WILMINGTON, N. C Friday Morning,' August 8, .1870. THE LATEST NEWS. PEOH AIL PARTS OF THE WORLD naiow FKVKH. lileven New Came and Two Deaub in nempliU for ibe nomine By Telegram to the Morning Star.l ..; Memphis, August 7.' Eleven new; cases of fever were reported ttaia morning, seven of whom are colored. The whites are Mike Dwyer, John Swanrader, J.-J1. Tighe aDd Miss Amelia Herman.. , Two deaths liave occurred ' since last night, Mike Holly and Leonce Cberot, the latter a prescription clerk at Mooier'a drug store on Beal street. ' :- '"s-; v.v Mrs. J. M. Tighe is also down 'with fe ver at her residence on. Walker avenue.be yond the city limits. , Ed. Moon is still alive. The? weather is sultry. Heavy storms prevailed last night north of Memphis. -.. A light shower fell in the city shortly before daylight this morning. .v; . ; ' FOREIGN IMTBIililG ICNCK. ji'f Gold Movement to i America Great tDtmand tor Freneb Municipal Ob llgailons TUe tilaisow Coal Trade .Tbe saltan and tn Knedlve &c 1 - - IBy Cable to the Morning SUr.l y- London, Aug. 7. A financial article published this morning states that the with" draws! of gold from the Bank - of England yesterday, for the I United States, " was the probable precursor of larger shipments, in payment for quantities of American pro duce arriving here and in France, and that the steady decline in the rates of exchange bad pointed to such a movement in bullion for sometime past.r It"ia understood that the Bank of England hofds a large amount of American eagles. The Paris i Credit' Foucier. f yesterday opened a subscription for one million obli gations, at fifty francs each, on account of the city of Paris and sundry other French municipalities. It is understood that the issue was covered more than eight times in Paris alone. '" ".:' The colliers of Lanarkahirc, Scotland,, hftwfi agreed to work onlv four days in each week. This movement, together with the already greatly reduced supply of coal, has caused the first upward movement in the price which' has - been ' recorded on the Glasgow Coal Exchange for three years. It is expected that the colliers will- imme diately demand an increase of wages.-, A dispatch from - Alexandria to Renter's Telegram Company says Tewfik, the new Khedive of Egypt, received a telegram from the Sultan of Turkey on the 3d inst., demanding that permission be given the ex-Khedive Ismail Pasha -Xf return to Egypt, and reside at . Alexandria or Da mietla. The British and French Consuls General advised the Khedive to defer his reply until they , had consulted . their go vernments on the subject. NEW YORK. Tbo tmlos OonTontlon ot National C o 1 1 o n Exchange A Snceessfnl Meetlne Anticipated a.are Arrival of KnelUli Culler, &c. ivy Telegraph to the Morning Star. r ; New Tobk. August 7. The Convention of the National Cotton ; Exchange, in this citv. Wednesday next, is creating much in terest among the cotton dealers. A com mittee of the prominent dealers are now engaged in making arrangements for the Dlace and programme of the meeting, and there is every reason to expect the Conven lion to be very successful. It is expected it will be attended by sixty to one hundred ' delegates, representing every important dis trict interested in the production of cotton Juat what subjects will be discussed at the . . ' . . . . .j ; j a uonveniion nave , not yet uetu ueuiueu. President Phelps, of New Orleans, is now 1 in Boston on business connected with the Convention, and will be on hand to preside next wee v v. , .The arrival,' yesterday, on r the steamship Algeria, from Liverpool, of 130 Sheffield cullers, under contract with J. D. Frary.of Bridgeport, Conn,, excites considerable in herent. - 'The men say ; they' did not leave Sheffield for the want of work, but be 'cause they were offered better wages and more comfortable homes by the proprietors 500 more will come over in the fall. SKA BOBBERS. Wholesale Bobbery of a flteamenlp Beeoverr ot Wrecked t Xtr.e Amonnt of Booty. - -,". By Telegraph to the Morning Star.) Halifax, Aug. 7. The :wreck of the steamer Burgas, in St. Mary's Bay, N. F., creates much discussion In local papers. The Burgas struck on the rocks in Man net's Cove in a dense fog on July 14th. The Captainengaged the help of fishermen. and was busy saving the cargo, when more than forty large boats appeared, containing three or Jour hundred men, who boarded the wrecked ship, in spite of protests, and began carrying on the cargo. They cleared the decks of 'wheat and everything else re movable, including, four hundred sheep, and then left. : Through . the exertions of tbe local authorities three schooner loads of .the stolen' property were recovered,' and other small lots have since been given up, but most of it is still in the bands of the marauders. sour A africa. Surrender of Several Zola Cnlefe Ad . vaneo on ITlundi and tbo King;' Htw Eraal,' f 1 . . IBj Cable to tbe Morning Star. Loxdos, Aug. 7. Advices - from Cape Town . to July 22d, received by way ; of Madeira, says several Zulu chiefs have submitted to Sir Garnet Wolseley at SU faui's. it is asserted that be assured them , they, will henceforth be governed and pro tectea by the British government. : v,Gen.