- s f ; . - ; -1 J ' ,' t m , Ki4SttEDAttT7' EXCEPT J.0W1IA YR? - RA tncrpTio u autaHub "kc yew, (by mm postage paid,; ' 7 x months. vi '..'?. ,T,'-crvvvJ t hree month, - , . w ' ", ' JJJ One moaUi ' ; . - .. irty, Fifteen Centt per week. Oar CUV Aeenu are not authorized to collect far k, ktlVBBrb i. .. .v,u,W;uWHia rnt iw'-Tt ' v:: : ft: II. f I I ;";";-ir'?-1 ; ; Ir n. t i;ati:3 cps ruvc:s using,. Cm 84n cudr,. lM ,1 cc "V V. f If - . . m ' " ' ' 1 Til fourdays,,; loo Are dv 8 50 A Ot i....,..-.r:..- , -r;'-- - i ,,4?73v ; .r r,c WHOLE i NO.,i;3,727 rnv '?"(!) t?;,i , ; l 1J : . 1 TSSTSSSft" 00 - Two CMP.nf ,T,:-;- ' - agree tftX?T " mlnill KXl"a.2??.' ft? TT"- . .. iccr; Boioag aiera- t7 , . u vi.rr Lf 5 j hbmu. upon I PPfBtiJ V i; i-u t rKuienw. xi phis ' refugees Chelmsford has over tbe Zalaa, war; hqas ittackid July 4ih; the Zulu, aurrounded tbe'BrlUah " b " 1' A1?"!??! descent. who fortned a follow rouare; each side m I AaUnaore meYicanisavBr- certainly looks like vi iMmSt J..7 . B'?"1 AUaDU.Cj and -GH?f States, werCawav I .Mw..;WMi.f..wiiuiBny,.ft,we8terty house ; was I wPd3, partly cloudy weather: and i lmid . n 1 1 .-. ... : ...... "; we rroffrcu, l rains, with slieht chaneea in kt -t I . .. . r . I re xae lameatskjns cor to-day. -.mi j-xl r " -j wvwmm iiiiiD n 1 1. ii iiihmi v iir n nnrimi and good Teeetation'rhi rminrt. w-a I v la ponSeq9enceof af difficulty, montf charged; Ulandf has been deslrovedi Znlni I iJ'ilis 'm&etuA ".f :,k;A!l ; I wbat Englishmen said after thev I ome of the seamea ofUhe achnn lost MM. Rritfotrin fcnu.i i . . I four Artmir.l. -iiT"C:i!'.uT'1w I M walked aroUDd iBaleiffhs, VWa h.M I n.:ip.n,,i.iitri . V" T jiT'.T'' r . wounueu.. I VI"U,L" , " n:vaesceit, rt was a citv. but it ia nti3n hr .T-ir Aw arrma ueMf ii ii i p-ii iiaiiar bam an - . w , t .7" --v.. vM.uU uyer spread- l century log at Memphis; citizens are fleeing lu larze Brenjon numbers.;; Buford Was found iru ill v 91""" of murder iu the first degree and sentenced KSSSS to the penitentiary for life The Viols great wars" aau fighting at Port-au-Princa are ;con- 'bo was twenty WWtlttrSl thstreet EaS Uth firmed; about ; 300 men were killed and LCH?I,U?crf!cuII'Mt.lJ' Cha,rch dwoA .iWb wee d a-church da6tJdi laala-IMinuW- IwasVr disonlpn; among the Bohapartisls otl Eoglish nary. He married P$ $k ..Marion. A greaTm Louis having refused to receive mail mat- .Harriet tfciyfrom infected districts, ; the Postmaster dolph ueueratinsiructs its delivr at th. V- I um the officerhere. to he held respoosjble for its Safekeeping Jt Wunbletbn. yes terday, arronArtericani won tbe iAlbert prize, y-i new oases yellow fever 7 "y :t icuuetaee. Wisconsia person of K APaulseri. "Deferi, dischard on the payment' of ; one illed up on the charged ni) 9jiased oq Itlotorior BBBnlBg swlne ntcblue ii inif diiou, fust Office as follows ' 5 . 3 ' BrContract'AaTertlsemeEto takaa'at iiroHt innately JowratwC", 1 L";.' "' ' Tea lines MdKonparetl type make oaeqoar-: NEW,; ATI vet I f TH? pOTOT HOUSli DOOR, ui uiu city, on i" i' vast 'i.r,.. t. j. 