NEW AD VERTISELIENT3. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. RAILROAD LINES, &c n fir , Jm-. ilO OJk III II A LD I, Brave Garibaldi, from the beartof God, V Tired with the Bluff that shapes a great em prise, ' , -S , . With sword of vengeance and with chasten ing rod To flash red justiee in men's blinking eyes, Thou hast done great things made IhiDe Italy tree, . . Made Popes l fall and tanij.le(l slaves to iise.. - . , - '-" IV' Bui tbis one tuiog the gods' denied 10 thee, Tbe greatest grace of greatDebs in be wise.' Good Garibaldi, would, lb at. I bo-.i ruigbl know, ' n'M "j f What hasty wits are passing slown. learn TbaUbiogs by inches, not by ells, do grow. And meal is ground by patience Id the quern. - "' " - Thy work; was done as eagles seiza. their prey; ; . . , Now siout-oecked oxen cenlly drive- the day." " John Stuart Blackib: Hanoi Maggie W , 1'CUSONA.U :i I One of tbe most.gkilful cabinet makers in Chicago is a lady Mrs. Christine Olenson. All tbe furniture in her house is ber handiwork, and some of it is really ar tistic - - ?,, ' rtaLb Robinson and. a lady in the snie' carriage: "Ob'?Mr Robinson, you antiquarian.":. "Madam, I am a uouu, and not an adjective. An antiquary, if you please." ' - Talmago's sermons, as primed in England, are concluded with a paragraph requesting the readers to pray for the preacher. ? And yet be has not been con verted from tbe error of his way. Now that Jeff Davis , baa re ceived a fortune he should open a bar'l for the benefit of tbe paity. Iribune. When tbe lawyers get through, the, bar'l will not be worth opening. Augusta Chronicle. When John Shernfan concluded his campaign in Maine In" behalf of Civil Service Reform he was so exhausted that he had-4o be hauled away in a Government revenue cutter bearing the .attractive name f Grant." , . - . , The coloted Baptists, of New Yuik, acknowledged that Cox, the mur derer, was a member of that church,- "but," adds one the deacons, "he alius - sbet his eyes when da money box passed an we didn't go much on him. " , It is denied that - Princess Bea trice was engaged to be married to the t ex Era pres. unfortunate son. "That the illustrious young Jady sincerely and un affectedly mourns the poor Prince," says a foreign journal, "is perfecllyitrne; we all lament ie loss of a dear friend. - TWINKLINGS. , ,r Id vino : veritable ass often ex presses it.' CSnJ Night Members of the CanVGet-Away (Jiabjeear a eurt of durn yer rtwrt expres kion. HoplintviUe New Bra. . , t Malarial e f ever J pre vaila along the Hudson. It is not yellow, but kills all the Fame, and is quite . malignant, it not coniagtuua. . r. - -s ' S. --: - The Yonkera 'Gazette has an article entitled, .What do we cat ?, -That depentis. r If you live in a board i no; house no bumaa being can tell.- ifno Jbrifc JEe- Six carrier pigeons, taken from New York, were 1 liberated at ColnmbQS, Ohio, Sunday, at half-past five in the morn-' ing. One of them arrived in New York at i 11.15 A. M... and another at 2:50 P. M. Monday. '.- Vn.j--.Jr:.t-tuii A Greenback, orator in Maine wait violently denoaucini; Secretary Sher man as Shy lock when an impatient log cutter asked him who 8by lock was. The orator advised him to go home and read his Bible..; , v.; "To die and : have 'everybody read your age on the coffin plate P cried a young lady who had been dangerously 111 for some days, "it's too much 1" and she incontinently had a good cry. She began to improve from that moment. Boton mtA GazetUv tM j ' Man is a gudgeon,-" A. J - ' . ' Woman is the line ' ' " " Thai dangleso'er bis head, - And books him every time ! . SbETjaita tbe hook and holds the pole, ; But tbe minister is tbe man -v.. -1 That flops him from eternal peace Into tbe frying pan I I-'-. SOUTHERN ITEMS. Texas ranks third among the wool-growing States. ( r- 2it iJ V Galveston is excited over, a saw fish fonrteen feet long. -' - '- '. '. 1 ' A negro died the other day in ueorgia while being oaptizea. " The Bonaparte dynasty is under the shade just now.