty-seven pounds. i At Bakersville two. women got into' a fights The Bepublican says: The bus band of one proposed to taae tne piace oi bis better and bigger half,' and the officer of the law was too gallant to refuse the of- fer, so be nrougnt tne neau m w r iiuuae before bis uor,who imposed the usual nne. i ne juarsnai wui ueuoxuo uio uiwsk nnnnUr rfian in town. . r rsviiw;x....-w.. Burbanks, oi Indiana, aiter uavenmg over nearlv everv State and Territory in the Union, and keeDine his eves open as to the advantages of each, .cornea Uo the conclu- ffiSo'r North Carolina is as good, if -not better, than any section he has seen. ; The Mount ASty'tyisitor . gives a point in case, regarding wild honey, ' by stating that a colored family by the name a bee tree. Several members of the family have died. Also.' that George GreceS. a . :1 I . II - V . lew uiuca iiuiu uuuui Airy, was uivten Dy a highland moccasin snake, f rom the effects of which he died. -- , -.".": ' 4 Raleigh Visitor'. Trinity Col lege conferred tbe degree of A. M. on David C. Dudley, Esq., Principal of the ' ' - - ... . , . . . .. . . . - - ' .... - if ... .- k WILMINGTON, 1 .-.; Kentucky Deaf and Dumb Asylum: 8 apPearance at the ilJniTersityf having journeyed on foot one hundred and thirty- S SI L!. 1 I V n . n d(a imies, lruiu u is iiuuie iu uuc ui iuo cast em counties. He expects to walk back after the school closes. Liucolnton Progress:, .A bold robbery was committed near Wood Lawn V on ;Tuesday;ia8t m - open ; aayiignt.- "rue dwelling bouse of Mr. James R. Abernethy was broken open by a burglar ana f lou in money stolen. ' The" revivat which has been going on in our town in the Baptist 1 church has, we reioice to say, met with signal' success. There have 5 been 'many converts; six were baptized on Sunday last, and we are informed that eight or ten more will be to-morrow. : : : " Vf-Y'.- i- Charlotte- Observer: We learn v that Prof. Thomas B. Bailey, has received a, call to a lucrative position in Mississippi. J obtained from the Houae 'indefinite leave of absence on account of sickness in his family, and Mr. Steele has obtained leave j of t important and absolutely necessary 1 business." JSrskine College commence- ment cbmes off this week., Positively the last of the season. A Baptist revival been in nrogress at Lincolnton for nearly two weeks. 1 A cdnslderaole number of persons have professed "religion and fif teen or more nave joined tne cnurcn. The Durham Recorder contains several cases of burglary in Orange recently. Among others the editor's house was enter ed, but the thief being overheard was pur sued hotly and dropped what he had taken. Mr. G. A. f aucett lost $80 in specie ben sides notes. - A negro named Paschall Lunsford was committed to jail on Monday charged with having been lound secreted l under the bed of a Mrs. Lea, onU Iatmver, with felonious purpose, On Thursday week ago, sberm Hughes sent his grand son, Jesse Hughes, to the western part of the county to make 'some collections. On J his return he was stopped after nightfall by some one who demanded his money. Young Maghes, though unarmed,' made a demon stration to draw a pistol, upon which the robber told him he was not the man be was after, and Hughes then put spurs to his horse and dashed off. . . IxithkReeoraer: MaB W IV; Graham's wheat crop, drilled in rows two feet apart and cultivated with the plough, promised to illustrate the superiority pf ,tUia mode of culture. It was a 8plendidisighry and bid fair,, in portions of it to make Xoity bushels to the acre. But after heading ont, from some atmospheric cause, it was. par tially blighte(Land the yield much reduced. But be is on the right track and we hope to Bee his system more