btTNDHUAtllT ON THK FOUK.IkV U i,tk' oe you enjoyed the ride J" I ', the lda was a-a wegutar bUre! : A.-mid, Fanci you'll go to my p-place ' , iimi know aJ. . If this thina'a to he dune anv li'a ail VerwV Well' f.r t - i'UUV Playing jockey; a-aotj couch; a-aad foul: I-I think bwolhuh Tim" jmH t a: a ; O-of thai, kim of thing -t acbool, f ,-- "The cwpwds all laughed and shouted, you '.know, .0 - j! MJ'tVw ?c A-what.ith ihejrerwxod JtlacYaud V horns, - We were a wemarkable gwoupr -r""' Mr faeo was waH wads r i.v. - .. - - - , .... nu( , & uu W , , -J. And my whiakerih were aH out of curt,'' a-hou auwoupeo myje glasses Jota lh woad, - - , " l" As I-I looked at a siuuaiugiil u & "1-1 like lo dwive, if the boh ts'VoVfaaV ' A an y4 T I M A Ik a. ... , . . . ; "uv .uir,iu rannano mm.' well, V And can choose my lime, , and , fwienii.' f and woad, , .vu'OiJ x- But this lour-in. hand ia ia.. boII ; ' u lw oiiii. And I won t twy Mcperwimentsou my9elf 1-1 bate ttut kind of fcAvule; - "V . So this Goartifng Club "lakes 'you m thy . DUce"' -. r, i ' - Or ojse takes somexither iooL'L.l ,.. Purk v . POLiTicAt. '. General Hancock is looming up aa a Presideoiiai candidate. 2V, F Jfafl. baok called llavea an Til nr,u,...-. that be U the most popular man 'among the masses. Norfolk yirginian Chorus of weeping Ipwa Stal warts to the Prohtbitiouistsj "Qentlemenr For beaven's sake Uoa'tjjut up a ticket this1 lime, and.we will never, never straddle the fence on this tempcrauc questiou again I" Dubuque Herald. Gen. Bailer, in hia coming cam- Damn against thoRennhliran napfw' in k;. Slate, will not be restricted to ih rotrnH ment issue. The Butler Wrt ..V 7 the General is going ; to overhaul ihe f albot aumiuisirauoD tarn gloves, toe programme being to contrast the acts of the Republic can reformers, with - thi n.orn..:n.. Boston Herald, Jnd. : PERSON At.. -, .,'- --; Gray, the man f who attempted to shouEdwif Booth Chicago. !?Pnow pitcher of a base ball nine comnosed of ln. pitcher of a base ball nine composed of lu uHiica 01. me x.igin m, Asylum. Gen. IhomasE wing is described as follows liv 1 li nininn.ii I "A taji, btJad -shouldered, deep-chested! ciear-eyea, square-beaded, graceful and j dignified man." , The reason whv Prince .Tprnmn would not call nn the F.m nrpaa l?!n (ran i. to perhaps that the Emperor once said of him Z M .. . ft . .a mai u ue ever got a nuiiet tn Htm it; would be because be liad swallowed itj h j - Some of .the.,. Washington cor rcapooueoia uave aemonstratea mathemaU icaliy that Mr, Hayes saves $40,000 a year" ui iuB ou,uuuoiine rresideotial otnee. At this rate be will have $160,000 of Mr. 1 naen a money,- to say nothing of interest, at the end of bis leim. . . . , - John Hope. the Manhattan bunk robber, baa lwen cnlen(ii1 Intaani in the Stale prison. The Judge "(Cowingy icunuueo mm mat 4ie aia not rob- a rich institution, but poor depositors of their hard-earned suvinirn thus mAA'ma mon. ntfss and cruelty to the beinousness of his -'A . disnatch from Washinmoh city says: A mob of 200 or 300 colored peo- 1 . ft. ... . . - . ijic mat uikui aurrounaea tne Douse or Air. R. W. Johnson, at Arlinvtnn vhn nn Thursday ntaht ohnt u rnli roil tnoni.wKit was about to rob his place, andlfbreaieued ui ijucu uiui. . air. j. manageoto escape to his father'a bouse, and a number of friends remanrea wun tnem till daylight :" 1 a-a- ;7 TWINKL1N. iCari y oof snppoi tme," darling? 10 iuc piuasic iiue oi a new eong. Stealing a march, in fact several 01 mem roooing a music-store. Haiti more Every tiaturdav: Jockeys .most all, have, some mroai auecuon, ior tney always taia borse Baltimore Emery Saturday v. - . , When a man's brains, business, 7 j ' I Go to the dishonest trroeer. con- sider his weighs, and be wise enooeii to n s a. r ra t rv . v-r . . . The New -York -JSunr says that uooen ixmner trove-J!;awin Forrest to wagon at his farm, near Tarrytowo, N. T., last Saturday, ia 2.15, and that $150,000 Wnl.lJ . 1 . 