- Napoleon Bonaparte was banged at Sard is. Miss., tbe other day. The Tialtimore Gazette is . of opinion that a few more cases resulting in convictions, such as Cox., the murderer of Alston; Hill, r murderer of Simmons, and Kutord, murderer of Judge ,iSIliott, will biiug tbe law of . the pistol into disrepute, There is a boy . named Jim Greene, of Oakland, Ky who promises to become an expert in , the . use of the sbot-r gun. He peppered ' - notorious negro named Smith with a load of bock-shot on the 24lb inst, . Tbe target in this case is a tough citizen, and is expected to recover. ouasiatic : notes: Miss Marian Booth, well-known in Baltimore,' daughter of Ji 'B. Booth; will present herself next season among the stars, acting in aserio comic play by Mr. .Tayleur w-?4: 1 - 1 s Mr. Sothern,'the actor, has r re turned to NewlYork iront bia fisbiag ex cursion. He will open at the Park Thea tre, September 8th, probably with 8am. After playing there eight weeks be will make s tour ofthe large cities. The profits of "The Black Crook were $450,000, of which Wm. Wheatley re ceived half, and Jarred Ss Palmer half. At its close Jarrett & Palmer paid Wheatley 140,000 lor bis interest, wardrobe proper ties and effects, and produced "The White Fawo,' -a piece on the model of "The Black Crook," which was a comparative 'failure. Vi&tiW;'&if l,few'' - According to the London World Judic is, perhaps, tbe most beautiful wo man on the French stage Her large, dark orbs, clear olive complexion, and hair of a lustrous, though not a shining, black,' all gifts of her Spanish ancestry, make her a perfect type. He, .straight nose and tbe pure oval of ber face form a fitting cen - plement to the catalogue of charms. DuPopt'c Powder,1: 1 K( Regs BIFLB and 8POBTINO, . WU . 100 W and yc do. -, do, . r . 100 Kees DaSR.' 7:1 " B0 W Ke KAOLB DUCZ, f ' 800 Kegs L LASTING, - " For sale at factory prices by ' ' . ' j O. Q. PARSLK7,"Jr., ' : ' Cor. Orange and B. Water sis. Jraote ; THE GENUINE i ; Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC VERMIFUGE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. iTIHE countenance is pale and leadenjt. I j -.i. it, . H- t - wwim, wiiu uvutbiuaiu nusnes. or . J .- 1 I a' circumscribed snot ;on- one. or horh fheeksj the eyes become d,ull; the puU riunco, sweus, ano sometimes bleeds: I . aswelhncf nf tin tinner Urv rr-aeirvnol I XA l-CxZl XXrX.'--LI neadache, With humming Or throbbing oi tne ears; an. unusual secretion o &utva; sumy or iurrea tongue: Dreatn I very foul, particularly in the morning1; 1 pcuic variiiuic, someumes voracious., with a gnawing sensation of the stont' ach, at others, entirely gone; ; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomitiner : violent nains throughout the abdomen; bowels . ir- regular at times costive: stools slimy r f r -i jj .. . i ; J - I not unfrequently tinged with: bloodjj (77 aMon belly swollen and hard urine turbid ; fj' ' ntflt respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough : cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy J tuiu uisLurueu sieep, wiui gnnamg oi tne teetn ; temper variable, but gener- -II .II . n ... .. . i. any imiaDie, ore - . , ' . . " Whenever the above symptoms . - are found to exist, DR. C McLANE'S VERMIFUGE - will certainly effect a cure. - JT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, ' not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. ; j The genuine Dr. McLanes Ver- miftjge bears the signatures of C. Mc Lank and Fleming -Bros, on the wrapper. r:6: ; I DR. C. ZIoLAIiX'S I LIVER PILLS ...... ... . , r are not recommended as a remedy " for all tbe ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. ,s . h As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWaBE OF imitations. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with tbe impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper-bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. I . ' Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C Mc Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa the market being full of imitations of the name M.clAXnet spelled differently but same pronunciation. Jan II eowDAWly - ck ea - A Sterling Remedy for Diseases and ti Injuries of the Skin; A Healthful I BeaUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXION J A J Reliable Means of Preventino and ; Relieving Rheumatism and Gout, and an Unequaled Disinfectant, Deodo- l RIZER AND COUNTER-IRRITANT. j ! - Gtenng Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes de fects of the complexion, " and .imparts to it gratifying clearness and smoothness. ' 1 Sulphur Baths are celebrated for curing eruptions and . other diseases of v the skirt,' as well as : Rheumatism, and iQaai Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the same effects at la most' trifling expense. - This admirable; specific also speedily heals torei, bruises, scalds. burns, sprains and cuts. It removes dandruff a .L.'i e rn: . v turning gray. - 4 Clothing and linen used In the sick room is tiisinfectetl, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, prevented by it. -j : Th-j Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Pri vslx nnd 50 Cents per Cake; ' t tfj.x- (3 x)a - :); 60c. and $1.20. 1 per N.R Sent by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and . ' r. : ' s cents extra (or each Cake. B '."i.H " IIILL'S HAIB JLSD WHISKER TSIEJ I L - Bhek vt Brtwa, SO Centa. .- J . -; : sept J4DWtf) ! E NCOURAjQX HOMa INSTITUTIONS. J . SesBrity against Fire., THE NORTH . CAROLLN A. none INSURANCE cobipaivy W 'J HALKIGH, N."C. ' ' T ' ' ! jThia Company eoatinnes to write Policies, at fa rates, on aU classes of insarahie property. 9-- - ....-!.. r ;. . t t u ! a irf . ; "AH losses are promptly adjusted and paid.' ' The "HOMJS" u rapidly growing ia public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. j H v- '.' t, V, Agents in all parts of the State. , i ;JOHN GATLINGF, Presidaat.1,7 5j W. 8. PRIMROSE, secretary. ptttskt COWPER. SuoerviBor iv! ATKINSON A MANNING,' Aanrrs, augl-tf .. " - c WUmmffton. N.C. ; f Alas i fm Dyeing IVr;. DRESSBS WITHOUT- RIPPING ANYTHING, but Puffing., v ,(. ",1 , ; Three pairs Kids (by'maU.3c)," cleaned and. re turned for 15 cents per pair. ' WILMINGTON DYEING ESTABT, '- -i Jy 1 tf , - , , Market, bet. 3d and 84 Bta, , e. OTOEniii) tIOailPPATIt 1ST. i ' 80COESSOR TO DR- W- E. FREEMAN, r : aptf ; - -- 0610 asais late Residence. - i .. SINGLE HARNESS...: $ 7 60 to $ 85 00 A DOUBLE do. 10 CO to A 1J5 00 T.001XARS ' csto) soo A1 BRIDLES.WHIPS, Ac., Acj f ' Carriages and Harness Repaired, and Horse Shoe lag done at Bottom Prices. Come and see me' - jyTItr r.aiBAivtUt PA TN Tft A RT.TCSSTWa Tt Watna .f iltuiftiiA. , Whenever the bowels become irregular use Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient i It will save much pain, and danger n Katore aomet timee is so outraged by tbe harden she Is made to carry, mrongQ tue neeaieasnees or ner cruiaren,inas BneopeniyreneiaanapmBumearearrauy; uontneg 1nt. ffiA ItrnHii lrotmotil whan ik. nmnivwil Aral feet the proper treatment when the symptom first appear. Renort to tbe aperient and get well epeediiy. i SOLD BY ALL. DRTJGCjlSTS t ii ; uaiumore, jsio. Writes j I have med COLD EN'S LIIBIQ'S UQUID EXTRACT OF BEEF and Tonic Iavigo- 1 rater in my practice and have been mnch Rratined mia. calokosis, ac, u uanmot. as buk- PASSED. Sold br leadine Dmecieta. 2 ASI We wiii pay A so u tusanr y ui btoo per nioath- 4n(t exmnsm, or ailowa large commwaiou, (ooi lt our sew and wonderful inventions, we mean vat v? say. , iplo tree. AfinreMSB ttmaa.t Alien. OTlTTTl TO F. O. RICH dc CO. Port- OXiXI A land, Maine, .for beet Aeeney Basin ess World. ExpenaiTOatflt Free.-. Month and expenaeB guaranteed to Agents ireej bhaw co., AUKasta, Main. A TEAR fit Free. IddrasP vwSSKr.Ai-1 gnta,i aine. AIT6? US6II1GI11 newspapers for $ i o. send ioc f . of A K...U.t 1 uk In V EA for-100 naira aamnhlet. tt. P. ROWRI Hew rorK. jy ii-wuw ellevne Higll ScllOOl, J Bedford County, Virginia. On; Va. Tenn. R.R., 15 Miles West of LynchbnrK. A school In which young men and boys are pre pared for a University fer! tv er ior oanneaa. man ana healthy location. i. fall corps of teachers, thorough instruction, liberal provision for the accommoda tion ana comrort or staaents. . jtot cauuoene, con taiaing information, address . W. It ABBOT, r , - jrS5DW4w Principal. Beilevae P. O. . GEO. P. 1 ROVVEtL j -J. iV t,r . .;. i. f 6 co. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREiO For Tea Cents : One hundred page ? - - ' --t 't Pamphlet with lasts of Newspapers add Advertising Rates. For Ten Dollars : Four, lines ln- serted one week ( in Three Hundred f . . ... .... . . : .... and Fifty Newspapers. ? . 