- Crealock and Cols.? Wood and But ler will return to England.:- -! - - ' Another detachment of marines has reV embarked for. home.. ti-''C&&-J': W v . A strong force' is to. advance on Uluna immediately, Uen. ,volseley having pro- mised toe chicis that he would be there by August 10th, ; A detachment ; of - friendly; natives ana irregulars, and prouably also uen. jxewaigaie-s coiuian, will advance si raultaneously'oa the King's hew kraal. ; i 4 ITIARYLAND. $ ucmoeratle State Conventlon-IIon. mm Hamilton Nominated lor uovernor f : f - - ;. - IBj Telegraph to the Moraine SUr.l Tiom a. cratic State Convention to-day Hon. Wm. -r.Jiamilton, of Washington county, was unanimously nominated for Governor. C J. W. Gwinn was nominated for Attorney General and Thomas J; Keaiing for Comp-1 troller. -t .? t There were no other nominations for these offices, and" they were made without1 the formality of a call of the roll; i . ; ' A Moncton, N. B., dispatch says a fear-' , f ul hurricane passed -over Bucloshe river aod vicinity Wednesday night, doing much damage, carrying away a largo bridge and the tower of the Catholic Chapel, and de ' stroying eighty buildings. Three people ' were killed and many badly injured, v, ..'; , THIS ISA NI1ER5 ' H - ', Convention ot American Banker at Saratoga.' " 1 e By Telograpb to the Morning Star. " ' yAKATOOA, August 7. Tbo -Bankers' Convention assembled at 11:30 o'clock this morning : -The attendance was .very large. John J. Knox, .Comptroller of the Cur rency; read a long J a per on banks and banking system. " - v. George a. Cox, of New York: in an ex temporaneous' address, argued against the inflation of the currency. . I - Mr. Uollialer, of Grand lupids, Mich., read a paper - on the relation of banks anil bankers to the people.- , ..:- s ', " Mt. eneed, of Kentucky, read short paper on silver and gold."-- '' An address was read by Stale Treasurer Briggs in favor of National s banks and strongly again6t State banks. - f. ,' A' paper, prepared by J..W. Proctor,: of Kentucky, was also read, -entitled "How shall we obtain needed legislatioosMSi uugn ej. iienniDK. or Pennsylvania, tneo offered a rosolution requesting the Execu tive Council to ' devise . and teporv some feasible plan forlayinz before Congress the subject of the unjust and- enormous taxes now assessed on JNauonal canics. which was referred to the Executive Commiltei TBE TCKF Veterdai Sport Over the Sara to ism - couree. : . :::.;; - By Telegraph to the Morning Star ! 75 Saratoga, Aug. 7. In the first ra its. mile dash, Clara D. won: Jericho second. Belle third.'. Time 1.444. In the pools Dan Sparling sold for 400, Jericho 150, Belle 45, Clara D. 30, Patrol 30. - V - . t The second race.Clarendon Hotel stakes, one mile and a quarter, for three year old fillies," was won by Bonnie Carrie; Lula second, Cortessa third. Time 2. 12. i lhe third race. Kentucky stakes, for two year olds, was won by Oden; Minos secoqd, uirona tmrd. lime l.iv. - The fourth was a selling race, one mile and an eighth, and I was won by Iihoda- manthus; Jack Screw second, Egypt third. Time 1.5aj. ; " SILVER TO TUB FRONT; Germany Leantus Toward Silver Money A : Bl-MeialUc currency jto be DlicuMedwiib tiie TJnltea state. ; : , By Telegraph to the Morning Star. . - .j. . ' Washuiqton, August 7. Official infor mation has been received at the State De-' partment, from Berlib, that. the German Government is inclined to modify : the po-; siuon nereioiore taaen by it against silver,, and will discuss with the United States steps looking to the adoption internationally oi a Di -metallic standard, , , I MIDNIGHT SPARKS. MEMPHIS. Twentynlue New Caaee ot Yellow- Fever In all Yesterday Tnree uoatha In tbo Afternoon Tbe Fever Rap idly Spreading;. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. , Memphis, Aug. 7. Twenty-nine new cases in all, including thetfive mentioned last night, .were reported for the twenty four hours ending at 6 p. m. today. Nine teen of these were colored. Among the whites reported this afternoon were K. E. Webb, Lizzie GatChell and Lillie Todd, j Three additional deaths have occurred Kate Holly, Fred Hollander, and Jesse Heard, colored. This marked Increase in the number of new cases plainly indicates that tbe fever is rapidly spreading. - ; r The Howard Association to-day assigned twenty-five additional nurses to ; duty. Their daily expenses now aggregate near $500. ' - u . .j Ed. Moon's condition to-night is more favorable, but li. E. Webb is ia a critical condition. Mrs. Flayo and her remaining two children were prostrated this after noon . Their cases will be reported to morrow. The entire family mother and. four children are down with the disease. Commencing to-morrow a semi-weekly mail will be received and sent to Grenada, Miss., via the Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad. - t , , It rained heavily this afternoon, and an other storm from the south is threatened i The Committee of Safety has sent circu lar letters to absent Memphians in other cities, asking their assistance in supporting me poor now in camp. MARYLAND. Platform Adopted by tbe State Dein oeratle Convention. , IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Baltmobk, August . 