generally adopted. uuite a severe bail storm passed east of the town on Thursday afternoon, striking tbe farm of the late John Hirkland, Esq., and skirting, the farm of Mr. James Webb and others, passing over that of Mil I Alex. Dickson, wb-jre it seems to have beea most severe. In &ome parts ot the track, which was quite narrow, the hail is said tochave lain several inches deep. The corn was much cut to pieces, but the total damage is but small. i . I XKW iUTEKTISKDIKIVTs i Mtjnson King shirts. Yatks The. brguinette." . : Dimb Pabty At Brooklyn Hall. Masonic Meeting St. John's Lodge Habkisojj&Aulks New summer stocks 'HKnrsBEBOKB New books, pianos, &c To-Day Indications. For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, . slight changes in pressure and tempera ture, northwest winds, partly cloudy wea ther and occasional rains, are the indica tions for to-day. military News, , . t .-. , ? - i It is announced in the Raleigh Observer, with the air of official sanction, that the Second Regiment, including, of coumq, tbot vf ummgton companies, willgotoxteauion, instead of Wrightsvflle, on the 4th of July, The "Ayery Guards," of Morganton, have been armed. This company and Ue "Shoe Heel Rifles," of Robeson county, have both been assigned to the' Second : Battalion. Commissions have been issued to the fol lowing officers of the "Shoe Heel Rifles :' Captain, C. T. Willis; First Lieutenant, H. K. McKinnev: Second Lieutenants. .J. D Jewer and johBLeacb.Hl, Bli ji t Gen. J ohnstone Jones ' has ' issued '' aa order disbanding tho already defunct' "Lamb Light Infantry,'' of this city, and one requiring the commissioned officers : of the Second Battalion to repair to Charlotte, on the 10th of July, . for . the purpose . ot electing a Lieutenant Colonel, and, if a vacancy happens, a Major, Supreme Court Opinions. The following digests of two opinions of the Supreme Court are of general interest. especially that ffgwding lassea JiAbleo road dutyV ' I By Ashe, J. State vs. Craig, from New Hanover. Un der the present stringent road taw regularly appointed pilots are not exempt irom word ing on ; roads. AH previous exemptions. except those continued in the Road act.are repealed, An emergency requiring ..the service Of the pilot: on the day? he ia re quired to work a public road, would be a good defense, as he eould elect which of the two public duties be would fulfil. 1 4 f State vs. Parker, from Edgecombe. An indictment concluding "against the peace and dignity,?? but omitting "of the State," is sufficient, it seems that under tne Uon- stitution of ,1868 any formal conclusion 1 a6 indctmnt w 9Bential:- i t I I !A colored "man byT.the name of Amos , , . . : ! e V -cs Upper had a hearing before Justice ScoU, VesterdaV morning. on' the charge of lar- cenYt aDd was ordered to give bond in, the um of $50 tok hisy appekrance thbext 1 term of the Criminal CotirtK in , default of 1 which be was commuted to aiW The specific charge- against Roper was stealing a pocket book containing f 3. from another colored man. A "colored woman I rested on the charge of being implicated in 1 thAMni&ifcnttfaa discbafffed for the want I I.tw t--.t. - " i- - of evidece tAvount? mother? must have some rest-. But how ia this to be accomplished, When the baby la restless.' and cries constantly f Simply by using Dr Bull's Baby Syrup. ' N; C;, TH CJRSDAYw - Regular meeting of St; ; John's Lodge tovnight.' - " , " . " - Wo learn that Bishop Atkinson has indefinitely postponed his contemplated visit to Europe. - ( ,;. jtr. 