Tib! K i C M.tU' hMA-aX fir wei. n. ccr.:;Ant). M Hl.lttHKn DAILY, BXC2PT UOKbAYH. - ., I. " V..; katim tw Rirsmnurnon m autamoi : -(i, year, (by mail) postage paid... ..,..,, $7 uu ,i;monUkS, T ., L . .,.1...,,.? 4 00 Hirvf months r 45 mn month ' "J - ; 1 00 I'o City SoHseribera, aUlvreain ujrjnrtol the -,ty. Fifteen Cent per week. Oar City Agenu are ml authorised to collect tor mere than three moitthr Advance. ' .. (Several Zulu chiefs have surreDdered; - a strong force wilt adraoce on Utuodi imme diateljt probably Qen.Hewdefialo' column. will advance'simultaneoiiBij on . the King's I new kraal. TbeNallonal Cotton Ex- I I nSll moot In fr.nft w.. t . XT I York next Wednesday On Wed net day 130 Sheffield, tutlera arrived iO Mew York; they get better wages in this coun try. ; ' Exchange v Bank of Canada at Moutreal has suspended payment." 7 Large shipments of gold from 'England to the United States are expected .1 V l roarksbire colliers have agreed to work four days ia.eacb week;-H is expected that a demand will be' made1 for an increase of wagca. 1- The Sultan denjaoda that the I ex-Khedive shall reside- at Alexandria, Egypt; reply not given. The steamship Burgas, which was. wrecked in - St. Mary's Bay, New youndland, Julyw 14lht. was boarded by forty large boatsfull of men, who plundered the ship in spite of all pro tests; three schooner loads of property have been recovered. 2 Germany is inclined to modify its views on the silver question, aud will discuss with the -United States a bi-metallic sjaudard. ."4 Hod.v W, T. Hamilton has been nominated for Governor of Maryland by the Democratic State Con vention, y The Deputy First Auditor of the Tieasury has decided that health offi cers appointed by State Boards are not offi cers of the United Stales. Eleven new cases and ' two deaths from yellow fever were reported from Memphis for yesterday tn-jruiug. Three men were badly hurt f i om a. boiler explosion at jQaincy, III. . -7- Eiuty buudiDgs were destroyed and three penpie killed and maey badly injured by a Liurricane at Honclon, N.' B.V ' At New- jwrt, Samuel ; C. Albright shot ' and instantly killed tW. K. Miller in a fit of iealousy, at the house of - a young lady to whom both were paying attentions. -It U again reported4 that Lord Dufferin, the; Eaglish Ambassador, to 8L Petersburg, will be transferred to Constantinople - Another change iatha Turkish Ministry is reported s tinmiaeut. Advices- from' Cape Town report that' Cham had under-: taken to capture his brother Cetywayo; It is thought in Washington that the De Lcaseps canal will ; fail through 'lack of financial support. : - The State Demo-1 eratic Convention of Maryland adopted an admirable platform ou the completion of its work. - The latest reports from Mem-; phis indicate that the fever is rapidly spreading; twetsty-uine new cases are rev lorted for lEe dayand three deaths during the aftetuon. The Sussex (Vs.) fiends have been indicted by ; the grand jury,; and held fur , trial in . October. The New Orleans Board of Elealth declare there is not a single 'case of yellow fever ; . now in that city. The Health Officer: nf Washington city,; it is ' reported, has got on a big. yellow fever scare. New York- uiarkets: Money easy at 2. i per cent; cotton quiet at Hill cents; southern, flour $5 007 00; wheal, about Jc lower, ungraded winter red quoted at 02c$l 08 ; corn JJc better, ungraded 45 46J cents; spirits turpentine steady at 2&i cents;' rosin $1 27J. 'J JTho Georgia Legislature, has gone into the impeaching business. The Augusta Chronicle : appears to think it may hang on until Christmas. . Sir George Campbell heard i Gen i Gordon : make a speech ib Atlanta lie says in his book: ' "lie was very eloquent - and' successful hut I thought too much in the style of an energetic preacher. - I . understand . now where the negro preachers get their style.? What good will follow the meeting of American bankers at Saratoga re mains to be seen. If they would de vise some plan by which the country could be restored to its former pros perity they would meet to some purf pOSe. J ft ' 1 , - , t t. rr r r- Charlee: Fechter, the actor, died at Quakertown, Pa., on Monday last. We never saw bimih He bad a jfin? reputation, but was sadly addicted to his cups, we 1 believe. Many a bril liant wearer of the buskins has been ruined by a too intimate acquaintance with John Barleycorn. : ' ' " : : The North Carolina JBoard of . Health has issued a neat pamphlet of 29 pages giving the "Method for Performing Post-Mortem Examina- . tfons." It is an adaptation from the -German regulations of 1877, by Dr. . Thomas rF, Wood,! Secretary of the JN. u. Board of .Health. -The trans lation is from the London Medical Meaminer,. Capt. William Biggs, editor of the Oxford Free JOance, has been elected Clerk of the Inferior Court ot Gran-' ville. This was gracefully done, for Capt. Biggs did more through the columns 6f his jeally'eood weekly to redeem .the county irom uaaicai domination and the robberies that were perpetrated than any., twenty-, -five men iii the county combined. ' , ; As a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia. Sick Headache: Tornid Liver, and soch -ltke diseases, we can recommend Dr. Bull's liaitimore Fills. They are for sale Dy all -uiuggists. rrice only S3 cents. , , . 