'j 1 ; -7 l ' w v-i - i .v ti i . ....... , f ware nresent vptpMv" nt' ,;'! ' - t iicssedl the operatiba' bf the motor, rec'ently gonhera through maoC. 'i K m . S ale Uhfler ExeCll tiOTl ioseateil .n-i nntM ktv. J I Northern thrm5K .l . '. I , ACUUIIUJ1. 9f ,ui$T. sewing ffiacbul and, other Mails ' bYr0',"'6A" M' iJJ routes-SuppliS--- the axle .and master-wheel of a, train of cliaS A. fc N. p. , -J.., 7 gearibg-Whereby the train Is Wl Amotion aoSSl-f ' V ' ' ; ' 5:30 A.M. by Wt'thetoi.. -Theuum" S?h?d?5f f0r Vw,V"aV ber end size- of tbe-ear'wheeIs;beingi,nJ 1 Western mailsfCn.'-R'V;; i:d0. A.,Ms mwtaespeeafcndpqwer.o:ihe motor irl-tTpsiliaa& ! 6:0OPM' n be varied at will, according to the ma' ffiL P? u,u0 .u. jo oe-apfU Bylap-l Jaailsfor points! between pio-:i : plying.the, we!ght9 the end of ; a lever the rreDJ?e and Cijariesto . . ; , power exerted is apportioned to tbo. length .f"einlofflc?sonUape of theleverBy.thume.nahainotorrft!n i 'V' "ays and - be used; for pr'opellin'g a boat'or carthe Fayetterffle, via Lumber'tVri ? M" weight of the WdbaRledM!nfl'mizbdto1:Pt -Sundays. '.J. 1 6 00 P M propei me ooai: tbtftorotoeller bwr hm1 iZr - uu. mierrne- to the lustaest , bidder. Tor and on accoint of wftoaC It may concern, the foUowmg articles f -. , FURN1TURB TRUCKS, - ? f Jhl' " '2 8es THUCK HaSSS8,'T'Vw"t ..J". l incomplete Set "d)fc; haltbr; blanket. rT!T- "-wpnipeuar power oeing tdiate offices' eveFridi'! Wnn'A;,i' i'. i i 'II, SUECINQLE, 4c , ftc, -t f - v J ' ..iY.. . VilE , 0,; BONT1NO, ; -fetable.f. WfJl.?'"dapt'lW9lV Hill, Town i- : ; 'Bankrupt Jiotlcc?': . - v-irva. uii uii. . ' r wvu9u occiu lu. ucnirH i r i rr, r" ms-mi. uaiusQ uiMuu. ajiiM.rD-ian nrirri i hi miliar f ri that Af aTaW& au -n . : v-v, wci w-. j it ij ad uerenv pivan that x4iti. t2nrSe us-Prederic Carey, tecKfcBf J.H:Mm. AJeyonsuire and waa th mniho, i-i-ZTrr? -.r "r"f . Vf-J L. M j- ,,.'1, . j-.-t nu- rv t.-.H Hthirlt . . k.nn ,M !. . I Uf- m oemvcm DmvEftv vi t J an.rwtadlselarm and cMflr;c:.ri" ' tbe unfortunatecentimn -IT: I X'utu vrpnap-Asymm Writes to the 1 P "te,storm and " KiTeci.. V r 3 " ua p, ,ll JMOflthera throoch maite ,rXn.mJv .V aumdetti and other clalnu tro7artr;H 3 now before, the wdHi'wMrriy;- k t" that I Rey.:w. MrennedK writ nS fronl Mal PPd Vuia: fablawer by thai Northern tthrouVh J ocKm A?wrt. iraTatto ibestifamdies in EnglanoW : t lL fSffii-ISv?, "eaded I i .-?.J-ihefireenne 1uzJL fPt.i-fii EZJte&J?" wsJZ:. i - t ,,.v w. . I-- -. sbm w juua i-u csiBVflfti. inn va ainAfi m i.-. . ; u " v i,uuiiiiiiii ii!H li i ii wr vr w iiw i . . o w w ii n uuiu bccmi u Aaan . -- - " aia. f viuiue uh liih au.mn wno a n n . . k - - 5. I a. r'. "swuvuoi rreiei s:ru--- T. .7TV"JV viflUiy,l l -i;-.ljhw ;. ' ' i ! .. 7 . , ' " 1 Vuuuua UenErat Ksiilrno m. . if tant. There mv jy.l 1 last, relative to thf kirifm nrtfhnid-M bne 'wb'6'haiifnmMk'-hW'w.';Vni. -i-.