n . - eUiIeOfeipWlcaioi Iff B7 HltS. LUCY M BLINN. The tield stands white in thV relief's fihl; j Tuu 8Ummeruiessiugs tan On tli c ripened wheat and the blossom sweet, " - - And heaven smites over it all; . But ihe reaper sings, while the hoi air rings With the rush of bis sickle cbill "Oh, I reap and I bind whatever I find And garner my sheaves at will I , - "Tbe grain grows high, but what care If I walk with a giant's pace; Meu shiver and cry as 1 hurry by, And shrink from my terrible face ! : And the maid grow whUe-rty dumb affright, ,.. lN. . 1. .V At the touch of my lips so chill, . t Bui my arm9 are bold, to have and to hold And I garner my sheaves at will 1 The air that roves through the orange U thick with a coming doom 991 J 3 j Aud they drink in death -from the per fumed breath - Of 'JijfJP'SPot't- bloom Where ouce through a flood o! tears aodj I gathered my greedy fill, With woe and pain, agaki andaeiun, I gather fresh sheaf Wise Lord. of the harvest, stay bis band; Bid-lf f IfWhfiirJricease ! SpafoMie IiKferain that shall yet remain rmttii onn full in rvoa Let our prayers and cries ' reaqbr$jiJ)g skies; Bid the feraetlfeLcf m VB VM 4 Tuucb the ealioK hand, Fojtfif pt$fj bid, a Thy will I Williaru li. Vandihilt employs 27,706 men. .OIJIkJ Mrs. Mary A. O'Brien, of New OileaSdownsValr and broke her neck Two hundred5 Icelander have foimuua cojony cajieulinneotanntiheH Thomas Carlyle has expressed a wish to bobtuied aiqawUyaa! possible in die choir of the old Cathedral at Hodding At KiSnengen, tb' GotmA-f) tcriog place,. fu Ji.qguh,maQj.berated,kly a bo in be trtund in a railroad car tnht-h had expected to exclusively occup4jKA4 J tbe quarrel became loq apa violent. lady turned out to be the Princess Bismaiekj while the man was Sir John Kingston Hm;$ tInoor.a ,1X1.011 . Mr. TIoHoway, lneT prince of English pill-makers, basdevoted flftfjtjh to the ereQlion, of a, cpUege .or .ihe pigher education of women, near London,1 md proposes to endow.' H nvilh $500,000 Xplu sive of somej land.r which Will i Probably biiog a great sum on building Ieaiewk Ilia advertising baa been at tbe- rate Of llflOJDOO to $150.000' a yeaf forthe., last JLbirty'years, and in Auatraiia jjia pilla and ointowat are a tegular item-.io staple- supplies' toDiji .he oi the campaign was Sprague'a. prrfc. When-inan't temper :getalip I'l bt of bim ii reveals thu worsf of bim.--Yoiikett'Q&BttUl"' ' ' ""VrtV.i t- viH ' re'djjreKt p'poi,ii;tne Hndaon river is'6ppo-he West Pio, where the wa tor is 216 feetee,rg- JfJ Kind words never die, and they aie most figiog tfr bcvbsed ib - tlrfesence bf ao (dd mau Wth(wh4te hai.T-JV. O. ic Now, when the balmy summer days From out the. valley jjjide, ' ' Adolphus tfkesiua while soft bat n - :i To have it cleaned and dyed - - - The prodtfdtfdtfH the Fall Uiverv?.MiBaehuetU, Wibt-lotWtyr!tbe past week foots. up 100aOOp'pieefBjBldr; erably over twolulrds of.a fuU production, 4 and a gain 018,000 -pieces auring the week Vfii i know ii girl who will wrws- Uc with a croquet mallet in tbe bot eun ror hours and not omnlajaxBnL.ioBt aak ber to bold on to tke'wictet -ea-Jta broom for a few minutes ,ap4 ahe'llhavf a, ftUrr Stillwater Lumberman. The fitMiaflca'' of HAS RfeBistrar- General sbVBliflla cfAritiitV W'the pro)ortirrr, WiClXei . WaBtfftd, JTM aouusl proportion' was equal to sixty-seven per million" living in each of the quinquen niads endinefJ864r8aa aod-ini4ta ex treme rance-ibLltikJi) Mais'JwWAotfaixty. two to 8eventythreejper million dorinaj the sixteen years imt-TJ. Although me gen eral average is maintained throughout tbe country there, are. both .local audrjefupdical variBjiqns.j, utwirf Kfi SOUTHS UN 1JE ITI Sr. hoo.8 trimu X qoiu vg A Georgia wonnsold 13,000 pounds of dried frjAfcitit ot&cJtLay. It, has, PtovqJQfiiMt, county, Texas, for four months and two weeks. iaiaai- u Congressman Atkins, the Pans been no improvement withioci-ree Jajt