10 Spruce St. IU. Y. my 27 3m 'Red. a Oil, FOR ILLUMINATING. WHAT 1 IS CLAISICI FOR IT. ; V . . - ... ... . .,- . IS GUARANTEED ISOdeg. Fire Teat. fy Tbe Red Color is a Trade Mark, upon which A - : - i.;.i-r- ..j-. .. .. ., . ... there is a patent, and no Oil of inferior Grade is thus designated. - : -r. - ;. frit is guaranteed aa'e beyond the posaibUlty of an accident that could not occur with a candle. " tar-It gives a light equal in Candle power to the best Gas. K3TTry it for yourself la all I ask. rari am prepared with a wagon fob TfiE PURPOSE TO DELIVER GOODS AT ANY -I OF THE BOUNDS FREB OF CHARGE. Some people appreciate this offer.' 1 rGlix? O w 1 JaSi V ylc Vc llbUIl jy J3ta iSteamer Passport. ATOTIGE. -ALL PRKI&HTS FROM.- - -- Al i THIS DATR.MUST BB PEEP AID. . g3TNo freight taken unless the above-terms are complied with. f " " - THE ' : Buffalo Lithia Waters; f AS A. GENERAL REMEDIAL AGENT j 1 ' in Chronic Diseases. TT IS CONPIDBNTLY CLAIMBD FOB THE8B X (Waters, and' the clainij though a strong one, is auttstaatlated by the testimony of many of - the meet eminent medical men of the country, both North and South, that in the following enumerated Affecttoasol the Kidneys and Bladder, especially t in ntone or wave; '-- -r Dyspepsia, Rheumatie Goat, Rheumatism,- ' r;":" Paralysis, Malarial Fevers in their Chronic fornix Dropsical Effusion, Uremia, or Uremic Poison, -:' Chronic Cutaneous Kruptlens, and in the --y Functional Diseases Peculiar to Women, more ea . pecially In all Disorders of the . Menstrual - '; Function, thevhava aosomnlished results at remarkable as were ever accomplished " by any remedial agent' whatsoever, whether in Materia Meaic lea or among, j Mineral Waters. , . . - r ii i They are confidently recommended br some emi nent Medical men aa a FRBVENT1VB OF THE DISTURBANCE AND DANGERS INCIDENT TO PREGNANCY.. i- .t.i.--. - --. These Waters, in Cases of One Doaea Half Gal lon Bottles, $5 per Case at the Springs, .-" j i- - a iJ 4tv H -J, - ; Pamphlet sent to any address. . e n Snrinas onen for Uoests 1st day of June. i open I .THt HOS. F. GOODE. Kuoaio utnia Bonnes, va. t For sale by J. K., KcILHENNEY, Agent, 'mhtttf - - Wilmington, NC. I v. a. vaunt - I 'oniMVMlas4 ISAAlr Kta.l ' WltMINGTON, N, C W . m ALL ITS BRANCHES. i' Cbuntrr merchants will d well by eauing onus sjid examining oar stock, - novU-tf 1 9 Person's in 20 The .necessity of some ' Remedy ii; ' " '- - - . 7 - f, WHAT JJJ IWISU;, J(pt,t a SPRIWCjFEVER. FOR TDATr1 General All-Goneness, so common at i " ' ' - '.tt" fm'.-J-'i., - . this season of the year, the- HOLMAN- T - Tt"TT""C710' s :;' HC- ' A' -TP ' ' V - H i rfj ? JtAJJ " ' T:" STANDS TmMVALLKD AFTER MANY YEARS OF SEVEREST TEST.-' J' 1 - Better ha Safe than Sorry. J :-4 ; i r . - f ' ' :.I - . '.. - ' - ' : PUT ON -A PAD IN TJME.AND BE. SURE YOU. GET THE GENUINE. Buy none bat the HOLMAN FAD, 8arinS picture and signature, also ine signature oi me xLoiiuaa xuver jraa Company and yon Trill avoid imposi- tien, disappointment and possible lnjn- All others are wortWeis frands, gotten np to he sold on the reputation of the genuine- HOLM AN PAD CO. CORNER KING AND : MARKET ' 8TREETS, :-' CHARLESTON, S. C. 1018 MAIN 8TREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. i FITZMORRIS & FOSTER, . MANAGSKS. THE HOLUAIT LIVER PAD. DISEASE. From whence does it originate t . Most physicians reat every ill or naia aneciacally. while they are treat every ill or paia specifically, while they only each a part or a great wnoie proceeaing or growing oat of two fundamental cauaes t First. A DERANGED STOMACH: second, A DERANGED LIVBR. REGULATE THESE TWO AND YOU WILL CTTRB KINBTEBN-TWRNTIBTHS Of all the ilia flesh Is heir to." in this or any other cli mate.. The HOLMAN PAD acts directly upon the liver through the pores of the ekia, quietly, tho roughly, and without inconvenience, performing a moat important function. And we may add this re markable statement, CHALLENGING REFUTA TION, that in its extensive nae by. and including all classes of persons, from old age to helpless in fancy. NOT A SINGLE CASE OF INJURY HAS OCCURRED. . - : TSe Stoiacli is the Monarch of tlie "V' ; System. . You should ever remember that the cause of near lv all our ilia begins at the vital point, the first sto mach; that the liver is seldom wrong