1 . .. . nuuiu uui uuy tue noree ioaay. - The public debt -was stated on Januarv 1 lR7ft ; tn ho 1 VfM C(Y im ; n. May 31i 1876, it was stated to be $1,867,- i,-uu. uo .aoe ou it was siatea to b f 3,027,207,256, and we observe the Repub lican oresnsof recent date sav lt is ft 1.U96. 414,095 03. According to these figures the debt has actually ' been increased about aQOO naA ru rtrtn .. . .. .. . . . ....... . VUW,V0U,VvV SI QUO lOiO. . Senator Gordon's brother-in-law, who held a nosition under Senreant-at- I Arms Bright "ht theCapitof, has been di IIS- I JUa Luargea ior aiiegea lnsaDorainationj m. r uA Georgia man - found a.neigh- f ox in nis cornneia on unday, and by Vf ay of friirhtAnlnir th nf olict at him vlth - a Smith & Wesson pistol at a distance of rovemy-uve yards, i ne ox was Killed in- Gon. Roger A; Pryot informed US this mnrninn at Saninn. ifi.i i.:i : . rp , -ft "'-s'. u - una iu lennessee last winter the people predicted j to him that yellow fever would be preva- j ;ou lucre iui8 summer, lnasmucn as even in the dead of winter there were sporadic Cases Of the riin.Pfl.9A (rnnntn nut fmm . W.Vf,WM 7VH. . vau nnder the snow," to use the General's poetic expressive language. fey tfets, IMA. State Rights In NewJBntfan I Staunton Vindicator. I .' The people should remember that l.UH war setuea tbe question or seces- 81011 fntavnv lint in-an ni.r.ffi.t.J tha 'e o..t. :u.. J -rrit i uatwi ui ubabe rig u to. xxuy v ir- i r V"" w lu argumeuw " , IllilAnaain MB I Alt ala AL . . a. aL" I. -w-uoBiug wuflvuer iubj eiisi or noi will find one in the following extract V - from triA AeoUTi,tirtti e i.!iit ;n ta I . hroDnnt .kr. If ' ' I'.ti: I , f vocub VUUStlbUUUU ' - Ui ' UUtBSaCUU- I seits:' .. ' .V" : J Cm." : t ' ' '' J. . 7.1 ft xue peopie ot tms uommonwe&iia i. have tha ania sn .Tiiiiii.tiA. p - a. va.v.uo..w a gua v , governing themselves as afree,'80ve - ign, and independent StateiandLAo : and forever hereafter" shall" exercise wujvy vvery power, junsuiciion I u nuivit ib not, r xna1 -.-.., .wjimb express wan l - I filed 10 the UnitPii St.atOO rtf ' A mri I Ca in ConffregS MRemhlAil J i , MISCELLANEOUS. .45 Yeprs Bcfcre tho Publb. THE CCNUIIJC ' PB.X3.;EIoLAlIB,3 ' CELEBRATED 5 ; a'TOR THE CUREOP" , . DvsrsrsiA and sick hkadachb. s i 105 afe..".? ;: ! y?5PiPnis,9f a PiseaseB Livefl F1? the riSht ade." under the -tjrf the-ribsincreaes on pres .sometimes the pain is in the left S,d t;pentisfarely?kbl on the left side-sometimes the pain is ,felt, under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder,, and is Sometimes mistaken for-Theumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and, sickness, j the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the. head ; is troubled with7 pain, accompanied with rfnii - sensation in Ko-v . , r Bv.uw4ujr a tonsiaeraDie loss of mem- uiy, accomDanien nth o;a,i SatlOn - Of havintr ,lf . nnA - thing which outrht to nnv Vw ,4iv Sllfrhr ;rtrr rnmV J ... attendant.- Th tT, "! . ui.iijjcUU5 ox 1 startled; his 'feet are va ' & auirueu. HIS tff ar - 1 - I ' w UIUIUUI', - larns vi 4 uricKiy sensa tion of rfiA cv; and although he is satisfied that exer "ac wuuiu ue Denencial to hinCyet he -can scarcely; summon up fortitude I everv re-mfAxr -r t- n I cvmr-rwo j j- . t aDOve, uisease, DUt cases mS pf them ex- I , y ' i u 01 "ie Doay, I alter death, has shown the liver to h.iv Vioan avc. i j nave been extensively deranged. AGUE . AND FP.vpip - - a-w : Ur. U McLane's Livfr" Pttc m cases of Ague , and . Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy result Nci .brtte catharK n ,v : 1 ses of Ague,and. Fever when aken with On cathartic can be used, preparatory to! or atter; takmg Quinine. We would advise "all who are afflicted with thiJ j: . . . . a-mcLCU Wltn LUIS For aii K;i;t: a FAIR 1A1"' 7 - . , vuiuuo ,u uigcments, and as I a simple purgative, they are unequaled. I BEVABE OF" IMTTATOONSL' V t t n ...v v i r. l U""""e are never sugar coated; -,;7v. .vT . 