mv era', days. Be appears to be suffering from the exbabstioi-leabsed his bverwork for years past (,Asb)gippt which has. been very much aggravated by bis recent can vass dorrutf the hbt.weatbejl.iH,.!rr5 oiune Aiouoiaio. juai precipitous mass ui rock is used by Georgians as 4totot'p& nic ground. On Friday little.IUnBiA Joses fell over the steep. deVof viae tmoaaiain, which has a perpesdietilar beight of 1,000 feet, bur cyrtSpatelr rodged oo a hedge, wherehfe'tibald bld on by sUcking ber flngeis in a crevpe FpffX. QvMsmith tied a rope about bis waist and swung down hfty cui d s i tne ,fra? bit Lara Morris is tOibritrgouV av iiaverl ya w piMtd. tftcatrev, a ner M'"y, euiiueu s "A xwytxi jiu ty jluh Piatt. thetrell4cawa:ioaratlitb of Wash iogton D. G . The ptee has for its plot the well-worn storv or Jane shore, n - MMtHMt permapent axtistw fpfttklitrS- maae profess mund Tbe newspapers of his f 'cuthiip. ; . . . , . . a . i - - u ai openaoc. uooday nigbt auane jnoraBBfr and BiUfate'Cbitbhl4lJE(i,lfi vtqence," melodrama tbatuaa oeen pre sented in Ixndon over 1,800 times ; at the Surrey and PnDCfe.i h.atre. ai-d' which will te tttf 6pniog Uy .of tbe regular sea "uu at me union square Theatre, new iiTl&lmU JUiAW by their audiences ramertnan py tne KeanV msA rjo.tbatoOnl ieoulaliaa. MISCELLANEOUS. 45 Years Before the Public. 1 ti TtifeuiMkJ fl DR. C. MoLANE'S CELEBRATED I mm FOR THE CURE OP Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DVSPBPSIA AND SICK HEADACHR " Symptoms of a Diseased Livir. JMIN m the right side, under the sure; sometimes the Dain is in the left Lskle ; the patient is rarely able to ilie -a the left bW4 : sornetWfe the felr under the shotilrler K1ar?A anA ; I ten uuuer tne snouiaer Diaae, and it I frequently extends to the top of. the. I snouiaer, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in : the arm. The stomach is affected with ln amv. m4B&3; the bowels in gen,, era! are costive, sometimes alternative with lax : the head is troubled with rcbhsiam ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation, of having left undone some- someumes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility : he. is . easilv liiifi f . I I I t. T'l 'r7' liTT - and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that' exer ciset would be beneficial to him, yet can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact, he distrusts eVery remedy. Several 6f 'the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases hay e, occurred, .where few olthemlexv Kted, yet examination of the body. after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AN D"F EVER. DR. 4LAK.i UlTERlftLMyiN (Pases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No" better cathartic can be- used, preparatory to,1 6r after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this uikoe iu give uiciii u r AIK 1KIAU For all bilious derangements, and as I 4 simpfc purgative, they are unequaled. BEWABE OF I MTTATIOXS. i The genuine are never sucrar coated. j ETery box has a red1 wax seal on th4 lid,. witn the impression Dr. McLake's Liver Pills.,. ....... . -'u....i- . a i -.. If ' 1 The genuine McLane's Liver PiLls; bear the signatures of C McLane and Fleming Bros, on the Wrappers. ' . j : Insist upon .having tthe genuine, DR.Qii McUank s LrvER Pills, prepared by Flem. iagBros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being fill! of imrtatiohs' of thejnahie JltcLane, speuea uinerentiy but same pronunciation. Jaavll.eowDAWiy Sa- - iiTW1?.? .-I?mdy wom. Diseases and ; )trj?riES of the SRm jf . AHEAtTiFtrt'.; lii-AUTIFIER OP THE COMPLEXION: A Relieving Rheumatism ahd GoOT. and !AN ,UUAI,j TalSINfBCTANT,.? IRIZER' AND ODUNTOR-lBRWANTV' 5 4 ' ' ' .-.. .J-v. .