-iiiii- ifeof.them7.:rtlniaI-am . - j HvuuiMiuBiiuu vji nil ' iihvh - ... J uuii xijaa lit J l i iu&q ui kuu IHULIJI HH f lriMrHifsrf rF I if c aM t ovaau 1.1 i ji ii Tj zcii - nvi ; - a t a ituj bun uiaver fir n;nShh;.i 7 -wuo" lare beoominir a.1 Po children. If so. one ih een toldJ The storm ifeursted urinniiI 1,,, ".T T ; . .Zl' Bey and be granted. ? The strikers at FaJUniyerMass., wife J Bfimn fMBn.. ... iubj ix. ju, I provea ineir aeDts, and other Dertona in wMMVUH DUVIUI4 UUC uut. umitu iftr.vinni mih..n.i...!.i m i vuc liiuuhiiiiii mon . wnm... , - o ..v. buwd, it 1 ui- - nuo uiu kuou man. oev i it. r . r r.iif"',i' w.in. '.xwurofui i w nwunt-uiaw t wenerai aiivrv nr.t.v. "? uuaW.for liieutenent Go- I ureu mooDea a woman.. V llocka were I d -Vw Brern"'aao f B JMmflstrtuipttMttmit. rv Carrl wuwujf. ALaud on vitrnor it - n w-.-! . I . .1 -; rv. , B T c I prpnans, aad. therebv !.tinnj5ihA:I "aw Aast evening I visited some hf tho 1 . I o-sn a iw , . . . . V-'"" rea8urer,:and wrowu at some of tha- 'waiAhm.. I sum total or hamn nr 1 farm which had iatafnd ':r "uf .M,.VHBfwaia. cnum witnout the I,' aT-r-; "4 - u,cuaraGreather for Attorney r QeDeral. Lame nnmbf,,, :rlftU-TmT' i damage, and truly the desoktion is xelrfnL east exertion, a child sitting on' a chair Ttl" from' 6:30 A il AT Sunday's from 8:30 to - .- j 'Clerk.' This is the age of respectable me diocrity in politics. . fH of fccafEoldlng; one of them was killed. Pennia Manning,' victim of yellow ievrr,wH81burriedUt Platbush,!l Y;; ewday . V 1 indlaoB in Montana have murdered nine whites and captured a little girl, -i Pennsylvania BeDublican Stf Conventiou endorses both State and ; Na-- uoi aummistraiions. ? . ThejPrencb i Mr. H. S. Blair will publish Uoverument desires Marshal MacMahon to aemi-weekly paper at Hickory . command the garrisons of Paris and Ver- ! Mr. SilaaMcDowell, ajvalaed 8,,i"e? fhS New York Markets if one v Intelligent citiz-n of Macon cbuniv. is mi ----- -,..w. uui vi auKusk i o uiu ciean or crnwrn t.n i"?J?"H?-n.??? lbe commutation, ol the f did in March, save the brokm Uli 1omea l bUbdrorjghIy nde'retbod it' will asoneror the meat useful and de general delivery when street boxes very I t,. 7. . r -".""UO JUBCBt lar labor-saying inventions of j pfNsrSetNaTKTcrtjKco. jyS3 Spirits Turpentine. - . ,-. OUBOV. t lrV wdPteK I SSTt-' V6 "."er witne law Lt7& tbei 87S510n before in 57 : the weaker sex in , 5.k .! HarriTlfeiK .Le?!CeU Hoase, to h nrflrSIf"""".110- J, V.r. latest suerers from this terrible ilw 5 UiaUOB ar A Khilino U.1...J T . . I u Lt The attantf nn tt .nnLt. advertisement of MesaraTj. & Notice V " ; flne breech-loading I be Bcfd WIS asJTOnf T. . Jm-Yv Room. Ef Me. r't'JSi' ? . Aneuoa Their tmnu m ni epeciflcationa and measnrew ;e!4t ea87 1"2t3 per cent; cotton steady at 11 1116n 1316 cents;: "southern flour quiet and unchanged ; wheal opened iJc lower: winter rl7 41 noai ij. . county, t Granville and adjoin in sr ooun- 1 AO aaM ..... aW i - w mcions arrived, m YTasbiagton City, last I yon Friday, from the coast of Alhemarleiound.L i N. Ci te a punuy boat - Eleven ves- I easaring the right crook, -t . x , Wb of the problem published Ii.. . . . . ..ii . . r-- iucicu lev .xuidi gat rrOBlBIC Val.J. wni-..' ' t TAW lUva 'rn'. bUuenK because of the dry a" or watermelons arrited at Norfolk HTh.ro-.-'. .v, r,,""r!. J: f 6 , wcuiuer. i irom north Ca.rniin. 