'Hewes, of the Local Board of Steamboat .Inspectors for this District, ia in the city on a business visit. , - John GJ Blaisdell, of Baltimore, has received a letter without signature from Wilmingtdri,vN;'C.; with fl 25 inclosed. Y v W? ilearn: that the appeal , in what is known aa the "Brunswick Case," lately decided by Judge Buxton, has been withdrawn. .iTha -Rrct-. mmn-ftlr nnnnart K tlm Cornet Concert Club will be given at the City Hall park on Friday evening. . A stand will be erected "for the purpose. Considerable improvements are being made' In connection with Messrs. Al taffer & Price's Sash and Blind Factory, which is being 'enlarged, new machinery put in, &cv... . , , Isham Fields, colored, was sent to jail yesterday for non-payment of costs iri a -caso 1n Justice Scott's court in which he was prosecutor, but failed ! to convict tbe'defendant. !, niil ' ' ' .-' The visiting ; colored Masons from Charleston will leave here by rail this morning f or home! The - Gibiemites had them in hand yesterday and entertained tiiem handsomely. 1 hTho trnet Concert "Club Will shortly give another of their popular moon-, light excursions, , full particulars' of which Will appear hereafter, To prevent a rush, the number of tickets will be limited. The Visitors of the Ladies' Be nevolent Society are requested to meet at Hbok and Ladder Hall, Friday, June 27ib, at 5 p. in. ; Aa it; is the last' meeting' tiis summer it is necessary that all should be present. ' , . i Our thanks are tendered to the committee for an invitation to attend a barbecue given to celebrate the completion of the Spartahburg & Asheville Railroad to Hendersonville, which is to come off on the approaching 4th bf July. ' The Yacht Rosa will, be , taken to Maspnboro , Sound- to-day over ; land, i.ie.. by way of , the turnpike. Owing to tne'difficulty of navigation by this route, Commodore Wiggins, it is reported, has consented to take command. The only caseifbefore Acting ayor Flanner, yesterday morning, were thoso of two young colored men, named Oscar Cameron and George Peaman, who were charged with disorderly conduct. They were ordered ' lo be confined in the citypriaonfor. twenty -four hours. Two cases: irom ' this Judicial District are' reported iri 'die Supreme Court proceedings of Tuesday,' 'as5 follows : jtfer- chanta' Bank of Fayetteville vs. T. 8. Lni- lerloh el al, from" Cumberland ; :, argued ; aid W., Qverby and wife vs. Fayetteville Bpildingand Loan Association, from Cum berland; argued. ,i,t'. I ',;-.' v. f J The ' noonday , prayer meetings at the' Seamen's Bethel are growing in in terest and the numbers in attendance!. We are glad to know that some of our most prominent citizens and church members, or different denominations, ' are identifying themselves with the movement, and taking aa active part in it T-tAt half-past 11 o'clock, Tuesday h jgbt, quiet,: decent people, all alorg dburchfatreet, from Front to Second, and Second onward; were aroused and'dis tarbed by the curses, both loud abd deep. of three or four men; wUffwhite skins. A policeman would be i a place at all limes in tnat viciniiy. oucn aemonsirauons are ot frequent occurrence at the -point indicated. sPoartb ot Jalv Celebration. We hear that there will bp a big, celebra-s tibn and general aa ass meeting of cilizeas 1 oi Pender, Sampson and Duplinj counties at t'Big Pine," bear j Leesburg, . Pender county, on the approaching 4th of July, the roration to he delivered .by ; James ' Heaqn, who will be followed, bx other speakers., , It. ia claimed that nothing Of a political nature will enter into the proceedirga of the day, .but that there will be plenty of music and '"refreshments." n- -" - ' - ' 1 Rettarnlna ine Soun4. 'The yacht Ripple left here Monday nighf, going out at what is known as : Buzzard' Bay Inlet, and arrived off Mason boro Inlet at .11 o'clock : on ' Tuesday, where sho 'awaited a favorable tide and entered tbo Sound at 12 o'clock. - She was in command of Mr.