THE IIOEIiniG GTAE. icy ww. n. eehnaiu. , hl.lBHBn DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS, tATS BtmSOMPTIOH UT ADVAOB : -V , ur .car, (by mall) postage paid............. 1 w j months, - f .,,..,-,,. 4 w months "i ' . '. 0 ( M. . month . ' " ' " ..'.-. Vo City Subscriber, aelivered In any part of the ... infin Dents per week. Our City Agent are . Inthorlaed vn collect fer mere than three mnthi ,Mvance. , - I Entered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. 0., 1 as second class matter.) : OIITL1NKK. -,. ... L -T , The New York Sua' publUhe.". .tormy interview between ij Bprague and wife; he j accused her opedly and tooktharge of his j children, saving they should aeet ba again .h onatodr or 'such -m woman- Mra. ,a the custody or sucb woman Mrs. Sprague denies and in turn accuses him or brutality. ' National Cotton Exchange 8Raio-In-Ki8ion in New York; The . v 1 - ...f.;.. .i?w...ii-i.. miners held a conference t at Manchester, and determined, to ubliahaNatiooal B.miKiwiu- . nortisthat Germany has abandoned the 1 friendship or ttussia lor tnai 01 Austria HudEogland.; Parii;ment,waa?pro- rogued yesteday ; the usual speech from the throne was i made (the Queen wHi: appoint . . -t' ' -1 . .v V . h Commison lo inquire into the caase' of the depression in agriculture 7 The Afiricultkrl Department publlahea the An- fiUstretro. of the crops; there a slight decline upon the July average; the condi- tiou of th? whole country is 91. , In- formation has been furnished the Kational .. . . v . , Board of Health that several infected ves eels will soon leave Havana ol ports in the Uoiled8utM. j In the National x- clwnge Convention the question of the ..a .wnahw Aina.i .' ure uu cotton was thoroughly discussed; resolutions were adopted; and important reu 'Uituendatioos made. - Tbe New v.-,i, n.mnr. nu..iinn ri. at Syracuse on September 8th. Nine .new cases of fever in Memphis up to noon yesterday, and but six deaths, the promi nent sick reported better. - Southern (lialorical Society met at the While Sul phur Springs yesterday ; many distinguished Sou tueruers were present; Gen. Chalmers, of Mississippi, delivered an address on ' F.Jttst aud his Companions." In a U4I11 Uelween ship laborers at Quebec, yes icidxy, live persous were killed and many wounded. James McHenry, a, well kiMwii tiuaocial agent, at London, Eng land, has failed, with liabilities estimated at $5,000,000 The Fort Worth gang I of highway mail robbeis have all been tried I and convicted. KingCetywayo it is I iJ; iuteods diluting and the British will readvauce ou him. A small assembly H.sieued to the Queen's addreas to the Brkiidi Pailiament. Every party is repnuseoted in the new -Austrian Ministry except tlie German Constitutionalists. A revoietioat is threatened in Turkey. Caronei's jury jn the railroad accident near Philadelphia censure the Assistant Super intendent. New York markets: Money iii tive at 47 per cent., clotiing easy at 4 rper cent.; cottou firm at 11J11 cents; itiour lower; southern $4 506 75; f wheat iic lower; corn quiet; spirits turpentine tiinn at 26 cents; rosin dull at $1 27i a 30 After the Conkling-Sprague nasti- iiCM "plantation manners will boom. On oar second page, in . the refer ence toAjadrew Jackson, read birth- place and not birtb-day. The "American filly 'Saratoga, on the 13th, won; the Runnimede, Plate at Egham, England ' There were nine horses in the race. Saratoga won by a head. VV a aA tn pa that tha aenti- ineut is growiDg iu iub norm w In iKia I , - . 1 .coiTntrv. l here are too many ot tne I same sort alreadv on the American ' . 1 Vhioardn. The Jackson JRsoorterl comes ' dor Z - " 1 n-. 1 . r : TT . M .1 I GOiioriAi on "jrouucXiXecuiiuuB, auu i credit tt to a defaoct paper. It copies a paragrapn also and credits I to exchange - It copies three others without . any credit. U All .from. the Evarts, Secretary of Slate, is com ing to the front as the . probable Re publican nominee for. Governor of vt tr , n, Tjl . . iew lorg. ine inenus 01 varw i say that tbe affair at Narragansett I Pier r tTpri nallv naps nn Lord Roscoe." I rier ettectnaliy uses ap Aora jvpscoe. Evarts, it ia claimed, will harmonize I all factions. There is some uneasiness in Wash : ;, r' -, r ugton aHMeIcn.raiH. u. movement. It feared he ba. d.s- regarded treaty stipalations and has 1 , ua. : kil; crossed the Canadian border in bis -operations against Silting BulLy It is stated that no particulars of the mat ter will, be made nublio - until the .. - ; , ; i ' - , . wnoie question- nas peen suumawmu tbe Secretary of -War and tb,e Presi- dent . .. ... :eS$ - Congressman Do La Maty r was in Portland. Maine; lie1 is a paraoii : 'it.