-..w Till" Glenn's Sulphur Soap,, besidesf eradi-. eating Ibjlsehses br iku tjahisfcg i fle-.' Kyis ui iuc jtntwi'n .mt unpu. w , , gratifying clearness and smoothness. , friiptions and ether- diseaaeaot. the sjkia, as1 well as Khenmatism and jouL. . txienn'8 BUtpnur Vpap produces .me .samejeHecw aii a inosi tmujag .ncwtv..t.uu uiimijiw saecific also stteeduv heals sores, bruises, scalds. rtiirmnrT ri'i 17 j - taorfiin :iaiJTiheb. sett,' 'Itf.Mioom'J f eMit.icl witH'tW person, .prevented by it-. - .d...-r . Sceiai ei !faeV M "HaLS HAIR AND T . mii i ii., ii i I s,v,rr r. v - V aepDWtf Ctf ltfll l-iTU! -U .. '-- l -, ... ,i.....-rr . -J ' .,.t . 1 ; llotwithstaiuii-is SHB.SCABCITYOIS fANQi REMAND J tt)lN. ojtMiUba)anaed to nu. j have keptapjvlth alt yarwders,:, - n-.r AiARRW for ua froia.itew ora "wn'w-- ' Will oonunae to grifta tne s-.x,rtDii xv.x- ED MEAL in the City, , SW'V iTVtJ 'iiTA H KV.faa.H Sir " ..,.!! !1!.J ... 1? Ofdee north twoa auuraeint. oeww- auu sag U.diak 80xJhi4",. .;ifH-..-i Is'?'' j ' .. Ii-iluw. HH ikl.i'ji Ii li MOUIMl-N-mTOTIONB. THE. NORTH, CAROLINA All losses are nox-racrr aensjnea ana pais. im; HOM'tlsply growing to publie favor, tea T nnil rrhriflnfrfi tn iniwuas nf ' limr PrtT 'It - CaroUia. . I - i ,jwaJI .n .. .tt iiria-ra-BiiF .o.j-. . Aftm CjU-JL IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchanta viilda well by calling on us hAAtl i'tJ'raternkyaai.itabsa BtiXJp Mi--ii ofi. louau-i tJiiuji. -3. tx. i y i j jn you have to return, whon you canget tne BB8T. 1 50 Cents fetijakel ftrx wTHjt1w.oRiD-o!feBMYRfesw b.7 bll!Z8.), 0UC. ana &l. ZU. 1 Tr7 it and you wm use no other. I fiAHV-! laieim AwmR ronPANS IRbah nTTnArR ITlri R ITlilR. i 'H Tf -joT.rtTH37rr-r.-ir -.1 s. f i j .r. .r .a t a ya: -ti -v- v . : - " n .;, si r w;-:r .i -- i,l,Ti7KiBl MANUFACTURING SASH, DOORS tw-tir-ai J3t P-nSMoi nSMy eemttanes to wnte toUcies, ?f ti; Jj rates, m aurmw wt oi n-wgapwproyp-j. .. . , . . .., ?,T fcnTC". isil nf jifli-L-JIl'l maehor lrveriarieeSS: AhsdrDtloa ..- 'x':;r-V-:;r.. ..!., I Dried. taflCtaSEI---OWi-PIfB AND-WHIT 1 m as. nsed for twelve I ...-.--- to ,.r; &-... .1V0aa--Fa ;- ,tr..i -j,i,J-J liri, 'iv.-li ..r ..u . ,.4i .i;u"t!lt-.' l-J .iia--Aiiefc!lti:' r a ?MmSKBSi&.$ SO to t ? i-m. j f ; : " frffa' ONLY RRLlABLB I '""" J I T7"' EW ADVUTISEMENmfe 1. tii' t.H.. fi;-i.V, iitit'j , 1;") ii.1.' "'Ir ?tii S'at. TOI 1)01- Jff J .rK'i-S mitt ,v:t: pinion of Eminent Dr. -LRWaltoa 4&najpliBiM-C.. 1 COLDKN'fr LIKBIQ'S LIQUID EXTRACT OK IEEF is a moat execUttit preparation. ' Itf is par -Mllanee snperior to CodXive OH bp any ihtae 4 navieTCcaed 1 wasted or impalri-d coBtitqtio; abd extremely beneficial, job ,. preventive, or Mala.-, iHOMSKk&ll Vl.Jii Vodc aad. j - ... " I1., . '. ' jl jvt -ura, ain-.nr oesc Agency -jusmesa i the Mori.8uBxaiaiM Outfit -Treei 'ii "v-a ijrr a Month and expsejgaaranteed to Agents I I Outfit free; Start & Co., .ABjrteta.'M aine. . j i. tr, t ii 1-- ii . ,i o ., '. mi. fJBTjPHB pOiTSTITDTIOij' OP ,TH& UNltED AttSaert'roa-to'any'adAras'onrceiiitof 1 jSieiAstainp, uaaraaa So,, pi taowrti. Wjrf ie I efm nw. j;ock,.aui'i bMg.-wp.Wi j i 45 J ' Civil andllechanical tb BBH8SELJa A'OL'STBCaNlC ;iM8TI- , fBfJX J(..X jTJio oldea aglaegng in America.' Ht term befiina SeDtT 181 The TKoy, a&ooll iaterifbr 187 cntatnB a list of the eradnates ir the past S3 Tears, with their Dosiliotis : Ibd. cforae of atudy, jjeqjiireaenfej, en88, etc augl9 D&W4W 51 'l r.. Treasurer. : ,,FerrSnittlrv:me;;-. ! TEAK T ACOT3 ELEZ ABEfTB. n ; ul- 'haul u ea Wharfs footf of Ifxrket JStteeRt idiiW br- t vl- il if rt-w;qpHJB...iwO tiUit ,1'jiiui-jSt ,;tf it u y MVtib .udiiitvoyi tiu-. In Cllrpmc DlsQascs. ' fail li'i!i!i')v -:'! i I ' r iS CONlTIDJSKTIiY. CLAIMS!) PQS TllXSB i Waters, and the claim, though a strong one, ib wiaaoaiea oy ine testimony or many or wo 'eminent' nedicaUhiev of tneMfeotwrrr. both- North and South, that in the following eattaBnted diseases, nz : . EepttaaafithSiomaa aaA 'Blafider, pcial)y in i In Stone or Gravel;.,, i ..... .. IJt gpcpsla, Kneumattc viont, Knetrmatiem , sia. RhenmaUc-Gbni.ItBedniatii