-John Farrow, who had a crew of two colored men.-' '' ". ' iThe 'Rosa,- we 'understand; was; to leave for ' the ' Sound ' yesterday evening, going overland. 81 Joseph's Academy, The school exercSes'. .of '8t.,owph Male Academy,' coxper of. Fifth and Ann streets will be brought to a close to-morrow (Ffidaiy) , evening, at . which: time the pupils of ihe, Institution i twill present the inteic8tin4raina' entitled Joseph J in Egypt," to be followed by the distribution ofpriaeito the children. ,; :; ; ir tY'rmq ttelieioas. , jRevDrlTs . . , ' Burkbcad' occupied ths pulpit, of Front StreeVM. E- Cbiirch last ' J. i'.U-"-.. -A IV-- -Mi -i v-c' ..ii.-'""--'--'"' etening. 5 - , - r r , .As a result of the revival wbibb-has been in progress at this place oworship for inmn timft. noot- two m.. olata' thprn hnvn i ; . - . I pf 80 more iuan one bundred conversions 1 up to datea most satisfactory exhibit for the friends of religion . " JUNE 26; 1879. Miss Bart's Slebool , , " f,,. The closing exercises of this institution were held yesterday morning. . Examina tions had been in progress ' for several days previous,"; in : which' ' the pupds acquitted themselves with great' credit. The feeble health of the principal prevented the usqal public , exercises, only the parents of, the pupils being present to witness tbe award of prizes and testimonials.' w-. i After class - singing the annual ' report was read py Ktf )Yiiliam Calder The dis tinctions for the year werq as follows: a: In Schdlarsbipi' Certificates of the; first grade Ver er a warded to Miss Minnie Hoimes f andfMisa iLpnla Ijtfsley j 'qf thej second' grade, to Miss Georgie Atkins, Miss Annie Moore and Master George Johnson . of the third grade . to : Miss Mannie; Parsley and Miss Alice Holmes. : Certificates .of Good. Progress were given to Miss, Darrie Myers In Deportment,- certificates uf the lira grade were presented to Miss Mannie Pars ley, Miss Alice Holmes,' Miss Katie John-r. son and Miss Anna-Strauss; second grade. Miss Loula Parsley, Miss Minnie Holmes, Miss Lillian Bowden and Miss Flora 'Wil- lard; third grade,:-'Miss Georgie Atkins, ! Mi88 Ffbrence Bowden,7 Miss Lizzto Heide, Miss , Mjkttie ' Hey er; ; Miss Carrie Myers.: 3f iss Lossie My era, , Miss , Ida Strauss and , Misa. Annie Willson. . : .: , , ; Prizes were awarded as follows: - f Xn 'Scholarship, to Miss Loula Parsley. 1 : In Deportment, to Misses Alice Holmes,' Katie' Johnson and Anna Strauss. r !i- ;u ' For Punctual Attendance, lo Misses Alice Holmes and ManntirParsicyr' For Proficiency ia Arithmetic, to-Misses Annie Moore, and Ida Btrauas and Master George Johnson. . ,. . ; For Excellence in English Definition, to Miss Minnie Holmes. S A dainty little work-basket, the prize for excellence in needie-witk, was awarded! to Miss Hattie Lewis. . " k ,j . An address to the pupils concluded the exercises, and the session of 1878- 9 was brought to a close. ! - ' : s is. " --'?Vi' Tbe Pine Straw fa us mau facta red State. -....... We examined 'yesHef day several specU mens of pine 8trawntendedjto8how; its condition after undergoing the various pro cesses to which it is subjected at the facto ry in New York, some mention of which was made in this paper a few weeks ago. One of these specimens shows the straw ia its rough state after undergoing the sweat ing process by which oil is extracted, and the others in its different states of prepara tion for stuffing mattresses, &c, the finest c It being almost if not -quite equal, to what is known as VExcel8iori, The straw i also manufactured into ; paper. a Large.: quantities of-4t-w4U eoetiaue te-be shipped tspm this port by Mr. C. H. Wessell, the