'T vol. xxiv.-no . iie.if i xcujpui5 puysiciaris ; are noyr agreed, that the jellow fevcr ofj.thla season originated from contact with infectious buildings jand clothing of victims of last fearV - Vbidemic. raa it i. ....i.j .i... . . ' 1 ocvfcicu: biiafc oeany every case oa, 1 has occurred Is ins buildings ' ' where people were sick, or died last year, and were not subjected to proper dis infection. Although the fever is spreading in Memphis-the scare in other parts of the South appears to be dying out. Last week, there 'were 83 cases of fever at Memphis, 55 of which wero white. From the begin- ning there had" been 287 cases report- ed up to.Thursday nighQUntn witS in two or three days the fever was confined to the fifth, eighth and tenth wards. Mrs. Elizabeth Oaks Smith, a well known author of reputation, is now visiting her son, Captain Appleton Oaksmith, in Carteret county. W e learn from the Newbernian that she "reached Hollywood on Friday of last week on a visit of sympathy and condolence to her afflicted son, who, we understand, has beeu confined to .1 his bed with a threatened attack of brain fever, resulting from severe mental pressure and grief. 'His grief- stricken wife, who has been danger ously ill, is thought to be out ot im mediate danger.' A serious accident occurred at Portsmouth, Va., on Wednesday, by the falling of a porch, by which the following persons were injured: Jno. W." Young, ankles dislocated; A. T. Culpeper, leg crushed; F. J. Nichol son, head and face badly cut; Samuel Armstrong, side and knees jhurt; Henry Whitehurst, knee sprained; Budd Cherry, body bruised; Miss Ir vine, internally; Edward Arrin gton, arm broken. ' ' ' ' ' ; :' - McUreary defeated Harlan in Ken- lucky by 36,000 majority. Tilden carried Kentucky by 62,000. Black burn's majority will be over 25,000 probably. The Democrats do not ap- pear to have turned out as well as usual. .Evans, the ltgpubhcan can didate, made sixty four speeches in sixty two counties.: The New York, dry goods market is thus reporte44H a letter of August 5th: Oil! iQ$$n "Busineas . in the dry goods bouses is slowly but steadily increasing. On this point both ine loooers ana commission nouses are , agreed, ooutb bridge 1 fancy prints are opened at 64c; ginghams and dress goods are fairly active: .woollens quiet and steady." I Spirits Turpentine. .Fine crops in Davie and Meck-i lenburg. , .- .. The telegraph line between! Edenton and Elizabeth City is on the way.' The Elizabeth City Caroltniari is bragging about the finest- peaches t ever saw in north Carolina. . v .3 .... . 4 , s .The Asheboro Courier has iia-i proved very decidedly under the mauage-j ment or Messrs. iiraasnaw auac&ney.. - The Goldsboro Messenger bears a rumor 'thatrMaf. Wm"Ar Hearne; will Bhortly start a weekly newspaper in Kaieigbj - A negro boy," Washington' At kinson, was drowned in a1 mill pond near Jfrinceton, Johnston county, oneaay last week. : -" " ' Mr. ' W. ' W, Vass has been Treasurer of the Raleigh & , Gaston I Rail- road for over 35 years. He is a native ot Granville.:, ; .t-;,:, ' Raleich -! Observer: "-Governor Jazvia returned from, Beaufort yesterday. He looks much improved by his trip, and is in excellent health. - - 1 - Whitmel Lane,, colored, ; of Elizabeth" City, after spending years at Howard University, Washington,-x. C, was craduated at Amherst College,- Mass., in a class of 75. He was the only colored member. . - z . t t t I , - V -J. The Richmond State learns that Maior R. M. Sully. Superintendent of the Petersburg Railroad Company, at the re quest of number " 01 citizens, win give another delightful excursion to Beaufort, in this State, about the middle of the current month. ' u . Wadesboro Jieraia: we re- irrfit to learn that While Mrs. M. Hemby was sitting ia her back- door her chair ac Hdentallv cave wav throwing her to the eround. from which , she received! some '.' .... 1 1 : . VtTi I. nKn J2Jjg- II J UUIS ;BUSUM7 ? We mentioned1 that there were artesian' wells in the Eastern section of. the Rtata, .The Washlnetoa Prm says: Gen. Bryan Grimes has bad one f on his place since 1858 or '59, which runs to' thef depth of 240 feet, and produces strong chalybeate water, at a temperature of 58 degrees. - ! ' Raleizh News : Samuel Drake White, convicted in Davie countyfcf. em- I bezzlement, and sentenced to the peniten iBe ig -,bout lrtx year -ft, flTe I feet eight inches high, and. weighed.when admitted one ' hundred " and elghtyfive pounds. - v .' ,r Ci.Z. t j : Perquimans county items in the Elizabeth City EconomUt: There is 'a suc cessful revival of religion going on at Cen tre Hill Church. .The house in Hert ford occupied by George Bey was burned with all its contents last week. 