-srsrs oij tic v,u. m - - "ww iu uvtibicB. . ..ouuiu vi , iud iUBiu- .t . : xi. ' vue, majonty saw no, toinaing it might nave a bad influence." - score one for the Maine, Methodists.--. Pol, ibiue ana preacniUK uo nut ; mix won This rPminr1. n, of nn incident of the - - htte war. " A certain North Carolina Colonel held '. services jon Snnday and tued cuss words" during the week. The Maior of the reffinient told him . ., .; . ' .... u. eimer give' up His cossmg or ;give op bis preaching, rt im - TT!;"5Ti. ... t?v f I HI t -)u . r . vat I i f i liJ -.nil Jo ,i, 4 J? "t .1,, ,.r fMrs.. ppr?igae iaooouftt8:, for - Conk-1 Iincii nn..n , k- ( i.-w- Jj- 1 1 o -..-rr T . uiMwsHm o i home- by" 'saying ' lhat Sptaffuo had f foaghi Conk!iQg8 Ugal MMtel.nd aa -her means Of living atCanOnchet-f had been cot 'off he'rcfaneBted'Mr'l iintijn''w i r i -! ronkho2 who had.already been cpn tokerb 0oVei6'8'riraeW Waee Jj.,,,, HJ?r f ,fek flm and try to aacertaiu what resnlts were likely to follow the proposed j ...,,.... -,.:....''.r Caaethat woold benefit or provide for the, ohildrenMr tODDej CanofliiBt for this iiniC 7 wPPe 'aom'Det or.tbig jpar- 1--vw.asito o etaru when the outbreak ocoarre The boys will probably say thai "t lat ja rather thin "i cr ""u 1 . : Two young Southern bloods, Frank j. Taylor oC rfeiBia, and Robert E. Barnard, went to Bladensburg and r , , . , rn, T , exchanged several shots, j;he seoonds W ex-clerk of a committee L , rr . , rn 11 named. Uamilton, and one ,T. : JS, tkcKeogh. of Tennessee, who keeps ouse restaurant. The Southern T , ;bovs were ID earoest, but it turns out 8econda lod. rnfev ?f ? f the pistols with paper wads. Re anlt. no blood snillfid. f Thfl flaht iar-i minated by the appearance of Repre sentative Casey Young, of Memphis District. The boys' are now rusti cating in Virginia. Ouo is 19 and the other 16 years of. age. Railroad Aeel4ent. (Special Telegram to Raleigh Observer. Swan nan oa Station, August 14, 9:45 P. M. At 1:20 some miscreant turned the flats loose iu the tunnel and they encountered the np mail train two miles from the top and de molished the flats and engine, wound- fag the cngineer.and his fireman, also Capt. Newland, the conductor. "The conductor aud bremau are seriously, but not dangerously, wounded. No passengers were hurt seriously. Spirits Tarpentine No Raleigh Hews to band. Luscioua grapes sell for 25 cents a peck at New Berne. The Goodrich Opera Company is billed for Charlotte 00 the 2 1st Mr. Lemsford A. Paschal 1,1 an aged and nigbly esteemed citizen 01 Ox- lord, died on Tuesday last. . --From the Raleich Observer we learn that 3.000 persons attended Poplar Tent Fair iu Cabarrus. Messrs. K. P. Bat tle and James M. Leach made speeches. W.The late Andrew Conicland, of U altf ax. was a grad u ate wf May nootb Jol lege, Dublin, tie was intended iorj the priesthood, lie was a mu of scholarly attainments aud good reading. Hunter's store, in Mecklenburg, was robbed of $124 48. of. which $96 48 I J I - 'i belonged lo tbe Presbyterian Church m day la8t week on tte prem!ge8 of Mr8 Ma course of erection at Hunters ville, as we I tilda Reese, near Seaboard. We are learn from the Charlotte Observer. I Winston Leader: Not many of I us are aware of the fact that the penitentia- I ry garb of brown and white stripe j was manufactured by Messrs. tx. Fries, 01 Salem. They have just completed a large order, which was followed in a few days by another, so great is ine demand ior 11 at the State prison. v Atlanta Uonstitutwn: Judge about the country beating up the tirant sut- lers and bummers, says the South will send a solid tirant delegation to me next na- tinn.i Rpnnhiiran ConTention. The best thing that can be done! for; this unhappy ! -1 f - ' ruiiiiiri Tiffftiit tft m rte anrrv ror mm. The Jackson Reoorter savs of -page mcjoy "L- Judge McKoy and tbe Gubernatorial jean- didftCT! no Deiier man ior me XTUBUIUU I ... m 11 as 1 . a I coujci oe ioqdu ib auitonu vruuuof iuu more general satisfaction than that of any other gentleman wnosename nas neenmen- tioned in connection with the position! H. G. Turner, Charles D. Phil- lips and Wm. M. Hammond are