7. The platform adopted by the Democratic- Stale Conven tion to day, is largely taken ud with local questions. .. The clauses which relate to na tional issues declare that' the economical aaminisirauon or public auairs by the JJem- ocranc uonseivative party - made resump tion of specie payments possible, and that u is ine duty ot that party now . to firmly eaiauusn toe creaii oi - me country upon the basis of coin exchangeable in all the markets of the world. It asserts that the Democratic party was deprived of the fruits oi its victory in 1875, and demands the enactment of laws to prevent a recur rence of lhe offence. It declares that the Democratic ; party rests; its con struction of the Constitution as regards piaies nguis upon me tenia amendment. i ; t. . 1. T- i - . . . . . T wuicu me Aepuoncans nave violated by inierierence whh Diaie elections, and by tne nse oi troops at Uie-polls. Finally, It returns thanks to the members of the Dem ocratic party ia Congress for securing im partial inai Dyjury in ueierai courts, for the abolition of tbe test oath, and for their manly stand against Republican encroach ments upon constitutional limitation v After the Adoption of the ' platform lhe jonveniion aajourned. WASHINGTON. Tbe united statea and tbe liibmui Canal Scheme. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, Washington, August 7. As the result or a thorough enquiry at the State Depart ment and of an interview'with the Presi dent this afternoon, it may be authorita tively staled that no action has been taken. and no. correspondence held by this'Gov- ernment, eitner witn regard to the De Lessep's canal scheme, in its relations Jto our foreign policy, or with regard to the further exploration of the Isthmus by an- v.uv. gvviuuisui upwuiUV Willi a View to the organization' of . an American canal company. As far as the De Leaseps scheme is concerned, both the President and Sec retary of State are firmly convinced that bo i i i.i i . . . , ... exigency is luieiy u arise wnicn can cause disquietude,- or mase it necessary for this Government to tase steps tor the protection of American interests. They believe that mi. ae iesseps and the Jfaris Congress have selected the impracticable route, and that I the De Lesseps scheme will eventually fail iuiuu&u invm. ui unanciai support and lor want of American co-operation. Acom mission of U. S. engineers will probably be appointed to consider and report upon the whole subjectjof inter-oceanic canal com munication. . 1 : lhe stockholders of the Motunt mm Fall River, Mass., which was compelled to nan an extension oi credit some -months agu, uave cauea a meeting ior next Tues oay io consider us financial conditlott. Its iooiuem resignca yesieraay. r -v . r uuuauuw me oaoy to languish and uu.er. Dut use ut. UuU's Baby Syrup and ooecisiu sufferings. For, sale by all drug- tfoEic:.i iri:iii.iur.cE. TurkUb7 Administrative - Reform Uermauy and tne Vatican Another Cbaogt I- ".a Turltlali Cllnletry t'eodlr-aoniU African War No tern. By Cable to the Homing ' or. J J v LosDOir, ; August 7. The report is re ceived that- Lord Dullerin, tle present British Ambassador at St. Petersburg, will Shortly be. transferred ; to Constantinople, with instructions .to ; insisr -upon- a speeuy bxecuiioa of the - required .administration reforms in Turkey. ' - r A r2 A dispatch from Berlin" says that j the atest proposals of Uardmal; Nina, im Papal Secretary of Slate, do-not, satisfy jf rince JiismarcK, wno is willing to amu prate the operations of the May laws, but is rxcit willing to repeal them, i . --i - . Another . chance of Ministers is said to be imDendine in Constantinople.:-Vienna dispatches report great discontent and dis satisfaction, with.: the present government among the Greek inhabitants, o( Bulgaria. Thousands .of the , higher and wealthier classes have enrolled themselves as subjects of Greece:iwhile the ooor classes loin the Mohammedans id oppoaing the .Bulgarian Regime.' ; ri:-&?&j,i. sAvw'tp'' Loraine & Co.; East India merchants ot ibis city, hare failedLiabiliUei 100,000; The ldeararn,9 financial article says uie entire absence of a demand for silver from the East is, to some- extent, accounted for by the steady' decrease in the exports of cotton f rem' Ihdiaf fc joT theyea -3enamg June. 1879 onlv 646.64D bales were export ed, as compared: wii 919,413bales in 1877. CaDe Town disDatches say: "Advices ifrom Sir Garnet Wolseley are to July 21st. He had had a! satisfactory interview 4 with Uie coast chief sj bad decided to reoccupy Ulundi. and had asked the chiefs to meet him there again August 10th, to-discuss the future of. the country. Arrangements were ieing made to break, up the. first divisipu and cavalry bngade," and send the men' ome. Uham bad undertaken to capture tiis brother Cetywayo." ' Kniv au .be a mm . Declaration by tbo Doard of flealtb-r Not a Slnste Case or Yellow Fever In ibe city.. v, . . . 1 . 1 By Telegraph to the ' Mornihit ' Star. ?" fii ' New Orlkaks, August 7. The Board of Health to-night adopted the following: ' Resolved, That there is not now a single 'case of yellow fever in the city or environs of New Orleans: that in the ooinion of the jBoard, concurred in, we believe, by the entire medical profession of this city, there is no danger of tbe epidemic , arising this, summer from past or future cases, should such occur. ;The grave danger to be ap prehended from the introduction of foreign cases, the Board of Health is determined to avert by tbe strictest and most unremiN ling vigilancet-v . . ; T The above resolution was preceded by lha declaration that the .city is entirely f ree from contagious disease, . and suggesting that the quarantine against New Orleans be removed. " ' ; The Board granted Dr. Choppia leave of absence until he recovers his health. Information has been received that the quarantine against New Orleans has been removed by Grenada, Miss., and other points on the Jackson Railroad. M Eff YORK. Tbe Brazilian Forgere-r-Blayor Cooper and tbo . Commleelonero Tbe ' E.ee epa qanal. , , ! 