when the ato- mach ia right, and if they are wrong all the other organs areSngglingtodothe work of the tomaeh and Bver. Rheumatism and nearalgU are traceable to the stomach inmost instances, particularly those forms which attack the patient internally and In the region of the vital organs. TBJE ran win relieve ana cure such cases, as no other remedy Revised by human skill ass ever oone. ; we nave witnessed, us effects in cases almost innumerable. We would add that no human ocing ever had a fever, fever and ague, or yellow fever, who had a sound, healthy stomach and liver. The PreientiTB and inMotal Po to of ! taB HoMuiIuTerPaL; ; As a preventive of any disease that attacks the vitals, tha Pad ia worth mauy times iu weight in eoio. it IB impoesiDie vo compuwi uio muow discovery which, WITHOUT DOB1MU, may dsid aolntaly reUed apon to PREVENT the most danges ous maladies. - , . t l What will tlie Pad PreTent ? , , wUl prevent colds and pbotect weak LUNGS AGAINST CONFIRMED DISEASES. it wm prevent mmer compiaintsna wep prevent heart disease.! It wilL prevent sick head- aches. If the Pad is put on when the nrst symp toms appear, the attack will be avoided.- iThink of this ye martyrs to the painful malady.) in anon tne HOLMAN LIVBR PAD is the most perfect preven tire of disease affecting the vital organs that has ever been discovered. Woman tlie Most : Grateful. - None ee to receive euchbeneflt,ndDone the ass of the PAD as woman. It seems to be the I only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many uis tne seal is almost universally subjected to. . Many .very remarkable cures are constantly occurring and be twnma Thm. tfm mltatantiated BT'l host; of reiiabla persona, and being so are wortty I quicker and gives . better SStis the candid attention of thepeople.. Disease is eve- """"i"" fa nSenw S oXive have disease quietly slumbering within us, &J J&yAtneTre mttfaftfv mmnitv. ' and mid vra to OUT liVOS ana happiness to our Homes t to a cerwuu KU are the directors of .our destiny : shall we omit the most important part of the direction and thus shor- , ten lire, er snau we uo our auiy ana piuwuK i ImpDrtaiit 1 AiTice to Patieiits-. ; :: '. There are no doubt a few who. after wearing the Hoiman Pad a few weeks, feel that they have aot received aa much relief aa they expected. . We say to all such, call at the office, and we will cheerfully give yoa the full benefit -of our experience free or, charge. We have by giving timely information en-, couraged many to persevere with our Remedies Who are now rejoicing with good health, whereas they were about ready to give op and pronounce tn jtul a fraud. Many chronic cases need encouragement, anil ft la often a neat t)nf(Hn in know that WO SEES. have met with similar desperate and almost help-; less cases inai nave neon completely cure uj vu hHtainf t . 1 Thei third larger), I spleen, out of diseased sto- ste re Price for Foot Plasters, ner pair, 60 cents ; Body riasiers, eacn oo cents.' seat ny mau vu re ceipt of price postage free. . ' Consultation at our office or by letter free. , Sep arate room for ladies ia charge of a lady. ; ' . ;;:,;HAYK NONE BUTuTHE.: H0IIIA1T LIVEE PAD. S '; 'i THE ORIGINAL t r THE GBNUINB f vV.- iS'tfr THE ONLY RELIABLE I 'j Thomas a Bnrhank, Accredited Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. Je7tf . J vr o si!" V -T r : - Mm' i i " - I i n- SStf 'VM-r ... .' n ' w .. i i I ?. To.marjafaetare the ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE DURHAM Tohacco. . t. : j - w-. . - ' :? i .- - . V."i. To be located in the' VERY CEN- TRE of the finest Tobacco growing section of the Union, peculiarly adap- I ted to the manufacture of a first class Smoking Tobacco, i .. t . ....