7 I t "'i anxieiv and exeitfi-l "a. locomotf V u,,..iu. jrianArV""ro"F,careBpiBKHTaj .1.: tltTT.v . bi onco I' ;..ivJS.: . - 777T, lii -.77 - " I 7777r'7. arising front .teethe vwufD. Ail 1 1 1 n ann nr. L:nj - shadeatronier. with a. ,.3" J.,.0 ? y-ne con- . -. -' . . -: - - wu.auu . vAuru, luirivanve oi wnom loinfcd spirits tnrneniinp .lull . 97vti tl. . the Mthiiut h.,.uJ J,Dt . ... v.io , ruaiQ i vwtu. v.im.u uuir atfL27Jl 33J.- ' ?r m kuiu ana jig nt, The ander -wiM Ka ii b.,.ewar!d leavtag it at the" " or 25 'jy'iOtt 778TA0FPJCJLn hses Glbkk's yb? copy any thing from this cokninlwrite Stab after it. Mr. H. H. CrowRAi. .;r.fMm WW., the.-flupreme. Court The Smith vnieTh Arrival;. MnrB.i ; sponive "cold wave" reached the monn-I-UJ-L VX.- TX- a " wwwu ' inLiajviHi' nun wmiifi j . nutvu uiia aijaii irisr nni nn-nrpn . UOUrs I , Qeat Jxim .daily Wbl'ack orhmwn 'n, TheiXJeprgia Independents 1 hold ' Sute'pon ven ion ;io-day t A u the Moreanton lUiub. and Mr t n u.t f-"Ve. cyd .wave" reached the mono-1 annn' -i .il - .J mileslarlher i befom hrtr, Tk-6" I inat cnti&e , ...JV r... stricken Into wiBti-,:"",1? th'T. WZ:.4 -''9l,,a !"Ln"!. ,e9uBa-l. her original, rate ! Hm Hadc Om ! A r9Vaw;il ..;-j' I pnnnrri. T. - y" w,u I fT-f c "uri ,ou people tnroaeb "pwuisnoiinasieBatii oi roatei , la i very or antnraeite ooal near that nl. t wost.- Cot. Davidaon ronnrt. vrf -I caiea at wnehtsv le Sound. ,aih'd ika A :Jf - w ect, viz r v o JSU is reported aseood. ' in the west A l.h.r . M.r. "! citement, thn.7ronh a. - - r. . . J ' . - , Pr,Rlnat rate of., speed. 3 fooonpreaching in Oxford is Wnrini UnlR Wflu . T T' raW MS tofliS MJSS1 aiBt- 18ra.-"There Hickory is engaged in manufao- i tn th. , xnere are men umiUUtes behind Swni. ??re c?8 in early life of ) miles atflStSH i!?a. tt.a. aiatneir own - interrogatories as to whether any confirma-' ' ' -s is?" 4 I ""lug UUUf, loOaCCO. and wmmB ::Th.l 1 : i are live firms eonedl k ir.;I,n(.1.tn.i" yrw8 penoai w pro-l It is believed that-.tnore' than one ?or ndhreKurtouaccor us we, learn "?me .tinie "Ince. "0a of "Ported drowning bad Come i6 hours hondred'cal-nf .,:KJ--" jiu uiBUiuuu,,-,., I OI Ol. . JfaUi i fR Chnmli liV.T.l I Promised hlfl rlnim fnr MV MA rr V7 I Verified. ?H.-i'i.!- as the first man 'di ELECT B0AEDIN6 AND BAT SOHnnr. J iU I iil t ! The fort, flret e.Blonl f thSSftgSftS ' MlssKollock's School ,wiU openth JnlT 18?9 andclote llth Dectmber.' v u i " j77? .i!. t 7;.va'x,A In? fiM niat and lnatrnctor the School. ' muwmwuu,' , , ClrcnlarBon appHcation. w.tBa-je 9gtawlm UbliAVJiUWU M1MBAL: SPBINfiS a ine arst man I ... aouu. ' uiu um ' ! . c I w una; vuiai OOU miles. Time 2(1 I wnowiUendorarti7i-;:i.'""' V"I'Be?l irio.ne,anaonemueof Caroltnfcf!Bt.rfci 7" , uuies; toiai sou miles." Time 20 I yhowiUendoraTery tSnethat clZJSVi S;?!., "owe,jBna one mUe of Carolina . t..vx I promised nia rlaim fnr ckaa ma tr xr r i 77. " . " -""""uuig, . , 777, . . ww, ,m never vi-, uu accented a nil n kHifaV. . I "itu tu eninv nm mnnov h .. a:j f f bfehind time 8 hours 2Q minntea fTqh Bho not 5 w mnes iartuet " before' 4 breaking Carolina Central on am- Button, , tance ten miles. Train m ttiinni. - 'B,. . ' - ww " " - - " a . s ... .1 3 . ... . " . ..uu. : n r""i iwwu uaio. airiYefi -bil nMiimtiAn '7 1 . " " wi.Ukj. yvniiflmoti.TO.. . 