5-y.'-i , '""By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' r f New York, August 7. An examination into the charges against the alleged Bra zilian forgers was had to-day. Bebelaque and Moriarity were held in default of $25, 000 bail, and the others were discharged. It is stated that Mayor Cooper will bring charges against tbe present Commissioners of this city, shortly, and recommend their removal. !i ' 41 ''- Subscriptions to tbe stock of the Lesseps Canal scheme, at tbe Office opened, in this city to-day, have been. very small. ' f f 'J' KLKCTUIO RPABKX The Wallace Iavestizatine Committee J met at Providence, It. I., yesterday, but took no testimony of importance. J. C. Duff, . Deputy U. S. Marshal, at Chattanooga, was shot and killed by Illicit distillers in the mountains of Polk county, Tenn. . Booms were engaged yesterday for the committee on Rules of the U. S. House of Itepresentatives, which will meet at .Long Branch, August 12tb, to revise rules of Congress.' ikig'-'wiv , '' The boiler pf the .Newcomb paper mill on Front street, in Quincy, ItL, exploded yeBterday morning, demolishing the engine house and creating havoc generally. Three men were badly hurt. Samuel E. Albright, of Newport, Pa., in a fit of jealousy, yesterday morniag; shot and instantly killed W, N. Miller, of Harr ri8burg, in - the house ' of a young laby to whom both were paying tbeir attentions. The murderer escaped. - j V In Sussex County Court, Virginia,,. yes terday, Agnes Alans and Frank Baker, who murdered Maggie Tinns. and her infant last Friday, were indicted by the grand jury and held for trial at the next term of the Circuit Court in October. Health Officer Townshend, at Washing ton, yesterday recommended , to the , Dis- trict ' Commission ' that -inspectors be ap pointed to board all trains and boats bring ing passengers from- the South and lake such measures as may be necessary to pre vent the introduction of yellow fever.. There is great excitement in Montreal in financial circles, in consequence of the sus pension of the Exchange Bank. The news spread like wildfire, and the Bank was soon surrounded by an immense crowd, '.The directors have resolved to go into liquida tion. 4 Brokers are offering 75 per cent for the Bank's bills. f! Judge Tarbell, Deputy First Auditor of the- Treasury Department, (has, decided that health' officers and other employes ap pointed by Local? and Slate.. Boards of Health, and' drawing pay from the Na tional Board,are not United States officers in any such sense as would require them to take' the oath of office prescribed by the statutes for 'all 'United States employes. The National Board may' pay them at the request of local organizations, but they are still no more than agents of that Board and not United States officers. ' -. THB MORNING STAB can always be had at tae following places in the city : The Porcell House, Harris' Mews Btand, and the Sta Office. -Oriental Powder. tM- . '- i 500 Kegs Musket, Rifle and - Blasting POW0KR. 1 fill jraicon sporung POWDER, For sale v aug 7 tf , &BRCUMBB A CALUBB BBOB Corn, Heal and Hay. 10 000 BU8h C0EN-WMte Mixed, '(3 0 0 Blh S1 Wtet MHJ"MBA.L, : : - A(f Bales aNo. 1 TIMOTHY HAY, . . . aog7 - .r'.KBBCHMBit ft CaJLDBB BEOS.- Coffee, Sugar?Hour and Salt. 200 Bfts C0':B'EB Jav RI' 100 Bbl 8IIQAH 811 eaca . J k ;il000 .' fui 5000Sacka8ALT - - i. ' For aale by - " I ang7 tf "KBRCHNKIt A CA.LDBE BROB COiMiMEHClAL, V I h M I N OT O N M A R K JE, V. I The official or opening inotalion8 uciow nre posted at the Product lixchauge daily at 1 P.,ll.i nodrerer to prices at that hour." j i-.-m-a : sAl OFjpiCE"'AuguU7.Jl iw as quiet at 25. cents, per .gallon ; for regular paekagea,s withji sales reported of. eaBks at that figure.-? . ROSIN The market was quoted quiet jf$l 02i for Strained' and $1 07 for Good jStraioed, but iuUr iu the day sales werere-j fported -of l: 1,000 ? bbltf ' Strained ' and Good Strained at $1 00!;. 05 per bbl. ; ' s j TAR -The' market . was -quoted"' firm at !$l ,10 per bbl bid, wiy eaies of,, receipts at $l 12 berbbtfSbaigitllp j CRUDElTURPENTINEarket stea fdytlierecelptslof tbV3aO,'SJP?4.