1CU wax 36514 the lid, Piils lmpression Dr- McLane's" Liver IThe Pennine MrT.iw t . j -V 4 iA,ia uear 'uc 'Knnres or u. jviclane and Fleming uu me wrappers. ? . Insist McLane's Livf Pitc m....v-ui. P .l l.I.r tnll nf imil'llimt. .V- -mw -m- " name JUCXiOne. spelled differently but same pronunciation. ' jan 11 eowDAWly . : en Sa ! TTT T3t LM IT T k. a jr A -r i Sterling Remedy for Diseases anti iflURiES1 OF: THE SKIN: 'A Hfat.twpitt J , BEAOTIFIER. , OF THE , COMPLEXION ; A Ivfxiable Means of : Preventing and Relieving Rheumatism and Gorrr. im ax Unequaled : Disinfectant, Deodo rizes, and Counter-Irritant. '- Glenn? Slll-nhll- fSnrwn Tw.:.. j: . . " " wwjf vwcua CaolU' mtincr Inrai dicnca, Af .V. A -T,: i r .1 1 ft. f : - . . I ,.;fi--TVT,17 I j-"s "-"-""tas tmu siuooumess. 1 . . - - wwivu iui tAJ. lAlkl ",rl!,T,ra "er ases ot the skin; as I Rheumatism and Gout' Glenn Z ??P produces the same effects - uiuat utiiiiii' 1 nnpnea. i mo eimtMh a J?wr and w-. It remote? dancSrnif SiiiTSS; from out 8114 7 . Clotliini? and linen n(1 in tlia eSoV v. rnr, sprouts and It removes dandruff is diMiifected, and diseases comn,nnihV hv " wumjiiuuML contact with the person, prevented bv it. A..i.rf twt. . - ' I ; t ue Meoicai Uraterruty sanction its'use. (r;c3s2i! ami w Cents per Cake per . -T" io.uuxesj. ouc. ana . N.R Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and cents extra lor each laice. CHILL'S HAIB AITD WHISKER DTE, .MMKKsr jinwB, ou l;eiiu. C. I. airmf 01, hip'r, 7 SixthlT.JX sept 4 DWtf . Becuuy against Jfire. , lLf 17 XTTIT1TV IITinTTiTa" UOTHE INSCKANCE COBTPANl .' 1 t. RALEIGH. N. CL ; filial Pamn.n MwHnu la aa.lf a. VaIMm S 'm. a 7 ? AH losses are promptly adjusted and p&id,v'TAt "HOME " la rapidly growing In public f vor, aad appeals, withconficlence, to uuorere ot property it "HOJlJa " is rapidly eiowingr 1 appeals, with confidence, to fiu orth(toiina. iTs(iiijj Agents la all parts ef the State. jnns rjATT.tran PrAtminali t w.' . rHimttuBis, seerexary.. ... ,v;, . f. PULASKI COWPSR. SuDerrisor. - s u if ATKINSON afe HlNNlNd. AaiifW.' . V J. afegl-tt ,,,, ' Wilmington. -N.O. ; A 1 a a f Trrl TVvrniTi o Ti taresses without: siFrTNa anything butPunlng. . Three nairs Klda nvmail '.9ey rtnntA anil a- Thr?. Pi Klda (by maU iSc) cleaned and re nirnea ior is cents per pauv a- j-j-"-. jyltf TMartet. bet! 2d TdMBta.- '- " . Z. .. . ......... w a u kj .... W. E. STOEII. IL'D. :. - r . !"7 1 1 IIOiniCOPATBlSTJ . I. t':i,L'lJ., i. . Ji --.-s! BuiA-iwauj iv js viubkman. i. ' :? ' . -1. . . . ' .. apu -i - viuee be bis lata Kssiaence.;- 1 . - i - aTailDailllB uCHlCS ' Are the 'world's standard: rrj "y6u maon ocaiemaae oe sure - rin" - m"i. Hiritmni nraiu nf ' JNO - HA WM1M a m - 19t SI and M Market street jjju nmamgwn, v. 1" NE7"ADVRTj::n2n3.' t V - i - rVJ, .-!f vi -e 4 .4 wncnever the bowels becoaae Irregular aseioj jv Tarrant'a Seltzer AwriAnf.-: will save much piln and dan ger." 1 Nature abine- wmm bo oBiraeea ny tne burden she la made to wry, tnroagh tke heedleBBnees of her chiffiren.that !miIl6HtWILMER'' roilTOKvO: .t , . -uaitunore, nd; u-r t- ITrltAH T kn. n.i4 rtnr riruu f1u' j. navx ujriojuiie-ana xonic .invwo- We willpay AL'ei)tsafcaUiry otitA'riliouth ' and exMiiavs.prnllowa large oommiHHum, ti4rll oar , t TV . . ' ,u ,rullB r,m mron want we mzv. iBampleftefe AUdresBbauuLui'iOo., ilarshaa, ACich. ' IP.7TTI ; S H CO., Pert- rva UU1U,, UaWta va kaai A tfa 1 the worlds Jlxpenalve Oatftt Frro,'. -..77: 77, tpenee gnaranteed to A genu Pl roatat free., haw & Co:, Anjrasta, MaineT ' IxT A YEAR and expenses to Agents ; Out- a Tee,7j.Attareai .'OVICKjatY. An- gOBta, Maine.'. AllTfiPtiQPTnPTltoertediwiwktoatO uuiutuuviUVUll ffi,,o$,1co0? Jyl3-4wDAW t geo:p. J. .U Li . ROW ELL CO- Wf' SPAPER ADTERTISINGBUREAU I ; 1 b. I Pphlet with Lists of Newspapers fmPnt with Lists of 1; ,a a a A Advertwng , Rates. ' I For Ten Dollars : Four lines m- sorted one week in Three Hundred I : , V aad Flft7 Newspapers. 10 L - . . - -V ..- '. - -r- - --mti(jfr- il-.-M.