-.. .... v jro operate the LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED Sraokintr Tobac'- ca Factory IN THE WORLD. ;i ' . - ' To Purchase THE VERY BESTi! RAW MATERIAL and use THE MOST " SKILLED LABOR in our operations ot any Manufacturers on the Market. To be better . prepared, from our LONG EXPERIENCE and ABUN DANT FACILITIES, to Manufac ture THE VERY BEST SMOKING TOBACCO known to commerce. To . have established within the short space of fourteen years, OW ING TO THE SUPERIOR QUA-1 LITY OF OUR PRODUCTS, a greater reputation and created . a greater demand for BLACKWELL'S I rjtTnjiAM i bin 1 inv Hnna in th I -LIU HilAJJa. mail 8ny tlOUBO in tne I . " Tobacco business has been able to do in half a century. TO have given more general SatlS-I ! . faction with BLACK WELL'S DUR- HAM, and are doing it to-day, than any other Brandof Smoking Tobacco I QDOQ the market, 1 it. ... , i t That there can be no more JION- 1 EST, RELIABLE and SATISFAC- TORY SMOKING .TOBACCO pufc black. j upon the, jnarket .than I , a ' J - I WEJJL'S DU UUAM. 1 j - ' s;. .That by all odds BLACKWELL'S DtJRHAM enters into more general ft"' .Lnjr CpUNT Api 3J Jhi u i&uriJj, inan any similar clll88 of ffOOds. That: BLAGKWELUS DURHAM faction ihan : any Brand of Tobacco i - - - W PQ' UP.n tne mMjCet and 11 deS sd because it is the BEST.- !", V ':i 'That the past history andfutnre prospects q: BLACK VVELL'S DITR- HAM prove all this. . . ? Very Respectf all, C i-jHTr-'T. BlackweU & Co. FOR SALE, AJT FACTOBI. PRICES, I 5 2 jSF-- .V--.--.. W 0 1 jiiVt ",J.Vt ElENAN;& F0ESH , Wilmington, N. C. . nilmincton C JZcldon RAILROAD ; CO. t i . Oms o Osarl SnmiKTawpairf,' i , Wllmlngtont.N. Cm aoe 13. 18? f; Change or Schedule. VAN AND . AFTER 8UNDAY, ' JUNE 15th. KJ 187v, Passenger Trains ea tha Wilmington A weidOB uauroad win run aa rouowa: ; : v irrv. - ar BlaU an4 Bxprsa Train JallT Leave WOmiagUmfroat St Depot, at 7:10 A.'M i Arrlvaat Wetdoa. .u;..m 1:10 ?. Mn Leave Weldon..... ....1...-..-... 8:83P.: M. Arm at Wilmlngum, Front St. Depot, 9j53 P. 1 piKut nau ana stxprea Traiauaur Leave WQminetdn; Front St. Depot, at 3:40 r:n; Arrive at Weldon... 8:60 A. M. Leave Woldon... .... . J:13 A. M - Arrive at Wlimlneton, Front 8L Depot. 8.45 A. M. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rockt . Honat for Tarboro at 5.00 P. M. Dailj-, and Tuee-' aay, Tnarsaay ana Bataraay ai a w a. m. Ketura- lag, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M. Daily, and lion- : day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 P: M. . .TneuavTrai& maKea eioae eonsecuon at wel don for . all points North via Bay .-Liaa daily except Sondav and dally via Richmond and all- rail route. . .- .- -. .-- - Night train mases close connection s at Weldoa forail points north, via Richmond. .;: , ' i.'.fuat : tueeping ubt atiacnea toauH iznt Trains . C -j.-. ; john p. DrviNar' V' rj18-tr : : : ! : -tteneral Snp't. ' .WH.BIINGTON, 1 COLtHTIBl A 'Al' OTJSTA R. COBIPA-NT. : wUjIunqton N. C. Jnntf 13, 18Ti9 'tt-v - 'S lilt Chanfje of Schedule. QN AND AFTER 8TJNDAT, JUNE 15th, 1879. the following Schedale will be ran on this Bead: -. : . . . . - . . Daly Expresa and. Man Train Daily'; Leave Wilmington.. ................. . 9:05 A. M. Arrive at Florence.... " ; ....... 1:25 P.M. Leave Florence.......'....:.. 3:50 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. 8:S0 P.: M. RIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN CDaUy). Leava Wilmington. ..: .-. ; ; 10:18 P. M. Leava Florence... , S:50A.M, Arrive at Columbia.... . ... ... 9:00 A. M. Leave ClumbU.. .......... .......... 6:00P.M. Leave Florence.............. - 3:55 A; M. Arrlveat Wiimington... .... ; ... 6-0 A. M. This Train stops only at Flemington; Whiteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. ' ' Passengers for Columbia,' and all points on G. & CL R. R. and In Western North Carolina, via Celum tua ana epartanourg, ' anooia taxm rugat sxpress Train from Wilmington. , 1 ., ,1 rassengers ror Augusta snouia tase JNignt sx press Train, which connects closely via Florence fnd Charleston Junction. -' " ' Through Sleeping Cars on all night trains for Charleston, Savannah, Augusta (via Charleston Junction), and for Columbia. . , as.).; JOHN F. DIVINE. ' June 13-tf ':! Oen'l 8uoti CAKOL nU CEHTKAL KA LWAI m 'lazuli e - Omox QnmiL SmntanrenrnxHT ,. Wilmington, N.' C, June 7, 1879. Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER THIS DATE the following Schedale will be operated on this Railway : :. PASSENGER,' MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN $ 1 n at. :; ...7:00 P.M. w.'; .2:97 A.M. No. L V Arrive at Haslet at. . . 1 1 i;naueti0at..,.. .8:10 A. M I koli vve atHet si'".!!!'.!!'. 