-? fl 00 for Hard, $1 75 for Yellow Dip, and f 3 S5 for v trgin :mwi:m t COTTON The martut Was reported steady, wilh 8rnallsaleff atf the following official quotalious: ' brdinary-1.;.;.;;';. e'uts lb! jGood Ordinary 10 ' trict Good Ordinary ar-w l i-k.p. Ixw Middling 11 " Middling.. : ni. T:., " itiood Middliug.V.':.. J" I Quotatioua cohtorm U) the plaasificaiious pfllie'Amef '-:t"L ; i . . RBCKIPTa. j r . DAILY RECEIPTS. '. if Uottw'hfrf-:vt Uli a!eK plriMtarpeQUiiw'.;A723.e8Ak8 Jjostu: Xutils tivt . : : n t$22i bbis. .Crude turpentine 593 ; IIIIIDIKNIK' flAKHhlN. - By Telegraph to the Moraine Star. H kw York: August 7. Noon. Money alrougat 34 per cent. Sterling exchange long 4812, .short 483J. Qovernmems dull State bonds quiets s t l i : JSveniug Money easy at24 per cent Sterling exchange dull, at 48124S2. Go ivernmenls quiet and weak; new fives 102; lour and a half tier cents 1051: four ner cents 101 1. State bonds dull. ; ; WYINflVI VrCa Nevt. York,- August, 7, Noon Cotton firm; sales of 204 bales at llll cents. Futures steady; AugUBl delivery 11.17 els; September delivery 1 1.10 cts: October de livery 10 44 cents; November delivery 10.22 els: December delivery 10.20. Flour dull and weak. Wheal spring dull, i Winter in buyer's favor. Corn quiet. Pork weak at $8 75. Lard heavy at $5 75. Spirits tur pentine 22i cts. Hosin l-27i-; Freights Evening Cotton quiet, with sales of 510 bales; middling uplands Hi cts; mid dling Orleans 11 J cents; consolidated net receipts C6S bales; exports to Great Britain 2,706 bales. Flour heavy and io instances 1015c per bbl lower.with a moderate ex- pott and home trade demand ; Southern flour unchanged but mora active; -common to fair extra $55 65; tood to choice do $5 75a7 00. Wheat market about 1c lower, with a fair export and , active specu-. iative business; ungraded winter red U2c U8i; JM0. .8 do, f 1 t)8fI 09f; :Uorn i6 better and, moderately 'active; un graded 454C2c , Oats about ic better aod more active; No. 3, 822e; do white, 35ci uonee dun ana -neavy; luo, in . cargoes quoted at lli14 cents; in job lots at HJ6 cents. : Sugar unchanged, with a light trade; fair lo good refining quoted at 02ujc; prime 7c; refined In ; better de mand, with prices unaltered ; standard A Sic; granulated and powdered 88fc; crushed Bjc. aioiasses . dull and weak. Rice firm with a moderate business.. Pork in buyers favor, closing firm and more ac tive; new mess on spot $8 559 60; middles dull and, unchanged; lone clear $4 921; short clear o ivf, long ana short, clear $5 00, Lard decidedly lower, closing firm; prime steam on spot so 72i5 77. Itosio unchanged.- Spirits turpentine . steadier at 26T ' cents. Whiskey nominal at $1 07. Freights "flfm.1:;-:'- s:::;-.f:- V uotton xtei receipts i bale; . gross re ceipts 11 bales. Futures closed weak. with sales of 155,000 bales at the following Quotations: August iu.ulo.D3 cents. Seo tember 10.85 10.88 cen ts, October 1 10. 12 10. 13 cents, November 9.919.93 cents, December 9.909. 91 cents, January 9.70 9.98 cents, February 10.0610.08 cents, March 10.1610. 17 cents. ; BaltimobSt August 7. Flour quiet and unchanged; soutnern , wneat turn; western barely steady and lower;.: southern red $1 021 06; amber fl 071 09;No 1 Maryland red si 09 1 -09i: No. 2 west ern winter red on spot and August delivery i U721 U7f; September delivery 1 OSf 1 082; Udober delivery $1 091 09i. Southern com . firm and ' higher;' western firm and active; southern white ,54c; ..no offerings of yellow. Oals quiet and steady; southern 3838iC: western white S7a38c: do mixed S637c; Pennsylvania 3738ic Provisions steady. Mets pork f 10 25. Bulk meats loose shoulders Sc; clear rib sides 4c; packed 4i5jc. Bacon shoulders 42e; clear rib sides 5C; bams ll12c Lard ? $1 07. Butter' steady prime to choice western packed 1214a Coffee dull; Rio cargoes Hi14J cents. Whiskey lower at fl 06. Sugar firm; A soft 8 8fc. Freights uncnangea. - ': CmcAOO, Aug; 7. Flour quiet and un changed. 'Wheat actiye and lower; No. . 2 red 94ic; No. 2 Chicago spring 85i85ic cash ; September and October delivery 84c; No. 3 do 70c; , reiectea oiiffiaKJC C uorn steady and Arm at 33i33fc cash; Septem ber delivery 34ic; October delivery 341c : rejected 31Jc. OaU Bteady and in fair de mands at 27c, casn; 53epiember ; delivery 27fC October -delivery 27f c. Pork dull, weak and lower at $8 108 15 cash: fiep- tember delivery $8 12i8 15; October de livery ?8 ' 17i8 20.Lard doll,, weak and lower at v$5 32$5Jf33r cash ;' .September delivery $5 32i5. 35; October delivery 15 355 Z7h Bulk jneats dull, weak and lower; shoulders $3 85; clear ribs $4 35; clear sides S4 554 ; WhisKey steady and un changed. At the close of the' market wheat was heavy at mia bid and 85c asked cash, 84c for August ana September delivery, and 84284c for October delivery; corn easier and ic lower; oats easier and ic lower; provisions firm but not quotably higher.;. , , : St. Louis, August 7? Flour quiet; treble extra fall $4 454 70; family $4 704 80; choice to fancy f eo5 50. x- wheat ac tive and a shade higher, but reacted at the close; No2 red fall 9494ic cash August delivery 93294ic; September - delivery 94ic; October denverr 3jc, No. 3 do 88ic. Corn unsettled and lower; No. 2 mixed 31ta32c cash: Aueust delivery 32 324c. closing at 31 askcd;9 September delivery 82i32c; v:: octooer : delivery -7 29a9ic. Oate higher; Noi 2," 21222c cash; Octo ber delivery 2323fc; November delivery 2142Hc : Whiskey steady, at $1 . 05. Pork dull and lower, at $3 75 t Lard ' dull and nominal at $5 37i.n, Bulk meats quielt car lots of clear rib sides $4 35; clear sides $4 55. Bacon easier; t clear , rib $4 07i; clear sides f 3. 3Do.3U. h . . . i mp a v I 'j 5- COTTOH -;rUlABtK.U-'s. -3r - p's-" By Telegraph to the Morning StarjU i k August 7 Galveston, quiet at lOf cts net receipts 560 bales; Norfolk, steady at 11 13-10 cents net receipts 28 bales; Balti more, dull at lit cts net receipts 2 bales; Boston, dull at lift cents net recemls 19 bales; Philadelphia firm 'at llf cents net receipts bales; Savannah; dull at 10f cts net receipts 7 bales; New OrleaDS, quiet in fair demand at 102 " CU net receipts ' bales; Memphis, not received; Augusta, en tirely nominal at ICi cent3 net receipts 14 bales; .Charle '.on, dull at 102 cents net receipts ba.es. r. -r . . 