the; first three managers selected by the Georgia Le gislature to conduct tbe impeachment of the detauiting uompirouer, w. o. uom smitb. They are all native Carolinians. By the Way, the Georgians have copied the bad; nabit or calling memoers or tne jjegisiamre Honorabld. r tj-i:t, a meeting is being held at Mount Herman ChrUtian Church, in St. Mary's township. - f w thefe haTe hftfm muM.gottJ u0Q. versions, and the interest increases. Tbe excursion to tne mountains yesterday. took away many of the people here, most if iwihitm will boa thA Bina KidiM fat' th I first time. The destination of almost all the I nartv ia AshevUle. . . . . . I c - eng;ged m farmlng' below Columbia, while on a recent visit 10 North I Carolina, J discovered! in the mountains a I r.tuw r .rv Ana trained white marble. onantltv or very one erameu wnue maruie. I It had a very beautiful red vein running . i .. u t. M.DmVilin torn aat llnmA I of ihtftoc projected twenty-five or thirty I feet out of the ground, and there seemed to I be no end to tbe deposit there. Tarboro Southerner: CoL E. I c Yellowly is Chairman of the. Inferior I iXnrt OI mi county, aou auuien tfujuer. I 0.' BOIlCMOr. j.iuKbu7, y I and cleverly shown that Moore's History! Fn nM naiB iumiii niuninnuii s vtuwbi uui mww i r.TT. -----;t-"-, .v.- uxg miton fwvmao auu euuuroeu uj iuu Oxford JlTe9'jMCtrjJ .. tf I Auuesvntu;. , ii: .hi -'obukv. a : - - xj . x ...... .-.j u'..,,t . , j ' - ( ' UU!... of the colored Deranaiion: was arrested on . Wednesday of last-week, iSSi1' i aooui lony tueaa -u w to .snoot, ana was 1 brodght to this town, , charged; with forging nantAfl nr a irnnni ff lmmiupa ii a ' nvarr I for about $23. . -He was ordered" to jail in defaulter av3astifled bond id nne -sum of tots. mmmtmMW I t orth'Caroliriia'iisVWha did I the speaMbgon the excursion? to Norfolk ,1 vera ljuii i ii uutuu . uieeu. vi iimibu. i n.MV. Bkulcof i Edgecombe. ex-Judee I Hilliard, . Gen. -W. R. Cox, of. Raleigh;! I 1-4 -fjt Terr's ! , V. ,. 1 Capt.1 Fred Phillips, of Tarbdrb, and soorii But in the name of lha immortals who is lha. ex.jadsre Hilliard la i he enough" Judge, or oaly sure-? one of those Su HSiW" VJP.Wr:, f I W ,Weldonf!Z5wa: " The Bteamer Veata baa been purchased by the RoanoW Transportation J Oompany;-' and will v ren from Hill's Perry to Halifax iconaeetiDg Withtesmera foNorfolla BalMmoreT 4 Qen, Meredith of .the Federal army, was born in Guilford county. From the SfcSSiS are round 'who do bonor to themseltes and $othe State. - The' venerable ; MaaitWig- nWaiax,-;noni rnore;itnau -eighty years of age, giveshis recollection of the gintii of Halifax, ;now. more than eighty u.USu. . iow, M h wuuu gjglg lh gSgf fwUlfrom iny recollection what three among the best farmers in ssecUonmadeand running from three to six ploughs each; One made nine barrels of corn, one seven barrels, and the other four barrels -each, made a little poseeSsrS' Vw then a cotton growing county to much ex- tent.f lt was the Egypt and granery for to,iSlb!J JWLTfe had money could buy corn at f3 50 to g 00 a barrel, and wapns and cam from Halifax, Warren and Grantille were pass ; JSew 15eroe Democrat: rortt the vast quantities of deer hides that are con- stantfy brought to this marketfor Sale, we should imagine that it would be only a question of time, and that a very short ume. wnentneaeer wm Decome. exunct Mr. W. n. Bawles. . of . Btonewall. Pamlico county, set two shot guns on out post duty last Friday night, and the result was, two dead thieves of the genus bruin were found in his corn field, where they had been depredating for some time. There is general complaint from all parts 01 the county, owing to the damages that have been done by the bears on all the-ewamp lands. Several of our merchants, among them some of the beat in the city, were up before the Mayor on yesterday and day before for the non-payment of the tax upon tho amount of sales. Tbey were all released upon the payment of the tax and costs. - We learn that the cargo of ice with . which the schooner J. B. An derson arrived a few days since shrunk at least fifty per cent on the passage. Charlotte Observer: : A former citizen of Graham, Alamance county, sees the story of the four heavy weight men, recently published in the Observer, and goes it one better. He tells of five men who weighed there some years ago; thejaverage weight was 264 pounds, and one of them had only one arm . It is definitely set tled lhat no trains will be run on the West ern North Carolina Railroad Sunday nights during the remainder of the season. The exact distance from here to New York via railroad is 627 miles; the distance from At lanta to New xork is-893. The case or the Bank of StatesvUle vs. the town of Statesville, as to the validity of the bonds issued to t lie Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, was to have been argued before Judge Gudger at Statesville yesterday. uapt ty JU Vail, chairman or. the Board of County Commissioners, is busily engaged computing the tax for maintaining the public roads and bridges ten cents on the $100; worth bf property for the road and two and -a half cents for the bridges. Jackson (Northampton) He- porter: The Gary sburg secUonof our coun ty continues to improve. There will be a reunion Of Company B. Durst North Carolina Regiment, at Rich Square, on Thursday, the 14th inst. Stephen Jor- da coQnA wa. killed bv Hirhtnintr one riranarefl to aav. after onita an extend ive tour through this county, that tbe crops were never belter. ' We are glad to be able to say that our county finances are in a better condition than they have been since tbe war. We are informed that the tax of 1879 will pay all county expenses to January, 1880. We bear that a difficulty occurred near here, on Tuesday morning last, be tween Henry Willis and George McClenny, both colored, in which the latter received asevere wound on the arm. Three of our young men, who went on the mer chants' excursion, while m bathing at Uld Point, were robbed 01 all the spare change they had. They left their clothes in tbe dressing rooms in charge or a servant, but when they returned the servant and all tbe money tbey bad about tnem were gone. 1 oiui ;-" rBPBB " n.ij.t. .. . i-.-t. ry - annrincr nn th TnnrlrPt fta it wprA . . T . The valuation upon the real estate of Lenoir county, bas been increased S147.000. The exodus 01 sea-sicie;vi8U0is has begun at Jtieauiort. - , While a youth was pass- mg up JSstst uentre street near Asber JUd- ward's store, on Saturday night last, he was struck a severe blow, with a stick by some party concealed under the mantle of dark" ness, and severely stunned. A re vival of religion has been in progress at Philadelphia Church, in Nash county this week.- Conducted by Rev. Geo. M. Dake. There are twenty-three cotton eina Within xour miles or nit. uiive. What see tion can beat this f The crops in Le rr -.., sSJ. rr'-Tw" ( rains. - Crops in the central portion of Johnson are outgrowing the effects of the drought. The cotton crops look very promising.: Theo. Grimsley, of Old's 1 lownsnip, mi county, lost ma em nouse I last Friday night by fire, csused from being I strucE bv llffntnmir. A' lew dava since I Herbert, a little son of Mr. David Turner, I of Johnson county, fell from a second story window to the ground,! a distance of eigh- - T NSW ADVK BTISKMBNT. O. G.i Pabsley, Jb, Shingles.. HfiiNSBEKGKB Hammocks, &c. . Horn BBOS,-r-Salesmen wanted. G. C. C.E. Inez five cent cigars. .. s MrxNSON Cassimeres and suitings. Fob SxmmLiAteamer .Elizabeth, The Excursion. Quite a large excursion pay went down s k i- . m a tne river on tne sieamerwwi yeBteraay, 1 .. .... . I it ueiug iuo iwchiu MKuiaiuu vi m bmvh t nnnpr inn Til KiiHLrp-iiirii l iji rmi. akubuui. I r-. . o--- f The shower that came up during the after- noon somewhat dampened the ardor of the excursionists, but with this exception the I trip, wo ivs"'j . .... ,:, -t The Professor gives one more fexcursion this season.- ( I n,t The steam ji&t JBlutabetht Capt Chad- wiei now Wttning regularly between this city and Bmithville, has received the COh i -i -.;5--t- v. tact for carrvine the mail-between the two places, commencing with yesterday fc l I 1 : rf " TV H 11 ? U i W e i Iioeal Dota. ' ' - ' y The steam tug Wm. Nyces has been repainted and looks now as radiant as arainbow.-w '. " ,. It ia said that yachts,; are gene. rally named after females because they are so easily npstt in a squall. r ,. ... , - Mjt. Thomas BL 1 Smith and Mr. Thomas Monk reached home last night from their trip across the ocean. . . Vioe Consul R. E. Heide leaves for New York this mornmg. The trip will be one of business and pleasure combined. The revival in the Second Bap tist Church continues with unabated in terest. There have been sixteen converts since last Sunday. - There were two trifling cases of drunkenness and disorderly conduct before Acting Mayor Bowden yesterday morning, and one for fast driving. , : ...... , Dr. J. Francis King's family, including Mr. John Neilson, lef t for New York on the steamship Begtdator yesterday. The Doctor lef t a few days ago. Carolina . Lodge, .Knights of Honor, of this city, yesterday paid over to Mrs. J. N. Hinton the sum of $2,000, being the amount of her late husband's policy. Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church, has been at Smithvillea portion of the present week assisting in the revival at the Baptist Church at that place. The Steamer isw, with her two hundred colored excursionists, returned to Point Caswell yesterday, During a por tion of the day they were perambulating the streets engaged in sight-seeing, and seemed to be having a good time.. An expedition, nnder the com mand of Captain Skinner, went out on Thursday last to raise a steamboat sunk in Brunswick river during the late war, but the wreck was found to be so deeply im bedded in tbe sand that the enterprise was abandoned. Brooklyn is rapidly becoming a city of bay windows. Capt. F. W. Foster is building a large grocery store next South of Hahn & Goodman's dry goods store, with a front of two bay windows similar to their's. It is to be occupied by Mr. J. C. Stevenson as a branch of his retail grocery store. Desertions frasn Vessel. The Norwegian barque Fingal cleared from this port for Glasgow a few days since, and left behind four Scandinavian seamen, Edward Ejoge, Peter Proisen, Carl Berry, and John Frosbeig, who, it is alleged, were enticed to desert their ship by inducements held out by certain "runners." This bas long been a source of great worry and annoyance to masters of vessels, as well as seriously affecting our shipping in terestsAttention has been called to the matter time and again through the columns of the daily papers, but while the law seems to reach every other species of crime and misdemeanor, those wlio make it a business to entice seamen to desert their vessels, and thus fall into the bands of tbe "land sharks" who are ready to pounce upon them, are supposed to go un wbipt of justice. It ia too late when tbe poor man has repented of his ill-advised desertion to call for help from the Consu late, as according to the Swedish and Nor wegian laws he can no c longer be recog nized as a Scandinavian subject A Hospital on Wheels. : A colored woman drove Into town with a cart from Cape Fear township, yesterday morning, in the bottom of which her hus band was lying perfectly .helpless . with fe ver, while clustered arpund him were five of their children, all suffering more ; or less in the 'same manner. They were sick with bilious f ever and.the mother, who was the only wall one in; the family, bundled the whole "posse" into the cart and brought them to the doctor. Dr. Walker, the city physician, prescribed for them, and they returned home, again to test the efficiency of tbe : medicines. -if ' Sudden Heath, i A Norwegian - seaman by the . name of John Forsberg, died suddenly at Mr. Bry son's boarding house, yesterday, of a sort of apoplexy or congesting of the brain. He f ' ...... . had been complaining,-and some efforts were being made to have him sent to the hospital at the County Poor House,-the difficulty being that he was hot a citizen of the county. Some action was about being taken in tbe matter, however, which would have assured his being taken care of, when 4 the announcement was made that the poor fellow was dead.. Thermometer Beeor. I The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.81 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city Atlanta. .........80 Augusta ....82 Charleston, . . .. : .85 Charlotte.. .;V.l;77 Corskana,;.:i.8a Galveston,. 85 Havana. ..... ... . Indianola; . '. . . . . .89 Jacksonville ...v: 88 f : Kev West, Mobile..; ...87 Montgomery . . . . .88 New Orleans..... 83' PunURassa,. Savannah. ..:-87. Sf. Marks,.. ;...! WUmington,,.: .T The Crops. !-. s i -1 A gentleman of this city, who has . just returned Xrom a trip .through- portions of Bladen and Robeson conaties, says that the corn'i crop' has Buff eredfrom the - late drought to the extent,'' probably, of about one-third of the expected vield.1 The rains came too late, to he of any great adtaatage The cotton, in most Places he J has' visited, is suffering more oi less from rusC and the planters are fearf ul'that ?t: will consider ably affect the yield; " - ' ' lf M.Ui:X-.vcU ...... -j , .