'The "field of honor" and "coffee and' pistols" for two is spoken of for two of our Hot spurs. " Ob, woman! woman! little knowest thou what trouble thou dost make.:14 . - Washington-iVcM;:. A' game of Polo was played at New Berne last ' week. The Sides were the Reds, consisting of Robt. Uaqcock, Capt P. F. Carter, Chas. Blank and E. G. Roberts; and the Whites: E. H. Hackbourn, Capt. G. A, Oliver, M. Man ley.'T. H.4iWiDdly. aT The - Reds came oft victorious 5 It is the first game" gotten up In this section, and Is said -to be very in teresting to the looker-on. s " -- We were sorry to learn of the death, of .Mr.' Henry O. Cutler, which occurred on last - Thursday, near xeatesvuie. ; ue wasdriviDgmong the road and it is supposed that - his horse shied or jumped as he crossed a bridge, throwing Mr. Cutler backward, striking ! his neaa against the tau-uoara of pis csrt, fracturing the skul faud :when, .Uje horse began- to run - he : was thrown - out "of the ! back ot the cart. lo the ground W here he ; JlaleigKJSiblicalMecorder : Dr. i Yates, of China, has consented to Write for the Recorder his -reminiscences' of Life", in China. .The first of these valuable articles will appear at an earlv dav. sRev.iT. H, Pritchard;.D. D.J visited" Statesville; on : Tuesday last, and lectured for the benefit of the' Baptist Churchi f Rev. G. S. i Jone8, 'of HenderBonville says: -"Things are looking quite ratlroadish in and about this mountain town. .a It is estimated that not less than .five thousand persons Jiave made excursions to Hhis point within, the last thfrtv . risvs. - Thfi first - Bflssinn of Jud8on College closed last Friday tj&v. Dr. JSelsoni of IH ash viile, lenn., delivered a very strong address. The Rev. D. B. Nelson, pastor of the Baptist Church here, deserves much praise lor his untiring efforts to get the college building ready for use. ;' : Dr. Nelson is holding a meeting at the church.. . He is a good preacher. - Oxford" TorcTdightl Mr William Pleasants; of Dutchville -Township, sold a arge lot of tobacco on the Oxford market lsst Friday for $90 per hundred weight. -The Flat River Baptist Association will be held at Corinth Church, near Oxford, in Fishing Creek ' Township, next Tuesday. - We regret to learn that on last Tues day,-while Mr. Thales Turner, a highly re spected gentleman residing near Wilton, in this county ,was driving a wagoh,his horses ran away, throwing nun- on ine wagon tongue and breaking three of bis ribs. The protracted meeting at Knap of Reeds closed last Friday. There were 25 conversions, 10 of whom presented - them selves as candidates for-church . member ship. The revival was conducted by Revs. Marsh and Stradley, of. this place; As ,wegoto press. the Board of Magistrates are in session ine louowing genuemen were elected to compose the., Court: John W. Hays, James H. Webb and Sv H. Can nady; Solicitor, A; S. Feace; Clerk, Wm. Biggs. Durham JRecorderi We reeret to learn that Mr. M. L. Efland, of the vi cinity of Hilhboro, on Monday had his light arm torn off above the elbow by be ing caught in the machinery of a .wheat thresher, i Mr. Ju. is an industrious and skilful mechanic and farmer,, and his acci dent is a real calamity. A little, boy, son of Wm. Thompson, living west of Hillsboro, broke one of his legs in a some what singular manner on Saturday, lie, with other lads.climbed a rail fence In cross ing a field. There was a missing rail on the top, which brought two rails on the next panel together. One of these had j slipped. and the little fellow placed bis leg between them, and the others following with eager ness, pushed' him forward, and his leg. was unfortunately caught before be could extri cate it and broken just above the knee. - well, we.have a treat in store for the Richmond Stat when it is so fortunate as to know the Judge. He is a typical North Carolinian of the old type, quiet, unobtru sive, not given to blowing his own trumpet,! but every inch a man mentally and mor ally, and makes his mark , wherever be. 8lXlke8. - - -A.xwj.i-i.,;.- . .. .