'sj.i.C . ' ' Kt " - . ,.V 'r fOltKI (N MA UK K l ' By Cable to the Mornlus Star.f Liverpool August, 7. Noun ; Uotton firmer; middling uplands 6 5-16d Orleans 6ld t sales to-day ,;of 10,000 bales - of which 2,200 bales were for speculation and export; receipts 2,700 bales, all - American, Futures 3-32d higber; .middlim uplands, 1 m ' v August delivery ' 6i 6 7-32d ; , Au gust -and September delivery CJ6 7-32d; September and October delivery 0 5-16 6 9-32d; October - and . November delivery 6 3-32d; December and Januarv .delivery 5 15-16d . , : , ' ; ; Later Middling uplands,; 1 in cr"Au. eust delivery.6 5il66 ll-32d ; August and: September delivery 0 5 166 ll-32d ; Sep tember1 and October delivery 6 1132d.: 1 ,- 8ales of cotton : to-day: include 10,600 ;bale8 American. .. ,-' -, i!,,. i . Evening Middling uplands, I.' m:c Au-' gust and September delivery 6 5-lGd Janu ary and February delivery 6d; March and April delivery 6d; new crop shipped Octo ber and November, per sail, 6d; do shipped November and December; per sail, 6d. : MARINE. Pert Almanae-Aasott 8, ; Sun Rises. : : .r '5.14 A: M. aun Sets. ; 6 57 p. High Water Smithville).-..... 11.29 Morn: " . ( Wilmington). , 3.29 Even; Day's Length......'. 18h.? 43m.' .f ARRIVED." - - i ! .V: Stmr North State. Green; Fayetteville. Worth & Worth. . l i Steam yacht Passport, Uarper.Smitbville, George Myers. --i" V'Jii J- ; ; - , CLEARED. , - Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, Thos E Barnes. -' Stmr North State, Greeu, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. ' - - 7 I - Steam yacht Passport, Liar pdr.Smilb vilje" George Myers. 1 : - v sxpoarx. r ' ' - ' COASTWISE New York Steamship Regulator 27 bales pine straw, 12 doarn, 8Jdo cotton, 2 do wool, 498 bbls rosin, 589 do tar, 250 do pitch, 245 casks spirits, -100,000 shingles, 123,140 feet lumber, 18 pkgs mdse. MARINE IMRECTOItY. Llt ot VeueU In tM Port or Wli mlneton, N.CAbs. 8. 1870. ".v i -BARQUES. ' a :. Vaikyrien (Nor.), 249 tons, Olsen, REHeide Onkel (Ger.). 444 tons, Wallenstein, - t ...;. . ; is fescnau & Westermann Condor (Nor.),' 381 tons, Neilsen, . .. ... i R V. Hoi.tw Fritz Von der Lancken (Ger.), 323 tons, Jfrieze, J& treschau ce; Westermann Kate Bouffield (Br.), 259 tons,' Williams, CPMebane Marie (Ger.), 256 tons, Permien, E Peschaa & Westermann BARQUENTINES. Iodiaua (Br.), 296. tons, Evans, C P Mebane .BRIGS. . G C Michels (Ger.), 346 tons, Dillwilz, E Peschau & Westermann Thor (Swed ), 223 tons, Pedetsen. ,i R E Heide L'uneii (Ger.), 253 tons. Dees, E Pcschau k Westermann Dos Cunadiis (Sp.), tons, waiting. SCHOONERS. . Albert Mason, 285 tons, Rose, Harriss & Howell Henrietta Iliil, tOJis, Beveridge, B F Mitchell & Son Notice. If the Signal letters of any ves sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telepram. From Every Quart er COMES CH BERING NEWS OP GOOD CROPS. Onr country friends haye teen apcclally cconomi caL QolnR upon that grand old principle, viz : 'Bo Jast Before Yon Are Generous," They will Barely have considerable money this fall, as we predict a remanerativc'piice for Cotton There is noth'.ns like having a little eurplna, Boatwright & McSoy WILL KEKP IN STOCK A Good Assortment ! OP 3JrO CD CD JJJoXJtuS TO SUrPLY EVKRY BODY. COKR AND 8KB US. - " t&Wc guarantee GOOD QOQDS at as LOW; PRICES as can be sold by any house In the State. Send for Samples and Prices. :-.;V, i Boatwriglit :&HcKoy, t NORTH FROHT SX. ang3D&Wtf " " ' ' "V: C" '"""'7 A Good Investment GAN BB REALIZED BY PUTTING YOUR money in Household Goods, such as TOILKT SKTS, DOOR MATS, STEAM COOK KK8, and the "PARKER" and "ROSSMORE" COOK STOVES. Sold by PARKSR A TAYLOR, . , angStf 19 Front Street Coming Y EACn STEAMER G80DS TO. RSPLHN- B ish our Stock ef HARDWARE, TINWARE and CROCKERY. Por gosila in these lines apply to ?' . GILES & MURCH1HON, aug S tr ' - - 88 and 40 Mnrchison Block. . Great Bargain s i A' ND LOW PRICES J . - ' - - A'.,-; - - ; 'At. .. .j y r, UARRISON A ALLEN'S ,'. aug 7 tf . City rjattore. Hammocks. N OW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HAMMOCK if you wiehto rest c6mfortabta. " Another lot Juat in at HEiNsiJERaas'a. ;(Snniner Reading rp6 KEEP '.YOTJR MIND OCCUPIED WHILE X. ' , x t t , j you are comfortably resting.' ' -:r Thermometers HIGH IN TEMPERATURE,' BUT LOW IN rtlce at' .. t,p4 , i ,fV r aag t tf s ' - THE LIVE BOOK STORE. - ; , Merchants of, Wimington , rpfEALING AT - WHOLESALE TN : SUoltt, XJ Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Liquors. Rice and other Staple Goods, should advertise in the CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Salisbury, North Carolina. - Rates Low.- - - mh5-tf '"'Lj Cj A' r.l. P. KAT2'S, 3(5 ;nadtet;iSfreet. Ilf.ve received a gieat'mdny l3iv GOODS, bought at LO VVu PlilCES, Ji.izLisrtr: ::mviJ .janJiU beSdoId accordingly, rJ p S;.; , ' ; Specialties in Dress Gf-pods, .a Xiarge Variety , rr; i, 1 1 For12Ia p er yard, worth 25c.y ; V; r V Including a Line of BUTINaSa 2ic per-yd. !B!AHG ' I V ,t ...