agent, and i t may be considered hereafter , among tbe regular articles of export from ttiia section. . ( ' severe storm. jCapt. Garraaon, of the steamer D. March ison, reports tht a heavy storm of wind' rain and . hail r occurred along the; Cape Fpar River on Tuesday, being particularly severe in the neighborhood of Elizabeth WaddeU'a Ferry and iiittiet &nrar Loaf. The thunder and lightning were also very sfvere. At the latter', place a couple of pines near Sheriff Wi J. Suttoa'a distillery were stricken by the electric fluid, the shock prostrating and temporarily stun ning the distiller and hia assistant, together -with a horse that was standing near by, and. 'killing four hogs. . It is hoped that the rain extended sufficiently high up to improve to navigation! of the river, which is en thely too low for the convenience of steam' bpatinen,-.;' fohi.rij y.-i ,i ,'..-.:. -iWA 'ojddFeileWalilb. - - Orion Lodge; No. 67, L O . O. F., at their i regular meeting last evening, held an elec tion for officers, for the current term, with' e following reBult ; -; '.! : ;: ;1 s-'-!i'Y-Noble Grand W. J. Penny. - -Vice Grand John H. Pogh. i i f Recording Secretary W. H: Gerken. Permanent Secretary W . C. Farrow. " Treasurer W. S. Warrock. ' ) These, together with the appointive offl- cers, will be installed on Wednesday night of next week. dan Vmttic I. .. IT. Election, of Officers. -, - j At the stated meeting . of Cape Fear liodge, I. O. O. F., heid: Tuesday evening, tie following officers were elected for the ensuing term: :l:: ,:. . ' Noble 'Grand James W. Jackson-. Vice Grand vV. L. 13rqwn ; R. S, Benjamin Bell. ;-J I P, ,8. Wm. L. Smith, yy j j , 'Building Committee R. J; Jones. John fiiaunder and Wmu I Smiths k I t .f m n. . ,. i , ,,ydY -.- Tbe Blrds,. s t- A corresppndentV ', "E. H-' L.," writes us f rom Liiestille as fpll:Fihe covey. young partridges seen in my field on 19th insi - Early, Season yery favorable bo farA and the indications, ae that. bird wiU be more plentiful than for several years, past. Come up ia October." i We shall endeavor to avail ourselves of our friend's invitation. :?m - " -"Bfc-SSSHBS Thermometer Becord. f rThe following wiU show the state of., the thermometer j, at tho BtationsTnendohed at 4.31 yesterday evening,, Waahington mean time,. as ascertained from the daily bulletin issuedlrom the Signal Office: in this city: AtlaBta..v..i.i.64 Augusta; ; ... . ... .75 Charleston. . . . . ,74 Charlotte 7.....:. 69 Corsicana,i..'.;.r.,.76 Galveston, . w ...81 Havana .....81 Indianola,.......84 Jacksonville,..,.. 79 Key West,. . 81 Mobile.. ....... .81 Mnnttromerv . . : . 70 New Orleans..;;. 77 Punta Rassa, ; . r. 76 8avannab.i .'..i77 St. Marks,. i , .-. .5 Wilmington:..;. 77 WHOLE NO. 3,704 Misses Burr and James' sebool ; ( A number of r the patrons and friends of the Misses "Burr and James ;." School were present yesterday afternoon, -at --the school r?oom; .to listen to the final- recitation and reading of compositions by - the different Classe8and to witness the ( exercises in caiesthenics vlThe" pupils, 'displayed , re markable proficiency and 'acquitted ihem selyea witb credit, and their teachers . with reat honor, especially in tbe r kindergar ten department, : while the wonderful' owledge of difficult subjects 'evinced by uestions' asked tbe ' . youngest scholars roved tbo superiority of ths 'system, and at.the,teacher8 thoroughly, understood. f ie method and were thus .enabled , to ob- a . . - ain most satisfactory results from its use. To-night the closing exercises "will lake place, consisting of vocaf and instrumental ikusic-ZcaleBthebic Vxecises5, expfabaiiobs Of kindergarten teaching, and tbe awarding of prizes&c.:;'' ; - :- ;Ui TboKBtd Men. ! in Y-iik:-I The following officers have b . -en : elected wXi"S Tribdo, 4, &9jtjl.i M, for the ensuing, term ; ,, v . . r . t :. PT(:W.Howard ':f S. G6o. Zeigler.11 " i v S. S. Jas.'J. Dray: : ; si; Edens .; tif : ; 1,- Tor 'Future Keferenee. ' " ' -l . Col. J: L. Cantwell, Secretary sof the Ohamberpf, Commerce and. Produce .Ex Change has devoted, a page of his books lo a record of the final closing of New Inlet On Saturday, the 14lh inst., with names of qfficiafs;; members ot committee,' &c., for future reference. .i..i:Yui:lfft ' .If'..