-. Spruce St. PJ. Y. my 27 3m Buggies ! Buggies I Harness & Saddles, j .FOR SALE AT. .. GERHARDT & CO.'S, 3d Street, opposite' City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS . AND HORS E-8HORrWO a rpwttaT.1v mi u 1 Steamer-Passport. 1 t OTICE. ALL FREIGHTS' FROMT ' ' THIS DATK.MUST BE PREPAID. rha aVia tama owa complied with. . Jwn QEO. MYERS. Azent. .... ' .,--4..,.J , -J7.- Smiths' Bellows, Shot. Cans. Cartridiraii gutters, uauiarons, rota, Spiders. Ovens, Wash- ooaraa, rails, Seine Twine, &c.,fcc., than elsewhere at the new Established Hardware ROBERT HENNING, 8a7t?HeeTL i . .4.,. ., No. 0 M arirflt strM. Nab TBTK WhaBT. ....... jy 80 DtkWtf I 'i- "5 .'Mm? i;!',. I lr Biiffalo Lithia Waters, , ..... M.jt.i . ! : AS A . - nLmn: i -- I .THji rij 1 1 i.ri. ivi H.i I a . a I. h. m i I -j r . ! . ' I n I hrnnln niinauu I JTT IS CONFj JL Waters, anc CONFIDENTLY CLAIMED FOR THESE I EATS, inri tha. Malm fhAniA m I a sabstantiated bv tha teatimonv nt manv nt ii. I illaaaaa. l- . " u UMa8C8Tla! ... ' . 1 trij . ; a t u . . ' I ASections of the Kldneva and Bladder. eimwuiiT 1 pZ5?SSS S.Uf r ' r faralygm. Wa larl al Fevera ia their Chronic form a K1. 1: Uremic Poison, , T, S.H??!-E2ipMn8V atin th0 - I Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more es- actional diseases x-ecnuarte women, more es- j pedally to all Disorders of the Menstrual Functicn, ., i v ' w r fc ' 'ruc ' r? A TisUra aaPAnmTllaittA1 Munlfa aa iklAma.aVi. - r were Ter aceomBliahed by any remedial aent i wBaiaoerer. waeioer in jaatena Medica or amon? Mineral waters., j.i,. . - nent Medical men as a PREVENTIVE OF THE iwi unDABiiJi Amu ifACiWSWi INOIDENT TO PREGNANCy.. Ttiese Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lon Bottlea,6per Case at the Springs. ' i s:. . . . ...... . rmnykuvt Bent w anj aaoress.2 .. ' iSprlns open for Guests 1st day of June. , " X v ' THOS. P. GOODS, Proprietor ; " 4 ; t " - Bnffalo Lithia Springs, Va. jror saie By j ; j MciiiHitNNEr; Agent, v ' i ""tastf - ,. . Wilmington, N. q R. It McKOY. i 'TH0S. H MoKOY. Jb. . THE HcKOYS; AA.a. . ?" -aff ' . Attorneys t and Counsellors at Law, j - "r'WlLMlNQTONiN.a.JJ ' in..!. -t .1. iL'.r- r. :v. .'3 Ii1 I v.-,, . ! 7..7r;. 7.77 7.::v,7.7i pv.. ffAc!m Wnrth ftH UfaaVaaf lhai 1mM M oa Will pracuce in all the Courts of- Eastern North vuuuum vyT?Kiui L.uuuil izuu bu COUt9CUOn or Claims, ia any part of the country. -. -w Jan30tf .r .. . . .. ...... .a., rotxxas. v ' Aivh W Ii arr't AJ ' , ' te-i-M . af i A af a A ; & ..V JM 4 AS Ai 9 ( Corner Front and Doelt tttu. trttMINGTON t' N O," IOLESAXB GROCERS . .4' . ui ALL ITS BJKANGELES. r m awll an fji ttrlll rln wall i. ailHmc, n. na tad eramrntnn oar etoclu ? s $ (1 j nov ISMf j ': Stall-Fed - -f.r CfJMZENS MARKET andl - . fifPir.T. Va. A W A tlT WT TTrkTTQU r rot SATURDAY and the ensoins week..., Also, choice LAMB and VEGETABLES' ..J..'.:: ,.rj. ... , aV I A at- . i.aa ' ... fJTUV W DU4b WO UIUUD J6tf T. A. WATSON & CO. ctthTgerea' Gencral All-Goneness," so common if . I A NVIL8,DUCK-NE3T TUEYRElRONB, VICES, I X Rmitha'Tnnfra. Raw Vaana Onn. . RumPuii. Afaw Pina na. Ta73 Til rwli ;v UIISUi:LLA27EOUS.7 ; ; 1 9 PerboiiG In 20 ;- KEALI2B - The.: riccessliy of omo Remedy !"-' j'J r.!! liH-'ti ,':f,H , ' - ' t ' ' w ;.. fm. "i srriwgVfever. fOK THAT. ; i-vt : p U -1 'I. T i .fin HpiiMAN,',.,', UNRIVALLED k s i: ifi AFTEB MANY TEARS OP, SKVKRRST'TEST j i'u Better be afe than'-Sorry.','..; -' PPT ON A PAD IN TIME, AND BE SURE YOU 1 '' "GET THE GENUINE; I Buy "none bt theHOIMAIPAD, bearing his picture and signatuiey also f tne signature of the KolmaiL Liver Fad r rVMj . 3 ' " Company,, aia yon- will, avoid limposil lUAi'sUl'tAJ'liiJ - l lusnwuiuucaH tutu ivaaxuuil uyu ry. ' All others are" worthless irauds;' gotten up to be sold on the reputation of the Erennine. ' ...w - . --. ..j ..j.: y 'HOLMAN 1 1 'LIVER PAD CO. CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS. Sr CHARLESTON, & C. 5 - j MUKltlS & FUSTEK, THE I HOLHIAH LIVER PAD. DISEASE. From wheace does it originate T Most physicians treat everv 111 or nain aiwiarniiT vMia th 1 only each a part of a great whole proceeding or 1 growing oat of two fundamental causes : First; A unjEwnu Diva&uu; aecona, a uekanusd IIVER. REGULATE THESE TWO AND YOU" - ' v m-mmm mm a a. a niti A lui AA17 W ' SbIE thA ilia flaak 4 hai Ma M ... 