8:25 rVM:' 1:32 A.M. 1 . . ... . Wilmington at . ... No. 1 Train is Daily except Sunday, but makes no connection 10 Kaieign on oaiuroay. . I Na An 18 uauy SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIGHT tt PAS : . : : 8ENGER AND EXPRESS. . I ii a I Leave Charlotte . . . . I Mo.a it Baettv. . I ' 8:40 A. M. . 13:30 P.M. k 1 "15 P 21 .. 5:05 P.M. I Arrive at Charlotte . LOCAL FREIGHTS ACCOMMODATION.! i I Leivea Wttmingtoa... .......... 6:35 A. M, Arrives at Launnbarg.. ......... 4:00 P, M. Arrives at Laurlnburg 4:15P.S: 1 TjeavesLaurinbursr.-.. 50 A.M. fwasSSS8--.- t f-S' u. MM.1uv.15. . . . . . . ..... .... W.UUA.A. k Arrives at Wilmington. 4 SO P. M. 'jrnese - iTains teava wummgton ana unenone -Tuesdays, Tharsdaya- and Saturdays; Laurinburg, mvnuays, weanesaayB ana JtTiaays. . vuoseeonnecaonsmaaeat unariotte wna Trains of A. AC A. L. R. R. and A., T. & O. R. R " Passengers for Asheville via either route, leaving Wilmington at.7 P. M.,will arrive at destination at 0 P.M. next day. - - " Sleeping-Car accemmodatiens on Through Trains both to and from Charlotte and Wilmington l aerw wm aiso oe xnrougn Bieepers run to ana from Raleigh and Charlotte. ' " ' ; t v 'A : V. Q. JOHNSON, 1 Atkinson & ILTanning's ! tniurance ltnomi, BANS: OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, WllniInKion,N.C. Firfe, . Marine : aM-Life- Comianies. Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000 i Bank of HeW Hanover, Authorized Capital " $l,OOO,O00. Cash Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus Fund . 950,000 D IB EC 2 ORS: JOHN DAWSON , ; . a M. STBDXAS ISAAC BATBS, IAS. A.' LEAK '' a F. LTTTLB ' , B. R BORDEN J D. R. MURCHISOS ; DONALD MoRAB, ) H. VOLLBRS R. R. BRIDGKRS ' J. W ATKINSON . :CHAS. M. STED MAN, President a j j. ; ISAAC BATES, Vice President, i ; 8. D WAiiaox. Cashier,... , . un :- :aag30-4f ; Forest 'and Stream; AND BOD AND GUS. -4 5tn-. "t-.-W ,oras5. FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HI8 - :. Tvax, viau. oulturs. pkutjsotium vr . . ; GAME, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, , , t' YACHTING AND BOATING. RIFLE - PRACTICE. AND ALL t ODTrDOOR HECRBATIONS AND STUDY. v , ': This is the only Journal fn the Ceuntry that fully supplies the wants and necessities of tlur ' - - i-, dentleman Sportsman. ; TERMS $1 00 a Year. ; Send for Specimen Copy forest & Stream Pnhllahlnr Co.. f- 111 FULTON ST., (Ou No. 108, .,. 1 r . ,.i ; :;4 Hew York, j Post Office Box 388s, - ; sapt 37-tf t j ; Sridths' Bellows, ' " : 'NvTLSUCK-NBST TUEYRB 1RONSJICBS; iV 8mitha' Tonga, Horse Rasps, Guns,-Powder, Shot. Caps, (Urtridges, Sauce Paasgtew Pans,H8T , unrtncgee, nance rana. oiew rans,aax uldrons,. Pots,, Spiders, . Ovens, Waah- uunera, vauiarons,i rout, . cuiuers. wun,- vt boards. Pails. Seine Twine, Ac., Ac., at lower pi than elsewhere - at the 'new established Hardware House of i ROBERT HENNTNG, :: .n c i - Buccessor tu nennmz cs iee, f . ' No. 9 Market street. 1 Naaa thx Whabt. ' iy ST DAWtf 5 1 H-LT" rSS!4!n WTO V r ' r COnnEnOIZlLIZOTI!, l Wilmington, ftT, C. F, A i Scliutte,t Proper f rpHS COHMKRCIAL, FORM I SLY TUB "Ell- ,J ..... ' - .... . - -.. .. PIRB HOTJSS." having been IhorongMy novated and reatted, is now one or tne LKADINO FIKVT CLASS HOTELS to the city, v-' 1 1 ..,. f. The Table is supplied with the best onrHome and Northern Markets ailord " ttuARU PKK 1aV : -S "Larce Samnle Roomtf 'for ths bomaicrcftif ' trade. -- ' r m jii. j utt(-' ?t k?A First Claw BAR and BILLIARD HALL connected with this HoteL , . ? ii'ioi ,&:; . kp-FRlR LUNCUrdaUy fm 11 X. 11:10' lUO, y-M. -JyMtf j, EORGrE MYERS,-:.': 11.13 ft 16 Ba. Front St. e ht i i AR0LB , DB HONEUR. WHY BUT FLOTJR . i von hTfl to return, when vou ean ent tha RUST . tfn wnsr.n it nitnRoic Mvrnk w What we say-THR BBST IHt THS WOBU);i" Try it and yon will use no other. 'r ? v 't ', - BB8T BTJTTRR IN THR WORLD, 5 OenU per i pound. Cooking Batter, two pounds for iSCenUi''; Our Blue Orae. Delmm!oOkClub' HoaM' and .. Sweet If ah WHISEBTS . still bold tha supremacy. 1 ,rrhe Finest Goods for the Least Money."' - v ' . : Fresh Roasted Java and Lagayra COFF8BS ' ' ' yiareia. unsmpagnea wmes, urancnes, coretaiat ,, . Blackberry Brandy am id Port wises for medicinal . . ..; English FicKlesnd8anceB. sngiun riCKlesnd8ances..! ,': -' kj av'uoo uKiu.1 new jiu oauurai, wauon, l ' Boned Herring ready for table nae. . We have every variety Or "FANCTmd BTAPLB ' GROCERIES at LOW PRICKS, -r ,.