1 . . . Henryy Watterson,vof the Loiiis- S,M?h-ri; V'' od HI.Bte' opon his Jfyjast week, just twenty-four hours be- ,CMeMt ni-Al?' iT. A:. i,;uf.,77:, r duties tbe first of next month. fore tbe money was paid over- to hia wife f The comi -..clrier.?oMrn , ,s again in j- Greensboro fjfra ioan.: JMewii: oik interviewing Uncle Sam- RevR.il. Wills, pastor of the Winston my MeDMrifTi: '' i-'"! ?Ehhtt aPPinied hold memorial J - - , 1 ? services in honor of the. lamented and h. I'll. . .. ..... ..... V. t hours 8 minutes behindlime. R? W ; K2.5Ph" 2 . - "i. -' - , . w - : .... w MBW. MUIimN' flT'TMIW .. . . . . . . M . . . 'I'KJn t : -: ! - - r 1 v- - -7 r - "vn. vvvaub are cnnRrAnr.i- cnnvi Trr thn .aiAM. a .tt-o wiuauk raw our ianiTBAfre. Th a fii I Z-r rr h"- : xKiwune Ailey in ocul oncla coia ; Cold and Warm Baths. . Whif o-v , te-2S!5 A' eoo StrtaTBanT-B" 'J J order. - ' ' - Tbe Ptopriator is determine ws vulku UI L1LUL. fir JLTIV NIWInAi i aia to maae special effort 61 thia iwiA. ; r : 1 u i , 1 . .... : 1 .h j.. ... ... 1 .11 :.v" S"ii care laaen to m- 1 .. SDeeiai Bti fn. if.ni.:T. --.v"t 1 o uiuca ana wirnrfitoiihai in khii . wi-..t ? w tuue oi aeiennon , hart, nonmntisa t woraa men oroneri hoin, i-j t:- 7 i , . bote nn R.M n. ... , .. .. 7 5 6 i tranA fift mlla f.ntw.. v.-r-v-.. i. I liTIS1??? Where these werds come from -1 Mi 0i jfEf ft If- 1 w apparently a correct Solution: W I oauns; into oar langnaee. ThiiZnrSfl iSS- Mb. -: i- j f - - . - TBtifimrtw. 4omj I rrv.wi.y wi, iud a vw, jAUe coming mUlionaire; Something very Jpon Investigation it wiU' be found' that dfaSn of SS Jnffi.4, skaU . rare. ia this latitude,!!; the man wbo has pfahe.c-dod lOVed fir AlavanHor rl..b a . Gov. Talbot,ipf Massachusetts, is exv ' determined ' to! enforce the Sunday I ' 7 A destructive storm visited v.u.o.u,,- a,u loroiastno runmn? of I "T1 "Kanea tnai sne appeared dead Sandavxcursioriina 4 Hras aboat to be baried. when she re- ! KW, ADTKllTlaBIIBTJ. jUiwsow-i-Shirta. ' ? P. Ctoocmo & Co, Bread.. Habmson & Amjen Bargains. A, 5. VasBokkkles Wanted . viTA ' ii. ixajtaajsHtsanicruiH notice. : i pl. n 'l 7 . . I Boabd ot Health Mefitinti tA-niV anu i delivery w the sheriff of Ashe countv 15- t ' . -m fornia are determined in ImM M.i Hiloir. L. t. T :" .-.... !". I ponntv - I . .. . -..-v. v,e i. n.s.uency. - j uey m. "r . 3 m rain to-morrow Turner's ' 'Almanac vite co operation, in all the States. Chicago is named as ;t June 3d, 1880 the time. An ex-Confederate soldier tells the i i. r. .il'l promises Reidsville Mies: Judge Kerr I I ---- -I2lJ!.t:l. gone to I ff.D1 waa uo eession ot tnefJity are giad I vonn yesterday morniDg, tha. Mayor beine place was greaUy beneficial, and his heqltb s f apimj improving. Lenoir Topic: Chicago i."n.med U.i;the plieeUnd JKmtt?S5Ks STJS nunce lD".ll,a .ay at the former indisnosed pon, uape -may and Lonanr.h m fjf.-iQf a Hours. 