4-V .1: -f, v au W us ui VI SW J VU1CE UI - uo awimfia rAii ci uirecuy upon me -f- ywvo VI HIV daui. UUWUV, Ullfo macrhlv anrl vrttltAnf IfijuinwonlaatM . - - I most important function. And we may add this re ! markable statement, CHALLENGING REFUTA- ! fTI fnT a,V. a, fthM, a. ..... . am W1UIVUV UIWUIUIieUVQi SJPT 1 1 IK i 1 1 1 1 1 y B "un, manu us exiensiyeaim oy, ana incmains all classes of persons, from old age to helpless to' fancy. NOT A BINULK oamw o lNJnfiv h irwirfTi r ran - t Tie Stomacivis the Monarch of tie ToU fihonld ever ramernhflr thutthn miim nt-wi Ij m our ills begina at the vital point, the first sto- l mach is right, and if they are wrong all the other Sin Sl Hvpr. TOhnnmatiom mA nanMlrrla sum tMAAaklA to the stomach In most Instances, particularly those forma Which attack thA.BaMnt IntAmnllv anil In that region of the vital organs. THE PAD will relieve and niA nMi mu. a AtlkM mma,9v J...unj t.w haman skill has ever done. We have witnessed Its -- . Ml I tfU. mii4wp. T1 V WV1UU HiU that no, human being ever had a fever, fever and sue, vi jfciiuvr lever, yruo jua a soano, ntaiuiy Tlttf PreTeatiTe ami Mio'tal Power of the Holian Liyer Pal. As a preventive of any disease that attacks the vitals. Iia tA la wnrfh bi..ttMM n. m.:kt in I gold. It is impossible to compute the value of a i discovery which, WITHOUT DOSING, may be ab solutely relied upon to PREVENT the most dan t?er ona maladies. IriMwiilffiPai'PreTeiit? WrLTypREVENT FEVER AND AGtTfl. IT LUNOii AQA1NST. OONFIRMBI DISJ&&i)SS ; Is K-esi prevent heart disease. It wiU prevent sick head- aches. If thaPadia sntAn whn th flrt avmni. tefMPPear, the attack wUl be avoided. tThinkof uiib ya man. Dftl-r., f tivaftf nlftMia iffADHa. .7 , S 'omJtieiost'Meffl.'v" t riwuau. aiaui.ii. uu lUWraialU piwlMWIUK .the use of the PAD as woman. It seems to be the reiueuy peculiarly aaaptea to tne many uis ao aimu nmH.H. at..).! Jag teported. These are facts, substantiated by a host of reliable personsABdvbelaa.Bo ara worthv the Undid attenttAsLTs evZ rywhere cutttng down Our friends, and desolating lioosoholds ; even we, who dnk Smrselves stroniS households ; have disease any moment "troy. ' Are ttsva Jtanaaa Ajtnl. .1.1. a 3 TI vff4ia :ani) . aoMMa iiatAAwaatA 4 -W W aWaW WUU 000111110 XIW pVWW W UV wv wuva ooouuin lum uunw w uw- AI .1 . . . . . . a .B . -a. effectlye remedy, and . add years to our Uvea and are the directors of our destiny : shall we omit the ten life, or ihall we do oar doty and prolong It -ii: t rMIijortaiit:iilTlceto PaWs.-, ;There are no doubt a few who, after wearing the. Hnlmitn Pi' fAW WAAlra ihaf thaw hava frf "wu JvCl bLUSy liUbJ a&wvw vw received as mach relief as they expected. We say to all such, call at the office, and we will cheerfully give you the full benefit of our experience free of charge. - We have by giving timely information en couraged many te persevere with oar Remedies who' are now rejoicing with good health. Whereas they afraad. Many chronic cases need encouragement, and Jt la often a great satisfaction to know that we have met with similar desperate and almost help-" less eases that have been completely cored by our treatment. .. ., Tlffl TlHr.A-Sf . t K VAranlA la. J ..CTT.l Tin 1' nn m third larger), $3; XXX Pad,; which covers the sto mach, liver -and soleen. hh t a an.Mi(ni.Mmnlv for all chronic diseases irrowtiio-jintnr diseased sto mach or liver, price $5: AbsorDMo Salt, six Dacka- res tor $1.85 need for twelve baths, -Medicated. P UlteriWHrlMI TAP VAAf T1.u. ..!. KA nnna. Body Plasters, each 50 cents. Seat by mail on re- Consultation at our office or by letter free. ' Sep-' arate room for ladies In charge of a lady:7 ;. j uu v I i - HAVE HONE THE " ' ' ' ' H0LIIAIT LIVEHPAD. i-Luor, uoiuuioij i .7 .THE UENUAWlS I f 'THE ONT.V r?u-r t urn- f -9Bl.tJ Thomas S. Bnrbank, Accredited Agfent; - ' WILMTNQTON, N. - jeTu vis to ue paimoi maiaay.i in snort tne the vital organs that has U3. ? !. I" K i" 11 ,, I . n i w -Via vToTiJT To !u" f ill Tor,naiInfaot6i-e the 'ORIGINAL' ( . I I f r. f . si r v 1' . . k and ONLY GENUINE DURHAM f .ijt . f .7.:r-1 7 . . .......s t . i'.f . 