Paralvaia. Malarial Fecara ii their. Ckronie tettta: l DiopBicaJaMOreniJa, orwksToiftpa. JjAi peciaUT in ail Svwters of tile MnetraI ey nT i4ecompHsb(i: Testilts ks ' rem'arkble as' WF ew. acepmalied. f. anymaeaial agent taoever. whether in Materia Mediea.or'amons era! Waters, , ? , ,.y ' aie eonndeBtlly cccommendediby some emt- netat Medical men. as a PKBVKNTIVB or THB DISTURB ANCa AND D ANGKRS XNCIDKNT TO PABGNAKCY. ' J ' ATiii !,!! f V,. - iir ese Waters, in Cases of One Dozen Half Gal lop Bottles, $5 per Caseathe SjjriEgs. ampaleWmt to aay, a4dreaai f . i . Springs open for Guests ist'aWo une. . i tuus. ropnetoT a Buffalo Lithia Sprinsa. Va, . MclLILENNKY, Agent. aohSStf - ' !1 "'WflmMgtori.'NYCY ; ; Virginia HeaL fj A i Bosh. "vTRQlNt A ;MBAL. ," . - Aft i Bush Whit: and. Mixed CORN, YL It' leo; Molasses; Meat, Flour, Snuff. . .Tobacco, i, unecse. e., rqr saie low oy " J .. m ! . :.f,' n U. IfcUUlUS, Ing21tf ' Noaa2 and 8 South Wfttesr at. rhos. C. Williams & Co s Lucy Hmton. TtB MOST UNrFdRM tobJacco madb, ' , , TB BE8T TOBACCO FOR TUB PRICK. 'r ' ' ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ty tteHtkrt he-name- -ry-plu- Sartr pllg weighs a quarVerW-pWii XL Atkinson Insurance- llooms, BANS OP NEW HANOVER BUILDING, ' -Wllflalncfton N. C. .it-.ii 'i ii. u b ii .in-iti'.ii V. ' utt. Fp,;, Haring .aai;Li.,;;Cfliiijaiies, 45rregate Capital Represented Over! $OO,0Ob.OOa t It ' 11, 13&ieSo.PfrmtSt ..Willlii ,h.K5lll:. .!.! J.'i!..JLfl Jj .1 fHi rm ir nw wwaw. I r.Oar Blue Graaa. Delmonioo. Club House and 1 V. J . . " n T V 4 i 1 macnoerry onuiuy anu jruri.TY iie lor . iinjiucuiiu English PieklesAnd Bauoes.: r t .( n t i i -iij o Deviled; Ham, . new large fat Mackerel, Codfish, Ikped Hetfing ready for table nee. We have every vrMrtjrof FANCY1 and STAPLE GEORGE HYERSi ifc 26 tf r- : - if, 13 and 16 South Front St. ' I ' ) U 1 uin u ' 1 1 Jo-m.SaWo,Co.,u. ill . -4ITV1 "mi' r.AKOlIST RTOnTc Ciw f-KN K . I: '.: .1 f jvJ RAL HARDWARE ilt Htiis part of the State. vhev buy. direct from Mi laApf actnrajts:MM in sach i nnntfT.ia TfiiT onnu r.nm ui MmnACA wirn Konn. I ftr. Tnhlwnl lit1 v,rr .anfl-hn lnweftt nnnslMe ucr. Vtm. iriro th(miik.If hf'iiTrrrJlaftrhr.' J- i'l' ' ' 1 .The old stand, 19. 1 ianft.tS Mdrhrt Str s 31 tf , ir i . .:.wqrtpa TiTX HAVE NOW. IM STOCK AND ARR1V- i r rVY- ing by every train, steamer and aohoanor, one of he largest and best assortments of Hardware, Tinware ana- vrocsery mac nas ever Deen orougnt tothlscity.nWe1avta(-rk-dtheGooWIOW. v Lercaanta Decora -inpg eisewnere anouia iook aiirSl tf X)A ul ;-J 38 and 40 MurchiBOB Block. . ,a mwm J rrvPRKsa. manfitaaa -t- I i .... t. . ..i i.w .:!. on-li In nrr t-neet. and at le moamM - - 7JI "oaajii eodoraad tintt of the prominent i rtr-.or andi l-aitt-eta in ueoitr.'';' - - ' I Glenst-na-lwwmprwwlMtws I 18 SO. .' f I "ft nvByKwuiii, " I ! A l.'I'a MMK -C iV. VKII-fli. . hnnBut , -. -vi5j!j 10 CO ter vise OU tLWWmTm- Rarriarea and Harness ReDaired. and Horse Bnoe. T.) 1 - illlii'iii'ih i 'Mi . uEi-'i-L l.)Vi m. 1 1 . f i illiams & Hurchiso,- !i. PtntftelSatfte " iugwaa;-.!; wilmiNgToNv n. c. ; 1 1 i i r.i. nnhrTnri, 'Tfvnfi TJdn : :1 oriifir Brand of Smokinff Tobacco I :Jtb .VKs, $m JBr TTotin.vtVv'a 1 1 lakreveiAfve fadl aftabka. ihe J bon the market; . . .1 'lSfl'im9Jy'J,ftauf?a i 'iheaharo .i - - - - jrrrv.aui ing done at Bottom Prices. Come and see me. aug81tf P. H. HAYDBN. .Jj.t.j MISCELLANEOUSi ' t ... r ! ji till i 'J . 1 i N ' I 9 Persons in 20 l.ilJ jJi-.mIi -L.i'- J'fll ! .'? H- to l ls.:- -Jiii iHiit I Iiq nceossUy f;,8onn iRemoay U tiv POK .WHAT J8 Uft.Ii.KD "I i P.R L N.Cr ,.! F. E Y,E Ri . . - T J- if i- J 'ill! 