275 miiest total sonl , i i i 73" rw,'u wuipieteiy . in the shade. . A I :. ououui up. ya- uourst' behind Ij i i; v.uuoi UUUliLV. : man w?.make W 8J- hours.,Now, as .to delay ehunld she J w , abb notified to meet Ut thb .i .we progwiMtejit, wQald.'jaake J ??.&m,W.mtt farther -before, breakmg UaMtalat spm own, this .day. W.Wt Who.wUltrv 'itjr.Doi't Wv inreeuoursat25miles per ;knr .y'"" . J. c. walker. secretarv .11 . l. . - f Vlr!:.. j.. , . . . .. .7 ' I ' ! -.' -'" ' ' . " - f tf.fvonceftyj rtiw! Jffl 'lo :b;.ij iliu?8W "Oatr Vlaf't"nra: ' --- 7- r: , u I7jjapwr,'r "1j'fs , "yujn, utuea; iuuii j BoatOTightM,Hctfoy?s ? i- . f .a.on!8t8 from ghe.lby , and, MU schedule tipae.; , . dell counwhOfixteudfldjtheiri visit by-a-iy sJi .,. ' - m 5l.l30Mles, Tme;9hours1or.:7:hoursbe- otBAWAND JJNEN hato i'. 3-1 hiad schedule time. ' 11 " " 's'. : " The Board of Aldermen have a "l aown: rt . yesterday, . oA iihe I rmiL3w9rKt returned: last evening I Aienoir OCtC: W a dn nAt iKinb nwiiM IK!, .a.. . I "Mwr ?-c?mmwt returned: ' laat. hre.nln& J j J,nr. t.:.:.i u-Tf onanale""0 der the telephone questibnV ' tiL a, gooa, aeaii of . talk,. buti:IJ wheat crop is reported by th threshers to I- Mr. ltrdeVId InilnrJ"!"! notice they Areotlaverse'to marr to- the crop of 1877, taud a ereai terdav a iA TT.' "pw,ulmW7MM ort MfcXl P. ingNorUieiWItia how snnn . zAnti,Z,k i. ' !f -ii i ! n ' -yuuij ywter: Ktttos a. I i cnrloaitV '- t - , rr-!-ri T. - ",9-are-iaa mat our T Ions" Ca'rA. now soon a Southern lady will forget Bynum; son of B, PByhUm. 8r or hi. d?f'' , , I 7 ? , I tors express' theroL m glimkw , her .politics, after. Ataman .with ?B4J? Wjtxahatib Norths 'S.:tr- "' WJI. removedto Texas Boird of Health .m. truirth AMt , M I " 0.'ri?i!:IB,Bm 5 owni' : nceasa to I K 2i.T. .Uu- ffl-w-?nt ml jBb is consiina i wwncoiaw. ana enwrnd in ih nni i " vuuair uammuiiinnAri'rnnm . i vcupw ui weaiern NnnK 'n..ni;.. amsin THE BEST PL0UB SOLD IS 'THE MAHKKT. ' ' I . 1 , I k .... ... . e can sell you a Sweet, Sonndi Flour aa low as $3 60 per Barrel. "We have all mdes " PLANT'S t'J KIVEB AND IttAKlriE: 5 It U 1 8'JU3tVi ia I y'ji'i'StS ;i;7:4 184 tf -. S3? -fta. Vme uuifl3iiaDej FLOUB always In stock. -At BiS C 7 . HAREISON - ; ALLEN'S. u ; Hatters. : f 7 Williamajr; from Pernambuco i reported below, consigned H aT . . - ' . tateusnei ojc-t. 7777 f . .. 7 I ..J A 1 1 n ? Jbarouehtiuet:7ta296Tave at. my Turpentin'i . vvu ai9vt vaiauBi. 1 Tb ovuvu ivttroiini; ' i -. "' - ' - f . . ... - I A nnla. a. - . asy Work -and (Joof? IW: T fAN SUPPLY TEN REAL GOOD HANDS ' TW at my Turpentine'" Works to I )Ji; .a """i o (jufliuuuDe 1 jy,Jt4 ast wit malarial fever trab!oafd., oJfcf?nlavyfi'.!Jfi o - , ... nunungton, W. C. Guarantee all our Flours Fresh ind SwVet. V'.Oftr orders are daily." We therefore hare in stock ' ? ' aad enrrWliCFBBSH QOODyi, : 1 t3lJ '" The sweetest BDTTEB;ttie best tABDj- '7" choicest and most delicate WlNESrv ' ' finest fiavnroif T!(i8 .n j nnot..nA''. r u 1 f iwi'iauuuil Turk would go mtoecstaci'es over V """l 1LJ - .i tv ;hen think of our large stock of PBESEBVES jEiLiEsf, Sickles; : cBJiciE'BAisras:' U An attempt on a small I ' bis profession. revolutionrwas Sit. V;k Vlrl.v If T ffrmilMu Th Court House. . 