- Olme Parir. "'';" "-' '.' I A pleasant evening, -and on on the prin ciple that bread cast upon the waters shall return after many . days a profitable one, may be spent at Brooklyn Hall to-night, where a dime, party is to be given by the ladies ot the becond fresbyterian Cburcb. aiVKll ANO SIAKINE. The 8chaoner:2zea, Hinks, from this port, arrived at Bath, Me., on the 20th inst. The schooneri H. Q. Sand arrived at Providence from this port on the 22nd inst The -, steamship Benefactor, Jones, om this port, arrived at New-York ye8' terday. " ' 'f' The mails close and arrive at the City Host omce as ioiiows: . CIjOSE; '. NoTtherh through iuails.': . .'.?' 7:45 P. M Northern through and way 4 mails . . ....... ails for the N. C. Railroad, 5:80 A, M.'; and: routes ' supplied ' there from,' including A. & n. c: Railroad,'' at. . LY, . . .. . . . . . 5:30 A. M. 70 A. M. Southern mails for all points boutn, daily. .. . .......... Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily , uexcepc tsunday). . . . . . .! .. Mail f or theraw. & Darlington O.-OOP. M. 7 :45 P. M. 7 0 A. M, LOOP, M. 4ltailroaa.. ails for points between Flo- reace and Charleston ...... Fayetteville, and offices on Cape JTear Kiver, liiesaays and Fridays..... Fayetteville, via Lumberton. t !dailyrcent Sundays-.i.. , P. M. Onslow 0C;H. . and; interme- i' i . diate offices every . Friday. . -; 1 6 :00 A. M. Sfmithville mails, - by. steam- H'-n-.w. boat, dauy (except tiundays) a Kn) r. M. Mails ,. for Easy Hill, Towu Creek and Bhallotte,1 every : Friday at ... . . 6:00 A.- M. Wilmingtoc and Lisbon, MonJ days and Fridays at g o.O0 A M. OTKHTOKr"PKIiIVlEKT;'-" :' Northern through mails. . 9. -00 A. M.. Northern' through' and way ; ! I mails,. .. .:.. ..i . ., . ...' , I 7 .00 A. M. Sputheru mails 7.-00 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad.1...5 10:35 A.M." Stamp Office open.f rom 8 A. M. to 12 M. ,. abd from 2 to 5:30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp Office. . vp.-? Kisl.sliMv; 'i'fii' la j General delivery open from 6:30 A. M.. to 6:80 P. MV, and on Sundays from 8:30 to Quarterly nsetlnfcaTbtrd Round ; jfor tbe ;Vllmln8;toi DIatrlct, IDT. E vuurcn, auuiii, riiaden, at Soule CHapel . i Jane Jaiy. 28, 39 5, 6 13, 13 17. 18 Whiteville, at Carver's Creek Qpharrie Mission, at Black's Chapel. A July ton (District Conference). Goshen. July Brunswick, at Bethel,.,..;..... -..... July Wilmington, Fifth Street...,. ....July Wilmington, Front Street. ....... .- .Auk. Waccamaw Mission, at Bethel., Aug, SrnithvUle Station. . . Z.L...: -. . : . Aue.: 26, 31 86. 37 3, S. ;5, v, 1(1 Onslow .. . . ..-.-... i .... i. ..Aug.- 16, 17 -The Eistrict Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, on Thursday. July 17th, at ! o'ciock, a. jm.. -ine opening sermon wui do preacnea Dy iter, uonn xujett. , . . . , I L. S. BURKHBAD, ; :;;;-. ;; Presidlxg Elder. C1XY ITEMS. Chew JicKsoa1- Bsst Sweet-NavyTobacco. J ITHB MORNING STAB can always be had at tne fallowing places in. the city -The Purceil House, Harria' News' Stand, and the SiAOffice. .