- Charlotte Observer: The Caro-i lina Central continues its inducements to, the public to make Bummer tours over its line to Wilmington and Smithville, to Nor-4 folk, . Old rant Comfort and Baltimore,' and these inducements are very taking when it is known that in the price of tick-; eta via .Norfolk are included meals and state rooms on the boats. Travel from the South Is first rate just now. The Carolina Central passenger train, duel here yesterday morning at 8.20. did noli arrive until after 1 o'clock in the afternoon Tho delay was caused by two accidents; One of the cars jumped the track at Lum4 berton, which detained the train a -hal hour, and near Rockingham the axle of an-j other of the cars -.broke. The car was thrownxiff, hut fortunately very little dam-t age was done and no one was hurt. The; escape was singular, such accidents being usually attended with : serious ; results. To Mr. W. A. Turk, Passenger Agent of the Piedmont Air-Line, at Raleigh, we are indebted for: a book-entitled ."The Piedmont Air-Line and the Mountain Re- sorts of Western North Carolina. South Carolina and Georgia.". The pamphlet con tains 78 pages, and while of course it is an advertisement of the railway line indicated. it really possesses a beauty and an interest apart fronuta business feature. I Goldsboro Messenger: The thirl ty-sixth annual session of the Eastern Bap tist Associatien wilt begin at finey Grove Church October 7th. - A very inte resting protracted meeting is in progress at PrincetonMethodist Church under the aus pices of ; Rey Mr. Herman, of. Smithfield. A number of our citizens have recently . 1 S A M. A I 47 .. H t ... maae several visits w meoeven opnngs in the White Hall section, about sixteen miles from this town. These Springs are destined to come into noted celebrity We ar pleased to see the Rev. Mr. Marable. who has been confined to his house by'indispor sition. able td be out agatn. The se cond story of the Colored ? Insane Asylum building is rapidly going, up. .'lie main building and one wing -will be completed, it is said, by the 15lh of Decemher,with an accommodation capacity lor 150 . patientsi A young, man in t Wilmington whb wanted to attend the farmers' dinner wrote to enquire about "the train on the W. & W. Railroad that arrives at Warsaw in time to connect with the1-atcamex for Clinton." We have often thought a steamboat run ning between .Warsaw ,and Clinton . would be a good thing, tor joe : traveuag public. - we regret to learn that Air. Arthur v. SDeigbt had the miBfonuue to have a to bacco barn destroyed by fire en Thursday night of last .week, together - with? about 2,000 pounds of tobacco last year's crop. The fire was accidentals The scries of revival meetings- which have been con ducted by Rev .A.: J. Fmlayson, assisted by Rev.W. C. Gannao, at Mt. Carmel Chapel, near PikevUle,:etosedTuesday night.xThe church .rejoices in ten,vaiuable accessions, besides aoite' a' number of conversions. The other day.Col. John W. Isler, of New- Hope township,: left oh our table a piece of a tooth- supposed ten be that of a mastodon, found in the ; mart bed -on bis Saulston )i place, v The i piece i measured fourteen inches in length , and nine, inches round at its thickest end, and, was, round about nine feet deep ?m the? marl-bed There were also haze pieces of backbone and other ; relics, of ' the extinct : monster mammal, which is said to have resembled tbe,elephant; but larger in size . f " t Cx-tde's steamship line.4"1 TiiV xH" :;D..G0BK-lWverpl s'al;; E, T Y.DweUing wanted, vt '"'Muksok Clothing low in price. ' Ha4x!& PKiusAlJ-Close .'prices. ' - fa) Jl ' . ' ,tJ tocai Doc. -; 'U ' Vn ci ; The co w :xrdiqance- goes jnto effect on the 15lh inst.t' "- yv. ' l names to lion.. os. t i . u uhvib for various public documents!'" ' J Uv Anothelrxcur8o.on the steam- er Passport to-day, - binder the management of Prof. Agostlai.-' There was a light, shower yes-8 terday afternoon. ;wuicWpieo tne atmos-1 . .. ... I phere considerably Tfaease ,bf &k IS. VScbriveV, charged with the killing of William Jones, ( colored, will be heard in the' Criminal; uouri 10-aay. .'( , The thermometer io our office,: yesterday,1 reached as high as ' 94 degrees. or two degrees above Wednesday's highest point? r At the City Hall it Was the same'.y ... . - k. n m. '.. . , . 3-iex. ppruui.r wuo nas oeen quite ill, was said to he ; improving yester- day, and it la hoped that he will soon be os our streets again. ' Mr. Robinson ; is still very sick, and we bear that Mr. Joshua Crawls very low. ' - Our attention has been called toll the necessity of the city authorities , requir- ng a fence or railing to , be erected on the west side ? of Front between. Orange; and Ann streets, where the lota are lower , by several feet than the street. ;.!; i : j We should have Btated in our! ast that Mr. Angel,' Agent, also Bent off an Anano.iateri Press lelecram' similar Inr tin r- portro me onu lurwaxucu o iuc new ora. Herald by our Superintendent of Health, re garding the false report , contained : ip that! paper s jxonoiK.aispaicn ?n reierenceioine . .. . a m . ... discharged sailors. . u, , . Jilt, neiB Hoiaa HeThavclii On a pleasant . day in the early part of the week a resident on Sixth; street came: down town puffing and blowing' and com plaining of the intense beat, saying he was of preventing it unless he Shut himself -Bp in an ice house. In this state of worry