- , '-. - - To-paya-lnIemtOB).i. ij i , For the South Atlantic States, southeast to southwest wmdB," threatening weather and rain,' with falling barometer and slight Changes in temperature. " Disorderly Sense. ' Ella 8hepard,Ana- Shepard and Aritta Wells, the two former , colored and the lat ter white, were f attested, yesterday on the charge of keeping a. disorderly house in the neighborhood rof Market and Thirteenth streets. They were -bound over for their fippearance1 'before; Jusce 'Gardner this morning at 10 o'blocJs?riI"s i - The Norden, from ,this , port, has ar rived out. There were only about three feet of wa ter on the shoals at Fayetteville when the Steamers TFaes and hv. Worth left that place Thursday morning. The former had to bring a lighter for part of. her freight. The water is not quite low enough yet to require pulling over the shoals, but soon will be in the absence of rains at the foun tain head. Ths Steamer Governor's Island, Capt.' S.i C. ' Foster, bound from New York td Charleston, was towed up to this port yes terday by the Pilot Boat Mystery, a hole haying been blown in her boiler when forty miles south of the Cape Fear. She is now undergoing the necessary repairs and will probably proceed on Sunday. She left New York on tbe 23rd of July, having been weatherbound seeral days. She goes to Charleston to be employed permanently on the inland waters in that vicinity. The, following foreign vessesl have sailed for this port: Barques Capn.Swed., Westerlund, Glas gow, July 20; lima, Nor., Albrechtsen, Kornegsberg, August? 4; Kornigin Au gusta, Ger., Wilde, Caen, August 8; Gal- con, Dan., Kalsboll, London, June 14; Ganger Rolf, Nor., Lepsoe, Lisbon, July 13; J. H. Schwensen, Nor., Qunder sen, Hamburg, July 27; J. L. Pendergast, of Quebec, Bates, Cadiz, July 21; Jerbuen, Nor., Svensen, Bordeaux, June 10; Lady Muriel May, of Liverpool, Williams, Liverpool, June 26; Lydia Peschau, Ger., Bremen, Hamburg, July 14; Silo, Nor., Moiland, London, June 16; Summer Cloud, of Kirkcaldy, Rogers, London, May 13, via Leith; Susie, of ArdrosBan, Huson, Glas gow.June 3. Brigs C. C. Van Horn, Br., Hall, Rotter dam, June 30; Cavaliere Squardelli, of Newport, Robertson, Belfast, July 3. How is tbe baby? is the question often put to a mother, and many an answer comes, "thanks to Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, much better to-day." t cixr ITEMS. i Chew Jacksoh's Bxst Sweet Navy.Tobacco. ' THE MORNING STAS can always be had at tne following places in the city : The Poreell Bouse, Harris' News' Stand, and the Sta Office. i ,.. m m m - ' - ! FINS KNQIJSH QTJN8. The attention of snorts H en is invited to the advertisement of Messrs. J. ft W. Toiler, manufacturers- of one breech-loading ns. Birmingham, England. Their guns are made to order according to specifications and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook. lengtn oi stock, sc. ; Simple and instantaneous as 11 la Guam's Sux.- tbuu Soap is a most efficient remedy for certain obnoxious diseases, to be eared of which thoss af - ructea with them often spend thoasaads of dollars to no purpose. Hill's Ihstaxtactous Hub, Dyi is the best and safest. ! - m ; 'FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY TSARS Mas Wnnuv'i Soothiks Stbtjp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wnro oouo. reKoiates tne noweis. cares dtbxktxbt and DiABBBatA, whether arising front teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 35 OKXTS A BOTTLX. ' Pb&bt. Qa.. Anril 14th. 1879. "I have watched the use of the medicine known as Swift's Syphili tic Specific over fifty years, and have nerer known or heard of an instance of failure to core when pro perry taken. In 1835 George Walker bought at auc tion a slave not warranted, whom he treated with this remedy, and cored aim sound and well in. four weeks. - Sight years afterwards he said tbe boy bad never oaa any return or tne disease or joss a oay irom wprsv a. u. uzxxabs. Boia Dy ubszx a, nuniB, ana an uroggtsta. . NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. XXT ATRO Several reliable salesmen and can- V V vassers to carry in eonnecuon with their own goods aa article In great demand by all branches of trade. Hells TantdiT. Samnle carried in -Docket. liberal commission. HORN BROS., 903 Market street, rniiaaeiphla, ; ,. -, augioit D IFFKRKNT 8TTLBS OF ! OABSTMKRK&and STTTTINQS. rrom wmcn to select a sut TO MaKB TO MEASURE, just opened at aug 16 It . . MUNSON'S. ! Shingles ! Shingles ! ' 250,000 COMMON. . 