-. , f FINE BNGL-3-t GUNS. The attention of sporis zden is invited to the advertisement ef Messrs. J. & W. Tolley. maaufactnrers of fine breech-loading gnns, Birmingham, England; Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock.- aoi'?? x , ., ;r.v- -' -..-. I : - vjr-- --'-'--'' ?FOS UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS Mas Wihslow'b Soothiko Stbttp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wnrs oouo, regulates the bowels, cures dtsehtbbt and diach,-whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. , 35 0XHS8 A BOTTLS. i:r'w U . V -. . . .; -. ,; . f .- '. . ' m mm ' jNoH(ta is XOB9 ELtBikSsrse than boils or ulcers Fortunately they can be quickly healed by the use of Gu.nh's Sulphub Soap, which purges the sore of its poisonous virus or proud deaa-SBd thus re moves the only obstacle to its healing. . mGbow Yoirm ia TenMlrntes with Haft IsrJi- TAHBOUB HAIB DTK. s " v . , J - ,j i m mi m s ! Macoh, Gko.v March 31st, 1879.-"Thcre are men ia this community who were victims in early life of Syphilis, and who have taken the Mediciae S. 8. 8., and are now to all appearances and in their own be lief as free from taint of disease as the first man fresh from the hands of his Maker. Delicacy for bids their public- recommendations of this medi cine, bnt I am allowed to refer privately to those who will endorse every thing that can be said is its favor." Thos, L. M-ass-atBuxat Druggist. - Sold by Gbkbx & Fsh, and all Druggist-.f i, ,i So DIEO. 1 MUTT. wednesaty evening. June 20, lxi, at a -'clock, at 1 the residence of w. J. Mott. corner of Seventh sad Dock street, A. IW MOTT, in the 3Sth year of, his age.: ; ",.:i-: jVf 1, v.. ;-; t i Tbe funeral. will take placfe at. Fifth' 8u Chord, this morning, at lO oClock, thence to. the Sound. Friends and acquaintance are invited to attend. K- i Savannah papers please copy, ? ; GaTHl OP 1SV Kilt tinu. om Bqaare ess d::..n.;.t...'.::rsit;. $i w tare dya,;o.. i.i. 3 60 tour days,..., , 300. five oaya,...,., ISO' onewtek, 4 00 Two weeks, . , r , c 50 Three weeks, 8 50 Onemoath,.... , 10 00 ' Twomontha,..i .- .... 17 00 Ttree month, .,... M 00 ' Six months,.. .... 40 09 One year,.......,...,. ........ 4-i eo OS TCo&tract AdvfcillBeineiil taken at Urbfebr- tionately low rates. - Tea lines aslld Nonpareil type make one square. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I . r ST. JOHN'S BALL, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, Jane 16, 187. TBwrVS't!!SSniLt MBRT1NG OP ST. JOHN'S LODGB. No 1 A F Jk A M I je se-n JAMES a KUND8. 8ec'j i ' Dime Party. pflS LADIES OF TUB SECOND PaESCYTK- BIAN CUTJRCa will give a DIME PARTY, at BROOKLYN". AiL, THIS EVENING,' and solicit the patronage of the public. Admission 10 Cents, tje 86 It - ' . - ..... ('-- :- j New Summer : Stock ! Lj TRAW GOODS l ; ' ' 'J : 1 ' LATEST STYLES f LOWEST PRICES I ILARUISON & AlLEN, . , Halters. Je 26 tf i Don't Get Out of Patience. THEY ABB COMING. "if -' 1 . r MUST BE HERS THIS WEES. t No such ran hae been known since we com- -menced Belling a $3,50 Shirt for $1.5 three years ago. The "KING" are preeminently superior to all others. The only Reinforced Shirt with Fatent Sleeve Adjuster in market. , Only SI. ; jeS6 It MUNSON. ' Tho Last Athenian. Y.VICTOR RYDBERG. ;.