ho I dropped in.a store on Front street to con-1 suit a thermometer, when he found that it? 5nly indicated 84 degrees very mild t'em-. perature indeed. He pronounced the- thermometer a humbug, a fraud, and- swore; that his own was at ninety degree, and had been all day, for he bad looked at it; several times, and it hadn't varied the least mite. Finally our. friend went ; homej still sweltering with j heat and ' drown lng 1 with : perspiration, r, when ; he con-j eluded to take another' look at his ther mometer, and this time it dawned upon hi perceptive faculties 1 that t something; was, wrong.. He then entered upon an investi-4 gation,. when he found that the instrument! bad been broken, and in such a manner as to leave the mercury stationary at the" point indicating 96 degrees. Upon making this) discovery, he immediately . "cooled, pff,"j ana aiierwaras lei out me jokb upon nim- self : - ' , ; . mayor's OaUrt. ' D. Lewis, charged with acting disorder! and insulting a police officer, was ordered to pay a fine of $1 50 or be imprisoned fo five dftva. s v " i B. Edwards, charged with assaulting a Bailor, waa oruereu xo pay a nne m, 90, y 3 . m .1 ap ! H tre - junus Jackson,: Thomas . ciarnty auai Tom Titt, and John Gurley, three, pre cocious! colored .youngsters, arraigned t.i 1 c . 1 1 1 - Ta n.r and making themselves si general nuisance 10 ine ousiness men and oiners. on r roni Market and Second streets, were, ordered t be locked up in the cells in the guard housi for ten days and fed on - breadl and Wate Wm. Bond, John FurrlnfrbW and - Sai Stokes, colored tramps were charged' with ueing iuuou asieep on ine wuar, ubibwm Market and Dock streets, the first about! and the two others about 12 'oMbck We'd nesday eight, and giving very uhsatisfacioj ry answers in regard to themselves J Bond claimed to belong in Charleston, and said he bad no regular work to do; -Tbe--othei' two said they were frbnf Wilson;1 and had been here four or five divs. They. were ordered to be locked up la cells for five aayst - Criminal Coari. t ' '" : ' v The following cases were disposed o yesterday: 1 V - 1 '-r I( ; State vs. Martha Jackson,' motion in ' arj- rest of judgment,' Motion granted and de f endant discharged. '. .State vs." Margaret A. ; Wilson," charged with perjury, Defendant found not guilty State vs. John Green and Henry Loftlri, charged with attempt to, commit a , felony. Nol. pros, as to Green ; verdict of not guilty as to Lioitin. p.. , ,t , , , . i i; State is.; Peter Evans, charged with per jury.! Defendant snhmitted and was sen tenced to tne, House of. Correction ;ior six months.' u; ii,-lx - U State vs. Henry ' Lee alias - Bazzel Wil liams, charged with ! carrying concealed weapons. " Defendant found guiltyi ' i State s.Milford Hunter; charged ; with larceny."' Juroif withdrawn and mistrial, V State ts. Henry Lea and .Chas.- Hansley, charged with laTcea'Defendatots-found guilty and sentenced io- seven years each in ttie StaiPenitenUary: 1 j to 830 P". M.. and on Sundays from8dto State vs. W: EL Mbrrlck, charged wl10A.-M."' t fendant found guilty, and sentenced to flte years in the Penitentiary To-Dai'a latfleailana" . ; ' ' " For Hbe South Atlanta State; partly cloudy v weather land I areas of;fain.iwh.h southweai.. to; tooTthwest windsj stationary or , slowly r rising, barometer, , and slight changes in temperature. r- . . , C0l.AIcB.ae Invltett to Wlaeonaln. n ; It affords us pleasure" to publish thefol- iowiig ieiter. ';It shows that Northwestern DeWcVaUarQ;hot-Beciional;!that!theV8re for extending Curtesies tas Southern ged- jtlemen,r and-ara I determined; i to t give a natlonalone to thei? canvass: L. i'-.ov in fj,MApisoir,,Wls.; July 39, 1879.;. Hon. Duncan, KK McBae Dkak Sib The Democratic State 'Con- venUon will be held in this : eity on the 9lh of September next, and we propose hold inEi in connection with the Coaventihn, an illllllWIWB lUSliW'aUWWUfc .Juai uidiiiduiukp, Ul lhe 9lh an(1 10lh. v ConTei.tion be held during- the' State Fair week: and we shall have one of .the- greatest crowds jBver witnessed in Wisconsm. , . v? v We Madison people remember your mag mficent.ispeecb, there during .'the fTilden campaign, ana. are, anxious, to hear you again. - Gen. D;' W. Toorhees will be one of the speakers, andwe'muBfc.jUrgentJy rer- quest yout-pxesence too. " The Republican Convention was held last, weekv i They i had Chandler, jGarfield and Burrows to, help start their "boom." We Want you to lacerate Zach Chandler something after Uur -manner ;youdid Bob Ingersoll here three years ago. ' Let us hear front you at once and we beg that you dont fail nasi With great respect. w Wm. F. Vilas, ! 'of the National DenLCok 1 .-A. C,'Pabkjkbok,I.,j. , of the State Central Com. -' ' - .1r'-.'