- - xju.wy iuue., uovo vv ear iviouons, ,. - ' 'Grenadines, Taniisse,r. lleniiettas,' Lawns, ;anda;'C,OMPLET,5 LINE of J - i a j ol v Kr-LSTA PLli AND JS'AKOY GQOD&'u. s vuV'a '-' .t : PFor furthW particulars tkii at"5 1 j-r fT f A'i'tr b'KLtr; f;oo: ,i:sr.rr ' id tf, . t, r , -. - -, The , til o r n i ng St a r , - fw .: : I I", i Tt v i" "sir i'r 's ' i' ' '' 1,1 f a'-; fi 1 t"A PUBLISHED. DAILY AND WEJEKL? ! - Sfluscriptioa Rates-Ii Jinnee ! DAILY S14AU, One Year, postaffa pafa,.V J7 '0 " Six Months , " .. 100 -Three Month " " .vijS Oue Month? 1 00 WEEKLY. STAR. ,Onc,; Year onte paid, f 50 " ' . . ,i SixMonUie,' " -i CD Three MoHthb ' a 5 . - ' ' ! SO Notices of the l?ress: : i ' i . , . ; . , . ; , i . . ' i " ' A anthi88 paper. BatUtb&n Atiwtncz ; s i , Emphatically a 11to paper. Goldsboro Neml ( ',: The Stab is a live paper. Sumter VS. O New. ' One of tho best daily papers iq the State.. Weldcn New. --i - . : - - ! One of the very beet ' ef our - daily ichangea. iSouth Carolinian. . . , . : , I Ranks among the leading Dailies or the State. i Christian Advocate. ;jt n-K.: j.s Oii:- ' One of the best Dailies In the State.&e&rotti . InteUioencerj . - --u , A yaluabie paper. Wechcerfullj reconvmend it. Pee Dt4 Courier - - - - ! - ; - Ranks among the leading jTarnal of tne South.- ' One of the beet and moat desirable papers in North GsLToUncLtforfoU; Virginian. r i i ; Full of general news; and a credit to Wilmington ; Elizabeth City North Caroiittian. - One of the best daily bnblished In the southern States. Horry One of our beet 8onthcm Journals. : Aa a newspa per not surpassed by any. Jfrimi mf Ttmftrtmct. One of the b conducted in the State; bold, indc pendent and well informed. EUitboro Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation' Which ipeaki rolumes of comment on. Ite inuuence. Magwiia Monitor, -e 'y f : , Onward and upward it goes until now It lias the largest circulation of any Daily in the 8tata2?f. mont jEYw. . The Wilmington Stah, now very-much improved, has the larsest circulation of any paper in the State. EnJUld Timet. ' y v v - -, . '. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point ef enterprise and literary merit. Chetter 03. C.) Besorter., :., . .,t !vi 5 , - Unquesnoaably the beet daily Journal in North Carolina, and has no superior m any other Southern State, ifar&oro (& C.i 2Wei. ; '. For editorial ability, general news.' correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab has nq Jiperior Eocky Mount MaiL , , .y-. -; Ib well cor ducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading' matter as any OaHy in 'the State. Warrenien tfaaette. This paper, though not many years old. Is one of the best dailies in the' State, and wen merits the support it receives. ouietov Owrlri Vf ft. ;-'- -. ;";.-'' f.y . i'f -liliKJlvi- One of the best dally journals en our exchange list Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good the people. Savannah Mirror. vMk-?- The Wilmington Hoxxnxa Stab Is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always .fresh and "on tbne.nAshevitle Expositor. , t V . , lr.lt :;(!;:!,.; :-n jj.'i ''iT !-:.,-' - (r'f A Btauncn and independent adrocata of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country.-JRociiagham Observer. "The Stab ia undoubtedly an enterprising sheet, beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts itt. jonrnaliam.- -BoJeigh SentiieL ,. ; Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do Better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cheraw VS. C Doerat. w jtinH i The Stab is one of our most highly -valued ex changes; and it afTords us pleasure to recommend H as one of the most racy aha reliable dailies in North CaioUSKinsfM JSfasette.' ' v- JL Uvenewspape?, and th bestlaax!ai 'the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves It. 3TUton Citron ' No paper eves started ta North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the Star. Though only five yean old, it is now a fixed institution .enjoying an Influ ence and a prosperity second taUcfne intne State. Salisbury tfrtrff HOM 1$; The Wilmington Stab ia in the front rank of bur Southern dailies, well edited, full of aewand select reading matter; telegraphiceports, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers our State would be the gainer byit. Green. Patriot. 81A1E8 VILLEi IREDELL CO.", 1 C -13 THE if"J'E 9t"ti Leading Newspaper in Western ITdrth - .Hi'i Carolina.1 a uj'.fi - . ' It is the only Democratic Paper published" in ' Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coon tics in the- State and has Attained a larger loca circulation than rbt paper ever heretofore published in the county, u - r - 1 r ,v'l-'' li'.. - fi 'ii't"-.,'d'Af' Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes,: Ashe,: Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, ts iargetthan that of any two papers in the Stated combined; and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold In Forsythe. Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg; It is the only paper 4b Westera North Carolina that employs a Rssbiab CANVAsauia Acixht. and thus kept constantly before jthe people.rUnder'this system a rapidly iacreaslng circulatioa ia thefesult. making the Lakdxabk -i.