- j", "3 - . i . . . : . Boond in Morocco Cloth, " ' J , Gilt and Black. Price fl.S0; . .. For sale at . HEINSBERGER'S. Pianos and Organs, COLD ON THE MONTHLY ' ' INSTALMENT PLAN A?' HEINSBERGER'S, v . Noa. 33 and. ILMarket bt ie .26 tf . ,The Orgioinetea rpHE MOST WONDERFUL MUSICAL - .f INSTRUMENT OF, THE - - 1 A child can perform on It. It plays HymaTunea. Popular Airs, QuadrUleat Polkas, WaHes, Reels 1 era can equal. . - - - -- It ia admirably adapted for Singfag Parties," Eve- ning Entertainments, 4c, Ac t, '- '- 1 - , Price $10 to $15. !jez0tf Come and see it at once at '- ' YATE3' BOOK STOBb!, WILMINGTON, N. C. Juno 85th, 1879. &onnn two thousand - flUUlf, DOLLARS WANTED. . A Loan en Bottomry wanted, to defray the ex pensesof repairs for the Swedish Brig "BO RK," lately returned from sea, the repairs having been finished and the Vessel ready to proceed on her voyage to LiverpoeL - - j Apply at the office of R.E.nEIDE, je8 3t ; - Conslncp. I Mortgage Sale.. 1 ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 8ND.' lSTA, AT10 -o'clock, A. M ., Messrs. CRONLY MORRIS; Auctioneers, will sell at Public Sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the BED-ROOM SETS, OF FICE, PARLOR, DINING-ROOM a? d KITCHEN FURNITURE contained in the - ; j . , , "Empire House," ' in this city, the same being the property that was . conreyea.Dy x. -Ij. ittioy to Maria Uenaast, by,. Mortgage, dated January 34th, 1879. and registered in Book O.O.O.. on pages 386 and 387, in the Bee orda of New Hanover Coonty. Bald sale to take place at saicLHotel, at ths appoiated hour, by order , of the Mortgagee.. . jaSl lot Horts-affee's Sale. Vi ,,.. JJY v-VTRTUB OF THE PRO VISIONS COK tiined In a Deed of Mortgage, made the Cist day of j Jaauary, 1873, between William HThuiber and i wife Mary Thnrber and the Bank of Hew Banover, which is recorded in the Register's Office of New Hanover County, in Book FFP, page 683 et seq., i : the undersigned, as Attorney for the said Mortga gee, will expose far sale, at public auction, or ; cash, at the Court House ia the city of Wilmington, on SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1879, at 13 o'clock, the i ' western half of LOT No. 4, in Block NO. 91, in the said city of WilmingtosL, according to the official; plan thereof. F. H. DARBX, jell20t f;JinAttoniey for Mortgagee.?!' ForEent. - ., FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY. Au gust and September 1 will rentonrea- -sonable terms the Hoase.I&ow occupy. Si llll I1M on unesnuc street. . Between i aura aaa Feurth. ... f f Appl; - )je32tf Apply to J. K. MoILHENNY, i . s. turner Mantel ana jrront Btrcets CAROLINA CENTRAL- RAILWAY, GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT., ; ; 1 WIl-MERGTON; June Si, T9.' M!,SSShii . :i- Y:Y-;- X .1 fi ! you r' t OUND TRIP TICKETS ARB NOW ON SALE tp all points in Western North Carolina at GREAT LY REDUCED RATES, over this Line", cither via' Statesville or Spartanburg. . j COMFORTABLE SLEEPING CARS, and sat is -faction guaranteed. For further Informaiion apply to F. W. CLABK,' ' ' Gent Passenger Agent 'Je3310t Salt. Salt. - Salt. 1 Q Q Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, 1 . f .v -i Now landing and for sale by : Je 17 tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. pwaSd! While the tendency of Leather is toward i--..-;.i'.; , - , higher prices, we con- tlnue to tell v BOOTS4 AND .SHOES at the Very Low Rates . hitherto asked.-; Come l with your money and buy of i-.:. '. , . GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, Je30tf " t 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. '. For 5 and 10 Cents, WITH THE ADDITION OF TWELVE DbL VV lars and thirty-flve cents, maklur a total of 113 50, you can buy a haadsome and stylish Scotch Caetaere,j ... jg .-;3?. m fa iUiY ! -. IA . . . . ... dress and ball pu Linen Collars a vna-u-i -i-w, ouu suu-uousa DcariB. lor lail ress ana ball purposes . by yesterdav's EzDresar Linen Collars and Cuffs; . Nainsook and Gauze. WU. IWU. . V.1U MHU , IMW DJU1W Bj 1AU quality of the latter, ready for use, ! at 75 cents; Hats, Trunks, Umbrellas and Valises.' At 's ' ' OTTERBOUR(iS -1 Men's Wear Depot and -Merchant Tailoring, Estab ; lishment, 7. Market Street. e tf sHymnvf iVaHes, rm BSSi L l M V I