- ;):. f it Arrest of a Burglar HI Baeapa ana A colored man by the name- of Fuller Hanaley, who Was jailed a few days ago on the charge of cattle stealing, 'was arrested on Topsail Sound on. Wednesday evening laBt, on a warrant issued by Justice C. W. McClammy, charged with breaking into the dwelling of an old colored man byf be name of Frank Loftin. The prisoner was locked up iu a store-house, and ' while the magistrate and pthers wera-engaged -in. fix ing up the -necessary- -papers in the case. preparatory to sending him to jail, he suc ceeded In breaking 'out' of the store and uiauo uta escape. iajrmauou waa iougea 3 t ' . T k ' 1 .1 ' with the police here, and ; yesterday ; morn-; ipg Officer Biddle came across an Individ-; ual at the foot of Market street who answered to the description of the : missing' enmi-j nal. ' At the time he discovered Hanslcv he. was inquiring the way to Judge. Russell's plantation, tnuruuswick county, , and was, exhibiting, great anxiety to get ferried; across the river. Officer Biddle made sure of his man, and then arrested' him and, took him to theguard-house, where he Was locked up to await further developmental j Tlaa Uexatta To-Day.r The regular August Regatta of the Caro lina Yacht Club will be sailed at Wrights- ville Sound to-day. The following yachts hnvA nntnrnd fnr thA rura-V ! Bessie Lee Sailed by Commodore O. aJ Wiggins, j -i- . : Restless Sailed by Capt. S. P. Cowan. Vrnlir Sailorl hn Cant (i Tl "Pm hIav lizzie sanea oy uapt w. ju rarsiey. Rosa Sailed by Capt. Jno. M. Cazatixi Carolina Sailed by Capt. Jno. J. Fowler,; Ripple Sailed by CaptTNorwood Giles J The boats have been ordered to report at the Bank's House at half past 11 o'clock j when the several Captains will' meet and Charles Hansley and Henry Lee, two en terprising colored men of Pender county. have been the instruments of demonstra ting, during the present week, the course of lustice and the soeediness of ita ' execui - - . 7". 17 -r. i: . j lion in our Courts. On Saturday or Sun day last they stole two cattle beasts .from parties in Pender county. On Monday they sold the animals to a Couple of bur butch ers. On Tuesday they had a preliminary examination before Justice Gardner on the charge Of larceny' Snd- were sent to jail for trial, and yesterday (Thursday) they were tried fn the Criminal Court,' convicted and 'sentenced to confinement for seven years I ia' the penitentiary. XHE OX AILS. i The mails . close and arrive at the City iron vmce aa iuuows: Northern throttgh'mails. tii'itAS'Bi M. Northern through r and ?way ;f ji , iu? j r- maUs. ........ ... i i.; 5.:30 A. M. Mads for the a. C. Kauroad, ,, . : and routes supplied therev"" " "' -t l vMAkM tviAltinM A vCr XT afl.if.JS'-. J"-. 11U1U) AUVJ-IAVaUlj -vim W XI. V i Railroad; at..,..;., .ii'.i i5:30A.M. Southern mails for :all , points . u- . South, daily. . . . i -. . . , 7:30 A., M (except Sunday). .......... 0 .-00 P. " M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington, - XU.UTUUU... . i'AO XTt.JLO. Mails for ooints between Flo- '"" uTence and Charleston .t . j;v 7:30 A.' M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape; -j . y n -u J , D'ear, ruver. mesaays,. and .. . i Fridays......,. V. .-OOP, M. n ajrcitcTuic, . via jjuuiuuwui, ' i .A dailv. exceot Sundavs. . . i ' J 6 -oa P. M. , fnali-wlf! liTlLrtandi intnrtrtfl.,r? r v -! J ! diate offices every Fridav.1. j v9 0 A.M. I Smithville mails, : by , steam- boat,'daily (except Sundays) ,2. Od P. M. Mails for Easy Hill,' Town'' f" t . ;s'Creek and Shallotteevery'5- ' v -I Friday at . . ; t. ..f .... 1 6:00 A- M. Wilmington and Lisbon,: Mon- 'r , , , ' : days and Fridays at , . 6.-00 A. M. "' 'OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through mails. 8:00 A. M. Northern through and way'Jv' i - maUsi . . ,. .. w -I, . i:4 ... 7.00 A. M. Southern mails . . . .4.-00 A; M. Carolina Central Railroad. . , . 10:85 A. M. 7' Stamp Office open from 8 A.'M. to 13 M., and from S to 5S0P.MV Money order and Register Department open same as ; stamp ueneral .delivery open , from ou a. ju. 630 F. M.: and on Sundays from 80 to ssrirs Mails collected from street looses every Stamps for pale At general delivery when day at 4.00 P. M. - - i vine Fire this Rlornins. - ' 1 The alarm of fire, about S .jufclockJ this morning, was caused by the burning of a small tone story frame ' bpilding, oqj the : corner ; of Orange and" Third Btreets. and occupied as a grocery and barvrboi shy of a very I combustible nature, : and;5 what with a.slroDg south windV which was blowr ing at the time; lhe flames bursfbrth fun-; ously, and,; notwithstanding the efforts of j the firemen, the' fabric and contents were ' quickly consumed: The ' buildings In 'the hfelghbotbood were somewh'at'-'endsugered1 by the -heavy burning -flakes wh'lch were ! thrown off, but a vigilant lookout prevented; any takingfire.'The building was, owned f by:Mr,tW,.B. Giles, and was insured. 