-.,n - J GKORGB VTBRS, R.,H. McKOY r L - . '1'HI IN H Hnuiiv .In '. Attorneys , and. i Coniuellcrt : at,, Law, .i t s WILMINGTON, N.U- Jvl Office North Side Market Street, between 84 and 3d. -- Will practice In: all the Courts of Eastern North '. Carolina. Special attention paid to collection of (- WE HAVE JUST LANDED' 1700 Bbls 5 Fresh Lime;! A' if There is. no other Fresh Lime in this market For sale at BOTTOM FIGURES. ?S fc , Also, PLASTER, CEMENT and HAIR. Jy 19-U ' , ' ' " WORTH Jk WORTH: Corn: Bacon; Ilolasses. r Kin nnn 325 20X68 D" 8. ani Smoked BIDRS" Y : OA A BhdB New Crop CUBA 'MOLASSES i i iJJ ' . ' i !"r i ' f i X'.tv a. . : , -gg Q Bbls Cuba, N. O. and 8. Vj MOLASSES, lOKO Bbls Fresh FLOUR, .-A mmf DTTl.tlO . i jl I O ; Granulated. A, Extra C. sad C, V ' 4 Um-t A Basra COFFER, all mrarien. ' ' ' rJQQ Tubs Choice Family LARDv,fi -I Boxes TOBACCO, Tax'iff,' '; V rr Half Bbls and Boxes SJJUFF, Tax off Kegs NAILS, : . LSO -''iu'i ,sts ; j s Potash, Lye, Soda. Soap; Starch. . . . ... i . Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glne, &c 1 ' " ' " For sale low by . .'." v s J WILLIAMS MURCHISON. ,j ; , Je 17 tf Wholesale Gro. A Com; Merts. ! QRAWiNCs & pRtuta Ti MAIL ? PIONEER WORKS ' BIRMINGHAM: . Fiini in Prices In Bngland. $68.00, $78.75, $8Q.S5," tlOO.W,' tlSE.00, $150.00. ' ' - - t' i ,.-.'' f f i '"it i Delivered in New York, duty and all charges in,,:Y , elusive: j " ' "".i.. $103.38, $117.79, $131.97, $150.58;- $184.88,' $318.06.' ft 4 o.'i ir 1 T3 zwf-..: FREE KJJf i . ..... ! . v . .-. . . 1 ... lv.. ' The above xnayVi ordered "Pull Cheke, Me-4 -y dium Choke, 'or Cylinder Bore, at these, prices; ' We are now makmac small bores of Noa. 14. H' - and 80 gauge, which are scarcely inferior in,, owes , a to the larger bores. .. ,, , Wefehtef 30-Bore from.1? ....6Xlha , .'.... .m.w . v, . ....... io t 8 : f i'. - Our "Giant Grip" Action has' been' awarded a DK ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition. ' : i Bend for Ulustrated Bheeta; - . We respectfully refer to the following gehUemea : who have nurchased and are now usina our suns : non. waiier i. eieeie, a., u., uocaingaam, Jticn mond coun, N. C. - - - - - Capt. D. R. Murchisoa, Wilmington, N. CV t ; " r CoL b. p. utae. utoPs Mills, n. . - James A. Leak, Bsq.,'Wadesborot N; c.;i!t-f yv m. xi. Driiaru, iysq.,n iimiiixon, rt. u.k . a.-.. J. A W. TOLLEY, r . j. , i f . "Pioneer Works. St Mary's Square, . , :; oct 8 DAW tf - Birmingham. England. :' ' " pnESGn!?Tio:JTriS!: 3 TOor the speedy Care of Semlaal Weakaess, Lost A?. Manhood, Prematare Debility Jlervousaesa, "' Despondency, Coafaidoa of Ideas, Arsnloa to-;4: t Society, . DefectlTe Memory, and all Disorders Brought on by Secret Habits aad Excesses.,, Any . y draggist has the lagredlent. ' J Address, ; , tn n n :i ibji I . " a I DR. JAQUES A COt. 130 West Sixth St, CUICSDnrATI, OKia feb 15 lyDAW rX i W..L . ... . . IIABBLE r.iowur.iETJTs - 1 "AND i Grave Stones. f , .m. . i! i ....J ...1 .if ' FIRST-CLASS WORE AT LOWEST NEW TO Ha 5 S PRICBS. DESIGNS SBNT BY MAIIW'ORB i Tfl H1V tAT?1 W TRK SOT7TM. ' i BIGHsBD WATH4N jic CQ j y ' I" i.,.T IiafaFts,Paf Kw,jrork. Ij ' Wathan's Monnmonta Designs, la book form,for i'i sale to the Trade. - dec. DAWtf ...... h; ffigh:BfeaDoff"s jxrt.tsh. irish and"' Gordon setters...; of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. t , ,4 j.-.Fot sals by " t' "" f ... - . B. WEL8ntl - .aovTDAWtf - " .YoriuPenn n; ; A. BTEpriAir, Jr. , ' $ Attorney and Cousjellor at Law. ELIZaBETHTON, ' BLADEN CQtijwljll!'tV Office Up stairs, in tfrick Building, occupied M ;; , Rlnaldl A Co. : ttpecuuaHtmuua w vuisia - vui'ecuviiB UQ hibi of tlOOand upwards. saa4a rot Ftva Per Cent. If without suit. Drawing DeodSr-Mortgages, Ac la specialty. - r?" ' .rtapo-yaEww.. , Sprmjj Pasluczs. MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORE HAS REffetYED aad ' -Is aow using tha LATEST SHAPE 3 for. LavU dies aad Misses Hats, -aad invites a call from those..-; - hkknn kAmtnf nrn AntrnotAd hF with thnirwnrk'. . . She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them ' "' mm mnaiiil imnimi mrnt hCSt StVle. ' ":- -iVFi) . resdjenuk one door east or rant, on Church Street. - ' ' , oct 14-tf . i