'j-lste-'-iii i .pOR TdATi' t.v. General AH-Gorieness," .'so' common at. this season of , the year, the , iv a fl 1 -l f HOIiMAISr 5:1 ': tJTAmjsuRlAii-Ery Better be Safe than Sorry. ijhmh i'i i! i jtlT, ON A Att M ??IP. ANP. PB iSTJBBtyOII- nirm UTIin m?WTTmH bearing bis picture ana. Eiguaiarei aiso i jupmpaiiy, anayou. W79"Jitt: tmiudisappointmeiit and possible" lAju-: j tt. "rii: others ate oVtMeW ifds,1 f gbtteBLup to be sold on,ne repatton;i , i ,r l-.l . !: ii- vj . i.li iii J..!:y i 'ti. .Via ;!3 L. 1 ILI VER PAD CO. CvRNBRr t iKIJidjt AfllD . ; JLAltlaJfiT l .tuuh, fc r 1 IJ1 J I 3 MAIN 8TRBBT, RlvEMOND, YlRQINlA. t nVmmf AfiTlTO ' ilrtOHtS'ia - . " I ujiZiMUiviiio oc ruoiaitt,.)!. . , i.... 1 n.' MANAGffK. i .i- . " -....'. . , THE H0LMAN ElVEtt PAD. DISEASE. From whence does ifrortgi to-Moet phyaiciana I treat every ill or pain apt-clfically. wailatoey are I only each a part of a great whole proceeding or I r-eK , apecii , great adamei Swo jm. RTtom.ATR TBKSB TWO AND YOU T.TVHR. HROIII.ATK THKSK TWO ANU YOU WILL. CURB NINBTBEN-TWBNTIBTHS of all tJieTna fleah' ia heir'to'in'thiaor auVothter clP ITSZ- roftgbly, and without inconvenience, penonning a mist important function. And we may add this re. -nlrkable statement. CHALLENGING RBPUTA- TBON, thtin ita- ezteusaye use by. and including all classes of persona, from old apa to helpless la laicy. NOT A 'SINGLE CASB OF INJURY HAS 080URRBD.' '; Tie . stoniaclx is tbs , Manarcli of tie,. ton should evet rjemethber that the cause of near ly bit our ills begins at the vital point, the Irst stoM mich; that the Uvet Is seklon wront when the at-. macu 11 s8aaw ver .Iffiealuitlettaitdasvalftara orrans "v-...""..-". . . 1 to 11m Btom&ca lixiaoet metancea, pmicuiariy : foima which attack the patient internally d In tbe 1 region of the vital organs. .TiiJ. rAifwm relieve j . IV. IllOIt Pin al M Mn'l nil mm nrh r Bfl no otner remeay aeviaea ny hnimniikUl haa ever done., u We havewKneBsed ita t "'SMi'V " 7d I ... 1 a. 1-1 ar.iii J4 !S'a.. i gold .It is lmpossioie n.eompae iwwjivmrr. discovery which, WITHOOT DOSING, may be ah-, sokitely relied upon to PRBYENT the most iianer euTmaladies. . - ' , :- ' " - '.,-M iiUii P Vv;bT-1,fbyr Ad AWB. rinrjBaua. LUNOS AGAINST CONPllOlBU A)1KAik.' ann ., it Tf P5:?t'SI1SSP - I -.,- 1 1 1 a -"It urtf r inwilPtnT FnT tti T a. prataartjfllaeaakiJ It will preyentaiak abad SW ,- I I .'" . I t I Ul U - U JEW JEW BJ1U. . 4AW4 vr. EW Xb 11 ------ a 1 -HAT-.. v, Barf ta.tirtH. manvtiaiaiit-a weisrht la l &, . j 7 1 wuminEton sc7 r. Jtt.. will arrive at aestinauon at i tivbef iiacasa affotuagtne tltat oiaaB;iuwi,niTii.LA,Si error been discovered. : .'t-ilWiOlW- ' " i-c-ii--' ' ' 1 1 tHJl ffi;iost Grateful: tlaT ; Sam seentt neetvo rneh t&deffi, iSfi jsoaeSlwl 1 BUdh prof osnd gratitude and. iatereet la promoting th3wttheP-Uaawo!afteematotne. onir iiiikcuuwii piwiwn, w m'h'f trl TI se4 is almost umyereajiy suoieeted fo. , any tj.. l wiiarkiMJle enrtaro-eoaetyeWrWrbB lngrere;,;awa-OT noat ecIeuaoiqp-BoaB,aBcDe4aJ" r'JT thdcandldatfenomoii.J n1ffi hoisrijJWiweftMalt fffflffS-IE?! Btroyv LAIc wc men niwj w.nopv m - Hnlman Pftfl utitv.f aa mw(h etefa Ch t--efsJthey eipSB'1 Wr . . . 1 1 1 &-. 11 . All -. caH at t-u-.efflee.and tne wiUwtrrm-iy, give you tne iuu nenent charee. W-fhavibyBtV areTBow reJoSdnfe with good health, wherbaa taey were aboat ready to. iy? up and prenwimce tne Pad a ffiaud. ' ;M- chibn5 cases heed encptiragement,, andlt lswa'B-eatti-t-en tltnowt-w we .hate net with iai-ar dasponrt4 land almoet help-, leas caees that have hen eompletoly if by par !l"Vt fhicflal'PadteW Hi " . sovereign remedy utof diseased sto- , Salt, sxz pacKB- L-.V F-.M.I -aeatcatea J glWSSb ooBSUitauo-i at ourcmioeoe py jptter wen.- arate-TOJorlatopf alady.,.! ,,) ..,-, ;i:'.v r-'i ft K .'