1 iur Pleasure Dut hnnino-o .r i , fe- i i uu.. w icwiu nit) ueain or aira i ac-rcriPci)Q. - . r, i bb a r o "uuanus oi I -jr nuaisui, wiie or John RudisUl. f befoltowmeDrescrintiofl I Rerei. 4QUentlv he' no inif 1 OhiyoNE dollari ii il . auinont.es. Resident Diaz is I Zn ZFZZt W cholera," sayf Uttf BfIeDort'38a, - w wifigu show, thestatt efntfoji trtdslt tas h'ot vethn 1 J '- ' - -: nson.; . :nUrn,.K the about 48 creditedfwitb Unusual-firmness W t 7 - . " ; r -'i- ; . - I Anon Ka t IS a aaa- M.aS. -v - . . I- I ' , . - . - . t . . 7 I 4.ul V ftfil flSTfl AV ?tWM twr- a - y - : y. t . L 7 . . . " - aivAO J ueaung witn consniratora,. ;Tt i. I -rrTT:. icuB.ni..rvne oX-thcJ' I ana'-nai 'never faffed' 'td imAWta I .. 1 ; ""a,-w soninn: jneaa t X(eworK 'rfJrnt i - - ' - r 1 1CDU1LB UIU mRBerrrna am hnio.t,.. s.t . . tbere 18 a growing Trespect fori legal I build a neat house of worships &. liix: M?Se0jeri i 1 StatesYille 4rertcar -A 4dn- ment.':; -u h rVrr-l Tenwon or citizens or Statesville and Alex- anaer win assemoie at Tavloravilln fl.mr A I ; o ; ' t s ? :'S it i iT-W-w w,.p'rr'-V-r-7:7sr' IBO IOCS. Tivu iu mic iibw lurk riprniri i vi a xiauuTT vxauB i,anrnnr BPtmson I ireuiwr. - tiuciurfl r nninm from Nashville, dated ist vsthavl eae o?0101! . W regret to learn rbubarbessenee of peppermint and spirits r -f V riSul J. ( a. oanuary l "uu " .c; oi paralysis last p m a mtie cold water, accord inspector, has just d arrived 1 there I 77 . 7' - ymptoniatvw- fromKOrleaniflu , ne says that it is an .almost universally I was killed on-Cherry, MounUin, Rather I ,y expressed opinion of those familiar witb I 'ord county, six weeks or two months ago: ilr WWm'MUfiiiW --f Bmrtfi. Shirt O C1WM I CBACKEBS, BAISINS. Will 1 . . 1 . .. -'J7! . j t 0?l lOTTTfl .v.n nrmng L. . . '.'III wend their way .;; I for nl-jinrht "'tl 11 take the DlacaijfAha.Bleamahtn R,. 1 BBrfhiBTriim7i;n - I We would like to have some one to astonish ua h; W la& on the n xttranZ Zl. flT"" Peking and enouirbg foreih iU w im me urocery line) that we ciHnniT. . ' " or ft i -n Bread! I WUDIUamM'::: Hlvan .i.1 ,f; T -uuuuui IUB tiailV OQlienn 1", . 'I' ho alcmnl,; Ha j.:.,.,,.....,.... I. UULTJID MEAl. m IVTnninn.tmfr I I InrHlrrarw an mm.. -.A-ut7i2 4. -L m. I Aanta. . i; . i84Tlfa'"AB,-- f,'VMfk ...... . - f 1 WlnNSm Lnf'oT" 4)1 eifl,'i2.t.- 5 7i T7 I rhoaa, dysentery, etc. if ; Charleston. ,7. 7. sa 1 wr:;;:lamyedhereyesterdavmornin, in tA,i, I1MiE?JaPakinda v I . Take equal parts of .rn yf r.;r,,t:,: ChartottA f 7 f .r tVnnK-W s'tiII;9 ?W" T- . T" a llUVniCUI....' 1 Et I On.V. D " . 7oJ I ii.iiijA T-.Pu. ?&.ft!:-i.f. i 5 .1 . LJ ij-f 111 ..m - " I JI XUtiaWU . . ' j.i - . Galteston? Ko9 tavauu-'F p3 raarratf stea-mer umrumiUlKB JireatOOkS T' ' '." :'l 1fAii.k.'tf-:' (f - liT:,a!I ftl Vfaiee' connecting thfcel .ith ii,- I J 1! 63 Cents each iinw.mtt m iTir"' .' 