-. - ... TnKRESXApVEItTlSINGlriEDITJITl , mm yi na k-emn WORTH CAROLINA. A0BRE33 , l derv-tf ,;l . ' ' t AN DISaRE:, -f , Kt, .i iStatesville, N ..C" , The; Piedmont Press r,-t"mcKpny;jfri;Ji,.i..: I THE ONLY? PAPER'' PUBLISHED- IN CA tawba county, and has an extensive circulation tmono mp.rr.hn.ntji f irmm ml d11kUuui k..t - ' ' WIDE AWAEK TtttMnfTie ATTnTA1WT :rss ', . . t iT- w w " : I i V i r X S 36 Llarket Street, Newv Enterprise. - -v . .ii I-"- - BrdtyrF Roddick . W ill open oa or abou t Wedhesdayy'Juiie is, . i 'iVrjiEgTOUK f -: A s ' "f , M 3 J. " On S-W, Cornet Second and Market Sts r.l i.;V,iV ia'J I St l' 1. ' i : fe l-stJ, s' 'i .' purpose devoting vhir entire Store to the sale of crudes at r ,i . 5: and 1 0 Cents, , i 't' ' C'if !,.!'' - i- - ,We cannot enumerate the different articles at tbia timo, but our patron may rest assured that uo ef fort wiil oe spared to develop this '' V NEW ENTERPRISE I We certainly will caTofr-ihe GREATEST iNDUc'K MKNT3 that have ever been shown in this section of the country, as no House has better facilities for the purchase ygjiiich. 1artitles.ity iiU ..fiimjj'i ftisjy.y';'" .;lc,.::;,: li ' We would saisa 'take 'this oppbrtanity of -staling that we are ofEeringsome SPECIAL liAlMlAlfta. at 45 MARKET iSTRKET; lnOWiii- -4 j t . Beina short of space can only quote a short Prieo List, but can aafely- say that .at no time have we been BETTER PRKPARED or had GREATER IN -DUCEMETlrcnlarmf -r DRESS GOODS. SVe nave jnat irecdved another small lot of those at Uie. call eacly. ,-;.. ..- ; i LAWKS, Xincn Frnlsh, 6c; worth doable. -. CELLULOID BOWS,;.for, 3eht'e Wear-, ia BUv-.k and White, 5c, worth S5e. . Tbe above when eoi.eti can be clcaneq with a damp cleth. ; LADIES' UNKN COLLARS, Stv'A'docided Uar gain. 't ijmp.u v . : . , '.-.- . i , SUMMER SHAWLS. , We are closing out a small lot at leas than half the tost of manufacturing. CHILDREN'S COIVD HOSE. Cheapest lot in thi market; 10c a pair, and the quality is good. , ..- ( .,,'s ; ' .s. LAJ0IHS' LISLE THREAD GLOVES, 5 cents pti pair. ' Comment unnecessary. .. - .. j. , i., j-. ' j, ' it' PARASOLS AND SUNS HAriES. h We have jnt received another lot of . the above, . and can sareiy say they are without exception the Cheapebt Uootle. ever ottered by ns at any time:- " . ' FANS 1 - FANS I . For the millioa at all prices. GENTS WHITB-SHHtTS-made of Wamsuttai Cotton and the best Linen front. 0r price is stilh 75 CENTS. - BRb'iioripicK. Forest anciaStreaiii, tMJJit; fr :JtJD sCf :i-3S-"3-fcH ' ; ROO ANB tJlTxV. .m'A v, : n 'v?? '' ' f. j-n i ' V- -"iPHEj , AMERICAl SPOSTSJl'S . JOUSNAX A WEEKit" PAPER DEVOTED TO FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS TORY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF GAME; S PRESERVATION OF FORESTS.1 -1 YACaTlNG AND BOATING, JUFLE 4 ' PRACTICE. AND ALL ft OXJTnDOOK KKCitKATIONS AND TUUV. i This Is the only Journal lit the Ceuntzy that f q Tiy euppUes the wants und necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. fERM8j0a'a.Y.aand i58peemiea Vy lPoreWt& stream Pabllsbtne Co., 1U FULTON T., (Om No. 10&J Post btteftioyta? wptYW?f 1) The Camden Journal Published EvewtMmrsday'at Chmdent &4 6., IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED VAPjSR ' llvi Kershaw county.aad hasan extonsivecircnlatioLi among the Merchants, Fazmcra, and all classes ot business men in the county. . r' ,i' , It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a den it able Medium for Advertising, the country ia which it circulates, being connected with that city by steam er on the Wateroe River, and the Wilmington-. lumbia and Augusta Railroad. - - Liberal terms will bo made, wlththosq (UsUha ta advertise. - -, - -t, , t j . T.- Subscription price, $2 OQpet a&nrm. Address, v;" j FRANTHAM Jb HAY, : febST-tf - Editors and Proprietor. iS it Mill Spring Fisluonsi ,3 v. it MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED antf is no wising the LATEST SHAPES for La. dtes and Misses Hats, and invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their, work. She ia prepared to alter old styles and fashion themi into the most modern shapes. h.h k. j 4 -' -jitetxaw.ded, black when fv3,,rdere;and iru -RESiDENCEbrfedoor estof Frtnt, oa Chnrclv Street.'! . ' . ; oct J4-tf ;V:;;The ilarioh Star. -: rpHE OLDEST NEW8PAPER PUBLISIlJttyilW JL. the Pee Dee section, one or the wealthiest ands most prosperous la the State, offers to Commission, and Wholeshle Mcrchaata- and Manufacturers, and., to those who, have , adopted the plan of selling by ample, aa excellent medium of . communication, with a large and influential class of merchants, me chanics,plantera aod naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth ' solicitation, Advertisement ardi Business Cards inrerted on liberal terms. f TVu V , : if .J' Address :i w .---, THS STAR," .1 , septa? tf -,, , . , Marion. ft. -THE PEE'DEE'.WATCHHir:- i-.ifi'i 'M' 'J i( ; f.J 5a- '! 'ir1.l A PirstLi Clasa Weekly. Newspaper Published at DARLINGTON C. LL; S. O- 7 TT IS A LARGE PAPER 34x40 INCHES ALIVE with news, local. State and ffoneraL with BoeclaL pains in the departments, for the family, of its out-.. uuts, woku v m wme wort f n -- $ It circulates -in -Darlineton..Sumter. Marlon and- Marlboro, and hence is a most valuable advertising; medium. - Circulatioa specially ; large at Ftareacet. S. C. ,..'VAddrcss - ;r- rij -A. A. A F. A. GILBERT, " aeptlfttf i .-i ? .-. Darlington C H., S, C.

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