100,000 4 INCH, 100.000 5 INCH, 100,000 6 INCH, , For sale cheaper than any where in the city.' s O.-G. PARSJLKy.Jr., i ang 13 tf ' Cor. Orange and B. Water sts. ANOTHER LOT OF THIS POPULAR ' BRAND OF FITS CENT CIGARS, Just received and selling rapidly at the ' ' GAKDJN CITY " ' i aug W tf J . CIGAR EMPORIUM. Smithville. ; (STEAM YACHT ELIZABETH, , Capt. B. W. CHAD WICK Carrying U. & Matt. Leaves Wharf, foot of Market Street, -daily, ex cep Dunoays, at 0)t r. bl. Returning leaves Smithville at 1f A. M. ang 16 lux - ;Hamniocks. OMFOSTABLB AND CHEAP, ; ' k f ' AtM . ' HEINSBERGEB'S. LANK BOOKS, 1 . J PAPER, ENVELOPES, ,' 1 - . i. j- - ' v).: ! 3ii .: BLOTTING PAPER, c Jdst received a large assortment; ' ', , . j, i ... ..... ....v.. - --.j -vuO Fdr sale cheap at t : heinsberger! " aug 16 tf 1 miscellaneous; Thos. G. Williams & Go's Lucy Hinton. THE M08T.TJN1PQRM TOBACCO MADE. THE BEST TOBACCO FOB THE PRICE, V ? v ASK; YOUR GROCER FOR IT. t7"See that the name is on every plug. Each plug weighs a quarter of a pound., . j !. .,'. ;t DEALERS 8UPPLLED BY , , Williaiiis & Ulurchison, ang 10 3m s ' ' - ! WILMINGTON, N. C. Distillers' Supplies. QAA New and Second-Hand OUV " - SPIRIT CASKS, OQ A Bbls GLUE,,.. : , .'.j ., .. OA Tons HOOP IRON, : v'w ' inch, litf inch and IX inch, QQ Kegs NAILS, - gQ Bbls BUNGS, , g Bbls SPANISH BROWN, OAfiTkgs RIVETS, For sale bv anglOtf KERCHNIiiR 3b CALDER BROB Bacon and Molasses. ' 100 B0XeS Smokea ahd D. S. SIDES, 100 Hhd8 BblS CUBA MOLASSES, ijp Bbls SUGAR-nOUSB do. : For sale 1y KBRCHNERA CALDBK BROS aug 10 tf ; H. BRUNHILD, W. L. MEADOWS, Henderson, N. C. CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS Manufacturers of ALL GRADES of PLUG TWIST .and SMOKING TOBACCO. Wilmington, N. C. Try the la. XSttUIlillA, TUAUE. MARK.. jyiau TRIUMPH SMOKING TOBACCO. Buggies! Buggies! Harness & Saddles, . ' ' FOR SALE AT n GERHARDT & CO.'S, 3d Street, opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY, sag 10 tf Corn, Bacon, Molasses. QQQ Bush Prime White CORN, 200 31148 Now CUBA MOLASSES 1 ' Q&A Bbls Cuba, N. O. and S. H. ODXJ MOLASSES, 1250 BbIB Preslx FLOUE 1 7 tZ BblB SUGARS, Crushed. IJLtO Granulated. A, Extra C, and C, l2Q Bags COFFEE, all grades, QQ Tubs Choice Family LARD. JgQ Boxes TOBACCO, Tax-off, ijp Half Bbls and Boxes BNUFF, Tax-off 1600 KeseNAILS' - ALSO, Potash, Lye, Soda. Soap, Btarch, noop iron, spirit Barrels, Glue, c. For sale low bv WILLIAMS fc MURCHISON, Wholesale Gro. A Com. Herts. ;je Vt tf Low Shoes. LOW STRAP TIES for Gents, LOWNEWPORT TIES for Ladies, ; LOW 8TRAP SLIP PERS for Ladles, LOW SLIPPERS for Children, ... And VER Y LOW PRICES for all buyers 5 At, faugStf GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. Always Ahead ! VATES HAS CONNECTED' THE ORGUI- NETTB with the TELEPHONE at Ma -.!'. .:'.;. so'i' vino -r ' t 1 BOOK STORE AND PHOTO ROOMS, and the music has been heard throughout the city. 1 Your ORDERS through TELEPHONE will re ceive prompt attention. auglStf C, W. YATH8. ; Black Cashmeres. JUST ' RECEIVED, FIVE GRADES BLACK CASHMEREa, importation of A. T. Stewart & Co. Handsome 8 and 10 cents FIGURED LAWNS, BLACK GRASS CLOTH. Derfect color. ' Also, Five Hundred more of our celebrated FIF- IX CUNT WiS&tSLH . . ijySOtf JNO. J. HEDRICK For Rent, For one year, from October 1st, 1879, thaS huge BRICK BUILDING, , containing I three Stores.each 25x70, with large room above, 66x70, at present occupied by Messrs. Metts A Latta, and fbrmeriy by Me&trs. Kerchner A eal der Brothers, together: with tbe Wharf in front and Warehouse and Yard In rear. Will be let as a whole for the moderate sum of $1200 per annum. .-. Applyto . - . CRONLY St MORRIS, . aug!3 5t Real Estate Agents. . j Peaches and Ililk. TUST RECEIVED,'. i ' ' a Lot of Soft peaches the kind suitable to eat with milk. trot sale at so cents a pecs: at I -t , t c S. G. NORTHROP .f mug 14 1 tug 14 tf .......Fruit and.Confectionery stores., Hotice. 1 i TS ARB MOMENTARILY EXPECTING 10.OOO Bushels PRIME WHITE 1 ri ZJ. had 4,000 do. MIXED f UUril i AndAave PLENTY .TO SILL ORDERS till it ar rives. , . . " . J . , RxBjnlne our MEAL, it will bear inspection, m 51 auglS tf PRESTON CUMMINO CO. !!! nATCSOV ADVBttTINIiiHl One square on day,'..;....;.:.. U'.;.V.'