'Mr. Lietjeq was absent at the Sound at the timei bf lhe 'fire1,' and we 'could learn) ubthlug 'sj Wtheamouiit of his loss.'hut-'would sup5-- pose. thatttw lit not exceed : five "hundred : dollars. jThe.huUding was of , small; value, not exceeding three hundreddollars.? The origin of the fire, is unknown, " , r flersseier alaeoiaiiiM'iriijaijs;:. The following will show: the stata of the thermometer, at the stations'meutioned. at; jrcoiciuajr vcmug, y BAuugion .mean time, as ascertained from1 th'e ''daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this 'city ' Atlania. .j. ii. ,78 Augusta. . . . . . . .'93 Key We8t,...v.82 Mobile....,., ...'..79j Montgomery .'. il .88' New Orleans;.. 84 PuntaRassa, 88 Savannah... .'. :v.90! St. Marks.v.vi.j.y;! Wilmington, . . .,. .91. Charleston, :93 CharlotJte.j,.?! Corsicana,....,. 98 Galveston,.. :90 Havana. 90 Indianola, ...... .90 Jacksonville.1 ."i '. : 93 ci-ai . rruirss. bne Jackmk's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.! j ' ? m m . ' feLkCTRIO BELTS'. A ' sore aire for ntiennB debility, premature decaf.; exhaustion, etc. The. only reliable core. Circulars mailed free. Address; raiy : r.K. KEKVBS. 43(3haUiam St. WJ.y FOlf UPWASDS ! OF THIRTY TKAKS' itM WnrBLOw's 8ooTHHi9 Stbot has been need for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wlhd coutj, refuatei tne ooweis, cores dtsjsntsby and DTAtotTtdtA. whether srisiser from teathinp-or other causes. An. old and velT-tricd remedy. 25 . .Simple and Instanteneons as it IsGuekh's SnT,-i yHTTB Soap is a soost efficient remedy for certain obnoxiong diseases, to be cored of which thoss af flicted with them ofWn spend thousands of dollars 10 no purpose, -s , ; Hnx's -iHSTAHTAiTsotrs' Bjub Dtb Is the 'best aad safest. ....... , . , . j F1NJS ENGLISH GUNSjThe attention of aDorta men la invited to the advertisement ot Messrs. J. & nr. ftiAii. ... r. .i - ... a. 1 1 , . gons, Birmingnam, England. Their gons are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus easoring the right crook, length of stock fca 'i.,,;.; . m ' " ' . ' ' DIED - ' ; TOWNSEND. In this citv. at midnichL Auenet 7th, Mrs. MAUY J. TOWNSEND, wife tt K. 8.' Townsend, Esq., aged 72 years 11 months-and 1 day. The funeral will take place from the late reel-! denes on Third between Walnut and Red Cross streets, this (Friday) afternoon, at ft o'clock ; -j ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted, TO BENT. FROM THE 1ST OF . OO tobec next, a SWELLING in good re pair, convenienUy situated as to business. SSl 111 containing six or seven rooms.-; ; . . Address, cvre of Stab Office.. ' aogfllt ' ' B.T. Y. ; l Balance QTOCK OF CLOTHING, ' VERY XO W IN PRICE. TO CLOSE CUT AT i ' J klJNSON'sj ang8 It Salt. Salt. Salt. '1000 LIYSBPOOL 8Aur ;;.. . : . . l ' On hand and for isle low by ,'-ii'v ! .. ' '! - D.L.GORB.,' I aag 8 tf Nos. and 3 Sooth Water et. Hall & Pearsall OFFER FOB SALE, AT CLOSE PRICKS, A FRESH and COMPLETE stock of GENERAL; UUUUJSKLSH, consisting in part or . i -JQQ Boxes IX li.;8LDK8,. 25 BUB mess pobk. '' " 1.JS TUb ckoic N8rthcm BUTTER J r A Bhla FLOUR. MADE FROM : NEW 'lOU WHEAT AND POT UP IN FANCY -V -PACKAG 'i - .OA A A Bosh COSxCwhite sad Mixed. Kfif Bosh.fresh Va. Water-Gronnd MEAL O A Bus and Hhds new Crop QJ j CUBA MOLASSES, er A Bbls SYRUPS and MOLASSES. ! iJV :;ang8D&Wtf . olyde's;; .; -New j York an& Wilmington Steamship Line. . "1 .'fli'K-;-? V -s;?.!!.-; ' S The Steamer tj-. rli-v. '$L ,v.';u. ' :.: it " . fjapt. JUMiiS, WILL " SAIL ' ' FROM NEW:: TORS, ' . . . t ......... T - w . Hii .-.j sainrdar, AogDst 9- tjrShlppers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING ' ' - - 'Jr ' of Steamers as adTertisedl., .-for Freight Engagements apply to ,f ,S; A" TIIOiTIAS E. BOND, Superintendent, . i ':' WUmington,' N. C. Xtt Vm ,14 &. Co., General Agents," aogBtf u : SS'BreadVay, New York. Wilson. Gliililii & Co.V Wasons. . . . n rma nim mtntrr uirv - I TV - j : At Manafactarera Prices, i.u.', ii,:itr' - For sale &y f - , aog 7 tf KSRCHNER C ALDER BSQS Great Eeduction ONTOB1CCO AT THE GARDEN CITY CIGAR 'EMPORIUM. - . . j , Blackwell's Genome Durham. 1 ez formerly 10 cents, now 8 cents ; 4 oz.,Tf ermerlT , 80 cents, now l&eoBta! 16 os.', formerly SS cents, now 65 cents; bull running the celebrated Standard Brand of On Sqaars ous i: 7,...,,.. TTfl W " two aays,.;..".,;.;J.is .w.t. -l is ,-. roar days,.;,, 8 00 "m' ... five days,.,v.,.., 8 60 ,'.-. One week,.. ...,,.....,, 4 Ot tf Two weeka,.,., , &Tl Three weeks. , , , . :t 8 M -' " : Sfaaoatt. 10 Qi -,iit; ,i ioiiuukiuIUl .......... w Six months,..-. -.. tow . . , vne year,.... .... ..:.:;.'m I hi - ' 3rCctract ..Advertiseinenu.iAkn ;t tlonately low rates. --.-. '.-,'., j. b imeg mm XMonpareu type make one sqoart:' ' :. m,NE Wt; AD VERTTSEMENTS. f ! Ho ! for jthe Gamp-Meeting ! THE STEAMER CLINTON WILL RUN DAILY ' between Wilmington and Lower Town Crrek Bridge, duritg the CAMP MEETING to be eld at the latter place, AUGUST 7th- to 11th inelnelve -AwtwH io go ana return only 40 cents. . "..