7.. ... '' i' f' ' f) m'i.k 'r fn-ji T-ii. m1 ! To be located In lhe tEftYlCEN',1' -TRJS of . the finesiobicco' gpoWing" Tuonw xne niOD, peculiarly adap- tfed to themanWJtiSLTel&Ca fireglass JiuuKiug J.ooacco. I ; i ... i.ti-iu,. .-.MI. u4 va ?nVJ J,fi To opexne the.:JiARGEaT AND, best KQOT?PjED(mokiq Tobafr.' I T - "- - : : i .'.Villi cp 'actory IN THE WORLD. ..' .1 , l"vi.; .J '.r-'...!- i i lit To Purehisfl ,THE JVRRVi TH?JT. T -wa-w- .U" UOU JL AJ.JUi UOl OIVlljljThLi--Oj ) li in nnr mm MTTTT t n v . " i t . v . . ODeratlOns or nnv Mannfo'tnrara nn the Market; . To bo better prepared, from bur DAlT FAClLITIis; to', Manuiaoi tore THE VERY BEST SMOKING TOBA(JCO known to commerce.' i I l!ii To have- estahiiariAil' wit.Kin t.fio sjort space of; fo?rt?en jears, p- i 7 v . ,rl . H".'.f M. i54 " LtTY OF OUR-FRGDUCTS. J ' ' , wa.w- a.wwa WAW, Jc; -i,; r, j ; 7 -ii ,i .. .. greater ? reputation ' and created a demuid for BLACK WKLlW -a n-ny House-in-the -w v--. , a, . . v . . , i Apbacco -business has ben able to do I , , v- ;l in; half, a oentury. 1 I' " -7 .7. . .-I ii "7 .- 7 - . ..7 i .7.7. .7 m rfa have gived more general- satis- I fafction with BLACKWELL'S dttr. HAMand are to-day, than in 1 p - , . '- I niiy ukuer oranuoi orooKintz looaoco I upon the market. , I ' ' ... r .... . That there can be iid m6re HON- EST UELIABLE- and SATISFAO- TORY SMOKING TOBACCO but iirioii , the . Evark.etthti i BLACK WlELL'S DURHAM. ' , ; That by all odds bGACKW ELLS' DURHAM enters, into more general I 1 s- l colsumptioh,, in THIS COUNTRY AND 4 EUROPE, than anV ' siAHar s " " . . . . .1 .1 -4 1 - . a . . s "7 class 01 goods. ! 1 ; - , hat BLACK WELL'S BURHAM i ,.r, . sells quicker' 3qd faqtien than ; any . I " "7 . ' JM teffir put upon the market, and it does so because it is th3B'r.i'A7 " t ... .: . : . -: That the oast .history, and. fatnro rtj it . '.. ... , a . r.r-!.T:r-. prospects of BLACK WELL'S DURi iitiJ- t: .a- - '' ' .' r-.-i- 7-. .- . ..... - ... HAM prove all this. ..,-: t IJHA tit f jn I 1 Very :RespectfaUyy ij'i vii .'11 t - Jvjvil'i -ji ViU i. ,8S(Jl SW. Ta BlaCkWellJ& Cb.C 44 V ':aai5'-ir t Mi . t , T i. tj to! j rr- 4 .- . ......r.. -. 7 Tarxi-. . it h. T vn 1 . Wllmlnston, PJ. C. : -"TTT'-n r.T V l-'.in t:-; : 5.i v.QJi i J-(J aauj I .( i1'!! '""''jA " "w"a-ii fc yJ -41 itC ,eTI ftl VAJ.CC! I'll! T.f nve;iieeratisT ,ME rBOJi -NEW' YORK. itSXS W ' - '.i.J-'AV-. HJ , Ii47tv i S: j , .a- At' . TA 1 V Uauilaf IVUf aka a " H " ' v ' Brand ofTobaoco If- fiVuiiy.. aW aa.1 V "- "HoBeer"wiisT-Z A ilJIinU-aV aTllW":lM7,--arfA-arFi Af a-t aT IbTS IWB 1 ' ? ".r?T TT!" -. 'LotiT-' M " yZZTJt iKrf.. i TOBjN DAWSON 'A s Lf C M. STEDMAR 1 1"! J ' a aaua q tr f ; CS ia :a tiilmimaOSl ' 1 1 Vi' ISAAC bates!" " j - ; tv - 001 ALD MoRAX , j .' JAS. A. LEAK' ' tmlj&teq- HLtVV'V'" aliatTTLa'1" ntf r it'jM '-.t) -LM.M1 bsiDoers i a. ' a. b. BORnm r . J . la- . k ll A Al - JT L'll U VI U 7 L- L- : 1 .H. AJftUliJUll - -i -jv." jj XI -i a iv--"r. a i ru n u if u. i--'7 i 7 ..... . :-. ,.1 t .......... 7- . -i . . ' 7- I. 77 77 T 7, ll I I T ' I . . . UAILUOAD, LI10I3, ? nilciiiifjtoii Cz T7eldon RAILROADi CO.5 7.J- J --f s r 1 .' " .WttinUurtwu. N. CL, tfon IS, iftta f1 1 1 at. Cbane of Schcdulej. , . ,v. rvN . AND s " AFTER SUNDAY,"" JUNE 15thi Day RIeq'eod, JBxpreas Traln Dall , CeaVe WllmlagtoiK Front ,Sti JDeuoL at 7:10 A. M - Arrlveat Weldoa ... - - J. .v 1:10 . M. ueave won....;;.Trr.7T Tr-.; 8:32 P. M. Azrrre at WUmlnston, Front St. Depot,- 9:63 P. U Leave W .Front Sti Oepot, at" 3:40 P. M. Airiva at Well - Leave Weldnn .' rrritj.