..!. fi CO .y. -t-i jwoeays,........-,, M 1 fl " threya,..,.. , S W five days,..., ,.. 3 50- One-week, ....:.. 40i: Twoweeks,.., t. !., . use Threeweeka,.........;..,...,., S W One month, ... j-) ou Two months ; :f n w Three months, 24 Wi j Six months,... ... 40 0u Oneyear, eo W j , t3TContract Advertisements taken at' Dmw tionately low rates. . - , Ten lines salid'Nonparell type make pne eqaart" MISCELLANEOUS Wew Enterprise. Brown e Roddick Will open on or about Wednesday, June 18, THE STOUE - . . ....... ,-. . . . On S. W. Corner Second and Market Sts We puipose devoting thir entire Store to the sale ef 5 and 10 Cents. We CSRnAtRT.nmAvaU rha A If . 1 , fort Will be spared to devVloi rthiT;"11 Be" ulrie. ant onr Patmna maw Aua . NEW ENTERPRISE MBNTS that nave ever been shown In this section or me country, aa no House kiu butter facilities for the purchase of such articles. .-. BROWN & RODDICK. We would alnn tnfcn thf that we are offering some SPECIAL BARGAIN a Dry Goods Department Beins shnrt nf mu o.n ..1. . i . Ll8t. St can safely say that at no time have we DUCBMBNTS than at this particular tiune. v . " dhsss anonn w u. ta. t . ., small lot of those at 15c. call earl,. LAWNS, Linen Finish, 6c; worth double. CELLULOID RAWS tar norM tit. m i. 1 -w .wu. o , VI. . liX DIWIK and White, 6c, worth S5e. The above when soiled can be cleaned with a damp cletn. Ladttcs' T.rwrctj ry"iT.T.wa u gain. 8TTMMRR HFT A Wr.R VP a oln.. . . lot at less than half the cost of manufacturing. fTRTT.'nPTfW'a mi.m nngi n,.., i.i market; 10c a pair, and the quality is good. LADIK8 LT8T.1t TFTTHtAn mtvOXea e pair. Comment unnecessary. PASASntR iNn arraamnn'ii nr i i . received another lit of the above, and can safely j uicj .I, niwuui ucepuun us jneapest uooaa ever offered by us at any time. FANS I FANS ! For the million at all prices. (TBTCTS WtTTTW vniSKli TXT. Cotton and the best Linen front. Oar price is still 75 CENTS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 market Street. je 15 tf Boatwright & McKoy ; Have just received a . uin FIHE STOCK OF' " SUGARS of all grades,"'' Fine SYRUPS and MOLASSES. . COFFEES, TEAS. Foreign FRUITS and NUTS. ; PROVISIONS such as Fulton Market Beef , Pig Pork, Breakfast Strips, Sugar-Cured " Shoulders. IXL HAMS, title best brand sold. ' LARD, free from water. BUTTER, degant; 6HEESB7rkJ"'; Elegant California WINES, price very lew,- ' FLOTJS Plant's Extra and Pride, the higbr est grades made. - CANNED GOODS of every description." ' And Sundries too numerous to mention. STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, ; . Prices iu proportion to the scarcity of money. Come and see us, and yon will never regret it. Boatwright & .lIcEoy, i y S and 7 liOUTH FBOHt'OT1"'; auglOD&Wtf , , . . : , .' ST. GEORGE'S HALL FOR BOYS, fifteen miles from Baltimore, on the Western Maryland RR. reopens September 15. An unsurpassed .English Classical and Commercial Boarding School. Terms, , from $200 to $300 per year. PtofT J. C.-KTNBAR,' A. M., Rclsterstown, Md. - aug!5D36tW4t Great Bargains ! t.i' TN ALL BUMMER HATS 1 A . HARRISON ALLEN'S, ' ;.',...,;City'Batters.j- aug 14 tf New Crop Turnip Seed. 1879, Just received, and for sale Wholesale and Retail at 1 GREEN' 4 FLANKER'S, j Market Street. Jy 23 tf Salt. Salt, Salt. AAA Sacks ' LIVERPOOL SALT. OUUU Fun weight striped sacks,' ! Fersaieby . KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. aug 10 tf Triinks. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST ' and most perfect assortment of TRUNKS ' and TRAVELING BAGS' ever brought to this. ; market. Prices reduced. Give ns a call at ou . Wholesale and Retail Harness Establishment, No. 8. SOUTH FRONT STREET anglOtf ' , .. i. MALLARD BOWDEN.' :ij Coining ;'4;j gY BACH STEAMER ; GOODS TO RSPLEN- Uh our Stock ef HARDWARE, 4TIN WARS and.,. CROCKERY. For goads In these lines applyto - , . GILES St MTJRCHibON, ' aug I tf 88 and 40 Murchlson Block. Sash; Doors, Blinds, &c. A FULL STOCK OF . " - 1. . Sash, Doors and Blinds, - crv. , i Builders' Hardware, . - ; . Paints, Oil and Glass,;, ; 1 i ; For sale a km as th lowest by J. GEO. A PECK, . . anglOtf A'-V-' No. 5 South Front St Salt. i nSalt. t ; ! Salt. ' 1 AAA 8S LIVERPOOL SALT. .'; : ; ; j U 'On nandandforialeWw,by . V : - p' vj, h J: ri ' T vtD. L. GORE,- fr,.. ang 8 tf Nob. 3 and S South Water st. f' 111' 1

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