-' y w:, - l j.n5S-. f-i -.Si '-ill ijf.fi tirsii --'.j Thomas S. Burba-ik, Accredited Agent, I effacUve remedy, and-adaf W w I WniWanHfl it is tha BEST.,, . .sv i thecH-ectorspf mrdery: Sh-M weottit tW'l' r. t ( - i;, ... r mttipbrtatot-art-to , , ! , ik , . i . !. ...... .1 4 . J WILMINGTON, N. c. ' jettf MISjgELLAHKOITB , I .. . MviJ ii ' II- i f' I a t 1. i Y(il MXaCaraMBKrae'iei 8 timria, '! OVii IsVOI Jll (To , manuf aotuj-e tiio. OlilCilN AL SLi ffitMti: DURHAM P , a . W, L mocl acco. ki;;;:yui uuk t j'llta 3t.l T ,-- M T6 ye at-a ifa the -VEFtY CK-- t " " -' ' at . ... . sotottl thfr Union.k teu to 'the manuf Aeitire of a first class ' a i v 1 1 in i u i i StiokrrTffTobaecjo.' To operate ihe LAJiGEST AND BTEUlPPWOkias: tToba- . 1 '.J-i liilii, ii .s Factory 1S , TtUi; VYOULU, f i o T6 Purchase. THE f VERY. BEST I RAW M"XTEUIAL aaid aae i THE j-. :i B-OSf , SKILLED LABOR in our operation "oi : apy Manufacturers on ibje 'Market."' ' ' '1 f j , . .1 ' ..,: - ' 1. 1 v i.i- ,m.jii ! -- - '''- ,; jTo be better prejpartd, frd piir LTn vTinnrnnnu a ri-rr LQNG EXPERIENCE arid ABTJN t .-.- . . . !'. Jlv ' - '.'.j' . DANT FACILITIES, to Manufac- : .?.'.;- -' 'i. - ') tore THE VERY BEST SMOKING t to commeroe. rTa have ' established ' within the sbjortDSiee of ; fourteen years, OW ING TO THE SUPERIOR QTJA- ItY OF OUR PRODfjGTS. ! a greater repatation and -created a greater demand for BLACK WELL'S Any.Houso- iivnhe tr -i ! . " -i :; : :' till 1 ; 1 1 1.1 . 1 xauaooo uuiuikbb uas tweu auu w uu vS ... 'I. 1 i-U.-if nRntnrv 10 . 1. ' ' - 1 . ,It ..l!i.(r;. 1 1 - j . iTo have giverl more general satfif-1 1 irfvMi2b"ure'.'.".'.'."".V.".. . u-. s - . u :"'' 'ivaaJaaaliiarg,.i.Ji.5. That there can bo no more HON ui'l fc it: J i! ? im'-ff uii'i feit: f;i". I. - EST, itiELIAIiLE 5aad 5ATiSFAO TOIVJ ; SMOKING TOBlcCQput j i i W4yVoddr BLACK WEmlf ,V;,:.r..' : v" BtcohTOBiftont'iinb THIS COUNTRY 1 I'AN.JKUROrjbiji tiian any Bimilar oliss of OCds. i , uj,-uu i ; . .j, 1 J j j w 1 . iwtftr Hit.1a 1 ' . , ..! ? , than anv raoU of Tobacco it.J.tiu.'ifir, it doe Thali. the l past-tj-istoty: and?futui r. i ianii nh"i' ',". IM -i v.... - prpapectADt JiiiAtJi-.viLii-- HAM prove ;all;thi8. . V ' 7 !i : i-.-i-.i' :' v! ' ri'is Ji- ' ' il ' l,!; f 1 - A -. . jv ho;.),' J !.,.'!: :..' tuny.1-: .1 ).! imii iibujl . i'iVwLf.J-. irm 1..,! LJ-.-.U1:-. .-ilia, bo It' -ii .or !.-4 l?-Jt"t':-t Jw. T. Bla$3 Co. if i :u.t nay. .is; Hun isityiil. f:tiiit : a - i i V !r!'i .Hi IV. , I I - ;PH- SALE,! in 7i - ' !- .oc l ju-.i .: -. Aa f .j5i. pr. i,nHt ali t -JT o t..fiJt'Vll,f" I;C'B --f;jt.r. wuii i j.fH-fmsa.'!. .: v .'.r.i .i.i .winaiPn L'.i : uui'ii i ; ill . I "Ij .-!- E N A N &' F 6 H S Wilmington, 3V. ..I mi. , hi .1 ' 1 H) t lHI! mm&msemiim RATODmrco. ui a '. Owioiro atTJrtrirTWriJBrt 1 ' r , , ,t A WUmiiigton.lS,. ? JaBc,iC. UflS-J- '-: , aa M i Change of Schejdalc. : : reWi, Paaaeni Train a thWUinhurtoB A eldRaihadwWnajifoUor: at Wltoineton, Front St. Depot, 8:53 P. M Nts1rihTali"aad BzpreuTralot IUy .- . - . ... ., I i !l ." ve Wilmington, front St-.Dgpotaii Satt ft if at Weldoa . .... '...S:e0Ar--ai i To rr tsiauu , . ,r .... t.uoi a. avwumnurtoavvrebt sc.- oeoat. 9.4frAi ml a TartwrO :anch Boad.teaya Bock aT'naiI 'ia EXTtreM 'rraia. uauy navean upward tendency: r xJ'lvlteuntorTarhoro at 6.0ft P M. Daily, and "Ea!H S B.li lar, OTittrBdayaadSatHrday at 4 CO A. M. Retnrn ?t ml fil,laave Wboiet iO.O Dally, and Hod- im table. i-iitisnt'i i! ht train makaa clqao eonaectiiBS AtiWatdoat poiEtg nortn via wenmoao. , , leepinj; Cars attached to all NigtftTrainB. ' I..&V til k..o.t. . .U iirOSQt F. DIV1KB. 5 ' M-Pt;jl3b ijf.i M3-itJ n i wperai anp-t-J; I fa in ' IMIlSCXOlSt COX-pMBI A .at-: A t ' i.-'o.ii;1j tjjvaau. . ut.iJitj i.ijjj .iii.. - rJv-i u.'WCJUNOTQH K. GSwmi,X3.XVt9 -son Lc iijn ;jcii t.n 14, j i MIMWBK .i. ! iChane of Schedule. I . L . .1 f theoUnwUJBehad' wtobe rah :on-this - iF;jBXIprai'"!Aii4Tan Trald Qally.' lv1aa.:r.lt'.,....;.:'. 'tA. x' HoMnce-..' m . .'. vr..-.'.'.-.. ltSS P. M. av-Flpreoee.'i.:l..v'.tft..wIi.y; S) RfM. - ivert wumfaBi,,,,;...rtv(,w,,.ti 8aq p. nu. I1GHT EXPRESSTUALN (Daily). 4vOiWamtagton......;..w. 'X1,.. 10:13 P. Jt. Ive Columbia. -V: i f V . 6:00 r. M. Ivd Florenc.a.tl . . jj; J-i . j.u . .