1 . ' aujemi-b ;i ..i ,:rur mi ty -,"uib to. set a reliable census iri.i L4ti!rt!liT't T51tTTi " If 't'f'l 1 2-rJ' r-r. v - r Come and see us and we wfll peeV you witi a ' " hearty welcome and at' the 'same Ume,iBUf S and 7 N9BTH FBORr H J 1 or iS Tft7eV,la is great danger Vt" Adjutant aad Inpe Gehdri of 2f- yn. 4everrspreading? over, tbe Rutherford, but upon-examination before' :sw r.li- uencrat or Miuisafppi Valfeyf and that the is a verr hr magistrates he was dischwged As - V th Carohaa.aen.. Moise. passed generally expressed demand for theestab- a001 as he was released! a deputy United through this city yesterday morning on his Kp0ia".ntew?,,, lu"antine under States marshal took charge of vhim upon a way ito Bmithvillet wherajtba SamUymll- I.! 'oIe of- the National Board which warrant, for, retailing ,whiskev -onVthat tnndnl ' y wnere meeu, with approval, with the memorable day. ... 7. , , j " r-"""""0" rvt epenaing some time 12K hi appcation to particular . . j. si; PauTa ite in IZahtn to Camp r feg in4' the delighrs "of ras; heretofore ig2 !.f?SS?iS?- The General goes down to f.--, J. ., . - t. swamp knowaaatueig Desert 4a" this ee w the Vboys" are getting along, and fcreat vigilance , prevaila : 10 New township. Three that were .killed mea we hpe "that he may be led to feel that itU rfeS pleasantforhimtobethererr; .- oays . , the germs of ;;the jdtsease fare forty-five eggs were found in one of thett! V '-vGen-'Molse was accompanied - by1 Brig.' lying dormant;: in ..the. Mississippi Zea.DitKlile Gen.!Richafdson,':of the. same Stater.and Vtia vti . . fr. .spectes out Here a neighbor ytiavinev r-. , ' v ' ,i . is ciear eoouzn f that cenuy captured a wild cat weiffhim fW I "Y""- "u wwner jrcmpon. -j.'t. . I aeven and a half pounds.' J"ai- J " ' i hey are to remain at Smith villesom - . . ... a w a c . . there i some days. la n v.gu,oe tb..price of liberty.. n .1 iSna'SSS., SB; I ttSSSSfi -of7Uie'ipbulaUbn ofBiita 't11! j . - . -. " . uibi aaiai uuui LLaa ta at . men takn ttiA rnV i. vV: f unloaded aflernonn Th.,:: . li;7 7 l7. .77, f UUd m-li 7 " m a'. . . . . - '.P'eTf, dwmsfUamatthefoUowlri ideMwred ' ' nTITrRRlZ17niI!1o 3 0 Ki 3 a jxos:B9 ana ai Market St. i 30 SAWS. 35 40 Si f 45 . . 66 Ji 172 CO V f$ 22 ( STABLE NOV'B,;'; tr a au ... 107 60 easily remcQiea. tub lea 6-otv ?d .wo ja a, vHrv rannrn npoira . . c w mv a expreed on the part ouizena .tb tha Wenn r;W.n : T "TT "tT ,!mage w any.pornoa-of thfr cargo. It3s:l?.w-. . , t- w : auivn ia switiir , a.Um,, tiiri ia m wini v akr . A ,m i . i . . . . . . r aiucra.,. t-.s t-,i M .. . t iir" .,u,iBtuiuBrLini nam. i -ma?na m m n : oo - in ka ,..,. ...i,.; ,M.,t.i J. ., L,iui.U.'Hv;i. iill...'i . li,."7l ,t V. ! I r a..i.Bw lliIIS..n. f'w . ,- - I ; (--" w - . i ... ..,17". W4 Diocaaae rUUner, and will I " TnBltiST':SsssTnrT nwnTira- A 'tow i Feeders and fta. o... ...f'- : 'r vTOsssaj2i2Sv --sam- awK,'. JS:i!i.ri.- affiaSfc-a!!. AlfewHomaforEveryiady;-Sprmjjd Fashions;."-. ov, - iaas&!&: ESgSsa:., wascieared irom.this jjort.on L circuit. bn ThaTOTJaS lnaTS J i--! iJ,J ii jrtU-be!J tar5iV iti'Hiu'afi.-.l'A'..;.': L Unto the most modern i. " .pj Aiessrs,effpj pw ,obamr - -.iT f rrrjEiirA "f7- . mo ...J ,. -. - I i - 7 1B.JSUKK.HKAU. I "f " ' . x " I"" f IK June for Cork arrived jTr mEur1 bl!icwbe ordered, aad h J" 'I gfGBedoor aastof Frt; on Church StiMlit

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