-. m' ':u;,r,a.a)A. m. ArriTt at Wilmia i, Froiit St. Depot, a. 46 A. M. lag, leata Tarboro. at 10.00 A. M. Ti) nrt Mn: Wodn8day and Fnday at 8 80 PM.- . - . The Day Traux makes Iose eonnectioii at Wei- dim for-all points North via Bay Line, dally ATMnr nniiis m axi .1. Tia i . . wiuiuaj, ouu uouj via jucumona ana aii riil roate. . , i i crY t. trm n maVoa .000. AnniAauH. . . tn.11.. fi.: r'?r:r ,ir.'""wiJO siaon jjel3-tf .Mtssfcu M 'tJeneral 8un't. General Sujp'ts Office; WlaVSIIRGTOKt .COLUIttlJiA oust a a. b. cosxp anJ f , WILMINGTON. N. C; Jaw 13. 19 Change of Schedule. AND; AFTEH SUNDAY, JUNE 15th,' 1S79,' J the. folio Wine Schedule will he run nn th.a I JJay Sxprea and. Mall Train Dally. eKoS.vivV:: V;". : ; ?gfe ""ii. e:au r. ji. IIIGHT EXPRK8N TR A l"M m.ll.l. ... LtayeWllmtagton...;.. ' .io:lSP. Mi' I S?ff PrtHK- 9.:ooaT m. rtwSSa;;;;";;:;; v:.'-- Ilw i: 2: tflif Trati .oAnnaAilwsi thi. & : .irin. - . FiTirBidiTa Jr,8JSSl ;r? "If1 9PS,l,in!rE should take Night Express f Trjunfrom Wilmington. , , - , I v . auu m n voiau nurm UarollDSf TIB V lJrSul PaaRentrerfl for- Ancmue inTiii t7,vA Vti, v , ' " 7 71 " " WMVMSU MB.O X liCUIl JttA I J .awvvw wtviifuuf ;?);, "''.; ., )' 'T't 4 I fl alakr ' a - x ' ; i I TITTIX V-TTJ?. ' f:"1""1 vnaricston I V iliHiUWiH4Ulu iui yWllilil ma.- " " j. .1.1 ; -I- . .-..., . ii 7 jnim i muiMif . I Iunel3-tf . , ani unn. WRflLIHA .CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. -r-jf IT 5-Omn GarntBAi, Supxkdsthitdkkt x j"., WilmIngtonN.C.,Jnne7,1879. Change otSchedule. 1 i i iN AND AFTER THIS DATE, the following -r uuinuuc iriun uperaiieu ub U11B iuuiway ; pissENGSR, MAIL AND ' EXPRESS TRAIN : ftL rrtaA":..V.V.V: ii Leave .winning I 1 1 Artve atHIet at' '." !""!"!!! !i-82 a. ?r' L I -"T- awwuv -MaVUM PUUUSV. UUL ITAlLKBH U. 1 1TUJ1 18 liaUy BXCCpt no connection to Raleigh on Si o- s Train ispaiiy except a JSSESS j.riuit us u&uj except aataraay. 3V FREIGHT & PAS- EXPRESS . fsa. i t Oiariotte.'j.'.t . .... .,8:40a.m. i ' i arrive at nneinv .. i.Qnp 11 NAiotTe'8M ----. u- i-kp.m. ,f7f Arrive at Charlotte.. ...... 5:05P.M. . IlOCAL FREIUHT & ACCOMMODATION leaves WDmmgtoayi,;;.... .:. B:3S A. W. Artivea at TainrinhnpiT .7 1 , : am d -u , ........ f V t.W l.ilil a?E2S"V:"'" veaMCbjai.i;;;;.;:u::"::" fflSffiSt wiimiin andsSo "Tuesdays. Thursdays and. Satnnlava;. Jnrinhnnr - vr".ri' " . .nu 'ti?1"0- ' Close connections made at Charlotte' with Trains of jAa&a A. L.R.Rand A.,T. O.R.R I :cM39iuKaa.s.iVr Aauevuis via eiiner route, . leavme WSnungton at.7 p. M., will arrive at destination at ir.H. next day. , . 4: "wp"s-- OTuiiuiiai,ionB on xnrougn 1 rains BOlSl to and from (Thsirlntfei an1 XBamt. -. . There - wiU aJiobe Through Sleepers run to and my lt-tf : General Bnperintendent1 ; -CLYDE'S '$$mJotk mi Wilmington 1 : - 'H. .; The Steamer j i EN.E F A:C T O Rt Par Freight Engagements apply' to' - BOND. m :wAwmr , ti j,. i DtlLLfCrlULGDnfi A.i. X at - A . nrl u . i-ii. a . nuui a WW A VlJflO tUWf VJDUCIU XktUlMf ' ta : S . 4. 35 Broadway, STew Tortt.- Atkinson innaniiinfirt lusurauco uuoiIUt . BANK' OF NEW'siLaNQlTEar BUILDING,. 'ASate'papItpresented!,Ovex'$10 "vi' -l i 1 1 Ban Ir nfi- TTatct h jiti ntrer i " . . . ","'"w -s-A. , I -V I A iitliorlzd Capital ' $1,000,000 1. I -at : ! -rr 4-- -. 1 W-.', lfc 1:7,1.?. 4- !. v.".. Casta Capital paid, ln-w. S300.00t Snt-plns Fund ft$0.000 CHAS. M. 8TEDMAN, Proaideit. i T : - r ISAAC BATES. VieA VrfAa S. 0, WtTat.aflB. Cashier - . aoE SO-tf 1 laH-war ww wan . w ma- laauo . - I OVI.-. i-a .l-i aL aa. . . I ...uaKuauu,. awilHia. 7-5 ; Ji i 4 ki:clllani:ouj" :PtIE G0CD3J WOULD RECOiiSEND HE U- R Of i7- Pure Goods si I 1 PAIITICULAULY I. We teU the VERY BEST aa well as WerjtWag n '' the GROCERY LINE, W aot eater for lho , Cheapest. ' - - - - - - . - ;. Quality istpTRr llbttp J TUJS BEST FLOUR WARRANTED i j The. Beet Wines- Teaa and IiqaoraiVroai Blackweir ricklta; and Sance: Canned Meats. '" Te8ervea,'FlBli, Jcfflea In Glass: Prunes, Applcala ; gallon cans; the Best Batter In the Worldv Cakes r tod Crackers,1 Hams. Beef Tbn'imea: ugara aau voneea. 