-.v.. ' 455 A. M, ftvaal? W,imiiitpii.r!,---tLk:-,i Mi. ua Train atopgpnly at Fie.mi"lMSi. woiterilie,. fassehgtors tocolomtta, ha ailpblnts on R..Rjandia Western North Carolina, via Celnm- an;t(tartaiiiargi pdqnlci tasa .Mlgat ixpross - paBeegJror Angmtk'sftoalA' kk;NkW,Bx- press 1'ravm wniott connects closely via-Florence Ana vnariesronrfunQuoa.' .;. through Sleeping Cars on all night teAiua for unarieston, savannan, Augusta (.via vaarieaton ctioari ana ror ueiamoia. K' v 'fO fV.'J 1.12 J-JGUSI If U1V1HK,' (itjano tWaiuv - ' J ii - ,rr-. flaiSoB't..!. :y(X)feGteriBAiiStfKUtiasaH'hiii? K:.nt". . i'i , :-iW8aBtoiw N. 3M June 1 dN 'AND AFTBR. THIS DATE, the tollowing Schedule -will be operated on this Rati way: PABSBNGSR, MAIL :ANJ BXPS38S TRAIN : -'j Leave .wlinWh 1at,T.',i. V,'. .';7:f)6"F. it. Noil. V Arrive at Hanuet st. ............ .227 A. M. , I iv -Caiartotteat.i-'..,....aftAM; ) LeaTe'Charlotre'at.'.'.. .... . .'. ..'..S:i5T. H, Noi l V Arrive at Hamlet! at : . 1:32 A. M. A .. -. u ..ViWOmmstoiiati il.-.-ts&O A. V. : No. 1 Train ia Dai'v exceob ftundav; but makes rao connection to Raleigh on Saturday . , yiu. a ram as i;auy vjLcvph f - SHELBY DIVISION HAIL, FRUQHT A J o I Leave Charlotte.. ' S--40 a. m: . ..il3:30P. M. j Arrive at Shelby.-. t . s v .-. .-t, uesve oneioy......... x.m m. i 1 Arrive at Onarlotte.-.-.i J. 5 5 P. M. UAL FREIUBT ,A ACCOMMODATION . ,vea WRmlagtoa. ..i ... . . -. 6:35 A. M, Tea It LaurlnAunr 4:00 P. M. JMvesCaaristttf... :.. 5:30 A.M. 4:15 P.M. ,U (D Ai Mv ls K .-ntv ! - i J - Sleeping-Car accommodations on Through Trains bom to ana irom (jnarioue ana Wilmington. There win alsO be Thronrh Sice tiers ran to and 1' irom naieiga ana unariotte. . . ! .. V U JIH-TCHI-Tll- V. . JOHNSON. ray 17-tf : . "General SaperintendenL CLYDE'S 5jt e amsh i pL in e ; i jl.v ' rv .VVV ill 1 ETVT TP p.A.in JT. O T IN ill JC -CJL'V-J sl V XV. - v 7 !3 ,.,.i a a i Capt. JONES, ill i I H , -i jjl?sti ji :tu.i tU-i satnrdar September . . . ' t . Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING -of 8teameraaahavertlsted. : - ; 1(1 'or TEngagmonts appa; ttp -:.: ..;. u ': THOrriA-l e. 'BOND, - ': i yrf-W-ta-agtoi,N.C. P'C.Ij'dfe A to.', detcVal Aeht" IL i.- - ahg8tf 35 Broadway, New York. ,T J yJU Bank of NeHariorer. Authorized Capital , gl,O0OfOOO. Ctig-i Capital: paid tn S a-nt l-tis .Vb- ;l .a Surplus Fond: ; -. : f 300,000, 1 !!! : 30,004, i ,-. ' ; . iti! i--i-L! v-j-v;'';. ' ". JOHN DAWSON .,.!F3U)-A, !.!.'.-.'- MUJtGHISON: ni ISAAC BATES, DONALD MoBAB . . JA8. A. LEAK & Hw 'YOLLERS &F. LFTTUm i ..... ...,.'U .'it.-.' R. R. BEIDGEHS..,,,, ,.i -,, R B. BORDEN I . .. . . I . i: , "4 CHA4,,M,,BTEDMAN, Frealdeat, f a w f - ISAACS BATES, Vied PreMdeht' ' J .:(i 8. .iie'Caah!f!1 l Higff' Gents; L..: r S -5T YOUR FADED SUMMER SUITS, DYED .iHv-.'.! S-!'jv.- . i'i ;"Vii f...;u that they will took new for, the Fall, at,; . WILMINGTON DYEING ESTAB'T, Market, bet. 2d and 3d Bts. Hia CplMi CEITHAL RAILWAY CO, lUSCETLANEOtrs. BrownRoddick 4 - 45 Market St: wiflaTll f WsAiiry-l'AKINQ 6lJR: 1 fV annnal account of stock, and are now dally .receiving jnjsw tiuuvs irom tne xiortncrn Mar- euitaworoiine.,, . Poll nrA Winr ) . aw CbU. , OUU iff 1U bOA X 1 OUUi iOnr natroaa atndv thoir heat Interekt hv ma king their purchases a arlv in the teaaon aa cen- nient, as tne central mcurati in nnard tendencr: ' PKlCtt 0 CTa '"WHOLBSALK ' BUIflSBi' would do well 'to look over our stock before pnrohaaing pa we have a x many uoooa we are osenne -macn Dolow tne I Fffig'aaa Parasols. cioerag ofet ihoValancViGlCBATLT KSbUfJEU plain; striped ANb checked naik&ook ! MUSLiKS. ' The bcrt value erer offered. ; i . . Call and examine. . LINEN LA'tVNS FROM X TO 90 C&NTS. Dress Goods. i - VABIRTY IS LARGE. OUR PRICES ARB LOWi 8 CTS. UPWAKDS. Laces. BRETOSNE TORCHON arid ITALIAN LAUBS. behave Terr mncn the laraeati aawwtrtMsnt that haabeen offered m thia city, and out prices either M the yard or piece, CANNQT UB UNDERSOLD. :! DOMBSTIO - AND 'IMPORTED QUICT8. 