-" ,i; BIttBEY, , aog 8 3t . , i. . . t CaptaiD.V Needful Things ! NORTHERN IRISH -POTATOES, n i i.- . ($ u -,lw - i" r , ,4., tS i feS-r-"! NORTHERN 'CABBAGE, VERY FINE. ":,". , FLOUB from I JJEW WHE AT,' Soolhern MiUcd, and very white "andfVresn'.3 iroo'waht'a - iry nice hiscuit try it ! . The LARGEST and .FATTEST No. 1 MACEK- BEL i eycreaw.' 'A RKAL deUCACY V '.CELT, CIOUS1 But dont;ex'pect" they Vocb'eap-Vhey are not, bat of fall value; - -' ' - n Accommodation ! always gives me pleaEorof to cojiimodate my friends and customers in any and every way I can, and I never ref oxq any thing in reason, -1 am in a conditloB-t do it, so if you want accommoda. tlon call "on " Jas. C.Stevenson aog6tsF tj y Another I'M t! CARGO CHOICE WHITE CORN. , : t '. ....... .f. ... , - - r ' ' -1 - " And we shall vint.lnn trrltiifincT Choice WHITE FINE BOLTED MEAL. TTry it TIMOTHY HAY of the very best qaality; and selling as low as it can be laid down here.. . - aogo n c.. riUtaxOM C'UMMING CO. TRINITY, CO LLGE; S," tX THE FALL TERM -BEGINS- SEPTs- 8D,-1879 Bxpknbks Tuition $20 to $27 ; Board, inclu ding: famished room .and servants, $8 to $10 per month; Board in-clRbs 5 permenth. - a ; i f - 'We invite special attention to our superior Accom modations and facilities, and the very small expen diture now required . Send for Catalogue. r. u. l-nniiy college, n u. T - . ' - -aog5 9t - r B. CRAVEN", President Grand. Finale1 ILBSmd GOT. .. - .ii','"' 'it J OF SUMMER CLOTHING. Hit - t.t'S- !-5Bj Prices INCOMPREHENSIBLY low. Call on , . ; ... U , . , r A. DAVID, The Clothier. 50 DOZES IEAKLt 50 ; WITH .THE RBItFOKCEMSNTS. TO ARBIVB SUgStf . j MONDAY; Ij-. J 'luV-', Lost, A FOLDING GLOVE AND SHOE BUTTON ER, of silver, made in the shape of a knife to open and shot. The finder will be soit&bly rewarded en leav ing It at the Stab Office. JySl-tf Trnnks. TTTK HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGE8T ;?V - aad most perfect assortment ot TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS ever brought to this market.' Prices reduced. -Give-Os a-call at oar Wholesale and Retail Harness Bstablishment.'.No. 8 aog 8 tf MALLARD A BOWDEN. Eope, -Twinesj Cordagei &o. . - r t . r ' SUPPLY OF SEINE and GELLING TWINE, Hemp, Manilla and Cotton Rope; Span' Yarn and -Marline Fish Seines, any size, ordered', ty;i ' -- -; ujsu. a. trKvav, . aog 3 tf i No. 85 Booth Front Ht- . Reyoluiicn in ilia Earlier Mmi J WERNER &H; Ci PREMPEKT, THE WELL known GERMAN BARBERS AND HAllt DRESSERS, have, owing to the stringency of mo ney, concluded to REDUCE THE PRICE of Hair cutting to 85c; Shampooing to SScand Whiskers Dyeing 20c and upwards. No. 7 SOUTH and No. 11 NORTH FRONT 8TS.c;-.-i... - JJL Jy IS tt ... . - Fire Insurance. I T IVERPOOL. LONDON , GLOBE. ,jV t s? .a:i.' IAMLICO, Of Tarbord, tC C. .'.iUVj.'jtitJ 5fc: .f - . .......si.:" i,pi' MERCHANTS' & MECHANICS', ... ,. v .. ). sf Richmond, Va. tOLUMBUS, of Columbus, Mies, iJ i JNO. W. GORDON & BRO. Agents, jy 13 tf 84 North' Water Street. r Home-LIade Candies. I AM STILL MANUFACTURING CANDY FOR ' Family Use, consisting of Lemon.'assafras, Cinnamon, Wintergreen, Horehound, Creajn.Taffy, Peanot, Soar Drops, Notmegt Drops, Ac. These Candies I guarantee to. be strictly, pore, and free from any aalteratton."'-" , ,,; For sale at r f 8: G. NORTHROP'S i ? jy 80 tf Fruit" and Confectionery Stores: Brown Gins. v.'i 1 Hi TTTB SELL THE OLD ORIGINAL- BROWN T X ' COTTON GINS, said by all to be the BEST VATIH. - Kverv one GUARANTEED to rive Ber- MADE. - Every one GUARANTEED to give per feet satisfacUon. OUR PRICES ARS VERY LOW, especially so when the superiority of these GINS is taken into consideration. Vfk HAVst (SOLD THESE GINS FOR THIRTEEN Y JK AKS. 1 ' aogStf i JNO. DAWSON CO. WE CREDIT rrsa PROVERB THAT .SMALL vPROFlTS J. win nroduce a nick sales. If vou desire to boy the BEST FURNITURB for THE LEAST MONEY go to the NEW FURNITURE STORE, N. B. Corner Market and 3d Stw Wilmington N. C. augStr ' BGHUENDs tc B1CNBOK. ; - - - - Sj -T -5 i ' K '1 - .New'-.Crop 'Ij '-i-i rpURNIP AND CABBAGE SEXDt IN STOCK, X and for sale low. Also. a complete stock f Fore Drugs.' Patent Medicines, Whiskeys, uranaiee, wines, eigsnLMl. nem waters. AC:. r sale low ov - M -i i.'S SOgStf .Wholesale and Retail Draggicti Wilmington, N. C. Black Caslimcrc3. r JUS RECEIVED, FTVE GRADES BLACK .CASHMERES, imporutioa of A.-T. Stewart St Co. Handsome 8 and 10 cents FIGURED LAWNS, BLACK GRASS CLOTH, perfect color. ' Also, Five Hundred more of our celebrated'FIF. TY CENT CORSETS- f - ' . . - ' ' JygQtf - - " JNO. J. HEDRTCK. . ITe7,Cf pp Tiirnip peed. lost, received, and for sale Whslesale and Retail at 'GREEN A FLANKER'S, , - Market Street. Jy23 tf

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