7,,.. ; THE CHOICEST GOODS AT LQVVEsr PEICBS ' I,UQ0 ciues Acaorted. Goods, 60,000 Choice Cigars 1 I , - ji ' . ' 1- compare onr Goods and Frlcei. v . " i I j V " -' J ! " GEORGE MYERS, v. t. , Jyiiir .1113 and WSouth Front i' Salt.-n:Salt. : 90nfi LIVERPOOL 1BALT.0? ' a Ill ., . . . V V For sale by tlyis'tr ADRIAN - .n 8..E. corner Froiit and Dock Bta. yi- Corn,: Eioiir anttOBacon; 1200 - !lB White M5xed CORN,.' , . ' 1200 ?bl8L0U? pttet 5 , Boxes MEAT, ; FOr Pale lit thA Uro-n. Va7Kn1nsnaA aa. Jy 18 tf . - , . : ADRIAN A VOtLKRS buffar, Coffee; Tea. &K ' - " ' " 7 250 Bbl Reflne SUQAB;"? 325 Bags 1110 JaT wmif CA Boxes TEA. -' -it 1,1, ts.ini-tU-til QfcBhlaRICE,,, IQn Hlla, d Bb)s M0LAS8E8, -vv.: ''f OP'A RaToa ttiV u(J"-i - ' ' ADRIAN A VOLLER8,. . S. a corner Front and DockSta. jylStf' "T T TV"T "tfl f .1 JLl X -LVL JtJ , I ft I I ' ll I i ..WE BAYS JUST LANDED; 1700 Bbls PreshLiine. - vmiu mm usg . in ima market. Ppr sale at BOTTOM FIGnRES. Also, PLASTER, CEMENT and HAIR. , Jy 19-tf ' WORTH , WORTH.' - . . l Corn, Baco'JIuBes.I; 40j000 Baah 15,11110 WUte CORN. ; . :. j-jf, unu. o.anaBmoaea isjujjss. .... 0lJ - a.-.,a w.,j 20Q ffi148 New Crop CUBA M0LAS8J i OKA Bbls Cubai N. 0, and & H.- 'T r'. WOV - - - MOLARS RKf 126 BblB Jreeb VL0VR i-ITC UDIfl SUGARS. Ornnftfyf 1H1) 'OrarnilhH a. tr-rfm 210 5488 C0B'FiaB 1111 srades, ?i .- 1 0 0 r hice family LARD. t Boxes TOBACCO, Tax-off, 17 e Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFP, Tax o QQKes, NAILS, ALSO,; j V. ii PotAflh. T.VA Rftria Cn.n (2AMk a 1 .1 Ma a ll, ... .. Hoop Iron, fcpirit Barrels, Gjae, Ac For ml a Tnv hv- - : WILLIAMS ' A MURCHISON, i i s .Wholesale Gro, Com. Mart. - s I PIONEER . WORKS BIRMINCHAIU ENRILAND ; Prices in EnglandL 168.00, $78.75, $89.85,' $10a00,I $185.00, $150U)0. j 1 Delivered in New York, duty and all charges to- miTlik The ahova nn lu wvii yik.i..' - i 1 1 ' I 0ff$ DRAWINGS & TP j&COi a . a .. i sr.. 177 T . MMvi.' a- tux vuvaVi ABa-' 7 -7 ( diam Choke,'. 'or CvUader Bore, at these prices. ; a v 11 aaaataaiaal. VaaaLMaaA Sarfaf 4 W p p - A V OTd SO gauge, which are, scarcely inferior in ower 1 to the larger bore cV i. j t-.v.' ! v Weight of SO-Bote fcom..i:.1.6Wlba . rfv i J M - rt fa. rr i?.A - ; -v . a - v - 2W r -..a'. . V V a-' .-I f f .- Onr Ii.Titnt imi. v.J L 'J "llfT-T. . 7. . . . ploma of Meiitatthe Paris ExMbitioiv "i -t. i. . WA MttnAfttfnllv vfMtA fha --m r- - -40 1 wto have purchased and are now nsina our gUD; A L ;.f , uu.,7nia ju. owtue. ai v-xtocjcmgaam. Jficb--vv xnond county, N. C. ' "r"-"1 Cant. D. R. Mnrr.hl son . VllmtiinVn : w n t-: vilt. aii n v 'rr.-i - y. , . v UUl. JO. C. lillUO. ULUA-S JH111A. N.iT HARBLE r.lOWUT.7EW;Tt3 GraVeS Stones. T-CLA8 WORK AT LOWEST NEW YOUfcVi - a M.,no. ujU3VtnB DM1 AX AAllx WIIKK. ..-... PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OCR RISK. ' " ' --t- ... ...7.- . - ...:7.-.. ,.t- i... .777- ;r a,...,:.. i RICHARD WATHAN ic COW; V .;: i- ST Iaafavette Place. Niv'..i- w Wathan'a VrninmmttAl TUnimi 1. ku.w . a ' Ule to the Trade. I dec D AWtf l?0'? Pr Cars or Seminal WeakeM, Lost,.i X Maahood, Prnaatare Debility, HervoBsness. - 5 nA1Win H aa aar afl.iaaA.aln '.f .u.. .. r4 r f" Mk Prtmatare DeMUty, HervoBsness. V"8" eoafasion f av-tsio ti tMaeiy,, xreeMve msmorvw d-all niAriia-. j navjia ua sxeesses. -r AMV-'t; druggist has the Ingredients. Address? ' 1 ' DR' JAQUES CO.. i3u wen Bixta Bt, UiiiCISaATT. nrn f151yD4W Hiirh'RTAflTrio "WflTaTRP" TPTSTT AHJT ' nni) nnv Bmwnn rm ' ' -.- of the Choicest Breed, with paarantced pedigrees; f J .! - - a u cavie vy . A W". . novtDAWtt " YorETenk'' : Attcrney and ConaisIIorji lav, EU2AESTHTON, "BLADEN COUNTY, : '. a ' Office TTn AtAlHL In Rrfr.k -RnlliUnay. aivnnfoj v- : Rlnaldl Co. ' ' . Special attention to Clalma CoHectienson sums' of $100 and upwards made fot Five Per Cent if without suit. Drawing Deeds, liortgages, specialty. , apS-D&Wtf fl tv. 'i - J 1

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