0UK 1 i- w wfc va ma . w . ... Mmw.awt, ' ' llnvA 'MftvViwt' KAnn ' r ii ' ? i rv(iirrt Vatof A4tnrr J 1 "at Ui eoidpMeee.,-' .OTELS&SAPKIHS par iweaent assortment excels any thing we bevo er enov iown. "Catt and eive our tock a look over.- - Our Buyer is ia the market at presont,and we are re .celviDgmany Novelties. , ... , , OUR and tO Gents Bazaar , , is situated,' On S- W: Qomer Second and Market Sts- TanJ every Burner that omea into this port brings a FRESH LOT of the most surprisingly CHBAP ana umuruju uwuh mat ever wemoncrea in any, . market under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street 4ulttf Hamburg Edging. 0 NB THOUSAND YARDS. ; Yoor choice at 15 cents per yard, worth 35 cents. .Received to-day an assortment of LONG LACE TOP LISLE GLOVES, MILLl JiERY and FANCY GOODS, At EXCHANGE CORNER. H. SPRTJNT. j HOHEERf WORKS ; iti BIRMINRHAM, rjv MaviMa : . Prices .In England. $68.00, $78.75, $89.35,' $100.00, $1-5.00,. $t50.0ti. New York, duty and all cbarp.es in c-U8lv : .79, $131.97, $150 53, $184.28, $818.00 mav Vw. ordered "Pull Choke.",'Me- diuzn Choke,' 'or. Cylinder Bore, at these prices. We are now makiae small bores of Nob. 14, If aod 30 gaugo. which are scarcely inferior in owm to the larger bores. - . weight of 80-Bore from., bk iob. , 1416 - 62 " ; t; ... ; i.'M :u:i, ... .....i...7X "" - Our '"Giant GriD" Action has' been awarded a Di ploma of Merit at the Paris Exhibition,., Send for Illustrated Sheets. . !' V We reapectfnlly refer to the following gentlemen, who have purchased and are how using our guns : .: Bon. Walter L. Steele, M. a, Rockiagkam, Ric mqnd county, N. C. Capt. D. R. Murchison. Wilmington, N. C. ! Col. B. F. Little. Little's Mills, N. o . " ' : James A. Leak, Esq.. Wad eeboro,; IT. 3. " ' i Wm. H. Bernard, Esq., Wilmington, N. C. . . ' Pioheef Wbrks, 8t. Mary's Square, oct3 P&Wtf . .. i Bioninghain. England. w,: :.w -:;;;:-rr:i ::, v.-... FREE "Cfor the ipeedy Care of Seminal Wp akaeas. Lost Jc j Manhood, l'rematare Debility. Berrovsaeca, Oeipondeney, eonftasroa of Ideas,' Aversion to. I Soaletjr, Defeetlve Memory, ana- au lMmiem I BrtnghtonbySeeret IUMtaamd Exeesaes. Aay 1 I, !, I wlt-,ta- ArirlwKi , no lAAiiee a m 1 j 130 West Sixth St, OUfCI-I-JATI, OHia ffeb 15 lyD&W J. '. .:,.:.. ;!L R3 0WU?aWTS i .if -. FIRST-CLASS WORK ATI-O WBS NEW ORh PRICES. DESIGN SENT BY MAIL. WORE i , PACKED AND SHIPPED, ATVOUB RISK, ! " TO A-f FART OF THRv SOUTB, , ' RICHARD WATHAN tc CO., ; fir -Lafayette riaee, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, la book fonn.foi nle to the Trade. , ; dee4 DWU l ; Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ! RLli-ABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY," N. 0. Office Up stairs, In Brick Bailding, occupied bj Rinaldl & Co. !1 i 'Special attention to uianns. wi'ocu-uaMii of fiooand upwards made for Five Per Cent, if I without suit, orawme uccubi awucBKcs, o-cjj I talty. ! HigMred Dogs. English, iribh and Gordon- setter-), of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigreetv . i - , . roraaieoy . . I Jz. F. WELSH, VBbvTDAWtf ; r w ' YoricPenn. J aug 21 U N ; : . ! j.'.i Lire. " I .i nf i , i 1 PRESCRIPTION Spring FaslLtoiis.: r"; !. l-...' MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORE HAS SBU-Eiv JtD aaa 1 is now using the LATEST SHAPES far La dies and Misses Hats, ana invites csu irom uoae -. who have heretofore enxrustea ner witn tneir work. She Is prepared te alter old styles and fashion them into the most modern shapes. ."": White straw dyed black when so ordered and In best style. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. Oct 14-tf II t i ': : i . IS. Si ii m IS K i t b c ; - Pi-: $ " ST 1 St j i IS h if I I V 4i 3 a. Ai ': P'l 3' IS; i if 1 York Bolt. Bulletin. ani TATnininr oar uk. uwf

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